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poets who wrote biography
Showing 257-264 out of 1628 results
Daniel Tammet
Daniel Tammet (born 1979)

Esperantist, computer scientist, poet

  • The Open University
Embracing the Wide Sky
Born on a Blue Day
Thinking in Numbers
Je suis né un jour bleu
Every Word Is a Bird We Teach to Sing
Embrasser Le Ciel Immense
Mishenka (French Edition)
La conquista del cerebro
La poesía de los números
Urodziłem się pewnego błękitnego dnia
Islands of Genius
Fragments de paradis (French Edition)
How to Be 'Normal'
Nine Minds
Born on a Blue Day (Digital Download)
Je Suis Ne un Jour Bleu
Reuel Denney
Reuel Denney (1913-1995)

poet, sociologist

  • Dartmouth College, University at Buffalo
Feast of strangers
The Lonely Crowd
The astonished muse
The astonished muse
Conrad Aiken
The Connecticut River, and other poems
In praise of Adam
Conrad Aiken
Halina Birenbaum
Halina Birenbaum (born 1929)

translator, poet

Nadzieja umiera ostatnia
Powrót do ziemi praojców
Każdy odzyskany dzień
Wołanie o pamięć
Nigun penimi
Jetzt wohin?
Nawet gdy się śmieję
L'espoir ne meurt jamais
Naděje umírá poslední
L'espoir est le dernier à mourir
ha-Ḥayim ke-tiḳṿah
Shirim li-fene umi-tokh ha-mabul
Nie o kwiatach
Życie każdemu drogie
Moje życie zaczęło się od końca
Wciąż pytają...
Hope is the last to die
Bende Bendsen
Bende Bendsen (1787-1875)


Bende Bendsen (1787-1875), Grammatiker und Magnetiseur
Die nordfriesische Sprache nach der Moringer Mundart, zur Vergleichung mit den verwandten Sprachen und Mundarten
Die nordfriesische sprache nach der Moringer mundart
Friesische und deutsche Gedichte
Richard Burton
Richard Burton (1861-1940)

poet, editor

Bernard Shaw
John Greenleaf Whittier
Strong Song Tows Us?
Strong Song Tows Us
Men of progress
Charles Dickens
The New American drama
Forces in fiction, and other essays
Memorial day
How to see a play
Forces in Fiction & Other Essays
How to See a Play
Masters of the English novel
Literary likings
Forces in fiction
Masters Of The English Novel
Three of a kind
Literary leaders of America
Masters of the English Novel
Little essays in literature and life
Little Essays in Literature and Life
Little Essays In Literature And Life
How to See a Play
Literary Likings
Dumb In June
Lyrics Of Brotherhood
Masters of the English Novel
Literary Leaders of America
Sir John Van Olden Barnavelt
Little Essays In Literature And Life
A Midsummer Memory
Forces In Fiction And Other Essays
Message And Melody
A midsummer memory
Poems of earth's meaning
Memorial Day And Other Poems
The New American Drama
Dumb in June
From the book of life
Lyrics of brotherhood
Message and melody
A Strong Song Tows Us
The New American drama
Elizabeth Adams
Why do you talk like that? Not to mention: why do you write that way?
Charles Dickens
Lyrics Of Brotherhood
The carpenter lad & other poems
The modern novel
Memorial Day and Other Poems
Little Essays in Literature and Life
Literary Likings
Midsummer Memory
Higher than hills
How to see a play
Masters of the English Novel
The collected poems of Richard Burton
Forces in fiction
How to See A Play
Why do you talk like that?
Literary leaders of America
A Richard Burton Anthology of Classic Poetry (43 Poems)
Little essays in literature and life
Charles Dickens
Literary leaders of America
Higher than hills
The carpenter lad
Masters of the English novel
The new American drama
Sidonius Apollinaris
Sidonius Apollinaris (0430-0488)

politician, Catholic priest, poet

The letters of Sidonius
OEuvres, tr., avec le texte en regard et des notes par J.F. Grégoire et F.-Z. Collombet
Poems and letters; with an English translation by W.B. Anderson
Caii Sollii Apollinaris Sidonii Arverorum Episcopi Opera
Sidoine Apollinaire
Oeuvres de C. Sollus Apollinius Sidonius
Apollinaris Sidonius, Carm. 22
Oeuvres de Sidoine Apollinaire
Gli Apollinari
Poems and letters
Caii Sollii Apollinaris Sidonii ... Opera
C. Sollius Apollinaris Sidonius
Le nozze di Polemio e Araneola
Poems and letters
Sidonio Apollinare
Oeuvres de Sidoine Apollinaire
Sidonius poems and letters
C. Soll. Apollinaris Sidonii opera.Œuvres, texte Lat.,accompagnées de notes des divers ...
[Expositiones sive Declarationes titulorum utriusque iuris]
Sidonii Apollinaris Poema aureum et epistolæ
Caij Sollij Apollinaris Sidonij Aruernorum Episcopi Opera
Carme 24
Sidoine Appollinaire
De tijd van Rome's laatste keizers: veertien brieven van Apollinaris Sidonius uit de jaren 455-475
Luigi Santucci
Luigi Santucci (1918-1999)


  • Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Meeting Jesus
Wrestling with Christ
Autoritratto disegnato con le pagine più significative delle mie opere
Volete andarvene anche voi?  Una vita di Cristo
Meeting Jesus
Orfeo in paradise
Tra pirati e delfini
Poesia e preghiera nella Bibbia
Miniature altomedievali lombarde
Nell'orto dell'esistenza
Miniature altomedievali lombardi
In Australia con mio nonno
Non sparate sui narcisi
Il cuore dell'inverno
La lode degli animali
I nidi delle cicogne e altri scritti inediti
L' imperfetta letizia
Il mandragolo
Orfeo in paradiso
Manoscritto da Itaca
L' arca di Noè
Folgore da San Gimignano
Non sparata sui narcisi
Brianza e altri amori
Fuga dall'Egitto
Come se
L' angelo di Caino
Il bambino della strega
Volete andarvene anche voi?
Il ballo della sposa
Lo zio prete
Orfeo in paradiso; [romanzo
Cantico delle cose di Papa Giovanni
Se io mi scorderò
L' almanacco di Adamo
Il velocifero
Meeting Jesus; a new way to Christ
Francesco, otto secoli di una grande avventura cristiana
Orfeo in paradise
Fuga dall'Egitto
Come se
La donna con la bocca aperta
Legendy chrześcijańskie
Maryla Wolska
Maryla Wolska (1873-1930)

