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journalists who wrote biography
Showing 225-232 out of 2305 results
Carl Bernstein
Carl Bernstein (born 1944)

journalist, biographer

  • University of Maryland
A Woman in Charge
His Holiness
His Holiness
Chasing History
His Holiness
Woman in Charge
His Holiness
Hillary Clinton
Imraʼah fī al-sulṭah
Lucky Jim
All the President's Men
The final days
Red diapers
The Original Watergate Stories
The Final Days
The final days
CIA and the Media
The final days
Die Watergate- Affäre
Hillary Clinton
A woman in charge : the life of Hillary Rodham Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton
The final days
Hillary Clinton
His Holiness
Lewis Mumford
Lewis Mumford (1895-1990)

architect, historian of technology, historian, sociologist, literary critic, philosopher, journalist, urban planner, architectural theoretician, art historian

  • City College of New York, New School
Herman Melville
Lewis Mumford and Patrick Geddes
"In old friendship"
Sketches from life
Findings and keepings
My works and days
A Century of Early Ecocriticism
The human prospect
The culture of cities
Technics and civilization
The condition of man
In the name of sanity
The city in history
The myth of the machine
The pentagon of power
The highway and the city
The brown decades
The urban prospect
The city in history: its origins, its transformations, and its prospects
Interpretations and forecasts, 1922-1972
The story of Utopias
The golden day
Roots of contemporary American architecture
Art and technics
Sticks and stones
Mumford on modern art in the 1930s
The letters of Lewis Mumford and Frederic J. Osborn
Men must act
The Lewis Mumford reader
The conduct of life
Sticks and Stones
Sidewalk critic
Art and Techniques (Bampton Lecture Ser. in American : No.4)
The South in architecture
Architecture as a home for man
The myth of the machine
The Lewis Mumford/David Liebovitz letters, 1923-1968
Tecnica y Civilizacion
Faith for living
The culture of cities
City development
Arts in Renewal
The Arts in renewal
Technics and Civilization
City development; studies in disintegration and renewal
Herman Melville. A study of his life and vision
Transformations of Man
Art and Technics (Bampton Lectures in America)
Art and technics
la cultura de las ciudades
Looking Backward from 2000 to 1888 (Warbler Classics Annotated Edition)
Mumford on Modern Art in the 1930s
America & Alfred Stieglitz
The transformations of man
Social Theories of a City
Faith for living
Sticks and Stones
Technics and Human Development
From the Ground Up
The city in history
The Myth Of The Machine - The Pentagon Of Power
Essential Issues in Management Accounting
La cité à travers l'histoire
Herman Melville
The future of technics & civilization
The city in history
The Condition of man
Green memories
Transformations of Man
The urban prospect
The myth of the machine
The Human Prospect ... Edited by Harry T. Moore and Karl W. Deutsch. [A selection from the writings of L. Mumford.].
The Arts in renewal
The Conduct of Life (Harvest Book, Nb 34)
From the ground up
Values for Survival
The human way out
La cité à travers l'histoire
The plan of London county
Herman Melville
Man as interpreter
The myth of the machine
Art and Technics
The Urban Prospect [Harvest Book HB 156]
The transformation of man
Roots of Contemporary American Architecture
Highway and City
In the name of sanity
The Highway Anf The City
Art and technics (Bampton lectures in America)
The role of the creative arts in contemporary society
The Condition of Man
South in Architecture
From the Ground Up. Observations on Contemporary Architecture, Housing, Highway Building, and Civic Design
Lewis Mumford
The Conduct of Life
Sticks and Stones
The story of Utopias (Compass books)
From the Ground Up
The human prospect (Beacon paperbacks)
The City in History
The conduct of life
Les transformations de l'homme
The morals of extermination
Mythos der Maschine
Technique et Civilisation
Regional planning and the small town
The conduct of life / Lewis Mumford
The Brown Decades, A Study of the Arts of America 1865-1895
City in History
Memoirs of Waldo Frank
Faith for living
Herman Melville
The Story of Utopias (C112: Compass Books Edition)
Technics and Civilization
Condition of Man
Man as interpreter
Herman Melville 1929
The Highway and the City (A Harvest book)
Povijest utopija
La Cultura Delle Città
Le Déclin des villes
Programme for survival
The Ecological Basis of Planning
Sticks and stones;
American taste
Geijutsu to gijutsu
Tarih Boyunca Kent - Kokenleri, Gecirdigi Donusumler ve Gelecegi
The golden day;
Regional planning in the Pacific Northwest
The story of Utopias (Compass books)
The brown decades
The Conduct of Life The Making of Man
The brown decades;
Insanin Durumu
The Brown Decades; a Study of the Arts in America, 1865-1895
The Story of Utopias
The city in history
Atomic war--the way out
Transformations of Man
The Conditions of Man
La Ciudad En La Historia
Aesthetics, a dialogue
Sticks and Stones, a Study of Amercian Architecture and Civilization
Pentagon of Power
The Culture of Cities
The South in architecture
Stocks and stones
Le declin des villes
City Development
Story of Utopias
Technics and Civilization
Alternatives to the H-bomb
Green memories
The Highway and the City
The culture of cities
The letters of Lewis Mumford and Frederic J. Osborn
Brown Decades a Study of the Arts of 2ND Edition
Vom Blockhaus zum Wolkenkratzer. Eine Studie über amerikanische Architektur und Zivilisation
The brown decades
The social foundations of post-war building
The Brown Decades, A Study of the Arts of America 1865-1895
Two Chicago fairs
The highway and the city
Whither Honolulu?
Technics and civilization
The seventh New Yorker album
Thomas Beer
New world theme
The morals of extermination
The story of Utopias
The golden day
Technics and civilizations
Aesthetics, a dialogue
Faith for today
The transformations of man
The Story of Utopias
The story of Utopias, ideal commonwealths and social myths
Progamme for survival.
Art and technics
De sociale grondslagen van het na-oorlogsche bouwen
The story of Utopias
Sticks and stones
The golden day
Architecture and civilization
The sky line
The conduct of life
Values for survival
Art and technics
The Arts in renewal
The story of Utopias
The social foundations of post-war building
Men must act
Herman Melville
Vom Blockhaus zum Wolkenkratzer
Art and technics
Faith for living
The letters of Lewis Mumford and Frederic J. Osborn
The myth of the ma
The letters of Lewis Mumford and Frederic J. Osborn
Man's Role in Changing the Face of the Earth
Sticks and stones
Regional planning in the Pacific Northwest
Toward a free world
The culture of cities
How war began
The transformations of man
Faith for living
The myth of the machine
The highway and the city
The theory and practice of regionalism ...
Andrew Morton
Andrew Morton (born 1953)

journalist, biographer

  • University of Sussex
Diana, Her True Story
Monica's story
Theirs is the Kingdom
Diana's diary
Diana In Pursuit of Love
Tom Cruise
Fodor's royalty watching
Wallis in Love: The Untold Life of the Duchess of Windsor, the Woman Who Changed the Monarchy
Inside Buckingham Palace
Andrew, the Playboy Prince
Elizabeth & Margaret
William & Catherine
Diana Her New Life
MOI - The Making of an African Statesman
Posh and Becks
The Beckhams
17 Carnations
Nine for Nine
Inside Kensington Palace
Tom Cruise
The Royal Yacht Britannia
Beckham & Victoria
Monica Lewinsky
Neil Sheehan
Neil Sheehan (1936-2021)

war correspondent, journalist

  • Harvard University, Northfield Mount Hermon School
A Bright Shining Lie
A fiery peace in a cold war
A fiery peace in a cold war
L'Innocence perdue
After the war was over
The Arnheiter affair
Two Cities
The Pentagon papers as published by the New York times
The Pentagon Papers
Two cities : Hanoi and Saigon
L'innocence perdue. Un Américain au Vietnam
The Pentagon papers
The Pentagon Papers As Published by the New York Times
A Bright Shining Lie
The Pentagon Papers as published by the New York Times
The Pentagon papers as published by the New York Times
Manuel Chaves Nogales
Manuel Chaves Nogales (1897-1944)


Juan Belmonte, matador de toros
A sangre y fuego
Andalucía roja, «la Blanca Paloma» y otros reportajes de la República
El maestro Juan Martínez que estaba allí
Crónicas de la Guerra Civil
Obra periodística
La agonía de Francia
La vuelta a Europa en avión
Bajo el signo de la esvástica
Narraciones maravillosas
La vuelta a Europa en avión
La ciudad
Ifni, la última aventura colonial española
Lo que ha quedado del imperio de los zares
La defensa de Madrid
Obra narrativa completa
La bolchevique enamorada y otros relatos
Obra completa
La República y sus enemigos
¿Qué pasa en Cataluña?
Helen Foster Snow
Helen Foster Snow (1907-1997)


  • University of Utah
Song of Ariran
My China Years
The Chinese Communists: sketches and autobiographies of the Old Guard
The Chinese Communists
Xi xing fang wen ji
Red dust
Hong se Zhongguo nei mu
Inside Red China (China in the Twentieth Century Series)
Zhongguo lao yi bei ge ming jia
Zhong gong quan yao ba shi liu ren lue li
Xi xing fang wen ji
Hong du Yan'an cai fang shi lu / [Mei]
Xu xi xing man ji
China builds for democracy
The Chinese labor movement
Women in modern China
Fables and parables for the mid-century
My Yenan notebooks
Notes on the history of Damariscove Island in Maine, including the early history of Maine, the famous "Fishing Square" between the islands of Damariscove, Monhegan, and Pemaquid with the first Englishmen in America, 1497-1605 ..
My Yenan notebooks
Historical notes on China
Notes on Korea and the life of Kim San
Yan'an cai fang lu
Industrial defense line for China ... with a report on Chinese Industrial Cooperatives by Rewi Alley
The Gung Ho papers
Sinuo zen yang xie zuo
China builds for democracy
Notes on the beginnings of the industrial cooperatives in China
Qi shi nian dai xi xing man ji
Notes on the Chinese student movement, 1935-1936
Wang nian zhi jiao
James Pope-Hennessy
James Pope-Hennessy (1916-1974)

journalist, biographer

  • Downside School
A lonely business
Queen Mary, 1867-1953
Half-Crown Colony, a Hong Kong notebook
Queen Mary
Sins of the fathers
Anthony Trollope
Aspects of provence
Lord Crewe, 1858-1945
Monckton Milnes
Half-crown colony
Verandah; some episodes in the crown colonies: 1867-1889
The baths of Absalom
West Indian summer
The Houses of Parliament
Lord Crewe, 1858
London fabric
America is an atmosphere
Alain Dugrand
Alain Dugrand (born 1946)

journalist, traveler

Trotsky in Mexico
Willi Münzenberg
M'sieur Eddy et moi
Trotski, México, 1937-1940
Les Craven de l'oncle Ho
Rhum limonade
La baie des singes
Le 14e zouave
Gloria America
Conrad, l'étrange bienfaiteur
Le désemparé
Terres chaudes
Les jardins de l'Alameda
Libération (1973-1981)
Une certaine sympathie
Voyage en Irak
La soldadera
Mexico terremoto
Conrad, la vie à la mer
Les cendres de l'empire
Une certaine sympathie
Belice (Belize)