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journalists who wrote biography
Showing 2097-2104 out of 2305 results
Almudena Grandes
Almudena Grandes (1960-2021)


  • Complutense University of Madrid
María Teresa León
Edades de Lulu
The Wind from the East
El lector de Julio Verne
Malena es un nombre de tango
Las edades de Lulú
El corazón helado
Modelos de mujer
Las tres bodas de Manolita
Castillos de cartón
Los Aires Dificiles/the Difficult Airs
Atlas de geografía humana
The Frozen Heart
Te Llamare Viernes  I Will Call You Friday
                Coleccion Andanzas
Inés y la Alegría
Modelos De Mujer (Fabula) (Fabula)
Los aires difíciles
The frozen heart
Edades de Lulu, Las
The Wind from the East
Te Llamare Viernes
Atlas De Geografia Humana
Atlas de geografía humana
El Corazon Helado/ The Frozen Heart
Modelos de mujer
Castillos De Cartn
Los besos en el pan
Estaciones de Paso
Corazn Helado El
Les trois mariages de Manolita (Littérature étrangère) (French Edition)
Los pacientes del doctor García
Los besos en el pan
Sieben Frauen
Atlas De LA Geografia Humana
Lulu. Die Geschichte einer Frau
Voices That Count
Las Edades de Lulu (Fabula)
Die wechselnden Winde
Ich werde Dich Freitag nennen. Roman. ( Frauen heute)
La herida perpetua
Atlas der Liebe
Los pacientes del doctor García
The Ages Of Lulu
Malena Es Un Nombre De Tango / Malena Is a Tango Name
Te llamaré Viernes
Te llamaré Viernes
Las tres bodas de Manolita
Les vies de Loulou
Atlas De Geografa Humana
Vents contraires
Atlas De Geografia Humana/Atlas of Human Geography
The Wind from the East
Estaciones de paso
Las Edades De Lulu
Atlas de geografía humana
Mercado de Barceló
Todo va a mejorar
Sieben Frauen. Sonderausgabe
Corazón Helado
Estaciones de Paso (Andanzas)
Te Llamare Viernes (Fabula) (Fabula)
Los Aires Dificiles
                Coleccion Maxi
Las edades de Lulú
Almudena Grandes, Abdelkader Chaui
Atlas de géographie humaine
La madre de Frankenstein
Estuche Episodios de una guerra interminable
Le Coeur Glacé
Te Llamare Viernes
Inés und die Freude
Atlante di geografia umana
Frozen Heart
Pocalunki skladane na chlebie
Inés y la alegría
Las tres bodas de Manolita
Les Edades De Lulu
Castillos de cartón
Las edades de Lulú
Le Lecteur de Jules Verne
Las tres bodas de Manolita
La herida perpetua
El lector de Julio Verne
Ages of Lulu
La madre de Frankenstein
El lector de Julio Verne
Els petons al pa
Ótan filoúsame to psomí
Voces que cuentan
Juguetes Rotos
Esas que también soy yo
Atlas De Geografía Humana
El lector de Julio Verne
Mercado De Barcelo (Textos En El Aire) (Spanish Edition)
El corazón helado
Wind from the East
Edades de Lulu (Ages of Lulu) a Op
Al rojo vivo
Mercado de Barceló
Los pacientes del doctor García
Los besos en el pan
Malena es un nombre de tango
Los besos en el pan
La madre de Frankenstein
Malena es un Nombre de Tango (Fabula)
Castillos de carton
Esas que también soy yo
El libro negro de Madrid
El lector de Julio Verne
Atlas De Geografia Humana
Los pacientes del doctor García
El lector de Julio Verne
Las edades de Lulú
Los pacientes del doctor García
Das gefrorene Herz
Castillos de cartón
El lector de Julio Verne
Los besos en el pan
Insan Cografyasi Atlasi
El corazón helado
Malena es un nombre de tango
Jules Verne Okuru
Modelos De Mujer
Las tres bodas de Manolita
Les vies de Loulou
Les vies de Loulou
Los besos del pan
¡Adiós, Martínez!
Les vies de Loulou
Vrijdag zal ik je noemen
Memory and literature
Le cœur glacé
Inés et la joie
Malena es un nombre de tango
Episodios de una guerra interminable
Het ijzig hart
Atlas van de menselijke geografie
רוחות עזות
Las tres bodas de Manolita
Episoden uit het leven van Lulu
Memory and literature
הקורא של ז׳ול ורן
Valerio Massimo Manfredi
Valerio Massimo Manfredi (born 1943)

anthropologist, archaeologist, television presenter, journalist, historian

  • Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, University of Bologna
The Last Legion
The Tower
Empire of Dragons
The Last Legion
Odysseus The Oath
L'ultima legione
El congreso frente a Mario Conde
Odysseus The Oath
The Talisman of Troy
Le Isole Fortunate
Talisman of Troy, The
The Oracle
The Ides Of March
Lo scudo di Talos
Il romanzo di Alessandro
L' impero dei draghi
Il Tiranno
The Lost Army
Alexander (Understanding Chemical Reactivity)
L' armata perduta
El Tirano / The Tyrant
La torre de la soledad/ The Tower of Solitud
Alexandros I
La Ultima Legion
L' ultima legione
Alexandros III
L' ultima legione
Die Jagd nach dem Wüstengrab. Roman
Alexandros II
Alexander. Der makedonische Prinz
Aléxandros I
L' isola dei morte
Alexandros III
Brivido nero
La última legión
Alexandros I
Alexandre le Grand, tome 3
Alexander: The Ends of the Earth
Las arenas de Amón
Alexandros - El Confin del Mundo
Mare greco
Die letzte Legion. Roman
The Ancient Curse
Talos De Esparta
Alexandros. El Hijo Del Sueño
Alexandros 1 - El Hijo del Sueño - NVA. Edicion XL
Il Tiranno
Le Pharaon oublié
Alexander, König von Asien
El caballero invisible
El Imperio de Los Dragones
Zeus e altri racconti
Idi di marzo
Alexandre Le Grand
Alexandros III
Alexandros II
La Torre de La Soledad
El Imperio De Los Dragones (Novela His)
Alexander Audio Box Set
La torre della solitudine
Le paludi di Hesperia
El Imperio De Los Dragones/ the Imperialism of the Dragons
L'armata perduta
La torre de la soledad
La Ultima Legion
El Imperio De Los Dragones/the Dragons Imperial
Alexandros II
The lost army
La Dernière légion
El Oraculo
Alexander. Der Herrscher der Welt
El caballero invisible
Alexandros III
Alexandros Le Sabbie Di Amon
I cento cavalieri
El Tirano / The Tyrant (Novela His)
Il faraone delle sabbie
Otel Bruni
Zeus e altri racconti
Grande Historia de Alexandre - Romanzo di Alessand (Em Portugues do Brasil)
Oraculo, El
Poslednij legion
Talisman de Troya, El
Aleksandr Makedonskiĭ
Talos De Esparta/Thallus of Sparta
Alexandre le Grand, tome 1
I aspida tis spartis
Turm der Einsamkeit
I Greci d'Occidente
Posledniĭ legion
Coffret 3 vols alexandre le grand
I Greci d'occidente
Imperio / Empire
La strada dei diecimila
Lo scudo di Talos
Ostatni legion
De eed van Odysseus
Los idus de Marzo
L' oracolo
Het laatste legioen
L'oracolo (Omnibus)
Mário de Andrade
Mário de Andrade (1893-1945)

poet, journalist, photographer, musicologist, art critic, pianist

Mário de Andrade escreve cartas a Alceu, Meyer e outros
A imagem de Mário
O turista aprendiz
Padre Jesuíno do Monte Carmelo
Vida do cantador
A geração de Cabral
Brazilian sculpture
Arte & literatura
Macunaíma, o, herói sem nenhum caráter
Mário, Otávio
De São Paulo
Danças dramáticas do Brasil
Portinari, amico mio
Introdução à estética musical
A enciclopédia brasileira
Mário e o pirotécnico aprendiz
Aspectos das artes plaśticas no Brasil
"Tudo está tão bom, tão gostoso--"
Correspondência Mário de Andrade & Tarsila do Amaral
Namoros com a medicina
Música de feitiçaria no Brasil
71 [I.e. setenta e uma] cartas de Mario de Andrade
Ensaio sôbre a música brasileira
Mario de Andrade
Querida Henriqueta
Modinhas imperiais
Aimer, verbe intransitif
Mário de Andrade e Sérgio Buarque de Holanda
Será o Benedito!
Mário de Andrade escreve cartas a Alceu, Meyer e outros, coligidas e anotadas por Lygia Fernandes
Será o Benedito!
Cartas de Mário de Andrade a Prudente de Moraes, neto 1924/36. Literatura de idéias / Prudente de Moraes Neto ; [organização] Georgina Koifman
Ensaio sobre musica brasileira
Querida Henriqueta : Cartas de Mario de Andrade a Henrique Lisboa
Mário de Andrade
Danças dramáticas do Brasil
Clan do Jabotí
Macunaíma e a viagem grandota
Música, doce música ..
Cartas de trabalho
A arte religiosa no Brasil
Aspectos da literatura brasileira
A lição do amigo
A expressão musical dos Estados Unidos
Macunai ma o hero i sem nenhum cara ter
Ensaio sôbre a música brasileira
Padre Jesuino do Monte Carmelo [por] Mario de Andrade
O baile das quatro artes
O empalhador de passarinho
Dicionário musical brasileiro
O banquete
Popular music and song in Brazil
Correspondente contumaz
Pequena história da música
Pequena história da música
Pio & Mário
Fotógrafo e turista aprendiz
Namoros com a medicina
O movimento modernista
Cartas a Murilo Miranda (1934-1945)
A música e a canção populares no Brasil
Cartas de Mário de Andrade a Luis da Camara Cascudo
Vida literária
Aspectos da musica brasileira
Cartas de Mário de Andrade a Alvaro Lins
Aspectos da literatura brasileira
"Eu sou trezentos, sou trezentos-e-cincoenta"
Aspectos das artes plásticas no Brasil
Aspectos da música brasileira
"Eu sou trezentos, sou trezentos e cincoenta"
Contos novos
Padre Jesuíno do Monte Carmelo
Os melhores poemas de Mário de Andrade ; seleção de Gilda de Mello e Souza
Música do Brasil
Poemas da negra
Os filhos da Candinha
Taxi e crônicas no Diário nacional
A lição do guru
Compendio de historia da musica
O empalhador de passarinho
Macunaíma, o herói sem nenhum caráter
Correspondência Mário de Andrade & Manuel Bandeira
Entrevistas e depoimentos
Frederico Paciência
Musica, doce musica
Cartas de Mário de Andrade a Manuel Bandeira
Música do Brasil
Poesias Completas - Mario De Andrade
Música e jornalismo
Correspondência Mário de Andrade and Oswald de Andrade
Quatro pessoas
Primeros cuentos de diez maestros latinoamericanos
Os melhores contos
To Love, Intransitive verb
Ideologias da libertação nacional
Mário de Andrade
Correspondência Mário de Andrade & Alceu Amoroso Lima
Cartas a um jovem escritor
Mario de Andrade e seus dois pintores
Macunaíma, o herói sem nenhum caráter
Sejamos todos musicais
Obra imatura
Amar, Verbo Intransitivo
Poesias completas
Cartas de Mário de Andrade a Luis da Camara Cascudo
Pauliceia Desvairada - Frantic São Paulo (bilingual Edition)
Apprentice Tourist
O Modernismo no Museu de Arte Brasileira
Sera o Benedito! - Coleção Dedinho de Prosa
Brazilian poets
Cantos populares do Brasil
Mário de Andrade hoje
Correspondência Mário de Andrade and Murilo Rubião
Macunaíma : ( o Herói Sem Nenhum Caráter )
A escrava que não é isaura
Música de feitiçaria no Brasil
Os melhores contos
Macunaíma, o Herói Sem Nenhum Caráter (Edição Ilustrada)
Macunaima, O Heroi sem Nenhum Carater
Na noite grávida de punhais
Táxi e crônicas no Diário Nacional
Correspondência Mário de Andrade & Henriqueta Lisboa
Inda bebo no copo dos outros
Cartas e um jovem escritor
Cartas de Mario de Andrade a Prudente de Moraes, neto, 1924-36
Aspectos do folclore brasileiro
Os contos de Belazarte
Mário de Andrade, cartas de trabalho
Mário de Andrade
Correspondência Mário de Andrade & Luiz Camillo de Oliveira Netto
Contos novos
Macunaima O Heroi Sem Nenhum Carater
Compendio de historia da musica
Poesias completas
O Canto armado
Correspondência Mário de Andrade & escritores/artistas argentinos
Hallucinated City
Na noite grávida de punhais
Clan do Jabotí
Cartas de Mario de Andrade a Prudente de Moraes, Neto, 1924/36
Obra escogida
Balança, trombeta e battleship, ou, O descobrimento da alma
Pequena história da música
... Belazarte (contos)
Quatro pessoas
Há uma Gota de Sangue em Cada Poema
Os filhos da Candinha
Obra imatura
Poesías completas
Cartas de Mário de Andrade a Luis da Camara Cascudo
Cartas a um jovem escritor
Frederico Paciência
Hallucinated city. Paulicea desvairada
Mário de Andrade e(m) Campos dos Goitacazes
Contos novos
Taxi e crônicas no Diário nacional
Robert Jungk
Robert Jungk (1913-1994)

journalist, sociologist, opinion journalist

  • Humboldt University of Berlin
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer
Strahlen aus der Asche
Heller als tausend Sonnen
Tomorrow is already here
Der Atom-Staat
The new tyranny
Brighter than a thousand suns
China and the West
Unsere Welt, 1985
Atom-Staat. English
Der Jahrtausendmensch
The nuclear state
Brighter than a thousand suns
Pari sur l'homme
Sternenhimmel statt Giftwolke, oder, Den Frieden erfinden
The Everyman project
L' état atomique
Tomorrow is already here
Und Wasser bricht den Stein
The big machine
Die Zukunft hat schon begonnen
Projekt Ermutigung
Der Atom-Staat
The big machine
The new tyranny
Der jahrtausendmensch
Technologie der Zukunft
Deutschland von aussen
Vom blinden zum wissenden Fortschritt
Deutschland ohne Konzeption?
Dead tech
Die grosse Maschine
Alternatives Leben
Katalog der Hoffnung
Der Griff nach der Zukunft
The Nuclear State (Riverrun Writers)
--damit wir nicht untergehen--
Le futur a déjà commencé
Terassentum und Sonnenhügel
Das Sonnenbuch
Der Störfall von Harrisburg
Die Grenzen der Resignation
Future workshops
Mankind Two Thousand
Enzyklopädie der Zukunft
Brighter than a thousand suns
Die Zukunft hat schon begonnen
העתיד כבר החל
Children of the ashes
Vivre à Hiroshima
Emilia Pardo Bazán
Emilia Pardo Bazán (1851-1921)

essayist, literary critic, journalist, salonnière, poet, editor, gastronomist

Cuadros religiosos
San Francisco de Asis (siglo XIII)
Los Pazos de Ulloa
El lirismo en la poesía francesa
san francisco de asis
Un poco de crítica
"The white horse" and other stories
Si las mujeres mandasen
UN Destripador De Antano (Relatos Cortos - Short Stories)
Bucólica y otras novelas
Certámen literatio en conmemoración del segundo centenario del nacimiento de Fray Benito ..
Poesías inéditas u olvidadas
Viajes por Europa
Obra crítica (1888-1908)
Un Destripador De Antano Y Otros Cuentos
La piedra angular
La mujer española y otros articulos feministas
Cuentos de navidad y reyes
Obras Completas
Memorias de un solterón
Russia: its people and its literature
Cuentos de antaño
La Tribuna
El cisne de Vilamorta
Obras completas
La gota de sangre / The  Drop of Blood
El encaje roto y otros cuentos
Obras escogidas
Cuentos Fantasticos / Fantastic Stories (Cuentos De Autores Españoles / Stories of Spanish Authors)
La mujer española y otros articulos feministas
Cuarenta días en la Exposiciòn
The tribune of the people
Cuentos de amores
La última fada
Cuentos de Marineda
La madre naturaleza
Cuentos y novelas de la tierra
La Quimera
Un viaje de novios
La vida contemporánea
La cocina española antigua
Error de Diagnostico
La Mujer Española Y Otros Escritos (Feminismos)
San Francisco De Asis
Cuentos I
La cocina española antigua (Coleccion Arte cibaria)
First Love And Other Fascinating Stories of Spanish Life
Cuentos Dramaticos
El Abanico
Historia y Cuentos de Galicia
Le naturalisme ...
Cuentos de la Patria
Las setas y otros cuentos
Mi Romeria
Cuentos Sacroprofanos
Algo de feminismo y otros escritos combativos
La literatura francesa moderna
The Love-Makers
Cuentos II
Una cristiana (Diferencias / Differences)
Las Cutres
Cartas de La Condesa en el Diario de la Marina de La Habana, Cuba (1909-1921)
The mystery of the lost dauphin (Louis XVII)
La sirena negra
Cuentos de Mujeres Valientes
Teoría del sistema absoluto
La vida contemporanea
Dulce dueño
The Son of the Bondwoman
Obras completas
Cuentos de Navidad y Ano Nuevo
Cuentos Tragicos
Cuentos de terruno
Short stories
Los Franciscanos y Colón
La cocina española antigua
Le naturalisme
La maga primavera y otros cuentos
El lirismo en la poesía francesa
Cuentos Antiguos
Una cristiana
Emilia Pardo Bazan
First Love (Little Blue Book #1195)
Cartas a Benito Pérez Galdós (1889-1890)
Stories Of Spanish Life
El P. Luis Coloma
Cuarenta días en la Exposiciòn
Obras completas (novelas y cuentos)
Cuentos IV
Cuentos De Antano/ Old Days Stories
Midsummer Madness
Cuentos de la Tierra
Cuentos de mujeres
Le cuestion palpitante
Storie e Racconti Della Galizia
Cuentos trágicos
Los pazos de Ulloa. Nota preliminar de F. S. R
La mujer española y otros escritos
El Abanico
Morrina la ultima fada
San Francisco de Asís (siglo XIII)
Arco iris
Dulce sueño
La revolucibon y la novela en Rusia
Crónicas en La nación de Buenos Aires, 1909-1921
Los misterios de Selva
Souvenirs d'un Bachelor
"Cartas de la condesa" en el Diario de la Marina (La Habana, 1909-1915)
La obra periodística completa en La Nación de Buenos Aires, 1879-1921
“Miquiño mío”
Obras completas
Histoires D'amour
Pascual López
La mujer española y otros artículos feministas
La vida contemporánea (1896-1915)
Un destripador de antaño y otros relatos
Destripador de Antaño
La dama joven
Cuentos I
Belcebú y otras novelas cortas
Dulce Sueño
Historias y cuentos de Galicia
Cuentos Tragicos
Histórias e Contos Da Galiza
Mis mejores cuentas (novelas breves)
"Náufragas" y otros cuentos
El Indulto
Obras completas de Emilia Pardo Baza n ..
Cuentos sacro-profanos
Cuentos II
Teatro completo
Memorias de un solteron
El tesoro de Gaston
Cuentos de Amor
Cuentos trágicos
La leyenda de la Pastoriza
Un destripador de antaño
Cocina española antigua y moderna
Un destripador de antaño
El vestido de boda
Histoires de Noël et du Nouvel An
Ricordi Di un Bachelor
Al pie de la torre Eiffel
La mujer española y otros escritos
Tribune of the People
Bir Balayi Yolculugu
La mujer española y otros escritos
La cita y otros cuentos de terror
Cartas de la condesa en el Diario de la Marina de La Habana, Cuba (1909-1921)
Cuentos de Navidad y Reyes
Lecciones de literatura
La suerte
Cuentos Sacroprofanos
Secret of the yew tree
Cuentos/critica literaria (seleccion)
Cocina española antigua y moderna
El niño de Guzmán
Un destripador de antaño y otros cuentos
De mi tierra
Cuentos nuevos
En tranvia
Hernán Cortés y sus hazañas
Doña Milagros
El señor doctoral
MÈre Nature
La gota de sangre
La revolución y la novela en Rusia
Cuentos de Marineda
El vidrio roto
Viajes por España
Aficiones peligrosas
DOS Historias Amorosas
San Francisco de Asis
Cuentos sangrientos
Sirena negra
Cuesta Abajo
Geschichten und Geschichten Aus Galicien
First Love and Other Fascinating Stories of Spanish Life
Un destripador de antano y otros cuentos (El Libro de bolsillo ; 576 : Seccion literatura)
El saludo de las brujas
La aventura de Isidro
Nuevos cuentos recopilados de Emilia Pardo Bazán
La gota de sangre (Clasicos de evasion)
Prueba : (Segunda Parte de una Cristiana)
Cuentos policiacos
Mother Nature
Erinnerungen Eines Bachelors
Cuentos de mujeres valientes
La prueba
La resucitada y otros relatos
Temprano y con sol
Le naturalisme
Cuentos de terruno (Spanish Edition)
Miquiño mío
Los mejores cuentos
Cuentos trágicos
Un destripador de antaño y otros cuentos
Adan y Eva (Ciclo): Doña Milagros
Novelas ejemplares; Un drama
Midsummer madness
Novelas ejemplares; Los tres arcos de Cirilo
Un destripador de antaño
Obras completas (novelas y cuentos)
Cuentos fantásticos
Obras completas (novelas y cuentos)
Mis mejores cuentos (novelas breves)
Arco iris, cuentos
Cuentos de la tierra
Insolación y Morriña
Cuentos dramáticos
Insolación; y Morriña
A wedding trip
Obras completas
La sirena negra
Emilia Pardo Bazán
Cuentos de la Galicia antigua
Cuentos de amor
Cartas inéditas a Emilia Pardo Bazán (1878-1883)
Cuentos sacro-profanos
Obras escogidas
En tranvía
El folk-lore gallego en 1884-85
Cuentos de invierno
Ben Hecht
Ben Hecht (1894-1964)

playwright, journalist, film producer, film director, producer

A child of the century
Letters from Bohemia
The Best Short Stories of 1915
The front page
Wolf's Complete Book of Terror
Guide for the Bedevilled
A Jew in love
Rediscovering Ben Hecht
Art & architecture on 1001 afternoons in Chicago
Twentieth Century
The sinister sex, and other stories of marriage
The sensualists
The kingdom of evil
Child of the Century
Gaily, Gaily
Erik Dorn
Gunga Din
Fantazius Mallare, a mysterious oath
Gaily, gaily
1001 [i.e. A thousand and one] afternoons in Chicago
Fantazius Mallare and Count Fanny's Nuptials
Reclaiming the American Dream
The Florentine dagger
he-Ḥatul she-ḳafats min ha-sipur
The collected stories of Ben Hecht
Jew in Love
Concerning a Woman of Sin
Ben ha-meʼah ha-ʻesrim
Notorious (1946)
Gaily, Gaily
Guia para los endemoniados
Twentieth century (1934)
Gunga Din (1939)
A guide for the bedevilled
The hand of siva
Spellbound (1945)
ManagingNonprofits. org
Nothing sacred (1937)
Ben Hecht
A Jew in love
Holiday Thoughts by Ben Hecht
The collected stories of Ben Hecht
Star Sapphire
A flag is born
The inspector general (1949)
Count Bruga
Legend of the lost
Hero of Santa Maria; a Ridiculous Tragedy in One Act
Minna and Myself
Letters from Bohemia
An idyll of the shops
To Quito and Back
The Ben Hecht show
The two lamps
Reclaiming the American Dream
Topaze (1933)
A Treasury of Ben Hecht
Librivox Short Story Collection 019
The wonder hat
The sensualists
A guide for the bedevilled
In the Midst of Death
A book of miracles
I hate actors!
The champion from far away
Spéciale dernière
Actor's blood
The unlovely sin, and other stories of desire's pawns
Fun to be free
Broken necks, and other stories
Front Page
A flag is born
Miracle in the rain
Christmas eve
Je hais les acteurs
The great magoo
Jazz, and other stories of young love
The cat that jumped out of the story
Humpty dumpty
The collected stories of Ben Hecht
Broken necks
A treasury of Ben Hecht
Count Bruga
To Quito and back
Tales of Chicago streets
Selling the celluloid serpent
Liang Chi-chao
Liang Chi-chao (1873-1929)

translator, journalist, philosopher, historian, politician, revolutionary, educator, social activist

  • National Tsing Hua University
Li Hongzhang zhuan
Tʻao Yüan-ming
Wang Anshi zhuan
Li Hongzhang zhuan
Liang Qichao xue shu lun zhu ji
Ming ren zhuan ji
Li Hongzhang zhuan
Li Hongzhang
Liang Qichao zi shu
Shi hai hui mou Li Hongzhang
Kang Youwei zhuan
Xin Jiaxuan xian sheng nian pu
Liang Qichao ping Li Hongzhang
Tao Yuanming
Kang Nanhai
Liang Qichao zi shu 1873-1929
Liang Qichao zi shu
Kang Nanhai zhuan
Liang Qichao jiang Qing dai xue zhu
Liang Qichao zhuan ji jing hua
Ming jia de cheng zhang
Liang Qichao Zhongguo jin dai ming ren zhuan ji cong bian
Wang Anshi zhuan
Mengzi er shi jiang
Guo xing yu min de
Liang Jen-kung hsien sheng chih chiao shou cha
Zhongguo fo jiao yan jiu shi (Jin dai ming ji chong kan)
Liang Qichao wei kan shu xin shou ji
Zhongguo jin san bai nian xue shu shi (Min guo xue shu jing dian wen ku)
Lun Zhongguo xue shu si xiang bian qian zhi da shi (Penglai ge cong shu)
Zhongguo li shi yan jiu fa (Penglai ge cong shu)
Chunggugin ui kamjong pyohyonpop
Liang Qizhao ji (Jin xian dai zhu ming xue zhe fo xue wen ji)
Jin dai xue feng zhi di li de fen bu
Qing dai xue zhe zheng li jiu xue zhi zong cheng ji (The Commercial Press library)
Chin tai Chung-kuo hsüeh shu lun tsʻung
Intellectual trends in the Chʻing period
Intellectual trends in the Ch'ing period (Ch'ing-tai hsüehshu kai-lun)
Dun bi ji
Yin bing shi wen ji
Liang Qichao zheng lun xuan (Zhongguo ji zhe cong shu)
Xian Qin zheng zhi si xiang shi
Zhongguo li shi yan jiu fa (Min guo xue shu jing dian wen ku)
Qing dai xue shu gai lun (Min guo xue shu jing dian wen ku)
Yao ji jie ti ji qi du fa
Ru jia zhe xue
Zhongguo zhi mei wen ji qi li shi (Min guo xue shu jing dian wen ku)
Yin bing shi shi hua (Zhongguo gu dian wen xue li lun pi ping zhuan zhu xuan ji)
Shao nian Zhongguo di hu huan
Xin da lu you ji
Liang Qichao shi xue lun zhu san zhong
"Yin bing shi he ji" ji wai wen
Liang Qichao zhe xue si xiang lun wen xuan
Chung-kuo li shih yen chiu fa
Zhongguo jin gu qing ge ju li
Xin min shuo (Zhongguo qi meng si xiang wen ku)
Liang Qichao guo xue jiang lu er zhong (20 shi ji guo xue ming zhu)
Liang Qichao xue shu wen hua sui bi (Er shi shi ji Zhongguo xue shu wen hua sui bi da xi)
Qing dai xue shu gai lun (Penglai ge cong shu)
Liang Qichao tan fo
Zhongguo fo jiao yan jiu shi
Qing dai xue shu gai lun, ru jia zhe xue
Xin min shuo
Liang Qichao yan jiang ji
Tūng-hsi wen-hua ja ji chue-hsueh
Liang Qichao jiang du shu
Fo xue yan jiu shi ba pian
Zhongguo jin san bai nian xue shu shi
Qing dai xue shu gai lun
The so-called people's will
Xian Qin zheng zhi si xiang shi (Min guo xue shu jing dian wen ku)
Zhongguo wen hua shi
Liang Qichao wen xuan (Er shi shi ji Zhongguo wen hua ming ren wen ku)
Liang Qichao wen ji
Liang Ren'gong jin zhu di 1 ji
Zhongguo li shi yan jiu fa bu bian
Zhongguo zhi mei wen ji qi li shi
Guo xue yan du fa san zhong
Qing yi bao lun shuo
Zhongguo xue shu si xiang bian qian zhi da shi
Liang Ren'gong wen cun
Xin Zhongguo wei lai ji
Li chao xue an shi yi
Liang Ren'gong jin zhu di 1 ji
Liang Chi-Chao's comments on journalism
Guo ti wen ti lun
Zhongguo jin san bai nian xue shu shi
Liang Qichao yu cui (Zhongguo er shi shi ji si xiang wen ku)
Guo xue da shi shuo ru xue
Liang Qichao shi wen xuan (Zhongguo jin dai wen xue cong shu)
Shao nian Zhongguo shuo
Guo min qian xun
Liang Qichao shi xue lun zhu si zhong
Liang Ren'gong xue shu jiang yan ji
Liang Qichao ping lun wen ji
Zi Mozi xue shuo
Ouzhou zhan yi shi lun
Lao Kong Mo yi hou xue pai gai guan
Kuan-tsǔ chuan
Yin bing shi he ji
Yin bing shi quan ji
Liang Jen-kung wen chi
Zhu Shunshui xian sheng nian pu
Liang Qichao juan (Zhongguo xian dai xue shu jing dian)
Intellectual trends in the Chi̓ng period (Chi̓ng-tai hsüeh-shu kai-lun)
Mozi xue an
Xin Jiaxuan xian sheng nian pu
Qing dai xue zhe zheng li jiu xue zhi zong cheng ji
Zhong guo jin san bai nian xue shu shi
Liang Jen-kung chih chiao shou cha
Liang Qichao lun zhu xuan cui
Zhongguo li shi yan jiu fa
Liang Qichao lun Qing xue shi er zhong
Yin ping shih wên chi
Liang Qichao jia shu
Zhongguo li shi yan jiu fa
Liang Qichao
Dao jia er shi jiang
Chʻing tai hsüeh shu kai lun
Mo jing jiao shi
Wu hsü cheng pien chi
Liang Qichao jiang wen hua
Liang Qichao shi wen xuan
Hu guo zhi yi dian wen ji lun wen
China's debt to Buddhist India
Xin Zhongguo wei lai ji
Wu xu zheng bian ji : fu san pian
Guo xue zhi dao er zhong
Guo xue yao ji ju mu
Xin da lu you ji jie lu
Wu xu zheng bian ji
Liang Ren'gong jin zhu
Yin bing shi zhu ren zi shuo
Zhongguo jin san bai nian xue shu shi
Liang Rengong xuan ji
Liang Ren'gong shi gao shou ji
Liang Qichao xiu shen san shu
Liang Rengong shi gao shou ji
Zui jin Liang ren gong wen ji
Liang Ren'gong xue shu jing hua lu
Liang Qichao tan fo xue
Yao ji jie ti ji qi du fa
Zhongguo wen hua shi
Chʻŏngguk musul chŏngbyŏnʼgi
Zi you shu
Zhongguo li shi yan jiu fa
Liang Rengong Hu Shizhi xian sheng shen ding yan jiu guo xue shu mu
Zhongguo zhi mei wen ji qi li shi
Jin ni Jing shi da xue tang zhang cheng
Gu shu zhen wei ji qi nian dai
Liang Qichao lun xian fa
Liang Rengong yu cui
Yang Ch'ich'ao, Chosŏn ŭi mangguk ŭl kirok hada
Guo xue yan du fa lun ji
Likhunchzhan ili politicheskai︠a︠ istorǐi︠a︠ Kitai︠a︠
Shi wu bao
Qing dai xue zhe zheng li jiu xue zhi zong cheng ji
Liang Rengong zhi jiao shou zha
Li shi de sheng yan
Xin min cong bao hui bian xu kan
Liang Ren'gong jin zhu
Liang Qichao, Zhang Taiyan jie du Zhonghua wen hua jing dian
Jia ren qi yu
Liang Qichao shou pi Jiaxuan ci
Qing yi bao lun shuo
Guanzi zhuan
Kang Nanhai xian sheng zhuan
Shina rekishi kenkyūhō
Zhongguo jin san bai nian xue shu shi
Liang Ren'gong (Qichao) xian sheng zhi jiao shou zha
Liang Qichao lun Zhongguo fa zhi shi
Liang Qichao
Fo xue yan jiu shi ba pian
Liang Qichao shou gao jing cui
Liang Qichao wen cun
Lun Zhongguo xue shu si xiang bian qian zhi da shi
Xin xiao shuo hui bian
Xian Qin zheng zhi si xiang shi
Liang Qichao jiang Zhongguo mei wen ji qi li shi
"Li Hongzhang" jie lun
Xin min shuo
Zhongguo jin gu qing ge ju li
Gu shu zhen wei ji qi nian dai
Zhongguo jin san bai nian xue shu shi
Zhongguo li shi yan jiu fa wu zhong
Xin da lu you ji
Bian fa tong yi
Dun bi ji
Yin bing shi wen ji
Qing dai xue shu gai lun
Qing dai xue zhe zheng li jiu xue zhi zong cheng ji
Zhongguo chen si
Liang Qichao ti ba mo ji shu fa ji
Liang Qichao quan ji
Liang Qichao Zhongguo fo xue yan jiu shi
Zhongguo wen xue yan jiu
Zhongguo fo jiao yan jiu shi
Qing dai xue shu gai lun
Yin bing shi quan ji
Zhongguo li shi yan jiu fa
Yuan Shikai wei zao min yi ji shi
Ying xiong yu shi shi
Wu xu zheng bian ji
Liang Qichao jia shu
Yin bing shi shi hua
Liang Qichao jiang guo xue
Yuan Shikai wei zao min yi ji shi
Qing dai xue shu gai lun
Dan kai feng qi bu wei shi
Liang Qichao jiang Zhongguo li shi yan jiu fa
Guo xue yao ji ju mu
Xi xue shu mu biao
Xin da lu you ji
Liang Qichao jia shu jiao zhu ben
Liang Qichao shi xue si zhu san zhong
Liang Ren'gong shi gao shou ji
Qing dai xue shu gai lun
Chun qiu zai ji
Xin Zhongguo wei lai ji
Liang Qichao shi xue lun zhu si zhong
Liang Ren'gong du fo jing zha ji shou ji
Ji yu
Guo xue da shi shuo Lao Zhuang ji Dao jia
Liang Qichao wen xuan
Wang Yangming zhi xing he yi zhi jiao
The so-called people's will
Shindai gakujutsu gairon
Liang Qichao xue shu lun zhu ji
Guo xue da shi shuo zhu zi bai jia
Ru jia zhe xue
Senshin seiji shisōshi
Zhongguo jin san bai nian xue shu shi
Tao Yuanming
Guo xue da shi shuo fo xue
Liang Qichao ping Wang Anshi
Zhongguo wen xue jiang yi
Ou you xin ying lu jie lu
Zhongguo li shi yan jiu fa bu bian
Liang Qichao jiang guo xue
Yin bing shi yi zhen
Liang Qichao ru jia zhe xue
Guo ti wen ti lun
Zhongguo Fo jiao yan jiu shi
Fo xue yan jiu shi ba pian
Zhongguo wen hua shi
Da shi, ci fu, ai
Xian qin zheng zhi si xiang shi
Liang Qichao Hu Shi er xian sheng guo xue shu mu
Shuo fo
Liang Ren'gong zhi jiao shou zha
Wu xu zheng bian ji
Zhongguo fo jiao shi liu jiang
Yin bing shi zhuan ji
Hai guan shui wu ji yao
Qing dai xue shu gai lun
Liang Rengong yu cui
Liang Qichao xuan ji
Liang Qichao tan ru xue
Xin min shuo
Yan jiu shi xue ji qi ta
Qing dai xue shu gai lun
Zhongguo li shi yan jiu fa
San da shi tan guo xue
Shindai gakujutsu gairon
Mozi xue an
Yinbing shi shu du
Zhongguo wen xue lun cong
Yin bing shi wen ji
Liang Qichao lun xian qin zheng zhi si xiang shi
Zhongguo jin san bai nian xue shu shi
Zhongguo yun wen li tou suo biao xian de qing gan
Wen shi yan jiu fang fa lun ji
Zhongguo jin san bai nian xue shu shi
Wu shi wu you
Kosŏ ŭi chinwi wa kŭ yŏndae
Zhongguo hun
Tai yang de lang zhao
Chu ci er shi jiang
Liang Qichao fo xue wen xuan
Ta cheng
Yin bing shi shi hua
Da cheng qi xin lun kao zheng
Leigh Hunt
Leigh Hunt (1784-1859)

journalist, poet, autobiographer, literary critic, translator

  • Christ's Hospital
The autobiography of Leigh Hunt
Stories from the Italian poets
Lord Byron and some of his contemporaries
Critical essays on the performers of the London theatres
Shelley--Leigh Hunt; how friendship made history, extending the bounds of human freedom and thought
Leigh Hunt's letter on Hogg's Life of Shelley
My books
The autobiography of Leigh Hunt ...
Lord Byron and some of his contemporaries
Lord Byron and some of his contemporaries
Italy and the English romantics
Men, women, and books
The poetical works of Leigh Hunt
Imagination and fancy
The Rebellion of the Beasts
Leigh Hunt
The town
Wit & humor selected from the English poets
A jar of honey from Mount Hybla
Selected Writings
The Seer; or, Common-places refreshed
The correspondence of Leigh Hunt
A day by the fire
Dramatic essays
A book for a corner
The Indicator, and the Companion
The feast of the poets
An answer to the question 'what is poetry?' including remarks on versification
Captain Sword and Captain Pen
The Companion
Selected writings of Leigh Hunt
Prefaces by Leigh Hunt, mainly to his periodicals
The old court suburb; or, Memorials of Kensington, regal, critical, and anecdotical ..
The story of Rimini
The feast of the poets, 1814
Essays and miscellanies
The dramatic works of Wycherley, Congreve, Vanbrugh, and Farquhar
The old court suburb
The wishing-cap papers
Wit and humor
Ballads of Robin Hood
The book of the sonnet
The religion of the heart
Musical evenings
One hundred romances of real life
Wit and humour, selected from the English poets
The essays of Leigh Hunt
A saunter through the West End
Sir Ralph Esher V1
Table-talk, to which are added Imaginary conversations of Pope and Swift
Political and occasional essays
Wit and humour
The palfrey
Sir Ralph Esher
The Seer
The Autobiography of Leigh Hunt, with Reminiscences of Friends and Contemporaries
The Seer V2
The descent of liberty
The Italian poets, translated into English prose
Selections From The English Poets V2
Readings for railways
Leigh Hunt's literary criticism
Stories from the Italian poets, with lives of the writers
The town; its memorable characters, and events
Lord Byron and Some of His Contemporaries (Anglistica & Americana)
The Italian poets
Selections in prose and verse
The Dramatic Works Of Richard Brinsley Sheridan
Foliage, or, Poems original and translated
Six letters of Leigh Hunt ad[d]ressed to W. W. Story, 1850-1856
The months
Stories from the Italian Poets Volume 1
Classic tales, serious and lively
Stories in verse
Coaches and coaching
Poetical works of L. Hunt
Poetical works
Poems, with prefaces from some of his periodicals, selected and edited by Reginald Brimley Johnson, with bibliography and etchings by Herbert Railton
The autobiography of Leigh Hunt, with reminiscences of friends and contemporaries, and with Thornton Hunt's introduction and postscript, newly edited by Roger Ingpen
Sir Ralph Esher, or, Adventures of a gentleman of the court of Charles II
An answer to the question 'What is poetry?'
Bacchus in Tuscany, a Dithyrambic Poem, from the Italian of Francesco Redi, with Notes Original ..
The autobiography of Leigh Hunt, with reminiscences of friends and contemporaries, and with Thornton Hunt's introduction and postscript, newly edited by Roger Ingpen
Sir Ralph Esher, or, Memoirs of a gentleman of the court of Charles the Second, including those of his friend Sir Philip Herne
The Indicator: A Miscellany for the Fields and the Fireside
The Palfrey: A Love-story of Old Times
The Indicator
Essays and miscellanies selected from The Indicator, and Companion
Selections from the English poets
Lord Byron and some of his contemporaries with recollections of the author's life and of his visit to Italy
Leigh Hunt's "Rules for newspaper editors"
Leigh Hunt as poet and essayist
Autobiography, with reminiscences of friends and contemporaries
Essays and sketches
Juvenilia: Or, A Collection of Poems. Written Between the Ages of Twelve & Sixteen
Dante Alighieri
A Book for a Corner; Or, Selections in Prose and Verse from Authors the Best Suited to that Mode ..
Men, Women and Books in Two Volumes - Vol. II
Dante's Divine comedy
Leigh-Hunt as poet and essayist, being the choicest passages from his works selected and edited with a biographical introd. by Charles Kent
Tales, now first collected, with prefatory memoir by William Knight
The Literary Examiner: Consisting of the Indicator, a Review of Books, and ..
An attempt to shew the folly and danger of Methodism
Leigh Hunt's dramatic criticism, 1808-1831
Shelley-Leigh Hunt
The works of Leigh Hunt
Essays by Leigh Hunt
Beaumont and Fletcher, or, The finest scenes, lyrics, and other beauties of those two poets, selected from the whole of their works
Literary criticism
Theatrical examiner
Essays (selected)
"Rules for Newspaper Editors"
The old lady and the maid-servant
Imagination and fancy; or selections from the English poets
Lord Byron, Leigh Hunt and the "Liberal"
On eight sonnets of Dante
The poetical works of Leigh Hunt
[Leigh Hunt's works.]
The autobiography
Leigh Hunt's "The months"
The dramatic works of Wycherley, Congreve, Vanbrugh, and Farquhar
Prefaces by Leigh Hunt
The autobiography of Leigh Hunt
Leigh Hunt's journal
The story of Rimini, 1816
Table-talk, to which are added Imaginary conversations of Pope and Swift
A Tale for a chimney corner
Leigh Hunt's dramatic criticism : 1808-1931
To Shelley
Shelley - Leigh Hunt, how friendship made history and extended the bounds of human freedom and thought
The foster-brother
Some letters from my Leigh Hunt portfolios
Lord Byron, Leigh Hunt, and the "Liberal,"
Essays and miscellanies
Leigh Hunt as essayist
The Indicatior: a miscellany for the fields and the fireside
Leigh Hunt's autobiography
Essays (selected)
The Italian poets translated in English prose
A book for a corner
Imagination and fancy
A legend of Florence
The Liberal
Table talk
A legend of Florence
Essays by Leigh Hunt
Classic tales
Lord Byron and some of his contemporaries ...
Imagination and fancy
The Syracusan gossips, or, The feast of Adonis
Classic tales, serious and lively
Romances of real life
The Literary Examiner
The poetical works ...
A Book for a corner, or, Selections in prose and verse from authors best suited to that mode of enjoyment
One hundred romances of real life
Selected essays
The autobiography of Leigh Hunt
The Examiner: a Sunday paper on politics, domestic economy, and theatricals for the year 1830
Leigh Hunt's journal
A Jar of Hones from Mount Hybla
The autobiography of Leigh Hunt
Selected essays
The poetical works of Leigh Hunt and Thomas Hood (selected)
The Indicator
The poetical works of Leigh Hunt
The essays of Leigh Hunt
Selections in prose and verse
The rebellion of the beasts, or, The ass is dead! Long live the ass!!!
Correspondence of J. H. Leigh Hunt
Poems of Leigh Hunt
A book for a corner, or, Selections in prose and verse from authors the best suited to that mode of enjoyment
Dramatic criticism, 1808-1831
The wishing-cap papers
The autobiography of Leigh Hunt
The Seer
Men, women, and books
A legend of Florence
The religion of the heart
Essays and miscellanies ...
The town
Sir Ralph Esher
Men, Women and Books in Two Volumes - Vol. I
The world of books and other essays
Essays and sketches
The poetical works of Leigh Hunt
The Reflector
A book for a corner, or, Selections in prose and verse from authors the best suited to that mode of enjoyment
Poetical works
Dramatic essays
The old court suburb  or, Memorials of Kensington, regal, critical, and anecdotal
The Examiner
Selections from the English poets
The Liberal
The laurel crown
Tales of Leigh Hunt
Sir Ralph Esher, or, Adventures of a gentleman of the court of Charles II
The indicator vol. I
The companion
The Examiner: a Sunday paper on politics, domestic economy, and theatricals
[Leigh Hunt's works.].
The book of the sonnet
Sequel of A father avenged
The correspondence (1862)
Autobiography, with reminiscences of friends and contempories
Essays and sketches
Table talk
Leigh Hunt as poet and essayist
Prefaces by Leigh Hunt, mainly to his periodicals
Wit and humour, selected from the English poets; with an illustrative essay, and critical comments
The political works of Leigh Hunt
Leigh Hunt's London Journal
Scenes from an unfinished drama
An answer to the question 'what is poetry'
Shelley-Leigh Hunt
Selected essays
A father avenged
The seer; or, Common-places refreshed
The poetical works of Leigh Hunt and Thomas Hood
A day by the fire
essays and sketches
Tales by Leigh Hunt
A jar of honey from Mount Hybla
Tales by Leigh Hunt
Six letters of Leigh Hunt adressed [!] to W. W. Story
A saunter through the West End ...
Selections from the English poets, with markings of the best passages, critical notices of the writers, and an essay in answer to the question, "What is poetry?"
Classic tales
The Nile
The Indicator
Stories from Italian poets: being a summary in prose of the poems of Dante, Pulci, Boiardo, Ariosto and Tasso
Leigh Hunt's political and occasional essays
A book for a corner
The Correspondence of Leigh Hunt (Anglistica and Americana,)
Dramatic criticism, 1803-1831
Captain Sword and Captain Pen
Juvenilia, or, A collection of poems
Leigh Hunt's The months
The Liberal
Leigh Hunt's letter on Hogg's Life of Shelley
An answer to the question 'what is poetry'
The indicator, and the companion
The palfrey
Hero and Leander
Imagination and fancy
Stories from the Italian poets .
The autobiography of Leigh Hunt