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literary critics who wrote biography
Showing 481-488 out of 514 results
Judith Butler
Judith Butler (born 1956)

philosopher, sociologist, literary critic, women's rights activist, journalist, art theorist, gender theorist, social scientist

  • Yale University
Itinéraires de chercheurs
Gender Trouble
Antigone's Claim
Bodies that matter
Queer Theory
Parting ways
Precarious life
Excitable speech
Der Streit um Differenz
The psychic life of power
¿Reconocimiento o redistribución?
Subjects of desire
Undoing gender
Excitable speech
Subjects of desire
What's Left of Theory?
Who Sings the Nation-State?
Contingency, hegemony, universality
Feminists theorize the political
The question of gender
Judith Butler in conversation
Giving an account of oneself
Frames of war
Senses of the Subject
Das achte Feld
Subjects of desire
Dispossession: The Performative in the Political
El tráfico de mujeres
El género en disputa
Das Unbehagen der Geschlechter. Sonderausgabe
Radical Thinkers
Franz Kafka
What Is a People?
Lenguaje, poder e identidad
Precarious Life
Mecanismos psiquicos del poder / The Psychic Life of Power
The power of religion in the public sphere
Frames of war
What's left of theory?
The Force of Non-Violence
The Judith Butler Reader
To Sense What Is Living In The Other Hegels Early Love
Körper von Gewicht. Die diskursiven Grenzen des Geschlechts
Subjects of Desire
Power of Religion in the Public Sphere
Who's Afraid of Gender?
Citizen Subject
Antigones Verlangen
Toward a Feminist Ethics of Nonviolence
La Vie psychique du pouvoir
Prejudicial Appearances
Giving an account of oneself
The Force of Nonviolence
El género en disputa
George Yancy
Elestiri Seküler midir?
Undoing Gender
Undoing gender
Quadros de Guerra. Quando a Vida É Passível de Luto?
Trouble dans le genre
Das Unbehagen der Geschlechter. ( Gender Studies. Vom Unterschied der Geschlechter)
What World Is This? - a Pandemic Phenomenology
Excitable Speech
Psyche der Macht
Notes Toward a Performative Theory of Assembly
Precarious Life
Sois mon corps
The psychic life of power
Europe, N° 983, mars 2011 : Georges Perros
New Feminism
Vida Precaria
Deshacer el genero/ Undoing Gender (Paidos Studio)
Kritik der ethischen Gewalt
Vidas en lucha
Das Undarstellbare der Politik: Zur Hegemonietheorie Ernesto Laclaus (German Edition)
Biziz Halk!
Sujetos del deseo
Vidas en lucha
Savas Tertipleri
¿Qué mundo es este?
Raster des Krieges
L'alleanza Dei Corpi
Gender Trouble
Bela Bedenler
La fuerza de la no violencia
La fuerza de la no violencia
Recognition and Ambivalence
Frames of War
Violencia de Estado, guerra, resistencia. Por una nueva política de la izquierda
Cuerpos que importan
Gender Trouble
¿Qué es el pueblo?
Taklit ve Toplumsal Cinsiyete Karsi Durma
¿Quina mena de món és aquest?
Ingenious and worthy family
La fuerza de la no violencia
Giving an Account of Oneself
Feminismos Literarios
Marcs de guerra
Am Scheideweg
Life with Mary Shelley
El género en disputa
Notes toward a performative theory of assembly
Senses of the Subject
Die Macht der Geschlechternormen und die Grenzen des Menschlichen
Cuerpos que importan
¿Quina mena de món és aquest?
La fuerza de la no violencia
Hass spricht
Iktidarin Psisik Yasami
Senses of the Subject
Le vivable et l'invivable
Questione Di Genere. Il Femminismo E La Sovversione Dell'identità
What's Left of Theory
Vivien Gribble, 1888-1932
La Fuerza De La No Violencia
Excitable Speech
Violencia de Estado, guerra, resistencia. Por una nueva política de la izquierda
Cinsiyet Belasi
Contingencia, hegemonía, universalidad
Kirilgan Hayat
Vulnerability in resistance
Marcos de guerra
¿Quina mena de món és aquest?
Marcos de guerra
Dar cuenta de sí mismo
Ethics of Narrative
Mujeres y transformaciones sociales
Erotic Welfare
Anmerkungen zu einer performativen Theorie der Versammlung
Antigone's Claim
Judith Butler Reader
Erotic Welfare
Pourquoi des théories?
Fare e Disfare il Genere.
Xing Danwen
Mecanismos psíquicos del poder
Livable and the Unlivable
Question of Gender
Notes Toward a Performative Theory of Assembly
Vidas en lucha
Undoing Gender
¿Qué es el pueblo?
Problemes de gènere
Who sings the nation-state?
Marcos de guerra
Trouble dans le genre
Xing bie ma fan
Epitelestikē politikē kai kritikē tēs kratikēs vias
Women & social transformation
Sin miedo
Konturen des Unentschiedenen
Neizvjesni život
Critica della violenza etica
Na rozdrożu
Conversaciones feministas
קוויר באופן ביקורתי
Terry Eagleton
Terry Eagleton (born 1943)

literary critic, literary historian, literary theorist, literary scholar, man of letters

  • University of Cambridge
The Gatekeeper
Scholars & rebels in nineteenth-century Ireland
The Gatekeeper
The task of the critic
Literary theory
The truth about the Irish
Marxism and literary criticism
The Idea of Culture
Criticism and ideology
Marx and freedom
Saint Oscar
William Shakespeare
Heathcliff and the Great Hunger
Ghostly Demarcations
Sweet Violence
Myths of power
After theory
The Meaning of Life
The Gospels-- Jesus Christ
Saints and scholars
The ideology of the aesthetic
The English Novel
How to Read a Poem
Walter Benjamin, or, Towards a revolutionary criticism
Culture and the Death of God
Exiles and émigrés
Nationalism, colonialism, and literature
The Eagleton reader
The significance of theory
Einführung in die Literaturtheorie
The rape of Clarissa
Figures of Dissent
The function of criticism
Against the grain
Why Marx was right
Radical Sacrifice
Hope without Optimism
Crazy John and the Bishop and other essays on Irish culture
The illusions of postmodernism
How to read literature
Jesus Christ
Saint Oscar and other plays
Shakespeare and society
The event of literature
Reason, Faith, and Revolution
Event of Literature
Cómo leer literatura
LA idea de cultura/ The Idea of Culture
Across the Pond
RAzón, fe y revolución
Great Philosophers
The Unknown God
Hayatin Anlami
Literary theory
Einführung in die Literaturtheorie
On evil
Why Marx Was Right
The Crisis of Contemporary Culture (Inaugural Lectures (University of Oxford))
Terror santo/ Holy Terror (Spanish Edition)
Marxism and Literary Criticism
Die Wahrheit über die Iren
Marxism and Literary Criticism
Beckett and Nothing
Culture and the Death of God
Reason, faith, and revolution
Trouble with strangers
Ideologia/ Ideologist (Paidos Surcos)
Cómo leer un poema
A ideologia da Estética
The Function of Criticism (Radical Thinkers) (Radical Thinkers)
Siir Nasil Okunur?
After theory
La estética como ideología
How to Read a Poem
Critical Revolutionaries
Elestiri ve Ideoloji
Now is the time
Marksizm ve Edebiyat Elestirisi
Was ist Kultur? Eine Einführung
Hoffnungsvoll, aber nicht optimistisch
Azizler ve Alimler
How to Read a Poem
Walter Benjamin
Cómo leer un poema
Una Introduccion a la Teoria Literaria
Raymond Williams
Como leer literatura
Radikal Kurban
La Funcion De La Critica
After Theory
Los extranjeros
Across the pond
Cómo leer un poema
Shakespeare and society
Reason, Faith, and Revolution
Real Thing
The New Left church [essays]
Illusionen der Postmoderne. Ein Essay
La novela inglesa
Literary theory.
Holy Terror
Raymond Williams
Dulce violencia
English Novel
Figuras de disenso
Across the Pond
Por qué Marx tenía razón
Eight Tragedies of Shakespeare
Meaning of Life
Shakespeare and society
Marxism and Literary Criticism
Der Tod Gottes und die Krise der Kultur
Hope Without Optimism
Las Ilusiones del Posmodernismo (Espacios del Saber)
Kapi Bekcisi
Esperanza sin optimismo
Akil, Inanc ve Devrim
Terror sagrado. La cultura del terror en la historia
Nationalism, Colonialism, and Literature
Companion to Literary Theory
Ästhetik. Die Geschichte ihrer Ideologie
Wittgenstein: The Terry Eagleton Script
Why Marx Was Right
The end of criticism
On Evil
Walter Benjamin ya da Bir Devrimci Elestiriye Dogru
Sobre el mal
Illusions of Postmodernism
Hope Without Optimism
Great Philosophers
Ideologie. Eine Einführung
Kotuluk Uzerine Deneme
Edebiyat Kurami Giris
Against the grain
Santos y eruditos
Edebiyat Nasil Okunur?
Why Marx Was Right
Despues de la teoria/ After Theory (Referencia/ References)
El sentido de la vida
Güc Mitleri
El Portero / The Gatekeeper (Referencias / References)
Literary Theory
Critique et théories littéraires
Rape of Clarissa
Shakespeare and society: critical studies in Shakespearean drama
Iyimser Olmayan Umut
The New Left church [essays]
Raymond Williams
Die Illusionen der Postmoderne
Kultur Yorumlari
Truth about the Irish
Walter Benjamin O Hacia Una Critica Revolucionaria
English Novel
Edebiyat Olayi
Ingiliz Romani
Los evangelios
Holy Terror
Estetigin Ideolojisi
The body as language
Trouble with Strangers
Tatli Siddet
Directions: pointers for the post-conciliar Church
La Estetica Como Ideologia
Postmodernizmin Yanilsamalari
Zašto je Marx bio u pravu
What is ideology?
Exiles and emigres
The ideology of the aesthetics
Munhak iron immun
Smisao života
Walter Benjamin
Hou xian dai zhu yi de huan xiang
Myths of power in 'Wuthering heights'
Las ilusiones del posmodernismo
Einführung in die Literaturtheorie
The question of value
Der Sinn des Lebens
Cómo leer literatura
From culture to revolution ; the Slant Symposium, 1967
Marxist literary criticism
Nationalism, colonialism and literature--nationalism, irony and commitment
Marx - 10
On evil
Makesi zhu yi yu wen xue pi ping
Shakespeare and society
J'accuse Philip Larkin
Lun xie e
Marxist literary theory
The crisis of contemporary culture
The new left church
Conversations with Terry Eagleton
Now is the time
Why Marx was right
The end of English
Einführung in die Literaturtheorie
Ursula K. Le Guin
Ursula K. Le Guin (1929-2018)

translator, poet, literary critic, women's rights activist, journalist

  • Harvard University, Columbia University
Dreams must explain themselves
Searoad Chronicles of Klatsand
Words are my matter
Ursula K. Le Guin: The Last Interview: and Other Conversations (The Last Interview Series)
Ursula K. Le Guin
Dreams must explain themselves
The Dispossessed
The Tombs of Atuan
The Fantasy Hall of Fame [22 stories]
The Left Hand of Darkness
The Fantasy Hall of Fame [30 stories]
The Lathe of Heaven
The Farthest Shore
Prentice Hall Literature--Silver
Four Ways to Forgiveness
Always Coming Home
The language of the night
Very far away from anywhere else
Other Worlds Than These
The Wind's Twelve Quarters
Caught in the Organ Draft
Wonderful Alexander and the Catwings
Orsinian Tales
Catwings return
New Atlantis, The - And Other Novellas of Science Fiction
Alien Contact
The Telling
Planet of Exile
Steering the Craft
The New Hugo winners, Volume II
Changing planes
The Greatest Cat Stories Ever Told
Again, Dangerous Visions
The Birthday of the World
Rocannon's World
Jane on Her Own
Amazing stories
The Norton Book of Science Fiction
The Eye of the Heron
The Hugo Winners, Volume Three
The Other Wind
Lao Tzu
Tales from Earthsea (The Earthsea Cycle, Book 5)
Witches & Wizards
Ride on the Red Mare's Back
The Compass Rose
Fire and stone
The Earthsea Trilogy
The Word for World is Forest
The Beginning Place
Faszination der Science Fiction
City of Illusions
Worlds Of Exile And Illusion
Dancing at the Edge of the World
Buffalo gals and other animal presences
Masterpieces of Fantasy and Wonder
The Wild Girls
Unlocking the Air
Solomon Leviathan's nine hundred and thirty-first trip around the world
The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror--Ninth Annual Collection
Leese Webster
New Dimensions 1 Fourteen Original Science Fiction Stories
Choice Words
Three hainish novels
Nebula Award Stories 11
Eye of the Heron
The Unreal And The Real Selected Stories Of Ursula K Le Guin
The Earthsea quartet
The Hugo Winners. Volume 3, Book 2
Way of the water's going
Buffalo gals, won't you come out tonight
A Wizard of Earthsea
The Unreal And The Real Selected Stories Volume Two Outer Space Inner Lands
Fish soup
Cheek by jowl
The wave in the mind
Das Meer und kleine Fische
Isaac Asimov's utopias
No Time to Spare: Thinking About What Matters
Isaac Asimov's Magical Worlds of Fantasy, Volume 9
Damon Knight's Orbit 12
The Best of Galaxy 2
Out of this world
The ones who walk away from Omelas
The found and the lost
World Split Open
Nebula Award Stories 10
Isaac Asimovs Science Fiction Magazin 22. Folge
The Future is Female!
Aliens: Recent Encounters
The Books of Earthsea
A Fisherman of the Inland Sea
Tehanu (The Earthsea Cycle, Book 4)
Wild oats and fireweed
Going out with peacocks and other poems
A visit from Dr. Katz
Winter's King
New Magics
Tom Mouse
A reader's companion to The hobbit and the lord of the rings
Hard words, and other poems
New Dimensions 1 Fourteen Original Science Fiction Stories
Cat dreams
The Daughter of Odren (Kindle Single)
Ursula K. Le Guin : Annals of the Western Shore
Five complete novels
The Future is Female 2!
Always Coming Home
Sixty Odd
The Altered I
Galaxy Science Fiction, Vol. 35, No. 12
Poems from the Book of Hours
Late in the Day
Ursula K. Le Guin: Hainish Novels and Stories Vol. 1 (LOA #296): Rocannon's World / Planet of Exile / City of Illusions / The Left Hand of  Darkness / ... of America Ursula K. Le Guin Edition)
Incredible good fortune
The Unreal and the Real Volume 1: Volume 1: Where on Earth (Unreal & the Real Vol 1)
Semley's Necklace
Tales of the Catwings
The Visionary, Wonders Hidden
The Hugo Winners, Volume Three, Part Three (1974-1975)
Wild angels
Collected Novels of José Saramago
Walking in Cornwall
Univers 04
Dialogues With Northwest Writers (Northwest Review Book)
Nebula award stories eleven
Space Crone
Ursula K. Le Guin: Hainish Novels and Stories Vol. 2 (LOA #297): The Word for World Is Forest / Five Ways to Forgiveness / The Telling / stories (Library of America Ursula K. Le Guin Edition)
Ilit Azoulay
The Field of Vision: A Story (A Wind's Twelve Quarters Story)
The adventure of Cobbler's rune
Ursula K. Le Guin: The Hainish Novels and Stories: A Library of America Boxed Set
The Wind's Twelve Quarters and The Compass Rose (S.F. Masterworks)
Edge of Awe
The visionary
The Princess And The Goblin
Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction
Vaster Than Empires and More Slow
Am Anfang war der Beutel
El día antes de la revolución
Gulliver's travels with related readings
Catwings Complete Collection
Finding my elegy
Earthsea revisioned
Historia de Terramar 2
L'effet Churten
Science Fiction Stories
Nine Lives
Bifrost N78
Five Ways to Forgiveness
From elfland to Poughkeepsie
Dümeni Yaraticiliga Kirmak
Goldmann Fantasy Foliant Ⅰ
So far so good
More tales of the Catwings
Terra Oscura
Portland Review Spring 2017
Trip to the Head
The complete Orsinia
Ursula K. le Guin
Earthsea & The Left Hand of Darkness
Aardzee 2
Le Commencement De Nulle Part
Gwilans Harp and Intracom (Swc 1556)
La saga di Terramare
Dreams must explain themselves and other essays, 1972-2004
Historias de Terramar I
Ursula Le Guin: A Critical Study
Nebula Award Stories: v. 11
Word of Unbinding
Verlorene Paradiese
Good Trip
Escritoras y escritura
Uçsuz Bucaksız
Dünyanin Kiyisinda Dans
Squaring the Circle
Les Voltigeurs de Gy
Ursula K. le Guin : Five Novels
I sogni si spiegano da soli
Conversaciones sobre la escritura
Sözcüklerdir Bütün Derdim
Direction of the Road
Darkness Box
Yazma Üzerine Sohbetler
Gobshite Quarterly 2023, #41/42
Blue moon over Thurman Street
Next Revolution
Gigamesh 44
Jane on Her Own
The Selected Short Fiction of Ursula K. Le Guin Boxed Set
Rule of Names
Stars Below
April in Paris
The Selected Short Fiction of Ursula K. Le Guin Boxed Set: The Found and the Lost; The Unreal and the Real
Madurar a Karhide
Los mundos de Ursula K. Le Guin
Ursula K Le Guin
A Very Long Way from Anywhere Else
Soloman Leviathan
Univers 08
A Mão Esquerda da Escuridão
Nebula award stories, eleven
Speaking of the Fantastic
Clarkesworld Issue 90
Vor der Revolution
Simdilik Her Sey Yolunda Son Siirler 2014-2018
The Hugo Winners, Volume Three, Part Two (1973)
A Lesson plan book for Catwings (Innovations, experiencing literature in the classroom)
Kadinlar Ruyalar Ejderhalar
The Shobies' Story
Direction of the road
Nine Lives
Ursula K. Le Guin's The Phoenix & Gish Jen's The Water Faucet Vision
החוף הרחוק ביותר
הקברים של אטואן
Alejandro El Esplendido y Los Alagatos
El eterno regreso a casa
Wynn Bullock
A woman writing, or The fisherwoman's daughter
Aardzee omnibus
Love Stories
Ozherelʹe planet Ėkumeny
Rybak iz Vnutrimorʹi︠a︡
הקוסם מארץ ־ים
The Blind Geometer/the New Atlantis (Tor Double Novel, No 13)
Gwilans Harp
The water is wide
Le sorcier de Terremer : Collection
In the Red Zone
Out here
Emergencias de lo poshumano
José Ortega y Gasset
José Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955)

philosopher, pedagogue, sociologist, mathematician, literary critic, opinion journalist, politician, poet, translator, essayist

  • Universidad Central, University of Deusto
El Madrid de José Ortega y Gasset
Mirabeau, an essay on the nature of statesmanship
Misión de la universidad
Meditaciones del Quijote
La idea de principio en Leibniz y la evolución de la teoría deductiva
La rebelión de las masas
Estudios sobre el amor
El hombre y la gente
Ideas y creencias
Del Imperio Romano
Historia como sistema
Historical reason
Sobre la caza
Meditación de la técnica y otros ensayos sobre ciencia y filosofía
¿Qué es conocimiento?
An interpretation of universal history
An Interpretation of Universal History
El espectador
The Dehumanization of Art; and other essays on art, culture, and literature.
Obras (Del realismo en pintura / Fragmentos / Goya / La deshumanización del arte / Sobre el punto de vista en las artes / Tres cuadros del vino / Velázquez)
Ensayos sobre la «Generacion del 98» y otros escritores españoles contemporáneos
Misión del bibliotecario y otros ensayos afines
Obras completas
Obras completas
Unas lecciones de metafísica
Obras completas
¿Qué es filosofía?
Obras completas
Some Lessons in Metaphysics
En torno a Galileo
Una interpretación de la historia universal
Meditación del pueblo joven y otros ensayos sobre América
Phenomenology and Art
La deshumanización del arte y otros ensayos de estética
Misión del bibliotecario
Textos sobre el 98
Misión de la universidad y otros ensayos sobre educación y pedagogía
El tema de nuestro tiempo
Viajes y países
Discursos políticos
Epistolario completo Ortega-Unamuno
España invertebrada
La vida alrededor
Obras (Ideas sobre la novela / La deshumanización del arte)
Origen y epílogo de la filosofía y otros ensayos de filosofía
Meditación de la técnica
Espíritu de la letra
Europa y la idea de nación
Investigaciones psicológicas
José Ortega y Gasset
Rectificación de la república
Obras (Goya / Velázquez)
Vieja y nueva política
Kant, Hegel, Dilthey
Obras completas
La deshumanización del arte
Ortega y Gasset
Notas de andar y ver
Stern und unstern
Obras completas
Meditaciones sobre la literatura y el arte
Misión de la universidad y otros ensayos afines
Meditación del pueblo joven
Prólogo para alemanes
Ensayos escogidos
Obras completas
Obras completas
Idea del teatro
Obras completas
La caza y los toros
Obras completas
Obras completas
Pasado y porvenir para el hombre actual
Obras completas
Meditación de nuestro tiempo
Obras completas
Obras completas
La redención de las provincias
Ideas sobre el teatro y la novela
Escritos pol¸ticos (Coleccioón El arquero)
Los escritos de Ortega y Gasset en La Nación
Espíritu de la letra
Kant, Hegel, Scheler
Obras completas
Sus mejores páginas
Le spectateur
Obras completas
España Invertebrada; Bosquejo de Algunos Pensamientos Historicos
Castilla y sus castillos
Goethe desde dentro
Meditación de Europa
Meditationen über die Jagd
Hombres, mujeres. 1926
Das Wesen geschichtlicher Krisen
El sentimiento estético de la vida
Vives, Goethe
Personas, obras, cosas
Vieja y nueva política y otros escritos programáticos
Mirabeau: O, El politico. Contreras
Meditaciones del Quijote e Ideas sobre la novela
Obras (La rebelión de las masas / Mirabeau o el político)
Um einen Goethe von innen bittend
Esquema de las crisas
Las Atlántidas y Del imperio romano
Schuld und Schuldigkeit der Universität
Teoría de Andalucía
La redención de las provincias y la decencia nacional
La idea del teatro y otros escritos sobre teatro
Méditations sur la chasse (Lisbonne, 1942)
Geschichte als System und über das römische Imperium
Sobre la razón histórica
Obras (Goya / Ideas sobre la novela / La deshumanización del arte / Velázquez)
Las Atlántidas
Escritos políticos
Ortega y Gasset estética de la razón vital
La obra de Ortega y Gasset
De la política
Las Atlántidas con unas figuras del Sudán y de la China
Cartas de un joven español (1891-1908)
La Spagna e l'Europa
Obras completas
Caracteres y circumstancias
Schriften zur Phänomenologie
Problemas Resueltos de Maquinas Electricas
Vergangenheit und Zukunft im heutigen Menschen
Apuntes sobre el pensamiento
The Idea of Principle in Leibnitz and the Evolution of Deductive Theory
Obras completas
Unas lecciones de matafísica
Signale unserer Zeit
Essais espagnols
La deshumanizacio n del arte, y otros ensayos este ticos
El libro de las misiories
José Ortega y Gasset, 1883-1955
Theme de Notre Temps
Über die Liebe
Meditations on Hunting
Revolt of the Masses
Was ist Philosophie?
Cuerpo vivido
Concord and liberty
Invertebrate Spain
De opstand der horden
Ensimismamiento y alteración
Para la cultura del amor
Origin of Philosophy
Carta a un alemán pidiendo un Goethe desde dentro = Brief an einen deutschen = Um einen Goethe von innen bittend
Meditaciones Del Quijote
Der Mensch ist ein Fremder
Kant - Hegel - Scheler (Obras de Jose Ortega y Gasset)
Del amor / Amor en Stendhal
Obras selectas
Las Atlántidas y del Imperio Romano
Meditaciones del Quijote
Meditación de Europa y otros ensayos
Revista de occidente
El Espectador
Dos visiones de España
La rebelión de las masas
El tema de nuestro tiempo
Phenomenology and Art
Ideas Y Creencias, No. 151
Obras completas. Tomo V
Obras da José Ortega y Gasset
¿Qué es filosofía? y otros ensayos
Caracteres Y Circunstancias
Modern Theme; 0
Dehumanization of Art and Other Essays on Art, Culture, and Literature
El libro de las misiones
Modern Theme
Dehumanization of Art and Other Essays on Art, Culture, and Literature
Man and Crises
Tema de Nuestro Tiempo, Eledcion
cos'è filosofia
¿Qué es filosofía? lección X
Schuld und Schuldigkeit der Universität
Concord and Liberty
Insan ve "Herkes"
La idea de principio en Leibniz y la evolución de la teoría deductiva
Triumph des Augenblicks - Glanz der Dauer
En tiempos de la sociedad de masas
La idea de principio en Leibniz y la evolución de la teoría deductiva
Autour de Galilée
Misiones jesuíticas guaraníes
Some Lessons in Metaphysics
The modern theme,
Dan Auta
Goethe, Dilthey
On love;
Invertebrate Spain,
Las Atlántidas y otros textos antropológicos
Misere et Splendeur de la Traduction
España invertebrada y otros ensayos
Concord and Liberty. Trans. by Helene Weyl
Appunti per un commento al Convivio di Platone
Sanatin Insansizlastirilmasi ve Roman Ustune Dusunceler
Obras completas. Tomo VI
The dehumanization of art
The Dehumanization of Art, and Other Writings on Art and Culture (Doubleday anchor book, A72)
Ortega y Gasset centennial
¿Qué es filosofía?
Triptico, No. 181
El origen deportivo del Estado
Meditaciones del Quijote
El Tema De Nuestro Tiempo (El ocaso e las revoluciones, el sentido historico de la teoria de einstein, ni vitalismo ni racionalismo)
Kitlelerin Ayaklanmasi - Hasan Ali Yucel Klasikleri
Obras completas. Tomo VIII (1926/1932) [Obra póstuma]
Actas del coloquio celebrado en Marburgo con motivo del centenario del nacimiento de J. Ortega y Gasset (1983)
Idea del teatro
Meditations On Quixote - A Seminal Discussion Of Literature
La Civiltà veneziana del Trecento
Jose Ortega Y Gasset Ideas Y Creencias
El libro de las misiones
Estética y creatividad en Ortega
Tarihsel Bunalim ve Insan - Ortega y Gasset'ten Secme Yazilar
Concord And Liberty
Concord and Liberty
El hombre y la gente
Geschichte als System und über das römische Imperium
What is Philosophy?
Was ist Philosophie?
El tema de nuestro tiempo
El tema de nuestro tiempo. La rebelion de las masas
El hombre y la gente
Mirabeau, o, El político ; Contreras, o, El aventurero ; Vives, o, El intelectual
Mered ha-hamonim
El origen deportivo del Estado
Meditaciones Sobre La Literatura y El Arte (Clasicos Castalia)
The modern theme
The Revolt of the Masses
Man and people
Kitlelerin Ayaklanmasi - Hasan Ali Yücel Klasikleri
History as a system, and other essays toward a philosophy of history
Misión de la universidad
The revolt of the masses
Idea del Teatro
Revolt of the Masses
Entre la Jerarquia y la Liberacion
Antología de textos sobre Estimativa y Valores
Concord and Liberty Translated from the Spanish by Helen Weyl
Misión de la universidad
Origen y epílogo de la filosofía
Vom Menschen als Utopischem Wesen. Vier Essays.
Europäische Kultur und europäische Völker
Masot ʻal ahavah
El libro de las misiones
On love ... aspects of a single theme
Man and Crisis
Ortega y Gasset Velazquez Goya The Dehumanization of Art and Other Essays
Sistem Olarak Tarih
La Rebelion De Las Masas
Idea del Teatro
On love
Sevgi Ustune
La deshumanización del arte
Sistem Olarak Tarih
España invertebrada
What is Philosophy
Meditación del Pueblo Joven
Obras completas. Tomo IX (1933/1948) [Obra póstuma]
Cantos y cuentos del antiguo Egipto
Q̂ué es filosofía?
Historia como sistema
Toward a philosophy of history
What is philosophy?
¿Qué es filosofía?
Quijote Üzerine Düşünceler
Ensimismamiento y alteración. Meditación de la técnica y otros ensayos
Mission of the university
La idea de principio en Leibniz y la evolución de la teoría deductiva : Del optimismo en Leibniz
Las Atlántidas y otros textos antropológicos
Las Atlántidas y del Imperio Romano
Introducción a una estimativa. ¿Qué son los valores?
The revolt of the masses;
Meditaciones Del Quijote [and] Ideas Sobre La Novela
Obras completas
Goethe, Dilthey
Mission of the University
The Revolt of the Masses, Man and Crisis
Qué malo tiene odiar
The dehumanization of art
El origen deportivo del Estado
Goethe desde dentro el punto de vista en las artes
La idea de principio en Leibniz y la evolución de la teoría deductiva : Del optimismo en Leibniz
La deshumanización del arte y otros ensayos estéticos
Caracteres y circunstancias
Meditaciones del Quijote
Pensare e credere
Esquema de las crisis y otros ensayos
El espectador
Ensimismamiento y alteración
Qué es filosofía?
Espíritu de la letra
Las etapas del cristianismo al racionalismo y ortros ensayos
Viajes y países
La caza y los toros
El tema de nuestro tiempo
Las Atlántidas
What is philosophy?
Beskhrebetnaya Ispaniya (Filosofiya. Psikhologiya)
Ensayos escogidos
Unas lecciones de metafísica
Del optimismo en Leibnitz
España invertebrada
Estudios sobre el amor
Um einen Goethe von innen Bittend
Prólogo para alemanes
Kant, Hegel, Dilthey
Una interpretación de la historia universal
El espectador de José Ortega y Gasset ...
El hombre y la gente
예술 의 비인간화 와 그 밖 의 미학 수필
Papeles sobre Velázquez y Goya
Ezra Pound
Ezra Pound (1885-1972)

poet, literary critic, composer, translator, autobiographer, economist, journalist, radio personality, literary historian

  • University of Pennsylvania, Hamilton College
The selected letters of Ezra Pound, 1907-1941
Gaudier-Brzeska, a memoir [by] Ezra Pound
Homage to Sextus Propertius
End to Torment
An autobiographical outline
The United States in Literature [with three long stories] -- Seventh Edition
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--The American Experience
Prentice Hall Literature--The American Experience
The United States in Literature -- The Glass Menagerie Edition
The United States in Literature -- All My Sons Edition
Prentice Hall Literature--The American Experience
Instigations of Ezra Pound
The spirit of romance
Literary essays of Ezra Pound
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--The American Experience
The Britannica Library of Great American Writing - Volume II
The translations of Ezra Pound
Antheil and the treatise on harmony
New Selected Poems And Translations
Literary essays
Love poems of Ancient Egypt
Ezra and Dorothy Pound
Ezra Pound and James Laughlin selected letters
The Pisan cantos
Lustra of Ezra Pound
Early poems
Ezra Pound and Dorothy Shakespear, their letters, 1909-1914
Instigations of Ezra Pound
Machine art and other writings
The letters of Ezra Pound, 1907-1941
A quinzaine for this Yule
Polite essays
Selected Poems
Chinese Written Character as a Medium for Poetry
Selected prose, 1909-1965
Ezra Pound's economic correspondence, 1933-1940
The correspondence of Ezra Pound and Senator William Borah
I cease not to yowl
Ripostes of Ezra Pound
Jefferson and/or Mussolini
The Cantos of Ezra Pound
A lume spento
ABC of reading
Awai no uye
Poems and translations
Cat Poems
ABC of reading
Pound/Joyce; the letters of Ezra Pound to James Joyce
Pound/Ford, the story of a literary friendship
Guide to kulchur
Early writings
Canzoni; & Ripostes of Ezra Pound
How to read
Ezra Pound and the visual arts
Collected early poems of Ezra Pound
Hugh Selwyn Mauberley
Poems 1918-21
Le Testament "Paroles de Villon" 1926 and 1933 performance editions
Pound/the Little review
Ezra Pound letters John Theobald
Ezra Pound and music
Hugh Selwyn Mauberley
Lark in the morning
Ezra Pound
Ezra Pound's Chinese friends
The letters of Ezra Pound to Alice Corbin Henderson
Ezra Pound's poetry and prose
Early Writings
Selected Prose 1909-1965
Ezra Pound and Japan
Dead Iöne
Certain Moble Plays of Japan
Canzoni of Ezra Pound
Être citoyen romain était un privilège, être citoyen moderne est une calamité
Pound/Ford, the story of a literary friendship
Ends & Beginnings (City Lights Review)
Quia pauper amavi
Pavannes and divisions
Noh' or Accomplishment
Certain Moble Plays of Japan
Dk-some letters of Ezra Pound
Iconografia italiana di Ezra Pound
Guide to kulchur
One must not go altogether with the tide
Instigations of Ezra Pound
The Paris Review
Exultations of Ezra Pound
Ezra Pound's letters to William Watt
Imagist Poetry
The Chinese Written Character as a Medium for Poetry
Pound/Ford, the story of a literary friendship
Sophokles Elektra (New Directions Paperbook, 683)
The later Yeats [a review of Responsibilities
Ta hio
EP to LU
Diptych Rome-London
Ezra Pound & Japan
Carte italiane 1930-1944
Ezra Pound And Music: The Complete Criticism
Ta hio
Translations of Pound (Enlarged)
Esprit des littératures romanes
"Ezra Pound speaking"
The selected letters of Ezra Pound to John Quinn, 1915-1924
Diptych Rome-London
Noh, Or, Accomplishment
Active anthology
James Joyce et Pécuchet
Ezra Pound and Senator Bronson Cutting
A B C of economics
" If this be treason
Lesebuch. Dichtung und Prosa
Selected cantos of Ezra Pound
The Cantos (Faber Library)
ABC of reading
Instigations of Ezra Pound
The letters of Ezra Pound to James Joyce; with Pound's essay on Joyce
Cantares Completos / The Cantos
Pound Joyce; letters of Ezra Pound to James Joyce, with Pound's essays on Joyce
Pound/Ford, the story of a literary friendship
Cantares Completos
Come swiftly to your love
A walking tour in southern France
Correspondence To the Editor of "The Criterion", beginning "Sir, I can not fail ..." and ending "before this happy event occurs, Ezra Pound."
Ezra Pound and Margaret Cravens
Arcana Scheiwiller
Lustra of Ezra Pound
Patria mia, and The treatise on harmony
Cantos 86 and 87
From Syria
Iconografia italiana
Cantos şi alte poeme
Ezra Pound's and Olga Rudge's the Blue Spill
Il fare aperto
Epstein, Belgion and meaning
Ta-hio =
Make it new
Posthumous Cantos
Correspondence of Ezra Pound and the Frobenius Institute, 1930-1959
Confucius to Cummings
Uwe Dick liest Jossif Brodskij und Ezra Pound; Dagmar Nick liest Alexander Lernet-Holenia
Ezra Pound and Dorothy Shakespeare, their letters, 1909-1914
Four Literary Translators
Variorum edition of 'three cantos' by Ezra Pound
Pound: The Little Review : The Letters of Ezra Pound to Margaret Anderson
Ezra Pound and 'Globe' Magazine
Money pamphlets by [pound]
Ignite! Ignite!
Poemas de amor del antiguo Egipto
Pavannes and Divisions
Early Poems
The Natural Philosophy of Love
Mr. James Joyce and the Modern Stage
Hugh Selwyn Mauberley
The Works of Ezra Pound - 6 Volumes
Antheil and the Treatise on harmony, with supplementary notes 1927 [Leather Bound]
Ripostes of Ezra Pound
Els cantos pisans
From Simplicities
The letters of Ezra Pound to James Joyce
Forked Branches
[Letter to Mary Austin, beginning "Rapallo, Via Marsala, 12 ins. 5, 12 April 1930, My Dear Mary Austin" and ending "yours very truly, Ezra Pound."
Two cantos
Plays modelled on the Noh (1916)
26 dikter
René Crevel
EP to LU
Musical supplement
Guide to Kulchur (New Directions Paperbook, Ndp257)
Poemas de amor del antiguo Egipto
Le travail et l'usure
Cantos 1-30
Sonnets and Ballate. with Translations of Them, and an Introd
Active anthology,
At the Circulo de Recreo with Ezra Pound
Social credit
Gold and work
What is money for?
Selected Poems And Translations
Sur les pas des troubadours en pays d'oc
Ripostes of Ezra Pound
Confucius to Cummings:Poetry A
Ezra Pound Reads Selected Cantos/High Selwyn/Mauberley/Cantico Del Sole/Moeurs Contemporaines
A B C of reading
Nueve gatos, nueve poemas
Awai No Uye
Problema Centrale Dell' Economia
Aforismi e detti memorabili
Poemas de amor del antiguo Egipto
Thrones 96-109 De Los Canteres
Pavannes and divagations
Guide to Kulchur
Cantos, The
Forked branches
Letters to Tom Carter
Vybranyĭ Ezra Pavnd
Certain radio speeches of Ezra Pound
Lustra of Ezra Pound, With Earlier Poems
Mr. James Joyce And The Modern Stage
Economic Writings of Ezra Pound
Confucian Analects
Hugh Selwyn Mauberley
Shakespear's Pound
Pound/Joyce; the letters of Ezra Pound to James Joyce, with Pound's essays on Joyce
Sayings of Ezra Pound (Duckworth Sayings Series)
"Noh", Or, Accomplishment: A Study of the Classical Stage of Japan
Se questo è tradimento... =
Letze Texte
Le nuvole di Pisa
Literary Essays of Ezra Pound, Edited with an Introduction by T.s.eliot
A draft of XVI cantos of Ezra Pound
Vybraniĭ Ezra Pavnd
Eleven new cantos
Quinzaine for This Yule, Being Selected from a Venetian Sketch-Book, San Trovaso,&quot
Patria mia
Selected poems of Ezra Pound
Il carteggio Jefferson-Adams
The Newark Anniversary Poems
Hugh Selwyn Mauberley
Pavannes and Divisions
A visiting card
An Introduction to the Economic Nature of the United States
An autobiographical outline
An immorality
Annotated index to The cantos of Ezra Pound
The Letters of Ezra Pound,1907-1941
The mole family
Pound/Joyce; the letters of Ezra Pound to James Joyce, with Pound's essays on Joyce
A lume spento, and other early poems
The Literary Essays of Ezra Pound
Pavannes and Divisions
Patria Mia
Early T. S. Eliot on Early Ezra Pound, and Vice Versa
Patria mia
Canzoni; & Ripostes of Ezra Pound
Aquí la Voz de Europa
Kültür Rehberi
Die Pisaner Gesange
Love poems of Ancient Egypt
Putting My Foot in It
Selected Poems - Exultations
Selected Letters of Ezra Pound, 1907-1941
Oro e lavoro
Pound's artists
Antheil and the Treatise on Harmony, With Supplementary Notes
Personae - Los Poemas Breves
E.P. to L.U.
Pavannes and divagations
Poemas de amor del antiguo Egipto
Letters, 1907-1941
Natural Philosophy of Love
Alfred Venison's poems
Je rassemble les membres d'Osiris
ABC of economics
Letters, 1907-1941
Confucius: the Unwobbling pivot & the Great digest
Ezra Pound & Japan
The Pisan Cantos
Selected Poems
Canti pisani
Lettere dalla Sicilia e due frammenti ritrovati
Els cantos pisans
Pavannes and Divagations : Written by Ezra Pound, 1958 Edition, Publisher
The great digest of Confucius
America, Roosevelt, and the causes of the present war
EP to LU : nine letters written to Louis Untermeyer by Ezra Pound
Pavannes and Divisions
Canto 90
Thrones 96-109 De Los Canteres
Patria Mia and The Treatise on Harmony
Jefferson Y/O Mussolini
Literary essays
Selected cantos of Ezra Pound
Pavannes and Divagations
Antheil and the Treatise on Harmony
Introduzione alla natura economica degli S.U.A
The sayings of Ezra Pound
Introduzione Alla Natura Economica Degli USA
Spirit of Romance; an Attempt to Define Somewhat the Charm of the Pre-Renaissance Literature of Latin Europe
Els cantos pisans
Selected Cantos of Ezra Pound
A lume spento
Literary essays of Ezra Pound
Literary essays of Ezra Pound
Person ae
Opposing the Money Lenders
Letters to Ibbotson, 1935-1952
Selected Poems edited with introduction by T. S. Eliot
Ezra Pound and Dorothy Shakespear: Their Letters
Lustra of Ezra Pound, with Earlier Poems
The Letters of Ezra Pound, 1907-1941
Selected Poems - Exultations
The selected letters
Lavoro ed usura, tre saggi
The cantos, 1-95
Ezra Pound Reads
Poems 1918-21
Collected shorter poems
A Quinzaine for This Yule, Being Selected From a Venetian Sketch-book, "San Trovaso,&quot
Antología poética
The coward surrealists
The Confucian Odes
Correspondence To the Editor of "The Criterion", beginning "Sir, If it be permitted to answer the Editor ..." and ending "Ezra Pound,Rapallo, 26th June, 1933."
The letters of Ezra Pound
Lustra of Ezra Pound, with Earlier Poems
A lume spento
Social credit
H.S. Mauberley
Mr. James Joyce and the Modern Stage
A.B.C. de la lecture
Polite Essays
Patria mia
Ezra Pound's economic correspondence, 1933-1940
Ezra Pound Poems (Poet to Poet: An Essential Choice of Classic Verse)
The Confucian odes, the classic anthology defined by Confucius
Pisaner Cantos LXXIV- LXXXIV
Jefferson e Mussolini
XXX Cantos (Polish Edition)
Los Cantares De Pisa
ABC of Reading
Venezia nei Cantos / Ezra Pound ; tradotti in lingua italiana da Mary de Rachewiltz
Certain Noble Plays Of Japan
Els cantos pisans
Ezra Pound and the Visual Arts
Polite essays
Cantos scelti
Social credit, an impact
Drafts & fragments of Cantos CX-CXVII
Panorama apo ta Kantos
New approaches to Ezra Pound
Personae - Collected Shorter Poems
3 pourrissements poétiques
Letters, 1907-1941,
A draft of 30 cantos
Canto 99
Ezra Pound
The spirit of romance
Nō, vom Genius Japans
Selected prose, 1909-1965 [of] Ezra Pound
"All the unemployed will have work for 25 years"--Sec. Perkins
On values
A draft of cantos XXXI-XLI
Venezia nei Cantos
Ezra Pound reading his poetry
Cantos 110-116
Cantares completos (I-CXX)
Hugh Selwyn Mauberley
New directions
Comment lire
Selected cantos
If this be treason--
Exultations (The Collected Works of Ezra Pound - 74 Volumes)
In the water-butt
To a city sending him advertisements
Schediasmata kai apospasmata tōn Kantos CX-CXX (ta teleutaia Kantos)
Radiodiscorsi (Girasole Documenti)
Cavalcanti poems
Selected poems
Section, rock-drill
15 cantos
A draft of the cantos 17-27 of Ezra Pound ; initials by Gladys Hynes
The letters of Ezra Pound
Canto 98
[Poems and essays in literary journals.]
Eleven new cantos, XXXI-XLI
Carta da visita
The Pisan cantos
Homage to Sextus Propertins
Mivḥar ketavim
[Anthologia Poundiana]
Guide to kulchur
Lustra of Ezra Pound
Jefferson e Mussolini
Eleven new cantos, XXXI-XLI
The translations of Ezra Pound
--An immorality
I cantos
Six poems
Pavannes and divagations
Bungaku seishin no gensen
Ezra Pound criticism, 1905-1985
Les Ur-cantos
Statues of gods
Lectura dominica
Imaginary letters
Personae of Ezra Pound
Drafts & fragments of Cantos 110-117
Ezra Pound reads his Cantos
Spirit of Romance, The (The Collected Works of Ezra Pound - 74 Volumes)
A draft of XXX cantos
Canzoni & ripostes of Ezra Pound whereto are appended the complete poetical works of T.E. Hulme
The classic Noh theatre of Japan
Cantos 110-116
The cantos, 1-95
Ezra Pound
Breve antología
Eleven new cantos, XXXI-XLI
Ta hio
Canti postumi
The Little Review
Collected early poems
Plays modelled on the Noh
The fifth decade of Cantos
An angle
Cantos 52-71
Indiscretions, or, Une revue de deux mondes
Wort und Weise
The translations of Ezra Pound
Cantos et poèmes choisis
Francesca, Ragazza di Bottega é altre poesie di Ezra Pound
Seis poetas de lengua inglesa
Certain noble plays of Japan
A draft of XXX cantos / by Ezra Pound
The letters of Ezra Pound, 1907-1941
Literary essays of Ezra Pound
Canto 98
An immorality
Money pamphlets
Lavoro ed usura
At the Circulo de Recreo with Ezra Pound
Drafts & fragments
Cantos, 110-116
Hugh Selwyn Mauberley (The Collected Works of Ezra Pound - 74 Volumes)
Letters, 1907-1941, edited by D.D. Paige
Prologo di Natale
Lavoro ed usura
The translations of Ezra Pound
Omaggio a Sesto Properzio
The classic anthology defined by Confucius
Imaginary letters
The classic anthology defined by Confucius
Ripostes of Ezra Pound
Venezia nei Cantos
Drafts and fragments of Cantos cx-cxviii
A lume spento 1908-1958
Ezra Pound Reads Selected Cantos and Others
Volitionist economics
A retrospect
A selection of poems
Personae of Ezra Pound
FBI file on Ezra Pound
Cantos 110-116
Four poems of departure
Pavannes and Divisions (The Collected Works of Ezra Pound - 74 Volumes)
Selected poems
"If this be treason--"
Les cantos pisans
Personae ; the collected shorter poems of Ezra Pound
Canto 120
Canto cx
Stikhotvorenii Ła i izbrannye cantos
Section, rock-drill
At the Circulo de Recreo with Ezra Pound
Ta hio
The letter of Sigismundo Malatesta to Giovanni de Medici
The Goldsmith poetry calendar 1977
Section: rock drill, 85-95 de los cantares
Ezra Pound perspectives
A lume spento
Hugh Selwyn Mauberley
Hidden govt
The fifth decad of Cantos
Ezra Pound papers
A. B. C. de la lecture
Guide to kulchur /cEzra Pound
The island of Paris
Prayer for a dead brother
The Cantos of Ezra Pound
M. et Mme. Ezra Pound vous invitent à une audition privée de musique Americaine
The fifth decad of cantos
Seventy cantos
The fifth decad of cantos
Selected Prose 1965
Personae, the collected poems of Ezra Pound
I cantos
The Confucian odes
L'ABC dell'economia e altri scritti
Gold and labour
Poems 1918-21, including Three portraits and Four cantos
Ezra Pound
Oro e lavoro
Poems from Cathay
Lustra of Ezra Pound, with earlier poems
A lume spento
A sampler from the new book ... The letters of Ezra Pound, 1907-1941
A lume spento 1908-1958
A B C of reading
Homage to Sextus Propertius
Cantico Del Sole Canto Ninety-Nine and Other Poems
A draft of the cantos 17-27 of Ezra Pound
Voices and Visions-Ezra Pound (Voices & Visions)
Ezra Pound reading his The Confucian odes
A draft of cantos XXXI-XLI
Personae & Exultations of Ezra Pound
Exultations of Ezra Pound
Villonaud for this Yule
Theodor W. Adorno
Theodor W. Adorno (1903-1969)

philosopher, composer, musicologist, sociologist, literary critic, music critic, aphorist, pianist, academic, aesthetician

  • University of Oxford, Goethe University Frankfurt
Minima moralia; reflections from damaged life
Correspondence, 1925-1935
Philosophie der neuen Musik
The Stars Down to Earth
Drei Studien zu Hegel
Critical Models
Quasi una fantasia
Essays on Music
Noten zur Literatur
The authoritarian personality
Towards A New Manifesto
The culture industry
Introduction to the Sociology of Music
Can One Live After Auschwitz?
Notes to literature
Negative Dialectics
The Adorno Reader
Sound figures
Die musikalischen Monographien
Zur Metakritik der Erkenntnistheorie
Einleitung in die Musiksoziologie
"Der liebe Gott wohnt im Detail" Briefwechsel 1939-1969 : Briefe und Briefwechsel. Band 8
Guilt and defense
El teatro y su crisis actual
Negative Space
Aesthetics and Politics
Briefwechsel 1943 - 1955
Ohne Leitbild
Night music
Versuch über Wagner
Critical models
Aesthetic Theory (International Library of Phenomenology and Moral Sciences)
Minima Moralia, Culture and Materialism, for Marx, Aesthetics and Politics
Philosophy Of New Music
Cultural theory and popular culture
The Complete Correspondence, 1928-1940
History and Freedom
Notes sur la littérature
THE AUTHORITARIAN PERSONALITY. A Volume in Studies in Prejudice Series.
"So müsste ich ein Engel und kein Autor sein"
Komposition für den Film
Philosophische Elemente einer Theorie der Gesellschaft, 1964
Radical Thinkers Set 4
Problems of Moral Philosophy
Erziehung zur Mündigkeit
Autour de la théorie esthétique: Paralipomena
Introduction to Sociology
Correspondance adorno-benjamin 1928-1940
Philosophical Elements of a Theory of Society
The psychological technique of Martin Luther Thomas' radio addresses
Theodor W. Adorno und Alfred Sohn-Rethel
Problems of moral philosophy
Philosophy of Modern Music (Athlone Contemporary European Thinkers Series)
Quasi una Fantasia
Gesellschaftstheorie und Kulturkritik
Briefwechsel, 1927-1969
The Authoritarian Personality
Dream Notes
Musikalische Schriften I-[VI]
Introduction to sociology
Aspects of the New Right-Wing Extremism
Kulturkritik und Gesellschaft
Dialektik der Aufklärung
Mapping Ideology
Nachgelassene Schriften
Negative Dialektik
Thomas Mann and Theodor W. Adorno
Correspondence, 1939 - 1969
The Authoritarian personality
Culture Industry
Teoria Estetica/ Aesthetic Theory
Essai sur Wagner
Zu einer Theorie der musikalischen Reproduktion
Lectures on negative dialectics
Kants "Kritik der reinen Vernunft" (1959)
Challenge of Surrealism
In Search Of Wagner
Berg, der Meister des kleinsten Übergangs
Estetik ve Politika
Probleme der Moralphilosophie (1963)
Broken Music
Die Frankfurter Seminare Theodor W. Adornos
Musikalische Schriften
Dialéctica negativa
Notes to Literature, Volume 2
Teori ve Pratik Uzerine
Philosophie de la nouvelle musique
Notes to Literature, Volume 1
Against epistemology
Dissonanzen. Einleitung in die Musiksoziologie
Théorie esthétique / Theodor W. Adorno ; traduit de l'allemand par Marc Jimenez
Alban Berg
Gesammelte Schriften, Ln, Bd.7, Ästhetische Theorie
Briefwechsel, 1928-1940
Vermischte Schriften
Tri studije o Hegelu
Modèles critiques
Zur Metakritik der Erkenntnistheorie ; Drei Studien zu Hegel
Aspekte des neuen Rechtsradikalismus
Komposition für den Film
The complete correspondance
Kant's 'Critique of Pure Reason'
beaux passages
The Positivist dispute in German sociology
Notes to Literature
New Music
Philosophische Terminologie
Edebiyat Yazilari
The Correspondence of Walter Benjamin, 1910-1940
Towards a Theory of Musical Reproduction
Kants Critique of pure reason, 1959
Notas Sobre Literatura/ Notes To Literature (Basica De Bolsillo)
Dialektik Der Aufklarung
Ts 18085-18673
Current of music
Problems of moral philosophy
Theodor W. Adorno und Elisabeth Lenk
Dialéctica de la Ilustración
Dialéctica de la Ilustración
Aydinlanmanin Diyalektigi
Correspondence, 1943-1955
Esthetique 1958/59
Sur Walter Benjamin
Critical Models: Interventions and Catchwords (European Perspectives: A Series in Social Thought and Cultural Criticism)
Des étoiles à terre : la rubrique astrologique du Los Angeles Times
Aesthetics and politics
Composing for the Films (Athlone Contemporary European Thinkers)
L'Art et les arts
Vorlesung Uber Negative Dialektik
Philosophy of New Music
Essai sur Wagner
Mahler- Una Fisiognomica Musical
Der private Briefwechsel
Introduction to Sociology
Problemy filosofii morali
Philosophy of Modern Music (Athlone Contemporary European Thinkers)
Dialectica Negativa- La Jerga De La Autenticidad / Negative Dialectic-The Jargon of Authenticity
Gesammelte Schriften in zwanzig Bänden
Authoritarian personality and foreign policy
Letters to his Parents
Mots de l'étranger et autres essais
Nachgelassene Schriften. vol. Bd. IV/3
Dialectic of enlightenment
Philosophy of modern music
Edition Suhrkamp, Nr.91, Jargon der Eigentlichkeit
Philosophy of modern music
Versuch, das Endspiel zu verstehen
Problems of Moral Philosophy
Philosophy of Modern Music
Kierkegaard. Konstruktion des Ästhetischen
Cartas A los Padres, 1939-1951 (Testimonios (Paidos))
Composición para el cine / El fiel correpetidor
Composing for the Films (Continuum Impacts)
Epistemologia y ciencias sociales/ Epistemology and Social Sciences (Fronesis)
Jargon de l'authenticité
beaux passages
Philosophische Terminologie. Band 1. Zur Einleitung
Ontologie und Dialektik, 1960-61
Dialectique négative
Sexualidad y crimen
Einführung in die Dialektik
Philosophische Terminologie
Lectures on Negative Dialectics
Without Model
Gesammelte Schriften, Ln, Bd.1, Philosophische Frühschriften
Introdução à sociologia
Die gegängelte Musik
Gesammelte Schriften, Ln, Bd.9, Soziologische Schriften, 2 Tle
Night Music - Essays on Music 1928-1962
Musikalische Schriften 1/3
Philosophische Frühschriften
Terminologie Philosophique I et II
Rüya Kayitlari
Negative Dialektik.
Night Music
Musikalische Schriften 1-[VI]
Adorno. Lote Música
Dream Notes
Actualidad De La Filosofia
Correspondence 1943-1955
Guilt and Defense
Ensayos Sobre La Propaganda Fascista
Gesammelte Schriften
Justificacion de la filosofia
Über einige Relationen zwischen Musik und Malerei
Philosophy of modern music
Problemes de la Philosophie Morale
Alban Berg
Group Experiment and Other Writings
Dialettica dell'individuo
The Authoritarian Personality (Studies in Prejudice)
Terminologia filosofica
Musique de cinéma
Correspondance 1943-1955
Aydinlanmanin Diyalektigi Felsefi Fragmanlar - 1
Ensaios Sobre Psicologia Social e Psicanálise
The Positivist dispute in German sociology
Walter Benjamin Uzerine
Soziologische Schriften
Miscelánea II
Studien zum autoritären Charakter
Filosofia della musica moderna
Aufsätze zur Gesellschaftstheorie und Methodologie
Correspondence 1925-1935
Soziologische Schriften I. (=Theodor W. Adorno: Gesammelte Schriften; Band 8).
Sobre Walter Benjamin (Teorema Serie Menor)
Aspekte der Hegelschen Philosophie
Briefwechsel 1. 1927 - 1937. Eine Kunst- Monographie
Adorno. Lote filosofía
Negative dialectics
Escritos musicales VI
Noten zur Literatur
Briefwechsel 1925-1935
Introducción a la sociología
Einleitung in die Musiksoziologie. Zwölf theoretische Vorlesungen
Werk und Wirken Paul Tillichs eIN gDENKBUCH
Sobre la teoría de la historia y la libertad [Próxima aparición]
Musikalische Schriften 6
Letters to His Parents
Adorno. Lote Estudios Sociológicos
Escritos sociológicos II, 2
Aesthetics and politics
Philosophische Terminologie, Bd. 2. Suhrkamp Taschenbücher Wissenschaft, Nr.50
Der getreue Korrepetitor
Introduction to Sociology
Sound Figures (Meridian: Crossing Aesthetics)
Eingriffe. Neun kritische Modelle
Notes sur la littérature
Critical Models
After Adorno
Suhrkamp Taschenbücher Wissenschaft, Gesammelte Schriften, 20 Bde. in 23 Tl.-Bdn
Current of Music
Dialectique négative
Otoritaryen Kisilik Üzerine
Stars down to Earth
Írások a magyar zenéről
Kultur Endustrisi Kultur Yonetimi
Composing for the Films
Positionen des Dramas
Dream Notes
Beethoven. Une philosophie de la musique
Stars down to Earth and Other Essays on the Irrational in Culture
Introduction to the Sociology of Music
Der Schatz des Indianer-Joe
Theodor W. Adorno: eine Auswahl
Sahicilik Jargonu
Philosophy and Sociology
Gesammelte Schriften Volume Minima Moralia
Briefe an die Eltern 1939-1951
Critical Models
Yeni Sag Radikalizmin Veçheleri ve Geçmisin Islenmesi Ne Demektir ?
Nachgelassene Schriften. Abteilung IV : Vorlesungen : Band 9
Noten Zur Literatur II
Escritos musicales IV
Miscelánea I
Teodor V. Adorno. Izbrannoe
Introduction to Dialectics
Kierkgaard Construccion De Lo Estetico (Artes, Tecnicas Y Metodos)
Nachgelassene Schriften. Abteilung IV : Vorlesungen : Band 3
E stetic eskaja teorija =
Essays on Music
Correspondence 1943-1955
Otoritaryen Kisilik Ustune
Escritos filosóficos tempranos
Le caractère fétiche de la musique
Aspectes de la nova extrema dreta
Trois Etudes Sur Hegel
Escritos Sociologicos / Introduction to Sociology (Basica De Bolsillo / Pocket Basic)
The Authoritarian personality
Gesammelte Und Kulturkritik
Zur Dialektik des Engagements
Gesammelte Schriften, Ln, Bd.20, Vermischte Schriften, 2 Tle
Vorlesungen zur Ästhetik, 1967-68
Metafizik-Kavram ve Sorunlar
Negative Dialectics
Musique de cine ma
Sobre la teoría de la historia y la libertad [Próxima aparición]
Stars down to Earth
Einleitung in die Soziologie (1968)
Prismen : Kulturkritik u. Gesellschaft
Vorlesung zur Einleitung in die Erkenntnistheorie
Textos escolhidos
Current of music
Nervenpunkte der neuen Musik
Negative Dialectics
La ideología como lenguaje
Kulturkritik und Gesellschaft. Prismen. Ohne Leitbild. Eingriffe. Stichworte. Anhang
Towards a Theory of Musical Reproduction
Moments musicaux
Stars down to Earth
Against Epistemology
Trois études sur Hegel
Gesammelte Schriften, Ln, Bd.5, Zur Metakritik der Erkenntnistheorie
Drei Studien zu Hegel
Current of Music
Escritos sociológicos II, vol. 1
Teoria Estetica
Theodor W. Adorno--Erich Doflein Briefwechsel
Ontology and Dialectics
Noten zur Literatur
Ahlak Felsefesinin Sorunlari
Monografías musicales
Escritos musicales I-III
Eingriffe. Sonderausgabe. Neun kritische Modelle
Philosophy of Modern Music
Wagner, prefazione e traduzione di Mario Bortolotto
Vorlesung zur Einleitung in die Soziologie hielt
Lectures on Negative Dialectics
Müzik Yazilari -Bir Secki
Negative Dialectics
Guilt and defense
Die Funktion des Kontrapunkts in der neuen Musik
Stars down to Earth
Philosophical Elements of a Theory of Society
Soziologische Schriften 1
Philosophie und Gesellschaft. Fünf Essays
Perspektiven kritischer Theorie
Against Epistemology
Critique of Pure Reason
Vorlesung über Negative Dialektik
Letters to His Parents
Escritos musicales V
Filosofía y Sociología
Über Walter Benjamin
Versuch über Wagner
Philosophical Elements of a Theory of Society
Culture Industry
Autour de la théorie esthétique
Negative Dialectics
Présences d'Adorno
Philosophy of Modern Music
Lecciones sobre dialéctica negativa
History and Freedom
Negatif Diyalektik
Zur Metakritik der Erkentnistheorie
Nachgelassene Schriften, Bd.13, Zur Lehre von der Geschichte und von der Freiheit
Noten zur Literatur
Gesammelte Schriften, Ln, Bd.18, Musikalische Schriften
Psychoanalyse und Soziologie
Positivist Dispute in German Sociology
Politik, Wissenschaft, Erziehung
Beethoven '70
Konzeption eines Wiener Operntheaters
Soziologische Schriften 2
Aufsätze zur Gesellschaftsstheorie und Methodologie
Philosophie der neuen Musik
Dialectic of Enlightenment
Never again!
Ausgewählte Gedichte
Reaccion Y Progreso Y Otros Ensayos Musicales
La Sociologia della conoscenza
Musikalische Schriften 4. Moments musicaux. Impromptus
Der Positivismusstreit in der deutschen Soziologie
Benjamin, il cinema e i media
Kenʼi shugiteki pāsonariti
Soziologische Schriften I
Teoria estética
Vicisitudes de una relación
Was ist Universität?
Filosofia De La Nueva Musica (Basica De Bolsillo)
Philosophie de la nouvelle musique
Gesammelte Schriften, Ln, Bd.6, Negative Dialektik
Gesammelte Schriften, Ln, Bd.13, Die musikalischen Monographien
Dialettica negativa
Filosofia dell'arte
The stars down to earth
Minima Moralia
Briefe und Briefwechsel
Sobre La Musica
Kranichsteiner Vorlesungen
Zur Metakritik der Erkenntnistheorie
Theodor W. Adorno zum Gedächtnis
Die Botschaft des MERKUR. Eine Anthologie aus fünfzig Jahren der Zeitschrift
Der Positivismusstreit in der deutschen Soziologie
Soziologie zwischen Theorie und Empirie
Dialetica negativa
Beethoven '70
Gesammelte Schriften, Ln, Bd.11, Noten zur Literatur
Arnold Schönberg, Igor Strawinsky
The Authoritarian personality
Bi no riron
Bartók és a szavak
Alban Berg
Dialektik der Aufklärung
La ideología como lenguaje
Dialectic of Enlightenment (Cultural Memory in the Present)
Spätkapitalismus oder Industriegesellschaft?
Die musikalischen Monographien
Tres estudios sobre Hegel
Zum Bildungsbegriff der Gegenwart
Der Tod in der Moderne
Einführung in die Dialektik
Filosofia e simbolismo
Komposition für den Film. Der getreue Korrepetitor
Über Walter Benjamin
Der Positivismusstreit in der deutschen Soziologie
Philosophische Terminologie. Bd. 1. Suhrkamp Taschenbücher Wissenschaft, Nr. 23
Drei Studien zu Hegel
Musikalische Schriften 5
Zur Metakritik der Erkenntnistheorie
Versailles 1919. Aus der Sicht von Zeitzeugen
Gesammelte Schriften, Kt, Bd.19, Musikalische Schriften
Werk und Wirken Paul Tillichs
Philosophy of Modern Music (Philosophy of Modern Music Ppr)
Il Sapere della crisi
Aspekte der Hegelschen Philosophie
Trois études sur Hegel
The Authoritarian personality
Philosophie der neuen Musik
Sechs kurze Orchesterstücke, op. 4 (1929)
Gesammelte Schriften, Ln, Bd.8, Soziologische Schriften
Indústria Cultural
Kritiske modeller
On popular music
' Minima Moralia' neu gelesen
Philosophie und Soziologie (1960)
Aurobindo Ghosh
Aurobindo Ghosh (1872-1950)

poet, translator, philosopher, essayist, literary critic, professor, politician, civil servant, revolutionary, yogi, principal, editor, Vice-principal

  • St Paul's School, University of Cambridge
The mother
Rishi Bunkim Chandra
Tales of prison life
Sri Aurobindo and his ashram
Essays on the Gita
Sri Aurobindo on Indian art
The essential Aurobindo
A greater psychology
The life divine
The essential writings of Sri Aurobindo
The hidden forces of life : selections from the works of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother
A system of national education
The Mind Of Light
Integral Healing
Looking from within
The psychic being
The doctrine of passive resistance
Views and reviews
Of Past Dawns and Future Noons, Towards a Resurgent India
Thoughts and glimpses
Wisdom of the Upanishads
Essays on the Gita
Essays divine and human with thoughts and aphorisms
La Vie divine, tome 1
Foundations of Indian Culture
The Century of Life
The secret of the Veda
Vida Divina, La - Libro III El Conocimiento y La Evolucion Espiritual
Future Evolution of Man US Edition
The Life Divine
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri
Letters on yoga (vol. 2)
Secret of the Veda, New U.S. Edition
Vedic symbolism
Essays on the Gita
Gems from Sri Aurobindo
The foundations of Indian culture
Hymns to the Mystic Fire
The synthesis of yoga
The essential Aurobindo
Life Divine - U.S. Edition
Autobiographical notes and other writings of historical interest
The brain of India
The mind of light
Essential Writings of Sri Aurobindo
The future evolution of man
Sri Aurobindo
Sri Aurobindo, a contemporary reader
Gems from Sri Aurobindo
Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo
The foundations of Indian Culture
The synthesis of yoga
La Vie divine, tome 4
'... This sheer creative ananda of the life-spirit which is Shakespeare'
Wisdom of the Gita
Dārśanika śabdāvali
Ideas and Ideals
The message of the Gita
Yogī Aravinda kī divya vāṇī
La Vida Divina Libro II la Conciencia Infinita y la Ignoranca
Record of Yoga
Collected Plays & Short Stories
Set of Gems from Sri Aurobindo/4 vol
L synthèse des Yoga. Le Yoga de la connaissance intégrale, le Yoga de l'amour divin, tome 2
Ideal Of Human Unity, US Edition
The problem of rebirth
The Ideal Of The Karmayogin
Le Guide du yoga
Essays on the Gita
La synthèse des yoga. Le Yoga des oeuvres, tome 1
Indias rebirth: Out of the ruins of the West
Letters on Yoga, Vol.I
The integral yoga
The life divine
Meditations on Savitri
Future Poetry
Les fondements de la culture indienne
Secret of the Veda, the Indian Edition
Bases of yoga
Essai sur la Guîtâ. 1, L'instructeur divin
Kena Upanishad [by] Sri Aurobindo
On himself
The synthesis of yoga
Essays on the Gita
Atimanasanī sādhanā
Key to Vedic symbolism
Yoga and its objects
Letters on Yoga, Vol.III
Collected Poems
Vedic Symbolism
The destiny of man
Kaskaden des Lichts
Gems from Sri Aurobindo, 2nd Series
Hour of God
The significance of Indian art
Bases of Yoga
The foundations of Indian culture
More lights on yoga
The Upanishads
Wenn die Seele singt
Future Poetry
Synthesis of Yoga, US Edition
The life divine
The Mother - US Edition
Bases of yoga
Isha Upanishad
Letters on Poetry, Literature and Art
L' interprétation psychologique du Veda selon Shri Aurobindo
The Human cycle
Future Evolution of Man
Hymns to the Mystic Fire, 1st US Edition
The Synthesis of Yoga
On the Veda
Baji Prabhou
The significance of Indian art
Sri Aurobindo Selected Writings Software CD ROM
The human cycle
The problem of rebirth
A Greater Psychology
Essays on the Gita
Eternal Wisdom
Sri Aurobindo's "Primary Works" Set,US Edition 12 Vols
Vyasa and Valmiki
Essays on the Gita, New U.S. Paperback Ed
Zhou tian ji
Kena Upanishad
The Bhagavadgita
The Upanishads, 1st US Edition
Evening talks with Sri Aurobindo
Secret of the Veda
Renaissance et karma
Human Cycle, Psychology of Social Development, US Edition
Sri Aurobindo on Himself
Hymns to the mystic fire
New lamps for old
No words-acts
The secret of the veda
The Upanishads
Essai sur la Guîtâ II
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo
The hour of God
Sri Aurobindo on Indian Art
Growing within
The national value of art
Gems from Sri Aurobindo, 4th Series
Letters on yoga, vol. 3
Bal Gangadhar Tilak, his writings and speeches
War and self-determination
The riddle of this world
The life divine
Bhavani bharati
Pensées et Aphorismes, tome 2
Lights on Yoga
Nationalism, religion, and beyond
Guide to the Upanishads
Essays Divine and Human
Trois Upanishads: Ishâ, Kena, Mundaka
La Vida Divina/ the Life Divine
Guide to the Upanishads
The Uttarapara speech of Sri Aurobindo Ghose
Expériences psychiques dans le yoga
The Penguin Sri Aurobindo reader
The ideal of the Karmayogin
Lights on Yoga
The message of the Gita
On Women
Essays On The Gita 1944
Integral Yoga
Records of Yoga
Thoughts and Aphorisms
A practical guide to integral yoga
De la Grèce à l'Inde ..
Sri Aurobindo
Aravinda Bābūcĩ̄ āpalyā patnīsa patrẽ
Ueber Sich Selbst
Savitri unveiled
Savitri a Legend and a Symbol
The life divine
Gems From Sri Aurobindo, 1st Series
Supramental Manifestation Upon Earth
Love treasures
Wisdom of the Gita, 2nd Series
Letters on Yoga, Vol.II
The synthesis of yoga
Messages of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother
Birth centenary library
The Life Divine V2
Sri Aurobindo-The Hour Of God
The Human Cycle, Ideal of Human Unity, War and Self Determination
The Mother with Letters on the Mother (Guidance from Sri Aurobindo)
The Life Divine V1
Life, literature, yoga
Isha Upanishad
La Bhagavad-Gita
More lights on yoga
Thoughts and glimpses
Letters of Sri Aurobindo
A gateway to Sri Aurobindo's thoughts
Lettres sur le Yoga, tome 1
Uttarpara speech
On Himself
The Upanishads, with Sanskrit text, English translation and commentary
The ideal of human unity
On Physical Education
Pensées et Aphorismes, tome 1
Der integrale Yoga
Science and culture
La synthèse des Yoga. Le Yoga de la perfection de Soi, tome 3
Glossary of terms in Sri Aurobindo's writings
On Yoga, I
On the Veda
Sri Aurobindo on English poets
Bases of Yoga
Six poèmes
The Secret of the Veda
The Life Divine
Poems, past & present
Views and reviews
Bhagavad gita and its message
The Mother
Letter on Yoga
Conversations avec Pavitra
Bhārata o tāhāra bhabishyat
Letters on yoga
Bhagavad Gita in Light of Sri Aurobindo
Sri Aurobindo on Himself
The Upanishads
The brain of India
The Supramental Manifestation & Other Writings
Letters on poetry, literature, and art
Letters on yoga
Sri Aurobindo on himself and on The Mother
Manifestation supramentale
The superman
The Renaissance in India and Other Essays on Indian Culture
More Lights on Yoga
Essays on the Gita
Savitri; a legend and a symbol
Sintesis del Yoga 3
Mother, the Indian Edition
The Upanishads-part One
The Yoga & Its Objects
The chariot of Jagannatha
Collected poems
The Superman
The teaching of Sri Aurobindo
A Journey from Politics to Yoga ; From the Early Political Writing of Sri Aurobindo
Love Treasures
The synthesis of Yoga
The Riddle of This World
The Human Cycle
Lights on life-problems
Our many selves
The Philosophy of the Upanishads
Psychic Education
Letters of Sri Aurobindo (on poetry and literature) Third series
Thoughts and aphorisms
On Yoga
The complete works of Sri Aurobindo
The mother of radiances
The message and mission of Indian culture
L'Idéal de l'unité humaine
le Cycle humain
Lights on Yoga
The Problem of Rebirth
Glos. of Terms in Sri Aurobindo's Writings
Pensées et aphorismes
Vedic glossary
The renaissance in India
Light for Students
Métaphysique et psychologie
Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on physical education
More lights on yoga
Foundations of Indian Culture
Songs to Myrtilla
Powers within
The Human Cycle; The Ideal of Human Unity; War and Self-Determination
On Yoga, II
Sri Aurobindo on social sciences and humanities for the new age
Mother, With Letters on the Mother and Translations of Prayers and Meditations
Yu jia di ji chu
The Problem of Rebirth
Der Integrale Yoga
Hymns to the Mystic Fire
The supramental manifestation upon earth
On Yoga, 2
Light to superlight
The human cycle ; The ideal of human unity ; War and self-determination
Sri Aurobindo and The Mother on education
The spirit and form of Indian polity
On Yoga
La Aventura de La Consciencia
Thoughts and Glimpses
Integral education
Reason and beyond reason
Vedic glossary
Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on love
Collected Poems, the Complete Poetical Works
Śrī Aravindara upadēśa
Letters on Yoga
On yoga II: letters on yoga
Collected plays and short stories
The future poetry
Letters of Sri Aurobindo
Isha Upanishad
Sri Aurobindo
Swami Dayanand Saraswati
The phantom hour
La Vie divine
On women
Six poems of Sri Aurobindo
Hymns to the Mystic Fire (Tr. from San)
Collected poems and plays
A system of national education
Future Poetry and Letters on Poetry, Literature, Art
The Durga Stotra
Synthesis of Yoga, the India Edition
Ideal and progress
The Renaissance in India
The national value of art
Words of the Mother
Trois Upanishads (Isha, Kena, Mundaka)
L'Isha Upanishad
Hymns to the Mystic Fire
Ideal and progress
Uttarpara speech of Sri Aurobindo
War and self-determination
The synthesis of yoga
Sri Aurobindo birth centenary souvenir
Eight Upanishads
Isha Upanishad
Evening talks with Sri Aurobindo, third series
Letters of Sri Aurobindo
Man--slave or free?
Evening talks with Sri Aurobindo
"Sāvitrī" nā kāvyakhaṇḍo
Emergence of the psychic
The destiny of man
Sri Aurobindo
Essays on the Gita
The supramental manifestation upon earth
On the Veda
Collected poems and plays
On nationalism
Helping Humanity
Prières et méditations de la Mère
Rebirth and Karma
The ideal of the karmayogin ...
Letters of Sri Aurobindo on the mother
On nationalism
The riddle of this world
Lumieres sur le yoga et Les bases du yoga
Aravindara patragaḷu
Dukhovnai͡a ėvoli͡ut͡sii͡a cheloveka
The synthesis of yoga
Towards eternity; Sri Aurobindo birth centenary volume, 15th August 1972
Ideal and progress
Letters on Yoga
Last poems
The foundations of Indian culture
The Hierarchy of Minds
The ideal of human unity
Sri Aurobindo, 1872-1972
Views and reviews
Hymns to the Mystic Fire
Hymns to the mystic fire
The life divine
Trois Upanishads (Isha, Kena, Mundaka)
Considerazioni e pensieri
Sri Aurobindo
The national value of art
Hymns to the mystic fire
Lumières sur le Yoga et Les bases du yoga
Springs of Indian wisdom: Aurobindo, Gandi, Hitopadesa, Ramakrishna, Tagore
The renaissance in India
The life divine
The message and mission of India
A Practical Guide to Integral Yoga
The life divine
La manifestation supramentale sur la terre
Sri Aurobindo and the new thought in Indian politics
Sämtliche Werke ...
A system of national education (some preliminary ideas)
Metaphysique et Psychologie
Springs of Indian wisdom
Sanskrit citations in The life divine
L'Isha Upanishad
The mother
Poems from Bengali
Prayers and meditations of the mother
Songs to Myrtilla
The spirit and form of Indian polity
The city of dawn
On Yoga
Bhagavad Gita (la)
Thoughts and glimpses
Hymns to the Mystic Fire
Auroville, the city the earth needs
The human cycle
James Russell Lowell
James Russell Lowell (1819-1891)

poet, diplomat, essayist, literary critic, journalist, pedagogue, publisher

  • Harvard Law School, Harvard College
My study windows
The United States in Literature [with three long stories] -- Seventh Edition
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--The American Experience
A Subtreasury of American Humor
The United States in Literature -- The Glass Menagerie Edition
Mark Twain's Library of Humor
Among my books
The United States in Literature
The United States in Literature -- All My Sons Edition
The complete poetical works of James Russell Lowell
The vision of Sir Launfal
Latest literary essays and addresses of James Russell Lowell
Letters of James Russell Lowell
The anti-slavery papers of James Russell Lowell
The Biglow papers
A fable for critics
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--The American Experience
The function of the poet and other essays
Fireside Travels
Fireside travels
The poetical works of James Russell Lowell
Political essays
My Study Windows
The old English dramatists
The Oxford Book of American Essays
The writings of James Russell Lowell
The English poets
The Earlier Essays of James Russell Lowell
The poetical works of James R. Lowell
The cathedral
The early poems of James Russell Lowell
Selected literary essays
Latest literary essays and addresses
Under the willows
James Russell Lowell's The Biglow papers
Literary essays
The poetical works of Joames Russell Lowell
Poetical works
Literary and political addresses
Conversations on some of the old poets
James Russell Lowell's Vision of Sir Launfal
Poems of James Russell Lowell: Containing The Vision of Sir Launfal, A Fable ..
The English poets, Lessing, Rousseau
The Vision of Sir Launfal and Other Poems
Democracy and Other Addresses
Among My Books: Second Series
A Moosehead journal
The Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell
Poems of James Russell Lowell
Literary and Political Addresses
A fable for critics, or, better, A glance at a few of our literary progenies from the tub of Diogenes
Selected literary essays from James Russell Lowell
Melibœus-Hipponax: The Biglow papers. Second series
Anti-slavery papers
Latest literary essays [and] The old English dramatists
The Vision of Sir Launfal
Three memorial poems
Reader! Walk Up at Once (it Will Soon be Too Late) and Buy at a Perfectly Ruinous Rate a Fable ..
Odes, Lyrics and Sonnets from the Poetic Works of James Russell Lowell
A Moosehead Journal: My Garden Acquaintance. A Good Word for Winter ..
The Rose
Impressions of Spain
The Vision of Sir Launfal, Under the Old Elm, and Other Poems: With a Biographical Sketch and ..
On democracy
Impressions of Spain Comp. by Joseph B. Gilder, with an introd. by A.A. Adee
Four American Poems - Vier amerikanische Gedichte
Early prose writings of James Russell Lowell
Among My Books
The beggar ; Forgetfulness
Among My Books
The writings of James Russell Lowell in prose ..
The round table
Literary essays
New letters of James Russell Lowell
The independent in politics
Books and libraries
The works of James Russell Lowell
A year's life
Lectures on English poets
Early poems
Democracy, and other addresses
Essays - English and American - Volume 28
The courtin'
Among my books
My garden acquaintance and A good word for winter
The writings of James Russell Lowell
The power of sound
Literary essays
Democracy, and other papers
Early prose writings, with a prefactory note by Dr. Hale, of Boston, and an introd. by Walter Littlefield
Under the old elm
The old English dramatists
A Fable For Critics Or, Better, A Glance At A Few Of Our Literary Progenies
Rousseau and the Sentimentalists
Under the Old Elm: And Other Poems
The Poetical Works of James R. Lowell ...: Complete in Two Volumes
The English Poets: Lessing, Rousseau: Essays
The Anti-Slavery Papers of James Russell Lowell V2
The vision of Sir Launfal
Poems of James Russell Lowell, with biographical sketch by Nathan Haskell Dole
Fireside travels
Biglow Papers (Series 2)
Last poems
The Anti-Slavery Papers of James Russell Lowell V1
Among My Books, First Series
My garden acquaintance ; A good word for winter ; A Moosehead journal ; [At sea]
The Vision of Sir Launfal and Other Poems
John Dryden
Lowell gems
The function of the poet
James Russell Lowell
The poetical works of James R. Lowell: Complete in Two Volumes. Volume I[-II]
Richard the third and the primrose criticism
Shakespeare Once More
Lowell's Fireside travels
My study windows
The Early Poems of James Russell Lowell Including The Bigelow Papers
Mason and Slidell
Poems by Oliver Wendell Holmes and James Russell Lowell
Heartsease and rue
The Function of the Poet and Other Essays
Latest literary essays and addresses of James Russell Lowell
Letters Of James Russell Lowell V2
The rose
Reader! walk up at once (it will soon be too late) and buy at a perfectly ruinous rate A fable for critics
Political essays
Pleural effusions
The complete writings of James Russell Lowell
Odes, lyrics and sonnets from the poetic works of James Russell Lowell
The Earlier Essays Of James Russell Lowell
Two essays of James Russell Lowell
Songs of Freedom
Under the willows, and other poems
A year's life
Poems, containing The vision of Sir Launfal, A fable for critics, The Biglow papers, Under the willows and other poems
Literary Essays III
Political Essays
American ideas for English readers
The Courtin
Lectures on English Poets
Latest literary essays and addresses : old English dramatists
Poetical works, including the Biglow papers
Poetical works of James Russell Lowell, including the Biglow papers, with prefatory memoir, notes, glossary, etc
Uncollected poems
Selections from the writings of James Russell Lowell
Three Memorial Poems
Four poems
A Fable for Critics
Heartsease and Rue
The President's policy
Essays on the English Poets
Literary essays
Literary criticism of James Russell Lowell
Lowell's Vision of Sir Launfal, and other poems
Poetry Class Poem
My Study Windows
The writings of James Russell Lowell in prose and poetry
The Lowell birthday-book ..
A Legend of Brittany and Other Miscellaneous Poems and Sonnets
A Fable for critics
The Complete Poetical Works
The vision of Sir Launfal
Poems of James Russell Lowell
My Study Windows
Uncollected poems of James Russell Lowell
Lowell's prose works
The North American Review
Biglow Papers, The - 1st Series
New letters
Gems from Lowell
The poetical works of James Russel Lowell
Political essays
Prose-Conversations on Some of the Old Poets
Fireside Travels
Democracy and Other Addresses
Lowell day by day
The function of the poet
My garden acquaintance
Among My Books (3,4,5 Volumes)
The Biglow papers
Latest Literary Essays and Addresses
My study windows
James Russell Lowell
Early poems
Among My Books
The President's policy
A Years Life
Poetical works of James Russell Lowell including the Biglow papers
Proceedings at the Presentation of a Portrait of John Greenleaf Whittier to Friends' School ...
Mr. Lowell's Last poems
James Russell Lowell's The Biglow papers, first series
My study windows
The vision of Sir Launfal
The Biglow Papers
Among My Books
The Cathedral
Last Poems
Fireside travels
Lowell's The vision of Sir Launfal
Representative selections
Four Poems
The Biglow Papers
Anti-slavery papers
The writings in prose and poetry
Democracy, and other addresses
The complete poetical works of James Russell Lowell
An Indian summer reverie
The North American Review
Early poems
Ode recited at the Harvard commemoration, July 21, 1865
Favorite poems
The pioneer
The North American Review
The works of James Russell Lowell
The North American Review
Books and libraries
The Cablenews-American
The North American Review
The Biglow papers
The North American Review
The North American Review
Ode recited at the commemoration of the living and dead soldiers of Harvard University, July 21, 1865
Literary essays IV
A souvenir of J. R. Lowell: eight etchings on Japanese paper
The complete poetical works
The Biglow papers
The election in November
Poems III
The North American Review
Odes, lyrics, and sonnets from the poetic works of James Russell Lowell
The North American Review
James Russell Lowell
The Biglow papers
New letters of James Russell Lowell
Complete poetical works
Literary essays I
Essays, poems and letters
The Biglow papers
Reader! walk up at once-it will soon be too late-and buy at a perfectly ruinous rate A fable for critics
Literary criticism ..
The rose
Poems ...
Conversations on some of the old poets
The vision of Sir Launfal, and other poems
The Biglow papers
Poems I
Among my books. 1st and 2d ser
Latest literary essays and addresses of James Russell Lowell
The courtin' / by James Russell Lowell ; illustrated by Winslow Homer
The present crisis
Last poems of James Russell Lowell
Among my books
The North American Review
Class poem
The North American Review
Complete works
The vision of Sir Launfal
Fireside travels
Among my books
Biglow Papers (Series 1)
The anti-slavery papers of James Russell Lowell
Reader! walk up at once (it will soon be too late) and buy at a perfectly ruinious rate A fable for critics
Early poems
Proceedings at the dedication of the new library building, Chelsea, Mass., December 22, 1885
The Biglow papers
Conversations on some of the old poets
Lowell leaflets
Reader! walk up at once (it will soon be too late) and buy at a perfectly ruinous rate
Poems of James R. Lowell
Poems by James Russell Lowell
Among my books
Selected literary essays from James Russell Lowell
My study windows
The vision of Sir Launfal...
Literary essays
The function of the poet
A fable for critics, or, better, (I like, as a thing that the reader's first fancy may strike, an old-fashioned title-page, such as presents a tabular view of the volume's contents) A glance at a few of our literary progenies (Mrs. Malaprop's word) from The tub of Diogenes, a vocal and musical medley. That is, a series of jokes
The poetical works of James Russell Lowell
Poems II
The vision of Sir Launfal and other poems
Poems of James Russell Lowell
Poems by James Russell Lowell
Lectures on English poets
Ode recited at the Harvard Commemoration, July 21, 1865
The North American Review
The complete poetical works
Address before the Modern Language Association of America, 1889
The English poets
The early poems of James Russell Lowell
Abraham Lincoln
My study window
Reader! walk up at once (it will soon be too late) and buy at a perfectly ruinous rate A fable for critics
Cambridge in the centennial
Early poems
James Russell Lowell's Vision of Sir Launfal
Letters of James R. Lowell
My garden acquaintance