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political scientists who wrote biography
Showing 9-16 out of 119 results
Doris Kearns Goodwin
Doris Kearns Goodwin (born 1943)

journalist, historian, political scientist

  • Harvard University, Colby College
Team of Rivals
Leadership In Turbulent Times
Lyndon Johnson and the American dream
The Fitzgeralds and the Kennedys
Wait Till Next Year
No Ordinary Time
The Winchester Reader
Great God Pan
Every four years
Wait Till Next Year Reading Group Guide
No Ordinary Time Reading Group Guide
Howard Zinn
Howard Zinn (1922-2010)

playwright, political scientist, historian, journalist, peace activist, labor historian, human rights activist, film director, activist

  • New York University, Columbia University
You can't be neutral on a moving train
A People’s History of American Empire
Voices of a people’s history of the United States
Dear President Bush (Open Media Series2006)
The People Speak CD
Artists in times of war
Some truths are not self-evident
A People's History of the United States
The politics of history
The Pentagon Papers
Howard Zinn Speaks
Three Strikes
Terrorism and war
Howard Zinn on war
The future of history
A Power Governments Cannot Suppress
The twentieth century, a people's history
The bomb
Marx in Soho
The twentieth century
Howard Zinn on democratic education
Justice in Everyday Life
Howard Zinn on history
Howard Zinn on war
Declarations of independence
Uncommon sense
History matters
A Young People’s History of the United States
The unraveling of the Bush presidency
Howard Zinn on race
Postwar America
Failure to quit
The Cold War & the University
LaGuardia in Congress
Original Zinn
Soldiers in revolt
The Southern mystique
The historic unfullfilled promise
A People's History of the United States, Volume I
The Power of Nonviolence
Just war
A Peoples History Of The United States
Vietnam: the logic of withdrawal
The Cold War & the university
Passionate Declarations
Truth Has a Power of Its Own
Howard Zinn on War
The People's History Project
A Young People's History of the United States
Passionate declarations
Disobedience and democracy
Three plays
The Other Civil War
Artists in a Time of War
A Gigantic Mistake
Postwar America
Howard Zinn on Democratic Education
Peace signs
Postwar America, 1945-1971 (Radical 60s, 5)
A Young People's History of the United States
Three Plays
Superpower Principles
A People's History of the Vietnam War
The indispensable Zinn
The Historic Unfulfilled Promise
Terrorism and War
Arnold Mesches
Caso por Socialismo
Disobedience and democracy
New Deal thought
Academic freedom
Heroes and Martyrs
A People's History of the United States, Volume II
Stories Hollywood Never Tells
Our Voices
Eugene V. Debs Reader
Justice in Everyday Life
War and Civil Disobedience
Terrorismo de Estados Unidos contra Cuba
People's History of the Civil War
Band 1: Kolonialismus, Rassismus Und Die Macht Des Geldes (Eine Geschichte Des Amerikanischen Volkes)
People Speak
Three Plays : the Political Theater of Howard Zinn
A Young People's History of the United States
Une histoire populaire des États-Unis, de 1492 à nos jours
The Pentagon Papers: Critical Essays
Original Zinn
Marx in Soho - Modern American criticism of Marx  ISBN
Une Histoire populaire des Etats-Unis de 1492 a nos jours
Band 6: Reformen, Repressionen Und Der Erste Weltkrieg (Eine Geschichte Des Amerikanischen Volkes)
Amerika Birlesik Devletleri Halklari Tarihi
Failure to Quit
Karl Marx, le retour
Postwar America
Le XXe siècle américain
Power Governments Cannot Suppress
Howard Zinn on history
Disobedience and democracy
People's History of the United States
Green Parrots
Le Pouvoir des oubliés de l'histoire
Southern Mystique
Band 4: Der Andere Burgerkrieg (Eine Geschichte Des Amerikanischen Volkes)
Eine Geschichte des amerikanischen Volkes 02
The State of the Union
Amerika, der Terror und der Krieg
Eine Geschichte des amerikanischen Volkes 7
Deserter from Death
Hareket Halindeki Bir Trende Tarafsiz Olamazsiniz
The Zinn Reader: Writings on Disobedience and Democracy
Band 8: Von Vietnam Bis Watergate (Eine Geschichte Des Amerikanischen Volkes)
A People’s History of the United States
Politics of History
Öteki Amerika 1
Uncommon Sense
Twentieth Century
Justice in everyday life
La Guardia in Congress
La otra historia de los EEUU
Gakkō de wa oshiete kurenai hontō no Amerika no rekishi
Against Police Violence: Writers of Conscience Speak Out
Howard Zinn on history
Howard Zinn on history
Une histoire populaire de l'empire américian
The Southern mystique
The Double job in civil rights
Fiorello Laguardia in Congress
Disobedience and democracy
Albany, a study in national responsibility
Bernard Crick
Bernard Crick (1929-2008)

politician, political scientist

  • University College London
George Orwell
Orwell remembered
In defence of politics
In defence of politics
Crossing Borders
Essays on Citizenship
Basic forms of government
Bernard Crick at the Political Quarterly
Essays on politics and literature
Political thoughts and polemics
The reform of Parliament
The American science of politics: its origins and conditions
In defence of politics
In Defence of Politics (Continuum Impacts)
The Labour Party's aims & values
The American science of politics
Political thoughts and polemics
In Defense of Politics
Essays on citizenship
Freedom as politics
To make the parliament of Scotland a model for democracy
Political theory and practice
Protest and discontent
Essays on political education
Crime, rape, and gin
The reform of Parliament
Education for democratic citizenship
The American science of politics: its origins and conditions
What is politics?
National identities
To make the Parliament of Scotland, a model for democracy
In Defense of Politics
"Them and us"
In defense of politics
Parliament and the people
Essays on reform, 1967
Reform of the Commons
En Defensa De La Politica
Essays on politics and literature
Essays on political education
Crossing Borders
George Orwell a Life-V1
The Four Nations
The American science of politics
Taxation policy
Essays on reform, 1967
Political theory and practice
George Orwell a Life-V2
Political education and political literacy
Basic concepts for political education
Urban pioneering in Haifa
Freedom as politics
In defence of politics
In defence of politics
Freedom as politics
How Should We Live
The elementary types of government
Essays on Politics and Lite
List of American newspapers up to 1940, held by libraries in Great Britain and Ireland
Parliament and the people
Defending politics
A guide to manuscripts relating to America in Great Britain and Ireland
Reform of Parliament
Socialist values and time
In defence of politics
Regierungskunst in der heutigen Welt
China in transition
Essays on reform, 1967
The American science of politics
Isaiah Berlin
Isaiah Berlin (1909-1997)

philosopher, historian, diplomat, historian of ideas, sociologist, political scientist

  • University of Oxford, St Paul's School
Russian Thinkers
Karl Marx
Personal impressions
Trois essais sur la condition juive
Manhiguto shel Ṿaitsman
Chaim Weizmann
Reshamim ishiyim
Karl Marx, his life and environment
Four Essays on Liberty
The sense of reality
The hedgehog and the fox
Against the Current
The proper study of mankind
The magus of the north
Political Ideas in the Romantic Age
The roots of romanticism
The Crooked Timber of Humanity
Three critics of the Enlightenment
The First and the Last
Concepts and categories
The age of enlightenment
The Soviet Mind
Letters, 1928-1946
Washington despatches, 1941-1945
Vico and Herder
Freedom and Its Betrayal
Fathers and children
Isaiah Berlin, en toutes libertés
Essays on J. L. Austin
Historical inevitability
Unfinished dialogue
Two concepts of liberty
The Power of Ideas
Selected writings
Revolutionary Russia
Conversations with Isaiah Berlin
Tolstoy and History
Sobre la libertad
Jewish slavery and emancipation
The life and opinions of Moses Hess
Der Nationalismus
The age of enlightenment; the eighteenth century philosophers
John Stuart Mill and the ends of life
Mr. Churchill in 1940
Chaim Wiezmann
Chaim Weizmann
First Love and Other Stories
Chaim Weizmann as leader
Istorii︠a︡ svobody
Le Hérisson et le Renard
Contra la corriente
Romanticism and liberation [and] Romanticism and social change
Einstein and humanism
História universal dos judeus
Zionist politics in wartime Washington
Historical inevitability
Neged ha-zerem
Two concepts of liberty
John Stuart Mill and the ends of life, etc
Filosofii︠a︡ svobody
Oblicza liberalizmu
Four essays on liberty
ha-Ḳipod ṿeha-shuʻal
Chaim Wiezmann
Fathers and children
The divorce between the sciences and the humanities
Istorii︠a︡ svobody
Rolf Cantzen
Rolf Cantzen (born 1955)

journalist, political scientist, ecologist, anarchist, political activist

Biere, Tiere, Anarchie
Weniger Staat, mehr Gesellschaft
Kein Gott, kein Staat, kein Vaterland
Freiheit unter saurem Regen
Uri Bar-Joseph
Uri Bar-Joseph (born 1949)

political scientist

  • Stanford University
E. H. Carr
E. H. Carr (1892-1982)

historian, journalist, diplomat, political scientist, professor, politician

  • University of Cambridge
The romantic exiles
Michael Bakunin
Dostoevsky, 1821-1881
Karl Marx
The Twenty Years' Crisis, 1919-1939
Foundations of a Planned Economy, 1926-1929. Volume 3
Studies in revolution
The Bolshevik Revolution, 1917-1923
The new society
The Comintern and the Spanish Civil War
German-Soviet relations between the two World Wars, 1919-1939
Socialism in One Country, 1924-1926. Volume 2
From Napoleon to Stalin and other essays
The Russian Revolution
What is history?
The twilight of comintern, 1930-1935
The interregnum, 1923-1924
International Relations Between the Two World Wars, 1919-39
The Bolshevik Revolution, 1917-1923. Volume 1
Socialism in One Country, 1924-1936. Volume 1
The October Revolution: before and after
Conditions of peace
The Bolshevik Revolution, 1917-1923. Volume 3
The Soviet impact on the western world
The Bolshevik Revolution, 1917-1923. Volume 2
German-Soviet Relations Between the Two World Wars (Albert Shaw Lectures on Diplomatic History)
Nationalism and after
Foundations of a Planned Economy, 1926-1929. Volume 2
The october revolution
Foundations of a Planned Economy, 1926-1929. Volume 1
Socialism in One Country 1924-1926. Volume 3
Essays in honour of E.H. Carr
Propaganda in international politics
1917: before and after
Democracy in international affairs
Grundlagen eins dauernden Friedens
The moral foundations for world order
The future of nations
Guerra y revolución
Public opinion as a safeguard of peace
International relations since the peace treatiies
The Russian revolution and the peasant
La révolution bolchevique, 1917-1923
The future of international government
History of Russia
Nations ou fédéralisme
Shevah Weiss
Shevah Weiss (1935-2023)

diplomat, politician, pedagogue, political scientist

  • Hebrew University of Jerusalem