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literary critics who wrote biography
Showing 249-256 out of 514 results
Antonio Gramsci
Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937)

philosopher, politician, journalist, economist, literary critic, historian, sociologist, opinion journalist, theatre critic

  • University of Turin, Lc G.M.Dettori-Cagliari
Lettere dal carcere
Gramsci's Prison Letters
Prison Letters (Pluto Classic)
Ikite iru Guramushi
Quaderni del carcere
Antonio Gramsci
Antonio Gramsci
Passato e presente
Prison notebooks
Further selections from the prison notebooks
Selections from the prison notebooks of Antonio Gramsci
Quaderni del carcere
Selections from the prison notebooks of Antonio Gramsci
A Gramsci reader
Selections from political writings (1910-1920)
Letters from prison
Cuadernos de la cárcel
Grammatica e linguistica
The modern prince, and other writings
Selections from cultural writings
Lettere dal carcere
Il Risorgimento
Gli intellettuali e l'organizzazione della cultura
The modern prince
The Gramsci reader
Selections from political writings (1921-1926)
Favole di libertà
Selections from political writings (1921-1926)
Socialismo e fascismo
Il materialismo storico e la filosofia di Benedetto Croce
Dante e Manzoni
Letters from Prison
Note sul Machiavelli, sulla politica e sullo stato moderno
Räte in Saclay? - Räte in Turin
Il Risorgimento
Prison Notebooks Volume II
                European Perspectives A Series in Social Thought  Cultural Criticism Paperback
Selections from the prison notebooks of Antonio Gramsci
La questione meridionale
Ecrits politiques, tome 1
Note sul Machiavelli sulla politica e sullo stato moderno
The Modern Prince and Selected Writings
Il materialismo storico e la filosofia di Benedetto Croce
An Antonio Gramsci Reader
Aydinlar ve toplum
Il materialismo storico e la filosofia di Benedetto Croce
Risorgimento italiano
Selections from political writings (1910-1920), with additional texts by Bordiga and Tasca
Scritti, 1913-1926
Scritti politici
Il Pensiero di Gramsci
Soviets in Italy
L' ordine nuovo, 1919-1920
La Questione Meridionale
Politik og kultur
Southern Question
Soviets in Italy
Ecrits politiques
Sotto la mole, 1916-1920
La questione meridionale
La religione come senso comune
Quaderni del carcere
L' albero del riccio
Cuadernos de la cárcel
Cartas desde la carcel
Selection from the prison notebooks of Antonio Gramsci
I consigli e la critica operaia alla produzione.
Escritos (Antología)
Tjuremnye tetradi
Letteratura e vita nazionale
Il pensiero di Gramsci
Cara compagna
Passato e presente
Cuadernos de la cárcel
Modern Prince
Elementi di politica
La formazione dell'uomo
Erziehung und Bildung.
The study of philosophy
Note sul Machiavelli
Il Vaticano e l'Italia
La nostra città futura
History, philosophy and culture in the young Gramsci
Gli intellettuali e l'organizzazione della cultura
Cahiers de prison
Croce e Gentile
I «Quaderni del carcere» di Antonio Gramsci
La política y el Estado moderno
Introduccion a la Filosofia de La Praxis
Caro Delio, caro Julik
Selections from cultural writings
La formazione dell'uomo
Letteratura e vita nazionale
Arbejderkontrol, arbejderraad, arbejderstyre
Lettere del carcere
Americanismo e fordismo
Antonio Gramsci
En kollektiv intellektuell
Izbrannye proizvedeniya
La città futura, 1917-1918
La costruzione del Partito comunista, 1923-1926
Per la verità
Odio gli indifferenti
Sul fascismo
Americanismo e fordismo
Piove, governo ladro!
Piove, governo ladro!
Scritti dalla libertà, 1910-1926
La formazione dell'uomo
Selections from the prison notebooks of Antonio Gramsci
Arte e folclore
Il Compromesso storico
Philosophie der Praxis
Quaderni miscellanei
Pensare la democrazia
Scritti giovanili, 1914-1918
Letteratura e vita nazionale. --
Forse rimarrai lontana--
2000 [i.e. Duemila] pagine di Gramsci
Note sul Machiavelli
Scritti di economia politica
Nuove lettere di Antonio Gramsci con altre lettere di Piero Sraffa
Marxismo e letteratura
La politica e Machiavelli
Antonio Gramsci
Introduccio n al estudio de la filosofi a
Il Risorgimento
Gramsci dans le texte
La questione meridionale
Il materialismo storico e la filosofia di Benedetto Croce
L'albero del riccio
Il materialismo storico e la filosofia de Benedetto Croce .
Lettres de prison
Il nostro Marx, 1918-1919
Passato e presente
Lettere ai figli
Risorgimento italiano
Il materialismo storico e la filosofia di Benedetto Croce
Cronache torinesi, 1913-1917
Piove, governo ladro!
La filosofia di Benedetto Croce
Il Vaticano e l'Italia
Introducción a la filosofía de la praxis
Cronache teatrali
Socialismo e fascismo
L'alternativa pedagogica
Nel mondo grande e terribile
Lettere dal carcere
Passato e presente
The open Marxism of Antonio Gramsci
Antonio Gramsci, vergessener Humanist?
Scritti sulla Sardegna
Yu zhong zha ji
Il Risorgimento
Letteratura e vita nazionale. --
Forse rimarrai lontana--
Antonio Gramsci
The Southern question
Cuadernos de la cárcel
Sotto la mole, 1916-1920
Odbrani tekstovi
Quaderni di traduzioni (1929-1932)
L'ordine nuovo, 1919-1920
La alternativa pedagógica
Elementi di politica
The southern question
Antonio Gramsci e la questione sarda
Scritti scelti
Lettere, 1908-1926
Il Vaticano e l'Italia
Il lettore in catene
Antologia degli scritti
La costruzione del Partito comunista, 1923-1926
Scritti 1915-1921
Forse rimarrai lontana
Antonio Gramsci
Gramsci a Roma, Togliatti a Mosca
Chichi kara kodomotachi e
Note sul Machiavelli
Maquiavelo y Lenin
Pirandello, Ibsen e il teatro
Le lettere dell'albero del riccio
La rivoluzione italiana
Favole di libertà
La quistione meridionale
Lettere dal carcere
Scritti rivoluzionari
Sul Risorgimento
Quaderno 22, americanismo e fordismo
Gli intellettuali e l'organizzazione della cultura
Concepção dialética da história
Disgregazione sociale e rivoluzione
The modern prince
Lettere dal carcere
Il Lorianismo
Scritti politici
La lotta per l'edificazione del Partito comunista
Letteratura e vita nazionale. --
Prison Notebooks
Selections from political writings
George Steiner
George Steiner (1928-2020)

philosopher, translator, literary critic, journalist, essayist

  • University of Oxford, Harvard University
Maestros and Monsters
Language and silence
Tolstoy or Dostoevsky
Martin Heidegger
After Babel
The death of tragedy
No passion spent
In Bluebeard's castle
The Portage to San Cristóbal of A. H.
Anno Domini
On difficulty, and other essays
Grammars of Creation
Real presences
Lessons of the Masters (The Charles Eliot Norton Lectures)
Fields of force
Real presences
What is comparative literature?
A Long Saturday
Proofs and three parables
Educating diabetic patients
George Steiner
My Unwritten Books
Nostalgia for the absolute
Idea of Europe
The Old Testament
Avec George Steiner
The Death of Tragedy
george steiner at the new yorker
My Unwritten Books
La mort de la tragédie
Errata(recits d'une pensee) (French Edition)
Lenguaje y Silencio
Origin of German Tragic Drama
Tolstoy or Dosteovsky
The deeps of the sea and other fiction
Langage et silence
Ce qui me hante
In Bluebeard's Castle
En lo profundo del mar
Business, Government and Society
The poetry of thought
George Steiner
Language and silence
Het Verbroken Contract
The Poetry of Thought
Discurso del Gran Inquisidor
My Unwritten Books
Poem into poem
Translating Religious Texts
Language and Silence
Après Babel
Proofs and
Sobre la Dificultad y Otros Ensayos
The sporting scene: white knights of Reykjavik
Presencias reales
Els llibres que no he escrit
Extraterritorial; Papers on Literature and the Language Revolution
Language and Silence
Tolstoy or Dostoevsky
Los logócratas
Goofy, the Autobiography of a Poet Emeritus
Real Presences
Tolstoy or Dostoevsky
Nach Babel
On difficulty
La poesia del pensament
Death of Tragedy
Réelles présences
Los Logcratas
De la Bible a Kafka
Poem into poem
Recordar el futur
Death of Tragedy
Martin Heidegger
Die Antigonen
Deu raons  de la tristesa del pensament
The idea of Europe
No Passion Spent
Eloge de La Transmission (Collections Sciences - Sciences Humaines) (French Edition)
Sprache und Schweigen
La poesia del pensament
Nostalgia for the Absolute
George Steiner en The New Yorker
Els llibres que no he escrit
Tolstoj o Dostoevskij
Anno Domini
Lecturas, obsesiones y otros ensayos
George Steiner, l'hote Importun
Deu raons  de la tristesa del pensament
On Difficulty
Death of Tragedy
Deu raons  de la tristesa del pensament
After Babel
On Difficulty
The Uncommon Reader
Un lector
La idea d'Europa
Anno Domini
Tolstoy mu Dostoyevski mi
Les Antigones
Von realer Gegenwart
After Babel
The death of tragedy
Els llibres que no he escrit
Nostalgia del Absoluto
Aqueles que Queimam Livros
Un long samedi
Presencias reales
Vere presenze
Portage to San Cristobal of A. H.
Tolstoy or Dostoevsky
Contemporary Approaches to English Studies
Death of Tragedy
Poetry of Thought
George Steiner em The New Yorker (Portuguese Edition)
La Barbarie de l'ignorance
Tragedyanin Olumu
My Unwritten Books
Homer; a Collection of Critical Essays
Grammars of Creation
Deu raons  de la tristesa del pensament
Barbarie de l'ignorance
Damned and the Elect
A reading against Shakespeare
Real Presences
Dieci (possibili) ragioni della tristezza del pensiero
Lenguaje y silencio
La poesia del pensament
Real Presences
Language and Silence
Gramàtiques de la creació
Tolstoy or Dostoevsky
La idea d'Europa
La poesia del pensament
Der Tod der Tragödie
Errata (Master Minds)
En El Castillo de Barba Azul
Language and silence; essays on language, literature, and the inhuman
Pasión Intacta
Vejdan-e zendegi
Préface à la Bible hébraïque
La barbarie de la ignorancia
Dans le château de Barbe-Bleue
Diez  razones para la tristeza del pensamiento
Recordar el futur
Language and Silence
Els llibres que no he escrit
Tolstoy or Dostoevsky
Lessons of the Masters
Anno Domini
Language and Silence
The Penguin book of modern verse translation
Presències reals
Grammars of Creation
Presències reals
Grammars of Creation
Darling, Yours Always
En el castillo de Barba Azul
El día del juicio
Langage et Silence
The Portage to San Cristobel of A. H.
Tolstoy or Dostoevsky
Lessons of the Masters
Master Mind?
Why English?
Tolstoi Ou Dostoievski
La lezione dei maestri. Charles Eliot Norton Lectures 2001-2002
Nostalgia for the Absolute
On Difficulty and Other Essays
George Steiner en The New Yorker (Tezontle) (Spanish Edition)
Gramàtiques de la creació
In Blauberts Burg
Language and Silence, Essays and Notes, 1958-66
Dönüş yok artık
La mort de la tragedie
Anno Domini
Le sens du sens
Unter Druck. Parabeln
Der Garten des Archimedes
Von realer Gegenwart. Hat unser Sprechen Inhalt?
Dissenters from the book
Grammatiche Della Creazione
Franz Kafka's The trial
Pasion Intacta
Passions impunies
Tolstoj oder Dostojewskij, Analyse des abendländischen Romans
Marxism and the literary critic
Language and silence: essays 1958-1966
Nostalgia for the Absolute (Massey Lectures)
Nach Babel. Aspekte der Sprache und des Übersetzens
Lecciones De Los Maestros (Tezontle) (Tezontle)
Grammatik der Schöpfung
Despues de Babel
Le transport de A.H.
Antigonas Una Poetica y Una Filosofia de La Lectur
Grammaires de la création
La mort de la tragedie
[Vienna at the turn of the century
George Steiner at the New Yorker
Gramaticas de La Creacion
Elogio de La Transmision
Antigone-- auch morgen
Le sens du sens. presences reelles (trilingue français-anglais-allemand)
Wittgenstein contra Shakespeare
Real presence
The problem of Powys
Le futur de l'autorité
Errata. Bilanz eines Lebens
Anno Domini
Dissenters from the book
El Ano del Seor
The Death of Tragedy (Faber Library)
Presencias Reales
Extraterritorial - Ensayo Sobre Literatura
Tolstoi O Dostoievski
Pruebas Y Tres Parabolas
Langage et silence
La idea de Europa
Is science nearing its limits?
The death of tragedy
La Muerte De La Tragedia
The Penguin book of modern verse translation
Dominique Bona
Dominique Bona (born 1953)

journalist, literary critic

  • Paris-Sorbonne University - Paris IV, Lycée Victor Duruy
Berthe Morisot
Romain Gary
Stefan Zweig, l'ami blessé
Camille et Paul
Il n'y a qu'un amour
Je suis fou de toi
Les yeux noirs
Colette et les siennes
Camille Claudel
Deux soeurs
Clara Malraux
Une vie de Gala
Stefan Zweig
Mes vies secrètes
אחים לתשוקה
Le manuscrit de Port-Ebène
Berthe Morisot. Das Geheimnis der Frau in Schwarz
Gala. Mein Leben mit Eluard und Dali
Die Zuckerplantage
Camille Et Paul La Passion Claudel
La ville d'hiver
Les Heures volées
Les Rouart
Thomas Carlyle
Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881)

linguist, literary historian, historian, translator, mathematician, philosopher, essayist, literary critic, teacher

  • University of Edinburgh, Annan Academy
On heroes, hero-worship and the heroic in history
History of Friedrich II of Prussia, called Frederick the Great
The  life of John Sterling
The  life of Friedrich Schiller
Historical sketches of notable persons and events in the reigns of James I and Charles I
Essays on Goethe
The Life of Friedrich Schiller: Comprehending an Examination of His Works
Carlyle's essay on Burns
Thomas Carlyle's Life of Friedrich Schiller
Last words
Essay on biography
Historical sketches of notable persons and events in the reigns of James Iand Charles I
Lives of Friedruch Schiller and John Sterling
Life of Robert Burns
The life of Friedrich Schiller
The life of Friedrich Schiller comprehending and examination of his work
Life of Friedrich Schiller (1825)
The life of Friedrich Schiller
Antología de la literatura fantástica
Early letters of Thomas Carlyle
Sartor resartus
The  French Revolution
Critical and Miscellaneous Essays
The Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1834-1872
Past and present
History of Friedrich II of Prussia
The French Revolution: A History
Latter-day pamphlets
German romance
The  works of Thomas Carlyle
Early Kings of Norway
The  last words of Thomas Carlyle
Essay on Burns
The Norton Anthology of English Literature -- Seventh Edition -- Volume 2B --The Victorian Age
Lectures on the history of literature, delivered by Thomas Carlyle, April to July, 1838
Shooting Niagara
Carlyle on heroes, hero-worship
The Harvard Classics
The  Carlyle anthology
On the choice of books
Sartor Resartus: The Life and Opinions of Herr Teufelsdröckh
Reminiscences of my Irish journey in 1849
Carlyle's unfinished History of German literature
Fraser's Magazine
Robert Burns
Tales by Musæus, Tieck, Richter
Critical and miscellaneous essays, collected and republ: The Works of Thomas Carlyle Part Three
Letters, 1526-1836
An  essay on Burns
Life of Robert Burns
Past and present chartism, and Sartor Resartus
Critical and miscellaneous essays, collected and republ
Early letters
Two notebooks of Thomas Carlyle
The French Revolution: A History. In Three Volumes
Sartor Resartus: The Life and Opinions of Herr Teufelsdröckh. In Three Books ..
Letters of Thomas Carlyle, 1826-1836
New letters
The  Nibelungen Lied
English and other critical essays
The  life of Oliver Cromwell
Sartor Resartus: The Life and Opinions of Herr Teufeledrockh
wilhelm meister
Libraries, Librarians, and Other Book Lovers
Translations from the German
A  Carlyle reader
Historical essays
Inaugural address at Edinburgh, 2d April, 1866
The Collected Poems of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle
The Collected Letters of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle: Vol. 6
The Collected Letters of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle: Vol. 12
Lectures on the history of literature
Collectanea Thomas Carlyle, 1821-1855
Thomas Carlyle
History Of Friedrich The Second Called Frederick The Great
The Collected Letters of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle: Vol. 27
The  early kings of Norway; also an essay on the portraits of John Knox
The  hero as prophet. Mahomet
On Heroes, Hero-worship and the Heroic in History: Six Lectures, Reported ..
The  socialism and unsocialism of Thomas Carlyle
Life of Friedrich Schiller (1825): Life of John Sterling (1851) : Two ..
Leben Schillers: Aus dem englischen
The  letters of Thomas Carlyle to his brother Alexander
History of Friedrich II. of Prussia, Called Frederick the Great: Called ..
Sartor Resartus, and On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History
The Collected Letters of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle: Vol. 26
The Life of John Sterling and Latter-day Pamphlets
The Collected Letters of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle: Vol. 10
Carlyle's Frederick the Great
Sartor Resartus: The Life and Opinions of Herr Teufelsdröckh. Heroes and ..
The  diamond necklace
On heroes, hero-worship and the heroic in the history
The  love letters of Thomas Carlyle and Jane Welsh
History Of Friedrich II of Purssia
An Outline of the Doctrines of Thomas Carlyle: Being Selected and Arranged Passages from His Works
Early Letters, 1814-1826
The  correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and John Ruskin
Carlyle year-book
Samuel Johnson
Sartor Resartus: The Life and Opinions of Herr Teufelsdröckh. Heroes and Hero-worship
On Heroes, Hero-worship, and the Heroic in History: Six Lectures
Heroes and hero worship
The  Nigger question
On Heroes, Hero-worship, and the Heroic in History: Six Lectures: Reported with Emendations and ..
The Collected Letters of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle: Vol. 14
Leben Schillers
German Romance: Translations from the German, with Biographical and Critical Notices
The Collected Letters of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle: Vol. 11
Selected writings
Sartor Resartus: The Life and Opinions of Herr Teufelsdr�ockh
The Collected Letters of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle: Vol. 13
Thomas Carlyle : selected writings
German Romance V2
A  Carlyle calendar
Two note books of Thomas Carlyle, from 23d March 1822 to 16th May 1832
Essays on German literature
Letters (1826-1836): Volume 1
The French revolution
Rescued essays of Thomas Carlyle
The  battles of Frederick the Great
Sartor resartus, On heroes
Life of Friedrich Schiller (1825) ; Life of John Sterling (1851)
History Of Friedrich The Second Called Frederick The Great: Past And Present: The Portraits Of John Knox: Miscellanies
The Last Words Of Thomas Carlyle: Wotton Reinfred
An  essay on Robert Burns
Scottish & other miscellanies
Letters: 1826-1836: Vol. 1/2: 1826-1832: 1832-1836
Thomas and Jane
Reminiscences by Thomas Carlyle
French Revolution
The works of J.w. Von Goethe
Thomas Carlyle's On heroes, hero-worship, and the heroic in history
Pictures of the modern intellect
Thomas Carlyle's Essay On Robert Burns
Heroes, hero-worship and the heroic in history
Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Thomas Carlyle: With personal reminiscences and selections from his private letters to numerous correspondents. Volume 2
Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Thomas Carlyle: With personal reminiscences and selections from his private letters to numerous correspondents. Volume 1
History of Friedrich II of Prussia; Volume 19-20
Thomas Carlyle: Essay on Biography: Selected Biographical and Historical Sketches and Other Writings
The  voice of Carlyle
Oliver Cromwell's Letters And Speeches With Elucidations
Selected works, reminiscences, and letters
Chartism [and] Past and present
Letters of Thomas Carlyle to William Graham
The Collected Letters of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle: Vol. 23
History of Friedrich 2 of Prussia, called Frederick the Great
Jocelin of Brakelond
Oliver Cromwell's letters and speeches
Carlyle's Oliver Cromwell
The Collected Letters of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle: Vol. 22
History of Friedrich II of Prussia, Volume 16-18
Oliver Cromwell's Letters And Speeches With Elucidations The Life Of Friedrich Schiller Comprehending An Examination Of His Works
The French Revolution, Vol. 2
The early kings of Norway
Memoirs Of The Life And Writings Of Thomas Carlyle With Personal Reminiscences V2
History of Friedrich II of Prussia Volumes 13-16
The Collected Letters of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle: Vol. 16
The  French revolution, a history in three parts
History of Friedrich II of Prussia Volumes 8-12
History of Friedrich the Second
Life Of Martin Luther
The Hero As Prophet
Who Am I? - Pamphlet
Selections from Carlyle
The Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1834-1872, Volume I
New Letters And Memorials Of Jane Welsh Carlyle
The Collected Letters of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle: Vol. 2
The Hero As Poet
The Collected Letters of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle: Vol. 24
Letters to his wife
O herojima, heroizmu i obožavanju heroja
Thomas Carlyle's works
Letters of Thomas Carlyle
History of Friedrich II of Prussia, Volumes 5-8
The Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1834-1872, Volume II
History Of Friedrich II Of Prussia Called Frederick The Great V5
Frederick the Great
The Collected Letters of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle: Vol. 19
The Collected Letters of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle: Vol. 21
Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson 1834 to 1872 Part 1
Sartor Resartus (1831)
The Collected Letters of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle: Vol. 4
History of Friedrich II of Prussia, Called Frederick The Great (1858-65)
The Correspondence Of Thomas Carlyle And Ralph Waldo Emerson 1834-1872 V1
The Collected Letters of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle: Vol. 3
History Of Friedrich II Of Prussia Called Frederick The Great V10
Sartor resartus, and, Latter-day pamphlets
The correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1834-1872
Thomas Carlyle On Heroes, Hero-Worship And The Heroic In History
On the sacrament of baptism
The Hero As Priest
The Mosaic Tabernacle
History Of Friedrich II Of Prussia Called Frederick The Great V9
The Collected Letters of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle: Vol. 25
Critical and miscellaneous essays, collected and republished. Vol. IV
The Collected Letters of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle: Vol. 15
Sartor resartus and essays on Burns and Scott
Test Your History I.Q
Abbot Samson
The  works of Thomas Carlyle in 30 vols
The Collected Letters of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle: Vol. 17
Thomas Carlyle's Inaugural Address At Edinburgh, April 2, 1866
Thomas Carlyle Reminiscences
Thoughts on life
History of Friedrich II of Prussia, Volume 9
Sartor Resartus, Heroes and hero-worship and Past and present
History Of Friedrich II Of Prussia Called Frederick The Great V4
History of Friedrich II of Prussia, Volumes 9-12
Critical And Miscellaneous Essays - Vol I (1868)
The Collected Letters of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle: Vol. 9
Le Collier de la Reine
Thomas Carlyle's essay on Robert Burns
The Collected Letters of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle: Vol. 18
New Letters Of Thomas Carlyle V1
The  life of Frederick the Great
Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson 1834 to 1872 Part 2
A City By Night - Pamphlet
New Letters Of Thomas Carlyle V2
Critical and miscellaneous essays
On heroes
Memoirs of the Life And Writings of Thomas Carlyle With Personal Reminiscences
The Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1834-1872, Vol. I
Carlyle on heroes
The  life of Friedrich Schiller: comprehending an examination of his works. 1825. With supplement of 1872
History of Friedrich II of Prussia, Volumes 1-4
The Collected Letters of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle: Vol. 5
History Of Friedrich II Of Prussia Called Frederick The Great V6
History of Friedrich II of Prussia Volumes 17-19
History of Friedrich II of Prussia, Volume 13-15
English and other critical essays
Oliver Cromwell's Letters And Speeches V2
History Of Friedrich II Of Prussia Called Frederick The Great V2
Cromwell's Letters and Speeches
Collected Letters of Thomas & Jane Welsh Carlyle/Volumes 5-7
The Correspondence Of Thomas Carlyle And Ralph Waldo Emerson 1834-1872 V2
Letters addressed to Mrs. Basil Montagu and B.W. Procter
History Of Friedrich II Of Prussia Called Frederick The Great V1
Essay on Burns: With the Cotter's Saturday Night and Other Poems from Burns
Montaigne and other essays, chiefly biographical
Sartor resartus & selected prose
History Of Friedrich II Of Prussia Called Frederick The Great V3
Oliver Cromwell's Letters and Speeches, Part 2
History Of Friedrich II Of Prussia Called Frederick The Great V8
The Hero As King
℗ʻAl giborim, ℗ʻavodat giborim u-midat ha-gevurah be-divre ha-yamim
Carlyle's complete works
Carlyle on heroes, hero-worship, and the heoric in history
The Collected Letters of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle: Vol. 7
The Nigger Question And The Negro Question
Oliver Cromwell's Letters and Speeches, Part 1
Critical and miscellaneous essays, collected and republished
Past and Present (Thomas Carlyle)
History of Friedrich II of Prussia, Volume 21 and appendix
Memoirs Of The Life And Writings Of Thomas Carlyle With Personal Reminiscences Part One
The Collected Letters of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle: Vol. 20
The Collected Letters of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle: Vol. 8
Latter-Day Pamplets
An  outline of the doctrines of Thomas Carlyle
History of Friedrich II of Prussia Volumes 1-7
Last words of Thomas Carlyle
The Collected Letters of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle: Vol. 1
The Hero As A Man Of Letters
History of Friedrich II of Prussia Volumes 20-21 and Appendix
Historical Sketches Of Notables Persons And Events In The Reigns Of James I. And Charles I
History Of Friedrich II Of Prussia Called Frederick The Great V7
The  best known works of Thomas Carlyle
A  dialogue on the approaching trial of Mr. Carlile, for publishing the "Age of reason"
The Hero As Divinity
Journey to Germany, autumn 1858
El  dictador Francia
Latter Day Pamphlets
History of Frederich Second of Prussia Called Frederick the Great
Letters to his youngest sister
Friedrich der Grosse
Selected works
German Romance
A  general index to the People's edition of Thomas Carlyle's works
Latter-day pamphlets
Letters to Ruskin
Geschichte Friedrichs des zweiten genannt Friedrich der Grosse
Oliver Cromwell's Letters and Speeches With Elucidations Part 2
Sartor Resartus and On Heroes and Hero Worship
German romance
Translations from the German by Thomas Carlyle ..
Correspondance (1834-1872)
The  best of Carlyle
Selections from Carlyle: Sartor Resartus, The French Revolution , Past and ..
Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle . Two Volumes in One.
A  general index to the Library edition in thirty volumes (of) Thomas Carlyle's collected works
Novellas of Ludwig Tieck and E.T.A. Hoffmann
The life of Friedrich Schiller. Comprehending  an examination of his works
Past and Present
Carlyle's Oliver Cromwell with a selection from his letters and speeches
Sartor resartus, Lectures on heroes, Chartism, Past and present
Critical and miscellaneous essays
On great men
Essays on the greater German poets and writers
Last words of Thomas Carlyle
Thomas Carlyle: letters to his wife
Carlyle's essay on Sir Walter Scott
Critical and miscellaneous essays
History of Friedrich II. Of Prussia Called Frederick The Great Part 5
Heroes, Hero-Worship and the Heroic in History
The French Revolution - A History - Part 3
Past and present by Thomas Carlyle with an introduction by G. K. Chesterton
Essays on Burns and Scott
Oliver Cromwell's Letters and Speeches With Elucidations Part 3
The French Revolution - A History - Part 2
Carlyle's Essay on Burns
Inaugural address at Edinburgh, April 2nd, 1866
Works Of Thomas Carlyle, The (30 Volumes))
Carlyle on heroes, hero-worship and the heroic in history
The  present time
Sartor resartus ; Heroes and hero-worship ; John Sterling ; Latter day pamphlets
Carlyle Sartor resartus
Wilhelm Meister - Part 2
Critical and miscellaneous essays
History of Friedrich II of Prussia, called Frederick the Great
History of Frederick The Great - Part 8
Correspondance (1834-1872)
Essays on Burns, Scott & Johnson
History of Frederick The Great - Part 6
Critical and Miscellaneous Essays - Part 2
Sartor resartus
History of Friedrich II. Of Prussia Called Frederick The Great Part 3
These days
Lectures on the history of literature or the successive periods of European culture
History of Fredrich II of Prussia, called Frederick the Great
The correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1834-1872
History of Friedrich 2 of Prussia, called Frederick the Great
"Beautiful thoughts"
Collected Works
History of Friedrich II. Of Prussia Called Frederick The Great Part 2
Essay on Goethe's Faust ..
Sartor Resartus - The Life and Opinions of Herr Teufelsdrockh
History of Frederick The Great - Part 7
Wilhelm Meister - Part 1
Critical and Miscellaneous Essays - Part 3
Critical and Miscellaneous Essays - Part 5
New Letters (2 Volumes)
Letters of Thomas Carlyle to his youngest sister
On heroes, hero-worship, and the heroic in history ; also essays on Goethe
Elements of Geometry and Trigonometry: With Notes
Past and pesent
Critical and Miscellaneous Essays - Part 1
Critical and miscellaneous essays, collected and republished
The French revolution
Scottish & Other Miscellanies
Essais choisis de critique et de morale
Boswell's Johnson
Passages selected from the writings of Thomas Carlyle
Essays on Burns
Thomas Carlyle's collected works
Oliver Cromwell's Letters and Speeches With Elucidations Part 1
Montaigne and other essays
The French Revolution - A History - Part 1
Letters to his wide
Carlyle's latter-day pamphlets
On the choice of books, and two letters
Principal Gold Producing District of Washington (Akros Pocket Classics Series)
Oliver Cromwell's Letters and Speeches With Elucidations Part 4
Critical and Miscellaneous Essays - Part 4
On heroes, hero-worship, and the heroic in history
History of Friedrich II of Prussia called Fredrick the Great
History of Friedrich II. Of Prussia Called Frederick The Great Part 1
Lectures on heroes
Collected works of Thomas Carlyle
Model prisons
Thomas Carlyle on Shakespeare from 'The hero as poet'
German Romance - Part 2
History of Friedrich II. Of Prussia Called Frederick The Great Part 4
Sartor resartu. On heroes. Hero worship
Arbeiten und nicht verzweifeln
Latter-Day Phamplets
Lives of Friedrich Schiller and John Sterling
Critical and miscellaneous essays
... Carlyle
Complete works
Carlyle, "The hero as poet" and "The everlasting yea"
Scottish and other miscellanies
Past and present
Occasional discourse on the nigger question
Letters of Thomas Carlyle to his youngest sister
[Thomas Carlyle's works]
History of Friedrich II. of Prussia
Thomas Carlyle's ausgewählteschriften
ʻAl giborim, ʻavodat giborim, u-midat ha-gevurah be-divre ha-yamim
Critical and miscellaneous essays
Selected works, reminiscence s and letters; ed. by Julian Symons
Critical and miscellaneous essays
Latter-day pamphlets
Sartor resartus
The works of Thomas Carlyle (complete). --
History of the French revolution
The Carlyle anthology
Carlyle's complete works
Los Heroes
Last words of Thomas Carlyle ...
Selected works, reminiscences, and letters
History of Friedrich II. of Prussia, called Frederick the Great
On heroes, hero-worship and the heroic in history
Historical sketches in the reign of Charles 1 and James 1
The diamond necklace and Mirabeau
History of Friedrich II. of Prussia
The life of John Sterling
Oliver Cromwell's Letters and Speeches: Including the Supplement to the Past ..
The French revolution
Eiyū sūhairon
The hero as Prophet
Lectures on the history of literature ... delivered April to July 1838
On heroes, hero-worship, and the heroic in history
The collected works of Thomas Carlyle
No Title Exists
Sartor Resartis
Selected works, reminiscences and letters
New letters
Selections from the writings of Thomas Carlyle
El Doctor Francia
Letters of Thomas Carlyle to his youngest sister
Sartor resartus
Ying xiong yu ying xiong chong bai
Essay on Burns
Selected essays
New letters of Thomas Carlyle
Oliver Cromwell's letters and speeches
[Thomas Carlyle's works]
Boswell's Johnson
Critical and miscellaneous essays
Heroes and hero worship
History of Friedrich the Second, called Frederick the Great
The eve of the French Revolution
The correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1834-1872 .
Critical and miscellaneous essays, collected and republished
Selected essays
Essay on Burns
Carlyle's complete works
The French revolution, a history
Wilhelm Meister's apprenticeship and travels
Frant Łsuzskai Ła revoli Łut Łsii Ła
[Thomas Carlyle's works]
Carlyle's complete works
The French revolution, a history in three parts
Lives of Scottish Poets: With Ports. and Vignettes
Carlyle's essay on Burns
Past and present
Guo qu yu xian zai
Carlyle on heroes, hero-worship, and the heroic in history
Letters of Thomas Carlyle, 1826-1936
The hero as Prophet
Carlyle's lectures on heroes hero-worship and the heroic in history
Life of Robert Burns
History of Friedrich II. of Prussia, called Frederick the Great
Die französische Revolution
The life of John Sterling
Sartor resartus
On Great Men (Classic, 60s)
Carlyle's essay on Burns
Critical and miscellaneous essays
Sartor resartus
The early kings of Norway
The life of John Sterling
[Thomas Carlyle's works]
Ying xiong yu ying xiong chong bai
[Thomas Carlyle's works]
English and other critical essays
The works of Thomas Carlyle
Essay on Burns
On heroes, hero-worship, and the heroic in history
Letters, 1526-1836
Past and present
The life of John Sterling ...
English and other critical essays
Briefe Thomas Carlyle's an Varnhagen von Ense aus den Jahren 1837-1857
Sartor resartus
Geroi i geroicheskoe v istorii
Die Liebesbriefe von Thomas Carlyle und Jane Welsh
[Thomas Carlyle's works]
On heroes and hero-worship
Selected works, reminiscences andletters
Sartor resartus
Jing zhong shi jie
Carlyle's Essay on Burns
[Thomas Carlyle's works]
[Thomas Carlyle's works]
Sartor resartus
History of the French Revolution
The French revolution
The correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson, l834-l872
Sartor resartus
Past and present
Life of Fredrich Schiller
El doctor Francia
Om heroer, herodyrkelse og det heroiske i historien
Works of Carlyle
Life of Robert Burns
Sartor resartus and On heroes
Last words of Thomas Carlyle ...
The works of Thomas Carlyle (complete). --
On the study of history
Critical and miscellaneous essays
The French Revolution
English and other critical essays
History of Friedrich II of Prussia
The Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1834-1872 Two volumes in one
Critical and miscellaneous essays, collected and republished
An essay on Robert Burns
Past and present
The Carlyle anthology
Selected works, reminiscences and letters
Thomas Carlyle on CD-ROM
The French Revolution
[Thomas Carlyle's works]
Latter-day pamphlets
Critical and miscellaneous essays
The life of John Sterling
The complete works of Thomas Carlyle ...
New letters
Translations from the German
[Thomas Carlyle's works]
Carlyle's Essay on Burns
Sartor resartus
Selected works
Critical and miscellaneous essays
Sartor resartus
Critical and miscellaneous essays
Criticism of Thomas Carlyle
Sartor resartus
Sartor resartus
המהפכה הצרפתית
Letters of Thomas Carlyle to John Stuart Mill, John Sterling and Robert Browning
The Works of William Carlyle
Letters of Thomas Carlyle to John Stuart Mill, John Sterling and Robert Browning
[Thomas Carlyle's works]
Scottish & other miscellanies, and English and other critical essays
Die  französische Revolution
The life of John Sterling
On the choice of books
On heroes and hero-worship
The life of Friedrich Schiller
On heroes, hero-worship, and the heroic in history
Teperʹ i prezhde
Abbot Samson and other selections
[Thomas Carlyle's works]
The Psychology of the Hero as the Most Powerful Force Determining the Course of History (Science of Man Library Book)
[Thomas Carlyle's works]
Cultul eroilor
An essay on Robert Burns
Complete works
On heroes, hero worship, and the heroic in history
The best hundred books
The French revolution
The diamond necklace
Past and present
Tales by Musaeus, Tieck, Richter
Latter-day pamphlets
Selected essays of Thomas Carlyle
The life of Friedrich Schiller
Istori i Ła frant Łsyzskoi  revoli Łut Łsi i
Carlyle's complete works
Heroes and hero worship
Death of Goethe
On heroes, hero-worship, and the heroic in history
Passages selected from the writings of Thomas Carlyle
The early kings of Norway; also an essay on the portraits of John Knox
Der König Friedrich der Grosse von Thomas Carlyle
Heroes and hero worship
Selected essays
General index to the People's edition of Thomas Carlyle's works
Frederick the Great
Essay on Burns
Thomas Carlyle's philosophy of clothes
The correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1834-1872
History of Friedrich II of Prussia, called Frederick the Great. --
Svundne tider og ny
History of Frederich II of Prussia called Frederick the Great
The French Revolution
An Essay on Burns
The works of Thomas Carlyle
The lay of the Nibelungs
Carlyle's heroes, hero-worship and the heroic in history
On heroes, hero-worship, and the heroic in history. (1840)
The French Revolution
Essay on Burns
Essay on Burns
Ying xiong yu ying xiong chong bai
Critical and miscellaneous essays
On heroes, hero-worship, and the heroic in history
On heroes, hero-worship and the heroic in history
[Thomas Carlyle's works]
Sartor resartus
The life of John Sterling ...
[Thomas Carlyle's works]
The Collected Letters of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle
Thomas Carlyle
[Thomas Carlyle's works]
Chartism ; Past and present
[Thomas Carlyle's works]
The life of John Sterling
The French Revolution
On heroes, hero-worship and heroic in history
Die französische Revolution
History of Friedrich the Second
Occasional discourse on the nigger question
Last words of Thomas Carlyle on trades-unions, promoterism and the signs of the times
Die französische Revolution
La Revolucion Francesa
On heroes, hero-worship and the heroic in history
Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
Henry Louis Gates, Jr. (born 1950)

essayist, literary critic, genealogist, historian, journalist, philosopher

  • Potomac State College of West Virginia University, Yale University
The Souls of Black Folk
Dusk of dawn
Colored people
Gay rebel of the Harlem renaissance
In battle for peace
The African-American century
Life upon these shores
The Classic slave narratives
The trials of Phillis Wheatley
Unchained Memories
The Trials of Phillis Wheatley
In Search of Our Roots
The classic slave narratives
The slave's narrative
The classic slave narratives
The African American national biography
Dictionary of Caribbean and Afro-Latin American Biography
African American national biography
The Trials of Phillis Wheatley
Bearing Witness
In Search of Our Roots
Faces of America
Bearing witness
From Slave to Statesman
In search of our roots
African American national biography
The Philadelphia Negro
Black reconstruction in America 1860-1880
The signifying monkey
Loose Canons
Wonders of the African world
Transition 75/76. Selections from Transition, 1961-1976
Figures in Black
The Suppression Of The Slave Trade To The United States Of America 1638-1870
The Greatest Taboo
Africa, its geography, people, and products
The future of the race
Finding Oprah's Roots
America Behind The Color Line
The dictionary of global culture
Reading black, reading feminist
Black folk
John Brown (the Oxford W. E. B. du Bois)
Stony the Road
And Still I Rise
The Black Church
Gloria Naylor
The Norton Anthology of African American Literature
Thirteen ways of looking at a Black man
The Image Of The Black In Western Art
Light of Truth
Tradition and the Black Atlantic
To Make Their Own Way in the World
You Don’t Know Us Negroes and Other Essays
African American Studies
The Image Of The Black In Western Art
Black Lives 1900
Black in Latin America
The White Issue
Philadelphia Negro (the Oxford W. E. B. du Bois)
The Classic Slave Narratives
Black cool
The Schomburg Library of Nineteenth-Century Black Women Writers
The portable nineteenth-century African American women writers
Making Futures
Zora Neale Hurston Essays
The Trials of Phillis Wheatley
Called to be free
Fateful Triangle
"Race," writing, and difference
Gordon Parks Collected Works, 1942-1998
Understanding Jim Crow
Wonders of the African world
The Henry Louis Gates, Jr. reader
The annotated African American folktales
Portable Anna Julia Cooper
100 amazing facts about the Negro
The image of the Black in African and Asian art
Speaking of Race, Speaking of Sex
The New Negro Aesthetic
Reconsidering Race
The African Americans
Teaching with the Norton Anthology of African American Literature
Finding Your Roots, Season 2
To Make a Poet Black
In search of Hannah Crafts
Black Literature and Literary Theory
The Oxford handbook of African American citizenship
Transition 97/98
Uncle Tom
Black literature, 1827-1940
John Brown (the Oxford W. E. B. du Bois)
Transition 96
May Day at Yale,1970 : Recollections
The Image of the Black in Western Art, Volume III: From the "Age of Discovery" to the Age of Abolition, Part 1: Artists of the Renaissance and Baroque
World and Africa and Color and Democracy (the Oxford W. E. B. du Bois)
New Negro
Dark Sky Rising
Finding your roots
Finding Oprah's Roots
Frederick Douglass
Harriet Wilson's New England: Race, Writing, and Region (Revisiting New England: The New Regionalism)
Lincoln on Race and Slavery
African American Studies
Chinua Achebe
Black Church
Harriet Wilson's New England
The Norton anthology of African American literature
Bearing Witness
13 ways to look at a Black man
Harriet Wilson's New England: Race, Writing, and Region (Revisting New England: the New Regionalism)
The bondwoman's narrative by Hannah Crafts
Ralph Ellison
Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Black Man
Who's Black and Why?
Philadelphia Negro (the Oxford W. E. B. du Bois)
Stony the Road
Race, Writing and Difference
African American Lives
Colored People
Farbige Zeiten
African American lives
Microsoft Encarta africana
Finding your roots with Henry Louis Gates, Jr
America Behind The Color Line
Signifying Monkey
America Behind The Color Line
Reading Black, Reading Feminist
What to Do about Race
Image of the Black in Latin American and Caribbean Art, Book 1
Signifying Monkey
LIFE Lincoln
The Third World of Theory (Clarendon Lectures in English Literature)
Black America since MLK
Truth of Consequences
Image of the Black in Western Art Vol. V
Slave Narratives (college)
Africana: The Encyclopedia of the African and African American Experience
Robert R. Taylor and Tuskegee
Harriet A. Jacobs
The Trials of Phillis Wheatley
The Bondwoman's Narrative
A Chronology of African-American History from 1445-1980
'Race Is Everything'
Finding Your Roots
Four Classic Slave Narratives
Colored People
Signifying Monkey
Image of the Black in Western Art Vol. IV, Pt. 2
Image of the Black in Latin American and Caribbean Art, Book 2
Black literature and literary theory
The dictionary of global culture
Image of the Black in Western Art Vol. V, Pt. 1
Wole Soyinka
Ann Petry
Dictionary Global Culture
Annotated African American Folktales (the Annotated Books)
Faces of America
Now and Forever Windows by Kerry James Marshall at Washington National Cathedral
Literature, Language, and Politics
A Chronology of African-American History
Stony the Road
Bartlett's Familiar Black Quotations
Anthology of African American Literature
Wonders of the African world
Civitas Anthology of African American Slave Narratives
Finding Your Roots
In Search of Hannah Crafts
America beyond the color line
Black Literature and Literary Theory
Our Gang
Modern Liberty
Harriet Jacobs
Dictionary of Global Culture
In Search Of Identity: African American Lives
Ann Petry
Microsoft Encarta africana 2000
Strange Fruit, Volume I
Three Classic African American
In the house of Oshugbo
The Anniversary Issue
Figures in Black
The Norton anthology of African American literature
Gloria Naylor
The Norton Anthology African American Literature
Africana 2003 Engagement Calendar
Call and response
The Classic Slave Narratives
The Henry Louis Gates, Jr. reader
Come Sunday
Black Is the Color of the Cosmos
The Oxford W. E. B. Du Bois
The Essential Soyinka
Afro-American Women Writers
Vasily Zhukovsky
Vasily Zhukovsky (1783-1852)

linguist, poet, translator, literary critic, teacher

  • Moscow university boarding school
Polnoe sobranie sochineniĭ i pisem
Poėty pushkinskogo kruga
Novyi Zavet Gospoda nashego Iisusa Khrista
Polnoe sobranīe sochinenīĭ V. A. Zhukovskago
Поэты пушкинской поры
Polnoe sobranie sochineniĭ i pisem
Perepiska V.A. Zhukovskogo i A.P. Elaginoĭ
Russkai︠a︡ liricheskai︠a︡ poėzīi︠a︡ dli︠a︡ di︠e︡vit︠s︡
Proza poeta
Vasiliĭ Zhukovskiĭ
Zarubezhnai︠a︡ poėzii︠a︡ v perevodakh V.A. Zhukovskogo
Na vzi͡a︡tīe Varshavy
Polnoe sobran♯±e sochineni♯Ư V.A. Zhukovskago
Sobranie sochinenii
Pi͡e︡vet͡s︡ vo stani͡e︡ ruskikh voinov
Spiashchai︠a︡ t︠s︡arevna
Dvi︠e︡nadt︠s︡atʹ spi︠a︡shchikh di︠e︡v
Sochinenii︠a︡ v V.A. Zhukovskago
Pisʹma V.A. Zhukovskago, M.A. Moĭer i E.A. Protasovoĭ
Poslednie minuty Pushkina
Pozhar zimni︠a︡go dvort︠s︡a 17 dekabʺri︠a︡ 1837 goda
Sochinenīi͡a︡ V. A. Zhukovskago
Tam nebesa i vody i︠a︡sny
Sochinenīi︠a︡ V.A. Zhukovskago: s prilozhenīem ego pisem, bīografīi i ...
Ėstetika i kritika
Polnoe sobranīe sochinenīĭ V.A. Zhukovskago: v trekh tomakh
Pismo V. A. Zhukovskago o brakie ego s dievitseiu fon-Reitern
Sobranie sochineniĭ v chetyrekh tomakh
V.A. Zhukovskiĭ--kritik
Sobranie sochineniĭ
Skazka o Ivani͡e︡ T͡S︡arevichi͡e︡ i si͡e︡rom volki͡e︡
Ballady, poėmy i skazki
Ballady i povi͡e︡sti
Stikhotvorenii︠a︡ i ballady
Pisʹma k ego imperatorskomu bysochestvu gosudariu Velikomu Kniaziu Konstantinu Nikoaevichu
Stikhotvorenii︠a︡ i poėmy
Vsë neobʺi︠a︡tnoe v edinyĭ vzdokh tesnitsi︠a︡--
Izbrannye sochinenii︠a︡
Roland Oruzhenoset͡s︡
Vasiliĭ Zhukovskiĭ
Sochinenīi︠a︡ v stikhakh i prozi︠e︡
Pisʹma k ego imperatorskomu vysochestvu gosudariu Velikomu Kniaziu Konstantinu Nikolaevichu
Polnoe sobranie sochineniĭ
Pisʹma V. A. Zhukovskago
Polnoe sobranīe sochinenīĭ V.A. Zhukovskago
Stikhotvorenii︠a︡, poėmy, proza
Das Mährchen von Iwan Zarewitsch & dem grauen Wolf
Ostergabe für das Jahr 1850
Izbrannyi︠a︡ proizvedenīi︠a︡
Sochinenīi︠a︡ V.A. Zhukovskago
Stranstvui︠u︡shchīĭ zhid
Stikhotvorenii︠a︡, ballady, povestʹ
Sochīnenīi︠a︡ V.A. Zhukovskago v dvukh tomakh
Pozhar zimni͡ago dvort͡sa 17 dekabʺri͡a 1837 goda
Poėzīi russkago pisateli͡a︡, s 1848 goda
Stikhotvorenii︠a︡ i ballady
Nalʹ i Damai︠a︡nti
Stikhotvoreniia V. Zhukovskago
Frant︠s︡uzskai︠a︡ poėzii︠a︡ v perevodakh V.A. Zhukovskogo
Slovo o polku Igoreve
Ballady V.A. Zhukovskago
Rozy Malʹzerba
Sobranie sochineniĭ V. A. Zhukovskago
Sobranīe ruskikh stikhotvorenīĭ, vzi︠a︡tykh iz sochinenīĭ luchshikh stikhotvort︠s︡ev rossīĭskikh i iz mnogikh ruskikh zhurnalov
Skazka o t︠s︡ari︠e︡ Berendei︠e︡
Polnoe sobranīe sochineniĭ V. A. Zhukovskago
René Doumic
René Doumic (1860-1937)

journalist, literary critic, literary historian

  • Lycée Condorcet, École Normale Supérieure
George Sand: some aspects of her life and writings
Hommes et idées du 19e siıecle
George Sand
What Men of Letters Say
Portraits d'écrivains
La poésie lyrique en France au dix neuvième siècle
De Scribe à Ibsen: causeries sur le théâtre contemporain
Études sur la littérature française
Le théâtre nouveau
George Sand
Écrivains d'aujourd'hui
Lettres d'Elvire à Lamartine, avec deux fac-similés des autographes conservés à Saint-Point
Portraits d'écrivains (Deuxième série)
Revue des deux mondes
Le misanthrope de Molie  re
La poésie lyrique en France au dix-neuvième siècle
Etudes sur la Litterature Francaise
Le centenaire de la Librairie Hachette
George Sand; some aspects of her life and work
Portraits d'écrivains (2. série)
George Sand
Essais sur le theatre contemporain. --
Le misanthrope de Molière ; étude et analyse par René Doumic
Portraits d'écrivains
Le misanthrope de Molière
Essais sur le théâtre contemporain ..
Les jeunes, études et portraits
Études sur la littérature française
Les Jeunes
Histoire de la littérature française
Le misanthrope de Molière
Le soldat de 1914
La vie & les moeurs au jour le jour
Histoire de la litterature française
La vie & les moeurs au jour le jour
Le the a tre nouveau
Portraits d'écrivains
De Scribe a Ibsen
Le misanthrope de Molie  re
Impressions du Canada
De Scribe à Ibsen
Contemporary French novelists
Ecrivains d'aujourd'hui
Le théâtre nouveau
Écrivains d'aujourd'hul ..
Maurice Maindron
Les jeunes
Lettres d'Elvire à Lamartine
Essais sur le théâtre contemporain
Hommes et idées du XIXe siècle
De Scribe à Ibsen
Le théâtre nouveau
De Scribe à Ibsen
Portraits d'écrivains
Le misanthrope de Molière; étude et analyse par René Doumic
Etudes littéraires sur les auteurs français prescrits pour l'examen du brevet supérieur
Contemporary French novelists
Etudes sur la littérature française
Le theatre nouveau
Le livre du centenaire
Portraits d'écrivains...
Le misanthrope de Molière
Études sur la littérature française
Histoire de la littérature, française classique (1515-1830)
Études sur la littérature française
Études sur la littérature française
Portraits d'écrivains (Deuxième série) : Paul Bourget--Guy de Maupassant--Pierre Loti--Jules Lemaître--Ferdinand Brunetière--Émile Faguet--Ernest Lavisse--Ferdinand Fabre--J.-M. de Heredia
Études littéraires sur les auteurs français prescrits pour l'examen du brevet supérieur
Portraits d'écrivains (Deuxième série) : Paul Bourget--Guy de Maupassant--Pierre Loti--Jules Lemaître--Ferdinand Brunetière--Émile Faguet--Ernest Lavisse--Ferdinand Fabre--J.-M. de Heredia
Juan-Pablo Echagüe et le développement des relations franco-argentine
Portraits d'écrivains
Discours de réception de M. René Doumic
La vie & les moeurs au jour le jour
La poésie lyrique en France au dix-neuvième siècle
Histoire de la littérature française
Portraits d'écrivains
La vie & les moeurs au jour le jour
Études sur la littérature française
Essais sur le théâtre contemporain
Les jeunes
De Scribe à Ibsen
Études sur la littérature française
George Sand
Études sur la littératur française .
Fintan O'Toole
Fintan O'Toole (born 1958)

journalist, literary critic, historian, political scientist, editor

  • University College Dublin
A traitor's kiss
White savage
White Savage
Ship of fools
Tom Murphy
Martin Parr
The ex-isle of Erin
Shakespeare is hard, but so is life
Heroic Failure
The lie of the land
Child Sex Scandal and Modern Irish Literature
Ship of Fools
Politics of Pain
Critical moments
Modern Ireland in 100 Artworks
Black hole, green card
We Don`t Know Ourselves - a Personal History of Modern Ireland
Ship Of Fools 2
Up the Republic!
A history of Ireland in 100 objects
A Fair Day
The politics of magic
The Irish times book of the century
We Don't Know Ourselves
Mass for Jesse James
Up the Republic!
We Don't Know Ourselves
The Irish journalist's handbook
No more heroes
Irish Times Book of the 1916 Rising
Judging Shaw
Irish Life
Radical Guide to MacBeth and Hamlet
Caledonian Dreaming
Three Years in Hell
Brexit Chronicles
History of Ireland in 100 Objects
The Southern question
Dancing on the edge of Europe
After the ball
politics of magig
Brexit Chronicles
"Macbeth" and "Hamlet"
Enough Is Enough
Untitled O'Toole on Ireland and America
Heroic Failure
Meanwhile back at the ranch
Ship of Fools
Three Years in Hell
Judging Shaw
Enough Is Enough
Siobhan Mckenna
Going West
The lie of the land
Biography of Richard Brinsley Sheridan