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journalists who wrote biography
Showing 2225-2232 out of 2305 results
Judith Butler
Judith Butler (born 1956)

philosopher, sociologist, literary critic, women's rights activist, journalist, art theorist, gender theorist, social scientist

  • Yale University
Itinéraires de chercheurs
Gender Trouble
Antigone's Claim
Bodies that matter
Queer Theory
Parting ways
Precarious life
Excitable speech
Der Streit um Differenz
The psychic life of power
¿Reconocimiento o redistribución?
Subjects of desire
Undoing gender
Excitable speech
Subjects of desire
What's Left of Theory?
Who Sings the Nation-State?
Contingency, hegemony, universality
Feminists theorize the political
The question of gender
Judith Butler in conversation
Giving an account of oneself
Frames of war
Senses of the Subject
Das achte Feld
Subjects of desire
Dispossession: The Performative in the Political
El tráfico de mujeres
El género en disputa
Das Unbehagen der Geschlechter. Sonderausgabe
Radical Thinkers
Franz Kafka
What Is a People?
Lenguaje, poder e identidad
Precarious Life
Mecanismos psiquicos del poder / The Psychic Life of Power
The power of religion in the public sphere
Frames of war
What's left of theory?
The Force of Non-Violence
The Judith Butler Reader
To Sense What Is Living In The Other Hegels Early Love
Körper von Gewicht. Die diskursiven Grenzen des Geschlechts
Subjects of Desire
Power of Religion in the Public Sphere
Who's Afraid of Gender?
Citizen Subject
Antigones Verlangen
Toward a Feminist Ethics of Nonviolence
La Vie psychique du pouvoir
Prejudicial Appearances
Giving an account of oneself
The Force of Nonviolence
El género en disputa
George Yancy
Elestiri Seküler midir?
Undoing Gender
Undoing gender
Quadros de Guerra. Quando a Vida É Passível de Luto?
Trouble dans le genre
Das Unbehagen der Geschlechter. ( Gender Studies. Vom Unterschied der Geschlechter)
What World Is This? - a Pandemic Phenomenology
Excitable Speech
Psyche der Macht
Notes Toward a Performative Theory of Assembly
Precarious Life
Sois mon corps
The psychic life of power
Europe, N° 983, mars 2011 : Georges Perros
New Feminism
Vida Precaria
Deshacer el genero/ Undoing Gender (Paidos Studio)
Kritik der ethischen Gewalt
Vidas en lucha
Das Undarstellbare der Politik: Zur Hegemonietheorie Ernesto Laclaus (German Edition)
Biziz Halk!
Sujetos del deseo
Vidas en lucha
Savas Tertipleri
¿Qué mundo es este?
Raster des Krieges
L'alleanza Dei Corpi
Gender Trouble
Bela Bedenler
La fuerza de la no violencia
La fuerza de la no violencia
Recognition and Ambivalence
Frames of War
Violencia de Estado, guerra, resistencia. Por una nueva política de la izquierda
Cuerpos que importan
Gender Trouble
¿Qué es el pueblo?
Taklit ve Toplumsal Cinsiyete Karsi Durma
¿Quina mena de món és aquest?
Ingenious and worthy family
La fuerza de la no violencia
Giving an Account of Oneself
Feminismos Literarios
Marcs de guerra
Am Scheideweg
Life with Mary Shelley
El género en disputa
Notes toward a performative theory of assembly
Senses of the Subject
Die Macht der Geschlechternormen und die Grenzen des Menschlichen
Cuerpos que importan
¿Quina mena de món és aquest?
La fuerza de la no violencia
Hass spricht
Iktidarin Psisik Yasami
Senses of the Subject
Le vivable et l'invivable
Questione Di Genere. Il Femminismo E La Sovversione Dell'identità
What's Left of Theory
Vivien Gribble, 1888-1932
La Fuerza De La No Violencia
Excitable Speech
Violencia de Estado, guerra, resistencia. Por una nueva política de la izquierda
Cinsiyet Belasi
Contingencia, hegemonía, universalidad
Kirilgan Hayat
Vulnerability in resistance
Marcos de guerra
¿Quina mena de món és aquest?
Marcos de guerra
Dar cuenta de sí mismo
Ethics of Narrative
Mujeres y transformaciones sociales
Erotic Welfare
Anmerkungen zu einer performativen Theorie der Versammlung
Antigone's Claim
Judith Butler Reader
Erotic Welfare
Pourquoi des théories?
Fare e Disfare il Genere.
Xing Danwen
Mecanismos psíquicos del poder
Livable and the Unlivable
Question of Gender
Notes Toward a Performative Theory of Assembly
Vidas en lucha
Undoing Gender
¿Qué es el pueblo?
Problemes de gènere
Who sings the nation-state?
Marcos de guerra
Trouble dans le genre
Xing bie ma fan
Epitelestikē politikē kai kritikē tēs kratikēs vias
Women & social transformation
Sin miedo
Konturen des Unentschiedenen
Neizvjesni život
Critica della violenza etica
Na rozdrożu
Conversaciones feministas
קוויר באופן ביקורתי
Mario Benedetti
Mario Benedetti (1920-2009)

journalist, poet, playwright, politician

Daniel Viglietti, desalambrando
Spanish Short Stories 1 — Cuentos hispánicos 1
La tregua
Little stones at my window =
La vida ese paréntesis
Rêves et réalités / Sueños y realidades
El ejercicio del criterio
Blood pact & other stories
Gracias Por El Fuego
Short stories
Unstill life
El amor, las mujeres y la vida
Geografias (Alfaguara Bolsillo)
El cumpleaños de Juan Angel
Seis cuentos latino-americanos
Con Y Sin Nostalgia
Con o sin nostalgia
Quién de nosotros
Inventario tres
Gracias por el fuego
Esta mañana
Historias médicas
Despistes y franquezas
Estos poetas son míos
La muerte y otras sorpresas. Seleccion y adaptacion. Leer en español, Nivel 4.
Despistes y franquezas
10 relatos de amor
Critica complice
El Hombre Que Aprendio a Ladrar Y Otros Cuentos/the Man Who Learned to Bark and Other Stories (Encuento)
Poemas de otros
Poemas de la oficina. Poemas del hoyporhoy
Pedro Y El Capitan/ Pedro and the Captain
Inventario Uno - 1976-1985 - Con CD
La realidad y la palabra
Variaciones Sobre el Olvido
Pedro y el capitan
Gracias por el fuego
Historias de la vida. Incluye CD con la lectura de los relatos (Spanish Edition)
Primavera con una esquina rota
Poemas de otros
Inventario uno
Antologia Poetica
Gracias por el fuego
Mundo Que Respiro
Testigo de uno mismo
El porvenir de mi pasado
Relatos fantásticos latinoamericanos
Canciones Del Mas Aca
Gracias Por El Fuego
La muerte y otras sorpresas
Rincón de Haikus
Mini Letras va contigo Coleccionable 1 / Mini Writings Goes With You Collectible 1
Springtime in a Broken Mirror
Primavera con una esquina rota
Existir todavía
Inventario dos
Inventario Uno - 1950-1975 - Con CD
Pedro y el capitán
Gracias por el fuego
Only in the meantime
Nuevo rincón de haikus
El pai s de la cola de paja
Rincón de haikus
Crítica cómplice
Insomnios y duermevelas
Inventario Tres
Yesterday y mañana
Poemas de Otros - 9
Inventario Uno
Vivir adrede
Andamios. - 1.ed.
Vivir adrede
La Muerte y Otras Sorpresas
Adioses y Bienvenidas
Pedro and the captain
Nuestra América frente al V Centenario
El escritor latinoamericano y la revolución posible
Terremoto y después
Pedro y el Capitan
Poemas del hoyporhoy
Cuentos / Stories
Utopías en foco
Corazon Coraza y Otros Poemas
El escritor latinoamericano y la revolucion posible
El Hombre Que Aprendio a Ladrar Y Otros Cuentos (Encuento)
LA Vecina Orilla/the Neighboring Shore
Letras del continente mestizo
Antologia Poetica
El Mundo Que Respiro
El Cumpleanos De Juan Angel
Cuentos Completos (Alianza tres)
Gracias Por El Fuego
Del amor y del exilio
El desexilio y otras conjeturas
Despistes y Franquezas
El escritor latinoamericano y revolución posible
Biografa Para Encontrarme
Only in the Meantime & Office Poems
Poemas de Otros
Primavera Con Una Esquina Rota
Insomnios y duermevelas
La Borra del Cafe Coffee Dregs
Pedro y el capitán
Vivir adrede
Poesía con los jóvenes
Unstill life
La Casa y El Ladrillo
Dos comedias
A dos voces
Los espejos las sombras
Inventario DOS
Poemas de amor hispanoamericanos
A imagen y semejanza
El hombre que aprendió a ladrar y otros quentos
La Borra de Cafe
Pedro E O Capitan
La vida, ese paréntesis (Alfaguara)
Variaciones Sobre El Olvido / Variations on the Forgotten
Pasión de papel
Antología poética
22 contistas em campo
Gracias por el fuego. --
Subdesarrollo y letras de osadia/ Underdevelopment and Daring Writings (El Libro De Bolsillo/ Biblioteca De Autor)
Los espejos y las sombras
La borra del café
Acordes Cotidianos
Puentes Como Liebres
Antología poética Benedetti. Selección y prólogo de Joan Manuel Serrat / Benedettis Poetic Anthology. Selection and Prologue by Joan Manuel Serrat
Antología poética
Canciones del más acá
Inventario II
Viento del exilio
Los poetas comunicantes
Buzon Del Tiempo
Todo para El Salvador
Inventario dos
Genio y figura de José Enrique Rodó
Inventario DOS - 1986-1991 - Con CD
Cuentos Escogidos
La muerte y otras sorpresas
El olvida está lleno de memoria
Poesia Con Los Jovenes - Con CD -
La vida ese paréntesis
Defensa propia
La borra del café
Primavera Con Una Esquina Rota/Spring With a Broken Corner
El recurso del supremo patriarca
Letras del continente mestizo
Buzón de tiempo
The Song Book of the Y. W. C. A. Young Women's Christian Associations
Rincón de haikus
El Porvenir de mi pasada
El país de la cola de paja
Inventario I
Poetas de cercanías
Canciones del que no canta/ Songs of the Songless
Esta Manana y Otros Cuentos
Rincón de Haikus
Yildizlar ve sen
La Sirena Viuda  The Widowed Mermaid
                Narrativa Punto de Lectura
Quien de Nosotros
Poetas de cercanías
La muerte y otras sorpresas (Alfaguara Bolsillo)
El cumpleaños de Juan Ángel
Biografía para encontrarme
La Vida Ese Parentesis
Pedro y al Capitán
Porvenir de mi pasado, El
Noción de patria
Historias de París
Gracias por el fuego. --
El amor, las mujeres y la vida
Antologia natural
Cultura entre dos fuegos
Daniel Viglietti
Cincuenta sonetos
45 años de escritos críticos
Antologia Poetica/poetic Anthology
Escritos políticos (1971-1973)
Vida, Ese Parentesis, La
Poemas de la Oficina
Cuentos completos
Muerte y Otras Sorpresas, La
Genio y figura de José Enrique Rodó
Antología poética
Who among Us?
Buzón de tiempo
El escritor latinoamericano y la revolucio n posible
Historias de París
Esta Manana y Otro Cuentos
Con y sin nostalgia
Perplejidades de Fin de Siglo (Spanish Edition)
Biografía para encontrarme
Quien de Nosotros - Pocket
Springtime in a Broken Mirror
Los poetas communicantes
Esta mañana y otros cuentos
Esta mañana y otros cuentos
Buzon de Tiempo / Mailbox of Time
9 asedios a García Márquez
La casa y el ladrillo
A título de inventario
Quién de nosotros
Inventario uno
Cumpleanos de Juan Angel, El
Crítica cómplice
Genio y figura de Jose  Enrique Rodo
9 asedios a García Márquez
Muerte y Otras Sorpresas
A dos voces
Contra Los Puentes Levadizos - 6 -
Canciones del que no canta
Nocion de Patria/Proximo Projimo
Antología poética
El Recurso del Supremo Patriarca
Peripecia y novela
Unstill life
El olvido está lleno de memoria
Letras del continente mestizo
Gracias por el fuego. --
Sobre artes y oficios
LA Muerte Y Otras Sorpresas/Death and Other Surprises
Cuentos completos
?Quie?n de nosotros?
Yesterday y Manana
El amor, las mujeres y la vida
Quién de nosotros
Mejor es meneallo
Mario Benedetti / edición, Carmen Alemany Bay
Rodó, el pionero que quedó atrás
Memoria y esperanza
El Olvido Esta Lleno de Memorias
La borra del cafe
Testigo de uno mismo
Literatura uruguaya siglo 20
Compañeros del alma
Borra del Café
Cumpleanos De Juan Angel (Alfaguara Bolsillo)
The Rest Is Jungle and Other Stories
Literatura uruguaya siglo XX
Ask Kadinlar ve Hayat
Biografía para encontrarme
Primavera con una esquina rota
El amor, las mujeres y la vida
Canciones del que no canta
Subdesarrollo y letras de osadia
Quién de nosotros
Primavera con una esquina rota
Quien De Nosotros/what About Us
El Buzon del Tiempo
Genio y figura de José Enrique Rodó
Who among Us?
La vida y otras geografías : Antología de cuentos y poemas
Las Soledades de Babel
La muerte y otras sorpresas/ Death and Other Surprises
Escritos sobre la teologia de la liberación en Latinoamerica
Mario Benedetti
El cumpleaños de Juan Angel
Literatura Uruguaya Siglo XX
Gracias por el fuego / Thank You for the Fire
Terremoto y dispués
Los poetas comunicantes
La borra del cafe
Pedro y el Capitán
Poemas de amor hispanoamericanos
Borra del Cafe, La
La sirena viuda
Biografía para encontrarme
Kirik Koseli Ilkbahar
El amor, las mujeres y la vida
Difesa Dell'allegria
Cuentos Completos De Benedetti
Daniel Viglietti, desalambrado
Poemas de La Oficina Poemas del Hoyporhoy
El Escritor latinoamericano y la revolucón posible
Literatura uruguaya, siglo XX
Gracias por el fuego / Thank You for the Fire
Pedro y El Capitan - Con Guia de Lectura
Inventario : poesía completa, 1950-1985
A DOS Voces
El porvenir de mi pasado
El mejor de los pecados
El mundo que respiro
Defensa propia
La muerte y otras sorpresas
Perplejidades de Fin de Siglo
El amor, las mujeres y la vida
Poemas De LA Oficina/Office Poems
Biografía para encontrarme / An Autobiography of Self Discovery
Rodo, el pionero que quedo atras
El país de la cola de paja
La casa y el ladrillo
Acordes Cotidianos
Dos comedias
Buzón de tiempo
Yesterday y mañana
Solo Mientras Tanto
El porvenir de mi pasado
Inventario cuatro
Las soledades de Babel
Letras de emergencia, [1969-1973]
Las Dos caras de la escritura
La muerte y otras sorpresas
Crónicas del 71 [i. e. setenta y uno]
Próximo prójimo
Biografia para Encontrarme
Nuevo rincón de haikus
La muerte y otras sorpresas (Leer en espa?ol, nivel 4)
La Sirena Viuda
Preguntas al azar
Preguntas Al Azar
El país de la cola de paja
Quien de Nosotros
La cultura, ese blanco móvil
Noción de patria ; Próximo prójimo
Muerte y Otras Sorpresas / Death and Other Surprises
Memoria y Esperanza
Primavera con una esquina rota / Mutilated Spring
Inventario 67
Perplejidades de fin de siglo
Cuentos Completos Benedetti / Complete Stories by Benedetti
Testigo de uno mismo
Daniel Viglietti, desalambrando
La borra del cafe
A ras de sueño
Quién de nosotros
Primavera con una esquina rota / Mutilated Spring
Subdesarrollo y letras de osadía
Existir todavía
Cuaderno Cubano
Antología natural
Letras de Emergencia - 8 -
Mario Benedetti: Cuentos/Mario Benedetti
El cumpleaños de Juan Angel
Cuaderno cubano
Biografía para encontrarme
Vivir adrede
La muerte y otras sorpresas
El cumpleaños de Juan Angel
La borra del cafe
Literatura y arte nuevo en Cuba
Hasta aquí
Cotidianas, 1978-1979
Inventario I
Parole sui vetri
El cumplea
Notas sobre algunas formas subsidiarias de la penetración cultural
Materiales de la revista Casa de las Américas de/sobre Mario Benedetti
Nocio n de patria y pro ximo pro jimo
Poemas de la oficina
Noción de patria ; Próximo prójimo
La muerte y otras sorpresas
Todos los cuentos de Mario Benedetti
Sólo mientras tanto (1948-1950)
Jóvenes de esta América
Inventario cuatro
Mejor es meneallo [por] Damocles
Poemas de otros
Puentes como liebres y otros cuentos
Del amor y del exilio
Letras de emergencia
Adioses y bienvenidas
Recuerdos olvidados
Con y sin nostalgia
Escritos políticos (1971-1973)
Mario Benedetti para todos
Poesía trunca
La víspera indeleble
El amor, las mujeres y la vida
Datos para el viudo
El escritor latinoamericano y la revolución posible
Un Siglo del relato latinoamericano
El último viaje y otros cuentos
Contra los puentes levadizos, 1965-1966
El país de la cola de paja
El cumpleaños de Juan Angel
Antología poética
Mejores meneallo "Damocles"
El país de la cola de paja
9 asedios a García Márquez
La borra del café
Pedro y el capita n
Parole sui vetri
El pais de la cola de paja
Rang wo men zhui ru you huo
La muerte y otras sorpresas
Esta man ana y otros cuentos
La muerte y otras sorpresas
Terremoto y después
Antología poética
Inventario 70 [i.e. setenta]
Primavera con una esquina rota
La Muerte hace buena letra
Literatura y arte nuevo en Cuba
El cumpleanos de Juan Angel
A ras de sueño ; Quemar las naves
Quince relatos de la America Latina
Contra los puentes levadizos
La borra del café
Poesías de amor hispanoamericanas
El cumpleaños de Juan Angel
Mundo que respiro
Puentes como liebres; y otros cuentos
Ida y vuelta. [Teatro]
Notas perdidas
Nuestra América contra el V Centenario
Viento del exilio
al-Ḥulm bi-ṣawt ʻālin
El olvido está lleno de memoria
Siete cuentos de hoy
Mario Benedetti & las artes gráficas
Todos los cuentos de Mario Benedetti
Marcel Proust y otros ensayos
Insomnios y duermevelas
Panorama histórico-literario de nuestra América
Literatura uruguaya siglo XX
La Izquierda
El amor, las mujeres y la vida
Cronicas del 71
Yesterday y mañana
Letras de emergencia
Poemas de la oficina
Recuerdos olvidados
Martí y el Uruguay
La casa y el ladrillo, 1976-1977
Sobre Julio Cortázar
Crónicas del 71
Quién de nosotros?
Cuentos de la revolución
Grandes cuentos de América hispana
José Ortega y Gasset
José Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955)

philosopher, pedagogue, sociologist, mathematician, literary critic, opinion journalist, politician, poet, translator, essayist

  • Universidad Central, University of Deusto
El Madrid de José Ortega y Gasset
Mirabeau, an essay on the nature of statesmanship
Misión de la universidad
Meditaciones del Quijote
La idea de principio en Leibniz y la evolución de la teoría deductiva
La rebelión de las masas
Estudios sobre el amor
El hombre y la gente
Ideas y creencias
Del Imperio Romano
Historia como sistema
Historical reason
Sobre la caza
Meditación de la técnica y otros ensayos sobre ciencia y filosofía
¿Qué es conocimiento?
An interpretation of universal history
An Interpretation of Universal History
El espectador
The Dehumanization of Art; and other essays on art, culture, and literature.
Obras (Del realismo en pintura / Fragmentos / Goya / La deshumanización del arte / Sobre el punto de vista en las artes / Tres cuadros del vino / Velázquez)
Ensayos sobre la «Generacion del 98» y otros escritores españoles contemporáneos
Misión del bibliotecario y otros ensayos afines
Obras completas
Obras completas
Unas lecciones de metafísica
Obras completas
¿Qué es filosofía?
Obras completas
Some Lessons in Metaphysics
En torno a Galileo
Una interpretación de la historia universal
Meditación del pueblo joven y otros ensayos sobre América
Phenomenology and Art
La deshumanización del arte y otros ensayos de estética
Misión del bibliotecario
Textos sobre el 98
Misión de la universidad y otros ensayos sobre educación y pedagogía
El tema de nuestro tiempo
Viajes y países
Discursos políticos
Epistolario completo Ortega-Unamuno
España invertebrada
La vida alrededor
Obras (Ideas sobre la novela / La deshumanización del arte)
Origen y epílogo de la filosofía y otros ensayos de filosofía
Meditación de la técnica
Espíritu de la letra
Europa y la idea de nación
Investigaciones psicológicas
José Ortega y Gasset
Rectificación de la república
Obras (Goya / Velázquez)
Vieja y nueva política
Kant, Hegel, Dilthey
Obras completas
La deshumanización del arte
Ortega y Gasset
Notas de andar y ver
Stern und unstern
Obras completas
Meditaciones sobre la literatura y el arte
Misión de la universidad y otros ensayos afines
Meditación del pueblo joven
Prólogo para alemanes
Ensayos escogidos
Obras completas
Obras completas
Idea del teatro
Obras completas
La caza y los toros
Obras completas
Obras completas
Pasado y porvenir para el hombre actual
Obras completas
Meditación de nuestro tiempo
Obras completas
Obras completas
La redención de las provincias
Ideas sobre el teatro y la novela
Escritos pol¸ticos (Coleccioón El arquero)
Los escritos de Ortega y Gasset en La Nación
Espíritu de la letra
Kant, Hegel, Scheler
Obras completas
Sus mejores páginas
Le spectateur
Obras completas
España Invertebrada; Bosquejo de Algunos Pensamientos Historicos
Castilla y sus castillos
Goethe desde dentro
Meditación de Europa
Meditationen über die Jagd
Hombres, mujeres. 1926
Das Wesen geschichtlicher Krisen
El sentimiento estético de la vida
Vives, Goethe
Personas, obras, cosas
Vieja y nueva política y otros escritos programáticos
Mirabeau: O, El politico. Contreras
Meditaciones del Quijote e Ideas sobre la novela
Obras (La rebelión de las masas / Mirabeau o el político)
Um einen Goethe von innen bittend
Esquema de las crisas
Las Atlántidas y Del imperio romano
Schuld und Schuldigkeit der Universität
Teoría de Andalucía
La redención de las provincias y la decencia nacional
La idea del teatro y otros escritos sobre teatro
Méditations sur la chasse (Lisbonne, 1942)
Geschichte als System und über das römische Imperium
Sobre la razón histórica
Obras (Goya / Ideas sobre la novela / La deshumanización del arte / Velázquez)
Las Atlántidas
Escritos políticos
Ortega y Gasset estética de la razón vital
La obra de Ortega y Gasset
De la política
Las Atlántidas con unas figuras del Sudán y de la China
Cartas de un joven español (1891-1908)
La Spagna e l'Europa
Obras completas
Caracteres y circumstancias
Schriften zur Phänomenologie
Problemas Resueltos de Maquinas Electricas
Vergangenheit und Zukunft im heutigen Menschen
Apuntes sobre el pensamiento
The Idea of Principle in Leibnitz and the Evolution of Deductive Theory
Obras completas
Unas lecciones de matafísica
Signale unserer Zeit
Essais espagnols
La deshumanizacio n del arte, y otros ensayos este ticos
El libro de las misiories
José Ortega y Gasset, 1883-1955
Theme de Notre Temps
Über die Liebe
Meditations on Hunting
Revolt of the Masses
Was ist Philosophie?
Cuerpo vivido
Concord and liberty
Invertebrate Spain
De opstand der horden
Ensimismamiento y alteración
Para la cultura del amor
Origin of Philosophy
Carta a un alemán pidiendo un Goethe desde dentro = Brief an einen deutschen = Um einen Goethe von innen bittend
Meditaciones Del Quijote
Der Mensch ist ein Fremder
Kant - Hegel - Scheler (Obras de Jose Ortega y Gasset)
Del amor / Amor en Stendhal
Obras selectas
Las Atlántidas y del Imperio Romano
Meditaciones del Quijote
Meditación de Europa y otros ensayos
Revista de occidente
El Espectador
Dos visiones de España
La rebelión de las masas
El tema de nuestro tiempo
Phenomenology and Art
Ideas Y Creencias, No. 151
Obras completas. Tomo V
Obras da José Ortega y Gasset
¿Qué es filosofía? y otros ensayos
Caracteres Y Circunstancias
Modern Theme; 0
Dehumanization of Art and Other Essays on Art, Culture, and Literature
El libro de las misiones
Modern Theme
Dehumanization of Art and Other Essays on Art, Culture, and Literature
Man and Crises
Tema de Nuestro Tiempo, Eledcion
cos'è filosofia
¿Qué es filosofía? lección X
Schuld und Schuldigkeit der Universität
Concord and Liberty
Insan ve "Herkes"
La idea de principio en Leibniz y la evolución de la teoría deductiva
Triumph des Augenblicks - Glanz der Dauer
En tiempos de la sociedad de masas
La idea de principio en Leibniz y la evolución de la teoría deductiva
Autour de Galilée
Misiones jesuíticas guaraníes
Some Lessons in Metaphysics
The modern theme,
Dan Auta
Goethe, Dilthey
On love;
Invertebrate Spain,
Las Atlántidas y otros textos antropológicos
Misere et Splendeur de la Traduction
España invertebrada y otros ensayos
Concord and Liberty. Trans. by Helene Weyl
Appunti per un commento al Convivio di Platone
Sanatin Insansizlastirilmasi ve Roman Ustune Dusunceler
Obras completas. Tomo VI
The dehumanization of art
The Dehumanization of Art, and Other Writings on Art and Culture (Doubleday anchor book, A72)
Ortega y Gasset centennial
¿Qué es filosofía?
Triptico, No. 181
El origen deportivo del Estado
Meditaciones del Quijote
El Tema De Nuestro Tiempo (El ocaso e las revoluciones, el sentido historico de la teoria de einstein, ni vitalismo ni racionalismo)
Kitlelerin Ayaklanmasi - Hasan Ali Yucel Klasikleri
Obras completas. Tomo VIII (1926/1932) [Obra póstuma]
Actas del coloquio celebrado en Marburgo con motivo del centenario del nacimiento de J. Ortega y Gasset (1983)
Idea del teatro
Meditations On Quixote - A Seminal Discussion Of Literature
La Civiltà veneziana del Trecento
Jose Ortega Y Gasset Ideas Y Creencias
El libro de las misiones
Estética y creatividad en Ortega
Tarihsel Bunalim ve Insan - Ortega y Gasset'ten Secme Yazilar
Concord And Liberty
Concord and Liberty
El hombre y la gente
Geschichte als System und über das römische Imperium
What is Philosophy?
Was ist Philosophie?
El tema de nuestro tiempo
El tema de nuestro tiempo. La rebelion de las masas
El hombre y la gente
Mirabeau, o, El político ; Contreras, o, El aventurero ; Vives, o, El intelectual
Mered ha-hamonim
El origen deportivo del Estado
Meditaciones Sobre La Literatura y El Arte (Clasicos Castalia)
The modern theme
The Revolt of the Masses
Man and people
Kitlelerin Ayaklanmasi - Hasan Ali Yücel Klasikleri
History as a system, and other essays toward a philosophy of history
Misión de la universidad
The revolt of the masses
Idea del Teatro
Revolt of the Masses
Entre la Jerarquia y la Liberacion
Antología de textos sobre Estimativa y Valores
Concord and Liberty Translated from the Spanish by Helen Weyl
Misión de la universidad
Origen y epílogo de la filosofía
Vom Menschen als Utopischem Wesen. Vier Essays.
Europäische Kultur und europäische Völker
Masot ʻal ahavah
El libro de las misiones
On love ... aspects of a single theme
Man and Crisis
Ortega y Gasset Velazquez Goya The Dehumanization of Art and Other Essays
Sistem Olarak Tarih
La Rebelion De Las Masas
Idea del Teatro
On love
Sevgi Ustune
La deshumanización del arte
Sistem Olarak Tarih
España invertebrada
What is Philosophy
Meditación del Pueblo Joven
Obras completas. Tomo IX (1933/1948) [Obra póstuma]
Cantos y cuentos del antiguo Egipto
Q̂ué es filosofía?
Historia como sistema
Toward a philosophy of history
What is philosophy?
¿Qué es filosofía?
Quijote Üzerine Düşünceler
Ensimismamiento y alteración. Meditación de la técnica y otros ensayos
Mission of the university
La idea de principio en Leibniz y la evolución de la teoría deductiva : Del optimismo en Leibniz
Las Atlántidas y otros textos antropológicos
Las Atlántidas y del Imperio Romano
Introducción a una estimativa. ¿Qué son los valores?
The revolt of the masses;
Meditaciones Del Quijote [and] Ideas Sobre La Novela
Obras completas
Goethe, Dilthey
Mission of the University
The Revolt of the Masses, Man and Crisis
Qué malo tiene odiar
The dehumanization of art
El origen deportivo del Estado
Goethe desde dentro el punto de vista en las artes
La idea de principio en Leibniz y la evolución de la teoría deductiva : Del optimismo en Leibniz
La deshumanización del arte y otros ensayos estéticos
Caracteres y circunstancias
Meditaciones del Quijote
Pensare e credere
Esquema de las crisis y otros ensayos
El espectador
Ensimismamiento y alteración
Qué es filosofía?
Espíritu de la letra
Las etapas del cristianismo al racionalismo y ortros ensayos
Viajes y países
La caza y los toros
El tema de nuestro tiempo
Las Atlántidas
What is philosophy?
Beskhrebetnaya Ispaniya (Filosofiya. Psikhologiya)
Ensayos escogidos
Unas lecciones de metafísica
Del optimismo en Leibnitz
España invertebrada
Estudios sobre el amor
Um einen Goethe von innen Bittend
Prólogo para alemanes
Kant, Hegel, Dilthey
Una interpretación de la historia universal
El espectador de José Ortega y Gasset ...
El hombre y la gente
예술 의 비인간화 와 그 밖 의 미학 수필
Papeles sobre Velázquez y Goya
Hans Christian Andersen
Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875)

poet, autobiographer, playwright, journalist, traveler, cut-paper artist, director, Fairy tale teller, librettist

  • Slagelse Gymnasium, University of Copenhagen
Hans Christian Andersen
Mit livs eventyr
The True Story of My Life
Digters bazar
My Fairytale Life
Dagbøger 1825-1875
En digters bazar
The mermaid man
A visit to Germany, Italy, and Malta, 1840-1841
The true story of my life
H.C. Andersen og komponisterne
Boy's Life
H.C. Andersens juleaftner
H.C. Andersens Danmark
Skazka moeĭ zhizni
Fairy Tales and Stories
Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales
The Ugly Duckling
A Treasury of Christmas Classics
Isaac Asimov presents the best fantasy of the 19th century
Childcraft [Volume 3]
Die schönsten Märchen
The little mermaid and other fairy tales
A Treasury of Christmas Classics
Lille pige med svovlstikkerne
The Garden of Romance
The sand-hills of Jutland
Favourite tales of Hans Andersen
Princess and the Pea
Fairy tales from Hans Andersen
Junior great books -- Series 4, first semester, volume one
Andersen's Märchen
Hans Christian Andersen's The Fir Tree
Michael Hague's favorite Hans Christian Andersen fairy tales
Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales
Hans Christian Andersen fairy tales
Stories and tales
The Emperor's New Clothes" and Other Stories
La Petite Sirene (French Well Loved Tales)
The stories of Hans Christian Andersen
O. T. a Danish Romance
The emperor's new clothes
The ice-maiden
L'amour d'une mère
Den grimme aelling
Librivox Short Story Collection 007
Little Ida's flowers
Sämmtliche Märchen
The Little Tin Soldier
The annotated Hans Christian Andersen
Walt Disney Productions presents The emperor's new clothes.
LA Princesa Y El Guisante
The Swan Princess
El Traje Nuevo del Emperador (Clasicos Rascacielos)
Tales from Hans Christian Andersen
Fairy tales from Hans Christian Andersen
Isaac Asimov's Magical Worlds of Fantasy, Volume 6
Røde sko
Lille Claus og Store Claus
Classic Christmas
The Little Mermaid and Other Tales Book and Charm
Hans Christian Andersen's stories for the household
Tales of Hans Christian Andersen
Children's Classics Collection
La Pequeña Cerillera
The top and the ball
Das Märchen meines Lebens ohne Dichtung
At være eller ikke være
Best Loved Fairy Tales
It's Absolutely True
Pictures of travel in Sweden
Le vilain petit canard
Classic Christmas Stories
Das hässliche Entlein
Bilderbuch ohne Bilder
The fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen
Nimm's leicht
Faery Tales from Hans Andersen
The Snow Queen and Other Tales
De to Baronesser
A Christmas Treasury
Kate Greenaway's Original Drawings for The Snow Queen
Kun en spillemand
Tales and Stories from Hans Christian Andersen
The Pen and the Inkwell
Alice in Wonderland a Christmas Carol Wonderful Stories for Children
Andersen's Fairy Tales
Librivox Short Story Collection 033
More Classics to Read Aloud to Your Children
Swan's Stories, The (Works in Translation)
The storks
Cuentos humoristicos y sentimentales
Hans Christian Andersen's The Emperor's new clothes
The little mermaid and other stories
Hans Christian Andersen's the Nightingale
Goldilocks And the Three Bears
20 cuentos infantiles clásicos de siempre
The Princess and the Goblin and the Goblin and the Grocer Lib/E
The Snow Queen and Other Stories
For sure! for sure!
Tales from Hans Andersen
Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales
Wonderful Stories for Children,by Hans Christian Anderson and Mary Howitt
H.C. Andersen's correspondence with the late Grand-Duke of Saxe-Weimar, C. Dickens, etc.
Tales of faith & wonder
Hans Christian Anderson
The wicked prince
The Complete Hans Christian Andersen Fairy Tales
Fairy tales of Hans Andersen
Little Ellie and other tales
The Classic Hans Christian Andersen Fairy Tales
A treasury of Hans Christian Andersen
Hans Andersen
The emperor's new clothes
Andersens Tales   Gb
El Patito Feo (Bosom, Monica. Teatre Dels Contes.)
Faery tales from Hans Christian Andersen
Sämtlich Werke
La reina de las nieves
A poet's day dreams
Princess Tales
Andersen's Fairy Tales
Tales and stories
Under the willow tree
24 Contes de Noël
El Ruisenor y Otros Cuentos / The Nightingale and Others Stories (Cucana)
La reina de las nieves
Family Favorites
Eines Dichters Bazar
La Princesse et le Porcher
The little mermaid
Wonder Tales
Fairy tales
The Wicked Prince
The ugly duck
Three favorite tales
Michael Hague's Favourite Hans Christian Andersen Fairy Tales
Das große Buch der Tiermärchen
Hans Christian Andersen Tales
Ugly Duckling by Hans Christian Andersen and Marina Abramovic
Literature and Tourism
Skandinavische Weihnachten
La reina de las nieves
Complete Illustrated Stories
Stories for Girls
Correspondence with the late Grand-Duke of Saxe-Weimar, Charles Dickens, [etc., etc.]
Andersen's Fairy Tales 2CD
The Little Matchstick Girl
El Ruisenor
The mud-king's daughter
The story of my life [tr. by D. Spillan]; and In Sweden [tr. by K.R.H. Mackenzie]
It's perfectly true
The Princess And The Pea A Popup Book
The Ugly Duckling, The Little Red Hen
The diaries of Hans Christian Andersen
Scandinavian Christmas
The emperor's new clothes ; The steadfast tin soldier
To be, or not to be? Tr. by mrs. Bushby
Pictures of Sweden
The Ugly duckling
The Dream of Little Tuk, and Other Tales
Sein oder nicht sein: Roman
El Soldadito de Plomo
The Complete Fairy Tales
Princess and the Pea (Key Words Stories)
Clod Hans (Tales of Hans Christian Andersen)
The Ugly Duckling and other Fairy Tales
The two baronesses
Very Scandinavian Christmas
El Soldadito de Plomo
El arbol de navidad/The Christmas Tree (Clasicos Rascacielos)
Nye eventry og historier
The Shoes of Fortune, & Other Stories
The Gardener of the Manor - Pamphlet
Rand McNally Biology encyclopedia
In Spain
More Fairy Tales by Hans Andersen
Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tales
Dipale le ditshomo
Die Schneekönigin. Cassette
Little Ellie
H.C. Andersens brevveksling med Signe Læssøe og hendes kreds
Hans Andersen's tales for the young
Fairy Tales by Hans Christian Andersen (Calla Editions)
Fairy tales by Hans Christian Andersen
Correspondence with the late Grand-Duke of Saxe-Weimar
The princess and the swineherd
Fairy Tales/Folk Tales
The white swans and other tales
Neue Märchen und Geschichten
Bilderbuch ohne bilder von Hans Christian Andersen
The complete stories
The Princess and the Pea
El Traje Nuevo del Emperador
Andersen's Tales for Children
Fairy tales from Hans Christian Andersen
Hito wa, hitori dewa ikite ikenai
The old house
The Chimney Sweep
Cuentos Completos / Complete Stories
The Marsh King's daughter
La petite sirène et autres contes
Kun en spillemand: original roman i tre dele
Nightingale and other stories
Rambles in the romantic regions of the Hartz Mountains, Saxon Switzerland, & c
Den der ler sidst..
The bell, and other tales
Cuentos de Andersen
The Ugly Duckling. Activity Book. Beginner 2. 150 headwords
Hans Christian Andersen Illustrated Fairytales, Volume I (Hans Christian Andersen Illustrated Fairytales)
The real princess
Hans Christian Andersen
Favorite Tales from Grimm and Andersen
The Complete Illustrated Works of Hans Christian Andersen
Hans Andersen's story book
Hans Christian Andersen Fairy Tales
The Ice-Maiden and Other Tales
Favorite tales from Hans Christian Andersen
Les grands contes d'Andersen
Favourite tales of Hans Andersen
Mother! Origin of Life
The Will-O-The-Wisps Are In Town, And Other New Tales
Pictures of Travel in Sweden: Among the Hartz Mountains : and in Switzerland ..
There is a difference (Tales of Hans Christian Andersen)
The Andersen-Scudder letters
Contes merveilleux; Tome I
Cuentos de Hadas Para Ninos I
Antusheng ge lin tong hua zhong de ren sheng zhi hui
El Soldadito De Plomo
Andersen's Fairy Tales / Grimms' Fairy Tales (Companion Library)
Kkottŭl ŭi mudohoe =
Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tales
El Traje Nuevo del Emperador
Little mermaids and Ugly ducklings
The Jewish Maiden
Andersen's Fairy Tales Annotated Antique Version
Seven tales
Petit Soldat de Plomb
Twelve tales
The Luck of Jude
Illustrated Collection of Fairy Tales for Brave Children
Tagebücher. 1825-1875
La Sombra Y Otros Cuentos
A gift for Hans
El  Soldadito de Plomo
La reina de las nieves
Hans Andersen
Contes D'Andersen
The Improvisator or Life in Italy 1880
La reina de las nieves
Hans Christian Andersen's Correspondence 1880
The Will-o'-the-Wisp
Der meylekh's naye ḳleyd
Eventyr og historier
Cuentos de Andersen
Greatest Fairy Tales
La Piccola Fiammiferaia
Best Fairy Tales
H. Ch. Andersen erzählt Wintermärchen
Only a fiddler
Good Wishes for the Children
The nightingale
Le monde merveilleux des contes
Little Mermaid and Other Hans Christian Andersen Fairy Tales (Illustrated Stories for Children)
La Princesa Del Guisante
Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales
It's Absolutely True]
Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales. Volume One
Hans Christian Andersen Fairy Tale Classics
Schräge Märchen
Die Schneekönigin. Ein Märchen in sieben Geschichten
El Patito Feo (Spanish Well Loved Tales, No 700-1)
Fairy tales and other stories
Cuentos fantasticos y de animales
My First Picture Book of Tales of Hans Christian Andersen
Hans Christian Andersen Illustrated Fairytales, Volume IV (Illustrated Fairytales)
Dos heslikher kaṭsherl
Disney's the little mermaid
Contes merveilleux; Tome II
The complete Andersen
Den anden April
H. C. Andersens samlede skrifter ..
Seven tales
Stories that never grow old
The Magic Garden of My Book House
The Complete Illustrated Stories of Hans Christian Andersen
Hans Christian Andersen Illustrated Fairytales, Volume II
L'Inébranlable Soldat de plomb
Les habits neufs de l'empereur
Out of the heart, spoken to the little ones, tr. by H.W. Dulcken
Little Rudy, and other stories
Antusheng tong hua jing xuan ji
Favourite Stories from Hans Christian Andersen (Orchard Collections)
Hans Christian Andersen Illustrated Fairytales, Volume III (Hans Christian Andersen Illustrated Fairytales)
Le petit soldat de plomb
Ole Lukøie
Le livre des oiseaux
Libro de Los Cuentos de Andersen
Little Golden Book Fairy Tale Favorites
Hans Andersen's Fairytales (Children's Storytime Treasury)
A Story from the Dunes
Den grimme ælling
New Danish plays
El pequeño elfo cierraojos
O.T., original Roman i to Dele
Die Schneekönigin. CD
For sure! for sure!
Fairy Tales
Die Prinzessin auf der Erbse. CD. Und andere Märchen
Swan's Stories
Vilain Petit Canard --Conte Original-- Classique Illustré
Hans Christian Andersen as an artist
The Fairy Tales of Hans Christian Andersen
The Little Mermaid and Other Tales
Christine's picture book
Thumbelina and other fairy stories
Sämtliche Märchen in zwei Bänden
Christine's Picture Book
Una Pareja de Enamorados
Digterens & balletmesterens luner
Hans Christian Andersen, Volume 1
Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales
Hans Andersen's stories
Hans Christian Andersen Illustrated Fairytales, Volume VI
Il brutto anatroccolo
Father Knows Best
Emperors New Clothes & Other Fairy Tales
Fairy Tales from Hans Christian Andersen - Illustrated by Dugald Stewart Walker
Snow Goose and Other Stories, The, Level 3, Penguin Active Readers
Little Mermaid and Other Fairy Tales, The (Illustrated with Interactive Elements
Sales petits contes. 1, Andersen
Viaje Por España
Vườn địa đàng
Poet's Bazaar
Der standhafte Zinnsoldat
Fairy Tales. Grimm and Andersen
H.C. Andersen og familien Wulff
El Patito Feo
La Bella i la Bèstia
Schattenbilder. Eine Reise durch Deutschland 1831
La reina de las nieves
Wild Swans (6016)
LA Princesse Au Petit Pois
Garcon porcher (Le) (DIVERS DUCULOT)
Les habits neufs de l'Empereur
La petite marchande d'allumettes
The Nutcracker and other Tales (Look-Compare-Understand)
La Petite Sirene Et Autres Contes
Andersenovy pohádky
Pictures of travel
Favorite fairy tales
Des Kaisers neue Kleider
Die kleine Seejungfrau
Le Loup et les sept chevreaux
Gesammelte Märchen, 2 Bde., Bd.1
Under the Willow Tree. and Other Stories
Seven Tales by Hans Christian Andersen
Thumbelina and other fairy tales
Andersen's Fairy Tales
The ice-maiden [and 3 other stories] tr. by mrs. Bushby
An anniversary edition of the first four tales from Hans Andersen
Eventyr og historier
I Spanien
A Treasury of Stories from Hans Christian Andersen
Kleine Meerjungfrauen und hässliche Entlein
Wonderful stories for children, tr. by M. Howitt
Fairy Tales, Hans Christian Andersen
A visit to Portugal, 1866
Das Mädchen mit den Schwefelhölzchen
Aesop's Fables
Portnerens Søn
Die Prinzessin auf der Erbse. Cassette. Und andere Märchen
80 fairy tales
The comet
Le rossignol
Little Mermaid and Other Tales from Hans Christian Andersen
Hai de nü er
Les habits neufs de l'empereur
Vendedora De Cerillos
Cuentos de Andersen
Clod Hans
Snow Queen
Andersen & Gud
Elye-luk-aye, oder, Di ziben ṭeg fun ṿokh
Hans Christian Andersen Illustrated Fairytales, Volume V (Illustrated Fairytales)
La reina de las nieves
Little Mermaid and Other Fairy Tales (Barnes & Noble Children's Leatherbound Classics) (Barnes & Noble Collectible Editions)
Fairy tales
Andersenovy pohádky
Tales from the Heart of Christmas
Die schönsten Märchen von Hans Christian Andersen
Fairy Tales
La Polzeta
Fairy Tales from Hans Christian Andersen
The Billy Goats Gruff, an Early Fun-to-Read Classic
Bericht einer Reise in die Sächsische Schweiz
The Elf of The Rose & Other Tales
Cuentos De Andersen (Estrella)
Stories for the Household
The Fairy Tales and Stories of Hans Christian Andersen (Knickerbocker Classics)
The traveling companion (Tales of Hans Christian Andersen)
Tales from the Arabian Nights
The wood-nymph
Märchen, Geschichten, Briefe
Un Angel de Navidad
Den standhaftige tinsoldat
The complete stories of Hans Christian Andersen
La princesse au petit pois
Little Mermaid
Mit livs eventyr
Yue de hua
Marchen.  6 CDs.
H. C. Andersens brevveksling med familien Melchior
La reine des neiges
Hans Christian Andersen's The nightingale
El Patito Feo
Das Hässliche Junge Entlein;  Almanca Türkce Bakisimli Hikayeler
La pequeña cerillera
מוכרת הגפרורים הקטנה
Ḳisme Andersen
What the good man does is always right
Guo wang de xin yi
Les Contes De Hans Christian Andersen
Sipurai ha-mefursamim
Puss in boots
The will-o'-the-wisps are in town
Hans Andersen's fairy tales
Karlar Kraliçesi - Minikler Için Ünlü Eserler
The princess on the pea, and other famous stories
he-Ḥaver le-masaʻ
En El Cuarto De Los Ninos / In The Kids Room (Sopa De Cuentos / Soup of Stories)
Romaner og Rejseskildringer
Andersen's Fairy Tales Annotated Fairy Tales
Gesammelte Werke
Thumbelina and other fairy tales
The Snail and the Rosetree (El Caracol y el Rosal)
Parmak Kız
Dreiszig auserläsene Märchen
Contes merveilleux; Tome I
Hans Christian Andersen : Die schönsten Märchen
Hans Christian Andersen - Lina von Eisendecher: Briefwechsel
Los Novios / Boyfriend and Girlfriend (Sopa De Cuentos / Soup of Stories)
German popular tales
Mō, yume mitai na koto bakari itte
Kuğu Prenses
The nightingale ..
Sprookjes en vertellingen
Ugly Kitten
Dziecię elfów
les contes de perrault , grimm et andersen. Les Plus Beaux Contes de Grimm, Andersen et Perrault
Zolotai︠a︡ kollekt︠s︡ii︠a︡ volshebnykh skazok
Ugly Duckling, The & Other Stories
Andersen'den 9 Masal
The storks
Reisekammeraten og andre H.C. Andersen-historier i nye klæder
Die Schneekönigin - Mini
Rudy and Babette
Los cisnes salvajes – Albajae albary . Basado en un cuento de hadas de Hans Christian Andersen
İstanbul'da İki İskandinav Seyyah
The Steadfast Tin Soldier
Mai huo chai de nü hai
Fairy Tales from Hans Andersen (Illustrated)
What the moon saw, and other tales
The Sandman and Other Sleepy-Time Rhymes
Ḥayal ha-bedil ha-ḳaṭan
The Classic Treasury of Hans Christian Andersen
Des Kaisers Neue Kleider (German Well Loved Tales)
The Little Mermaid and Beauty & the Beast Super Sound Package
Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales
Xiao shan shu
Diari romani
Fairy Tales of Hans Christian Andersen (Classic Collectors)
V Švecii
Eventyr af H.C. Andersen
Fairy Tales of Hans Christian Andersen - Volume 2
Sämtliche Märchen 1. Band
The silver shilling
Best-loved fairy tales
Hans Christian Andersen's FAIRY TALES
Andersen's Fairy Tales
Brzydkie kaczątko
The Dream of Little Tuk, and Other Tales
The brave Tin Soldier
Schetsboek zonder schetsen ... gevolgd door Schetsboek met schetsen
Fairy Tales Translated By Mrs. E.V. Lucas and Mrs. H.B. Paull
El Porquerizo
La petite poucette
The little mermaid
L'intrépide soldat de plomb
In Spain and A visit to Portugal
COL. LA TRAMAQUETRAMA El traje nuevo del emperador
Great Claus and Little Claus
Truyện cổ An-đec-xen (chọn lọc)
Der fliendiḳer ḳuferṭ
El pequeño elfo Cierraojos
ha-Tevah ha-meʻofefet ve-ʻod shivʻah ʻaśar sipurim
New Oxford Progressive English Readers 5. Emperor's New Clothes and Other Stories
H.C. Andersen's Ausgewählte Märchen
Dos ṭenenboyme
German Fairy Tales
Snezhna︠i︡a koroleva
ha-Barṿazon ha-mekhoʻar
Top and the Ball
The story teller
Poet's Bazaar
H.C. Andersens brevveksling med Lucie & B.S. Ingemann
De vilde svaner
Jian ding de xi bing
Die Zwei Baronessen
The True Story of My Life
Die Schneekönigin
Kibritçi Kız
O. T.
Andersen's fairy tales
Andersen's Märchen
Antusheng tong hua
Der Gärtner und die Herrschaft
Hans Christian Andersen
Hans Andersen's fairy tales
Pictures of Sweden
Di margariṭḳe
Ugly Duckling (Magna Fairy Tale Classics S)
Fairy Tales and Stories from Hans Christian Andersen
Fairy Tales
Selections of fairy tales and stories
Prenses ve Bezelye Tanesi
Poucette et autres contes, nouvelle édition
Snow White and Other Children's Favorites
Hans Andersen
La reina de las nieves
Andersen's Fairy Tales
Basnie Andersena
Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales
Kücük Deniz Kizi
Kralin Yeni Giysisi
La reina de las nieves
An-ḍher-sen gyi byis sgrung
Gadkiĭ utënok
Fairy tales from Hans Christian Andersen
La reina de las nieves
Tales from Hans Andersen
Andersenovy pohádky
Hans Andersen's fairy tales
Stories from Andersen
Folk-lore and fable
You er zhen bian de Antusheng tong hua
The snow queen, and other tales
Brudstykke af en udflugt i sommeren 1829
Wilson's Andersen
Stories from Hans Christian Andersen
Danish popular legends
Fairy Tales of Hans Christian Andersen
An tu sheng tong hua
Best Fairy Tales
Snow White and Other Classic Princess Stories
De Blaae Bjerge. Hans og Grethe
Sleeping beauty
Sirenita, La
Tales from Andersen
Fairy tales and stories
Le Vilain Petit Canard (French Well Loved Tales)
Hans Andersen's fairy tales
Nur ein Spielmann
Petite Sirène
Wonderful stories for children
A visit to Spain and North Africa, 1862
Das Weihnachtsland
Tales from Hans Christian Andersen
Die wilden Schwäne
The ugly duckling and other stories
Kanøflet i København
Snezhna︠i︡a koroleva
Thumbelisa, and other stories from Hans Christian Andersen ...
Fairy tales
Das Feuerzeug
Little Rudy and other stories
De Blaae Bjerge. Hans og Grethe
HCA, et livs digtning
Di shney malḳe
The Life And Correspondence of Hans Chri
Danmai duan pian xiao shuo ji
The Little Matchgirl and Other Stories
The flower maiden, and other stories
Mes plus beaux contes d'Andersen et de Perrault
Illi︠u︡strirovannyi︠a︡ skazki Andersena
The history of the ugly little duck; or, The beautiful swan
Le Sapin
Le vilain petit canard
Agadot ṿe-sipurim
Antusheng tong hua ji
O. T. - a Danish Romance Illustrated
Everything in its right place and other stories
Mu zhu nu
La reina de las nieves
The Emperor's New Clothes and Other Tales
COL. LA TRAMAQUETRAMA La princesa y el guisante
Die Stopfnadel
Stories From Hans Andersen
La reina de las nieves
The ice-maiden
Fairy tales from Andersen
Shirat ha-zamir
Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales - Illustrated by W. Heath Robinson
La sirenita
The Ugly duckling
Fairy Tales from Hans Christian Andersen
Et besøg hos Charles Dickens
The Snow Queen and Other Stories: Volume One
Hello Kitty Thumbelina
Wonderful Stories for Children
Lu ban ji qi ta
Cong shu
Bai xue huang hou
The Ugly duckling
La petite marchande d'allumettes. Le bonhomme de neige. L'intrépide soldat de plomb
Andersen's fairy tales (The Weekly reader classics)
Shirat ha-zamir
Valdemar Daae
Five Famous Fairy Tales
H.C. Andersens brevveksling med Henriette Hanck, 1830-1846
Das Liebespaar
The Fairy Tales of  Hans Christian Anderson Vol. 3
Princess and the Pea
Antusheng tong hua ji
Little Christmas Tree
Contos de Fadas - Coleção Clássicos Zahar
Antusheng tong hua quan ji
The ice-maiden;  by Hans Christian Andersen
Andersen's Fairy Tales
Liu xia
Viaje Por España (13/20)
The princess and the pea
The tinder-box and other fairy tales
Christmas Greeting
Mejores Cuentos De Andersen
Les cygnes sauvages – Die wilden Schwäne . D'après un conte de fées de Hans Christian Andersen
Andersens Sproken en vertellingen Morgenrood
Seven tales
Antusheng tonghua yinban
Princess and the Pea
Karlar Kralicesi / Turuncu Seri
Quan qiu hai zi dou xi huan de tong hua
Vierge Des Glaces 1
H.C. Andersen's ausgewählte märchen für die jugend
Le Rossignol de l'empereur de Chine (French Edition)
La reina de las nieves
The Complete Fairy Tales
No Title Exists
Die schönsten Märchen von Hans Christian Andersen
The ugly duck and other tales
Tselile Andersen
Little Mermaid and Other Fairy Tales
La reina de las nieves
Yue de hua
The Bottle-Neck
Andersen's best fairy tales
Het sprookjesboek
Kral'in Yeni Giysileri
What the Old Man Does Is Always Right
Starai︠a︡, starai︠a︡ skazka
Gennem Danmark
Karlar Kralicesi - Degerli Masallar
Oeuvres Vol. 2
The princess on the pea, and other famous stories
Stories and tales
De vilde svaner
Poucette ET Autres Contes
... Ausgewählte märchen
Kücük Deniz Kizi-Kisaltilmis Metin
Kral'ın Yeni Giysileri
What the moon saw
The marsh king's daughter and other stories
Later tales
My First Picture Book of Hans Christian Andersen Stories (Funtime Library)
Huang di yu ye ying
Andersen's fairy tales
El soldadito de plomo
Fairy Tales of Hans Christian Andersen
Bilderbuch ohne Bilder
Hai de nü er
La reina de las nieves
Agadot Andersen
Hans Andersen's stories
The two baronesses
Cuentos fantásticos y de animales
Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tales
German Fairy Tales
Fairy Tales
Hans Andersen's fairy tales
Andersen's fairy tales (The Children's classics)
Fairy Tales of Hans Christian Andersen
An Lacha Bheag Ghranna
Fairy tales
ʻArdele ha-mazal
Yue de hua
Andersen Masallari
Les habits neufs de l'empereur
Xue ren
Los tres pelos del diañu
Antusheng tonghua
Cuentos de Andersen
Xue hou
Huang di de xin yi
Eighty Fairy Tales
Mai huo chai de xiao nü hai er =
Gesammelte Märchen und Geschichten ..
Andersen's Fairy Tales
Mit Danmark
Peiter, Peter y Peer y otros cuentos
Wonderful tales from Denmark
Pulgarcito (Cuentos Interactivos)
Huang di de xin yi
Andersen Masallari
Fairy Tales of Hans Christian Andersen - Volume 1
Wild Swans
The nightingale
The Little Mermaid
Le petit soldat de plomb
ha-Nesikhah ʻal ha-ʻadashah
Andersen's Fairy tales
ha-Barṿazon ha-mekhoʻar
Chao hao kan Antusheng tong hua
Ugly Duckling & Other Fairy Tales
Cirkin Ordek
Die prinzessin auf der erbse
La reine des neiges et autres contes
Thumbelina and Other Stories
The wild swans
Fairy Tales / by Hans Christian Andersen; Illustrated by 12 Large Designs in Colour after Original Drawings by E. V. B. ; Newly Translated by H. L. D. Ward and Augusta Plesner
Antusheng tong hua xuan
A poet's bazaar
Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tales
The nightingale
H.C. Andersen och den fula ankungen
Ale luḳ Aye
The little mermaid
Mit eget eventyr uden digtning
Only a fiddler
La petite fille aux allumettes et autres contes d'Andersen
Rudy and Babette
Zwölf mit der Post
Yue liang suo jiang de gu shi
In Spain and A visit to Portugal
In Spain and a Visit to Portugal
Andersen's fairy tales
Bigde ha-melekh ha-ḥadashim
Great Claus and Little Claus
Kralin Yeni Elbisesi
Ugly Duckling (Read a Tale S)
The sand-hills of Jutland
Design efter papirklip af H. C. Andersen
Novogodn︠i︡a︠i︡a shkatulka skazok
Christmas with Hans Christian Andersen
H.C. Andersen og Odense, 1866-1875
Andersons mayśelekh
Hans Christian Andersen Tales
Stories for the household
Alle meine Lieblingsmärchen
La petite sirene
Fairy tales
De vilda svanarna – Os Cisnes Selvagens. Tvåspråkig barnbok efter en saga av Hans Christian Andersen
Hans der nar
Die schönsten Märchen
Secme Masallar-Hasan Ali Yucel Klasikleri
Antusheng tong hua
Çirkin Ördek Yavrusu - Minikler Için Ünlü Eserler
H.C. Andersen's Sämmtliche Märchen
ספורי אנדרסן
Hyrdinden og skorstensfejeren
Contes clàssics de Andersen
Patito Feo, El - Pequeños Clasicos
The little mermaid
A picture-book without pictures
Traveling Companion
L'elfe de la rose
Sleeping beauty, and other stories children love; Rumpelstiltskin, Sleeping beauty, The nightingale
Fairy Tales From Hans Christian Andersen
Little Mermaid Classic Pop-Up a Little Mermaid Classic Pop-up
La petite sirène et autres contes
Bigde ha-melekh ha-ḥadashim
Hans Andersen's Best Fairy Tales. Illustrated by R. F. White (Foulsham's Boy and Girl Fiction Library.)
Antusheng tong hua ji
The fir tree
Beauty and the Beast
A Christmas greeting to my English friends
Los cisnes salvajes – Albajae albary . Basado en un cuento de hadas de Hans Christian Andersen
Andersen's Fairy Tales
H.C. Andersen's ausgewählte märchen
Fairy tales and stories
The Best Fairy Tales
Cuentame Un Cuento De Andersen / Tell Me an Andersen Story (Cuentame un Cuento)
H Andersens Fairy Tls
O Patinho Feio
Kisme Andersen
El ruiseñor y el emperador
Andersen Masallari Cilt
La petite sirène
Fairy Tales of Hans Christian Andersen : (Annotated Edition)
Contes Pour les Enfants
The dream of little Tuk
improvisateur, Ou, la Vie en Italie
Andersen's Fairy Tales
Fairy Tales/Folk Tales
La Reine Des Neiges (Mes Contes Preferes)
Hans Christian Andersen's Complete Fairy Tales
Penine Andersen
Paradoksale konstruktioner
Soldadito de Plomo, El
Eventyr og historier
Hagadot ṿe-sipurim
Andersen's Fairy Tales
Andersen's Fairy Tales / Level -1
Stories and tales
The classic fairy tales of Anderson and Grimm
The Illustrated Tales
A gift for Hans
The wild swans
rossignol et l’empereur
Poultry Meg's family, and other stories
The old church bell, and other stories
Wo de di yi ben
The steadfast tin soldier
Stories from Hans Andersen
Andersen's Fairy Tales
Andersen's Fairy Tales
What the Moon Saw
At reise i en Luftballon
Le Bibliobus n° 5 CM - La Petite Sirène - Livre de l'élève - Ed.2004
Seven Tales by H.C. Andersen
The Classic Fairy Tales Of Andersen Grimm
Everything in its right place
Agadot nivḥarot
D︠i︡uĭmovochka i drugie skazki
What the Moon Saw
Danish fairy legends and tales
A picture-book without pictures, and other stories
Pʻokʻrik tsovanoyshě
The Story Of My Life
Hans Christian Andersen, Lina von Eisendecher
al-Mughrib al-muṭrib
Den usynlige på Sprogø
H.C. Andersen & musikken
Wonderful Stories for Children
Favourite book of nursery tales
Antusheng tong hua ji
Ugly Duckling
Märchen für Kinder
The snow queen
Prenses ve Bezelye Tanesi
Antusheng tong hua gu shi
Out of the heart
The ice-maiden
"Ja, ich bin ein seltsames Wesen--"
Andersenovy pohádky
Mein edler, theurer Grossherzog!
The nightingale and other stories
La Reine des Neiges et quelques autres Contes
It's Perfectly True
Danish fairy legends and tales
Contes - Prépas scientifiques 2022
Paradisets have
La reine des neiges
Die Eisjungfrau und andere Geschichten
El erets ha-agadot
German popular tales
Les contes de mon enfance
Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales
The story teller
ha-Nesikhah ṿeha-afun
Stoĭkiĭ olovianny soldatik
Den lille havfrue
Andersen Masallari
El Porquerizo/The Swineherd (Clasicos Rascacielos)
Under the willow tree
Undine und andere Nixenmärchen
Raconte-moi... les plus beaux contes
Agadot Andersen
The will-o'-the-wisps are in town, and other new tales
D Prinzässin uf em Ärbsli u angeri Määrli
Os Melhores Contos de Fadas Nordicos
Ein bilderbuch ohne bilder
Cirkin Ordek Yavrusu
Hoe Hans Christiaan Andersen zijn leven vertelt
Tales from Hans Andersen
Andersen's Fairy Tales
The little mermaid, and other fairy tales
Contes Choisis
The Fairy Tales of Hans Christian Anderson Vol. 2
Hans Christian Andersen's stories for the household
ha-Barṿaz ha-mekhoʻar
The fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen and Charles Perrault
Parmak Kiz
Stories from Hans Andersen
Be-aḥarit yam
Stories from Hans Andersen
The fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen and Charles Perrault
The Princess and the swineherd
Wonderful Stories for Children
Andersen'den Masallar
Parmak Kiz Parmak Cocuk
H. C. Andersen's sämltliche märchen
La Sirenita / The Little Mermaid
Only a Fiddler
Contes du jardin enchanté
Tales from Hans Andersen
Dit skaank en-k ;
Eventyr og historier
Les contes merveilleux d'Andersen : Tome 2
The wild swans
Teshaʻ agadot
La Sirenita
Contos De Andersen
La bergère et le ramoneur
Hans Christian Andersen Complete Fairy Tales illustrated
Mi-sipure menorat ha-ḳesamim
Andersen para ninos/ Andersen for Children
An tu sheng tong hua jing xuan =
Prenses ve Bezelye Tanesi; Ünlü Eserler Serisi
Fairy tales
Stories for the household
The flying trunk
Classic Fairy Tales
Le petit soldat de plomb
Die schonsten Marchen von H. C. Andersen
The swineherd
Little Rudy, and other stories
El vestit nou de l'emperador
ha-Barṿazon ha-mekhoʻar
The Old Bachelor's Nightcap
Antusheng tong hua
Däumelinchen gelesen von Iris Berben
rossignol et l’empereur
Le rossignol de l'Empereur de Chine
Antusheng tonghua jingxuan
Hans Christian Andersen Fairy Tales Paperback
The Princess and the Pea
A Princesa E O Chicharo
Eventyr og historier
The emperor's new clothes
Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales
Christmas Greeting
Bilderbuch ohne Bilder
Travelling Companion
Complete Hans Christian Andersen F
The Woman With the Eggs
Fairy tales ...
Fairy Tales of the Slav Peasants and Herdsmen
Contes D'Andersen
The snow queen
Funny Baby
Selected Fairy Tales
                Collins Classics
L'aneguet lleig
Karlar Kralicesi
Seven tales from Hans Christian Andersen
Pictures of travel
Küçük Deniz Kizi
The best of Hans Andersen
The mud-king's daughter and other stories
La reina de las nieves
En digters bazar
El ruiseñor
Fairy Tales of Hans Christian Andersen - Volume 3
Best Fairy Tales Of Grimm and Andersen
L ombre et autres contes
Stories of Hans Christian Andersen
Antusheng tong hua he gu shi xuan
Contes d'Andersen
Andersen Masallari
Le vilain petit canard
Hans Andersen's fairy tales
Boy's Life
Favourite Hans Christian Andersen Fairy Tales
Chiquilladas y otros cuentos
Fairy Tales of Hans Christian Andersen
Mi-pi Andersen
Stoĭkiĭ olovi︠a︡nnyĭ soldatik
Fairy tales from Andersen
The nightingale
The Penguin complete fairy tales and stories of Hans Andersen
Unike săi͡akhătche
Sefer tsiyurim beli tsiyurim
The Steadfast Tin Soldier, the Princess on the Pea, the Little Green Ones
Jian ding de xi bing
Das große Märchenbilderbuch von Hans Christian Andersen
The Puffin treasury of classics
Dziewczynka z zapałkami
Andersen Masallari - Cocuk Klasikleri
The ugly duckling
The Fairy tale book
Billedbog uden billeder
A Christmas greeting to my English friends
Cuentos de Andersen
Kibritci Kiz
Uçan Sandık
A picture book without pictures
E no nai ehon
El Muneco De Nieve (Primeros Lectores)
Traje Nuevo Del Emperador
Der Garten des Paradieses
Contes d'Andersen
Disney's the little mermaid
Çirkin Ördek Yavrusu-Dünya Klasikleri Dizisi
הנס כריסטיאן אנדרסן ־ מיטב הספורים
Andersen's fairy stories
Das Alte Haus - Eski Ev Almanca - Türkce Bakisimli Hikayeler
The nightingale and other stories of Hans Christian Andersen
Malkat ha-sheleg
Antusheng tong hua jing xuan
Dikie lebedi
MY first book of Hans Christian Andersen stories
The Complete Fairy Tales of Hans Christian Andersen : 127 Stories in one volume
Los zapatos rojos
Izbrannyi͡a skazki Andersena
Fairy Tales From Hans Christian Andersen
Robin and the Fir Tree
al-ʻUlbah al-ʻajībah
I möcht mal danke sagn
Anderson's Fairy Tales (Illustrated Junior Library Series)
Peraḥ ḳaṭan
The buckwheat (Tales of Hans Christian Andersen)
The old man is always right
Reiseblätter aus Österreich
Cuentos de Andersen (La punta del iceberg)
Los cisnes salvajes – Albajae albary . Basado en un cuento de hadas de Hans Christian Andersen
Cuentos - Andersen
The Two Baronesses
Kral'in Yeni Giysileri; Ünlü Eserler Serisi
Cuentos de Andersen
Kardan Adam-Klasik Dünya Masalları
Fairy Tales
Weihnachts- und Wintermärchen
Antusheng tong hua jing cui
A Treasury of Hans Christian Andersen (International Collectors Library)
A Christmas greeting
ʻAlmat ha-ḳeraḥ
Kazky našoho dytynstva
Andersen's Fairy Tales
Andersen'den Masallar
Histórias Maravilhosas de Andersen
O. T. - a Danish Romance Illustrated
Stories from Andersen (Stories old and new)
O Livro de Ouro dos Contos de Fadas
Favourite fairy tales
Die Nachtigall
Der Tannenbaum
La reina de las nieves
The will-o'-the wisp
Tian e
Shi zhi jiu
Anderusen dōwa-shū
De Vilde svaner og andre folkeventyr
Illustrated Treasury of Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tales
Ice-Maiden and Other Tales
ha-Zamir shel melekh Sin
Leʼah zeʻirah
Andersen's Fairy Tales Annotated Quality Reading
Fairy tales
The hardy tin soldier and other stories
Shadow pictures
New tales
Ye tian e
Classic Fairy Tales by Hans Christian Andersen
Fairy Tales Gold Collection
Ren yu gong zhu
Les contes merveilleux Tome I et II
Hans Christian Andersen's Favorite Fairy Tales
The Danish story book
Sheloshah sipurim
Cirkin Ordek Yavrusu
Danish fairy tales and legends
Nightingale and Other Stories
The nightingale and the emperor
El Pequeño Ruisenor
Fairy Tales of Hans Andersen
The Princess and the Pea (A Mini Fairy Tale Classic)
Malʾakh ha-shenah
Fodreise fra Holmens Canal til Østpynten af Amager i Aarene 1828 og 1829
Stories from Andersen
Chou xiao ya
La reina de las nieves
Andersen's fairy tales
Fairy tales
Märchen von Hans Christian Andersen
Wonderful Stories for Children
The Emperor's new clothes and two other stories
Sämtliche Märchen 2. Band
Geshikhṭen un legenden
[Malikāt al-azhar
Stories and Tales
Malkat ha-sheleg
Skazki, zapisannye avtorom v raznoe vremi︠a︡ goda pri strannykh obstoi︠a︡telʹstvakh
Fairy tales
Only a Fiddler
Contes merveilleux; Tome II
Agadot le-mofet
New Danish Plays (Series B (Norvik Press), No. 21.)
Swamp King's Daughter
Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy tales
Fairy Tales
Queen, the Princes and the Mermaid
Fables and Fairy Tales
Agadot Andersen
Stories from Hans Christian Andersen
Andersen's Fairy Tales by Hans Christian Andersen the New Fully Annotated Edition
The Mermaid and Other Tales
The Little Mermaid
Der Schatten
Fairy Tales Lt
Wonder stories told for children
ʻAlilot Andersen
La Petite Fille Aux Allumettess
Princess and the Pea (French Well Loved Tales)
Daqui a Milênios
Le compagnon de route
The stories of Hans Christian Andersen
Habits neufs de l'empereur - illustrations de laimgruber monika
Les cygnes sauvages – Gareuli gedebi . D'après un conte de fées de Hans Christian Andersen
Andersen's Werke
Gesammelte Märchen, 2 Bde., Bd.2
Les deux baronnes
An tu sheng tong hua
The naughty boy and other stories / by Hans Christian Andersen
The Fairy World
The little mermaid, and other fairy tales
The white swans
H.C. Andersens livsfilosofi
The Old Church Bell and Other Stories
Bilderbuch ohne Bilder
The ugly duckling
Hans Christian Andersen Fairy Tale Collection
Beginning sounds
Bo li he
An tu sheng tong hua
Little Mermaid Commemorative Edition
Cuentos de Andersen (Clasicos Inolvidables)
Hans Christian Andersen's shorter tales
Hans Christian Andersen Fairy Tales
The True Story of My Life
La sirenita
Fairy Tales of Hans Christian Andersen - Complete Edition
Andersen's Fairy Tales
De to Baronesser
Kursun Asker
Hans Andersen's story book
Die Nachtigall
Stories from Hans Christian Andersen
A poet's bazaar
Xiao mei ren yu =
The snow queen
Le Sapin
Cirkin Ördek Yavrusu; Ünlü Eserler Serisi
The Tinderbox
Thumbeline (Pixies, 8)
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Andersen's Fairy Tales
Andersen mesaper
Fairy tales;
A Picture-Book Without Pictures, from the Germ. Tr. of de la Motte Fouqué by M. Taylor
Prenses ve Bezelye Tanesi-Dünya Klasikleri Dizisi
H.C. Andersen og Goethe eller Verdensåndens alfabet
Eventyr og historier
Gesammelte Märchen, 2 Bde., Bd.1
Only a Fiddler! and O.T., Or Life in Denmark, by the Author of 'the Improvisatore', Tr. by M. Howitt
The emperor's new clothes
In Spain
The Snowdrop
Andersens Fairy Tales
The Emperor's new clothes
בת הים הקטנה
Ṭipat ha-mayim
Thec omplete fairy tales and stories
Cuentos de Andersen
Fairy Tales and Other Stories
Kucuk Cam Agaci
En digters bazar
Longer stories
Bat ha-yam ha-ḳeṭanah
Antusheng tong hua
Sand-Hills of Jutland
Hans Andersen's fairy tales
It's perfectly true!
Gadkiĭ utenok
Stories from Andersen
Mi-sipure Andersen u-Grim
Hans Christian Andersen Classic Stories
Bigde ha-melekh ha-ḥadashim
Weihnachten. Zeit der Stille, Zeit der Sehnsucht. Eine Reise durch den Winter mit der 'Schneekönigin'
Andersens Märchen
Skazki rasskazannye deti︠a︡m ; Novye skazki
Hans Andersen's fairy tales
Andersen's Fairy Tales, Volume 1
Wonder stories told for children
The Dream of Little Tuk, and Other Tales
Shui lian hua
ha-Nesikhah ha-amitit
Andersen's Marchen
El rossinyol
Fairy tales
Andersen's tales for children
Mein bunter Märchenschatz
El Soldadito de plomo
Tom Fool
The story teller and other tales
rossignol et l’empereur
H.C. Andersen album I-V
Gadkiĭ utënok
Historien om en moder
Çirkin Ördek Yavrusu
En Digters bazar
Tolv med posten
Bilderbuch ohne Bilder
La Petite Fille et les Allumettes et autres contes
Les contes merveilleux d'Andersen : Tome 2
Märchen Meines Lebens Ohne Dichtung; eine Skizze;
La sireneta
Sand-Hills of Jutland
Tales the moon can tell : ("Picture book without pictures")
Tales of  Hans Christian Andersen
Luchshie skazki G.Kh. Andersena
The fairy world
Hans Andersen Complete Fairy Tales and Stories
Andersen e La sirenetta
Fairy Tales' Selection
Jack and the Beanstalk
Gesammelte Märchen
Dos Cuentos De Andersen
Gesammelte Märchen und Geschichten ...
Andersen's Fairy Tales Illustrated
ha-Barṿazon ha-mekhoʻar
Die schönsten Haus- und Weihnachtsmärchen
Baśnie Andersena
Les contes d'Andersen
Good wishes for the children
Ren yu gong zhu
Only a Fiddler
Andersen's Stories - The Little Mermaid & The Nightingale
Rambles in the romantic regions of the Hartz Mountains, Saxon Switzerland, & c
The ugly duckling
Hans Andersen's best stories
La princesa y el guisante
An filiméala
Tales and Stories by Hans Christian Andersen
Hans Christian Andersen Stories
Die kleine Meerjungfrau
German popular tales
Andersen's Fairy Tales
In Spain & A Vist To Portugal
Yaban Kugulari
Andersen's Best Fairy Tales
La reina de las nieves
Le Compagnon de voyage
Eventyr og historier
Die Schneekönigin
In Schweden
Stories for the household
A poet's bazaar
Wonderful Stories for Children
The wild swans, and other stories
Los cuentos más bellos de Andersen
Un Livre, UN CD
Snow Queen and Other Stories
The shoes of fortune
The child in the grave (Himmerland-house pamphlets)
H.C. Andersen og Jonas Collin d.y
Han er ikke født
La petite fille aux allumettes
More fairy tales
Vestes novae imperatoris
Hansel y Gretel
El cuidador de puercos
Children's Favorite Stories
Illustrated tales from Hans Christian Andersen
Andersen og den vide verden
Jambo la maana
Favorite tales from Hans Christian Andersen
The Toad (Tales of Hans Christian Andersen)
Cuentos de Andersen
Det gamle huus
Snow Queen and Other Stories (Paperboard Case)
Hans andersen's fairy tales: specially adapted and arranged for young people
The diaries of Hans Christian Andersen
The old man is always right
Hans Christian Andersen on Copenhagen
Gadkiĭ utënok
Der Improvisator
Hvad man kan hitte paa
El Viaje De Anno IV
The ice-maiden and other stories
H. C. Andersen's ausgewlte Mchen f die Jugend
Hans Anderson
A visit to Portugal
Hvad fatter gør, det er altid det rigtige
Anderŭsen tonghwa
Storïau Hans Andersen
Brev til en ungdomsven
Hans Christian Andersen, Vol. 1
Loppen & professoren
Samlede Eventyr og Historier 1
H.C. Andersen's sämmtliche Märchen
H.C. Andersens bedste eventyr
H.C. Andersens Breve til Therese og Martin R. Henriques 1860-75
The Little Mermain
" At vaere eller ikke vaere"
Fairytales by Hans Andersen
Nightingale and Other Tales
Patito Feo, El - MIS Primeros Cuentos Clasicos
Pictures of travel in Sweden, among The Hartz mountains, andin Switzerland, with a visit at Charles Dickens's house
Brevveksling med Henriette Hanck
Brothers, Very Far Away and Other Poems
Emperor's New Clothes and the Princess and the Pea (A Read-Along Recording from the Children's Literature Series)
En rose fra Homers grav
Andersen's Fables and Fairy Tales
Verden er mit hjem
I Breathe, I Am Alive! The Flowers of Hans Christian Andersen
The flying trunk ..
The most incredible thing
The Swamp King's daughter (Tales of Hans Christian Andersen)
Tales the moon can tell
H.C. Andersen og Horace E. Scudder
Andersen, The Fairy Tales of Hans Christian (A Studio book)
Det gale spejl
Wonder Stories Told for Children
H.C. Andersen Eventyr og historier, illus. af Wilhelm Pedersen
La Princesa Y El Guisante/The Princess and the Pea (Sopa De Cuentos / Soup Stories)
Pulgarcita - CC 10 -
Suppe på en pølsepind
Poultry Meg's family, and other stories
Totalmente cierto
Hensa An̐ḍarasanacyā parīkathā
La petite sirene
First three tales
Hans Andersener rupakatha
Contes d'Andersen
sleeping book
Gesammelte Werke
Random House Book of 1001 Wonders of Science
Romerske dagbøger
Cuentos de Andersen - Estrella
Xiao Han de li wu
La Nina de los Fosforos
Los Cisnes Salvajes
Die Prinzessin und der Schweinhirt
Andersen Cuentos
The wild swans and other stories
H.andersen Fairy Tls
The red shoes, and other stories
Bien hecho, esposo mio!
Bildolibro sen bildoj
Ein besuch bei Charles Dickens im sommer 1857
Everything in its right place, and other stories
H.C. Andersens store julebog
Baśnie o miłości
Cuentos de Hadas Para Ninos II
Les Habits Neufs De L Empereur
Det utroligste
Die Kleine Meerjungfrau
Recueil de contes d'Andersen
Romerske dagboeger
Y blwch tân
Glimt af et livsværk
Out of the heart
The shirt collar
La petite fille aux allumettes
Seven tales from Hans Christian Andersen
Madonna - Unauthorized
Three tales from Andersen
La sirenita y otros cuentos
En landsbyhistorie
Meine Blumenmärchen. Mit Blumenstilleben aus der Andersen- Zeit
Fremstilling af og en teoretisk og experimentel undersoegelse af en simpel pneumatisk periferihastighedsmaaler med lineaer karekteristik
Going visiting
The puppet showman
Chou xiao ya
Six contes du poète danois Hans Christian Andersen, publiés à l'occasion de son 150ème anniversaire
The princess and the pea and It's absolutely true
H.C. Andersens dagboeger
Et besøg hos Charles Dickens
Have You Heard?
Kjærlighed paa Nicolai Taarn, eller, Hvad siger parterret
The goloshes of fortune and other stories
Nur ein Geiger
The Danish story book
Eventyrenes vidtlysende blink
H. C. Andersen og Horace E. Scudder; en brevveksling
Veshmyntul chel nou al rezhelui
Barnet i graven
H.C. Andersen's Historier
Tales of Hans Christian Andersen ; read by Michael Redgrave
Twelve in the mail
Ruiseor, El
H. C. Andersens breve til Mathias Weber
Kun En Spillemund
Nissen hos spækhøkeren
Vinden fortæller om Valdemar Daae og hans døtre
Patito Feo, El
Favorite fairy tales from Andersen
Only Violinist, 1837 (IN RUSSIAN LANGUAGE) / Vsego lish skripach / Kun en Spillemand
Phantasier og skizzer
El ruisen or del emperador
ha- Tevah ha-meʻofefet
Fairy tales and legends by Hans Andersen
The jumping match
Le monde magique de Hans Christian Andersen, 1805-1875
The Danish story book
Bispen paa Børglum og hans frænde
At du husker på det
Cuentos de Andersen (Cuentos famosos)
Børnenes H.C. Andersen
Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tales (She Children's Classic)
Luchshie Skazki / Best Fairytales
Six fairy tales
The Marsh King's daughter and other stories
The Joyce Mercer edition of Andersen and Grimm
Tales from Andersen & Grimm
Anderŭsen tonghwa
Juan el bobo
Gartneren og herskabet og Den lykkelige familie
A parable of art critics and of collectors
The tumble-bug, and other tales
Tales from Hans Christian Anderson
Fem Eventyr fra 1861
Little Match Girl and Other Tales
Prinsessen paa aerten
Favourite fairy tales
Piu Belle Fiabe Di Andersen
A picture-book without pictures, and other stories
H. C. Andersen som hjemme-digter
H. C. Andersens dagbog fra hans sidste Slagelse-aar, 1825-1826
Tales for children
Yeh ying
Eventyr i udvalg
Elverhøj og andre eventyr
Skazki / G.-Kh. Andersen ; risunki V. Konashevicha ; perevod s datskogo A. Ganzen
Di shney-malke
Huang di di xin yi
H.C. Andersens dagboger 1825-1875
.Miss Rumphius
H.C. Andersens tegninger
H.C. Andersens tegninger til Otto Zink
M.P.B. LA Cerillera/the Little Cigarette Girl
H. C. Andersen paa Holsteinborg
H.C. Andersen, brudstykker af hans liv
Stories from Andersen
Reise fra Kjøbenhavn til Rhinen
Danish fairy legends and tales
Cuentos De Andersen, Grimm Y Perrault/Tales of Andersen, Grimm, and Perrault
Andersons Fairy Pop
El Caracol y la Rosa (Biblioteca del Cuento)
Wonderful stories for children
The Gift of the Magi/the Little Match Girl
H. C. Andersens brevveksling med Edvard og Henriette Collin
Hans Andersen Fairy Tales (Rainbow Colour)
The World of Hans Christian Andersen
Little Mermaid Treasury
New tales, 1843
The Snow Queen and Other Fairy Tales / Snezhnaya Koroleva (English and Russian Text)
Favourite stories from Hans Andersen
Des Kaisers Neue Kleider (Wunder Bucher)
H.C. Andersen-manuskripter
H.C. Andersen's ausgewählte Märchen
Den nye barselstue
Storïau Hans Andersen
My Shells
Truye n co  thuy die n
Fairy Tales - Seven Tales by Hans Christian Andersen (Stories: The Emperor's New Clothes, The Princess on the Pea, The Swineherd, The Steadfast Tin Soldier, Twelve 12 By Coach,Tinder Box, Sweethearts)
Hans Christian Andersen's longer stories
En historie fra klitterne
Hans Christian Andersons Märchen
She Was Good for Nothing
The Jumper
Kejserens nye klaeder
De varkenshoeder
Hodoiporiko stēn Hellada
Skyggebilleder af en reise til Harzen
The ugly duck, and other tales
Poucette (Mes Contes Prbefberbes)
The Wild Swans and Other Fairy Tales (English and Russian Text)
Gjenfaerdet ved Palnatokes grav
The Little Match Girl & the Fir Tree
A visit to Portugal, 1866 [by] Hans Christian Andersen
Het vlas
Nouveaux contes danois
SnØdronningen og andre eventyr
The flying chest
Aarets historie
Little Thumb
Three Fairy Tales
Antusheng tong hua quan ji =
Den Stygge Andungen Duckling
Die Schneekönigin
Le conte de ma vie
What the moon saw and other tales
Contes Choisis
Die Hirtin und der Schornsteinfeger
Penguin Hans Andersen (Penguin Great Authors S.)
Contos De Andersen
Ardizzones Hans Andersen Fourteen Classic Tales
H. C. Andersen og Henriette Wulff
The Tales of Hans Andersen
Tsʻung shu =
Buo qusan áo mwoi ckua nhà vua
Uma visita em Portugal em 1866
Med H. C. Andersen i Portugal år 1866
Et Besøg i Portugal 1866
Sombra y Otros Cuentos, La
Ausgewähte Märchen
Snezhnaya korol'eva i drugie skazki
Wonderful stories for children
Die prinzessin auf der erbse
Flying Trunk and Other Stories from Andersen
Hans Christian Andersen Stories for Children
The little mermaid.  The tinder box
The princess and the pea (A Hale giant book)
Truyện cỏ̂ Thụy Điẻ̂n
Atten breve fra H. C. Andersen til henriette Wulff, 1829-1857
Hans Andersen's Copenhagen
Thumbellina & Other Stories by Hans Christian Andersen
Der dichter und die welt, briefe
Brevveksling med Jonas Collin den Aeldre
Los mejores cuentos de Ándersen
Oeuvres   Vol. 1
Six fairy tales by the Danish writer, Hans Christian Andersen
MY first picture book of Hans Christian Andersen stories
Le Briquet
H.C. Andersen og Thalia
Erase Una Vez
Andersen's best fairy tales
Four tales from Hans Andersen
Hun duede ikke
H.C. Andersens dagboeger 1
Andersen's Classic Fairy Tales
Les plus beaux contes d'Andersen
Hvad fatter goer, det er altid det rigtige
La Sirenita
The Pied Piper and other Stories
Anderson's [sic] fairy tales
Das Märchen meines Lebens
Ein Bilderbuch ohne Bilder
Fairy tales and sketches
Den lille Idas blomster; (og, Ulven og de syv gedekid)
Skazki i istorii
Original manuscripts and letters
The Ugly Duckling and Other Tales (Tc1109)
Andersen's Märchen und Geschichten
I Sverrig
De vilde svaner
Hans Christian Andersen Stories for Grown-Ups
Die schönsten Märchen
The child in the grave
Les souliers rouges avec d'autres contes
Tre nye eventyr og historier
Cuentos Christian Andersen
Märchen von Andersen & Grimm
Kjendte og glemte digte, 1823-1867
Skazki i istorii, perevod s datskogo.
Gartneren og herskabet
Fodreise fra Holmens Canal til Østpynten af Amager i aarene 1828 og 1829
De tondeldoos
An Filimeala
The real princess and the garden of paradise
H.C. Andersens dagboeger 1825-1875
Tiin tialen
What the moon saw and other tales
Barnet i graven (Himmerland-hus smaahæfter)
It's perfectly true, and other stories
Prichindel "Inchide-ochi"
Dad's always right
Bolʹshai︠a︡ kniga luchshikh skazok G.-Kh. Andersena
Nye eventyr og historier
Estuche - Hans Christian Andersen
The Princess and Ther Pea
H.C. Andersens almanakker 1833-1873
Yang zhu wang zi
Lygtemændene ere i byen, sagde Mosekonen
Estuche "6 Premios Nacionales ilustran a Andersen"
Coleccion Habia Una Vez
Andersens Märchen
In Spanien
Breve fra Hans Christian Andersen
H.C. Andersen
La Virineto de maro
The Best of Hans Andersen
The garden of paradise
Hans Christian Andersen's Best Known Stories
Favourite fairy tales from Andersen
Hr. Digter Andersen
Die Kleine Meerjungfrau (German Well Loved Tales)
Fairy tales retold for young children
Gudfaders billedbog
Hans Andersen's tales
Hans Christian Andersen Märchen
Tales and fairy stories
Die zwei Baronessen
Gudfäders billedbog
Sobranie sochineniĭ v dvukh tomakh
Tre ufuldførte historiske digtninge
Mai huo chai di xiao nü hai =
Fra H. C. Andersens eventyrverden
The story of a mother
Andersen's Fairy Tales (Coleccion Premio Nacional de Literatura)
Andersen's fairy tales and stories
The fairy tale series for young children
The Ugly Duckling, and Other Stories
En brevveksling
Five Hans Christian Andersen Stories
Habliche Entlein (German Well Loved Tales)
Deres broderligt hengivne
Continental Gems
Fra hjerte til hjerte
Hans Andersen's fairy tales and wonder stories
The naughty boy, and other stories
The Sandman
Den flyvende kuffert
H. C. Andersens sidste leveaar
La principessa del pisello e altre fiabe
O milivenios stratiotis
Dillad newydd yr Ymerawdwr
El soldadito de plomo
Ezra Pound
Ezra Pound (1885-1972)

poet, literary critic, composer, translator, autobiographer, economist, journalist, radio personality, literary historian

  • University of Pennsylvania, Hamilton College
The selected letters of Ezra Pound, 1907-1941
Gaudier-Brzeska, a memoir [by] Ezra Pound
Homage to Sextus Propertius
End to Torment
An autobiographical outline
The United States in Literature [with three long stories] -- Seventh Edition
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--The American Experience
Prentice Hall Literature--The American Experience
The United States in Literature -- The Glass Menagerie Edition
The United States in Literature -- All My Sons Edition
Prentice Hall Literature--The American Experience
Instigations of Ezra Pound
The spirit of romance
Literary essays of Ezra Pound
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--The American Experience
The Britannica Library of Great American Writing - Volume II
The translations of Ezra Pound
Antheil and the treatise on harmony
New Selected Poems And Translations
Literary essays
Love poems of Ancient Egypt
Ezra and Dorothy Pound
Ezra Pound and James Laughlin selected letters
The Pisan cantos
Lustra of Ezra Pound
Early poems
Ezra Pound and Dorothy Shakespear, their letters, 1909-1914
Instigations of Ezra Pound
Machine art and other writings
The letters of Ezra Pound, 1907-1941
A quinzaine for this Yule
Polite essays
Selected Poems
Chinese Written Character as a Medium for Poetry
Selected prose, 1909-1965
Ezra Pound's economic correspondence, 1933-1940
The correspondence of Ezra Pound and Senator William Borah
I cease not to yowl
Ripostes of Ezra Pound
Jefferson and/or Mussolini
The Cantos of Ezra Pound
A lume spento
ABC of reading
Awai no uye
Poems and translations
Cat Poems
ABC of reading
Pound/Joyce; the letters of Ezra Pound to James Joyce
Pound/Ford, the story of a literary friendship
Guide to kulchur
Early writings
Canzoni; & Ripostes of Ezra Pound
How to read
Ezra Pound and the visual arts
Collected early poems of Ezra Pound
Hugh Selwyn Mauberley
Poems 1918-21
Le Testament "Paroles de Villon" 1926 and 1933 performance editions
Pound/the Little review
Ezra Pound letters John Theobald
Ezra Pound and music
Hugh Selwyn Mauberley
Lark in the morning
Ezra Pound
Ezra Pound's Chinese friends
The letters of Ezra Pound to Alice Corbin Henderson
Ezra Pound's poetry and prose
Early Writings
Selected Prose 1909-1965
Ezra Pound and Japan
Dead Iöne
Certain Moble Plays of Japan
Canzoni of Ezra Pound
Être citoyen romain était un privilège, être citoyen moderne est une calamité
Pound/Ford, the story of a literary friendship
Ends & Beginnings (City Lights Review)
Quia pauper amavi
Pavannes and divisions
Noh' or Accomplishment
Certain Moble Plays of Japan
Dk-some letters of Ezra Pound
Iconografia italiana di Ezra Pound
Guide to kulchur
One must not go altogether with the tide
Instigations of Ezra Pound
The Paris Review
Exultations of Ezra Pound
Ezra Pound's letters to William Watt
Imagist Poetry
The Chinese Written Character as a Medium for Poetry
Pound/Ford, the story of a literary friendship
Sophokles Elektra (New Directions Paperbook, 683)
The later Yeats [a review of Responsibilities
Ta hio
EP to LU
Diptych Rome-London
Ezra Pound & Japan
Carte italiane 1930-1944
Ezra Pound And Music: The Complete Criticism
Ta hio
Translations of Pound (Enlarged)
Esprit des littératures romanes
"Ezra Pound speaking"
The selected letters of Ezra Pound to John Quinn, 1915-1924
Diptych Rome-London
Noh, Or, Accomplishment
Active anthology
James Joyce et Pécuchet
Ezra Pound and Senator Bronson Cutting
A B C of economics
" If this be treason
Lesebuch. Dichtung und Prosa
Selected cantos of Ezra Pound
The Cantos (Faber Library)
ABC of reading
Instigations of Ezra Pound
The letters of Ezra Pound to James Joyce; with Pound's essay on Joyce
Cantares Completos / The Cantos
Pound Joyce; letters of Ezra Pound to James Joyce, with Pound's essays on Joyce
Pound/Ford, the story of a literary friendship
Cantares Completos
Come swiftly to your love
A walking tour in southern France
Correspondence To the Editor of "The Criterion", beginning "Sir, I can not fail ..." and ending "before this happy event occurs, Ezra Pound."
Ezra Pound and Margaret Cravens
Arcana Scheiwiller
Lustra of Ezra Pound
Patria mia, and The treatise on harmony
Cantos 86 and 87
From Syria
Iconografia italiana
Cantos şi alte poeme
Ezra Pound's and Olga Rudge's the Blue Spill
Il fare aperto
Epstein, Belgion and meaning
Ta-hio =
Make it new
Posthumous Cantos
Correspondence of Ezra Pound and the Frobenius Institute, 1930-1959
Confucius to Cummings
Uwe Dick liest Jossif Brodskij und Ezra Pound; Dagmar Nick liest Alexander Lernet-Holenia
Ezra Pound and Dorothy Shakespeare, their letters, 1909-1914
Four Literary Translators
Variorum edition of 'three cantos' by Ezra Pound
Pound: The Little Review : The Letters of Ezra Pound to Margaret Anderson
Ezra Pound and 'Globe' Magazine
Money pamphlets by [pound]
Ignite! Ignite!
Poemas de amor del antiguo Egipto
Pavannes and Divisions
Early Poems
The Natural Philosophy of Love
Mr. James Joyce and the Modern Stage
Hugh Selwyn Mauberley
The Works of Ezra Pound - 6 Volumes
Antheil and the Treatise on harmony, with supplementary notes 1927 [Leather Bound]
Ripostes of Ezra Pound
Els cantos pisans
From Simplicities
The letters of Ezra Pound to James Joyce
Forked Branches
[Letter to Mary Austin, beginning "Rapallo, Via Marsala, 12 ins. 5, 12 April 1930, My Dear Mary Austin" and ending "yours very truly, Ezra Pound."
Two cantos
Plays modelled on the Noh (1916)
26 dikter
René Crevel
EP to LU
Musical supplement
Guide to Kulchur (New Directions Paperbook, Ndp257)
Poemas de amor del antiguo Egipto
Le travail et l'usure
Cantos 1-30
Sonnets and Ballate. with Translations of Them, and an Introd
Active anthology,
At the Circulo de Recreo with Ezra Pound
Social credit
Gold and work
What is money for?
Selected Poems And Translations
Sur les pas des troubadours en pays d'oc
Ripostes of Ezra Pound
Confucius to Cummings:Poetry A
Ezra Pound Reads Selected Cantos/High Selwyn/Mauberley/Cantico Del Sole/Moeurs Contemporaines
A B C of reading
Nueve gatos, nueve poemas
Awai No Uye
Problema Centrale Dell' Economia
Aforismi e detti memorabili
Poemas de amor del antiguo Egipto
Thrones 96-109 De Los Canteres
Pavannes and divagations
Guide to Kulchur
Cantos, The
Forked branches
Letters to Tom Carter
Vybranyĭ Ezra Pavnd
Certain radio speeches of Ezra Pound
Lustra of Ezra Pound, With Earlier Poems
Mr. James Joyce And The Modern Stage
Economic Writings of Ezra Pound
Confucian Analects
Hugh Selwyn Mauberley
Shakespear's Pound
Pound/Joyce; the letters of Ezra Pound to James Joyce, with Pound's essays on Joyce
Sayings of Ezra Pound (Duckworth Sayings Series)
"Noh", Or, Accomplishment: A Study of the Classical Stage of Japan
Se questo è tradimento... =
Letze Texte
Le nuvole di Pisa
Literary Essays of Ezra Pound, Edited with an Introduction by T.s.eliot
A draft of XVI cantos of Ezra Pound
Vybraniĭ Ezra Pavnd
Eleven new cantos
Quinzaine for This Yule, Being Selected from a Venetian Sketch-Book, San Trovaso,&quot
Patria mia
Selected poems of Ezra Pound
Il carteggio Jefferson-Adams
The Newark Anniversary Poems
Hugh Selwyn Mauberley
Pavannes and Divisions
A visiting card
An Introduction to the Economic Nature of the United States
An autobiographical outline
An immorality
Annotated index to The cantos of Ezra Pound
The Letters of Ezra Pound,1907-1941
The mole family
Pound/Joyce; the letters of Ezra Pound to James Joyce, with Pound's essays on Joyce
A lume spento, and other early poems
The Literary Essays of Ezra Pound
Pavannes and Divisions
Patria Mia
Early T. S. Eliot on Early Ezra Pound, and Vice Versa
Patria mia
Canzoni; & Ripostes of Ezra Pound
Aquí la Voz de Europa
Kültür Rehberi
Die Pisaner Gesange
Love poems of Ancient Egypt
Putting My Foot in It
Selected Poems - Exultations
Selected Letters of Ezra Pound, 1907-1941
Oro e lavoro
Pound's artists
Antheil and the Treatise on Harmony, With Supplementary Notes
Personae - Los Poemas Breves
E.P. to L.U.
Pavannes and divagations
Poemas de amor del antiguo Egipto
Letters, 1907-1941
Natural Philosophy of Love
Alfred Venison's poems
Je rassemble les membres d'Osiris
ABC of economics
Letters, 1907-1941
Confucius: the Unwobbling pivot & the Great digest
Ezra Pound & Japan
The Pisan Cantos
Selected Poems
Canti pisani
Lettere dalla Sicilia e due frammenti ritrovati
Els cantos pisans
Pavannes and Divagations : Written by Ezra Pound, 1958 Edition, Publisher
The great digest of Confucius
America, Roosevelt, and the causes of the present war
EP to LU : nine letters written to Louis Untermeyer by Ezra Pound
Pavannes and Divisions
Canto 90
Thrones 96-109 De Los Canteres
Patria Mia and The Treatise on Harmony
Jefferson Y/O Mussolini
Literary essays
Selected cantos of Ezra Pound
Pavannes and Divagations
Antheil and the Treatise on Harmony
Introduzione alla natura economica degli S.U.A
The sayings of Ezra Pound
Introduzione Alla Natura Economica Degli USA
Spirit of Romance; an Attempt to Define Somewhat the Charm of the Pre-Renaissance Literature of Latin Europe
Els cantos pisans
Selected Cantos of Ezra Pound
A lume spento
Literary essays of Ezra Pound
Literary essays of Ezra Pound
Person ae
Opposing the Money Lenders
Letters to Ibbotson, 1935-1952
Selected Poems edited with introduction by T. S. Eliot
Ezra Pound and Dorothy Shakespear: Their Letters
Lustra of Ezra Pound, with Earlier Poems
The Letters of Ezra Pound, 1907-1941
Selected Poems - Exultations
The selected letters
Lavoro ed usura, tre saggi
The cantos, 1-95
Ezra Pound Reads
Poems 1918-21
Collected shorter poems
A Quinzaine for This Yule, Being Selected From a Venetian Sketch-book, "San Trovaso,&quot
Antología poética
The coward surrealists
The Confucian Odes
Correspondence To the Editor of "The Criterion", beginning "Sir, If it be permitted to answer the Editor ..." and ending "Ezra Pound,Rapallo, 26th June, 1933."
The letters of Ezra Pound
Lustra of Ezra Pound, with Earlier Poems
A lume spento
Social credit
H.S. Mauberley
Mr. James Joyce and the Modern Stage
A.B.C. de la lecture
Polite Essays
Patria mia
Ezra Pound's economic correspondence, 1933-1940
Ezra Pound Poems (Poet to Poet: An Essential Choice of Classic Verse)
The Confucian odes, the classic anthology defined by Confucius
Pisaner Cantos LXXIV- LXXXIV
Jefferson e Mussolini
XXX Cantos (Polish Edition)
Los Cantares De Pisa
ABC of Reading
Venezia nei Cantos / Ezra Pound ; tradotti in lingua italiana da Mary de Rachewiltz
Certain Noble Plays Of Japan
Els cantos pisans
Ezra Pound and the Visual Arts
Polite essays
Cantos scelti
Social credit, an impact
Drafts & fragments of Cantos CX-CXVII
Panorama apo ta Kantos
New approaches to Ezra Pound
Personae - Collected Shorter Poems
3 pourrissements poétiques
Letters, 1907-1941,
A draft of 30 cantos
Canto 99
Ezra Pound
The spirit of romance
Nō, vom Genius Japans
Selected prose, 1909-1965 [of] Ezra Pound
"All the unemployed will have work for 25 years"--Sec. Perkins
On values
A draft of cantos XXXI-XLI
Venezia nei Cantos
Ezra Pound reading his poetry
Cantos 110-116
Cantares completos (I-CXX)
Hugh Selwyn Mauberley
New directions
Comment lire
Selected cantos
If this be treason--
Exultations (The Collected Works of Ezra Pound - 74 Volumes)
In the water-butt
To a city sending him advertisements
Schediasmata kai apospasmata tōn Kantos CX-CXX (ta teleutaia Kantos)
Radiodiscorsi (Girasole Documenti)
Cavalcanti poems
Selected poems
Section, rock-drill
15 cantos
A draft of the cantos 17-27 of Ezra Pound ; initials by Gladys Hynes
The letters of Ezra Pound
Canto 98
[Poems and essays in literary journals.]
Eleven new cantos, XXXI-XLI
Carta da visita
The Pisan cantos
Homage to Sextus Propertins
Mivḥar ketavim
[Anthologia Poundiana]
Guide to kulchur
Lustra of Ezra Pound
Jefferson e Mussolini
Eleven new cantos, XXXI-XLI
The translations of Ezra Pound
--An immorality
I cantos
Six poems
Pavannes and divagations
Bungaku seishin no gensen
Ezra Pound criticism, 1905-1985
Les Ur-cantos
Statues of gods
Lectura dominica
Imaginary letters
Personae of Ezra Pound
Drafts & fragments of Cantos 110-117
Ezra Pound reads his Cantos
Spirit of Romance, The (The Collected Works of Ezra Pound - 74 Volumes)
A draft of XXX cantos
Canzoni & ripostes of Ezra Pound whereto are appended the complete poetical works of T.E. Hulme
The classic Noh theatre of Japan
Cantos 110-116
The cantos, 1-95
Ezra Pound
Breve antología
Eleven new cantos, XXXI-XLI
Ta hio
Canti postumi
The Little Review
Collected early poems
Plays modelled on the Noh
The fifth decade of Cantos
An angle
Cantos 52-71
Indiscretions, or, Une revue de deux mondes
Wort und Weise
The translations of Ezra Pound
Cantos et poèmes choisis
Francesca, Ragazza di Bottega é altre poesie di Ezra Pound
Seis poetas de lengua inglesa
Certain noble plays of Japan
A draft of XXX cantos / by Ezra Pound
The letters of Ezra Pound, 1907-1941
Literary essays of Ezra Pound
Canto 98
An immorality
Money pamphlets
Lavoro ed usura
At the Circulo de Recreo with Ezra Pound
Drafts & fragments
Cantos, 110-116
Hugh Selwyn Mauberley (The Collected Works of Ezra Pound - 74 Volumes)
Letters, 1907-1941, edited by D.D. Paige
Prologo di Natale
Lavoro ed usura
The translations of Ezra Pound
Omaggio a Sesto Properzio
The classic anthology defined by Confucius
Imaginary letters
The classic anthology defined by Confucius
Ripostes of Ezra Pound
Venezia nei Cantos
Drafts and fragments of Cantos cx-cxviii
A lume spento 1908-1958
Ezra Pound Reads Selected Cantos and Others
Volitionist economics
A retrospect
A selection of poems
Personae of Ezra Pound
FBI file on Ezra Pound
Cantos 110-116
Four poems of departure
Pavannes and Divisions (The Collected Works of Ezra Pound - 74 Volumes)
Selected poems
"If this be treason--"
Les cantos pisans
Personae ; the collected shorter poems of Ezra Pound
Canto 120
Canto cx
Stikhotvorenii Ła i izbrannye cantos
Section, rock-drill
At the Circulo de Recreo with Ezra Pound
Ta hio
The letter of Sigismundo Malatesta to Giovanni de Medici
The Goldsmith poetry calendar 1977
Section: rock drill, 85-95 de los cantares
Ezra Pound perspectives
A lume spento
Hugh Selwyn Mauberley
Hidden govt
The fifth decad of Cantos
Ezra Pound papers
A. B. C. de la lecture
Guide to kulchur /cEzra Pound
The island of Paris
Prayer for a dead brother
The Cantos of Ezra Pound
M. et Mme. Ezra Pound vous invitent à une audition privée de musique Americaine
The fifth decad of cantos
Seventy cantos
The fifth decad of cantos
Selected Prose 1965
Personae, the collected poems of Ezra Pound
I cantos
The Confucian odes
L'ABC dell'economia e altri scritti
Gold and labour
Poems 1918-21, including Three portraits and Four cantos
Ezra Pound
Oro e lavoro
Poems from Cathay
Lustra of Ezra Pound, with earlier poems
A lume spento
A sampler from the new book ... The letters of Ezra Pound, 1907-1941
A lume spento 1908-1958
A B C of reading
Homage to Sextus Propertius
Cantico Del Sole Canto Ninety-Nine and Other Poems
A draft of the cantos 17-27 of Ezra Pound
Voices and Visions-Ezra Pound (Voices & Visions)
Ezra Pound reading his The Confucian odes
A draft of cantos XXXI-XLI
Personae & Exultations of Ezra Pound
Exultations of Ezra Pound
Villonaud for this Yule
Annie Besant
Annie Besant (1847-1933)

essayist, orator, journalist, editor, politician, feminist, theosophist, suffragist, women's rights activist, civil rights advocate, freedom fighter

  • Birkbeck, University of London
Annie Besant
Autobiographical Sketches
Annie Besant
Annie Besant
Fabian Essays in Socialism
The ancient wisdom
An Introduction to Yoga
Esoteric Christianity
Occult chemistry
The law of population
In the outer court
Ancient ideals in modern life
Thought power
How India wrought for freedom
Man and his bodies
The building of the kosmos and other lectures
Four great religions
Thought Forms
The spiritual life
The story of the great war
Religious Problem in India
The Story of the Great War, Some Lessons from the Mahābhāraṭa for the Use of ..
Esoteric Christianity
The seven principles of man
The doctrine of the heart
The Ideals of Theosophy
The path of discipleship
A study in karma
Death and After
Evolution of life and form
Popular lectures on theosophy
Esoteric Vegetarianism
Changing World
The future of Indian politics
The birth and evolution of the soul
Is the Bible indictable?
The case for India
The Ancient Wisdom: An Outline of Theosophical Teachings
India: a nation
Theosophy in relation to human life ..
The three paths to union with God
The changing world, and lectures to theosophical students
The Basis Of Morality
The riddle of life
A study in consciousness
The Bhagavad Gîtâ
The Bhagavad-Gita, or
India and the Empire, a lecture and various papers on Indian grievances
A study in consciousness
Four Great Religions: Four Lectures
The basis of morality
Modern socialism
Bhagavad Gita--Text and Translation
Essays on socialism
Thought Forms
Some Problems of Life
Talks on the Path of Occultism, Volume 2
The Birth of New India: A Collection of Writings and Speeches on Indian Affairs
The Power of Thought
Legends and Tales
Theosophy and life's deeper problems
Australian lectures, 1908 ..
Hindu ideals, for the use of Hindu students in the schools of India
Theosophy and the theosophical society
Shri Rama Chandra, the Ideal King: Some Lessons from the Ramayana for the ..
The pedigree of man
Charles Bradlaugh
London Lectures of 1907
The laws of the higher life
Sanatana Dharma
H.P. Blavatsky and the masters of the wisdom
The war and its lessons
The ideals of theosophy
Buddhist popular lectures delivered in Ceylon in 1907
The socialist movement
The Secret Doctrine Vol III
Theosophy and the new psychology
Man and His Bodies /c by Annie Besant
Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom
Auguste Comte
Thought Power: Its Control and Culture
A selection of the social and political pamphlets of Annie Besant
Introduction to Yoga
Ėvoli͡u︡t͡s︡ii͡a︡ zhizni
Shr©Đi R©Đama Chandra
The Birth Of New India
The Bhagavad Gita
The Law Of Population
Theosophy As A Philosophy Of Thought And Action
Four Great Religions (Cosimo Classics Sacred Texts)
Shall India live or die?
The Path of Discipleship
Man's Life in This and Other Worlds
The law of population: its consequences, and its bearing upon human conduct and morals
Legends And Tales
Investigations into the super-physical
Esoteric Christianity or The Lesser Mysteries
The Masters
Gordon judged out of his own mouth
Wake Up India
Thought Power
The ancient wisdom
India, bond or free?
The Ancient wisdom
A study in consciousness
The Origins of Theosophy
Theosophy and The New Psychology
The Masters and the Path
The Free Thinker's Text book Part II.   Christianity
On moods
Lectures on Political Science
The Future Of Indian Politics
Initiation, the perfecting of man
The ancient wisdom
Nature's finer forces
The Christian creed; or, What it is blasphemy to deny
Force no remedy
Man and his bodies
What Is Theosophy?
An autobiography
The Monad At Work
The Atheistic Platform
World Problems of Today
Clairvoyance And Mental Healing
Some Difficulties Of The Inner Life
A Historical Verification Of Theosophical Teachings - Pamphlet
Fabian Essays in Socialism (1889)
Man, His Nature And Powers
The Evolution Of Man
The Law Of Action And Reaction
Wake up, India
Annie Besant
Christianity: its evidences, its origin, its morality, its history
The Deadlock In Religion, Science And Art
La Généalogie de l'homme
The Larger Consciousness
Relation Of The Masters To The Theosophical Society
The Christ-Idea
The Historical Jesus
Investigations Into The Super-Physical
Social Organization Or God Manifesting As Society
A study in consciousness
Les lois de la vie supérieure
Some Problems of Life
Lectures on Political Science
Occultism, Semi-Occultism and Pseudo Occultism
Some Difficulties On The Inner Life
The Christ Triumphant And The Work Of The Hierarchy
The Growth Of A World Religion
The Conditions Of Intellectual And Of Spiritual Growth
Manifestations Of Superhuman Beings In Our World
Yoga As A Science
What It Is That Reincarnates - Pamphlet
The Building of the Kosmos, and Other Lectures
The Ideals Of Theosophy
The Hidden Side Of Christianity
The Catholic And Puritan Spirit In The Theosophical Society
England And India
Thought Forms
Aspects of the Christ
The law of population
The Bhagavad-gita
The Incarnation Of Spirit
Ancient Wisdom And The Law Of Sacrifice
The mind of Annie Besant
The Story Of Giordano Bruno
Talks on the Path of Occultism - 3
The Pedigree of Man: Four Lectures Delivered at the Twenty-eighth Anniversary Meetings of the ..
Ancient Wisdom And Building A Kosmos
Evolution and Occultism
The Policy Of The Theosophical Society
The Great Orders Of Living Beings
Man's Physical, Astral And Mental Bodies - Pamphlet
The Unity Of Consciousness
The Building Of Character
L'homme et ses corps
Occult Chemistry
The Source Of And Need For Avataras
The Building of the Kosmos
Death and After?
How To Find Your Master
The religious problem in India
The Great Plan
How To Seek Your Master
The Meaning And Method Of Spiritual Life
In Defence Of Hinduism
Aspects Of The Christ
The Search for Happiness
The Mythic Christ
The Manifestation Of God In A Universe
The Larger Consciousness And Its Value
Theosophy and world-problems
Brotherhood Applied To Government, Education And Criminology
The Christ In Man
Clairvoyance And Clairaudience
The Path Of Discipleship - Pamphlet
Theosophy And Its Evidences
A Study of Consciouness
The Three Worlds Of Human Evolution
Annie Besant
The riddle of life, and how theosophy answers it
The Inner Purpose Of The Theosophical Society
The Emergence Of A World Religion
Why We Believe In The Coming Of The World Teacher
Autobiographical Sketches
Thought Forms
Death - And After?
Philosophy Or God Manifesting As Understanding
Speeches and writings of Annie Besant
The Basis of Morality 1915
Science Or God Manifesting As Knowledge
An Introduction to the Science of Peace
The Bhagavad Gita or The Lord's Song
The War And Its Lessons
Emotion, Intellect And Spirituality
On Moods
Yoga And The Schools Of Thought
My path to atheism
The birth and evolution of the soul
Riddle of Life
London Lectures of 1907
Ancient Wisdom And Man's Ascent
The Seven Principles of Man
Elementary Lessons On Karma
The Nature Of Thought - Pamphlet
Some Special Avataras
The Man Of The World And His First Steps
Shri Krishna
The Unity Of God
Speeches and Writings of Annie Besant
Laws of the Higher Life
The Brotherhood Of Man
The New Civilization
Atma-Buddhi The Spirit
Thought Transference - Pamphlet
Autobiographical Sketches
Seven great religions
Objections To Reincarnation
The Value Of Theosophy In The World Of Thought
Beauties of Islam
The Hidden Side Of Religions
The Ladder Of Lives
The Restoration Of The Mysteries
Australian Lectures. 1908
A Study in conciousness
Ancient Wisdom And Karma
The Place Of Theosophy In The Coming Civilization
Talks on the Path of Occultism at the Feet of the Master
Immediate Future
Why I am a socialist
The path of discipleship
Letters From The Masters Of The Wisdom
Le pouvoir de la pensée
Proofs Of The Existence Of The Soul
The Theosophical Students In Face Of Revelation, Inspiration And Observation
Three Paths To Union With God
Shri Rama Chandra The Ideal King
Esoteric Christianity And Prayer
Subtle Forms Of The Fourth And Fifth Principles
An Introduction of Yoga
Buddhist Popular Lectures
The building of the kosmos and other lectures
Saviors Of The World Or World Teachers
Discipleship And Some Karmic Problems
The Meaning And Method Of Mysticism
Is Socialism sound?
World Problems of Today
Consciousness And The Meaning Of The Word
The Riddle Of Love And Hate - Pamphlet
What It Is That Does Not Reincarnate - Pamphlet
The Coming Christ
Le sentier du disciple
Consciousness And Self-Consciousness
Dharma, of the meaning of right and wrong
Your World And Ours
The Place Of Masters In Religions
On The Threshold
Some American Lectures
The Feminine Occult
Wisdom of the Upanishads
The Hatha And Raja Yoga Of India
La mort et l'au-delà
Ancient And Modern Science
Dogmatism Or Mysticism?
Living The Christ Life
The Strengthening Of Thought Power
The Dense Physical Body
Occult Chemistry   Clairvoyant Observations on the Chemical Elements
Esoteric Christianity And The Sacraments
The Bhagavad Gita ; The Lord's Song
The Etheric Double - Pamphlet
Introduction au yoga
The Seven Planes And The Principles Functioning Thereon
Literature And Art Or God Manifesting As Beauty
Theosophy And The Child
The masters
Avataras - 1900
The immediate future
Psychism And Spirituality
Birth of new India
The God-Idea
The Sacramental Life
Man's life in this and other worlds
What Is An Avatara?
Evolution and man's destiny
The Law Of Rebirth
Proofs Of Reincarnation
The Spiritual Pedigree
Prana The Life
La vie théosophique
Introduction to Yoga
A selection of the social and political pamphlets of Annie Besant
Bhagavad Gita
The Causes Of Reincarnation
Theosophy and Human Life 1905
The immediate future
The Monad In Evolution
On the Nature and Existence of God (1875): bound with Charles Bradlaugh's <I>A Plea for Aetheism<I> (1883), <I>Doubts in Dialogue<I> (1891), and George ... (The Thoemmes Library of British Philosophy)
Man's Life In The Three Worlds
The Story of The Great War
Communication Between Different Worlds
The Ancient Indian Ideal Of Duty
Psychism And Spurred Quality
Witness for the prosecution
The origins of theosophy
Esoteric Christianity
The Use Of Evil
The changing world
Esoteric Christianity And The Atonement
The Pedigree of Man
Hints on the Study of the Bhagavad-Gita
Man's Immortal Bodies
The Nature Of The Christ
Vers le Temple
Interpretations Of Religious Teachings
Manas The Thinker Or Mind
Spiritual And Temporal Authority
Hints on Study of Bhagavad-gita
The High Purpose Of War
The Man-Idea
The Desire Body
A Study In Consciousness - A Contribution To The Science Of Psychology (1904)
The pedigree of man
History Of The Great French Revolution From The Standpoint Of The People
The case for India
Helping Others By Thought
An Introduction to Yoga
Esoteric Christianity And The Trinity
Esoteric Christianity And Resurrection And Ascension
Esoteric Christianity And Revelation
The Destinies Of Nations
The Sixth Sub-Race
The Bhagavad Gītā
The Quaternary Or Four Lower Principles
The Last Days Of The President-Founder And Mrs. Besant's Presidential Address
What Is The Theosophy?
Invisible worlds
Methods Of Psychic Unfoldment
The Mystic Christ
Thought power, its control and culture
Vegetarianism In The Light Of Theosophy
The Coming Race
Subconsciousness And Super-Consciousness
True, Semi-Occultism And Pseudo-Occultism
Vier Voordrachten over Theosofie
Spiritual Life For The Man Of The World
The legalisation of female slavery in England
Theosophy and the Society of Jesus
Buddhist Popular Lectures
Obstacles To Concentration
Spiritual Alchemy
Mala's silver anklets
Esoteric Christianity And The Forgiveness Of Sins
The Case for India
Bhagavad Gita/ the Bhagavad Gita or the Song of the Lord
Yoga As A Practice
Giordano Bruno
Australian Lectures
Memory And Its Nature
Theosophical lectures and answers to theosophical questions
The Method Of Reincarnation
The Object Of Reincarnation - Pamphlet
Super-Human Men in History and Religion
Self-Sacrifice Or Revolution?
Thought Control
The Truth Through Theosophy
The Place Of Religion In National Life
An Introduction to Yoga - Illustrated
Introduction to Yoga
Esoteric Christianity, or, The lesser mysteries
The Seven Principles of Man
On the religious education of children
The self and its sheaths
Insanin Soy Agaci Oteki Bedenlerimiz
Autobiographical Sketches
The three paths to union with God
Der Mensch und seine Körper
The changing world
Theosophist Magazine October 1926-December 1926
The truth through theosophy
A Study in Consciousness
Britain's place in the great plan
Essays on socialism
The pedigree of man
Theosophy and the new psychology
Thought Power; Its Control and Culture
Esoteric Christianity
India, a nation
The Freethinker's Text Book, Part II
Secret Doctrine : Volume 3
Theosophist Magazine July 1910-September 1910
My Path to Atheism : (Annotated)(Biography)
Speech & writings of Annie Besant
La nature du Christ
Evolution of Life and Form
On the Deity of Jesus of Nazareth, by the Wife of a Beneficed Clergyman [A. Besant] Ed. by C. Voysey
Modern Socialism
Occult Chemistry; Clairvoyant Observations on the Chemical Elements
Marriage, As It Was, As It Is, And As It Should Be : A Plea For Reform . By : Annie Besant
Meditations on the Path and Its Qualifications
Theosophist Magazine January 1934-April 1934
Death and After and Memories of Past Lives
Theosophy and Life's Deeper Problems
Development of the spiritual life
Why I became a theosophist
Communication Between Different Worlds
Study in Karma
Christian Creed
Theosophist Magazine April 1927-June 1927
How India wrought for freedom
Occult Chemistry; Clairvoyant Observations on the Chemical Elements
Evolution of Life and Form by Annie Besant
The Socialist movement
The three paths
The Basis of Morality
The legalization of female slavery in England
Man's Life in This and Other Worlds and How a World Teacher Comes
An Introducton to Yoga
Les formes-pensées
Evolution of Life and Form
The true basis of morality
Theosophist Magazine July 1926-September 1926
Reincarnation (Annotated)
Lord's Song
Marriage, As It Was, As It Is, and As It Should Be
Roots of Christianity
Theosophist Magazine July 1928-September 1928
A Study in Conciousness
What is Socialism?
Introduction to Yoga Illustration
Ancient Wisdom
Indian ideals in education, philosophy and religion, and art
Memory and its nature
Sila mysli
Case for India
Why I do not believe in God
Indian ideals in education, philosophy and religion, and art
Seven Principles of Man
Civilisation's deadlocks and the keys
Theosophist Magazine January 1928-March 1928
What theosophy is
The Pedigree of Man; Four Lectures Delivered at the Twenty-Eighth Anniversary Meetings of the Theosophical Society, at Adyar, December, 1903
War and Its Lessons
A Study in Karma
The Seven Principles of Man
Theosophist Magazine January 1933-March 1933
Wake Up, India
Theosophist Magazine July 1929-September 1929
Man and His Bodies /C by Annie Besant
The immediate future and other lectures
Theosophy in relation to human life
Dharma, or, the meaning of right and wrong
Annie Besant
Hypnotism and mesmerism
The Three Paths to Union With God; Lectures Delivered at Benares, at the Sixth Annual Convention of the Indian Section of the Theosophical Society, October 19th, 20th and 21st, 1896
Glossary of theosophical terms
Occult chemistry
Use of Evil
Our Corner; Volume 3
The Bhagavad Gita ; With Sanskrit Text, Free Translation into English a Word for Word Translation
Death-And After?
The Great Plan
Australian Lectures
The case for India
American Theosophist Magazine, April 1914 to September 1914
An Introduction To The Science Of Peace
Is Socialism sound?
The self and its sheaths
Theosophist Magazine July 1933-September 1933
Secret Doctrine Vol III
The changing world and lectures to theosophical students
The Nature of Yoga
In the Outer Court
Theosophist Magazine October 1925-December 1925
Is the Bible Indictable?
Four great religions
Vers L'initiation
Building of the Cosmos and Other Lectures
7 Principles of Man
Theosophist Magazine October 1917-December 1917
Man and his Bodies
The meaning and method of spiritual life
Origins of Theosophy
What the Mystic Means by the Eternal Now
Evolution of life and form
Mind in Animals
Annie Besant
Cómo se vive después de la muerte
Theosophist Magazine July 1924-September 1924
Seven great religions
History of the Great French Revolution
The law of population
Some problems of life
Nature's Finer Forces
An Autobiography
Building of the Kosmos
Riddle of Life
Is the Bible indictable?
Death and After
For India's uplift
An Introduction to Yoga
My Path to Atheism
Autobiographical Sketches (1885)
Why I am a socialist
India: a nation, a plea for Indian self-government
The Masters
Death-And After?
Theosophist Magazine October 1929-December 1929
The Riddle of Life
The Birth and Evolution of the Soul
Theosophy and Lifes Deeper Problems (Illustrated)
Theosophist Magazine September 1934-December 1934
El Poder del Pensamiento
Wisdom of the Upanishads
Immediate Future and Other Lectures
Esoteric christianity
Legends and tales
My Path to Atheism
Wake up India
Autobiographical Sketches
Britain's Place in the Great Plan
Sanātana Dharma
Theosophist Magazine April 1913-June 1913
Odvěká moudrost
Trades Union Movement
Ancient Wisdom (unabridged)
A selection of the social and political pamphlets of Annie Besant
Seven Principles of Man
Problems of Reconstruction
Theosophist Magazine April 1933-June 1933
Death - and after?
A word on man, his nature and his powers
Theosophy and the Theosophical Society
Ancient Ideals in Modern Life
Man's life in three worlds
Theosophist Magazine January 1915-March 1915
Australian lectures, 1908
Man and his bodies
Wisdom of the Upanishats
The Freethinker's Text Book, Part II - Scholar's Choice Edition
The value of devotion
The Book Of The Path Of Virtue Or A Version Of The Tao-Teh-King Of Lao-Tze, The Chinese Mystic And Philosopher
Man and His Bodies /C by Annie Besant
Marriage as it was, as it is, and as it should be
Daily meditations on the path and its qualifications
Evolution and Occultism
Some difficulties of the inner life
Investigations into the Super-Physical
Some problems of life
Theosophist Magazine July 1914-September 1914
The changing world, and lectures to theosophical students
Masters and the Way to Them
Theosophist Magazine January 1918-March 1918
The Inner government of the world
The ancient wisdom
Theosophist Magazine July 1912-September 1912
Christian Creed
Natural religion versus revealed religion
Dragon's Toothache
Evolution of life and form
Theosophist Magazine July 1931-September 1931
Theosophist Magazine April 1910-June 1910
Theosophist Magazine April 1923-June 1923
Pedigree of Man; Four Lectures Delivered at the Twenty-Eighth Anniversary Meetings of the Theosophical Society, at Adyar, December 1903
Seven Great Religions
Theosophist Magazine January 1926-March 1926
Lucifer - A Theosophical Magazine, March to July 1897
The Ancient Wisdom
Theosophist Magazine January 1930-April 1930
Theosophist Magazine October 1924-December 1924
Some American lectures
Self-determination for Scotland
H.P. Blavatsky and the Masters of the Wisdom
The Spiritual Life
Psychism and Spirituality
Annie Besant : Contra Christianity
An Autobiography
Theosophist Magazine October 1927-December 1927
Theosophist Magazine April 1911-June 1911
Theosophist Magazine October 1908-January 1909
Ancient Wisdom
Hintu matattaip pōr̲r̲umin̲
Education as the basis of national life
Theosophist Magazine July 1911-September 1911
Super-Human Men in History and Religion
The Ancient Wisdom
Des religions pratiquées actuellement dans l'Inde
Popular lectures on theosophy
Thought power
For India's uplift
Theosophie und moderne psychische Forschung
Annie Besant
Case for India : (Annotated)(Biography)
Death--And After? : (Annotated)(Biography)
Theosophy as the basic unity of national life
The Christian Creed
The Inner Government of the World
The Seven Principles of Man
Theosophist Magazine July 1925-September 1925
Superhuman men in history and religion
Theosophy and the New Psychology
Cristianismo Esoterico
Autobiographical Sketches
Manual Teosofico
What is the use of prayer?
Theosophical Lectures Chicago 1907
The Ancient Wisdom
The Theosophical Society And the Occult Hierarchy
Thought Power
Thought-Forms - Publishing People Series
My path to atheism
There are no dead
Death--And After?
London Lectures of 1907
Introduction to Yoga
London Lectures Of 1907
On the prevention of cruelty to animals
Theosophy and its practical application
The work of theosophy in the world
Occult chemistry
The social aspects of Malthusianism
Theosophist Magazine January 1929-March 1929
Theosophy and Life's Deeper Problems and Theosophical Society
Ramat ha-hitpatḥut ha-penimit ṿeha-tsemiḥah ha-ruḥanit (torat ha-dharmah)
The fruits of Christianity
The seven principles of man
American Theosophist Magazine, October 1913 to March 1914
Theosophist Magazine October 1928-December 1928
Man's life in this and other worlds
The ancient wisdom
The evolution of society
Theosophist Magazine Collection 1920-1955
Ancient ideals in modern life
Hypnotism and mesmerism
Theosophist Magazine September 1932-December 1932
Esoteric Christianity; or, The lesser mysteries
Memory and Consciousness
Coming of the World Teacher
Theosophist Magazine January 1927-March 1927
Case for India
Essays and addresses
Life after Death, and How Theosophy Unveils It
Study and practice
Occultism, semi-occultism, and pseudo-occultism
The wisdom of the Upaniṣhaṭs
Annie Besant : An Autobiography
Superhuman Men in History and in Religion
The English land system
Theosophist Magazine July 1927-September 1927
Ancient ideals in modern life
Man's place and functions in nature
Annie Besant, an Autobiography : (Annotated)(Biography)
Evolution of Life and Form
London Lectures Of 1907
Theosophist Magazine January 1931-March 1931
Lucifer - A Theosophical Magazine, March to August 1891
India, bond or free?
Theosophy and its evidences
Initiation, the Perfecting of Man
Against vivisection
Seven Principles of Man
The Presidential address
Theosophist Magazine January 1932-April 1932
The social aspects of Malthusianism
Duties of the Theosophist
Lucifer - A Theosophical Magazine, March to August 1894
Thought Power
Thought Power
Bhagavad Gita
Lucifer - A Theosophical Magazine, September 1892 to February 1893
Formas del Pensamiento
Changing World and Lectures to Theosophical Students
Auguste Comte
Theosophist Magazine January 1913-March 1913
Pain ; Its Meaning and Use
Annie Besant
Theosophy and life's deeper problems
London Lectures
The Pterodactyl's egg
The case against W.Q. Judge
Esoteric Christianity or the Lesser Mysteries
Introduction to Yog
An Introduction to Yoga
Creating Character
Theosophist Magazine April 1925-June 1925
Literature And Art
The Bhagavad Gita
My Path to Atheism
Theosophist Magazine October 1914-December 1914
Ōm. Kuñci al̲akum koṭuntālaik koṭṭal̲akum mañcaḷ al̲akum al̲akalla -- neñcattu nallamyām en̲n̲um naṭuvunilaimaiyār̲ kalvi al̲akē al̲aku
Lucifer - A Theosophical Magazine, September 1894 to January 1895
Theosophist Magazine October 1912-December 1912
Theosophist Magazine October 1933-December 1933
Cosa C'è Dopo la Morte
Uma Introdução Ao Ioga
First steps in occultism
A lecture delivered in St. James's Hall, April 27th, 1895, A.P. Sinnett in the chair
Popular lectures on theosophy
Introduzione Allo Yoga
Modern Socialism  .  By : Annie Besant
Three Paths and Dharma
Thought Forms
Een studie over het bewustizijn
Basis of Morality
Introduction to Yoga
In the Outer Court
Messages, 1913-1931
Man Whence How And WhitherA Record Of Clairvoyant Investigation
The Bhagavad Gîtâ, Or, the Lord's Song
Church of St. Francis, Liberal Catholic
The brotherhood of religions
Speech & writings of Annie Besant
Death-and after?
The religious problem in India
Thought power
Introduction to Yoga
A Study in Karma
Introduction to Yoga
Get down, Rocky!
The legalisation of female slavery in England
Christian progress
The riddle of life and how theosophy answers it
Theosophy and life's deeper problems
Liberty, equality, fraternity
The place of peace
Marriage; as it was, as it is, and as it should be
Esoteric Christianity, or, The lesser mysteries
Utility as a basis of morality
The New Civilization
On moods
The Bhagavad Gītā
A study in karma
The three paths
The ancient wisdom
Esoteric Christianity
Esoteric Christianity
Theosophy and the law of population
The Bhagavad-Gîtâ, or, The Lord's song
The Riddle of Life
Mala's Silver Anklets
Theosophist Magazine May 1934-August 1934
Aspects of the Christ
Man, whence, how and whither
The ethics of punishment
Talks on the Path of Occultism
Avatarlar, Ilahi Tezahürler - Düsünce Gücü
Brotherhood of Religions
Life after Death
Death—and After?
Esoteric Christianity
Marriage as it was, as it is, and as it should be
In the outer court
Annie Besant
The Secular song and hymn book
H.P. Blavatsky and the Masters of Wisdom
Why should atheists be persecuted?
The path of discipleship
Talks With A Class
Des Religions Pratiquées Actuellement Dans L'Inde
Dharma, or, The meaning of right and wrong
The law of population
Social problems and how theosophy solves them
The Life After Death, and how Theosophy Unveils It
Talks with a Class
Man and his bodies
Marriage As It Was As It Is and As It Should Be
Why I am a socialist
Esoteric Christianity, or, The lesser mysteries
Laws of the Higher Life
Theosophist Magazine February 1909-March 1909
What It Is Blasphemy to Deny
London lectures of 1907
The Book Of The Path Of Virtue Or A Version Of The Tao-Teh-King Of Lao-Tze, The Chinese Mystic And Philosopher: Together With Transactions Of The London Lodge
Birth of New India
Shrî Râma Chandra
... Light, heat, and sound
Is socialism sound?
Hypnotism and Mesmerism
Evolution of Life and Form
Theosophist Magazine April 1926-June 1926
Esoteric Christianity And Revelation
Path to Discipleship
Que Hay Despues de la Muerte
Theosophist Magazine April 1914-June 1914
On the Deity of Jesus of Nazareth, by the Wife of a Beneficed Clergyman [a. Besant] Ed. by C. Voysey
Thought Power - Its Control and Culture
Evolution and man's destiny
The Bhagavaḍ-gīṭā
Man's life in three worlds
Lucifer - A Theosophical Magazine, March to August 1895
Is theosophy anti-Christian?
Eine Studie über das Bewusstsein
My Path to Atheism
A study in consciousness
Annie Besant, an Autobiography
Communication between different worlds
Hidden Language of Symbolism
Doctrine of the Heart and Path of Discipleship
Lucifer - A Theosophical Magazine, March to August 1892
Man and His Bodies
London Lectures of 1907
Spiritual Life for Man
Radicalism and socialism
The birth and evolution of the soul
Theosophist Magazine January 1910-March 1910
Vegetarianism, Theosophy and Occultism
The pedigree of man
Theosophist Magazine October 1911-January 1912
The Freethinkers Text-book
The sphinx of theosophy
Theosophist Magazine April 1929-June 1929
Thought Power - Its Control and Culture
Occult Chemistry
Study in Karma and Laws of the Higher Life
Theosophist Magazine February 1912-March 1912
Hints on the Study of the Bhagavad Gita
Path to Discipleship
Modern socialism
The law of population
Theosophist Magazine September 1930-December 1930
An introduction to yoga
Ancient Wisdom
In defence of theosophy
Theosophist Magazine April 1912-June 1912
Theosophist Magazine May 1932-August 1932
The Theosophical student in face of revelation, inspiration, and observation
Brotherhood of Angels and Men
On eternal torture
Mind in Animals
Theosophist Magazine October 1931-December 1931
Marriage, as it was, as it is, and as it should be
Theosophist Magazine July 1913-September 1913
Universal Text Book of Religion and Morals, Parts 1 and 2
Is Theosophy Anti Christian?
Theosophist Magazine April 1931-June 1931
Duties of the theosophist, being three convention lectures delivered in Lucknow at the forty-first anniversary of the Theosophical Society, December, 1916
The laws of the higher life
On the Atonement
The social aspects of Malthusianism
Theosophist Magazine October 1909-December 1909
Uralte Weisheit
Karma and Man and His Bodies
Hombre, El
Civil and religious liberty, with some hints taken from the French Revolution
Theosophist Magazine January 1925-March 1925
Le pouvoir de la Pensée
Ideals of Theosophy
Theosophist Magazine July 1923-September 1923
Basis of Morality
Birth and Evolution of the Soul
Theosophy and Life's Deeper Problems
Evolution of Life and Form and Self and Its Sheaths
No Title Exists
Man and His Bodies
Buddhist popular lectures
England, India, and Afghanistan and The story of Afghanistan
The Ancient Wisdom
Theosophist Magazine April 1928-June 1928
Lucifer - A Theosophical Magazine, September 1891 to February 1892
Lucifer - A Theosophical Magazine, September 1893 to February 1894
La Sabiduria Antigua
How India wrought for freedom
The Universal Law of Life
Esoteric Christianity
Seven Great Religions
Why Should not Indians Volunteer?
Annie Besant
In honour of Dr. Annie Besant
The Bhagavad Gītā
Pathway of the Soul
Lecture Notes
Thought-Forms (Illustrated Edition) (Dodo Press)
The Wisdom of Upanishads
Okkulte Chemie
Adyar Pamphlets 25-36
The Work of a Lodge of the Theosophical Society
Theosophy and the law of population
The building of the kosmos and other lectures
Bhagavad Gîtâ
Doctrina del Corazon
A Study of Consciousness
Theosophy and World-Problems
The Bhagavad Gita
The Freethinkers Text-book
La Voz del Silencio
Brahmavidya Divine Wisdom
At the Feet of the Master
Real and the Unreal
Life and Work of Alan Leo
Lectures on political science
Popular lectures on theosophy
The birth and evolution of the soul
The Bhagavad Gītā
Four great religions
India's hour of destiny
Thought power
Esoteric Christianity or the Lesser Mysteries (A Quest book. Theosophical classics series)
Nature of Memory
Ivan Turgenev
Ivan Turgenev (1818-1883)

poet, playwright, translator, dramaturge, opinion journalist

  • University of Berlin, Faculty of Philosophy at Saint Petersburg State University
"Literaturnye i zhiteĭskie vospominanii͡a︡" ; Biograficheskie ocherki i nekrologi ; Avtobiograficheskie materialy ; Nezavershennye zamysly i nabroski
Literaturnye i zhiteĭskie vospominani|i|a
Literaturnye i zhiteĭskie vospominanii͡a︡
Wen xue hui yi lu
Ji ge wei da de zuo jia
Literaturnye i zhiteĭskie vospominanii︠a︡
Отцы и дети
Veshnie vody
Best Russian short stories
Guía literaria del amor
The Hounds of Hell
Zapiski okhotnika
Favourite sea stories from Seaside Al
A desperate character
Pervai︠a︡ li︠u︡bovʹ
Dream Tales and Prose Poems
Short stories
Dnevnik lishnego cheloveka
New voices
Dvorianskoe gnezdo
Russian authors
Mesi͡a︡t͡s︡ v derevne
Gamlet i Don-Kikhot
A Lear of the Steppes
Knock, Knock, Knock and Other Stories
The novels of Ivan Turgenev
First love, and other tales
Four Great Russian Plays
Tales for a Stormy Night
Pervai͡a︡ li͡u︡bovʹ
Dvori︠a︡nskoe gnezdo
The Jew and Other Stories
Turgenev's letters
Dream Tales
First Love
Poems in prose
Letters to an actress
Russian life in the interior
A House of Gentlefolk: A Novel
The Diary of a Superfluous Man and Other Stories
The Vintage Turgenev
The mysterious tales of Ivan Turgenev
Geḳlibene shrifṭen
Three novellas
A reckless character and other stories
A Desperate Character and Other Stories
House of Gentlefolk, A
Mesyats v derevne
A reckless character
Les eaux printanières
The novels and stories of Ivan Turgenieff
Polnoe sobranīe sochinenīĭ I.S. Turgeneva v 12 tomakh
Novels and Stories
Polnoe sobranie sochineni�i I.S. Turgeneva
Aufzeichnungen eines Jägers
Razskaz ottsa Aleksieia
Aguas Primaverales
Nouvelles scènes de la vie russe
The novels and stories of Iván Turgénieff
Une nichée de gentilshommes
On the Eve: A Tale
Modern Masterpieces of Short Prose Fiction
The World's One Hundred Best Short Stories [In Ten Volumes] volume four LOVE
A Lear of the Steppes and Other Stories
Works of Ivan Turgenieff
Stikhotvorenii︠a︡ v proze
The essential Turgenev
On the Eve
The portrait game
En Visperas
Pervaia liubov
Russian Short Stories : (Large Print Edition, Arial 18 Font)
Spring Freshets And Other Stories; Smoke
Dimitri Roudine
19th Century Russian Drama
Tourguéneff and his French circle
Fathers and Sons
Youth and age: three short novels
Récits d'un chasseur
Paginas Autobiograficas
Sobranie sochineniĭ v dvenadtsati tomakh
Three novellas about love
Aufzeichnungen eines Jägers / Erzählungen 1844 - 1855
Memoirs of a sportsman
Rudin (Russian Texts)
Phantoms and other stories
Cuentos Rusos
Librivox Short Story Collection 054
Knock, knock, knock
First Love
Virgin Soil V2
Youth and age
Turgenev's letters, a selection
The Brigadier
Scéalta sealgaire =
Rudin; On the Eve
Stories by Foreign Authors
Sobranie sochineniĭ
First Love and a Fi
Turgenev's 'Spring torrents'
Collected works of Ivan Turgenev
Suelo Virgen
Terres vierges
The Dodillon copies of letters by Turgenev to Pauline & Louis Viardot
Fathers and Sons
Ott͡sy i di͡eti
Selected stories [of] Ivan Turgenev
Strannai︠a︡ istorii︠a︡
Pervoe sobranie pisem I.S. Turgeneva
Ausgewählte Werke
Sportsman's Sketches
Novels of Ivan Turgenev
Penguin Great Loves First Love
First Love
A Strange Story
First Love by Ivan Turgenev Annotated Version (a Romantic Story)
Month in the Country
Vater Und Sohne
Virgin Soil
Perepiska I.S. Turgeneva
Polnoe sobranie sochineniĭ i pisem
On the eve, a novel by I.S. Turgenev
A nest of gentry
Smoke -  (1867)
The Diary Of A Superfluous Man
Love and death
Memoirs d'un seigneur russe
De literator en de holbewoner
Romans et Nouvelles Complets Vol. 1
A nest of gentlefolk
El Primer Amor
Fathers and Children
Romans et Nouvelles Complets Vol. 2
Pesn' dushi
Fathers And Sons
Love and Youth
Selected tales
Pisʹma k Li͡u︡dvigu Pichu, 1864-1883
Andreĭ Kolosov
Rudin a Romance and A King Lear of the Steppes
Knock, Knock, Knock and Other Stories
On the Eve a Romance
The brigadier, and other stories
Mémoires d'un seigneur russe; ou Tableau de la situation actuelle des nobles et des paysans dans les provinces russes
On the Eve Annotated
A Reckless Character and Other Stories (Esprios Classics)
Old Portraits
Liza Or ''A nest of nobles''
An Excursion to the Forest Belt
Povesti i rasskazy  1870-1883
Lettres inédites de Tourguenev à Pauline Viardot et sa famille
Poemas En Prosa
First Love
The Hapless Girl
The bachelor
Povesti i rasskazȳ, 1853-1855
Clara Militch
Home of the gentry
The Jew and Other Stories (Novels of Ivan Turgenev)
The Country Doctor
Une nichée de gentilshommes
Smoke; or, Life at Baden
Virgin Soil
Asia. Libro De Lectura
Turgenev i Savina
Polnoe sobranĭe sochinenïĭ..
Virgin Soil
The Dream
Liza, tr. from [RDvoryanskoe gnezdo] by W.R.S. Ralston
A nobleman's rest
A nobleman's nest
Mémoires d'un chasseur
The Story Of Lieutenant Ergunoff
Erste Liebe. Großdruck
First Love
On the Eve (Classics)
A Sportsman\'s Sketches, Volume 1
First Love Illustrated and Annotated
Povesti i rasskazy, 1874-1877 ; Novʹ
Liza; or, "A nest of nobles;" a novel
Pisʹma k L. N. i L. I͡A.
Ivan Turgenev
Khamletu  i Donu  Kikhotu
Liza, or A Nest of Nobles
The Song of Love Triumphant
Stikhotvoreniya v proze = Poems in prose
First Love and Other Stories
Pais e filhos
Fathers & Sons
Erev milḥome
Mumu and Kassyan of Fair Springs
Punin And Baburin
First Love by Ivan Turgenev and Translated by Constance Garnett Annotated Edition
Father Alexyei's Story
Polnoe sobranie sochinenii i pisem v dvadtsati vos'mi tomakh
A Sportsman\'s Sketches, Volume 2
The Counting House
Liza "A nest of nobles"
Khamlet i Don Kikhot
A Sportsman's Sketches
Ein Adelsnest
Quelques lettres d'Ivan Tourguénev à Pauline Viardot
Spring freshets
Lear of the Steppes and Other Stories
First Love and Other Stories
Erste Liebe
Ḳlara Miliṭsh
Toc... Toc... Toc ! Etude
Torrents of Spring
Aufzeichnungen eines Jägers
Kasyan from the Beautiful Lands
The Hunter's Sketches / Zapiski Okhotnika
Ka-asher ani le-vadi
Premier Amour
Three famous plays
First Love
Fathers & Sons
Romans et Nouvelles Complets Vol. 3
Three short stories
Punin i Baburin
Cendrillon : Bilingue avec le texte parallèle
Sketches from a Hunter's Notebook
The Novels of Ivan Turgenev
Fathers and sons ; A nest of the gentry
Povesti i rasskazȳ, 1871-1877
Three short novels
Rudin : (Annotated Edition)
Lear of the Steppes
Quelques lettres d'Ivan Tourquénev à Pauline Viardot
Stikhotvoreniia v prozie
On the Eve
The works of Iv©Øan  Turg©Øenieff
Dream Tales and Prose Poems
Peres Et Fils
The Unfortunate One
Polnoe sobranie sochineni
Three Sketches from a Hunter's Album (Classic, 60s)
The best known works of Ivan Turgenev
Ejecucion de Troppman, La
Spring Freshets
Fathers and Sons
Lear of the Steppes
Eaux Printanières
Pères et Enfants
Babalar ve Ogullar
Torrents of Spring Illustrated
The torrents of spring, etc
Avcinin Notlari
Kasyan from the Beautiful Lands
Turgenev's Literary reminiscences and autobiographical fragments. Translated with an introduction by David Magarshack ; and with an essay on Turgenev by Edmund Wilson.
Ivan Turgenev Torrents of Spring(Annotated Edition)
Liza (Everyman's Library)
Babalar ve Ogullar
Klara Miliç
On the Eve
Asi︠a︡ ; Pervai︠a︡ li︠u︡bovʹ
Diary of a Superfluous Man and Other Stories Annotated
Diary of a Superfluous Man and Other Stories
Sportsman's Sketches; Volume 1
Sportman's Sketches
Sportman's Sketches
On the Eve
Knock, Knock, Knock and Other Stories
Spring Freshets, And Other Stories
Ilk Ask
Novels : Dream Tales and Prose Poems
Fathers and Sons (Illustarted)
First Love Annotated Penguin Classics
First Love (Illustarted) Edition
Fathers and Children
Pervai︠a︡ li︠u︡bovʹ =
A Nobleman's Nest
Asilzade Yuvasi
Ilk Ask
Novels of Ivan Turgenev; Volume 12
Dvoryanskoe gnezdo
First Love
Huzurlu Sessizlik
Padri e Figli : (Edizione Integrale)
Primer amor / First love
The plays of Ivan S. Turgenev
Клара Милич
Phantoms and Other Stories
On The Eve
Avcının Notları
First Love Annotated
Stikhotvorenìia v proze
Ausgewählte Werke
Fathers and Sons
The hunting sketches
Baskanin Ziyafeti-Parasizlik-Bekâr
First Love - Original Edition
Fathers And Sons
First Love : (Annotated)
Virgin Soil Volume 2
First Love by Ivan (Illustrated)
Quelques Lettres d' Ivan Tourguénev À Pauline Viardot
Virgin Soil, Vol. 1
Nobleman's Nest
Izbrannye sochineniya
A Sportsman's Sketches, Vol 1 of 2
Torrents of Spring
Humo (Clasica)
Home of the Gentry
Turgenev's Literary reminiscences and autobiographical fragments
Lear of the Steppes
Sochinenīi︠a︡, 1844-1864
The plays of Ivan Turgenev
Virgin Soil Illustrated
Ilk Ask
Bahar Seli
First Love and Other Stories
On the Eve : A Novel
First Love ''Annotated Book Edition''
A nest of gentlefolk, and other stories
Duman - Hasan Ali Yucel Klasikleri
Torrents of Spring and Other Stories
Sochinenii͡a︡ v dvenadt͡s︡ati tomakh
A nest of hereditary legislators
Steny  i komedii
The Torrents Of Spring
Memoirs of a Hunter
The Torrents of Spring, First Love, and Mumu
Fathers and Sons
Lear of the Steppes
The Best Known Works of Ivan Turgenev
Ein König Lear der steppe
Lettres à Madame Viardot
Torrents of Spring (Annotated)
First Love and Other Stories
Fathers and sons. The author on the novel, contemporary reactions, essays in criticism
The Diary of a Superfluous Man, and Other Stories
The Torrents of Spring
House of Gentlefolk
Stories; Novels; A poem in prose (In Russian language) / (Rasskazy. Povesti. Stihotvorenija v proze / ; ;   )
Liang ge di zhu
Diary of a Superfluous Man and Other Stories
The Jew and Other Stories
Rudin Ilk Ask Ilkbahar Selleri - Hasan Ali Yücel Klasikleri
Home of the Gentry
Spring Torrents
First Love : Large Print Edition
Desperate Character
Nobleman's Nest
Stati̓ i vospominani|i|a
Works of Iván Turgénieff; Volume 2
Nest of the Gentry
Smoke; or, Life at Baden
A Sportsman's Sketches (Open Air Library)
First Love
I. S. Turgenev
Sportsman's Notebook
First Love (classic Edition) Illustrated
Novels of Ivan Turgenev
The Vintage Turgenev, Volume 2
The Borzoi Turgenev
First Love Illustared
The works of Ivan Turgénieff
Diary of a Superfluous Man and Other Stories Illustrated
Rudin and a King Lear of the Steppes
Fathers and Sons (Classics Club edition)
Knock, Knock, Knock and Other Stories
Briefe an Ludwig Pietsch
Sochinenīi︠a︡, 1844-1868
First Love
Virgin Soil Annotated
The Works of Iván Turgénieff, Volume 3
Knock. Knock. Knock and Other Stories
Fathers & sons, (The Heritage reprints)
Stseny i komedii
Diary of a Superfluous Man and Other Novellas
First Love
A Sportsman's Sketches, Volume 2 of 2
Nest of Gentlefolk and Other Stories (riverrun Editions)
Ham Toprak
Torrents of Spring
Ivan Tourguénev, la comtesse Lambert et "Nid de seigneurs"
On the Eve
Sämtliche Werke in zwölf Banden
The Works of Iván Turgénieff Volume 4
First Love
On the Eve
First Love (illustrated Edition)
Fathers and Sons
Rudin Drei Begegnungen Mumu
First Love
Spring Freshets
Fathers and Sons
Rudin, Asya, Dvoryanskoe gnezdo, Nakanune, Otsy i deti, Zariski okhotnika, Stikhotvoreniya v proze, Iz kriticheskogog neaslediya
Terre Vergini
A House of Gentlefolk & Fathers and Children (The Harvard Classics Shelf of Fiction, Volume 19)
Stepnoĭ korolʹ Lir
Aus der Jugendzeit
Stikhotvorenii͡a︡ i poėmy
Stikhotvorenii︠a︡ v proze ; Poėmy ; Literaturnye i zhiteĭskie vospominanii︠a︡ ; Perevody iz G. Flobera
Fathers and Children
Fathers and Sons
Stat'i i vospominaniya
Babalar ve Oğullar
Torrents of Spring - Large Print Edition
Diary of a Superfluous Man and Other Stories
Five short novels (A Bantam classic)
Diary of a Superfluous Man and Other Stories
Gedichte in Prosa
Pervaia liubov. Povesti
Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, First volume
A Desperate Character and Other Stories
Fathers and Sons / Liza
Reckless Character and Other Stories
The Novels And Stories Of Iván Turgénieff
Adelige Nest. Drei Portraits
Fathers and Children
Väter und Söhne
The Borzoi Turgenev
Zapiski Ochotnika
Virgin Soil
The district doctor
Ham Toprak
Journal d'un Homme de Trop Illustree
Sportsman's Sketches (Hardcover)
Fathers and Sons + Liza. Heron Great Masterpieces of Russian Literature
Nest of Gentlefolk and Other Stories (The World's Classics, no. 570)
Sobranie sochineniĭ v shesti tomakh
Turgenevs Literary Reminiscences and Autob
The Best Known Works of Ivan Turgenev; Including Fathers and Sons, Smoke and Nine Short Stories
The plays of Ivan S. Turgenev
Luzumsuz Bir Adamin Gunlugu
Nouvelle correspondance inédite ..
A Sportsman's Sketches; Volume 2
Virgin Soil
First Love by Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev Annotated
Gereksiz Bir Adamin Güncesi; Öyküler / Cilt 1
A Sportsman's Sketches; Volume 1
Jew and Other Stories
House of Gentlefolk
Virgin Soil
Ocevi i deca
On the Eve
Fathers and Sons (Modern Library, 21.3)
The Works of Iván Turgénieff Volume 6
Visions, a Phantasy
Gekifbene shriften
Geklibene shriften
First Love and the Diary of a Superfluous Man
Fathers and Children
Nido de hidalgos/A Nest of Nobles (Coleccion Clasicos De La Literatura Rusa Carrascalejo De La Jara)
First Love
A Nest of Gentlefolk and other stories
Letters in Two Volumes
Virgin Soil a Classic Illustrated Edition
First Love : (Novella)
Ar y trothwy
Borzoi Turgenev
The Diary of a Superfluous Man and Other Stories
Fathers and Children
First love and Rudin
Primer Amor, El
Ivan Turgénieffs̕ Spring floods
Ilk Ask Ve Diger Hikayeler
Babalar ve Ogullari
Perly i brillīanty
Pages choisies des grands écrivains
Torrents of Spring
Nobleman's Nest
The district doctor and other stories of Turgenev (A Perpetua book)
Babalar ve Ogullar
Works of Ivan Turgenieff
A View From the Bridge, By Arthur Miller Dramatists Play Service
The Works Of Iván Turgénieff, Volume 3
Faust - Asya
Literary reminiscences
On the Eve
Three Plays
Plays of Ivan S Turgenev
First Love
Dvoryanskoe gnezdo. Povesti
Dream Tales and Prose Poems
Väter und Söhne
A Sportman's Sketches
Rudin Annotated
First Love
Torrents of Spring-Original Classic Edition(Annotated)
Virgin Soil
Ein Monat auf dem Lande. Komödie in fünf Akten
Klara Milic
Sketches from a Hunter's Album
Rudin Annotated
Sportsman's Sketches Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev [Annotated] : (short Stories, Russian Literary)
Ek thi aasya
A Sportsman's Sketches; Volume 1
Asilzade Yuvasi
Novels and Stories of Iván Turgénieff ...
The Best Known Works of Ivan Turgenev Including Father and Sons; Smoke; and five short stories
Stikhovorenii︠a︡ i poėmy
The Jew, etc
Fathers and Sons
Récits d'un Chasseur
The Rendezvous
Sportman's Sketches
Letters, a selection
Virgin Soil. Everyman's Library No. 528
Pervaya lyubov: first love
Punin y Baburin
Virgin Soil
Everyman's Library Fiction Virgin Soil
Virgin Soil
Babalar ve Ogullar - Hasan Ali Yücel Klasikleri
Fathers and Sons-Original Edition(Annotated)
Fathers and Children
Mumu.--Pervai︠a︡ li︠u︡bovʹ.--Punin i Baburin
Selected tales of Ivan Turgenev
Rasskazy, stikhotvorenii︠a︡ v proze
A Desperate Character and Other Stories
First Love, and Other Stories
Pisʹma kʹgrafine E. E. Lambertʹ
A Sportsman's Notebook
Statʹi o pisateli͡a︡kh
Rudin Ilk Ask Ilkbahar Selleri - Hasan Ali Yucel Klasikleri
Veshnīi︠a︡ vody
Fathers and Sons
The Works Of Iván Turgénieff
Babalar ve Cocuklar
Smoke; or, Life at Baden; Volume II
Turgenev letters
The Works of Ivan Turgenieff .. Volume 1
Fathers and Children
House of Gentlefolk
Fathers & Children
First Love Annotated
Diario de um Homem Superfluo
Home of the Gentry
On the Eve Annotated
Sportman's Sketches
Home of the Gentry
Father and Sons
Desperate Character and Other Stories
Diary of a Superfluous Man and Other Stories
The works of Iva��n Turge��nieff
Two Landed Proprietors
Liza Or A Nest Of Nobles
On the Eve
Stories by Foreign Authors
First Love
Fathers and Sons By Ivan Turgenev
Collected Works of Ivan Turgenev
Jew and Other Stories
Fathers and Children
A Month in the Country
Polnoe sobran�ie sochinen�i�i I.S. Turgeneva v 12 tomakh
Rudin a Nest of the Gentry
Aufzeichnungen Eines Jägers
Liza a Nest of Nobles
Étranges histoires
Five short novels
Diary of a Superfluous Man
Primer Amor
Home of the Gentry Annotated
Torrents of Spring Illustrated and Unabridged
Virgin Soil
Köyde Bir Ay
Sportsman's Sketches
Russian life in the interior or The experiences of a sportsman [tr. from the Fr.] by J.D. Meiklejohn
San wen shi
Little Russian classics
Väter und Söhne
Ïvan Turgénieff's Spring floods
Klara Milic
Klara Miliç
Desperate Character and Other Stories
A sportsman's notebook
Visionen und Andere Phantastische Erzählungen
The Diary of a Superfluous Man and Other Stories: Fathers and Children
The Torrents of Spring
Fathers and Children (illustrated)
Rudin ; Dvori︠a︡nskoe gnezdo / I.S. Turgenev ; predislovie L.B. Kameneva ; podgotovka teksta i kommentarii M.K. Klemana
The Novels
Babalar ve Oğullar
Sportsman's Sketches
Stories. Novels. A poem in prose. Nobles slot. Fathers and Sons (1862). (. .   .  .   )
The Novels And Stories Of Iván Turgénieff, Volume 10...
A Month In The Country
First Love
Rudin : a romance, a King Lear of the steppes
Novels of Ivan Turgenev; Volume 13
Romanzi Brevi
The song of triumphant love /Ivan Turgenev ; a new translation by Jessica Morelle ; with introduction and commentary by Peter Cook
Duman - Hasan Ali Yücel Klasikleri
First Love
Lear of the Steppes, Etc
Rudin ; Dvori︠a︡nskoe gnezdo
Veshniye vody
Un re Lear della steppa
The Works Of Iván Turgénieff, Volume 5
Virgin Soil
Väter und Söhne
Yakoff Pasynkoff
Premier amour
Rudin Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev [Annotated] : (Romance Novel, Political Fiction)
Fathers and Sons by Ivan Turgenev
The Novels Of Ivan Turgenev
Fathers and Sons (illustrated)
Babalar ve Ogullar; Kisaltilmis Metin
First Love
First Love - Large Print
Humo / Smoke
Otci i deti
Torrents of Spring (Illustrated)
Fathers and Sons
The Best Known Works of Ivan Turgenev
Fathers and Sons by Ivan S Turgenev HC 1942 Walter J Black Publishing Very Good!
Fathers and sons
Ujrat pranverore
On the Eve (IN RUSSIAN LANGUAGE) / Ottsy i deti. Nakanune
First Love Illustrated
Diary of a Superfluous Man and Other Stories Annotated
Fathers and Sons
Moo-moo and The district doctor
Polnoe sobranie sochinenii
Ottsy i deti. Rasskazy. Povesti. Stikhotvoreniya v proze (Shkola klassiki. Kniga dlya uchenika i uchitelya)
House of Gentlefolk, A
Nest of the Gentry
Torrents of Spring Annotated
First Love (Annotated)
Notes of a Hunter (Original Russian)
Romans et nouvelles complets
First Love Annotated
Diary of a Superfluous Man and Other Stories
On the Eve
Izbrannye priozvedeniia
Malinovai͡a︡ voda
Torrents of Spring
Torrents of Spring
Turgenev Tales and Poems in Prose
A desperate character, etc
Virgin Soil
Ilk Ask
Sportsman's Sketches
Bozkirda Bir Kral Lear
On the Eve - Publishing People Series
A desparate character
Sobranie sochinenii
A House of Gentlefolk
First Love and the Diary of a Superfluous Man
Desperate Character
On the eve
Turgenev's Literary reminiscenses and autobiographical fragments
Home of the Gentry
Fathers and Sons-Original Edition(Annotated)
Fathers and Sons
Torrents of Spring Annotated
First Love Annotated
Briefe Von I. S. Turgeniew
Liza; or, "A nest of nobles;" a novel
The Brigadier
Babalar ve Ogullar-Oda Yay.
House of Gentlefolk
Fathers and Sons
Un bulgare, à la veille
Povesti i rasskazy
Fathers and Children (Hardcover)
First Love Annotated
House of Gentlefolk
Mumu Annotated
Fathers and Sons
Virgin Soil, Tr. by A.W. Dilke
Desperate Character
A Sportsman's Sketches Works of Ivan Turgenev, Vol. I
The Two Friends
The works of Iván Turgénieff
First Love by Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev (illustrated)
Fathers and Children
Poems in Prose
The Rendezvous
Torrents of Spring-Original Classic Edition(Annotated)
Tales from the Note-Book of a Sportsman
Babalar ve Ogullar
A House of Gentlefolk
Fathers and Sons(Illustrated Edition)
Aufzeichnungen eines Jägers
A Month In the Country
Eaux Printanières
Gamlet shchigrovskogo uezda
On the Eve
First Love
First Love Illustrated
Desperate Character and Other Stories
Vaders en zonen
Sportman's Sketches
Nakanune: À la veille
The Torrents of Spring, First Love, and Mumu
Fathers and Children
Fedre og sønner
Sportsman's Sketches
Desperate Character and Other Stories
The district doctor and other stories of Turgenev
Klara Milic
Memoirs of a Sportsman
First Love (annotated)
Torrents of Spring
House of Gentlefolk
Torrents of Spring (Annotated)
Torrents of Spring Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev
First Love
Sketches from a Hunter's Album (a Sportsman's Sketches)
Fathers and Suns
Izbrannye literaturno-kriticheskie stati, rechi, vospominaniia (1843-1881)
Relatos fantasticos / Fantastic Stories
Virgin Soil
Fathers and Sons
Home of the Gentry
Torrents of Spring Illustrated
Les reliques vivantes ..
Parasha and Other Poems
The Vintage Targenev
Clara Militch
Fathers and Sons (Warbler Classics Annotated Edition)
Mumu i drugie rasskazy
Sportsman's Notebook
Nobleman's Nest
Poems in Prose
House of Gentlefolk
The Diary of a Superfluous Man
Diary of a Superfluous Man and Other Stories - Original Edition
Fathers and Children
Memoirs of a Sportsman.
First Love Illustrated
First Love Illustrated
Ott︠s︡y i di︠e︡ti
Diary of a Superfluous Man
Diary of a Superfluous Man
A desperate character. and other stories. Translated from the Ru
Stories and poems in prose
Knock, Knock, Knock and Other Stories
On the Eve
Diary of a Superfluous Man and Other Stories
Ivan Tourguéneff d'après sa correspondance avec ses amis français
Sketches from a Hunter's Album
Ilk Ask
Virgin Soil
On the Eve
Diary of a Superfluous Man and Other Stories
Turgenev's Letters
Rudin Annotated
A nest of the gentry
A Lear of the steppes etc
The Works of Iván Turgénieff Volume 7
Rudin (Annotated)
Jew and Other Stories
Home of the Gentry
Virgin Soil (Annotated)
Hunting Sketches
Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev First Love( Annotated Edution)
Fathers and Sons
Three Famous Plays
First Love(Annotated Edition)
First Love
Sketches from a Hunter's Album
Fathers and Children
A Nest of Nobles [Christmas Summary Classics]
Padri e Figli
First Love. Translated ... by Isaiah Berlin. With an introduction by Lord David Cecil. Illustrated by Fritz Wegner (Panther Books. no. 1924.)
Short novels
Romane. Rudin / Ein Adelsnest / Rauch / Väter und Söhne
Desperate Character and Other Stories
Mumu : povest ; Bezhin lug
A provincial lady
The torrents of spring
Diary of a Superfluous Man : And Other Stories
Virgin Soil Volume 1
Ivan Turgenev's comedy 'A month inthe country'
Bozkirda Bir Kral Lear Öyküler Cilt
Stepnoĭ korolʹ Lir
A nest of gentlefolk, and other stories
House of Gentlefolk
Pervaya liubov
Home of the Gentry Annotated
First Love Annotated
A desperate character, etc., (Short story index reprint series)
Mymy. Mumu
Izbrannie literaturno-kriticheskie stati, rechi vospominaniya
First Love, and Other Stories
First Love (Hardcover)
First Love by Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev
Phantoms and other stories; The novels and stories of Ivan Turgenieff Vol XIII
Komedii i st͡s︡eny
First Love (Annotated Edition)
Torrents of Spring Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev [Annotated] : (Autobiographical, Novella, Love)
Home of the Gentry : A House of Gentlefolk
Rudin Annotated
Home of the Gentry
Fathers And Sons
Knock, Knock, Knock and Other Stories
The Diary of a Superfluous Man and Other Stories
First Love, and Other Stories
Desperate Character
Torrents of Spring
Torrents of Spring Illustrated
Fathers And Children
Ivan Turgenev Literary Reminiscences
The Torrents of Spring
Lear of the Steppes
Fathers and Sons
Diary of a Superfluous Man
Avcinin Notlari
The brigadier, and other stories
Rudin Annotated
On the Eve...
First Love
Novels of Ivan Turgenev
First Love (Illustarted)
Rudin a Novel
Rasskazy II
The two friends
Novels; Volume 8
Padres E Hijos
Home of the Gentry, 1859 (In Russian Language) / Dvoryanskoe slot. Rudin. Dvorianskoe gnezdo. Romany
The Works Of Iván Turgénieff : Rudin
Turgenev i teatr
Tales from the note-book of a sportsman
Fu yu zi
Fathers and sons
The torrents of spring
Turgenyev'in Mektuplari
Părinţi şi copii
Torrents of Spring Annotated
First Love Illustrated
First Love, and Other Stories
On the Eve
Annals of a sportsman
Fathers and sons. The author on the novel, contemporary reactions, essays in criticism
First Love
Iz Parizhskogo arkhiva I. S. Turgeneva
Erzählungen 1857 - 1883
On the Eve a Classic Illustrated Edition
Home of the Gentry
Home of the Gentry Illustrated
First Love and Other Stories
Lovc̆evi zapisi
The Two Friends and Other Stories
Virgin Soil
Borzoi Turgenev
Works of Iván Turgénieff; Volume 3
On the Eve
Briefe an Ludwig Peitsch
A Sportsman's Sketches; Volume 1
Bir Asilzade Yuvasi
Rudin (illustrated)
First Love : (Annotated)
Jew and Other Stories
ON THE EVE Translated By Gilbert Gardiner
District Doctor & Other Stories
Dvori͡a︡nskoe gnezdo
Torrents of Spring Illustrated
First Love
Ilk AskFark Yayinlari
First Love Annotated Edition
Rudin Drei Begegnungen Mumu
Polnoe sobranīe sochinenīĭ I.S. Turgeneva
Povesti i rasskazy, 1881-1883 ; Stikhotvorenii͡a︡ v proze, 1878-1883 ; Proizvedenii͡a︡ raznykh godov
Fathers and Sons
Father and Sons
Babalar ve Ogullar. Translated by Günay Çetao Kizilirmak.
Fathers and Sons
Babalar ve Çocuklar
First Love Annotated
House of Gentlefolk
Turgenev's letters, a selection.
Selected tales
Lie ren ri ji
Sketches from a Hunter's Album
Journal d'un Homme de Trop Illustree
Home of the Gentry
Fathers and Children (Rinehard Editions)
First Love
First Love (annotated)
Unfortunate One
House of Gentlefolk
Pais e Filhos
First Love Annotated and Unabridged
The Torrents of Spring
Dream Tales and Prose Poems
The Works of Iván Turgénieff Volume 1
The Brigadier, And Other Stories
First Love AnnotatedIvan Sergeyevich
Literary reminiscences and autobiographical fragments
The Vintage Turgenev Volume 2 (Volume 2)
Stikhotvoreniya v proze
The Vintage Turgenev
Brigadier and Other Stories
Liza; or, A Nest of Nobles
On the Eve a Novel
Nouveaux poèmes en prose
The Novels and Stories of IV N Turg Nieff : R Din
First Love by Ivan Turgenev
Sportman's Sketches
Zapiski okhotnika. Rasskazy
Torrents of Spring Illustrated
Home of the Gentry Illustrated
Three Days in the Country
Virgin Soil
Torrents of Spring
Fathers & Sons, translated by Constance Garnett
Elektitaj noveloj
Home of the Gentry
Ilkbahar Selleri
Padri e Figli
Novʹ.  Rudin
Nakanune ; Ott︠s︡y i deti
Turgenev i Savina
Z︠H︡izn' i tvorc︠h︡estvo I.S. Turgeneva
Terres vierges
The song of triumphant love
San wen shi
Five short novels
Izbrannye proizvedenii͡a︡
Pisʹma I.S. Turgeneva k L.N. i L. I︠A︡. Stechʹkinym
Fathers and sons
Perepiska I.S. Turgeneva v dvukh tomakh
Rudin ; Dvori͡anskoe gnezdo
Polnoe sobranie sochineniĭ i pisem
Lie ren ri ji
Pisʹma I. S. Turgeneva k Li︠u︡dvigu Pichu, 1864-1883
Propos sur la grand'route
Novels of Ivan Turgenev
Russian life in the interior, or, The experiences of a sportsman
Zapiski okhotnika
Ivan Tourguéneff, d'après sa correspondance avec ses amis français
Ryōjin nikki
Patroj kaj filoj
St︠s︡eny i komedii, 1842-1852
Der Gasthof
Spisy Ivana Serge jevic e Turgene va
Ott︠s︡y i deti
Chichi to ko, shojochi
Aufzeichnungen eines jägers
Qing zhi suo zhong
Tugeniefu san wen shi
אהבה ראשונה
Three plays
Turgenev and Pavlovsky
Ka-asher ani le-vadi
Bezshiner lonḳe
Pūnin to Baburin
Das russische frauenherz
Chu nü di
Poems in prose in Russian and English
Milostný kvartet
Short novels
Mesyats v derevne =
Polnoe sobranīe sochinenīĭ
Cun zhong zhi yue
Mivḥar sipurim
א פריצישער הויף
Statʹi o pisateli︠a︡kh
Russkīe pisateli o svi︠a︡tykh mi︠e︡stakh
Sobranie sochineniĭ v shesti tomakh
Visionen und andere phantastische Erzählungen
A month in the country
Pervaya lyubov'
Selected works ..
Izbrannye povesti i rasskazy
Ein Monat auf dem Lande
Pervai͡a li͡ubovʹ
Tugeniefu dai biao zuo
Bezhin lug ; Mumu ; Khorʹ i Kalinych
Zapiski okhotnika
Ādam-i zīyādī
[Rudin (romanized form)]
Sono zenʼya
The torrents of spring /cby Ivan Turgenev ; translated from the Russian by David Magarshack; illustrated by Robin Jacques
Kharakteristika Georga Brandesa
Rudin ; Dvori︠a︡nskoe gnezdo
Œuvres dernières ...
Zapiski okhotnika
Qian ye
Pages choisies des grands écrivains
Pi͡e︡snʹ torzhestvui͡u︡shcheĭ li͡u︡bvi
Perepiska I.S. Turgeneva v dvukh tomakh
Das Gnadenbrot
Les eaux printanières
Die erste Liebe
Récits d'un chasseur
[Veshnie vody (romanized form); povest']
Zeramim ba-aviv
The Brigadier, on the Eve
Cun ju yi yue
Short stories
Un mois à la campagne
Tugeniefu xiao shuo ji
Lettres inédites de Tourguénev à Pauline Viardot et à sa famille. .
Sobranie sochineniĭ
Premier amour
Ottsy i deti
Une nichée de gentilshommes: moeurs de la vie de province en Russie
Luo ting
Padri e figli
Nan wang de ai lu
A poretsisher hoyf
Pères et enfants
Maloe sobranie sochineniĭ
Three short novels
The two friends and other stories
Erste Liebe
Dimitri Roudine
Hamuretto to Don Kihōte
Souvenirs d'enfance
Pisʹma I.S. Turgeneva k g-zhi︠e︡ Polini︠e︡ Vīardo i ego frant︠s︡uzskim druʹzi︠a︡m ...
Poems in prose
Shir teruʻat ha-ahavah
Memoiren eines Jägers
Qing miao =
Polnoe sobranie sochineniĭ i pisem
Chu lian
Izbrannyi͡a proizvedenii͡a
Turgenevskiĭ sbornikʺ
Liang peng you
Fathers and sons
Three famous plays
Lie ren ri ji
Pervaia liubov'
Nouvelles Moscovites
Dar āstāna-vi fardā, az matn-i Rūsī
Dāstānhā-yi Si taṣvīr, Mū-mū, Sāʻat, Ruʼyā, bā sharḥ-i zindagī-yi navīsanda
Jiu feng shu
Statʹi i vospominanii︠a︡
Đêm trước ; Cha và con
Jing jing de hui liu
Pis'ma k grafinie E.E. Lambert
Chu lian
Abhā-yi bahārī
ʻIshq-i nakhustīn
Literaturnye i zhiteǐskie vospominaniia
Sochinenīi︠a︡ I.S. Turgeneva (1844-1868)
Asi︠a︡. Pervai︠a︡ li︠u︡bovʹ. Veshnie vody
Tjinta pertama
The hunting sketches
A house of gentlefolk; a novel
Komedii i stsenȳ
Étranges histoires
The torrents of spring
Terres vierges
Pervai︠a︡ li︠u︡bovʹ
Sobranie sochineniĭ v shesti tomakh
Kitve tsayad
Kizoku no ie
Mumu, and The diary of a superfluous man
Lie ren bi ji
Stikhotvorenii︠a︡ v proze
Ai xi ya
Zapiski okhotnika
Sobranie sochineniĭ v dvenadt︠s︡ati tomakh
Pis'ma I.S. Turgeneva k Pauline Viardo
Ji ling ren ri ji
The works of Iván Turgénieff
Spring freshets and other stories
La Petite Caille
Stepnoĭ korolʹ Lir
Jhompī gelelā deśa
if you give a mouse a cookie
Yi ge qian jing de gu niang
Turgenevskīĭ sbornik
On the eve
Izbrannye proizvedenii︠a︡
Rudin ; Dvori︠a︡nskoe gnezdo / I.S. Turgenev ; predislovie L.B. Kameneva ; podgotovka teksta i kommentarii M.K. Klemana
Mesiats v derevne
Geḳlibene shrifṭen
Dvoprianskoe gnezdo
Turgenev i krug "Sovremennika"
Gedichten in proza
Turgenev i ego vremi︠a︡
Foṭers un ḳinder = Ott︠s︡y i deti
Fathers and sons ; Liza
Nakanune ; Ott︠s︡y i deti ; Stepnoĭ korolʹ Lir
Über Goethe's Faust und andere aufsätze
Bu xing de shao nu
אבות ובנים
Virgin soil
Komedii i st︠s︡eny
Chun chao
Fathers and children
Ḥodesh ba-kefar
Contes russes et ukrainiens
Dzejol̦i prozā
Ivan Tourguénev, la comtesse Lambertet "Nid de seigneurs"
Bo ming nu
Sheng li de lian ge
Polnoe sobranīe sochinenīĭ I.S. Turgeneva
Mối tình đầu
Bao yong zhe
Miesiạc na wsi
Zhemchuzhiny turgenevskoĭ poezii i prozy
Tugeniefu san wen shi ji
Fathers and sons ; A nest of the gentry
Virgin soil
A Friendship in Letters (European Thought)
Polnoe sobranie sochineniĭ
A nobleman's nest. On the eve
A desperate character etc
Sobranie sochineniĭ
Die Schönsten Liebesgeschichten
Shi jie duan pian xiao shuo jing hua
Dvori︠a︡nskoe gnezdo
Pisʹma I.S. Turgeneva k grafini︠e︡ E.E. Lambert
Ot︠ts︡y i deti
Shi wu feng xin
Zhemchuzhiny turgenevskoĭ poeziĭ i prozy
[Selected works 1961 English]
Rudin ; Dvori︠a︡nskoe gnezdo ; Nakanune ; Ott︠s︡y i deti
The Borzoi Turgenev
The Best known works of Ivan Turgenev
Chien et chat et caetera
Gui zu zhi jia
San xiao xiang
Men kan
Pervaya lyubov' =
A house of gentlefolk and Fathers and children
Chun chao
The Novels of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev (15 Volumes)
A month in the country; a comedy in two acts
Fushide fu Lu zhang
Nakanune ; Ott︠s︡y i deti
Punin i Baburin
Tugeniefu san wen shi ji
A sportsman's notebook
First love ; and, Púnin and Babúrin
St͡seny i komedii
Ai jue dou di ren
Izbrannye prozvedenii︠a︡ v dvukh tomakh
Punin und Baburin
Izbrannye proizvedenii︠a︡
Polnoe sobranīe sochinenīĭ
Dvor︠i︡anskoe gnezdo
A nest of the gentry
Skizzen aus Aufzeichnungen eines Jägers
Relatos de Un Cazador
Virgin soil
Pidarān va farzandān
Izbrannye proizvedenii︠a︡ v dvukh tomakh
Ott︠s︡y i deti
Fu yu zi
חודש בכפר
St︠s︡eny i komedii
First love
G. A. Henty
G. A. Henty (1832-1902)

war correspondent

  • Westminster School, University of Cambridge
With Lee in Virginia
Queen Victoria
The Dragon and the Raven
St. George for England
In the Heart of the Rockies
In Freedom's Cause
The Lion of the North
Winning His Spurs
Won by the sword
Wulf the Saxon
A Knight of the White Cross
When London Burned
At Agincourt
True to the Old Flag
Under Drake's flag
The Young Buglers
By Right of Conquest
One of the 28th
The dash for Khartoum
Through the Fray
To Herat and Cabul
Redskin and cowboy
The young colonists
In the Reign of Terror
The Cat of Bubastes
A March on London
A roving commission
A Jacobite exile
The Boy Knight
Through Three Campaigns
The Treasure of the Incas
With Moore at Corunna
Through Russian Snows
A Final Reckoning
Among Malay Pirates
Orange and green
By Sheer Pluck
Friends Though Divided
Through the Sikh war
With Frederick the Great
Maori and settler
No surrender!
With the allies to Pekin
Facing death
At Aboukir and Acre
In the Irish Brigade
Condemned as a nihilist
Beric the Briton
With Roberts to Pretoria
The Cornet of Horse
Tales of Daring and Danger
On the Irrawaddy
The Tiger of Mysore
Out with Garibaldi
Held Fast for England
In Greek waters
The Young Carthaginian
Rujub, the Juggler
On the pampas
The Queen's Cup
Jack Archer
The Lion of Saint Mark
The young Franc-tireurs and their adventures in the Franco-Prussian war
A girl of the commune
The Curse of Carne's Hold
The bravest of the brave, or, With Peterborough in Spain
All but lost
The lost heir
Under Wellington's Command
The young midshipman
A Woman of the Commune
Bonnie Prince Charles
Forests And Frontiers
With the British legion
The March to Magdala
The Brahmins' treasure
For the Temple, A Tale of the Fall of Jerusalem (Works of G. A. Henty)
At the point of the bayonet, a tale of the Mahratta War
Little Minister, The
Dorothy's double
Historical Novels
John Hawke's Fortune
Sturdy and Strong
All But Lost Vol. I
With Kitchner in the Soudan
All But Lost V2
A hidden foe
A Soldier's Daughter
With Buller in Natal, or, A born leader
Saint Bartholomew's Eve
In the hands of the cave-dwellers
Australian idylls and bush rhymes, poems by Ernest G. Henty and E.A. Starkey
Both Sides the Border
Saint George for England
By Pike And Dyke A Tale Of The Rise Of The Dutch Republic
With  Cockrane the dauntless
Tales from the works of G.A. Henty
Through Afghan Passes with the British in the War of 1879
By England's Aid; or, The Freeing of the Netherlands
St. Bartholomew's Eve, A Tale of the Huguenot Wars (Works of G. A. Henty)
Yarns on the beach
By conduct and courage, a story of the days of Nelson
In Times of Peril a Tale of India
The Plague Ship
Golden Canyon, The
The Sovereign Reader
A Search for a Secret
A Highland chief
In the days of the mutiny
With Clive in India, or, The beginnings of an empire
British History, Historical Novels, and Historical Plays
For name and fame ; or, Through the Afghan passes
Those Other Animals
With Wolfe in Canada; or, Winning of a continent
Bears and dacoits
Collected Works of George Alfred Henty
The March to Coomassie
All But Lost Vol. III
The Golden Canyon And the Stone Crest
Battles of the Nineteenth Century; Volume 1
In Battle and Breeze
Maori and Settler
A chapter of adventures, or, Through the bombardment of Alexandria
Jack Archer
Gabriel Allen M.P
The Treasure of the Incas a Story of Adventure in Peru
Among Malay Pirates and Other Tales of Adventure and Peril
With Wolfe in Canada
Captain Bayley's heir: a tale of the gold fields of California
Battles of the Nineteenth Century; Volume 2
The Stone Chest or the Secret of Cedar Island
In the hands of the Malays, and other stories
St. George for England
Held Fast for England a Tale of the Siege of Gibraltar
In Times of Peril
With Kitchener in the Soudan
Girl of the Commune
Facing Death
Cat of Bubastes a Tale of Ancient Egypt
At Agincourt
In Freedom's Cause
Among Malay Pirates; a Tale of Adventure and Peril
Tiger of Mysore a Story of the War with Tippoo Saib
Beric the Briton
With Clive in India : The Beginnings of an Empire
At the Point of the Bayonet a Tale of the Mahratta War
Yule Logs
Lion of Saint Mark
For the Temple a Tale of the Fall of Jerusalem
Beric the Briton
Through Three Campaigns / a Story of Chitral, Tirah and Ashanti
With Moore at Corunna
Brains & bravery
With Lee in Virgini
Friends, Though Divided
On the Irrawaddy
Fighting for Ireland
Lion of Saint Mark
By England's Aid or the Freeing of the Netherlands
With Moore at Corunna and under Wellington's Command
No Surrender!
Maori and Settler
Tales of Daring and Danger
Sturdy and Strong, or, How George Andrews Made His Way
Brush with the Chinese and What Came of It
Girl of the Commune
Collected Works of George Alfred Henty
Condemned As a Nihilist
By Conduct and Courage
With Wolfe in Canada ([Companion books])
Brush with the Chinese
In the Heart of the Rockies
Cat of Bubastes : A Tale of Ancient Egypt
Won by the Sword - a Tale of the Thirty Years' War
Through the Fray - a Tale of the Luddite Riots
Dragon and the Raven; or, the Days of King Alfred
Friends Though Divided
For Name and Fame
Boy Knight : A Tale of the Crusades
Among Malay Pirates
Saint Bartholomew's Eve
Beric the Briton
Rujub, the Juggler
Forgotten Irish Brigade
Final Reckoning : A Tale of Bush Life in Australia
Treasure of the Incas
Bravest of the Brave : With Peterborough in Spain
Do your duty
Orange and Green
Girl of the Commune
At Agincourt
Curse of Carne's Hold
Tales of Daring and Danger
Knight of the White Cross - a Tale of the Siege of Rhodes
Battle of the Sudan
Won by the Sword
March on London
In the Hands of the Malays
By England's Aid or the Freeing of the Netherlands
A Jacobite Exile
Beric the Briton
Bonnie Prince Charlie
For the Temple
In Freedom's Cause
Lion of the North
Dragon and the Raven Illustrated
Friends Though Divided
At Aboukir and Acre
Dragon and the Raven
On the Irrawaddy a Story of the First Burmese War
Wulf the Saxon Ilustrated
With Lee in Virgini
In the Reign of Terror
In the Irish Brigade
On the Irrawaddy
With Clive in India
In the Irish Brigade a Tale of War in Flanders and Spain
Chapter of Adventures
With Frederick the Great
Cornet of Horse
When London Burned - a Story of Restoration Times and the Great Fire
G. A. Henty Megapack
Wulf the Saxon
The Treasure of the Incas
True to the Old Flag - a Tale of the American War of Independence
Beric the Briton
Cornet of Horse a Tale of Marlborough's Wars
Condemned As a Nihilist
Won by the Sword
Jacobite Exile
Out on the Pampas or, the Young Settlers
Both Sides the Border
Through the Fray
Collected Works of George Alfred Henty
Final Reckoning
In Times of Peril
Final Reckoning
Through Russian Snows (Dragon books)
Through Russian Snows
On the Irrawaddy
With Buller in Natal, or, a Born Leader
Among Malay Pirates
In Freedom's Cause - a Story of Wallace and Bruce
Facing Death
By Right of Conquest
Bravest of the Brave -- or, with Peterborough in Spain
Chapter of Adventures
Lion of the North a Tale of the Times of Gustavus Adolphus
At the Point of the Bayonet : a Tale of the Mahratta War
Knight of the White Cross
In the Heart of the Rockies
Among Malay Pirates
Among Malay Pirates
By Pike and Dyke
Dragon and the Raven
Queen's Cup
Friends : Though Divided
Through Russian Snows
In the Irish Brigade a Tale of War in Flanders and Spain
With Cochrane the Dauntless
For Name & Fame or Through Afghan Pass
Colonel Thorndyke's Secret
With Clive in India or, the Beginnings of an Empire
With Cochrane the Dauntless
By Right of Conquest
In the Irish Brigade
Condemned As a Nihilist a Story of Escape from Siberi
Dragon and the Raven
Dragon and the Raven
With Lee in Virginia a Story of the American Civil War
March on London
Lion of the North
Golden Canyon
By Sheer Pluck
Cat of Bubastes
In the Heart of the Rockies
The G.A.Henty omnibus book
Boy Knight
Cat of Bubastes
Tales of Daring and Danger
Won by the Sword
Among Malay Pirates
With Frederick the Great
Won by the Sword
Cat of Bubastes
Queen's Cup
Cornet of Horse : A Tale of Marlborough's Wars
Won by the Sword
Both Sides the Border
With Moore at Corunn
Final Reckoning a Tale of Bush Life in Australi
By Sheer Pluck - a Tale of the Ashanti War
The Boy Knight (Volume 1)
With Lee in Virginia
Out on the Pampas
Under Wellington's Command a Tale of the Peninsular War
With Wolfe in Canada; or, Winning of a Continent
With Cochrane the Dauntless
Beric the Briton
Search for a Secret, a Novel, Vol. 2
Tragedy Of The Huguenots
With Lee in Virginia
Soldier's Daughter, and Other Stories
Knight of the White Cross
For the Temple : A Tale of the Fall of Jerusalem
Wulf the Saxon - a Story of the Norman Conquest
Saint Bartholomew's Eve / a Tale of the Huguenot Wars
Among Malay Pirates - a Tale of Adventure and Peril
St. Bartholomew's Eve
For the Temple
Wulf the Saxon a Story of the Norman Conquest
Out on the Pampas : The Young Settlers
With Lee in Virginia - a Story of the American Civil War
Knight of the White Cross
Condemned As a Nihilist
When London Burned
By Sheer Pluck
Knight of the White Cross
For Name and Fame or Through Afghan Passes
Redskins and colonists
With Clive in India
By conduct and courage
For the Temple
Essential G. A. Henty Collection
With Wolfe in Canada / the Winning of a Continent
Winning His Spurs
Tiger of Mysore / a Story of the War with Tippoo Saib
Both Sides the Border a Tale of Hotspur and Glendower
By Pike and Dyke - a Tale of the Rise of the Dutch Republic
In Greek Waters
In the Heart of the Rockies
Saint George for England
On the Irrawaddy
Cat of Bubastes
For Name and Fame
By England's Aid
Jacobite Exile
True to the Old Flag
On the Irrawaddy
Queen's Cup
Soldier's Daughter
Bravest of the Brave
White-Faced Dick
Wulf the Saxon
Boy Knight
By Conduct and Courage; a Story of Nelson's Days
By Sheer Pluck
The Lion of the North, a Tale of the Times of Gustavus Adolphus
Both Sides the Border
Through Russian Snows / a Story of Napoleon's Retreat from Moscow
Treasure of the Incas; a Tale of Adventure in Per
Cornet of Horse
March on London - Being a Story of Wat Tyler's Insurrection
In Freedom's Cause
Condemned As a Nihilist
Rujub, the Juggler
Final Reckoning
At Aboukir and Acre
Golden Canyon
Jack Archer
Treasure of the Incas
At Aboukir and Acre - a Story of Napoleon's Invasion of Egypt
The Boy Knight (Volume 2)
In the Heart of the Rockies
With Wolfe in Canada or The Winning of a Continent
Lion of St. Mark
With Wolfe in Canada the Winning of a Continent
By Conduct and Courage
Tales of Daring and Danger
Collected Works of George Alfred Henty
When London Burned
Knight of the White Cross
Through Russian Snows
In the Reign of Terror
In Freedom's Cause
Jacobite Exile
Final Reckoning
Colonel Thorndyke's Secret
Wulf the Saxon
With Buller in Natal
In the Reign of Terror
Treasure of the Incas : A Story of Adventure in Peru
Dragon and the Raven
Rujub the Juggler
At Agincourt
Rujub, the Juggler
Golden Cañon
One of the 28th a Tale of Waterloo
Maori and Settler
Through Russian Snows a Story of Napoleon's Retreat from Moscow
Final Reckoning
On the Pampas
With Kitchener in the Soudan
Dragon and the Raven
Courage and Conflict
Dragon and the Raven
With Frederick the Great
Chapter of Adventures
Bears and Dacoits a Tale of the Ghauts
Bravest of the Brave : Or, with Peterborough in Spain
Wulf the Saxon
Wulf the Saxon : A Story of the Norman Conquest
Tales of Daring and Danger
Rujub, the Juggler
Byron 2008
Girl of the Commune
Dash for Khartoum a Tale of Nile Expedition
Orange and Green
Winning His Spurs
Won by the Sword
Orange and Green
At Agincourt
Saint Bartholomew's Eve a Tale of the Huguenot Wars
One of the 28th
For Name and Fame
Lion of Saint Mark a Story of Venice in the Fourteenth Century
On the Irrawaddy : A Story of the First Burmese War
Under Drake's Flag a Tale of the Spanish Main
With Frederick the Great a Story of the Seven Years' War
Under Drake's Flag
Condemned As a Nihilist
Dragon and the Raven
St. George for England
Friends, Though Divided - a Tale of the Civil War
With Moore at Corunna
At Aboukir and Acre
Beric the Briton
Boy Knight
Lion of the North
Cat of Bubastes
Killing the Emperor
Among Malay Pirates : A Tale of Adventure and Peril
Saint Bartholomew's Eve
When London Burned A Story of Restoration Times and the Great Fire
Out on the Pampas
Bonnie Prince Charlie - a Tale of Fontenoy and Culloden
At Aboukir and Acre a Story of Napoleon's Invasion of Egypt
Forest and Frontiers
With Wolfe in Canada
Captain Bayley's Heir
Out on the Pampas - or, the Young Settlers
With Clive in India
Through the Fray
Orange and Green a Tale of the Boyne and Limerick
Rujub, the Juggler (Webster's Spanish Thesaurus Edition)
Through Three Campaigns a Story of Chitral, Tirah and Ashanti
משבי למלוכה
In freedom's cause
Gallant deeds
Redskin and cow-boy
At Agincourt
Fifty-two stories for boyhood and youth
Boḳrim ṿa-adume ha-ʻor
Battles of the nineteenth century
Famous travels
One of the 28th
Two sieges of Paris
By pike and dyke
With Clive in India
The bravest of the brave
Fighting the Saracens
The ranche in the valley
Bi-yeme shilṭon ha-emim