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literary scholars who wrote biography
Showing 97-104 out of 122 results
Benjamin Harshav
Benjamin Harshav (1928-2015)

translator, literary theorist, literary scholar, literary, Hebraist

  • Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Yale University
Marc Chagall and his times
Marc Chagall and the lost Jewish world
Sing, stranger
Language in the Time of Revolution
The meaning of Yiddish
The Moscow Yiddish Theater
Three Thousand Years Of Hebrew Versification Essays In Comparative Prosody
Segmentation and motivation in the text continuum of literary prose
Explorations in Poetics
American Yiddish poetry
The polyphony of Jewish culture
Meaning of Yiddish
Language in Time of Revolution (Contraversions
Only Yesterday
Mar Chagall and the lost Jewish world
Ritmus ha-raḥavut
Explorations in poetics
Marc Chagall
Ṭaḳe oyf ṭshiḳaṿes
The Moscow Jewish Avant-Garde Theatre
Ritmus ha-raḥavut
American Yiddish Poetry
American Yiddish poetry
The Meaning of Yiddish (Contraversions:  Jews and Other Differen)
The Moscow Yiddish Theater
Segmentation and motivation in the text continuum of literary prose
Omanut ha-shirah
Marc Chagall and His Times: A Documentary Narrative (Contraversions:  Jews and Other Differen)
Mishḳal ṿe-ritmus be-shirah ha-ʻIvrit ha-ḥadashah
Śadeh u-misgeret
Grounding of Modern Feminism
Inṭrospeḳṭivizm bi-Nyu Yorḳ
Hebräisch. Sprache in Zeiten der Revolution
Yehuda Amichai
Language in Time of Revolution
Three Thousand Years of Hebrew Versification
Shirat ha-teḥiyah ha-ʻIvrit
Marc Chagall on Art and Culture
Manifesṭim shel modernizm
Marc Chagall and the Jewish Theater
Shirat ha-yaḥid bi-Nyu-Yorḳ
לשון בימי מהפכה
American Yiddish Poetry
הלשון הפיגורטיבית בספרות
Moshe Kupferman
Toldot ha-tsurot shel ha-shirah ha-ʻIvrit
Aderet le-Vinyamin
Poetics of the New Poetries
Gaston Bachelard
Gaston Bachelard (1884-1962)

philosopher, poet, employee of a public institution, mathematician, physicist, literary theorist

  • Faculty of Arts of Paris
Bachelard, 1884-1962
Air and dreams
La philosophie du non
On poetic imagination and reverie
Droit de rêver
The new scientific spirit
Water and dreams
The formation of the scientific mind
La terre et les rêveries du repos
The poetics of reverie
La Formacion del Espiritu Cientifico
The philosophy of no
La poétique de la rêverie
Le nouvel esprit scientifique
La poétique de l'espace
The poetics of space
La formation de l'esprit scientifique
The psychoanalysis of fire
Intuition Of The Instant
Le matérialisme rationnel
La dialectique de la durée
The peotics of reverie
La flamme d'une chandelle
El Agua y Los Sueños
The dialectic of duration
La poe tique de l'espace
La dialectique de la duree
Lautre amont
L' Activité rationaliste de la physique contemporaine
Fragments of a Poetics of Fire
Earth and reveries of will
Le\Rationalisme Applique
L'Air at les Songes
L' engagement rationaliste
Der neue wissenschaftliche Geist
Fragments d'une poétique du feu
Le droit de rêver
La Tierra Y Las Ensonaciones Del Reposo
Le pluralisme cohérent de la chimie moderne
Le  materialisme rationnel
Psychoanalyse des Feuers
Étude sur l'évolution d'un problème de physique
Fragments of a poetics of fire
La llama de una vela
Die Phiolosophie Des Nein
La terre et les rêveries de la volonté
Etude sur l'évolution d'un problème de physique
Formation of the Scientific Mind (Philosophy of Science)
El Aire y Los Sueños
L' eau et les reves
Essai sur la connaissance approchée
The flame of a candle
Intuition Of The Instant
L' eau et les rêves
La Poetica de la Ensonacion (Breviarios del Fondo de Cultura Econbomica)
L' air et les songes
Le rationalisme appliqué
La dialectique de la duree
Les intuitions atomistiques
L'intuition de l'instant
La psychanalyse du feu
The poetics of space
La Poética del espacio
El derecho de soñar
La poética de la ensoñación
Poetica del Espacio, La
Filosofia del No, La
Intuition de l'Instant
L' engagement nationaliste
La valeur inductive de la relativité
La\Poetique de la Reverie
Poetique de L'Espace
Derecho de Soar, El
El Derecho de Sonar
L'eau et les rêves
Le droit de re ver
La Intuicion del Instante
La psychoanalyse du feu
La Poetica del Espacio
La Tierra y Los Ensuenos de La Voluntad
Essai sur la connaissance approche e
Compromiso Racionalista, El
Die Flamme einer Kerze
Essai sur la connaissance approchée
Le retionalisme appliqué
La psychanalyse du feu
La formation de l'esprit scientifique
Lettres à Louis Guillaume
La poétique de l'espace
Léxpérience de léspace dand la physique contemporaine
Die Philosophie des Nein
La poétique de la rêverie
Le Rationalisme appliqué
Le matérialisme rationnel
Notice sur la vie et les travaux de Edouard Le Roy (1870-1954)
Etude sur l'ʹevolution d'un probleme de physique
The psychoanalysis of fire
Problemi e prospettive di storia della scienza
Le pluralisme cohérent de la chimie moderne
La dialectique de la durée
To neo epistēmoniko pneuma
La psychanalyse de feu
Le cosmos du fer
ʹEtude sur l'ʹevolution d'un probleme de physique
La Formation de l'esprit scientifique
L'intuition de l'instant
L'air et les songes
la formación del espíritu científico
La flamme d'une chandelle
La valeur inductive de la relativité
Vijay Mishra
Vijay Mishra (born 1945)

literary scholar, cultural studies scholar, scholar of English, man of letters

  • Lelean Memorial School, Victoria University of Wellington
Annotating Salman Rushdie
Devotional poetics and the Indian sublime
Bollywood Cinema
Dark side of the dream
The gothic sublime
Literature of the Indian Diaspora
Salman Rushdie and the Genesis of Secrecy
Tat niranjana
Rama's banishment
Rama's Banishment
What Was Multiculturalism?
Subaltern Narratives in Fiji Hindi Literature
Intelligent Nanobiosystems in Medicine and Healthcare, Volume 1
Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutical Applications of Nanomaterials
You Dying Me Dying
V. S. Naipaul and World Literature
Treatment of Breast Cancer with Natural Products
Literature of the Indian diaspora
Nanotechnology-Based Approaches for Targeting and Delivery of Drugs and Genes
You Only Think, but I Have Celebrated Life
Intelligent Nanobiosystems in Medicine and Healthcare, Volume 2
Georg Lukács
Georg Lukács (1885-1971)

philosopher, politician, sociologist, literary critic, art historian, philosopher of culture, literary historian, literary scholar

  • Humboldt University of Berlin, Eötvös Loránd University
Record of a life
Curriculum vitae
Georg Lukacs
Autobiographische Texte und Gespräche
Lukács György irodalomelmélete
Tagebuch 1910-11
Theorie des Romans
Lélek és a formák
Történelmi regény
Reviews and articles from Die Rote Fahne
Der junge Hegel
Geschichte und Klassenbewusstsein
Essays on realism
German realists in the nineteenth century
Die Zerstörung der Vernunft
Lenin: a study on the unity of his thought
The Theory of the Novel
Frühe Schriften zur Ästhetik
Goethe und seine Zeit
The meaning of contemporary realism
The destruction of reason
Gespräche mit Georg Lukács
Demokratische Diktatur
Realism in our time
Deutsche Literatur im Zeitalter des Imperialismus
Balzac et le réalisme français
Writer & critic, and other essays
Georg Lukács
Soul and Form
Die Theorie des Romans
The young Hegel
Ontology of Social Being, Volume 1. Hegel
Die Seele und die Formen
Georg Lukács in Berlin
Die Theorie des Romans: Ein geschichtsphilosophischer Versuch über die ..
Heidelberger Notizen, 1910-1913
Studies in European realism
Aesthetics and Politics
Probleme des Realismus
Moskauer Schriften
Über die Vernunft in der Kultur
La signification presente du réalisme critique
The process of democratization
Primi scritti sull'estetica
The destruction of reason
Revolutionäres Denken
Writer and critic
Ecrits de Moscou
Schriften zur Ideologie und Politik
Organisation und Illusion
Studies in European Realism
Marxism and human liberation
Az ész trónfosztása
Gelebtes Denken
Tactics And Ethics 19191929 The Questions Of Parliamentarianism And Other Essays
Political writings, 1919-1929
Tactics and ethics
Romanul istoric
Karl Marx und Friedrich Engels als Literaturhistoriker
Realism in our time
Heidelberger Philosophie der Kunst (1912-1914)
Die Grablegung des alten Deutschland
Lenin A Study On The Unity Of His Thought
Beiträge zur Geschichte der Ästhetik ...
Wider den missverstandenen Realismus
Conversations with Lukács
Demokratisierung heute und morgen
Georges Lukacs ou le Front populaire en littérature
Napló =
Die ontologischen Grundlagen des menschlichen Denkens und Handelns
German Realists in the Nineteenth Century
Zur Ontologie des gesellschaftlichen Seins
Probleme der Ästhetik
The Historical novel
La théorie du roman
Marxismus und Stalinismus
Russische Literatur, Russische Revolution
Von Nietzsche bis Hitler oder Der Irrationalismus in der deutschen Politik
Tolsztoj és a realizmus fejlődése
Skizze einer Geschichte der neueren deutschen Literatur
open statments Essays on realism
Le roman historique
Wie ist Deutschland zum Zentrum der reaktionären Ideologie geworden?
The sociology of modern drama
Kunst und objektive Wahrheit
Intimna drama
Der russische Realismus in der Weltliteratur
Filosofia e prassi
Ontology of Social Being, Volume 2 Marx
Ady Endréről
Entwicklungsgeschichte des modernen Dramas
Der historische Roman
Ensaios sôbre literatura
Ontology of Social Being Vol. 3
The Meaning of Contemporary Realism
Heidelberger Ästhetik (1916-1918)
Philosophie de l'art (1912-1914)
Művészet és társadalom
Essays on Realism
A heidelbergi művészetfilozófia és esztétika ; A regény elmélete
Marx és Lenin
Ifjúkori művek, 1902-1918
The young Hegel
Der junge Marx
Le roman historique
El cambio de función del materialismo história
Le jeune Marx
Marxism and human liberation
Lukács György válogatott művei
Conversations with Luka cs
A Magyar mveldés története
Faust und Faustus
Problèmes du réalisme
Versuche zu einer Ethik
Georg Lukács Werke
Goethe and his age
Wie ist die faschistische Philosophie in Deutschland entstanden? (1933)
Über die Besonderheit als Kategorie der Ästhetik
Georg Lukács zum siebzigsten Geburtstag
Revolution und Gegenrevolution
Schriften zur Literatursoziologie
Goethe and his age
The theory of the novel
Lukaqi wen xue lun wen ji
Revolution and revelation
Georg Lukacs
La théorie du roman
Essays on Thomas Mann
Marxismo e politica culturale
A drámaírás főbb irányai a múlt század utolsó negyedében
Karl Marx und Friedrich Engels als Literaturhistoriker
Essays on Thomas Mann
Correspondance de jeunesse, 1908-1917
Demokratische Diktatur, 1925-1929
Kunst og kapitalisme
The Meaning of contemporary realism
Studies in European realism
Der junge Hegel und die Probleme der kapitalistischen Gesellschaft
A defence of history and class consciousness
A teoria do romance
Marx's basic ontological principles
K istorii realizma
Pensée vécue, mémoires parlées
Marx, Ontologia del ser social/ Marx, Ontology Of The Social Being
Fortschritt und Reaktion in der deutschen Literatur
Marxism and Human Liberation
Lukács György levelezése (1902-1917)
Pensée de Lénine. L'Actualité de la révolution
Le jeune Hegel
Esztétikai írások
Existentialisme ou marxisme ?
Record of a Life
Russische Literatur Russische Revolution
Der junge Hegel. Über die Beziehung von Dialektik und Ökonomie
Realism in our time
Deutsche Realisten des 19. Jahrhunderts
Marxism and human liberation
Die Eigenart des Ästhetischen
La theorie du roman
Balzac und der französische Realismus
Theorie DES Romans
Politische Aufsätze
The historical novel
Studies in European realism
György Lukács
Uber die Besonderheit als Kategorie der Ästhetik
A modern dráma fejlődésének története
L'anima e le forme
Solzhenitsyn ([MIT paperback series] MIT 175)
Marxism and human liberation
The Young Hegel
Lenin a Study In the Unity of His Though
Georg Lukacs Text + Kritik, Zeitschrift für Literatur 39/40.
Teoria del romanzo
La responsabilità sociale del filosofo
Dialectique et spontaneite
La theorie du roman
Deutsche Literatur in zwei Jahrhunderten
Culture of People's Democracy
Cagdas Gercekciligin Anlami
Goethe & his age 68
Organisation und Partei
Writer and critic and other essays
Chvostismus und Dialektik
The meaning of contemporary realism
Briefwechsel, 1902-1917
Geschichtlichkeit und Aktualität
The historical novel
Destruction of Reason
The culture of people's democracy
Georg Lukács
El joven Hegel y los problemas de la sociedad capitalista
Selected correspondence
Die Säuberung
Realism in Our Time
Journal 1910-1911
Studies in European realism
The historical novel
Thomas Mann
Von Nietzsche zu Hitler, oder, der Irrationalismus in der deutschen Politik
Soul and form
The historical novel
The ontology of social being
Realism in Our Time
Dialogo Sobre o "Pensamento Vivido"
Avrupa Edebiyati ve Varolusculuk
Essays on Thomas Mann
Die Eigenart des Ästhetischen
Naplo =
Teoría de la novela
Entretiens avec Georg Lukacs
Writer and critic and other essays
Marksizm Mi Varolusculuk Mu?
The historical novel
The meaning of contemporary realism
Prolegômenos para uma ontologia do ser social
Conversaciones con Lukacs
La distruzione della ragione
Ist der Sozialismus zu retten?
Utam Marxhoz
Sozialismus und Demokratisierung
La destruction de la raison
강원랜드카지노▷ AOA800.COM ◁강원랜드카지노
A humanizmus és a barbárság harca
Balzac und der französische Realismus
ha-Reʼalizm ba-sifrut
Realismo, materialismo, utopia
Conversations with Lukács
Utam Marxhoz
Der junge Hegel ueber die Beziehungen von Dialektik und Oekonomie
Balzac et le réalisme français [par] Georg Lukacs
Defence of History and Class Consciousness
Nagy orosz realisták
Die Theorie des Romans
Hegel's false and his genuine ontology
Tibor Déry
Probleme der Asthetik
Goethe und seine Zeit
Diálogo sobre o "Pensamento vivido"
Existentialisme ou marxisme?
Balázs Béla és akiknek nem kell
Irástudók felelössége
Az esztétikum sajátossága
La signification présente du réalisme critique
Svoeobrazie e steticheskogo
Pensée vécue, mémoires parlés
La théorie du roman. [Traduit de l'allemand par Jean Clairevoye
Young Hegel
Das Werk und Wirken von Georg Lukács in der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung
Goethe és kora
Rukāchi shoki chosakushū
Teoría de la novela
Xiao shuo
La destruction de la raison
Új magyar kulturáért
Lenin; a study on the unity of his thought
Littérature, philosophie, marxisme, 1922-1923
Müvészet és társadalom
Marx és Engels irodalomomelmélete, három tanulmány
The ontology of social being
Balzac, Stendhal, Zola
A demokratizálodás jelene és jövöje
Il giovane Hegel e i problemi della societá capitalistica
La novela historica
Taktik und Ethik
Intellettuali e irrazionalismo
L' ame et les formes
A modern dráma fejlödésének története
Individuum und Praxis
A különösség mint esztétikai kategória
Történelem és osztálytudat
Deutsche Literatur in zwei Jahrhunderten
Estrutura de classes e estratificação social
Irástudók felelőssége
Realism in our time
A társadalmi lét ontológiájáról
Gottfried Keller
History and class consciousness
Német realisták
Az esztétikum sajátossága
Die Theorie des Romans
Deutsche Realisten des 19. Jahrhunderts. --
Az újabb német irodalom rövid története
Schriften zur Literatursoziologie
Literaturnye teorii XIX veka i marksizm
Die Theorie des Romans
Irodalom Bes demokrácia
Essays on Thomas Mann [by] Georg Lukács
La theorie du roman
A Kűlőnősség mint esztétikai kategória
Existentialismus oder Marxismus?
La Hongrie et la civilisation
Writer & critic, and other essays [by] Georg Lukács
Von Nietzsche zu Hitler
Frühe Schriften zur Asthetik
Writer and critic
Deutsche Literatur im Zeitalter des Imperialismus
Népi írók a mérlegen
Der junge Hegel
Gottfried Keller
Geijutsu no tetsugaku
Thomas Mann
Goethe et son époque
Essays on Thomas Mann
Thomas Mann
La theorie du roman
Deutsche Literatur im Zeitalter des Imperialismus
Writer and Critic
A realizmus problémái
Historia i świadomość klasowa
Trianon után
Asthetik. --
A történelmi regény
Karl Marx und Friedrich Engels als Literaturhistoriker
Életem és kortársaim
Die Zerstorung der Vernunft von Georg Lukacs. --
Asthetik. --
Deutsche Realisten des 19. Jahrhunderts. --
Deutsche Realisten des 19. Jahrhunderts
Writer and Critic
Histoire et conscience de classe
Goethe et son époque
A magyar művelődés története
Goethe and his age
Magyar irodalom - magyar kultúra
Sociología de la literatura p̀or  György Lukács
La novela histórica
A művészet és az objektív igazság
Die Zerstörung der Vernunft
L' âme et les formes
Le roman historique [par] Georges Lukacs
Nietzsche és a fasizmus
Taktika és ethika
Adalékok az esztétika történetéhez
Adalékok az esztétika történetéhez
Balzac et le réalisme français
Essays über Realismus
Balzac et le réalisme français
Deutsche Literatur in zwei Jahrhunderten
Magyarok a kultúráért
Philosophie de l'art
Müvészet és társadalom
Revolution and Gegenrevolution
Deutsche Literatur im Zeitalter des Imperialismus
A fiatal Hegel
Wider den missverstandenen Realismus
Az ész trónfosztása
Die Zerstörung der Vernunft
Die Zerstörung der Vernunft
Adalékok az esztétika történetéhez
Irodalom és demokrácia
Storia e coscienza di classe oggi
Balzac et le réalisme français
Die Theorie des Romans
Beiträge zur Kritik der bürgerlichen Ideologie
A polgári filozófia válsága
Il romanzo storico
Rukāchi, Burotsuho, Zēgāsu hyōgen shugi ronsō
Molodoĭ Gegelʹ i problemy kapitalisticheskogo obshchestva
Kaikyū ishiki to wa nan zo ya
Le Roman historique
Az esztétikum sajátossága
Balzac et le réalisme français
Történelem és osztálytudat
Puschkin. Gorki
A lélek és a formák
Thomas Mann
La teoría de la
Journal : 1910-1911
Balázs Béla és akiknek nem kell
Essays über Realismus
La théorie du Roman
A Lukács-vita (1949-1951)
Gérard Genette
Gérard Genette (1930-2018)

literary critic, literary theorist, literary historian, opinion journalist

  • École Normale Supérieure, Faculty of Arts of Paris
Narrative Discourse
The work of art
Figures of literary discourse
Narrative discourse revisited
Fiction & diction
Fiction et diction
The Aesthetic Relation
Nouveau discours du récit
Introduction à l'architexte
L' oeuvre de l'art
Essays in aesthetics
Mimologics =
The Architext
L' œuvre de l'art
Figuras V
Figures II
Τα όρια της διήγησης
Figures III [i.e. trois]
Figures III (v. 1-3: Collection Tel quel)
Obra del Arte, La
Figures V
La Obra del Arte II
Fiktion und Diktion
Figures II : essais
Figures IV
Nuevo Discurso del Relato
L'Oeuvre de l'art. La relation esthétique
Nouveau discours du recit
Figure I
Palimpsestes  La Literature au Second Degre
Figures 2
Pensée de Rousseau
Figures III : Metonymie chez Proust
Figures I
Figures 1
Structuralism and Literary Criticism
Figures, essais
Les Figures du discours
Travail de Flaubert
Esthétique et poétique
Théorie des genres
Tijdsaspecten in de Roman
Die Erzählung
William Carew Hazlitt
William Carew Hazlitt (1834-1913)

literary scholar, bibliographer, jurist

  • Merchant Taylors' School
Four generations of a literary family
The Lambs
The confessions of a collector
Memoirs of William Hazlitt
The Hazlitts
Shakespear, himself, and his work
The Lambs: their lives, their friends, and their correspondence
Studies in jocular literature
Old Cookery Books and Ancient Cuisine
Third and final series of bibliographical collections and notes on early English literature
The book collector: a general survey of the pursuit and of those who have engaged in it at home and abroad from the earliest period to the present time
Schools, school-books and schoolmasters
Jests, new and old
Supplements to the third and final series of bibliographical collections and notes
The Venetian republic
Inedited tracts
Lamb and Hazlitt
Bibliographical collections and notes (1474-1700)
Collections And Notes
English Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases Collected from the Most Authentic Sources ..
The book-collector
Shakespeare jest-books
History of the Venetian republic
The great gold fields of Cariboo; with an authentic description of British Columbia and ..
Handbook to the popular, poetical, and dramatic literature of Great Britain
English proverbs and proverbial phrases
The Lambs: Their Lives, Their Friends, and Their Correspondence : New ..
The coinage of the European continent
Second series of bibliographical collections and notes on early English literature, 1474
The Coinage of the European Continent
A manual for the collector and amateur of old English plays
Remains of the early popular poetry of England
Shakespeare, Himself & His Work: A Biographical Study
Gleanings in old garden literature
Shakespeare's library
The Great Gold Fields of Cariboo: With an Authentic Description, Brought Down to the Latest ..
Inedited tracts, illustrating the manners, opinions, and occupations of Englishmen during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
Collections and notes, 1867-1876
The coin collector
Studies in Jocular Literature: A Popular Subject More Closely Considered
The livery companies of the city of London
Jacke of Dover's Quest of Inquirie, Or, His Privy Search for the Veriest ..
English proverbs and proverbial phrases collected from the most authentic sources
Tales and legends of national origin
The Venetian Republic V1: Its Rise, Its Growth And Its Fall 421 To 1797
Offspring of thought in solitude
Some prose writings
Tales and legends of national origin or widely current in England from early times
Foreword to the catalogue of the Shakespeare library
English proverbs and proverbial phrases, collected from the most authentic sources, alphabetically arranged, and annotated
Tales and legends of national origin
The Venetian Republic V2: Its Rise, Its Growth And Its Fall 421 To 1797
Fugitive tracts written in verse which illustrate the condition of religious and political feeling in England
Essays on the fine arts
The English Drama And Stage Under The Tudor And Stuart Princes 1543 to 1664
Tales and legends of national origin of widley current in England from early times
Faith and Folklore of the British Isles
Shakespeare, Himself And His Work
...Bibliographical collections and notes on early English literature made during the years 1893-1903
Paris And Vienne
Offspring of Thought in Solitude
A roll of honour
Barnabae Itinerarium
A manual for the collector and amateur of old English plays
The English Novelists
The English drama and stage under the Tudor and Stuart princes, 1543-1664
The Poems Plays And Other Remains Of Sir John Suckling V1
Faiths and folklore of the British Isles
Faiths and folklore of the British Isles
Barnabae itinerarium, or, Barnabee's journal
The great gold fields of Cariboo
Old Cookery Books and Ancient Cuisine
Shakespeare jest-books
Fugitive tracts written in verse which illustrate the condition of religious and political feeling in England
Montagu and Co
Supplement to the coinage of the European continent
The Poems Plays And Other Remains Of Sir John Suckling V2
Inedited poetical miscellanies, 1584-1700
A Select Collection of old English Plays
British Columbia and Vancouver Island
Leisure intervals
The livery companies of the city of London: their origin, character, development, and social and political importance
Remains Of The Early Popular Poetry Of England V2
Bibliography of early English literature
Lectures On The Dramatic Literature Of The Age Of Elizabeth
Plain Speaker
Tales and legends of national origin or widely current in England from early times
Some prose writings
The coinage of the European continent, Middle Ages-20th century
Bibliographical collections and notes 1474-1700
Fairy Tales, Legends and Romances Illustrating Shakespeare and Other Early English Writers
Essays And Criticism
Shakespeare's Library; a Collection of the Plays, Romances, Novels, Poems, and Histories Employed by Shakespeare in the Composition of His Works. with Introd. and Notes. the Text Now First Formed from a New Collation of the Original Copies; Volume 5
Catalogue of the Shakespeare library formed by an English collector
Criticisms And Dramatic Essays Of The English Stage
Fairy Tales Legends And Romances Illustrating Shakespeare And Other Early English Writers
Bibliographical collections and notes on early English literature
Lamb and Hazlitt, further letters and records hitherto unpublished
Ancient Songs and Ballads From the Reign of King Henry the Second to the Revolution. 3d ed. Carefully rev. by W. Carew Hazlitt; Volume 2
Paris and Vienne
Faiths and folklore
The Coinage of the European Continent
Selected Essays of Michel de Montaigne
Inedited Tracts
Gleanings in Old Garden Literature
The Hazlitts: an account of their origin and descent
Essays of Montaigne, Volume 3
Shakespeare Jest Books
English Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases Collected from the Most Authentic Sources
Third and final series of Bibliographical collections and notes on early English literature, 1474-1700
Studies in Jocular Literature
British Columbia and Vancouver Island. --
Lucasta. The Poems of Richard Lovelace, Esq., now First Edited, and the Text Carefully Revised. With Some Account of the Author, and a few Notes
Lambs, Their Lives, Their Friends and Their Correspondence
Whole Works of William Browne
Essays of Montaigne; V. 3
The Great Gold Fields of Cariboo
A Select Collection of Old English Plays
A Hundred Merry Tales
Supplements to the Third and final series of Bibliographical collections and notes, 1474-1700
English Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases, Collected from the Most Authentic Sources, Alphabetically Arranged, and Annotated
Lamb and Hazlitt
Shakespeare Jest-Books
Old Cookery Books and Ancient Cuisine
Huth Library. a Catalogue of the Printed Books, Manuscripts, Autograph Letters, and Engravings
Great Gold Fields of Cariboo [microform]
British Columbia and Vancouver Island
Essays on the Fine Arts
On books and character
Shakespeare's Jest Books
Whole Works of William Browne
The Poems, Plays of Sir John Suckling
Poetical And Dramatic Works Of Thomas Randolph Of Trinity College, Combridge Now First Collected And Edited From The Early Copies And From Mss. With ... Of The Author And Occasional Notes
Gleanings in old garden literature
Hundred Merry Tales
The Round Table. Northcote's Conversations. Characteristics
Handbook to the Popular, Poetical, and Dramatic Literature of Great Britain
The Venetian Republic
New writings of William Hazlitt
Shakespear, Himself and his Work; a Biographical Study
The Livery Companies of the City of London
Third and Final Series of Bibliographical Collections and Notes on Early English Literature, 1474-1700
Confessions of a Collector
Faiths and Folklore
Faiths and folklore of the British Isles
Book-Collector a General Survey of the Pursuit and of Those Who Have Engaged in It at Home and Abroad from the Earliest Period to the Present Time
Great Gold Fields of Cariboo
Popular Antiquities of Great Britain
The great gold fields of Cariboo
English Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases Collected From the Most Authentic Sources
A Select Collection of old English Plays Volume 10
Shakespeare's Library, Second Edition (6 Vol. Set) [AMS-808/BX 1105-1109]
The Hazlitts
Tales and legends of national origin or widely current in England from early times
The works of Michel de Montaigne Volume 2
Brand's Popular Antiquities of Great Britain. Faiths and Folklore; a Dictionary of National Beliefs, Superstitions and Popular Customs, Past and ... Foreign Analogues, Described and Illustrated
The Complete Works of William C. Hazlitt
A Select Collection of Old English Plays, Volume 11
Complete Poems of George Gascoigne
Venetian Republic
Shakespeare's Library
Shakespeare Jest-Books
Faiths & Folklore of the British Isles Volume 1
Shakespeare Jest-Books
The Confessions of a Collector
Shakespeare's Library
Brand's Popular Antiquities of Great Britain. Faiths and Folklore; a Dictionary of National Beliefs, Superstitions and Popular Customs, Past and Current, with Their Classical and Foreign Analogues, Described and Illustrated
The great gold fields of Cariboo
Michel de Montaigne
Tenures of Land & Customs of Manors; Originally Collected by Thomas Blount and Republished With Large Additions and Improvements in 1784 and 1815
Hand-book to the popular, poetical, and dramatic literature of Great Britain, from the invention of printing to the Restoration
Old Cookery Books and Ancient Cuisine
The Livery Companies of the City of London; Their Origin, Character, Development, and Social and Political Importance
Lamb and Hazlitt
Prefaces, dedications, epistles selected from early English books, 1540-1701
Livery Companies of the City of London
Old Cookery Books and Ancient Cuisine
Essays of Montaigne
Popular Antiquities of Great Britain
The Plain Speaker
Hundred Merry Tales
Man considered in relation to God and a church
Shakespeare jest books
Bibliographical collections and notes (1474-1700)
Lamb and Hazlitt
Supplements to the Third and final series of Bibliographical collections and notes, 1474-1700
English Drama and Stage Under Tudor and Stuart Princes, 1543-1664
Bibliographical collections and notes (1474-1700)
A hundred merry tales
Shakespeare jest-books
A hundred merry tales
Shakespeare's Library
Bibliographical Collections And Notes On Early English Literature, 1474-1700
The English drama and stage under the Tudor and Stuart Princes, 1543-1664
Studies in jocular literature
Montagu and Co
The English drama and stage under the Tudor and Stuart princes, 1543-1664
Collections and Notes, 1867-1876: Second Series OfBibliographical Collections and Notes on Early ...
Prefaces, dedications epistles
The Venetian republic
Shakespeare jest-books
Faiths and folklore of the British Isles
A roll of honour
Second series of bibliographical collections and notes on early English literature, 1474-1700
The great gold fields of Cariboo
Bibliographical collections and notes on early English literature
English Drama And Stage Under The Tudor And Stuart Princes, 1543-1664, The (BCL1-PR English Literature)
The English drama and stage under the Tudor and Stuart princes
History of English Poetry from the Twelfth to the Close of the Sixteenth ...
Shakespeare jest-books
Shakespeare's Library: A Collection of the Plays, Romances, Novels, Poems ...
Tales and legends of national origin or widely current in England from early times
The baron's daughter
Dmitry Merezhkovsky
Dmitry Merezhkovsky (1865-1941)

poet, literary critic, philosopher, biographer, literary scholar, art historian

  • Saint Petersburg State University
L. Tolstoĭ i Dostoevskiĭ
Iisus Neizvestnyĭ
Ispanskie mistiki
14 dekabri͡a︡
Lit︠s︡a svi︠a︡tykh ot Iisusa k nam
Jesus manifest
Jesus der kommende
Jesus the unknown
Zhu shen fu huo
Jesus the unknown
Leʼonardo Da-Ṿintsi
L. Tolstoĭ i Dostoevskiĭ
Voskresshie bogi
Смерть богов
L. Tolstoĭ i Dostoevskiĭ
Smertʹ bogov
Peter and Alexis: The Romance of Peter the Great
Tolstoi as man and artist
Joseph Pilsudski
Li︠u︡bovʹ silʹni︠e︡e smerti: italʹi︠a︡nskai︠a︡ novella XV vi︠e︡ka
Julian the Apostate
Peter and Alexis
Tolstoi as Man and Artist: With an Essay on Dostoïevski
Taĭna russkoĭ revoli︠u︡t︠s︡iĭ
La mort des dieux
Chetyrnadt͡s︡atoe dekabri͡a︡
Aleksandr Pervyĭ
Death of the Gods
Ėstetika i kritika
The menace of the mob
Malenʹkai͡a︡ Tereza
L' âme de Dostoievski
T︠S︡arstvo Antikhrista
Smertʹ bogov (I︠U︡lian Otstupnik)
Quatorze décembre (roman)
Mort des Dieux
Tolstoi as man and artist, with an essay on Dostoïevski
Ne mir, no mech
Prorok russkoĭ revoli͡ut͡sii
Michael Angelo
Chetyrnadtsatoe dekabria
Iisus Neizvi︠e︡stnyĭ
Das Reich des Antichrist
Stikhotvorenii︠a︡ i poemy
Leonardo Da Vinci
[Christ and Antichrist]
Secret of the West
Khristos i Antikhrist
Pavel I
The life-work of Montaigne, from the Russian of Merejkowski by G.A. Mounsey
The Forerunner. a Romance of Leonardo Da Vinci
The forerunner, the romance of Leonardo da Vinci
The forerunner
L'Ame de Dostoiewsky, le prophète de la Révolution russe
Tolstoï et Dostoïewsky: la personne et l'oeuvre
Trilogiia Khristos i Antikhrist
Tolstoy As Man and Artist with an Essay on Dostoyevsky
Het leven van Leonardo da Vinci
Vechnye sputniki
Taĭna trekh
T︠s︡arstvo Antikhrista
Khristos i Antikhrist
Liubov silnee smerti
Petr i Alekseĭ
Khristos i Antikhrist
Viechnye sputniki
Romance of Leonardo da Vinci
Bylo i budet
La r©♭surrection des Dieux (L©♭onard de Vinci)
The Romance of Leonardo Da Vinci/ (Variant Title = the Gods Reborn and the Forerunner)
Peter and Alexis
Tolstoi as man and artist
The forerunner
Der ṭoyṭ fun di geṭer
L'Atlantide, ou le mystère de l'Occident
Taĭna russkoĭ revoli͡u︡t͡s︡ii
Bolʹnai︠a︡ Rossii︠a︡
Aleksandr I i Dekabristy
Russia and Bolshevism
V|i|echnye sputkini
The life of Napoleon
Prorok russkoĭ revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ii
Quatorze decembre
Gogolʹ i chort
Polnoe sobranie sochineni
Le règne de l'antéchrist
Sobranie stikhov, 1883-1910 g
The Romance of Leonardo da Vinci
Vi︠e︡chnye sputniki
Rozhdenie bogov
Prorok russkoĭ revoli͡ut͡sīi
Romance of Leonardo da Vinci. Translated by Bernard Guilbert Guerbey
The Death of the Gods
"Bolʹnai͡a︡ Rossii͡a︡"
Voskresshīe bogi
La mort des dieux
La vie passionnée de Napoléon
Vom krieg zur revolution
The life-work of Montaigne
Resurrection of the Gods
L. Tolsto©Œi i Dostoevski©Œ
Der vierzehnte Dezember: Roman
Julian the Apostate
Chekhov and Gorky = Chekhov" I Gor'kii
Izbrannye stat'i
Michel Ange
Paul. Augustine
Dvi︠e︡ taĭny russkoĭ poezii
Napoléon, la gloire et l'ombre
The life-work of Flaubert
The life-work of Calderon
Alexander I
Les mystères de l'Orient
Napoleon, a study
Tolstoï et Dostoïewsky
Romance da Vinci
Michael Angelo,
The romance of Leonardo da Vinci / Dmitri Merejcovski ; translated from the Russian by Bernard Guilbert Guerney and illustrated with 100 reproductions of the work of Leonardo Da Vinci ; selected and arranged by J. B. Neumann
The secret of the West
Tain̆a trekhʹ
Litsa sviatych ot Iisusa k nam
V tikhom omute
Chekhov i Gorʹkiĭ =
The Death of the Gods/(Variant Title = Julian the Apostate)
The Death of the Gods
Gradushchiĭ kham
December the fourteenth
Akhnaton, King of Egypt
TSarstvo Antikhrista
VeggieTales Super-Suction Ears 3-D Puzzle (Biblioteka Zhurnala)
Das Reich des Antichrist
The birth of the gods
Yulyanus ha-kofer
Budet radostʹ
[Dante ; Boris Godunov
Zavi︠e︡t Bi︠e︡linskago
The Life-work of Hendrik Ibsen
Polnoe sobranīe sochinenīĭ D. S. Merezhkovskago
Gradushchiĭ kham
Li͡u︡bovʹ silʹni͡e︡e smerti
The life-work of Pliny the Younger
Khristos i Antikhrist
Gri︠a︡dushchiĭ Kham
Polnoe sobranie sochineniĭ D.S. Merezhkovskago
Vzkříšení bohové
Le roman de Napoléon
Stikhotvorenii︠a︡ i poėmy
Tod und Auferstehung
Polnoe sobranie sochineniǐ
Das Reich des Antichrist
Der Anmarsch des Pobels
Peter a Alesksej
Pavel I: Pesa ; Aleksandr I
Le roman de Léonard de Vinci
Dvi͡e︡ taĭny russkoĭ poėzīi
O prichinakh upadka i o novykh techenīi︠a︡kh sovremennoĭ russkoĭ literatury
Pervent︠s︡y svobody
Nevoennyĭ dnevnik, 1914-1916
Zachi︠e︡m voskres?
Aleḳsander der Ershṭer
Leonardo da Vinci
Vo vtornik, 18 Ii͡uni͡a 1907 goda v 8 1/2 chasov vechera v salle na Avenue de Choisy, 190 D. S. Merezhkovskīĭ prochtet publichnui͡u lekt͡sīi͡u na temu: V chem sila samoderzhavīi͡a
Lit︠s︡a svi︠a︡tykh ot Iisusa k nam
Taĭna trekh
Shirarezaru Kirisuto
Sobranie stikhotvoreniĭ
Tolstoi und Dostojewski
Novyi︠a︡ stikhotvorenii︠a︡
The Romance of Leonardo da Vinci
T͡S︡arʹ i revoli͡u︡t͡s︡ii͡a︡
The Acropolis
Voskresshie bogi
Leah Goldberg
Leah Goldberg (1911-1970)

poet, pedagogue, translator, playwright, literary critic, literary editor, literary theorist, opinion journalist

  • Vytautas Magnus University, Humboldt University of Berlin
Pegishah ʻim meshorer
Pegishah ʻim meshorer
Muḳdam u-meʾuḥar
Malkat Sheva ha-ḳeṭanah
Lady of the castle
ʻIm ha-lailah ha-zeh
Mikhtavim mi-nesiʻah medumah
Selected poems
Lea Goldberg
On the blossoming
Room for rent
On the Surface of Silence
Das samaritanische Pentateuchtargum
ha- Deramah shel ha-todaʻah
Yedidai me-reḥov Arnon
Omets le-ḥulin
Mavo la-Ḳomedyah ha-elohit
Sifrut yafah ʻolamit be-targumeha le-ʻIvrit
Omanut ha-sipur
Russian literature in the nineteenth century
Shire ahavah ṿe-zahav
ha- Mefuzar mi-Kefar Azar
ha- Omets le-ḥulin
Baraḳ ba-boḳer
ha- Dramah shel ha-todaʻah
Ahavat Shimshon
ha- Sifrut ha-Rusit ba-meʾah ha-teshaʻ-ʻeśreh
Be-erets ahavati
Baʻalat ha-armon
Mi-dor ume-ʻever
Russian literature in the nineteenth century
Room for Rent
Mah ʻośot ha-ayalot
Neʻarot ʻIvriyot
Yalḳuṭ shirim
Mikhtavim me-nesiʻah medumah
Ben sofer yeladim le-korʾav
Nisim ṿe-niflaʼot
Mi-sipure Mar Ḳashḳash
'Amanut ha-Sipur
Selected Poems of Leah Goldberg
Sheloshah sipurim
Briefe von einer imaginären Reise: Roman
ʻAleh shel zahav
Mi-beti ha-yashan
Ḥamishah peraḳim bi-yesodot ha-shirah
Yalkut shirim
Ulai raḳ tsipore masaʻ
Aḥdut ha-adam vehayekum bi-yetsirato shel Tolstoi
ʻAl ha-periḥah
Be-erets Sin
Light on the rim of a cloud
Tsiyurim ṿe-shirim shel yalde Geṭo Terezinshtadṭ 1942-1944
Ṿe-hu ha-or
Harpatḳah ba-midbar
Ve-hu ha-or
Little queen of Sheba
R ussian literature in the nineteenth century
Shamgar ha-nagar
Tserif ḳaṭan
Aḥdut ha-adam ṿeha-yeḳum bi-yetsirat Ṭolsṭoi
Ṿe-zeh ha-maʻaśeh be-ʾOḳasen ṿe-Niḳoleṭ
Kol ha-sipurim
Mukdam u-me'uhar
Tsiyurim ṿe-shirim shel yalde Geṭo Ṭerezyenshṭadṭ, 1942-1944
Zimmer frei im Haus der Tiere
La-pilah yesh nazelet
Avedot ("muḳdash le-Anṭonyah")
And this is the light
ספור על יאיר
ha-Dramah shel ha-todaʻah
Mi-sipure Mar Ḳashḳash
Ṿe-khulam ḥaverim
Muḳdam u-meʼuḥar
Mah ʻośot ha-ayalot
Luaḥ ha-ohavim
Shamgar ha-nagar
Baʻalat ha-armon
Baʻalat ha-armon
Mi-beti ha-yashan
Mikhtavim mi-nesiʻah medumah
Be-erets Sin
Sheʼerit ha-ḥayim
Yedidai me-reḥov Arnon
המפזר מכפר אז״ר
שירי אהב״ה וזה״ב
Ḥalomotaṿ shel melekh
Shirat Rusiyah
Yoman sifruti
Mar Guzmai ha-badai
ha-Bitan ha-ḳaṭan
Maʻaśeh be-tsayar
אור וצל
Luaḥ ha-ohavim
Kipah adumah
Im ha-lilah ha-zeh
Boʾu ʻananim
אין פרפרים פה
Das samaritanische Pentateuchtargum
ha-Shirim ha-genuzim
Muḳdam u-meʼuḥar
Ayeh Pluṭo
ha-Sifrut ha-Rusit ba-meʾah ha-teshaʻ-ʻeśreh
Shibolet yeruḳat ha-ʻayin
כובע הקסמים
Harpatḳah ba-midbar
ha-Omets le-ḥulin
Ben sofer yeladim le-ḳoreʾaṿ
Mi yagur bi-tserif ḳaṭan?
ha-Bevar ha-ʻaliz
ha-Mefuzar mi-Kefar Azar
Ahavat Shimshon
Mah ʻosot ha-ayalot
Ben sofer yeladim le-ḳorʼaṿ
Neʻarot ʻIvriyot
פזמון ליקינתון
Boʼu ʻananim
Nissim i niflaot
ha-Omets le-ḥulin
Ḳolot reḥoḳim u-ḳerovim
Sheʾerit ha-ḥayim
ha-Gal ha-ḳal shel ha-shirah ha-ʻIvrit
Gan ha-kokhavim
En parparim poh
Mi-shire erets ahavati
נסים ונפלאות
Mah avashel la-aruḥat tsohorayim
מעשה בשלשה אגוזים
Masʻot Mor ha-ḥamor
Mivḥar shirim
Tserif ḳaṭan
האורח ביום הלדת
Ṭabʻot ʻashan
עם הלילה הזה
Shivʻat ha-ʻorvim
Shir, ʻir
Mi-dor ume-ʻever
Gan ha-ḥayot
Maduʻa ha-yeled tsaḥaḳ ba-ḥalom
Maʻaśeh bi-sheloshah egozim
Agadat sheloshah ṿe-arbaʻah
Yomane Leʾah Goldberg
Kakh ṿe-lo kakh
Baʻalat ha-armon
Mi-dor u-meʻever