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philosophers who wrote biography
Showing 241-248 out of 622 results
John Wesley
John Wesley (1703-1791)

Methodist pastor, diarist, philosopher, translator, missionary, priest, theologian

  • University of Oxford, Charterhouse School
The journal of the Rev. John Wesley
John Wesley
John Wesley's England
Wesley Gold
The nature of revival
The journal of the Rev. John Wesley
The history of Jesus drawn up for the instruction of children
John Wesley's journal
A short account of the life and death of the Rev. John Fletcher
An unblamable man
The journal of John Wesley
An extract of the life of the late Rev. David Brainerd, missionary to the Indians
The letters of the Rev. John Wesley
An extract of the life of the late Rev. David Brainerd, missionary to the Indians
Some account of the life and death of Matthew Lee, executed at Tyburn, October 11, 1752, in the 20th year of his age
A short account of the life and death of the Rev. John Fletcher, vicar of Madeley
An extract of the Rev. John Wesley's journal
John Wesley in Devon
The experience of several eminent Methodist preachers
John Wesley
The Experience of several eminent Methodist preachers
The Experience, and ministerial labours of several Methodist preachers
The journal of the Rev. John Wesley, A.M.
The journal of the Rev. John Wesley, A.M., sometime fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford
The Experience of several eminent Methodist preachers
The journal
John Wesley's journal
The journal of John Wesley
The heart of John Wesley's Journal
John Wesley's journal
A short account of the life and death of the Rev. John Fletcher
The works of John Wesley
A collection of hymns for the use of the people church ofgod
Sermons on several occasions
The new birth
Explanatory notes upon the New Testament
The nature of salvation
John and Charles Wesley
John Wesley (Library of Protestant Thought)
Works of John Wesley
The Journal of the Reverend John Wesley, A.M., Sometime Fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford
Primitive physick
The works of the Rev. John Wesley
An Extract of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's Journal ..
The Political Writings of John Wesley (Thoemmes Press - Primary Sources in Political Thought)
Sermons on Several Occasions
The Works Of John Wesley (7 Vol Set)
John Wesley's Sunday service of the Methodists in North America
John Wesley's theology
A collection of hymns, for the use of the people called Methodists. With a new suppl. Ed. with tunes
Hymns for the Use of the Methodist New Connexion: Principally from the Collection of John Wesley
The poetical works of John and Charles Wesley, collected and arranged by G. Osborn
A survey of the wisdom of God in the creation
John Wesley in company with High Churchmen [parallel passages, selected] by an old Methodist [H ..
The desideratum: or, Electricity made plain and useful
The Holy Spirit and Power (Pure Gold Classics)
A compend of Wesley's theology
The Experience of Several Eminent Methodist Preachers: With an Account of Their Call to and ..
Explanatory notes upon the New Testament
Original letters by the Rev. John Wesley, and his friends
The New Testament, with Explanatory notes, by J. Wesley. Ed., with additional notes by the ..
Christian correspondence
Primitive physic
Obras de Wesley (Obras de Wesley)
The Works of John Wesley: Volume XXV
The Methodist societies
How to Pray
Renew My Heart
A plain account of Christian perfection
An extract of ... John Wesley's journal from February 1, 1737-8, to his return from Germany
The character of a Methodist
John Wesley's sermons
Hymns and sacred poems
The Works..
John Wesley on pulpit oratory
A perfect life
The works
John Wesley in Wales, 1739-1790
Wesley's notes on the Bible
A word of advice to saints and sinners
Explanatory Notes Upon the New Testament
Journal of John Wesley
The Journal of the Reverend John Wesley
Recueil de cantiques, à l'usage de la société appellée Méthodiste [by J. Wesley. Tr.] par J. de ..
The journal of the Rev. John Wesley, A.M., sometime Fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford
The cure of evil-speaking
Scriptural Christianity
Free grace
The Heart of John Wesley's Journal
The beauties of the Rev. J. Wesley, M. A
Christian correspondence
John Wesley's 'A Plain Account of Christian Perfection.' The Annotated Edition
Letters of John Wesley
An earnest appeal to men of reason and religion
The John Wesley reader
The heart of Wesley's Journal
The standard sermons in modern English
Selections from the writings of the Rev. John Wesley ..
The witness of the spirit
Fire of love
Christian perfection
Plain Account of Christian Perfection (Hendrickson Christian Classics)
Wesleyan Methodist hymn book
Happiness unlimited
The Works of John Wesley: Sermons III
Hymns for the nativity of our Lord
Doctrinal standards
Hymns for the watch-night
Extracts from Wesley
Devotions and prayers of John Wesley
The Holy Spirit and power
A short history of the people called Methodists
A collection of psalms and hymns
The nature of spiritual growth
The Lord our righteousness
Works of John Wesley Complete 14VOL
Spotlight on John Wesley
Primitive Physic
Hymns for Ascension-Day
The appeals to men of reason and religion and certain related open letters
Growing in Grace (Life Messages of Great Christians Series)
Theron and Aspasio; Or, A Series of Dialogues and Letters Upon the Most Interesting and ...
Sermons on Several Occasions, Part 1
How to pray
A dialogue between a predestinarian and his friend
The Message of the Wesleys
The nature, design, and general rules, of the United Societies
A word to a condemn'd malefactor
The scripture way of salvation
A collection of hymns for the use of the people called Methodists
The works of John Wesley
The Works Of The Reverend John Wesley V1
Hymns for Our Lord's resurrection
A sermon preached on the occasion of the death of the Rev. Mr. John Fletcher, vicar, of Madely, Shropshire
Wesley His Own Biographer
A short account of the life and death of the Rev. John Fletcher, vicar of Madelay
A Plain Account of Christian Perfection
The Works of the Rev. John Wesley
Earth As In Heaven
The Christian's pattern
The Journal Of The Rev. John Wesley V7
A Plain Man's Guide to Holiness (Christian Classics)
John Wesley's Fifty-Three Sermons
Entire sanctification attainable in this life
The Works Of The Rev. John Wesley V16
A plain account of Christian perfection
An Extract Of John Wesley's Journal, From February 1, 1737-38, To His Return From Germany
The doctrine of original sin
Letters Of John Wesley
The Abingdon war-food book
Advice to the people called Methodists
John Wesley, the best from all his works
A Plain Account of Christian Perfection (Foundations of Faith) (Foundations of Faith)
Sermons on Several Occasions
The poetical works of John and Charles Wesley, reprinted from the originals with the last corrections of the authors
The Journal Of The Rev. John Wesley V8
Scriptural Christianity
The Journal Of The Rev. John Wesley V4
The Journal Of The Rev. John Wesley V5
Instructions for children
John Wesley's little instruction book
A compendium of natural philosophy
Selections from the writings of the Rev. John Wesley
Collection of psalms and hymns
Works of John Wesley: Sermons IV
The Works of the Rev. John Wesley
Through the year with Wesley
The journal of the Rev. John Wesley, from October 14th, 1735 to October 24th, 1790
The Works of John Wesley Volume 13
The Journal of Rev. John Wesley
The Works of the Rev. John Wesley
The Journal Of The Rev. John Wesley V3
Journal and diaries
The Works Of The Rev. John Wesley V1
A sermon on the death of the Rev. Mr. George Whitefield
The Works of the Rev. John Wesley
Political Writings of John Wesley (Primary Sources in Political Thought)
A letter to a friend, concerning tea
A collection of hymns for the nativity of our Lord
The sermons of John Wesley
The sermons with introductions analysis and notes
Instructions for Christians
The works of the Reverend John Wesley, A. M
Living Thoughts of John Wesley
Wesleyana Or, A Complete System Of Wesleyan Theology
The Poetical Works Of John And Charles Wesley V3
Wesley's daily prayers
Christian perfection, as taught by John Wesley
The Journal Of The Rev. John Wesley V1
A collection of hymns
John Wesley's 'a Plain Account of Christian Perfection'
Forty Four Sermons
The Works of John Wesley
Select letters, chiefly on personal religion
Standard sermons
The Daily Wesley
John Wesley
The Journal Of The Rev. John Wesley V6
The quotable Wesley
Reasons against a separation from the Church of England
The Eucharistic manuals of John and Charles Wesley
Calvinism calmly considered
A word to a drunkard
The doctrine of original sin
A longing for holiness
Select psalms
The Journal Of The Rev. John Wesley V2
An extract from Mr. Law's Serious call to a holy life
A short Latin grammar
The Journal Of The Reverend John Wesley V1
Hymns and spiritual songs, intended for the use of real Christians
The nature of holiness
Hymns for those to whom Christ is all in all
An answer to the Rev. Mr. Church's remarks on the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's last journal
Dr. Free's edition of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's second letter
Interesting extracts, from the journals of the Rev. John Wesley
An extract of the life and death of Mr. Thomas Haliburton
The duty and advantage of early rising
Advice to the people called Methodists
A blow at the root
An extract from the Reverend Mr. John Wesley's journal, from July 20, 1749, to October 30, 1751
A letter to the Reverend Mr. Downes, Rector of St. Michael, Wood-Street
Thoughts upon slavery
An address to the clergy
A short French grammar
A sermon on I John, v. 7
Six Voluntaries and Fugues for Organ
Free grace
On the education of children
Prayers for children
A sermon on the duty of constant Communion
An extract of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's journal from May 6, 1760, to Oct. 28, 1762
Serious thoughts occasioned by the earthquake at Lisbon
A word in season, or, Advice to a soldier
An extract of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's journal
The complete English dictionary, explaining most of those hard words, which are found in the best English writers
The journal of the Rev. John Wesley, A.M., sometime fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford ... Vol. 1
Rules of the Band Societies, December 25, 1738
Hymns for the year 1756
An extract of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's Journal, from October 27, 1743 ... to October 28, 1754
Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy
Wesley hymn book
How to pray
Rev. John Wesley's valuable primitive remedies, or, An easy and natural method of curing most diseases
John Wesley's Journal
A caution against false prophets
Obras de Wesley
The journal of the Rev. John Wesley
An extract of the Rev. John Wesley's journals
Thoughts on slavery
Serious thoughts upon the perseverance of the saints
Hymns for New-Year's-Day
Some account of the late work of God in North-America
Instructiones pueriles
The works of Wesley
Funeral hymns by John and Charles Wesley
An extract of the life of the late Rev. Mr. David Brainerd
A dialogue between an Antinomian and his friend
An answer to the Rev. Mr. Church's remarks on the Rev. Mr. Wesley's last journal, in a letter to that gentleman
A rapture of praise
"The time of the end:"
A short English grammar
An extract of the Revd. Mr. John Wesley's journal
Select hymns: with tunes annext
An earnest appeal to men of reason and religion : also, a sermon on justification by faith
A letter to the author of The enthusiasm of Methodists and Papists compar'd
The grounds of secession from the M. E. Church
Explanatory notes upon the Old Testament
A letter to a Roman Catholic
The daily Wesley
Directions for renewing our covenant with God
Some remarks, &c
A sermon preached on occasion of the death of the Rev. Mr. John Fletcher, Vicar of Madely, Srhopshire [sic]
A plain account of the people called Methodists,in a letter to the Reverend Mr. Peronet,Vicar of Shoreham in Kent,written in the year 1748
Wesley's doctrinal standards
Sermons on several occasions
Some remarks on Mr. Hill's Farrago double-distilled
One volume New Testament commentary
An extract of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's journal, from May 14th, 1768, to Sept. 1st, 1770
Forty-four sermons
I am your affectionate brother JWesley
An extract of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's journal, from October 29, 1762, to May 25, 1765
A letter to the Reverend Mr. Downes
A collection of receits for the use of the poor
Obras de Wesley
A letter to the author of The craftsman, concerning real Christianity
The works of the Rev. John Wesley, A.M
Wandering thoughts
John Wesley
The eternity of Hell torments
Graces, before meat
A letter to a person lately join'd with the people call'd Quakers, in answer to a letter wrote by him
Thoughts upon infant-baptism
Christian Perfection
Minutes of several conversations between the Rev. John Wesley, M.A., and others, from the year 1744, to the year 1789
Advice to a sailor
A second letter to the author of The enthusiasm of Methodists and Papists compar'd
La perfección cristiana
Devotions for every day of the week and the great festivals
The Heart of John Wesley's Journal
A short account of the life and death of Nathanael Othen
A plain account of genuine Christianity
John Wesley's notes on Paul's epistle to the Romans
A christian library
A serious address to the people of England
Wesley his own biographer
A seasonable address to the more serious part of the inhabitants of Great-Britain
A sermon preached at St. Matthew's, Bethnal-Green, on Sunday, Nov. 12, 1775
A survey of the wisdom of God in the creation, or, A compendium of natural philosophy
Through the year with Wesley
An extract of the Reverend Mr. John Wesley's journal, from July xx, 1750, to October xxviii, 1754
The consequence proved
Modern Christianity
A sermon on the spirit of bondage and adoption
Cautions and directions, given to the greatest professors in the Methodist societies
A calm address to our American colonies
A letter to the Rev. Dr. Free
A sermon, on Romans viii. 29, 30
A word to a smuggler. ..
The Christian Pattern
The journal of the Reverend John Wesley
Some observations on liberty
A plain account of Christian perfection
Some remarks on Mr. Hill's review, of all the doctrines taught by Mr. John Wesley
Gloria patri, &c
Christian perfection
Ausgewḧlte Predigten
An extract from the Reverend Mr. John Wesley's journal, from November 25, 1746, to July 20, 1750
Directions to penitents and believers for renewing their covenant with God
A word to a street-walker
Personal Prayers
Practical discourses on our Lord's sermon on the Mount
The doctrine of original sin, according to scripture, reason, and experience
An extract of the life of Monsieur De Renty, a late nobleman of France
An extract of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's journals
Narrative of a remarkable transaction in the early life of John Wesley
Preparation for death, in several hymns
Wesley on prostration, etc
The almost Christian
A Short English Grammar
The journal of the Rev. Charles Wesley
Select hymns with tunes annexed
Popery calmly considered
Original letters between the Reverend Mr. John Wesley, and Mr. Richard Tompson, respecting the doctrine of assurance, as held by the former: wherein that tenet is fully examined, with some strictures on Christian perfection
Explanatory Notes Upon the Methodist
Lent with John Wesley
Primitive physic
Books published by Mr. John and Charles Wesley
An extract of the life of the late Rev. Mr. David Brainerd, missionary to the Indians
A sermon preached at St. Mary's in Oxford, on Sunday, September 21, 1735
A short Greek grammar
On not knowing Christ after the flesh
A sermon on original sin
An extract of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's journal, from September 3, 1741. to October 27, 1743
The desideratum, or, Electricity made plain and useful
On dress
Sayings and portraits of John Wesley
The marrow of Methodism
The good steward
The new supplement to A collection of hymns for the use of the people called Methodists
The nature, design, and general rules of the united societies in London, Bristol, Kingswood, and Newcastle upon Tyne
A word to whom it may concern
An answer to several objections against this work
The principles of a Methodist farther explain'd
The great assize
Explanatory Notes upon the Old and New Testament
The advantage of the members of the Church of England, over those of the Church of Rome
An extract of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's journal, with regard to the affadavit made by Captain Robert Williams
Remember the Sabbath-day
John Wesley's letter to a Roman Catholic
The New Testament
Thirteen sermons upon our Lord's Sermon on the Mount
The scripture-way of salvation
The case of Dewsbury House
The nature, design, and general rules of the Methodist Societies
The Sunday-service of the Methodists in the United States of America
Rules of the society of the people called Methodists
An extract of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's journal, from January 1, 1776, to August 8, 1779
Three sermons on the original, nature, properties, and use of the law; and its establishment thro' faith
John Wesley Reader On Eschatology
Wesley's letters to young women
Hymns on the Lord's supper
The nature, design, and general rules of the United Societies, in London, Bristol, Kingswood, and Newcastle upon Tine
The extraordinary case of Elizabeth Hobson
An extract of the Rev. Mr John Wesley's journal, from May 27, 1765, to May 18, 1768
Two dialogues between an Antinomian and his friend
Hymns and spiritual songs
A short method of converting all the Roman Catholicks in the kingdom of Ireland
Original letters
Explanatory Notes on the New Testament
An extract of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's journal, from September 13th, 1773, to January 2d, 1776
A letter to the Rev. Mr. Thomas Maxfield
The desideraturm
Instruction for children
An extract of the Revd. Mr. John Wesley's journal from August 12, 1738, to Nov. 1, 1739
The message of the Wesleys
Christian perfection; selections
Historiæ et præcepta selecta
The Wesleyan standards [microform]
Hymns on the Trinity
Letter I, 1721-1739
A sermon preached on occasion of the death of the Rev. Mr. John Fletcher, Vicar of Madeley, Shropshire
The Christian sacrament and sacrifice
A sermon preached on the occasion of the death of the Rev. Mr. John Fletcher
The Wesley orders of common prayer
A second dialogue between an Antinomian and his friend
An extract of the Reverend Mr. John Wesley's journal, from October 27, 1743, to November 17, 1746
Thoughts upon slavery
Wesley's doctrinal standards
The poetical works of John and Charles Wesley
The Journal of the Rev. John Wesley ... Vol. 6
Notes on the New Testament
A plain account of Christian perfection
The doctrine of salvation, faith and good works
A letter to the Revd. Mr. Baily of Corke
Predestination calmly considered
Selected letters of John Wesley
The Works of John Wesley: Volume XI
A letter to the printed of the Public Advertiser, occasioned by the late Act, passed in favour of Popery
A calm address to the inhabitants of England
On the Trinity
Thoughts on the imputed righteousness of Christ
Selections from the writings of the Rev. John Wesley ...
Primitive remedies
The way to the kingdom
Some account of the life and death of Matthew Lee
Standard sermons
Hymns for times of trouble and persecution
A preservative against unsettled notions in religion
A sermon preached November 23, 1777, in Lewisham Church, before the Humane Society
The repentance of believers
By John Wesley
A blow at the root, or, Christ stabbed in the house of his friends
A second letter to the Lord Bishop of Exeter
Queries humbly proposed to the Right Reverend and Right Honourable Count Zinzendorf
Some remarks on A defence of the preface to the Edinburgh edition of Aspasio vindicated
The John Wesley treasury
Wesley's sermons
A collection of interesting tracts, explaining several important points of scripture doctrine
The nature of the kingdom
A selection of John and Charles Wesley's Hymns on the Lord's Supper
John Wesley "On baptism" and "On godfathers & godmothers"
The Scripture doctrine of predestination, election, and reprobation
Journals, enlarged from original manuscripts
A collection of hymns
John Wesley's New Testament
Hymns for times of trouble
A plain account of the people called Methodists
The works of John Wesley
Directions to penitents and believers
An extract of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's journal, from June 17, 1758, to May 5, 1760
Original letters, by John Wesley and his friends, illustrative of his early history, with other curious papers
Advice to the people call'd Methodists with regard to dress
Thoughts upon God's sovereignty
A Collection of hymns, for the use of the people called Methodists
A call from the heights
The nature, design, and general rules of the united societies in London, Bristol, Kingswood, Newcastle upon Tyne, &c
The journal of John Wesley
An extract from the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's journal, from August 9, 1779, to August 26, 1782
Primitive physic, or, an easy and natural method of curing most diseases
Christian perfection
Wesley's standard sermons
Three sermons on the original, nature, properties and use of the law
Wesley's last love
An extract from the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's journal, from January 1, 1776, to August 8, 1779. XVIII
The principles of a Methodist
A letter to the Rev. Mr. Horne
Sermon, on the death of the Rev. John Fletcher
The works of the Rev. John Wesley, M.A. Late Fellow of Lincoln-College, Oxford
A sufficient answer
A treatise on justification extracted from Mr. John Goodwin
A farther appeal to men of reason and religion
Hymns on the Lord's Supper
An extract of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's journal from June 29, 1786, to Oct. 24, 1790
Lessons for children
Hymns on the Lord's Supper
Advice to the people called Methodists, with regard to dress
Serious thoughts occasioned by the late earthquake at Lisbon
A word in season: or, advice to an Englishman
Minutes of several conversations between the Reverend Mr. John and Charles Wesley, and others
The Wesleys in Cornwall
A short account of the school in Kingswood, near Bristol
An extract of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's journal, from Sep. 2, 1770, to Sep. 12, 1773
A sufficient answer to Letters to the author of Theron and Aspasio
Obras de Wesley 14-Volume Set (Obras de Wesley)
Thoughts upon necessity
A sermon on Numbers xxiii. 23
Hymns of petition and thanksgiving for the promise of the Father
A concise ecclesiastical history
The question, what is an Arminian? answered
A sermon, The great Assize
An estimate of the manners of the present times
Hymns for petition and thanksgiving for the promise of the Father
Some account of the work of God in North-America
An extract of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's journal, from Oct. 27, 1743, to Nov. 17, 1746. VI
Songs and sermons
Explanatory Notes Upon NT-2v:
The scripture doctrine concerning predestination, election and reprobation
An extract of the Rev. Mr John Wesley's journal, from his embarking for Georgia, to his return to London
Selections from the Journal of John Wesley
John and Charles Wesley
An extract of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's journal, from Sept. 4, 1782, to June 28, 1786
Extract of the Reverend Mr. John Wesley's journal, for the year 1751
Select hymns for our Lord's resurrection
A new and critical edition of George Osborn's The poetical works of John and Charles Wesley (1868-1872), with the addition of notes, annotations, biographical and background information
A caution against bigotry
Wesley's first sermon and other first things in the life of the father of Methodism
A word in season
Obras de Wesley
Wesley's Doctrinal Standards
A compassionate address to the inhabitants of Ireland
An answer to Mr. Rowland Hill's tract, entitled "Imposture detected."
God's love to fallen man
An account of the extraordinary deliverance of Thomas Cross
Rules of the band societies, drawn up December 25, 1738
A short Hebrew grammar
A pocket hymn book, for the use of Christians of all denominations
A letter to a clergyman
A sermon on constant communion
John Wesley's New Testament, compared with the Authorized version
Hymns of petition and thanksgiving
A collection of moral and sacred poems from the most celebrated English authors
The means of grace
A short history of Methodism
Sermons on several occassions
A collection of tunes, set to music, as they are commonly sung at the Foundery
Hymns for the nation, in 1782
Salvation by faith
Wesley's sermons
A letter to the Rev. Mr. Potter
Thoughts on marriage and a single life
The dignity of human nature
A sermon on salvation by faith
A second letter to the Reverend Dr. Free
The nature of enthusiasm
A sermon on 1st. John, v. 7
Hymns on God's everlasting love
Wesleyana: A complete system of Wesleyan theology
The writings of John Wesley
The works of the Rev. John Wesley, A.M.
John Wesley's Commentary on the Bible
Serious thoughts concerning godfathers and godmothers
Hymns for the public thanksgiving-day, October 9, 1746
The principles of a Methodist farther explained
Explanatory notes upon the New Testament ...
A compendium of natural philosophy, being a survey of the wisdom of God in creation
A letter to the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Gloucester
A short address to the inhabitants of Ireland
Original hymn tunes
A concise history of England
An extract of the Reverend Mr. John Wesley's journal, from November  1, 1739 to September 3, 1741
Christian perfection
A letter to the printer of the Public Advertiser
John Wesley, Christian citizen
Free thoughts on the present state of public affairs
Catholick spirit
A letter to a Roman Catholick
Sammlung auserlesener Predigten von Johannes Wesley
Swear not at all
Hymns occasioned by the earthquake, March 8, 1750
The Wesley orders of common prayer
Entire santification attainable in this life
The Eucharistic manuals and hymns of John and Charles Wesley
Hymns on the expected invasion
Sermons on several occasions
News from the invisible world
A sermon on salvation by faith. By John Wesley, ..
Hymns for New-Year's-Day
A letter to the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Gloucester
Christian perfection as taught by John Wesley
Explanatory notes upon the Old Testament
Primitive physic; or, An easy and natural method of curing most diseases
Scripture doctrine of predestination, election, and reprobation
Selections from John Wesley's Notes on the New Testament
The journal of the Rev. John Wesley ...
An answer to a letter published in the Bath Journal, April 17, 1749. Sign'd N. D
The imitation of Christ
Selections from John Wesley's Notes on the New Testament
The sum of all true religion
Yearning for the heavenly country
Funeral hymns
The Works of the Rev. John Wesley
A new and critical edition of George Osborn's The poetical works of John and Charles Wesley (1868-1872), with the addition of notes, annotations, biographical and background information
The desideratum: or, electricity made plain and useful
God's love to fallen man
A collection of hymns for the use of the Methodist Episcopal Church
Wesley's standard sermons
The journals of the Rev. John Wesley, M.A. ...
The Life of the Rev. John W. de la Flechere: Compiled from the Narrative of ...
Selections from the writings of the Rev. John Wesley
An extract of the Rev. John Wesley's journal, from September 13, 1773, to January 2, 1776. No. XVII
Thoughts upon liberty
Hymn book of the United Methodist Free Churches
Primitive physic, or, An easy and natural method of curing most diseases
Primitive physic; John Wesley's Book of old fashioned cures and remedies
An extract of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's journal, from Sept. 13, 1773, to Jan. 2, 1776. XVII
Primitive physick: or, an easy and natural method of curing most diseases
A collection of hymns, for the use of the people called Methodists
Sermons on several occasions
A plain account of Christian perfection as believed and taught by the Reverend Mr. John Wesley
Primitive physick: or, an easy and natural method of curing most diseases
Wesley on oratory
Primitive physick: or, an easy and natural method of curing most diseases
A sermon on I John, v. 7
Hymns on the Lord's-Supper
Hymns of intercession for the kingdom of England
A letter to a gentleman at Bristol
A Collection of hymns for the use of the people called Methodists
Prif feddyginiaeth
An address to the clergy. By John Wesley, ..
The works of the Reverend John Wesley
A plain account of Christian perfection
An answer to all that is material in letters just published, under the name of the Reverend Mr. Hervey
Extract of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's journal ...
Devotions and prayers
Gair i'r Methodist: o waith Mr. J. Wesley. 1748
A sufficient answer to letters on Theron and Aspasio
Serious thoughts concerning godfathers and godmothers
An extract of the Revd. Mr. John Wesley's journal, from Nov. 1, 1739. to September 3, 1741
Funeral hymns
Primitive physick: or, an easy and natural method of curing most diseases. To which is added, the general receipt book, containing ... receipts [in every branch of science ... with directions for making British wines ...
Sermons on several occasions
A short account of John Dillon
The new birth
An extract from a Treatise concerning religious affections
Directions concerning pronunciation and gesture
The journal of the Rev. John Wesley, M.A., sometime Fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford
The Rev. John Wesley's ministerial itineraries in Cornwall
A Collection of hymns, for the use of the Methodist Episcopal Church
Works of Wesley
A collection of letters, pastoral and familiar
Select Psalms
Hymns for the nativity of our lord
John Wesley's prayers
Greinileg skýrsla um kristilegan algjörleik
An extract of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's journal, from Nov. 2, 1751, to Oct. 28, 1754. IX
Wesley's thoughts upon slavery
An extract of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's journal, from May 27, 1765, to May 18, 1768. XIV
Selected prayers, hymns, journal notes, sermons, letters and treatises
A plain account of Christian perfection
Popery calmly considered
An extract of the journal of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley. From June 29, 1786, to Oct. 24, 1790. XXI
Explanatory notes upon the New Testament
A collection of hymns for the use of the people called Methodists
Modern Christianity, exemplified at Wednesbury, and other adjacent places in Staffordshire
The gospel of grace. ..
A letter to the Reverend Mr. Law: occasioned by some of his late writings. By John Wesley, ..
The journal ... with an introductory essay by Thomas Jackson
The triumph of divine mercy; or, a predictive poem, of the present revival of pure Christianity, in these nations. By that popular divine and reformer, the Rev. John Wesley, and the late celebrated Mr. George Whitefield. Also, of the instruction of the poor African slaves in the West Indies, by ... The Reverend Dr. Coke. To which is added, a rhapsodical execration on the slave trade. By a lover of peace and liberty
Instructions for Christians
The works of the Rev. John Wesley
Some observations on liberty
Thoughts upon slavery
The character of a Methodist
An extract from the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's journal
On the Trinity: a sermon on 1 John v. 7. By John Wesley, A.M
Explanatory notes upon the Old Testament
Primitive physick: or, an easy and natural method of curing most diseases
A collection of hymns for the use of the people called Methodists
Primitive physic
Hymns and spiritual songs intended for the use of real Christians of all denominations
Thoughts upon liberty
The journal of John Wesley
Directions for renewing our covenant with God
Wesley his own biographer
The works of the Reverend John Wesley, A.M.
Christian perfection
The consequence proved
The journal of the Reverend John Wesley, A.M. ...
Hymns of intercession for all mankind
Select hymns for our Lord's resurrection
An answer to all that is material in letters just published, under the name of the Reverend Mr. Hervey. By John Wesley
Notes on the New Testament
A plain account of Christian perfection
Sermons on several occasions
Sermons on several occasions
An answer to all which the Revd. Dr. Gill has printed on the final perseverance of the saints. By the Revd. Mr. Wesley
The new-birth: a sermon on John iii.7. ..
The journal of the Rev. John Wesley, A.M., sometime fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford ...
A short English grammar
A pocket hymn book
A survey of the wisdom of God in the creation
Selections from the Journal of John Wesley
A collection of hymns for the use of the people called Methodists
Entire sanctification attainable in this life
Living thoughts of John Wesley
Original letters, by the Rev. John Wesley, and his friends, illustrative of his early history, with other curious papers, communicated by the late Rev. S. Badcock. To which is prefixed, an address to the Methodists. By Joseph Priestley, L.L.D.F.R.S. &c
A pcket hymn book for the use of Christians of all denominations
The desideratum: or, electricity made plain and useful. By a lover of mankind, and of common sense
The beauties of Methodism, selected from the works of the Reverend John Wesley, ... To which is prefixed, the life of the author
A Collection of hymns, for the use of the people called Methodists
A compend of Wesley's theology
Primitive physic
An extract of the Christian's pattern, or, A treatise on the imitation of Christ
A sermon on original sin
Primitive physic, or, An easy and natural method of curing most diseases
A collection of hymns for the use of the people called Methodists
Predestination calmly considered
A letter to the Reverend Mr. Downes, Rector of St. Michael, Wood-Street
The Canadian Wesleyan hymn book, or, Mr. Wesley's hymn book republished
Extract from the thirtieth volume of the Christian-library. Published by the Rev. Mr. Wesley
Selected letters
A Collection of hymns, for the use of the people called Methodists
The works of the Rev. John Wesley, A.M.
Funeral hymns
An extract of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's journals
Eine kurze Erklärund der Christlichen Vollkommenheit
Wesley's standard sermons
Hymns for the Fast-Day
An extract of the journal of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley from June 29, 1786 to Oct. 24, 1790
A concise history of England, from the earliest times, to the death of George II. By John Wesley, A.M. in four volumes. ..
Living Thoughts of John Wesley: A Comprehensive Selection of the Living Thoughts of the Founder ...
Hymns for the Fast-day
The scripture way of salvation
Hymns for the nativity of our lord
Justification by faith
A collection of moral and sacred poems from the most celebrated English authors. By John Wesley, ... In three volumes
A collection of hymns for the use of the people called Methodists
The witness of the Spirit
Thoughts concerning the origin of power
The repentance of believers. A sermon on Mark i. 15. By John Wesley, M.A
Explanatory notes upon the New Testament
The Sunday service of the Methodists in His Majesty's dominions
Journals and Diaries, 1765-1775
The Canadian Wesleyan hymn book, or, Mr. Wesley's hymn book republished
An extract of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's journals
Collection of Psalms and Hymns ...
The important question
Wesley's standard sermons
A plain account of Christian perfection
The scripture doctrine, concerning predestination, election, and reprobation
The Sunday service of the Methodists
The desideratum, or, Electricity made plain and useful
Wesurē chosakushū
Thoughts on the imputed righteousness of Christ
A survey of the wisdom of God in the creation, or, A compendium of natural philosophy
A collection of hymns for the use of the people called Methodists ...
Plain account of Christian perfection
Primitive physick
A sermon preached on occasion of the death of the Rev. Mr. John Fletcher, vicar of Madeley, Shropshire
On the Trinity: a sermon on 1 John v. 7. This sermon is not to be sold, but given away
Fyratiotv ̊predikningar
Primitive physic
A plain account of Christian perfection as believed and taught
John Wesley
A collection of forms of prayer for every day in the week
Sermons on several occasions
Wesley's standard sermons
Some account of the late work of God in North America, in a sermon on Ezekial 1.16
Seirei no akashi
An extract of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's journal from his embarking for Georgia to his return to London
Farther thoughts upon Christian perfection
A compendium of natural philosophy, being a survey of the wisdom of God in the Creation
Living thoughts of John Wesley
A calm address to our American colonies
Explanatory notes upon the New Testament
A preservative against unsettled notions in religion
Hymns for our Lord's resurrection
The marks of the New Birth
The true protestant doctrine, both from scripture and the homilies of the Church of England. Or, the papists fairly try'd and cast. By J- W-, M.A
Two sermons on the wilderness state, and heaviness through manifold temptations
Hymns of petition and thanksgiving for the promise of the Father
Wesley his own biographer
The letters of the Rev. John Wesley
An extract of the Christian's pattern; or, A treatise on the imitation of Christ, written in Latin by Thomas à Kempis / by John Wesley
A collection of hymns
Hynns for those to whom Christ is all in all
The New Testament
Primitive physic: or, an easy and natural method of curing most diseases
An extract of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's journal
The duty and advantage of early rising. A sermon, on Ephesians V.16. By John Wesley, ..
Selected letters
Wandering thoughts
Swear not at all, saith the Lord God of heaven and earth
Hymns and sacred poems
A plain account of Christian perfection
Thoughts upon infant baptism
The journal of the Rev. John Wesley
Select hymns
A pocket hymn-book
The works of the Rev. John Wesley, A.M., sometime fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford
Graces, before meat
A survey of the wisdom of God in the creation
A survey of the wisdom of God in the creation
An extract of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's journal, from November 1, 1739. to September 3, 1741. No. IV
The journal of John Wesley ...
A new and critical edition of George Osborn's The poetical works of John and Charles Wesley (1868-1872), with the addition of notes, annotations, biographical and background information
The Works of the Rev. John Wesley
Primitive physic
Great thoughts from Wesley
On the Trinity: a sermon on 1 John v. 7
Wesley his own biographer
Collection of letters, pastoral and familiar
The journal of the Rev. John Wesley, A.M., sometime fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford ...
The works of the Rev. John Wesley
The Wesley orders of common prayer
The important question
Primative [sic] physic; or an easy and natural method of curing most diseases
Graces, before meat
An extract of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's journal, from July 20, 1749, to Oct. 30, 1751. VIII
Some observations on liberty
Hymns of petition and thanksgiving for the promise of the Father
A word to a freeholder, &c
The Canadian Wesleyan hymn book, or, Mr. Wesley's hymn book republished
The story of Aldersgate
Primitive physick: or, an easy and natural method of curing most diseases
The doctrine of original sin according to scripture, reason and experience
Thoughts upon slavery
The complete sermons
The duty of constant communion
Sermons on several occasions
Hymns of petition and thanksgiving for the promise of the Father
John Wesley's New Testament, compared with the Authorized Version
The Canadian Wesleyan hymn book, or, Mr. Wesley's hymn book republished
A letter to the Reverend Dr. Rutherforth. By John Wesley,..
A collection of hymns adapted to the use of the Methodist Episcopal Church
Thoughts upon slavery
Swear not at all. Bless and curse not
Directions for renewing our covenant with God
The journal of the Rev. John Wesley, A.M., sometime fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford ...
The essential works of John Wesley
Earnest appeal to men of reason and religion
A diary of devotion
Wesley his own historian
An answer to the Rev. Mr. Church's Remarks on the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's last Journal. In a letter to that gentleman. By John Wesley, ..
John Wesley's prayers
Hymns of petition and thanksgiving for the promise of the Father
The scripture doctrine concerning predestination, election and reprobation
Directions to penitents and believers for renewing their covenant with God
Wesley on prostration, etc
The journal of the Rev. John Wesley, A.M., sometime fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford ...
Selections from the writings of the Rev. John Wesley, M. A., ... compiled and arr. with with a pref. by Herbert Welch
The imitation of Christ
Hymns and spiritual songs
Works of Wesley
Some remarks on Mr. Hill's review, of all the doctrines taught by Mr. John Wesley
The Lord our righteousness
Hymns and sacred poems
Hymns and spiritual songs intended for the use of real Christians, of all denominations
An extract of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's journal, from Aug. 12, 1738, to Nov. 1, 1739. III
Plain account of Christian perfection
Primitive physick
A second dialogue between an antinomian and his friend
The principles of a Methodist
Sermons choisis de J. Wesley
John Wesley's New Testament, compared with the Authorized version
The journal of the Rev. John Wesley, A.M., sometime fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford ...
A concise history of England, from the earliest times, to the death of George II
M©♭decine primitive, ou recueil de remedes choisis & ©♭prouv©♭s par des exp©♭riences constantes, a l'usage des gens de la campagne, des riches & des pauvres
A dialogue between a predestinarian and his friend
The works of the Reverand John Wesley
A letter to the Revd. Mr. Baily of Corke
The Works of the Rev. John Wesley
Femtiotre predikningar
Select hymns for the use of Christians of all denominations
A letter to a clergyman
The journal of the Reverend John Wesley, A M
An extract of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's journal from Sept. 4, 1782, to June 28, 1786
A letter to the Reverend Dr. Conyers Middleton, occasioned by his late Free enquiry
Primitive physick: or, an easy and natural method of curing most diseases
The quotable Mr. Wesley
The works of the Rev. John Wesley
Hymns for times of trouble and persecution
Primitive physic
The opinions of the Rev. John Wesley, with regard to the ministerial office, and church communion
An attested copy of the Rev. John Wesley's declaration and establishment of the conference of the people called Methodists. Enroll'd in his Majesty's High Court of Chancery
An extract of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's journal, from May 14, 1768, to Sept. 1, 1770. XV
Sermons on dress
A letter to the author of the Enthusiasm of Methodists and Papists compar'd
Sammlung auserlesener Predigten von Johannes Wesley
A sermon preached on occasion of the death of the Rev. Mr. John Fletcher
Heart religion
Hymns and sacred poems
A blow at the root, or, Christ stabbed in the house of His friends
Hymns for the national fast, Feb. 8, 1782
The Sunday service of the Methodists
A Collection of hymns, for the use of the people called Methodists
Explanatory notes upon the New Testament
The almost Christian
A Collection of hymns, for the use of the people called Methodists
The works of the Reverend John Wesley, A.M.
The eucharistic manuals of John and Charles Wesley
The works of John Wesley
The miscellaneous works of the Rev. John Wesley
A short account of the school, in Kingswood, near Bristol
Primitive physick: or, an easy and natural method of curing most diseases
Explanatory notes upon the Old Testament
Explanatory notes upon the New Testament
A collection of interesting tracts
Popery calmly considered. By John Wesley, A.M
The journal of the Rev.John Wesley, A.M....enlarged from original Mss...
Hymn book of the United Methodist free Churches, comprising the collection of hymns by J. Wesley
The extract of the Reverend Mr. John Wesley's journals
Selections from the journal
A preservative against unsettled notions in religion
Funeral hymns
Catalogue of autograph letters and other MSS. sold at Messrs. Sotheby & Co.
A short view of the difference between the Moravian Brethren, lately in England; and the Reverend Mr. John and Charles Wesley. Extracted chiefly from a late journal
An extract of the of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's Journal
A collection of hymns
Hymns on the Lord's Supper
Hymns and Sacred Poems: Published by John Wesley, ... and Charles Wesley, ...
An extract of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's journal from February 1. 1737-8, to his return from Germany
Extract of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's journal ...
Explanatory notes upon the New Testament
Hymns and spiritual songs
The case of Birstal House
Hymns of petition and thanksgiving for the promise of the Father
A collection of hymns, used by the Methodist Episcopal Church
Hymns of the Trinity
Wesley on prostration, etc
Three sermons on the original, nature, properties, and use of the law
John Wesley
John Wesley on preaching
Predestination calmly considered
A supplement to Mr. Wesley's pamphlet entitled Thoughts upon slavery
A concise ecclesiastical history, from the birth of Christ, to the beginning of the present century
Primitive physick
Reasons against a separation from the Church of England
John Wesley's New Testament translation and notes in modern English
A collection of moral and sacred poems from the most celebrated English authors
A word to a Protestant
Hymns of petition and thanksgiving for the promise of the Father
The New Testament, with explanatory notes
A letter to the Reverend Doctor Conyers Middleton, occasion'd by his late Free enquiry
The Works of the Rev. John Wesley
Wesley on prostration, etc
The marrow of Methodism
A letter to the Reverend Mr. Downes ...
Sacred melody or a choice collection of psalm and hymn tunes, with a short introduction
Primitive physic; or, an easy and natural method of curing most diseases
An extract of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's journal from his embarking for Georgia to his return to London
A collection of hymns for the use of the Methodist Episcopal Church
An answer to Mr. Rowland Hill's tract, entitled "Imposture detected."
Hymns and sacred poems
The manners of the ancient Christians
Hymns for the use of the Methodist New Connexion
Hymns for the nation, in 1782
An extract of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's journal, from September 6, 1741, to October 27, 1743. No. V
The journal of the Reverend John Wesley
Sermons on several occasions
A collection of hymns, for the use of the Methodist Episcopal Church
Der Charakter eines Methodisten
An earnet appeal to men of reason and religion
Hymns for our Lord's resurrection
The question, what is an Arminian? answered
Wesley on prostration, etc
A Collection of psalms and hymns
An extract of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's journal, from June 17, 1758, to May 5, 1760. XI
Graces before and after meat. To which is added gloria patri; or hymns to the trinity
The character of a Methodist
An extract of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's journals
A collection of hymns, for the use of the people called Methodists
An extract of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's journal, from August 9, 1779. To August 26, 1782. No.XIX
A letter to the author of The craftsman, concerning real Christianity, disparg'd under the name of Methodism
Primitive physick: or, an easy and natural method of curing most diseases
Primitive physick: or
John Wesley's writings on Roman Catholicism
The journal of the Rev. John Wesley, A.M
A letter to the right reverend the Lord Bishop of London
Hymns occasioned by the earthquake, March 8, 1750
Original anecdotes, &c., of the Rev. John Wesley, A.M.
The Journal of John Wesley
Thoughts upon slavery
Primitive physick: or, an easy and natural method of curing most diseases
A letter to the Reverend Mr. Law
A letter to the Right Reverend, the Lord Bishop of Gloucester, occasioned by his tract, On the office and operations of the Holy Spirit
Thoughts on a single life. By John Wesley, A.M
A Collection of hymns, for the use of the people called Methodists
Sermons, chiefly on the spiritual life
A pocket hymn book, for the use of Christians of all denominations
Some observations on liberty: occasioned by a late tract. By John Wesley, M.A
Hymns of intercession for all mankind
The journal of the Rev. John Wesley, A.M., sometime fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford ...
The Poetical Works of John and Charles Wesley: Reprinted from the Originals ...
The Wesleyan standards
Wesley's revision of the shorter catechism
Sammlung auserlesener Predigten
The Sunday service of the Methodists
Funeral hymns
Weisili Yuehan ri ji
An extract of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's journal, from October 29, 1762, to May 25, 1765. XIII
Select hymns for the use of Christians of all denominations
The character of a Methodist
The journal of the Rev. John Wesley, A.M. ...
The works of the Rev. John Wesley, A.M.
Serious thoughts upon the perseverance of the saints
A call to backsliders
Letter, 1784 June 13, Darlington, to Alexander Suter, Inverness
Letters that passed between the Rev. John Wesley, and Mr. John Atlay, relative to the people and preaching-house at Dewsbury. With a short statement of facts, by way of introduction
Hymns and sacred poems
An extract from the Rev. John Wesley's journals
Select psalms
Thoughts upon slavery
A collection of hymns, for the use of the Methodist Episcopal Church
The works of the Rev. John Wesley
The Works of the Rev. John Wesley
The Journal of the Rev. John Wesley ...
Free thoughts on the present state of public affairs. In a letter to a friend
The character of a Methodist
John Wesley's thoughts upon slavery
Selections from the Journal of John Wesley
Thoughts upon slavery
John Wesley's letter to a Roman Catholic
The Canadian Wesleyan hymn book, or, Mr. Wesley's hymn book republished
News from the invisible world, or, Interesting anecdotes of the dead
Primitive physick
Extract of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's journal ...
The question, what is an Arminian? Answered. By a lover of free grace
Hymns and sacred poems
Hymns of petition and tranksgiving for the promise of the Father
The journals of the Reverand John Wesley, A M
Sacred melody, or, A choice collection of psalm and hymn tunes
An extract of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's journal
The richest legacy
An extract of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's journal, from May 6, 1760, to Oct. 28, 1762. XII
Wesley's doctrinal standards
An extract of the Rev. Mr. John Wesley's journal, from February 16, 1755, to June 16, 1758. X
The journal of the Rev. John Wesley, A.M., sometime fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford ...
A pocket hymn book
A sermon on the death of the Rev. Mr. George Whitefield, preached at the chapel, in Tottenham Court-Road, and at the Tabernacle, near Moorfields, on Sunday, November 18, 1770
A letter to the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of London
Collection of psalms and hymns
Autobiography in the days of Frederick the Great
The way to the kingdom
Books published by Mr. J. & C. Wesley
The Christian sacrament and sacrifice, extracted from a late author
Thoughts upon liberty. By an Englishman
The works of the Rev. John Wesley, M.A. ...
The heart of John Wesley's Journal
A collection of psalms and hymns
God's love to fallen man
Thoughts on the present scarcity of provisions
Hymns for those that seek and those that have redemption in the blood of Jesus Christ
Primitive physic
The works of the Rev. John Wesley A.M.
Preparation for death in several hymns
Some remarks on Mr. Hill's Farrago double-distilled
Hymns for Watch-night
A discourse on sin in believers. By John Wesley, M.A
A short manual for the Christian Sabbath
Advice to the people call'd Methodists
The works of the Rev. John Wesley, M.A., late fellow of Lincoln-College, Oxford
One volume New Testament commentary
By John Wesley
Orin mimó ti awọn Methodist ni ède Yoruba
Hymns of petition and thanksgiving for the promise of the Father
Hymns occasioned by the earthquake, March 8, 1750. Part II
Jaan Kaplinski
Jaan Kaplinski (1941-2021)

poet, philosopher, journalist, politician, translator, essayist

  • Hugo Treffner Gymnasium, University of Tartu
The wandering border
Sjunger näktergalen än i Dorpat?
Evening brings everything back
Öölinnud, öömõtted =
The same sea in us all
I am the spring in Tartu
Hinge tagasitulek
Tükk elatud elu
Võimaluste võimalikkus
Vita nätter och svarta
Kust tuli öö
Mitu suve ja kevadet
Vita natter och svarta
Through the forest
Valge joon Võrumaa kohale
Kevad kahel rannikul
Õhtu toob tagasi kõik
Selected poems
Raske on kergeks saada
Tolmust ja värvidest
See ja teine
Sama meri kaikissa meissä
Teekond Ayia Triadasse
Uute kivide kasvamine
Non-Existent Frontier
The same river
Poliitika ja antipoliitika
Kõik on ime
The same sea in us all
Sõnad sõnatusse
Vecher vozvrashchaet vse
Sõprade kirjad on su poole teel
הקרח והטיטניק
Nashi teni tak dlinny
Ulybka Vegenera
Seesama jogi
Taivahe heidet tsirk
Teiselpool järve
Colin Wilson
Colin Wilson (1931-2013)

ufologist, autobiographer, biographer, philosopher

Encyclopaedia of modern murder, 1962-82
Rogue Messiahs
Rasputin and the fall of the Romanovs
Voyage to a beginning
The encyclopedia of crime
The quest for Wilhelm Reich
Bernard Shaw
Strange powers
A casebook of murder
Aleister Crowley
C. G. Jung
Aleister Crowley
Encyclopedia of murder
Mysterious powers
Encyclopaedia of murder
Dreaming to some purpose
The Geller phenomenon
Wilhelm Reich
Colin Wilson's men of mystery
The encyclopedia of modern murder
Mysterious powers
They had strange powers
Autobiographical reflections
Lord of the underworld
The philosopher's stone
The outsider
A Criminal History of Mankind
The mind parasites
Poetry and mysticism
From Atlantis to the Sphinx
Mysteries of the universe
Below the iceberg
The occult
Alien dawn
Religion and the rebel
The sex diary of a metaphysician
The space vampires
The misfits
The strength to dream
The schoolgirl murder case
Written in Blood
The decline and fall of leftism
The Mammoth Book of the History of Murder
Atlantis and the Kingdom of the Neanderthals
UFOs and aliens
The mammoth book of true crime
Jack the Ripper
Beyond the occult
Anti-Sartre, with an essay on Camus
Written in blood
The Do-It-Yourself Bestseller
The encyclopedia of unsolved mysteries
Semiotext(e) SF
Unsolved mysteries past and present
New pathways in psychology
Spider world, the magician
The black room
The killers among us
The Occult
The craft of the novel
The strength to dream
History of Murder
The Mammoth Book of Murder
A criminal history of mankind
The Outsider
Frankensteins Castle
The Mammoth Book of the Supernatural
The World's Greatest True Crime
The stature of man
The glass cage
Psychic powers
Music, Nature, & the Romantic Outsider
Adrift in Soho
The psychic detectives
The magician from Siberia
Ghosts and the supernatural
The murder casebook
The Giant Book of True Crime
The Desert (Spider World, Book 1)
The atlas of holy places & sacred sites
The musician as "outsider"
New pathways in psychology
The essential Colin Wilson
The delta
Tree by Tolkien
Bullet To The Head
Ghosts (Unexplained)
An essay on the "new" existentialism
The glass cage
The outsider
Origins of the sexual impulse
Serial killer investigations
Sex, America, and Other Insights
Colin Wilson's World Famous Crimes
Ritual in the dark
World Famous News Stories
Mozart's Journey to Prague
THE MURDER CASEBOOK (2006) Classic Accounts of Famous Modern Crimes
Rudolf Steiner
Illustrated True Crime
The schoolgirl murder case
Beyond the Outsider
Ritual in the Dark (Visions)
The tower
The Delta (Spider World, Book 4)
The Mammoth Book of True Crime 2
The Strange Life of P.D. Ouspensky
The Misfits
Tree of life
The delta
The Atlantis blueprint
UFO's and Aliens (Unexplained)
Ritual in the Dark
The sex diary of Gerard Sorme
New Pathways in Psychology
The Outsider
G.I. Gurdjieff
New pathways in psychology
The god of the labyrinth
Sex and the intelligent teenager
New pathways in psychology
Enigmas and mysteries
Spider World: The Tower (Spider World: Epic Visionary Fiction)
The angry years
E ncyclopaedia of modern murder, 1962-1982
Cults and Fanatics
Dreaming to Some Purpose
Strange vanishings
Psychic Powers (Unexplained)
Brandy of the damned
Tanz der Teufel. Scharlatane, Gurus, Sektenführer
Colin Wilson's world famous crimes
The strange life of P.D. Ouspensky
Alien Dawn
The Giant Book of the Supernatural
The Janus murder case
The Craft of the Novel
G. I. Gurdjieff
Beyond the outsider
Carl G. Jung
Encyclopaedia of modern murder 1962-82 [Book]
The bicameral critic
Meurtre d'une écolière
The Angry Years
Murder in the 1930's
The Laurel & Hardy Theory of Consciousness
The devil's party
Serial Killer Investigations
The Fortress (Spider World, Book 3)
The serial killers
L'archéologie interdite, de l'Atlantide au Sphinx
Suqout al-hadharah
The god ofthe labyrinth
Introduction to the new existentialism
The Directory of possibilities
Ency Modern Murder Pa
L' occulte. Trad. de l'anglais par R. Genin
World famous catastrophes
The mammoth encyclopedia of the unsolved
The book of time
Murder in the 1930's
Alien Dawn Giant Display Book
The God of the Labyrinth
The Mind Parasites
The World's Greatest True Crime Stories
ALIEN DAWN - An Investigation into the Contact Experience
Necessary doubt
Marriage and London
The personality surgeon
A Plague of Murder
The Devil's Party
The world's greatest true crime
The Tower (Spider World, Book 2)
The haunted man
Spider World
Existentially speaking
La femme moderne et l'alcool
The Psychic Detectives
The Corpse Garden
The mammoth book of the supernatural
Rudolf Steiner, El Hambre y Su Vision
Nikos Kazantzakis
The Atlantis blueprint : unlocking the ancient mysteries of a long-lost civilization
Crimes of Passion
Encyclopaedia of modern murder
Ency Modern Murder
Star Seekers
The Book of Great Mysteries
Access to inner worlds
Rain Dogs
World famous gaslight murders
Did Nostradamus predict the twin towers?
The palace
The glass cage
Socialists and gay liberation
Weird News Stories (World Famous)
The metal flower blossom and other plays
Man without a shadow
The books in my life
Lo Oculto
Ken Russell
Hesse Reich Borges
Murder in the 1930s
World famous strange but true
Spider world--the tower
Spider world--the delta
The outsider
The violent world of Hugh Greene
La pierre philosophale
World famous unsolved crimes
Colin Wilson's true crime file
An encyclopedia of scandal
Frankenstein's castle
An Extraordinary Man in the Age of Pigmies
The New Existentialism
Bernard Shaw
The Schoolgirl Murder Case
World famous murders
The giant book of world famous murders
The Personality Surgeon
Sex Diary of a Metaphysician
The World of Violence
Colin Wilson's True Crime File
Strange vanishings
Strange tales and weird mysteries
World Famous True Crimes
Le Tueur
The Giant Book of World Famous Murders
Introduction to James Drought
Access to Inner Worlds
Point blank
Rael (Into the Shadow of the Sun)
Mozart's journey to Prague
The Directory of possibilities
Gay Liberation and Socialism
Dark Dimensions
The mammoth book of true crime 2
The god of the labyrinth
Haunted Man (Popular writers of today ; v. 20)
Adrift in Soho
Voyage to a Beginning
A plague of murder
Le sacre de la nuit
World Famous True Ghost Stories
The world of violence
The Serial Killers
Rudolf Steiner
The Philosopher's Stone
Encyclopaedia of murder
Murder in the 1940s (Colin Wilson's True Crime File)
Rasputin and the Fall of the Romanovs
Men of Mystery
Colin Wilson's World Famous Murders
Space Vampires
Beyond the Occult
Ghost sightings
The killer: a novel
Super consciousness
The Age of Defeat
Mysterious Powers (Library of the Supernatural)
You should be so lucky
The Killer
The Death of God and Other Plays
Colin Wilson festschrift
New pathways in psychology: Maslow and the post-Freudian revolution
Religion and the Rebel
The essential Colin Wilson
Les vampires de l'e"space
Colin Wilson's Men of mystery
Mago de Siberia, El
Chords and discords
The mind parasites
The age of defeat
The unexplained
Order of assassins
The outsider
Cults and Fanatics
Religion and the rebel
El Desplazdo
Shaw in his letters
Unsolved mysteries
Shaw and the new humanism
The return of the Lloigor
The bicameral critic
World famous
Chōetsu ishiki no tankyū
Killers among Us
Science fiction as existentialism
The third level of reality
The Giant book of the unknown
The giant book of bad guys
The strength to dream
Xi fang mou sha shi lu
News stories
The new existentialism
Existential criticism
The age of defeat
Westcountry mysteries
Rudolf Steiner
Unsolved Crimes
The war against sleep
Jack the Ripper
World famous crimes of passion
The occult Webb
Storia criminale del genere umano
Serial killer investigations
Adrift in Soho
Dark dimensions
Colin Wilson on music
The age of defeat
Parazity soznani︠i︡a
Qinmeartha and the Girl Child Lochi and the Tomb of the Old Ones
Marx refuted
Crimes of Passion
True ghost stories
Soho, à la dérive
Rudolf Steiner, the man and his vision
Beyond the outsider
Mysteries of the mind
The Directory of possibilities
L'arche ologie interdite
Poetry and mysticism
Origins of the sexual impulse
Adrift in Soho
An extraordinary man in the age of pigmies
World famous gaslight murders
A casebook of murder
A book of booze
The mind parasites
Introduction to the new existentialism
Rasputin and the fall of the Romanovs
World famous scandals
Zoku autosaidā
Jorge Luis Borges
The world of violence
Tsofen ha-Sfinḳs
World Famous Strange Tales and Mysteries
Unsolved mysteries, past and present
Leutnant Blueberry, Bd.31, Die Jugend von Blueberry
Hermann Hesse
Unsolved Mysteries
Eagle and Earwig
L' Amour
Future War
Qinmeartha and the Girl Child Lochi and the Tomb of the Old Ones
Serial killer investigations
A photographic record
Muhammad Asad
Muhammad Asad (1900-1992)

diplomat, journalist, translator, linguist, autobiographer, philosopher

  • University of Vienna
The Road to Mecca
T̤ūfān se sāḥil tak
Tong wang Maijia zhi lu
Muḥammad Asad, ek Yūrapiyan badvī
The road to Makkah
The Message of the Qurʼān
The message of the Qurʾan
The Message of The Quran
Principles of State and Government in Islam
The Unromantic Orient
The book of revelations
The message of the Qurā̓n
The Spirit of Islam
Islam and politics
Islam at the Crossroads
Al- Islām fī al-Ḥukm
Le Chemin de La Mecque
Al- Islām 'Alā muftaraq al-turuq
Islam on the crossroads
The principles of state and government in Islam
Ham ne Pākistān kiyūn̲ banāyā
al- Islām ʻalā muftaraq al-ṭuruq
The message of the Qura̓̄n
Hadaiq al-ashiq
The unromantic Orient
This Law of Ours and Other Essays
Is religion a thing of the pastà
The road to Mecca
The Principles of State and Government
Azas-azas negara dan pemerintah didalam Islam
Islam at the crossroads
al-Ghināʼ fī aqbiyah ʻamīqah
The message of the Qurā̓n
Unromantisches Morgenland
Sahih Al-Bukhari
Message of the Koran
Egon Friedell
Egon Friedell (1878-1938)

cultural historian, translator, journalist, philosopher, stage actor, historian, film actor

  • University of Vienna
Schriftsteller, Schriftspieler
Vom Denken der Dichter.
Kulturgeschichte der Neuzeit
A cultural history of the modern age
Kulturgeschichte der Neuzeit
Ecce poeta
Abschaffung des Genies
Kulturgeschichte Griechenlands
Kulturgeschichte Ägyptens und des alten Orients; Leben und Legende der vorchristlichen Seele
Goethe und die Journalisten
Kulturgeschichte der Neuzeit I
Ist die Erde bewohnt?
Kulturgeschichte der Neuzeit II
Kulturgeschichte Griechenlands. Leben und Legende der vorchristlichen Seele
Kulturgeschichte des altertums
The return of the time machine
Kultur ist Reichtum an Problemen : Extrakt eines Lebens gezogen und vorgesetzt von Heribert Illig
Egon Friedell's Kulturgeschichte der Neuzeit
Kulturgeschichte Ägyptens und des alten Orients
Novalis als Philosoph
Die Judastragödie
Friedell-Brevier aus Schriften und Nachlass
Kulturgeschichte Ägyptens und des Alten Orients
Wozu das Theater?
"Über das Heroische in der Geschichte" von Thomas Carlyle
Kultur ist Reichtum an Problemen
Die Reise mit der Zeitmaschine
Die Rückkehr der Zeitmaschine
Das Altenbergbuch
Der historische Jesus Christus
Meine Doppelseele
Novalis als Philosoph
Aufklärung und Revolution
Das Friedell-Lesebuch
Vom Schaltwerk der Gedanken
Moses Hess
Moses Hess (1812-1875)

philosopher, politician, journalist

  • University of Bonn
Jüdische Schriften
Rome and Jerusalem
Rom und Jerusalem
The holy history of mankind and other writings
The revival of Israel
Rome and Jerusalem a Study in Jewish Nationalism
Die europäische Triarchie
Ausgewählte Schriften
Die heilige Geschichte der Menschheit
Moses Hess Jüdische Schriften
Sozialistische Aufsätze, 1841-1847
Philosophische und Sozialistische Schriften, 1837-1850
Rome & Jerusalem (Classics of Jewish Radicalism)
Rom und Jerusalem
Moses Hess Jüdische Schriften. Hrsg. und Eingeleitet Von Theodor Zlocisti
Europa ische Triarchie
Ausgewa lte Schriften
Sozialistische Aufsätze, 1841-1847
Romi ṿi-Yerushalayim u-khetavim Yehudiyim aḥerim
Ökonomische Schriften
(Roma ṿi-Yerushalayim (Rome and Jerusalem)
Philosophische und sozialistische Schriften, 1837-1850
Philosophische und Sozialistische Schriften, 1837-1850
Rome and Jerusalem
Sozialistische Aufsatze, 1841-1847
Mosheh Hes u-vene doro
Einundzwanzig Bogen Aus der Schweiz, Erster Theil
Sozialistische Aufsätze, 1841-1847. Hrsg. Von Theodor Zlocisti
Ketavim tsiyonim ṿi-yehudiyim
Moses Hess Jüdische Schriften
Rome and Jerusalem
Moses Hess
Roym un Yerusholayim
Die letzten Philosophen
Rome and Jerusalem
Rechte der Arbeit
Rom und Jerusalem
Die heilige Geschichte der Menschheit
Romi ṿi-Yerushalayim
Roym un Yerusholaim
Rome et Jérusalem
Ketavim Tsiyonim ṿi-Yehudiyim
Roma e Gerusalemme
Die europäische Triarchie
Ketavim kelaliyim
Die gesellschaftichen Zustände der civilisirten Welt
Neue Quellen zur Hess-Forschung
Mosheh Hes u-vene doro
José Enrique Rodó
José Enrique Rodó (1871-1917)

poet, philosopher

Simón Bolívar, libertador de la América del Sur
Liberalismo y jacobinismo
José Enrique Rodó
Ciudadano de Roma
El camino de Paros
El que vendrá
José Enrique Rodó, actuación parlamentaria
El mirador de Próspero
Ariel y Proteo selecto
Motivos de Proteo
El camino de Paros
La América nuestra
Hombres de América
Hombres de America
La tradición intelectual argentina
Hombres de América: Bolívar, Montalvo, Darío
Cinco ensayos ..
Rubén Darío
El centenario de Chile
El camino de Paros
The motives of Proteus
Paginas escogidas
La novela nueva. Los que callan. Decir las cosas bien
Hombres de América (Montalvo-Bolívar-Rubén Darío) Discursos parlamentarios
Parábolas, y otras lecturas
Obras selectas
Ideario de Rodó
Páginas escogidas
Rubén Darío
Motivos de proteo, Ariel y otras páginas
Obras completas de Jose Enrique Rodó
El que vendrá
La tradición intelectual argentina
Páginas de José Enrique Rodó
Motifs de Protée...
Actuación parlamentaria
Pages choisies
El camino de Paros (meditaciones y andanzas)
Motifs de Protée
Nuevos motivos de Proteo..
La vida nueva ..
Rodó: parábolas y textos escogidos
Obras completas, editadas, con introducción prólogos y notas
Mirando jugar a un niño, y otros parábolas
José Enrique Rodo
Obras completas
Motivos de Proteo
Ariel y Proteo selecto
Cartas de José Enrique Rodó a Juan Francisco Piquet
Ariel ; Motivos de Proteo
José Enrique Rodó
Obras completas
El PENSAMIENTO DE RODO pensamiento vivo de Rodó
El pensamiento vivo de Rodó
El mirador de Próspero
Ariel ; Liberalismo y jacobismo ; Ensayos
La tradición intelectual argentina
Obras completas de José Enrique Rodó
Los escritos de "La Revista nacional de literatura y ciencias sociales"
Obras completas de Jose Enrique Rodó
Pages choisies
Los últimos motivos de Proteo
Johannes Valentinus Andreae
Johannes Valentinus Andreae (1586-1654)

theologian, mathematician, poet, astrologer, philosopher

  • University of Tübingen, Tübinger Stift
Selbstbiographie Joh. Valentin Andreä's
Johann Valentin Andreä, 1586-1654
Reipublicae christianopolitanae descriptio
Theophilus. Lateinisch und Deutsch
Joannis Valentini Andreae Memorialia, benevolentium honori, amori et condolentiae data
Reipublicae Christianopolitanae descriptio
Johann Valentin Andreae's Christianopolis
Mythologiae Christianae, sive, Virtutum & vitiorum vitae humanae imaginum libri tres
Turris Babel, siue, Judiciorum de Fraternitate Rosaceae Crucis chaos
Seleniana augustalia Iohannis Valentini Andreae, S.T.D.
Menippus, sive, Dialogorvm satyricorum centuria
Fama fraternitatis, oder, Entdeckung der Brüderschafft des löblichen Ordens dess Rosen Creutzes
Civis christianus, sive, Peregrini quondam errantis restitutiones
Peregrini in patria errores
Die Bruderschaft der Rosenkreuzer
Menippus, sive, Dialogorum satyricorum centuria inanitatum nostratium speculum
Turbo, sive, Moleste et frustra per cuncta divagans ingenium
[Vom besten und edelsten Beruff
Peregrini in patria errores
Herrn Johann Valentin Andreä, weyland vornehmen Würtembergischen Theologi, Freye Feder vom Ubelstand der Kirchen Gottes
Les noces chymiques de Christian Rosencreutz
[Sereniss. Domus Augustae Selenianae Princip. Juventutis utriusque sexus pietatis, eruditionis, comitatisque exemplum sine pari
Chymische Hochzeit Christiani Rosencreutz Anno 1459
[Fama fraternitatis oder Entdeckung der Brüderschaft des löblichen Ordens desz RosenCreutzes
Die Kämpfe des christlichen Herkules
Joh. Val. Andreae Dichtungen zur Beherzigung unseres Zeitalters
[Fama fraternitatis
Tvrbo, sive, Moleste et frvstra per cuncta divagans ingenivm
Fama fraternitatis (1614)
Warheits-Mund in sinnreichen Anbildungen desz allgemeinen Welt-Wesens
Warheits-Mund in sinnreichen Anbildungen desz allgemeinen Welt-Wesens
Joh. Val. Andreae Dichtungen zur Beherzigung unseres Zeitalters
Arbustum vel arboretum Augustæum
Johann Valentin Andreä
Zerstreute Blätter
Reipublicae Christianopolitanae descriptio