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politicians who wrote biography
Showing 161-168 out of 790 results
Robin Maugham
Robin Maugham (1916-1981)

playwright, politician

  • Eton College, University of Cambridge
Conversations with Willie
Escape from the shadows
Search for Nirvana
Conversations with Willie
The last encounter
The green shade
Somerset and all the Maughams
The Last Encounter
The dividing line
The second window
The Sign
Knock on Teak
The Wrong People
The Rough and the Smooth
Lovers in Exile
Line on Ginger
The boy from Beirut, and other stories
The sign
The wrong people
Come to Dust
The Dividing Line
The Deserters
Behind the Mirror
North African notebook
The link
The Servant (Film Ink)
The Second Window
Come to dust
The Slaves of Timbuktu
The Black Tent and Other Stories
The Deserters
Escape from the Shadows
Journey to Siwa
Somerset and all the Maughams
The Man With Two Shadows
Lovers in exile
The Servant
The Joyita mystery
The barrier
The servant
Line on Ginger
The slaves of Timbuktu
Approach to Palestine
The intruder
Mister Lear
The corridor
The Link
November Reef
The man with two shadows
The Green Shade
Behind the mirror
The 'Joyita' Mystery
The jungle of love
Journey to Siwa
Somerset and all the Maughams
November Reef
The link, a Victorian mystery
The man with two shadows
Wrong People (Gay Modern Classics)
Mister Lear
Behind the Mirror
The servant
The black tent, and other stories
El criado
The rough and the smooth
November reef
North African notebook
Knock on Teak
Testament - Cairo 1898
The Link
The Sign
The wrong people
Michele Santoro
Michele Santoro (born 1951)

journalist, television presenter, politician

  • University of Salerno
Michele chi?
Nient'altro che la verità
Mi Ricordo, Si Mi Ricordo
Gerald of Wales
Gerald of Wales (1145-1219)

cartographer, historian, politician, Catholic priest

  • University of Paris
The life of St. Hugh of Avalon, Bishop of Lincoln 1186-1200
Speculum duorum
The autobiography of Gerald of Wales
Life of Saint Hugh of Avalon
Expugnatio hibernica
The journey through Wales; and, The description of Wales
The journey through Wales, and, The description of Wales
The historical works of Giraldus Cambrensis
Concerning the instruction of princes
The English Conquest of Ireland, 1166-1185
The Description of Wales
The itinerary through Wales, and the description of Wales
Proposals for enriching the principality of Wales
The historical works of Giraldus Cambrensis
The Itinerary of Baldwin in Wales
The jewel of the church
Giraldus Cambrensis De instructione principum
Historical works, containing the Topography of Ireland, and the History of the conquest of Ireland
Proposals for enriching the principality of Wales
Selections from Giraldus Cambrensis
Giraldus Cambrensis De instructione prinicipum
Giraldi Cambrensis opera
The itinerary through Wales; and, The description of Wales
History and Topography of Ireland
The historical works of Giraldus Cambrensis, containgin
Giraldi Cambrensis Opera Vol. 1
Gerald of Wales on the Instruction of Princes
Agli estremi confini d'Occidente
Historical Works, Containing the Topography of Ireland, and the History of the Conquest of Irelan
Itinerary Through Wales Discription of Wales
Historical Works of Giraldus Cambrensis, Containing the Topography of Ireland, and The History of the Conquest of Ireland
South Wales Echo
Speculum Duorum
Historical Works, Containing the Topography of Ireland, and the History of the Conquest of Ireland
Four Mediæval Chroniclers;
Journey Through Wales and the Description of Wales
Giraldi Cambrensis Opera 8 Volume Set
The Life of St. Hugh of Avalon, Bishop of Lincoln 1186-1200 [Volume 31, Series A, Garland Library of Medieval Literature]
Journey Through Wales (Everyman's Library)
The historical works
The Historical Works of Giraldus Cambrensis
The Historical Works of Giraldus Cambrensis Containing the Topography of Ireland, and the History of the Conquest of Ireland, Tr. by T. Forester. the ... Description of Wales, Tr. by Sir R.C. Hoare
Giraldi Cambrensis opera
Giraldus Cambrensis in Topographia Hibernie
Historical Works of Giraldus Cambrensis Containing the Topography of Ireland, and the History of the Conquest of Ireland, Tr. by T. Forester. the Itinerary Through Wales, and the Description of Wales, Tr. by Sir R. C. Hoare
The historical works of Giraldus Cambrensis, containing
The historical works of Giraldus Cambrensis
Giraldi Cambrensis Opera
The itinerary through Wales and The description of Wales
The historical works of Giraldus Cambrensis
The itinerary through Wales and the description of Wales
Gerallt Gymro am ei gyfoeswyr
Topographia Hibernica et Expugnatio Hibernica
Catherine of Siena
Catherine of Siena (1347-1380)

religious sister, politician, philosopher, diplomat, memoirist

Libro della divina dottrina
Dialogue of st Catherine of Siena
I, Catherine
Catherine of Siena
Lettere scelte
Katharina von Siena
The dialogue
Saint Catherine of Siena as seen in her letters
Catherine of Siena-- passion for the truth, compassion for humanity
Little Talks With God
The letters of Catherine of Siena
The prayers of Catherine of Siena
A treasury of quotations on the spiritual life from the writings of St. Catherine of Siena, Doctor of the Church
Le Lettere di S. Caterina da Siena
Path of holiness
Dialogue of St. Catherine of Siena
The Dialogue of St Catherine of Siena Seraphic Virgin and Doctor of Unity
Lettres de Sainte Catherine de Sienne
La verità dell'amore
Letters of Catherine Benincasa
Libro della divina dottrina
The Dialogue of Saint Catherine of Siena
A Treatise of Prayer
Epistole della serafica vergine s. Caterina da Siena
Lettres de Sainte Catherine de Sienne; Volume 1
L' estasi e la parola
Lettres de Sainte Catherine de Sienne
Le lettere di S. Caterina da Siena
The Letters of Saint Catherine of Siena
Epistole devotissime
Epistolario di santa Caterina da Siena
Dialogue of the Seraphic Virgin Catherine of Siena
Santa Caterina da Siena parla ai giovani
Le lettere ai papi e ai vescovi
The dialogue of the seraphic virgin, Catherine of Siena
Start being brave about everything. Saint Catherine of Siena
Le lettere
The Dialogue of St. Catherine Of Siena
A Treatise of Discretion
The orcherd of Syon
Les plus belles lettres de Sainte Catherine de Sienne
Saint Catherine of Siena As Seen in Her Letters
Lettres de sainte Catherine de Sienne
Saint Catherine of Siena as Seen in her Letters
The Dialogue
A Treatise of Divine Providence
Dialogue de sainte Catherine de Sienne
Politische briefe
Caterina da Siena
Saint Catherine of Siena as Seen in Her Letters
Epistole della serafica vergine S. Caterina da Siena scritte da lei a pontefici, cardinali, prelati ed altre persone ecclesiastiche..
Writings of Catherine of Siena
The Dialogue of St. Catherine of Siena
Dialogo della divina Provvidenza
Libro della divina dottrina
Le lettere ai papi e ai vescovi
Le dialogue de Sainte Catherine de Sienne
The Dialogue of St. Catherine of Siena
Little talks with God
Le lettere
L' opere della serafica santa Caterina da Siena
Preghiere ed elevazioni
Le orazioni di S. Caterina da Siena
Lettere di Santa Caterina
Le sang, la croix, la vérité
Dialogi ... in sex tractatus distributi, diuinam plane & admirabilem sapientiam ad spiritualis vitae institutionem complectentes
Lettere scelte
Le cose più belle
Il dialogo della divina Provvidenza
Le Dialogue
Lettere devotissime della beata vergine Santa Caterina da Siena
Le Dialogue
Lettere mistiche
Le lettere alle autorità politiche, militari, civili
Little talks with God
Epistole et orationi
Dialogo d[e] la seraphica uergine sancta Catharina da Siena
Lettere ai frati Eremiti di S. Agostino in Lecceto
Lettere scelte
A life of total prayer
Dialogo della divina Provvidenza
Epistolario de Santa Catalina de Siena
Le lettere di S. Caterina da Siena ridotte a miglior lezione
Dialogo della serafica vergine, et sposa di Christo, S. Catherina de Siena
Le lettere di S. Caterina da Siena
Le più belle pagine di Caterina da Siena
Il dialogo della Divina Provvidenza
Le lettere
Lettres de Sainte Catherine de Sienne
Obras de Santa Catalina de Siena
Chefs-d'oeuvre ascétiques et mystiques
Epistole et orationi della seraphica vergine, Santa Catharina da Siena ..
Lettres de Sainte Catherine de Sienne
Federico de Madrazo y Kuntz
Federico de Madrazo y Kuntz (1815-1894)

painter, lithographer, politician

  • Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando
Federico de Madrazo (1815-1894)
Federico de Madrazo y Kuntz (1815-1894)
Federico de Madrazo
Federico de Madrazo, epistolario
William Muir
William Muir (1819-1905)

historian, politician

  • University of Edinburgh, Haileybury and Imperial Service College
Mahomet and Islam
The life of Mahomet
The Corân
The Mameluke; or, Slave dynasty of Egypt, 1260-1517, A. D
The life of Mahomet
The Mohammedan controversy
Annals of the early Caliphate
The call of the new era
The testimony borne by the Coran to the Jewish and Christian Scriptures
The life of Mahomet
The Mohammedan controversy
The CorKan
The life of Mahomet
Records of the Intelligence Department of the government of the North-West provinces of India during the mutiny of 1857
The life of Mohammad from original sources
The Honourable James Thomason, Lieutenant-Governor N.-W. P., India, 1843-1853 A.D
The beacon of truth, or, Testimony of the Coran to the truth of the Christian religion
Our grand old Bible
The rise and decline of Islam
The Caliphate, its rise, decline, and fall
The Caliphate
The life of Mahomet and history of Islam to the era of the Hegira
The Mameluke
The life of Moḥammad from original sources
Annals of the early Caliphate from the death of Mahomet to the Omeyyad and Abbaside dynasties A.H. XI-LXI (A.D. 632-680) from original sources
The opium revenue
Sweet first-fruits
The Mameluke or slave dynasty of Egypt;  a history of Egypt from the fall of the Ayyubite dynasties to the conquest by the Osmalis, A.D. 1260-1517
Addresses made in the north-west provinces
Present day tracts on the non-Christian religions of the world
The Caliphate, its rise, decline, and fall
The life of Moḥammad
Non-Christian religions of the world
The Corân
The life of Mohammed from original sources
The Mameluke of slave dynasty of Egypt, 1260-1517 A.D
The mameluke or slave dynasty of Egypt
The beacon of truth, or, Testimony of the Coran to the truth of the Christian religion
The beacon of truth
Sweet first-fruits
The life of Mahomet from original sources
Extracts from the Coran in the original
The Mohammedan controversy, Biographies of Mohammed, [etc] ...
Non-Christian religions of the world
The Mohammedan controversy, Biographies of Mohammed
The Old and New Testaments
Extracts from the Coran in the original
The honourable James Thomason, lieutenant-governor N.-W.P., India, 1843-1853 A. D.
The life of Moḥammad from original sources
Non-Christian religions of the world
Michael Davitt
Michael Davitt (1846-1906)

journalist, politician

Jottings in solitary
Within the pale
The Irish cause
The Boer fight for freedom
The fall of feudalism in Ireland
The 'Times'-Parnell Commission
Impressions of the Canadian North-west
Leaves from a prison diary
Speech delivered by Michael Davitt in defence of the Land League
The land league proposal
Life and progress in Australasia
Some suggestions for a final settlement of the land question
Leaves from a prison diary
Michael Davitt
Speech of Hon. Michael Davitt, M.P
The fall of feudalism in Ireland, or, The story of the Land League revolution
Leaves from a prison diary, or, Lectures to a "solitary" audience
Davitt's life: in sunshine and shade
Within the pale
The Boer fight for freedom
"Unionists" brought to book . . .
Gleann Ar Ghleann
Reply to the Irish Chief secretary's misstatements
Within the pale
The criminal sentences commission up to date
The prison life of Michael Davitt
Juan Ignacio Luca de Tena, 2nd Marquis of Luca de Tena
Juan Ignacio Luca de Tena, 2nd Marquis of Luca de Tena (1897-1975)

journalist, politician, diplomat

  • Universidad Central
Mis amigos muertos
Mis amigos muertos
La otra vida del Capitán Contreras
Sevilla y el teatro de los quintero
El cóndor sin alas
Quien soy yo?  Farsa en tres actos, el tercero dividido en dos cuadros
El vampiro de la calle de Claudio Coello
Un crimen vulgar
Donde vas Alfonso XII?  Estampas románticas divididas en dos actos, inspiradas en la leyenda y en la historia de Juan Ignacio Luca de Tena
Sevilla y el teatro de los Quintero
Mis amigos muertos
El dinero del duque
Semblanza literaria y sentimental de Rafael Sánchez Mazas
Sevilla y el Teatro de los Quintero
... María del Mar
La Condesa María
?Donde vas, Alfonso XII?
?Quién soy yo?
El dilema
La eterna invitada
Dónde vas, triste de ti?
Obras selectas
¿?Dónde vas, Alfonso XII?
Divino tesoro
Las canas de don Juan
¿?Dónde vas, Alfonso XII?
Las hogueras de San Juan
Dónde vas, Alfonso XII?