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literary critics who wrote biography
Showing 425-432 out of 514 results
Carlos Montemayor
Carlos Montemayor (1947-2010)

linguist, translator, poet, literary critic, opera singer

  • National Autonomous University of Mexico
Encuentros en Oaxaca
La fuga
Los Mas Bellos Poemas de Amor
Blood relations
Las armas de alba
Rehacer la historia
Arte y trama en el cuento indígena
Mal de piedra
Los pueblos indios de México hoy
Arte Y Plegaria En Las Lenguas Indigenas De Mexico
Los informes secretos
Los tarahumaras
La guerrilla recurrente
La Violencia De Estado En Mxico Antes Y Despus De 1968
Arte y plegaria en las lenguas indígenas de México
La literatura actual en las lenguas indígenas de México
Words of the true peoples
El cuento indígena de tradición oral
Tres contemporáneos, (Jorge Cuesta, José Gorostiza, Gilberto Owen)
Arte y composición en los rezos sacerdotales mayas
Words of the true peoples
Abril y otras estaciones, 1977-1989
Los poemas de Tsin Pau
La tormenta y otras historias
Los más bellos poemas de amor en lengua española
Las humanidades en el siglo XXI y la privatización del conocimiento
La rébellion indigène du Mexique
Minas del retorno
Las Mujeres Del Alba
La agricultura y la tradición oral indígena
Obras reunidas
Poesía, 1977-1994
Los Escritores indígenas actuales
Abril, y otros poemas
Historia de un poema
Chiapas, la rebelión indígena de México
Los mayas y sus raíces de agua
Guerra En El Paraiso
Efraín Huerta
Memoria del verano
Apuntes cervantinos hispanoamericanos
La voz profunda
La tradición literaria en los escritores mexicanos
Las llaves de Urgell
Los Pueblos Indios De México Hoy (Audiolibros)
Antología personal
Conversaciones con Águeda Lozano
Las armas del viento
Los más bellos poemas de amor en lengua española
El alba y otros cuentos
U túumben k'aayilo'ob x-ya'axche'
Nueve poetas mexicanos
Operativo en el trópico, o, El árbol de la vida de Stephen Mariner
Los dioses perdidos y otros ensayos
Letras mayas contempor©Łneas
Maya dziibo'ob bejla'e
La fuga
Análisis de nahuatlismos polémicos
El oficio literario
Situación actual y perspectivas de la literatura en lenguas indígenas
Los tarahumaras: pueblo de estrellas y barrancas
William H. Gass
William H. Gass (1924-2017)

military officer, journalist, essayist, literary critic, critic

  • Ohio Wesleyan University, Cornell University
Reading Rilke
3 essays
Über Robert Walser
Literary St. Louis
The world within the word
Cartesian Sonata
The Tunnel
In the heart of the heart of the country & other stories
Life sentences
On being blue
Cartesian sonata and other novellas
Habitations of the Word
A temple of texts
Finding a form
Tests of time
Omensetter's Luck
Willie Masters' lonesome wife
Conversations with William H. Gass
Fiction and the figures of life
Omensetter's luck
Willie Masters' Lonesome Wife (American Literature (Dalkey Archive))
In the Heart of the Heart of the Country & Other Stories (Nonpareil Books, #21)
Au coeur du coeur de ce pays
The writer and religion
The dual muse
Life sentences
Middle C
Review of Contemporary Fiction
The first winter of my married life
A defense of the book
On being blue
Fiction and the figures of life
En el corazón del corazón del país
Omensetter's luck; a novel
The world within the word
The writer in politics
In the heart of the heart of the country, and other stories
A philosophical investigation of metaphor
Middle C
Lev Grossman
Lev Grossman (born 1969)

journalist, literary critic

  • Harvard University, Harvard College
Dangerous Women
The Magicians
Other Worlds Than These
Unfettered III: New Tales By Masters of Fantasy
the magicians land
The Magician King
Dangerous Women 2
The Magician'S Land
El Codice Secreto
La tierra del mago
Magician King
When I first held you
The Magicians Original Graphic Novel
Small Blows Against Encroaching Totalitarianism
The Silver Arrow
The Magician's Land
The Magicians Trilogy Boxed Set
El bosque mágico
Magicians Bk. 1
The magician king
Golden Swift
Kraina czarodzieja
Magician's Land : (Book 3)
Fillory. Tom 2. Król magii
El bosque mágico
Magician King : (Book 2)
Golden Swift
El códice secreto
Magician King : (Book 2)
Los magos
Büyücü Kral
Map of Tiny Perfect Things
Bright Sword
Codex, le manuscrit oublié
Flecha Plateada
Silver Arrow
El bosque magico
La flecha plateada
Tierra del Mago
Fillory - die Zauberer
Golden Swift 5c (B4G1) Solid Prepack
Magician's Land
Magician's Land : (Book 3)
Grossman Tie-In 18-Copy Mixed Floor Display
Literary Wonderlands
Magicians : (Book 1)
Mapa de Los Instantes Perfectos
Silver Arrow
Büyücünün Diyari
Kraina czarodzieja
Król magii
The Bright Sword: A Novel of King Arthur
Magician King
El bosque mágico
Gümüs Ok
El códice secreto
Les magiciens, Tome 3 : La terre du magicien
The Masters Review
Emilia Pardo Bazán
Emilia Pardo Bazán (1851-1921)

essayist, literary critic, journalist, salonnière, poet, editor, gastronomist

Cuadros religiosos
San Francisco de Asis (siglo XIII)
Los Pazos de Ulloa
El lirismo en la poesía francesa
san francisco de asis
Un poco de crítica
"The white horse" and other stories
Si las mujeres mandasen
UN Destripador De Antano (Relatos Cortos - Short Stories)
Bucólica y otras novelas
Certámen literatio en conmemoración del segundo centenario del nacimiento de Fray Benito ..
Poesías inéditas u olvidadas
Viajes por Europa
Obra crítica (1888-1908)
Un Destripador De Antano Y Otros Cuentos
La piedra angular
La mujer española y otros articulos feministas
Cuentos de navidad y reyes
Obras Completas
Memorias de un solterón
Russia: its people and its literature
Cuentos de antaño
La Tribuna
El cisne de Vilamorta
Obras completas
La gota de sangre / The  Drop of Blood
El encaje roto y otros cuentos
Obras escogidas
Cuentos Fantasticos / Fantastic Stories (Cuentos De Autores Españoles / Stories of Spanish Authors)
La mujer española y otros articulos feministas
Cuarenta días en la Exposiciòn
The tribune of the people
Cuentos de amores
La última fada
Cuentos de Marineda
La madre naturaleza
Cuentos y novelas de la tierra
La Quimera
Un viaje de novios
La vida contemporánea
La cocina española antigua
Error de Diagnostico
La Mujer Española Y Otros Escritos (Feminismos)
San Francisco De Asis
Cuentos I
La cocina española antigua (Coleccion Arte cibaria)
First Love And Other Fascinating Stories of Spanish Life
Cuentos Dramaticos
El Abanico
Historia y Cuentos de Galicia
Le naturalisme ...
Cuentos de la Patria
Las setas y otros cuentos
Mi Romeria
Cuentos Sacroprofanos
Algo de feminismo y otros escritos combativos
La literatura francesa moderna
The Love-Makers
Cuentos II
Una cristiana (Diferencias / Differences)
Las Cutres
Cartas de La Condesa en el Diario de la Marina de La Habana, Cuba (1909-1921)
The mystery of the lost dauphin (Louis XVII)
La sirena negra
Cuentos de Mujeres Valientes
Teoría del sistema absoluto
La vida contemporanea
Dulce dueño
The Son of the Bondwoman
Obras completas
Cuentos de Navidad y Ano Nuevo
Cuentos Tragicos
Cuentos de terruno
Short stories
Los Franciscanos y Colón
La cocina española antigua
Le naturalisme
La maga primavera y otros cuentos
El lirismo en la poesía francesa
Cuentos Antiguos
Una cristiana
Emilia Pardo Bazan
First Love (Little Blue Book #1195)
Cartas a Benito Pérez Galdós (1889-1890)
Stories Of Spanish Life
El P. Luis Coloma
Cuarenta días en la Exposiciòn
Obras completas (novelas y cuentos)
Cuentos IV
Cuentos De Antano/ Old Days Stories
Midsummer Madness
Cuentos de la Tierra
Cuentos de mujeres
Le cuestion palpitante
Storie e Racconti Della Galizia
Cuentos trágicos
Los pazos de Ulloa. Nota preliminar de F. S. R
La mujer española y otros escritos
El Abanico
Morrina la ultima fada
San Francisco de Asís (siglo XIII)
Arco iris
Dulce sueño
La revolucibon y la novela en Rusia
Crónicas en La nación de Buenos Aires, 1909-1921
Los misterios de Selva
Souvenirs d'un Bachelor
"Cartas de la condesa" en el Diario de la Marina (La Habana, 1909-1915)
La obra periodística completa en La Nación de Buenos Aires, 1879-1921
“Miquiño mío”
Obras completas
Histoires D'amour
Pascual López
La mujer española y otros artículos feministas
La vida contemporánea (1896-1915)
Un destripador de antaño y otros relatos
Destripador de Antaño
La dama joven
Cuentos I
Belcebú y otras novelas cortas
Dulce Sueño
Historias y cuentos de Galicia
Cuentos Tragicos
Histórias e Contos Da Galiza
Mis mejores cuentas (novelas breves)
"Náufragas" y otros cuentos
El Indulto
Obras completas de Emilia Pardo Baza n ..
Cuentos sacro-profanos
Cuentos II
Teatro completo
Memorias de un solteron
El tesoro de Gaston
Cuentos de Amor
Cuentos trágicos
La leyenda de la Pastoriza
Un destripador de antaño
Cocina española antigua y moderna
Un destripador de antaño
El vestido de boda
Histoires de Noël et du Nouvel An
Ricordi Di un Bachelor
Al pie de la torre Eiffel
La mujer española y otros escritos
Tribune of the People
Bir Balayi Yolculugu
La mujer española y otros escritos
La cita y otros cuentos de terror
Cartas de la condesa en el Diario de la Marina de La Habana, Cuba (1909-1921)
Cuentos de Navidad y Reyes
Lecciones de literatura
La suerte
Cuentos Sacroprofanos
Secret of the yew tree
Cuentos/critica literaria (seleccion)
Cocina española antigua y moderna
El niño de Guzmán
Un destripador de antaño y otros cuentos
De mi tierra
Cuentos nuevos
En tranvia
Hernán Cortés y sus hazañas
Doña Milagros
El señor doctoral
MÈre Nature
La gota de sangre
La revolución y la novela en Rusia
Cuentos de Marineda
El vidrio roto
Viajes por España
Aficiones peligrosas
DOS Historias Amorosas
San Francisco de Asis
Cuentos sangrientos
Sirena negra
Cuesta Abajo
Geschichten und Geschichten Aus Galicien
First Love and Other Fascinating Stories of Spanish Life
Un destripador de antano y otros cuentos (El Libro de bolsillo ; 576 : Seccion literatura)
El saludo de las brujas
La aventura de Isidro
Nuevos cuentos recopilados de Emilia Pardo Bazán
La gota de sangre (Clasicos de evasion)
Prueba : (Segunda Parte de una Cristiana)
Cuentos policiacos
Mother Nature
Erinnerungen Eines Bachelors
Cuentos de mujeres valientes
La prueba
La resucitada y otros relatos
Temprano y con sol
Le naturalisme
Cuentos de terruno (Spanish Edition)
Miquiño mío
Los mejores cuentos
Cuentos trágicos
Un destripador de antaño y otros cuentos
Adan y Eva (Ciclo): Doña Milagros
Novelas ejemplares; Un drama
Midsummer madness
Novelas ejemplares; Los tres arcos de Cirilo
Un destripador de antaño
Obras completas (novelas y cuentos)
Cuentos fantásticos
Obras completas (novelas y cuentos)
Mis mejores cuentos (novelas breves)
Arco iris, cuentos
Cuentos de la tierra
Insolación y Morriña
Cuentos dramáticos
Insolación; y Morriña
A wedding trip
Obras completas
La sirena negra
Emilia Pardo Bazán
Cuentos de la Galicia antigua
Cuentos de amor
Cartas inéditas a Emilia Pardo Bazán (1878-1883)
Cuentos sacro-profanos
Obras escogidas
En tranvía
El folk-lore gallego en 1884-85
Cuentos de invierno
Andrei Bely
Andrei Bely (1880-1934)

poet, autobiographer, playwright, literary critic, philosopher, critic, poetry study, illustrator

  • Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Moscow Imperial University
Mezhdu dvukh revoli͡u︡t͡s︡iĭ
Na rubezhe dvukh stoletiǐ
Nachalo veka =
Perepiska, 1902-1932
Pami͡a︡ti Aleksandra Bloka
Vospominanii͡a︡ o Bloke
Izbrannai︠a︡ proza
I͡A︡ byl mezh vas--
Perepiska, 1928-1933
"Vash ryt︠s︡arʹ"
Verwandeln des Lebens
Pochemu i͡a︡ stal simvolistom i pochemu i͡a︡ ne perestal im bytʹ vo vsekh fazakh moego ideĭnogo i khudozhestvennogo razvitii͡a︡
Mezhdu dvukh revoli︠u︡t︠s︡iĭ
Na rubezhe dvukh stoletiĭ
Vospominanii︠a︡ o Shteĭnere
Vospominani|i|a o Shteĭnere
Pami︠a︡ti Aleksandra Bloka
Na rubezhe dvukh stoletiĭ
Andreĭ Belyĭ
Серебряный голубь
St. Petersburg
The christened Chinaman
Korolevna i rytsari
Kotik Letaev
Simvolizm kak miroponimanie
Gibel' senatora (Peterburg)
First Encounter
Pervoe svidanie
Masterstvo Goglya
Kritika, ėstetika, teoriya simvolizma
Na rubezhe dvukh stoletii =
Kreshchenyĭ kitaet︠s︡
Stikhi o Rossii
Ritm kak dialektika i "Mednyǐ vsadnik"
Lug zelenyi
The dramatic symphony
Mezhdu dvukh revolutsii =
Masterstvo Gogoli͡a
Odna iz obiteleĭ t︠s︡arstva teneĭ =
Reminiscences of Rudolf Steiner
Vozvrashchen'e na rodinu = Returning home
Pervoe svidanie
Selected essays of Andrey Bely
Simvolizm. Der Symbolismus
The dramatic symphony ; The forms of art
Posle razluki
Tragediia tvorchestva
Zapiski chudaka =
Kotik Letaev
Vospominaniia ob Aleksandre Aleksandroviche Bloke =
Kotik Letaev
Sirin uchenogo varvarstva
Serebrianyi golub
Vospominaniya ob Aleksandre Bloke =
Serebryanyi golub'
Kotik Letaev
Na rubezhe dvukh stoletii =
Vospominaniya ob Aleksandre Aleksandroviche Bloke
Vozvrashchen'e na rodinu = Returning home
St. Petersburg
Staryĭ Arbat
Lug zelenyĭ
Vozvrashchenʹe na rodinu =
[Gibelʹ senatora
Na rubezhe dvukh stoletii
Nachalo veka
Andreĭ Belyĭ i Ivanov-Razumnik--perepiska
Mezhdu dvukh revolyutsii
Revoli͡u︡t͡s︡ii͡a︡ i kulʹtura
In the kingdom of shadows
Stikhotvoreniia i poemy
" Vash ryt︠s︡arʹ"
Petersburg (Russian Classics) (in Russian)
Tragedi︠i︡a tvorchestva: Dostoevskiĭ i Tolstoĭ. Dostoevsky and Tolstoy
Stikhotvorenii︠a︡ ipoėmy v 2 tt
Serebrianyi golub
Symbolismus, Anthroposophie
Nachalo veka =
Kak my pishem
Zapiski chudaka =
Moskovskiĭ alʹmanakh
Sochineniya v dvukh tomakh
Kak my pishem
Selected essays of Andrey Bely
Gogol's artistry
Dusha samosoznai︠u︡shchai︠a︡
"Vse mysli dli︠a︡ vykhoda v svet - zaperty"
"...nicht anders als über die Seele des anderen"
Zhizni gibelʹnoĭ pozhar
Simvolizm kak miroponimanie
Stikhotvoreniya i poemy
Serebrianyi golub' =
Anthroposophy and Russia
Kubok meteleĭ
Serebri︠a︡nyĭ golubʹ
Masterstvo Gogoli︠a︡
Vospominanii͡a︡ ob Aleksandre Aleksandroviche Bloke
Mezhdu dvukh revoli︠u︡t︠s︡iǐ
Sobranie ėpicheskikh poem
Masterstvo Gogoli︠a︡
Moskovskiĭ chudak
Poziia slova
André Bély
Serebri͡a︡nyĭ golubʹ ; Rasskazy
Mezhdu dvukh revoli︠u︡t︠s︡iĭ
Vospominaniia ob Aleksande Aleksandroviche Bloke
Putevyia zametki
Na perevale
Andreĭ Belyĭ, Ėmiliĭ Metner
Simfonii︠a︡ (2-i︠a︡, dramaticheskai︠a︡)
O khudozhestvennoĭ proze
Putevyi︠a︡ zami︠e︡tki
Putevyi︠a︡ zami︠e︡tki
Andreĭ Belyĭ, Aleksandr Blok, Moskva
Masterstvo Gogoli︠a︡
[ Vospominanii͡a︡ o A. A. Bloke (romanized form)]
Na perevale
Na rubezhe dvukh stoletiĭ
Zoloto v lazuri
The dramatic symphony, translated by Roger and Angela Keys ; The forms of art, translated by John Ellsworth
Krylatai͡a︡ dusha
Kotik Letaev [by] Andrei Bely
Odna iz obiteleĭ t︠s︡arstva teneĭ
Pami︠a︡ti Aleksandra Bloka
Poezii︠a︡ slova ; O smysle poznanii︠a︡
Sievernaia simfonia: 1-ia geroicheskaia
Zoloto v lazuri
Vozvrashchenʹie na rodinu
Serebri︠a︡nyĭ golubʹ
Chetyre simfoniĭ =
Sirin uchenogo varvarstva
Kak my pishem
St. Petersburg
Vozvrashchenʹe na rodinu
Na perevale
Ritm, kak dialektika, i "Mednyĭ vsadnii͡a︡"
Istorii︠a︡ stanovlenii︠a︡ samosoznai︠u︡shcheĭ dushi
Andreĭ Belyĭ o Bloke
Zapiski mechtateleĭ
Complete short stories
Rudolʹf Shteĭner i Gete v mirovozzri︠e︡nīi sovremennosti
Putevyi︠a︡ zami︠e︡tki
Poėziia slova
Sobranie sochineniĭ
Khristos voskres
Andreĭ Belyĭ
Andreĭ Belyĭ i Aleksandr Blok--perepiska 1903-1919
Zoloto v lazuri
Sirin uchënogo varvarstva
Stikhi o Rossīi
Moskva pod udarom
Veter s Kavkaza
"-- Nicht anders als über die Seele des anderen"
Khristos voskres
Kritika, ėstetika, teorii͡a︡ simvolizma
Vospominaniia o A.A. Bloke
Zhezl Aarona
Chetyre simfonii
Krizis kulʹtury
Poezi|i|a slova ; O smysle poznani|i|a
Krizis kulʹtury
Sievernaia simfoniia
Korolevna i ryt︠s︡ari
O smysle poznanii︠a︡
Kotik Letaev
Na perevale
Evangelie kak drama
Posle razluki
Mezhdu dvukh revoliutsii
Pervoe svidanie
Zapiski chudaka
Moskovskiĭ chudak
Zapiski chudaka
Moskva pod udarom
Kreshchenyĭ kitaet︠s︡
Samuil Marshak
Samuil Marshak (1887-1964)

linguist, poet, playwright, literary critic, translator

  • University of London
Vospitanie slovom
The merry starlings
The Month-Brothers
The absentminded fellow
Hail to mail
The pup grew up!
Detki v kletke
Chernym po belomu
Stikhi, 1948-1951
Koshkin dom
Skazki, pesni, zagadki
Skazki, pesni, zagadki
Skazki dli︠a︡ samykh malenʹkikh
Petrushka inostranet͡s︡ / S.  Marshak ; risunki V. Lebedeva
The circus and other stories
Stikhotvoreni|i|a i poemy
Satiricheski stikhi, epigrammy plakaty
Vereskovyĭ med
Skazki, pesni, zagadki
Angliĭskie ballady i pesni
Izbrannye perevody
Skazka o glupom myshonke
Plyvët, plyvët korablik
Angliĭskie narodnye pesenki
Vospitanie slovom
Radi zhizni na zemle
Satiricheskie stikhi, epigrammy, plakaty
Azbuka v stikhakh i kartinkakh
Liricheskie ėpigrammy
Stikhi i skazki dli︠a︡ samykh malenʹkikh
Izbrannoe (Vsemirnaya detskaya biblioteka)
Twelve Months
Liricheskie ėpigrammy
Sobranie sochineniĭ
In the van
Li︠u︡bimoe chtenie ot goda do semi
Vesëloe puteshestvie ot A do I︠A︡
V nachale zhizni
Skazki dli͡a︡ chtenii͡a︡ i predstavlenii͡a︡
A mayse miṭ a ḳetsl
Zolotoe koleso
Gishme April
Shkolʹnye tovarishchi
Kto stuchitsi︠a︡ v dverʹ ko mne
A sreyfe
Stikhi i skazki
Chetyre kont͡s︡a
Pravo na vzaimostʹ
Otkuda stol prishel?
Mayselekh un lider
Liricheskie epigrammy
Kurochka ri͡a︡ba i desi͡a︡tʹ uti͡a︡t
Stikhi pro zhivotnykh
Sobranie sochineniĭ v vosmi tomakh
Umnye veshchi
Di posṭ
Misṭer Ṭṿisṭer
Starshe mori︠a︡, vyshe lesa
The naughty dog
Kto on?
Veselaya azbuka
Twelve months, a fairy tale
At life's beginning
Veselai͡a azbuka
Satiricheskie stikhi
Children and art in the U.S.S.R
Lirika, perevody
O glupom myshonke
Chernym po belomu
Raznot︠s︡vetnai︠a︡ kniga
Pro vce na svete
Radi zhizni na zemle
Izbrannye perevody
Izbrannai︠a︡ lirika
Skazki, pesni, zagadki ; Stikhotvorenii͡a︡ v nachale zhizni
Dali tufelʹki slonu-- i drugie vesëlye stikhi
V nachale zhizni
Izbrannaia lirika
Chasy na bashne
Skazka ob umnom myshonke
The circus
The rainbow book
Vesëlai︠a︡ azbuka
The postman
Samuil Marshak
Veselyĭ teatr
Skazki dlia chteniia i predstavleniia
At life's beginning
Chto takoe pered nami?
The tale of a hero nobody knows
Stikhi, skazki, zagadki
Vot kakoĭ rassei︠a︡nnyĭ
Malen'kie fei
Pro vsë na svete
Babies of the Zoo
Azbuka. Stikhi. Zagadki
Detki v kletke
I︠A︡ dumal, chuvstvoval, i︠a︡ zhil
Angliĭskai︠a︡ poėzii︠a︡
Detki v kletke
Stikhotvorenii︠a︡ i poėmy
Vchera i segodni︠a︡
Vot kakoĭ rassei︠a︡nnyĭ
Volga i Vazuza
Chita︠i︡u,  schita︠i︡u, igra︠i︡u
Kil ḣin bet͡ht͡hen͡g Tirmăgă!
Mister Tvister
Skazka o glupom myshonke
Stikhi, 1941-1946
Izbrannye stikhi
Plyvët, plyvët korablik
Stikhi i skazki
Razno︠t︡svetna︠i︡a kniga
Children and art in the U.S.S.R.
Usatyĭ polosatyĭ
Angliĭskie narodnye pesenki
Pesenki dl︠i︡a samykh malenʹkikh
Raz, dva, tri, chetyre
Gde obedal vorobeĭ?
Slovo i vremi͡a
Progulka na osle
Die zwölf Monate
Shi er ge yue
Stikhi i skazki dl︠i︡a samykh malen'kikh
Voĭna s Dneprom
Robert Berns
Dom, kotoryĭ postroil Dzhek ; Kli︠u︡ch ot korolevstva
Kak rubanok sdelal rubanok
Stikhi, 1948-1951
Maʻaśeh be-asufit, be-malkah uve-afarseḳim
Koshkin dom
Skazochki v stikhakh
Knizhka pro knizhki
At life's beginning
Silly little mouse and other poems
Detki v kletke
Vse luchshie stikhi i skazki
Devchonkam i malʹchishkam
Skazka ob umnom myshonke
Vot kakoĭ rassei︠a︡nnyĭ
Babies of the zoo ...
Di posṭ
Leigh Hunt
Leigh Hunt (1784-1859)

journalist, poet, autobiographer, literary critic, translator

  • Christ's Hospital
The autobiography of Leigh Hunt
Stories from the Italian poets
Lord Byron and some of his contemporaries
Critical essays on the performers of the London theatres
Shelley--Leigh Hunt; how friendship made history, extending the bounds of human freedom and thought
Leigh Hunt's letter on Hogg's Life of Shelley
My books
The autobiography of Leigh Hunt ...
Lord Byron and some of his contemporaries
Lord Byron and some of his contemporaries
Italy and the English romantics
Men, women, and books
The poetical works of Leigh Hunt
Imagination and fancy
The Rebellion of the Beasts
Leigh Hunt
The town
Wit & humor selected from the English poets
A jar of honey from Mount Hybla
Selected Writings
The Seer; or, Common-places refreshed
The correspondence of Leigh Hunt
A day by the fire
Dramatic essays
A book for a corner
The Indicator, and the Companion
The feast of the poets
An answer to the question 'what is poetry?' including remarks on versification
Captain Sword and Captain Pen
The Companion
Selected writings of Leigh Hunt
Prefaces by Leigh Hunt, mainly to his periodicals
The old court suburb; or, Memorials of Kensington, regal, critical, and anecdotical ..
The story of Rimini
The feast of the poets, 1814
Essays and miscellanies
The dramatic works of Wycherley, Congreve, Vanbrugh, and Farquhar
The old court suburb
The wishing-cap papers
Wit and humor
Ballads of Robin Hood
The book of the sonnet
The religion of the heart
Musical evenings
One hundred romances of real life
Wit and humour, selected from the English poets
The essays of Leigh Hunt
A saunter through the West End
Sir Ralph Esher V1
Table-talk, to which are added Imaginary conversations of Pope and Swift
Political and occasional essays
Wit and humour
The palfrey
Sir Ralph Esher
The Seer
The Autobiography of Leigh Hunt, with Reminiscences of Friends and Contemporaries
The Seer V2
The descent of liberty
The Italian poets, translated into English prose
Selections From The English Poets V2
Readings for railways
Leigh Hunt's literary criticism
Stories from the Italian poets, with lives of the writers
The town; its memorable characters, and events
Lord Byron and Some of His Contemporaries (Anglistica & Americana)
The Italian poets
Selections in prose and verse
The Dramatic Works Of Richard Brinsley Sheridan
Foliage, or, Poems original and translated
Six letters of Leigh Hunt ad[d]ressed to W. W. Story, 1850-1856
The months
Stories from the Italian Poets Volume 1
Classic tales, serious and lively
Stories in verse
Coaches and coaching
Poetical works of L. Hunt
Poetical works
Poems, with prefaces from some of his periodicals, selected and edited by Reginald Brimley Johnson, with bibliography and etchings by Herbert Railton
The autobiography of Leigh Hunt, with reminiscences of friends and contemporaries, and with Thornton Hunt's introduction and postscript, newly edited by Roger Ingpen
Sir Ralph Esher, or, Adventures of a gentleman of the court of Charles II
An answer to the question 'What is poetry?'
Bacchus in Tuscany, a Dithyrambic Poem, from the Italian of Francesco Redi, with Notes Original ..
The autobiography of Leigh Hunt, with reminiscences of friends and contemporaries, and with Thornton Hunt's introduction and postscript, newly edited by Roger Ingpen
Sir Ralph Esher, or, Memoirs of a gentleman of the court of Charles the Second, including those of his friend Sir Philip Herne
The Indicator: A Miscellany for the Fields and the Fireside
The Palfrey: A Love-story of Old Times
The Indicator
Essays and miscellanies selected from The Indicator, and Companion
Selections from the English poets
Lord Byron and some of his contemporaries with recollections of the author's life and of his visit to Italy
Leigh Hunt's "Rules for newspaper editors"
Leigh Hunt as poet and essayist
Autobiography, with reminiscences of friends and contemporaries
Essays and sketches
Juvenilia: Or, A Collection of Poems. Written Between the Ages of Twelve & Sixteen
Dante Alighieri
A Book for a Corner; Or, Selections in Prose and Verse from Authors the Best Suited to that Mode ..
Men, Women and Books in Two Volumes - Vol. II
Dante's Divine comedy
Leigh-Hunt as poet and essayist, being the choicest passages from his works selected and edited with a biographical introd. by Charles Kent
Tales, now first collected, with prefatory memoir by William Knight
The Literary Examiner: Consisting of the Indicator, a Review of Books, and ..
An attempt to shew the folly and danger of Methodism
Leigh Hunt's dramatic criticism, 1808-1831
Shelley-Leigh Hunt
The works of Leigh Hunt
Essays by Leigh Hunt
Beaumont and Fletcher, or, The finest scenes, lyrics, and other beauties of those two poets, selected from the whole of their works
Literary criticism
Theatrical examiner
Essays (selected)
"Rules for Newspaper Editors"
The old lady and the maid-servant
Imagination and fancy; or selections from the English poets
Lord Byron, Leigh Hunt and the "Liberal"
On eight sonnets of Dante
The poetical works of Leigh Hunt
[Leigh Hunt's works.]
The autobiography
Leigh Hunt's "The months"
The dramatic works of Wycherley, Congreve, Vanbrugh, and Farquhar
Prefaces by Leigh Hunt
The autobiography of Leigh Hunt
Leigh Hunt's journal
The story of Rimini, 1816
Table-talk, to which are added Imaginary conversations of Pope and Swift
A Tale for a chimney corner
Leigh Hunt's dramatic criticism : 1808-1931
To Shelley
Shelley - Leigh Hunt, how friendship made history and extended the bounds of human freedom and thought
The foster-brother
Some letters from my Leigh Hunt portfolios
Lord Byron, Leigh Hunt, and the "Liberal,"
Essays and miscellanies
Leigh Hunt as essayist
The Indicatior: a miscellany for the fields and the fireside
Leigh Hunt's autobiography
Essays (selected)
The Italian poets translated in English prose
A book for a corner
Imagination and fancy
A legend of Florence
The Liberal
Table talk
A legend of Florence
Essays by Leigh Hunt
Classic tales
Lord Byron and some of his contemporaries ...
Imagination and fancy
The Syracusan gossips, or, The feast of Adonis
Classic tales, serious and lively
Romances of real life
The Literary Examiner
The poetical works ...
A Book for a corner, or, Selections in prose and verse from authors best suited to that mode of enjoyment
One hundred romances of real life
Selected essays
The autobiography of Leigh Hunt
The Examiner: a Sunday paper on politics, domestic economy, and theatricals for the year 1830
Leigh Hunt's journal
A Jar of Hones from Mount Hybla
The autobiography of Leigh Hunt
Selected essays
The poetical works of Leigh Hunt and Thomas Hood (selected)
The Indicator
The poetical works of Leigh Hunt
The essays of Leigh Hunt
Selections in prose and verse
The rebellion of the beasts, or, The ass is dead! Long live the ass!!!
Correspondence of J. H. Leigh Hunt
Poems of Leigh Hunt
A book for a corner, or, Selections in prose and verse from authors the best suited to that mode of enjoyment
Dramatic criticism, 1808-1831
The wishing-cap papers
The autobiography of Leigh Hunt
The Seer
Men, women, and books
A legend of Florence
The religion of the heart
Essays and miscellanies ...
The town
Sir Ralph Esher
Men, Women and Books in Two Volumes - Vol. I
The world of books and other essays
Essays and sketches
The poetical works of Leigh Hunt
The Reflector
A book for a corner, or, Selections in prose and verse from authors the best suited to that mode of enjoyment
Poetical works
Dramatic essays
The old court suburb  or, Memorials of Kensington, regal, critical, and anecdotal
The Examiner
Selections from the English poets
The Liberal
The laurel crown
Tales of Leigh Hunt
Sir Ralph Esher, or, Adventures of a gentleman of the court of Charles II
The indicator vol. I
The companion
The Examiner: a Sunday paper on politics, domestic economy, and theatricals
[Leigh Hunt's works.].
The book of the sonnet
Sequel of A father avenged
The correspondence (1862)
Autobiography, with reminiscences of friends and contempories
Essays and sketches
Table talk
Leigh Hunt as poet and essayist
Prefaces by Leigh Hunt, mainly to his periodicals
Wit and humour, selected from the English poets; with an illustrative essay, and critical comments
The political works of Leigh Hunt
Leigh Hunt's London Journal
Scenes from an unfinished drama
An answer to the question 'what is poetry'
Shelley-Leigh Hunt
Selected essays
A father avenged
The seer; or, Common-places refreshed
The poetical works of Leigh Hunt and Thomas Hood
A day by the fire
essays and sketches
Tales by Leigh Hunt
A jar of honey from Mount Hybla
Tales by Leigh Hunt
Six letters of Leigh Hunt adressed [!] to W. W. Story
A saunter through the West End ...
Selections from the English poets, with markings of the best passages, critical notices of the writers, and an essay in answer to the question, "What is poetry?"
Classic tales
The Nile
The Indicator
Stories from Italian poets: being a summary in prose of the poems of Dante, Pulci, Boiardo, Ariosto and Tasso
Leigh Hunt's political and occasional essays
A book for a corner
The Correspondence of Leigh Hunt (Anglistica and Americana,)
Dramatic criticism, 1803-1831
Captain Sword and Captain Pen
Juvenilia, or, A collection of poems
Leigh Hunt's The months
The Liberal
Leigh Hunt's letter on Hogg's Life of Shelley
An answer to the question 'what is poetry'
The indicator, and the companion
The palfrey
Hero and Leander
Imagination and fancy
Stories from the Italian poets .
The autobiography of Leigh Hunt
Sitakant Mahapatra
Sitakant Mahapatra (born 1937)

translator, literary critic, poet

  • University of Allahabad, Ravenshaw University
Aneka śarata
Kembrij smṛti
Hārbhāḍare seisabudina
Modernization and ritual
Discovering the inscape
Reaching the other shore
Beyond the word
The awakened wind
Forgive the words
Ethnicity and the state
Staying is nowhere
Tradition and the modern artist
The Realm of the Sacred
Sārahulra janha
The Lemon tree
Tribal wall paintings of Orissa
Men, patterns of dust
Śabdara ākāśa
Beyond narcissism and other essays
Bringing them to school, primary education for tribal children
Unending rhythms
The empty distance carries ..
Death of Krishna and other poems
The ruined temple and other poems
The curve of meaning
The Alphabet of Birds ; Hymns for the Lord of the Blue Mountain
Quiet violence [by] Sitakant Mahapatra
They Sing Life ; Anthology of Oral Poetry of the Primitive Tribes of India(UNESCO)
The tangled web
The Mahabharata and modern Indian literature
Primitive poetry as love and prayer
A child even in arms of stone
Kabitā samagra
The role of tradition in literature
Ciraī rī tū kyā jāne
Sāṇita tarabāri o sebatī phula
They sing life
An Anthology of Modern Oriya Poetry
Svara o svapnara simphonī
Patterns of tribal housing
Quiet violence
Pheri āsibāra beḷa
Samaya kā śesha nāma
Bhima Bhoi
The alphabet of birds
Landscape of Indian literature
Lauta āne kā samaya
The other silence
Andhārara jhoṭicitā
Longing for the south
Sambhoga, nirjanatā o anyānya prabandha
The jester and other poems
Tisa kavita varsha
Sārā jībana, lokaṭā--
Selected poems
The song of Kubja and other poems
Varshā kī subaha
The wooden sword
Śabda, svapna, o nirbhīkatā
Niḥsaṅga maṇisha
Old man in summer and other poems
Saṃskr̥ti, āma samaẏa
Kāhāku pucchibā kuha
Jagannatha Das
Caḍheire tu ki jāṇu
Dīpti o dyuti
Samaẏara śesha nāma
Barshā sakāḷa
Guestures [i.e. gestures] of intimacy
Barefoot into reality
Asaphala āropa
Chhau dance of Mayurbhanj
New horizons of human progress
The rainbow of rhythms
Zurni fi waqt akhar, ya mawt
Poetry of South Asia
The other silence
Asaranti pilādina
My days at Harvard
Sītākānta Mahāpātraṅka śreshṭha kabitā
Rotations of unending time
Ś́āḷagacha phulare naim̐chi
The Wooden sword
Asaphaḷa āropa
Nirbācita kabitā
Hathelī meṃ indradhanusha