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politicians who wrote biography
Showing 361-368 out of 790 results
Hunter S. Thompson
Hunter S. Thompson (1937-2005)

journalist, reporter, essayist, autobiographer, politician, photographer

  • Columbia University, Florida State University
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Fear and loathing in Las Vegas and other American stories
Kingdom of Fear
The curse of Lono
Hell's Angels
Hunter S. Thompson : The Last Interview
Kingdom Of Fear
Curse of Lono
Kingdom of Fear
Curse of Lono
Strakh i otvrashchenie v Las-Vegase
Fear and Loathing
Hell's Angels
Generation of swine
Songs of the doomed
The great shark hunt
The Rum Diary
Hey Rube
Better than sex
Fear and loathing in America
The proud highway
Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72
Fear and loathing at Rolling Stone
Fear and loathing
Ancient Gonzo wisdom
Fear and loathing
The Joke's Over
Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail (Harperperennial Classics)
The Proud Highway (The Fear & Loathing Letters)
The Rum Diary
Russell Chatham
Miedo y Asco En Las Vegas
Hell's Angels
Fear and Loathing at Rolling Stone
The Gonzo Papers Anthology
Generation of Swine
Fear and loathing on the campaign trail '72
Create your own paper dinosaurs
The rum diary
Hell's Angels
The proud highway
Los ángeles del Infierno
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
The rum diary
Better Than Sex
Los Angeles del Infierno
The Great Shark Hunt
Fear and Loathing at Rolling Stone
Dialog Beruf
The Rum Diary (Export Tpb)
Fear and Loathing in America
Hell's Angels
Happy birthday, Jack Nicholson
Fear and loathing
Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail
The great shark hunt
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Parano dans le bunker
Great Shark Hunt
Hey Rube
Happy Birthday, Jack Nicholson
Mistah Leary he dead
The Curse of Lono
Generation of Swine
Rum Diary
Las Vegas parano
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas : A Savage Journey to the Heart of the American Dream / Generation of Swine : Gonzo Papers Vol.2
El escritor gonzo
The Proud Highway
Songs of the Doomed
Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72
Rum Diary
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (Harper Perennial Modern Classc)
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
La gran caza del tiburón
Las Vegas'ta Korku ve Nefret
la maldición de Lono
La gran caza del tiburón
Hunter S. Thompson Collection
Thompson H S
Polo Is My Life
Diário a rum
Proud Highway
La revuelta del pueblo cucaracha
Rom Gunlukleri
Ancient Gonzo Wisdom
Antigua sabiduría gonzo
The Gonzo papers anthology
Lek i odraza w Las Vegas
Miedo y asco en Las Vegas
Generation of Swine : Gonzo Papers Vol. 2
Fear and Loathing in America
Antigua sabiduría gonzo
Paura e disgusto a Las Vegas
Death of a Poet
Hell's Angels
Hell's Angels
Henry Morton Stanley
Henry Morton Stanley (1841-1904)

journalist, explorer, politician

In darkest Africa
The autobiography of Sir Henry Morton Stanley ..
Coomassie and Magdala
The autobiography of Sir Henry Morton Stanley
Sir Henry Morton Stanley, confederate
The life, labours, perilous adventures and discoveries of Dr. Livingstone, nearly thirty years a missionary explorer in the wilds of Africa
The life, labours and adventures of David Livingstone, LL.D., D.C. L.
The autobiography of Sir Henry Morton Stanley, G. C. B. ..
The dark continent and its secrets
The life, labours and adventures of David Livingstone
The life, labours and adventures of David Livingstone, LL.D., D.C.L
The autobiography of Sir Henry Morton Stanley
How I found Livingstone in Central Africa
How I found Livingstone
Through the Dark continent
My Kalulu, prince, king, and slave
My early travels and adventures in America
My early travels and adventures in America and Asia
The Congo and the founding of its free state
My dark companions and their strange stories
In darkest Africa
The life, labours, perilous adventures and discoveries of Dr. Livingstone, nearly thirty years a missionary explorer in the wilds of Africa
The story of Emin's rescue as told in Stanley's letters
The Congo and the founding of its free state
The exploration diaries of H.M. Stanley
Im dunkelsten Afrika
Dans les ténèbres de l'Afrique
Magdala: The Story of the Abyssinian Campaign of 1866-7
In darkest Africa, or, The quest, rescue and retreat of Emin, governor of Equatoria
Through the dark continent, or, The sources of the Nile around the great lakes of Equatorial Africa and down the Livingstone River to the Atlantic Ocean
How I found Livingstone
The Congo and the founding of its free state
In darkest Africa, or, The quest, rescue and retreat of Emin, governor of Equatoria
GPŵs@ eŭ́ron tòn Libígkstwna; metafr. ŭpò A.S. Kasdágly
Stanley's despatches to the New York herald, 1871-1872, 1874-1877
In darkest Africa, or, The quest, rescue and retreat of Emin, governor of Equatoria
How I found Livingstone
Unpublished letters
La vie et les voyages de D. Livingstone
Through the dark continent, or, The sources of the Nile around the great lakes of Equatorial Africa and down the Livingstone River to the Atlantic Ocean
H.M. Stanley
Through South Africa
Tales from Africa
Continente misterioso, El
La délivrance d'Emin Pacha d'après les lettres de H.-M. Stanley
How I found Livingston
How I Found Livingstone; travels, adventures, and discoveres in Central Africa, including an account of four months' residence with Dr. Livingston
In Darkest Africa V2
Through the Dark continent, or, The sources of the Nile, around the great lakes of equatorial Africa and down the Livingstone River to the Atlantic Ocean
Through the Dark Continent:Volume 1
My dark companions
How I Found Livingstone; travels, adventures, and discoveres in Central Africa, including an account of four months\' residence with Dr. Livingstone
Slavery and the slave trade in Africa
In darkest Africa
The Emin Pasha relief expedition
Through the dark continent, or, The sources of the Nile around the great lakes of Equatorial Africa and down the Livingstone River to the Atlantic Ocean
Through the dark continent or,The sources of the Nile around the great lakes of equatorial Africa and down the Livingstone river to the Atlantic Ocean
Explorations In Africa By Dr. David Livingstone And Others
Africa, its partition and it future
Address of Mr. H.M. Stanley
My early travels and adventures in America and Asia
How I found Livingston
Through the dark continent
H.M. Stanley
The exploration diaries of H.M. Stanley
Stanley & Livingstone
Address of Mr. H. M. Stanley on England and the Congo and Manchester trade, and the work and aims of the International Association
In darkest Africa
Through the dark continent; or, The sources of the nile, around the lakes of equatorial Africa and down the Livingstone River to the Atlantic Ocean
The autobiography of Sir Henry Morton Stanley
The Congo and the founding of its free state
Through the Dark continent, or, The sources of the Nile
Through the Dark continent; or, The sources of the Nile
My African travels
Stanley; lettres inédites
Lettres de H. M. Stanley
H.M. Stanley: unpublished letters
Prospectus of the work entitled In darkest Africa
In darkest Africa, or, The quest rescue and retreat of Emin, Governor of Equatoria
How I found Livingstone...
Guide to health in Africa : with notes on the country and its inhabitants
Stanley's story, or Through the wilds of Africa
In darkest Africa
Coomassie and Magdala
Adventures of an American traveller in Turkey
Wie ich Livingstone fand
Stanley's reizen ontdekkingen en lotgevallen in Midden-Afrika
My Kalulu, prince, king, and slave
The story of the development of Africa
Stanley's first opinions ; Portugal and the slave trade
Voyages et découvertes de Stanley
Through the dark continent, or, The sources of the Nile around the great lakes of Equatorial Africa and down the Livingstone River to the Atlantic Oecan
Letters de H. M. Stanley racontant ses voyages, ses aventures et ses découvertes a travers l'Afrique équatoriale, (novembre 1874 - septembre 1877)
Slavery and the slave trade in Africa
La délivrance d'Emin Pacha d'après les lettres de H.-M. Stanley
Cinq années au Congo, 1879-1884
The autobiography of Sir Henry Morton Stanley
Eis ta vathē tēs Aphrikēs
Henry M. Stanley correspondence
The autobiography of Sir Henry Morton Stanley
Namık Kemal
Namık Kemal (1840-1888)

poet, journalist, politician, historian, playwright, translator

Namık Kemal'in tarihı̂ biyografileri
Nevruz Beyin tercüme-yi hali
Müntehabāt-i Taṣvīr-i Efkār
Namik Kemal'in şiirleri
Terācüm-i aḥvāl, Yavuz Sulṭān Selīm
Evrak-i perişan
Rūnān Mudāfe'e nāme-si
Osmanlı tarihi
Evrak-i perişan
Evrak-i perişan
Namik Kemal
Terācüm-i aḥvāl, Yavuz Sulṭān Selīm
Zavalli Cocuk
Kara bela
Namik Kemal antolojisi, Topliyan Ahmet Hamdi Tanpinar
Evrāḳ-i perīşān
Silistire muhasarasi
Cumel-i muntehabe-i Kemal
Namık Kemal
'Osmanli tārīhī
Silistire muhasarası
Terācüm-i aḥvāl - Sulṭān Selīm
Celaleddin Harzemşah
Intibah, sergüzeşti-i Ali Bey
Zavalli çocuk, hazirliyan Mustafa Nihat Ozön
Renan müdafaanamesi
Celaleddin Harzemşah
Müntehabāt-i Taṣvīr-i Efkār
Kanije muhasarasi
Vatan yâhut Silistre
Hususî mektuplarina göre Namik Kemal ve Abdülhak Hâmid
Büyük İslâm tarihi
Akif Bey
İntibah : Ali Beyʼin sergüzeşti
Cümel-i müntehabe-i Kemal
Rūnān Mudāfe'e nāme-si
Makalat-i siyasiye ve edebiye
Makalat-i Siyäsiye va edebiye
Rü'ya va maghusa maktübi
Tahrib-i harabat
Vatan yahut silistre
Vatan yahud silistre
Celâleddin Harzemşah
Terācüm-i aḥvāl - Sulṭān Selīm
Namik Kemal'in husûsî mektuplari
Yavuz Sultan Selim
Namık Kemalʼin talim-i edebiyat üzerine bir risalesi
Kara belâ
Osmanlı tarihi
Külliyat-ı Kemal tabolunuyor
Zavallı çocuk; üç fasıldan ibaret tiyatro yunu [sic, yazan] Namık Kemal.  Hazırlıyan: Mustafa Nihat Özön
Vatan yahut Silistire
Namık Kemâl'in şairliği ve bütün şiirleri
Mukaddime-yi Celal
Doğumunun yüzellinci yılında Namık Kemal
Namık Kemal'den mektup var
Ölümünün 100. yılında Namık Kemal
Rönan müdafaanamesi
Ölümünün 100. yıldönümü münasebetiyle Namık Kemal'in Türk dili ve edebiyatı üzerine görüşleri ve yazıları
Kosova şehifi
Osmanlı modernleşmesinin meseleleri
Rüya ve Magosa mektubu
Yavuz sultan Selîm
Namık Kemalʼin husûsı̂ mektupları
Ölümünün 100. yılında Namık Kemal
Devr-i istilâ
Zavallı çocuk
Antonio Cánovas del Castillo
Antonio Cánovas del Castillo (1828-1897)

politician, historian, diplomat

Problemas contemporáneos
Estudios del Reinado de Felipe IV
Biografia de D. Serafin Estébanez Calderón y critica de sus obras
La Campana de Huesca
Artes y letras
Historia de la decadencia de España
La campana de Huesca
Théâtre espagnol contemporain
Obras poeticas
"El Solitario" y su tiempo: Biografía de D. Serafín Estébanez Calderón y ..
La revolución liberal española
Lista alfabética y por materias de las papeletas que para la redacción de un catálog se encontraron en la biblioteca del Exemo. Señor D. Antonio Cánovas del Castillo ..
Discurso sobre la nación
Criterio histórico con que las distintas personas que en el descubrimiento de América intervinieron han sido después juzgadas
La casa de Austria
"El Solitario" y su tiempo
La campana de Huesca
Apuntes para la historia de Marruecos
Apuntes para la história de Marruecos
La campana de Huesca
Discurso pronunciado por el excmo. Señor D. Antonio Cánovas del Castillo
Lista alfabética y por materias de las papeletas que para la redacción de un catálogo se encontraron en la biblioteca del Excmo. Señor D. Antonio Cánovas del Castillo ..
El teatro español
La casa de Austria
La campana de Huesca
El teatro español
Bosquejo historico del la Casa de Austria en España
Problemas contemporáneos
Epistolario de la Restauración
Bosquejo histórico de la casa de Austria en España
Ideario de Cánovas
Cánovas, un hombre para nuestro tiempo
Discursos pronunciados por el Excmo. Señor Don Antonio Cánovas del Castillo, Presidente del Consejo de Ministros, en las sesiones celebradas en el Congreso de los Diputados, en los días 2, 3 y 4 de enero de 1877, con motivo del proyecto de ley levantando la suspensión de garantías
Antonio Cánovas del Castillo
Cánovas del Castillo (antología)
Artes y letras
Apuntes para la história de Marruecos
Le théâtre espagnol contemporain
Le théâtre espagnol contemporain
Obras completas
Artes y letras
Obras poeticas
El solitario y su tiempo
Discursos leídos ante la Real Academia de la Historia en la junta pública solemne del día 3 de diciembre de 1947 conmemorativa del cincuentenario del la muerte del que fue su director, el Excmo. Señor Don Antonio Cánovas del Castillo
Le théâtre espagnol contemporain
Matías de Novoa
Discursos parlamentarios
Le théâtre espagnol contemporain
Le théâtre espagnol contemporain
Antonio Cánovas del Castillo
Entre el sable y la tribuna
Bosquejo historico del la Casa de Austria en España
Ciro Alegría
Ciro Alegría (1909-1967)

journalist, politician, poet, translator

  • National University of Trujillo
Gabriela Mistral íntima
Mucha suerte con harto palo
Novela de mis novelas
Gabriela Mistral íntima
Los perros hambrientos
Fabulas Y Leyendas Americanas
El mundo es ancho y ajeno
La serpiente de oro
El mundo es ancho y ajeno
Novelas completas
La serpiente de oro
El mundo es ancho y ajeno
El mundo es ancho y ajeno
Broad and alien is the world
Gabriela Mistral intima
Moderne lateinamerikanische Prosa
Serpiente de Oro
Sueño y verdad de América
Sueño Y Verdad De America
Fabulas Y Leyendas Americanas/American Fabless
Cuentistas modernos y contemporaneos
Duelo de caballeros
Broad and Alien Is the World
7 cuentos quiromanticos
El dilema de Krause
El dilema de Krause
Sacha En El Reino De Los Arboles
Mundo Es Ancho y Ajeno, El (Alianza tres)
La ofrenda de piedra
Duelo de caballeros
Novelas completas
La ofrenda de piedra
7 [i.e. Siete] cuentos quirománticos
La Ofrenda de piedra
Los perros hambrientos
Broad and alien is the world
La ofrenda de piedra
Novelas completas
I cani affamati
Novelas completas
Fitzcarraldo, el dios del oro negro
Serpiente de Oro, La
The golden serpent
Relatos (El Libro de bolsillo ; 991)
Sueño y verdad de América
Broad and alien is the world
La serpiente de oro
El mundo es ancho y ajeno
The golden serpent
El sol de los jaguares
El sol de los jaguares
El mundo es ancho y ajeno
Los perros hambrientos
El Mundo es ancho y ojena
Fábulas y leyendas americanas
La revolución cubana
Ofrenda de Piedra, La
Los perros hambrientos / Ciro Alegría
7 Cuentos Quiromanticos
La leyenda del Nopal
Panki y el guerro
El Sol de Los Jaguares
Panki y el guerrero
Gadol ṿe-zar hu ha-ʻolam
The golden serpent
El dilema de Krause
Siempre hay caminos
Sueño y verdad de América
ha-Kelavim ha-reʻevim
Novelas y cuentos
Sacha en el reino de los árboles
El sol de los jaguares
El sol de los jagurares
The golden serpent
Los perros hambrientos / Ciro Alegría
7 cuentos quirománticos
Massimo Bontempelli
Massimo Bontempelli (1878-1960)

poet, journalist, composer, essayist, playwright, politician, translator, literary

  • University of Turin
Dallo Stelvio al mare
The Chess Set in the Mirror (The Nautilus Series)
Socrate moderno: novelle
Sette savi
The Faithful Lover
Il Poliziano, il Magnifico
Viaggi e scoperte
S. Bernardino da Siena
Prose di fede e di vita nel primo tempo dell'umanesimo
La vita operosa
Sohn zweier Mütter
Il bianco e il nero
Socrate moderno
La vie laborieuse
Il poliziano, il magnifico, lirici del Quattrocento
Maria Melato
Il purosangue
Dallo Stelvio al mare
La vita operosa
Vita e morte di Adria e dei suoi figli
Eraclito e noi
Sette savi
Minnie la candida
Egloghe di Massimo Bontempelli
La vita intensa
Poemetti contadineschi
L' amante fedele
La donna del Nadir, pagine (1922-1923)
Mia vita, morte e miracoli
La vita intensa, La vita operosa
Giovanni Verga
Pirandello, Leopardi, d'Annunzio
L'eden della tartaruga
Vita e morte di Adria e dei suoi figli
Racconti e romanzi
Maria Melato
Il canto XXII del Paradiso
Eva ultima
L'avventura novecentista
Noi, gli aria
Maria Melato
Stato di grazia
Nostra Dea
Primi racconti <1905-1914>
Minnie la candida
Existence and inquiry
522, racconto di una giornata
Nostra Dea
Nostra Des
Primo spettacolo: La guardia alla luna
Due storie di madri e figli
Racconti e romanzi
Il purosangue
Passione incompiuta
Il canto XXII del Paradiso, letto nella sala di Dante in Orsanmichele
La scacchiera davanti allo specchio
Gente nel tempo
Eva ultima
Vita e morte de Adria e dei suoi figli
Watching the Moon and Other Plays /  by Massimo Bontempelli ; translation and Introduction by Patricia Gaborik
Maria Melato
L' amante fedele
Sette savi
Lettere da due mari ; Visita ai vinti ; Pezzi di mondo
Minnie la candida
Il canto xxi del Purgatorio
Il Poliziano, il Magnifico, lirici del quattrocento
Introduzioni e discorsi (1936-1942) di Massimo Bontempelli
Siepe a nordovest
Gian Francesco Malipiero
Opere scelte
La donna dei miei sogni
Viaggi e scoperte
Il figlio di due madri
L'avventura novecentista
Donna nel sole e altri idilli
Stato di grazia
Pezzi di mondo
Maksym Rylsky
Maksym Rylsky (1895-1964)

translator, poet, politician

Iskusstvo perevoda
O poėzii
Poetychni pereklady
Literatura i narodna tvorchistʹ
Pro khoroshe v li͡u︡di͡a︡kh
Mystet͡s︡tvoznavchi statti
Pro poeziiu Adama Mitskevycha
Ukrainskie narodnye skazki
Pro li͡u︡dynu, dli͡a︡ li͡u︡dyny
I͡A︡sna zbroi͡a︡
O khoroshem v li͡u︡di͡a︡kh
I͡A︡k parostʹ vynohradnoï lozy
Mystet͡s︡tvo--tvorcha prat͡s︡i͡a︡ zryma
Taras Shevchenko
Statti pro literaturu
Slovo pro literaturu
Klassiki i sovremenniki
Poėzii͡a︡ Adama Mit͡s︡kevicha
Vechirni rozmovy
Stikhotvorenii͡a︡ i poėmy
Zibranni͡a︡ tvoriv u dvadt͡s︡i͡a︡ty tomakh
Vechernie besedy
Zymovi zapysy
Pid zori͡a︡my Kremli͡a︡
Poeziï, 1907-1929 ; Proza, 1911-1925
Slovo pro ridnu matir
Vybrani poeziï
Vybrani tvory
Fernando Sánchez Dragó
Fernando Sánchez Dragó (1936-2023)

journalist, politician, television presenter, literary critic, philologist

  • Colegio del Pilar
La del alba sería
Mis encuentros con lo invisible
Libertad, fraternidad, desigualdad
Shangri-la, el elixir de la eterna juventud
Esos días azules
Galgo corredor
Muertes paralelas
La prueba del laberinto
Las fuentes del Nilo
Prisciliano y el Priscilianismo
Y si habla mal de España es español
El camino del corazón
Gárgoris y Habidis
Historia mágica del camino de Santiago
Carta de Jesús al Papa
La canción de Roldán
Diario de la noche
Del priscilianismo al liberalismo
El camino hacia Itaca
El lobo feroz
Diccionario Espasa España mágica
Sentado alegre en la popa
Soseki. Inmortal y tigre
Kokoro. A vida o muerte. Dragó entrevista a Dragó
El sendero de la mano izquierda
La España mágica
La dragontea
Preceptos de Oro de la Filosofía Perenne
España guadaña, arderéis como en el 36
Discurso numantino
Pacto de sangre
XXXIII Pregón Taurino de Sevilla [2015]