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literary critics who wrote biography
Showing 369-376 out of 514 results
Frank Cottrell-Boyce
Frank Cottrell-Boyce (born 1959)

playwright, literary critic, actor

  • University of Oxford, University of Oxford
Welcome to Sarajevo
Ten Years on the Parish
The astounding broccoli boy
Millions CD
Over The Moon
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang And The Race Against Time
Framed CD
The Unforgotten Coat
The unforgotten coat
Radioactive Rory
Millions CD Low Price
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang flies again
Sputnik's guide to life on Earth
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang And The Race Against Time
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang over the moon
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Flies Again
El mundo del Valle de los Mumin
Sputnik's Guide to Life on Earth
The Astounding broccoli boy
Runaway Robot
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and the Race Against Time
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and the Race Against Time
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Over the Moon
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Flies Again!. by Frank Cottrell Boyce
The Claim
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Over the Moon
The Unforgotten Coat. Frank Cottrell Boyce
New Longman Literature New Titles Pack
Noah's Gold
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang 3
Ted Rules the World
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and the Race Against Time
Der unvergessene Mantel
Triple Word Score
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Flies Again
Sputnik's Guide to Life on Earth Lib/E
Ucan Araba Pirpir Havalaniyor
The Great Rocket Robbery
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Flies Again
Wonder Brothers
Le crime parfait
Süper Brokoli Cocuk
Ucan Araba Pirpir Yarista
Robot a la fuga
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang et la course contre le temps
Sputnik's Guide to Life on Earth
Manual de la vida terrícola
Sputnik's Guide to Life on Earth
Watership Down
Manual de la vida terrícola
Quadri e ladri. Un colpo da ragazzi
Doctor Who
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang over the Moon
A cuadros
Idealʹnoe prestuplenie
Broccoli-Boy rettet die Welt
The Astounding Broccoli Boy
David V. Erdman
David V. Erdman (1911-2001)

painter, literary critic, journalist, literary scholar, scholar of English

Commerce des lumières
Blake, prophet against empire
The illuminated Blake
Blake's visionary forms dramatic
The four zoas by William Blake
The Romantic Movement
A concordance to the writings of William Blake
Evidence for authorship
Romantic Movement a Selective and Critical (Romantic Movement)
Unrecorded Coleridge variants
The Romantic movement
Blake, The Selected Poetry of William (Meridian)
The Romantic movement
Notebook of William Blake
Blake: Prophet Against Empire: A Poet's Interpretation of the History of his Own Time
The Romantic movement
Romantic Movement
Blake and his Bibles
Blake, prophet against empire
The Romantic Movement
The Romantic movement
Complete Poetry and Prose of William Blake
Marco Belpoliti
Marco Belpoliti (born 1954)

literary critic

  • University of Bologna
La prova
Photo Levi
L' occhio di Calvino
Il corpo del capo
Il corpo del capo
Diario dell'occhio
Da quella prigione
Alì Babà
Conversations et entretiens, 1963-1987
L'età dell'estremismo
Italo Calvino
Quanto basta
Senza vergogna
Pasolini e il suo doppio
Primo Levi
Camera straniera
Gespräche und Interviews
La prova
Doppio zero
La canottiera di Bossi
Il segreto di Goya
Ojo de Calvino, El
Diario dell'occhio
Antonio Delfini
Terra Ferma
Primo Levi
Storie del visibile
Il tramezzino del dinosauro
Primo Levi
Primo Levi di fronte e di profilo
L' occhio di Calvino
Constantin Brancusi
Pasolini in salsa piccante
Alberto Giacometti
A-Z Steinberg
Quanto basta
Ojo de Calvino, El
Storie del visibile
Valery Larbaud
Valery Larbaud (1881-1957)

poet, translator, essayist, diarist, literary critic

  • Lycée Louis-le-Grand
Valery Larbaud
Paul Valéry
Mon itinéraire, août 1881-septembre 1926
Samuel Butler
Sous L'invocation de Saint Jerome
Du navire d'argent
La vie et l'habitude
The diary of A.O. Barnabooth
An homage to Jerome
Fermina Márquez
De la traduction
Lettres de Paris, mars-août 1914
Childish Things (Sun and Moon Classics)
Correspondance 1899-1937
Correspondance, 1923-1952, [de] Valéry Larbaud [et] Alfonso Reyes
Le palais de cristal
Jaune bleu blanc
Enfantines. --
A.O. Barnabooth
The poems of A.O. Barnabooth
The Diary of A.O. Barnabooth
A. O. Barnabooth, ses oeuvres complètes
An homage to Jerome
Les poésies de A.O. Barnabooth
Fermina Márquez
Correspondance 1899-1937
Journal, 1912-1935
Fermina Marquez
Sous l'invocation de Saint Jérôme
Valbois, Berg-op-Zoom, Montagne Ste-Geneviève
An homage to Jerome
Correspondance 1925-1951
Le vagabond sédentaire
Pages de journal
Les\Poesies de A. O. Barnabooth  Poesies Divers
The Diary of A.O. Barnabooth (Recovered Classics) (Recovered Classics)
Fermina Marquez (Quartet Encounters)
Ce vice impuni, la lecture ..
A.O. Barnabooth
Les poésies de A. O. Barnabooth
Aux couleurs de Rome
Ce vice impuni, la lecture
Sous l'invocation de saint Jérôme
Childish things
Fermina Marquez
A. Q. Barnabooth, ses oeuvres completes
Questions militaires
Poiēmata henos vathyploutou erasitechnē
Nouveaux voyages en Erewhon
Amants, heureux amants...
De la traduction
Valery Larbaud - Alfonso Reyes
Valery Larbaud, A.A.M. Stols
Le vagabond sédentaire
Correspondance, 1899-1937
The poems of A.O. Barnabooth
Notes sur Maurice Scève
Les archontes
A.O. Barnobooth
A. O. Barnabooth, ses oeuvres completes
A.O. Barnabooth, ses oeuvres complètes
Le vaisseau de Thésée
Fermina Ma rquez
Notes sur Antoine Héroët et Jean de Lingendes
Fermina Marquez
Mit lnlige koncil
Rues et visages de Paris, Eau-forte de Jean Donnay
D'Annecy à Corfou
Valery Larbaud (1881-1957)
Charles-Louis Philippe
Correspondance, 1923-1952
Le cœur de l'Angleterre
Une nonnain
Serena Bruchi
Lettres à Adrienne Monnier et à Sylvia Beach, 1919-1933
Giro dell'oca
Correspondance 1899-1937
Mon itine raire, aou t 1881- septembre 1926
Lettres d'un retiré
Correspondance, 1912-1924
Les poésies de A.O. Barnabooth
Le coeur de l'Angleterre, suivi de Luis Losada
La modernisation de l'orthographe des textes anciens
Lettre aux imprimeurs
Du navire d'argent
Sous l'invocation de Saint Jérome
Poems of a multimillionaire
Ce vice impuni, la lecture ...  Domaine français
Le coeur de l'Angleterre
Aux couleurs de Rome
Fermina Marquez, roman
A. O. Barnabooth, his diary
Les poésies de A. O. Barnabooth
Notes pour servir à ma biographie
Le vaisseau de Thésee
Fermina Márquez
On voit surtout des femmes
Les poésies de A. O. Barnabooth ; Dévotions particulières ; Poésies diverses
Une nonnain
Fermina Marquez
A. O. Barnabooth, son journal intime
En hommage à Valéry Larbaud et Maurice Constantin-Weyer à l'occasion du centenaire de leur naissance
Lettres à André Gide
Gaston d'Ercoule
Une campagne littéraire
Fermina Márquez
A.O. Barnabooth, ses oeuvres completes
Fermina Márquez
Beauté, mon beau souci--
Amants, heureux amants ...
Le Gouverneur de Kerguelen
A.O. Barnabooth
Belleza, mi bella inquietud
Ce vice impuni, la lecture, domaine Anglais
Jaune, bleu, blanc
Beauté, mon beau souci
Pōru Varerī
A.O. Barnabooth
Journal, 1912-1935
Fermina Márquez
A. O. Barnabooth, his diary
Notes sur Maurice Scève
Correspondance, 1920-1935 [de] Valéry Larbaud [et] G. Jean-Aubry
Correspondance, 1920-1935 [de] Valéry Larbaud [et] G. Jean-Aubry
Trieste mi piace
Deux artistes lyriques
Les Poesies de A.O. Barnabooth, suivi de Poesies diverses et des poemes de A.O. Barnabooth elimines de l'edition de 1913
Ce vice impuni
Journal, 1912-1935
Amants, heureux amants
La force et l'outil
Œuvres complètes
Oeuvres completes
Hermann Bahr
Hermann Bahr (1863-1934)

playwright, literary critic, theatrical director, theatre critic, journalist, opinion journalist

  • Chernivtsi University
Wiener Theater, 1892-1898
Hermann Bahr
Die Einsichtslosigkeit des Herrn Schäffle
Studien zur Kritik der Moderne
Der muntere Seifensieder
Dalmatinische reise
Hermann Bahr-Jaroslav Kvapil
Josephine: Ein Spiel in vier Akten
Hermann Bahr, 1917
Adalbert Stifter
Erinnerung an Burckhard
Glossen zum Wiener Theater (1903-1906)
Das tschaperl
Der Antisemitismus
Glossen zum Nienor Theater(1905-1906)
Die schöne Frau
Der Antisemitismus: Ein internationales Interview
Prophet der Moderne
Dialog vom tragischen
Die Andere
O Mensch
Österreichischer Genius
Sendung des Künstlers
Die neuen Menschen
Um Goethe
Das Tänzchen: Lustspiel in drei Akten
Rodbertus' Theorie der Absatzkrisen
The master
Der Meister: Komödie in drei Akten
Das Konzert
Das Tänzchen
Josef Kainz
Die schöne frau
Kulturprofil der Jahrhundertwende
Der star
Die gelbe nachtigall
Wirkung in die Ferne
Der Unmensch: Luftspiel in drei Aufzügen
Der arme Narr
Kulturprofil der Jahruhundertwende
Neben der Liebe: Wiener Sitten
Der Querulant
Die Stimme: Schauspiel in drei Ausfzügen
Die gute Schule
Der Franzl: Fünf Bilder eines guten Mannes
Dichter und Gelehrter
Himmel auf Erden
Meister und Meisterbriefe um Hermann Bahr
Der Roman der XII
Das o ̈sterreichische Wunder
Dalmatinische Reise
Die Überwindung des Naturalismus
Die neuen Menschen
Zur Überwindung des Naturalismus
The star
Bildung, essays
Der Arme Narr: Schauspiel in einem Akt
Spielerei [microform]
Russische Reise
Die Rotte Korahs
Das Hermann-Bahr-Buch
Labyrinth der Gegenwart
Sinn hinter der Komödie
Sendung des Ku nstlers
Die Stimme
Kritik der Gegenwart
Das Hermann Bahr Buch
O mensch!
Sendung des Künstlers
Der inwendige Garten
Theater, ein Wiener Roman
Kritik der Gegenwart
Das Prinzip
Theater, ein Wiener Roman
Dialog vom Marsyas
Österreich in Ewigkeit
Die kinder
Die Rahl
Die Hexe Drut
Das Prinzip
Rede u ber Klimt
Die Kinder
Hermann Bahr
Die Überwindung des Naturalismus
O mensch!
Wirkung in die Ferne
Burgtheater, Schauspielkunst, Notizen zur neueren spanischen Literatur
La marquesa d'Amaëgui
Die schöne Frau. Leander
Adalbert Stifter
Glossen zum Wiener Theater (1903-1906)
Österreich in Ewigkeit
Die kinder; komödie in drei akten
Erinnerung an Burckhard
Sendung des Künstlers
O Mensch!
Der Antisemitismus
Der querulant
Die häusliche frau
Österreich in Ewigkeit
1917 [neunzehn hundert siebzehn]
Der Apostel
Studien zur Kritik der Moderne
Der Unmensch
Liebe der Lebenden
Der Querulant
Der muntere Seifensieder
Der arme Narr
Studien zur Kritik der Moderne
Der arme Narr
Dialog vom Tragischen
Um Goethe
[The master]
Die Mutter
Glossen zum Wiener Theater, 1903-1906
Parsifalschutz ohne Ausnahmegesetz
Die rotte Korahs
Zur Kritik der Moderne
Stimmen des Bluts
Das Konzert
Das österreichische Wunder
Hermann Bahr, 1917
Der Zauberstab
The poor fool
La marquesa d'Amaëgui
Neben der Liebe
Die gute schule
Buch der Jugend
Dialog vom Marsyas
Josef Kainz
Das Wedekindbuch
Das Tänzchen
Zur Uberwindung des Naturalismus
Die Rahl
Die häusliche Frau
Labyrinth der Gegenwart
Der Meister
Russische Reise
Wiener Theater (1892-1898)
Die stimme
Studien zur Kritik der Moderne
Die schöne Frau
Buch der Jugend
Rede über Klimt
Russiche Reise ...
Die grosse Sünde
Das Phantom
Tagebuch aus dem Neuen Wiener Journal 1927-1931
Die Rahl
Tagebuch, 1917
Rodbertus' Theorie der Absatzkrisen
Rodbertus' Theorie der Absatzkrisen
Kritik der Gegenwart
Notizen zur neueren spanishen Literatur
Alexander Blok
Alexander Blok (1880-1921)

poet, translator, playwright, philosopher, opinion journalist, literary critic

  • Saint Petersburg State University
Sobranie sochineniĭ
Zapisnye knizhki, 1901-1920
A. Blok i sovremennostʹ
I︠A︡ luchsheĭ doli ne iskal--
The twelve
Aleksandr Blok's trilogy of lyric dramas
O naznachenii poėta
Pesnia sud'by
Dialog poetov o Rossii i revolyutsii
Pisʹma Aleksandra Bloka
Politicheskai︠a︠ literatura v Rossii i o Rossii
The spirit of music
Izbrannye stikhi i poemy
Rusʹ moi͡a︡, zhiznʹ moi͡a︡
Selected poems [of] Alexander Blok
Roza i krest
Les derniers jours du régime impérial
I byl', i nebylitsy
"Dvenadtsat'" A. Bloka v izdanii "Alkonosta"
Sedoe utro
The twelve, and other poems
Aleksandr Blok
Love poetry and civil service
Ya luchshei doli ne iskal..
Aleksandr Blok - Andreǐ Belyǐ
Na dalʹnem gorizonte
Alexandre Blok
Rossii︠a︡ i intelligent︠s︡ii︠a︡
Pis'ma k zhene
Dnevnik Al. Bloka
Peterburgskiĭ alʹmanakh
Sochineniya v odnom tome
Za gran'iu proshlykh dneǐ
Stikhi o prekrasnoĭ dami︠e︡
Selected poems of Aleksandr Blok
Love, poetry, and civic service
Stikhotvorenii͡a︡ i poėmy
Indice delle frequenze del lessico di Aleksandr Blok
Blok's 'Twelve'
Estimating housing needs
Sobranie sochinenii
Stikhotvoreniya, poemy, teatr
Sneg da sneg
Poemetti e liriche
Diti︠a︡ Gogoli︠a︡
Nasha strana
O Rodine
Ob iskusstve
Otrocheskie stikhi
The puppet show
Der Sturtz des Zarenreichs
Dialog poėtov o Rossii i revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ii
Stikhotvoreniia i poemy
Sobranie sochinenii v vos'mi tomakh
Sochinenii Ła
Iskusstvo i revolyutsiya
Izbrannye sochineniya
Poslednie dni Imperatorskoĭ vlasti
[O li͡u︡bvi, poėzīi i gosudarstvennoĭ sluzhbi͡e︡ (romanized form)]
Gorod moĭ
Stikhotvoreniya - poemy - teatr v 2 tomakh
Sochinenii͡a v odnom tome
Utwory dramatyczne
V mire Bloka
Polnoe sobranie sochineniĭ i pisem v dvadt͡s︡ati tomakh
Noch', ulitsa, fonar', apteka =
Stikhi o prekrasnoi dame
Sobranie sochinenii v shesti tomakh
Stikhotvorenii︠a︡ i poėmy
Izbrannye proizvedeniya
Vybranyi︠a︡ vershy i paėmy
Ob iskusstve
Vospominaniya ob Aleksandre Aleksandroviche Blokye
Rossii͡a︡ i intelligent͡s︡ii͡a︡, 1907-1918
Aleksandr Blok, Andreĭ Belyĭ
Polnoe sobranie stikhotvoreniĭ
Otrocheskie stikhi
O rodine
Nechai︠a︡nnai︠a︡ radostʹ
Ni snovi ni java
Polnoe sobranie stikhotvoreniĭ
Zemli︠a︡ v sni︠e︡gu
Dvi︠e︡nadt︠s︡atʹ ; Skify
Solovʹinyĭ sad
Zapisnye knizhki Al. Bloka
Aleksandr Blok i Evgeniĭ Ivanov
Polnoe sobranie stikhotvoreniĭ v trekh tomakh
Pism̓a Aleksandra Bloka k rodnym
Dvenadt︠s︡atʹ ; Skify
Poslednie dni Imperatorskoĭ vlasti
Sobranie sochinenni͡a
Stikhotvorenii͡a︡, poemy, Roza i Krest
Стихи и поэмы
Stikhotvoreniya i poemy
Les douze
Stikhotvoreniya, poemy
Na dalʹnem gorizonte
Sni︠e︡zhnai︠a︡ maska
Poėzīi︠a︡ bolʹshevistskikh dneĭ
Sobranie sochineniĭ v shesti tomakh
The twelve, and other poems
Stikhi o Prekrasnoĭ Dame
Skiḟy; Dvi︠e︡nadt︠s︡atʹ
Stikhotvorenii︠a︡ i poemy
Un pedante sobre un poeta y otros textos
Solovʹinyĭ sad
Sochinenii︠a︡ v dvukh tomakh
Iskusstvo i revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ii︠a︡
Die Zwölf
Stikhotvorenii︠a︡, poėmy
O sovremennom sostoi︠a︡niĭ russkogo simvolizma
Pis'ma Al. Bloka k E.P. Ivanovu
Stikhotvoreni︠i︡a, poemy, teatr
Lirika, teatr
Sobranie sochineniĭ
Pisʹma Aleksandra Bloka k rodnym
השנים־עשר ; סקיתים
Alexandre Blok
Poesia e arte bolscevica, Alessandro Blok ...
Poslednie dni imperatorskoĭ vlasti
Les douze
Stikhi o Rossīi
Aleksandr Blok i Andreǐ Belyǐ
Stikhotvorenii︠a︡. Poėmy. Teatr
The twelve, & other poems
Pis'ma Al. Bloka k E. P. Ivanovu
Poslednie dni Imperatorskoĭ vlasti
Gorod, gorʹkoĭ li︠u︡bovʹi︠u︡ li︠u︡bimyĭ--
A.A. Blok -- L.D. Mendeleeva-Blok
Sobranie sochineniĭ
Izbrannye stikhotvorenii︠a︡
Die Stille blüht
Roza i krest
Sobranie sochineniĭ v dvenadt︠s︡ati tomakh
Zapisnye knizhki
Canti bolscevichi (Dvjenadzat)
Izbrannye proizvedenii︠a︡
Les douze
Sobranie sochineniĭ v shesti tomakh
Rossii︠a︡ i intelligent︠s︡ii︠a︡
Œuvres en prose
Hoi dōdeka
Stikhi o Prekrasnoĭ Dami︠e︡
Desyat' poeticheskikh knig
Shenem ʻaśar
O liubvi, poezii i gosudarstvennoǐ sluzhbie
Aleksandr Blok o simvolizme =
Rossii︠a︡ i intelligent︠s︡ii︠a︡
Liricheskīi︠a︡ dramy
Aleksandr Blok i Andreĭ Belyĭ [pseud.] perepiska
Les Scythes et autres poèmes
Hoi do deka
Übertragungen aus dem Russischen
Solovʹinyĭ sad
Zapisnye knizhki Al. Bloka
Stikhi (1898-1921)
Neizdannye stikhotvorenii︠a︡, 1897-1919 g
4 Poètes de la révolution
Thomas Gray
Thomas Gray (1716-1771)

poet, literary critic

  • University of Cambridge, Eton College
The works of Thomas Gray
Poems and letters
Prentice Hall Literature - Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes - The British Tradition
The Poetry of Cats
Prentice Hall
Elegy written in a country churchyard
The letters of Thomas Gray
An elegy written in a country churchyard
Prentice Hall Literature, The British Edition. Volume I
The works of Thomas Gray in prose and verse
The correspondence of Thomas Gray and William Mason, to which are added some letters addressed by Gray to the Rev. James Brown
Elegy written in country churchyard and other poems
The bard
Letters, including the correspondence of Gray and Mason
English poems, original and translated from the Norse and Welsh
Works, containing his poems and correspondence with several eminent literary characters
Selected poems
Thomas Gray's journal of his visit to the Lake District in October 1769
Works in prose and verse
Thomas Gray's Elegy written in a country churchyard
Poems, letters, and essays
Thomas Gray and William Collins
The correspondence of Thomas Gray and William Mason ; with letters to the Rev. James Brown
Gray, poetry & prose
Essays and criticisms
Select poems of Thomas Gray
The poetical works of Gray and Collins
The complete poems of Thomas Gray
Poetical works
An elegy in a country churchyard, and other poems
An elegy in a country churchyard and odes on the pleasure arising from vicissitude
Selections from the poems of Thomas Gray
Poems published in 1768
Selections from the poetry and prose of Thomas Gray
The Poems of Mr. Gray
Thomas Gray and William Collins
Ode on the pleasure arising from vicissitude
The poetical works of Thomas Gray
Gray's letters & poems
The poems of Thomas Gray
Gray's odes and elegy
Occasional memorandums
Poems by Mr. Gray
The poems of Mr. Gray
Poetry and prose
An ode on a distant prospect of Eton college
The poems of Gray and Collins
Ode performed in the Senate-house at Cambridge, July 1, 1769
Poésies de Gray
The poems of Thomas Gray
Correspondence of Thomas Gray
The correspondence of Thomas Gray and William Mason
Select poems from the works of Thomas Gray
Elegy in a country church-yard
A supplement to the tour through Great Britain
Selected letters
Elegy written in a country churhyard
Thomas Gray's Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard, and Other Poems, Oliver Goldsmith's the Deserted Village, the Traveller, and Other Poems
Elegy written in a country churchyard
The candidate
Complete poems
Poems and letters
Poems in their place
English poems
Gray and Collins
The traveller's companion, in a tour through England and Wales
The poetical works, with an account of the life and writings of the author
Poetical works
An ode on a distrant prospect of Eton College
Gray's elegy written in a country churchyard
Gray's English poems
The latin odes of Mr.Gray, in English verse
Gray's poetical works
Poet's Gold
An introduction to Gray and Goldsmith
Designs by Mr. R. Bentley, for six poems by Mr. T. Gray
Gray's Elegy in a country church yard
The complete English poems of Thomas Gray
Designs by Mr. R. Bentley
The works of Thomas Gray in prose and verse
An elegy in a country churchyard
Poetical works, with a biographical memoir of the author
Thomas Gray
An ode on a distant prospect of Eton College, 1747
Gray and his friends
An elegy wrote in a country church yard, 1751
The Poems of Thomas Gray, William Collins, Oliver Goldsmith
Poems and letters of Thomas Gray
The traveller's companion in a tour through England and Wales containing a catalogue of the antiquities, houses, parks, plantations, scenes and situations in England and Wales arranged according to the alphabetical order of the several counties by the late Mr Gray...
The poems of Gray
Essays and criticism
Essays and criticisms
Poetical works [by] Gray and Collins
Poems by Thomas Gray
Marwnad a ysgrifennwyd mewn mynwent wledig
Poems by Mr. Gray
Elegy written in a country church-yard
An ode on a favourite cat drowned in a tub of goldfishes
Gray and his friends
Complete poems
The poems of Gray andCollins
Gray's elegy
An elegy in a country churchyard; and, Ode on adistant prospect of Eton College
Elegy written in a country churchyard
Elegy written in a country church-yard and other poems
Select poems of Thomas Gray
An elegy written in a country churchyard
The correspondence of Thomas Gray and William Mason
The poems of Thomas Gray
Poetic commonplace books and manuscripts of Thomas Gray, 1716-1771
The works of Thomas Gray in prose and verse
The works of Thomas Gray
The poetical works of Thomas Gray
The works of Thomas Gray
An elegy written originally in a country church yard
Poems, letters, and essays
The poetical works of Thomas Gray
A catalogue of the antiquities, houses, parks, plantations, scenes, and situations in England and Wales
An elegy wrote in a country church yard (1751) and the Eton College manuscript
The poems of Mr. Gray, to which are prefixed memoirs of his life and writings
Ode on the spring ; and, Elegy in a country churchyard
The poetical works of Gray and Collins
The poetical works of Thomas Gray
The poems of Mr. Gray
Ecloga Graiana
The correspondence of Thomas Gray and the Rev. Norton Nicholls
Selected poems of Thomas Gray and William Collins
A supplement to the tour through Great Britain containing a catalogue of the antiquities, houses, parks, plantations, scenes and situations in England and Wales arranged according to the alphabetical order of the several counties by the late Mr Gray to which are added by another hand several additions and blank spaces at the end...
The poems of Thomas Gray
The selected letters of Thomas Gray
Elegy written in a country church-yard
Gray's Elegy and its author
An elegy in a country churchyard
The works of Thomas Gray in prose and verse
Poems of Gray, Collins and T. Warton
Ode de Dryden Para o dia de Santa Cecilia. Traduzida em Portugues
An elegy
Gray's Elegy written in a country churchyard and other poems
The works of Thomas Gray in prose and verse
Gray's English poems
Gray's elegy
Elegia di Tommaso Gray
Complete poems; English, Latin and Greek
The correspondence of Thomas Gray and William Mason
The works of Gray
The works of Thomas Gray
Odes by Mr. Gray
Poems by Mr. T. Gray. This collection contains all the author's poetical works, among which are three never before published in Ireland
Occasional memorandums
Occasional memorandums
Poems by Mr. T. Gray. Containing, I. Ode on the spring. ... VI. Elegy written in a country churchyard
Selections from the poetry and prose
Works, in prose and verse
Elegy written in a country churchyard
Poems and letters
Letters of Thomas Gray ...
An elegy, written in a country church-yard. A new edition: as deliver'd by Mr. Palmer at the Royalty Theatre, Goodman's Fields
The poetical works of Thomas Gray
Gray's Elegy written in a country church-yard
The poems of Gray and Collins
An elegy written in a churchyard
Poems, with a selection of letters and essays
Poems published in 1768
The traveller's companion, in a tour through England and Wales
Poems and letters of Thomas Gray
The poems of Mr. Gray. To which are added memoirs of his life and writings, by W. Mason, M.A. In four volumes. ..
Designs by Mr. R. Bentley, for six poems
The poems and letters of Thomas Gray
The poetical works, with an account of the life and writings of the author
Gray's Letters and Poems
The poems of Thomas Gray
The works of Thomas Gray in prose and verse
The works of Thomas Gray in prose and verse
Elegia scripta in coemeterio rustico, Latine reddita
Gray and his friends
Odes by Mr. Gray
Gray's Poetical works, English and Latin
An elegy wrote in a country church yard
Selected lyrics from Gray and his contemporaries
Poems on moral and divine subjects
The poems of Gray and Collins
Elegia inglese sopra un cimitero di campagna
An elegy written in a country church yard
The poetical works of Gray and Collins
Elegy written in a country churchyard
Gray: selected poems
Gray's Elegy. - illuminated by Owen Jones
Bohan no aika
Elegy written in a country churchyard and other poems
Grays' poems, letters and essays
Salvador de Madariaga
Salvador de Madariaga (1886-1978)

diplomat, historian, biographer, essayist, poet, engineer, opinion journalist, literary critic, politician, journalist, academic

  • Lycée Chaptal, École polytechnique
Christopher Columbus
Vida del muy magnífico señor don Cristóbal Colón
Españoles de mi tiempo
Memorias, 1921-1936
Mujeres españolas
Herman Cortès
Salvador de Madariaga
De la angustia a la libertad
De l'angoisse à la liberté
The fall of the Spanish American empire
El corazón de piedra verde
Guía del lector del "Quijote."
El crimen fue en Granada
Englishmen, Frenchmen, Spaniards
Latin America between the eagle and the bear
Shelley & Calderón
Retrato de un hombre de pie
Ensayos anglo-españoles
The rise of the Spanish American empire
Cuadro histórico de las Indias
Portrait of Europe
Guerra en la sangre ; Una gota de tiempo
The genius of Spain
Anarchy or hierarchy
Carácter y destino en Europa
Don Juan y La Don-Juanía
Englishmen, Frenchmen, Spaniards
"Don Quixote"
The heart of jade
Anarquía o jerarquía
El corazón de piedra verde
Spanish folk songs
The sacred giraffe
El toisón de oro, y tres obras más
Arceval y los ingleses
Obra poética
Dios y los españoles
Esquiveles y Manriques
Cuando estalle la paz
The blowing up of the Parthenon
Victors beware
The world's design
Mi respuesta
First principles
Essays with a purpose
Vida Del Muy Magnifico Señor Don Cristobal Colon/life of the Magnificant Man Christopher Columbus
Aims and methods of a chair of Spanish studies
La guerra desde Londres
G. B. S
Morning without noon: memoirs
El semental negro ; Satanael
Adult interests, (Studies in adult education)
Democracy versus liberty?
Charles Quint ..
Ingleses, franceses, españoles
Memorias de un federalista
Charles Quint
L' essor de l'empire espagnol d'Amérique
Theory and practice in international relations
Semblanzas literarias contemporáneas
War in the blood
Bosquejo de Europa
Guia del lector del "Quijote"
Mujeres españoles
Cosas y gentes
Una Gota De Tiempo (38080)
Homenaje a Gabriela Mistral
El Corazon De Piedra Verde/ the Green Stone Heart
Anarquía o jerarquía
El Corazon De Piedra Verde
Rettet die Freiheit!
A la orilla del río de los sucesos
Elysian Fields
De Galdo s a Lorca
Elysian Fields A Dialogue
On freedom
Presente y porvenir de Hispanoame rica, y otros ensayos
Elegía en la muerte de Unamuno
General, márchese usted
El enemigo de Dios
The price of peace
Sir Bob
Rosa de cieno y ceniza
On Hamlet
Nature of Liberty
The anatomy of the cold war
The Rise of the Spanish American Empire - The Fall of the Spanish American Empir
The rise of the Spanish American empire (Free Press paperback)
Perfil de España
Historical Guide to World War II
El corazón de piedra verde II
Latin America Between The Eagle and The Bear
La fuente serena
Über die Freiheit
Romances de ciego
Essor de lèmpire espagnol dÀmerique
Obras escogidas
Guía del lector del "Quijote", ensayo psicoĺ3gico sobre el "Quijote"
Weltpolitisches Kaleidoskop; Reden und Aufsätze
Don Juan y la Don-Jaunía
El auge del imperio español en América
El ocaso del Imperio Español en América
War in the blood
Portrait de l'Europe (Portrait of Europe)
Elegía en la muerte de Federico Garcia Lorca
Campos eliseos
L' Amerique latine entre l'ours et l'aigle
El semental Negro
Guia Del Lector Del " Quijote "
Spain and the Jews
Vida del Muy Magnifico Senor Don Cristobal Colon
Don Quixote (Oxford paperbacks)
La formación profesional de los trabajadores ..
Christophe Colomb
El ciclo hispánico
El Corazon De Piedra Verde I (Nueva Austral Ser Vol, 55)
Discursos internacionales
Genius of Spain, and Other Essays on Spanish Contemporary Literature (Essay Index Reprint)
La mappe monde et le pape monde
HernGan CortGes, conqueror of Mexico
Christopher Columbus Being The Life Of The Very Magnificent Lord Don Cristobal Colon
Selecciones de Madariaga
El ocaso del Imperio Espaõl en América
Guia De Lectura Del Quijote (Austral)
Ingleses, Franceses, Españoles
!Ojo, vencedores!
Teatro en prosa y verso
The blowing up of the Parthenon
Diálogos famosos
Portrat Europas
Sanco Panco
Hernán Cortés, conqueror of Mexico
Christopher Columbus
Elysian fields
The Heart of Jade
Una gota de tiempo
Portrait Of Europe, New Edition Copyright Salvador De Madariaga 1967, Printed In Great Britain For Hollis & Carter Ltd., By Lowe & Brydone (Printers) Ltd., London
The sword and the spirit
El Corazon de Piedra Verde [Tercera Parte]
De Colo n a Boli var
Selecciones de Madariaga
Anarquia o jerarquia
El corazón de piedra verde I
Los tres estudiantes de Salamanca
Anarchie oder Hierarchie
El ciclo hispánico
El semental negro
Vida del muy magnífico señor don Cristóbal Colón
Guerra en la sangre
Don Quixote
A Bunch of Errors
Carlos V
Novelas de nuestro tiempo
El corazón de piedra verde
Yo-yo y yo-él
Ensayos anglo-espanoles
Una gota de tiempo
Quatre Espagnols à Londres
La jirafa sagrada
El auge y el ocaso del imperio español en América
La cruz y la bandera, y Las tres carabelas
Aims & methods of a chair of Spanish studies
Vida del muy magnífico señor don Cristóbal Colón
Memorias, 1921-1936
Portrait of a man standing
Hernán Cortéz, conqueror of Mexico
La jirafa sagrada
Ramo de errores
Ingleses, franceses, españoles
The genius of Spain
El sol, la luna y las estrellas
De la angustia a la libertad
Bat ha-Atsṭeḳim
Anglais, Franc ʹais, Espagnols
La camarada Ana
Rettet die Freiheit!
Guía del lector del "Quijote"