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mathematicians who wrote biography
Showing 65-72 out of 99 results
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)

philosopher of language, architectural theoretician, professor, logician, mathematician, aphorist, epistemologist, philosopher, teacher

  • University of Cambridge, Technische Universität Berlin
Letters to Russell, Keynes, and Moore
Private Notebooks
Portraits of Wittgenstein
Geheime Tagebücher, 1914-1916
Briefe an Ludwig von Ficker
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Dnevniki, 1914-1916
Philosophische Untersuchungen
Tractatus logico-philosophicus
Preliminary studies for the "Philosophical investigations"
Notebooks, 1914-1916
Philosophische Grammatik
Lectures & conversations on aesthetics, psychology, and religious belief
Vermischte Bemerkungen
On certainty =
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Philosophische Bemerkungen
Doce textos fundamentales de la Ética del siglo XX
Major Works
Remarks on the philosophy of psychology
Bemerkungen über die Grundlagen der Mathematik
Philosophical occasions, 1912-1951
Wittgenstein's lectures, Cambridge, 1930-1932
Bemerkungen über die Farben
Cambridge letters
Wiener Ausgabe Studien Texte: Band 1
Wiener Ausgabe Studien Texte
Wiener Ausgabe Studien Texte: Band 3
Wiener Ausgabe Studien Texte: Band 2
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
Philosophical grammar :bpt. 1. The proposition, and its sense, pt. 2. On logic and mathematics
Wittgenstein's lectures of the foundations of mathematics, Cambridge, 1939
Lectures, Cambridge, 1932-1935
Wiener Ausgabe Studien Texte: Band 4
Wiener Ausgabe
Wiener Ausgabe: Band 2
Wittgenstein's lectures on the foundations of mathematics, Cambridge, 1939
Wiener Ausgabe: Band 5
Wiener Ausgabe: Band 3
Biographischer Apparat. Datierung 1929 - 1932 (Bände 1-10)
Wiener Ausgabe: Band 4
Blue and Brown Books
Wittgenstein's Tractatus
Synopse der Manuskriptbände V bis X (Ludwig Wittgenstein, Wiener Ausgabe)
Letters to C.K. Ogden with comments on the English translation of the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
Biographischer Apparat. Datierungen 1929-1932 (Bände 1-10): Teil 2
Tractatus Logicophilosophicus
Tractatus logico-philosophicus. Sonderausgabe
Wörterbuch für Volksschulen
Wittgenstein und die Musik
Last Writings on the Philosophy of Psychology, Volume 1
Last Writings, Volume I
Wittgenstein's Lectures, Cambridge, 1932-35
Leçons sur la liberté de la volonté, suivi de
Wittgenstein's lectures on philosophical psychology, 1946-47
Register zu den Bänden 1 - 5 (Ludwig Wittgenstein, Wiener Ausgabe)
Tractatus logico-philosophicus
Remarkson the foundations of mathematics =
Lecture on Ethics
Carnets, 1914-1916
Remarks on the Philosophy of Psychology, Volume 1 (Remarks on the Philosophy of Psychology)
The Big Typescript: TS 213
Wittgenstein in Cambridge
Remarks on the Philosophy of Psychology, Volume 2 (Remarks on the Philosophy of Psychology)
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus - Ludwig Wittgenstein
Über Gewissheit
Last writings on the philosophy of psychology
Licht und Schatten
Remarques philosophiques
Wittgenstein's Lectures
Los Cuadernos Azul Y Marron
Observaciones a La Rama Dorada De Frazer
Wittgenstein's Nachlass
Tractatus logico-philosophicus
Tractatus Logico
Tractatus Logico-philosophicus
Das Blaue Buch. Eine Philosophische Betrachtung. ( Das Braune Buch)
The Wittgenstein reader
Synopse der Bände V-X
Wittgenstein's Nachlass: Text and Facsimile Version
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
Le Cahier bleu et le Cahier brun
Last Writing on the Philosophy of Psychology
Edition Suhrkamp, Nr.12, Tractatus logico-philosophicus
Ultimos Escritos Sobre Filosofia de La Psicolo V.2
Remarks on Colour (English and German Edition)
Last Writings On The Philosophy Of Psychology Ludwig Wittgenstein Ed By Gh Von Wright And Heikki Nyman Transl By Cg Luckhardt And Maximilian Ae Aue
Ultimas Conversaciones
Lezioni e conversazioni sull'etica, l'estetica, la psicologia e la credenza religiosa
Lectures on Philosophical Psychology, 1947
Big Typescript
Remarques sur le Rameau d'or de Frazer
Sobre La Certeza
Carnets de Cambridge et de Skjolden
Lecciones de Filosofia de La Psicologia 1946-1947
Preliminary studies for the "Philosophical investagations"
The brown book
Letzte Schriften über die Philosophie der Psychologie
The Mythology in Our Language
Preliminary studies for the 'Philosophical investigations', generally known as the Blue and Brown books
Word Book
Wiener Ausgabe: Band 6
Über Gewißheit
Bemerkungen über die Philosophie der Psychologie
Logisch-Philosophische Abhandlung : Die Hundertjahrsausgabe
Carnets secrets
Wittgenstein's Lectures, Cambridge, 1930-32
Tractatus logico-philosophicus. Tagebücher 1914 - 1916. Philosophische Untersuchungen
Wiener Ausgabe: Band 1
Lecture notes
Aesthetics and Transcendental Philosophy
Über Gewissheit = On certainty
Philosophical grammar; part I, The proposition, and its sense, part II, On logic and mathematics
De la certitude
The Big Typescript, TS. 213
Philosophical Investigations/Philosophische Untersuchungen
Ultimos Escritos Sobre Filosofia De La Psicologia (Clasicos)
Philosophische Untersuchungen / Logische-philosophische Abhandlung. Kritsch-genetische Edition / Kritische Edition
Vortrag über Ethik und andere kleine Schriften
Homenaje a Wittgenstein
Philosophical investigations
"The Big Typescript" (Ludwig Wittgenstein, Wiener Ausgabe, Vol. 2)
Vorlesungen und Gespräche über Ästhetik, Psychoanalyse und religiösen Glauben
Grammaire philosophique
Wittgenstein"s Lectures Cambridge 1932-1935: From the Notes of Alice Ambrose and Margaret Macdonald
Werkausgabe. ( Enthält die Band- Nr. STW 501-508)
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
Remarks on the Philosophy of Psychology Volume 2
Tractatus logico-philosophicus e Quaderni 1914-1916
Letters to C.K. Ogden With Comments on the English Translation of the Tractatus Logico-Philosophus
Remarques sur la philosophie de la psychologie
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
Last Writings of the Philosophy of Psychology
Opmerkingen over de kleuren
Philosphical investigations
Notebooks, 1914-1916
Movimientos del pensar
Ricerche filosofiche
Conferencia Sobre Etica
Letters from Ludwig Wittgenstein with A Memoir
Tractatus logico-philosophicus
Tratado lógico-filosófico 2ª Edición
Blue and Brown Books
Al voltant del color
Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics (Bilingual Edition) (English and German Edition)
Philosophical Investigations
Bemerkungen ueber die Farben
Tractatus logico-philosophicus
Math notes
Tractatus logico-philosophicus-investigaciones filosóficas
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
Wittgenstein's Nachlass
Felsefi Sorusturmalar
Wiener Ausgabe : Band 9
Logisch-philosophische Abhandlung =
Luz y sombra. Una vivencia  nocturna y un fragmento epistolar
Tractatus logico-philosophicus = Logisch-philosophische Abhandlung
Grammaire philosophique
Mavi Kitap - Kahverengi Kitap
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus by Ludwig Wittgenstein
Preliminary studies for the "Philosophical investigations"
Leçons et Conversations
Lecture on Ethics
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
Notebooks, 1941-1916
Vorlesungen über die Grundlagen der Mathematik Cambridge 1939
Gramática Filosófica.
Betrachtungen zur Musik
Dictées de Wittgenstein à Friedrich Waismann et pour Moritz Schlick
Investigaciones Filosoficas
Some remarks on logical form
Últimos escritos sobre filosofía de la psicología
Tractatus logico-philosophicus, suivi de "Investigations philosophiques"
Cuadernos de notas
Los cuadernos azul y marrón
Wittgenstein Familienbriefe
Tractatus logico-philosophicus
Philosophische Untersuchungen. Kritsch-genetische Edition
Tractatus Logico-philosophicus
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus : Edición Crítica, Traducción y Notas
Defterler 1914-1916
The Wittgenstein papers
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Tractatus logico-philosophicus
Dictado para Schlick. Diktat für Schlick
Tractatus logico-philosophicus / de Ludwig Wittgenstein ; traducció al català de l'edició crítica a cura de Joan Ordi Fernández
Lecciones Y Conversaciones Sobre Estetica, Psicologia Y Creencia Religiosa
Remarques sur les fondements des mathématiques
Sobre la certeza
Tractatus logico-philosophicus
Investigaciones filosóficas
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
Letters to C.K. Ogden, with comments on the English translation of the "Tractataus Logico-Philosophicus"
Zettelsammlung Aus Den Synopsen der Manuskriptbande I Bis X
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. the German Text Logisch-philosophische Abhandlung
Tractatus logico-philosophicus
Wiener Ausgabe : Band 6
Ocasiones Filosoficas 1912-1951 / Philosophical Occasions 1912 - 1951
Vorlesungen und Gespräche über Ästhetik, Psychologie und Religion
Preliminary studies for the "Philosophical Investigations" generally known as "The blue and the brown Books"
Ub̈er Gewissheit
Tractatus According to Its Own Form
Philsosphische Untersuchungen
Philisophische Untersuchungen. Philosophical investigations
Briefe an Ludwig von Ficker
Indexes to The Wittgenstein papers
Correspondencia con Rudolf Koder
Zettelsammlung Aus Den Synopsen der Manuskriptbande I Bis X : Teilband 1
Reasonable Logic
Temel Kavram ve Sorunlar
Observaciones Filosoficas
Logisch-Philosophische Abhandlung Nach Seiner Eigenen Form Mit Erganzungen
Notebooks, 1914-1916
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus Complete and Unabridged
Philosophical investigations;
Ludwig Wittgenstein : Dictating Philosophy
Werkausgabe in 8 Bänden
Notebooks 1914-1916, Edited By G. H. Von Wright & G. E. M. Anscombe., With an English Translation By G. E. M. Anscombe.
Philosophical Investigations By Ludwig Wittgenstein
Observaciones a "La Rama Dorada" de Frazer
Ricerche filosofiche
Collected works of Ludwig Wittgenstein (Past masters)
Philosophical Grammar
a memoir by norman malcolm
Wittgenstein in Cambridge
Leçons et conversations sur l'esthétique, la psychologie et la croyance religieuse
Vorlesungen 1930 - 1935
Recherches philosophiques
Aforismos Cultura y Valor
Wittgenstein and his times
Philosophische Untersuchungen = Philosophical investigations
Observaciones Sobre Los Colores
O pewnos ci
Ricerche filosofiche
Notebooks 1914-1916
Werkausgabe, 8 Bde., Bd.4, Philosophische Grammatik
Über Gewissheit
Peraḳim be-esteṭiḳah
Ludwig Wittgenstein und der Wiener Kreis. Gespräche, aufgezeichnet von Friedrich Waismann
Preliminary studies for the "Philosophical investigations"
Conversations avec Wittgenstein
Pit'ŭgensyut'ain ŭi suhak ŭi kich'o e kwanhan kangŭi
O pewności
Philosophike  grammatike
The Collected Works of Ludwig Wittgenstein
Bemerkungen über Frazers Golden bough
Werkausgabe, 8 Bde., Bd.3, Ludwig Wittgenstein und der Wiener Kreis
Investigações filosóficas
Ein Reader
Ming li lun
Preliminary studies for the "Philosophical investigations"
Investigaciones filoso ficas
Letters to Russell, Keynes, and Moore
Užrašai 1914 - 1916
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Tractatus logico-philosophicus
ʻAl ha-ṿadaʾut
Preliminary studies for the "Philosophical Investigations" generally known as The blue and brown books
Letters from Wittgenstein
Tractatus logico-philosophicus
Ludwig Wittgenstein/Schriften
Remarks on the foundations of mathematics
Porträts und Gespräche
Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus logico-philosophicus
Remarks on the foundations of mathematics
Osservazioni sopra i fondamenti della matematica
Maʾamar logi-filosofi
Philosophische Untersuchungen
Wittgenstein's Nachlass. The Bergen Electronic Edition
Vorlesungen 1930 - 1935. Cambridge 1930 - 1932 / Cambridge 1932 - 1935
Preliminary studies for the "Philosophical investigations"
The Voices of Wittgenstein
Das blaue Buch
Notes sur L'Expérience privée et les Sense data
The Published Works of Ludwig Wittgenstein
O livro azul
Lectures and conversations on aesthetics, psychology and religious belief
Escrito a máquina
Imod forstandens forhekselse
Werkausgabe, 8 Bde., Bd.6, Bemerkungen über die Grundlagen der Mathematik
O livro castanho
Preliminary studies for the "Philosophical investigations", generally known as the Blue and Brown books
Logisch-philosophische Abhandlung. Tractatus logico-philosophicus
Dociekania filozoficzne
Philosophische Grammatik
Tractatus logico-philosophicus
Wittgenstein über die Seele
Denkbewegungen. Tagebücher 1930 - 1932, 1936 - 1937
Les cours de Cambridge, 1930-1932
Preliminary studies for the "Philosophical investigations" generally known as The blue and brown books
Oswald Spengler
Oswald Spengler (1880-1936)

historian, philosopher, sociologist, mathematician

  • University of Halle-Wittenberg, Humboldt University of Berlin
Letters, 1913-1936
Ich beneide jeden, der lebt
Jahre der Entscheidung
Der Mensch und die Technik
Der Untergang des Abendlandes
Preussentum und Sozialismus
Word economy
Politische Schriften
Today and destiny
Ich beneide jeden, der lebt: die Aufzeichnungen "Eis heauton" aus dem Nachlass
Briefe, 1913-1936
Frühzeit der Weltgeschichte
Selected essays
Die Wirtschaft
Reden und aufsätze
Politische Pflichten der deutschen Jugend
Heraklit: Eine Studie über den energetischen Grundgedanken seiner Philosophie
Spengler letters, 1913-1936
Der Briefwechsel zwischen Oswald Spengler und Wolfgang E. Groeger
Streit Um Spengler, Kritik Seiner Kritiker
Neubau des deutschen Reiches
Der metaphysische Grundgedanke der Heraklitischen Philosophie
Zakat Evropy. V dvuh tomah. Tom 1
uomo e la Macchina
Routledge Revivals
Neubau des deutschen Reiches
Die Revolution ist nicht zu Ende
Zakat Evropy
Der metaphysische Grundgedanke der heraklitischen Philosphie .
Frühzeit der Weltgeschichte
Pessimizm li eto?
Reden und Aufsätze
Der Staat
A me stesso
Haʻarakhah ḥadashah la-historyah
The decline of the West
Letters, 1913-1936
William Stanley Jevons
William Stanley Jevons (1835-1882)

philosopher, economist, statistician, photographer

  • University College London
Biography and personal journal
The state in relation to labour
The theory of political economy
The principles of science
Elementary Lessons in Logic: Deductive and Inductive. With Copious Questions ..
Money and the mechanism of exchange
Papers and correspondence of William Stanley Jevons
Investigations in currency & finance
The coal question
Elementary Lessons in Logic: Deductive and Inductive: With Copious Questions and Examples, and a ..
Elementary Lessons in Logic: Deductive and Inductive : with Copious ..
The Principles of Science: A Treatise on Logic and Scientific Method
The principles of economics
The Principles of Science: A Treatise on Logic and Scientific Method
Elementary Lessons in Logic
Elementary Lessons in Logic: With Copious Questions and Examples, and a Vocabulary of Logical Terms
The theory of political economy
Elementary Lessons In Logic
Elementary lessons in logic
Studies in deductive logic: A Manual for Students
The Substitution of Similars: The True Principle of Reasoning, Derived from ..
Methods of social reform
Money and The Mechanism of Exchange
Elementary lessons in logic: deductive and inductive
Money and the Mechanism of Exchange
Pure logic, and other minor works
The Substitution of Similars
The State in Relation to Labour
The state in relation to labour
Political Economy
Methods Of Social Reform And Other Papers (1883)
Papers and correspondence of William Stanley Jevons
Elementary Lessons in Logic: Deductive and Inductive
The substitution of similars
The Theory of political economy
The State In Relation To Labour
The Papers and Correspondence of William Stanley Jevons Vol. 5
Theory of Political Economy
Theory of Pol itical Economy
W. Stanley Jevons
Elementary lessons in logic
Correspondence, 1850-1862
Letters and journals of W.S.J
The substitution of similars, the true principle of reasoning, derived from a modification of ..
Political economy
Methods of social reform and other papers
The State In Relation To Labour
On the movement of microscopic particles suspended in liquids
Letters and journal of W. Stanley Jevons
Theory of Political Economy
The elements of logic
The elements of logic, a text-book for schools and colleges; being the Elementary lessons in logic
Studies in deductive logic
Studies in deductive logic
The principles of science
On the frequent pressure in the money market
Writings on Economics Volume 6
Methods of social reform
Writings on Economics Volume 5
Elementary lessons in logic
A serious fall in the value of gold ascertained, and its social effects set forth
Pure Logic and Other Minor Works
Writings on Economics Volume 7
El Problema Del Carbon (Clasicos De La Economia)
Papers and Correspondence
The Theory of Political Economy
Elementary lessons in logic
Elementary Lessons in Logic
Writings on Economics Volume 8
A serious fall in the value of gold ascertained
The state in relation to labour
Writings on Economics Volume 9
The Match Tax: A Problem of Finance
Nociones de logica
Methods of social reform
Methods of social reform and other papers
Pure Logic (19th Century British Philosophy)
The principles of science
A serious fall in the value of gold ascertained, and its social effects set forth ..
Pure logic
Writings on Economics Volume 4
Methods of Social Reform and Other Papers
State in Relation to Labour
The principles of economics
Writings on Economics Volume 3
Writings on Economics Volume 2
Money and the mechanism of exchange
The coal question
Investigations in currency and finance
The state in relation to labour
Elementary lessons in logic : deductive and inductive : with copious questions and examples, and a vocabulary of logical terms
The theory of political economy
Coal Question, Inquiry Concerning the Progress of the Nation and Probable Exhaustion of Our Coal Mines
Investigations in currency and finance
The coal question
Economists' Papers
Money and the mechanism of exchange
Elementary lessons in logic: deductive and inductive, with copious questions and examples and a vocabulary of logical terms
The theory of political economy
Writings on Economics
Studies in Deductive Logic
La Teoria De La Economia Politica (Clasicos De La Economia)
Pure logic; or, The logic of quality apart from quantity, with remarks on Boole's system and on the relation of logic and mathematics
Letters & journal of W. Stanley Jevons
Geld und Geldverkohr
Zasady nauki
Papers and correspondence of William Stanley Jevons
Elementary lessons in logic
The progress of the mathematical theory of political economy
On the mechanical performance of logical inference
Money and the mechanism of exchange
The coal question
Money and the mechanism of exchange
Money and the mechanism of exchange
Manchester Statistical Society
Elementary lessons in logic
Money and the mechanism of exchange
Money and the mechanism of exchange
The silver question
On the condition of the metallic currency of the United Kingdom
Leitfaden der Logik
Money and the mechanism of exchange
Nascita e sistemazione dell'economia marginalista
Jing ji xue li lun
Die theorie der politischen ökonomie
On the United Kingdom Alliance and its prospects of success
The elements of logic, a text-book for schools and colleges; being the Elementary lessons in logic
Ming xue qian shuo
On the United Kingdom Alliance and its prospects of success
The match tax
On the probable exhaustion of our coal mines
Money and the mechanism of exchange
Political economy
Methods of social reform
Zar aur z̲arāʼiʻ-e mubādala
Political economy
The theory of political economy
The principles of science
L'economie politique
The elements of logic
A lecture on trades' societies
On the international monetary convention and the introduction of an international currency into this Kingdom
Money and the mechanism of exchange
Pure logic
On the frequent autumnal pressure in the money market, and the action of the Bank of England
S. R. Ranganathan
S. R. Ranganathan (1892-1972)

mathematician, librarian, academic

  • University of Madras
A Librarian looks back
Petits petales
Dr. S.R. Ranganathan
The Five Laws of Library Science
Colon classification
Classified catalogue code
Classified catalogue code, with additional rules for dictionary catalogue code
Heading and canons
Philosophy of library classification
Documentation and its facets
Prolegomena to Library Classification : (Edition III)
Library Administration
Colon classification
New horizons for jute
Classification communication
Colon classification
Dictionary catalogue code
Preface to library science
A descriptive account of the Colon classification
Reference service and bibliography
Elements of library classification
Library book selection
Philosophy of library classfication
Classification and Communication
The organization of libraries
Prolegomena to library classification
Classification and communication
The organization of libraries
New Education and School Library
Classified catalogue code
New Education and School Library
The organization of libraries
Public library provision and documentation problems
Free book service for all
Elements of library classification
Library development plan
Colon classification
Reference Service
Suggestions for the organization of libraries in India
Library development plan for the Allahabad University
Philosophy of library classification
Elements of library classification
The organization of libraries
Library book selection
Rural adult education
Library development plan with a draft library bill for Kerala State
Theory of library catalogue
Library tour, 1948
Library manual
Classified catalogue code, with additional rules for dictionary catalogue code
Library manual, for library authorities, librarians, and honorary libraryworkers
Library legisation
Documentation: genesis and development
Prolegomena to library classification
Library needs of renascent India
Classification and communication
Impact on growth in the universe of subjects on classification
Reference Service
Education for leisure
Elements of library classification
Classification and international documentation
Library manual
National library system
Documentation and its facets
New education and school library
Classification, coding, and machinery for search
Classified Catalogue Code
Philosophy of library classification
[ Monologue on Melvil Dewey]
Indian library manifesto
Library book selection [by] S.R. Ranganathan
Cataloguing practice
Education and library system of the nation
Prolegomena to library classification
Elements of library classification
Reference service
Library manual, for library authorities, librarians, and honorary library workers
Heading and canons
Difficulties of government documents, James Childs, Gilbert Mudge Award (1971)
Library administration
Theory of library catalogue
Library service for all
Library tour 1948
Cataloguing practice
New Education and School Libraries
Classification research 1957-1963
Free book service for all
Colon Classification; Basic Classification
Library administration
The Colon classification
Il servizio di reference
Classified catalogue code
Library manual for library authorities, librarians and library workers
DRTC Seminar, 1
Library legislation
Library book selection
Library catalogue: fundamentals and procedure
Social education literature for authors, artists, publishers, teachers, librarians, and governments
Cataloguing practice
Reference service and bibliography
Philosophy of Library Classification
Preface to library science
Ramanujan, the man and the mathematician
Classified catalogue code, with additional rules for dictionary catalogue code
Physical bibliography for librarians
Library catalogue
Classification and communication
Documentation of the spiral library service
Library development plan
Descriptive account of colon classification
Conflict of authorship
Philosophy of library classification
Social bibliography or physical bibliography for librarians
Library Book Selection : (Edition 2)
Documentation and its facets
Library classification
School and college libraries
Classified catalogue code
Depth classification and reference service & reference material
Library development plan for the Allahabad University
Classification, coding and machinery for search
Library personality and library bill
Reference service and bibliography. With a foreword by Sir Maurice Linford Gwyer
Union catalogue of learned periodical publications in South Asia
A descriptive account of the Colon classification
Developing horizons in library & information science
The five laws of library science
Library week souvenir
Commemoration bibliography
Documentation and the spiral of library service
Social bibliography
The organization of libraries
Documentation periodicals
On the occasion of unveiling ceremony of Master Motilalji's bust
Prolegomena to library classification
National library system
Ranganathan festschrift
Elements of library classification
Jean le Rond d'Alembert
Jean le Rond d'Alembert (1717-1783)

philosopher, mathematician, physicist, musicologist, translator, music theorist, encyclopédistes, engineer, astronomer, lexicographer, intellectual

  • University of Paris, Collège des Quatre-Nations
Histoire des membres de l'Académie françoise, morts depuis 1700 jusqu'en 1771
Œuvres et correspondances inédites de d'Alembert
Select eulogies of members of the French academy
Histoire des membres de l'Académie française morts depuis 1700 jusqu'en 1771
Histoire des membres de l'Académie française, morts depuis 1700 jusqu'en 1771, pour servir de suite aux Eloges imprimés et lus dans les séances publiques de cette compagnie
Discours préliminaire de l'encyclopédie
Traité de dynamique
Discours préliminaire de l'encyclopédie: publié intégralement d'après l ..
Oeuvres de D'Alembert
Opuscules mathématiques, ou Mémoires sur différens sujets de géométrie, de ..
Sur la destruction des Jésuites en France, par un auteur désintéressé [J. Le R. d'Alembert]
Melanges de litterature, d'histoire, et de philosophie
Recherches sur la précession des equinoxes, et sur la nutation de l'axe de la terre, dans le systême Newtonien
Correspondance complète de la marquise Du Deffand avec ses amis le président Hénault ...
Correspondance complète de la marquise Du Deffand avec ses amis le président ...
Mélanges de littérature, d'histoire, et de philosophie
Correspondance complète de la marquise Du Deffand avec ses amis le président ...
Encyclopaedic Liberty
Trois mois á la cour de Frédéric
Oeuvres complètes
Nouvelles expériences sur la résistance des fluides
Lettre de M. D\'Alembert à M. J.-J. Rousseau sur l\'article
Recherches sur differens points importans du systême du monde
L'Encyclopedie Art Des Textiles
Oeuvres philosophiques, historiques et littéraires
Preliminary discourse to the Encyclopedia of Diderot
Encyclopedie 1
Mêlanges de litterature, d'histoire, et de philosophie
An account of the destruction of the Jesuits in France. By M. d'Alembert
Essai d'une nouvelle théorie de la résistance des fluides
Article Geneve de l'Encyclopédie
Élémens de musique
Sur la destruction des Jesuites en France
Traité de l'équilibre et du mouvement des fluids
Encyclopédie méthodique
L'Encyclopédie Diderot et d'Alembert
Opuscules mathématiques, ou Mémoires sur différens sujets de géométrie, de méchanique, d'optique, d'astronomie &c
Histoire des membres de L'Académie Françoise, morts depuis 1700 jusqu'en 1771
Articles extraits de
Essai sur les éléments de philosophie
L'esprit de l'Encyclopédie, ou choix des articles les plus curieux, les plus agréables, les plus ...
The Plan of the French Encyclopædia, or Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Trades and Manufactures. Being an Account of the Origin, Design, Conduct, and Execution of That Work
Essai d'une nouvelle theorie de la résistance des fluides
Essai sur les e le ments de philosophie
Fraite de l'equilibre et du mouvement des fluides
Traité de dynamique, dans lequel les loix de l'équilibre et du mouvement des corps sont réduites au plus petit nombre possible
Le tombeau de Mlle de Lespinasse
Encylopedie methodique
Traite de l'equilibre et du mouvement des fluides, pour servir de suite au Traite de dynamique
Einleitung zur Enzyklopädie (1751) (Philosophische Bibliothek) (German Edition)
The plan of the French Encyclopædia
Lettres pour servir de supplément à l'ouvrage qui a pour titre Sur la destruction des Jésuites en France
Discours preliminaire de l'Encyclopedie
OEuvres et correspondances inédites de d'Alembert, publiées avec introduction, notes et appendice [par] Charles Henry
Discours préliminaire de l'encyclopédie
Traite  de l'e quilibre et du mouvement des fluids
Des jésuites
Traité de l'équilibre et du mouvement des fluides
Recherches sur differens points importan s du systême du monde
Essai d'une nouvelle theories de la resistance des fluides
Systematische Einleitung in die musicalische Setzkunst, nach den Lehrsätzen des Herrn Rameau ; aus dem Französischen übersetzt und mit Anmerkungen vermehret von Friedr. Wilh. Marpurg
Traité de l'équilibre et du mouvement des fluides, pour servir de suite au traité de dynamique
Encyclopédie méthodique
La philosophie applicable a tous les objets de l'esprit et de la raison: Ouvrage en retléxions ...
Encyclopédie méthodique
Esprit, maximes et principes de d'Alembert, de l'Académie Française, &c
Recherches sur differens points importans du systeme du monde
Essai sur les éléments de philosophie, ou, Sur les principes des connaissances humaines
Discours préliminaire de l'encyclopédie, publié intégralement d'après l'édition de 1763, avec les avertissements de 1759 et 1763, la dédicace de 1751, des variantes, des notes, une analyse et une introd
Essai sur les e le ments de philosophie
Essai d'une nouvelle theorie de la résistance des fluides
Essai d'une nouvelle theorie de la resistance des fluides
Œuvres de Crébillon: avec les notes de tous les commentateurs
Sur la Destruction des Jesuites en France. Par un Auteur Désinteressé.
Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers
Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers
Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers
Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers
Encyclopédie, ou, Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers
Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers
Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers
Réflexions sur la cause générale des vents
Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers
Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers
Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers
Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers
Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers
Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers
Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers
Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers
Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers
Encyclopédie, ou, Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers \
Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers
Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers
Discurso preliminar a la Enciclopedia
Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers
Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers
Encyclopédie, ou, Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers \
Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers
Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers
Traité de l'équilibre et du mouvement des fluides, pour servir de suite au Traité de dynamique
Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers
Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers
Essai sur les elements de philosophie
Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers
Miscellaneous pieces in literature, history, and philosophy
Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers
Miscellaneous pieces in literature, history, and philosophy. By Mr. d'Alembert, ... Translated from the French
Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers
Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers
Reflexions sur la cause generale des vents
Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers
Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers
Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers
Discours préliminaire de l'Encyclopédie
Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers
Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers
Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers
Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers
Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers
Nasir al-Din al-Tusi
Nasir al-Din al-Tusi (1201-1274)

philosopher, scientist, mathematician, astronomer, astrologer, polymath, architect, physician, da'i, theologian, marji', poet, translator, politician

Contemplation and action
Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī's Memoir on astronomy =
Paradise of submission
Talkhīṣ al-Muḥaṣṣal
Asās al-iqtibās
Risālat qawāʻid al-ʻaqāʼid /lil-Khawājah al-Ṭūsī ; taḥqīq ʻAlī Ḥasan Khāzim
The Nasirean Ethics
La convocation d'Alamût
The metaphysics of Tusi
Zubdat al-idrak fi hayat al-aflak
Œuvres mathématiques
al-Tadhkirah fi ilm al-hayah
Tansūkhʹnāmah-ʼi Īlkhānī
Metaphysics of Tusi
The Nasirean ethics
Kitāb Ādāb al-mutaʻallimīn
Yantrarājavicāraviṃ śādhyāyī
Awṣāf al-ashrāf
Risālat awṣāf al-ashrāf
Tajrīd al-ʻaqāʼid
The Nasirean ethics
Sharḥay al-Ishārāt
Miʻyār al-ashʻār
Binæ tabulæ geographicæ una Nassir Eddini Persæ
The rawdatu't-taslim
Āghāz va anjām
Risalat Nasir al-Din al-Tusi fi 'ilm al-musica
Shi'i interpretations of Islam
Zubdat al-idrāk fī hayʾat al-aflāk
Binæ tabulæ geographicæ
Kitāb shakl al-qiṭā'
Ḥall-i mushkilāt-i muʻīnīyah
Sharḥ mas'alat al-'ilm
Sih guftār-i Khvājah-i Ṫūsī
Zīj-i Īlkhānī (nuskhahʹbargardān) az rū-yi nuskhah-i khaṭṭī-i kuhan-i Kitābkhānah-i Majlis-i Shūrā-yi Islāmī, shumārah-i 181
Majmūʻah-i az rasāʾil
Sharḥ-i bīst bāb-i Mullā Muẓaffar
Hall-i mushkilat-i mu'iniyah
Risālah-i Jabr va muqābalah
Risalah-i Imamat
Risālah-ʼi bīst bāb dar maʻrifat-i usṭurlāb
Risalah-i jabr va muqabalah
Al- Risalah al-Mu'iniyah
al- Tadhkirah fī ʻilm al-hayʾah
Mutarahat falsafiyah
The Nasirean ethics
Majmūʻ al-rasāʾil
Risalah-i bist bab dar ma'rifat-i istirlab
Akhlāq-i muḥtashimī
Kitāb maʻrifat misāḥat al-ashkāl
Muṣāraʻ al-muṣāraʻ
Tajrīd al-manṭiq
Aghaz va anjam
Āghāz va anjām nivishtah-ʼi Naṣir al-Dīn Ṭūsī ; taʻlīqāt-i Ḥasan Ḥasanʹzādah Āmilī
Risālah-i Jabr va muqābalah
Talkhīṣ al-muḥaṣṣal
al-Risālah al-muʻīnīyah
Sharḥ al-Ishārāt wa-al-tanbīhāt
آداب المتعلمىن
Ḥall mushkilāt-i muʻīnīyah
Akhloqi Nosirī
Talkhīṣ al-muḥaṣṣal
Taḥrīr-i mutavassiṭāt-i khvājah Naṣīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī
Akhlaq-e Naseri
Awṣāf al-ashrāf
Sih guftār-i khvājah-ʼi Ṭūsī dar bārah-ʼi chigūnagī-i padīd āmadan-i chand chīz az yikī va sāzish-i ān bā qāʻidah-ʼi āfrīdah nashudan-i bisyār az yikī yā al-waḥid lā yāṣdur ʻanhu illā al-wāḥid
شعر و شاعرى در آثار خواحه نصير الدين طوسى ؛ به انضمام مجموعۀ اشعار فارسى خواحه نصير و متن كامل و منقح معار الاشعار
Majmūʻah-i rasāʼil
Cevher-nâme-i Sultân Murâdî
Mukhtaṣar-i Bīst dar maʻrifat-i usṭurlāb
Risālat baqāʼ al-nafs baʻda fanāʼ al-jasad
Risālah-ʼi imāmat
Ẓāhirāt al-falak li-Iqlīdis, t 270 Q.M
Akhlāq-i muḥtashamī
The Rawdatuʼt-Taslim
Traité du quadrilatère attribué à Nassir-uddin-el-Toussy
Kitāb-i usṭurlāb az Muḥaqqiq-i Ṭūsī
Rawz̤at taslīm (taṣavvurāt)
Akhlāq-i Nāṣirī
Kitāb Rawz̤at al-taslīm, yā, Taṣavvurāt
Naṣīr al-Dīn-i Ṭūsī's contribution to the Arabic-Persian theory of qāfiya
Sharḥ al-ishārāt fī al-ṭabīʻīyāt
Dar maʻrifat-i taqvīm mushtamil bar sī faṣl
Risālat ithbāt al-ʻaql al-mujarrad
Muntakhabi ashʺori Khoja Nasiriddini Tūsī
Muṣāriʻ al-muṣāriʻ
Risālah-ʼi imāmat
Naqd al-muḥaṣṣal
The Arabic version of Tusi's Nasirean ethics
Awṣāf al-ashrāf
Sih risālah az taṣnīfāt-i Khvājah Naṣīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī
Ḥall mushkilāt kitāb al-Ishārāt wa-al-tanbīhāt (Shaykh al-raʼīs Abū ʻAlī Ḥusayn ibn ʻAbd Allāh ibn Sīnā)
Jawāmīʻ al-ḥisāb bi-al-takht wa-al-turāb
Akhlaq-i Nasiri
Tarjamah-i Akhlāq-i Nāṣirī
Sharḥ-i ṣad kalimah-i Baṭlamyūs
Taḥrīr-i ukar-i minilāʼūs
Miʻyār al-ashʻār
Kitāb rawz̤at al-taslīm, yā, Taṣawwurāt
Tajrīd al-manṭiq
Muntakhab-i Akhlāq-i Nāṣiri ...
Jabr va ikhtiyār
Muntakhab-i Akhlāq-i Nāṣirī barā-yi dabīristānhā
Āghāz va-anjām
Kitāb-i asās al-iqtibās
Akhlāq-e Nāṣerī
Akhlāq muḥtashimī
Majmūʻ al-rasāʼil
Kitāb taḥrīr al-uṣūl li-Uqlidis
أخلاق ناصري
William Ewart Gladstone
William Ewart Gladstone (1809-1898)

politician, diplomat, statistician

  • University of Oxford, Eton College
The Gladstone diaries
A chapter of autobiography
Arthur Henry Hallam
W.E.Gladstone (Prime Ministers' Papers)
The Gladstone Diaries: With Cabinet Minutes and Prime-Ministerial Correspondence Volume XI
W. E. Gladstone III
The Prime Minister's papers: W. E. Gladstone
W. E. Gladstone
The Gladstone Diaries: Volumes I & II
The Vatican decrees in their bearing on civil allegiance
The impregnable rock of Holy Scripture
Church principles considered in their results
The Irish question
Rome and the newest fashions in religion
Homeric synchronism
Juventus mundi
Homeric synchronism, an enquiry into the time and place of Homer
Address on the place of ancient Greece in the providential order of the world
Vaticanism: An Answer to Reproofs and Replies
Speeches on the Irish question in 1886
A Letter to the Right Hon. W.E. Gladstone, M.P., President of the Board of Trade, on Railway ..
Financial statements of 1853, 1860-1863
Speeches of Pope Pius IX
Rome and the Newest Fashions in Religion: Three Tracts. The Vatican Decrees.--Vaticanism ..
Political speeches in Scotland, November and December, 1879
Bulgarian horrors and the question of the East
Landmarks of Homeric study
Later gleanings
Juventus mundi
Two letters to the Earl of Aberdeen
Studies on Homer and the Homeric Age
Midlothian speeches, 1879
Channel Tunnel: Great Speech by the Right Hon. W.E. Gladstone, M.P., in the ..
On Books and the Housing of Them
The government of Ireland bill
Remarks on the royal supremacy as it is defined by reason, history, and the constitution
The creation story
" Ecce Homo,"
Parliamentary oaths
Speech delivered in the House of Commons on the motion of Sir George Strickland
Gladstone's speeches, descriptive index and bibliography
Lessons in massacre; or, The conduct of the Turkish government in and about ..
Two Letters to the Earl of Aberdeen, on the State Prosecutions of the Neopolitan Government
The Church of England and ritualism
Gleanings of Past Years
Inaugural Address to the Students of the University of Glasgow
A letter to the Right Rev. William Skinner, D.D., Bishop of Aberdeen, and Primus
Political Speeches in Scotland, November and December 1879 [amd] March and ..
Studies on Homer and the Homeric age
Ecclesiastical Titles Assumption Bill
Robert Elsmere and the battle of belief
An academic sketch
Gladstone on Macleod and Macaulay
Brevi risposte alle lettere di sir W.E. Gladstone ... intorno al governo e al popolo napolitano
The speeches (in full) of Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone, M. P., and William O'Brien, M. P., on Home Rule
Speech of the Chancellor of the Exchequer on the financial state and prospects of the country
Remarks upon recent commercial legislation
The political correspondence of Mr. Gladstone and Lord Granville, 1868-1876
Claims and Resources of the West Indian Colonies: A Letter to the Rt. Hon. W.E. Gladstone, M.P ..
Speech of the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone, M.P. for the University of Oxford
War with Russia
Gleanings of Past Years, 1843-78
The Gladstone Diaries: With Cabinet Minutes and Prime-Ministerial Correspondence Volume XIV
The Gladstone Diaries: With Cabinet Minutes and Prime-Ministerial Correspondence Volume XII
An examination of the official reply of the Neapolitan government
"Robert Elsmere"
Speeches of the Right Hon. W.E. Gladstone, M.P., delivered at Warrington, Ormskirk, Liverpool, Southpor, Newton, Leigh and Wigan, in October 1868
Speeches and addresses delivered at the election of 1865
Correspondence on church and religion of William Ewart Gladstone
The Gladstone Diaries: Volumes III & IV
The Hellenic Factor in the Eastern Problem: With Other Tracts
The Sclavonic provinces of the Ottoman Empire
Speech of the Right Hon. W.E. Gladstone, M.P., in the House of Commons, May 16, 1873
Juventus Mundi: The Gods and Men of the Heroic Age
The Gladstone Diaries: Volume VIII
The Gladstone Diaries: With Cabinet Minutes and Prime-Ministerial Correspondence Volume XIII
Speech of the right Hon. W.E. Gladstone
Lessons in massacre; or, The conduct of the Turkish government in and about Bulgaria since May, 1876
Homer und sein Zeitalter: Eine Untersuchung über die Zeit und das Vaterland ..
Revue des erreurs et des mensonges publiés par m. Gladstone dans ses deux lettres ... sur les ..
The Gladstone-Granville correspondence
Speech on the commission of inquiry into the state of the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge
Substance of the speech of the Right Hon. W.E. Gladstone, M.P. for the University of Oxford
An Academic sketch
Two letters to the Earl of Aberdeen, on the state prosecutions of the Neapolitan government
Newman and Gladstone
Speeches on great questions of the day
Archaic Greece and the East
Miscellaneous speeches
The Gladstone Diaries: With Cabinet Minutes and Prime-Ministerial Correspondence Volume IX
The state in its relations with the church
The Gladstone Diaries: With Cabinet Minutes and Prime-Ministerial Correspondence Volume X
The Gladstone Diaries: Volume VII
Gleanings of past years, 1843-78
Vaticanismus: Eine Antwort auf Erwiderungen und Vorwürfe
Irish Church Bill
II; Lessons of the election
Speech on moving for leave to bring in a bill relating to university education in Ireland
After thirty years
The present mode of governing Ireland
Correspondence on church and religion
The future policy of the Liberal party
Gleanings of past years, 1843-78
Dawn of creation and of worship
Gladstone to his wife
The Gladstone Diaries: Volumes V & VI
The Eastern crisis
The Hellenic Factor In The Eastern Problem
Bulgarian Horrors and Russia in Turkistan
The Liberal programme for Great Britain and Ireland
Correspondence on church and religion of William Ewart Gladstone
War in China
Gladstone-Gordon correspondence, 1851-1896
Gleanings of past years, 1843-78
The might of right
The government of Ireland
The conservative legacy, 1880
Egypt and the Soudan
The Turco-Servian war
Hair Splitting As A Fine Art
The Hellenic factor in the Eastern problem
An address delivered at the Saturday Evening Assembly of the Working Men of Chester, Dec. 27th, 1862
Studies on Homer and the Homeric Age
The Hellenic Factor in the Eastern Problem
Homeric Synchronism
The political correspondence of Mr. Gladstone and Lord Granville, 1876-1886
Gleanings of past years, 1843-78
Our colonies
Handbook of Home Rule
The Vatican decrees in their bearing upon civil allegiance
The Gladstone-Ingersoll controversy
Substance of a speech on the motion of Lord John Russell for a committee of the whole house
The financial statement 1857
The letters of William Gladstone to Liverpool
The financial statements of 1853, 1860-1863
Inaugural address to students of the University of Glasgow
Political speeches in Scotland
Gleanings of past years, 1843-78
Gleanings of past years, 1843-79
Mr. Gladstone and Home Rule
Gleanings of past years, 1875-8
Correspondence on church and religion of William Ewart Gladstone
Speech of the Chancellor of the Exchequer on the financial state and prospects of the country, delivered in the House of Commons on Friday, February 10th, 1860
Church Principles Considered in Their Results
A Chapter of Autobiography
A correct report of the speech of the Right Hon. W.E. Gladstone
The Ministerial Crisis
The Vatican decrees in their bearing on civil allegiance
Handbook of Home Rule
On books and the housing of them
Juventus Mundi
Studies subsidiary to the Works of Bishop Butler
Gleanings of past years, 1843-78
Postscript to article on 'Proem to Genesis'
Speeches on Home Rule, criminal law, Welsh and Irish nationality, National debt and the Queen's reign
Two letters to the Earl of Aberdeen, on the state prosections of the Neapolitan government
Financial Statements Of 1853, 1860-1863
Speeches on Parliamentary Reform In 1866
Speeches delivered by the Rt. Hon. W.E. Gladstone, at Leeds, October 7th and 8th, 1881
The works of Joseph Butler, D.C.L.
The reform bill
The speeches (in full) of the Rt. Hon. W.E. Gladstone, M.P., and William O'Brien, M.P., on home rule, delivered in Parliament, Feb. 16 and 17, 1888
W. E. Gladstone
Two Letters to the Earl of Aberdeen, on the State Prosecutions of the Neapolitan Government Volume Talbot Collection of British Pamphlets
Eaglais steidhichte na h-Alba; agus, Gnothaichean Albannach Eile : da oraid
Lessons in massacre
Impregnable Rock of Holy Scripture
Gleanings of Past Years, 1843-1878, Vol 2
The speeches of the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone ..
The state in its relations with the church
A correct report of the speech of the Right Hon. W.E. Gladstone
The Psalter
Proem to Genesis
Female suffrage
Two Letters ... on the State Prosecutions of the Neapolitan Government
Address and speeches delivered at Manchester on the 23rd and 24th of April 1862
Gladstone on woman suffrage
Address on the place of ancient Greece in the providential order of the world
Gladstone and Palmerston
The Vatican Decrees in Their Bearing on Civil Allegiance: A Political Expostulation
Correspondence on church and religion of William Ewart Gladstone
A speech delivered at Blackheath ..
Speech delivered in the House of Commons on the motion of Sir George Strickland, for the abolition of the Negro apprenticeship
Chapter of Autobiography
Political speeches in Scotland, March and April, 1880
Catholic allegiance
The Roman state
Ecce Homo
Address to the electors of Midlothian
Correspondence on church and religion of William Ewart Gladstone
"The woman" and the age
Works and life of Giacomo Leopardi
State in Its Relations with the Church
Studies on Homer and the Homeric Age : Olympus : or, the Religion of the Homeric Age. Ilios : Trojans and Greeks Compared. Thalassa : the Outer Geography. Aoidos
Is the Church of England worth preserving?
The Gladstone papers
Order of Creation
Church of England and Ritualism
Bolgarskie uzhasy i vostochnyi vopros
Speeches of the Right Hon. W.E. Gladston, M.P
The speeches and public addresses of the Right Hon. W.E. Gladstone
The Constitution of the Church of the Future: A Practical Explanation of the Correspondance with ...
The state in its relations with the church
Gladston on Tennyson
Rome and the newest fashions in religion
Is the Church of England Worth Preserving? Volume Talbot Collection of British Pamphlets
The Order of Creation
The Church in Wales a speech
On books and the housing of them
The Church in Wales
La terreur dans le royaume de Naples, lettre au right honorable W.E. Gladstone en réponse à ses ...
Midlothian campaign
Lessons in massacre; or, The conduct of the Turkish government in and about Bulgaria since May, 1876
Ecce homo
Address delivered at the distribution of prizes in the Liverpool College, Decr. 21, 1872
Letter to the Right Hon. W.E. Gladstone M.P., President of the Board of Trade, on the Importance ...
Juventus mundi
Roman State from 1815 to 1850; Volume 4
The impregnable rock of Holy Scripture
Speech on the Commission of Inquiry into the State of the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge
The Order of Creation
The creation story
A criticism of Robert Elsmere
The country and the government
Midlothian speeches, 1879 [by] W.E. Gladstone
The speech of William Ewart Gladstone in the Senate House, Cambridge 1859
Gladstone Diaries, 1855-1860
Dean Hook
Rhetorik und Weltpolitik
The political correspondence of Mr. Gladstone and Lord Granville, 1876-1886
The state in its relations with the church
Gladstone-Gordon correspondence, 1851-1896
Gleanings of past years, 1843-78
Gleanings of past years, 1843-78
Speech delivered at Hawarden Nov. 24th, 1877... on Russians, Turks, and Bulgarians
Sale and Purchase of Land (Ireland) Bill
Government of Ireland
England's mission
The speeches and public addresses ..
Sale and purchase of land (Ireland) bill
Political speeches in Scotland
The Prime Ministers' papers
Gladstone's speeches
The political correspondence of Mr. Gladstone and Lord Granville, 1868-1876
Gleanings of past years
Gleanings of past years, 1843-78
The speeches... on home rule, criminal law, Welsh and Irish nationality, national debt and the Queen's reign, 1888-1891
The Irish question
The financial statement of 1865
The Parnell Commission and the vote of censure upon the Irish members
Ecclesiastical Titles Assumption Bill
Political speeches in Scotland in 1884
Later gleanings
Thoughts from the writings and speeches of William Ewart Gladstone
The royal supremacy
The Eastern Crisis
The Gladstone diaries
Third Midlothian Campaign
Midlothian campaign political speeches delivered in November and December 1879 and March and April 1880
The Berlin Treaty and the Anglo-Turkish Convention
The state in its relations with the church
Mr. Gladstone on the rejection of Mr. Parnell's tenant relief bill of 1886
A speech delivered at Blackheath 1876, together with letters on the question of the east
Channel tunnel
The inaugural address, delivered at the opening of the Collegiate Institution, Liverpool
Midlothian speeches delivered in August and September
The ministerial crisis
Gladstone's measures for the pacification of Ireland
The Conservative legacy, 1880; Liberal work, 1880-1883
The political correspondence of Mr. Gladstoneand Lord Granville, 1868-1876
Special aspects of the Irish question
Letter to the Duke of Westminster, K. G., from the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone
Inaugural address
Memoir of John Murray
Fuat Sezgin
Fuat Sezgin (1924-2018)

mathematician, historian of mathematics, historian, scientist

  • Istanbul University Faculty of Letters, Istanbul University
The Ottoman geographers Kemāl Reʼīs (d. 917/1511), Pīrī Reʼīs (d. 961/1554) and Sīdī ʻAlī (d. 970/1562)
Geschichte des arabischen Schrifttums
Wissenschaft und Technik im Islam
Muḥammad ibn Zakarīyāʾ ar-Rāzī (d. 313/925)
Tanınmayan büyük çağ
Muḥāḍarāt fī tārīkh al-ʻulūm al-ʻArabīyah wa-al-Islāmīyah
Ibn Ḥazm ʻAlī ibn Aḥmad ibn Saʻīd
Ibn as-Sīd al-Baṭalyawṣī ʻAbdallāh ibn Muḥammad
The School of Baghdad (4th-5th/10-11th cent.) and its achievements
Ibn Bājja, Muḥammad ibn Yaḥyā ibn aṣ-Ṣāʻigh
Abu l-Walīd Muḥammad Ibn Rushd
Ibn Ṣāʻid al-Andalusī (d. 462/1070) and Ibn al-Qifṭī (d. 646/1248)
Bibliographie der deutschsprachigen Arabistik und Islamkunde
Greek philosophy and the Arabs
Ibn Rushd in the Western tradition
Abū Naṣr Muḥammad Ibn Muḥammad al-Fārabī
Buhâri'nin kaynaklari hakkinda araştirmalar
Buhârı̂'nin kaynakları hakkında araştırmalar
Proclus Arabus and the Liber de causis (Kitāb al-īḍāḥ fi l-khayr al-maḥḍ)
Miskawayh, Abū ʻAlī Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad (d. 421/1030)
Muḥāḍarāt fī tārīkh al-ʻulūm
Plato in the Arabic tradition
Plotinus Arabus and The theology of Aristotle
General outlines of Islamic philosophy
Islamic philosophy in the Western tradition
Dante and Islam
Bilim tarihi sohbetleri
Aristotle in the Arabic tradition
The Umayyad Mosque in Córdoba
Pseudo-Aristotelica preserved in Arabic translation
Democritus, Theophrastus, Zenon, Bryson (?), Porphyrius, Themistius and Johannes Philoponus in the Arabic tradition
I slam'da bilim ve teknik
As-Suhrawardī, Shihābaddīn Yahyā ibn Ḥabash
Geschichte der arabischen Schrifttums
Tārīkh al-turāth al-ʻArabī