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journalists who wrote biography
Showing 1697-1704 out of 2305 results
Gilles Perrault
Gilles Perrault (1931-2023)

journalist, lawyer

  • Collège Stanislas de Paris, Sciences Po
Le pull-over rouge
Orchestre rouge
Un homme à part
Les jardins de l'Observatoire
L' Orchestre rouge
A man apart
Auf den Spuren der Roten Kapelle
ha-Tizmoret ha-adumah
Auf den Spuren der roten Kapelle
The secret of D-Day
Paris under the occupation
Notre ami le roi
Notre ami le roi
Le secret du roi
Le cabinet des dépêches
Le Pull-over rouge
L' homme au bout du rouleau
Kizil orkestra
The red orchestra
Dorure et polychromie sur bois
Dossier 51
Le secret du jour J
Le déshonneur de Valéry Giscard d'Estaing
L' ombre de Christian Ranucci
Les vacances de l'oberleutnant von La Rochelle
Les gens d'ici
Paris sous l'Occupation
Sculptures sur bois
The secrets of D-Day
Les secret du jour J
La longue traque
Le Secret du roi, tome 3
Le goût du secret
Les parachutistes
Nuestro amigo el Rey
Lettre à deux juges françaises décorées de la Cruz de Honor de la Orden de San Raimundo de Peñafort
Marie Laurence Gaudrat
Le grand jour, 6 juin 1944
Le garçon aux yeux gris, suivi de Le soldat perdu
Taupes rouges contre S.S.
Checkpoint Charlie
L' erreur
Du service secret au gouvernement invisible
Jours tranquilles à Belleville
Le garçon aux yeux gris
Le\Pull­over Rouge
Le dérapage
Le grand jour
Derapage, Le
Les sanglots longs
L Ombre De La Bastille, Le Secret Du Roi
La jeune femme triste
Le soldat perdu
Une jeune fille en guerre
La jeune femme triste
Christian Ranucci, vingt ans après
Dictionnaire amoureux de la Résistance
Dossier 51, an entertainment
תיק 51
Sodot yom ha-pelishah
Le Dossier 51, roman
Les deux Français-- et autres récits
Charles Nodier
Charles Nodier (1780-1844)

journalist, lexicographer, librarian, poet, entomologist, translator, literary critic, essayist, philologist

Nouveaux souvenirs et portraits
Bibliothèque sacrée grecque-latine
Portraits de la Révolution et de l'Empire
O︠e︡uvres ...
Scènes de la vie privée et publique des animaux
Contes de la veillée
Smarra & Trilby
Lock and Key Library -- Classic French
Scènes de la vie privée et publique des animaux
Dictionnaire raisonné des onomatopées françoises
Mélanges tirés d'une petite bibliothèque
Mélanges de littérature et de critique
Contes fantastiques
Oeuvres de Charles Nodier
La Seine et ses bords
Souvenirs et portraits de la Révolution. Suivis du Dernier banquet des Girondins
Contes de la veillée
La neuvaine de la chandeleur, et Lydie
Questions de littérature légale
Souvenirs de la Révolution et de l'empire
Jean Sbogar
Mémoires sur l'ancienne chevalerie
Cours de belles-lettres, tenu à Dole de juillet 1808 à avril 1809
Dictionnaire raisonné des onomatopées françoises
Promenade from Dieppe to the mountains of Scotland
Questions de littérature légale: du plagiat, de la supposition d'auteurs ..
Romans de Charles Nodier .
Contes fantastiques
History of the secret societies of the army
Les environs de Paris
Bonaventure Desperiers
Inès de las Sierras
Paris historique
Souvenirs de jeunesse, suivis de Mademoiselle de Marsan et la neuvaine de la chandeleur
Feuilletons du Temps et autres écrits critiques
Correspondance de jeunesse
The Luck of the bean-rows
Trilby, le lutin d'Argail
Notions élémentaires de linguistique, ou, Histoire abrégée de la parole et de l'écriture
Nouvelles suivies des fantaisies du dériseur sensé
La fée aux miettes ; précédé de Smarra et de Trilby
Questions de littérature légal
La neuvaine de la Chandeleur, et, Lydie. Le dernier chapitre de mon roman
Notions élémentaires de linguistique
Jean Sbogar
Journal de l'expédition des portes de fer
The book collector
Les tristes
Souvenirs et portraits de la révolution
Oeuvres dramatiques, I
Trilby - la fée aux miettes
Contes fantastiques
Histoire des idees et critique litteraire, vol. 404: Questions de littřature lǧale
La Neuvaine de la Chandeleur ; Le génie bonhomme ; Les aveugles de Chamouny ; Baptiste Montauban ; Trilby
Description raisonnée d'une jolie collection de livres
Les Quatre Talismans
Correspondence inédite, 1796-1844
La Fee Aux Miettes Oeuvres IV
L' amateur de livres ; précédé du Bibliomane ; de Bibliographie des fous ; et De la monomanie réflective
The woodcutter's dog
Le Vicaire de Wakefield (livre non massicoté)
Le vampire
Souvenirs de jeunesse
Giovanni Sbogarro
Romans de Charles Nodier ...
Œuvres choisies de Charles Nodier
Contes et nouvelles
Contes choisis de Charles Nodier
Examen critique des dictionnaires de la langue françoise, ou, recherches ..
Autour de Charles Nodier
Les démons de la nuit
Romans de Charles Nodier
Promenade de Dieppe aux montagnes d'Ecosse
Le dernier chapitre de mon roman
Trésor des fèves et fleur des pois
Charles Nodier
Dictionnaire raisonné des onomatopées françoises
Oeuvres dramatiques, II
Franciscus Columna
Francesco Colonna
Contes de Charles Nodier
Piranèse, contes psychologiques à propos de la monomanie réflective
Cours de belles-lettres
Le Génie bonhomme
Contes, avec des textes et des documents inédits
A translation of Charles Nodier's story of the bibliomaniac
Contes de Nodier
Nouvelles de Charles Nodier
Dictionnaire raisonné des onomatopées françaises
Les sept chateaux du roi de Bohème
Histoire du Roi de Bohême et de ses sept châteaux
De quelques phénomènes du sommeil
Contes fantastiques de Nodier
Le dernier banquet des Girondins
Souvenirs de jeunesse suivis de Mademoiselle de Marsan et de La Neuvaine de la Chandeleur
Contes et nouvelles de Charles Nodier
Souvenirs de la révolution et de l'empire
Bertram ; Le Monstre et le Magicien ; Le Songe d'or (Fragments)
La neuvaine de la chandeleur
Lord Ruthwen, ou, les vampires
Thérèse Aubert
Les quatre talismans
Jean Sbogar
Scènes de la vie privée et publique des animaux
Des annales de l'imprimerie des Aldes
Die Liebe und das Zauberbuch
Œuvres de Charles Nodier
Histoire du roi de Bohm̂e et de ses sept châteaux
La fée aux miettes
Genius Goodfellow and the wood-cutter's dog
The bibliomaniac
Voyages pittoresques et romantiques dans l'ancienne France
Langue et cultures, tome 36: Notions elementaires de linguistique ou histoire abregee de la parole et de l'ecriture: pour servir d'introduction a l'alphabet, a la grammaire et au dictionnaire
Bonaventure Désperiers: Cirano de Bergerac
Examen critique des dictionnaires de la langue françoise
Thérèse Aubert
Le dernier banquet des girondins
Oeuvres choisies de Charles Nodier
Smarra, Trilby et autres contes
Histoire des Societes Secrètes de l'armee et des conspirations militaires qui ont eu pour objet la destruction du gouvernement de Bonaparte
Vocabulaire de la langue française
L' amateur de livres
Correspondance ine dite, 1796-1844
Etudes sur le seizième siècle et sur quelques auteurs rares ou singuliers du dix-septième
Critiques de l'imprimerie par le docteur Néophobus
Oeuvres dramatiques
Jean Sbogar et autres nouvelles
Du fantastique en littérature
Los Demonios de La Noche
Souvenirs de jeunesse: Séraphine; Amélie Jean-François les Bas-Bleus
Le bibliomane
Le fée aux miettes
Morçeaux choisis
Lord Ruthven and the Vampires
Souvenirs, épisodes et portraits pour servir à l'histoire de la Révolution et de l'Empire
Les proscrits
La fée aux miettes
Contes choisis
Inès de las Sierras
La fièvre et autres contes ; suivis d'un poème et d'un essai d'autobiographie recueillis pour la première fois
Histoire du roi de Bohême et de ses sept châteaux ..
Romans de Charles Nodier
Description raisonnée d'une jolie collection de livres
Bean Flower and Pea Blossom
Nouvelles, suivies des Fantaisies du dériseur sensé
Examen critique des dictionnaires de la langue françoise..
Den boggale
Feuilletons du Temps et autres écrits critiques
La fée aux miettes
Lord Ruthven The Vampire
Les mille et une nuits
Contes Satiriques
Récits fantastiques
Francisous Columna
Le vampire ; Le délateur
Fables de Florian
The woodcutter's dog
  Vignettes par Tony Johannot
Les mille et une nuits
Souvenirs de Jeunesse
Charles Nodier
Giovanni Sbogarro, a Venetian tale
Souvenirs de jeunesse
Mélanges de littérature et de critique
La Neuvaine de la chandeleur
Lord Ruthwen
Histoire des sociétés secrètes de l'armée: et des conspirations militaires qui ont eu pour objet ...
Thérèse Aubert
Giovanni Sbogarro
Smarra, ou, Les démons de la nuit
Histoire du roi de Bohème et de ses sept châteaux
La llegenda del llibreter assassí de Barcelona
Contes et nouvelles de Charles Nodier
Bibliothèque dramatique, or Répertoire universel du théâtre français
J-François les Bas Bleus
Le livre des prodiges, ou, Histoires et aventures merveilleuses et remarquables de spectres, revenans, esprits, fantômes, démons, etc., rapportées par des personnes dignes de foi
Histoire du Roi du Bohème et ses sept chateaux
Bertram ; Le monstre et le magicien ; Le songe d'or
Bibliothèque dramatique, ou, Répertoire universel du théatre français
Jean Sbogar
Feuilletons du Temps et autres écrits critiques
Vocabulaire de la langue française
Les Environs de Paris
De la liberté de la presse avant Louis XIV
Franciscus Columna
Nouvelles ; suivies des Fantaisies du dériseur sensé
Oeuvres de Charles Nodier. --
Questions de littérature légale
Jean Sbogar
Histoire du roi de Bohême et de ses sept chateaux
Histoire des sociétés secrètes de l'armée
Jean Sbogar
Description raisonnée d'une jolie collection de livres (nouveaux mélanges tirés d'une petite bibliothèque)
Correspondance inédite de Charles Nodier, 1796-1844
Correspondance inédite de Charles Nodier, 1796-1844
Chefs-d'oeuvre de P. Corneille
Inès de las Sierras: Medemoiselle de Marsan
De droom van het goud en anders vertellingen
Bibliothèque dramatique, ou, Répertoire universel du théâtre français, avec des remarques, des notices et l'examen de chaque pièce
Le voleur
Statistique illyrienne
Bibliothèque dramatique, ou, Répertoire universel du théâtre français
Sur une ophthalmie caus©♭e par la lumi©·re ©♭lectrique
Lord Ruthwen, ou, Les vampires
Écrin d'un conteur
Satyre Menippée de la vertu du catholicon d'Espagne et de la tenue des Estats de Paris
Morçeaux choisis
Le peintre de Saltzbourg
Promenade de Dieppe aux montagnes d'Ecosse
Vocabulaire de la langue française
El bibliómano y Subasta de mi biblioteca de Octavio Uzanne
Inès de las Sierras
Voyages pittoresques et romantiques dans l'ancienne France
Voyages pittoresques et romantiques dans l'ancienne France
Du fantastique en littérature
Trilby, ou, Le lutin d'Argail
Trilogie écossaise
Le vampire
The woodcutter's dog
Souvenirs de jeunesse
Trésors des Fèves
Contes fantastiques
Meir Shalev
Meir Shalev (1948-2023)

journalist, television presenter, opinion journalist, psychologist

  • Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Hebrew University Secondary School
My Russian grandmother and her American vacuum cleaner
Neskol'ko toroplivykh slov lyubvi (Russkaya literatura)
ha-Davar hayah kakhah
My Russian Grandmother and Her American Vacuum Cleaner
Ma Bible est une autre Bible
Pocket Canons Bible II
Roman Rusi
Yonah ṿe-naʻar
The loves of Judith
Four meals
My Father Always Embarrasses Me
בביתו במדבר (Bebejto bambidbar)
Judiths Liebe (Diogenes Taschenbuch)
Sod aḥizat ha-ʻenayim
The first and second books of Samuel
Be-veto ba-midbar (Sifriyah la-am)
Que la terre se souvienne
A pigeon and a boy
Rewriting history in the Bible
Pocket Canons Bible II
Michael and the monster of Jerusalem
Esaus Kuß. Eine Familiensaga
Wie Der Neandertaler Den Kebab
Hannahs Grübchen
Vpervye v Biblii
Two she-bears
Mi abuela rusa y su aspiradora americana
Ekh ha-adam ha-ḳadmon himtsi le-gamre be-miḳreh et ha-ḳabab ha-romani
Tanakh ʻakhshaṿ
My Wild Garden
Roman Rusi (Sifriyah la-am)
Der Sündenfall, ein Glücksfall? Alte Geschichten aus der Bibel neu erzählt
De grote vrouw
V dome svoem v pustyne--
Der Traktor im Sandkasten
Golub £ i Mal £chik
Obyknovennye udivitelʹnye istorii
Esav (Sifriyah la-am)
Luzie, die Laus
Be-ʻiḳar ʻal ahavah
Papa nervt
Por Amor a Judit/ for the Love of Judit
La meilleure façon de grandir
Bibli︠i︡a segodn︠i︡a
Ke-yamim ahadim (Sifriyah la-am)
Pour l'amour de Judith
Dwie niedzwiedzice
Blue Mountain
Tanakh akhshav
הדבר היה ככה (Ha-davar haya kacha)
Mishkav letsim
Een geweer, een koe, een boom en een vrouw
Vyshli iz lesa dve medvedit︠s︡y
Ḳremer he-ḥatul lomed li-śeḥot
Mon jardin sauvage
ha-Yeled Ḥayim ṿeha-mifletset mi-Yerushalayim
Roni ṿe-Nomi ṿeha-dov Yaʻaḳov
The loves of Judith
Dört Ziyafet
Al tesaper le-aḥikha
Sekrety obmanchivykh chudes
Shetayim dubim =
Kak neskolʹko dneĭ--
Ḳremer ha-ḥatul yashen kol ha-zeman
De kus van Esau
Mein Wildgarten
La meilleure façon de grandir : roman
Snake, a Flood, a Hidden Baby
Dedushkin dozhd'
Aba ʻośeh bushot
Loves of Judith
Golubʹ i malʹchik
Aller Anfang
Four Meals
Ḳremer he-ḥatul yotse el ha-yaʻar
The loves of Judith
Four Meals
Delo bylo tak
Zwei Bärinnen
Kak neskolʹko dneĭ
El chico de las palomas
Susan Glaspell
Susan Glaspell (1876-1948)

journalist, playwright, biographer, women's rights activist, actor

  • Drake University, University of Chicago
The road to the temple
Great American Short Stories [34 stories]
Crime Classics
LibriVox Short Mystery Story Collection Vol. 001
The Best Short Stories of 1917
Master's Choice - Volume II
Alison's house
Great Classic Stories II
Lifted masks, and other works
The Visioning
A jury of her peers
The glory of the conquered
Brook Evans
The Glory of the Conquered
The verge
Suppressed desires
Librivox Short Story Collection 037
Suppressed desires
Lifted Masks; stories
Her America
The morning is near us
Twelve American Crime Stories
Trifles and a Jury of Her Peers
The Glory of the Conquered The Story of a Great Love
Suppressed Desires
The Glory Of The Conquered
A Jury of Her Peers
The Verge
The glory of the conquered
Judd Rankin's daughter
The People And Close The Book
The morning is near us
Plays by Susan Glaspell (British and American Playwrights)
Lifted Masks
Lifted Masks : Stories
The visioning
Cherished and shared of old
Susan Glaspell
Fugitive's return
Trifles and a Jury of Her Peers
Klasik Polisiye Öyküler
The glory of the conquered
The People ; And, Close the Book: Two One-act Plays
The people
Norma Ashe
The verge
The verge
Chains of dew
Brook Evans
Trifles and six other short plays
Woman's honor
The outside
Fugitive's return
Susan Glaspell
Free Laughter
A jury of her peers
Susan Glaspell
The morning is near us
Tickless time
The comic artist
The comic artist
Springs Eternal
Close the book
Ambrose Holt and family
Max Beerbohm
Max Beerbohm (1872-1956)

caricaturist, poet, essayist, watercolorist, painter, literary critic, illustrator, journalist, comedian, drawer

  • University of Oxford, Charterhouse School
Lytton Strachey
Caricatures of twenty-five gentlemen
Antología de la literatura fantástica
Zuleika Dobson, or, An Oxford love story
Rossetti and his circle
A Christmas garland
The happy hypocrite
The works of Max Beerbohm
Seven men and two others
Seven men
Yet again
Max in verse
Max Beerbohm 1872-1956
And Even Now
Around theatres
Letters of Max Beerbohm, 1892-1956
Last theatres, 1904-1910
The incomparable Max
Max and Will
Beerbohm's literary caricatures
Mainly on the air
Cyrano de Bergerac and related readings
Zulieka Dobson
A survey
Max's nineties
Around Theaters 1898 1903
The Early Works
Prince of Minor Writers
A peep into the past
A defence of cosmetics
The incomparable Max;
A peep into the past, and other prose pieces
Fifty caricatures
Watercolors and drawings by "the incomparable Max"
More theatres
Catalogue of a memorial exhibition of drawings by Sir Max Beerbohm (1872-1956)
The Bodley Head Max Beerbohm
Arduino Programming
Herbert Beerbohm Tree, some memories of him and of his art
Heroes and heroines of Bitter sweet
More theatres, 1898-1903
Max Beerbohm
The poet's corner
Collected Works of Max Beerbohm
Happy Hypocrite and Other Pieces
Dressing Gowns and Glue
Works and More
A. V. Laider
Sept personnages
A book of caricatures
The Importance of Being Earnest, an Authoritative Text Edition of a Great Play (Avon Theater Library)
Short Works
Optitles Woolf Triad Titles
Things new and old
Enoch Soames
Letters to Reggie Turner
Catalogue of caricatures by Max Beerbohm
Max in retrospect
A Stranger in Venice
Feasibility Study and Business Plan
A variety of things
James Pethel
Mainly on the air
Arduino Programming
Around theatres
Mainly on the air
Rossetti and his circle
Crimen y Otros Textos Seleccionados
Works of Max Beerbohm
Around Theatres, Vol. 1
A. V. Laider
Selected Prose
Ruby on Rails
T. Fenning Dodworth
Cartoons, "The second childhood of John Bull"
The fetish of speed
And even now
Go for Beginners
Flask Programming
Works of Max Beerbohm
Leaves from the garland
Catalogue of another exhibition of caricatures
Max's nineties
Fifty caricatures
And even now ; and, A Christmas garland
The mote in the middle distance
Tableau Public
Arduino Language Reference
Modern Essays
Bootstrap 4
Even Now (Essay Index Rep. Series)
Suleika Dobson
Fifty Caricatures
C# in Unity
Selected Essays
Works of Max Beerbohm
A luncheon
Collected Works of Max Beerbohm
Two glimpses of Andrew Lang
A selection from Around Theatres
Max's Nineties, Drawings 1892-1899
Defence of Cosmetics
Defence of Cosmetics
Asp. net
Max Beerbohm's letters to Reggie Turner
Fifty Caricatures
A variety of things [microform]
Max in verse
Python Programming
Fifty Caricatures
Selected prose
Enoch Soames
Catalogue of an exhibition entitled "Ghosts."
Hipocrita Feliz, El
A book of caricature
Around Theatres
Works and More
A Defence of Cosmetics
More Theatres 1898-1930
The Modern Theater (Volume 6)
Aubrey Beardsley
Mainly on the Air
The Incomparable Max
Express. js
Max Beerbohm and Arthur Conan Doyle
Works of Max Beerbohm
First meetings
A Morris for May-Day
Visual C#. NET
The works of Max Beerbohm,
Letters, 1892-1956 (Oxford Letters & Memoirs)
The Works of Max Beerbohm
Roots of Brexit
A peep into the past
Collected verse
The guerdon
The incomparable Max
The guerdon
Mainly on the Air
Rossetti and his Circle
Mainly on the air
Around theatres
Bash Scripting
Catalogue of another exhibition of caricatures by Max Beerbohm
Letters, 1892-1956
And even now, and A Christmas garland (A Dutton Everyman paperback)
Catalogue of the Philip Guedalla collection of caricatures by Sir Max Beerbohm ... Leicester Galleries ... London, September-October, 1945
The Incomparable Max
Cordova 9 Programming
Dickens and Christmas, as George Moore might well have described them
Kipling's entire
Caricatures by Max
Understanding JQuery
Works and More by Max Beerbohm (1952-12-05)
More Theatres
Max Beerbohm's letters to Reggie Turner
Alan Parsons' book
Triumph of Feminism
Before Buying
And Even Now and a Christmas Garland
Kotlin for Android Developers
R for Data Science
The dreadful dragon of Hay Hill
Six stories
Not that I would boast
A variety of things
"In homes unblest"
The happy byprocrite
Last theatres
An introduction
"Savonarola" Brown
Max Beerbohm and H. Crouch Batchelor
Selected essays
Fifty caricatures
Leaves from the garland
Bayard Taylor
Bayard Taylor (1825-1878)

poet, diplomat, literary critic, journalist, critic, translator, politician, explorer, lyricist

The  ballad of Abraham Lincoln
Eldorado Or Adventures In Path Of Empire
By-ways of Europe
La  República dels Pirineus =
Joseph and His Friend
The Late Great Ape Debate
Central Asia
Beauty and the Beast, and Tales of Home
At home and abroad
The  poetical works of Bayard Taylor
The  dramatic works of Bayard Taylor
Prose Writings of Bayard Taylor ..
The Story of Kennett
A  visit to India, China, and Japan, in the year 1853
Life and letters of Bayard Taylor
Hannah Thurston
Beauty and the Beast
Travels in Arabia
Blah, blah, blah
The Lands of the Saracen
Views a-foot: or, Europe seen with a knapsack and staff
Boys of other countries
Ghostly Clients and Demonic Culprits
American Short Stories
The  echo club, and other literary diversions
Colorado: a summer trip
John Godfrey's fortunes; related by himself
Poems of the Orient
Northern Travel: Summer and Winter Pictures : Sweden, Denmark, and Lapland
A School History of Germany: From the Earliest Period to the Establishment ..
Japan in our day
Cyclopaedia of modern travel
The  poems of Bayard Taylor
Travels in South Africa
Cyclopædia of modern travel
A  sheaf of poems
Egypt and Iceland in the year 1874
The Annotated Joseph and His Friend
Travels in Greece & Russia with an excursion into Crete
Studies in German literature
Home ballads
Poems of home and travel
The  prophet
The  American legend
Melodies of verse
Poetical works
The  masque of the gods
The  national ode
The Poet's Journal
Critical essays and literary notes
A  history of Germany from the earliest times to the present day
The Life, Travels And Books Of Alexander Von Humboldt
The  correspondence of Bayard Taylor and Paul Hamilton Hayne
A  school history of Germany
Lars a Pastoral of Norway
The  works of Bayard Taylor
Rhymes of Travel: Ballads and Poems
Selected letters of Bayard Taylor
The  lands of the Saracen ; John Godfrey's fortunes
Eldorado ; The story of Kennett
John Godfrey's Fortunes V1
Home pastorals, ballads and lyrics
The  picture of St. John
A Visit to India, China, and Japan (Ganesha - Japan in English: Key Nineteenth-Century Sources on Japan)
The  late great ape debate discussion guide
Views of old Europe
Beauty and The Beast, Etc.
Hand-book of literature and the fine arts
Beauty and the beast [a story of old Russia]; and, Tales of home
Picturesque Europe
Northern travel ; Travels in Greece and Russia
Views a-foot ; Beauty and the beast
Life And Letters Of Bayard Taylor V1
A Book of Romances, Lyrics, and Songs
Life And Letters Of Bayard Taylor V2
Beauty And The Beast And Tales From Home
Journey To Central Africa, A
By-ways of Europe ; Hannah Thurston
Beauty and the beast and other tales
Prince Deukalion
The Golden Wedding
The lake regions of Central Africa
Beauty and the Beast, and Tales from Home
Northern Travel
Egypt and Iceland in the Year 1874
Beauty and the Beast, and Tales of Home (Annotated)
Joseph and His Friend
Ximena, or, The battle of the Sierra Morena
The lake regions of Central Africa
A Visit to India, China, and Japan, in the Year 1853, Volume 10
Travels to Arabia
Home ballads
Studies in German Literature. with an Introd. by George H. Boker
Boys of other countries
Travel in Kashmir Ladakh & Central Asia
Egypt and Iceland
Independence Day Orations and Poems
Eldorado, or, Adventures in the Path of Empire : Comprising a Voyage to California, Via Panama, ...
Novels-Hannah Thurston
Poet's Journal
Central Asia
Life and Letters of Bayard Taylor; Volume 1
Banard Taylor, Geschichte Von Deutschland
The poetical works of Bayard Taylor
Story of Kennett
Lands of the Saracen
Beauty and the Beast, and Tales
Journey to Central Africa
Travel and Miscellaneous-View Afoot
Illustrated Library of Travel, Exploration, and Adventure Central Asia Travels in Cashmere, Little Tibet
A School History of Germany
History of Germany from the Earliest Times to the Present Day
Japan in our day (Illustrated library of travel, exploration, and adventure)
World's Great Classics : Northern Travel
La bella y la bestia
Beauty and the Beast, and Tales of Home
Two German Giants
Northern Travel (Esprios Classics)
The Works of Bayard Taylor Volume 5
Illustrated Library of Travel, Exploration, and Adventure Central Asia Travels in Cashmere, Little Tibet
Byeways of Europe
Beauty and the Beast, and Tales of Home
Joseph and His Friend
Studies in German Literature with an Introd by George H Boker
Joseph and His Friend
The picture of St. John 1867 [Leather Bound]
Ximena and Other Poems
Visit to India
Northern Travel
Hannah Thurston
Echo Club, and Other Literary Diversions
The Works of Bayard Taylor Volume 4
Studies in German literature
Better Angels : A Retelling of Joseph and His Friend
Unpublished Letters
Northern Travel Summer and Winter Pictures of Sweden, Denmark and Lapland
Travels in Greece and Russia; with an excursion to Crete. Household edition
The Dramatic Works of Bayard Taylor
Late Great Ape Debate
Home authors and home artists
Lands of the Saracen
Eldorado, or, Adventures in the Path of Empire
Following Jesus
Christians on the move
Life of Jesus
The Poetical Works of Bayard Taylor (Household Edition)
Travels; Volume 6
Greek Travel Diaries by 19th-Century Writers
Story of Kennett
The story of Kennett,
Eldorado, Or, Adventures in the Path of Empire : Comprising a Voyage to California, Via Panama, ...
Life and Letters of Bayard Taylor; Volume 1
Boys of Other Countries
New pictures from California
The  unpublished letters of Bayard Taylor in the Huntington library
Prince Duekalion
Faust (illustrated)
At Home and Abroad
Life and Letters of Bayard Taylor; Volume 2
The  Quaker widow
Bismarck : His Authentic Biography
Poems of Home and Travel
Travels in Arabia
On leaving California
By-Ways of Europe
Eldorado Or Adventures in the Path of Em
The dramatic works of Bayard Taylor;
Poems of the Orient
Germany; rev. and ed. from the work of Bayard Taylor
The Works of Bayard Taylor Volume 2
Travels in Greece and Russia, with an Excursion to Crete
Book of Romances, Lyrics, and Songs
Story of Kennett
Eldorado; or, Adventures in the path of empire;
Beauty and the Beast
Cyclopaedia of Modern Travel : A Record of Adventure, Exploration and Discovery, for the Past Fifty Years
TRAVELS in ARABIA Ancient Rare and Interesting Story the Book Gives an Overview of the Most Important European Travelers
Northern travel ...
Visit to India, China, and Japan, in the Year 1853
Prose Writings of Bayard Taylor
Travels in Greece and Russian
Bayard Taylor's Works
Bismarck: His Authentic Biography: Including Many of His Private Letters and Personal Memoranda ..
Japan in our day
New pictures from California
Japan in our day
Hannah Thurston
Poems of the orient
By-ways of Europe
The echo club, and other literary diversions
Ximena, or, The battle of the Sierra Morena
Travels in Greece and Russia, with an excursion to Crete
Eldorado or, Adventures in the path of empire
Travels in Arabia
The lake regions of Central Africa
Boys of Other Countries (juvenile)
The poetical works of Bayard Taylor
Melodies of verse
Studies in German literature
India, China, and Japan ; studies in German literature
The story of Kennett
The story of Kennett
Hannah Thurston (Berkshires - Collected Works of Federal Writers Project)
A visit to India, China and Japan in the year 1853
Poems, by Bayard Taylor
[Letter to] My dear Mr. Garrison
Dramatic Works and Poetical Works
A visit to India, China, and Japan, in the year 1853
Northern travel
National ode
The ballad of Abraham Lincoln
Critical essays and literary notes
Eldorado, or, Adventures in the path of empire
Egypt and Iceland in the year 1874
Hannah Thurston (The Muckrakers Ser.)
The golden wedding
Northern travel
The American Legend: A Poem Before the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Harvard ..
The centennial ode
Goethe, August 28th, 1875
Life and letters of Bayard Taylor
At home and abroad
Travels in South Africa
Alla gloriosa memoria di Vittorio Emanuele, primo re d'Italia, gli Italiani residenti in New York convenuti in publica assemblea offrivano in omaggio di lutto e di riconoscenza il XIV di gennajo MDCCCLXXVIII
Central Asia
Clifton Fadiman
Clifton Fadiman (1904-1999)

television presenter, journalist, radio personality, literary critic, editor

  • Columbia University
Bartlett's book of anecdotes
The Little, Brown book of anecdotes
The Faber book of anecdotes
Profiles from the New Yorker
The World treasury of physics, astronomy, and mathematics
Little, Brown Book of Anecdotes
The World treasury of physics, astronomy, and mathematics
A Subtreasury of American Humor
The lifetime reading plan
The new lifetime reading plan
Fifty Years
Any number can play
The American treasury, 1455-1955
Wally the Wordworm
Fantasia mathematica; being a set of stories, together with a group of oddments and diversions, all drawn from the universe of mathematics
The Treasury of the Encyclopaedia Britannica
Party of one
The mathematical magpie
Fireside reader
Enter, conversing
World of the Short Story
The World treasury of children's literature
The World treasury of modern religious thought
Reading I've liked
Ecocide--and thoughts toward survival
Five American adventures
The people and places book
I believe
What Am I Doing Here?
The joys of wine
Bartlett's Book of Anecdotes
Reading I've liked
Cricket's choice
A Swinger of Birches
Empty pages
Wine buyers guide
A Toast to wines & spirits
The lifetime reading plan
Book-of-the-Month Club
Reading Ive Likd P
The Lifetime Reading Plan
The World of the Short Story
Little Brown Book of Anecdotes
Fifty Years
Wally the Wordworm
PARTY OF TWENTY. Informal Essays Form HOLIDAY Magazine, Edited, and with an Introduction By Clifton Fadiman.
Any Number Can Play
The story of young King Arthur
The Story of Young King Arthur (Legacy books)
Treasury of the Encyclopedia Britannica
Wally the Word Worm
The voyages of Ulysses
The people and places book
Five American adventures
Reading I've Liked, Personal Selections Drawn From Two Decades of Reading and Reviewing
The Treasury of the Encyclopedia Britannica
The World Treasury of Modern Religious Thought
Fireside reader
Un plan de lectura para toda la vida
The World Treasury of Children's Literature
The voyages of Ulysses
The new joys of wine
Y16 Young King Arthur
The adventures of Hercules
Treasury Ency Brit6
The adventures of Hercules
Clifton Fadiman's Fireside Reader
The World of the short story
I believe, [by] W.H. Auden [and others]
Party of one;
Reading I've liked
The American Treasury 1455-1955
The three readers
Children's literature
gateway to the great Books volume 2 Imaginative Literature
The Well - Stocked Bookcase Sixty Enduring Novels By Americans Published Between 1926 - 1986
To the curious, intelligent reader
The American Treasury, 1455 - 1955
Puffin Children's Treasury
Reading I'Ve Liked
World poetry
Voyages of Ulysses
Bartlett's Book of Anecdotes
Reading I've liked
Story of Young King Arthur
I believe
Un plan de lectura para toda la vida
Enter, conversing
Party of twenty; informal essays from Holiday magazine
Ten Years of Holiday
Ecocide... And Thoughts Toward Survivial
The adventures of Hercules
I believe
The American treasury, 1455-1955
I believe
Party of one
I believe
Reading I've liked
In praise of E.B. White, realist
The last Christmas
Any number can play
Un plan de lectura para toda la vida
"Books are weapons in the war of ideas."
Yi sheng de du shu ji hua =
Fantasia mathematica
George Bird Grinnell
George Bird Grinnell (1849-1938)

anthropologist, zoologist, journalist, historian, naturalist

  • Yale University
Two great scouts and their Pawnee battalion
Indians of to-day ...
Blackfoot Lodge Tales
Pawnee Hero Stories and Folk-tales
When buffalo ran
Trails of the pathfinders
By Cheyenne campfires
The story of the Indian
The fighting Cheyennes
The passing of the Great West
Blackfeet Indian Stories
The Cheyenne Indians
The Indians of to-day
The punishment of the stingy and other Indian stories
The Cheyenne Indians
American Big Game in Its Haunts
When Buffalo Ran, Western Frontier Library
The Horse Story Megapack
Beyond the old frontier
American duck shooting
The Cheyenne Indians, Vol. 1
The punishment of the stingy
Alaska 1899
Trail and camp-fire
Harper's camping and scouting
Pawnee Hero Stories and Folk-Tales
The Cheyenne Indians, Vol. 2
American game-bird shooting
The Cheyenne Indians V1
Pawnee, Blackfoot, and Cheyenne
Hunting at high altitudes
Blackfoot Lodge Tales
Who were the Padouca?
Pawnee hero stories and folk-tales, with notes on the origin, custom and character of the Pawnee people
The Indian
Blackfoot Lodge Tales
The last of the buffalo
Brief history of the Boone and Crockett club
Jack in the Rockies; or, A boy's adventures with a pack train
Jack, the young trapper
The Indian on the Reservation
Hunting Trails on Three Continents
Jack, the young explorer
Jack among the Indians; or, A boy's summer on the Buffalo plains
Held up by the Senate
The Fighting Cheyennes (Civilization of the American Indian Series)
Jack Among The Indians
Jack, the young cowboy
Hunting At High Altitudes - The Book Of The Boone And Crockett Club
Jack, the young canoeman
Jack, the young ranchman
Audubon park
The North American Indians of to-day
Blackfeet Indians Stories
The whistling skeleton
Hunting and conservation
Cheyenne Indians, Set
Bent's old fort and its builders
Fighting Cheyennes (Civilization of American Indian)
First families of America
The Whistling skeleton
Trail and camp-fire
[Articles about the Cheyenne Indians
Trail and camp-fire
Blackfoot lodge tales
Pawnee, Blackfoot, and Cheyenne
Portraits of Indian types
Hunting trails on three continents
Antelope hunting thirty years ago and today
Brief history of the Boone and Crockett club
The story of the Indian
First families of America
The Indians of to-day
When Buffalo Ran
The Indian
Blackfoot lodge tales
Trail and camp-fire
American game-bird shooting
Bent's old fort and its builders
The last of the buffalo
Beyond the old frontier
Hunting in many lands
American big-game hunting
The enforcement of liquor laws a necessary protection to the Indians
Held up by the Senate