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philosophers who wrote biography
Showing 153-160 out of 622 results
Sima Qian
Sima Qian

historian, poet, astrologer, philosopher, mathematician, astronomer

Shi ji
The Grand Scribe's Records
Shiki retsuden
The first emperor
Shih chi
Selections from Records of the historian
Shi ji xuan yi
Shi ji xuan yi (Gudaiwenshimingzhuxuanyicongshu)
Ssǔ-ma Ch'ien's historiographical attitude as reflected in four late warring states biographies
Er shi si shi jing hua
Ssu-ma Ch'ien's historiographical attitude as reflected in four late Warring States biographies
Historical records
Sagi pyongnim
The Cream of Classical Chinese Literature, Vol. 3 (Condensed, Chinese-English Edition; 8-Book Boxed Set)
Records of the grand historian of China
Tai shi gong su wang miao lun
Shiki kokujikai
Mémoires historiques
Grand Scribes Records (Grand Scribe's Records)
Istoric eskie zapiski
Shih chi so yin
Xiao He, Han Xin
Shi ji xuan (Zhongguo li dai san wen zuo jia xuan ji)
Shi ji jin shi
Shi ji lun wen
Shi ji jing hua lu
Shi ji hui zhu kao zheng
Les Mémoires historiques de Se-ma Tsʼien
Records of the Historians
Shiki kaichū kōshō kōho
Statesman, patriot, and general in ancient China, three Shih Chi biographies of the Ch'in dynasty (255-206 B.C.)
Shi ji (Gu dian ming zhu pu ji wen ku)
Sama Chon Sagi
Records of the historian
Bai hua Shi ji
The First Emperor Selections From The Historical Records
Le chapitre 117 du Che-ki (biographie de SSeu-ma Siang-jou)
Shi ji jin zhu
Quan zhu quan yi Shi ji
Sagi pyongnim, Shi Ji
Gu xiang zhai Shi ji
Selections from Records of the historian
Istoric eskie zapiskik
Shi ji ji jie suo yin zheng yi he ke ben
Shi ji
Statesman, Patriot and General in Ancient China (American Oriental Ser.; No. 17)
Xin jiao Shi ji san jia zhu
Bai hua Shi ji
Shi ji gu shi
Shi ji di gu shi
Shi ji gu shi
Shi ji gu shi
Shao nian ban shi ji
Lian Po, Lin Xiangru, Lu Zhonglian. xuan zi Shi ji
Shi ji gu shi
Shi ji gu shi all in one
Quan yi shi ji
Sima Qian san wen xuan ji (Bai hua san wen shu xi)
Shi ji dao du
Shi ji zha ji
Selections from the Records of the Historian
Shi ji gu shi
Shi ji
Shi ji xuan jiang
Stories from "Records of the Historian"
Shi ji hui zhu kao zheng jiao ding
Shi ji tian guan shu jin zhu
Shi ji gu shi
guang zhu yu shi Shi ji jing hua
Shi ji xiang jie
A Comprehensive Mirror of Chinese History (Tzu Zhi Tung Jian)(Complete) (Volumes 1-20)
Ch'o nha ru l nakka ollin yo ngungdu l
Shi ji xuan ji
Cai se tu jie shiji
Shi ji gu shi
The Grand Scribe's Records: Volume 2
Sudur temdeglel-ece songġuġsan u̇liger
Helen Nearing
Helen Nearing (1904-1995)


Loving and leaving the good life
Living the good life
The maple sugar book
Simple Food for the Good Life
The brave new world
Building and using our sun-heated greenhouse
Light on Aging and Dying
The good life
Continuing the good life
The maple sugar book, together with remarks on pioneering as a way of living in the twentieth century
American Earth
The good life album of Helen & Scott Nearing
Socialists around the world
Our home made of stone
Light on aging and dying
USA today
Simple Food for the Good Life
Our right to travel
Wise Words for the Good Life
Continuing Good Life
SShA segodni︠a︡
Socialists around the world
Wise Words/good Life
Light on aging and dying
The Peaceful palate
The brave new world
The Good Life of Helen Nearing
Living the good life
Wise words on the good life
Loving and Leaving the Good Life
David Berlinski
David Berlinski (born 1942)

philosopher, mathematician

  • Princeton University, Columbia College
Newton's Gift
A tour of the calculus
The advent of the algorithm
Less than meets the eye
A tour of the calculus
A clean sweep
Black mischief
The secrets of the vaulted sky
The Devil's Delusion
The body shop
On systems analysis
The Secrets of the Vaulted Sky
Infinite Ascent
On System Analysis
The king of infinite space
The Devil's delusion
Black mischief
On systems analysis
Infinite ascent
Tour of the Calculus, A
Apfel der Erkenntnis. Sir Isaac Newton und die Entschlüsselung des Universums
King of Infinite Space
Ascenso Infinito
The body shop
One, two, three
Une brève histoire des maths
The Rise of Differential Topology
The Devil's Delusion
The Deniable Darwin and Other Essays
The Devil's delusion
Wei ji fen zhi lu
La vie rêvée des maths
The Devil's delusion
Iskushenie astrologieĭ, ili Predskazanie kak iskusstvo
One, two, three
Olaf Stapledon
Olaf Stapledon (1886-1950)

paramedic, philosopher, peace activist

  • University of Oxford, University of Liverpool
An Olaf Stapledon reader
Antología de la literatura fantástica
Last and First Men
Last men in London
Odd John & Sirius
Star Maker
Philosophy and living
Last and first men, & Star maker
Talking across the world
Darkness and the Light
Last and first men, and Last men in London
To the end of time
Nebula maker
Far Future Calling
Nebula maker ; & Four encounters
Hacedor de Estrellas
The Flames
Worlds of wonder
A Man Divided
LA Ultima Y Primera Humanidad
A modern theory of ethics
Saints and revolutionaries
New hope for Britain
Death into life
Juan Raro
Waking world
The opening of the eyes
Man Divided Illustared
Youth and tomorrow
Last and First Men (Annotated)
Death into Life Annotated
Last Men in London Illustrated
Death into Life Annotated
Last and First Men Illustrated
Latter-day psalms
Beyond the "isms"
Last Men in London (Annotated)
Last Men in London-Original Edition;illustrated
Last Men in London Annotated
Last and First Men Annotated
Last Men in London Annotated and Unabridged
Last and First Men Annotated and Unabridged
Last Men in London-Original Edition(Annotated)
Last and First Men Annotated
Last and First Men (Annotated)
Last Man in London (illustrated Edition)
Last and First Men Illustrated Edition
Last Men in London (annotated)
Last and First Men
Last and First Men Annotated
Old man in new world
Man Divided Annotated
World of Sound
Last and First Man Illustrated
Last Man in London Illustrated Edition
Last and First Men Illustrated
Last Men in London Annotated
Son ve Ilk Insanlar
Flames Illustared
A modern theory of ethics
Créateur d'Étoiles
Arnold Ruge
Arnold Ruge (1802-1880)

philosopher, translator, journalist, politician, autobiographer

  • Heidelberg University, University of Jena
Aus früherer Zeit
Aus früherer Zeit
Die platonische Aesthetik
Arnold Ruges Briefwechsel und Tagebuchblätter aus den Jahren 1825-1880
Acht reden über die religion "an die gebildeten unter ihren verehrern"
Neue Vorschule der Ästhetik
Arnold Ruge (1802-1880)
Zwei Doppelromane in dramatischer Form
Die Religion unserer Zeit
Wanderbuch, 1825-1873
Schill und die Seinen
Neue vorschule der aesthetik
Der Patriotismus
Werke un Briefe
Anekdota zur neuesten deutschen Philosophie und Publicistik [von Bruno Bauer et al.]
Der Novellist
Geschichte unsrer Zeit
Die preussische revolution seit dem siebenten September und die contrerevolution seit dem zehnten November
Encyclopaedia of the philosophical sciences
Deutsch-französische Jahrbücher
Die Akademie
Aktenstücke zur Censur, Philosophie und Publicistik aus dem Jahre 1842
Zwei jahre in Paris
Polemische Briefe
Arnold Ruge's sämmtliche Werke
Rede über die bildung der provisorischen centralgewalt
Politische bilder aus der zeit
Gesammelte Schriften
Das Problem der Freiheit in Kants Erkenntnistheorie
Encyclopädie der philosophischen Wissenschaften
Aktenstücke zur Censur, Philosophie und Publicistik aus dem Jahre 1842
Reden über religion
Die politischen Lyriker unserer Zeit
New Germany
Die neue welt
Zvi Yanai
Zvi Yanai (1935-2013)

journalist, television presenter, philosopher

Shelkha, Sandro
In Liebe, Dein Sandro
ha- Ḥipuś ha-ensofi
Be-ikvot ha-mahashavot
Meʼuḥar mi-dai
Be-ʻiḳvot ha-maḥshavot
Masaʻ le-todaʻat ha-ṭevaʻ
Bien à vous, Sandro
Nicolaus of Damascus
Nicolaus of Damascus

historian, philosopher

Bios Kaisaros
Nicolaus of Damascus Life of Augustus
Vita di Augusto
Nicolaus Damascenus de plantis
On the philosophy of Aristotle
Life of Augustus
Nicolaus Damascenus de Plantis, Five Translations
Nicolaus of Damascus
Le piante
Fragmente der Historiker
Nicolai Damasceni de plantis libri duo Aristoteli vulgo adscripti
Imp. Caes. Augusti temporum notatio, genus, et scriptorum fragmenta.  Praemittitur Nicolai Damasceni Liber de institutione Augusti cum versione Hug. Grotii, et Henr. Valesii notis
Nicolai Damasceni Historiarum excerpta et fragmenta quae supersunt graece
Ferdinando Galiani
Ferdinando Galiani (1728-1787)

economist, philosopher

Ferdinando Galiani
Mélanges d'économie politique
Mélanges d'économie politique
Del dialetto napoletano
La bagarre
Lettres de l'abbé Galiani à madame d'Epinay [etc.]
Dialogues sur le commerce des bleds
Lettres de l'abbé Galiani à Madame d'Èpinay, Voltaire, Diderot ... [et al.]
Die Briefe des Abbé Galiani
Dei doveri dei principi neutrali
Nuovi saggi inediti di economia
Sentenze e motti di spirito
Dialogues entre M. Marquis de Roquemaure, et Ms. Le Chevalier Zanobi
On money
Lettres de l'abbé Galiani a Madame d'Épinay ... [et al.]
Carteggio (1753-1786)
Correspondance inédite de l'abbé Ferdinand Galiani avec Mme d'Epinay, le baron d'Holbach, le baron de Grimm, et autres personnages célèbres du 18e siècle
Socrate immaginario
Correspondance avec madame d'Épinay, madame Necker etc. Diderot, Grimm etc
Della moneta e scritti inediti
Socrate immaginario
Dialogues sur le commerce des bleds. Giusta l'editio princeps del 1770 con appendici illustrative di Fausto Nicolini
Della moneta
Lettres de l'abbé Galiani à madame d'Epinay [etc.]
De la monnaie
Briefe an Madame d'Epinay und andere Freunde in Paris, 1769-1781 [von] Abbé Galiani
Socrate immaginario
Un Napolitain du dernier siècle
Dialogo sulle donne e altri scritti
Correspondance avec Madame d'Epinay, Madame Necker, Madame Geoffrin, etc
Correspondance inédite de l'abbé Ferdinand Galiani ...
Lettres ... à madame d'Epinay, Voltaire, Diderot, Grimm, le baron d'Holbach, Morelle, Suart, d'Alembert, Marmontel, la vicomtesse de Belsunce, etc
Catalogo delle materie appartenenti al Vesuvio contenute nel Museo
Recht der neutralität, oder
Vocabolario delle parole del dialetto napoletano, che più si discostano dal dialetto toscano
Lettres ... à madame d'Epinay, Voltaire, Diderot, Grimm, le baron d'Holbach, Morelle, Suart, d'Alembert, Marmontel, la vicomtesse de Belsunce, etc
Della moneta
Tre scherzi seri
Galiani's Dialoge über den getreidehandel
Correspondance avec Madame d'Epinay, Madame Necker, Madame Geoffrin, etc
Il pensiero dell'Abate Galiani
Un Napolitain du dernier siècle
Dialogues sur le commerce des bleds
Catalogo delle materie appartenenti al Vesuvio contenute nel Museo con alcune brevi osservazioni opera del celebre autore de' Dialoghi sul commercio de' grani
Lettres de l'abbé Galiani a Madame d'Épinay, Voltaire, Diderot [etc.]
On money: A translation of Della moneta (Monograph publishing on demand : Sponsor series)
De' doveri de' principi neutrali verso i principi guerreggianti