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journalists who wrote biography
Showing 1481-1488 out of 2305 results
Antonio Gramsci
Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937)

philosopher, politician, journalist, economist, literary critic, historian, sociologist, opinion journalist, theatre critic

  • University of Turin, Lc G.M.Dettori-Cagliari
Lettere dal carcere
Gramsci's Prison Letters
Prison Letters (Pluto Classic)
Ikite iru Guramushi
Quaderni del carcere
Antonio Gramsci
Antonio Gramsci
Passato e presente
Prison notebooks
Further selections from the prison notebooks
Selections from the prison notebooks of Antonio Gramsci
Quaderni del carcere
Selections from the prison notebooks of Antonio Gramsci
A Gramsci reader
Selections from political writings (1910-1920)
Letters from prison
Cuadernos de la cárcel
Grammatica e linguistica
The modern prince, and other writings
Selections from cultural writings
Lettere dal carcere
Il Risorgimento
Gli intellettuali e l'organizzazione della cultura
The modern prince
The Gramsci reader
Selections from political writings (1921-1926)
Favole di libertà
Selections from political writings (1921-1926)
Socialismo e fascismo
Il materialismo storico e la filosofia di Benedetto Croce
Dante e Manzoni
Letters from Prison
Note sul Machiavelli, sulla politica e sullo stato moderno
Räte in Saclay? - Räte in Turin
Il Risorgimento
Prison Notebooks Volume II
                European Perspectives A Series in Social Thought  Cultural Criticism Paperback
Selections from the prison notebooks of Antonio Gramsci
La questione meridionale
Ecrits politiques, tome 1
Note sul Machiavelli sulla politica e sullo stato moderno
The Modern Prince and Selected Writings
Il materialismo storico e la filosofia di Benedetto Croce
An Antonio Gramsci Reader
Aydinlar ve toplum
Il materialismo storico e la filosofia di Benedetto Croce
Risorgimento italiano
Selections from political writings (1910-1920), with additional texts by Bordiga and Tasca
Scritti, 1913-1926
Scritti politici
Il Pensiero di Gramsci
Soviets in Italy
L' ordine nuovo, 1919-1920
La Questione Meridionale
Politik og kultur
Southern Question
Soviets in Italy
Ecrits politiques
Sotto la mole, 1916-1920
La questione meridionale
La religione come senso comune
Quaderni del carcere
L' albero del riccio
Cuadernos de la cárcel
Cartas desde la carcel
Selection from the prison notebooks of Antonio Gramsci
I consigli e la critica operaia alla produzione.
Escritos (Antología)
Tjuremnye tetradi
Letteratura e vita nazionale
Il pensiero di Gramsci
Cara compagna
Passato e presente
Cuadernos de la cárcel
Modern Prince
Elementi di politica
La formazione dell'uomo
Erziehung und Bildung.
The study of philosophy
Note sul Machiavelli
Il Vaticano e l'Italia
La nostra città futura
History, philosophy and culture in the young Gramsci
Gli intellettuali e l'organizzazione della cultura
Cahiers de prison
Croce e Gentile
I «Quaderni del carcere» di Antonio Gramsci
La política y el Estado moderno
Introduccion a la Filosofia de La Praxis
Caro Delio, caro Julik
Selections from cultural writings
La formazione dell'uomo
Letteratura e vita nazionale
Arbejderkontrol, arbejderraad, arbejderstyre
Lettere del carcere
Americanismo e fordismo
Antonio Gramsci
En kollektiv intellektuell
Izbrannye proizvedeniya
La città futura, 1917-1918
La costruzione del Partito comunista, 1923-1926
Per la verità
Odio gli indifferenti
Sul fascismo
Americanismo e fordismo
Piove, governo ladro!
Piove, governo ladro!
Scritti dalla libertà, 1910-1926
La formazione dell'uomo
Selections from the prison notebooks of Antonio Gramsci
Arte e folclore
Il Compromesso storico
Philosophie der Praxis
Quaderni miscellanei
Pensare la democrazia
Scritti giovanili, 1914-1918
Letteratura e vita nazionale. --
Forse rimarrai lontana--
2000 [i.e. Duemila] pagine di Gramsci
Note sul Machiavelli
Scritti di economia politica
Nuove lettere di Antonio Gramsci con altre lettere di Piero Sraffa
Marxismo e letteratura
La politica e Machiavelli
Antonio Gramsci
Introduccio n al estudio de la filosofi a
Il Risorgimento
Gramsci dans le texte
La questione meridionale
Il materialismo storico e la filosofia di Benedetto Croce
L'albero del riccio
Il materialismo storico e la filosofia de Benedetto Croce .
Lettres de prison
Il nostro Marx, 1918-1919
Passato e presente
Lettere ai figli
Risorgimento italiano
Il materialismo storico e la filosofia di Benedetto Croce
Cronache torinesi, 1913-1917
Piove, governo ladro!
La filosofia di Benedetto Croce
Il Vaticano e l'Italia
Introducción a la filosofía de la praxis
Cronache teatrali
Socialismo e fascismo
L'alternativa pedagogica
Nel mondo grande e terribile
Lettere dal carcere
Passato e presente
The open Marxism of Antonio Gramsci
Antonio Gramsci, vergessener Humanist?
Scritti sulla Sardegna
Yu zhong zha ji
Il Risorgimento
Letteratura e vita nazionale. --
Forse rimarrai lontana--
Antonio Gramsci
The Southern question
Cuadernos de la cárcel
Sotto la mole, 1916-1920
Odbrani tekstovi
Quaderni di traduzioni (1929-1932)
L'ordine nuovo, 1919-1920
La alternativa pedagógica
Elementi di politica
The southern question
Antonio Gramsci e la questione sarda
Scritti scelti
Lettere, 1908-1926
Il Vaticano e l'Italia
Il lettore in catene
Antologia degli scritti
La costruzione del Partito comunista, 1923-1926
Scritti 1915-1921
Forse rimarrai lontana
Antonio Gramsci
Gramsci a Roma, Togliatti a Mosca
Chichi kara kodomotachi e
Note sul Machiavelli
Maquiavelo y Lenin
Pirandello, Ibsen e il teatro
Le lettere dell'albero del riccio
La rivoluzione italiana
Favole di libertà
La quistione meridionale
Lettere dal carcere
Scritti rivoluzionari
Sul Risorgimento
Quaderno 22, americanismo e fordismo
Gli intellettuali e l'organizzazione della cultura
Concepção dialética da história
Disgregazione sociale e rivoluzione
The modern prince
Lettere dal carcere
Il Lorianismo
Scritti politici
La lotta per l'edificazione del Partito comunista
Letteratura e vita nazionale. --
Prison Notebooks
Selections from political writings
George Steiner
George Steiner (1928-2020)

philosopher, translator, literary critic, journalist, essayist

  • University of Oxford, Harvard University
Maestros and Monsters
Language and silence
Tolstoy or Dostoevsky
Martin Heidegger
After Babel
The death of tragedy
No passion spent
In Bluebeard's castle
The Portage to San Cristóbal of A. H.
Anno Domini
On difficulty, and other essays
Grammars of Creation
Real presences
Lessons of the Masters (The Charles Eliot Norton Lectures)
Fields of force
Real presences
What is comparative literature?
A Long Saturday
Proofs and three parables
Educating diabetic patients
George Steiner
My Unwritten Books
Nostalgia for the absolute
Idea of Europe
The Old Testament
Avec George Steiner
The Death of Tragedy
george steiner at the new yorker
My Unwritten Books
La mort de la tragédie
Errata(recits d'une pensee) (French Edition)
Lenguaje y Silencio
Origin of German Tragic Drama
Tolstoy or Dosteovsky
The deeps of the sea and other fiction
Langage et silence
Ce qui me hante
In Bluebeard's Castle
En lo profundo del mar
Business, Government and Society
The poetry of thought
George Steiner
Language and silence
Het Verbroken Contract
The Poetry of Thought
Discurso del Gran Inquisidor
My Unwritten Books
Poem into poem
Translating Religious Texts
Language and Silence
Après Babel
Proofs and
Sobre la Dificultad y Otros Ensayos
The sporting scene: white knights of Reykjavik
Presencias reales
Els llibres que no he escrit
Extraterritorial; Papers on Literature and the Language Revolution
Language and Silence
Tolstoy or Dostoevsky
Los logócratas
Goofy, the Autobiography of a Poet Emeritus
Real Presences
Tolstoy or Dostoevsky
Nach Babel
On difficulty
La poesia del pensament
Death of Tragedy
Réelles présences
Los Logcratas
De la Bible a Kafka
Poem into poem
Recordar el futur
Death of Tragedy
Martin Heidegger
Die Antigonen
Deu raons  de la tristesa del pensament
The idea of Europe
No Passion Spent
Eloge de La Transmission (Collections Sciences - Sciences Humaines) (French Edition)
Sprache und Schweigen
La poesia del pensament
Nostalgia for the Absolute
George Steiner en The New Yorker
Els llibres que no he escrit
Tolstoj o Dostoevskij
Anno Domini
Lecturas, obsesiones y otros ensayos
George Steiner, l'hote Importun
Deu raons  de la tristesa del pensament
On Difficulty
Death of Tragedy
Deu raons  de la tristesa del pensament
After Babel
On Difficulty
The Uncommon Reader
Un lector
La idea d'Europa
Anno Domini
Tolstoy mu Dostoyevski mi
Les Antigones
Von realer Gegenwart
After Babel
The death of tragedy
Els llibres que no he escrit
Nostalgia del Absoluto
Aqueles que Queimam Livros
Un long samedi
Presencias reales
Vere presenze
Portage to San Cristobal of A. H.
Tolstoy or Dostoevsky
Contemporary Approaches to English Studies
Death of Tragedy
Poetry of Thought
George Steiner em The New Yorker (Portuguese Edition)
La Barbarie de l'ignorance
Tragedyanin Olumu
My Unwritten Books
Homer; a Collection of Critical Essays
Grammars of Creation
Deu raons  de la tristesa del pensament
Barbarie de l'ignorance
Damned and the Elect
A reading against Shakespeare
Real Presences
Dieci (possibili) ragioni della tristezza del pensiero
Lenguaje y silencio
La poesia del pensament
Real Presences
Language and Silence
Gramàtiques de la creació
Tolstoy or Dostoevsky
La idea d'Europa
La poesia del pensament
Der Tod der Tragödie
Errata (Master Minds)
En El Castillo de Barba Azul
Language and silence; essays on language, literature, and the inhuman
Pasión Intacta
Vejdan-e zendegi
Préface à la Bible hébraïque
La barbarie de la ignorancia
Dans le château de Barbe-Bleue
Diez  razones para la tristeza del pensamiento
Recordar el futur
Language and Silence
Els llibres que no he escrit
Tolstoy or Dostoevsky
Lessons of the Masters
Anno Domini
Language and Silence
The Penguin book of modern verse translation
Presències reals
Grammars of Creation
Presències reals
Grammars of Creation
Darling, Yours Always
En el castillo de Barba Azul
El día del juicio
Langage et Silence
The Portage to San Cristobel of A. H.
Tolstoy or Dostoevsky
Lessons of the Masters
Master Mind?
Why English?
Tolstoi Ou Dostoievski
La lezione dei maestri. Charles Eliot Norton Lectures 2001-2002
Nostalgia for the Absolute
On Difficulty and Other Essays
George Steiner en The New Yorker (Tezontle) (Spanish Edition)
Gramàtiques de la creació
In Blauberts Burg
Language and Silence, Essays and Notes, 1958-66
Dönüş yok artık
La mort de la tragedie
Anno Domini
Le sens du sens
Unter Druck. Parabeln
Der Garten des Archimedes
Von realer Gegenwart. Hat unser Sprechen Inhalt?
Dissenters from the book
Grammatiche Della Creazione
Franz Kafka's The trial
Pasion Intacta
Passions impunies
Tolstoj oder Dostojewskij, Analyse des abendländischen Romans
Marxism and the literary critic
Language and silence: essays 1958-1966
Nostalgia for the Absolute (Massey Lectures)
Nach Babel. Aspekte der Sprache und des Übersetzens
Lecciones De Los Maestros (Tezontle) (Tezontle)
Grammatik der Schöpfung
Despues de Babel
Le transport de A.H.
Antigonas Una Poetica y Una Filosofia de La Lectur
Grammaires de la création
La mort de la tragedie
[Vienna at the turn of the century
George Steiner at the New Yorker
Gramaticas de La Creacion
Elogio de La Transmision
Antigone-- auch morgen
Le sens du sens. presences reelles (trilingue français-anglais-allemand)
Wittgenstein contra Shakespeare
Real presence
The problem of Powys
Le futur de l'autorité
Errata. Bilanz eines Lebens
Anno Domini
Dissenters from the book
El Ano del Seor
The Death of Tragedy (Faber Library)
Presencias Reales
Extraterritorial - Ensayo Sobre Literatura
Tolstoi O Dostoievski
Pruebas Y Tres Parabolas
Langage et silence
La idea de Europa
Is science nearing its limits?
The death of tragedy
La Muerte De La Tragedia
The Penguin book of modern verse translation
Václav Havel
Václav Havel (1936-2011)

playwright, politician, director, poet, film director, human rights activist, dissident, essayist, philosopher, opinion journalist

  • Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Theatre, Academy of Performing Arts in Prague
Open letters
To the Castle and back
Letters from prison
O lidskou identitu
The art of the impossible
Dopisy Olze
Dálkový výslech
Letní přemítání
Largo desolato
The garden party and other plays
The beggar's opera
Disturbing the peace
Living in truth
Prosím stručně
Disturbing the peace
Open letters
Living in Truth
Versuch In Der Warheit Zu Leben
Letní přemítání
The Power of the Powerless
Living in truth
The anatomy of a reticence
Dopisy Olze, červen 1979-září 1982
Summer meditations
The increased difficulty of concentration
Letters to Olga
Summer Meditations On Politics Morality
The garden party
Dalkovy Vyslech
Responsibility, safety, stability
Redevelopment or slum clearance
Largo desolato
Summer meditations
Uzel pohádek
Selected plays, 1963-83
Largo Desolato (Havel, Vaclav)
L' amour et la vérité doivent triompher de la haine et du mensonge
Selected plays 1984-1987
Letters to Olga
The memorandum
Largo desolato
Dálkový výslech
Briefe an Olga
The View from Prague
Tge mond pitang
Václav Havel '94
Le conformisme par la peur
Projevy, leden-červen 1990
Angst vor der Freiheit. Reden des Staatspräsidenten. ( rororo aktuell)
Deset dopisů Olze
Open letters
Lettres à Olga
The increased difficulty of concentration
Václav Havel, or, Living in truth
Sommermeditationen. ( sachbuch)
Il est permis d'espérer
Do různých stran
Redevelopment, or, Slum clearance
Moral in Zeiten der Globalisierung
Dopisy Olze
Vaclav Havel, 1992 & 1993
Am Anfang war das Wort. Texte von 1969 bis 1990. ( rororo aktuell / Essay)
Václav Havel '95
To the Castle and Back
The memorandum
Das Gartenfest / Die Benachrichtigung. Zwei Dramen. Essays
Summermeditations on politics, morality and civility in a time of transition
Vážení občané
Sedm úvah
L'angoisse de la liberté
Garden Party - Ce 37
Die Gauneroper. Das Berghotel. Erschwerte Möglichkeit der Konzentration. Der Fehler. Theaterstücke
Three Vaněk plays
Do různých stran
Die Vanek- Trilogie
Largo Desolato. Schauspiel in sieben Bildern
Epizoda z 60. let
Temptation (Havel, Vaclav)
Quelques mots sur la parole
Drei Stücke
Essais politiques
Briefe an Olga, Identität und Existenz
Hôtel des Cimes
Výzva k transcendenci
Literature and tolerance
Vaclav Havel
Versuch, in der Wahrheit zu leben
Acceptance speech written on the occasion of the award of the Erasmus prize 1986
Žebrácká opera
Vaclav Havel
Václav Havel, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003
Prezident v Bratislave
Siła bezsilnych
Gewissen und Politik
Private View
Hovory s Havly
The garden party
Three Vanek Plays
Václav Havel 97
Václav Havel--František Janouch
Moc bezmocných
La politique et la conscience
Open Letters
L'Amour et la Verite Doivent Triompher de la Haine et du Mensonge
Zahradní slavnost
Bohumil Hrabal
Václav Havel '96
Assises de la Confédération européenne
Politics and conscience
O svobodě o moci
Largo desolato
Dopisy Olze
Audience. Vernissage. Pétition
A word about words
Selected plays, 1984-87
Ztížené možnosti
Prase, aneb, Václav Havel's hunt for a pig
Sila bessilʹnykh
Largo desolato
Wacky Rule Bk
Essais politiques
Richard Harding Davis
Richard Harding Davis (1864-1916)

war correspondent, journalist, playwright

  • Lehigh University, Episcopal Academy
Real Soldiers of Fortune
Captain Macklin
A Year from a Reporter's Note Book
Six Who Dared
Adventures and Letters of Richard Harding Davis
How Stephen Crane took Juana Dias [i.e. Díaz]
Adventures and Letters of Richard Harding Davis
Modern Short Stories
The American Rivals of Sherlock Holmes
The Best Crime Stories of the 19th Century
Soldiers of Fortune
Notes of a War Correspondent
Cinderella And Other Stories
The World's One Hundred Best Short Stories [In Ten Volumes] volume one ADVENTURE
Detective, Mystery, Crime, and Horror Books on CD
Gallegher and Other Stories
Cuba in War Time
Vera, the Medium
The Red Cross Girl
In the Fog
Rivals of Sherlock Holmes
The Bar Sinister
Three Gringos In Venezuela And Central America
The Exiles and Other Stories
The Lost Road
The Lion and the Unicorn
Dr. Jameson's radiers vs. the Johannesburg reformers
The Cuban and Porto Rican campaigns
Miss Civilization
The White Mice
Van Bibber and Others
The Scarlet Car
Ranson's Folly
About Paris
The King's Jackal
Vera, the medium; "Miss Civilization"
The Congo and Coasts of Africa
Modern Short Stories : a Book for High Schools
The Reporter Who Made Himself King
Somewhere in France
Once Upon A Time
The Consul
The West From A Car-Window
The Rulers of the Mediterranean
The Princess Aline
A year from a correspondent's notebook
Our English cousins
With both armies in South Africa
Billy And The Big Stick
The Lost House
With The French In France And Salonika
With the Allies
Short Works of Richard Harding Davis
The Man Who Could Not Lose
The Novels and Stories of Richard Harding Davis ..
The Make-Believe Man
The Frame Up
The Scarlet Car and The Princess Aline
Stories For Boys
The Novels And Stories Of Richard Harding Davis V12
The deserter
The great streets of the world
Great American Short Stories Volume III
My Buried Treasure
The Amateur
The Reporter Who Made Himself King AND The Spy
The boy scout
Her first appearance
The dictator
Episodes in Van Bibber's life
Gems of Mystery
The Log of the Jolly Polly
The zone police
Vera the medium
The Spy
Fiction (The Pocket University, Volume XXII - Part I)
The novels and stories of Richard Harding Davis ..
The Amateur Ingilizce Hikayeler B1 Stage3
The Messengers
The Scarlet Car, the White Mice, and Other Stories
Stories for Boys & the Exiles and Other Stories
The Novels and Stories of Richard Harding Davis ...
A year From a Reporter's Note-Book
Paris Sokaklari
The boy scout, and other stories for boys
The Russo-Japanese war
Moments in hell
Peace manoeuvres
ሪፖርተር-ራሱን ንጉስ ያደረገ
Bhagavad Gita
Ritual in an Oscillating Universe
Collected Works of Richard Harding Davis, Volume 2
The Red Cross Girl, and Vera the Medium
The young Winston Churchill
Collected Works of Richard Harding Davis; Volume 1
Short Works of Richard Harding Davis
Short Works of Richard Harding Davis
The Lion and the Unicorn and Other Stories
The Lost Road & the Lion and the Unicorn
From "Gallegher" to "The deserter"
London in the season
Three gringos in Venezuela and Central America
Van Bibber and others
The bar sinister
Along the east coast of Africa
Gallegher, and other stories
The orator of Zepata City
Vera, the Medium
The adventures of my freshman
The exiles
The exiles and other stories
Lion and the Unicorn
Captain Macklin
About Paris
The novels and stories of Richard Harding Davis
Soldiers of fortune
From "Gallegher" to "The deserter"
Cinderella, and other stories
Lost Road and Other Stories
The galloper
Notes of a war correspondent
The scarlet car
King's Jackal
The white mice
The adventures of my freshman
Once upon a time
The west and east ends of London
Jeffrey Toobin
Jeffrey Toobin (born 1960)

pundit, journalist, jurist

  • Harvard Law School, Phillips Exeter Academy
Opening arguments
American heiress
A vast conspiracy
The nine
The run of his life
The Nine
Too close to call
True Crimes and Misdemeanors
The oath
The Best American Crime Reporting 2009
The run of his life
True Crimes and Misdemeanors
The Best American Crime Reporting 2009
American heiress
The People V. O.J. Simpson
The Nine
Qui gouverne l'Amérique ?
The Nine
Vast Conspiracy, A
Opening Arguments : A Young Lawyer's First Case
Shi yan
Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
Henry Louis Gates, Jr. (born 1950)

essayist, literary critic, genealogist, historian, journalist, philosopher

  • Potomac State College of West Virginia University, Yale University
The Souls of Black Folk
Dusk of dawn
Colored people
Gay rebel of the Harlem renaissance
In battle for peace
The African-American century
Life upon these shores
The Classic slave narratives
The trials of Phillis Wheatley
Unchained Memories
The Trials of Phillis Wheatley
In Search of Our Roots
The classic slave narratives
The slave's narrative
The classic slave narratives
The African American national biography
Dictionary of Caribbean and Afro-Latin American Biography
African American national biography
The Trials of Phillis Wheatley
Bearing Witness
In Search of Our Roots
Faces of America
Bearing witness
From Slave to Statesman
In search of our roots
African American national biography
The Philadelphia Negro
Black reconstruction in America 1860-1880
The signifying monkey
Loose Canons
Wonders of the African world
Transition 75/76. Selections from Transition, 1961-1976
Figures in Black
The Suppression Of The Slave Trade To The United States Of America 1638-1870
The Greatest Taboo
Africa, its geography, people, and products
The future of the race
Finding Oprah's Roots
America Behind The Color Line
The dictionary of global culture
Reading black, reading feminist
Black folk
John Brown (the Oxford W. E. B. du Bois)
Stony the Road
And Still I Rise
The Black Church
Gloria Naylor
The Norton Anthology of African American Literature
Thirteen ways of looking at a Black man
The Image Of The Black In Western Art
Light of Truth
Tradition and the Black Atlantic
To Make Their Own Way in the World
You Don’t Know Us Negroes and Other Essays
African American Studies
The Image Of The Black In Western Art
Black Lives 1900
Black in Latin America
The White Issue
Philadelphia Negro (the Oxford W. E. B. du Bois)
The Classic Slave Narratives
Black cool
The Schomburg Library of Nineteenth-Century Black Women Writers
The portable nineteenth-century African American women writers
Making Futures
Zora Neale Hurston Essays
The Trials of Phillis Wheatley
Called to be free
Fateful Triangle
"Race," writing, and difference
Gordon Parks Collected Works, 1942-1998
Understanding Jim Crow
Wonders of the African world
The Henry Louis Gates, Jr. reader
The annotated African American folktales
Portable Anna Julia Cooper
100 amazing facts about the Negro
The image of the Black in African and Asian art
Speaking of Race, Speaking of Sex
The New Negro Aesthetic
Reconsidering Race
The African Americans
Teaching with the Norton Anthology of African American Literature
Finding Your Roots, Season 2
To Make a Poet Black
In search of Hannah Crafts
Black Literature and Literary Theory
The Oxford handbook of African American citizenship
Transition 97/98
Uncle Tom
Black literature, 1827-1940
John Brown (the Oxford W. E. B. du Bois)
Transition 96
May Day at Yale,1970 : Recollections
The Image of the Black in Western Art, Volume III: From the "Age of Discovery" to the Age of Abolition, Part 1: Artists of the Renaissance and Baroque
World and Africa and Color and Democracy (the Oxford W. E. B. du Bois)
New Negro
Dark Sky Rising
Finding your roots
Finding Oprah's Roots
Frederick Douglass
Harriet Wilson's New England: Race, Writing, and Region (Revisiting New England: The New Regionalism)
Lincoln on Race and Slavery
African American Studies
Chinua Achebe
Black Church
Harriet Wilson's New England
The Norton anthology of African American literature
Bearing Witness
13 ways to look at a Black man
Harriet Wilson's New England: Race, Writing, and Region (Revisting New England: the New Regionalism)
The bondwoman's narrative by Hannah Crafts
Ralph Ellison
Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Black Man
Who's Black and Why?
Philadelphia Negro (the Oxford W. E. B. du Bois)
Stony the Road
Race, Writing and Difference
African American Lives
Colored People
Farbige Zeiten
African American lives
Microsoft Encarta africana
Finding your roots with Henry Louis Gates, Jr
America Behind The Color Line
Signifying Monkey
America Behind The Color Line
Reading Black, Reading Feminist
What to Do about Race
Image of the Black in Latin American and Caribbean Art, Book 1
Signifying Monkey
LIFE Lincoln
The Third World of Theory (Clarendon Lectures in English Literature)
Black America since MLK
Truth of Consequences
Image of the Black in Western Art Vol. V
Slave Narratives (college)
Africana: The Encyclopedia of the African and African American Experience
Robert R. Taylor and Tuskegee
Harriet A. Jacobs
The Trials of Phillis Wheatley
The Bondwoman's Narrative
A Chronology of African-American History from 1445-1980
'Race Is Everything'
Finding Your Roots
Four Classic Slave Narratives
Colored People
Signifying Monkey
Image of the Black in Western Art Vol. IV, Pt. 2
Image of the Black in Latin American and Caribbean Art, Book 2
Black literature and literary theory
The dictionary of global culture
Image of the Black in Western Art Vol. V, Pt. 1
Wole Soyinka
Ann Petry
Dictionary Global Culture
Annotated African American Folktales (the Annotated Books)
Faces of America
Now and Forever Windows by Kerry James Marshall at Washington National Cathedral
Literature, Language, and Politics
A Chronology of African-American History
Stony the Road
Bartlett's Familiar Black Quotations
Anthology of African American Literature
Wonders of the African world
Civitas Anthology of African American Slave Narratives
Finding Your Roots
In Search of Hannah Crafts
America beyond the color line
Black Literature and Literary Theory
Our Gang
Modern Liberty
Harriet Jacobs
Dictionary of Global Culture
In Search Of Identity: African American Lives
Ann Petry
Microsoft Encarta africana 2000
Strange Fruit, Volume I
Three Classic African American
In the house of Oshugbo
The Anniversary Issue
Figures in Black
The Norton anthology of African American literature
Gloria Naylor
The Norton Anthology African American Literature
Africana 2003 Engagement Calendar
Call and response
The Classic Slave Narratives
The Henry Louis Gates, Jr. reader
Come Sunday
Black Is the Color of the Cosmos
The Oxford W. E. B. Du Bois
The Essential Soyinka
Afro-American Women Writers
Bessie Emery Head
Bessie Emery Head (1937-1986)

journalist, teacher

  • International Writing Program
A woman alone
A gesture of belonging
A woman alone
Prentice Hall Literature--World Masterpieces
African Short Stories
A Question of Power
To stir the heart
Tales of tenderness and power
The Cardinals
Native life in South Africa, before and since the European war and the Boer rebellion
A bewitched crossroad
A Collector of Treasures
Fa Maru a Pula a Kokoana Setswana
When Rain Clouds Gather Maru
The lovers
La Coleccionista de Tesoros
Life (Well Known Stories)
Pamela Phatsimo Sunstrum
The lovers
The cardinals, with meditations and stories
Between the lines
Mophutha Matlotlo
Fintan O'Toole
Fintan O'Toole (born 1958)

journalist, literary critic, historian, political scientist, editor

  • University College Dublin
A traitor's kiss
White savage
White Savage
Ship of fools
Tom Murphy
Martin Parr
The ex-isle of Erin
Shakespeare is hard, but so is life
Heroic Failure
The lie of the land
Child Sex Scandal and Modern Irish Literature
Ship of Fools
Politics of Pain
Critical moments
Modern Ireland in 100 Artworks
Black hole, green card
We Don`t Know Ourselves - a Personal History of Modern Ireland
Ship Of Fools 2
Up the Republic!
A history of Ireland in 100 objects
A Fair Day
The politics of magic
The Irish times book of the century
We Don't Know Ourselves
Mass for Jesse James
Up the Republic!
We Don't Know Ourselves
The Irish journalist's handbook
No more heroes
Irish Times Book of the 1916 Rising
Judging Shaw
Irish Life
Radical Guide to MacBeth and Hamlet
Caledonian Dreaming
Three Years in Hell
Brexit Chronicles
History of Ireland in 100 Objects
The Southern question
Dancing on the edge of Europe
After the ball
politics of magig
Brexit Chronicles
"Macbeth" and "Hamlet"
Enough Is Enough
Untitled O'Toole on Ireland and America
Heroic Failure
Meanwhile back at the ranch
Ship of Fools
Three Years in Hell
Judging Shaw
Enough Is Enough
Siobhan Mckenna
Going West
The lie of the land
Biography of Richard Brinsley Sheridan