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politicians who wrote biography
Showing 641-648 out of 790 results
Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)

politician, diplomat

  • homeschooling, Boston Latin School
Way to wealth
The works of the late Dr. Benjamin Franklin
The works of Dr. Benjamin Franklin
The autobiography and other writings
The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. The journal of John Woolman. Fruits of solitude
The life of Benjamin Franklin, written by himself
The life and works of Dr. Benjamin Franklin
The Benjamin Franklin papers
Bite-size Ben Franklin
Benjamin Franklin
The life of Dr. Benj. Franklin
The select works of Benjamin Franklin
The life and essays of Dr. Benjamin Franklin
The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin & selections from his other writings
The autobiography and other writings
Works of the late Doctor Benjamin Franklin
Het leven van Benjamin Franklin, door hem zelven beschreven
The Means and Manner of Obtaining Virtue
The Compleated Autobiography by Benjamin Franklin (1757-1790)
A Benjamin Franklin reader
Autobiography, Poor Richard, and later writings
The portable Benjamin Franklin
The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard's almanac and other papers
Benjamin Franklins kleine Schriften
The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin.  The journal of John Woolman.  Fruits of solitude
Franklin on Franklin
The life and miscellaneous writings of Benjamin Franklin
MeĢlanges de morale, d'eĢconomie et de politique
The autobiography, and other writings of Benjamin Franklin
The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin & selections from his writings
The works of the late Dr. Benjamin Franklin
The autobiography of Ben Franklin
The autobiography and other writings
The private life of the late Benjamin Franklin ..
The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, 1706-1757
A collection of the familiar letters and miscellaneous papers of Benjamin Franklin
Autobiography ; Poor Richard ; Letters
Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin with his essays and will
The life and essays of the late Doctor Benjamin Franklin
The works of Dr. Benjamin Franklin
The complete works in philosophy, politics, and morals, of the late Dr. Benjamin Franklin, now first collected and arranged
The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard's almanac and other papers
The spirit of early America
Autobiography and other pieces
Essays by Benjamin Franklin
Autobiography and other writings
The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard's almanac and other papers
Meiguo shi shang san da zhuan ji
Vie de Benjamin Franklin
Tį»± truyį»‡n Benjamin Franklin
The life of Benjamin Franklin, written chiefly by himself
Mémoires sur la vie et les écrits de Benjamin Franklin ...
The life of Dr. Benjamin Franklin
The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard's almanac and other papers
The life and essays of Dr. Franklin
Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin's Leben und ausgewaĢˆhlte Schriften in einem Bande
The works of the late Dr. Benjamin Franklin
The select works of Benjamin Franklin
The life and letters of Benjamin Franklin
Folankelin zi zhuan
Vie de Benjamin Franklin
Oeuvres posthumes de Benjamin Franklin
Poor Richard's almanack, and other papers
The works of the Dr. Benjn. Franklin
Benjamin Franklins kleine Schriften
Folankelin zi zhuan
The works of the late Dr. Benjamin Franklin
The works of Dr. Benjn. Franklin
The works of the late Dr. Benjamin Franklin, in two volumes
The life of Benjamin Franklin, written by himself
The United States in Literature [with three long stories] -- Seventh Edition
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--The American Experience
A Subtreasury of American Humor
Prentice Hall Literature--The American Experience
The United States in Literature -- The Glass Menagerie Edition
Poor Richard's Almanack
The United States in Literature
The United States in Literature -- All My Sons Edition
Prentice Hall Literature--The American Experience
Words of Ages
Correspondance inédite et secrète du docteur B. Franklin, ministre plénipotentiaire des États Unis d'Amérique près la cour de France, depuis l'année 1753 jusqu'en 1790
The Way to Wealth
Poor Richard's Almanack
Not Your Usual Founding Father
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--The American Experience
The United States in Literature
Founding Fathers Benjamin Franklin Volume 2
Experiments and observations on electricity
Mélanges d'économie politique
Fart proudly
Art of virtue
Political, miscellaneous, and philosophical pieces
The Oxford Book of American Essays
The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 21: Volume 21
Franklin On Franklin
The Life of Benjamin Franklin: Illustrated by Tales, Sketches, and Anecdotes ..
The Way to Wealth and Other Writings on Finance
The writings of Benjamin Franklin
Bogtrykkeren Benjamin Franklin
The complete works of Benjamin Franklin
Mélanges d'économie politique
The wit & wisdom of Benjamin Franklin
The prefaces, proverbs, and poems of Benjamin Franklin
Familiar letters and miscellaneous papers of Benjamin Franklin
The complete Poor Richard almanacks
Poor Richard's almanac
An historical review of Pennsylvania, from its origin
The Works of Dr. Benjamin Franklin: Consisting of Essays, Humorous, Moral, and Literary: with ..
The Works of Dr. Benjamin Franklin ...: Consisting of Essays, Humorous, Moral, and Literary
The Whistle. (Seedling Book)
The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 18: Volume 18
The Day Lincoln Was Almost Shot The Fort Stevens Story
Political, Miscellaneous, and Philosophical Pieces: Arranged Under the Following Heads, and ..
The private correspondence of Benjamin Franklin ..
Benjamin Franklins kleine Schriften meist in der Manier des Zuschauers
... The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, and a Sketch of Franklin's Life from the Point where ..
The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 35: Volume 35
The Art of Money Getting & The Way to Wealth
Benjamin Franklin, his life
The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 29: Volume 29
Poor Richard, 1733
Poor Richard's Almanack for 2003
Early to Bed, and Early to Rise, Makes a Man Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise, Or, Early Rising, a ..
The art of making money plenty in every man's pocket
Conseils pour s'enrichir
The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 33: Volume 33
Way to Wealth (Infinite Business Classics)
The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, Complete Set
Poor Richard's almanac
[Photographs of pages printed by Benjamin Franklin with identifications of the types]
Silence Dogood, the Busy-Body, and early writings
The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 34: Volume 34
Essays and Letters
Poor Richard's Almanack
The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 17
The political thought of Benjamin Franklin
The Works of Dr. Benjamin Franklin: Consisting of Essays, Humorous, Moral ..
The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 38
Autobiography and Other Writings
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin: With Notes and a Sketch of Franklin's Life from the ..
The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 30: Volume 30
The Works of Dr. Benjamin Franklin: Consisting of Essays, Humorous, Moral and Literary, with His ..
Benjamin Franklin's autobiographical writings
A Dissertation On Liberty, Necessity, Pleasure, And Pain
Some account of the Pennsylvania Hospital
The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 19: Volume 19
Benjamin Franklin: a biography in his own words
A Letter From Benjamin Franklin To Benjamin Vaughan
Christian Experience Or, Sincerity Seeking The Way To Heaven
The United States Constitution
The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 15: Volume 15
Wisdom and Wit from Poor Richard's Almanack (Charming Petite Series)
Collected Works Of Benjamin Franklin
The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 7: Volume 7
Political, Miscellaneous And Philosophical Pieces
Wealth and Wisdom: The Way to Wealth and The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
Essays on General politics, commerce and political economy
The Writings Of Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 1
The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 6: Volume 6
Benjamin Franklin
The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 11: Volume 11
The Way to Wealth with Maxims for Married Ladies and Gentlemen
An apology for printers
The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 28: Volume 28
The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 2: Volume 2
The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 26: Volume 26
Benjamin Franklin on education
Essential Writings Of Benjamin Franklin
The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 12: Volume 12
The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 9: Volume 9
Ben Franklin's Poor Richard's almanack for kids
Opere politiche di Beniamino Franklin, L.L.D., F.R.S
The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 10: Volume 10
The way to wealth, or, Poor Richard improved
Poor Richards Almanac
Experiments & Observations on Electricity
The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 8: Volume 8
Benjamin Franklin: Silence Dogood, Busy-Body
The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 22: Volume 22
Satires And Hoaxes Of Doctor Benjamin Franklin
New experiments and observations on electricity
The interest of Great Britain considered
The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 13: Volume 13
The wisdom of Benjamin Franklin
The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 16: Volume 16
Benjamin Franklin: Autobiography, Poor Richard
Two tracts
The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 25: Volume 25
The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 20: Volume 20
Complete Works 10 Volumes [2,6,7,8,9]
A bird in the hand
The Works Of Benjamin Franklin V1
The other John Adams, 1705-1740
The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 24: Volume 24
Autobiografia De Un Hombre Feliz/ Autobiography of a Happy Man
A Letter By Dr. Franklin To The Royal Academy Of Brussels
Poor Richard Improved
Ben Franklin remembered
Quotations Of Benjamin Franklin
The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 23: Volume 23
The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 5: Volume 5
Essays And Letters V1
Satires and Bagatelles
The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 27: Volume 27
The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 37
The Parliamentary or constitutional history of England
An account of the new invented Pennsylvanian fire-places
The letters of Benjamin Franklin & Jane Mecom
Sheep will never make insurrections
The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 14: Volume 14
Benjamin Franklin's Autobiographical Writings
A letter by Dr. Franklin to the Royal Academy of Brussels
Poor Richard improved
The way to wealth
Articles Of Belief And Acts Of Religion Vol.2
The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 32: Volume 32
Avis nécessaire à ceux qui veulent devenir riche
Cool Thoughts On The Present Situation Of Our Public Affairs
Selected Works of Benjamin Franklin
An address to the good people of Ireland, on behalf of America, October 4th, 1778
Reflection On Courtship And Marriage
The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 3
On education
"Give us but light."
The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 31: Volume 31
The writings of Benjamin Franklin (v. 3, 1750-1759)
Indian treaties printed by Benjamin Franklin, 1736-1762
Poor Richard : the almanacks for the years 1733-1758
Essais de morale et d'eĢconomie politique de Benjamin Franklin
Representative Selections (Bcli-Ps American Literature Series)
The causes of the present distractions in America explained
The glory of eternity
The way to wealth, or, Poor Richard's maxims improved
Ecrits populaires de Franklin
A dissertation on liberty and necessity, pleasure and pain
The autobiography [1706-57] of Benjamin Franklin
The parable against persecution
A narrative of the late massacres, in Lancaster County, of a number of Indians, friends of this province, by persons unknown : with some observations on the same
Maxims and morals from Dr. Franklin
La scuola della economia e della morale, ossia Avvertimenti a tutti quelli che desiderano essere ricchi, sani e virtuosi. Opuscoli di Beniamino Franklin
El libro del hombre de bien
Benjamin Franklin and Jonathan Edwards
Some sayings of Benjamin Franklin
The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 4: Volume 4
Account books kept by Benjamin Franklin ..
Father Abraham's speech
Bagatelles et autres textes
The Racy Memoirs of the Young Ben Franklin
My Dear Girl Ii
A defence of the Rev. Mr. Hemphill's observations: or, An answer to the vindication of the reverend Commission
A proposal for promoting useful knowledge among the British plantations in America
Authobiography Of Benjamin Franklin
Autobiografia y Otros Escritos
Mr. Franklin
Poor Richards Seventeen-Thirty-Three
Dr. Benj. Franklin and the ladies
Remarks on a late protest against the appointment of Mr. Franklin an agent for this province
The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin and a sketch of Franklin's life from the point where the autobiography ends
The posthumous and other writings of Benjamin Franklin ..
Free silver, and some other things
Cool thoughts on the present situation of our public affairs
The Immortal Mentor, Or, Man's Unerring Guide to a Healthy, Wealthy & Happy Life: Or, Man's ...
Wit and wisdom from Poor Richard's almanack
The complete works in philosophy, politics, and morals, of the late Dr. Benjamin Franklin
The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin with an introduction and notes
The immortal mentor
The fifty-first chapter of Genesis
The Autobiography & Other Writings
The art of making money plenty
Ben Franklin's wit & wisdom
Ben Franklin
Observations concerning the increase of mankind, peopling of countries, &c
On the choice of a mistress & other satires & hoaxes
The Bagatelles from Passy
Autobiography, 1791-1828
Mr. Franklin
Benjamin Franklin & Catherine Ray Greene
Complete Works (10 Volumes)
Poor Richard, 1733
Some account of the Pennsylvania hospital, from its first rise, to the beginning of the fifth month, called May, 1754
Œuvres de M. Franklin, docteur es loix ..
A catalogue of choice and valuable books
The papers
Selections from Poor Richard's almanacks
Letters to the press, 1758-1775
The life & writings of Benjamin Franklin
Ben Franklin's Wit and Wisdom
Advice to a young man on the choice of a mistress
An account of the newly invented Pennsylvanian fire-place
Life and essays
On the choice of a mistress & other satires & hoaxes of Dr. Benjamin Franklin
The Sayings of Poor Richard
Worldly wisdom from Benjamin Franklin
The ingenious Dr. Franklin
Benjamin Franklins
Satires & bagatelles
Ben Franklin laughing
Benjamin Franklin's the Art of Virtue
How to Attain Moral Perfection
The life of Dr. Benjamin Franklin
The will of Benjamin Franklin and proceedings of trustees and courts relating thereto
Idea of the English school
Educational views of Benjamin Franklin
My dear girl
Letters of Benmjamin Franklin and Jane Mecom
The way to wealth
A true and impartial state of the province of Pennsylvania
Dr. Benjamin Franklin's leben
A memorial of the case of the German emigrants settled in the British colonies of Pensilvania
Benjamin Franklin and Catharine Ray Greene
My printing experiences
The works of Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin on newspapers
Benjamin Franklin's Proposals for the education of youth in Pennsylvania, 1749
Information to those who would remove to America
Plain truth, or, Serious considerations on the present state of the city of Philadelphia and province of Pennsylvania
A bird in the hand
Proverbs from the almanac of one Richard Saunders
Proposals relating to the education of youth in Pensilvania
Letters of Dr. Benjamin Franklin, signer of the Declaration of independence, and his son William Franklin
The autobiography and essays of Dr. Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin's Dialogue with the gout
Works of the Late Dr. Benjamin Franklin: Consisting of Memoirs of His Early Life
Ben Franklin on Lead Hazards
Autobiografía de Benjamín Franklin
Lessons from the life of Benjamin Franklin, 1706-1790
Benjamin Franklin's letters to Madame Helvétius and Madame La Freté
Little masterpieces
The interest of Great Britain considered, with regard to her colonies, and the acquisitions of Canada and Guadaloupe ; to which are added, Observations concerning the increase of mankind, peopling of countries, &c
The whistle
Benjamin Franklin
The private correspondence of Benjamin Franklin .. comprising a series of letters on miscellaneous, litarary, and political subjects
The complete works, in philosophy, politics, and morals, now first collected and arr., with memoirs of his early life
Comme on devient un homme
Selections from autobiography, Poor Richard's almanac, Advice to a young tradesman, The whistle, Necessary hints to those that would be rich, Motion for prayers, Selected letters
Premières notions d'économie politique: sociale ou industrielle, suivies de ...
The chambered nautilus
Affaires de l'Angleterre et de l'Amérique
The beauties of Franklin
The sayings of Benjamin Franklin
Premières notions d'économie politique, sociale ou industrielle
The will of Benjamin Franklin, 1757
Benjamin Franklin's own story
Advertisement. Lancaster, April 26, 1755
The interest of Great Britain considered, with regard to her colonies, and the acquisitions of Canada and Guadaloupe ; to which are added, Observations concerning the increase of mankind, peopling of countries, &c
[The life of Benjamin Franklin
Essays of Benjamin Franklin, moral, social and scientific
Philosophical and miscellaneous papers
The works of Dr. Benjamin Franklin, in philosophy, politics, and morals
Poor Richards Almanac for 1850
The Franklin year book
The Case of the South Against the North: Or Historical Evidence Justifying the Southern States ...
Representative selections
Scritti minori di Beniamino Franklin
Zivot Bendžamina Franklina
Extracts from the autobiography and other writings of Benjamin Franklin
The quotable Ben Franklin
Letters from France
The art of virtue
Benjamin Franklins Kleine Schriften
Advice to a young tradesman
The whistle
Selections from the writings of Benjamin Franklin
Reflections on courtship and marriage
Don't give too much for the whistle
Ben Franklin's wit & wisdom
Poor Richard's quotations, being a collection of quotations from Poor Richard almanacks, published by Benjamin Franklin in the years of our Lord, 1733 through 1758
The interest of Great Britain considered, with regard to her colonies, and the acquisitions of Canada and Guadaloupe ; to which are added, Observations concerning the increase of mankind, peopling of countries, &c
Benjamin Franklin
The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin and other writings
The art of virtue
Declaration of Independence, Constitution of the United States of America, Bill of Rights and Constitutional Amendments
The wise words and sassy sayings of Ben Franklin
Plain truth
Observations on smoky chimneys, their causes and cure
Letters and papers of Benjamin Franklin and Richard Jackson, 1753-1785
The Life of Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin on education
A letter from Benjamin Franklin, Passy, April 21, 1785, to Benjamin Vaughan
On the art of eating
A Treaty, held at the town of Lancaster, in Pennsylvania, by the Honourable the lieutenant-governor of the province, and the Honourable the commissioners for the provinces of Virginia and Maryland, with the Indians of the Six Nations, in June, 1744
The most amazing American: Benjamin Franklin
Konsten at simma
Remarks on the Rescript of the court of Madrid, and on the Manifesto of the court of Versailles
Oeuvres de M. Franklin ...
Two letters from Dr. Franklin, to the Earl of Shelburne
Fo-lan-k'o-lin tzĒ” chuan
Select pieces
Sayings of Poor Richard
The complete works, in philosophy, politics and morals of the late Dr. Benjamin Franklin
Familiar Letters and Miscellaneous Papers of Benjamin Franklin
Philosophical essays and correspondence
Proverbs from the almanac of one Richard Saunders
Neuwoja kaikille säädyille rikkaaksi ja onnelliseksi päästäksensä guomentanut Jaakko Jaakonpoika Toinen painos
Dr. Benjamin Franklin's nachgelassene Schriften und Correspondenz
The way to wealth
No stamped paper to be had
Father Abraham's speech or, The way to wealth
The art of procuring pleasant dreams
Poor Richard's almanack, being the choicest ..
Poor Richard's almanac for ... , as written by Benjamin Franklin, for the years ...
Benjamin Franklin, representative selections
Benjamin Franklin's Parable against persecution
Explanatory remarks on the Assembly's resolves, published in the Pennsylvania gazette, no. 1840
A Franklin calendar 1956
Works ... consisting of his life written by himself, together with essays ... chiefly in the manner of the Spectator
Benjamin Franklin's story of the whistle
Dr. Benjamin Franklin's Nachgelassene Schriften und Correspondenz nebst seinem Leben
Posthumous and other writings of Benjamin Franklin ...
The works of the late Dr. Benjamin Franklin
Ecrits populaires de Franklin
La scuola della economia e della morale, ossia Avvertimenti a tutti quelli che desiderano essere ricchi, sani e virtuosi. Opuscoli di Beniamino Franklin
Franklin on marriage
A modest enquiry into the nature and necessity of a paper-currency
Dr. Benjamin Franklin's Nachgelassene Schriften und Correspondenz nebst seinem Leben
Franklin's way to wealth, and Penn's maxims
Dr. Benjamin Franklin's Nachgelassene Schriften und Correspondenz nebst seinem Leben
The works ... consisting of essays ...
The fifty-first chapter of Genesis
The will of Benjamin Franklin and proceedings of managers and courts relating thereto
The complete works, in philosophy, politics, and morals, of the late Dr. Benjamin Franklin, now first collected and arranged
Apology for printers
The Art of making money plenty
A letter to a friend in the country
A Series of letters on courtship and marriage
Benjamin Franklin's autobiography
A parable
An essay on the preservation of health
The life of Benjamin Franklin
Essays, humourous, moral and literary of the late Dr. Benjamin Franklin
De l'examen du magnétisme animal
Life and essays
Preface to Poor Richard's commercial almanack, for the year 1787 ..
The way to wealth, as clearly shewn in the preface of an old Pennsylvania almanack, intitled, Poor Richard improved
Know all men by these presents, that [blank] held and firmly bound unto [blank] in the sum of [blank] lawful money ...
The private correspondence of Benjamin Franklin, LL.D ..
Selections from the sayings of Poor Richard
Advice to a young man on choosing a mistress
AutobiografiĢa, y otros escritos
Selections from Franklin, Paine, Jefferson
Advice to young tradesmen
The Franklin year book
Satires and hoaxes of Doctor Benjamin Franklin
Franklin's boyhood in Boston
Dr. Benjamin Franklin's Nachgelassene Schriften und Correspondenz nebst seinem Leben
Wit and wisdom from Benjamin Franklin, interspersed with advertisements of Chamberlain's pain balm
Rules for reducing a great empire to a small one
The Earl of Warwick
The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin ; the journal of John Woolman ; fruits of solitude
Remarks on a late protest against the appointment of Mr. Franklin an agent for this province
Amerikel ganmanatŹ»lebeltŹ»a politikuri eseebi
Mémoires sur la vie et les écrits de Benjamin Franklin ... publiés sur le manuscrit original rédigé par lui-même en grande partie, et continué jusqu'a sa mort
Path to riches and happiness
Poor Richard comes to Life
Posthumous and other writings of Benjamin Franklin ...
Poor Richard's Almanack
Poor Richard's almanac
Essays and letters
Physical and meteorological oberservations, conjectures, and suppositions
New experiments and observations on electricity
The works of dr. Benjamin Franklin: consisting of Essays, humorous, moral, and literary, with ...
The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
The autobiography, Poor Richard's Almanac, and other papers
Mackintosh's collection of Gaelic proverbs, and familiar phrases
Some account of the success of inoculation for the small-pox in England and America
The fabulous American
Some sayings of Benjamin Franklin
The following paper is supposed to have been written by a celebrated American philosopher, Doctor Benjamin Franklin, at Paris
The life and works
The writings of Benjamin Franklin
Know all men by these presents, that [blank] held and firmly bound unto [blank] in the sum of [blank] lawful money of [blank] to be paid to the said ...
The art of swimming, made safe, easy, pleasant, and healthful. To which are added, cautions to learners, and advice to bathers, by the late celebrated Dr. Benjamin Franklin
Proverbs from the almanac of one Richard Saunders
The beauties of Poor Richard's almanack for the year 1760
Automatic Wealth : The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind--Including
A letter on catheters
Continuation of the Account of the Pennsylvania hospital
Unpublished letter of Dr. Franklin
Benjamin Franklin: His Autobiography; with a Narrative of His Public Life ...
Letters between Theophilus and Eugenio on the moral pravity of man and the means of his restoration
Benjamin Franklin's autobiography
Frankliniana, ou Recueil d'anecdotes, bons mots, reĢflexions, maximes et observations de Benjamin Franklin
Beschreibung der neu erfundenen Pensilvanischen Camine oder Oefen, worinnen ihre Beschaffenheit und Wirkung erklärt, auch die Gemächlichkeit und der Nutzen mittelst dieser Oefen die Zimmer besser, als auf alle andere Manieren zu heitzen, erwiesen, imgleichen die Art und Weise gezeigt wird, wie man sie setzen und am besten gebrauchen solle
A series of letters on courtship and marriage
Franklin's way to wealth, or, "Poor Richard improved."
Extracts from the autobiography and other writings of Benjamin Franklin
How to attain moral perfection
The life of Benjamin Franklin
Observations on the causes and cure of smoky chimneys
The bagatells from Passy
Supplement to the Boston Independent Chronicle
The interest of Great Britain considered, with regard to her colonies, and the acquisitions of Canada and Guadaloupe
Franklin's Way to wealth
The will of Benjamin Franklin and proceedings of managers and courts relating thereto
Il buon uomo Ricciardo e La costituzione di Pensilvania
Franklin before the Lords in Council, London, England, in the year 1774
A Letter to the Earl of Chatham, concerning his speech and motion in the House of Lords
The autobiography and selections from his other writings
Benjamin Franklin's Experiments
L'art de nager, d'après les préceptes de B. Franklin, G. Feydel et autres
The autobiography ... To which is added J. Sparks' continuation (abridged)
America's Big Ben
The letters of Benjamin Franklin & Jane Mecom
Facsimile of Poor Richard's almanack for 1733
Dr. Benjamin Franklin's Nachgelassene Schriften und Correspondenz nebst seinem Leben
An address to the good people of Ireland, on behalf of America, October 4th, 1778
Benjamin Franklin's Letter to a friend on marriage
Collecção dos escriptos mais interessantes
Works ... consisting of his life written by himself, together with essays ... chiefly in the manner of the Spectator
The American medley of wit and entertainment, or, A selection of humorus, witty, singular, wonderful, droll, and interesting narraitives [sic], stories, anecdotes, &c. prose and verse
Healthy, wealthy, and wise
Paris, May 18, 1778
The works of the late Dr. Benjamin Franklin
The works of Dr. Benjamin Franklin
The interest of Great Britain considered, with regard to her colonies, and the acquisitions of Canada and Guadaloupe
Essays and letters
Scheme for printing-office to be established in New Haven, Connecticut
The way to wealth, as clearly shewn in the preface of an old Pennsylvanian almanac, intitled 'Poor Richard improved'
B. Franklin, printer
Gamle Richards konst att blifwa rik och lycklig
On the choice of a mistress & other satires & hoaxes
Facetiæ Frankliana.   [sic]
Letter from B. Franklin to D. Hume on the method of securing houses from the effects of lightning
Remarks upon the navigation from Newfoundland to New-York
The works of Benjamin Franklin
Advice to a young tradesman from an old one, written by Dr. Benjamin Franklin
Correspondance inédite et secrète, depuis l'année 1753 jusqu'en 1790
Essays of Benjamin Franklin, political and economic
The ledger of Doctor Benjamin Franklin ... postmaster general, 1776
The essays, humorous, moral and literary of the late Dr. Benjamin Franklin
On the slave trade
Representative selections
Select pieces by Benj. Franklin, LL.D
Second Academy Lottery 1755. Class the third. Numb
A Present for an apprentice, or, A sure guide to gain both esteem and estate
Chess made easy
Descrizione della stufa di Pensilvania inventata dal signor Beniamino Franklin
The works of Dr. Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin's own story
Benjamin Franklin's Experiments
Extracts from "Poor Richard's almanac" by Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin's autobiographical writings
Automatic Wealth : The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind--Including
A narrative of the late massacres, in Lancaster County, of a number of Indians, friends of this province, by persons unknown
Y ffordd i gaffael cyfoeth, neu, Rhisiat druan
L' armonica
Benjamin Franklin's Experiments
Historische Nachricht von dem neulich in Lancaster Caunty durch unbekante Personen ausgeführten Blutbade über eine Anzahl Indianer, welche Freunde dieser Provinz waren
Benjamin Franklin
The private correspondence of Benjamin Franklin, LL.D, F.R.S., &c. Minister Plenipontentiary from the United States of America at the court of France, and for the Treaty of Peace and Independence with Great Britain, &c. &c
Correspondance inédite et secrète, depuis l'année 1753 jusqu'en 1790
The drinker's dictionary
Benjamin Franklin printer
Father Abraham's speech to a great number of people, at a vendue of merchant-goods
Advice to a young man on early marriage
The pith of Franklin's letters
The way to wealth
B. Franklin's Morals of chess
Early newspaper accounts for freemasonry
Benjamin Franklin's Experiments
Just arrived from England, price 25 cts ... The authentic, and only correct edition of A lecture on the life of Franklin as delivered by the Rev. Hugh M'Neile, in the Liverpool Royal amphitheatre, on Wednesday evening, 17th November 1841, before an audience of nearly 5000 ladies and gentlemen
Den gamle Richards kunst at blive rig og lykkelig
Zivot Bendžamina Franklina
Works of the late Dr. Banjamin Franklin
The way to wealth
The following is a translation of an address circulating among the holders of British stock in Holland ...
Franklin Benjámin, önéletrajza
The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin & selections from his writings
Reflections on courtship and marriage
Practical wisdom, or, The manual of life
Political, miscellaneous, and philosophical pieces arranged under the following heads, and distinguished by initial letters in each leaf : <G. P.> General politics : <A. B. T.> American politics before the troubles : <A. D. T.> American politics during the troubles : <P. P.> Provincial or colony politics
New experiments and observations on electricity
Benjamin Franklin, printer of the United States, to J.B. Bodoni, printer to the King of Spain & the Duke of Parma
Writings, collected and ed. with a life and introd
Franklin of Philadelphia in London
Magna Britania [sic], her colonies reduc'd
The life of Benjamin Franklin
New experiments and observations on electricity
The Almanack of Poor Richard the Second, or, An astronomical museum, for the year of Our Lord, 1802 ...
Essays, humourous, moral and literary of the late Dr. Benjamin Franklin
The life
Rules for reducing a great empire to a small one
The papers of Benjamin Franklin
Two tracts
Experiments and observations on electricity, made at Philadelphia in America
"The sayings of Poor Richard"
The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
Descrizione della stufa di Pensilvania inventata dal signor Franklin americano
An account of the newly invented Pennsylvania fire-place
L'art de choisir sa maîtresse
Natur- und Kunstkabinet, oder, Sammlung nützlicher Nachrichten zu Beförderung der Naturkunde, der Künste, und der Manufakturen
The life and letters of Benjamin Franklin
My dear girl II
Profile of genius
Sheep will never make insurrections, and some other bon mots of Bon Homme Richard
Scelta di lettere e di opuscoli
The lady was a wench
Poor Richard
A catalogue of choice and valuable books, consisting of near 600 volumes, in most faculties and sciences, viz. divinity, history, law, mathematics, philosophy, physic, poetry, &c
The ingenious Dr. Franklin
Life and services ...
The beauties of Poor Richard's almanack for the year 1760
String quartet
The complete works, in philosophy, politics and morals of the late Dr. Benjamin Franklin
Proposals for the education of youth in Pennsylvania, 1749
Benjamin Franklin on newspapers
Benjamin Franklin's Experiments
Oeuvres de M. Franklin ..
Some notes and reflections upon a letter from Benjamin Franklin to Noble Wimberly Jones, October 7, 1772
Supplement to the Pennyslvania Gazette, No. 867
Benjamin Franklin's Experiments
Franklin in France ...
Benjamin Franklin's Essay on literary style
Oeuvres de M. Franklin, docteur ès loix ..
The Silence Dogood letters
Memoirs of the life and writings of Benjamin Franklin ...
B. Franklin, wit
A dissertation on liberty and necessity, pleasure and pain
On war and peace
A printer's epitaph written by himself, 1727
A Benjamin Franklin reader
On the slave trade
Opyty i nabliĶ”uļø”deniiĶ”aļø” nad eĢ‡lektrichestvom
The art of procuring pleasant dreams
Benjamin Franklin
What good is a newborn baby?
On war and peace
Izbrannye proizvedeniiĶ”aļø”
The New-England courant, no.80
Bad as the times are, they that will be counselled, may yet be helped!
The postumous and other writings of Benjamin Franklin
Charms of literature
The codicil of the will of Benjamin Franklin
My printing experiences
A letter from Benjamin Franklin to William Strahan
The Silence Dogood letters, II
The interest of Great Britain considered
Poor Richard's almanack
Life and miscellaneous writings
La maniera di farsi ricco
Father Abraham's speech to a great number of people at a vendue of merchant-goods, introducted to the publick by Poor Richard... to which are added seven curious pieces of writing
The interest of Great Britain considered, with regard to her colonies and the acquisitions of Canada and Guadaloupe
Maritime observations
Reflexions on courtship and marriage
Scritti minori
Franklin Benjámin, önéletrajza
Sayings of the sages throughout the ages
Benjamin Franklin on marriage
The art of virtue
... The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. (Complete.)
Rules by which a great empire may be reduced to a small one
B. Franklin, innovator
The Republic of Letters: A Weekly Republication of Standard Literature
The causes of the present distractions in America explained
The complete works of Benjamin Franklin
Ben's book of virtues
Lebens beshraybung fun Binyamin Franįø³lin
L'art de se rendre heureux par les songes. C'est a dire en se procurant telle espece de songes que l'on puisse desirer conformement a ses inclinations
An Easy Introduction to the Game of Chess: Containing One Hundred Examples of Games, and a Great ...
Den gamle Richards kunst at blive rig og lykkelig
A Franklin keepsake
Autobiographical writings
Leerrijke keur uit Benjamin Franklin's zedekundige schriften
Scelta di lettere e di opuscoli del Signor Beniamino Franklin
The life of Benjamin Franlin
The life of the late Doctor Benjamin Franklin
The annals of administration
Some observations on the proceedings against the Rev. Mr. Hemphill
The Life of Benjamin Franklin
The way to wealth, or, The admonitition of Poor Richard
Tables of the port of all single letters carried by post in North-America
The life of Benjamin Franklin
Satires and hoaxes of Doctor Benjamin Franklin
The General magazine and historical chronicle, for all the British plantations in America
The New-England Courant
Experiments and observations on electricity
Autobiography and selected writings
Observations on smoky chimneys, their causes and cure: with considerations on fuel and stoves
The substance, of a council held at Lancaster August the 28th 1764, by a committee of Presbyterian ministers and elders deputed from all parts of Pennsylvania, in order to settle the ensuing election of members for the assembly
Cool thoughts on the present situation of our public affairs
The Whitefoord papers
Continuation of the Account of the Pennsylvania Hospital
Autobiography and Letters of Benjamin Franklin
Poor Richard's almanac for 1851
Comment on devient un homme
Political, miscellaneous, and philosophical pieces; arranged
Philadelphia, May 7. 1741
Don't give too much for the whistle and other essays
Benjamin Franklin and Jonathan Edwards
The way to wealth, and a plan by which every man may pay his taxes
The interest of Great Britain considered
Franklin's boyhood
The prefaces, proverbs, and poems of Benjamin Franklin
Poor Richard's almanac for 1850
The papers of Benjamin Franklin
Morals of chess
Benjamin Franklin's Way to wealth
The private life of the late Benjamin Franklin, LL.D. late minister plenipotentiary from the United States of America to France..
Poor Richard's almanac for 1850-52
Correspondance inédite et secrète du docteur B. Franklin
Benjamin Franklin on education
Benjamin Franklin's Story of the whistle
Esprit de Franklin, ou, TreĢsor de sagesse
On sex
Franklin's 51st chapter of Genesis
Poor Richard's almanack
Experiments and observations on electricity, made in Philadelphia ... To which are added, letters and papers on philosophical subjects
A letter from Benjamin Franklin, Passy, April 21, 1785, to Benjamin Vaughan
Franklin's bagatelles
Poor Richard's almanac
Plan for western colonies
Correspondance inédite et secrète, depuis l'année 1753 jusqu'en 1790
Maritime observations
Briefe von der ElektricitaĢˆt
Des Herrn Benjamin Franklins Esq. Briefe von der Elektricität
Explanatory remarks on the Assembly's resolves, published in the Pennsylvania gazette, no. 1840
On sex
The Ben Franklin calendar, 1915
The letters of Benjamin Franklin & Jane Mecom
Poor Richard's almanac
The works of Benjamin Franklin
On marriage
Vita di Baniamino Franklin, scritta da lui medesimo
Descrizione della stufa di Pensilvania inventata dal signor Franklin Americano
The Life of Benjamin Franklin: Containing the Autobiography, with Notes and ...
Experiments and observations on electricity, made at Philadelphia in America
Essays and letters
--Another Franklin keepsake
Benjamin Franklin
The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
Experiments and observations on electricity
The suppressed letters of Benjamin Franklin
A quart of oysters, and other bon mots of bon homme Richard
Franklin's wit & folly
A quart of oysters and other bon mots of Bon Homme Richard
Articles of belief, written November 20, 1728
La science du bonhomme Richard
Poor Richard's maxims, or, The way to wealth
[Letter] to Mr. William Strahan, printer, Oct. 27, 1753
A letter from Benjamin Franklin, Passy, April 21, 1875, to Benjamin Vaughan containing some observations on the prodigal practices of publishers
On true happiness, and other essays
The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
On balloons
Avį¹­obiyografyah, u-mivįø„ar masot u-mikhatavim
Experiments and observations on electricity
"The sayings of Poor Richard."
Benjamin Franklin
The select works of Benjamin Franklin
A Benjamin Franklin reader
B. Franklin, 1706-1790
Franklin on perfumes
Reflexions on courtship and marriage
Preface to Poor Richard's commercial almanack, for the year 1787
The complete works, in philosophy, politics and morals of the late Dr. Benjamin Franklin
Don't give too much for the whistle
Proposals relating to the Education of Youth in Pensilvania
The prefaces, proverbs, and poems from Poor Richard's almanacks for 1733-1758
The sayings of "Poor Richard" for young and old
The life of Dr. Benjamin Franklin
Experiments and observations on electricity, made at Philadelphia in America
Benjamin Franklin
Vier und achtzig verschiedene Handschriften
Curious and facetious letters of Benjamin Franklin, hitherto unpublished
The autobiography and essays of Dr. Benjamin Franklin
Martin Luther King Jr.
Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968)

pastor, preacher, civil rights advocate, human rights activist, peace activist, pacifist, politician

  • Morehouse College, Crozer Theological Seminary
The autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr.
The words of Martin Luther King, Jr.
The Papers of Martin Luther King, Jr.: Volume VI
The radical King
Martin Luther King, Jr
Prentice Hall Literature -- Gold
The United States in Literature -- The Glass Menagerie Edition
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Silver Level
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Gold
I have a dream
The United States in Literature -- All My Sons Edition
Words of Ages
A Knock at Midnight
Strength to love
Where do we go from here
Stride toward freedom
Pearson Literature - California - Reading and Language
Why We Can't Wait
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Readers Companion--Silver Level
A testament of hope
A call to conscience
Prentice Hall Literature
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--The American Experience
African American Literature
The Papers of Martin Luther King, Jr.: Volume III
The Martin Luther King, Jr., companion
I've been to the mountaintop
The papers of Martin Luther King, Jr
"Thou, dear God"
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Gold Level
The trumpet of conscience
Letter from the Birmingham jail
A Testament of Hope
Power of Language; Language of Power -- Second Custom Edition for Ozarks Technical Community College OTC Composition I & II
A gift of love
The Measure of a Man
King, Malcolm, Baldwin
All labor has dignity
The wisdom of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Nous, les Nègres
"In a single garment of destiny"
Conscience for Change
A Knock at Midnight
The Trumpet of Conscience (King Legacy)
Nobel lecture by the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
The papers of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
I Have a Dream
Letter From Birmingham Jail I Have A Dream Speech
Strength to love
Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Thou, Dear God
The Trumpet Of Conscience
The Papers of Martin Luther King, Jr.: Volume V
The Papers of Martin Luther King, Jr.: Volume IV
A time to break silence
La force d'aimer
The Ware lecture, 1966
Chaos or community?
Ich habe einen Traum
Révolution non-violente
Stride Toward Freedom
The Papers of Martin Luther King, Jr., Volume VII: To Save the Soul of America, January 1961–August 1962 (Martin Luther King Papers)
Speeches by the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., about the war in Vietnam
Following the Call
The words of Martin Luther King
I Walk with Thee
I Have A Dream
Kingu bokushi no kotoba
Combats pour la liberté
Martin Luther King (In My Own Words)
We Shall Overcome
Adonde vamos
In a Single Garment of Destiny
The Radical King (King Legacy)
Peaceful Christian
Martin Luther King, Jr
A Time to Break Silence
Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative Gift Boxed-Set
Papers of Martin Luther King
I Have a Dream / With Teacher's Guide
RÅ«įø„ Mārtin LÅ«thar Kinj =
Minuit, quelqu'un frappe à la porte
Stride Toward Freedom
Conscience for Change (Massey Lectures)
A Martin Luther King treasury
Strength to love
Free at Last, Free at Last
Essay Series Number 1
EstŹ¹ u meniļø aļø” mechta .
Kokujin wa naze matenaika
I Have a Dream
Un cri jaillit de tous les coeurs d'un peuple qui a été trop patient
I Have a Dream
Appeal for an international boycott of South Africa
The Martin Luther King, Jr. Companion
Jiyū eno ōinaru ayumi
Sueños de libertad
Words and wisdom of Martin Luther King
Where do we go from here
Gift of Love
Martin Luther King Omnibus B
Strength to Love
Stride Toward Freedom
Where Do We Go from Here
I have a dream : writings and speeches that changed the world
I Have a Dream Tengo un Sueño (Spanish Edition)
Nobel lecture by the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., recipient of the 1964 Nobel Peace Prize, Oslo, Norway, December 11, 1964
Martin Luther King Jr. Tapes
Un sueño de igualdad
A comparison of the conceptions of God in the thinking of Paul Tillich and Henry Nelson Wieman
Where Do We Go from Here
AntologiĢa de Martin Luther King
Causes of Prejudice
Coretta King
"Thou, dear God"
I Have a Dream/Audio Cassette (#mlk-1)
Dreams for All People, Hope for All Time
A Gift of Love
Words Martin Luther King Poste
I Have a Dream (Creative's Classic Short Stories)
Words of Martin L. King 1993cal
La seule révolution
Kraft zum Lieben. Betrachtungen und Reden des Friedensnobelpreisträgers
Tough Mind and a Tender Heart
Tengo un sueño. Ensayos, discursos y sermones
A letter from a Birmingham jail / Martin Luther King Jr
Stride Toward Freedom
Words Martin Luther King Cal'
A Gift of Love
Loving your enemies; Letter from a Birmingham jail; Declaration of independence from the war in Vietnam
A drum major for justice
Martin Luther King Jr
WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE : CHAOS OR COMMUNITY? / by Martin Luther King, Jr. ; with a special introduction by Coretta Scott King
Hermann Langbein
Hermann Langbein (1912-1995)

historian, stage actor, actor, resistance fighter, politician

Hermann Langbein zum 80. Geburtstag: Festschrift (German Edition)
Hermann Langbein
…und nicht wie die Schafe zur Schlachtbank
Menschen in Auschwitz
Pasaremos (Wir werden durchkommen)
Die Stärkeren
Nationalsozialistiche Massentötungen durch Giftgas
Der Auschwitz- Prozeß. Eine Dokumentation
... wir haben es getan
Auschwitz und die junge Generation
Im Namen des deutschen Volkes
Amrita Pritam
Amrita Pritam (1919-2005)

politician, autobiographer, poet, journalist

AksharomĢ£ ke saĢ„ye
KhaĢ„mosĢiĢ„ ke aĢ„nĢƒcala memĢ£
KaccaĢ„ aĢ„nĢ‡gana
Eka thī Sārā
BhaĢ„rata de usaraiĢ„e
Nau phuĢ„lomĢ£ kiĢ„ vyathaĢ„
Akshara kunĢ£dĢ£aliĢ„
RasÄ«dÄ« į¹­ikaį¹­ai
Rasīdī tikata
Mere kaĢ„la-mukata samakaĢ„liĢ„
The Revenue Stamp
Ika hattha mahindiĢ„, ika hattha chaĢ„laĢ„
Life and times
Merā kamarā
Ikka udaĢ„sa kitaĢ„ba
The revenue stamp
RasÄ«dÄ« į¹­ikaį¹­a
Uniñjā dina
SaĢ„ta savaĢ„la
RaĢ„taĢ„mĢ£ jaĢ„gadiĢ„aĢ„mĢ£
Kore kāgĢ²hĢ²aza
Satta musaĢ„phara
Sometimes I Tell This Tale to the River
KisiĢ„ taĢ„riĢ„kĢ²hĢ²a ko!
Trika bhavanomĢ£ kiĢ„ gaĢ„thaĢ„
Pakkī hawelī
SitaĢ„rom ke sanĢ‡keta
AĢ„shaka bhaura fakiĢ„ra te naĢ„ga kaĢ„le
Their signature and other novelettes
AmmritaĢ„ diĢ„ dĢ£aĢ„iriĢ„
SitaĢ„romĢ£ ke akshara aura kiranomĢ£ kiĢ„ bhaĢ„shaĢ„
AgarabattiyomĢ£ kaĢ„ dhuaĢ„mĢ£
CunÄ« huÄ« kahāniyāmĢ, cune hue nibandha
49 Days
Yah kahari nahin
Black rose
Che ruttaĢ„mĢ£
A slice of life
Dehka kabiĢ„raĢ„ ..
KammiĢ„ aura NandaĢ„
Life and times
The revenue stamp
GhaĢ„tĢ£iĢ„ kiĢ„ aĢ„vaĢ„za
Teesari aurat
Agga diĢ„aĢ„mĢ£ liĢ„kaĢ„mĢ£
Band darwaza
The Other Dimension (Lotus collection)
Aksharoį¹ƒ kÄ« azamata
Adana baĢ„gĢ²hĢ²a de yogiĢ„
Skeleton, The
Terhawāį¹ƒ sÅ«raja
LaĢ„la dhaĢ„ge daĢ„ rishataĢ„
Punjab di awaz
Kachchi sarak
The skeleton and other writings
KoÄ« nahÄ«į¹ƒ jānadā
Kora Kaghaz
SĢakti kanĢ£omĢ£ kiĢ„ liĢ„laĢ„
Ohnan di Kahani
MaimĢ£ jamhaĢ„ tuĢ„mĢ£
Rang ka patta
1943 taka
Chhey ruttan
Jeb Katare
Kore Kagaz
A slice of life
RanĢ‡ga daĢ„ pattaĢ„ te SaĢ„gara sippiĢ„aĢ„mĢ£
AksharomĢ£ kiĢ„ raĢ„saliĢ„laĢ„
Satta kiranaĢ„mĢ£
CiraĢ„gomĢ£ kiĢ„ raĢ„ta
Jai shiriĢ„
KāgĢ²hĢ²aza te kainawasa
Village no.36
Unki kahani
Dard ke faĢ„sĢ£ile
Punjabi poems of Amrita Pritam / with English translation by Khushwant Singh = AmrĢ„tā PrÄ«tama kÄ« śāyarÄ« / Aį¹…grezÄ« padyānuvāda Khuśavanta Siį¹ƒha = Ammritā PrÄ«tama dÄ« shāirÄ«
DiĢ„vaĢ„romĢ£ ke saĢ„ye memĢ£
A slice of life
Rasidi ticket
Tu chand mein samunder
AĢ„ja ke kaĢ„fira
DaravesĢomĢ£ kiĢ„ mehandiĢ„
141 kawitaĢ„waĢ„mĢ£
AmrĢ„tā PrÄ«tama ke do upanyāsa
Prashana liĢ„laĢ„
Osho raį¹…ga majÄ«į¹­haį¹›Ä
KaĢ„gĢ²hĢ²aza te kainawasa tomĢ£ pahilaĢ„mĢ£
PanĢƒjaĢ„biĢ„ saĢ„hita daĢ„ wikaĢ„sa
Doctor Dev
PaĢ„nĢƒca barasa lambiĢ„ sarĢ£aka
Bala bala diĢ„warĢ£iaĢ„
Ishq alah haq alah
The other dimension
Amrita Pritam
In the times of love and longing
Shrestha rachana sambhar
RatanaĢ„ aura CetanaĢ„
AĢ„panĢ£e aĢ²panĢ£e caĢ„ra warhe
Makhmali rahwan
AĢ„ga kiĢ„ lakiĢ„ra
Hare dhaĢ„ge daĢ„ rishataĢ„
Aur diya jalta rahar
BaddalaĢ„mĢ£ de palle wica
KoiĢ„ nahiĢ„mĢ£ jaĢ„nĢ£adaĢ„
MaimĢ£ tenuĢ„mĢ£ phera milaĢ„nĢ‡giĢ„
Kanaka de geet
Eka mutthī akshara
Cune hue upanyaĢ„sa
Na radha na rukmani
RatanaĢ„, BenĢ£uĢ„ te UramiĢ„
Bevatanā aura anya kahāniyāmĢ
KahaĢ„niyomĢ£ ke aĢ„nĢ‡gana memĢ£
KiramaciĢ„ lakiĢ„raĢ„mĢ£
Band darwaza
Agga dī lakīra
ye sachch hai
Alifa LailaĢ„ hazaĢ„ra daĢ„staĢ„na
Kore kagaz
KĢ²hĢ²aĢ„mosĢiĢ„ se pahale
SaĢ„wiĢ„aĢ„mĢ£ pariĢ„aĢ„mĢ£
Laį¹­Ä«Ä dÄ« chokarÄ«
UtĢ£tĢ£ha niĢ„ saĢ„hibaĢ„mĢ£ suttie
Ik Sawal
SapanomĢ£ kiĢ„ niĢ„liĢ„ siĢ„ lakiĢ„ra
Apane-Apane char bras
Mana mirzaĢ„ tana saĢ„hibaĢ„mĢ£
Aag ki lakir
Aura baĢ„mĢ£suriĢ„ bajatiĢ„ rahiĢ„
Ekta Eni Te Jebkatre
Kaghaz te Kanvas
KaĢ„yaĢ„ ke daĢ„mana memĢ£
141 kavitavan
Na ranha na rukamani
Mohabbat namay
DharatiĢ„, saĢ„gara te sippiĢ„aĢ„mĢ£
DilliĢ„ diĢ„aĢ„mĢ£ galiĢ„aĢ„mĢ£
Haradatta daĢ„ zindagiĢ„naĢ„maĢ„
Latia di Chhokri
KacciĢ„ sarĢ£aka
Ishaka allaĢ„ha! hakka allaĢ„ha!
Hare dhage da rishta
DĢ£aĢ„ciĢ„ diĢ„aĢ„mĢ£ tĢ£alliĢ„aĢ„mĢ£
Heere di Kani
SuĢ„raja WamĢ†shiĢ„, Candra WamĢ†shiĢ„
Eka thiĢ„ AniĢ„taĢ„
Koi nahi janda
Uha aurata
The aerial and other stories
Kāla cetanā
UnhaĢ„m diĢ„ kahaĢ„niĢ„
Oh admi
AjnĢƒaĢ„ta kaĢ„ nimantranĢ£a
KiharĢ£iĢ„ zindagiĢ„?, kiharĢ£aĢ„ saĢ„hita?
Ikka sawaĢ„la
Khamoshi ton pahlan
AksharomĢ£ kiĢ„ chaĢ„yaĢ„ memĢ£
Shhe rutan
Chak number 36
Chonven pattre
Amrita di diary
Ik udas kitab
TerahavaĢ„mĢ£ suĢ„raja
UnakiĢ„ kahaĢ„niĢ„
Ek Thi Sarah
Unke hastakshar
Aakhri Khat
Patthara giĢ„tĢ£e
Dard Ke Fasle
PratiĢ„ka wigiaĢ„na
Ekta te erial
Mai Jaman toon
Banda darawaĢ„zaĢ„
Aurata-ika drishaį¹­Ä«koį¹‡a
Akk da boota
Alone in the multitude
RanĢ‡ga kaĢ„ pattaĢ„
Ak da boota
SÅ«raja WamĢ†shÄ«, Candra WamĢ†shÄ«.-- w
Dharti sagar te sipiyan
The skeleton and that man
HÄ«re dÄ« kaį¹‡Ä«
Hardatta ka zindginama
Amrita Pritam ke behtrin afsane
MeriĢ„ conĢ£awiĢ„mĢ£ kawitaĢ„
Ik si aneeta
Fifty Fragments of the Inner Self
Do khirakiyām
Forty-Nine Days
NawiĢ„mĢ£ sawera
Ik takia tere nam da
Hare Dhaage Da Rishta
Main jaman toon
Ek Haath Mehndi Ek Haath Aabla
Aag ki lakir
CaĢ„nanĢ£a daĢ„ haukaĢ„
Ashiq bhaur faqir te nag kale
Panch baras lambi sarak
Satte tĢ£aĢ„hanĢ£iĢ„amĢ£ sattahra patte
Jeb Katre
Cakka nambara chattiĢ„
Existence and other poems
Eh such hai te doosri manzil
KĢ²hĢ²abaranaĢ„maĢ„ ; te Cakka nambara chattiĢ„
Termo suraj
MeriĢ„ priya kahaĢ„niyaĢ„mĢ
DĢ£aĢ„katĢ£ara Dewa
Ajanabi te hora kahaĢ„niĢ„aĢ„mĢ£
Trik bhawanan di gatha
DĢ£aĢ„katĢ£ara deva
Kari dhoop ka safar
Ammrita lahiraĢ„mĢ£
CiraĢ„gĢ²hĢ²aĢ„mĢ£ diĢ„ raĢ„ta
Revenue Stamp- an autobiography
Apane apane cāra barasa
That man
Punjabi Ke teen Upnayas
Hire ki kani
Time and again and other poems
Amrita Pritam ke afsane
Kagaza te kanawasa
CunÄ« huÄ« kahāniyāmĢ, cune hue nibandha
Maulī te mahindī
Jang ton pichhon
Warajita baĢ„ga diĢ„ gaĢ„thaĢ„
Akka dā bÅ«į¹­Ä
Doctor Dev
KoiĢ„ nahiĢ„mĢ£ jaĢ„nataĢ„
Dhuppa diĢ„ kaĢ„tara ate EriĢ„ala
Ik hath mehndi ik hath Chhala
O giĢ„taĢ„mĢ£ waĢ„liaĢ„
RanĢ‡ga daĢ„ pattaĢ„
Panjab di awaz
JiĢ„uĢ„ndaĢ„ jiĢ„wanĢ£a
Zindagi nama
Kammi, Nian Te Mukta
Unchas din
Tīsarī aurata
Nag mani
Na RaĢ„dhaĢ„, na RukamanĢ£iĢ„
Death of a city
Terhwan suraj
Hardatt da Zindagi Naama
Āpa bÄ«tīāį¹ƒ
Aashiq bhaur faqir te nag kale
Aj di Panjabi Kahani
Dilli Diyan Galian
Ek thi Sara
Uha aĢ„damiĢ„
TÄ«sarÄ« ānĢkha
Koi nahi janda, Ag di lakir, Pakki Haveli
Dekha KabiraĢ„
NikkiĢ„ jahiĢ„ sugaĢ„ta
KailiĢ„, KaĢ„miniĢ„, aura AniĢ„taĢ„
SaraghiĢ„ welaĢ„
Kore Kaghaz
Yaha kalama, yaha kaĢ„gĢ²hĢ²aza, yaha akshara
Ananta naĢ„ma jinĢƒaĢ„saĢ„
SaĢ„gara aura siĢ„piyaĢ„mĢ£
Amrita vishesh
Be bari
Aa sachun chhe
LamiĢ„aĢ„mĢ£ waĢ„tĢ£aĢ„mĢ£
Jagde varke
Ashoka cetiĢ„
26 warhe baĢ„ada
Saat Musafir
Kacce resĢama siĢ„ larĢ£akiĢ„
Aurat ik Darishtikon
ConĢ£awemĢ£ pattare
Ammritā PrÄ«tama aį¹…ka
Ik Shahir di maut
Dekh kabira
SaĢ„ta sau biĢ„sa qadama
Naa radha naa rukmani
Ika takiĢ„aĢ„ tere naĢ„ma daĢ„
Mera kamra
Akchhar boltay hain
Hujre di mitti
Panj lok kahanian
Ek kunwari larki
Ik se Anita
Panj Vahre lami sarak
Eka takiyaĢ„ tere naĢ„ma kaĢ„
Alone in the multitude
SanĢƒjha diĢ„ laĢ„liĢ„
Two faces of Eve
Ika siĢ„ AniĢ„taĢ„
Kankan De Geet
Ika shahira diĢ„ mauta
Aksharon ke saye ek antaryatra
Amrita ki diary
Hujare diĢ„ mitĢ£tĢ£iĢ„
Maiį¹ƒ jamhā tÅ«mĢ†
Trela dhote phulla
Jeba katare
KaĢ„laĢ„ gulaĢ„ba te hujare diĢ„ mitĢ£tĢ£iĢ„
PanĢƒjaĢ„ba diĢ„ aĢ„waĢ„za
Eka larĢ£akiĢ„ eka jaĢ„ma
Yeh khalish kahān se hotī
Ashiq bhaur aqir te nag kale
Maiį¹ƒ aura maiį¹ƒ
A line in water
Surkh Dagay Ka Rishta
Dharti Sagar ti Sippian
Aksharan ki antdhavani
KanĢ£akaĢ„mĢ£ de giĢ„ta
KaĢ„laĢ„ gulaĢ„ba
Kachi Sarak
LammiĢ„aĢ„mĢ£ waĢ„tĢ£aĢ„mĢ£
Ek larki ek jaam
Sat Kirnan
NaumĢ£ supne
Kaį¹›Ä« dhÅ«pa kā saphara
Iha sacca hai
DĢ£aĢ„ktĢ£ara Deva
Unah di Kahani
Eka mutĢ£tĢ£hiĢ„ akchara
SaĢ„taviĢ„mĢ£ kirana
Doctor Dev
Amratā Pretam
Aksharoį¹ƒ kÄ« azamata
Ākharī khata
Ek hath mehndi ek hath abla
Ajja dÄ« PañjābÄ« kahāį¹‡Ä«
Agga di lakīra
Akshara bolate haiį¹ƒ
Sitaron Ke aksher aur kirron ki bhasha
PañjābÄ« kavitāvalÄ«
Ammritā PrÄ«tama dÄ« coį¹‡awÄ«į¹ƒ kawitā
GÄ«tāį¹ƒ dÄ« caį¹…gera
Ajja dÄ« PañjābÄ« kawitā
Neį¹›e neį¹›e
Do khiį¹›akiyāmĢ
Varjita bāgĢ²hĢ²a kÄ« gāthā
RasÄ«dÄ« į¹­ikaį¹­a
Hare dhāge dā rishatā
Jeba katare
In the times of love and longing
Jaį¹…galÄ« bÅ«į¹­Ä« ate hora  kahāį¹‡Ä«Äį¹ƒ
Unki kaheni
Pinjara [and] Eka khālī jagaha
KhāmoshÄ« toį¹ƒ pahilāį¹ƒ
EkataĢ² te erÄ«ala
MerÄ« coį¹‡awÄ«į¹ƒ kawitā
Akka dā BÅ«į¹­Ä
Pañjāba dÄ« āwāza
Aura bāta sulagatī rahī
Dasa pratinidhi kahāniyāmĢ
CunÄ« huÄ« kavitemĢ
Ika udāsa kitāba, 1980-1990
Pañja warhe lambÄ« saį¹›aka
KāgĢ²hĢ²aza te kainawasa
Sone dīāį¹ƒ moharāį¹ƒ
AtÄ«ta kÄ« parchāiyāį¹ƒ
Navin rut .
Paccī hawelī
Heeray Ki Kani
Osho raį¹…ga majÄ«į¹­haį¹›Ä
Melchior Wańkowicz
Melchior Wańkowicz (1892-1974)

journalist, publisher, politician, war correspondent, opinion journalist

Monte Cassino
Ziele na kraterze
Tędy i owędy ; Zupa na gwoÅŗdziu
Tędy i owędy
Monte Cassino
Monte Cassino
Wojna i pióro
Anoda i katoda
Królik i oceany
Szkice spod Monte Cassino
Bitwa o Monte Cassino
Było to pod Monte Cassino
Dzieje rodziny Korzeniewskich
Strzępy epopei ; Szpital w Cichiniczach
Karafka La Fontaine'a
Polacy i Ameryka
DrogaĢ® do UrzeĢ®dowa
Prosto od krowy
W peĢœpku Ameryki
Na tropach Smętka
WalczaĢœcy gryf
Karafka La Fontaine'a
Szczenięce lata
De profundis ; Polacy i Ameryka
W pepku Ameryki
Prosto od krowy
Wojna i pióro
Wrzesień żagwiacĢØy
Królik i oceany
Na tropach Smętka
Zupa na gwoÅŗdziu
Ziele na kraterze
Dwie prawdy
Szpital w Cichiniczach
W kościołach Meksyku
Wrzesień zagwiący
Klub Trzeciego Miejsca ; Kundlizm ; Dzieje rodziny Korzeniewskich
Dzieje rodziny Korzeniewskich
Od Stołpców po Kair
Golgotha Road
Polacy i Ameryka
Zupa na gwoždziu
Zupa na gwoÅŗdziu - doprawiona
Bitwa o Monte Cassino
W pępku Ameryki
Od Stołpców po Kair
Szkice spod Monte Cassino
Alexander Zinoviev
Alexander Zinoviev (1922-2006)

philosopher, caricaturist, sociologist, logician, opinion journalist, satirist, politician

  • Moscow University's Department of Philosophy
Ispoved otshchepentsa
L'avenir radieux
Kommunizm kak realŹ¹nostŹ¹
Foundations of the logical theory of scientific knowledge (complex logic)
Ziiļø aļø”iļø uļø”shchie vysoty
Svetloe budushchee
GlobalŹ¹nyiĢ† cheloveiĢ†nik
Philosophical problems of many-valued logic
Iļø Aļø” mechtaiļø uļø” o novom cheloveke
Ich bin fuĢˆr mich selbst ein Staat
Gomo sovetikus
Sobranie sochineniÄ­ v desiļø aļø”ti tomakh
Non-standard logic and its applications
PostkommunisticheskaiĶ”aļø” RossiiĶ”aļø”
GlobalŹ¹noe sverkhobshchestvo i Rossiiļø aļø”
Logical physics
Vratio sam se zbog Srbije
Filosofskie problemy mnogoznachnoiĢ† logiki
Logika vyskazyvaniiĢ† i teoriiĶ”aļø” vyvoda
O Rossii, o Zapade, o zagranitĶ”sļø”e, i o sebe--
Osnovy logicheskoiĢ† teorii nauchnykh znaniiĢ†
L' occidentisme
Komplete Logik
Le Communisme comme réalité
Mon Tchékhov
KompleksnaiĶ”aļø” logica
Zateiļø aļø”
NasheiĢ† iĶ”uļø”nosti polet
Bez illiĶ”uļø”ziiĢ†
Ni liberté, ni égalité, ni fraternité
Kommunizm, evrokommunizm, sovetskiiĢ† stroiĢ†
My i Zapad
Die Macht des Unglaubens
V preddverii  raiĶ”aļø”
ZheltyiĢ† dom
ZhëltyÄ­ dom
[Idi na Golgofu
GibelŹ¹ russkogo kommunizma
The madhouse
Zapiski nochnogo storozha
La grande rupture
LogicheskaiĶ”aļø” fizika
[Para bellum
RusskaiĶ”aļø” tragediiĶ”aļø”
Stalin -- nasheÄ­ íùnosti polet
MoÄ­ dom--moiļø aļø” chuzhbina
Ni svobody, ni ravenstva, ni bratstva
RusskiiĢ† eĢ‡ksperiment
Sans illusions
Logische Sprachregeln. Eine Einführung in die Logik.
Voskhozhdenie ot abstraktnogo k konkretnomu
Nesostoiļø aļø”vshiÄ­siļø aļø” proekt
Foundations of the logical theory of scientific knowledge (complex logic)
Idi na Golgofu
Logicheskaiļø aļø” sotļø sļø”iologiiļø aļø”
LogicheskiÄ­ intellekt
Logika nauki
Š’Š¾ŃŃ…Š¾Š¶Š“ŠµŠ½ŠøŠµ Š¾Ń‚ Š°Š±ŃŃ‚Ń€Š°ŠŗтŠ½Š¾Š³Š¾ Šŗ ŠŗŠ¾Š½ŠŗрŠµŃ‚Š½Š¾Š¼Ńƒ
Ideologiiļø aļø” partii budushchego
Die Diktatur der Logik
Rosja i Zachód
RusskaiĶ”a tragediiĶ”a
Ziļø iļø”aļø iļø”ushchie vysoty
L'évangile pour Ivan
MoÄ­ dom--moiļø aļø” chuzhbina
Logical physics
Homo sovieticus
Katastroika, Gorbatschows Potemkinsche Dörfer
Na puti k sverkhobshchestvu
Fenomen ZinovŹ¹eva
My i Zachód
Gomo sovetikus
Logische Sprachregeln
Giorgio Bocca
Giorgio Bocca (1920-2011)

journalist, politician, partisan

  • University of Turin
È la stampa, bellezza!
Le mie montagne
Palmiro Togliatti
Il provinciale
Il provinciale
La scoperta dell'Italia. [With plates.].
Il filo nero
L' Italia che cambia
Gli italiani sono razzisti?
Il caso 7 aprile
L' Italia l'è malada
Il secolo sbagliato
Piccolo Cesare
Storia d'Italia nella guerra fascista, 1940-1943
Partigiani della montagna
Il dio denaro
Il viaggiatore spaesato
Il sottosopra
Napoli siamo noi
Storia d'Italia nella guerra fascista. 1940-1943
Storia dell'Italia partigiana
Palmiro Togliatti
Voglio scendere!
Italiani strana gente
Dalle origini all'età contemporanea
Moro, una tragedia italiana
La disunitaĢ€ d'Italia
Noi terroristi
La repubblica di Mussolini
Storia d'Italia nella guerra fascista
La scoperta dell'Italia
Il caso 7 aprile
Fascismo ieri e oggi
Il terrorismo italiano, 1970-1980
L' Italia fascista
Basso impero
Vita di giornalista
Storia dell'Italia partigiana, settembre 1943-maggio 1945
Oltre Gutenberg
Il terrorismo italiano, 1970-1978
Storia popolare della Resistenza
L' Italia eĢ€ malata
i Manifesti Italiani
i manifesti Italiani fra belle eĢpoque e fascismo
Il terrorismo italiano, 1970-1978
Un fotografo
Italia anno uno
Educazione permanente
Gli anni del terrorismo
Una repubblica partigiana
Il Compromesso lombardo
Il padrone in redazione
I manifesti italiani fra belle eĢpoque e fascismo
I signori dello sciopero
In che cosa credono gli italiani?
I giovani leoni del neocapitalismo
Pedagogia e lavoro
Contro la droga
Storia dell'Italia partigiana
Fratelli coltelli
Noi terroristi
Italia anno uno
La Russia di Breznev
Miracolo all'italiana
Storia della Repubblica italiana
Mussolini socialfascista
Grazie no
Annus horribilis
Aspra Calabria
Il terrorismo italiano, 1970-1978
Storia della Repubblica italiana
Jean Sylvain Bailly
Jean Sylvain Bailly (1736-1793)

astronomer, politician, mathematician, mayor

  • French Academy of Sciences
Discours et mémoires
Recueil de pièces intéressantes sur les arts, les sciences et la littérature
Geschichte der Sternkunde des Alterthums bis auf die Errichtung der Schule zu Alexandrien
Mémoires de Bailly, avec une notice sur sa vie, des notes et des éclaircissemens historiques
Histoire de l'astronomie moderne depuis la fondation de l'eĢcole d'Alexandrie, jusqu'a l'eĢpoque de M.D.CC.XXX
Lettres sur l'origine des sciences
Essai sur les fables, et sur leur histoire, addressé à la cit. du Bocage
Histoire de l'astronomie ancienne et moderne
Mémoires d'un témoin de la révolution, ou, Journal des faits qui se sont passés sous ses yeux, et qui ont préparé et fixé la Constitution française
Lettres sur l'Atlantide de Platon et sur l'ancienne histoire de l'Asie
Histoire de l'astronomie ancienne depuis son origine jusq'a l'eĢtablissement de l'eĢcole d'Alexandrie
Histoire de l'astronomie ancienne depuis son origine jusqu'a l'eĢtablissement de l'eĢcole d'Alexandrie
Discours de M. le maire au roi
Discours de M. le Maire de Paris a l'Assemblée nationale, le 22 mars 1790
Traité de l'astronomie indienne et orientale
Histoire de l'astronomie ancienne
Procès-Verbal des séances et délibérations de l'assemblée générale des électeurs de Paris
Essai sur la théorie des satellites de Jupiter
Lettre e crite par M. le maire de Paris, a MM. les repre sentans de la commune
Mémoire sur la théorie de la cométe de 1759
Histoire de l'astronomie moderne
Lettres sur l'origine des sciences, et sur celle des peuples de l'Asie, adressées à m. de Voltaire par m. Bailly, & précédées de quelques lettres de m. de Voltaire à l'auteur
TraiteĢ de l'astronomie indienne et orientale
Discours au Roi, prononce  par M. Bailly, doyen de la chambre des communes, le 6 juin
Histoire de l'astronomie ancienne, depuis son origine jusqu'a l'établissement de l'école d'Alexandrie
Discours de M. Bailly à l'Assemblée nationale sur les prisonniers
Eloges de Charles V. de Moleère, de Corneille, de l'abbé de La Caille, et de Leibnitz
De l'examen du magnétisme animal
Mémoires d'un témoin de la Révolution
Discours prononcé à l'Assemblée nationale ce 2 janvier 1790
Discours de remerciement de M. Bailly, ci-devant président de l'Assemblée nationale
Lettre a M. Bailli, maire de Paris
Lettre adressée par M. le maire aux 60 sections de la Commune de Paris
... Extrait d'une lettre e crite de Rouen
Rapport des commissaires chargés par le roi de l'examen du magnétisme animal
Lettre de M. le maire de Paris a M. le pre sident de l'Assemble e nationale
Éloge de Leibnitz
Histoire de l'astronomie moderne depuis la fondation de l'eĢcole d'Alexandrie
Extrait d'une lettre e crite de Rouen
Réponse de M. Bailly, président de l'Assemblée nationale, à l'ordre du clergé
Discours de la commune de Paris à l'Assemblée nationale, prononcé par M. Bailly, maire de cette ville, le 19 octobre 1789
Discours et mémoires
Discours prononcé par M. Bailly, maire de Paris
Lettre de M. le Maire de Paris,  a M. le Président de l'Assemblée nationale, Paris, le 10 octobre 1790
Essai sur les fables, et sur leur histoire ... ouvrage posthume
Discours de M. Bailly, maire de la ville de Paris, à l'Assemblée nationale
[Letter on administrative divisions of Paris]
Récit des évènemens malheureux arrivés à Paris, fait à la barre de l'Assemblée nationale, par M. Bailli, maire; & décret contre les écrits séditieux provoquant le meurtre, l'incendie & le pillage, contre tout attroupement ou émeute, & tout cri de sédition envers la Garde nationale en fonction
Lettre adresse e par M. le maire aux 60 sections de la commune de Paris
Histoire de l'astronomie moderne depuis la fondation de l'école d'Alexandrie, jusqu'a l'époque de M. D. CC. XXX
Lettre de M. le maire de Paris, a M. de La Fayette
Lettre de M. Bailly, maire de Paris, à Messieurs des districts
[Letter on allocations for the poor in Paris]
Histoire de l'astronomie ancienne, depuis son origine jusqu'à l'établissement de l'école d'Alexandrie
Discours de M. Bailly a   l'Assemble e nationale
Histoire de l'astronomie ancienne et moderne
Histoire de l'astronomie ancienne
Catalogue du restant des livres de feu le cit. Bailly
Histoire de l'astronomie ancienne, depuis son origine jusqu'à l'etablissement de l'école d'Alexandrie
De par M. le maire, M. le lieutenant-de-maire, & MM. les conseillers-administrateurs
Mémoires d'un temoin de la révolution, ou, Journal des faits qui se sont passés sous ses yeux, et qui ont préparé et fixé la constitution française
Discours prononcé au Conseil-général de la commune, le douze novembre mil sept-cent quatre-vingt-onze, par M. Bailly, maire de Paris...
Discours de la Commune de Paris a l'Assemblée nationale