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journalists who wrote biography
Showing 1449-1456 out of 2305 results
Quim Monzó
Quim Monzó (born 1951)

journalist, translator, essayist, columnist

Catorze ciutats comptant-hi Brooklyn
Music for chameleons
Uf, va dir ell
L' illa de Maians
La magnitud de la tragèdia
Olivetti, Moulinex, Chaffoteaux et Maury
Vuitanta-sis contes
Mil cretins
Tres contes
El perquè de tot plegat
Del tot indefens davant dels hostils imperis alienígenes
El Tema del Tema
Die beste aller Welten. Dreizehn Geschichten und ein kurzer Roman
Why, Why, Why?
Self service
Tres Nadals
El mejor de los mundos
Esplendor i glòria de la Internacional Papanates
L' udol del griso al caire de les clavegueres
Historias imposibles. Incluye CD con la lectura de los relatos
La maleta turca
El dia del senyor
No plantaré cap arbre
Tot és mentida
Hotel intercontinental
Melocotón de manzana
El meu país
El porqué de las cosas
Jaan Kaplinski
Jaan Kaplinski (1941-2021)

poet, philosopher, journalist, politician, translator, essayist

  • Hugo Treffner Gymnasium, University of Tartu
The wandering border
Sjunger näktergalen än i Dorpat?
Evening brings everything back
Öölinnud, öömõtted =
The same sea in us all
I am the spring in Tartu
Hinge tagasitulek
Tükk elatud elu
Võimaluste võimalikkus
Vita nätter och svarta
Kust tuli öö
Mitu suve ja kevadet
Vita natter och svarta
Through the forest
Valge joon Võrumaa kohale
Kevad kahel rannikul
Õhtu toob tagasi kõik
Selected poems
Raske on kergeks saada
Tolmust ja värvidest
See ja teine
Sama meri kaikissa meissä
Teekond Ayia Triadasse
Uute kivide kasvamine
Non-Existent Frontier
The same river
Poliitika ja antipoliitika
Kõik on ime
The same sea in us all
Sõnad sõnatusse
Vecher vozvrashchaet vse
Sõprade kirjad on su poole teel
הקרח והטיטניק
Nashi teni tak dlinny
Ulybka Vegenera
Seesama jogi
Taivahe heidet tsirk
Teiselpool järve
Max Gunther
Max Gunther (1927-1998)


  • Princeton University
Les milliardaires
The very, very rich and how they got that way
Writing and selling a nonfiction book
The Zurich Axioms
Wall Street and witchcraft
Writing the modern magazine article
Virility 8
The luck factor
How to get lucky
The Zurich Axioms
Le Facteur Chance
D.B. Cooper
Writing the Modern Magazine Article
The Zürich axioms
Instant millionaires
The weekenders
Doom wind
Os axiomas de Zurique
Los Secretos De Los Banqueros Suizos
Confessions of a P. R. Man
Writing the modern magazine article
Instant millionaires
The weekenders
Ralph Nader
Ralph Nader (born 1934)

lawyer, historian, politician, lobbyist, environmentalist, political activist, journalist, columnist

  • Princeton University, Harvard Law School
Crashing the party
The Seventeen Traditions
The seventeen traditions
Crashing the Party
The seventeen traditions
Congress project
Unsafe at any speed
No contest
The big boys
Cutting Corporate Welfare
Action for a change
The Ralph Nader Reader
Collision course
The menace of atomic energy
More action for a change
The lemon book
Unsafe at any speed
The Good Fight
The people's business
The Seventeen Solutions Bold Ideas For Our American Future
Winning the insurance game
Civic Arousal
Power and land in California
The good fight
Canada firsts
In Pursuit Of Justice
The Case against "free trade"
The Frugal Shopper
The consumer and corporate accountability
Getting steamed
Return to sender
The Frugal shopper checklist book
The GMO Deception
Home Book: A Guide to Safety, Security and Savings in the Home
Breaking through power
Wrecking America
Censored 2015
Only the Super-Rich Can Save Us!
The Frugal Shopper Checklist Book
What to do with your bad car
Taming the giant corporation
Who's poisoning America
Main basse sur le pouvoir
The Rape of the powerless
Animal envy
Day the Rats Vetoed Congress
You and your pension [by] Ralph Nader and Kate Blackwell
Who Runs Congress
Ralph Nader and Family Cookbook
The GMO deception
Constitutionalizing the corporation
Ralph Nader in Rüschlikon, 7.-8. September 1977
Murray Atomic Energy
Action for change
Corporate Power in America
Corporate power in America
Media for the Solar Age
Taming the giant corporation
Nader on Australia
Canada Firsts
You and your pension
To the ramparts
Whistle Blowing
Out of Darkness
First Class
The Big Boys Part 1 of 2
The Big Boys Part 2 of 2
Hidden History of Monopolies
Alimentos gene ticamente modificados
Verdicts on lawyers
Reflections from the Waiting Room
Fake President
Who's Poisoning America
How the Rats Re-formed Congress
Seventeen Solutions
Vanishing air
Alimentos Genéticamente Modificados : Cambiando la Naturaleza de la Naturaleza
Told You So
On Living in a Democracy
Collision Course
Cutting Corporate Welfare
Big Boy
Rebellious CEO
Courts and Congress
What to do with your bad car
Let's Start the Revolution
In Pursuit of Justice
What to Do?
Only the Super-Rich Can Save Us!
Ces voitures qui tuent
I Lost My Bontalona
Lemon Books
Good Fight
Ecotactics the Sierra Club Handbook for Environment Activists
Direct Democracy
Crashing the Party
Ralph Nader and Family Cookbook
Who Runs Congress?
Unsafe at Any Speed.  The Designed-In Dangers of the American Automobile
Ralph Nader presents : students as if they matter
Breaking Through Power
Unsafe at any speed
Unsafe at Any Speed
John Keegan
John Keegan (1934-2012)

journalist, military historian, historian, teacher

  • University of Oxford, King's College
The mask of command
Who's who in military history
Intelligence in War
Who was who in World War II
Churchill's Generals
World War II
Wellington Commander
Biography of Siegfried Sassoon
Who is who
A History of Warfare
The Face of Battle
The Iraq War
The American Civil War
The price of admiralty
Six Armies in Normandy
The First World War
What if?
The nature of war
The eye of war
The Second World War
An Illustrated History of the First World War
The Battle for History
Waffen SS
Closing the ring
The Rand McNally encyclopedia of World War II
The Book of War
Collins Atlas of World War II
Dien Bien Phu
Battle at Sea
War and our world
The Daily Telegraph War on Saddam
Encyclopedia of World War II
Opening Moves
World Armies
The Second World War
Zones of Conflict
The military geography of the American Civil War
Die Kultur des Krieges
The Renaissance at war
Atlas of the Second World War
The world at war, 1939-1945
Who's Who in World War I
The Second World War
Collins Atlas of World War II
Das Antlitz des Krieges
Savas Sanati Tarihi
Legends and poems
Ikinci Dünya Savasi
Victory Must Be Ours
A brief history of warfare
Needs assessment survey of New Hampshire's elderly
La Deuxième guerre mondiale
Legends and Poems Now First Collected
H Jones VC
Savaş Sanatı Tarihi
Der Amerikanische Bürgerkrieg
Der Zweite Weltkrieg
Nomads and Warfare
Second World War
Growing Up in the City
The Second World War
Nation in Arms
Der Erste Weltkrieg. Eine europäische Tragödie
Dictionnaire des Grands Nome de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale
The Second World War, Vol, 1
Eye of War
Face of Battle
Fields of Battle
World At War 1945
Pene ha-kerav
Greeks %Abandoned%
Six armies in Normandy
The Second World War   Part 1 Of 2
The Second World War   Part 2 Of 2
Muhammad Asad
Muhammad Asad (1900-1992)

diplomat, journalist, translator, linguist, autobiographer, philosopher

  • University of Vienna
The Road to Mecca
T̤ūfān se sāḥil tak
Tong wang Maijia zhi lu
Muḥammad Asad, ek Yūrapiyan badvī
The road to Makkah
The Message of the Qurʼān
The message of the Qurʾan
The Message of The Quran
Principles of State and Government in Islam
The Unromantic Orient
The book of revelations
The message of the Qurā̓n
The Spirit of Islam
Islam and politics
Islam at the Crossroads
Al- Islām fī al-Ḥukm
Le Chemin de La Mecque
Al- Islām 'Alā muftaraq al-turuq
Islam on the crossroads
The principles of state and government in Islam
Ham ne Pākistān kiyūn̲ banāyā
al- Islām ʻalā muftaraq al-ṭuruq
The message of the Qura̓̄n
Hadaiq al-ashiq
The unromantic Orient
This Law of Ours and Other Essays
Is religion a thing of the pastà
The road to Mecca
The Principles of State and Government
Azas-azas negara dan pemerintah didalam Islam
Islam at the crossroads
al-Ghināʼ fī aqbiyah ʻamīqah
The message of the Qurā̓n
Unromantisches Morgenland
Sahih Al-Bukhari
Message of the Koran
Michael Ignatieff
Michael Ignatieff (born 1947)

journalist, historian, politician, philosopher

  • University of Oxford, Trinity College
The Russian album
Isaiah Berlin
For most of it I have no words
Fire and ashes
True patriot love
The needs of strangers
Scar tissue
Virtual war
The Lesser Evil
Blood and Belonging
Human Rights as Politics and Idolatry
The Warrior's Honour
Empire lite
Charlie Johnson in the flames
A just measure ofpain
The rights revolution
The ordinary virtues
Wealth and virtue
Magnum Degrees
After Paradise
American Exceptionalism and Human Rights
On Consolation
Die Zivilisierung des Krieges. Ethnische Konflikte, Menschenrechte, Medien
The Rights Revolution (CBC Massey Lecture)
The future of public broadcasting in Canada
Die Politik der Menschenrechte
Die Lichter auf der Brücke eines sinkenden Schiffs. Geschichte einer Familie
Rethinking Open Society
Isaiah Berlin
Berlin in autumn
Citizenship and moral narcissism
Needs of Strangers
The Ordinary Virtues Lib/E
The Trial of Richard Wagner
Making states work
Empire Lite
Reisen in den neuen Nationalismus
Rights Revolution
Sangre y Pertenencia
Russian Album
Charlie Johnson in the Flames
On Consolation
Blood and Belonging
Institutional Racism and The Police
The Gifford Lectures 2003
Academic Freedom
Nationalism and self-determination
Untitled Ignatieff Novel
Vuur en as
Enzo Biagi
Enzo Biagi (1920-2007)

television presenter, partisan, film critic, film director, politician, journalist

La bella vita
Testimone del tempo
Mamma Svetlana
Il signor Fiat
Senza dire arrivederci
Un giorno ancora
Il buon paese
Scusate, dimenticavo
Quante donne
Dicono di Lei
Racconto di un secolo
L' albero dai fiori bianchi
Lettera d'amore a una ragazza di una volta
Dizionario del Novecento
Era ieri
Odore di cipria
Il Boss è solo
La mia America
Sogni perduti
E di scena Pietro Gubellini, tenore
"I" come Italiani
Lunga è la notte
Gente che va
Fatti personali
I quattordici mesi
I quattordici mesi
Crepuscolo degli dei
Krasivai︠a︡ zhiznʹ
Come andremo a incominciare?
Giro del mondo
Ma che tempi
Cose loro & fatti nostri
L' uomo non deve morire
Strettamente personale
Quante storie
Noi c'eravamo
Addio a questi mondi
Cara Italia
1935 e dintorni
Come si dice amore
1943 e dintorni
Laggiù gli uomini
Anni di guerra
Il sole malato
L' Italia domanda
Mille camere
Storia di Roma a fumetti
La seconda guerra mondiale
Mia bella signora
Storia d'Italia a fumetti
Io c'ero
Un anno, una vita
L' Italia dei peccatori
Quello che non si doveva dire
Diciamoci tutto
La disfatta
Buoni, cattivi
Il fatto
Lezioni di televisione
Le Rhin
Cara, vecchia Bologna
Disonora il padre
Consigli per un paese normale
Il Mississippi
Strettamente personale
America, America
Disonora il padre
Il boss è solo
Una signora così così
Una signora così così
Tesori di Bologna
Mille camere
'E di scena Pietro Gubellini
La Luna è nostra
Cardinali e comunisti
Yo, Tommasso Buscetta, Soy Un Mafioso..
I Kennedy
E tu lo sai?
Le Mississippi
Il Boss é solo
Quante donne
La storia d'Italia a fumetti