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philosophers who wrote biography
Showing 441-448 out of 622 results
Murray Rothbard
Murray Rothbard (1926-1995)

economist, philosopher, activist, historian, professor, essayist, economic historian

  • Columbia University
Ludwig von Mises
Man, economy, and state
America's Great Depression
Education, free and compulsory
America's great depression
For a new liberty
A new land, a new people
The case against the Fed
An Austrian perspective on the history of economic thought
The Revolutionary War, 1775-1784
The ethics of liberty
The anatomy of the state
"Salutary neglect"
Advance to revolution, 1760-1775
Individualism and the philosophy of the social sciences
An Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought
Power and market
What Has Government Done to Our Money?
The logic of action
A history of money and banking in the United States
Making Economic Sense
Man, Economy, and State with Power and Market
Fora new liberty
Left and Right, the prospects for liberty
Conceived in Liberty
An Austrian perspective on the history of economic thought
Egalitarianism as a revolt against nature, and other essays
The ethics of liberty
Conceived in liberty
The panic of 1819
For a New Liberty
What Has Government Done to Our Money? Case for the 100 Percent Gold Dollar
Anatomy of the state
Economic Controversies
The Logic of Action II
The Case Against the Fed
Freedom, inequality, primitivism, and the division of labor
What has government done to our money?
L'éthique de la liberté
Panic of 1819 Reactions and Policies
The essential Ludwig von Mises
The mystery of banking
Conceived in liberty
The case for a 100 percent gold dollar
Henry Hazlitt
The ethics of liberty
The Irrepressible Rothbard
The panic of 1819: reactions and policies
Government Monetary Power
The Betrayal of the American Right
Für eine neue Freiheit
Money & the Balance of Payments Set
The Essential von Mises
The Review of Austrian Economics, Volume 2
America's great depression
Historia del Pensamiento Economico Vol. 1
What is money?
Man, economy and state
Monopoly and Competition (Intro to Free Market Econ Ser 1 Cassette/313)
Man, economy, and state
The Review of Austrian Economics, Volume 1
Anatomia do Estado
Inflationary Boom of the 1920s Set
Man, Economy and State
The panic of 1819
Wall Street, Banks, and American Foreign Policy
Interest and Capitalization (Introduction to Free Market Economic  Series 1 Cassette/311)
Power and the Market Government and the Economy
Principles of Free-Market Economics (16 audiocassettes)
Banking & the Business Cycle Set
New Deal & Postwar Monetary System Set
Hacia una Nueva Libertad
The Review of Austrian Economics, Volume 3
The Review of Austrian Economics, Vol. 4 (1990)
Panic of 1819
Power & market
Gold, freedom, and free markets
The origins of the Federal Reserve
For a new liberty
America's great depression
Banking and the Business Cycle (Intro to Free Market Econ Ser/316/1 Cassette)
The panic of 1819
Man, economy, and state
Government's Money Monopoly
Frederick Sontag
Frederick Sontag (1924-2009)


  • Stanford University, Yale University
Sun Myung Moon and the Unification Church
The existentialist prolegomena
The return of the gods
God and America's future
The future of theology
Wittgenstein and the Mystical
Love beyond pain
American life
Truth and imagination
The crisis of faith
The American religious experience
Uncertain truth
A Kierkegaard handbook
The God of evil
The descent of women
How philosophy shapes theology
The elements of philosophy
The existentialist prolegomena
The acts of the Trinity
The mysterious presence
Problems of metaphysics
Divine perfection
What can God do?
God, why did You do that?
The Defense of God
God, the contemporary discussion
The existentialist prolegomena to a future metaphysics
The American religious experience
Divine perfection
The existentialist prolegomena
Problems of metaphysics
The existentialist prologemena to a future metaphysics
The God of evil: an argument from the existence of the Devil
Walter Kaufmann
Walter Kaufmann (1921-1980)

translator, philosopher, poet

  • Williams College, Harvard University
Nietzsche: philosopher, psychologist, antichrist
Goethe, Kant, and Hegel
Existentialism from Dostoevsky to Sartre
From Shakespeare to existentialism
Philosophic classics
The faith of a heretic
Tragedy and philosophy
The faith of a heretic
Existentialism from Dostoyevsky to Sartre
Hegel's political philosophy
Time is an artist
Hegel, a reinterpretation
Religion from Tolstoy to Camus
Critique of religion and philosophy
The future of the humanities
Discovering the Mind
Nietzsche, Heidegger, and Buber
Religions in four dimensions
Twenty German poets
Twenty-five German poets
Twenty-five German poets
Life at the limits
Cain, and other poems
Philosophic Classics
Discovering the mind
Man's Lot
The future of the humanities
Critique of Religion and Philosophy
Philosophic Classics, Volume V
Nietzsche - philosopher, psychologist, antichrist
Philosophic Classics
Freud versus Adler and Jung
Freud versus Adler and Jung
From Shakespeare to existentialism
Existentialism, religion, and death
Hegel's political philosophy
Man's lot
Religions in Four Dimensions
What is man?
Without guilt and justice
Existentialism from Dostoevsky to Sartre
Tragedy and Philosophy
Shakespeare versus Goethe
The Ragas of South India
Critique of Religion and Philosophy
Existentialism from Dostoevsky to Sartre
Philosophic classics
Hegel: reinterpretation, texts, and commentary
Philosophic classics
Shakespeare: between Socrates and existentialism
Discovering the Mind Advanced Purchase
The Ragas of North India
Religions in four dimensions
Debating the political philosophy of Hegel
Without guilt and justice
Existentialism from Dostoevsky to Sartre
Hegel's political philosophy
Philosophic classics
Musical Notations of the Orient
Religion from Tolstoy to Camus
Existentialism, religion, and death
From Shakespeare to Exixtentialism
Existentialism, religion, and death
Nietzsche's theory of values
The owl and the nightingale, from Shakespeare to existentialism
Tragedy and philosophy
From Shakespeare to existentialism
Am Kai der Hoffnung
The faith of a heretic
Religion from Tolstoy to Camus
Critique of religion and philosophy
Hegel, a Reinterpretation
Without guilt and justice
The owl and the nightingale
Existentialism from Dostoevsky to Sartre, edited, with an introd., prefaces, and new translations
Hegel, a reinterpretation
Critique of religion and philosophy
From Shakespeare to existentialism
Existentialism, religion, and death
Existentialism from Dostoevsky to Sartre
Existentialism from Dostoevsky to Sartre, edited with an introduction ., prefaces and new translations
The faith of a heretic
Peter Lamborn Wilson
Peter Lamborn Wilson (1945-2022)

ontologist, poet, historian, translator, philosopher, theorist

Pirate Utopias
Sacred drift
To Dare Imagining
Unbearables Big Book of Sex
Semiotext(e) SF
The Drunken Universe
Ploughing the Clouds
Green hermeticism
Black Fez Manifesto
Escape from the 19th Century and Other Essays
Orgies of the hemp eaters
The Little Book of Angel Wisdom (The "Little Books" Series)
"Shower of stars" dream & book
The little book of angels
Utopian Trace
Peacock Angel
Shower of Stars
Angels Messengers Of The Gods
A ruota libera
rain queer
Cauda Pavonis
False documents
Nasir-I Khusraw
Anarchist Ephemera
The Temple of Perseus at Panopolis
Gothick Institutions
Vanished signs
Lucky Shadows
Daniel Joseph Martinez
Melanin Stay Poppin
The winter calligraphy of Ustad Selim, & other poems
False messiah
School of Nite
Avant gardening
Night Market Noodles and Other Tales
Kings of Love
Open City
Emanuele Severino
Emanuele Severino (1929-2020)


  • University of Pavia
Il mio ricordo degli eterni
Il nulla e la poesia
Dall'Islam a Prometeo
La guerra
Il mio scontro con la Chiesa
Lezioni sulla politica
Heidegger e la metafisica
L' anello del ritorno
La filosofia antica
Oltre l'uomo e oltre Dio
Immortalità e destino
La gloria
Il declino del capitalismo
Educare al pensiero
Fondamento della contraddizione
La filosofia contemporanea
The essence of nihilism
Cosa arcana e stupenda
La tendenza fondamentale del nostro tempo
La filosofia moderna
La legna e la cenere
La follia dell'angelo
Il parricidio mancato
Gli abitatori del tempo
Oltre il linguaggio
Pensieri sul cristianesimo
La strada
La struttura originaria
Discussioni intorno al senso della verità
Istituzioni di filosofia
La buona fede
Crisi della tradizione occidentale
L' identità della follia
A Cesare e a Dio
La gloria
L'identità del destino
La Loi et le hasard
Il destino della tecnica
Destino della necessità
Il giogo: Alle origini della ragione
La tendenza fondamentale del nostro tempo
La bilancia
Il muro di pietra
Oltre l'uomo e oltre Dio
La filosofia
Democrazia, tecnica, capitalismo
Il giogo
Legge e caso
La legna e la cenere
Essenza del nichilismo
La struttura originaria
Tecnica e architettura
La filosofia futura
Studi di filosofia della prassi
Antologia filosofica
Scritti : nuova edizione ampliata
Volontà, destino, linguaggio
La morte e la terra
Democrazia, tecnica, capitalismo
La morte e la terra
La struttura originaria
Volontà, destino, linguaggio
L'intima mano
Capitalismo senza futuro
Richard von Krafft-Ebing
Richard von Krafft-Ebing (1840-1902)

psychologist, psychiatrist, physician, philosopher, neurologist

  • Heidelberg University, University of Zurich
Eine Studienreise durch Südeuropa 1869/70
Psychopathia sexualis
Psychopathia sexualis
Lehrbuch der Psychiatrie auf klinischer Grundlage für praktische Ärzte und Studirende
Beiträge zur Erkennung und richtigen forensischen Beurtheilung krankhafter Gemüthszustände, für Aerzte, Richter und Vertheidiger
Psychopathia Sexualis, with Especial Reference to the Antipathic Sexual Instinct: A Medico ..
Text-book of insanity
Grundzüge der Criminalpsychologie
Lehrbuch der psychiatrie auf klinischer grundlage für praktische ärzte und studirende
Bibliothek der Sexualwissenschaft
Lehrbuch der Psychiatrie auf klinischer Grundlage für praktische Ärzte und Studirende. v. 1-2
Der Conträsexuale vor dem Strafrichter: De Sodomia ratione Sexus Punienda ...
Psychopathia sexualis
Psychopathia sexualis: Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der konträren Sexualempfindung, eine ..
Trattato di psicopatologia forense in rapporto alle disposizioni legislative vigenti in Austria, in Germania ed in Francia
Psychopathia Sexualis
Lehrbuch der Psychiatrie auf klinischer Grundlage für praktische Ärzte und Studirende
Text-book of insanity
Psychopathia sexualis, with especial reference to the antipathic sexual instinct
Traité clinique de psychiatrie
Die Lehre von der mania transitoria für Aerzte und Juristen dargestellt
Psychopathia sexualis, with especial reference to contrary sexual instinct
Die progressive allgemeine Paralyse
Psychopathia sexualis, tome 3
Der klinische Unterricht in der Psychiatrie
Eine experimentelle Studie auf dem Gebiete des Hypnotismus
Textbook Of Insanity
Die zweifelhaften Geisteszustände vor dem Civilrichter für Aerzte und Juristen
Psychopathia Sexualis
Textbook of insanity: Based on Clinical Observations for Practitioners and Students of Medicine
Psychopathia sexualis
Aberrations of sexual life
Psychopathia sexualis
Neue Forschungen auf dem Gebiet der psychopathia sexualis
Lehrbuch der gerichtlichen psychopathologie
Die transitorischen Störungen des Selbstbewusstseins
Psychopathia Sexualis
Psychopathia Sexualis
Trattato clinico pratico delle malattie mentali
Nervosität und neurasthenische Zustände
Die Melancholie
The sexual offender
Über gesunde und kranke Nerven
Psychopathia sexualis, tome 2
Psychopathia Sexualis
Psychopathia sexualis
Psychopathia sexualis. Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der conträren Sexualempfindung
Die Sinnesdelirien
Psychopathia Sexualis
Neue Forschungen auf dem Gebiet der Psychopathia sexualis
Lehrbuch der Psychiatrie
Psychopathia sexualis, with especial reference to antipathic sexual instinct
Psychopathia Sexualis, With Especial Reference to the Antipathetic Sexual Instinct
Psychopathia sexualis : mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der conträren Sexualempfindung
Text-Book of Insanity, Based on Clinical Observations for Practitioners and Students in Medicine
Psychopathia Sexualis, with Especial Reference to the Antipathetic Sexual Instinct
Psychopathia Sexualis
Über das Zustandekommen der Wollustempfindung und deren Mangel (Anaphrodisie) beim sexuellen Akt
Textbook of Insanity
Arbeiten aus dem gesammtgebiet der Psychiatrie und Neuropathologie
Psychopathia Sexualis
Neue Forschungen auf dem Gebiet der Psychopathia sexualis
Psychopathia sexualis, with especial reference to the antipathetic sexual instinct
Zur Geschichte der Pest in Wien, 1349-1898
Text-Book of Insanity, Based on Clinical Observations for Practitioners and Students in Medicine
Lehrbuch Der Psychiatrie Auf Klinischer Grundlage Für Praktische Ärzte Und Studirende
Zur Verwerthung der Suggestionstherapie (Hypnose) bei Psychosen und Neurosen
Psychopathia sexualis, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der konträren Sexualempfindung
Psychopathia sexualis
Arbeiten aus dem Gesammtgebiet der Psychiatrie und Neuropathologie
Text-book of Insanity
Verirrungen des Geschlechtslebens
Text-book of insanity
Psychopathia sexualis
Textbook of Insanity
Les formes du masochisme : Psychopathologie de la vie sexuelle (1) suivi de Le passivisme
Text-Book of Insanity
Psychopathia sexualis, with especial reference to the antipathic sexual instinct, a medico-forensic study
Lehrbuch der Psychiatrie auf klinischer Grundlage
Lehrbuch der Psychiatrie auf klinischer Grundlage für praktische Ärzte und Studirende
Nervosit©Þt und neurasthenische Zust©Þnde
Psychosis menstrualis
Psychopathia Sexualis With Especial Reference to the Antipathic Sexual Instinct
Traité clinique de psychiatrie
Ueber Die Durch Gehirnerschütterung und Kopfverletzung Hervorgerufenen Psychischen Krankheiten
Psychopathia sexualis
Psychopathia sexualis with special reference to contrary sexual instinct
Neuropathia sexualis feminarum
Zur Differentialdiagnose der Dementia paralytica und der Neurasthenia cerebralis
Psychopathia sexualis
Psychopathia sexualis, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der konträren Sexualempfindung
Psychopathia Sexualis
Ueber die durch Gehirnersch©ơtterung und Kopfverletzung hervorgerufenen psychischen Krankheiten
Text-Book of Insanity
Neue Forschungen auf dem Gebiet der Psychopathia Sexualis
Lehrbuch der Psychiatrie auf klinischer Grundlage
Psychopathia sexualis
Psychopathia Sexualis
Über gesunde und kranke Nerven
Nachala ugolovnoĭ psikhologii dli͡a︡ vracheĭ i i͡u︡ristovʺ
Text-Book of Insanity
Arbeiten aus dem Gesammtgebiet der Psychiatrie und Neuropathologie
Lehrbuch der Psychiatrie auf klinischer Grundlage für practische Ärzte und Studirende
Psychopathia Sexualis, with Especial Reference to the Antipathic Sexual Instinct
Ueber Zwangsvorstellungen bei nervenkranken
Psychopathia sexualis, with especial reference to contrary sexual instinct
Psychopathia sexualis, a medicoforensic study
Psychopathia sexualis, with especial reference to the antipathetic sexual instinct
Louis Agassiz
Louis Agassiz (1807-1873)

geologist, paleontologist, racial theorist, zoologist, glaciologist, physician, biologist, philosopher, botanist, ichthyologist, climatologist, naturalist

  • University of Zurich, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
Darwin and Humboldt
Address delivered on the centennial anniversary of the birth of Alexander von Humboldt
A journey in Brazil
Methods of study in natural history
Essay on classification
Études sur les glaciers
Bibliographia Zoologiæ Et Geologiæ: A General Catalogue of All Books, Tracts ..
Lake Superior
Principles of zoölogy
Glacial phenomena in Maine
Geological sketches
Principles of zoology
Nomina systematica generum Dipterorum, tam viventium quam fossilium
Untersuchungen über die gletscher
Outlines of comparative physiology
Natural history illustrations
Histoire naturelle des poissons d'eau douce de l'Europe centrale
An essay on classification
On the principles of classification in the animal kingdom
Nomenclatoris zoologici index universalis
Recherches sur les poissons fossiles
Contributions to the natural history of the United States of America
Histoire naturelle des poissons d'eau douce de l'Europe centrale
The structure of animal life
Monographies d'échinodermes, vivans et fossiles
Études critiques sur les mollusques fossiles
Nomenclator zoologicus
Geological Sketches
Bibliographia zoologiæ et geologiæ
Monographie des poissons fossiles du vieux grés rouge
The classification of insects from embryological data
The intelligence of Louis Agassiz
The natural history of the Acalephae of North America
Principles of zoology : touching the structure, development, distribution, and natural arrangement of the races of animals, living and extinct, with numerous illustrations
Agassiz on Evolution
[Die Bearbeitung der fossilen Fische]
Nomina systematica generum Arachnidarum, tam viventium quam fossilium
Directions for collecting fishes and other objects of natural history
Catalogus systematicus ectyporum echinodermatum fossilium Musei Neocomensis
Tribune popular science
Outlines of comparative physiology touching the structure and development of the races of animals, living and extinct
Histoire naturelle des poissons d'eau douce de l'Europe centrale par Louis Agassiz
Contributions to the natural history of the Acalephae of North America
Nomina systematica generum Lepidopterorum, tam viventium quam fossilium
Nomina systematica generum piscium, tam viventium quam fossilium
M©Øemoire sur les moules de mollusques vivans et fossiles
Twelve lectures on comparative embryology, delivered before the Lowell Institute, in Boston, December and January, 1848-9
Iconographie des coquilles tertiaires
Methods of Study in Natural History
De l'espèce et de la classification en zoologie
Etudes sur Les Glaciers
Nomenclator zoologicus
Nomina systematica generum Acalepharum, tam viventium quam fossilium
Rapport sur les poissons fossiles d©couverts en Angleterre
Nomina systematica generum reptilium, tam viventium quam fossilium
Anatomie des salmones
Prof. Agassiz on the origin of species
Introduction a une monographie des poissons fossiles du vieux gr©s rouge
Principles of zoölogy : touching the structure, development, distribution, and natural arrangement of the races of animals, living and extinct
Recherches sur les poissons fossiles, comprenant une introduction à l'étude de ces animaux
Report on the Florida reefs
An Introduction to the Study of Natural History: In a Series of Lectures Delivered in the Hall ..
Revue critique des poissons fossiles figur©s dans l'Ittiolitologia verones©
Etudes Critiques Les Mollusques Fossiles
Twelve lectures on comparative embryology
Monographies d'e chinodermes, vivans et fossiles
Description des echinodermes fossiles de la Suisse
Louis Agassiz
Studies on glaciers
Nomina systematica generum Ehinodermatum, tam viventium quam fossilium
Bibliographia zoologiae et geologiae
A journey in Brazil
Rapport sur les poissons fossiles, pr©sent© © l'Association britannique pour l'avancement des sciences en 1842
Geological Sketches (The Works Of L. Agassiz)
Viagem ao Brasil, 1865-1866
Journey In Brazil (The Works Of Louis Agassiz)
On ichthyological fauna of the Pacific slope of North America
Eṫudes sur les glaciers
Types of Mankind
Classification Of Insects (The Works Of Louis Agassiz)
Bibliographia Zoologiae et Geologiae : Volume 3
Bibliographia zoologiae et geologiae
Nomina systematica generum polyporum (anthozoorum et bryozoorum cum polythálamiis) tam viventium quam fossilium
Die Zoologie..
Monographies d'echinodermes vivans et fossiles
Bibliographia Zoologiae et Geologiae : Volume 1
Louis Agassiz, His Life and Correspondence; Volume 2
Nouvelles etudes sur les glaciers actuels
Nomenclator zoologicus, continens nomina systematica generum animalium tam viventium quam fossilium
Bibliographia Zoologiae et Geologiae : Volume 4
Bibliographia Zoologiae et Geologiae : Volume 2
The structure and growth of domesticated animals
Etudes critiques sur les mollusques fossiles
Nomenclator zoologicus, continens nomina systematica generum animalium tam viventium quam fossilium
The structure of animal life
Etudes sur les glaciers
Nouvelles études et expériences sur les glaciers actuels
A journey in Brazil
Types of Mankind Or, Ethnological Researches
Geological sketches
The primitive diversity and number of animals in geological times
An introduction to the study of natural history
Introduction to the Study of Natural History
Address delivered on the centennial anniversary of the birth of Alexander von Humboldt
Bibliographia Zoologiae et Geologiae 4 Volume Set
Tudes Sur Les Glaciers
Nouvelles études et experiences sur les glaciers actuels
Methods of study in natural history
On extraordinary fishes from California, constituting a new family
Études sur les glaciers
Discours prononcé à l'ouverture des séances de la Société Helvétique des Sciences Naturelles, à Neuchâtel le 24 Juillet 1837
Etudes critiques sur les mollusques fossiles
Discours prononcé à l'ouverture des séances de la Société Helvétique des Sciences Naturelles, à Neuchatel le 24 juillet 1837
Notice of a collection of fishes from the southern bend of the Tennessee River, Alabama
Selecta genera et species piscium, quos in itinere per Brasiliam annis MDCCCXVII-MDCCCXX... peracto collegit
Discours prononce a l'ouverture des seances de la Societe Helvetique des Sciences Naturelles ... 1837
Scientific results of a journey in Brazil
Structure of Animal Life
Address Delivered on the Centennial Anniversary of the Birth of Alexander Von Humboldt
Principles of zoology
A Journey in Brazil
Geological Sketches
De l'espèce et de la Classification en Zoologie
Recherches sur les poissons fossiles ...
Principles of zoölogy
Nomina systematica generum Hymenopterorum, tam viventium quam fossilium
Geological Sketches; Volume 1
Principles of Zoölogy : Touching the Structure, Development, Distribution, and Natural Arrangement of the Races of Animals, Living and Extinct : with Numerous Illustrations : Part I
Principles of zoölogy
A Journey in Brazil
Contributions to the natural history of the Acalephæ of North America
Methods of Study in Natural History
A letter concerning deep-sea dredgings, addressed to Professor Benjamin Peirce, Superintendent United States Coast Survey
Recherches sur les poissons fossiles ...
Contributions to the Natural History of the United States of America
Untersuchungen über die Gletscher
Essay on Classification
Studies on Glaciers; Preceded by the Discourse of Neuchatel
Principles of zoölogy
Journey in Brazil
Recherches sur les poissons fossiles ...
Natural History Illustrations
Recherches Sur les Poissons Fossiles ...
Contributions to the Natural History of the United States of America Volume; Volume 4
Etudes Sur les Glaciers
Scientific Results of a Journey in Brazil by Louis Agassiz and His Travelling Companions
Recherches sur les poissons fossiles ...
Principles of Zoölogy: Touching the Structure, Development, Distribution, and Natural ...
Principles of Zoology
Methods of Study in Natural History
Principles of Zoölogy : Touching the Structure, Development, Distribution, and Natural Arrangement of the Races of Animals, Living and Extinct
Essay on classification
Journey in Brazil
Études critiques sur les mollusques fossiles
Outlines of comparative physiology : touching the structure and development of the races of animals, living and extinct
Études Sur les Glaciers
Rapport Sur les Poissons Fossiles dÃ(c)couverts en Angleterre
Principles of zoölogy
Scientific Results of a Journey in Brazil
Le phenomène erratique dans les environs du Lac Supérieur
Geological sketches
Lake Superior
Thayer Expedition
Principles of Zoology : Touching the Structure, Development, Distribution, and Natural Arrangement of the Races of Animals, Living and Extinct : with Numerous Illustrations : Part I, Comparative Physiology
Histoire naturelle des poissons d'eau douce de l'Europe centrale. Embryologie des salmones
Bibliographia Zoologiae Et Geologiae
Monographies d'échinodermes, vivans et fossiles
A Journey in Brazil, by Prof. and Mrs. L. Agassiz
A journey in Brazil
Contributions To The Natural History Of The United States Of America, By Louis Agassiz
A journey in Brazil
Principles of Zoölogy
Recherches sur les poissons fossiles ...
Nomina systematica generum Neuropterorum, tam viventium quam fossilium
Contributions to the natural history of the United States of North America
Outlines of comparative physiology
Geological sketches
Contemplations of God in the kosmos
The Intelligence of Louis Agassiz
Geological sketches
Lake Superior
Essay on Classification (The John Harvard Library)
Nouvelles Études et Expériences Sur les Glaciers Actuels
The structure of animal life
Geological sketches
Monographie des poissons fossiles du vieux grès rouge
Darwin and Humboldt
Geological Sketches
Principles of Zoèology : Touching the Structure, Development, Distribution, and Natural Arrangement of the Races of Animals, Living and Extinct
Methods of study in natural history
Bibliographia Zoologiæ et Geologiæ
Introduction a une Monographie des Poissons Fossiles du Vieux GrÃ(c)s Roug
Scientific Results of a Journey in Brazil
Essay on Classification
Études Critiques Sur les Mollusques Fossiles; / Par Ls. Agassiz
Outlines of comparative physiology
Principles of zo©œlogy
Contributions to the Natural History of the United States of America Volume; Volume 4
Principles Of Zology : Touching The Structure, Development, Distribution, And Natural Arrangement Of The Races Of Animals, Living And Extinct
Principles of Zoology : Touching the Structure, Development, Distribution, and Natural Arrangement of the Races of Animals, Living and Extinct : with Numerous Illustrations : Part I, Comparative Physiology
Rapport Sur les Poissons Fossiles, PrÃ(c)sentÃ(c) Ã l'Association Britannique Pour l'avancement des Sciences En 1842
Darwin and Humboldt
A journey in Brazil
Études sur les glaciers
A journey in Brazil
Principles of zoölogy
Nouvelles excursions et séjours dans les glaciers et les hautes régions des ...
Principles of zoölogy
Dmitry Merezhkovsky
Dmitry Merezhkovsky (1865-1941)

poet, literary critic, philosopher, biographer, literary scholar, art historian

  • Saint Petersburg State University
L. Tolstoĭ i Dostoevskiĭ
Iisus Neizvestnyĭ
Ispanskie mistiki
14 dekabri͡a︡
Lit︠s︡a svi︠a︡tykh ot Iisusa k nam
Jesus manifest
Jesus der kommende
Jesus the unknown
Zhu shen fu huo
Jesus the unknown
Leʼonardo Da-Ṿintsi
L. Tolstoĭ i Dostoevskiĭ
Voskresshie bogi
Смерть богов
L. Tolstoĭ i Dostoevskiĭ
Smertʹ bogov
Peter and Alexis: The Romance of Peter the Great
Tolstoi as man and artist
Joseph Pilsudski
Li︠u︡bovʹ silʹni︠e︡e smerti: italʹi︠a︡nskai︠a︡ novella XV vi︠e︡ka
Julian the Apostate
Peter and Alexis
Tolstoi as Man and Artist: With an Essay on Dostoïevski
Taĭna russkoĭ revoli︠u︡t︠s︡iĭ
La mort des dieux
Chetyrnadt͡s︡atoe dekabri͡a︡
Aleksandr Pervyĭ
Death of the Gods
Ėstetika i kritika
The menace of the mob
Malenʹkai͡a︡ Tereza
L' âme de Dostoievski
T︠S︡arstvo Antikhrista
Smertʹ bogov (I︠U︡lian Otstupnik)
Quatorze décembre (roman)
Mort des Dieux
Tolstoi as man and artist, with an essay on Dostoïevski
Ne mir, no mech
Prorok russkoĭ revoli͡ut͡sii
Michael Angelo
Chetyrnadtsatoe dekabria
Iisus Neizvi︠e︡stnyĭ
Das Reich des Antichrist
Stikhotvorenii︠a︡ i poemy
Leonardo Da Vinci
[Christ and Antichrist]
Secret of the West
Khristos i Antikhrist
Pavel I
The life-work of Montaigne, from the Russian of Merejkowski by G.A. Mounsey
The Forerunner. a Romance of Leonardo Da Vinci
The forerunner, the romance of Leonardo da Vinci
The forerunner
L'Ame de Dostoiewsky, le prophète de la Révolution russe
Tolstoï et Dostoïewsky: la personne et l'oeuvre
Trilogiia Khristos i Antikhrist
Tolstoy As Man and Artist with an Essay on Dostoyevsky
Het leven van Leonardo da Vinci
Vechnye sputniki
Taĭna trekh
T︠s︡arstvo Antikhrista
Khristos i Antikhrist
Liubov silnee smerti
Petr i Alekseĭ
Khristos i Antikhrist
Viechnye sputniki
Romance of Leonardo da Vinci
Bylo i budet
La r©♭surrection des Dieux (L©♭onard de Vinci)
The Romance of Leonardo Da Vinci/ (Variant Title = the Gods Reborn and the Forerunner)
Peter and Alexis
Tolstoi as man and artist
The forerunner
Der ṭoyṭ fun di geṭer
L'Atlantide, ou le mystère de l'Occident
Taĭna russkoĭ revoli͡u︡t͡s︡ii
Bolʹnai︠a︡ Rossii︠a︡
Aleksandr I i Dekabristy
Russia and Bolshevism
V|i|echnye sputkini
The life of Napoleon
Prorok russkoĭ revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ii
Quatorze decembre
Gogolʹ i chort
Polnoe sobranie sochineni
Le règne de l'antéchrist
Sobranie stikhov, 1883-1910 g
The Romance of Leonardo da Vinci
Vi︠e︡chnye sputniki
Rozhdenie bogov
Prorok russkoĭ revoli͡ut͡sīi
Romance of Leonardo da Vinci. Translated by Bernard Guilbert Guerbey
The Death of the Gods
"Bolʹnai͡a︡ Rossii͡a︡"
Voskresshīe bogi
La mort des dieux
La vie passionnée de Napoléon
Vom krieg zur revolution
The life-work of Montaigne
Resurrection of the Gods
L. Tolsto©Œi i Dostoevski©Œ
Der vierzehnte Dezember: Roman
Julian the Apostate
Chekhov and Gorky = Chekhov" I Gor'kii
Izbrannye stat'i
Michel Ange
Paul. Augustine
Dvi︠e︡ taĭny russkoĭ poezii
Napoléon, la gloire et l'ombre
The life-work of Flaubert
The life-work of Calderon
Alexander I
Les mystères de l'Orient
Napoleon, a study
Tolstoï et Dostoïewsky
Romance da Vinci
Michael Angelo,
The romance of Leonardo da Vinci / Dmitri Merejcovski ; translated from the Russian by Bernard Guilbert Guerney and illustrated with 100 reproductions of the work of Leonardo Da Vinci ; selected and arranged by J. B. Neumann
The secret of the West
Tain̆a trekhʹ
Litsa sviatych ot Iisusa k nam
V tikhom omute
Chekhov i Gorʹkiĭ =
The Death of the Gods/(Variant Title = Julian the Apostate)
The Death of the Gods
Gradushchiĭ kham
December the fourteenth
Akhnaton, King of Egypt
TSarstvo Antikhrista
VeggieTales Super-Suction Ears 3-D Puzzle (Biblioteka Zhurnala)
Das Reich des Antichrist
The birth of the gods
Yulyanus ha-kofer
Budet radostʹ
[Dante ; Boris Godunov
Zavi︠e︡t Bi︠e︡linskago
The Life-work of Hendrik Ibsen
Polnoe sobranīe sochinenīĭ D. S. Merezhkovskago
Gradushchiĭ kham
Li͡u︡bovʹ silʹni͡e︡e smerti
The life-work of Pliny the Younger
Khristos i Antikhrist
Gri︠a︡dushchiĭ Kham
Polnoe sobranie sochineniĭ D.S. Merezhkovskago
Vzkříšení bohové
Le roman de Napoléon
Stikhotvorenii︠a︡ i poėmy
Tod und Auferstehung
Polnoe sobranie sochineniǐ
Das Reich des Antichrist
Der Anmarsch des Pobels
Peter a Alesksej
Pavel I: Pesa ; Aleksandr I
Le roman de Léonard de Vinci
Dvi͡e︡ taĭny russkoĭ poėzīi
O prichinakh upadka i o novykh techenīi︠a︡kh sovremennoĭ russkoĭ literatury
Pervent︠s︡y svobody
Nevoennyĭ dnevnik, 1914-1916
Zachi︠e︡m voskres?
Aleḳsander der Ershṭer
Leonardo da Vinci
Vo vtornik, 18 Ii͡uni͡a 1907 goda v 8 1/2 chasov vechera v salle na Avenue de Choisy, 190 D. S. Merezhkovskīĭ prochtet publichnui͡u lekt͡sīi͡u na temu: V chem sila samoderzhavīi͡a
Lit︠s︡a svi︠a︡tykh ot Iisusa k nam
Taĭna trekh
Shirarezaru Kirisuto
Sobranie stikhotvoreniĭ
Tolstoi und Dostojewski
Novyi︠a︡ stikhotvorenii︠a︡
The Romance of Leonardo da Vinci
T͡S︡arʹ i revoli͡u︡t͡s︡ii͡a︡
The Acropolis
Voskresshie bogi