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journalists who wrote biography
Showing 1865-1872 out of 2305 results
Nayantara Sahgal
Nayantara Sahgal (born 1927)


  • Wellesley College, Woodstock School
Point of view
Indira Gandhi, her road to power
Indira Gandhi's emergence and style
Jawaharlal Nehru
The Vintage Book of Indian Writing 1947-1997
Rich like us
Mistaken identity
The day in shadow
Storm in Chandigarh
From fear set free
Plans for departure
Prison and chocolate cake
Freedom movement in India
Relationship, extracts from a correspondence
Situation in New Delhi
A time to be happy
The political imagination
A voice for freedom
This time of morning
Lesser breeds
The story of India's freedom movement
Nehru's India
Day of reckoning
Storm in Chandigarh
The fate of butterflies
Prison and chocolate cake
Matt Ridley
Matt Ridley (born 1958)

banker, journalist, zoologist, politician, economist, land owner

  • University of Oxford, Eton College
Francis Crick
Francis Crick
The origins of virtue
Warts and all
Nature Via Nurture
The Red Queen
The Rational Optimist
Nature Via Nurture CD
The Future of Disease
The Red Queen
The Agile Gene
The Best American Science Writing 2002
The Origins of Virtue
Alphabet des Lebens. Die Geschichte des menschlichen Genoms
Genoma - La Autobiografia de Una Especie En 23 Capitulos
Die Biologie der Tugend. Warum es sich lohnt, gut zu sein
The Origin of Virtue
Down to earth II
Down to earth
Francis Crick
                Eminent Lives
Que nos hace humanos
Genome..the Autobiography of a Species in 23 Chapters
Qué nos hace humanos
Genomu ga kataru 23 no monogatari
George Jonas
George Jonas (1935-2016)

journalist, television producer

Reflections on Islam
A passion observed
Beethoven's mask
By persons unknown
Beethoven's mask
The Scales of Justice
The East Wind Blows West
Politically incorrect
By persons unknown
The Jonas variations
By Persons Unknown Christine Demeter
George Jonas
Crocodiles in the bathtub and other perils
The happy hungry man
MONACHIUM - W 1972 r Podczas Olimpiady w Monachium Fedaini z Organizacji Czarny Wrzesien Napadi Na Izraelkich Sportowcow. Zgineto 11 Sposrod Nich I 5 Terrorystow. Potem Nastaphil Odwet..
Additional conservation laws in the statistical model for meson production
The happy hungry man
The Scales of justice
The absolute smile
Final decree
Roberto Saviano
Roberto Saviano (born 1979)


  • University of Naples Federico II
Beauty The Inferno
La bellezza e l'inferno
The piranhas
Bacio feroce
Sei fuori posto
La paranza dei bambini
Lo contrario de la muerte
The Piranhas : The Boy Bosses of Naples
De schoonheid en de hel
In mare non esistono taxi
Vieni via con me
Petó ferotge
Vieni via con me
Efes efes efes
Sono ancora vivo
The ring
Het woord tegen de camorra
Henry Vollam Morton
Henry Vollam Morton (1892-1979)


  • King Edward's School
Women of the Bible
Women of the Bible
In the steps of the Master
In search of Ireland
In search of Scotland
In the steps of the Master
A traveller in Rome
I saw two Englands
In search of England
A traveller in Italy
A traveller in Southern Italy
This is the Holy Land
Waters of Rome
In the steps of St. Paul
This is Rome
Atlantic meeting
Through lands of the Bible
H.V. Morton's London
A stranger in Spain
In search of Wales
The splendour of Scotland
The call of England
The nights of London
In the Steps of the Master
In Search of England (In Search of)
Ghosts of London
In Search of London
In Search of London
In the Steps of St. Paul
The heart of London
In the steps of St. Paul
In Search of South Africa
In search of Scotland. With 19 illus. and a maps
In Search of Ireland
Middle East
In Scotland Again
In the steps of the Master
H. V. Morton's England
In Scotland again
A Traveller in Southern Italy
The nights of London
In Scotland again
A London year
In Search of Ireland (In Search of)
A Traveller in Italy
In Search of Wales
In the steps of the Master
The heart of London
H.V. Morton's Britain
In Search of Scotland
The Heart of London
Through Lands of the Bible
In search of England
A Stranger in Spain
The Spell of London
The call of England
In Search of England
A Traveller in Rome
A traveller in Rome [Book]
Through lands of the Bible
The Nights of London
A traveller in Italy
In the steps of Jesus
The nights of London
In steps of the Master
Wanderungen In Irland
H. V. Morton's England
The spell of London
In the steps of St. Paul
Through lands of the Bible
The call of England
Ins  search of South Africa
In Search of Wales
The spell of London
When you go to London
I saw two Englands
Our fellow men
Ghosts of London
In the Steps of the Master
I saw two Englands
In search of Ireland
In search of South Africa
This is the Holy Land
A stranger in Spain
The London year
The splendour of Scotland
In Scotland again
The London scene
In the Steps of Jesus
The call of England
The spell of London
Atlantic meeting
Blue days at sea
In search of Ireland
Shotlandskie zamki
In search of England
Through The Lands of the Bible
I, James Blunt
The call of England
In search of the Holy Land
In search of Wales
In the steps of Jesus
A traveller in Southern Italy
When you go to London
Blue days at sea and other essays
Atlantic meeting
This is Rome
The spell of London
The London scene
The fountains of Rome
In search of Wales
This is the Holy Land
Land of the Vikings
Blue days at sea and other essays
In the steps of St. Paul
Middle East
Po staroĭ dobroĭ Anglii
In Search of Holy Land
A stranger in Spain
This is Rome, a pilgrimage in words and pictures
The heart of London
What I saw in the slums
Through lands of the Bible
A traveller in Rome
The call of England
In the steps of the Master
In search of Ireland
I saw two Englands
In Scotland again
In search of Ireland
In Scotland Again (Illustrated)
Middle East
Soviet politics and society in the 1970's
In Scotland again
In search of Scotland
I, James Blunt
Blue days at sea and other essays
In search of Scotland
In search of England
The heart of London
Hamka (1908-1981)

journalist, philosopher

Perjalanan terakhir Buya Hamka
Tanbihul Ghafilin
Tenggelamnya kapal Van der Wijck
Merantau ke-Deli
Falsafah Hidup
Umat Islam menghadapi tantangan Kristenisasi dan sekularisasi
Peranan ulama dalam pembangunan
Ghirah dan tantangan terhadap Islam
Perjuangan kami untuk kemuliaan Islam dan menantang ideologi yang merusak di Indonesia
Tafsir al-Azhar
Tasauf Modern
Filsafat ketuhanan
apa itu islam
Dari hati ke hati
Keadilan sosial dalam Islam
Himpunan khutbah Idul Fithri
Cara zending dan missi menyerang ʻaqidah kita
Mengenang 100 tahun Haji Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah Hamka
Peladjaran agama Islam
Di Dalam Lembah Kehidupan
Akhlaqul karimah
Angkatan baru
Tafsir Surah An-Nahl dan Juzuk 14
Empat bulan di Amerika
Tuan Direktor
Doktrin Islam yang menimbulkan kemerdekaan dan keberanian
Kedudukan perempuan dalam Islam
Hak-hak azasi manusia, antara deklarasi P. B. B. dan sjari'at Islam
Cahaya Baru
Buya Hamka Berbicara tentang Perempuan
Tafsir Surah Ad-Dukhan dan Juzuk 25
Prinsip dan kebijaksanaan daʼwah Islam
Di Bawah Lindungan Kabah
Dari perbendaharaan lama
Bohong di dunia
Adat Minangkabau Menghadapi Revolusi
Tafsir Surah Al-An’am dan Juzuk 7
Iman dan amal shaleh
Tafsir Surah Yunus dan Juzuk 11
Keadilan Ilahi
Islam dan adat Minangkabau
Pemimpin dan pimpinan
Perkembangan tasauf dari abad ke abad
Sejarah umat Islam
Tafsir Surah Az-Zumar dan Juzuk 24
Hubungan antara agama dengan negara menurut Islam
Penuntun djiwa
Mutiara filsafat
Tafsir Surah Al-Anfal dan Juzuk 9
Perkembangan kebatinan di Indonesia
Beberapa tantangan terhadap ummat Islam dimasa kini
Kenangan-Kenanganku di Malaya
Urat tunggang pantjasila
Didjemput mamaknja
Di bawah gema takbir
Negara dalam Perspektif Islam
Menunggu beduk berbunji
Revolusi agania [oleh] Hamka
Menunggu Beduk Berbunyi
Tjemburu (ghirah)
Studi Islam
Di Lembah Sungai Nil
Iman & Amal Soleh
Tafsir Surah Muhammad dan Juzuk 26
Tafsir Surah Al-A’raf dan Juzuk 8
1001 soal kehidupan
Doa-Doa Rasulullah saw
Hamka membahas soal-soal Islam
Chermin penghidupan
Tafsir Surah Al-Ankabut dan Juzuk 20
Renungan tasauf
Tafsir Surah Al-Ahzab dan Juzuk 22
Tuan direktur
Dibawah lindoengan Kaʼbah
Tafsir al-azhar
Dari lembah tjita-tjita
Kasus nikah Megawati Sukarnoputeri dengan Hassan Gamal
Didalam lembah kehidupan
Falsafah hidup
Tasawuf Moden
Pandangan hidup muslim
Muhammadijah dalam membina budaja bangsa dan hidup beramal dan beribadat
Tenggelamnya kapal Van der Wijck
Pandangan hidup Muslim
Tasauf, Perkembangan dan Pemurniannya
Dibawah lindungan ka'bah
Tenggelamnja kapal van der Wijck
Perkembangan Tasauf dari abad ke abad
Tegoran suchi dan jujur terhadap Mufti Johor
Tafsir Surah An-Nur dan Juzuk 18
Dibawah lindungan kaabah
Muhammadiyah di Minangkabau
Lembaga hikmat
Perkembangan kebatinan di Indonesia
Pribadi hebat
Dari perbendaharaan lamba
Antara fakta dan khayal "Tuanku Rao"
Kenang-kenangan 70 tahun Buya Hamka
Ajahku, riwajat hidup Dr. H. Abd. Karim Amrullah
Lembaga Hidup
Pelajaran agama Islam
Lembaga Budi
Pemimpin dan pempinan
Pengaruh Muhammad 'Abduh di Indonesia
Sedjarah umat Islam
Di bawah lindungan Ka'bah
Günther Anders
Günther Anders (1902-1992)

philosopher, translator, historian of Modern Age, film critic, art critic, journalist, poet

  • University of Freiburg
Besuch im Hades
Wir Eichmannsöhne
Die Antiquiertheit des Menschen. Erster Band
Die Antiquiertheit des Menschen. Zweiter Band
Mensch ohne Welt
Franz Kafka
Günther Anders antwortet
Über Heidegger
Lieben gestern
Nous, fils d'Eichmann
Die atomare Drohung
Endzeit und Zeitenende
Hiroshima ist überall
Tagebücher und Gedichte
Mensch ohne Welt. Schriften zur Kunst und Literatur
Der Blick vom Mond
Eskalation des Verbrechens
Der Mann auf der Brücke
Besuch im Hades. Auschwitz und Breslau 1966
Die Antiquiertheit des Menschen 1
Die molussische Katakombe
Lieben gestern. Notizen zur Geschichte des Fühlens
Die Schrift an der Wand
Visit beautiful Vietnam
Obdachlose Skulptur. Über Rodin
Die atomare Drohung. Radikale Überlegungen zum atomaren Zeitalter
Nürnberg und Vietnam
Übertreibungen in Richtung Wahrheit
Kafka, pro und contra
Der philosophische Diktion und das Problem der Popularisierung
Die Toten
Der Blick vom Mond. Reflexionen über Weltraumflüge
Der Blick vom Turm
Kosmologische Humoreske und andere Erzählungen
Bert Brecht: Gespräche und Erinnerungen
George Grosz
Günter Anders, Gewalt, ja oder nein
Das Günther Anders Lesebuch
Philosophische Stenogramme
Kafka, pro & contra
Franz Kafka
Et si je suis désespéré, que voulez-vous que j'y fasse ?
Essays on socialist humanism, in honour of the centenary of Bertrand Russell 1872-1970
Hass, die Macht eines unerwünschten Gefühls
Der Blick vom Turm
Gli aratori del vulcano
Kafka, pro und contra
Musikphilosophische Schriften
Die Antiquiertheit des Menschen
Hiroshima ist überall. Tagebuch aus Hiroshima und Nagasaki
Die Weltfremdheit des Menschen
Wir Eichmannsöhne
Journaux de l'exil et du retour
Franz Kafka
Das Tagebuch und der moderne Autor
Erika Mann
Erika Mann (1905-1969)

actor, journalist, autobiographer, essayist, film actor, stage actor, opinion journalist, war correspondent, resistance fighter, cabaret performer

Escape to life
Mein Vater, der Zauberer
Das letzte Jahr
Briefe und Antworten
Zehn Millionen Kinder. Die Erziehung der Jugend im Dritten Reich
Live it again 1942
Briefe und Antworten
The other Germany
A gang of ten
Blitze überm Ozean
Jan's Wunderhündchen
The lights go down
Ausgerechnet Ich
Briefe und Antworten, Bd. 2., 1951 - 1969
Stoffel fliegt übers Meer
Thomas Mann
Mein Vater Thomas Mann
Naʻar ṭas le-ʻever yam
Zero hour
Das Buch von der Riviera
Muḳ, ha-dod ha-ḳosem