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lawyers who wrote biography
Showing 89-96 out of 229 results
Henry S. Foote
Henry S. Foote (1804-1880)

politician, lawyer

  • Washington and Lee University
The bench and bar of the South and Southwest
The bench and bar of the South and Southwest
War of the rebellion; or, Scylla and Charybdis
Casket of reminiscences
Rev. Theobald Mathew
Oration delivered by the Hon. Henry S. Foote, on the fourth of July, 1850, at Monument Place, with an introduction
Speech of Mr. Foote, of Mississippi, on the admission of California
Speech of Hon. H. S. Foote, of Mississippi, in the Senate of the United States, Feb. 16, 1848, on the resolution of thanks to General Taylor
War of the rebellion, or, Scylla and Charybdis. Consisting of observations upon the causes, course, and consequences of the late civil war in the United States
War of the rebellion; or, Scylla and Charybdis
Rev. Theobald Mathew
War of the rebellion
Eulogy upon the life and character of James K. Polk
Texas and the Texans
Texas and the Texans; or, Advance of the Anglo-Americans to the South-West
Texas and the Texans
Eulogy upon the life and character of James K. Polk, late president of the United States, delivered at Washington City, July 9, 1849
The compromise measures
Lectures on popular subjects
California, territorial governments, &c
Peter O. Chotjewitz
Peter O. Chotjewitz (1934-2010)

translator, lawyer, poet lawyer

Alles  uber Leonardo aus Vinci
Alles über Leonardo aus Vinci
Die mit Tränen säen
Der Fall Hypatia. Eine Verfolgung
Der Fall Hypatia: eine Verfolgung
Rom. Spaziergänge auf der Antike
Reden ist tödlich, schweigen auch
Machiavellis letzter Brief
Die Insel
Die Briganten
Durch Schaden wird man dumm
Das Wespennest
Als würdet ihr leben
Machiavellis letzter Brief: historischer Roman
The thirty years peace
Mein Freund Klaus
Die Herren des Morgengrauens
Mein Schatz unterm Dachboden
Urlaub auf dem Lande
Reden ist tödlich, schweigen auch
Der dreissigjährige Friede
Die Gegenstände der Gedankenstille
Abschied von Michalik
Mein Mann ist verhindert
Die Trauer im Auge des Ochsen
Die Rückkehr des Hausherrn
Ulmer Brettspiele
Die Insel
Hommage à Frantek
Tod durch Leere
Vom Leben und Lernen
Albert Drach
Albert Drach (1902-1995)

jurist, poet lawyer, lawyer, playwright

In Sachen de Sade
Unsentimental Journey
The massive file on Zwetschkenbaum
Untersuchung an Mädeln
Untersuchung an Mädeln. Kriminalprotokoll
Ironie vom Glück
Untersuchung an Mädeln. Werkausgabe 01. Kriminalprotokoll
Z. Z. das ist die Zwischenzeit. Ein Protokoll
Das Beileid
Das große Protokoll gegen Zwetschkenbaum
"O Catilina"
Untersuchung an Mädeln
The massive file on Zwetschkenbaum
Das grosse Protokoll gegen Zwetschkenbaum
Unsentimentale Reise
O Catilina
Der Zynismus ist ein Anwendungsfall der Ironie
"Z.Z." das ist die Zwischenzeit
Das grosse Protokoll gegen Zwetschkenbaum
Das Aneinandervorbeispiel und die inneren Verkleidungen
Ia und Nein
Das Spiel vom Meister Siebentot, und weitere Verkleidungen
Gottes Tod ein Unfall
Das Spiel vom Meister Siebentot
Die kleinen Protokolle und das Goggelbuch
"Z.Z.," das ist die Zwischenzeit
Die kleinen Protokolle und des Goggelbuch
Ironie vom Glück
In Sachen Albert Drach
Un viaje nada sentimental
Unsentimentale Reise
Gesammelte Werke
Z.Z., das ist die Zwischenzeit
Voyage non sentimental
Das grosse Protokoll gegen Zwetschkenbaum
Die Erzählungen
Karl Hans Strobl
Karl Hans Strobl (1877-1946)

poet lawyer, editing staff, poet, theatre critic, dramaturge

  • Charles University
Bettina von Arnim
Bettina von Arnim
Der krieg im Alpenrot
Das Geheimnis der blauen Schwerter
Dorf im Kaukasus
Der zauberkäfer
Unheimliche Geschichten
Der brennende Berg
Die Wunderlaube
Eleagabal Kuperus
Arno Holz und die jüngst-deutsche bewegung
Prozess Borowska
Rex, geschichte eines hundes und zweier menschen
Ein gute Wehr und Waffen
Heerkönig Ariovist
Die Flamänder von Prag
Gespenster im sumpf
Der betrogene Tod
Goya und das löwengesicht
Zwei Saltzenbrod
Alfred Mombert
Die Madonna mit der Armbanduhr
Franz Ferdinands Lebensroman
Das Frauenhaus von Brescia
Heimat im frühen Licht
Die knöcherne hand und anderes
Die weltgeschichte und das igelhaus
Die Starken
Das wirtshaus "Zum könig Przemysl"
Glückhafte Wanderschaft
Kaiser Rotbart
Die vier Ehen des Matthias Merenus
Feuer im Nachbarhaus
Ludwig Anzengruber
Bernard Le Bovier de Fontenelle
Bernard Le Bovier de Fontenelle (1657-1757)

philosopher, poet, playwright, satirist, librettist, mathematician, lawyer, religious studies scholar, astronomer

  • Lycée Pierre-Corneille
Éloges des académiciens
The eloge of Professor Boerhaave, M.D
Eloge de Monsieur le Chevalier Neuton
Histoire du renouvellement de l'Académie royale des sciences en 1699 et les éloges historiques de tous les académiciens morts depuis ce renouvellement
Éloges des académiciens avec l'histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences en 1699 avec un discours préliminaire sur l'utilité des mathématiques
Éloges des académiciens de l'Académie royale des sciences, morts depuis l'an 1699
An account of the life and writings of Sr. Isaac Newton
Eloges des académiciens de l'Académie royale des sciences, morts depuis l'an 1699
Entretiens sur la pluralité des mondes
Histoire des oracles
Nouveaux dialogues des morts
Élémens de la géométrie de l'infini
Œuvres de Fontenelle
Œuvres choisies
Oeuvres de Fontenelle
Oeuvres choisies de Fontenelle
Oeuvres de Fontenelle
Lettres galantes de Monsieur le chevalier d'Her
Histoire du renouvellement de l'Academie Royale des Sciences en MDCXCIX et les academiciens morts depuis ce renouvellement, avec un discours preliminaire sur l'utilité des mathematiques et de la physique
Pensees ingenieuses des anciens et des modernes
Entretiens sur la pluralite des mondes
Textes choisis (1683-1702)
The history of oracles, tr. [by S. Whatley. Sig. D6 is mutilated]
Rêveries diverses
Entretiens sur la pluralité des mondes
Pages choisies
The history of oracles, and the cheats of the pagan priests
Nouveaux dialogues des morts
Éloges de Fontenelle
Éloges de Fontenelle
The life of Sir Isaac Newton
Oeuvres de Fontenelle
Entretiens sur la pluralité des mondes
Oeuvres choisies
The history of oracles
Entretiens sur la pluralité des mondes habités
Oeuvres choisies
Elements de la geometrie de l'infini
Éloges de Fontenelle
Dialogues of the dead
New dialogues of the dead
The achievement of Bernard le Bovier de Fontenelle
The elogium of Sir Isaac Newton
Lucian's ghost: or, Dialogues between the dead
The prize of wisdom
The life of Sir Isaac Newton
Élements de la geometrie de l'infini
Dialogues des morts, d'un tour nouveaux
Textes choisis (1683-1702)
Lettres galantes de Monsieur le chevalier d'Her***
Œuvres complètes
La republique des philosophes
Le tyran
Histoire des oracles
Dialogues of the dead, ancient and modern. The second part
Eloges des academiciens
Conversations on the plurality of worlds
De l'origine des fables, 1724
The life of Sir Isaac Newton
Lettres galantes
Poesies pastorales
The lives of the French, Italian and German philosophers, late members of the Royal academy of science in Paris
Letters of gallantry. By M. de Fontenelle, under the name of the chevalier d'Her***. Translated into English by Mr. Ozell
The history of oracles, in two dissertations. ... By M. de. Fontenelle, ... Translated from the best edition of the original French
Poesies pastorales de M.D.F
Herrn Bernhards von Fontenelle ... Auserlesene Schriften
The history of oracles. In two dissertations; wherein are proved, I. That the oracles were not given out by dæmons; ... II. That the oracles did not cease at the coming of Jesus Christ; ... By M. de Fontenelle, ... Translated from the best edition of the original French
Pages choisies
Oeuvres choisies: avec un notice biographique, une notice historique et litteraire, des notes explicatives, des jugements, un questionnaire et des sujets de devoirs
The history of oracles and the cheats of the pagen priests
Histoire du renouvellement de l'Académie royale des sciences en M.DC.XCIX. et les éloges historiques de tous les académiciens morts depuis ce renouvellement, avec un discours préliminaire sur l'utilité des mathématiques & de la physique
Eloge de M. Neuton
Nouveaux dialogues des morts
Dialogues of the dead
Traité de la liberté
Nouvelles libertés de penser
The northern worthies
Œuvres de Monsieur de Fontenelle
Oeuvres complètes
Entretiens sur la pluralité des mondes
Eloge du Czar Pierre I
Jugement de Pluton sur les deuz parties des Nouveaux dialogues des morts
Entretiens sur la pluralité des mondes
Choix d’éloges de savants
Oeuvres diverses de M. de Fontenelle
Entretiens su la pluralité des mondes
A plurality of worlds. Written in French by the author of the Dialogues of the dead. Translated into English by Mr. Glanvill
Entretiens sur la pluralité des mondes, suivis des dialogues de morts
Oeuvres diverses de M. de Fontenelle de l'Academie Françoise
Oeuvres de Fontenelle
Histoire des oracles
The elogium of His Imperial Majesty Peter I. Czar of Muscovy. By Mons. de Fontenelle, Secretary to the Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris: ... Translated by C. R. Esq
Le jardinier de Sidon
E lements de la geometrie de l'infini
The achievement of Bernard le Bovier de Fontenelle
The history of the oracles
Conversations on the plurality of worlds
Fontenelle Histoire des Ajaoiens
The French Lucian made English; By J.D. Esq
A plurality of words
A discourse of the plurality of worlds
Conversations on the plurality of worlds..
Oeuvres de Fontenelle...
Oeuvres de Monsieur de Fontenelle ...
Oeuvres choisies
Pages choisies des grands écrivains: Fontenelle
OEuvres de Monsieur de Fontenelle
Textes choisis (1683-1702)
Textes choisis et commentés par Émile Faguet
Entretiens sur la pluralite  des mondes
Oeuvres diverses de M. de Fontenelle...
Oeuvres choisis
La république des philosophes
Letters of gallantry. By M. de Fontenelle, under the name of the chevalier d'Her***. Translated into English by Mr. Ozell
Fontenelle's Dialogues of the dead, in three parts
Nouveaux dialogues des morts
Dialogen über die Mehrheit der Welten
The history of oracles, in two dissertations. ... By M. de. Fontenelle, ... Translated from the best edition of the original French
Eloges de Vauban
Manuel complet, th©♭orique et pratique, de pharmacie populaire. Simplifi©♭e et mise ©  la port©♭e de toutes les classes de la soci©♭t©♭ ...
Fontenelle und die Aufklärung
Dialogues of the dead, in three parts
Opere del Signor Bernardo di Fontenelle
Lettre de Fontenelle sur la résurrection
Le jardinier de Sidon
A discovery of new worlds
Nouveau manuel complet de physique amusante ou nouvelles récréations physiques
Lettres galantes de Monsieur le chavalier d'Her***
Nouveaux dialogues des morts
The history of oracles
Recueil des plus belles pieces des poëtes françois
Opere del Signor Bernardo di Fontenelle ...
Entretiens sur la pluralité des mondes & Histoire des oracles
The Loves of Mirtil son of Adonis
Dialogen ©ơber die Mehrheit der Welten
Œuvres diverses ...
Bernhards von Fontenelle Gespräche der Todten und Plutons Urtheil über dieselben
A week's conversation on the plurality of worlds
De l'origine des fables (1724)
Oeuvres de Fontenelle
Elemens de la geometrie de l'infini
Poesies pastorales
Lettres galantes de monsieur le chevalier d'Her***
Choix d'ʹeloges
A week's conversation on the plurality of worlds. To which is prefixed, a memoir of the author's life and writings
Entretiens sur la pluralité des mondes, augmentés des dialogues des morts
Rassuzhdenii͡a o religii, prirode i razume
Testes choisis (1683-1702)
Nouveau manuel complet du distillateur liquoriste, par messieurs Lebeaud et Julia de Fontenelle
Œuvres diverses ... Tome second. Qui contient l'entretien [sic] sur la pluralité des mondes. L'histoire des oracles
Letters of gallantry
Oeuvres de monsieur de Fontenelle
Œuvres complètes
Thétis et Pélée
Entretiens sur la pluralité des mondes
Thetis et Pelée
Storia degli agiaoiani
Oeuvres diverses
Histoire des Ajaoïens
Conversations on the plurality of worlds
Entretiens sur la pluralité des mondes [of I-VI, with 'Description d'un sphère armillaire']
Dialogen über die mehrheit der welten
Enée et Lavinie
Histoire des oracles
A plurality of worlds
Poésies choisies
Entretiens sur la pluralité des mondes. Suivis des Dialogues de morts
Conversations with a lady, on the plurality of worlds
Digression sur les anciens et les modernes
The History Of Oracles, And The Cheats Of The Pagan Priests. In Two Parts. Made English
Entretiens sur la pluralité des mondes [I-VI]
Histoire du renouvellement de l'Academie Royale des Sciences en M.DC.XCIX. Et les eloges historiques de tous le Academiciens morts depuis ce renouvellement
A discovery of new worlds, translator's preface, 1688
Discours nature de l'eglogue
Nouveaux dialogues des morts
Histoire du renouvellement de l'Académie royale des sciences en M. DC. XCIX. et les éloges historiques de tous les académiciens morts depuis ce renouvellement
The life of Sir Isaac Newton; with an account of his writings
Œuvres choisies
John Mortimer
John Mortimer (1923-2009)

barrister, poet lawyer

  • University of Oxford, Harrow School
The summer of a dormouse
Murderers and other friends
where there's a will
Murderers and Other Friends
Clinging to the wreckage
Clinging to the wreckage
In Character
In character
Clinging to the wreakage
Clinging to the wreckage
Character parts
Murderers and other friends
The summer of a dormouse
Rumpole and the angel of death
Rumpole and the Penge Bungalow Murders
Rumpole rests his case
Rumpole and the primrose path
Rumpole on Trial
The sound of trumpets
Like men betrayed
Paradise postponed
Felix in the underworld
Regina v. Rumpole
The narrowing stream
Rumpole à la carte
Rumpole and the age of miracles
The third Rumpole omnibus
Rumpole of the Bailey
Quite honestly
A voyage round my father
Titmuss regained
Will Shakespeare
Trials of Rumpole
Three plays
Character parts
Rumpole's Return
Summer's lease
Paradise postponed
The first Rumpole omnibus
Where there's a will
Rumpole's Return
The best of Rumpole
The best of Rumpole
Rumpole and the Reign of Terror (Rumpole Novels)
Rumpole's Last Case
A Rumpole Christmas
Rumpole on Trial (Rumpole)
A voyage round my father.
Quite Honestly
Collected Plays
Quite Honestly
Rumpole and the Reign of Terror
Summer's lease
Famous trials
The Rapstone chronicles
Rumpole à la carte
A voyage round my father ; The dock brief ; What shall we tell Caroline?
Rumpole and the Younger Generation
Rumpole misbehaves
Statistical Process Control
Rumpole Misbehaves
Rumpole and the golden thread
Voyage Round My Father
Rumpole and the golden thread
Where there's a will
Felix in the underworld
Forever Rumpole
Charles Dickens' A Christmas carol
Will Shakespeare
Rumpole for the Defense
Rumpole's Last Case
The Rumpole Collection
Rumpole Rests His Case
Under the hammer
Advanced manufacturing in the automotive industry
A Rumpole Christmas
Idaho Table
Rumpole rests his case
The wrong side of the park
Rumpole of the Bailey
Rumpole and the reign of terror
The bells of hell
Lunch Hour
Come as You Are
Rumpole Omnibus
Rumpole of the Bailey
Rumpole's Last Case (Rumpole)
The second Rumpole omnibus
Rumpole Rests His Case
Five Plays
The second Rumpole omnibus
Rumpole and the Judges Elbow
The Captain of Köpenick
Naked Justice
Rumpole at the Bar
Selected Works of John Mortimer
Rumpole and the reign of terror
The Anti-social Behaviour of Horace Rumpole
With love & lizards
Narrowing Stream, the
Rumpole and the Reign of Terror
Lunch hour
The Best of Rumpole
A Voyage round my father
Day dreams of a pioneer
Under the Hammer
Titmuss regained
Rumpole and the Age of Miracles
Rumpole at Christmas
Rumpole a la Carte
The fear of heaven
Voyage Round my Father and Other Plays
The Second Rumpole Omnibus
Titmuss Regained
Felix in the underworld
Life with Will
The Oxford Book of villains
The Oxford book of villains
English fashions
Dn Titmus Regained
Hock and soda water
Rumpole's return
Rumpole and the reign of terror
Rumpole of the Bailey
Great Law and Order Stories
Logistics in Manufacturing
Quite honestly
Clinging to the Wreckage
Rumpole on Trial
Voyage Round my Father and Other Plays
Edwin and other plays
Thou Shalt Not Kill
Where there's a will
Rumpole for the defence
Rumpole at Christmas
The Penguin book of great law & order stories
Felix in the Underworld
Rumpole on trial
Rumpole a la Carte
Zerah Colburn The Spirit of Darkness
Two stars for comfort
Like men betrayed
Rumpole of the Bailey
The Summer of a Dormouse
Collect your hand baggage
Trials of Rumpole, The counter display
The dock brief
Charade. Spoken Word. CAB 268. 4 audio cassettes
Titmuss regained
Dock Brief
Rumpole: The Confessions of Guilt : The Dear Departed : The Man of God
Rumpole and the age of miracles
What shall we tell Caroline?
Rumpole Rests His Case:a Book of Rumpole Stories
Rumpole Omnibus (786x)
Sketches from one to another
Rumpole & the Man of God
The judge
A voyage round my father
Cotton spinning
Answer yes or no
Rumming park
Rumpole 2
An essay, to the pious memory of that late reverend divine, Mr. George Trosse, of the City of Exon, who died suddenly upon the eleventh day of January, 1712-13. ... By J. M
Famous Trials
A voyage round my father
Rumpole misbehaves
The Trials of Rumpole
Rushforth and Bindtheboy
The sound of trumpets
The Rapstone chronicles
Rumpole Unabridged
Where theregass a will
Voyage Round my Father
Rumpole and the angel of death
Rumpole's last case
Rumpole and the angel of death
Break Point
All his world's a stage
I, Claudius
Rumpole and the Age for Retirement
I Spy
The dock brief
I spy
The judge
The wrong side of the park
Rumpole for the Defence (Rumpole of the Bailey, 4th)
The silver hook
Rumpole's Return (Rumpole)
Regina V. Rumpole
BBC Radio Presents
What Shall We Tell Caroline?
Two stars for comfort
Come as you are!  Four plays
A voyage round my father ; The dock brief ; What shall we tell Caroline?
Lunch hour
Voyage Around My Father Dock Brief What
Collect your hand baggage
Rumpole and the primrose path
Advanced Manufacturing in the Automotive Industry
The narrowing stream
Rumpole: affaires classées
David and Broccoli
Lunch hour, and other plays. --
With love & lizards
John Mortimer plays
Three winters
The anti-social behaviour of Horace Rumpole
Rumpole a la carte
Rumpole and the Primrose Path
Evolution of the early proterozoic Toumodi volcanic group and associated rocks, Ivory Coast
Felix aux enfers
El regreso de Titmuss
Un paraíso inalcanzable
Rumpole and the reign of terror
Lunch hour
Tomas M. Milich
Tomas M. Milich (born 1932)

physicist, astronomer, astrophysicist, historian, faculty member, political activist, lecturer, lawyer

  • Cornell University, New York University
A view from the year 3000
The 100
The 100
The One Hundred: The 100
Extraterrestrials Where Are They?
Understanding human history
Extraterrestrials--where are they?
Big-time baseball
100 Maiores Personalidades da Historia (Em Portugues do Brasil)
Preserving western civilization
En Etkin 100
Dünyaya Yön Veren En Etkin 100
Puzzles and Paradoxes
The 100. A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History
Nicholas Rowe
Nicholas Rowe (1674-1718)

playwright, poet, literary historian, poet lawyer

  • Westminster School, Highgate School
Some account of the life &c. of  Mr. William Shakespear
Some account of the life of Mr. William Shakespear (1709)
Some account of the life &c. of  Mr. William Shakespear
The Tragedy of Jane Shore
The fair penitent. A tragedy
The Tragedy of Jane Shore: Written in Imitation of Shakespear's Style. By N ..
The fair penitent
Lucan's Pharsalia
A Select Collection of the Beauties of Shakspeare
The works of Nicholas Rowe, Esq
The royal convert. A tragedy
Eighteenth Century Plays
The royal convert
Lady Jane Grey
The ambitious step-mother
Tamerlane. A tragedy
The Poetical Works of Nicholas Rowe
Fair Penitent
Lady Jane Grey
The Works of Mons. de la Bruyere: A New Translation from the Last Paris Edition; to which is ...
The royal convert
Fair Penitent
The dramatick works of Nicholas Rowe, Esq; Volume the second. ..
The tragedy of Lady Jane Gray
Miscellaneous works
Jane Shore: a tragedy
A poem upon the late glorious successes of Her Majesty's arms, [etc.]
The tragedy of Jane Gray
The royal covert
Epilogue spoken by Mrs. Barry, April the 7th, 1709
Epilogue spoken by Mrs. Barry
The fair penitent and Jane Shore
The dramatik works of Nicholas Rowe
Tragedy of Tamerlane
The tragedy of the Lady Jane Grey
The poetical works of Nicholas Rowe, esq
The works of Nicholas Rowe ..
Tragedy of The fair penitent
Three plays
The dramatick works of Nicholas Rowe. --
Poems on several occasions
A poem upon the late glorious successes of Her Majesty's arms, &c. Humbly inscrib'd to the Right Honourable the Earl of Godolphin, Lord High-Treasurer of England. By N. Rowe, Esq
Romans and Carthaginians in the eighteenth century imperial ideology and
Jane Shore
The biter
Lady Jane Gray. A tragedy. By Nicolas [sic] Rowe, ..
The dramatick works of Nicholas Rowe
Art, during siege
Plays written by Nicholas Rowe, Esq. ..
The tragedy of the Lady Jane Gray, marked with the variations of the manager's book, at theTheatre Royal in Drury Lane
Jane Shore. A tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatres-Royal in Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden. By N. Rowe, Esq
A select collection of English plays
Lady Jane Gray
The tragedy of Jane Shore
The tragedy of the Lady Jane Gray
Ambitious step-mother
The works of Nicholas Rowe, Esq
The works of Nicholas Rowe
The royal convert
Nicholas Rowe
Epilogue spoken by Mrs. Barry
The Works of Monsieur de La Bruyere ...
The royal convert
The poetical works of Nicholas Rowe, esq
The miscellaneous works of Nicholas Rowe, esq
The dramatick works of Nicholas Rowe
The works of Nicolas Rowe, Esq.; in two volumes
The tragedy of Jane Shore
The Tragedy of the Lady Jane Gray