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politicians who wrote biography
Showing 521-528 out of 790 results
Barbara Ehrenreich
Barbara Ehrenreich (1941-2022)

journalist, historian, essayist, peace activist, politician, immunologist, opinion journalist, political activist, feminist

  • Reed College, The Rockefeller University
Living with a wild god
Living with a Wild God
Living with a Wild God
Living with a Wild God
Bait and Switch
For her own good
The Snarling Citizen
Witches, midwives, and nurses
Nickel and Dimed
Complaints and disorders
The hearts of men
Dancing in the Streets
Long march, short spring
This land is their land
The worst years of our lives
Global woman
Blood rites
Fear of falling
Re-making love
Kipper's game
The American health empire
Fear of falling
Had I Known
Natural causes
L' Amérique pauvre
On achève bien les cadres
Power Trip
Die Herzen der Männer
sonrie o muere
This Land Is Their Land
Witches, Midwives, and Nurses
The American health empire: power, profits, and politics
Natural causes
Blood Rites
Socières, sages-femmes et infirmières ; une histoire de femmes et de la médecine
Smile or die
Complaints and disorders
Kipper's Game
Had I Known
Witches, midwives and nurses
Sorcières, sages-femmes et infirmières
The American helath empire
Sex Trafficking and Global Woman
Arbeit poor. Unterwegs in der Dienstleistungsgesellschaft
The American Health Empire
Des experts et des femmes
Hexen Hebammen Und Krankenschwestern
Maid Lib/E
Por cuatro duros
Ritos De Sangue. Um Estudo Sobre As Origens Da Guerra (Em Portuguese do Brasil)
Sūpā ritchi to sūpā pua no kuni Amerika
Illusion of Control
Untitled Ehrenreich 1/1 Nonfiction On Welfare
Smile Or Die
Witches, Midwives & Nurses
Sorcières, sages-femmes et infirmières
The manufacture of housework
Drone Warfare
Microeconomics, Study Guide And Nickle & Dimed
At the Heart of Work and Family
Kipper's Game
Going to Extremes
Witches, Midwives, and Nurses
Blood Rites
Bait and switch
Saglik Salgini
Witches, midwives, and nurses
Kipper's Game
Sokaklarda Dans
The worst years of ourlives : irreverent notes from a decade of greed
The revolt of the middle classes
Fear of Falling
This Land Is Their Land
Natural Causes
Microeconomics, Nickel And Dimed, And Aplia Activation Card
Natural Causes
Por cuatro duros
Natural Causes
Witches, midwives and nurses
Bait and Switch
Lost Ground
Had I Known
Microeconomics, Nickel & Dimed, Aplia Activation Card, & Agricultural Economics
The national conference on socialist feminism
For Her Own Good
Sorginak, emaginak eta erizainak
Hexen, Hebammen und Krankenschwestern
Race, Class, and Gender in the United States & Nickle and Dimed
Global Woman
The Social Animal + Nickel And Dimed
Sex Trafficking & Global Woman
Tony Benn
Tony Benn (1925-2014)

politician, autobiographer, diarist

  • University of Oxford, Westminster School
The end of an era
Years of Hope
Free at last!
Dare to be a Daniel
More Time for Politics
Parliament, people, and power
Arguments for democracy
A Blaze of Autumn Sunshine
Out of the Wilderness
Office without power
Against the tide
Free Radical
Common sense
Conflicts of interest
Free at Last
The Benn Tapes 2
The Benn Tapes 1
The Benn Tapes
The Benn Diaries, 1940-90
Labour and the slump
Fighting back
The Benn Tapes 2
The Sizewell syndrome
Dare to Be a Daniel CD
Arguments for socialism
The Levellers and the English democratic tradition
The right to know
The need for a free press
Little silver bell
The case for party democracy
International Broadcasting Convention, 1990 (I E E Conference Publication)
An Audience with Tony Benn
The energy crisis - one man's view
The Privy Council as a second chamber
A new course for Labour
Dare to Be a Daniel Audio
The government's policy for technology
Industry, technology and democracy
Writings on the Wall
Democracy and human rights
The Future of Socialism (Agenda for the Twenty-first Century)
The power of the Bible today
European Unity
The Speaker, the Commons and Democracy (Spokesman)
The new politics
A future for socialism
Talking about socialism
The case for a constitutional civil service
A ten-year industrial strategy for Britain
The case for a constitutional premiership
Audience with Tony Benn
Writings on the wall
The Crisis and the future of the Left
Text of Parliamentary statement on energy conservation measures made by Mr Tony Benn, Secretary of State for Energy, on December 12, 1977
The energy crisis
Why America needs democratic socialism
Stop the trials in Turkey
Trade unionism
Passing Shadows
The regeneration of Britain
The Benn Diaries 1940-1990
The world you live in
Tony Benn on the Falklands war
[Ministers and civil servants]
X10 Counterpack Common Sense
The Levellers
Trade Unionism
Baby in the Bathwater
Dying for a Drink
The need for a free press
The Levellers and the English democratic tradition
The social and political implications of automation
The case for a constitutional civil service
The New worker co-operatives
European unity
Crows on the Battlefield
Tony Benn on the Falklands war
Crows on the Battlefield
Shimon Peres
Shimon Peres (1923-2016)

politician, poet, minister

  • New York University, Harvard University
Battling for peace
Lekh ʻim ha-anashim
La force de vaincre
Combat pour la paix
Lekh ʻim ha-anashim
לך עם האנשים
Ben-Guryon shel Shimʻon Peres
En maḳom le-ḥalomot ḳeṭanim
The new Middle East
The Imaginary Voyage
For the future of Israel
Ben ha-meshubaḥ la-meguḥakh
ha-Mizrah ha-Tikhon he-hadash
Ḳelaʻ Daṿid
Yoman Entebeh
Be-reshit ḥadashah
Xin Zhong Dong
Man steigt nicht zweimal in denselben Fluß. Politik heißt Friedenspolitik
ha- Mahpekhah ha-madaʻit ṿehe-ḥazon ha-ḥevrati
Oriente Medio, Ao Cero
ha- Mahpekhah ha-madaʻit ṿeha-ḥazon ha-ḥevrati
Yoman keriah
Que le soleil se lève
Un temps pour la guerre, un temps pour la paix
Yoman Enṭebeh
ha- Shalav ha-ba
Ka-'et maḥar
Avec nous, après nous...
No room for small dreams
Lo oto ha-yam
Le voyage imaginaire
Industrial development in the administered territories
A history of Israel and the Holy Land
Meʼah shenot Tsiyonut, mah halʼah?
The real choice
לא אותו הים
כעת ־ מחר
Ka-ʻet maḥar
Taṣrīḥāt Shamʻūn Bīris fī Wāshinṭun
Rosh ha-memshalah menaseh le-shanot he-ʻavar, le-yapot he-ʻatid, le-hashkiaḥ ha-hoṿeh
Taḳtsiv ha-medinah, 1990
Brandt-Kreisky-Arafat Vienna meeting
Le Temps de la paix
האופציה הירדנית
Address of prime minister designate Shimon Peres
Una vida para la paz
Middle East in a new era
Pensées et poèmes
On the political situation following the evacuation from Sinai
La force de vaincre
Prime minister's address at opening of 4th convention of Israel Labour Party
Po obe storony steny
Agenda 2001
La honda de David
Que surti el sol
Con brío y vigor
Address by Mr. Shimon Peres, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Israel [at the] 48th session of the General Assembly
Shimon Peres, chairman of the Israeli Labour Party speaks on Zionism
Speech before the Knesset
Address by Mr. Shimon Peres, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Israel [at the] 47th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations
Outline of social-economic programme
Laura Esquivel
Laura Esquivel (born 1950)

politician, educator

Intimas suculenias
Lo Que Yo Vi / What I Saw
Como agua para chocolate
Tan veloz como el deseo
La ley del amour
A Lupita le gustaba planchar
Food Stories
El Libro De Las Emociones / The Book of Emotions
El diario de Tita
La Estrellita Marinera
Mi negro pasado
Como agua para chocolate
Mi negro pasado
Champurrado dlya zheny moego muzha
The Law of Love
Swift As Desire
Lupita le Gustaba Planchar
El diario de Tita / The Diary of Tita
Escribiendo la nueva historia
Sakli Lezzetler
Very Mexican Christmas
Swift As Desire
Lupita Ütü Yapmayi Seviyordu
Malinche Spanish Version
Aci Cikolata
El libro de las emociones / The Book of Emotions (Spanish Edition)
Lo que yo vi
Íntimas suculencias
Shokolad na krutom kipi͡atke
Lyndon LaRouche
Lyndon LaRouche (1922-2019)

politician, peace activist, political activist, presidential candidate, economist

  • Northeastern University
The power of reason, 1988
The power of reason
The Science of Christian Economy
The hostile fantasy-world of Zbigniew Brzezinski
La France après de Gaulle
Will the Soviets rule during the 1980's
Alors, vous voulez tout savoir sur l'Économie ?
Basic economics for conservative Democrats
The economics of the noösphere
The case of Walter Lippmann
The ugly truth about Milton Friedman
How to defeat liberalism and William F. Buckley
In d efense of common sense ; Project A ; The Science of Christian economy
Why Judge Cacheris's position on "confidential sources" is unconstitutional
So, you wish to learn all about economics?
What every conservative should know about communism
There are No limits to growth
The Economics of the Noosphere
Cold fusion
Our economics policy
Deuda externa
Why revival of "SALT" won't stop war
Dialectical economics
La bomba económica mundial y el genocidio de América Latina
In defense of common sense
A fifty-year development policy for the Indian-Pacific Oceans' basin
Was ist eine humanistische Akademie?
The final defeat of Ayatollah Khomeini
Arai Hakuseki
Arai Hakuseki (1657-1725)

philosopher, politician, economist, poet, historian

Oritaku shiba no ki
Arai Hakuseki nikki
Oritaku shiba no ki
Lessons from history
The sword book in Honchō gunkikō and The book of Samé, Kō hi sei gi of Inaba Tsūriō
Seiyō kibun
The armour book in Honchō-gunkikō
Honchō gunki kō
Arai Hakuseki zenshū
The armour book in Honcho-gunkiko
Arai Hakuseki zenshu
Arai Hakuseki zenshu
The sword book in Honchō gunkikō
Arai Hakuseki zenshu
Arai Hakuseki zenshu
Shimpen Hankampu
Arai Hakuseki zenshu
Arai Hakuseki shū
Teihon Oritaku shiba no ki shakugi
Arai Hakuseki, Motoori Norinaga
Shinpen Hankanpu
Arai Hakuseki zenshu
Arai Hakuseki zenshu
Shinpen Hankanpu
Zoku Hakuseki sōsho
Sankō dokushi yoron
Ezo shi
Honchō gunki kō
Ōu kaiunki ; Kinai chikaki
Hakuseki Sensei ibun shūi
Arai Hakuseki shū
Hakuseki Sensei yokō
Arai Hakuseki
Arai Hakuseki, Fukusawa Yukichi
Ōshū gojūshigun kō
Hakuseki shōhin. Bakuchō kojidan. Hassui zuihitsu. Yōshabako. Ato wa mukashi monogatari. Zokuji kosui
Shinʼan shukan
Shinʼya mondō
Seiyō kibun
Tokushi yoron
Hakuseki sōsho
Shinrei kukai
Jean-François Marmontel
Jean-François Marmontel (1723-1799)

philosopher, politician, journalist, poet, historian, playwright, librettist, literary critic, encyclopédistes

Memoirs of Marmontel
Memoires de Marmontel
Œuvres posthumes de Marmontel, historiographe de France, secrétaire perpétual de l'Académie française
Poetique françoise
Poetique françoise
Contes moraux
Les Incas
Moral tales
Poetique françoise
Mémoires de Marmontel
Marmontel's moral tales
Select translations and imitations from the French of Marmontell [!] and Gresset
Memorie sulla vita del signor G. Francesco Marmontel
Œuvres complètes de Marmontel
Eléments de littérature
Memorie sulla vita del signor G. Francesco Marmontel
Déjeuners du village
Contes moraux
Les Incas, ou, la destruction de le̓mpire du Pérou
Memorie sulla vita del signor G. Francesco Marmontel
Contes moraux
Les Incas
Éléments de littérature
The shepherdess of the Alps
Memoires de Marmontel
The Incas, or, The destruction of the empire of Peru
Classic tales, serious and lively
La neuvaine du Cythère
The history of Belisarius, the heroick and humane Roman general
Memoirs of Marmontel
The Peruvian
Epitre a Son Excellence M. l'abbé comte de Bernis, conseiller d'Etat, ambassadeur auprès de Leurs Majestés Impériales, sur la conduite respective de la France & de l'Angleterre
Moral Tales
Bélisaire: Fragments de philosophie morale
Les contes moraux
Correspondance ..
Les contes moraux
Mémoires de Marmontel : secrétaire perpétuel de l'Academie franc̜ais. / Précédés d'une introduction par m. F. Barrière
La bergère des Alpes
Le Huron
The misanthrope corrected
The widow of the village, or, The adventures of innocence
Moral tales, by M. Marmontel. Translated from the French. In two volumes. ... Cooke's edition. Embellished with superb engravings
Moral tales, by M. Marmontel
Denis le tyran
Mémoires de Marmontel, secrétaire perpétuel de l'Académie franc̜ais
Contes moraux
Mémoires de Marmontel, secrétaire perpétuel de l'Académie français /précédés d'une introduction par m. F. Barrière
Suite de contes moraux
Le Huron
The specious friend, or, A wife of ten thousand
L' ami de la maison
Select moral tales
[Oeuvres choisies de Marmontel] ..
Élémens de littérature
La neuvaine de Cythère
Zemire et Azor
Marmontel et Polymnie
Éléments de littérature
Poétique françoise
Memoirs of Marmontel
Denis le tyran,: tragédie
Poetique françois
La fausse magie
Memoirs of Jean François Marmontel
Contes moraux
Zemire et azor, comedie en quatre actes et en vers, melee de chants
Les Incas
Montalde; or, The honest Breton
Selima & Azore
Contes moraux
Oeuvres de monsieur Marmontel
L'amitié à l'épreuve
Zemire et Azor
Nouveaux contes moraux
Pensées philosophiques, ou L'ame de monsieur de Marmontel
Memoirs of Marmontel, written by himself
Los Incas, ó, la destruccion del imperio del Perú
Oeuvres complettes de M. Marmontel, historiographe de France ..
Oeuvres complètes
Œuvres complettes de M. Marmontel
Belisarius. By M. Marmontel, ... To which are added, Fragments of moral philosophy, by the same author, in three essays, never before translated: I. Of glory. II. Of the great. III. Of grandeur
The Incas: or, The destruction of the empire of Peru
Belisarius. A tale. By M. Marmontel. ... Cooke's edition. Embellished with superb engravings
Trois contes moraux
Oeuvres complètes
Oeuvres complètes
Oeuvres complètes
Oeuvres complètes
Les Incas, ou, La destruction de l'empire du Pérou
Contes Moraux, T. 2
Bélisaire, et fragmens de philosophie morale
Oeuvres complètes
Poetique françoise
Le Huron
Oeuvres complètes
Œuvres de Marmontel
Les Incas, ou, La destruction de l'empire du Pérou
Zemira e Azore
Contes moraux
Oeuvres complètes
Select translations and imitations from the French of Marmontell [sic] and Gresset
The widow of the village, or, Adventures of innocence
Tales translated from the French of M. Marmontel. Consisting of The village breakfasts, ... Vol.II
The Incas: or, The destruction of the empire of Peru
Zémire et Azore
Oeuvres complètes
Oeuvres complètes
Essai sur les romans
Le Huron
Œuvres posthumes
The moral tales of M. Marmontel. Translated from the French by C. Denis, and R. Lloyd, ..
Oeuvres complètes
Denis le Tyran
The widow of the village: or, The adventures of innocence
Les Incas, ou, La destruction de l'empire du Perou
Memoirs of Jean Francois Marmontel
Les Incas, ou, La destruction de l'empire du Pérou
Belisarius. By M. Marmontel, ... A new translation
Contes Moraux, T. 3
Oeuvres complètes
Bergère des Alpes
Oeuvres complètes
Contes moraux, T. 1
Oeuvres complètes
Annette et Lubin
Oeuvres complètes
Oeuvres complètes
Contes moraux et pièces choisies de M. Marmontel
Oeuvres complètes
Phraya Anuman Rajadhon (Yong Sathiankoset)
Phraya Anuman Rajadhon (Yong Sathiankoset) (1888-1969)

anthropologist, politician, civil servant, Member of the House of Representatives of Thailand

  • Silpakorn University
Chīwit Phra Sāraprasœ̄t thī khāphačhao rūčhak
Looking back
Life and ritual in old Siam
Praphēnī nư̄ang nai thētsakān
Praphēnī rư̄ang taengngān bāosāo khō̜ng Thai khō̜ng Sathīanrakōsēt (Sāttrāčhān Phrayā ʻAnumānrātchathon), rātchabandit praphēt wannasin, phūbanyāi wichā praphēnī Thai nai Khana Ratthasāt, Čhulālongkō̜nmahāwitthayālai
Rư̄ang phīsāng thēwadā khō̜ng Sathīanrakōsēt
Rư̄ang Lǣm ʻIndōčhīn samai bōrān
Thai traditional salutation
Praphēni nư̄ang nai kānsāng bān plūk rư̄an
Thai literature in relation to the diffusion of her cultures
Lao rư̄ang nai Traiphūm
Thet Mahā Chāt
Kānsưksā rưang praphēnī Thai
Khwāmrū kīeokap wan samkhan khō̜ng Thai
Rư̄ang phrarātchalančhakō̜n læ trā pračham tūa pračham tamnǣng
Chao Thi and some traditions of Thai
Lao rư̄ang nai Triaphūm
Rư̄ang khō̜ng Chāt Thai
Praphēnī nūʼang nai kānkœ̄t kap praphēnī nūʼang nai kāntāi
Introducing cultural Thailand in outline
Rư̄ang watthanatham
The nature and development of the Thai language
Chīwit khō̜ng chāonā
Thai Čhīn
Čhotmāi tōtō̜p rawāng Sathīankōsēt kap Sō̜. Siwarak
Lōkkanīti trai phāk
Phongsawadān thammachāt khō̜ng sat
Fư̄n khwāmlang
Chīwit chāo Thai samaikō̜n
Bamphen taba
Wannakam lư̄aksan samrap dek
Lao rư̄ang nai Trai Phūm Phra Rūang
A brief survey of cultural Thailand
Praphēnī kao khō̜ng Thai
Praphēnī Thai kīeokap Thētsakān khao phansā, sāt, ʻō̜k phansā
The cultures of Thailand
Phra Cedi
Kansưksā sinlapa læ praphēnī
Latthi khō̜ng phư̄an
Rư̄ang Čhēdī
Tamnān Sunlakākon
Thētsakān songkrān
The life of the farmer in Thailand
The story of Thai marriage custom
Chiwīt khō̜ng chāowat
Banthưk khwāmrū, phāk 3
Kānsưksā wannakhadī ngǣ wannasin
Loy Krathong and Songkran festival
Chư̄achāt, phāsā, læ watthanatham
Praphēnī nư̄ang nai kāntǣngngān bāosāo
Latthi khō̜ng phư̄an, tō̜n latthi Lāma
Rư̄ang san kīeokap praphēnī tāng tāng ; Thētsakān Lō̜i Krathong ; Praphēnī thambun sūatmon līang phra
Some traditions of the Thai and other translations of Phya Anuman Rajadhon's articles on Thai customs
Thai literature and Swasdi raksa
Thai language
Rư̄ang mư̄ang sawan
Phra Khanēt
Wannakhadī thī nārū, chabap sombūn
Praphēnī Thai kīeokap thētsakān songkrān
Sayām mātā thēwī ; Khrư̄ang prathīp nai wannakhadī
Rư̄ang Mēkhalā-Rāmmasūn
Thētsakān Lō̜i Krathong khō̜ng Sathīanrakōsēt ; læ, Loy Krathong
Rư̄ang phāsī ʻakō̜n læ kānkhā samphao samai kō̜n
Sathīan Kōset fư̄n kwāmlang
Văn hóa dân gian Thái Lan