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politicians who wrote biography
Showing 433-440 out of 790 results
Antonio Negri
Antonio Negri (1933-2023)

philosopher, politician, economist, sociologist, school teacher, political scientist, essayist, dramaturge, political philosopher, criminal

  • École Normale Supérieure, University of Padua
Diary of an escape
Ghostly Demarcations
The Savage Anomaly
Goodbye mr. socialism
Negri on Negri
The Porcelain Workshop
La gran crisis de la economía global
Political Descartes
Empire and Beyond
Time for revolution
Marx beyond Marx
Marx oltre Marx
Time For Revolution
Dialogo Sobre La Globalizacion, La Multitud y La Experiencia Argentina / Analytic Practice (Espacios del Saber)
Books for Burning
Time For Revolution (Athlone Contemporary European Thinkers)
Potere costituente
The Winter Is Over Writings On Transformation Denied 19891995
Fine secolo
Subversive Spinoza
Imperio, multitud y sociedad abigarrada
Lavoro di Giobbe
Spinoza For Our Time Politics And Postmodernity
Macchina tempo
Democracy Unrealized
Revolution retrieved
Marx Mas Alla De Marx (Cuestiones De Antagonismo)
Art and multitude
El Trabajo De Dionisos/ Labor of Dionysus.  A Critique of the State Form (Cuestiones De Antagonismo / Questions of Antagonism)
Trilogy of resistance
Imperio - Compacto / Teacher Training at Issue
Kairòs, alma Venus, multitudo
Las verdades nomadas & general intellect, poder constituyente, comunismo (Cuestiones De Antagonismo/ Antagonism Matters)
Reflections on empire
Factory of strategy
La Forma-estado/ The Form of Goverment (Cuestiones De Antagonismo/ Antagonism Matters)
Il dominio e il sabotaggio
Fin del Invierno
Kairos, alma Vénus, multitude
Communists Like Us (Semiotext)
Movimientos En El Imperio/ Movements in the Empire
Los Libros De La Autonomia Obrera (Cuestiones De Antagonismo)
Le Retour
La Anomalia Salvaje
Europa Y El Imperio
L' anomalia selvaggia
Flower of the desert
Time for revolution
Le pouvoir constituant
Del Retorno
La Fabrica De La Estrategia
Guias / Guides
Rückkehr. Alphabet eins bewegten Lebens
El Poder Constituyente
Spinoza Subversivo (Cuestiones De Antagonismo)
Il comunismo e la guerra
Manifattura, società borghese, ideologia
The labor of Job
Il lavoro di Giobbe
Lenta ginestra
Du retour
Spinoza subversif
Job, la force de l'esclave
Le verità nomadi
Antonio Negri
Desiderio del mostro
Arte e multitudo
Proletari e Stato
La fabbrica della strategia
Umherschweifende Produzenten
Biocapitalismo, procesos de gobierno y movimientos sociales
La forma Stato
L' inverno è finito
Europa politica
L'anomalie sauvage
Il dominio e il sabotaggio
Italie rouge et noire
Saggi sullo storicismo tedesco
Il comune in rivolta
Du retour
Il potere costituente
Spinoza e noi
Dominio y sabotaje
Movimenti nell'impero
Contrapoder, una introducción
Proletari e Stato
Marx oltre Marx
Fabrique de porcelaine
The porcelain workshop
Luciano Ferrari Bravo
Subversive Spinoza
Descartes politico o della ragionevole ideologia
Hugh Thomas
Hugh Thomas (1931-2017)

politician, historian

  • Faculty of Arts of Paris, Sherborne School
Beaumarchais in Seville
Who's who of the conquistadors
Eduardo Barreiros and the recovery of Spain
Historia verdadera de la conquista de la Nueva España
The slave trade
Rivers of Gold
An Unfinished History of the World
The Cuban Revolution, 25 years later
Yo, Moctezuma, emperador de los Aztecas
La guerra civil española, Vol. 2
The Golden Empire
Cuba; The Pursuit of Freedom
The Spanish Civil War
A History of the World
The story of Sandhurst
World without End
World history
The case for the round reading room
The real discovery of America
The Cuban Revolution
The establishment
Central America
The world's game
Crisis in the Civil Service
John Strachey
Historia contemporánea de Cuba
Our place in the world
Spanish Empire Vol. 2
The revolution on balance
La Guerre d'Espagne. Juillet 1936 - mars 1939
Disarmament - the way ahead
A Europe of diversity
Destination Spain
The cold war
Letters from Asturias
Life World Library
Death of a conference
Suez / Hugh Thomas
The revolution on balance
History, capitalism & freedom
La Revolución cubana
Historia de España
The oxygen age
Karl Korsch
Karl Korsch (1886-1961)

philosopher, politician, essayist, jurist

  • University of Jena, University of Geneva
Karl Marx
Marxismus und Philosophie
Three Essays on Marxism
Die materialistische Geschichtsauffassung und andere Schriften
Karl Korsch; Revolutionary Theory
Kernpunkte der materialistischen Geschichtsauffassung
Council Communist Reader
Politische Texte
Was ist Sozialisierung?
Arbeitsrecht für Betriebsräte. <1922.>
Zusammenbruchstheorie des Kapitalismus oder revolutionäres Subjekt
Karl Marx Marksist Kuram Ve Sinif Hareketi
Marxisme et contre-révolution
Quintessenz des Marxismus
Capitalismo e fascismo verso la guerra
Die Anwendung der Beweislastregeln Im Zivilprozess und das Qualifizierte Geständnis
Karl Korsch
Arbeitsrecht für Betriebsräte
Politische Texte
Gesamtausgabe 02. Rätebewegung und Klassenkampf. Schriften zur Praxis der Arbeiterbewegung 1919 - 1923
Schriften zur Sozialisierung
Kommentare zur Deutschen 'Revolution' und ihrer Niederlage
Karl Korsch
Kommentare zur deutschen Revolution und ihrer Niederlage
Dialettica e scienza nel marxismo
Revolutionärer Klassenkampf
Was ist Sozialisierung
Was ist Sozialisierung?
Dag Hammarskjöld
Dag Hammarskjöld (1905-1961)

politician, diplomat, economist, poet, philosopher

  • Uppsala University, Stockholm University
To speak for the world
The light and the rock
The servant of peace
To speak for the world
The international civil servant in law and in fact
Från Sarek till Haväng
Markings (Faber Library)
Servant of peace
Från Sarek till Haväng
Servant of Peace
Markings (Translated From Swedish)
The Light and the Rock; the Vision of Dag Hammarskjöld
Prelude to independence
The Linnaeus tradition and our time
Att föra världens talan
The servant of peace
Servant of peace
Zeichen am Weg
Marcas en el camino
Today's world and the United Nations
Sweden's international credit accommodation in 1944 and 1945
Castle hill
From Bretton Woods to full employment
The international civil servant in law and in fact
Zeichen am Weg. Das spirituelle Tagebuch des UN- Generalsekretärs
[Public papers]
Nigel Lawson
Nigel Lawson (1932-2023)

journalist, politician, editor

  • University of Oxford, Westminster School
The View from No.11
An appeal to reason
The state of the market
Clinical Chemistry
Nigel Lawson Diet Book
Britain's Economy
Rules versus discretion in the conduct of economic policy
Una mirada fría al calentamiento global
Autumn Statement, 1989
Una mirada fría al calentamiento global
A cool look at global warming
Appeal to Reason
Una mirada fría al calentamiento global
Autumn Statement, 1990
Tax Reform
Memoirs of a Tory Radical
Niccolò Tommaseo
Niccolò Tommaseo (1802-1874)

linguist, journalist, politician, historian, poet

  • University of Padua
Giovanni Antonelli
Relations des ambassadeurs vénitiens sur les affaires de France au 16e siècle
Delle nuove speranze d'Italia, presentimenti
Relations des ambassadeurs venitiens sur les affaires de France au XVIe siecle
Carteggio Tommaseo Vieusseux
Fede e bellezza
Di Giampietro Vieusseux e dell'andamento della civiltà italiana in un quarto di secolo: memorie
La donna: scritti varii
Il segreto dei fatti palesi seguiti nel 1859
La mirabile sapienza della lingua
Roma e l'Italia nel 1850 e nel 1870
Storia civile nella letteratura
Sull'educazione: desiderii
Dei sussidii dotali e dell'utilità loro paragonata ad altre istituzioni di pubblica carità, discorso
Dizionario estetico
Di Giampietro Vieusseux e dell'andamento della civiltà italiana in un quarto di secolo
Il conte Andrea Cittadella Vigodarzere: memoria
De rerum concordia atque incrementis =
Roma e il mondo. Ia tr. ital
Di nuovi scritti
Il serio nel faceto: scitti varii
Scritti di critica e di estetica
Di Dionigi d'Alicarnasso, d'Eunapio e d'altri
Bellezza e civiltà, o, Delle arti del bello sensibile
Il Perticari confutato da Dante
Carteggio edito e inedito [di] Niccolò Tommaseo e Antonio Rosmini
Due baci
Il primo esilio di Nicolò Tommaseo, 1834-1939
Nuovo dizionario dei sinonimi della lingua italiana
Scritti editi e inediti sulla Dalmazia e sui popoli slavi
Preghiere, edite e inedite
Colloquii col Manzoni
Cronichetta del 1865-66
Dizionario dei sinonimi della lingua italiana di Niccolò Tommasèo
Diario intimo
Norme di vita
Colloqui col Manzoni
Consigli ai giovani
Nuovo dizionario de'sinonimi della lingua italiana
Dell'Italia, libri cinque
Studi Filosofici
Antonio Rosmini
Pensieri morali
Dizionario dei sinonimi della lingua italiana ...
Relations des ambassadeurs vénitiens sur les affaires de France au XVIe siècle
I doveri e i diritti d'ogni buon italiano
Educazione e ammaestramento del popolo e della nazione italiana
Traduzioni poetiche dal latino
Commento alla Commedia
La donna
Lettere inedite, di Nicolò Tommaseo
Dizionario dei sinonimi della lingua italiana
Dizionario della lingua italiana
Sul numero
Bellezza e civiltà
Fede e bellezza, Racconti
Racconti storici
Poesie, Illus. di Giuliano Grassi
L' uomo e la scimmia
Memorie poetiche
Nikola Tomazeo
Fede e bellezza, romanzo
Del presente e dell'avvenire
Opere, a cura di Aldo Borlenghi
Poesie e prose
Benjamin N. Cardozo
Benjamin N. Cardozo (1870-1938)

lawyer, judge, politician

  • Columbia University, Columbia Law School
John G. Milburn
The nature of the judicial process
The growth of the law
Law is justice
The nature of the judicial process
The Nature of the Judicial Process (The Storrs Lectures Series)
The paradoxes of legal science
The nature of the judicial process
The Nature of the Judicial Process
What medicine can do for law
The nature of the judicial process
The Jurisdiction of the Court of appeals of the state of New York
Law and literature and other essays and addresses
The paradoxes of legal science
Law is justice
The nature of the judical process
Cardozo on the law
Selected writings of Benjamin Nathan Cardozo
The nature of the judicial process
Selected writings ..
Law and Literature and Other Essays and Addresses
Cardozo on the law
The paradoxes of legal sciences, (Columbia University lectures. James S. Carpentier Foundation)
The nature of the judicial process (Yale paperbound)
Law and Literature
Cardozo and frontiers of legal thinking
The paradoxes of legal science
The paradoxes of legal sciences
The Jurisdiction Of The Court Of Appeals Of The State Of New York
Nature of the Judical Process
Women's Annotated Legal Bibliography
Selected writings
The Growth of the Law
The Nature of Judicial Process
Records and briefs of landmark Benjamin Cardozo opinions
The Nature Of The Judicial Process
Selected writings of Benjamin Nathan Cardozo
The native of the judicial process
The growth of the law
John G. Milburn
Selected writings of Benjamin Nathan Cardozo: The choice of Tycho Brahe
Selected writings: The choice of Tycho Brahe
The growth of the law
Selected writings ...
Remarks of Benjamin N. Cardozo at the funeral of his friend, Morris J. Hirsch
Essays dedicated to Mr. Justice Cardozo
Selected writings of Benjamin Nathan Cardozo
The nature of the judicial process
Selected Writings of Benjamin N Cardozo
Manuel González Prada
Manuel González Prada (1844-1918)

politician, poet, literary critic, journalist, anarchist, philosopher

  • Real Convictorio de San Carlos, National University of San Marcos
Figuras y figurones: Manuel Pardo, Piérola, Romaña, José Pardo
Horas de lucha
Free pages and other essays
Propaganda y ataque
Prosa menuda
Textos inéditos de Manuel González Prada
Nuevas páginas libres
Obras completas de González-Praza
Sobre el militarismo
Poemas desconocidos
Páginas libres
El tonel de Diógenes
Paginas libres. Horas de lucha
Anarquía, seguido de Nuestros Indios.
Ensayos escogidos
Sus mejores páginas
Trozos de vida
Manuel González Prada
Manuel González Prada
Baladas peruanas
Pensamiento político de González Prada
Antología poética
Pajinas libres
Minúsculas.  4a ed.  Adoración.  1a ed
Páginas libres ; Horas de lucha
Poesías selectas
Cantos del otro siglo
González Prada
Pájinas libres
Ensayos, 1885-1916
Figuras y figurones
Bajo el oprobio
Siete pensadores
Pájinas libres
Manuel González Prada, profeta olvidado
Ensayos, 1885-1916
Pensamiento político de González Prada
Las dos patrias
Antologia de pensamientos de González Prada
Páginas libres
Pensamiento y librepensamiento
Horas de lucha
Obras completas