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philosophers who wrote biography
Showing 353-360 out of 622 results
Russell Kirk
Russell Kirk (1918-1994)

political scientist, philosopher, literary critic, historian, journalist, peace activist

  • University of St Andrews, Duke University
The Sword of Imagination
Edmund Burke
John Randolph of Roanoke
The Dark Descent
Dark Forces
The Surly Sullen Bell
Eliot and His Age
The Color of Evil
Academic freedom
Old House of Fear
Lord of the hollow dark
A program for conservatives
The American cause
The conservative mind, from Burke to Santayana
Ancestral shadows
The Politics of Prudence
America's British culture
The Century's Best Horror Fiction. Volume 2
The political principles of Robert A. Taft
Decadence and Renewal in the Higher Learning
The princess of all lands
The Essential Russell Kirk
Watchers at the strait gate
Redeeming the Time
Beyond the dreams of avarice
The roots of American order
The wise men know what wicked things are written on the sky
The Portable conservative reader
The conservative mind : from Burke to Eliot / Russell Kirk
Prospects for conservatives
The intemperate professor
The conservative Constitution
The Assault on religion
Rights and duties
Enemies of the Permanent Things: Observations of Abnormity in Literature and Politics
Gateway to the Stoics
St. Andrews
What Shadows We Pursue
A creature of the twilight: his memorials
Randolph of Roanoke
Confessions of a bohemian Tory
The intelligent woman's guide to conservatism
Orestes Brownson
What Is Conservatism?
Fiction # 169
Off the Sand Road
Modern age
Lord Acton on revolution
Muhafazakar Anlayış
Objections to conservatism
Collected Letters of John Randolph to Dr. John Brockenbrough
Government's role in solving societal problems
Russell Kirk's Concise Guide to Conservatism
Manly P. Hall
Manly P. Hall (1901-1990)

philosopher, astrologer, mystic

Sages and seers
Twelve world teachers
Growing up with grandmother
The secret teachings of all ages
Self-unfoldment by disciplines of realization
The Lost Keys of Freemasonry (Also Includes: Freemasonry of the Ancient Egyptians / Masonic Orders of Fraternity)
An encyclopedic outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic, and Rosicrucian symbolical philosophy
Healing, the divine art
Lectures on ancient philosophy
America's Assignment With Destiny
Alchemy, comprehensive bibliography of the Manly P. Hall collection of books and manuscripts
The adepts in the Eastern esoteric tradition
A Collection of Fiction and Essays by Occult Writers on Supernatural, Metaphysical and Esoteric Subjects
The secret destiny of America
Freemasonry of the ancient Egyptians
The secret teachings of all ages
The magic fire
The tarot
Shadow Forms
Paracelsus, his mystical and medical philosophy
The Secret Teachings of All Ages
Masonic Orders of Fraternity
The Mystical Christ
The Wisdom of the Knowing Ones: Gnosticism
Freemasons and Rosicrucians - the Enlightened
Astrological Keywords (Littlefield, Adams Quality Paperback; No. 299)
The Bible
Venerated teachers of the Jains, Sikhs, and Parsis
Road to Inner Light
Rosicrucian and Masonic Origins
An encyclopedic outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic, and Rosicrucian symbolical philosophy
The lost keys of Freemasonry
The Initiates of Greece & Rome
Dream symbolism
The little world of PRS
Light of the Vedas
The way of heaven, and other fantasies told in the manner of the Chinese
Exploring Dimensions of Consciousness
A commentary upon The quiet way
The Lost Keys Of Masonry
Self-unfoldment by disciplines of realization
Ancient Mystery Rituals
What the ancient wisdom expects of its disciples
Melchizedek and the Mystery of Fire
The adepts in the esoteric classical tradition
Old Testament wisdom
The Apocalypse attributed to St. John
Astrological Keywords
The Tarot
The Secret Destiny of America
First principles of philosophy
Death to rebirth
The secret teachings of all ages
The Hermetic Marriage
Orders of the Universal Reformation, Utopias
Exoteric and Esoteric Knowledge
Unseen Forces
Melchizedek and the Mystery of Fire
Initiation of Plato
The Story of the Cell
Worlds in Transition
Orders Of The Quest
Past Lives and Present Problems
Lectures on Ancient Philosophy
Philosophy of Astrology
Codex Rosae Crucis
Atom in Religion & Philosophy
The ways of the lonely ones
Meditation Symbols in Eastern & Western Mysticism
The Child's Place In The Plan
Occult Foundations of Science
Symbolic essays
Philosophy for the Sick and Disposition and Disease
First Principles of Philosophy
Astrological keywords
Adventures in Understanding
The noble eightfold path
The phoenix
Wit and wisdom of the immortals
Ten Basic Rules for Better Living
Buddhism and psychotherapy
Think on These Things
The judgment of the soul and the mystery of coming forth by day
The Brain and the Release of the Soul
Studies in Self-Unfoldment
The Nature of the Absolute and God the Divine Foundation
The Disciplines of Salvation
Esoteric Anthropology
Plotinus on the Beautiful (Neoplatonism: Theology for Wanderers in the New Millennium, Book Three)
Radio Talks On Philosophy And Psychology
Mystery and Meaning of the Ancient Rituals
The Mystery of Fire
The White Bird of Tao
The lost keys of masonry
Facing The Future
Sages & Seers
An Essay On The Fundamental Principles Of Operative Occultism
The Western Paradise of Amitabha
Pineal Gland
The Lord Giveth And The Lord Taketh Away
Daily Words of Wisdom
Psychic Symbolism of Headaches, Insomnia, and the Upset Stomach
Mystics of Islam
The Guru
The Sacred Magic Of The Qabbalah
Dream symbolism
Francis Bacon
Paracelsian Philosophy
Bible Interpretation
Mystics and Mysteries of Alexandria
Initiates of the Flame
Five Paths of Yoga
Questions and Answers
Psychoanalyzing the twelve zodiacal types
The Sages of China (The Adepts: in the Eastern Esoteric Tradition, Part 3)
The mystical Christ
The Story of Christmas
Horizon the Magazine of Useful and Intelligent Living 1947 to 1948
Short Talks on Many Subjects
Studies in character analysis
Research on Reincarnation
Talks to Students on Occult Philosophy
Codex Rosae Crucis, D.O.M.A. A Rare & Curious Manuscript of Rosicrucian Interest
Man the Grand Symbol of the Mysteries
Demigods and Supermen
Superfaculties And Their Culture
Medicine of the Sun and Moon
Thirty Eight Thousand Miles of Impressions
Symbolism Of The World Egg And Occult Embryology
An Introduction to Dream Interpretation
Astrological Essays
The Soul in Egyptian Metaphysics
Friendship, Love & Beauty
The Universe According to Esoteric Philosophy
Man Grand Symbol of the Mysteries, Thoughts In Occult Anatomy
Pythagorean Theory of Number
Very Unusual
The Value of Prayer in Psychological Integration
Atlantean Hypothesis
Positive Uses of Psychic Energy
Restating the Theory of Education
The story of astrology
Dream Symbolism
Koyasan, Sanctuary of Esoteric Buddhism
Lectures on Ancient Philosophy and Introduction to the Study and Application of Rational Procedure
Orders of the Great Work, Alchemy
Orders of Universal Reformation (The Adepts in the Western Esoteric Tradition, Part Three)
A Collection of Writings Related to Occult, Esoteric, Rosicrucian and Hermetic Literature, Including Freemasonry, the Kabbalah, the Tarot, Alchemy and Theosophy Volume 2
Practical Mysticism in Modern Living
Iamblicus on the Mysteries (Neoplatonism: Theology for Wanderers in the New Millennium, Book Two)
Words to the Wise
Apocalypse Attributed to St. John
Wisdom Series
From Death to Rebirth
The Quiet Way
E. A. Gordon Pioneer in East-West Religious Understanding
Studies in Morals & Dogma by Albert Pike
What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples
A Collection of Writings Related to Occult, Esoteric, Rosicrucian and Hermetic Literature, Including Freemasonry, the Kabbalah, the Tarot, Alchemy and Theosophy Volume 4
The Mysteries of Asia
Five-Fold Nature of the Self
Studies in Comparative Mythology
The Spinal Column, World Tree, Kundalini and the Sympathetic Nervous System
Studies in Dream Symbolism
Love Series
The lost keys of Freemasonry
Doctrines of Hermes Trismegistus
Therapeutic Value of Music Including the Philosophy of Music
Man, the grand symbol of the mysteries
Death to Rebirth
The Ladder of the Gods
The Pineal Gland
The All Seeing Eye 1927
The Occult Anatomy of Man
Spiritual Centers in Man
The secret destiny of America
Manly Palmer Hall Collection of Alchemical Manuscripts, Circa 1500-1825; 16
The Culture of the Mind
Death and After
Phoenix, The
Emerson's Concept of the Oversoul
The adepts in the Western esoteric tradition
"Very unusual"
Meditation Disciplines and Personal Integration
Pagan Theogony and Cosmogony
Paracelsus, his mystical and medical philosophy
Words to the wise
The Space Born
The Goal of Philosophy
Facing The Facts
Symbolism of the Great Operas
Zen of the Bright Virtue
Pathways of Philosophy
An encyclopedic outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic, and Rosicrucian symbolical philosophy : being an interpretation of the secret teachings concealed within the rituals, allegeries, and mysteries of all ages
Riddle of the Rosicrucians
Past lives and present problems
The Incarnations of Vishnu
Studies in Character Analysis
The Story of Astrology 1933
How to understand your Bible
Woman, the Mother of All Living
Psychoanalyzing the Twelve Zodiacal Types
Mysticism and Mental Healing
Planetary Influence and the Human Soul (Astrology)
Ralph Waldo Emerson's essays on friendship, love, and beauty
How Belief in Rebirth Enriches Your Life
Inner Lives of Minerals, Plants & Animals
Journey in truth
The Macrocosm and the Microcosm
Horizon the Magazine of Useful and Intelligent Living 1942 to 1943
The initiates of the flame
Growing Up With Grandmother
The Life and Teachings of Hermes Trismegistus
Basic Fears & How to Correct Them
The Lost Keys of Freemasonry
Twelve World Teachers
The Mystery of the Holy Spirit
Basic Principles of Domestic Psychology and Bringing Philosophy to Children
Psychology of Religious Ritual
The Influence of Pythagoras on Freemasonry, The Golden Verses of Pythagoras and The Life and Philosophy of Pythagoras
Lone Traveler
El Camino del Cielo
Psychological Theory & Practice
Death And After And The Theory Of Reincarnation
Wit and Wisdom of the Immortals
How to Understand Your Bible
Las enseñanzas secretas de todos los tiempos
Invisible Bodies of Men in Hindu Philosophy of Divine Principles
Magic, a Treatise on Esoteric Ethics
Old Testament Wisdom
Therapeutic Value of Music
Adventures in understanding
Greek & Roman Deities as Personifications
How To Understand Your Bible
The Way of Heaven
Great books on religion and esoteric philosophy
The All-Seeing Eye V4
The Blessed Angels
Mysteries of the Cabala
Studies in the Living Religions of Mankind
Cabalistic Keys to the Lord's Prayer
The Doctrine of Redemption Through Grace
Esoteric Philosophy of H.P. Blavatsky
Right Thinking
Psychic Self-Reproach
Rosicrucian and Masonic Origins
Mahamaya, the mother of Buddha
Blind Spot in the Mind
Horizon the Magazine of Useful and Intelligent Living 1946 to 1947
The blessed angels
A Vital Concept of Personal Growth
The Rosicrucians and magister Christoph Schlegel
Journey in Truth
The lost keys of freemasonry
The lost keys of Freemasonry
The Mystery Of Electricity
A Collection of Writings Related to Occult, Esoteric, Rosicrucian and Hermetic Literature, Including Freemasonry, the Kabbalah, the Tarot, Alchemy and Theosophy Volume 3
Science and Immortality
Horizon the Magazine of Useful and Intelligent Living 1943 to 1944
Astrology and reincarnation
Incompatibility, a Crisis in Modern Living
Short talks on many subjects
The lost keys of Freemasonry
Right thinking
The story of astrology
Pluto in Libra, An Interpretation
The Bible
America's Assignment With Destiny
A Philosophic Consideration of Man
Super Faculties & Their Culture
Talks To Students On Occult Philosophy
Great Polarities
Visions & Metaphysical Experiences
Questions and answers, fundamentals of the occult sciences
The Illumined Mind
Life in the Twenty-First Century
The Heart and Blood
The Mystery of the Three Worlds
New Concepts of Therapy for Daily Living
Doctrines of Neoplatonism
Meditation disciplines and personal integration
Life Planning
Questions and answers
The therapeutic value of music ; including, The philosophy of music
Cycle of the Phoenix
Recto Pensamiento, El
The Rosicrucians & Magister Christoph Schlegel
Interpreting Great Legends of the World
Paracelsus, His Mystical and Medical Philosophy
Zen Concept of Intensity Without Tension
The Hermetic Marriage
Spiritual centers in man
The Mission of Aesthetics
Dark Night of the Soul (Search for Reality)
Sermon on the Mount
Great Books on Religion and Esoteric Philosophy
Freemasonry of the Ancient Egyptians
Secret of the Untroubled Mind
How to Understand Your Bible : A Philosopher's Interpretation of Obscure and Puzzling Passages
Atlantis, an Interpretation
From a Philosopher's Scrapbook
Meditation symbols in Eastern & Western mysticism
Occult Anatomy of Man
Is Each Individual Born With a Purpose: Lectures on Personal Growth (Search for Reality : Part 2)
Symbolism of Light and Color
The Cycle of Necessity
Manly Palmer Hall Collection of Alchemical Manuscripts, 1500-1825
Studies in Man, Grand Symbol of the Mysteries
Secret Teachings of All Ages
Philosophy of Value
Venerated Teachers of the Jains, Sikhs and Parsis (Adepts in the Eastern Esoteric Tradition, Vol 5)
Wisdom Beyond the Mind (Search for Reality, Part 3)
The Noble Eightfold Path
Self Unfoldment By Disciplines of Realization
Orders of the Quest, The Holy Grail (Adept Series)
Unseen Forces That Can Affect Our Lives
Winter Solace Annual Rebirth of the Universal Soul
The Ways of the Lonely Ones
The All Seeing Eye 1930 to 1931
Reincarnation, The Cycle of Necessity
Four Seasons of the Spirit & Achieving the Miracle of Contentment
The Initiates of the Flame
Landmarks of Esoteric Literature
From A Philosopher's Scrapbook
Horizon the Magazine of Useful And Intelligent Living 1945 to 1946
Invisible records of thought & action
The space-born
Buddhism and Psychotherapy
Shadow Forms
Buddha's "Sermon on the Mount
Proclus on the Theology of Plato (Neoplatonism
Symbolic Essays
The Story of Astrology
The occult anatomy of man
Pathways of philosophy
Freemasonry, Mithraism and the Ancient Mysteries
Initiates of the Flame Illustrated Edition
Little World of PRS
Initiates of the Flame & the Lost Keys of Freemasonry
A Collection of Writings Related to Occult, Esoteric, Rosicrucian and Hermetic Literature, Including Freemasonry, the Kabbalah, the Tarot, Alchemy and Theosophy Volume 1
Lectures on Ancient Philosophy
Sepher Yetzirah and the Qabalah
The Knapp-Hall Tarot Cards
Super Faculties and Their Culture
Lectures on Ancient Philosophy HARDCOVER
The mystical Christ
Initiates of the Flame Illustrated by Manly P. Hall
The guru
Pineal Gland
Secret History of America
Lost Keys of Freemasonry
Hermetik Evlilik
Words to the wise
Astrology and Reincarnation
The story of healing
The Lost Keys of Freemasonry or the Secret of Hiram Abiff
Ancient Mysteries and Secret Societies
The story of Christmas
Icsel Gelisim - Farkindalik ve Aydinlanma Calisma Kitabi
Lectures on Ancient Philosophy Paperback
Knapp-Hall Tarot Deck
Collected writings
Psychoanalyzing the Twelve Zodiacal Types
Destino Secreto de Norteamérica
Culture of the Mind
Secret Teachings of All Ages : An Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic and Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy
Occult Anatomy of Man
Lost Keys of Freemasonry
Las claves perdidas de la Francmasonería
Initiates of the Flame
What the Ancient Wisdom Expects of Its Disciples
Secret Teaching of All Ages
Psychoanalyzing the Twelve Zodiacal Types
The Life and Teachings of Thoth Hermes Trismegistus
Secret Teachings of All Ages
Collected Writings
Lost Keys of Freemasonry
The Secret Teachings of All Ages
Lost Keys of Freemasonry (Graphyco Editions)
Mysterious Wonders of Antiquity
An essay on the fundamental principles of operative occultism
Lady of dreams
Vida de JesÚs
The story of healing
Pineal Gland
Alev Inisiyeleri
The Secret Teachings of All Ages
Astrology and Reincarnation
The culture of the mind ..
The mystical and medical philosophy of Paracelsus
Manly Palmer Hall. Secret Teachings of All Ages
Initiates of the Flame
Initiates of the Flame Illustrated
Secret Teachings of All Ages
Psychoanalysing the Twelve Zodiacal Types
Las enseñanzas secretas de todos los tiempos
The philosophy of astrology
Manly P. Hall A Seeker of More Intelligent Life - Book Third
Tüm Caglarin Gizli Ögretileri
Melchizedek and the Mystery of Fire
Nordic, Gothic, and Finnish Rites (Adepts Series)
Collected Writings of Manly P. Hall. Volume I
The Adepts in the eastern esoteric tradition
THE SECRET TEACHINGS OF ALL AGES. An Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic, Hermitic, Qabbalistic and Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy. Being an Interpretation of the Secret Teachings Concealed within the Rituals, Allegories and Mysteries of all Ages
Astrology and Reincarnation
Ways of the Lonely Ones
Lost Keys of Masonry - the Legend of Hiram Abriff
Mystical Christ Religion As a Personal S
The Ways of the Lonely Ones
Rosicrucian and Masonic Origins
Lectures on Ancient Philosophy
Right thinking the royal road to health
Lost Keys of Freemasonry
Sermon on the Mount: An Interpretation
Melchizedek and the Mystery of Fire
Los iniciados de la llama
Introduction to Occult Embryology
Sacred Magic of the Qabbalah
Freemasonry of the ancient Egyptians
Les Enseignements Secrets Intemporels
Initiates of the Flame
Secret Destiny of America
Zodiac and Its Signs
Manly Palmer Hall collection of alchemical manuscripts
Studies in dream symbolism
Past Lives & Present Problems (Reincarnation, Karma, & Life After Death)
The basic ideas of man
The Hermeticism Collection : The Kybalion, Corpus Hermeticum
The Lost Keys Of Freemasonry Or The Secret of Hiram Abiff
Lectures on Ancient Philosophy
Ancient Egyptian Mysteries and Hieroglyphics, Modern Freemasonry & Initiation of the Pyramid
Sacred Magic of the Qabbalah
Ways of the Lonely Ones
Julian on the Mother of the Gods (Neoplatonism: Theology for Wanderers in the New Millennium, Book Five)
From death to rebirth
Lost Keys of Freemasonry
The Ways of the Lonely Ones
Very sincerely yours, Manly P. Hall
America's Assignment with Destiny
How to Understand Your Bible
Campi Magnetici Del Corpo Umano e le Loro Funzioni
Occult Symbolism of the Sun and Moon, the Goddess Isis and the Solar Deities
Study Guide to the Secret Teachings of All Ages : A Survey Course in Philosophy Based upon the Introduction to
Manly P. Hall a Seeker of More Intelligent Life - Book Fourth
Las enseñanzas secretas de todos los tiempos
Initiates of the Flame - Fully Illustrated Edition
Ways of the Lonely Ones
Freemasons and Rosicrucians - the Enlightened
Initiates of the Flame
Melchizedek and the mystery of fire
The guru, by his disciple
Spiritual Centers in Man
Secret Destiny of America
Manly Palmer Hall Collection of Alchemical Manuscripts, 1500-1825 Volume Box 36
The Guru, by His Disciple
Porphyry on the Wandering of Ulysses (Neoplatonism: Theology for Wanderers in the New Millennium, Book Four)
An essay on the fundamental principles of operative occultism
What the ancient wisdom expects of its disciples
The occult anatomy of man
Codex rosae crucis
Ėnt︠s︡iklopedicheskoe izlozhenie masonskoĭ, germeticheskoĭ, kabbalisticheskoĭ i rozenkreĭt︠s︡erovskoĭ simvolicheskoĭ filosofii
Shadow forms
An encyclopedic outline of masonic, hermetic, cabbalistic and rosicrucian symbolical philosophy
William Lane Craig
William Lane Craig (born 1949)

philosopher, apologist, Christian theologian

  • University of Birmingham, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
The problem of divine foreknowledge and future contingents from Aristotle to Suarez
Theism, atheism, and big bang cosmology
The Only Wise God
Time and Eternity
The Son Rises
The kalām cosmological argument
Reasonable faith
Will the real Jesus please stand up?
Einstein, relativity and absolute simultaneity
Philosophy of Religion
Knowing the truth about the Resurrection
The cosmological argument from Plato to Leibniz
Time and the metaphysics of relativity
Hard questions, real answers
Jesus' resurrection
Does God exist?
Debate on God and Morality
God, time, and eternity
The Kalam Cosmological Argument
The existence of God and the beginning of the universe
Assessing the New Testament evidence for the historicity of the Resurrection of Jesus
The historical argument for the Resurrection of Jesus during the Deist controversy
Divine foreknowledge and human freedom
The tenseless theory of time
Is goodness without God good enough?
Philosophical foundations for a Christian worldview
No easy answers
The tensed theory of time
Apologetics an Introduction
The Logic of Rational Theism
Creation out of nothing
The Problem of Divine Foreknowledge and Future Contingents from Aristotle to Suarez (Brill's Studies in Intellectual History)
God Are You There
On Guard
God and Cosmology
Blackwell Companion to Natural Theology
The two tasks of the Christian scholar
The Tenseless Theory of Time - A Critical Examination
Preguntas difíciles, respuestas reales
Does God Exist?
Kalam Cosmological Argument
What Does God Know?
True reason
God over All
Philosophy of Religion
Divine Foreknowledge and Human Freedom: The Coherence of Theism
God is great, God is good
The Blackwell companion to natural theology
In Quest of the Historical Adam
Atonement and the Death of Christ
The cosmological argument for the existence of God
A Reasonable Response
The Kalam Cosmological Argument, Volume 1
What Is the Bible?
Philosophical Foundations for a Christian Worldview
Passionate conviction
Hard Questions, Real Answers
The Problem of Divine Foreknowledge and Future Contingents from Aristotle to Suarez
God over All
Fundamentos Filosoficos para una Cosmovision Cristiana
Kalam Cosmological Argument Vol. 2
Fe Razonable
Time and Eternity
Time and Eternity
Four Views on Divine Providence
How Do We Know God Exists?
Hard Questions, Real Answers
The Cosmological Argument from Plato to Leibniz
Cosmological Argument from Plato to Leibniz
Reasonable Faith
Kalam Cosmological Argument, Volume 2
The Logic of rational theism
Five views on apologetics
God Is Great, God Is Good
Reasonable Faith Study Guide
Philosophy of Religion
Contending with Christianity's Critics
Systematic Philosophical Theology, Volume IIa
Come let us reason
On Guard Study Guide
On Guard
Reasonable Faith
Foi raisonnable
God and Abstract Objects : The Coherence of Theism
On Guard for Students
Is God Real?
Kalam Cosmological Argument
Einstein, Relativity and Absolute Simultaneity
Systematic Philosophical Theology : Volume II on God
Two Tasks of the Christian Scholar Redeeming the Soul Redeeming the Mind
Do Numbers Exist?
Philosophy of Religion
Theism, Atheism, and Big Bang Cosmology
Systematic Philosophical Theology
Bruce Ackerman
Bruce Ackerman (born 1943)

philosopher, political scientist

  • Harvard University, Yale Law School
Deliberation Day
We the People
The failure of the founding fathers
We the People
Clean coal/dirty air
The stakeholder society
Private property and the Constitution
Perspectives on property law
Is NAFTA constitutional?
Voting with dollars
We the People
The uncertain search for environmental quality
Before the next attack
Reconstructing American law
Case Against Lameduck Impeachment
Bush V. Gore
What Brown v. Board of Education should have said
The temporal horizons of justice
Social justice in the liberal state
El Futuro de La Revolucion Liberal
Het recht van de moraal
The decline and fall of the American republic
La Politica del Dialogo Liberal
Economic foundations of property law
The dilemma of liberal democracy, and its constitutional solution?
Xin xing min zhu de xian zheng gai zao
Fundamentos y alcances del control judicial de constitucionalidad
Philipp Melanchthon
Philipp Melanchthon (1497-1560)

astronomer, theologian, astrologer, philosopher, classical philologist, Protestant reformer

  • Heidelberg University, University of Tübingen
Philipp Melanchthon
Philippi Melanthonis Opera quae supersunt omnia
Philip Melanchthon
Philippi Melanthonis Opera quae supersunt omnia
Melanchthon deutsch
Melanchthon on Christian doctrine: Loci communes, 1555
Opera quae supersunt omnia
Selected writings
Loci communes, 1543
The Loci communes of Philip Melanchthon
Commentary on Romans
Commentarii in Epistolam Pauli ad Romanos, recogn. T. Nickel
Epistolae, iudicia, consilia, testimonia aliorumque ad eum epistolae quae in Corpore Reformatorum desiderantur
The epistle unto Kynge Henry the Eight
The Loci Communes of Philip Melanchthon
Paul's Letter to the Colossian
Corpus doctrinae christianae
Grundbegriffe der Ethik : zwei Bucher
Enarratio secundae tertiaeque partis Symboli Nicaeni (1550)
Loci praecipvi theologici
Of two vvoonderful popish monsters
Commentarii in epistolam Pauli ad Romanos
Chronicon Carionis
In evangelia, quae usitato more diebus dominicis & festis proponuntur, annotationes Philippi Melanthonis, recognitae & auctae
Enarratio epistolae Pauli ad Colossenses
The Augsburg Confession
Quaestiones de rebus cognitione dignissimis
Epistolae Pauli scriptae ad Romanos
Apologia Confessions Augustanae
Loci praecipui theologici per Philippum Melanthonem
Scritti religiosi e politici
A waying and considering of the Interim by the honourworthy and highly learned Phillip Melancthon. Tra[n]slated into Englyshe by Iohn Rogers
Nova scholia Philippi Melanchthonis in Proverbia Salomonis, ad iusti penè commentarij modū conscripta
Paul's letter to the Colossians
Conciones explicantes integrum Euangelium S. Matthaei
Brevis et utilis commentarius in priorem epistolam Pauli ad Corinthios, & in aliquot capita secundae
Scholia in epistolam Pauli ad Colossenses iterum ab auctore recognita
Epistolarum liber
Melanchton on Christian doctrine
Heubtartikel Christlicher Lere: Melanchthons Deutsche Fassung Seiner Loci Theologici Nach Dem Autograph Und Dem Originaldruck Von 1553 (German Edition)
Melanchthon on Christian Doctrine
Loci praecipui theologici
Ain Sermon von dem Priesterthumb
Apologia der Confession aus dem Latin verdeudschet
The Apology of the Augsburg Confession
The Apology of the Augsburg Confession
Responsiones scriptae à Philippo Melanthone ad impios articulos bauaricae inquisitionis
Elementa rhetorices = Grundbegriffe der Rhetorik: mit den Briefen Senecas, Plinius' d.J. und den "Gegens atzlichen Briefen" Giovanni Picos della Mirandola und Franz Burchards
Philippi Melanchthonis epistolae, judicia, consilia, testimonia aliorumque ad eum epistolae quae ..
Philippi Melanchthonis de rhetorica libri tres
Philipp Melanchthon
Texte aus der Anfangszeit Melanchthons
Enarratio epistolae Pauli scriptae ad Romanos
Supplementa Melanchthoniana
In Danielem prophetam commentarivs
Operum omnium reverendi viri Philippi Melanthonis
The epistle of the famous and great clerke Philip Melancton made vnto oure late Souereygne Lorde Kynge Henry the eight, for the reuoking and abolishing of the six articles set forth and enacted by the craftie meanes and procurement of certeyne of our prelates of the clergie, newly tra[n]slated out of laten into Englishe by I.C
Grammatica Graeca, 1527
Philippvs Melanchthon Declamationes
A Melanchthon reader
Omnium operum Reverendi Viri Philippi Melanthonis
Annotations on the First epistle to the Corinthians
Melantone (1497-1560)
Philipp Melanchthon's Werke
The justification of man by faith only
Loci communes theologici
The Confession of Faith
A very godly defence
In Evangelia quae usitato more in diebus Dominicis & Festis proponuntur annotationes
Verlegung etlicher vnchristlicher Artikel welche die Widerteuffer furgeben
A critical translation of Philip Melanchthon's Elementorum rhetorices libri duo
A Very Godly Defense, Defending the Marriage of Priests (English Experience ; No 199)
Grammatica Philippi Melanchthonis Latina
Historia de vita et actis Reuerendiss. Viri D. Mart. Lutheri ..
Observations on the human body
Supplementa Melanchthoniana
Epistola de conventu Ratisbonensi ad Io. Caesarium
Syntaxis nova Philippi Melanchthonis, schematismis delineata in gratiam studio
Life and Acts of Martin Luther
On Christian doctrine
La Confession d'Augsbourg ; et, L'apologie de la Confession d'Augsbourg
Das die Fuersten aus Gottes beuelh und gebot schuldig sind
Philippi Melanchthonis de rhetorica libri tres
Operum Philippi Melancthonis tomi quinque
A godlye treatyse of prayer, translated into Englishe, by Iohn Bradforde
Werke in Auswahl
Loci communes 1521
[Loci communes theologici]
Didymi Fauentini aduersus Thomam Placentinum pro Martino Luthero theologo
A godly and learned assertion in defence of the true church of God, and of His Woorde
A famous and godly history
Examen eorum qui audiuntur ante ritum publicae ordinationis qua commendatur eis ministerium Euangelii
Heubtartikel Christlicher Lere
Omnivm opervm reverendi viri Philippi Melanthonis, pars prima[-qvarta]
Loci theologici recens recogniti
Selectarum declamationum
Loci Communes of Philipp Melanchthon
De officio concionatoris Philippi Melanchthonis dissertatio
Philippi Melanthonis cum praefationum in quosdam illustres autores
Rhetorices elementa
Examen eorvm, qvi avdivntvr ante ritvm pvblicæ ordinationis, qva commendatur eis ministerium Evangelii
[Initia doctrinae physicae
Eyne summa der Christlichen Leer
Träumbuch Artemidori des griechischen philosophi
The chief theological topics
Selectarum declamationum Philippi Melanthonis
Philippi Melanthonis elementorum rhetorices libri duo
Whether it be mortall sinne to transgresse civil lawes which be the commaundementes of civill magistrates
Confessio doctrinae Saxonicarum ecclesiarum
Liber de anima
A newe work co[n]cerning both partes of the sacrament to be receyued of the lay peple
Der Unterricht der Visatoren, 1528
A very godly defense, full of lerning, defending the mariage of preistes, gathered by Philip Melanchton, [and] sent vnto the Kyng of Englond, Henry the aight, tra[n]slated out of latyne into englisshe, by lewes beuchame: the yere of the Lorde .M.CCCCC.XLI. in Auguste
A ciuile nosgay
Institutiones rhetoricae Philippi Melanchthonis
De vita Martini Lutheri narratio
Ratio breuis sacrarum concionum tractandarum
De imitatione, from the Elementa rhetorices of Philip Melanchthon
Vnterricht der Visitatorn an die Pfarherrn im Kurfürstenthumb zů Sachssen
The iustification of man by faith only: made and vvritten by Phylyp Melanchton. and translated out of the Latyn in to this oure mother tonge by Nicholas Lesse of London An apologie or defence of the worde of God, declaringe what a necessary thynge it is, to be in all mennes handes, the want wher of is the only cause of al vngodlienes committed thorowe the whole earth, made by the sayde Nicholas Lesse
Prima[-secvnda] pars Chronici Carionis Latine expositi et avcti multis & veteribus & recentibus historijs, in narrationibus rerum Graecarum, Germanicarum & ecclesiasticarum
The Augsburg Confession Lt
The life of Philip Melanchthon, the German reformer
Philologische Schriften Philipp Melanchthons
Philippi Melanchthonis Libellus de scriptoribus ecclesiasticus
Philippi Melanchthonis [tois hen hagiois] Consilia, siue, Iudicia theologica, itémque responsiones ad quaestiones de rebus variis ac multiplicibus secundùm seriem annorum digestae
Philippi Melanchthonis de Vita Martini Lutheri narratio et Vita Philippi Melanchthonis
Godly prayers, meete to be used in these later times
The Augsburg Confession (in German)
Dispvtatio de Ivbileo
Iudicium Philippi Melanthonis de controversia Coenae Domini
De dialectica libri quatuor
Commentarius de anima
Werke in Auswahl
A newe work concernyng both partes of the Sacrament to be receyued of the lay people
Philipp Melanchthon
Loci communes theologici recens collecti & recogniti
Melanchthoniana Paedagogica
Humanismus und Wittenberger Reformation
Examinis theologici
Omnivm opervm reverendi viri Philippi Melanthonis
A newe worck concernyng both partes of the sacrament to be receyued of the lay people
Philipp Melanchthon und Leipzig
Kurtzer Begryff der erneuften christenlichen Leer ...
Die fürnemisten Unterscheid zwischen reiner christlicher Lere des Euangelij vnd der abgöttischen papistischen Lere
Epistola ... An Hertzog Moritzen Churfürsten zu Sachsen, von der Expedition wider Kayser Carl den Fünfften ...
In Ioannis euangelium commentarii Philippi Melanc
The life of Luther
Process, wie es soll gehalten werden mit den Widertäuffern
Scholia in Epistolam Pauli ad Colossenses
Philipp Melanchthon, theologian and humanist
De venis metallicis gratiarum actio & precatio
Werke in Auswahl
Corpvs Doctrinae Christianae
Dispvtatio de Ivbileo
Iudicium D. Philippi Melanthonis de controuersia Coen[a]e Domini ...
Oratio de coniunctione et unitate Christianorum
Philippi Melanthonis Opera quae supersunt omnia
Omnium operum reverendi viri Philippi Melanthonis
Historia de vita et actis Martini Lutheri
Annotationes Philippi Melanchthonis in Epistolas Pauli ad Rhomanos et Corinthios
Erotemata Dialectices
The confession of fayth delyueryd to ... Charles the V by the lordes of Germany
Catechesis pverilis
De dialectica libri quatuor
Grammatica Philippi Melanthonis Latina
Omnium operum reverendi viri Philippi Melanthonis
Deuttung der czwo grewliche[n] Figuren Bapstesels czu Rom vnd Munchkalbs zu Freyberg ynn Meysszen funden
Die loci communes
Didymi Faventini Adversvs Thomam Placentimun
Epistolae Philipp Melanchthon ad Ioannem Stigelium
Scholia in Epistolam Pauli ad Colossenses iterum ab autore recognita
Argumentum in Ieremiam prophetam per Philippum Melanthonem
Philippi Melanthonis Opera quae supersunt omnia
Oratio Philippi Melanchtonis de officio sacerdotali Vuittenbergae habita
Oratio funebris dicta divo Maximiliano Caes
VVhether it be mortall sinne to transgresse civil lawes which be the commaundementes of ciuill magistrates
Chronico Carionis latine expositvm et avctum mvltis et veteribvs et recentibvs Historijs
Auslegunge der Epist. S. Pauli zu den Colossern
De dialectica libri quatuor
Loci commvnes theologici recens collecti et recogniti
Philippi Melanthonis Opera quae supersunt omnia
Argumentum in Threnos Ieremiae, Philippi Melanth
Philippi Melanthonis Opera quae supersunt omnia
Deutung der zwei greulichen Figuren Papstesels zu Rom und Mönchkalbs zu Freiberg in Meissen gefunden
Loci communes theologici, iam postremo recongniti & aucti...accessit locorum tam communium, quàm scripturae, obiter declaratorum, rerum quoque ac verborum in his memorabilium, triplex index
I libri di fisica (1549-1553)
Philippi Melanthonis Opera quae supersunt omnia
Loci commvnes theologici
Vnderricht wider die Lere de Widerteuffer ausz dem latein verdeutschet
Von der Kirchen, vnd alten Kirchenlerern
Vom Ergernis des Glaubens und der Liebe
In Evangelium Ioannis annotationes Philippi Melanchthonis
Argumentum in Esaiam prophetam, Philippi Melanthonis
Ein Sonderbarer fürtrefflicher Tractat, Von der Praedestination,   oder, Erwählung und ewigen Vorsehung Gottes
Opera quae supersunt omnia
Bericht vnnd Rhatschlag des Herren Philippi Melanthonis vom Stritt des Hayligen Nachtmals ...
De officio principum quod mandatum Dei praecipiat eis tollere abusus ecclesiasticos
Enarratio brevis concionum libri salomonis, cuius titulus est Ecclesiastes, authore Philip. Mehanth
Oratio de coniunctione et unitate Christianorum
Institutiones rhetoricae
Confessyon of the fayth of the Germaynes
Locus de praedestinatione, pro explicatione locorum communium
Epistolae, iudicia, consilia, testimonia aliorumque ad eum epistolae quae in corpore ...
Declamatiunculae duae in divi Pauli doctrinam
Commentarius Philippi Melanth. in prophetam Zachariam, Anno 1553. in schola Wittembergensi dictatus
De venis metallicis gratiarum actio & precatio
Melanchthoniana paedagogica
Selected writings
Annotationes Philippi Melanchthonis in Epistolam Pauli ad Romanos una[m] et ad Corinthios duas diligentiss recognitae
Melanchthon on Christian doctrine
Newe Zeitung vo[n] den Wider tauffern zu Münsster
Loci praecipvi theologici
Newe Zeytung von den Wydertaufferen zu Münster
[Works] Operum tomi quinque
Die Epistel S. Pauli zun Colossern
De legibus
Liber selectarum declamationum Phillippi Melanthonis ...
Moralis philosophiae epitome Philippi Melanchth
Process, wie es soll gehalten werden mit Widertäuffern
Historia de vita et actis reverendiss. viri D. Martini Lutheri ...
Apologia Confessionis Augustanae
Oratio ecclesiae exulantis ad Deum Patrem etc
Confessio fidei exhibita invictiss. Imp. Carolo V. Caesari Aug. in Comitijs Augustae
Enarratio epistolae prioris ad Timothevm, et dvorvm capitum secundae, scripta & dictata in praelectione publica anno 1550. Et 1551. A Philip
Liber de anima recognitus ab autore
Argumentum Philippi Melanthonis in cantica canticorum
Philippi Melanchthonis sermo habitvs ... de corrigendis advlescentiae stvdiis
Initia doctrinae physicae
Christlicher vn[d] gründlicher Bericht auff etliche gemeine Heuptfragen vnd Obiectionen der Papisten vnd anderer von den fürnemsten Stücken der streitigen Artickel
Confessio fidei exhibita invictiss. Impe
Der Unterricht der Visitatoren, 1528
Moralis philosophiae epitome
In Psalmos aliquot Dauidicos, Philippi Melanchthonis enarrationes doctissimae
Adversvs anabaptistas Philippi Melanchthonis Iudicium
Passional Christi und Antichristi
Insignis et luculentissima Sacrae Scripturae methodus in mose ostensa a Philippo Melanthone, cum anno 1541 locos suos theologicos retexeret
Historia de vita et actis reuerendiss. uiri D. Mart. Lutheri verae theologiae doctoris
In Danielem prophetam commentarius
Disputationes theologicae in schola propositae et fideliter explicatae a Philippo Melanthone, ab anno Christi XXIII usque ad annum XLV
Dispositio orationis
Ethicae doctrinae elementa et enarratio libri quinti ethicorum
Verlegung etlicher vnchristlicher Artikel Welche die Widerteuffer furgeben
Vnderricht Philips Melanchton Wider die Leere der Widerteuffer
Epistolae slectiores aliqvot
Annotationes Phi. Melanchtonis omnium eruditiss. in euangelium Matthaei
Locus de praedestinatione, pro explicatione locorum communium
Quaestiones Lucae Lossii in evangelica Dominicalia
Christlicher vn[d] gründlicher Bericht auff etliche gemeine Heuptfragen vnd Obiectionen der Papisten vnd anderer von den fürnemsten Stücken der streitigen Artickel
Loci praecipui theologici. Ad editionem Lipsiensem A. MDLIX
In Psalmos aliquot Dauidicos, Philippi Melanchthonis enarrationes doctissimae
Augspurgischer Confession
Institutiones rhetoricae
De ecclesiae autoritate, et de veterum scriptis libellus
Admiranda rerum admirabilium encomia, sive, Diserta & amoena Pallas differens seria sub ludicra specie, hoc est, Dissertationum ludicrarum, nec non  amoenitatum scriptores varii
The Loci communes
Machumetis Sarracenorum Principis vita ac doctrina omnis, quæ & Ismahelitarum lex, & Alcoranum dicitur
Explanation of some unchristian articles which the Anabaptists are propagating (1536)
Philippi Melanthonis Opera quae supersunt omnia
Commentarii in epistolam Pauli ad Romanos hoc anno M.D.XL. recogniti & locupletati
Eyne summa der Christlichen Leer ...
Filippo Melantone
Institvtiones graecae grammaticae
Philippi Melanchthonis De rhetorica libri tres
De D. Pavli theologica et contra perniciosas theologorum aetatis nostrae scholas declamatiuncula
Philippi Melanthonis Opera quae supersunt omnia
La confessione augustana, 1530
Explicatio proverbiorum salomonis Philippi Melanthonis
Oratio de arte medica et cura tuendae valetudinis
Annotationes Philippi Melanchthonis in Epistolas Pauli ad Rhomanos et Corinthios
Secvnda pars Chronici Carionis ab Avgvsto Caesare vsqve ad Carolvm Magnvm
Ein kurtze Schrifft D. Philip. Melan. von rechter Vergleichung vnd Friedshandlung in der Religion Sachen
Loci praecipui theologici. Ad editionem Lipsiensem A. MDLIX
Annotationes Philippi Melanchthonis in Epistolam Pauli ad Romanos una[m] et ad Corinthios duas diligentiss recognitae
Liber de anima
Oratio ecclesiae exulantis ad Deum Patrem etc
Die fürnemisten Unterscheid zwischen reiner christlicher Lere des Euangelij vnd der abgöttischen papistischen Lere
Elementorum rhetorices libri duo
Ungedruckte Schriften Philipp Melanthons
Philippi Melanchthonis Epistolae XI
Argumentorum et obiectionum
Iudicium D. Philippi Melanthonis de controuersia Coene Domini ...
Oratio Philippi Melanchtonis de officio sacerdotali Vuittenbergae habita
Politischer Widerstand als protestantische Option
Examen eorvm qvi avdivntvr ante ritvm pvblicae ordinationis qua com[m]endatur eis ministerium Evangelii
Epitome renovatae ecclesiasticae doctrinae
Johann Christoph Gottsched
Johann Christoph Gottsched (1700-1766)

poet, philosopher, translator, literary critic

  • University of Königsberg
Historische Lobschrift des weiland hoch- und wohlgebohrnen Herrn, Herrn Christians, des H.R.R. Freyherrn von Wolf
Ausgewählte Werke
Die vernünftigen Tadlerinnen
Beyträge zur Critischen Historie der deutschen Sprache, Poesie und ..
Versuch einer kritischen Dichtkunst Durchgehends mit den Exempeln unserer besten Dichter erläutert
Versuch einer critischen Dichtkunst: Durchgehends mit den Exempeln unserer besten Dichter erläutert
Grundlegung einer deutschen Sprachkunst: Nach den Mustern der besten Schriftsteller des vorigen ..
Akademische Redekunst: Zum gebrauche der Vorlesungen auf hohen Schulen als ein bequemes Handbuch ..
Vollständigere und neuerläuterte deutsche Sprachkunst
Vollständigere und neuerläuterte deutsche Sprachkunst, nach den Mustern der besten ..
Ausführliche Redekunst
Erste Gründe der gesammten Weltweisheit
Nöthiger Vorrath zur Geschichte der deutschen dramatischen Dichtkunst
Versuch einer critischen Dichtkunst
Vorübungen der lateinischen und deutschen Dichtkunst
Briefwechsel unter Einschluss des Briefwechsels von Luise Adelgunde Victorie Gottsched
Lob- und Gedächtniszrede auf den Vater der deutschen Dichtkunst, Martin Opitzen von Boberfeld ..
Schriften zur Literatur
Sterbender Cato
Vorübungen der lateinischen und deutschen Dichtkunst zum Gebrauche der Schulen
Akademische Redekunst zum Gebrauche der Vorlesungen auf hohen Schulen
Beobachtungen über den Gebrauch und Misbrauch vieler deutscher Wörter und Redensarten
Gesammelte Schriften
Erste Gründe der gesammten Weltweisheit, darinn alle Philosophische Wissenschaften, in ihre natürlichen Verknüpfung, in zwey Theilen abgehandelt werden ..
Grundriss zu einer vernunfftmässigen Redekunst: Mehrentheils nach Anleitung der alten Griechen ..
Die deutsche Schaubühne
Vorübungen der Beredsamkeit
De hoogduitsche Spraakmeester
Gedächtnissrede auf den unsterblich verdienten Domherrn in Frauenberg, Nicolaus Copernicus, als den Erfinder des wahren Weltbaues
Johann Christoph Gottsched Ausgewahlte (Ausgaben Deutscher Literatur Des XV. Bis XVIII. Jahrhunderts)
Versuch einer critischen Dichtkunst
Gesammelte Schriften
Gottscheds Beispiele aus dem "Versuch einer critischen Dichtkunst."
Der Biedermann
Kern der deutschen Sprachkunst
Erste Gründe der gesamten Weltweisheit
Le maitre de la langue allemande, ou, Nouvelle grammaire allemande
Kern der deutschen Sprachkunst, aus der ausfuehrlichen Sprachkunst
Die Deutsche Schaubühne
Grammatica germanica ex Gottschedianis libris collecta
Akademische Redekunst zum Gebrauche der Vorlesungen auf hohen Schulen
Ein Gottsched-denkmal
Die Deutsche Schaubühne
Gesammelte Schriften
Johann Christoph Gottscheds Briefwechsel
Die parisische Bluthochzeit König Heinrichs von Navarra
Handlexicon, oder, Kurzgefasstes Wörterbuch der schönen Wissenschaften und freyen Künste
Nöthiger Vorrath zur geschichte der deutschen dramatischen dichtkunst, oder Verzeichniss aller deutschen Trauer- Lust- und Sing-Spiele, die im Druck erschienen, von 1450 bis zur Hälfte des jetzigen Jahrhunderts, gesammlet und ans Licht gestellet
Grundlegung einer deutschen Sprachkunst
Første grundvold til den heele verdslige viisdom
Oden der Deutschen Gesellschaft in Leipzig
Vollsta ndigere und neuerlauterte deutsche Sprachkunst
Heinrichs von Alkmar Reineke der Fuchs
Le Maitre de la Langue Allemande
Grundlegung einer deutschen Sprachkunst, nach den Mustern der besten Schriftsteller des vorigen und jetzigen Jahrhunderts abgefasset
Grundriss einer überzeugenden Lehrart im Predigen, nach dem Inhalt des königl. preuß. allergnädigsten Befehls, vom 7 März des 1739 Jahres, entworfen
Versuch einer critischen Dichtkunst
Joh. Chr. Gottscheds Sterbender Cato
Johann Christoph Gottscheds ... Ausführliche Redekunst
Catalogus bibliothecae quam Jo. Ch. Gottschedius ... collegit atque reliquit ..
Ausführliche Redekunst, nach Anleitung der alten Griechen und Römer, wie ..
Herrn Johann Christoph Gottsched ... Sterbender Cato
Vorubungen der Beredsamkeit
Neues aus der Zopfzeit
Hrn. Johann Christoph Gottscheds ... Beobachtungen über den Gebrauch und Misbrauch vieler deutscher Wörter und Redensarten
Die parisische Bluthochzeit Königs Heinrichs von Navarra
Joh. Chr. Gottsched Festrede zur 300jährigen Jubelfeier der Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst, gehalten in Leipzig am 27. Juni 1740
Gedächtniszrede auf den unsterblich verdienten Domherrn in Frauenberg Nicolaus Copernicus als den Erfinder des wahren Weltbaues. Welche ... auf der Universitätsbibliothek zu Leipzig, im Maymonate des 1743 Jahres und also zweyhundert Jahre nach seinem Tode gehalten worden
Erste Gründe der gesammten Weltweisheit
Le Maitre allemand
Beyträge zur critischen Historie der deutschen Sprache, Poesie und Beredsamkeit
Versuch einer critischen Dichtkunt vor die Deutschen
Ausgewählte Werke
Beyträge zur critischen Historie der deutschen Sprache, Poesie und Beredsamkeit
Schriften zu Theorie und Praxis aufkla render Literatur
Gottscheds Reineke Fuchs
Heinrichs von Alkmar Reineke der Fuchs
Erste Gründe der gesamten Weltweisheit
Herrn Johann Christoph Gottscheds... Gedichte: Bey der itzigen zweyten Auflage übersehen, und ..
Der Deutschen Gesellschaft in Leipzig eigene Schriften und Übersetzungen in gebundener und ungebundener Schreibart
Klag-lied über das rauhe Pfälzer-land in einer abschieds-ode
Vorübungen der lateinischen und deutschen Dichtkunst zum Gebrauche der Schulen
Sterbender Cato.  Im Anhang : Auszüge aus der zeitgenössischen Diskussion über Gottscheds Drama
Nöthiger Vorrath zur Geschichte der deutschen dramatischen Dichtkunst, oder, Verzeichniss aller deutschen Trauer- Lust- und Sing-Spiele
Die deutsche Schaubühne, nach den Regeln und Exempeln der Alten
Hrn. Joh. Christoph Gottscheds ... Gesam̃lete Reden in dreyen Abtheilungen
Biespiele aus dem "Versuch einer Critischen Dichtkunst."
Historische Lobschrift des weiland hoch= und wohlgebohrnen Herrn Herrn Christians, des H. R. R. Freyherrn von Wolf
Versuch einer critischen Dichtkunst für die Deutschen
Die Deutschen Gesellschaft in Leipzig gesammlete Reden und Gedichte
Erasmus Darwin
Erasmus Darwin (1731-1802)

biologist, physician, botanist, philosopher, entomologist, poet, physiologist, naturalist

  • University of Edinburgh, University of Cambridge
The Letters of Erasmus Darwin
The botanic garden
Zoonomia, or, The laws of organic life
The Temple of Nature, Or, The Origin of Society: A Poem, with Philosophical ..
The temple of nature
The Botanic Garden: A Poem, in Two Parts; Containing The Economy of Vegetation, and The Loves of ..
The Temple of Nature, Or, The Origin of Society: A Poem, with Philosophical Notes
The Collected Letters of Erasmus Darwin
Zoonomia, Vol. I Or, the Laws of Organic Life
The essential writings of Erasmus Darwin
A plan for the conduct of female education, in boarding schools, private families, and public seminaries
The poetical works of Erasmus Darwin
The Collected Writings of Erasmus Darwin
The Temple Of Nature Or The Origin Of Society
The Botanic Garden, Part 1
The golden age
Beauties of The botanic garden
A plan for the conduct of female education in boarding schools
The Botanic Garden.: A Poem, in Two Parts. Part I. Containing The Economy of Vegetation. Part II ..
The Botanic Garden. Part II. Containing The Loves of the Plants
The golden age ; The temple of nature
Marc Quinn
The Botanic Garden (The Economy of Vegetation)
The poetical works
The botanic garden, a poem
A plan for the conduct of female education
A plan for the conduct of female education, 1797
Phytologia; or, The philosophy of agriculture and gardening
The botanic garden. Part II
The botanic garden 1791
The loves of the plants
The conduct of female education in boarding schools
The botanic garden; a poem, in two parts. Part I. Containing The economy of vegetation. Part II. The loves of the plants, with philosophical notes
The botanic garden, a poem. In two parts. Part 1. Containing The economy of vegetation. Part 11. The loves of the plants
The temple of nature or, the origin of society. A poem with philosophical notes
Zoonomia; or, The laws of organic life
Zoonomia : or, the laws of organic life
Memoirs of the Life of Dr. Darwin: Chiefly During His Residence in Lichfield ..
A plan for the conduct of female education
The botanic garden
Zoonomia : or, The laws of organic life
Zoonomia : or, the laws of organic life
The temple of nature
The botanic garden. A poem in two parts. Part I. Containing the Economy of vegetation. Part II. the Loves of the plants. With philosophical notes
The temple of nature
The Botanic Garden: A Poem, in Two Parts ; Containing the Economy of ..
The temple of nature or, the origin of society. A poem with philosophical notes
Zoonomia : or, The laws of organic life
Zoonomia; or, The laws of organic life. In three parts ... Complete in two volumes ...
Phytologia, or, The philosophy of agriculture and gardening
Zoonomia : or, The laws of organic life
The botanic garden. A poem in two parts. Pt. 1. Containing the Economy of vegetation. Pt. 2. the Loves of the plants. With philosophical notes
Zoonomia : or, The laws of organic life
Les amours des plantes
Zoonomia ; or, The laws of organic life
Sketch of the life and writings of Erasmus Darwin
The botanic garden. A poem in two parts. Pt. I. Containing the Economy of vegetation. Pt. 2. the Loves of the plants. With philosophical notes
Gli amori delle piante
A plan for the conduct of female education, in boarding schools
Zoonomia; or, The laws of organic life
Khram pirody
Zoonomia; or, the laws of organic life. Part second
The botanic garden. A poem in two parts. Containing the Economy of vegetation; and the loves of the plants; with philosophical notes
Guglielmo Ferrero
Guglielmo Ferrero (1871-1942)

historian, journalist, classical scholar, philosopher

  • University of Pisa, University of Bologna
The women of the Caesars
Grandezza e decadenza di Roma
The life of Caesar
Women of the Caesars
The most beautiful women in Imperial Rome
Julius Cäsar
The women of the Caesars
The reconstruction of Europe
The women of the Cæsars
Characters and Events of Roman History from Caesar to Nero
Europe's fateful hour
Characters and Events of Roman History, from Caesar to Nero: The Lowell Lectures of 1908
Problems of peace, from the Holy alliance to the league of nations
Ancient Rome and modern America
Peace and war
Between the old world and the new
Militarism, a contribution to the peace crusade
The women of the Ceasars
The gamble; Bonaparte in Italy, 1796-1797
La tragedia della pace
Characters and Events of Roman History
Charter and Events of Roman History
The two French revolutions, 1789-1796
The ruin of the ancient civilization and the triumph of Christianity
Zwischen zwei Welten
A short history of Rome
Who wanted the European war?
Grandeur et décadence de Rome
The principles of power
La vecchia Europa e la nuova
The unity of the world
I simboli
The reconstruction of Europe
The women of the Caesars
Characters and events of Roman history, from Cæsar to Nero
Criminal Woman, the Prostitute, and the Normal Woman
La ruine de la civilisation antique
La vecchia Italia e la nuova
The Greatness And Decline Of Rome V5
Les deux révolutions françaises 1789-1796
Criminal Woman, the Prostitute, and the Normal Woman
The seven vices
Ruine de la Civilisation Antique
Colloqui con Guglielmo Ferrero
Problems Of Peace
Words to the deaf
El poder
La palingenesi di Roma, da Livio a Machiavelli
Grandeur et décadence de Rome
Grandeur et décadences de Rome
Grandezza e decadenza di Roma
Die Frauen der Cäsaren
Julius Ca sar
The two French revolutions, 1789-1796
A Short History Of Rome I
Four years of fascism
The gamble
The gamble
Roma nella cultura moderna
Women of the Caesers
Memorie e confessioni di un sovrano deposto
Da Fiume a Roma
Characters and events of Roman history
Who wanted the Europen war?
The ruin of the ancient civilization and the triumph of Christianity, with some consideration of conditions in the Europe of today
Women of the Cæsars
Characters and Events of Roman History
The Greatness and Decline of Rome
Nouvelle histoire romaine
A Short History of Rome
Women of the Caesars by Guglielmo Ferrero
Donna Delinquente
The principles of power
Aventure; Bonaparte en Italie (1796-1797)
Ruine de la Civilisation Antique
Poder. Los genios invisibles de la ciudad
Lois Psychologiques du Symbolisme
Grandeur et décadence de Rome; Volume 1
The reconstruction of Europe;
Grösse und Niedergang Roms, Erster Band
Peace and war
The Greatness and Decline of rome (volume 4, Rome and Egypt)
Die Einheit der Welt
Entre le passé et l'avenir
Ancient Rome and Modern America
Le origini della guerra presente
Sudore e sangue
Le militarisme et la société moderne
Gli ultimi barbari
Les lois psychologiques du symbolisme
Discorsi ai sordi
Grandezza e Decadenza Di Roma Vol. 2
Memorie e Confessioni Di un Sovrano Deposto
The Greatness and Decline of Rome
The Female Offender
Characters and Events of Roman History from Caesar to Nero
Guglielmo Ferrero tra società e politica
The Fall of An Aristocracy (The Greatness and Decline of Rome, Vol. III)
Grandezza e Decadenza Di Roma : L'opera Completa
A short history of Rome
Characters and Events of Roman History, from Caesar to Nero
Characters and Events of Roman History
The gamble; Bonaparte in Italy, 1796-1797
Between the Old World & the New a Moral & Philosop
Between the Old World and the New; a Moral and Philosophical Contrast
The Greatness and Decline of Rome. Vol 2
Reconstruction of Europe Talleyrand and the Congress of Vienna 1814 1845
The Greatness and Decline of Rome; Volume 1
Grandeza y decadencia de Roma
Four years of fascism
Problems of Peace, from the Holy Alliance to the League of Nations
La rovina della civiltà antica
Four years of fascism
Nouvelle histoire romaine
Da Cesare a Augusto
Le génie latin et le monde moderne
Conquista Dell'Impero
Grandezza e Decadenza Di Roma
Ancient Rome and modern America
La rovina della civilta' antica.
The Greatness & Decline of Rome. Vol 1
Kvinden som forbryder
La democrazia in Italia
Constantin et le Triomphe du Christianisme
Giulio Cesare
Militarismus und Imperialismus in Frankreich
The Reconstruction of Europe
Roma antica ..
Les deux révolutions franc̨aises
europa Giovane
Vecchia Europa e la Nuova
Characters and events of Roman History
Augusto e il Grande Impero
The Women of the Ceasars
Peace and war
The Greatness & Decline of Rome. Vol 5
Le génie latin et le monde moderne
La rivolta del figlio
The Greatness and Decline of Rome, Translated by Alfred E. Zimmern and Rev. H.J. Chaytor, Volume I : The Empire-Builders, Volume II : Julius Caesar, Volume III : The Fall of an Aristocracy, Volume IV : Rome and Egypt, Volume V
Le due verità
Repubblica Di Augusto
Characters and Events of Roman History
The greatness and decline of Rome
The women of the Caesars
Discours aux sourds
Grösse und Niedergang Roms, Erster Band
La guerre européenne
The Women of The Cæsars
Characters and Events of Roman History
Grandezza e decadenza di Roma
Le guerre européenne
The life of Caesar
I simboli in rapporto alla storia e filosofia del diritto, alla psicologia e alla sociologia
La fin des aventures
La reazione
The reconstruction of Europe
Fra i due mondi
Le due rivoluzioni francesi
La rovina della civiltà antica
Der untergang der zivilisation des altertums
La vecchia Europa e la nuova
Le donne dei Cesari
Demokratie oder terror
The life of Caesar
Nouvelle histoire romaine
Talleyrand ay congrès de Vienne, 1814-1815
La guerra europea
Why Europe has not made peace
Sudore e sangue
La democrazia in Italia
Julius Cäsar
Discorsi ai sordi
La vecchia Europa e la nuova
Cronache criminali italiane ...
La Torre de Babele
L'Europa giovane
The greatness and decline of Rome
Lombroso, prophet and criminologist
Grösse und Niedergang Roms