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poets who wrote biography
Showing 369-376 out of 1628 results
Donald McCaig
Donald McCaig (1940-2018)


  • Montana State University
Eminent dogs, dangerous men
An American homeplace
Rhett Butler's people
Nop's trials
Jacob's ladder
Nop's Hope
The man who made the devil glad
The bamboo cannon
The Butte polka
Simon Armitage
Simon Armitage (born 1963)


  • University of Portsmouth, Victoria University of Manchester
Simon Armitage, Sean O'Brien, Tony Harrison
Tyrannosaurus Rex versus the Corduroy Kid
All points north
King Arthur in the East Riding
The Shout
The Death of King Arthur
The Dead Sea Poems
The Universal Home Doctor
The odyssey
Little green man
Book of matches
Homer's Odyssey
The white stuff
Little Green Man
The Wild Blue Yonder
Killing time
Moon country
Travelling Songs
All Points North Yorkshire
Mister Heracles
The Forward Book of Poetry
Penguin Book of Poetry
Kid (Faber Pocket Poetry)
Seeing stars
Around Robinson
Human geography
Short and Sweet (Faber Poetry)
Selected Poems
Walking home
The walking horses
The shout
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Barbara Hepworth
The poetry of birds
Short and sweet
Seeing stars
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
The anaesthetist
The Penguin book of poetry from Britain and Ireland since 1945
Short and sweet
Walking away
The white stuff
Raymond Federman
Raymond Federman (1928-2009)

poet, translator, literary critic

  • Columbia University, Columbia University School of General Studies
Samuel Beckett: his works and his critics
Mon corps en neuf parties
Journey to chaos
The voice in the closet
The twofold vibration
Return to Manure
Take It or Leave It
Take it or leave it
To whom it may concern
Smiles on Washington Square
Double or nothing
Aunt Rachel's fur
Amer Eldorado, 2/001
Here and Elsewhere
The precipice and other catastrophes =
Samuel Beckett, the critical heritage
La fourrure de ma tante Rachel
Der Pelz meiner Tante Rachel. Ein improvisierter Roman..
Samuel Beckett
À la queue leu leu
The rigmarole of contrariety
La Flèche du temps
Journey into chaos
Take it or leave it
Cinq nouvelles nouvelles
A qui de droit
More Loose Shoes and Smelly Socks
The Supreme Indecision of the Writer
Federman hors limites
Twofold Vibration
Eine Version meines Lebens
Double or Nothing
Le livre de Sam, ou, Des pierres à sucer plein les poches
Double or Nothing Novel
Journey to chaos
Les carcasses
Me too
La fourrure de ma tante Rachel
Mon corps en neuf parties
Twilight of the Bums
Surfiction,fiction now...and tomorrow
Coups de pompes
My Body in Nine Parts
Samuel Beckett, his works and his critics
The Sam book
Martin Mosebach
Martin Mosebach (born 1951)

playwright, essayist, poet lawyer, librettist

  • University of Bonn
The 21
Die schöne Gewohnheit zu leben
The colonies of bees undermining the moles' subversive effort through time
Heresy of Formlessness
Der Mond und das Mädchen
Die Türkin
Du sollst dir ein Bild machen:  uber alte und neue Meister
Sch one Literatur: Essays
Was davor geschah
Die T urkin
Eine lange Nacht
Das Bett
Die Andere Bibliothek, vol. 202: Der Nebelf urst
Das Blutbuchenfest
Der Mond und das Mädchen
Häresie der Formlosigkeit
Die Kunst des Bogenschiessens und der Roman
Das Grab der Pulcinellen
Rotkäppchen und der Wolf
Das Kissenbuch
Ein Haus für Gedichte
Du sollst dir ein Bild machen
Das Grundgesetz
Der Nebelfürst
Das Grab der Pulcinellen. Erzählungen, Pasticci, Phantasien
Rotkäppchen und der Wolf : ein Drama
Eine lange Nacht
Der Mond und das Mädchen : Roman
Stadt der wilden Hunde
Das Beben
Stilleben mit wildem Tier
Rotkäppchen und der Wolf
Die schöne Gewohnheit zu leben
Häresie der Formlosigkeit
Das Grab der Pulcinellen
Die schöne Gewohnheit zu leben. Eine italienische Reise
Der Nebelfürst
Ultima ratio regis
Das Beben: Roman
Der Nebelfürst. Die Andere Bibliothek
Das Rot des Apfels
Schöne Literatur
K20 Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen
Hommage an einen Lehrer
Mein Frankfurt
Stilleben mit wildem Tier
John Lydgate
John Lydgate (1370-1450)

poet, translator

The life of St Edmund, King and martyr
Siege of Thebes
Troy book
Lydgate's disguising at Hertford Castle
The serpent of division
The assembly of gods
Problemys of olde siknesse and figures
Lydgate's Fall of Princes
Saint Albon and Saint Amphibalus
The auncient historie and onely trewe and syncere cronicle of the warres betwixte the Grecians and the Troyans
The temple of glas
Lydgate's Temple of glas
A critical edition of John Lydgate's Life of Our Lady
The temple of glass
Lydgate's Reson and sensuallyte
Stans puer ad mensam
Minor Poems
Here begynneth the chorle [and] the byrde
The serpent of diuision
Lydgate's Fall of Princes, Part IV (Bibliographical Introduction, Notes and Glossary)
The life and death of Hector
S. Albon und Amphabel
The Assembly Of Gods Or The Accord Of Reason And Sensuality In The Fear Of Death
Lydgate's Horse, goose and sheep
The Lay Folks Mass Book; Or, The Manner of Hearing Mass
A lytell treatyse of the horse, the sheep, and the ghoos
The life of Saint Alban and Saint Amphibal
Lydgate and Burgh's Secrees of old philosoffres
[ Portion of the British Museum manuscript (Harleian 7578)
The cronycle of all the kynges: that haue reygned in Englande: sythe the Conquest of Wyllyam Conqueroure
The Gouveernaunce of Kings and Princes
Reson and sensuallyte
The serpent of deuision
The minor poems of John Lydgate : part II
Lydgate's Fabula duorum mercatorum
A dyetary
[The virtue of the masse]
John Lydgate's Lives of Ss Edmund & Fremund and the Extra miracles of St Edmund
This lytell treatyse compendiously declareth the damage and destruction in realmes
The Childe of Bristow
Lydgate's Troy book, A.D. 1412-20
The child of Bristowe
Lydgate's Complaint of the black knight
Here begynneth the testame[n]t of Iohn Lydgate monke of Berry
The vertue of [the] masse
Prologus Here begynneth the prologue of the storye of Thebes
The childe of Bristow
The p[ro]uerbes of Lydgate
The Historical Collections Of A Citizen Of London In The Fifteenth Century
The book of the lyf of Our Lady
This boke is compyled by Dan Iohn Lydgate monke of Burye, at the excitacion [and] styrynge of the noble and victorious prynce, Kynge Henry the fyfthe, i[n] the honoure glorie [and] reuerence of the byrthe of our moste blessed Lady, mayde, wyfe, [and] mother of our lorde Iesu Christe, chapitred as foloweth by this table
The law of the land
The court of Sapience
The assemble of goddes
The hystorye, sege and dystruccyon of Troye
Here begynnethe the glorious lyfe and passion of seint Albon prothomartyr of Englande, and also the lyfe and passion of saint Amphabel
This boke called the Te[m]ple of glasse, is in many places amended, and late diligently imprynted
The auncient historie and onely trewe and syncere cronicle of the warres betwixte the Grecians and the Troyans
The churl and the bird
Chichevache and Bycome
Lydgate's Troy book
Lydgate and Burgh's Secrees of old philisoffres
The temple of glass
Secreta Secretorum
Lydgate's Siege of Thebes, Pt. 2
Lydgate and Burgh's Secrees of old philisoffres
The Pilgrimage of the Life of Man: Englisht by John Lydgate, A. D. 1426 from ..
Lydgate'Temple of Glas
Here foloweth the churle and the byrde
The Chorle and the Birde. The Hors the Shepe [&] the Ghoos
Lydgate's Siege of Thebes
Isopes Fabules
Lydgates Troy Book IV #126
A selection from the minor poems of Dan John Lydgate
A tale of a prioress and her three wooers
Lydgate and Burgh's Secrees of old philisoffres
Here begynns the mayng or disport of chaucer
The churle and the byrde
The cõplaynte of a louers lyfe
Here begynneth the temple of glas
The Dance of death
The auncient historie and onely trewe and syncere cronicle of the warres betwixte the Grecians and the Troyans
Lydgates Troy Book Parts Ii-III
Lydgate's Troy book. A. D. 1412-20
The temple of glas
Mummings and entertainments
Lydgate's Testament
The courte of sapyence
John Lydgate Fabula duorum mercatorum and Guy of Warwyk
The hors. the shepe [and] the ghoos
The Dance of death
The Court of Sapience
Robert Bridges
Robert Bridges (1844-1930)


  • University of Oxford, Eton College
The correspondence of Robert Bridges and W. B. Yeats
Three friends
XXI letters
The spirit of man
Robert Bridges
The testament of beauty
Eros & Psyche
Poetical works of Robert Bridges
The selected letters of Robert Bridges
The neccessity of poetry
The influence of the audience on Shakespeare's drama
The testament of beauty
Milton's prosody
A tract on the present state of English pronunciation
Poetical works of Robert Bridges
A tract on the present state of English pronunciation
Achilles in Scyros
The necessity of poetry
Ibant obscvri
Christmas, 1897
The growth of love
About hymns
The humours of the court
Ode for the bicentenary commemoration of Henry Purcell, with other poems and a preface on the musical setting of poetry
A practical discourse on some principles of hymn-singing
English handwriting
October and other poems, with occasional verses on the war
Collected essays,papers, etc
The influence of the audience
The Chilswell book of English poetry
Robert Bridges
The testament of beauty
October and other poems
XXI letters
Purcell ode, and other poems
Collected essays, papers &c
The return of Ulysses
Now in wintry delights
Ibant obscuri
The humours of the court
An address to the Swindon Branch of the Workers' Educational Assn
The feast of Bacchvs
Poetical works of Robert Bridges, with "The Testament of beauty" but excluding the eight dramas
Collected essays papers &c. (1927-1936)
XXI letters, a correspondence between Robert Bridges and R. C. Trevelyan on new verse and the testament of beauty
Milton's prosody by Robert Bridges, & Classical metres in English verse by William Johnson Stone
Britannia victrix
On receiving Trivia from the author
Carmen elegiacum Roberti Bridges de Noscomio Sti Bartolomæi londinensi in quo narratur historia fundationis nosocomii
Poetical works
Collected essays
Milton's prosody
John Keats
The influence of the audience on Shakespeare's drama
Poetry & prose
The tapestry
Poetical works with The testament of beauty, but excluding the eight dramas
The shorter poems of Robert Bridges
Collected essays, papers, &c., of Robert Bridges ..
Ibant obscuri
Verses written for Mrs. Daniel
Correspondence of Robert Bridges and Henry Bradley 1900-1923
The B.B.C's recommendations for pronouncing doubtful words
On reveiving Trivia from the author
Collected essays, papers &c., of Robert Bridges
New verse written in 1921 and a few earlier pieces
Poetical works of Robert Bridges
Collected essays, papers, etc. no.5, George Darley
Correspondence of Robert Bridges and Henry Bradley, 1900-1923
Collected essays, papers
An address to the Swindon Branch of the Workers' Educational Assn., given on October 28, 1916
The necessity of poetry
Milton's prosody
Britannia victrix
The spirit of man
Shorter poems of Robert Bridges
Eight plays
On English homophones
Robert Bridges
Poetical works of Robert Bridges, excluding the eight dramas
Poetical works of Robert Bridges with the Testament of beauty, but excluding the eight dramas
The influence of the audience on Shakespeare's drama
The spirit of man
A choice of Bridges's verse
Poetical works of Robert Bridges ; with The testament of beauty, but excluding the eight dramas
October and other poems, with occasional verses on the war
Lord Kitchener
The poems of Mary Coleridge
Poetry & prose
A choice of Robert Bridges's verse
John Keats, a critical essay
Overheard in Arcady
Peace ode written on the conclusion of the three years' war
Carmen elegiacum Roberti Bridges
Peace Ode written on the conclusion of the Three Years' War
The Christian captives
New verse written in 1921
The influence of the audience
Shorter poems
The society's work
The testament of beauty
Milton's prosody with a chapter on accentual verse & notes
Verses written for Mrs. Daniel
Poetical works
Ode on the tercentenary commemoration of Shakespeare
The message of one of England's greatest poets to a prnter and printers, especially those who possess love of craft
The feast of Bacchus
Britannia victrix
Nero, an historical tragedy on the first part of the reign of the Emperor Nero
Robert Bridges and contemporary poets
Suppresses chapters and other bookishness
Poems written in the year MCMXIII
On English homophones
The tapestry
Poetical works
Now in wintry delights
Henry Bradley
The message of one of England's greatest poets to a printer and printers, especially those who possess love of craft
Prometheus the firegiver
London snow
Practical discourse on some principles of hymn-singing
Poetical works of Robert Bridges ; with The testament of beauty, but excluding the eight dramas
Hymns from the Yattendon hymnal
Collected essays papers &c
Two triolets
Robert Duncan
Robert Duncan (1919-1988)

poet, painter, playwright, essayist, literary critic

  • University of California, Berkeley, Black Mountain College
The letters of Robert Duncan and Denise Levertov
The truth & life of myth
Bending the bow
A selected prose
Ground work
Roots and branches
The opening of the field
The unruly garden
Faust Foutu
The first decade
The collected early poems and plays
The years as catches
Caesar's gate
Fictive certainties
Ground work II
Tribunals: passages 31-35
A poet's mind
Towards an open universe
Caesar's gate
The years as catches
Play time, pseudo Stein
Robert Duncan
Ground Work 2
Medea at Kolchis
A seventeenth century suite in homage to the metaphysical genius in English poetry (1590-1690)
O-B-A-F-G- etc!
The structure of rime
The H.D. book
As testimony
Writing, writing
The opening of the field
Medieval scenes
A Paris visit
Medea at Kolchis [or] The maiden head
Poems from the margins of Thom Gunn's Moly
Play time
Poetic disturbances
In memoriam Wallace Stevens
Fragments of a disordered devotion
Fragments of a disorded mind
Achilles' song
A little endarkenment and in my poetry you find me
Passages 22-27 of the war
Robert Duncan
Of the war
Stein imitations
The cat and the blackbird
The sweetness and greatness of Dante's Divine comedy, 1265-1965
Up rising
An ode and arcadia
Notebook poems, 1953
Bending the bow
Medea at Kolchis
Poems, 1948-49
The Regulators
The five songs
The sentinels
Fragments of a disordered [sic] devotion
Names of people
Featuring Robert Duncan
The Venice poem
A book of resemblances
Of the war : passages 22-27
A selection of 65 drawings from one drawing-book, 1952-1956
Medieval scenes, 1950 and 1959
Robert Duncan: an interview
The cat and the blackbird
Of the war
Veil, turbine, cord, & bird
The opeining of the field
Maurizio Cucchi
Maurizio Cucchi (born 1945)

literary critic, journalist, poet

  • Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Dizionario della poesia italiana
Dizionario della poesia italiana
Quartieri di poesia
Per un secondo o un secolo
Come una nave
Il male è nelle cose
Per un secondo o un secolo
La traversata di Milano
Donna del gioco
L' ultimo viaggio di Glenn
Jeann d'Arc e il suo doppio
Nuovissima poesia italiana
Poeti italiani del secondo Novecento
Il disperso
Poesia della fonte
Vite pulviscolari
Le meraviglie dell'acqua
Cronache di poesia del Novecento
Il figurante (1971-1985)