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poets who wrote biography
Showing 113-120 out of 1628 results
Machado de Assis
Machado de Assis (1839-1908)

linguist, poet, journalist, translator, playwright, literary critic, typographer

Memórias póstumas de Brás Cubas
Memórias póstumas de Machado de Assis
Memórias póstumas de Machado de Assis
Rua Cosme Velho, 18
O Pensamento vivo de Machado de Assis
Great Short Stories of the World
Prentice Hall Literature--Silver
O alienista
Quincas Borba
The psychiatrist, and other stories
The Devil's Church and other stories
Dom Casmurro
A chapter of hats
The hand & the glove
Philosopher or Dog?
Memorial de Aires (Classicos Da Literatura Brasileira)
Varias historias (Portuguese edition)
Cuentos brasileños
A semana
Esau e Jacó
Tu só, to, puro amor ..
Conheça o escritor brasileiro Machado de Assis
Hand and the Glove (Studies in Romance Languages)
Las academias de Siam y otros cuentos
The Devil's Church and Other Stories (Texas Pan American Series)
The Alienist
                Art of the Novella
Casa velha
Psychiatrist and Other Stories
You, love, and love alone
The collected stories of Machado de Assis
Bons dias!
Philosopher Or Dog
O que pensou e disse Machado de Assis
Epitaph of a Small Winner
Machado de Assis afro-descendente
Iaiá Garcia (Classicos Da Literatura Brasileira)
The Hand and the Glove (Studies In Romance Languages)
The wager
O máximo e as máximas de Machado de Assis
La montre en or et autres contes
Esaú e Jacó
8 Cuentos de
The Alienist
Epitaph of a Small Winner
Pensamentos e reflexões de Machado de Assis
The heritage of Quinca̧s Borba
Le philosophe ou le chien
Crônicas, crítica, poesia, teatro
Historias sem data
The Wager
O velho Senado
Epitaph of a small winner
La Cartomancienne
Ressurreição (Classicos Da Literatura Brasileira)
Critica litteraria
Poemas de amor de Machado de Assis
Teatro de Machado de Assis, Qorpo-Santo e Coelho Neto
Comentários da semana
A economia em Machado de Assis
Library of Latin America
Advogacia pitoresca
The Psychiatrist, and Other Stories
Balas de estalo de Machado de Assis
Missa do galo
Papéis avulsos
Critica theatral
O espelho
Linha reta e linha curva
Ce que les hommes appellent amour
Novas Relíquias (Ilustrado)
Caixa - Machado de Assis - 3 Vols.
Reliquias de Casa velha
Contos Fluminenses
PapéIs Avulsos (Ilustrado)
Novas Relíquias
Empréstimo de ouro
Mezarimdan Yaziyorum
Um Homem Célebre (Ilustrado)
Correspondência de Machado de Assis
Um Homem Célebre
Ao Acaso
Outras reliquias
Um homem célebre
Bons Dias (Ilustrado)
Mao e a Luva
Papeis Avulsos
Conto de Escola (Ilustrado)
Histórias Da Meia-Noite
A Mão E A Luva - Coleção L&PM Pocket
Crônicas e Contos de Machado de Assis
Páginas Recolhidas (Ilustrado)
PapéIs Avulsos
Polêmicas e Reflexões (Ilustrado)
Cinco Mulheres (Ilustrado)
Semana - Machado de Assis
Machado de Assis
Várias Histórias
Machado de Assis
Helena : (Com Notas)(Biografia)
Papéis avulsos
O Almada (Ilustrado)
Mariana (Ilustrado)
Trois contes
Uma Por Outra (Ilustrado)
Notas Semanais (Ilustrado)
Páginas Recolhidas
Filozof Kopek
Mão e a Luva
Contos Fluminenses
Quincas Borba
Machado de Assis
Diálogos e reflexões de um relogoeiro
Herança, Valério, Cinco Mulheres (Ilustrado)
Devil's Church
Crisálidas (Ilustrado)
Sonetos Machadianos : (dois Sonetos Literariamente Analisados)
Epitaph of a Small Winner
História de Quinze Dias (Ilustrado)
Cronicas Escolhidas
Box - Todos os Contos de Machado de Assis
Papeis Avulsos
Diálogos e reflexões de um relojoeíro
Alienist and Other Stories of Nineteenth-Century Brazil
Cartomante (Ilustrado)
7 Melhores Contos de Machado de Assis
Correspondência de Machado de Assis com Magalhães de Azeredo
Parasita Azul
Textos Críticos (Ilustrado)
The devil's church
The Bons Dias! Chronicles of Machado de Assis
Almas Agradecidas
Histórias Sem Data
Ressurreição : (Com Notas)(Biografia)
O ideal do crítico
Hombre Célebre y Otros Cuentos
Narraciones escogidas
A Mao e a Luva
Marcha Fúnebre (Ilustrado)
Poesias Cronicas E Contos Por Othon Bastos
"El alienista" y otros cuentos
Trio in A-Minor
A Mão e a Luva
Ideias Do Canário (Ilustrado)
50 Contos de Machado de Assis
Herança (Ilustrado)
Las academias de Siam
Contos Fluminenses (Ilustrado)
Mão e a Luva
Papeis Avulsos
A Cartomante (Col
Queda que as mulheres têm para os tolos
Papeis Avulsos (Em Portugues do Brasil)
PapéIs Avulsos
Histórias Sem Data (Ilustrado)
Contos Obra Completa
A mão e a luva
Hand and the Glove
A idéia do Ezequiel Maia
Ressurreição : (com Notas)(Biografia)
Quase ministro
O Diplomático, Relíquias Da Casa Velha (Ilustrado)
Igreja Do Diabo (Ilustrado)
Epitaph of a small winner
Poesia Obra Completa
Páginas Recolhidas : (Com Notas)(Biografia)
Confissões de Uma Viúva Moça
Dom Casmurro e Os Discos Voadores
Onze contos de Machado de Assis
Histórias da Meia-Noite
The alienist
Encher Tempo (Ilustrado)
Melhores Contos
Um Dia de Entrudo (Ilustrado)
Devil's Church and Other Stories
Páginas Recolhidas : (Com Notas)(Biografia)
Do teatro
Historias Sobre Ética
Americanas (Ilustrado)
Poesias completas
Ocidentais (Ilustrado)
Várias Histórias (Ilustrado)
Parasita Azul (Ilustrado)
Correspondência de Machado de Assis (Ilustrado)
Brazilian Tales
O Alienista (Ilustrado)
Epitaph of a small winner;
Almas Agradecidas (Ilustrado)
Balas de Estalo (Ilustrado)
The psychiatrist
Histórias de Meia-Noite
Esau e Jaco
Contos Fluminenses
O máximo e as máximas de Machado de Assis
Falenas (Ilustrado)
Carteira e Correspondência de Machado de Assis (Ilustrado)
Semana (Ilustrado)
Ressurreição (Ilustrado)
Frei Simão (Ilustrado)
Histoires Diverses
Mão e a Luva
Críticas Teatrais (Ilustrado)
Epitaph of a Small Winner
Mão e a Luva (Ilustrado)
Os Trabalhadores Do Mar
Páginas Recolhidas
Poesias Em Pergaminho
Helena (Ilustrado)
Machado de Assis & Joaquim Nabuco
Misa de Gallo y Otros Cuentos - Cyc -
Ao Acaso (Ilustrado)
Frei Simão
Historias Sem Data
Quase Ministro (Ilustrado)
Histórias Da Meia-Noite (Ilustrado)
Suje-Se, Gordo! (Ilustrado)
Crônicas de Lélio
Mão e a Luva
Miss Dollar
Contos Fluminenses
Contos fluminenses
Idéias e imagens de Machado de Assis
Tres Romances
História de Quinze Dias
Valério (Ilustrado)
Uma Por Outra
Histórias Sem Data
Papeis Avulsos
Felicidade Pelo Casamento (Ilustrado)
Contos - Coleção Bom Livro
Machado de Assis
Contos recolhidos
o anjo Rafael Contos fantásticos de Machado de Assis
Missa do galo
Os Romances de Machado de Assis
Trinta crônicas irreverentes
Reminiscências jurídicas na obra de Machado de Assis
Historias da meia noite
Machado para a juventude
Un hombre ce lebre y otros cuentos
Contos esparsos
O conto de Machado de Assis
A semana
Cartas de Machado de Assis e Euclydes da Cunha, coligidas por Renato Travassos
Papéis velhos e outras histórias
Memorial de aires ; O alienista
Seis contos escolhidos e comentados por José Mindlin
O alienista, e outras histórias
Critica litteraria
Poesias completas: Chrysalidas, Phalenas, Americanas, Occidentaes
Iaiá Garcia
Novas reliquias
Miss Dollar & another story
Obra completa em quatro volumes
Reliquias de casa velha
Obra completa
Conto de escola
Capitu mandou flores
Cuento de escuela (y 17 cuentos más)
Contos de Machado de Assis
Papeis avulsos
Histórias sem data
Dom Casmurro
Memorias póstumas de Blas Cubas
Aquarelas do Brasil
Posmrtné paměti Bráse Cubase
Poesia e prosa
Memórias póstumas de Brás Cubas
Crônicas selecionadas
Machado de Assis
Conceitos e pensamentos
O califa
La Alienisto
Obras ilustradas de Machado de Assis
Três contos fantásticos
Dispersos de Machado de Assis
Relatos de otro milenio
A cartomante
Teatro de Machado de Assis (Dramaturgos Do Brasil)
Dez paródias de Machado de Assis
Contos completos de Machado de Assis
Contos fluminenses
Uns brac̜os ; Conto de escola
Machado de Assis
Contos avulsos
A mão e a luva
Machado para jovens leitores
Paginas recolhidas
O alienista
Helena ; Iaiá Garcia
Esaú e Jacob
Várias histórias
A poesia completa
Histórias da meia noite
Teatro completo
Os melhores contos
Toda poesia de Machado de Assis
Yayá Garcia
Machado de Assis & confrades de versos
Obra completa
O máximo e as máximas de Machado de Assis
Contos sem data
O alienista e o espelho
História de quinze dias
Esaú e Jacó
Obras completas de Machado de Assis
A olhos vistos
A Mão e a Luva
Contos e crônicas
Páginas recolhidas
Machado de Assis et son oeuvre littéraire
História de quinze dias, História de trinta dias
Recontando Machado
Os melhores contos de Machado de Assis
O mínimo e o escondido
Paginas recolhidas
Contos fluminenses
Contos de Machado de Assis
Historias romanticas
Esaú e Jaco
Machado de Assis, ontem, hoje e sempre
Casa velha
Machado de Assis
A sereníssima república e outros contos
Machado de Assis, romancista
The psychiatrist, and other stories
O jornal e o livro
Brazilian Tales
Contos consagrados
A mão e a luva
Contos esquecidos
Memórias póstumas de Brás Cubas
Três romances
Poesias completas
Contos Escolhidos
Capitu e outras Evas
Iaiá Garcia
Obra completa
Amos Oz
Amos Oz (1939-2018)

linguist, journalist, translator, essayist, pedagogue, poet

  • Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Gymnasia Rehavia
סיפור על אהבה וחושך
Panter ba-martef
Sipur al ahava ve-hosheh / Povest o lyubvi i tme (In Russian)
Una història d'amor i de foscor
Historia agapēs kai skotous
How to Cure a Fanatic
סיפור על אהבה וחושך
Rrëfim për dashurinë dhe errësirën
Tale of Love and Darkness
Povesta despre dragoste și întuneric
Mikha'el sheli
Ḳufsah sheḥorah
Har ha-ʻetsah ha-raʻah
ʻAd maṿet
Artsot ha-tan
Mi-mordot ha-Levanon
Ḥaruze ha-ḥayim ṿeha-maṿet
Oto Ha-yam
Pitʻom be-ʻomeḳ ha-yaʻar
Israel, Palestine and Peace
Jews and words
Matḥilim sipur
Lengua de tierra
La-da at ishah
מנוחה נכונה
Al tagidi lailah
Dear zealots
Until daybreak
Shetiḳat ha-shamayim
Mathilim sipur
Poh va-sham be-Erts-Yisrael bi-setav
Matsav ha-shelishi
המצב השלישי (Hamatsav hasjlisji)
La-gaʻat ba-mayim, la-gaʻat ba-ruaḥ
Be-or ha-Techelet ha-azah
Contra El Fanatismo
Ben ḥaverim
Makom aḥer
Die Hügel des Libanon. Politische Essays
Edition Suhrkamp, Band 2309: Wie man Fanatiker kuriert
ʻAl midronot har gaʻash
Be-or ha-tekhelet ha-ʻazah
Hasta la muerte
Help us to divorce
Temunot me-ḥaye ha-kefar
My Michael
Sehnsucht. Drei Erzählungen
Elsewhere, Perhaps
Les Voix d'Israël
So fangen die Geschichten an
Verse auf Leben und Tod
Israeli literature
סיפור על אהבה וחושך
Ask ve Karanlik
מיכאל שלי
The Amos Oz reader
Kol ha-tikvot
What Makes an Apple?
Dem Tod entgegen
Shalom, pesharah, ahavah
Kara Kutu
ʻAd mavet
Im Lande Israel. Herbst 1982
Story Begins
Der Berg des Bösen Rates
Bericht zur Lage des Staates Israel
La caja negra
Tocar el agua, tocar el viento
Anashim aḥerim
Un juste repos
Be-ʾor ha-tekhelet ha-ʻazah
Les deux morts de ma grand-mère et autres essais
Ha-matsav ha-shelish
Sumchi. Uma fabula de amor e aventura
Kata tou phantismou
Elsewhere, Perhaps
Una pantera al soterrani
Where the Jackals Howl
Bir kadını tanımak
Black Box
La colline du mauvais conseil
Don't Call It Night
Să cunoști o femeie
Maḳom aḥer
Grandpa Isidore
To Know a Woman
Yahuda'ya Göre İncil
Don't Call It Night
Ahavah meʼuḥeret
Elsewhere, Perhaps
El mateix mar
A Perfect Peace
Een verhaal van liefde en duisternis
Tocar el agua, tocar el viento
Elsewhere, Perhaps
To Know a Woman
Israel und Deutschland
Rien n'est encore joué
Bisikletim ve ilk Askim
Pantere din suberane
Deodată în adăncul pădurii
Poznac kobiete
Lo stesso mare
To Israēl, ē Palaistinē kai ē eirēnē
Una pantera al soterrani
Where the Jackals Howl
Geschichten aus Tel Ilan
De repente en lo profundo del bosque
Chanter et autres nouvelles
Bicicleta de Sumji
Opowiesc o milosci i mroku
To mauro kouti
Entre amis
In the Land of Israel
Hasta la muerte
La caja negra
Quizas en otra parte
Unto Death
Hoe genees je een fanaticus (Dutch Edition)
Yasam ve Ölüm Kafiyeleri
Rhyming Life and Death
Suddenly in the Depths of the Forest
Between Friends
Cuentos hebreos contemporáneos
Unto Death
Rime despre viață și moarte
La colina del mal consejo
Entre amis (Folio) (French Edition)
Dotknij wiatru, dotknij wody
O monte do meu conselho
Minzar ha-shatḳanim
Tale of Love and Darkness (Mandarin Edition)
Een verhaal van liefde en duisternis
La caja negra
Black Box
Czarownik swojego plemienia
Pantera w Piwnicy
Cutia neagră
בין חברים
Ailleurs peut-être
Unto Death
What Makes an Apple?
Scenes from Village Life
Menuḥah nekhonah
Să nu pronunţi
Quizás en otro lugar
Hill of Evil Counsel
Tale of Love and Darkness
Touch the Water, Touch the Wind
Suddenly in the Depths of the Forest
La caja negra
Dostlar Arasinda
Černá skříňka
My Michael
Ein anderer Ort. SZ-Bibliothek Band 71
Do fanatykow. Trzy refleksje
Rhyming Life and Death
Be-ʻetsem yesh kan shete milḥamot
Soudain dans la forêt profonde
Perfect Peace
Conoscere una donna
Hacia la muerte
escenas de la vida rural
My Michael
Entre Amigos
Ḥaruze ha-ḥayim ṿeha-maṿet
Has Israel altered its vision?
Between friends
Dear Zealots
Judas (French Edition)
Mi marido Mikhael
A Tale of Love and Darkness
O Mesmo Mar
Conhecer Uma Mulher
Poh ṿa-sham be-Erets Yiśraʾel bi-setaṿ 1982
Una historia de amor y oscuridad
Muntele Sfatului Rău
La-gaʻat ba-mayim, la-gaʻat ba-ruaḥ
Histoire d Amour et Ten
Same Sea
Amos Oz Reader
Un juste repos (French Edition)
Same Sea
Soudain dans la forêt profonde
Pusudaki Panter
Moĭ Mikhaėlʹ
Mulkyŏl ŭl sŭch'imyŏ param ŭl sŭch'imyŏ
My Michael
No Digas Noche
Panther in the Basement
No digas Noche
Nychta sto tel kentar
Michael ile Hannah
To Know a Woman
Scene de viaţă campestră
Rymy zycia i smierci
Touch the Water, Touch the Wind
Hill of Evil Counsel
Versos de vida y muerte
My Michael
Cum să lecuiești un fanatic
Koy Hayatindan Sahneler
Between Friends
He nychta tou syggraphea
Maḳom aḥer
Ho Michael mou
Black box
Touch the Water, Touch the Wind
He arche tes historias
The Tanner Lectures on Human Values 1994 (Tanner Lectures on Human Values)
Panther in the Basement
Aidez-nous à divorcer!
Silence of Heaven
La colline du mauvais conseil
Como Curar Um Fanático (Em Portuguese do Brasil)
Jesus et Judas
Be-or ha-tekhelet ha-ʻazah
Anashim aḥerim
Una pantera en el sótano
Jak uleczyc fanatyka
Wzgórze Złej Rady
Supui kajok
Hē teleia galēnē
Contra el fanatisme
Har ha-ʻetsah ha-raʻah
Żydzi i słowa
Inesperadament al fons del bosc
Czarna skrzynka
Među svojima
Israel, Palestine and Peace
Versos de vida y muerte
Mon vélo et autres aventures
Scènes de vie villageoise
De repente en lo profundo del bosque
Black Box. Roman.
Under This Blazing Light
Rhyming Life and Death
V poiskakh lichnosti
Una pantera al soterrani
Artsot ha-tan
Conocer a una mujer
Majkëlli im
Una pantera al soterrani
Scenes from Village Life
Hur man botar en fanatiker och om att skriva
Il senso della pace
Opowieść o miłości i mroku
Tierra de chacales
Quizas en otra parte
La troisième sphère
Mi-mah ʻaśui ha-tapuaḥ?
Chihasil ŭi kŏmŭn p'yopŏm
Mijn Michael
Kol ha-ḥeshbon ʻod lo nigmar
ממה עשוי התפוח?
Plotseling diep in het woud
Klaus Mann
Klaus Mann (1906-1949)

translator, literary critic, journalist, poet, autobiographer

  • Wilhelmsgymnasium
Escape to life
Kind dieser Zeit
The turning point
André Gide and the crisis of modern thought
Der Wendepunkt
Andre Gide und die Krise des modernen Denkens
Briefe und Antworten
Briefe und Antworten, 1922-1949
Na povorote
Pathetic symphony
Fromme Tanz
Der fromme Tanz
The other Germany
Heart of Europe
Journal, t.2
Die zerbrochenen Spiegel
Auf der Suche nach einem Weg
Homosexualität und Faschismus
Der Vulkan
Siblings ; and, The children's story
Woher wir kommen und wohin wir müssen
Tagebücher 1931 bis 1933
Der siebente Engel
Der fromme Tanz
Mit dem Blick nach Deutschland
André Gide
Abenteuer des Brautpaars
Tagebücher, 1940 bis 1943
Symphonie pathétique
Treffpunkt im Unendlichen
Die neuen Eltern
Journal, t.1 : les annees brunes
Das innere Vaterland
Prüfungen; Schriften zur Literatur
Alexander (Modern Voices)
The best of modern European literature (Heart of Europe)
Jugend und Radikalismus
Das Buch von der Riviera
Fluch und Segen
Alejandro (Modernos Y Clasicos)
Vor dem leben
Le Tournant
In meinem Elternhaus
The best of modern European literature (Heart of Europe) an anthology of creative writing in Europe, 1920-1940
Symphonie Pathetique. Ein Tschaikowsky- Roman
La danse pieuse
Tagebücher, 1944 bis 1949
Tagebücher, 1936 bis 1937
Die Heimsuchung des europäischen Geistes =
Flucht in den Norden
Zahnärzte und Künstler. Aufsätze, Reden, Kritiken 1933 - 1936
Auf verlorenem Posten
De Wendepunkt
Jane Eyre. Eine Autobiographie. Roman
Tagebücher, 1934 bis 1935
Heute und morgen
Gedichte und Chansons
Anja und Esther
Letzes Gespra ch
Symphonie Pathe tique
Vergittertes Fenster
Die zerbrochenen Spiegel
Le volcan
Novela de Ninos
Siblings and the Children's Story/a Play and a Novella
Das Wunder von Madrid. Aufsätze, Reden, Kritiken 1936 - 1938
Lieber und verehrter Onkel Heinrich
Zweimal Deutschland. Aufsätze, Reden, Kritiken 1938 - 1942
Fuite au nord
Tagebücher 1931 - 1949
Tagebücher 1931-1949, 6 Bde. Ln, 1938-1939
Distinguished visitors
Alexander, roman der Utopie
Ventana Enrejada, La
Schlaf und Schlafstörungen
Andre  Gide and the crisis of modern thought
The 5th child
Journey into freedom
Der Vulkan. Roman unter Emigranten
Escape to Life. Deutsche Kultur im Exil
Der Bauchredner
Rundherum. Abenteuer einer Weltreise
André Gide, die Geschichte eines Europäers
André Gide und die Krise des modernen Denkens
El Volcan
Tagebücher, 1938 bis 1939
Tagebücher 1931-1949, 6 Bde. Ln, 1940-1943
Fuir pour vivre
Briefe und Antworten 1922 - 1949
Der fromme Tanz
The best of modern European literature (Heart of Europe) an anthology of creative writing in Europe, 1920-1940
Letztes Gespräch
Symphonie pathétique
Klaus Mann, Eduard Bargheer
Distinguished Visitors. Der amerikanische Traum
Rejse til nattens ende
Heart of Europe
Blagochestivyĭ tanet︠s︡
Symphonie pathétique
Desorden y Dolor Precoz - Novelas de Ninos
Abenteuer des Brautpaars
Symphonie pathétique
Ich glaube, wir verstehn uns
Klaus Mann zum Gedächtnis
Sebastiano Vassalli
Sebastiano Vassalli (1941-2015)

literary critic, professor, poet

  • University of Milan
Amore lontano
La notte della cometa
The Night of the Comet
Un nulla pieno di storie
The swan
Il neoitaliano
L' alcova elettrica
Tout l'or du monde
La notte del lupo
La chimera
The swan
Terra d'acque
Il cigno
Ombre e destini
Il robot di Natale e altri racconti
Cuore di pietra
Stella avvelenata
La chimera
La morte di Marx e altri racconti
Tempo di màssacro
Sangue e suolo
Il cigno
Gli italiani sono gli altri
Il mio Piemonte
Un infinito numero
Il Lago d'Orta
Le due chiese
Io, Partenope
Il millennio che muore
Marco e Mattio
Comprare il sole
Dio il diavolo e la mosca nel grande caldo dei prossimi mille anni
L' italiano
Tempo di mıassacro
Abitare il vento
Il confine
L' oro del mondo
L' arrivo della lozione
a a
Archeologia del presente
Anna Laetitia Barbauld
Anna Laetitia Barbauld (1743-1825)

poet, literary critic, essayist

Memoir, letters, and a selection from the poems and prose writings of Anna Laetitia Barbauld ..
Hymns in prose for children
The British novelists
The Norton Anthology of English Literature --Seventh Edition -- Volume 2A
Lessons for children
Hymns in prose for children, by the author of Lessons for children. Barbauld. With several ..
The Female Speaker; Or, Miscellaneous Pieces, in Prose and Verse: Selected from the Best Writers ..
Evenings at Home; or, the Juvenile Budget Opened
Inni giovenili
Things by their right names
Lessons for Children
Selected poetry and prose
Hymns in prose for children, by the author of Lessons for children. By the author of Lessons for ..
Sins of government, sins of the nation, or, A discourse for the fast, appointed on April 19, 1793
Anna Letitia Barbauld
Hymns In Prose For Children
Poems [signed A.L. Aikin.]. To which is added, An epistle to S. Wilberforce, esq
Hymns in prose for children
Poetic gift
The Pleasures of Imagination
Hymns in prose for children
Hymns in prose for children / by Mrs. Barbauld
The Pleasures of Imagination
Reasons for national penitence recommended for the fast appointed February XXVIII, 1794
Tales, poems, and essays
Lessons for children from two to three years old
Eighteen hundred and eleven
Hymns in Prose Copybook D'Nealian Print
The mouse's petition
The Works of Anna Laetitia Barbauld
Little Stories for Children; Being Easy Lessons Adapted to the Capacities of Youth
Eighteen hundred and eleven
Little Stories for Children
Hymns in Prose Copybook Zaner Bloser Cursive
The poems of Anna Letitia Barbauld
Remarks on Mr. Gilbert Wakefield's Enquiry into the expediency and propriety of public or social worship
Little Stories For Children
Hymns in Prose Copybook Zaner Bloser Print
The Works Of Anna Laetitia Barbauld V2
A discourse on being born again
Instructive tales for youth of both sexes =
Hymns in prose for children
Mrs. Barbauld's lessons for children
Poems (Revolution and Romanticism, 1789-1834)
The works of Anna Lætitia Barbauld
A legacy for young ladies
Hymns in Prose Copybook D'Nealian Cursive
Eighteen Hundred and Eleven
Hymns for children, in prose
Remarks on Mr. Gilbert Wakefield's Enquiry into the expediency and propriety of public or social worship
Memoir, letters, and a selection from the poems and prose writings of Anna Lætitia Barbauld
Lessons for children from four to five years old
The works of Anna Laetitia Barbauld
Lessons for children of four years old
Works of Anna Laetitia Barbauld : Volume 1
Correspondence of Samuel Richardson
Little Marrian
An Address to the Opposers of the Repeal of the Corporation and Test Acts. The Fourth Edition
Epistle to William Wilberforce, Esq. on the rejection of the bill for abolishing the slave trade
Lessons for children. Part III. Being the second for children of three years old
Poems [Signed A. L. Aikin. ]. to Which Is Added, an Epistle to S. Wilberforce, Esq
The works of Anna Lætitia Barbauld ; with a memoir
The works of Anna Lætitia Barbauld
Against inconsistency in our expectations
The female speaker
Selection from the poems and prose writings of Mrs. Anna Laetitia  Barbauld
Lessons for children from three to four years old
Gothic Stories
Civic sermons to the people. Number II. From mutual wants springs mutual happiness
An address to the opposers of the repeal of the Corporation and Test Acts
The works of Mark Akenside, M.D. in verse and prose
Summer's walk, to view the beauties of nature
A legacy for young ladies
Hymns in Prose for Children. by the Author of Lessons for Children. a New Edition
The Works of Anna Lætitia Barbauld: With a Memoir
Lessons for children, from five to six years old
Mrs. Barbauld's little stories for children
An address to the opposers of the repeal of the Corporation and Test Acts
Essays on Song-writing: With a Collection of Such English Songs as are Most ...
Remarks on Mr. Gilbert Wakefield's Enquiry Into the Expediency and Propriety of Public or Social Worship. By Anna Laetitia Barbauld. The Second Edition
The mouse's petition, found in the trap where he had been confined all night, to Dr. Priestley
Correspondence of Samuel Richardson : Volume 6
Mrs. Barbauld's lessons, admirably adapted to the capacities of children
Works of Anna Laetitia Barbauld
Civic Sermons to the People. Number II. from Mutual Wants Springs Mutual Happiness
Epistle to William Willberforce on the rejection of the bill for abolishing the slave trade
On the origin and progress of novel-writing
British Novelists
Lessons for Children. Part I. for Children from Two to Three Years Old
Hymns in Prose for Children / by Mrs. Barbauld
Lessons for Children. Part II. Being the First for Children of Three Years Old
Lessons for children, from two to four years old
Hymns in Prose for Children / By Mrs. Barbauld
Charles's Journey to France and Other Tales
Hymns in prose, for children
The works of Anna Lætitia Barbauld
Correspondence of Samuel Richardson : Volume 1
Poetic gift
Lessons for children from four to five years old
Lessons for children, from two to four years old
Works of Anna Laetitia Barbauld : Volume 2
Gl' inni giovenili della Signora Anna Letizia Barbauld, tr. in italiano
Lessons for children, of three years old. Part II
Evening tales
Hymns for children in prose
Leçons pour les enfans de trois à huit ans
Poems by Anna Laetitia Barbauld
The works of Anne Laetitia Barbauld
Lessons for Children
Lessons for Children
Correspondence of Samuel Richardson : Volume 5
Lessons for children, from two to three years old
Memoir, letters, and a selection from the poems and prose writings of Anna Lætitia Barbauld.Vol. 1
Lessons for children of three years old. Part I
Lessons For Children
Devotional pieces, compiled from the Psalms and the Book of Job
Correspondence of Samuel Richardson : Volume 3
Poems by Anna Lætitia Barbauld. ... a New Edition, Corrected. to Which Is Added, an Epistle to William Wilberforce, Esq
Evenings at Home, Or, The Juvenile Budget Opened: Consisting of a Variety of ...
Correspondence of Samuel Richardson 6 Volume Set
In her hand
Works of Anna Laetitia Barbauld 2 Volume Set
The British novelists. With an essay and prefaces, biographical and critical
Defence of public or social worship
An address to the opposers of the repeal of the Corporation and Test Acts
Hymns in prose, for the use of children
Lessons for Children [by A.L. Barbauld]. Corrected and Improved. by Mrs. Barbauld
Address to the Opposers of the Repeal of the Corporation and Test Acts
The British novelists
Sins of government, sins of the nation
The works of Anna Laetitia Barbauld
Correspondence of Samuel Richardson : Volume 2
Lessons for Children
Miscellaneous Pieces in Prose
Correspondence of Samuel Richardson : Volume 4
Gl'inni giovenili della signora Anna Letizia
Lessons for children, in four parts
Olivier de la Marche
Olivier de la Marche (1425-1502)


Araz Yaguboghlu
Araz Yaguboghlu (born 1973)

journalist, engineer, poet, researcher, designer, Wikipedian

  • New Tashkent village secondary school named after Yasif Karimov, Azerbaijan Architecture and Construction University
Wilhelm Hauff
Wilhelm Hauff (1802-1827)

poet, lyricist, collector of fairy tales

  • Uhland-Gymnasium Tübingen, Evangelical Seminaries of Maulbronn and Blaubeuren
Dwarf nose
Der Mann im Mond
Die Karawane
Das kalte Herz
Die Karavane, ed. with notes by A. Schlottmann
Das Bild des Kaisers
Sämtliche Werke in sechs Bänden
W. Hauffs Werke
Der Zwerg Nase
Karawane ..
Sämmtliche Werke
Hauffs Werke
Little Mook
Little Long-nose
Das Wirtshaus im Spessart
The marvellous history of the shadowless man / The cold heart
Ausgewählte Werke
Wilhelm Hauffs sämtliche Werke
Die Karavane
Tales of the Caravan, Inn, and Palace
Arabian Days' Entertainments
Wilhelm Hauffs Werke
Maerchen-Almanach auf das Jahr 1826
Wilhelm Hauff's sämmtliche werke
Die Ehre des Redaktors
The caravan
Le Calife cigogne
Die Karawane. Mit Materialien.
Märchen aus dem Orient.
Three tales
Dwarf Long Nose
Das kalte herz: märchen
Sämtliche Werke in fünf Bänden
Fairy tales of Wilhelm Hauff
Die Geschichte von dem kleinen Muck ; Der Zwerg Nase
Der kleine Muck
Das Wirthshaus im Spessart
Sämmtliche Werke mit des Dichters Leben
Die Karavane
Hauff's fairy tales
Das kalte Herz. Mit Materialien.
Das Wirtshaus im Spessart, Märchen
Sprookjes van Hauff
Der kleine Muck.
Der Mann im Mond, oder, Der Zug des Herzens ist des Schicksals Stimme
Mitteilungen aus den Memoiren des Satan
Die Karawane
Mitteilungen aus den Memoiren des Satans
W. Hauffs sämmtliche Werke
Jud Süss
Marchen-Almanach aur das jahr 1827
Hauff's Lichtenstein
De bedelares van de Pont des Arts
Das kalte Herz
Marchen-Almanach aur das Jahr 1826
Märchen aus dem Orient
Hauffs Märchen
Die Geschichte von dem Kleinen Muck
Das Märchen vom falschen Prinzen
Das kalte Herz
Der Zwerg Nase. Eine märchenhafte Geschichte. Für das 3. und 4. Lesejahr.
Tales from Hauff
Little Long Nose (Treasure)
Wilhelm Hauff: Eine nach neuen Quellen bearbeitete Darstellung seines ..
Tales by Wilhelm Hauff ..
Zwerg Nase
Kalif Storch
The caliph's magic powder
The wine-ghosts of Bremen
Wilhelm Hauff Märchen
Romane, Märchen, Gedichte
Haofu tong hua (Wai guo er tong wen xue cong shu)
KontroversPredigt Uber H Clauren Und Den Mann Im Mond Dodo Press
Tales by Wilhelm Hauff
Fairy tales
Der junge "Englan̈der"
The little glass man and other stories; from the German
Hauffs werke ...
Prosaische und poetische werke
Das kalte herz
Sämtliche Werke
Hauff's tales
Sämmtliche Werke mit des Dichters Leben von Gustav Schwab
Caravan tales
Phantasien im Bremer Rathskeller
Wilhelm Hauff's sa mmtliche werke
Drei Märchen
Wilhelm Hauffs Sa mtliche Werke in sechs Ba nden
ha-Yehudi Zis
Das Kalte Herz und andere Märchen
Wilhelm Hauff's sämmtliche Werke
Neues aus Wilhelm Hauffs Lebenskreis
Die Karawane (Fatmes Errettung)
Wilhelm Hauffs sa mtliche Werke in zwei Ba nden
Wilhelm Hauffs sa mtliche Werke
Califa Ciguena
The golden treasury of wonderful fairy tales
Mittheilungen aus den Memoiren des Satan
Wilhelm Hauffs sämmtliche Werke in zwei Bänden
Das Bild des Kaisers
Hauffs Werke in zwei Bänden
La caravane
Sämmtliche Werke in zwei Bänden
Mykystaḣaq Muk
Pequeo Narizotas, El
The little glass man
Contes (édition illustrée)
Lichtenstein von Wilhelm Hauff
Des Vaters S©ơnde, der Mutter Fluch
Jøden Süss
Cuentos Completos - Hauff
Die Geschichte von dem kleinen Muck
La kantistino
Maʻaśeh be-yad she-nitgarmah
The story of Little Muk
Tale of the Caliph Stork
Die Bettlerin vom Pont des Arts
Der Zwerg Nase, von Wilhelm Hauff
A historia da mão decepada
Ausgewählte Novellen
Das Wirtshaus im Spessart
Sämtliche Märchen
Das Wirtshaus im Spessart und andere Erzählungen
W. Hauffs Werke
The little glass man
Wilhelm Hauff
Wilhelm Hauffs Werke
A história do navio mal-assombrado
Jud Süss
Yi shu qiao pan zhi nu gai
Knife in the Head
The portrait of the emperor
Hao fu tong hua
Hauffs Märchen
Sämtliche einer biographischen Einleitung
Das Gespensterschiff
Lichtenstein: Romantische sage aus der württembergischen Geschichte
Jud Süss
Das kalte Herz and Kalif Storch
The cold stone heart
ha-Kalif she-hafakh la-ḥasidah
Wilhelm Hauffs Märchen
The high mountain inn robbers
Phantasien im Bremer Ratskeller
Sammtliche Werke
Luchshie skazki
Das kalte Herz and Kalif Storch
Skazki Vilʹgel'ma Gaufa
L'Histoire du faux prince
Der Scheik von Alessandria und seine Sklaven
Caravan tales and some others
Die Märchen
Das kalte Herz. Ein Märchen
La Caravane, suivi de, Le Cheik d'Alexandrie
Karlyk Nis
Die Bücher und die Lesewelt. 6 Skizzen aus d. Cotta'schen "Morgenblatt f. gebildete Stände." Mit 6 Zeichngn. v. Werner Labbé
Controvers-predigt über h. Clauren und den Mann im Monde gehalten vor dem ..
Süsz de Jood
Marchen und Novellen
Malenʹkiĭ Muk i drugie skazki
Der artistische Nachwächter; or, Der Autor und die Lesewelt
Das Wirthshaus im Spessart
Phantasien und Skizzen
Märchen und Novellen
The big book of stories
Cuentos Completos
Zulikik Muk
Contes merveilleux
The Oriental story book
Ma rchen
Wilhelm Hauffs sämtliche werke in sechs bänden
Maʻaśeh bi-nesikh ha-shaḳer
Die Bettlerin von Pont des Arts
˜Theœ story of little Muk
Evreĭ Zi͡us ; Evreĭ Abner, kotoryĭ nichego ne videl
Phantasien im Bremer Ratskeller
Hauffs Märchen
Agadot ṿe-sipurim
Phantasien im Bremer Rathskeller
Werke in vier Bänden
Die bettlerin vom Pont des Arts
˜Dieœ Geschichte von dem kleinen Muck
An t Ósta sa Spessart
Kazky Vilʹhelʹma Hauffa
Das kalte herz
Hof-un keu̇ked-u̇n domoġ
Schatzkaestlein des rheinischen Hausfreundes
Das Bild des Kaisers: (the Emperor's Portrait)
ʻAlilot Muḳ ha-ḳaṭan
Hauffs Werke in sechs Teilen
W. Hauffs sämmtliche Werke
The heart of stone
Othello ; Jud Süss ; Die Sängerin
Maʻaśeh ba-muḳ ha-guts
Sämtliche Märchen
The oriental story book
Wilhelm Hauff's sämmtliche Schriften
Maʻaśeh be-oniyat metim
Märchen für Söhne und Töchter gebildeter Stände
Hauffs Werke in zwei Bänden