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poets who wrote biography
Showing 81-88 out of 1628 results
Jorge Amado
Jorge Amado (1912-2001)

journalist, poet, politician

  • Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Faculty of Law
O menino grapiúna
Navegação de cabotagem
O menino grapiúna
O menino grapiúna
Navegação de cabotagem
O cavaleiro da esperança
Literatura baiana, 1920-1980
Navegaci©đn de cabotaje
Tereza Batista cansada de guerra
The two deaths of Quincas Wateryell
Terras do sem fim
Capitães da Areia
Tieta Do Agreste
Sumiço da santa
Tent of Miracles
Gabriela, clavo y canela (Vintage Español)
The war of the saints
The golden harvest
Pen, sword, camisole
Pastôres da noite
Gabriela Cravo e Canela
de Como Los Turcos Descubrieron America (Grandes Novelistas)
Pelourinho, centro histórico de Salvador, Bahia
Dona Flor e seus dais maridos
Gabriela, clavo y canela
Tieta de Agreste
O cavaleiro da esperança
Mar Morto
Sea of death
Tent of Miracles (THE AMERICAS)
Bahia De Tous Les Saints
Seara vermelha
Tent of miracles
O gato malhado e a andorinha Sinhá
A morte e a morte de Quincas Berro Dágua
Conversations avec Alice Raillard
O amor do soldado
Home is the sailor
Teresa Batista Cansada De Guerra
Ob subterrâneos de liberdade
Home is the sailor
Mar Muerto
La Muerte y La Muerte de Quincas Berro Dagua
Tieta do Agreste
The discovery of America by the Turks
Tenda dos milagres
Homens e coisas do Partido Comunista
Cacao (Novelistas De Nuestra Epoca)
La Pelota y El Arquero
El Pais del Carnaval
Capitanes de la Arena
Le pays du carnaval
Com o Mar por Meio e Uma Amizade em Cartas
Cacao, novela
Tocaia Grande
O país do carnaval
Tereza Batista
Gato malhado e a andorinha Sinhá
Tienda de Los Milagros
Herren des Strandes.
A.B.C. de Castro Alves
El Capitan de Ultramar
Tocaia Grande/the Great Ambush (Plaza & Janes/literaria)
Bahia de Todos os Santos
Gabriela, Clavo Y Canela/gabriela, Clove And Cinnamon
Terras Do Sem Fin
Gabriela, cravo e canela
Farda fardão camisola de dormir
Capitanes de la arena (Modernos y Clasicos de el Aleph)
A descoberta da América pelos Turcos, os, Esponsais de Adma
Capitaines des sables
Gabriela, Clavo Y Canela (Novelistas De Nuestra Epoca)
São Sorge dos Ilhéus
Bahia De Todos Los Santos, Guia De Calles Y Misterios (Ediciones Varias)
Navigation de cabotage
Les Terres du bout du monde
Tieta de Agreste, Pastora de Cabras
Capitanes De LA Arena (Novelistas de Nuestra Epoca)
The double death of Quincas Water-Bray
A descoberta da América pelos turcos
La boutique aux miracles
Auf großer Fahrt
Sea of death
Les chemins de la faim
Shepherds of the Night
THE VIOLENT LAND / translated from Portuguese by Samuel Putnam
Tieta, the goat girl
El Gato Manchado y la Golondrina Sinha
O sumiço da santa
Tieta, the goat girl, or, the return of the prodigal daughter
O gato malhado e a andorinha Sinha
O gato malhado e a Andorinha Sinha
O país do carnaval. Cacáu. Suor
Suor (Language: French)
Gabriela, clove and cinnamon
La Desaparicion de La Santa
Navegacion de Cabotaje
Memoria De UN Nino/Memory of a Child
O milagre dos pássaros
Els vells mariners
O poeta zé trindade
La découverte de l'Amérique par les Turcs ou comment l'arabe Jamil Bichara, défricheur de terres vierges, venu en la bonne ville d'Itabuna p
Gabriela / Clove And Cinnamon
Gabriela, gozdziki i cynamon
Vida de Luís Carlos Prestes
Pusu =
De cómo los turcos descubrieron América
Tocaia Grande - Su Cara Oscura
Tent of Miracles
Jubiabá: romance
Kizgin Toprak
Los pastores de la noche / The shepherds of the night
Tote See
América Latina, marca registrada
Tereza Batista
Inem malkhes fun ḳaḳao
Termometro Del Amro Y Otros Poemas
Tocaia Grande
Os Subterraneos da Liberdade Vol II - Agonia
Los viejos marineros
Top ve Kaleci
Construir la periferia
Tocaia Grande
A bola e o goleiro
Tieta do Agreste
A ronda das Américas
Los pastores de la noche
La boutique aux miracles
Os velhos marinheiros, ou, A completa verdade sobre as discutidas aventuras do comandante Vasco Moscoso de Aragão, capitão de longo curso
Jorge Amado Lettes to a Reader on Novels and Characters
São Jorge de Ilhéus
Mar morto, romance
Gabriella, Clove and Cinnamon
De cómo los turcos descubrieron América
Les\Terres au Bout du Monde
Tienda de los milagros / Tent of Miracles
Mucizeler Dukkani
Tereza Batista Savas Yorgunu
Conheça o escritor brasileiro Jorge Amado
The Uniforme, Casaca, Camison
Pastores da noite
Pen, sword, camisole
Pays Du Carnaval (Folio) (French Edition)
Dona Flor ve Iki Kocasi
Los viejos marineros
Gabriela, Clove and Cinnamon
O mundo da paz
Los subterraneos de la libertad
Yansan des Orages
Tereza Batista: home from the wars
Los Pastores de la Noche
De como o mulato Porciúncula descarregou seu defunto
Os velhos marinheiros
Os Velhos Marinheiros
Home is the sailor
Los capitanes de la arena
Dona Flor and Her Two Husbands
Mar morto
Carta a uma leitora sobre romance e personagens
A morte e a morte de Quincas Berro D'água
Gabriela, clavel y canela
Bahia boa terra Bahia
São Jorge dos Ilhéus; romance
The Violent Land
Shepherds of the night
Vida de Luís Carlos Prestes, o Cavaleiro da esperança
O país do carnaval ; Cacau ; Suor
Doña Flor y sus dos maridos
The Two Deaths of Quincas Wateryell
Capitan De Altura
Home is the Sailor
The Violent Land - w/ Dust Jacket!
The Violent Land
Gorod Ilʹeus
Navegação de Cabotagem
Vida de Luiz Carlos Prestes, el Caballero de la esperanza
Os velhos marinheiros ou o capitão de longo curso
Ölü Deniz
Mar morto
Teresa Batista Cansada de Guerra
Os pastores da noite
Os pastôres da noite. English
São Jorge dos Ilhéus
A morte e a morte de quincus Berra dagua
Farda, Farda o, camisola de dormir
Dona Flor et ses deux maris
The miracle of the birds
Sa o Jorge dos ilhe us
Gatto Tigrato e miss Rondinella
Romancero de Castro Alves
Gabriela, Calvo y Canela
Home is the sailor
Capitães de areia
Tekir Kedi ile Kirlangic Hanim; Bir Ask Hikayesi
Teresa Batista
Los pastores de la noche
Gato Malhado E A Andorinha Sinha
Os pastôres da noite
Gabriella garofano e cannella
CACAO Losada
Du miracle des oiseaux
Farda fardão camisola de dormir : Fábula para acender uma esperança
Les pâtres de la nuit
Jorge Amado
Vida de Luis Carlos Prestes, o Cavaleiro da esperança
ABC De Castro Alves (VII)
ABC de Castro Alves
Cacao / roman
Els vells mariners
O gato malhado e a andorinha Sinha
Tocaia Grande
LA Desaparicion De LA Santa
Oi dromoi tes peinas
Santa Barbara dei fulmini
El gato manchado y la golondrina Sinhá
Tierras del sinfín
Gabriela, clau i canyella
Dona Flor e Seus Dois Maridos
Kizil Tarlalar
Dashurite e Jereza Batistes
Dona Flor et ses deux maris (French Edition)
Zwei Geschichten von der See
Farda, fardão, camisola de dormir
Capitanes de la arena
Os velhos marinheiros, ou, A completa verdade sobre as discutidas aventuras do comandante Vasco Moscoso de Aragão, Capitão-de-Longo-Curso
São Jorge dos Ilhéus
Os pastores da noite
Rua Alagoinhas 33, Rio Vermelho
La boutique aux miracles
Mar morto
Farda, fardão, camisola de dormir
Essencial Jorge Amado
Cinco histórias
Literatura baiana 1920-1980
Hora da guerra
Los viejos marineros
Terras do sem fim
O amor do soldado
ים המות
O Menino Grapiuna
Os velhos marinheiros, ou, A completa verdade sobre as discutidas aventuras do comandante Vasco Moscoso de Aragão, capitão de longo curso
A ronda das Américas
Tenda dos milagres
Toda a saudade do mundo
A morte e a morte de Quincas Berra Dágua
Tocaia Grande, a face obscura
De como o mulato Porciúncula descarregou seu defunto
Gabriela, clove and cinnamon
Obras de Jorge Amado
Nuevos cuentos del Brasil
Erets he-ḥamas
Luʼis Ḳarlos Presṭes
La Découverte de l'Amérique par les Turcs, ou, Comment l'Arabe Jamil Bichara, défricheur de terres vierges, venu en la bonne ville d'Itabuna pour satisfaire aux nécessités du corps, s'y vit offrir fortune et mariage, ou encore, Les Fiançailles d'Adma
Gabriela, clavo y canela
Obras de Jorge Amado
Der gestreifte Kater und die Schwalbe Sinah. CD. Eine Liebesgeschichte.
Gabriela, clove and cinnamon
Os pastôres da noite
Iconografía dos deuses africanos no candomblé da Bahia
Shepards of the night
Os velhos marinheiros
A ronda das Américas
Inem malkhes fun kakao
רועי לילה
Allende, visto por sus contemporáneos
Darkhe ha-raʻav
The discovery of America by the Turks
Gabriela, clove and cinnamon
Jorge Amado
Capitães da areia
Terras do sem fim
La desaparición de la santa
גלימה, מדים וכתונת לילה
L'Amérique latine et la Révolution française
Yam ha-maṿet
Tocaia Grande
Gabriela, cravo e canela
O Compadre De Ogun
La desaparicion de la santa
Tieta do Agreste
Gabriʾelah, tsiporen ṿe-ḳinamon
Tocaia Grande, a face obscura
Navigation de cabotage
Seara vermelha
The violent land
Moto u-moto shel Ḳinḳas Shoʾeg Mayim
Tieta aus Agreste
Terezah Baṭisṭah ʻayefah mi-milḥamot
La Terre aux fruits d'or
Brandão entre o mar e o amor
Donah Flor u-shene beʻaleha
Os pastôres da noite
Bahia de Todos os Santos
Gente boa
Gabriela, clavo y canela
Mágica Bahia =
Les Patres De La Nuit
Cacao sudor
Gabriela, clavo y canelo
O amor do soldado
Viva Teresa
A Tenda dos milagres
ABC de Castro Alves
Mar morto
Home is the sailor
Chapada Diamantina
Swami Vivekananda
Swami Vivekananda (1863-1902)

monk, philosopher, poet, teacher, spiritual leader, orator, singer

  • Presidency University, Scottish Church College
Swami Vivekananda on himself
My master
Swami Vivekananda on himself
Vivekanandaji ke saṃsmaraṇa
Meditation and its methods according to Swami Vivekananda
Vedânta philosophy
The complete works of Swami Vivekananda
Vedanta philosophy
Raja yoga
My Master
Living at the source
From Colombo to Almora: Being a Record of the Swami Vivekananda's Return to India After His ..
The Vedanta Philosophy: An Address Before the Graduate Philosophical Society of Harvard ..
Inspired talks
Teachings of Swami Vivekananda
Yoga philosophy
A call to Rise
Vedânta philosophy
The higher knowledge and the higher love are one to the true lover
Way of the Hero
The complete works of Swami Vivekananda, Volume 3
Letters of Swami Vivekananda
Inspired Talks
Karma-Yoga and Bhakti-Yoga
The Way Home
The Grand Illusion
Burning words of Swami Vivekananda
Way of the Sage
Pathways to Joy
View From The Center
Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda 8 Vol. set
Seeing beyond the circle
Way of the Mystic
Way of the Saint
The message of our master
Lectures from Colombo to Almora
Karma-yoga and Bhakti-yoga
Thoughts on the Gita
From Colombo to Almora
Religion of love
Caste, Culture and Socialism
Glossary Of Occult And Yoga Terms
The sleeping giant
The Definition Of Bhakti Yoga - Pamphlet
The Triangle Of Love - Pamphlet
The Sleeping Giant
The Forms Of Love Manifestation
The East and the West
Concentration Its Spiritual Uses And Practices
Talks with Swami Vivekananda
Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, Volume 8
What religion is
The Psychic Prana And Its Control
A Short Introduction To Raja Yoga
Para-Bhakti or Supreme Devotion
Platicas Inspiradas (Joyas Espirituales)
Inspired Talks By Swami Vivekananda
Karma-yoga and Bhakti-yoga
Human Representations Of The Divine Ideal Of Love
Complete works of Swami Vivekananda
Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, Vol. 4
Qualifications Of The Aspirant And The Teacher - Pamphlet
Dhyana And Samdahi
The Chosen Ideal
The Philosophy Of Isvara - Pamphlet
Raya Yoga / Raja Yoga
My Master
The Chapter Of Powers
Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, Volume 2
The complete works of Swami Vivekananda
Advaita vedanta
Teachings of Swami Vivekananda
Ramakrishna and his message
Religion of Love
Raja Yoga In Brief - Pamphlet
Swami Vivekananda on India and her problems
Universal Love And How It Leads To Self Surrender - Pamphlet
The First Steps To Raja Yoga
Vivekananda sahitya
Complete works
Ka Ramayana bad ka Mahabharata
Gnana Yoga
Teachings of Swami Vivekananda
The Naturalness Of Bhakti-Yoga And Its Central Secret
Bhashno ane lekho
The Bhakta's Preparatory Renunciation And Love - Pamphlet
Modern India
Lectures From Columbo To Almora
The Need Of A Guru
The complete works of Swami Vivekananda
Karma Yoga (Orientalista)
Thoughts on the Gita
Our women
Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, Volume 5
The God Of Love Is His Own Proof
Raja-Yoga =
The complete works of Swami Vivekananda
Pantanjali's Yoga Aphorisms
Raja-yoga, or conquering the internal nature
The Method And The Means - Pamphlet
Eight lectures
Speeches and writings of Swami Vivekananda
The Mantra OM
The Worship Of Substitutes And Images
Incarnate Teachers And Incarnation
Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, Volume 7
Spiritual Realization The Aim Of Bhakti Yoga
The complete works of Swami Vivekananda
Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, Vol. 1
Cikākō piracaṅkam
My life and mission
Namatu tāynāṭu
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Inspired Talks, My Master And Other Writings
Pratyahara And Dharana
Vedanta Philosophy
Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, Volume 9
Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, Volume 6
Swami Vivekananda
What religion is
Sri Ramakrishna, my master
Life after Death ; None Has Power to Destroy the Unchangeable
What Religion Is the Words of Swami Yvekananda
Selections from Swami Vivekananda
Letters of Swami Vivekananda
The complete works of the Swami Vivekananda, comprising all his lectures, addresses and discourses delivered in Europe, America and India
Thoughts on Vedanta
Way of the mystic
The yogas and other works
Vivekānanda sañcayana
Swamiji's message to a disciple
Swami Vivekananda
Vivekananda sahitya
La Meditacion de Acuerdo Al Yoga y Al Vedanta
Erkenntaisse des Hinduismus
Swami Vivekananda on universal ethics and moral conduct
Gyan yog
The perennial Vivekananda
Prācya o Pāścātya
Selections from Swami Vivekananada
Svāmī Vivekānandanāṃ patro
An anthology
A Study of Mundaka Upanishad
Thoughts of power
Ka jingmut jong ka jinglong ki kynthei jong ngi
In Search of God and Other Poems
Thoughts on the Gita
Karma-yoga and Bhakti-yoga
The Chicago addresses
Rāja-yoga, or, Conquering the internal nature
Raja Yoga
Selected Speeches and Writings
Svāmī Bibekānandera bāṇī o racanā
Vedanta ; Voice of Freedom
To the youth of India
Secrets of Raja Yoga or Conquering the Internal Nature
Swami Vivekananda's rousing call to Hindu nation
The science and philosophy of religion
Śrī Vivēkaānanda lēkhāvaḷi
Entretiens et causeries
Vedanta philosophy, râja yoga
Kumne u la kren u Vivekananda
The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda - 9 Vols. ; Mayavati Memorial Edition
Memoirs of European travel
Is Vedanta the Future Religion?
Christ, the messenger
Filosofia vedanta
Lectures on Jnana yoga
Powers of the Mind
Secrets of Raja Yoga
Way of the sage
Vivekananda-indake agana
Ha ki samla jong ka ri India
Swami Vivekanand: Bhashno ane lekho
What religion is in the words of Swami Vivekananda
Realisation and its methods
Practical Vedanta
Sri Ramakrishna
Raja-yoga, or, conquering the internal nature
Complete Works
Thus spake Vivekananda
Inspired talks, My master and other writings
Meditation and its methods according to Swami Vivekananda
The complete works of Swami Vivenkananda
Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, Volume IX
Memoirs of European Travel
Essentials of Hinduism
Vedanta philosophy at the Harvard University
Ham Kya Chahate Hai
Caste, culture, and socialism
Vēḍi vennela
Sāmānyuḍi svargaṃ
Moj uchitel'. Karma-joga. Bkhakti-joga (Dukhovnye uchitelya)
Cīlina cīkaṭi
Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda
Swami Vivekananda's rousing call to Hindu nation
Svāmijiya patragaḷu
Svāmi Vivēkānandaravara patragaḷa Kannaḍada anuvāda
Vivekananda, world teacher
Vedânta philosophy
John Henry Mackay
John Henry Mackay (1864-1933)

poet, biographer, anarchist, LGBTQ rights activist, publisher

Max Stirner
Autobiographical writings
Die Anarchisten
Gesammelte Werke
Der Puppenjunge
Der Freiheitssucher
Die gedachte Welt
The hustler
Fenny Skaller
John Henry Mackay
Fenny Skaller
Der Schwimmer
Sagitta's Books of the Nameless Love
Staatsanwalt Sierlin
Gesammelte Dichtungen
Zwischen den Zielen
Moderne Stoffe
Die namenlose Liebe
Die Menschen der Ehe
Gesammelte Werke
Gesammelte Werke
Gesammelte Werke
Wer sind wir?
Die Bücher der namenlosen Liebe von Sagitta
John Henry Mackays ausgew. Gedichte
Die Menschen der Ehe
John Henry Mackays Werke in einem Band
Max Stirner
Das unwahre Prinzip unserer Erziehung. Der Humanismus und Realismus
Anna Hermsdorff
Alang the wey and ither poems
Anna Hermsdorff
Sagitta's Buecher der namenlosen Liebe
Die Buecher der namenlosen Liebe von Sagitta
Zwanzig Gedichte
Kinder des hochlands
Der Schwimmer
Gli anarchici, quadro della fine del XIX secolo
Anarchistes; moeurs du jour
Sagitta's books of the nameless love
Brigitta Helbig-Mischewski
Brigitta Helbig-Mischewski (born 1963)

slavist, poet, literary critic, translator, polonist, Germanist, literary scholar, man of letters

  • Ruhr University Bochum, University of Szczecin
Stracona bogini
Anioły i świnie w Berlinie!
Enerdowce i inne ludzie, czyli Jak nie zostałem bohaterem
Fährmann grenzenlos
Olivier Mathieu
Olivier Mathieu (born 1960)

journalist, poet

Patxi Zabaleta
Patxi Zabaleta (born 1947)

politician, lawyer, poet

Jose Angel Irigarai Imaz
Jose Angel Irigarai Imaz (born 1942)

poet, essayist, physician

James Baker
James Baker (1847-1920)

traveler, journalist, poet, illustrator

Literary and biographical studies
Pictures from Bohemia drawn with pen and pencil
Reminiscent gossip of men and matters
Report on technical and commercial education in East Prussia, Poland, Galicia, Silesia, and Bohemia
Literary and biographical studies
Multum in parvo