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literary critics who wrote biography
Showing 177-184 out of 514 results
Robert Sabatier
Robert Sabatier (1923-2012)

poet, literary critic

Je vous quitte en vous embrassant bien fort
Histoire de la poesie francaise
Les allumettes suédoises
Le livre de la déraison souriante
Le Sourire aux lèvres [Roman]
Histoire de la poésie française
Trois sucettes à la menthe
Olivier et ses amis
The safety matches
Les châteaux de millions d'années ; suivi de Icare et autres poèmes
Histoire de la poésie française, volume 5-1 : La Poésie du XIXe siècle
La souris verte
Histoire de la poésie française, volume 5-2 : La Poésie du XIXe siècle
Olivier 1940
Les noisettes sauvages
Les allumettes suedoises
Le cygne noir
Histoire de la poesie au xxeme siecle t3
Dédicace d'un navire et autres poèmes
Les trompettes guerrières
Les masques et le miroir
Les Enfants de l'été
David et Olivier
Three mint lollipops
Les fillettes chantantes
La poésie du XXe siècle
L' état princier
Les années secrètes de la vie d'un homme
L' oiseau de demain
Le lit de la merveille
Icare et autres poèmes
Dictionnaire de la mort
Alain et le nègre
Histoire de la poésie française, volume 2
Le goût de la cendre
La mort du figuier
Les Châteaux de millions d'années
Les Fillettes chantantes
La mort du Siguier
La Poésie du XXe siècle
Robert Sabatier, ou, les fêtes de la parole
La mort du figuier
Le marchand de sable
Le chinois d'Afrique
Le marchand de sable
Le Livre De La Raison Souriante
Les fêtes solaires
Three mint lollipops
Dessin sur un trottoir
Dédicace d'un navire
Œuvres poétiques complètes
La sainte farce
Les poisons délectables; poèmes
Les Châteaux de millions d'années, pòemes
Le cordonnier de la rue triste
Les Châteaux de millions d'années
L'etat princier
Trois sucettes a la menthe
Canard au sang
La sainte farce
Dante Isella
Dante Isella (1922-2007)

literary critic, philologist

  • University of Milan
La vita di Alberto Pisani e i libri di Carlo Dossi
Per due liriche di Finisterre
Le carte mescolate vecchie e nuove
Carlo Porta
Lombardia stravagante
Le carte mescolate
I Lombardi in rivolta
Per Francesco de Sanctis
La lingua e lo stile de Carlo Dossi
Ritratto dal vero di Carlo Porta
Giornale di "Frontiera"
Dovuto a Montale
L'idillio di Meulan
La lingua e lo stile di Carlo Dossi
L' officina della notte e altri Studi pariniani
Antiquarie prospetiche romane
Nella biblioteca di Carlo Emilio Gadda
Studi di letteratura italiana offerti a Dante Isella
T. Gwynn Jones
T. Gwynn Jones (1871-1949)

journalist, librarian, poet, literary critic

  • Ysgol Dyffryn Ogwen
Thomas Gwynn Jones
Welsh folklore and folk-custom
Llenyddiaeth y Cymry
Llenyddiaeth y Cymry
T. Gwynn Jones
Emrys ap Iwan
Daniel Owen, 1836-1895
Llyfr Nia fach
Llyfr Gwion bach
Cerddi canu
Awen y Gwyddyl
Ymadawiad Arthur a chaniadau eraill
Y dwymyn, 1934-35
Beirniadaeth a myfyrdod
Cerddi hanes
Dewi Sant
The culture and tradition of Wales
Yn oes yr arth a'r blaidd
Brethyn Cartref
Geiriadur; Cymraeg-Saesneg a Saesneg-Cymraeg
Detholiad o ganiadau
Y Môr Canoldir a'r Aifft
Gorchest Gwilym Bevan
Cofiant Thomas Gee
John Homer
Tir na n-Óg
Song-classics for children
Blodau o hen ardd
Ceinciau'r Cymry
Chwe chân glasurol
Chwe chân werin Gymreig =
Canu haf
Y glöyn byw
Reinhard Baumgart
Reinhard Baumgart (1929-2003)

literary critic

Auferstehung und Tod des Joseph Roth
Thomas Mann und München
Glücksgeist und Jammerseele
Einsam Sind Alle Brucken
Deutsche Literatur der Gegenwart. Kritiken, Essays, Kommentare
Die verdrängte Phantasie
Glück und Scherben. Drei lange Geschichten, vier kurze
Liebesspuren. Eine Lesereise durch die Weltliteratur
Über Uwe Johnson
Addio: Abschied von der Literatur
Deutsche Literatur der Gegenwart
García Lorca und Granada
Glück und Scherben
Aussichten des Romans oder hat Literatur Zukunft?
Panzerkreuzer Potjomkin
Das ironische und die Ironie in den Werken Thomas Manns
Die verdra ngte Phantasie
Der Löwengarten
Literatur für Zeitgenossen
Aussichten des Romans
Das ironische und die Ironie in den Werken Thomas Manns
Das ironische und die Ironie in den Werken Thomas Manns
Das ironische und die Ironie in den Werken Thomas Manns
Ludwig Börne
Ludwig Börne (1786-1837)

poet, literary critic, poet lawyer, journalist

  • University of Giessen
Ludwig Börne und Frankfurt am Main
Ludwig Börne 1786-1837
Spiegelbild des Lebens
Briefwechsel des jungen Börne und der Henriette  Herz
Börne der Zeitgenosse
Briefe aus Paris
Berliner Briefe, 1828
Kritische Schriften
Ludwig Börne zum zweihundertsten Geburtstag
Gesammelte Schriften
Briefe des jungen Börne an Henriette Herz
Ludwig Börnes gesammelte Schriften
Monographie der deutschen Postschnecke
Börne brevier
Gesammelte Schriften von Ludwig Börne
Ludwig Börne
Menzel, der Franzosenfresser
Ludwig Börne's sämmtliche Werke ..
Ludwig Börne -- Jeanette Wohl Briefwechsel (1818-1824)
Börnes Werke in zwei Bänden
Sämtliche Schriften
Werke in zwei Bänden
Schriften zur deutschen Literatur
Ludwig Börne's gesammelte Schriften
Der Narr im weissen Schwan
Börnes Werke
Menzel der Franzosenfresser und andere. Schriften
Börne der Zeitgenosse
Der roman
Leben ist Differenz
Spiegelbild des Lebens
La Balance
Werke in zwei Bänden
Französische Schriften
Ludwig Börne's urtheil über H. Heine
Briefwechsel des jungen Börne und der Henriette Herz
Börnes Werke in zwei Bänden
Menzel, der Franzosenfresser
Briefe aus Paris
Briefe aus Frankfurt
Gesammelte schriften
Börnes Werke
Nachgelassene schriften
ha-Yehudi ha-nitsḥi
Das Staatspapier des Herzens
Études sur l'histoire et les hommes de la Révolution française
Anna Seward
Anna Seward (1747-1809)

poet, literary critic, biographer

Memoirs of the life of Dr. Darwin
Memoirs of the life of Dr. Darwin, chiefly during his residence at Lichfield, with anecodotes of his friends, and criticisms on his writings
Memoirs of the life of Dr. Darwin
Anna Seward's Life of Erasmus Darwin
The Poetry of Cats
Great Cat Tales
Monody on Major Andre
The poetical works of Anna Seward
Letters of Anna Seward written between the years 1784 and 1807
Poetical works, with extracts from her literary correspondence
Llangollen vale, with other poems
Llangollen Vale
The Swan of Litchfield
Monody on Major Andrè
Elegy on Captain Cook
Letters Of Anna Seward V1
Poem To The Memory Of Lady Miller
Llangollen vale, 1796
The Poetical Works Of Anna Seward V3
Memoirs of the life of Dr. Darwin, chiefly during his residence in Lichfield
Poem to the memory of Lady Miller. By Miss Seward, ..
Ode on General Eliott's return from Gibraltar
Miss Seward's enigma
Original Sonnets on Various Subjects: And, Odes Paraphrased from Horace
Original sonnets on various subjects
Letters written between the years 1784 and 1807
Monody on the unfortunate Major Andre
Letters of Anna Seward
Louisa, a poetical novel, in four epistles
The swan of Lichfield
Monody on Major André
Monody on Major Andre
Letters of Anna Seward written between the years 1784 and 1807
Memoirs of the life of Dr. Darwin, chiefly during his residence in Lichfield, with anecdotes of his friends, and criticisms on his writings
The Swan of Lichfield
Monody on Major Andrè
The poetical works of Anna Seward
Anna Seward's journal and sermons
Letters of Anna Seward
Poem to the memory of Lady Miller
Louisa, a poetical novel, in four epistles
Monody on the unfortunate Major André
Edmund Gosse
Edmund Gosse (1849-1928)

poet, librarian, literary critic, art historian, translator, literary historian

Father and son
Critical kit-kats
Coventry Patmore
Henrik Ibsen
Life of William Congreve
Sir Thomas Browne
Father and son, a study of two temperaments
The naturalist of the sea-shore
Father and son
Robert Browning; personalia
Portraits from life
The life of Algernon Charles Swinburne
Henrik Ibsen / by Edmund Gosse, with essays on Ibsen by Edward Dowden and James Huneker
Thomas Hardy O.M
Thomas Hardy, O.M. and Sir Edmund Gosse, Litt.D
Father and son
Life of William Congreve
Biographical notes on the writings of Robert Louis Stevenson
The Life Of Swinburne
Tallemant des Réaux
The life of Philip Henry Gosse, F.R.S
Henrik Ibsen
Memoir of Thomas Lodge
Henrik Ibsen
Some Diversions of a Man of Letters
Portraits and sketches
Northern studies
The Jacobean poets
Studies in the literature of Northern Europe
The life of Algernon Charles Swinburne
Seventeenth century studies
A history of eighteenth century literature (1660-1780)
Books on the table
Gossip in a library
From Shakespeare to Pope
More books on the table
A short history of modern English literature
Aspects and impressions
Jeremy Taylor
Leaves and fruit
On viol and flute
French profiles
French profiles
English odes
Sir Henry Doulton: the man of business as a man of imagination
French profiles
Seventheenth-century studies
In russet & silver
The secret of Narcisse
The future of English poetry
Firdausi in exile, and other poems
King Erik
Malherbe and the classical reaction in the seventeenth century
Questions at issue
Three French Moralists and The Gallantry of France
A history of eighteenth century literature (1600-1780)
Inter arma
The life and letters of John Donne, dean of St. Paul's
The Life & Letters of John Donne
Robert Browning
On Viol and Flute
The life of Philip Henry Gosse, F.R.S
The unequal yoke (1886)
The Unfortunate Traveler Or, The Life Of John Wilton
The life of Philip Henry Gosse ..
The continuity of literature
America: the diary of a visit, winter 1884-1885
The continuity of literature, presidential addresses, 1922
Two visits to Denmark 1872, 1874
Firdausi in exile
Life and writings of William Congreve
The library of Edmund Gosse
Modern English literature
New poems
Two visits to Denmark
Selected essays
Some diversions of a man of letters
The collected poems of Edmund Gosse
The life and letters of John Donne, dean of St. Paul's
Sir Walter Raleigh
Critical kit-kats
From Shakespeare to Pope an Inquiry into the Causes and Phenomena of the Rise of Classical Poetry in England
The Life And Letters Of John Donne, Dean Of St. Paul's V2
The Collected Essays Of Edmund Gosse - Portraits And Sketches
Robert Browning; personalia / by Edmund Gosse
English Literature An Illustrated record in Eight Volumes Volume IV-Part 1 From the age of ..
The autumn garden
Collected poems
Seventeenth Century Studies - Collected Essays of Edmund Gosse
The Life And Letters Of John Donne, Dean Of St. Paul's V1
The Milton manuscripts at Trinity
Portraits and Sketches
Seventeenth Century Studies: An Inquiry Into the Causes and Phenomena of the ..
Firdausi in exile and other poems
Memoir of Thomas Lodge
Notes  (no.13 of a series) by Mr. Edmund Gosse on the pictures and drawings of Mr. Alfred W. Hunt
Browning's centenary, Tuesday, May 7th, 1912
Two visits to Denmark
French Profiles
Three French moralists and the gallantry of France
Littérature anglaise
British portrait painters and engravers of the eighteenth century
Three French moralists
Thomas Hardy
Cecil Lawson
Thomas Gray
The rose of Omar
Robert Browning: personalia
French profiles
The unknown lover
Jeremy Taylor / by Edmund Gosse
Restoration plays
From Shakespeare to Pope
Modern English Literature (Appleton Dollar Library)
The Milton manuscripts at Trinity
A Norwegian ghost story
From Shakespeare To Pope; An Inquiry Into The Causes And Phenomena Of The Rise Of Classical Poetry In England
Synnove Solbakken
Modern English Literature: A Short History
Correspondence with Scandinavian writers
Conventry Patmore
Leaves and fruit
Transatlantic dialogue
Restoration plays
A catalogue of a portion of the library of Edmund Gosse
Critical kit-kats. --
A history of eighteenth century literature (1660-1780). -
Inter arma: being essays written in time of war
A critical essay on the life and works of George Tinworth
English literature
Wo di hai
History Of Eighteenth Century Literature, 1660-1780, A (BCL1-PR English Literature)
Sir Thomas Browne
Jeremy Taylor
Restoration plays
Father and son
In russet & silver
Two pioneers of romanticism
A critical essay on the life and works of George Tinworth
Gray (English Men of Letters)
Life of William Congreve
English literature
Firdawsī dar tabʻīd
The Oxford book of Scandinavian verse
A short history of modern English literature
English literature
Sir Edmund Gosse
English odes
The naturalist of the sea-shore
A visit to the friends of Ibsen
The life and letters of John Donne
A catalogue of the works of Algernon Charles Swinburne in the library of Mr. Edmund Gosse
Modern English literature
Collected essays
Gossip in a library
A history of eighteenth century literature (1660-1780)
Alexander Pope; Samuel Johnson; Gray
Critical kit-kats
Wolcott Balestier
A history of eighteenth century literature (1660-1780)
Father and son
Studies in the literature of northern Europe
Coventry Patmore
Restoration plays from Dryden to Farquhar
A History of Eighteenth Century Literature Sixteen Sixty to Seventeen Eighty
The collected poems of Edmund Gosse
In russet & silver
Yingguo wen xue
Father and son
An address to the Fountain club, 1923
Malherbe and the classical reaction in the seventeenth century
Sir Edmund Gosse's correspondence with Scandinavian writers
Restoration plays
Northern studies
The Allies' fairy book
Henry Fielding
Robert Browning
Life of William Congreve (Bcli-Pr English Literature Series)
The influence of democracy on literature
Essays From The Chap-Book
Seventeenth century studies
Aspects & Impressions (George Eliot, Henry James, Samuel Butler, Congreve, Swinburne, Rousseau, Ibsen)
Gossip in a library
Restoration plays
The Mermaid club
Jubilé de Paul Bourget
The Jacobean poets
Restoration plays for Dryden to Farquhar
Isidora Sekulić
Isidora Sekulić (1877-1958)

literary critic, art critic

Apostol samoće
Kritički radovi Isidore Sekulić
Govor i jezik--kulturna smotra naroda
Moj krug kredom
Ogledi i zapisi
Njegošu knjiga duboke odanosti
Gospa Nola
D́akon bogorodic̆ine crkve
Sabrana dela Isidore Sekulić
Zapisi o mome narodu
Kronika palanačkog groblja
Jezik i kultura
Analitički trenutci
Kronika palanačkog groblja
Sabrana dela
Mir i nemir
Kronika palanac̆kog groblja
Sabrana dela Isidore Sekulić
Knjiga o Njegošu Isidore Sekulić
Isidora Sekulić
Govor i jezik, kulturna smotra naroda
Izabrani eseji
Njegošu knjiga duboke odanosti
Đakon Bogorodičine crkve
Gospa Nola
Isidora Sekulić
Sabrana dela