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politicians who wrote biography
Showing 401-408 out of 790 results
Hendrik Conscience
Hendrik Conscience (1812-1883)

politician, poet, military personnel

Geschiedenis mijner jeugd gevolgd door het onuitg. werk Lucifer ou Satan converti
Hendrik Conscience en Kortrijk
Le lion de Flandre
Tales of Flemish life
The Amulet
The boys of the Sierras
La guerre des paysans
Off to California
Le gentilhomme pauvre
De leeuw van Vlaanderen
The lost glove
Le Guet-apens
Histoire de deux enfants d'ouvrier
L'année des merveilles
Tales of old Flanders
The Amulet
La tombe de fer
Baas Gansendonck
De loteling
Argent et Noblesse
Le Pays de l'or
Les heures du soir
The demon of gold
The Young Doctor
The curse of the village
Le lion de Flandre
The Merchant of Antwerp
Ludovic and Gertrude
Le gant perdu
Verzameld Werk I
La guerre des paysans
Avondstonden verhalen: zedeschetsen en zinnebeelden
De loteling
The Poor Gentleman
Le pays de L'or
Le remplacant
De Leeuw van Vlaenderen, of De Slag der Gulden Sporen
Le jeune docteur
[O euvres complètes de Henri Conscience
The Lion of Flanders
Le coureur des grèves
Le cantonneier
The iron tomb
Tales of Flemish life
Het goudland
Flemish Life in Four Stories
The lion of Flanders; or, The battle of the golden spurs
Hendrik Conscience C.S. schrijven aan zijne Majesteit Leopold I : 10.10.1846
Der rekrut ; erzàhlung
Fashion; Or, Siska Van Roosemael
The happiness of being rich
Het wonderjaar
Geschichte von Belgien
De oom van Felix Roobeek
Jakob von Artenelde
Der Löwe von Flandern
The boys of the Sierras, or, The young gold hunters
Xiao you jing
Fünf Erzählungen
The lion of Flanders
Historische romans
The miser; Ricketicketack
Le démon de l'argent
De leeuw van Vlaanderen
Sketches from Flemish life, in 3 tales. Transl
La leono de Flandrujo
La tombe de fer
Romantische werken
Briefwisseling van
L' orpheline
The stolen child
Les Kerles de Flandre
Scènes de la vie flamande
Simon Turchi
Ludovic and Gertrude
The poor gentleman
La guerre des paysans
Le conscrit
Der Rekrut
Les martyrs de l'honneur
Les veillées flamandes
Thomas More
Thomas More (1478-1535)

philosopher, historian, theologian, politician, poet, statesperson, poet lawyer, judge, diplomat

  • Lincoln's Inn, University of Oxford
Selected writings
History of King Richard III
The history of King Richard the Third
Conscience decides; letters and prayers from prison written by Sir Thomas More between April 1534 and July 1535
The history of King Richard III and selections from the English and Latin poems
Prentice Hall Literature - Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes - The British Tradition
The Yale Edition of The Complete Works of St. Thomas More
The last letters of Thomas More
A dialogue of comfort against tribulation
16th Century, History and Literature
L' Utopie
More's Utopia and its critics
Prentice Hall Literature, The British Edition. Volume I
The essential Thomas More
His Witness Is True
Utopia (Selected Works of St. Thomas More Series)
Utopia with the 'Dialogue of comfort'
Utopia; [and] A dialogue of comfort
Utopia and Other Essential Writings of Thomas More
The four last things
Thomas More's prayer book
Ideal Commonwealths
More: Utopia
La republica nuovamente ritrovata, del governo dell'isola Eutopia
De optimo repvblicae statv
More's Utopia
Morus ad Craneveldium: litterae Balduinianae novae = More to Cranevelt: new Baudouin letters
The sadness of Christ
The Norton Anthology of English Literature -- Seventh Edition -- Volume 1B
The " Utopia" and the History of Edward v
The common-vvealth of Utopia
Dialogue of Comfort Against Tribulation With Modifications To Obsolete Language By Monica Stevens
Lettre à Dorp
Dialogue of Comfort Against Tribulation (Spiritual Masters)
Millennium, being the Utopia
Idée d'une république heureuse
Dialogue of Comfort Against Tribulation (More, Thomas, Sir, Saint//Complete Works of St Thomas More)
Utopia (Classics of World Literature) (Classics of World Literature)
The Prince; Utopia; Ninety-Five Theses
A dyaloge wherin be treatyd dyvers maters
De optimo reipublicae statu, deque nova insula Utopia, libri II
Sir Thomas More's Utopia
The co(n)futacyon of Tyndales answere
Utopia: Or the Happy Republic, a Philosophical Romance. To which is Added, the New Atlantis, by ..
Écrits de prison
La tristesse du Christ
Utopia  (Hackett Publishing Co.)
A most pleasant, fruitful, and witty work of the best state of a public weal, and of the new isle called Utopia
The Prince, Utopia, Ninety-Five Thesis
Sir Thomas Moore's Utopia
The common-wealth of Utopia
Utopia (Selected Works of Sir Thomas More)
The Utopia of Sir Thomas More
The Tower works: Devotional writings (The Yale edition of the works of St. Thomas More : Selected works)
The Tower works
The apologye of Syr Thomas More, knight
A Concordance to the Utopia of St. Thomas More and a Frequency Word List (Alpha-Omega)
Utopia: or, The happy republic, tr. by G. Burnet
English prayers
Het onbekent en wonderlijk eyland Utopia
Latin epigrams
The dialogue concerning Tyndale, reproduced in black letter facsimile from the collected edition, 1557, of More's English Works
The correspondence of Sir Thomas More
The supplication of souls
The life of Syr Thomas More
The complete works of St. Thomas More
Epistola Thomæ Mori ad Academiam Oxon
Three Early Modern Utopias: Thomas More: Utopia / Francis Bacon: New Atlantis / Henry Neville
Morus ad Craneveldium
Saint Thomas More's Utopia
Thomas More's Utopia
The wisdom and wit of Blessed Thomas More
Illvstris viri Thomae Mori ... De optimo reipvblicae statv de qve (sic) nova insula Vtopia, libri dvo
A Book for All Seasons
Utopia (Basica De Bolsillo)
Correspondence Sir Thomas More (Library of English Renaissance literature)
Four Last Things: The Supplication of Souls
Letter to Bugenhagen
De optimo reipublicae statv deqve nova insula Utopia, libri II
A dyaloge of Syr Thomas More knyghte ..
Thomae Mori, Angliae ornamenti eximij, lucubrationes
Utopia, or, The happy republic
More's History of King Richard III
The correspondence of Sir Thomas More
A frutefull, pleasaunt, & wittie worke
Thomae Mori Angli, viri eruditionis pariter
Utopia and A dialogue of comfort
Ecrits de prison
Epigrammata Thomæ Mori Angli
De optimo reipublicae statu, libellus verè aureus
The Latin epigrams of Thomas More
Von der wunderbarlichen Innsel Utopia genant
The supplycacyon of soulys
The Utopia of Sir Thomas More, in Latin from the edition of March 1518, and in English from the 1st ed. of Ralph Robynson's translation in 1551
[De optimo reipvblicae statv
The dialogue concerning Tyndale by Sir Thomas More
The second parte of the co[n]futacion of Tyndals answere
L'Utopie, ou, Le Traité de la meilleure forme de gouvernement
Saint Thomas More
The history of the reigns of Edward V. and Richard III
A dialoge of comfort against tribulacion
Utopia in Latin and in English
Dissertatio epistolica, de aliquot sui temporis theologastrorum ineptiis
The historie of the pitifull life, and unfortunate death of Edward the Fifth, and the then Duke of Yorke, his brother
La Utopia
The apologye of Syr T. More, Knight
Thomae Mori Epistola ad Germanu[m] Brixiu[m]
Illustris viri Thomae Mori ... De optimo reipublicae statu, deque noua insula Vtopia libri duo
Utopia (1516)
The history of Utopia
L' Utopia; ovvero, dell'ottimo stato di repubblica e della nuova isola Utopia
Sir Thomas More, the Utopia
La description de l'isle d'Utopie ou est comprins le miroer des republicques du monde, & l'exemplaire de vie heureuse
The common-vvealth of Vtopia
[ De optimo reip. statu, deque noua insula Vtopia
The English works of Sir Thomas More ..
Richard III
Utopia, or, The best state of a commonwealth
Utopia and A dialogue of comfort
History of the passion
The last letters of Blessed Thomas More
Epigrammata clarissimi disertissimiq(ue) uiri Thomae Mori Britanni ad emendatu(m) exemplar ipsius autoris excusa
The apologye of Syr Thomas More, knyght
A fruteful and pleasant worke of the beste state of a publyqûe weale and of the newe yle called Utopia
The Yale Edition of The Complete Works of St. Thomas More: Volume 15, In Defense of Humanism
The answere to the fyrst parte of the poysened booke, which a namelesse heretyke hath named the souper of the lorde. By syr Thomas More knyght
Letters from the Tower of London
For her highness the most illustrious incomparabley virtuous and religious lady Elizabeth Princess Dowager. Given by a loyall true old friend, and most affectionately devoted servant. A funerall oration; or in a truth, a most just plain wrought panegyrick of the most mighty Lord Oliver Cromwell
Selected letters
Utopia di Tommaso Moro
The discourses of Raphael Hythloday
English prayers and treatise on the Holy Eucharist
St. Thomas More
Voyage à l'île d'Utopie
The Essential Thomas More (Essentials)
Book of All Seasons
For Her Highness ... Elizabeth, Princess dowager
The historie of the pitifull life, and unfortunate death of Edward the
Thomas Morus und sein berühmtes Werk Utopia
Dialogue of Comfort Against Tribulation (With Modifications to Obsolete Language by Monica Stevens)
Crumbs of comfort
Epigrammata Thomae Mori Angli
Epigrammata clarissimi disertissimiq́[ue] uiri Thomae Mori Britanni ad emendatũ exemplar ipsius autoris excusa
The vvorkes of Sir Thomas More, Knyght, sometyme Lorde Chauncellour of England
Sir Thomas More
St. Thomas More
The Sadness of Christ
The boke of the fayre genty[l]woman that no man shulde put his truste, or confydence in
Leaves from the More blackletter folio
The heart of Thomas More
A frutefull pleasaunt, [and] wittie worke, of the beste state of a publique weale, and of the newe yle, called Vtopia: written in Latine, by the right worthie and famous Syr Thomas More knyght, and translated into Englishe by Raphe Robynson, sometime fellowe of Corpus Christi College in Oxford, and nowe by him at this seconde edition newlie perused and corrected, and also with diuers notes in the margent augmented
More's Utopia and A dialogue of comfort
The book of Sir Thomas More
Opera omnia latina
Fancies sports and merry tales
Thomas Morvs
The Yale edition of the works of St. Thomas More
A dialoge of comfort against tribulacion, made by Syr Thomas More Knyght, and set foorth by the name of an Hu[n]garie[n], not before this time imprinted
Funebris oratio, sive revera sine plicis textum panegyricum justissimum potentissimi domini Oliveri Cromwelli protectoris Angliae
De optimo reip. statu
Of pilgrimage
A dialogue of cumfort against tribulation, made by the right vertuous, wise and learned man, Sir Thomas More, sometime L. Chanceller of England, which he wrote in the Tower of London, An. 1534. and entituled thus: = A dialogue of cumfort against tribulation, made by an Hungarian in Latin, and translated out of Latin into French, [and] out of French into English
A most pleasant, fruitfull, and vvittie vvorke, of the best state of a publique weale, and of the new yle called Vtopia: written in Latine, by the right worthie and famous Syr Thomas Moore Knight: and translated into English by Raphe Robinson, sometime fellow of Corpus Christi Colledge in Oxford
Poèmes anglais
A dialogue of cumfort, 1573
Il dialogo del conforto nelle tribolazioni
Part of the relation written by Sir Thomas More, concerning the death of K. Edward IV and of what happened consequentially to it
La Description de L'Isle D'Utopie (Classiques de la Renaissance en France)
Utopia [& Dialogue of comfort
La republica nuouamente ritrouata, del gouerno dell'isola Eutopia, nella qual si uede nuoui modi di gouernare stati, reggier popoli, dar leggi à i senatori
A dialogue of comfort againts tribulation
The dialogue of comfort against tribulation of St. Thomas More
Famous Utopias
The co[n]futacyon of Tyndales answere made by syr Thomas More knyght lorde chau[n]cellour of Englonde
L' Utopia
A ruful lamentatiō
The works of Sir Thomas More Knyght, sometyme Lorde Chauncellour of England
Lvcubrationes, ab innumeris mendis repurgatæ
More's Utopia and A dialogue of comfort
The Fame of Blessed Thomas More, being addresses delivered in his honour in Chelsea, July 1929
Prayers made by Sir Thomas More while he was prisoner in the Tower of London
A letter of syr Tho. More knyght impugnynge the erronyouse wrytyng of Iohn Fryth agaynst the blessed sacrament of the aultare
The Wisdom and Wit of Blessed Thomas More: Being Extracts from Such of His ..
De optimo reipu. statu, deque noua insula Vtopia, libellus vère aureus, nec minus salutaris quàm festiuus
Ad lectorem. Habes candide lector opusculum illud vere aureu[m] Thomæ Mori no[n] min[us] vtile q[uam] elega[n]s de optimo reipublic[a]e statu, deq[ue] noua insula Vtopia, iam iteru[m], sed multo correcti[us] q[uam] pri[us], hac enchiridij forma vt vides multo[rum] tu[m] senatoru[m] tu[m] alioru[m] grauissimoru[m] viro[rum] suasu æditu[m], quod sane tibi [a]edisce[n]dum no[n] modo in manib[us] quotidie habendu[m] ce[n]seo
A most pleasant, fruitful, and witty work of the state of a public weal, and of the new isle called Utopia
Thomas More's humanistic defenses
The Yale edition of the works of St. Thomas More
St. Thomas More's History of the passion
The workes of Sir Thomas More..
Dialogue Concerning Heresies
Life in Utopia
A fruteful and pleasaunt worke of the beste state of a publique weale, and of the newe yle called Utopia
A fruteful, and pleasaunt worke of the beste state of a publyque weale, and of the newe yle called Vtopia
De optimo reipv. statv, deqve nova insvla vtopia, libellus verè aureus, necminus salutaris quàm festiuus, clarissimi disertissimique viri Thomae Mori inclytae ciuitatis Londinensis ciuis & vicecomitis
De optimo reip. statv. deqve noua insula Vtopia, libellus uere aureus, nec minus salutaris quàm festiuus ..
De optimo reip. statu, deque noua insula Vtopia, libellus uere aureus, nec minus salutaris quám festiuus
Libellus vere aureus nec minus salutaris quam festivus de optimo reip. statu, deq; nova insula Utopia
Opera omnia
Utopia ; and A dialogue of comfort
The Utopia of Sir Thomas More, including Roper's Life of More, and letters of More and his daughter Margaret
Selections from his English works and from the Lives by Erasmus & Roper
Leaves from the More blackletter folio
De optimo reipublicae statu
Le Traité de la meilleure forme de gouvernement, ou l'Utopie
A translation of St. Thomas More's Responsio ad Lutherum
Trost im Leid
The common-wealth of Utopia
Utopia with the 'Dialogue of comfort' by Sir Thomas More
A Sir Thomas More reader
Lucubrationes, ab innumeris mendis repurgatae
Selections from his English works and from the Lives
A mery gest how a sergeau[n]t woldel erne [sic] to be a frere
The English works of Sir Thomas More
Eruditissimi viri Guilielmi Rossei opus elegans, doctum, festiuum, pium, quo pulcherrime retegit, ac refellit insanas Lutheri calumnias
The debellacyon of Salem and Bizance
Epigrammata Thomæ Mori Angli, viri eruditionis pariter ac virtutis nomine clarissimi, Angliæq́[ue] olim Cancellarii
The godly instructions and prayers of blessed Sir Thomas More
La agonia de Cristo
Die Briefe des heiligen Thomas More aus dem Gefängnisse
L' Utopia
The XII propertees or condicyons of a lover
Neue Briefe
English works
The workes of Sir Thomas More knyght,sometyme Lorde Chauncellour of England, wrytten by him in the Englysh tonge
The XII propertees or condicyons of a lover by Johan Picus, erle of Myrandula, a grete lord of Italy
Sir Thomas Moore's Vtopia
Thomae Mori ... Opera omnia qvotqvot reperiri potuerunt
Thoughts of a martyr, blessed Thomas More
A letter from Sir Thomas More to Conrad Goclenius, London (c. November 1522)
A most pleasant, fruitful, and witty work of the best state of a public weal, andof the new isle called Utopia
Utopia and poems
Idée d'une république heureuse: ou L'Utopie de Thomas Morus ...: Contenant le plan d'une ..
Omnia. Latina opera
The Utopia of Sir Thomas More, in Latin from the edition of March 1518, and in English fromthe first edition of Ralph Robynson's translation in 1551
A dialogve of cumfort against tribulation
Thomae Mori Opera omnia Latina
L'Utopia: ovvero, La repubblica introvabile
Abel Bonnard
Abel Bonnard (1883-1968)

poet, politician, diarist

  • Lycée Thiers, Lycée Louis-le-Grand
Saint Francis of Assisi
Inédits politiques d'Abel Bonnard de l'Académie française
Ce monde et moi
In China
Le palais Palmacamini
En Chine (1920-1921)
Au Maroc
La vie et l'amour
Les modérés
In China, 1920-1921
Les familiers
L' enfance
L' amour et l'amitié
Écrits politiques
La vie et l'amour
Images de Rome
Le prince de Ligne
Les bêtes, nos amies--
Les familiers
Eduard Limonov
Eduard Limonov (1943-2020)

dissident, politician, poet, human rights activist, journalist, opinion journalist

  • H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University
Torzhestvo metafiziki
Kniga Vody
Po ti͡u︡rʹmam
Kniga mërtvykh
Okhota na Bykova
Moi͡a︡ politicheskai͡a︡ biografii͡a︡
His butler's story
Ubiĭstvo Chasovogo
Butyrskai︠a︡-Sortirovochnai︠a︡, ili Smertʹ v avtozake
Ėto i︠a︡, Ėdichka
Drugai︠a︡ Rossii︠a︡
Russkoe psikho
Istorii︠a︡ ego slugi
Limonov protiv Zhirinovskogo
Kontrolʹnyĭ vystrel
Ukroshchenie tigra v Parizhe
Svi︠a︡shchennye monstry
Kak my stroĭli budushchee Rossiĭ
Dist︠s︡iplinarnyĭ sanatoriĭ
316, punkt "V"
Velikai͡a︡ matʹ li͡u︡bvi
Memoir of a Russian punk
Amerikanskie kanikuly
El libro de las aguas
Dnevnik neudachnika, ili, sekretnai͡a︡ tetradʹ
Journal d'un raté
Podrostok Savenko
Konʹi͡a︡k "Napoleon"
Molodoĭ negodi͡a︡ĭ
U nas byla velikai͡a︡ ėpokha
Sobranie sochineniĭ v trekh tomakh
Dnevnik neudachnika

politician, historian

Breviarium ab urbe condita
Eutropii Historiæ romanæ breviarium
Eutropii Breviarium historiae romanae
Eutropii Breviarium historiae romanae
Eutropius, adapted for the use of beginners, with notes, exercises, and vocabularies, by W ..
Eutropii Breviarium historiae Romanae; with a summary, a complete dictionary and an index of ..
Eutropii Breviarium historiae romanae cum fragmentis: Ad optimorum librorum ..
Breviarium historiae Romanae
Eutropii Breviarium historiae romanae
Abrégé d'histoire romaine
Breviarium historiae Romanae
Breviarium Ab Urbe Condita
Breviarium historiae romanae ...
Historiae romanae breviarium cum versione anglica ...
Abrégé de l'histoire Romaine
Breviarium ab urbe condita
Eutropi Breviarium ab urbe condita, recens. H. Droysen
Eutropii Historiae romanae breviarium
The Breviarium ab urbe condita of Eutropius, the right honourable secretary of state for general petitions
Breviarium historiae Romanae
Eutropii Historiæ romanæ breviarium: cum versione Anglica, in qua verbum de ...
Eutropi Breviarium ab urbe condita
Eutropius adapted for the use of beginners with notes, exercises, and vocabularies
Eutropii Insigne volumen quo Romana historia
Historiae Romanae breviarium
Eutropii breviarium, historiae Romanae
Breviarium historiæ Romanæ
Historiae Romanae
Eutropii historiae Romanae breviarium
Eutropii historiae Romanae breviarium cum versione Anglica...or, Eutropius's compendious history of Rome
A breviary of Roman history
Books I. and II
Eutropii Historiæ Romanæ Breviarium: Cum Versione Anglica, in Qua Verbum de Verbo Exprimitur ...
Eutropius' Abridgement of Roman history
Eutropii historiae Romanae breviarium, at urbe condita, usque ad Valentinianum et Valentem Augustas
Eutropii Breviarium historiae Romanae, cum metaphrasi Graeca Paeanii, et notis integris el. Vineti [et al.]  Item selectis Frid. Sylburgii
A briefe chronicle
Eutropi Breviarium ab urbe condita
Eutropii Breviarium historiae Romanae: Ad libros scriptos editosque iterum ...
Eutropii Historiae Romanae breviarium
Breviarium historiae Romanae
Eutropii Breviarium historiae Romanae
Eutropii breviarium historiae Romanae ad Libros scriptos editosque recensitum et virorum doctorum notis vel integris vel selectis inlustratum adiectis suis
Eutropii epitome belli gallici ex Suetonii Tranquilli monumentis quae desiderantur
Eutropii Historiæ Romanæ breviarium: With notes, critical, geographical, and ...
Eutropii Breviarium historiae romanae cum fragmentis ...
Breviarium historiæ Romanæ
Eutropi Breviarium ab urbe condita cum versionibus graecis et Pauli Landolfique additamentis
Breviarum historiae romanae, libri I, II
Breviar de la i ntemeierea Romei
Eutropii Historiae romanae breviarium, cum versione Anglica, in qua verbum de verbo exprimitur, notis quoque & indice =
Eutropii Breviarium historiae romanae cum Sexti Rufi de victoriis et provinciis populi romani summario
Resumo da historia romana
Breviarum historiae romanae
De gestis Romanorum
Historiae Romanae
Breviarium historiae Romanae, ad optimorum librorum fidem accurate editum
Books I. and II
Vasile Alecsandri
Vasile Alecsandri (1821-1890)

poet, politician, playwright, folklorist, diplomat

The Vampire Archives
Grammaire de la langue roumaine
Rumänishe volkspoesie
Poezii populare ale romanilor
Ostașii noștri
Poezii populare ale românilor
Rumänische Volkslieder
Opere complete
Cele mai frumoase scrisori
Scrisori, însemnări
Balade shi lezhende
Dan, căpitan de plai
Jurnalul unei iubiri
Scrisori către Vasile Alecsandri
Les doas
Poezii populare ale romanilor
Unsere Krieger
Iașii în carnaval
Vasile Porojan
Alecsandri și literatura pașoptistă
Doine ; Lăcrimioare ; Suvenire ; Mărgăritărele
Muntele de foc
Istoria misiilor mele politice
Lunca din Mirceşti
Pasteluri și legende
Legende și pasteluri
Poezii alese
Luigi Meneghello
Luigi Meneghello (1922-2007)

politician, translator, partisan

  • University of Padua
La materia di Reading e altri reperti
Le carte
Quaggiù nella biosfera
Deliver us
Opere scelte
L' acqua di Malo
Leda e la schioppa
Le carte
I piccoli maestri
Libera nos a malo
I fiori italiani
Che fate, quel giovane?
Maredè, maredè--
The outlaws
Il dispatrio
Fiori italiani
Pomo pero
I piccoli maestri
Libera nos a malo
Georg Gottfried Gervinus
Georg Gottfried Gervinus (1805-1871)

politician, literary historian, historian

  • Heidelberg University, University of Giessen
Ueber den Göthischen Briefwechsel
Shakespeare commentaries
Geschichte der deutschen Dichtung
Lessons of past times
Einleitung in die geschichte des neunzehnten jahrhunderts
Hinterlassene Schriften
G.G. Gervinus Leben
Einleitung in die Geschichte des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts
Ha ndel und Shakespeare
Die Mission der Deutsch-Katholiken
Geschichte des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts seit den Wiener Verträgen
Historische Schriften: Band V. Geschichte der poetischen Nationalliteratur der Deutschen, Teil 1
The art of drinking
Historische Schriften: Band II. Geschichte der poetischen Nationalliteratur der Deutschen, Teil 1
Historische Schriften: Band III. Geschichte der poetischen Nationalliteratur der Deutschen, Teil 2
Friedrich Christoph Schlosser
Handbuch der Geschichte der poetischen National-Literatur der Deutschen
Historische Schriften: Band IV. Geschichte der poetischen Nationalliteratur der Deutschen, Teil 3
Introduction à l'histoire du XIXe siècle
Die preussische Verfassung und das Patent vom 3. Februar 1847
Schriften zur Literatur
Geschichte der poetischen National-Literatur der Deutschen
Der Hochverratsprozess gegen Gervinus
Historische Schriften
Zur Geschichte der deutschen Literatur
Geschichte des neunzehnten jahrhunderts seit den Wiener verträgen
Shakespeare commentaries
Gesammelte kleine historische schriften
Flucht ins Land der Schönheit
Shakespeare commentaries
The art of drinking