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poets who wrote biography
Showing 233-240 out of 1628 results
Frederik van Eeden
Frederik van Eeden (1860-1932)

psychiatrist, physician, playwright, psychologist, poet

  • University of Strasbourg
Dagboek 1878-1923
Pauls ontwaken
Happy humanity
De briefwisseling tussen Frederik van Eeden en Lodewijk van Deyssel
De kleine Johannes ..
Het lied van schijn en wezen
De kleine Johannes
De kleine Johannes
De kleine Johannes
The deeps of deliverance
Van de koele meren des doods
Het poortje: of, De duivel in Kruimelburg. Blijspel in vijf bedrijven en een voorspel
The Bride of Dreams
Johannes Viator
Johannes Viator: het boek van de liefde
The quest
Enkele verzen
Paul's Awakening
Van de passielooze leelie
Little Johannes
The Bride Of Dreams
The deeps of deliverance
The Bride of Dreams
Bride of Dreams, the
De broeders
De blijde wereld
Dialoog tusschen L. van Deyssel, A. Roodhuyzen en een fatsoenlÿk mensch over Zola en diens richting
Bij 't licht van de oorlogsvlam
Le petit Johannes
Walden in droom en daad
De Kleine Johannes
Little Johannes
Practical Communism, Work and Bread: An Address Delivered Before the Civic Forum ..
Logische Grundlage der Verständigung =
Frederik van Eeden
De broeders
Sirius en Siderius
Der kleine Johannes
De broederveete
Bibliothek van wijlen dr. Frederik van Eeden en enkele andere kleinere bijvoegingen waaronder de bibl. entomologie dr. M. Nassauer, Frankfurt a. M
De Kleine Johannes
Van de passielooze leelie
The quest
Liber amicorum
Dante en Beatrice en andere verzen
Sirius en Siderius
Het lied van schijn en wezen
Gesichte des Todes
't Paleis van Circe, tooneelspel in drie taftreelen
Van de koele meren des doods
Van de passiclooze lelie
Het roode lampje
Die freudige welt
América Latina
Frederik van Eeden, (1860-1932)
Paul's ontwaken
Redekunstige grondslag van verstandhouding
De nachtbruid
De blijde wereld
Xiao Yuehan
La malgranda Johano
De broeders
De nachtbruid
Andrew Krivak
Andrew Krivak (born 1963)


A Long Retreat
The sojourn
The signal flame
Mary Durack
Mary Durack (1913-1994)

historian, poet

To be heirs forever
Sons in the saddle
Kings in grass castles
To ride a fine horse
Yagan of the Bibbulmun
Sons in the Saddle
Kings in Grass Castles
The aborigines in Australian literature
A pastoral emigrant
Keep him my country
The rock and the sand
Child artists of the Australian bush
Kings in grass castles
Swan river saga
An Australian settler
The way of the whirlwind
Kookanoo and the kangaroo
The courteous savage
Kookanoo [and] kangaroo
Red Jack
Red Jack (Language Works, Level 3)
Gerallt Lloyd Owen
Gerallt Lloyd Owen (1944-2014)


Fy Nghawl Fy Hun
Cilmeri a cherddi eraill
Talwrn Y Beirdd 9
Pwyll pendefig Dyfed
Branwen Ferch Llyr
Y gwr o Golorado
Ugain oed a'i ganiadau
Pigion Talwrn y Beirdd
Cerwyn corrach
Pigion Y Talwrn 10
Cerddi'r cywilydd
Giovanni Botero
Giovanni Botero (1543-1617)

Catholic priest, philosopher, historian, economist, diplomat, poet, geographer

I capitani
Detti memorabili di personaggi illvstri
Prencipi Christiani
Della ragion di Stato
Relationi universali
Relationi vniversali di Giovanni Botero Benese
The reason of state
Detti memorabili di personaggi illvstri
Della ragione di stato, libri dieci
The reason of state
Le relationi universali di Giovanni Botero Benese, divise in quattro parti ..
I capitani
Della ragion di stato, libri dieci
Relations of the most famovs kingdoms and common-weales thorovgh the world
The travellers breviat
The magnificencie and greatness of cities
Practical politics
The trauellers breuiat, or, An historicall description of the most famous kingdomes in the world
Johannis Boteri Libri tres de origine urbium, earum excellentia, et augendi ratione.  Quibus accesserunt Hippolyti à Collibus Incrementa urbium, sive, De causis magnitudinis urbium liber unus
A treatise concerning the causes of the magnificencie and greatnes of cities
Della ragione di stato, libri dieci
Relations of the most famous kingdoms and common-weales thorough the world
The cause of the greatnesse of cities
Obseruations vpon the liues of Alexander, Caesar, Scipio. Newly Englished
Aggiunte di Gio. Botero Benese, alla sua Ragion di Stato
Relatione della repvblica venetiana
Le relationi vniversali di Giovanni Botero Benese
The vvorlde, or an historicall description of the most famous kingdomes and common-weales therein
The travellers breviat, London, 1601
Des causes de la grandeur des villes
An historicall description of the most famous kingdomes and common-weales in the worlde
Raison et govvernement d'estat, en dix livres
I prencipi
La razón de estado y otros escritos
Aggivnte di Gio. Botero Benese
Theatrum principum orbis universi
Della ragion di stato, libri dieci
The reason of state
Libri tres de origine urbium earum excellentia et augendi ratione
Iohannis Boteri Relationes de praecipuis rebuspublicis cum notis et indice authorum politicorum
Delle cause della grandezza delle città [microform]
The worlde, or an historicall description of the most famous kingdomes and common-weals, therein
Allgemeine historische Weltbeschreibung, Ioannis Boteri, dess Benesers
Della ragione di stato, libri dieci. Di nouvo, in questa quinta edizione dall'istesso autore in alcuni luoghi mutati, & accrescinti di diversi discorsi, & altre cose memorabili, et nel fine tre libri della grandezza delle città, del medesimo autore
Le relationi vniversali
The captains ( I capitani)
Macht, Reichthum[b], vn[d] Einkommen aller Keyser, Könige, vnd fürnembsten Fursten der gantzen Welt ...
The cavse of the greatnesse of cities
Joannis Boteri Benesii amphitheatridion
Ioannis Boteri Benensis De regia sapientia libri tres
Allgemeine Weltbeschreibung
Politia regia
Della region di stato libri dieci
Allgemeine historische Weltbeschreibung, Ioannis Boteri, dess Benesers
Ioannis Boteri viri clarissimi tractatus duo
Relations, of the most famous kingdoms and common-weales thorough the world
Aggiunte fatte da Giovanni Botero alla sua Ragion di stato ... et una relatione del mare, et con due tauole, una delle materie
Della ragion di Stato
Gerrit Paape
Gerrit Paape (1752-1803)

poet, columnist, journalist, politician, judge, ceramic painter, pottery painter

Mijne vrolijke wijsgeerte in mijne ballingschap
De Bataafsche Republiek
Het leven en sterven van een hedendaags aristocraat
Vrolijke caracterschetsen
Roberto Vecchioni
Roberto Vecchioni (born 1943)

poet, composer, recording artist, lecturer

  • Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
La vita che si ama
Diario di un gatto con gli stivali
Viaggi del tempo immobile
Le parole non le portano le cicogne
Il libraio di Selinunte
Canzoni e spartiti
Scacco a Dio
Le canzoni
Di sogni e d'amore
Il chilotorace
Il mercante di luce
Lezioni di volo e di atterraggio
Fania Bergstein
Fania Bergstein (1908-1950)


Fanyah Bergshṭin
Tekhelet ṿe-ʾadom
Ḥaruzim adumim
Ṿa-yehi ʻerev
Nisaʻ el ha-śadeh
ha-Oṭo shelanu gadol ṿe-yaroḳ
Shir ḥadash ha-yom yiheyeh li
Barṿaze ha-zahav shel Dani
רצתי, רצתי, ונפלתי
ʻAvim ḥolfot
Ben aḥu ṿe-yaʻar
Ṿa-yehi ʻerev ḥadash
Bo elai, parpar neḥmad
Shir yadaʻti