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politicians who wrote biography
Showing 121-128 out of 790 results
Bill Bradley
Bill Bradley (born 1943)

politician, basketball player, businessperson, senior advisor

  • Princeton University, University of Oxford
Time present, time past
Life on the run
Values of the game
Values of the game
The new American story
Double exposure
The journey from here
The fair tax
We can all do better
The new world challenges America faces
Energy security--can we cope with a crisis?
Implications of Soviet new thinking
Less taxing alternatives
Joel T. Headley
Joel T. Headley (1813-1897)

politician, editor, journalist, historian

  • Union College, Auburn Theological Seminary
Washington and his generals
Farragut, and our naval commanders
The chaplains and clergy of the revolution
Our navy in the great rebellion
The lives of Winfield Scott and Andrew Jackson
The life of General H. Havelock, K.C.B
Sacred heroes and martyrs
The distinguished marshals of Napoleon
Grant and Sherman; their campaigns and generals
Our army in the great rebellion
The life of Ulysses S. Grant, ex-president of the United States and general of the United States army, comprising his early training, military career, presidential administrations, travels round the world, sufferings and death
The chaplains and clergy of the revolution
Farragut, and Our Naval Commanders
Sacred heroes and martyres
Letters from the backwoods and the Adirondac
The second war with England
Pen and pencil sketches of the great riots
The great riots of New York, 1712-1873
The Great Rebellion: A History of the Civil War in the United States
The great rebellion
The illustrated life of Washington
The sacred mountains
The Imperial guard of Napoleon
Luther and Cromwell
Sacred scenes and characters
Letters from Italy
The Alps and the Rhine
Reasons for the centennial at Washington's headquarters, Newburgh, N.Y
Mountain adventures in various parts of the world
The Adirondack, or, Life in the woods
Die Grosse Rebellion
Great explorations in the wilds of Africa
The Achievements of Stanley and Other African Explorers: Comprising All the ..
The life of George Washington
The Great Rebellion V2
The life of Oliver Cromwell
The life of Winfield Scott
The Beauties of J. T. Headley: With a Sketch of His Life
Rambles and sketches
The Indian Races of North and South America: Comprising an Account of the Principal Aboriginal ...
Sacred mountains, characters, and scenes in the Holy Land
The great rebellion
The Forgotten Heroes of Liberty
The home annual
History of the persecutions and battles of the Waldenses
Eminent Orators of France
Sketches and rambles
The Great Rebellion
Luther and Cromwell
Last days of Washington's army at Newburgh
Miscellaneous Works of the Rev. J. T. Headley
The Achievments of Stanley
Travels in Italy
Chaplains and Clergy of the Revolution
Letters from the Backwoods and the Adirondac
The life of Winfield Scott
Letters from Italy
Our Army in the Great Rebellion. Heroes and Battles of the war 1861-65
History of the persecutions and battles of the Waldenses
The Alps and the Rhine
Life of Oliver Cromwell
The great rebellion
Makers of American history: Patrick Henry
The one progressive principle
The Home annual
Lives of Winfield Scott and Andrew Jackson
Letters from Italy
The keepsake
Letters from Italy
Letters from the backwoods and the Adirondac
The Chaplains and Clergy of the Revolution
The miscellaneous works of the Rev. J.T. Headley with a biographical sketch and portrait of the author
The Keepsake
The Achievements of Stanley and Other African Explorers: Comprising All the Late and Really ..
Barry Goldwater
Barry Goldwater (1909-1998)

politician, military officer, photographer, businessperson, aircraft pilot

  • University of Arizona, Arizona State University
With no apologies
The Eyes of His Soul
The Conscience of a Conservative
Where I stand
The coming breakpoint
The conscience of a majority
Why not victory?
The conscience of a conservative
Goldwater either/or
Delightful journey, down the Green & Colorado rivers
Arizona portraits
Barry Goldwater and the Southwest
Goldwater from A to Z
The state of our industry and raw materials in relation to defense
The face of Arizona
The Conscience of a Conservative (The James Madison Library in American Politics)
China and the abrogation of treaties
People and places
The political principles of Senator Barry W. Goldwater as revealed in his speeches and writings
Barry Goldwater speaks out on the issues
The conscience of a Conservative
Why not victory?
The political principles of Senator Barry W. Goldwater as revealed in his speeches and writings
Mike Gravel
Mike Gravel (1930-2021)

politician, stockbroker, businessperson

  • American International College, Assumption University
The Kingmakers
A political odyssey
Citizen power
The pentagon papers
The Panama Canal--a reexamination
Yekaterina Dashkova
Yekaterina Dashkova (1743-1810)

linguist, politician, lady-in-waiting

The memoirs of Princess Dashkova
Zapiski, 1743-1810
Zapiski kni︠a︡gini
O smysle slova "vospitanie"
Mémoires de la princesse Daschkoff
Mon histoire
Mémoires de la princesse Daschkoff, dame d'honneur de Catherine II, imprératrice de toutes les Russies
Memoirs of the Princess Daschkaw
Zapiski kni͡agini E. Dashkovoĭ
Zapiski kni͡agini E. R. Dashkovoĭ, pisannyi͡a ei͡u samoĭ
The memoirs of Princess Dashkov
Zapiski kni︠a︡gini E.R. Dashkovoĭ
Augusto Boal
Augusto Boal (1931-2009)

theatrical director, politician, playwright, scientist, director

  • Columbia University, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Hamlet and the baker's son
Hamlet e o filho do padeiro
Milagre no Brasil
Augusto Boal
Legislative theatre
The rainbow of desire
Jeux pour acteurs et non-acteurs
Teatro del oprimido y otras poéticas políticas
Theatre of the Oppressed
Aesthetics of the  Opressed
Teatro del oprimido
Aqui ninguém é burro!
O teatro como arte marcial
Il teatro degli appressi
O suicida com medo da morte
Técnicas latinoamericanas de teatro popular
Categorías de teatro popular
Theater of the oppressed
Théâtre de l'opprimé
Theatre of the Oppressed
L'Arc-en-ciel du désir
Ejercicios y juegos para el actor y para el no actor con ganas de decir algo a través del teatro
Teatro del oprimado
Arena conta Tiradentes
Coffret "augusto boal" jeux pour acteurs et non acteurs - theatre de l'opprime (coffret 2 vol.)
Stop: C'est magique!
Stop, cést magique!
Il teatro degli oppressi
Teatro legislativo
Aqui ninquen e burro
A deliciosa e sangrenta aventura latina de Jane Spitfire, espiã e mulher sensual!
Tecnicas latinoamericanas de teatro popular
Theater der Unterdrückten
The Sartroville experience
Tres obras de teatro
A estética do oprimido
Teatro de Augusto Boal
Théâtre de l'opprimé
Documents of the theatre of the oppressed
Murro em ponta de faca
Juegos para actores y no actores/ Games for Actors and Non Actors (Artes Escenicas/ Scenic Arts)
Der Regenbogen der Wünsche. Methoden aus Theater und Therapie
O corsário do rei
Teatro de Augusto Boal
Crónicas de nuestra América
A deliciosa e sangrenta aventura latina de Jane Spitfire
Teatro do oprimodo e outras poéticas políticas
A tempestade ; As mulheres de Atenas
3 [i.e. Tres] obras de teatro
John Burgoyne
John Burgoyne (1722-1792)

politician, playwright, military personnel

  • Westminster School
Hadden's journal and orderly books
Burgoyne and the Saratoga Campaign
A state of the expedition from Canada
The lord of the manor
The substance of General Burgoyne's speeches on Mr. Vyner's motion, on the 26th of May, and upon Mr. Hartley's motion, on the 28th of May, 1778
The maid of the oaks
A letter from Lieut. Gen. Burgoyne to his constituents
The Dramatic And Poetical Works Of The Late Lieut. Gen. J. Burgoyne V2
A letter from Lieut. Gen. Burgoyne to his constituents, upon his late resignation
Copy of Gen. Burgoyne's answer (dated July 8, 1775) to Gen. Lee's letter of June 7, 1775
Richard Coeur de Lion
A letter from Lieut. Gen. Burgoyne to his constitutents upon his late resignation
A Brief examination of the plan and conduct of the northern expedition in America, in 1777
The dramatic and poetical works of the late Lieut. Gen. J. Burgoyne
A letter from Lieut. Gen. Burgoyne to his constituents, upon his late resignation; with the correspondences between the secretaries of war and him, relative to his return to America
Orderly book of Lieut. Gen. John Burgoyne, from his entry into the state of New York until his surrender at Saratoga, 16th Oct. 1777
The heiress
Richard Coeur-de-Lion
Appendix to the Canada papers
The speech of a general officer in the House of Commons, February 20th, 1775
Orderly book of Lieut. Gen. John Burgoyne
A supplement to The state of the expedition from Canada
A manager's guide to self-development
Substance of General Burgoyne's speeches at court-martial
The maid of the Oaks
Fruits & Vegetables 2006 Calendar
Bon ton; or, High Life above stairs
The heiress; a comedy in five acts ... as performed at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane
Airs, duets, trios, &c. in the Lord of the Manor, a comic opera, as it is performed at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. The music entirely new
The substance of General Burgoyne's speeches
The lord of the manor, a comic opera
A letter from Lieut. Gen. Burgoyne to his constituents upon his late resignation
A state of the expedition from Canada
The heiress, a comedy in five acts
[The Lord of the manor]
Songs, chorusses, &c. in the pastoral entertainment of The maid of the oaks. As performed at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane
The heiress
Prologue and epilogue to the play of The way to keep him
A brief examination of the plan and conduct of the northern expedition in America
The lord of the manor. A song from that opera
Appendix to the Canada papers
A supplement to The state of the expedition from Canada
Friedrich Theodor Vischer
Friedrich Theodor Vischer (1807-1887)

politician, philosopher, literary theorist, poet, playwright, art critic, art historian

  • Tübinger Stift, University of Tübingen
Rede zur hundertjährigen Feier der Geburt Schiller's am zehnten November 1859, in der St. Peters-Kirche zu Zürich gehalten
Friedrich Theodor Vischer
Kritische Gänge
Aesthetik: Oder Wissenschaft des schönen. Zum Gebrauche für Vorlesungen
Faust: Der Tragödie dritter Theil. Treu im Geiste des zweiten Theils des Goetheschen Faust
Kritische Gänge
Mode und Cynismus: Beiträge zur Kenntniss unserer Culturformen und Sittenbegriffe
Kritische Gänge [von] Friedrich Theod. Vischer
Ueber das Erhabene und Komische
Göthe's Faust
Altes und neues
Aesthetik, oder Wissenschaft des schönen
Altes und Neues
Auch Einer
Aesthetik: Zum gebrauche für Vorlesungen
Über das Erhabene und Komische und andere Texte zur Ästhetik
Auch Einer
Göthes Faust
Auch Einer
Schöne und Die Kunst. Zur Einführung in Die Aesthetik
Kritische Gänge
Nicht I, A.: Schwäbisches Lustspiel in drei Aufzügen
Göthes Faust: Neue Beiträge zur Kritik des Gedichts
Dichterische Werke
Auch Einer, eine Reisebekanntschaft, Zweiter Band
Freiheit des Geistes
Kritische Gänge, Volumes 4-6
Das Schöne und die Kunst
Faust Iii
Kritischer Gänge..
Kritische gänge
Friedrich Theodor Vischer, eine Darstellung Seiner Persönlichkeit und eine Auswahl Aus Seinen Werken
Ästhetik oder Wissenschaft des Schönen
Auch einer
Ueber das Erhabene und Komische
Auch Einer: Eine Reisebekanntschaft (TREDITION CLASSICS) (German Edition)
Mode und cynismus
Aesthetik, Oder, Wissenschaft des Schönen
Aesthetik Oder Wissenschaft des Schönen. Zweiter Theil
Faust, der Tragödie, dritter Theil
Faust. Der Tragödie dritter Teil
Auch einer: Eine Reisebekanntschaft
Das Schöne und die Kunst
Mode und Cynismus
Lyrische Gänge
Lyrische Gänge
Akademische rede zum antritte des ordinariats am 21. Nov. 1844 zu Tugingen gehalten
Lyrische Gänge
Dichterische Werke
Der deutsche krieg 1870-71
Il sublime e il comico
Auch einer
Ein charakterbild
Dichterische Werke
Kritische Bemerkungen über den Ersten Theil von Göthe's Faust
Friedrich Theod. Vischers ausgewählte Werke