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journalists who wrote biography
Showing 1345-1352 out of 2305 results
Alfred Bester
Alfred Bester (1913-1987)


  • University of Pennsylvania
Hell's cartographers : some personal histories of science fiction writers
100 Great Science Fiction Short Short Stories
Fantastic Stories Presents Science Fiction Super Pack #1
One Hundred
A Decade of Fantasy and Science Fiction
Science fact/fiction
The Magazine of fantasy and science fiction. A 30-year retrospective
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Treasury (The Future in Question / Space Mail)
The Deceivers
The Demolished Man
The Future in Question
The Stars My Destination
Assignment in Tomorrow
The Science Fiction Hall of Fame -- Volume Two
The Computer Connection
Star of Stars
Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories 25 (1963)
Laughing Space
The SFWA Grand Masters, Volume Two
Isaac Asimov presents the golden age of science fiction. Sixth Series
Star Light, Star Bright
Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories 3 (1941)
The Golden Years of Science Fiction -- Second Series
Virtual Unrealities
Isaac Asimov Presents the Great SF Stories 15 (1953)
Nova Four
Who He?
Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories 12 (1950)
The Great Short Fiction of Alfred Bester
Tiger! tiger!
The Dark Side of the Earth
Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories 21 (1959)
Experiment Perilous
The Rat Race
Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories 4 (1942)
Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories 14 (1952)
El Hombre Demolido
Futures to Infinity
Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories 16 (1954)
The Life and Death of a Satellite
El hombre demolido
Der brennende Mann
The Star's My Destination, Volume 1
The light fantastic
Tender Loving Rage
Alfred Bester's The stars my destination
Star Light, Star Bright: Vol.2
L'Homme démoli
Alfred Bester's the Stars My Destination. Vol 1
Science Fiction Voices #1
SF Voices
An Alfred Bester omnibus
Irrealidades Virtuales
Irrealidades Virtuais I (Portuguese Edition)
The Golden Age Starman Archives
The Starcomber
Light Fantastic
Terminus les étoiles
Homme Demoli (Folio Science Fiction) (English and French Edition)
Carreras de Ratas
Oh Luminosa and Brillante Estrella
Thrilling Wonder Stories - 02/41: Adventure House Presents:
The Flowered Thundermug
Las estrellas, mi destino
Las estrellas, mi destino
The Light Fantastic (Volume 1)
Destinazione stelle
Kaplan! Kaplan!
Gwiazdy moim przeznaczeniem
Yikima Giden Adam
Bester Alfred
L'homme démoli : Suivi de Terminus les étoiles
'Who He?Apos
Odinokiĭ Adam
Les Clowns de l'Eden
The Dark Side of the Earth
Peggy Orenstein
Peggy Orenstein (born 1961)


  • Oberlin College
Waiting for Daisy
Girls & sex
Boys & Sex
Cinderella ate my daughter
Starke Mädchen - brave Mädchen
Don't call me princess
Flux Discussion Guide
Roger Grenier
Roger Grenier (1919-2017)

journalist, playwright, editor, biographer, memoirist, French resistance fighter, literary critic, radio personality

  • Faculty of Arts of Paris
Albert Camus, soleil et ombre
Regardez la neige qui tombe
A box of photographs
Trois heures du matin
Pascal Pia, ou, Le droit au néant
Paris ma grand'ville
Dans le secret d'une photo
Les deux rives
Another November
The Difficulty of Being a Dog
Palace of books
Piano music for four hands
Carnet vénitien
Le rôle d'accusé
Fidèle au poste
Le palais des livres
Les larmes d'Ulysse
5, rue Sébastien-Bottin
Claude Roy
La mare d'Auteuil
Il te faudra quitter Florence
Le temps des separations
Les larmes d'Ulysse (L'un et l'autre)
Album Camus: Iconographie choisie et commentee par Roger Grenier (French Edition)
Le silence
La Follia
La fiancée de Fragonard
Years in ambush
Le veilleur
Le Pierrot noir
La salle de rédaction
Quelqu'un de ce temps-là
A Albert Camus
Les monstres, roman
Avant une guerre
Brassai, 1899-1984 (Photofile)
Le palais d'hiver
La marche turque
Le Palais d'hiver
Regardez La Neige Qui Tombe (L'Un et l'autre)
Albert Camus
Le palais des livres
Une maison place des Fêtes
Le miroir des eaux
Le droit de se contredire
La voie romaine
Brefs récits pour une longue histoire
Un air de famille
Trois années
Luci della ribalta
Christian Kracht
Christian Kracht (born 1966)


  • Sarah Lawrence College, Schule Schloss Salem
Die Toten
New wave
Die totale Erinnerung
Der gelbe Bleistift
Ich werde hier sein im Sonnenschein und im Schatten
Gebrauchsanweisung für Kathmandu und Nepal
Tristesse Royale
Ferien für immer
Anthony James, Morphic fields
Five years, Briefwechsel, 2004-2009
Rausch = States of euphoria
Das Sobhraj-Quartett Vol 1
Pietro Aretino
Pietro Aretino (1492-1556)

poet, playwright, journalist, art historian

Lives of Titian
La vita di Maria Vergine
Vita di S. Filippo Neri fiorentino, fondatore della Congregatione dell'Oratorio
I qvattro libri de la hvmanità di Christo
Le vite dei santi
L' umanità di Cristo
La vita di Maria Vergine
Dell'hvmanità del Figlivolo di Dio libri tre
Opere religiose
Secret Life of Nuns (Hesperus Classics)
Secret Life of Wives
I ragionamenti
Il primo libro delle lettere
School of Whoredom
Quattro commedie del divino Pietro Aretino
Selected letters [of] Aretino
L' Orazia
The Secret Life of Wives
The School of Whoredom
Las Seis Jornadas, La Cortesana
Paraphrase vpon the seaven pen[i]tentiall psalmes of [t]he kingly prophet
Sei giornate
Sonetos Lujuriosos
Ragionamento ; Dialogo
Poemi cavallereschi
Casos de Amor
Sonetos Sobre Los XVI Modos
Lettere sull'arte
L' oeuvre du divin Arétin
Il marescalco
Lettere sull'arte, commentate da Fidenzio Pertile e riv. da Carlo Cordié
Works of Aretino
Cortigiana ; Opera nova ; Pronostico ; Il testamento dell'elefante ; Farza
Edizione nazionale delle opere di Pietro Aretino
Œuvres choisies de P. Arétin
Aretino pentito
I sette Salmi della penitentia di David
Un pronostico satirico de Pietro Aretino (MDXXXIIII)
Sonetti lussuriosi e Pasquinate
Del primo [-sesto] libro de le lettere di M. Pietro Aretino
Die Gespräche des göttlichen Pietro Aretino
Sonetti sopra i 'XVI modi'
Lo Hipocrito
Il Genesi
La Ninnetta, comedia & inuentione del Sig. Cesare Caporali
Scritti scelti di Pietro Aretino e di Anton Francesco Doni
Pietro Aretino, Sonetti Lussuriosi, Edizione Critica e Commento Di Danilo Romei. Nuova Edizione Riveduta e Corretta
Pornodidascalus, seu colloquium muliebre
Abbatimento poetico del Diuino Aretino
L' Orlandino
Commedie Di Pietro Aretino, Nuovamente Rivedute e Corrette, Aggiuntavi l'orazia, Tragedia Del Medesimo Autore
Scritti di Pietro Aretino nel Codice marciano It. XI 66 (=6730)
Del primo [-sesto] libro de le lettere di M. Pietro Aretino
Sonetos Lujuriosos
Commedie di Pietro Aretino
Dialogos de Cortesanas
OEuvres Choisies
Folengo, Aretino, Doni
Il primo libro delle lettere
Del primo [-sesto] libro de le lettere di M. Pietro Aretino
Lo Ipocrito
Opera Nova. Edizione e Commento Di Danilo Romei
The Letters of Pietro Aretino
Coloquio de Las Damas
Tutto il teatro
Pietro Aretino
Tutte le commedie
The letters of Pietro Aretino
La Talanta
Dialogo Nel Quale la Nanna Insegna a la Pippa il Mestiere Della Cortigiana
Die Gespräche des Göttlichen Pietro Aretino
The works of Aretino
Capricciosi e piacevoli ragionamenti
Dubbj Amorosi, Altri Dubbj, E Sonetti Lussuriosi
Libro secundo delle lettere scritte al Signor Pietro Aretino da molti signori comunità
Tutte le opere
Scritti scelti
Pronostico Satirico
The works
Dialogo Della Pittura Di M. Lodovico Dolce, Intitolato L'Aretino : Nel Quale Si Ragiona Della Dignità Di Essa Pittura, e Di Tutte le Parti Necessarie, Che a Perfetto Pittore Si Acconvengono : con Esempi Di Pittori Antichi, e Moderni
Il piacevol ragionamento de l'Aretino
Del primo [-sesto] libro de le lettere di M. Pietro Aretino
La orazia, tragedia
Le cortigiane
School of Whoredom
D' Angelica
Opere Di Pietro Aretino...
Del primo [-sesto] libro de le lettere di M. Pietro Aretino
Il manganello
Ragionamento nel qvale M. Pietro Aretino figvra qvattro suoi amici
Le carte parlanti
Comedia de el Herrador
Il primo libro delle lettere di Pietro Aretino
L' Orlandino, canti due
Ragionamento delle corti
Tutte le opere di Pietro Aretino
Lettere di, a, su Pietro Aretino
Le carte parlanti
Sonetti Lussuriosi
Scritti di Pietro Aretino nel Codice marciano It. XI 66 (=6730)
Del primo [-sesto] libro de le lettere di M. Pietro Aretino
Commedie, nuovamente rivedute e corrette
Los diálogos del vivino Pedro Aretino
Edizione critica dell'"Horatia" di Pietro Aretino
L' oeuvre du divin Aretin
Capricciosi & piaceuoli ragionamenti
Teatro comico
L' Arétin
Pietro Aretino
Lettere di, a, su Pietro Aretino nel fondo Bongi dell'Archivio di Stato di Lucca
Quattro commedie del divino Pietro Aretino
I sette Salmi della penitentia di David
Tutte le Opere
Del primo[-sesto] libro de le lettere di M. Pietro Aretino
Del primo[-sesto] libro de le lettere di M. Pietro Aretino
I modi (di fottere)
La Talanta
Edizione critica dell'Horatia di Pietro Aretino
Piacevoli e capricciosi ragionamenti
Comedia intitolata il Filosofo opra ...
Qvattro comedie del divino Pietro Aretino
Het net der wellustigheyt
Il finto
Sei giornate. Ragionamento della Nanna e della Antonia, 1534. Dialogo nel quale la Nanna insegna a la Pippa, 1536
Del primo[-sesto] libro de le lettere di M. Pietro Aretino
Del primo[-sesto] libro de le lettere di M. Pietro Aretino
Abbatimento poetico del Diuino Aretino
Del primo[-sesto] libro de le lettere di M. Pietro Aretino
Il Marescalco
Tutte le commedie
Del primo[-sesto] libro de le lettere di M. Pietro Aretino
Les sonnets luxurieux de l'Arétin
I piacevoli ragionamenti
Del primo[-sesto] libro de le lettere di M. Pietro Aretino
Del primo [ -sesto] libro de le lettere di M. Pietro Aretino
La prima [-secunda] parte de Ragionamenti di M. Pietro Arentino, cognominato il flagello de prencipi, il veritiero, el divino
Del primo[-sesto] libro de le lettere di M. Pietro Aretino
Del primo[-sesto] libro de le lettere di M. Pietro Aretino
Aretinou akolasta soneta
Opera noua
Del primo[-sesto] libro de le lettere di M. Pietro Aretino
Del primo[-sesto] libro de le lettere di M. Pietro Aretino
Del primo[-sesto] libro de le lettere di M. Pietro Aretino
Il cavallarizzo
Del primo[-sesto] libro de le lettere di M. Pietro Aretino
Del primo[-sesto] libro de le lettere di M. Pietro Aretino
Opere di Pietro Aretino
Del primo[-sesto] libro de le lettere di M. Pietro Aretino
Del primo[-sesto] libro de le lettere di M. Pietro Aretino
Le lettre [sic]
Coloquio de las damas
Del primo[-sesto] libro de le lettere di M. Pietro Aretino
Le più belle pagine di Pietro Aretino
Dialogue du Zoppino devenu frère, et Ludovico, putassier
Lettere di M. Pietro Aretino
La cortigiana
Del primo[-sesto] libro de le lettere di M. Pietro Aretino
Les entretiens de Magdelon et de Julie
Del primo[-sesto] libro de le lettere di M. Pietro Aretino
Del primo[-sesto] libro de le lettere di M. Pietro Aretino
Liebeszweifel, andere Liebeszweifel und lustvolle Sonette
Lo Hipocrito
Dubbi amorosi
Die sechzehn woll stigen Sonette
Lettere a Pietro Aretino
Del primo[-sesto] libro de le lettere di M. Pietro Aretino
Del primo[-sesto] libro de le lettere di M. Pietro Aretino
Del primo[-sesto] libro de le lettere di M. Pietro Aretino
Del primo[-sesto] libro de le lettere di M. Pietro Aretino
Will Ferguson
Will Ferguson (born 1964)

journalist, historian

  • York University
Why I Hate Canadians
The Girlfriend's Guide to Hockey
Beyond Belfast
Bastards & boneheads
Coal Dust Kisses: A Christmas Memoir
Beauty Tips from Moose Jaw
Canadian History for Dummies
How to be a Canadian
Hokkaido Highway Blues
Spanish Fly
Hitching Rides with Buddha
I was a teenage Katima-victim
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Japan
Shoe on the Roof
The Penguin anthology of Canadian humour
Canadian pie
Road trip Rwanda
I Only Read Murder
Richard Hildreth
Richard Hildreth (1807-1865)

journalist, historian

  • Harvard University, Phillips Exeter Academy
The people's presidential candidate
An American utilitarian
Atrocious judges
Our first men
The people's presidential candidate, or, The life of William Henry Harrison, of Ohio
The people's presidential candidate, or, The life of William Henry Harrison, of Ohio
Japan as it was and is
Despotism in America
Japan as it was and is
The History of the United States of America
The History of Banks: To which is Added, a Demonstration of the Advantages and Necessity of Free ..
Despotism in America
The history of the United States of America
Despotism in America, or, An inquiry into the nature and results of the slave-holding system in the United States
Archy Moore, the White Slave: Or, Memoirs of a Fugitive
Theory of Morals: An Inquiry Concerning the Law of Moral Distinctions and the Variations and ..
Theory of Politics: An Inquiry Into the Foundations of Governments, and the Causes and Progress ..
The White Slave: Another Picture of Slave Life in America
The slave; or, Memoirs of Archy Moore [pseud.] ..
The Slave: Or, Memoirs of Archy Moore
Archy Moore, the white slave
Despotism in America
Theory of Politics: An Inquiry Into the Foundations of Governments, and the ..
Theory of politics
Japan and the Japanese
L' esclave blanc
Japan As It Was and Is a Handbook of Old Japan
Hildreth's "Japan as it was and is"
My connection with the Atlas newspaper
Banks, banking, and paper currencies
Theory Of Morals
Native-Americanism detected and exposed
History of the United States of America
The History Of The United States Of America, Volume 3
Archy Moore, the White Slave
Despotism in America
The Slave; Or, Memoirs of Archy Moore [Pseud]
History Of The United States (6 Volumes)
Inducements to the colored people of the United States to emigrate to British Guiana
Theory of Morals
Japan As It Was And Is
A letter to Andrews Norton, on miracles as the foundation of religious faith
The contrast
History of Banks
Archy Moore
Collected Works Of Richard Hildreth
White Slave
The Slave
Banks, banking and paper currencies...
The History of the United States of America Volume 2
The slave; or, Memoirs of Archy Moore
The History of the United States of America
Pikes Peak Broadcasting Co
History of the United States of America; Volume 6
The White Slave
The slave, or, Memoirs of Archy Moore ..
The history of banks
The "ruin" of Jamaica
Despotism In America
The Slave
The History Of The United States Of America (6 Volumes)
A Report of the Trial of the Rev. Ephraim K. Avery, Before the Supreme Judicial Court of Rhode ...
Archie Moore, the white slave
Japan and the Japanese
History Of Banks
Japan As It Was and Is
A review of "An oration delivered before the Young Men of Boston
A letter to His Excellency Marcus Morton, on banking and the currency
The Slave V1
History of the United States of America
The History of the United States of America Volume 4
Theory Of Morals
The white slave
The History of the United States of America, Volume 1
Theory of morals
The History of the United States of America Volume 5
First Publicaton of the Hildreth Family Association
Theory of morals
The white slave, or, Memoirs of a fugitive
A letter to His Excellency Marcus Morton on banking and the currency
The slave, or, Memoirs of Archy Moore
The white slave, or, Memoirs of a fugitive ..
Belyĭ rab
The "ruin" of Jamaica
[Letter to] My Dear Miss Weston
What can I do for the abolition of slavery?
Archy Moore, the white slave
Japan as it was and is
Despotism in America, or, An inquiry into the nature and results of the slave-holding system in the United States
A letter to Deacon Moses Grant
[Letter to] My Dear Caroline
An American utilitarian
A letter to Andrews Norton on miracles as the foundation of religious faith
Strictures on Governor Morton's message
[Letter to] Dear Madam
The History of Banks (Reprints of Economics Classis)
A letter to Andrews Norton, on miracles as the foundation of religious faith
Seiyō kisetsu Dai Nippon hakkenroku
A second letter to Deacon Moses Grant
The slave; or, Memoirs of Archy Moore [pseud.] .
Native-americanism detected and exposed
Maurice Baring
Maurice Baring (1874-1945)

linguist, poet, journalist, translator, playwright, war correspondent

  • Eton College, University of Cambridge
Puppet Show of Memory
The puppet show of memory
Macbeth and Related Readings
The mainsprings of Russia
Diminutive dramas
What I saw in Russia
The lonely lady of Dulwich
Sarah Bernhardt
An outline of Russian literature
Lost diaries
A year in Russia
Daphne Adeane
R.F.C., H.Q., 1914-1918
Letters from the Near East 1909 and 1912
In my end is my beginning
The coat without seam
Robert Peckham
Passing by
Lost lectures
Russian essays and stories
The Russian people
Timber's leave
Russian essays and stories
Translations: ancient and modern
Round the world in any number of days
Friday's Business
Dead letters
Cat's cradle
With the Russians in Manchuria
Darby and Joan
Friday's business
The blue rose
In memoriam
Maurice Baring restored
Dead letters
Punch and Judy, & other essays
The Russian people
His Majesty's embassy and other plays
Half a minutes silence and other stories
The Collected Poems of Maurice Baring
Landmarks in Russian literature
Dear animated bust
Tinker's leave
Have you anything to declare?
Robert Peckham
The glass mender
French literature
Palamon and Arcite
The grey stocking and other plays
Forget-me-not and Lily of the Valley
W.D. dinner July 12, 1923
The Oxford book of Russian verse
Poems, 1914-1917
The causes of the failure of the Russian Revolution
Orpheus in Mayfair
Blue rose fairy book
Comfortless memory
The collected poems
The grey stocking
Primary Sources Historical Collections The Mainsprings Of Russia With A Foreword By T S
Gaston De Foix
Pastels and other rhymes
The Black Prince & Other Poems
Cecil Spencer
Dead letters
Passing by
Ivo Grenfell, October 8, 1926
The glass mender and
Maurice Baring
Poems: 1892-1929
Gaston de Foix: And Other Plays
Sonnets and short poems
The story of forget-me-not and lily of the valley
Punch and Judy
The Black Prince
The collected poems of Maurice Baring
Orpheus in Mayfair and Other Stories and Sketches
I. M. H
Lost diaries
The glass mender and other stories
The mainsprings of Russia
Lost lectures
With the Russians in Manchuria
The Oxford book of Russian verse
Darby and Joan
Diminutive dramas
Gilbert and Sullivan
La solitaire de Dulwich
The Russian people
Dead letters
Sarah Bernhardt
Blue rose fairy book
The grey stocking, and other plays
The grey stocking, a other plays
Goethe and Victor Hugo
Prophet of Wales
In my end is my beginning
An outline of Russian literature
Dead letters
The Black Prince, and other poems
Ten diminutive dramas
Dead letter
Coat without seam
Habent sua fata libelli
Robert Peckham
Maurice Baring restored, selections from his work
Translations (found in a commonplace book)
Brochure on the subject Literature, the world of imagination
What I saw in Russia
Have you anything to declare?
Translations, ancient & modern (with originals)
His Majesty's embassy
The puppet show of memory
Flying Corps Headquarters, 1914-1918 (Echoes of War)
The oxford book of Russian verse
Half a minute's silence
The Oxford book of Russian verse
Daphne Adeane
When they love
Russian lyrics
Diminutive dramas
A year in Russia
La princesse Blanche
Sarah Bernhardt
Half a minute's silence, and other stories
Landmarks in Russian literature
A triangle, passages from three notebooks
The lonely lady of Dulwich
Unreliable History
Passing by
The Oxford book of Russian verse
Selected poems of Maurice Baring
An outline of Russian literature
A triangle