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journalists who wrote biography
Showing 1241-1248 out of 2305 results
Mark Jacobson
Mark Jacobson (born 1948)

journalist, film producer

  • University of California, Berkeley
American Gangster
American Gangster and Other Tales of New York
American monsters
Everyone and no one
Teenage hipster in the modern world
The lampshade
12,000 miles in the nick of time
12,000 Miles in the Nick of Time
Pale horse rider
Teenage Hipster in the Modern World
The KGB Bar nonfiction reader
Monstrous Melee
Not What It Seems
Gary Shteyngart
Gary Shteyngart (born 1972)


  • Hunter College, Oberlin College
Little failure
Pequeño fracaso
Super sad true love story
The Russian Debutante's Handbook
Bad Company
Lake Success
Poisons + Remedies
Our Country Friends
Snack Daddys abenteuerliche Reise
Sipur ahavah amitit ʻatsuv bi-meyuḥad
Super triste histoire d'amour
Super Acikli Gercek Bir Ask Hikayesi
Lake Success
Handbuch für den russischen Debütanten
Carl von Ossietzky
Carl von Ossietzky (1889-1938)


Carl von Ossietzky
Carl von Ossietzky, 227 Tage im Gefängnis
Carl von Ossietzky
The stolen republic
"Farbige weithin sichtbare Signalzeiche"
Sämtliche Schriften
Ossietzky aktuell
Schriften, 1-2
Hamburger literarisches Leben im 18. Jahrhundert
Der Traum der Republik
"Farbige weithin sichtbare Signalzeichen"
A. J. Jacobs
A. J. Jacobs (born 1968)


  • Brown University
Drop dead healthy
Drop dead healty
The Know-It-All
The Year of Living Biblically
The two kings
The Know-It-All
My Experimental Life
The guinea pig diaries
What It Feels Like
The year of living biblically
Fractured fairy tales
It's all relative
Esquire presents what it feels like
America Off-Line
La Biblia Al Pie De La Letra
The Know-It -All: One Man's Humble Quest to Become the Smartest Person in the World
The guinea pig diaries
My life as an experiment
The know-it-all
Thanks a thousand
It's all relative
The Two Kings
Cuentos de Hadas Retorcidos
Augustin Daly
Augustin Daly (1838-1899)

playwright, journalist

Under the gaslight
The Augustin Daly collection of portraits of eminent men and women of the stage ... To be sold at ... the Anderson Galleries
Catalogue of the valuable literary and art property gathered by the late Augustin Daly, to be disposed of at absolute public sale ..
A flash of lightning
Horizon: an original drama of contemporaneous society and of American frontier perils
Theatre scrapbooks, 1863-1899
The passing regiment
Nancy and company
Woffington, a tribute to the actress and the woman
Frou frou
A night off, or, A page from Balzac
Dollars and sense
Correspondence of Augustin Daly and Joseph F. Daly, and documents serving for memoirs
Under the gaslight
Under The Gaslight
Needles and pins
The recruiting officer
A test case, or, Grass versus granite
Taming of the shrew
A legend of Norwood, or, Village life in New England
Little Miss Million
Under the gaslight, or, life and love of these times
Man and wife
The story of Frou Frou
Griffith Gaunt, or, Jealousy
Dollars and sense, or, The heedless ones
A sister's sacrifice
The merchant of Venice
The school for scandal
The inconstant, or, The way to win him
Love in tandem
Seven-twenty-eight, or, Casting the boomerang
An international match
After business hours
The lottery of love
The big bonanza
The geisha
Three preludes to the play
Love's labor's lost
The belle's strategem
Hansel and Gretel
Catalogue of rare books, originial drawings, extra illustrated works, and other interesting literary material ..
Love on crutches
Man and wife & other plays
Taming a butterfly
The two gentlemen of Verona
Madelaine Morel
Under the gaslight; or, life and love of these times, and original drama, of American life, in four acts ... as ... performed at the New York Theatre
Our English friend
As you like it
Love in harness
She wou'd and she wou'd not
The tempest
The Countess Gucki
Monsieur Alphonse
The railroad of love
Rehearsing a tragedy
Hazardous ground
The White Slave & Other Plays/Man and Wife & Other Plays (Americas Lost Plays; Vol. XIX and XX)
An Arabian night in the nineteenth century
The great unknown
Much ado about nothing
The last word
7-20-8, or, Casting the boomerang
Leah, the forsaken
Twelfe [sic] night, or, What you will
Correspondence and documents of Augustin Daly and Joseph F. Daly, 1858-1899
A legend of "Norwood"
America's Lost Plays - XIX The White Slave & Other Plays - XX Man and Wife & Other Plays
A night off; or, A page from Balzac
The railroad of love
Leah: the forsaken
The big bonanza
"Frou frou"
Madelaine Morel
Leah, the forsaken
Nancy and company
The lottery of love
Theater program for Augustin Daly's Company performance of "The School for Scandal," Albaugh's Lyceum Theatre, Baltimore, April 22, 1891
Theater program for "As You Like It" at Daly's Theatre, December 27, 1889
Under the gaslight: a totally original and picturesque drama of life and love in these times
Little Miss Million
Under the gaslight
"Frou frou"
Our English friend
The passing regiment
A flash of lightning
The foresters
An international match
Woffington, a tribute to the actress and the woman
Man and wife
The last word
The red scarf
Theater program for "The Passing Regiment," at Daly's Theatre, New York, December 24, 1881
Love in tandem
Federigo Tozzi
Federigo Tozzi (1883-1920)

poet, journalist

Vita scritta di Federigo Tozzi
Con gli occhi chiusi
Tre croci
Love in vain
Three crosses
Eyes shut
Gli egoisti
Carteggio con Domenico Giuliotti
Il podere
Tre croci
Con Los Ojos Cerrados
Pagine critiche
Mascherate e strambotti della Congrega dei Rozzi di Siena
Giovani e altre novelle
Mascherate e strambotti della Congrega dei Rozzi di Siena
Cose e persone
Con gli occhi chiusi ; Ricordi di un impiegato
Ricordi di un impiegato
Con gli occhi chiusi
L' amore
Il teatro
Antologia d'antichi scrittori senesi
Federigo Tozzi
L' incalco
Antologia d'antichi scrittori senesi (dalle origini fino a santa Caterina)
Paolo ; Adele
Il podere
Le novelle
I romanzi
Realtà di ieri e di oggi
La zampogna verde
Barche capovolte
Il teatro
Fra d'Annunzio e Pirandello
Per Tozzi
Federigo Tozzi
Gli egoisti
Le novelle
Opere scelte
Le poesie
L'amore, novelle
Barche capovolte
I romanzi
Les Yeux fermés
Giuseppe Fiori
Giuseppe Fiori (1923-2003)

journalist, politician

Vita di Antonio Gramsci
Una storia italiana
Il venditore
Il cavaliere dei Rossomori
Casa Rosselli
Vita di Enrico Berlinguer
L'anarchico Schirru
Il cavaliere dei Rossomori
La Vie de Antonio Gramsci
Uomini ex
Antonio Gramsci
L' anarchico Schirru
Vita di Antonio Gramsci
Vita e morte di Michele Schirru
La Società del malessere
Parole in TV
La Vie de Antonio Gramsci
Baroni in laguna ; La società del malessere
Gramsci, Togliatti, Stalin
Vita di Antonio Gramsci
Antonio Gramsci
Tony Schwartz
Tony Schwartz (born 1952)


  • University of Michigan
What Really Matters
Lo Que Realmente Importa
The way we're working isn't working
Be Excellent At Anything Four Changes To Get More Out Of Work And Life
The Power of Full Engagement
The way we're working isn't working
La anti-productividad
Die Disziplin des Erfolgs. Von Spitzensportlern lernen. Energie richtig managen
On Form
The way we're working isn't working