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journalists who wrote biography
Showing 1633-1640 out of 2305 results
Richard Rhodes
Richard Rhodes (born 1937)

journalist, historian, documentary participant

  • Yale University
Hedy's folly
A hole in the world
John James Audubon
John James Audubon
The making of the atomic bomb
How to Write
Why They Kill
Ozarks (American Wilderness)
Masters of Death
Making love
To have and to hold
The Ungodly
The Ozarks
Deadly Feasts
Sons of Earth
Arsenals of folly
Nuclear renewal
Visions of technology
Trying to Get Some Dignity
The inland ground
Looking for America
Visions Of Technology
Holy secrets
Deadly Feasts
Dark Sun
The Twilight of the Bombs
Dark Sun Part 1 of 2
The twilight of the bombs
The last safari
Ping zhong zhi xie
Amos De La Muerte (Divulgacion)
Making of the Atomic Bomb-Part 1
Alternate photography
Festins mortels
Tödliche Mahlzeit. Eine schleichende Epidemie bedroht die Menschheit
Making of the Atomic Bomb-Part 2
Hell and Good Company
Hell and good company
Dark Sun Part 2 of 2
Deadly feasts : the "Prion" controversy and the public's health
How to Write
Morbo fatale
Writing in an era of conflict
Eso Ecstasy Program
Masters of death
Flora's vagaries
Mistrzowie śmierci
manhattan project
Italo Calvino
Italo Calvino (1923-1985)

journalist, essayist

  • University of Turin, University of Florence
The Hermit in Paris
El Camino De San Giovanni
Album Calvino
Bali yin shi
Road to San Giovanni
Eremita a Parigi Pagine Autobiografiche
Eremita a Parigi
Road to San Giovanni
Omaggio a Italo Calvino
Prentice Hall Literature--World Masterpieces
Prentice Hall Literature -- Platinum
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--World Literature
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Platinum
Prentice Hall Literature--Florida--Language and Literacy
Detective stories
Sentiero dei nidi di ragno
Fiabe italiane
Numbers in the Dark
The Greatest Cat Stories Ever Told
The uses of literature
Il barone rampante
Ti con zero
Le cosmicomiche
Prentice Hall Literature -- Grade Ten
Difficult loves
Marcovaldo, or, The seasons in the city
Why read the classics?
I nostri antenati
The castle of crossed destinies
Marcovaldo, ovvero Le stagioni in città
Il visconte dimezzato
The nonexistent knight & The cloven viscount
Le città invisibili
Se una notte d'inverno un viaggiatore
Perché leggere i classici
Adam, One Afternoon
Temps zéro
The literature machine
Into the War
La speculazione edilizia
Il cavaliere inesistente
Pourquoi lire les classiques
The Complete Cosmicomics
Gli amori difficili
The Complete Cosmicomics
Cloven Viscount
Por Que Leer Los Clasicos?
Ermitano En Paris
Numbers in the Dark and Other Stories
El Vizconde Demediado
Sous le soleil jaguar
Italo Calvino
The watcher & other stories
La gran bonanza de Las Antillas
Das Schloß, darin sich Schicksale kreuzen
Fantastic Tales
Colección de Arena
Collection of sand
Una pietra sopra
If on a Winter's Night a Traveler
La machine littérature
Si Una Noche de Invierno Un Viajero
Cuentos fantásticos del XIX
L' entrata in guerra
Die besten Kurzgeschichten
Cuentos Populares Italianos
Ultimo viene il corvo
Fantastic Tales: Visionary and Everyday
La nuvola di smog
Il castello dei destini incrociati
Le Corbeau vient le dernier
Seis Propuestas Para El Proximo Milenio
Le Vicomte pourfendu
Difficult Loves; Smog; A Plunge Into Real Estate
The Queens Necklace
Last Comes the Raven
Si par une nuit d'hiver un voyageur
Difficult Loves
Tarocchi, il mazzo visconteo di Bergamo e New York
Nonexistent Knight
Six memos for the next millennium
Prima che tu dica "Pronto"
If on a Winter's Night a Traveler
Adam, one afternoon, and other stories
The written world and the unwritten world
All That Is Evident Is Suspect : Readings from the Oulipo
Easy Readers - Italian
Collezione di sabbia
The Distance of the Moon
Le chevalier inexistant
Fiabe Italiane
La giornata d'uno scrutatore
Review of Contemporary Fiction
Numbers in the Dark
Invisible Cities
Los amores dificiles. - 10.ed.
Invisible Cities
Todas las cosmicómicas
El Caballero Inexistente
I racconti
If on a Winter's Night a Traveller
Italian folktales
Orlando Furioso raccontato da Italo Calvino
The Complete Cosmicomics
Six Memos For The Next Millennium
Difficult loves ; Smog ; A plunge into real estate
Le piú belle fiabe italiane
Why Read the Classics?
Collection of Sand
I disegni arrabbiati
Path to the Spiders' Nests
Fantastic Tales Visionary And Everyday
Penguin Modern Classics
                Mini Modern Classics
Numbers in the Dark
La nuvola di smog e La formica argentina
Valerio Adami
Time and the Hunter
To Those Gods Beyond
Six Memos for the Next Millennium
Tomás Saraceno
Tropa pauchʹikh gnezd
Sulla fiaba
Letters 19411985
The Castle of Crossed Destinies
The complete Cosmicomics
La jornada de un escrutador
Sotto il sole giaguaro
Fantastic tales
Una pietra sopra
Italian fables
Narrative of Trajan's Column
Kesisen Yazgilar Satosu
Watcher and Other Stories
Le sentier des nids d'araignée (Littérature étrangère) (French Edition)
Unsere Vorfahren
Sotto il sole giaguaro
Mr. Palomar
Entrata In Guerra
Uses of Literature
Roland furieux
Klasikleri Nicin Okumali?
O cabaleiro inexistente
Italienische Märchen
t zero
El camino de San Giovanni
Watcher and Other Stories
La speculazione edilizia
The Cloven Viscount
Der Ritter, den es nicht gab
"Marcovaldo" O Sea Las Estaciones En La Ciudad (Destinolibro, 82)
The Complete Cosmicomics
Duan pian xiao shuo ji
Agar shabi az shab'ha-yi zimisatan (If you are a traveler on a winter's night)
Les ciutats invisibles
Fiabe italiane
Marcovaldo ou as estacións na cidade
La Journée d'un scrutateur
La hormiga argentina
Strada de San Giovanni
Totes les cosmicòmiques
Los amores difíciles
Butun Kozmokomik Oykuler
Bajo el sol jaguar
Letters 1941-1985
Il cavaliere inesistente
The Nonexistent Knight, and The Cloven Viscount
Zor Sevdalar
Collection de sable
Written World and the Unwritten World
Fen cheng liang ban de zi jue
Orumceklerin Yuvalandigi Patika
Paluoma xian sheng
Il visconte dimezzato
Il Barone Rampante
Il Castello Dei Destini Incrociati
Por qué leer los clásicos
Kurnazlarin Kazandigi Masallar
Selected Letters
Le chevalier inexistant
Literature Machine
Azicik Acikli Masallar
As Cidades Invisiveis
Castle of Crossed Destinies
Lezioni americane
Il cavaliere inesistente
Güldüren Masallar - Italyan Masallari
If on a Winter's Night a Traveller
La gran bonanza de las Antillas
Ultimo viene il corvo
Si una nit d'hivern un viatger
Contes populaires italiens, tome 3
Fantastic tales
Nonexistent Knight
Seis Propuestas para el Proximo Milenio
Altro Mondo, Stati e Imperi Della Luna e del Sole
Difficult Loves
הערים הסמויות מעין
Pariste Münzevi
El Castillo de Los Destinos Cruzados
Pourquoi lire les classiques
Adam, One Afternoon
Schwierige Liebschaften
Mindful of Venice
Marcovaldo, ovvero Le stagioni in città
Por Ultimo, El Cuervo (Fabula)
Le citta invisibili
Caballero Inexistente
La journée d'un scrutateur
Görünmez Kentler [Türkisch]
Kucuklere Masallar
Gei xia yi lun tai bing sheng shi di bei wang lu
Fiabe a cavallo
Omaggio a Italo Calvino
Por Ultimo, El Cuervo (Andanzas)
de Fabula
Una Pietra Sopra
Se Numa Noite De Inverno Um Viajante
Castle of Crossed Destin
La Giornata D'uno Scrutatore
La Jornada de Un Escrutador
Italian Folktales
Shiʻurim Ameriḳaʼiyim
Fantastical Tales
Wyklady amerykanskie
Il principe granchio e altre fiabe italiane
La memoria del mondo
Collection of Sand
Ṭirat ha-goralot ha-mitsṭalvim
Le Vicomte Pourfendu (French Edition)
Oykuler - Italo Calvino
I racconti
Fantastic Tales
Ejderha ile Kelebekler ve Diger hikyeler
Numbers in the Dark
Secme Mektuplar
Numbers in the dark
Il cavaliere inesistente
Le Baron Perche
Fiabe italiane
Six Memos for the Next Millennium
Afacan Resimler
Avot avotenu
Varolmayan Sovalye
Yeni Bir Sayfa
If on A Winter S Night A
Le città invisibili
Racconti fantastici dell'Ottocento
Sandik Gozlemcisinin Uzun Gunu
Sotto il sole giaguaro
Efsunlu Hayvan Masallari
Els amors difícils
Se una notte d'inverno un viaggiatore
Why Read the Classics?
The Nonexistent Knight
Per què llegir els clàssics
Fantastical Tales
Difficult Loves
Il sentiero dei nidi di ragno
Collection of Sand
Se unanotte d'invevno un vi'aggiatove
Lettere 1940-1985
Italo Calvino - Letters, 1941-1985
Romanzi e racconti
I racconti
Un ottimista in America 1959 - 1960
Six Memos for the Next Millenium
La nuvola di smog-La formica argentina
Marcovaldo ya da Kentte Mevsimler
Il cavaliere inesistente
Italo Calvino racconta l'Orlando furioso. Per la Scuola media
Deniz Masallari - Italyan Masallari
Last Comes the Raven
Marcovaldo (Folio, 6257) (French Edition)
Wo Spinnen ihre Nester bauen
La nuvola di smog-La formica argentina
I libri degli altri
Atlı Masalları-İtalyan Masalları
Il barone rampante (Italian Edition)
Por último, el cuervo
Nonexistent Knight
Le vicomte pourfendu (Folio) (French Edition)
Buyulu Kus
Literature from around the world
Cloven Viscount
Path to the Spiders' Nests
האביר שלא היה ולא נברא
Die unsichtbaren Städte
Sechs Vorschläge für das nächste Jahrtausend
Ti con zero
Fantastic Tales
Leçons américaines
Sen 'Alo' Demeden Once
Uses of Literature
Lecons Americaines.Aide-mémoire Pour Le Prochain Millénaire
Difficult Loves
Bir Kis Gecesi Eger Bir Yolcu
Warum Klassiker lesen?
Le château des destins croisés
Difficult Loves and Other Stories
Yengec Prens
I racconti
Difficult Loves and Other Stories
Italo Calvino
Narrative of Trajan's Column
O Vizconde Demediado
Esli odnazdy zimnej noc'ju putnik
Literature Machine
Prima Che Tu Dica Pronto
Els nostres avantpassats
Los amores difíciles
La nube de smog
Italo Calvino en México
Nuvola Di Smog Formica Argentina
Cuentos fantásticos del XIX
The Watcher and Other Stories
Invisible Cities
Six Memos for the Next Millennium
El Castell Dels Destins Encreuats
Path To the Nest of Spiders
Cidades Invisíveis, As
Efsunlu Esya Masallari - Italyan Masallari
Last Comes the Raven
le vicomte pourfendu
Das Buch zum Buch Italo Calvino Wenn ein Reisender in einer Winternacht
Italian Folktales
Cosmicomiche vecchie e nuove
Sotto il sole giaguaro
L'especulació immobiliària
Italian Folktales
Pourquoi lire les classiques ?
El Sendero De Los Nidos De Arana (Fabula)
Sono nato in America..
Nuvola di smog e La formica argentina
If on a Winter's Night a Traveller
Sulla fiaba
Under the Jaguar Sun
Written World and the Unwritten World
Mozarts Zaide
Complete Cosmicomics
Dere Tepe Ters
Il Barone rampante
Un dia d'eleccions
Gli amori difficili
The Baron in the Trees
Fiabe d'incantesimi
Un misterio en el laberinto
Queen's Necklace
Especulacao Imobiliaria (Em Portugues do Brasil)
Zamok skrestivshikhsi͡a sudeb
I racconti
Efsunlu Kiz Masallari
O Barão nas Árvores (Portuguese)
O castelo dos destinos cruzados
Contes populaires italiens, tome 4
Distance of the Moon
Giornata Duno Scrutatore
Lezioni americane
Ikiye Bolunen Vikont
La giornata d'uno scrutatore
Los amores difíciles
Il visconte dimezzato
Why Read the Classics?
Adam, One Afternoon
Fiabe italiane
Kızlara Masallar - İtalyan Masalları
The Road to San Giovanni
Fantastic Tales
Italo Calvino
La Grande Bonace des Antilles
Italo Calvino racconta l'Orlando furioso
Italienische Märchen
Azicik Korkutan Masallari
Short stories
La giornata d'uno scrutatore
If on a Winter's Night a Traveler
Fiabe per i più piccini
Amerika Dersleri
Amores Dificiles, Los
Le Sentier des nids d'araignees
Il Visconte Dimezzato (Oscar Mondadori)
Heikle Erinnerungen. Erzählungen
Unmögliche Interviews
Wo Spinnen ihre Nester bauen
Memoria del Mundo y Otras Cosmicomicas (Siruela)
Lezioni Americane Sei Proposte Per IL
Il cavaliere insesistente
Orlando furioso di Ludovico Ariosto
Unmögliche Interviews
Principe Cangrejo, El
L' uclee helverde
Racconti scelti
Cuentos Fantasticos del XIX - Volumen 1
Castello Dei Destini Incrociati, Il
Le Château des destins croisés
Por que ler os clássicos
Marcovaldo, ovvero
Sechs Vorschläge für das nächste Jahrtausend. Harvard- Vorlesungen
La floresta-raíz-laberinto
Mondo scritto e mondo non scritto
Tutte le cosmicomiche
Las Cosmicomicas
Der Ritter, den es nicht gab. Roman
La spéculation immobilière
Fiabe Italiane. 3 - Italia meridionale e insulare
El Sendero De Los Nidos De Arana
Punto Y Aparte
Ten Italian folk tales
Kybernetik und Gespenster. Überlegungen zu Literatur und Gesellschaft
Il principe granchio e altre fiabe italiane
Vardmayan sovalye
Marcovaldo (Easy Reader Series, Vol B)
Il visconte dimezzata
Saggi, 1945-1985
Uno scrittore pomeridiano
Nuvola di smog e La formica argentina
Los Amores Dificiles
Italo Calvino Das Schloss Darin Sich
Por Ultimo, El Cuervo
Cosmicomiche vecchie e nuove
Fiabe italiane - Contes italiens
Nezrimye goroda
Abenteuer eines Reisenden. Erzählungen
Warum Klassiker lesen?
Racconti 2VOL
Die Braut, die von Luft lebte und andere italienische Märchen
Los Libros De Los Otros
Cuentos Fantasticos del XIX Vol. 2
Marcovaldo oder die Jahreszeiten in der Stadt
Die Mülltonne und andere Geschichten
La Journee D'un Scrutateur
Wo der Fluss am blauesten ist und andere römische Abenteuer des Herrn Marcovaldo
La grande bonace des Antilles
Der geteilte Visconte
Karin Van Dam
Il sentvero dei nidi di vagnó
Tiempo Cero - Tapa Dura -
Fiabe italiane raccolte della tradizione popolare durante gli ultimi cento anni e transcritte in lingua dai vari dialetti da Italo Calvino
Le Pari aux trois colères
The Ocean & The Boy
Baroni rebel
Marcovaldo oder Die Jahreszeiten in der Stadt. Der Tag eines Wahlhelfers
Zuletzt kommt der Rabe. Erzählungen
L' uccel belverde e altre fiabe italiane
Le fiabe italiane
Il gigante orripilante
Especulacion Inmobiliaria, La
Auf den Spuren der Galaxien. Cosmicomics
La foresta radice labirinto
Leksione amerikane
Marcovaldo ou les Saisons en ville
Forêt, racine, labyrinthe
Romanzi E Racconti Volume Terzo
Cuentos Fantasticos del XIX - Volumen 2
Coffret Italo Calvino
El Principe Cangrejo/the Crab Prince
Orlando Furioso
Romanzi E Racconti Volume Secondo
Uc deneme
Un misterio en el laberinto
Der verzauberte Garten
Das Gedächtnis der Welten. Cosmicomics
Paul Dickson
Paul Dickson (born 1939)

journalist, linguist

  • Wesleyan University
Bill Veeck
Leo Durocher
Words from the White House
Thoroughly Canadian General
Bill Veeck
Family Words
The great American ice cream book
What's in a name?
The Dickson baseball dictionary
Labels for locals
What do you call a person from-- ?
The Official rules
A collector's compendium of rare and unusual, bold and beautiful, odd and whimsical names
The library in America
The joy of keeping score
The Hidden Language of Baseball
The electronic battlefield
The Bonus Army
The book of Thanksgiving
The Rise of the G.I. Army, 1940-1941
There are alligators in our sewers, and other American credos
War slang
The Congress dictionary
The official rules and explanations
The New official rules
The official explanations
Dickson's joke treasury
Future File
The new Dickson baseball dictionary
The Official Rules at Home
From Elvis to e-mail
A dictionary of the space age
The Worth book of softball
The unwritten rules of baseball
The official rules
Toasts, the complete book of the best toasts, sentiments, blessings, curses, and graces
The Official Rules 5427 Laws Principles And Axioms To Help You Cope With Crises Deadlines Bad Luck Rude Behavior Red Tape And Attacks By Inanimate Objects
The complete book of toasts
Out of this world
Baseball's greatest quotations
Contraband cocktails
Too Much Saxon Violence
Baseball's Greatest Quotations Rev. Ed
The official rules of life
Work revolution
OldTime Camp Stoves and Fireplaces
The Official explanations
Think tanks
Complete Book of Toasts
Toasts, the complete book of the best toasts, sentiments, blessings, curses, and graces
Baseball's greatest quotations
Those Were the Days
The official rules for golfers
The Dickson Baseball Dictionary (Third Edition)
The official rules for lawyers, politicians-- and everyone they torment
Baseball's Greatest Quotations
The future of the workplace
Work Revolution
Think tanks
The Dickson's word treasury
Walks East Anglia
Congress Dictionary
The Volvo Guide to Halls of Fame
The Dickson Baseball Dictionary
Perfect E-Commerce
Baseball's greatest quotations
The Congress dictionary
The New Official Rules
Leo Durocher
Dickson's word treasury
Ultimate Diabetes Book
Worth Book of Softball
Unwritten Rules of Baseball
Contraband Cocktails
War slang
Send the War Home
Future of the Workplace
There Are Alligators in Our Sewers and Other American Credos
The future of the workplace
Golf Is ...
A Mere Grain of Sand
Official Explanation
Bonus Army
Baseball Dictionary
Rise of the G. I. Army, 1940-1941
New Official Rules
The official rules at work
Work Revolution
Hidden Language of Baseball
Asset Management Review
Family Words
Toasts, the complete book of the best toasts, sentiments, blessings, curses, and graces
The Freixenet book of toasts and graces
Hidden Language of Baseball
On our own
Official Rules at Work
Baseball's Greatest Quotations (An Illustrated Treasury of Baseball Quotations and Historical Lore)
Baseball's Greatest Quotations Rev. Ed
Dictionary of the Space Age
Words from the White House
There's a Fly in My
Great American Ice Cream Book, The
Dickson's joke treasury
Rising to the occasion
Official Rules
Golf is--
Between Defeat and Tragedy
War Slang
Say what?
New Official Rules, Counterpack
Official Rules at Home
Anglian Annals
The official rules for golfers
Too much Saxon violence
Baseball is--
Golf is--
Baseball is--
The electronic battlefield
The Official Rules
The mature person's guide to kites, yo-yos, frisbees and other childlike diversions
Think tanks
Toasts, the Complete Book of the Best Toasts, Sentiments, Blessings, Curses, and Graces of the Last 500 Years or So
Out of this world
The official explanations
Samuel R. Delany
Samuel R. Delany (born 1942)

cartoonist, essayist, literary critic, journalist

  • University at Buffalo, City College of New York
The motion of light in water
The jewel-hinged jaw
Bread & wine
Conversations with Samuel R. Delany
The journals of Samuel R. Delany
Of Solids and Surds
In Search of Silence
The Hugo Winners [volume I]
The Hugo Winners, Volumes one and two
The Mad Man
The Einstein intersection
Yesterday's Tomorrows
Science Fiction Hall of Fame -- Volume Four
The Science Fiction MEGAPACK ®: 25 Classic Science Fiction Stories
The Bridge of Lost Desire
The Hugo Winners, Volume 2 (1962 - 1970)
Tales of Nevèrÿon
Off Limits
The fall of the towers
Partners in Wonder
Dark Reflections
The jewels of Aptor
Times Square Red, Times Square Blue (Sexual Cultures)
Flight from Nevèrÿon
Black Gay Man
The towers of Toron
Distant Stars
First Science Fiction Megapack
Aye, and Gomorrah
Science Fiction Megapack
Trouble on Triton
Stars in my pocket like grains of sand
The ballad of beta 2
The Atheist in the Attic
About writing
We Who Are About To...
Unbearables Big Book of Sex
Empire star
Longer views
They fly at Çiron
Silent interviews
Starboard Wine
The American shore
Nebula Winners Thirteen (Nebula Winners 13)
Heavenly breakfast
City of a Thousand Suns
Return to Nevèrÿon
La fosse aux étoiles
Through the Valley of the Nest of Spiders
Shores Beneath
A, B, C: Three Short Novels: The Jewels of Aptor, The Ballad of Beta-2, They Fly at Ciron
Letters from Amherst
Out of the Dead City
Altcomics 7
Swords Against Darkness
Shorter views
Occasional Views Volume 1
The complete Nebula award-winning fiction of Samuel R. Delaney
Novels of Samuel R. Delany Volume One
Voyage, Orestes!
The Straits of Messina
Occasional Views
The Ballad of Beta-Z/ Alpha Yes, Terra No!
Trilogy of the Future
Speaking Volumes
Theater of terror
The Tides of Lust
Green Lantern co-starring Green Arrow
Chants de l'espace
Occasional Views, Volume 2
Ballad of Beta-2 and Empire Star
Compact Magazine 1
The Jewels of Aptor: A Science Fantasy Novel / Captives of the Flame: A Science Fantasy Novel (Wildside Double #30)
Sklaven der Flamme
Play of 19th and 20th Century Critical Fictions
Babel-17/Empire Star
Gwiazda imperium
Tango Charlie and Foxtrot Romeo
Rebecca West
Rebecca West (1892-1983)

journalist, literary critic, essayist, suffragette, opinion journalist

  • George Watson's College
Family memories
A train of powder
A Train of Powder
Henry James
Train of Powder
A train of powder
Family Memories
Arnold Bennett himself
Henry James
Family memories
A train of powder
The return of the soldier
Black lamb and grey falcon
The thinking reed
The fountain overflows
Cousin Rosamund
The judge
Black lamb and grey falcon
This real night
Harriet Hume
Black Lamb and Grey Falcon
The meaning of treason
The young Rebecca
Birds Fall Down
Rebecca West, a celebration
Black Lamb and Grey Falcon
Survivors in Mexico
The birds fall down
The New Meaning of Treason
The Judge
Towards the River's Mouth (Verso la Foce)
The court and the castle
The Return Of The Soldier
D.H. Lawrence
The fountain overflows
The return of the soldier
Family memories
Rebecca West: a celebration
Cousin Rosamund
Return of the Soldier
Henry James
The strange necessity
Meaning of Treason
The harsh voice
The court and the castle
The Return of the Soldier
Strange Necessity Essays and Reviews
Cousin Rosamund
The young Rebecca
Saint Augustine
The sentinel
The young Rebecca
Music Therapy Social Skills Assessment And Documentation Manual Clinical Guidelines For Group Work With Children And Adolescents
Birds Fall Down
Harriet Hume
McLuhan and the future of literature
Black Lamb and Grey Falcon
The essential Rebecca West
Ending in earnest
The birds fall down
The Return of the Soldier
Survivors in Mexico (Yale Nota Bene)
The Thinking Reed
Black lamb and grey falcon
The harsh voice
Black Lamb And Grey Falcon  Part 1 Of 3
Selected letters of Rebecca West
McLuhan and the future of literature
The Sentinel
D.H. Lawrence
Harriet Hume
Black Lamb And Grey Falcon  Part 2 Of 3
Henry James
Music Therapy Social Skills Assessment and Documentation Manual
The Vassall affair
The thinking reed
The only poet & short stories
St. Augustine
The strange necessity
New Meaning of Treason
World Regional Geography Workbook
Return of the Soldier
Arnold Bennett himself
World Regional Geography
Survivors in Mexico
St. Augustine
The thinking reed
The return of the soldier
Harsh Voice
The Fountain Overflows
Soldaduaren itzulera
Harriet Hume
Pagina, pellicola, pratica
Strange Necessity
Cousin Rosamund
Saga of the Century Trilogy
Serra con ciclamini
Italian Feminist Theory and Practice
                Fairleigh Dickinson University Press Series in Italian Studi
Black lamb and grey falcon
Strange Necessity Essays
Thinking Reed
La prima Rosamund
The Judge; a Novel
Family Memories
The strange necessity
La famille Aubrey
Return of the Soldier, The
St Augustine [Book]
Judge, The
Return of the Soldier B Bookclub
The birds fall down
Harriet Hume
Henry James
Meaning of Treason
World Regional Geography Workbook
Henry James
Fountain Overflows
World Regional Geography
The meaning of treason. --
Cousin Rosamond B Bc Only
Ending in Earnest, a Literary Log
The fountain overflows
Thinking Reed
The judge
La famille Aubrey
Return of a Soldier
The Judge
Only Poet
The fountain overflows ; a novel
The new meaning of treason
Happy Starts at Home
The New Meaning of Traeason
Saga of the Century Trilogy
The essential Rebecca West
The meaning of treason
The modern "Rake's progress"
Only Poet and Short Stories
Fountain Overflows, This Real Night, and Cousin Rosamund
Askerin Dönüsü
The Harsh voice
The Birds fall down
Birds Fall Down
Rebecca West (Dumpbin)
Birds Fall down B Bclub Only
Black Lamb and Grey Falcon
The Ten Commandments
Fountain Overflows
The Return Of The Soldier
This Real Night
Survivors in Mexico
The return of the soldier
Young Rebecca
Logic of Congressional Action
La noche interrumpida
New Reflections on Primo Levi
The meaning of treason
Black Lamb And Grey Falcon  Part 3 Of 3
Harriet Hume: A London Fantasy
The fountain overflows
The strange necessity
This real night
Henry James
The thinking reed
Black lamb and grey falcon
The harsh voice
The thinking reed
The birds fall down
A letter to a grandfather
The court and the castle
Il ritorno del soldato
The judge
Opera in Greenville
The Vassall affair
ha-Tsiporim noflot artsah
El retorn del soldat
Mint a na dsza l
St. Augustine
The Court and the castle
Harriet Hume
The return of the soldier
Stephen Spender
Stephen Spender (1909-1995)

poet, essayist, journalist, literary critic, translator

  • University of Oxford, Gresham's School
World within world
Stephen Spender
China diary
Journals, 1939-1983
W.H. Auden
In Irina's garden, with Henry Moore's sculpture
D. H. Lawrence
Cyril Connolly
Prentice Hall Literature - Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes - The British Tradition
Prentice Hall Literature--The British Edition--Volume II
Prentice Hall
Great German short stories
T. S. Eliot
Letters to Christopher
The thirties and after
The concise encyclopedia of English and American poets and poetry
The destructive element
The temple
Had I a hundred mouths
Love-hate relations
The year of the young rebels
European witness
D. H. Lawrence: novelist, poet, prophet
The struggle of the modern
Poetry since 1939
The Oedipus trilogy
A choice of English romantic poetry ..
Selected poems [of] Abba Kovner
The temple
Sirmione Peninsula
The creative element
Poems for Spain
The generous days
Trial of a judge
The still centre
Poems of dedication
Returning to Vienna 1947
The making of a poem
New Collected Poems of Stephen Spender
The Magic Flute
Henry Moore sculptures in landscape
Engaged in writing
Geoffrey Grigson, Edwin Muir, Adrian Stokes
The edge of being
The Still Centre (Audio, Faber)
The imagination in the modern world
Learning laughter
Collected Poems
Life and the poet
The new realism
Recent poems
Journals 1983
The thirties and after : poetry, politics, people, 1933-1970
The Thrones of Earth and Heaven
In Irina's garden
Eliot (Modern Masters)
Botticelli (1444-1510)
Eliot (Fontana Modern Masters)
Forward from liberalism
Deutschland in Ruinen
I sit at the window
Citizens in war, and after
Necessity of Being Absolutely Modern
Ruins and visions, poems
The year of the young rebels revisited
W.H. Auden
Henry Moore O.M
Chaos and control in poetry
The backward son
Stephen Spender Selected Poems
W.H. Auden (1907-1973)
Engaged in Writing Two Novels
New poems 1956
The burning cactus
Schiller's Mary Stuart
Stephen Spender with Al Alvarez
The Inner circle
Thirties and After Poetry Politics People
The destructive element ; a study of modern writers and beliefs
The Thrones of Earth and Heaven
Journals, 1939-83
Spiritual exercises (to Cecil Day Lewis)
Twenty poems
Nine experiments
The romanticism of a daemonic temperament
Ruins and visions
Collected poems, 1928-1953
Ruins and visions
A choice of English romantic poetry
Learning laughter
Stephen Spender reading his poems
Ruins and Visions. Poems 1934-1942
The concise encyclopedia of English and American poets and poetry
World within world
Ruins and visions; poems
Selected poems
Selected poems
Trial of a judge
Three versions from the German. Christmas 1955
The struggle of the modern
European witness
What I believe
New poems 1956
The struggle of the modern
Poetry since 1939
[I think continually of those who were truly great [manuscript]
The burning cactus
Air raids
The year of the young rebels
Life and the poet
World within world
Engaged in writing
At night
World within world
The destructive element
Forward from liberalism
Europe in photographs
Le temple
Learning laughter
The still centre
Forward from liberalism
Poetry since 1939
The still centre
The writer's dilemma
Poems of dedication
The generous days
The making of a poem
Poems of dedication
I think continually of those who were truly great
Collected poems, 1928-1953
Sirmione Peninsula
European witness
Twenty-five poems
Alan Moorehead
Alan Moorehead (1910-1983)

war correspondent, journalist

  • University of Melbourne
Darwin and the Beagle
A late education
Darwin and the Beagle
Cooper's Creek
Darwin and the Beagle
Cooper's Creek
The fatal impact
No room in the ark
The White Nile
The Desert War
The Blue Nile
African trilogy
High stakes and desperate men
The march to Tunis
The White Nile
Rum Jungle
The White Nile
Mediterranean front
The fatal impact
The White Nile
The end in Africa
The Russian revolution
The White Nile
The story of the Blue Nile
The Russian Revolution
The Blue Nile
The Blue Nile
Churchill and his world
Don't blame the generals
The desert war: the North African campaign, 1940-1943
Gallipoli (Wordsworth Collection)
A year of battle
Le Nil blanc, tome 1
The Beagle
The traitors
The white Nile
The Russian Revolution
The White Nile (The Adventure Library , No 4)
The White Nile
The Blue Nile
Darwin y El Beagle 1831-1836
The March to Tunis Part 2 of 3
The Russian Revolution
Cooper's Creek
The Blue Nile
African Triology
The rage of the vulture
The Villa Diana
Winston Churchill in trial and triumph
The Russian revolution / Alan Moorehead
The March to Tunis Part 1 of 3
The White Nile
A summer night
No Room in the Ark
The March to Tunis Part 3 of 3
The last honors
A year of battle
Il Nilo Azzurro
Legend of NKd kel
Montgomery, a biography
ha- Nilus ha-lavan
Cooper's Creek
The Russian Revolution
The White Nile
Fatal Impact the Invasion
No room in the ark
March to Tunis Part III
The end in Africa
Montgomery, a biography
No room in the ark
The march to Tunis
The Russian Revolution
ha-Nilus ha-lavan
The fatal impact
The fatal impact
The White Nile
Naḥal Ḳuper
Darwins grosse Reise
The fatal impact
The desert war
March to Tunis Part II
African trilogy
March to Tunis Part I
E. V. Lucas
E. V. Lucas (1868-1938)

journalist, essayist

  • Friends School Saffron Walden
The life of Charles Lamb
Some Friends of Mine: A Rally of Men
Some Friends Of Mine
What a life!
Reading, writing, and remembering
Edwin Austin Abbey
The Colvins and their friends
Good company
Swollen-headed William
A wanderer in Holland
Visibility good
The Friendly Town
A Boswell of Baghdad
A wanderer in Florence
A wanderer in London
The gentlest art
The open road
The ladies' pageant
A wanderer in Venice
A wanderer in Paris
Roving East and Roving West
Cloud and silver
The vermilion box
London revisited
Listener's lure
More wanderings in London
Good company, a rally of men
The Friendly Town: A Little Book for the Urbane
Giving and Receiving: Essays and Fantasies
Her infinite variety
Mixed vintages
London Lavender
A Wanderer in London
London Lavender: An Entertainment
Verena in the Midst: A Kind of a Story
Listener's Lure: An Oblique Narration
Over Bemerton's: An Easy-going Chronicle
A Wanderer in Holland
A group of Londoners
The Letters Of Charles And Mary Lamb
Over Bemerton's
Another book of verses for children
Charles Lamb And The Lloyds
A wanderer among pictures
The Slowcoach
The second post [microform]
London Lavender
The British school
Character and comedy
The Open Road: A Little Book for Wayfarers
Fireside and sunshine
What shall we do now?
The same star
Highways and byways in Sussex
Vermeer of Delft
Twixt eagle and dove
Specially selected
Mixed vintages, a blend of essays old and new
Loiterer's harvest
Encounters and diversions
Three hundred games & pastimes, or, What shall we do now?
Specially selected, a choice of essays by E.V. Lucas
A book of verses for children
Cricket all his life
Wisdom while you wait
Edwin Austin Abbey, royal academician
Forgotten tales of long ago
Verena in the midst
In gentlest Germany
The phantom journal
Luck of the year
Adventures and enthusiasms
At the shrine of St. Charles
Roving East and Roving West
British pictures and their painters
Bernard Barton and his friends
Cricket All His Life, The Cricket Writings of E. V. Lucas
Lemon verbena
Giving and receiving
Only the other day
Turning things over
Outposts of mercy
Anne's terrible good nature
The second post, a companion to "The gentlest art"
Windfall's eve
Adventures and misgivings
English leaves
A little of everything
A Boswell of Baghdad (With Diversions)
A Wanderer in Venice
God and the typist
Genevra's money
Post-bag diversions
Frans Hals
Editing Lamb
You know what people are
One day and another
E.V. Lucas's London
Old lamps for new
David Williams
A swan and her friends
East Sussex
Mr. Ingleside
Chardin and Vigée-Lebrun
The more I see of men ..
Variety lane
Zigzags in France, and various essays
Disappearing London
The Life Of Charles Lamb V1
Songs of the bat
Quoth the raven
If dogs could write
London lavander
A wanderer in Florence
Loiterer's harvest, a book of essays
Signs of the times
The War of the Wenuses
Saunterer's rewards
Rose and Rose
Harvest home
The flamp ; The ameliorator ; and The schoolboy's apprentice
The Letters of Charles and Mary Lamb, Volume 5, Part II
Michael Angelo
Out of a clear sky
Advisory Ben
The Letters of Charles and Mary Lamb, Volume 5, Part I
The gentlest art and the second post
Turning things over; essays and fantasies
The last to call him Charley
Life Of Charles Lamb, The
The visit to London
Playtime & company
Zigzags in France
The Works Of Charles And Mary Lamb Vol 5
The phantom journal and other essays and diversions
Chelsea redivivus
Highways and byways in Sussex
Remember Louvain!
A hundred years of Trent Bridge
All of a piece
Vermeer the magical
The vermilion box
A rover I would be
The King and Queen of Hearts
War of the Wenuses
Her infitite variety
The Life Of Charles Lamb
A Wanderer in Venice
Wanderings and diversions
Willow and leather
The Book of Shops
Bernard Barton and His Friends
As the bee sucks
Boswell of Baghdad : With Diversions
Boswell of Bagdad
A Boswell of Baghdad
Anne's terrible good nature, and other stories for children
How To Build Your Own Doll's House, Using Paper and Cardboard. Step-By-Step Instructions on Constructing a Doll's House, Indoor and Outdoor Furniture, Figurines, Utencils and More
Three hundred and sixty-five days and one more
Down the sky
London afresh
The Vermilion Box [microform]
Highways and Byways in Sussex
Charles and Mary Lamb
Frans Hals
French leaves
The Life Of Charles Lamb
Wisdom on the Hire System
Introducing London
London Lavender
A fronded isle
Swollen-headed William; Painful Stories And Funny Pictures After The German!
John Constable the painter
If: A Nightmare In The Conditional Mood (1908)
The Open Road
Charles Lamb's commonplace books
Vermeer the Magical
The open road
Sparks from a flint
Listener's Lure
E.V. Lucas to Joseph Conrad
Cambridge and Charles Lamb
Adventures and Enthusiasms
A fronded isle and other essays
Highways and Byways in Sussex
The Life of Charles Lamb, Volume 1
A Boswell of Baghdad, with diversions
The vermillion box ([c1916])
Wisdom while you wait, being a foretaste of the glories of the 'Insidecompletuar Brittaniaware' and Twentieth century dictionary ...
Traveller's luck
A Wanderer in Florence
Tom Thumb, Rumpelstiltskin and Other Fairy Tales by Grimm
Edwin Austin Abbey, Royal Academician
Leonardo da Vinci
Remember Louvain!
The barber's clock
Forgotten Tales of Long Ago
A Wanderer in Venice
Edward Verrall Lucas's London
The life of Charles Lamb
Hustled history, or, As it might have been
Bernard Barton
Colvins And Their Friends, The (BCL1-PR English Literature)
A wanderer in Rome
Introducing London
Life of Charles Lamb; Volume 2
Rose and Rose
A wanderer in Paris
A wanderer in London
The joy of life
England day by day
A wanderer in Holland
Three hundred games and pastimes; or, What shall we do now?
Giving and receiving
Selected essays
Lemon verbena
Old lamps for new
Windfall's eve, an entertainment
Post-bag diversions
E.V. Lucas to Joseph Conrad
Pleasure trove
London revisited
T̓wixt eagle and dove
Events and embroideries
Old fashioned tales
Works of Charles and Mary Lamb, 1903-1905
London revisited (revised)
Mid-Sussex highways & byways
Loiter's harvest
A Book of verses for children
Four and twenty toilers
The old contemporaries
The Gentlest art
The ameliorator
A wanderer in London
A wanderer in Holland
The second post
Her infinite variety
A book of verses for children
At the sign of the Dove
The slowcoach
Runaways and castaways
The Open road
Van Dyck
The gentlest art
Works of Charles and Mary Lamb
Mr. Ingleside
Highways and byways in Sussex
The joy of life
Methuen's annual
The phantom journal
The gentlest art
Quoth the raven, an unofficial history of the war
The debt [Poem]
The friendly town
E. V. Lucas's London
Loiterer's harvest
Saunterer's rewards
A fronded isle
Turning things over, essays and fantasies
Remember Louvain!
The Hambledon men
Her infinite variety: a feminine portrait gallery
A wanderer in Venice
Four and twenty toilers
"And such small deer"
The open road
Charles Lamb and the Lloyds
Selected essays of E.V. Lucas
The open road
Advisory Ben
Pleasure trove
Over Bemerton's
Mr. Ingleside
The British school
Lemon verbena and other essays
A cat book
West Sussex highways & byways
Mr. Punch's county songs
Three hundred games and pastimes
Highways and byways in Sussex
'Twixt eagle and dove
Mr. Punch's children's book
A rover I would be