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journalists who wrote biography
Showing 1577-1584 out of 2305 results
Gérard de Villiers
Gérard de Villiers (1929-2013)

journalist, publisher, correspondent

  • Sciences Po, École supérieure de journalisme de Paris
Sabre au clair et pied au plancher
Otages, la vérité
Lord of the swallows
Chaos in Kabul
The imperial Shah
The madmen of Benghazi
Revenge of the Kremlin
S.A.S. Shanghai express
La Brigade mondaine
SAS, numéro 17
Malko versus the CIA
Surface to Air
Sas contre P.K.K.
Malko No. 6
SAS, numéro 151
S.A.S., panique au Zaïre
Cyclone à l'O.N.U.
S.A.S. mort a Beyrouth
Malko No. 8
L' affaire Kirsanov
S.A.S., Son Altesse Sérénissime prince Malko Linge
Dossiers roses de la Brigade mondaine
Epicheirese "Matantor"
Bombes sur Belgrade
Papillon épinglé
Le Disparu de Singapour
Monomahia sten Borranquilla
Tu tueras ton prochain
Objectif Reagan
Ramenez-moi la Tete d'el Coyote
Vengeance Tchétchène
Sas 14
La cuisine aphrodisiaque de SAS
Sas, numéro 16
Mission à Saïgon, numéro 20
Sas le roi fou du nepal
SAS, numéro 150
S.A.S. a Spanish Harlem
La Chine s'éveille
Mes carnets de grand reporter
L'Amour fou du colonel Chang
S.A.S. compte à rebours en Rhodésie
Une bréve recontre
La Piste du Kremlin
Sas, numéro 15
SAS 134
Mort à Gandhi
S.A.S. commando sur tunis
La mort aux chats
L' irrésistible ascension de Mohammad Reza, shah d'Iran
Malko, angel of vengeance (Malko)
Les soucis de Si-Siou
S.A.S., les trois veuves de Hong-Kong
Le sabre de bin laden sas
Mort a Beyrouth
JAG / Le collier de la honte
Que Viva Guevara, numéro 18
Makelleio sto Abu Dhabi
Visa pour Cuba
Sas magie noire a new york
Hostage in Tokyo (Malko: spymaster)
SAS, l'otage d'Oman
S. A. S., furie à Belfast
Sas alerte plutonium
La vengeance de Saddam Hussein
Opdracht in Sarajevo
Jacht in Zimbabwe
KGB contre KGB
SAS 183 Renegade 1 - Collector
S.A.S Carnage a Abu Dhabi
Alerte plutonium
Opération apocalypse. SAS numéro 3
SAS 17 Amok à Bali
S. A. S. operation Apocalypse
L'Inconnu de Leningrad
Manip à Zagreb
The Belfast connection (Malko: spymaster)
S. A. S. black magic in New York
S.A.S., massacre à Amman
Ekdikese ste Veryto
Tuez le Pape
Het Arabische verbond
Le disparu des Canaries
La piste de Brazzaville
A Game of Eyes Only
Checkpoint Charlie
Polonium 210
SAS 152 Pacte avec le diable
Onrust in Moskou
SAS 29 Berlin
La bataille des S300
SAS 74 Les fous de baalbek
Epicheirese Lousifer
Le cycle Boris Corentin
SAS 8 SAS aux Caraïbes
SAS aux Caraibes
SAS 47 Mission impossible en Somalie
SAS 174 Al Quaïda attaque ! - tome 2 - Collector
Le bal de la comtesse Adler
The Belfast Connection (Malko: Spymaster #12)
SAS 119 Le cartel de Sebastopol
Shanghaï express
S. A. S. West of Jerusalem
SAS n°33
Antipoina gia ten ptese 800
Tuez Rigoberta Menchu
La Traque Carlos
La manip du karin a
L'Or de Moscou
S. a. s. croisade a Managua
S.A.S., Tornade sur manille
S.A.S., Mission a   Saigon
Aventures en Sierra Léone
SAS 45 Le trésor du Négus
Mortelle Jamaïque
Opération Lucifer
Malko 73
S.A.S., Rendez-vous a   San Francisco
La madone de Stockholm
Escapade Roumaine Les Fantasmes De La Co
SAS 49 Naufrage aux Seychelles
Rouge Grenade
Les canons de Bagdad
S.A.S., l'héroïne de Vientiane
Malko 123
SAS 83 Coup d'Etat au Yémen
Putsch a ouagadougou
Massacre à Amman
S.A.S.: le dossier Kennedy
SAS 15 La panthère d'Hollywood
Les Amazones de Pyongyang
Tuez le Dalaï-lama
Sas 148
Les trompettes de Jéricho
S.A.S., Magie noire à New York
SAS 84 Le plan Nasser
La Veuve de l'ayatollah
SAS 60 Terreur à San Salvador
La solution rouge
SAS broie du noir
SAS 111 Au nom d'Allah
S.A.S., Murder Inc., Las Vegas
Le Bal de la contesse Adler, numéro 21
Tuerie à Marrakech
L'Otage du triangle d'or
De schat van Saddam (1)
La résolution 687
Mission à Moscou
SAS, le cycle Malko
L'espion du Vatican
S.A.S., kill Henry Kissinger!
SAS 138 L'amour fou du colonel Chang
Tuez Rigoberta Menchu
S.A.S., le printemps de Varsovie
S.A.S.; Furie a Belfast
Le Cartel de Sébastopol
Papillon aufgespiesst
SAS 111 Au nom d'Allah
SAS , terreur a San Salvador
Hong kong express
SAS 36 Furie à Belfast
Madmen of Benghazi
Der Schah
S.A.S.: mourir pour Zanzibar
SAS 105 KGB contre KGB
Que viva Guevara
SAS 46 Protection pour Teddy Bear
Les dossiers secrets de la brigade mondaine
The countess and the spy
Coup d'État au Yémen
Sas l abominable sirène
S.A.S., l'abominable sirène
Missie Cuba
S.A.S aventure au Surinam
S.A.S. des armes pour Khartoum
Kermis in het Kremlin
S.A.S. Guêpier en Angola
The Portuguese defection (Malko: spymaster)
SAS 36 Furie à Belfast
Au nom d'Allah
Les pendus de Bagdad
Embuscade à la Khyber Pass
Ramenez-moi la tête d'El Coyote
Tŭng So-pʻyŏng ŭi milmyŏng
Le vol 007 ne répond plus
S.A.S. marathon à Spanish Harlem
Ubeĭ Genri Kissindzhera
Het goud van Al Qaeda
Samba pour SAS
V Santʹi︠a︡go t︠s︡arit pori︠a︡dok
Les tueurs de Bruxelles
S.A.S., que viva Guevara
Une lettre pour la Maison-Blanche
La taupe de Langley
S.A.S. objectif Reagan
Croisade en Birmanie
SAS enquête sur un génocide
The countess and the spy
Chaos in Kinshasa
Le chemin de Damas
Cauchemar en Colombie
Que la bête meure
S.A.S., vengeance romaine
Mission Sarajevo
S.A.S. carnage a Abu Dhabi
Les guerres secrètes de Pékin
S.A.S. piège à Budapest
Le Bal de la comtesse Adler
S.A.S., les tueurs de Bruxelles
La Peste noire de Bagdad
S.A.S., voir Malte et mourir
L'or d'Al-Qaida
Une lettre pour la Maison-Blanche
Coup d'Etat à Tripoli
Sterben für Sansibar
Christian v. Ditfurth
Christian v. Ditfurth (born 1953)

journalist, historian

Spuren meines Vaters
A paragon of virtue
SPD, eine Partei gibt sich auf
Die Mauer steht am Rhein
Ostalgie, oder, Linke Alternative
Die Mauer steht am Rhein. Deutschland nach dem Sieg des Sozialismus
Internet für Historiker
Mann ohne Makel. Stachelmanns erster Fall
Der 21. Juli
Mit Blindheit geschlagen.
Internet für Architekten.
Mann ohne Makel
Deutsche Geschichte Fr Dummies
Der Consul
Das Moskau-Spiel
Internet für Lehrer.
Labyrinth des Zorns
Lüge eines Lebens
Adam belo dofi
Internet für Soziologen
Die Akademie
Deutsche Geschichte Für Dummies
Emilio Salgari
Emilio Salgari (1862-1911)


La bohème italiana
Sandokan: The Pirates of Malaysia
Sandokan: The Two Tigers
La scotennatrice
The Son of The Red Corsair
La "Stella Polare" ed il suo viaggio avventuroso
El Leon de Damasco
Le stragi delle Filippine
Cartagine in fiamme
Los Tigres De Mompracem / The Tigers of Mompracem (El Barco De Papel/the Paper Ship)
Romanzi di giungla e di mare
La capitana dell'Yucatan
I misteri della jungla nera
Una tigre in redazione
L' eroina di Port Arthur
El Corsario Negro
Lo smeraldo di Ceylan
Il corsaro Nero
La hija de los faraones
Sandokan: The Tigers of Mompracem
Il fiore delle perle
El corsario negro
I Misteri Della Jungla Nera
Le novelle marinaresche di Mastro Catrame
Le meraviglie del Duemila
Il corsaro nero
Smertelʹnye vragi i drugīe rasskazy
El corsari negre
Los Piratas de La Malasia
El corsario negro
I minatori dell'Alaska
Jolanda, la figlia del Corsaro Nero
Los horrores de Filipinas: Versión castellana
Los Tigres de Mompracem / Tigers of Mompracem
Estrella de La Araucania
La defensa de Chipre
El Hijo del Leon Damasco
I predoni del Sahara
Los Tigres De La Malasia
Capitan Tempesta
Le stragi delle Filippine
El Capitan Tormenta - El Leon de Damasco
Sandokan alla riscossa
Tigres de Mompracen, Los - 15
Der schwarze korsar
Los Tigres De Mompracem / The Tigers of Mompracem (Biblioteca Tematica / Thematic Library)
Un naufragio nella Florida
Emilio Salgari, edizione annotata
La regina dei Caraibi
Tigres de Mompracem, Los (Aventureros y Farsantes)
Il mistero della foresta e altri racconti
Per terra e per mare
La capitana dell'Yucatan
Attraverso l'Atlantico in pallone
Sandokan el Rey del Mar
La Montana De Luz
I drammi della schiavitù
L' uomo di fuoco
Gli antropofaghi del mare del Corallo
Edizione annotata
La montagna di luce
Le figlie dei faraoni
Los tigres de Mompracem
La sovrana del campo d'oro
Il fiore delle perle
Las Maravillas Del 2000/ The Wonders of 2000
El Corsario Negro (Akal Literaturas)
MIS Memorias
Corsario Negro, El
Los Mineros de Alaska
Una sfida al Polo
Un' avventura in Siberia
La stella filante
Obermatrose Teer
Los Tigres De Mompracem
"La penna che non si spezza"
Der algerische Panther
En Los Junglares de La India
I racconti della Bibliotechina aurea illustrata dell'editore Biondo di Palermo con i disegni originali di Corrado Sarri
Tigres de Mompracem, Los
La caverna dei diamanti
Reina De Los Caribes
Melekh ha-yam
Mistore ha-jungel ha-shaḥor
Jolanda, la figlia del Corsaro nero
Avventure nel West
Continente Misterioso, El (104)
Le due tigri
Storie con la maschera
La Soberana Del Campo De Oro - El Rey De Los Cangrejos
Tigres de Mompracen, Los
Una sfida al Polo
Honorata de Wan Guld
La stella filante ; Alla conquista della luna
Los Tigres Del Mar Y Otros Relatos/ the Tigers of the Sea an Other Tales (Voces/ Clasicas)
Los Cazadores de Focas
I misteri della Jungla nera
Le straordinarie avventure di Testa di Pietra
Los náufragos del Spitzberg
Los piratas de la Malasia ; Los estranguladores
El Corsario negro ; La venganza
Nuevas Aventuras de Sandokan
Le aquile della steppa
La regina dei Caraibi
Kibushah shel mamlakhah
Aguilas de La Estepa -136
Le aquile della steppa
Corsario Negro, El - C.J.17 -
L'eroina di Port Arthur
El Hijo del Corsario Rojo
Cartagine in fiamme
Aventuras entre los pieles rojas ; El rey de la pradera
Yolanda LA Hija Del Corsario Negro
Los tigres de Malasia
Al Polo australe in velocipede
Il re della prateria
La vergine della pagoda d'Oriente
Attraverso l'Atlantico in pallone
Avventure in Africa
Sandokan * La Mujer del Pirata
Al Polo Nord
Sandokan (046)
Melekh ha-har
I racconti della Bibliotechina aurea .
I racconti della Bibliotechina aurea illustrata dell'editore Biondo di Palermo .
Avventure al Polo
Piratas de Malasia, Los - 32
Sandokan - Nbb 22 -
Honorata De Van Guld
Il corsaro nero
Misterios de La Jungla Negra, Los - 18
Il treno volante. (La montagna d'oro)
Los piratas de la Malasia ; Los estranguladores
Le tigri di Mompracem
Los náufragos del Oregón
Niḳmat ha-pere
L'isola di fuoco
Il bramino dell'Assam
Mered ha-Indianim
Kibush ha-keter
La Galera del Baja
Shodede ha-yam shel Malezyah
Una sfida al polo
I pescatori di balene
La rivincita di Yanez
ha-Indianit ha-noḳemet
Le novelle marinaresche di Mastro Catrame
Falso Bracman * La Caida de Un Imperio
Le tigri di Mompracem
Panteras de Argel, Las
La perla del río Rojo
Hija del Corsario, La
Tutti i racconti e le novelle di avventure
Storie di montagna
Capitan Tempesta
Il ciclo del corsaro nero
Avventure di montagna
L'isola di Fuoco e altre storie di mare
I solitari dell'oceano
I pirati della Malesia
Los DOS Rivales
Los dos rivales ; Los tigres de la Malasia
La vendetta d'uno schiavo
Avventure in India
Gli ultimi filibustieri
Il tesoro del presidente del Paraguay
Tigres de Malasia, Los
ha-Namer shel Momprasm
Capitan del Djumna, El - 91
Al Polo australe in velocipede
John Wilson Croker
John Wilson Croker (1780-1857)

poet, politician, literary critic, journalist

  • Trinity College Dublin
A letter from the king to his people
Essays on the early period of the French Revolution
Familiar epistles to Frederick E. Jones, Esq. on the present state of the Irish stage
A letter from the king to his people
The battle of Talavera
A sketch of the state of Ireland, past and present
Correspondence between the Right Hon. J. W. Croker and the Right Hon. Lord John Russell, on some passages of 'Moore's Diary'
Two letters on Scottish affairs
The Croker Papers V2
Two letters on Scottish affairs
A key to the orders in council [respecting trade with French ports]
Familiar epistles to Frederick Jones, Esq., on the present state of the Irish stage ; The Amazioniad ; or, Figure and fashion ; Histrionic epistles ; The battles of Talavera
Familiar epistles to Frederick E. Jones, Esq
Familiar epistles to Frederick J---s [i.e. Jones] esq
The Amazoniad; or, Figure and fashion
An answer to O'Meara's Napoleon in exile
Familiar epistles to Frederick J----s, Esq., on the present state of the Irish stage
The letters on the subject of the naval war with America
The Croker Papers V3
The familiar epistles
Correspondence and diaries
The battles of Talavera
A letter to ... the Earl of Liverpool
Histrionic epistles
The Croker papers: 1808-1857
The reply of the people to the letter from the King
The speech of the Right Honourable John Wilson Croker on the reform question, on Friday, March 4, 1831
Art. VII. Endymion: a poetic romance
History of the guillotine
An intercepted letter from J- T-, writer at Canton, to his friend in Dublin, Ireland,...
A review of some late publications respecting the French Revolution of 1848
Correspondence between the Right Hon. J.W. Croker and the Right Hon. Lord John Russell
A review of some late publications respecting the French Revolution of 1848
The Reform ministry and the reformed Parliament
A key to the Orders in Council
Resolutions moved
Familiar epistles to Frederick Jones, Esq. on the present state of the Irish stage
A report of the speech of John Wilson Croker, in the House of Commons, on the 14th of March
The Croker papers, 1808-1857
A sketch of the state of Ireland, past and present
The letters on the subject of the naval war with America, which appeared in the Courier, under the signature of Nereus
Essays on the early period of the French Revolution
Bolesław Prus
Bolesław Prus (1847-1912)

journalist, philosopher, literary critic

  • University of Warsaw
Kroniki tygodniowe
The pharaoh and the priest
The sins of childhood & other stories
Mrtva straza
67 Tales from Poland
Der Nichtsnutz und die Mädchen
Wybór pism
Listy do narzeczonej i żony
Nowele warszawskie
Poznajemy zawody
Czytaj po polsku
Nowele wybrane
The pharaoh and the priest
Wybor nowell
Katarynka oraz z Legend dawnego Egiptu
Pisma wszystkie Lalka Tom 2
Grzechy dzieciństwa
Pharaon (le)
Literackie notatki o kompozycji
Nowele i opowiadania
Throne of Osiris : (a Tale of Ancient Egypt)
Di ḳroyn fun Mitsrayim
The Doll
The Pharaoh and the priest
Mrtva straz̆a
Ze wspomnień cyklisty
Nowele, opowiadania, fragmenty
Sieroca dola
Pałac i rudera
Pisma wybrane
Nowele i opowiadania
Nowele, opowiadania, fragmenty
Dziwni ludzie
Z legend dawnego Egiptu
Na wakacjach
The doll
Pisma Bolesława Prus
"Obrazy wszystkiego"
Pisma Bolesława Prusa [pseud.]
Di ḳroyn fun Mitsraim
Nowele pozytywistyczne
Wybór nowel
Wybór kronik i pism publicystycznych
Kroniki, 1875-1878
Sieroca dola
Wybór pism
Bywa i tak na świecie
La faraono
Dziwna historia--On
The doll
Opowiadania i nowele
Grzechy dzieciństwa
Wybór pism
Pisma Bolesława Prus
Wybór nowel
Pierwsze opowiadania
Grzechy dzieciństwa
Przygoda Stasia
Kroniki tygodniowe (o Nałęczowie)
Pisma Bolesława Prusa (Aleksandra Głowackiego)
Sochinenii︠a︡ v semi tomakh
Kamizelka i inne opowiadania
Powracajac̨a fala
Sen. Cienie
Dusze w niewoli
Nowele wybrane
Od upadku do odrodzenia
Ostatnia miłość w życiu Bolesława Prusa
Wybór nowel
Mrtva straža od Boleslava Prusa
Wybór publicystyki
Clare Boothe Luce
Clare Boothe Luce (1903-1987)

politician, diplomat, journalist, playwright, socialite, actor

  • Ward–Belmont College
Saints for now
The women
Twenty best plays of the modern American theatre
Europe in the spring
Saints for now
Kiss the boys good-bye
The White House
The women, play in two acts
American morality and nuclear diplomacy
Europe in the spring
Europe in the Spring
Kiss the Boys Good-Bye
On saints
Italia e Stati Uniti
2 discorsi
Is the new morality destroying America?
Kiss the boys good-bye,
Gli Stati Uniti e l'Europa =
Little Rock and the Muscovite moon
American diplomacy at work
Saints for now
The women
The mystery of American policy in China
The twilight of God
Is communism compatible with Christianity?
Mission to Burma
The women, a play
Gli Stati Uniti e Europa
The Best short plays, 1972
Stuffed shirts
The women
Margin for error
Saving the white man's soul
Slam the door softly
The long snorkel
Irving Bacheller
Irving Bacheller (1859-1950)


  • St. Lawrence University
From stores of memory
Coming up the road
A Man for the Ages
A Budget of Christmas Tales
Eben Holden
The light in the clearing
In the Days of Poor Richard
Keeping up with Lizzie
Darrel of the Blessed Isles
The master
The master, being in part copied from the minutes of the school for novelists
Silas Strong
The turning of Griggsby
In the days of poor Richard
The marryers
The prodigal village
"Charge it"
Keeping up with William
In Various Moods
The martyers
The hand-made gentleman
Eben Holden a Tale of the North Country
Silas Strong, emperor of the woods
Librivox Short Story Collection 054
Eben Holden's last day a-fishing
D'ri and I
Catcher Featured picture book village of the legendary master of the fox collection (all 8) (Paperback)
The story of a passion
Eben Holden; A Tale Of The North Country
A Man for the Ages (A Story of the Builders of Democracy)
Father Abraham
A man for the ages
The master of chaos
The House of the three ganders
Thick-lens optics;
D'Ri and I (A Tale of Daring Deeds in the Second War with the British)
Best things from American literature
Silas Strong
A candle in the wilderness
Eben Holden
A man for the ages
A Man for the Ages
Opinions of a cheerful Yankee
Light in the Clearing : A Tale of the North Country in the Time of Silas
Light in the Clearing
In Various Moods Poems and Verses
Life Work of Louis Klopsch
Candle in the Wilderness
Eben Holden
The Light in the Clearing (A Tale of the North Country in the Time of Silas Wright)
Hand-Made Gentleman
Coming up the road
In the Days of Poor Richard
The Light in the Clearing
The big loot and murder trust
The Master of Silence
A Man for the Ages
The Turning of Griggsby Being a Story of Keeping Up with Daniel Webster
A boy for the ages
Darrel of the Blessed Isles
Man for the Ages. a Story of the Builders of Democracy
Keeping Up With Lizzie - Charge It
Eben Holden
'Charge It'
Keeping up with Lizzie
Eben Holden's Last Day a-Fishing - Large Print
Eben Holden
Silas Strong, emperor of the woods
The winds of God
Prodigal Village: A Christmas Tale
The Master of Silence
In Various Moods
The Scudders
A man for the ages
Charge It or Keeping Up with Harry
The oxen of the sun
Eben Holden's Last Day A-Fishing
The Prodigal Village
D'ri and I: A Tale of Daring Deeds in the Second War with the British. Being the Memoirs of ..
Uncle Peel
The Light in the Clearing
Darrell Of The Blessed Isles
Darrel of the Blessed Isles (Classic Reprint)
The Turning of Griggsby
Vergilius (A Tale of the Coming of Christ)
A man for the ages;
Turning of Griggsby
Eben Holden : Unabridged Original Classics Series - Complete Paperback Edition
Prodigal Village
Eben Holden : A Tale of the North Country
A Man for the Ages by Irving Bacheller (2009-03-01)
Great moments in the life of Washington
The Scudders A Story of Today
Lincoln and the ladies
The light in the clearing
The master being in part copied from the minutes of the school for novelists, a round table of good fellows in New York City
The prodigal village
The story of a passion
The still house of O'Darrow
Best things from American literature
D'ri and I
The harvesting
Joaquín Víctor González
Joaquín Víctor González (1863-1923)

linguist, historian, journalist, politician, lawyer, judge, translator, philosopher

  • National University of Córdoba
El Ensayo de interpretación, 1910-1930
Debates constitucionales (1898-1902)
La reforma electoral argentina
La Universidad nacional de La Plata
Mis montañas
Los tratados de paz de 1902 ante el Congreso
Educación y gobierno
The national university of La Plata
La Argentina y sus amigos
Universidades y colegios
Jurisprudencia y política
Polt́ica espiritual
Manual de la Constitución argentina [1853-1860]
Politica universitaria
La tradicion nacional
Universidades y colegios: Conferencias, discursos y actos de Gobierno
La tradición nacional
Política universitaria
La tradición nacional
Discursos del Dr. Joaquín V. González, ministro del Interior, en el Congreso ..
El juicio del siglo
Obras completas ..
Política internacional
Fábulas nativas
Hombres é ideas educadores (1908-1912) por el Dr. Joaquín V. González ..
Un ciclo universitario, 1914-1919
Escritos y opiniones en derecho constitucional, judicial, minero é internacional
La tradición nacional
Música y danzas nativas
El Senado federal, su constitución, facultades y privilegios
...Estudios de historia argentina
Hombres é ideas educadores (1908-1912)
Estudios constitucionales..
La expropriacíon en el derecho público argentino
Ideario de Joaquín V. González
Ritmo y línea
Escritos y opiniones en derecho constitucional, judicial, minero é internacional
Música y danzas nativas
El censo nacional y la constitución
La propiedad de las minas
Escritos y opiniones en derecho constitucional, judicial, minero é internacional
Joaquín V. González
Los fuegos de San Juan y otros relatos
Fábulas nativas
Mis montañas
Bronce y lienzo
Política espiritual
Joaquín V. González: antológico e iconográfico
La tradición nacional
La paz por la ciencia
Obras completas de Joaquín V. González
La selva de los reptiles