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economists who wrote biography
Showing 81-88 out of 115 results
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (1809-1865)

economist, sociologist, politician, journalist, philosopher, printer

Mémoires sur ma vie
Qu'est-ce que la propriété?
Du principe de l'art et de sa destination sociale
Property is Theft! A Pierre-Joseph Proudhon Anthology
Du principe fédératif et de la nécessité de reconstituer le parti de la révolution
Système des contradictions économiques, ou, Philosophie de la misère
Les Confessions d’un révolutionnaire pour servir à l’histoire de la Révolution de Février
Des réformes à opérer dans l'exploitation des chemins de fer, et des ..
les actes des apotres
Carnets de P.-J. Proudhon
Si les traités de 1815 ont cesse d'exister?: Actes du futur congrès
Idée générale de la révolution au XIXe siècle
Correspondance de P.-J. Proudhon
France et Rhin
Ideario Anarquista
Oeuvres complétes
De la justice dans le révolution et dans l'église
Oeuvres posthumes
Des réformes à opérer dans l'exploitation des chemins de fer, et des conséquences qui peuvent en ..
�uvres compl�etes de P.-J. Proudhon
Si les traités de 1815 ont cessé d'exister?: Actes du futur congrès
Les majorats littéraires
Les femmelins
Manuel du spéculateur à la bourse
Les Démocrates assermentés et les réfractaires
Napoléon III
La guerre et la paix
Ausgewählte Texte
Idées révolutionnaires
Justice et liberté
La pornocratie
Des réformes à opérer dans l'exploitation des chemins de fer
De la création de l'ordre dans l'humanité ou Principes d'organisation politique
Théorie de l'impôt
Œuvres complètes de P.-J. Proudhon
Contradictions politiques
Théorie de la propriété
Lettres de Pierre Joseph Proudhon
La féderation et l'unité en Italie
Qu'est-ce que la propriété ? (1840)
Si les traités de 1815 ont cessé d'exister?
La révolution sociale démontrée par le coup d'état du 2 décembre
Système des contradictions économiques
Philosophie du progrès. La justice poursuivie par l'Église
Théorie de l'impôt
Abrégé des oeuvres de Proudhon
War and Peace
Philosophie du progrès
Selected Writings
Théorie de l'impot
Jésus et les origines du christianisme
Eigentum ist Diebstahl
Avertissement aux propriétaires, ou lettre à m. Considérant, rédacteur de la Phalange, sur une défense de la propriété
Lettre à M. Blanqui
Oeuvres de P.-J. Proudhon
Œuvres choisies
Petit catéchisme politique
Selected writings of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
Théorie de la propriété
Du principe fédératif et oeuvres diverses sur les problèmes politiques européens
Purūdon, Bakūnin, Kuropotokin
Silvia Rota Ghibaudi
Solution du problème social
La pornocratie, ou, Les femmes dans les temps modernes
Banque du peuple
Proposition relative a l'impo t sur le revenu, pre sente e le 11 juillet 1848, par le citoyen Proudhon
Le droit au travail et le droit de proprièté
Ecrits linguistiques et philologiques
Banquet de la République démocratique et sociale du mardi 17 octobre 1848
Rapport du citoyen Thiers
La questione sociale
Theoretischer und praktischer Beweis des Sozialismus
Abrégé des oeuvres de Proudhon
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, ou, L'esprit libertaire
Proudhon's Solution of the Social problem
Que es la Propiedad
Les démocrates assermentes et les réfractaires
Philosophie der staatsökonomie; oder, Nothwendigkeit des elends
Die Volksbank
Les évangiles
Napoléon Ier
La Guerra E La Pace
De la création de l'ordre dans l'humanité, 1843
Du principe fédératif et de la nécessité de la révolution
Proudhon expliqué par lui-même
P. J. Proudhon : textes choisis et présentés
Proudhon's Solution of the social problem
Les actes des apôtres, les épitres, l'apocalypse
La Bible annotée (Nouveau Testament)
Carnets. Texte inédit et intégral établi sur les manuscrits autographes avec annotations et appareil critique de Pierre Haubtmann
Oeuvres complètes Tome 1
France et Rhin
Le miserere, ou, La pénitence d'un roi
Abrégé des œuvres de Proudhon
Canditature à la pension Suard. De la célébration du dimanche. Qu'est-ce que la propriété?
Des réformes à opérer dans l'exploitation des chemins de fer, et des conséquences qui peuvent en résulter, soit pour l'augmentation du revenu des compagnies, soit pour l'abaissement des prix de transport, l'organisation de l'industrie voiturière, et la constitution économique de la société ...
Œuvres complètes de P.-J. Proudhon
The Philosophy of Misery, V1
Le droit au travail et le droit de propriété
Les Evangiles annotés
Für dezentrale Nationen
Théorie de la propriété
System of Economical Contradictions
La Pensée vivante de P. J. Proudhon
Les Malthusiens
Œuvres complètes
Zaisan to wa nanzo ya
Résumé de la question sociale
La féderation et l'unité en Italie
Proudhon, P
De la justice dans la Révolution et dans l'Église
Écrits sur la religion
La pornocratie ou Les femmes dans les temps modernes
Correspondance de P. -J. Proudhon
Avertissement aux propriétaires; ou, Lettre à m. Considérant, rédacteur de la Phalange, sur une défense de la propriété
Idée générale de la révolution au XIXe siècle
Contradictions politiques
Liberté, partout et toujours
De la capacite  politique des classes ouvrieres
Lettre à M. Blanqui
Deuxième mémoire sur la propriété. Avertissement aux propriétaires. Programme révolutionnaire. Impôt sur le revenu. Le Droit au travail et le droit de propriété
Philosophie der Staatsökonomie oder Notwendigkeit des Elends
Les majorats littéraires
La révolution sociale démontrée par le Coup d'État du deux décembre. Projet d'expositions perpétuelle
Césarisme et christianisme
La révolution sociale démontrée par le coup d'état du 2 décembre
De la classe politique des classes ouvrieres
Manuel du spéculateur à la bourse.
Capacidad política de la clase obrera
Les majorats litte raires
La fédération et l'Unité en Italie
Lettres au citoyen Rolland
Ṿos iz eygenṭum
Oeuvres compl etes
Oeuvres completes de P.-J. Proudhon
P.J. Proudhon
Milton Friedman
Milton Friedman (1912-2006)

economist, statistician, essayist

  • Columbia University, Rutgers University
Two lucky people
Milton Friedman on Freedom
Capitalism and freedom
Price theory
Free to choose
A Theory of the Consumption Function
Rent Control – a Popular Paradox
A monetary history of the United States, 1867-1960
Essays in positive economics
Tyranny of the status quo
Dollars and Deficits
Tax limitation, inflation and the role of government
There's no such thing as a free lunch
A beginner's guide to sightsinging and musical rudiments
A program for monetary stability
Monetarist economics
The optimum quantity of money
The balance of payments: free versus fixed exchange rates
Friedman & Szasz On liberty and drugs
Making Chicago price theory
The essence of Friedman
Monetary statistics of the United States: estimates, sources, methods
A theoretical framework for monetary analysis
Foreign economic aid
The great contraction, 1929-1933
Monetary trends in the United States and the United Kingdom, their relation to income, prices, and interest rates, 1867-1975
An economist's protest
Genial A2
Monetary vs. fiscal policy
Income from independent professional practice
Why government is the problem
Libertad de elegir
From Galbraith to economic freedom
Politics and tyranny
Lives at Risk
Money mischief
Folimin zai Zhongguo
Bright promises, dismal performance
A monetary history of the United State, 1867-1960
Milton Friedman on Economics
Market or plan?
Inflation and unemployment
Money and economic development
The demand for money
From New Deal Banking Reform to World War II Inflation. Reprinted from the Author's Monetary History of the United States, 1867-1960
Price theory
Input and output in medical care
Capitalism and Freedom
The interpolitan of time series by related series
The great contraction
Money, inflation and the constitutional position of the central bank
Market mechanisms and central economic planning
Monetary History of the United States, 1867-1960
Milton Friedman speaks to CEDA
Friedman on Galbraith, and on curing the British disease
Great Contraction, 1929-1933
The counter-revolution in monetary theory
Inflation et systèmes monétaires
Unemployment versus inflation?
Roofs or ceilings?
Adam Smith's relevance for 1976 (International Institute for Economic Research. Original paper)
The Nobel Prize in economics, 1976
The suicidal impulse of the business community
Monetary correction
Prices of money and goods across frontiers
Tax Limitation, Inflation and the Role of Government
Kapitalismus und Freiheit
Social Security
An economist's protest, columns in political economy
Interpolation of time series by related series
Living with inflation
Choose Economic Freedom
Price Theory (Social Insitutions & Social Change)
Milton Friedman's monetary framework
Essais d'économie positive
Milton Friedman en Chile
Friedman in China
Capitalisme et liberté
The invisible hand in economics and politics
The balance of payments
Market or plan? an exposition of the case for the market
Milton Friedman
The Loeb collection of Arretine pottery
Prix et théorie économique
Price theory, a provisional text
Milton Friedman in Australia, 1975
Price Theory, a Provisional Text; 0
Inflation et syste  mes mone taires
Friedman on Galbraith, and on curing the British disease
Capitalism and Freedom
Monetary vs. fiscal policy [by] Milton Friedman & Walter W. Heller
Paro e inflación
Paro e inflación
Money in Historical Perspective
Optimum Quantity of Money
Conversation With Milton Friedman
An economist's protest: columns in political economy
Post war trends in monetary theory and policy
Keynes, Chicago and Friedman, Volume 2
Economic Freedom, Human Freedom, Political Freedom
Milton Friedman and Paul A. Samuelson discuss the economic responsibility of government
A monetary history of the United States
From New Deal Banking Reform to World War II Inflation
Libertad de elegir
Milton Friedman on Economics
The Business system
Monetary vs. fiscal policy
The Interpolation of Time Series by Related Series (Technical Papers No. 16)
Money Mischief
Studies in the quantity theory of money
Friedman on India
Money and economic Development; The Horowitz Lectures of 1972
Monetary Trends in the United States and the United Kingdom (National Bureau of Economic Research Monographs)
The Monetarist Controversy
La economía monetarista
Gli economisti e il problema della casa
Kapitalismens fremtid
Keynes, Chicago and Friedman, Volume 1
Theoretical Framework for Monetary Analysis/Occasional Papers No. 112
La liberté du choix
Income from independent professional practice (National Bureau of Economic Research, inc.  Publications)
The legacy of Milton and Rose Friedman's Free to choose
Rent control, myths & realities
The interpolitan of time series by related series
Economia Monetarista, La
The optimum quantity of money, and other essays
Milton Friedman speaks
Monetary Trends in the United States and the United Kingdom
Chile y su despegue económico
Nessun pasto e'gratis
Why Government Is the Problem
A Program for Monetary Stability (Millar Lectures Number Three)
Svoboda Vybirat'
The relative stability of monetary velocity and the investment multiplier in the United States, 1897-1958
Has the economic tide turned?
Inflation: causes and consequences
The optimum quantity of money and other essays
Kapitalizm i wolnosc
La tyrannie du statu quo
The invisible hand in economics and politics ; Money and inflation
Essays in Positive Economics
Milton Friedman DVD
                Intellectual Portrait
Tyranny of the Status Quo
Studies in the quantity theory of money
An economist's protest
Kapitalizm ve Özgürlük
Paradojas del dinero
On Milton Friedman
Capitalismo e liberdade
Taxing to Prevent Inflation
Demand for Money
From New Deal banking reform to World War II inflation
Money and the stock market
Price theory,
The counter-revolution in monetary theory: first Wincott memorial lecture, delivered at the Senate House, University of London, 16 September, 1970
How well are fluctuating exchange rates working?
Milton Friedman on Freedom
The Balance of Payments
Free markets for free men
Ḳapiṭalism ṿe-ḥofesh
The optimum quality of money, and other essays
Schweizer Geldpolitik im Dilemma
The Guaranteed income
Milton Friedman and Paul A. Samuelson discuss the economic responsibility of government
Two Lucky People  Part 2 Of 2
Two Lucky People  Part 1 Of 2
The Adam Smith lectures
Kapitalizm i svoboda
Wolność ekonomiczna, wolność polityczna
Mi'erdun Fulideman lun tong huo peng zhang
Wei shen me shi Zhongguo
La monnaie et ses pièges
The future of capitalism
Changes flexibles ou e talon international
Fridman i Khaĭek o svobode
Milton Friedman v Praze
A conversation with Milton Friedman
What should monetary and fiscal policy be in the present situation
Market or Plan? (CRCE Occasional Paper)
The Futures market in foreign currencies
Capitalism and freedom
Essays in positive economics. --
Studies in the quantity theory of money
Wolność ekonomiczna - wolność polityczna
The Ethics of Competition and Other Essays
Price theory, a provisional text
Money talks
Daishūshuku 1929 - 1933
When We Are Free
Capitalism and freedom
Studies in the quantity theory of money
John Atkinson Hobson
John Atkinson Hobson (1858-1940)

economist, politician

  • University of Oxford, Derby School
Richard Cobden, the international man
Confessions of an Economic Heretic
                Routledge Revivals
Confessions of an economic heretic
Confessions Of An Economic Heretic
Confessions of an Economic Heretic
Richard Cobden
Richard Cobden, the international man
The industrial system
Problems of a new world
Problems of poverty
The evolution of modern capitalism
The problem of the unemployed
John Ruskin, social reformer
Towards international government
Work and Wealth: A Human Valuation
The economics of unemployment
The psychology of jingoism
The morals of economic internationalism
Towards international government
Co-operative labour upon the land
Incentives in the new industrial order
The war in South Africa
The fruits of American protection
The science of wealth
Democracy after the war
The crisis of liberalism
Work and wealth
The German panic
The economics of distribution
Gold, prices & wages with an examination of the quantity theory
The social problem
Canada to-day
Taxation in the new state
International trade
Gold, prices & wages
The economics of distribution
Taxation in the new state
The new protectionism
International trade
The Evolution of Modern Capitalism: A Study of Machine Production
The fight for democracy
Writings on Distribution and Welfare (Routledge Revivals)
Problems of a New World
The Problem of the Unemployed
Labour and the costs of war
The modern state
Problems of Poverty
Economics and ethics
Industrial System
Work and wealth
J. A. Hobson
The New Protectionism
Wealth and Life
The economics of reparation
Gold Prices and Wages (Routledge Revivals)
Economics of Unemployment (Routledge Revivals)
Work & Wealth
International Trade
A modern outlook
Writings on Imperialism and Internationalism (Routledge Revivals)
Physiology of Industry (Routledge Revivals)
Taxation in the New State (Routledge Revivals)
Taxation in the New State
L.T. Hobhouse
Property and improperty
Poverty in Plenty
International Trade
J. A. Hobson
Problems of Poverty
Towards International Government (Routledge Revivals)
Wealth and life
Richard Cobden, the International Man
The Economics of Distribution
Democracy after the War
The Evolution of Modern Capitalism
Problems of a New World
The evolution of modern capitalism
L. T. Hobhouse
Free-Thought in the Social Sciences (Routledge Revivals)
Writings on imperialism and internationalism
Conditions of Industrial Peace (Routledge Revivals)
John Ruskin, Social Reformer
Writings on distribution and welfare
The conditions of industrial peace
Economics of Unemployment
The Crisis of Liberalism
Rationalism and humanism
The problem of the unemployed
War in South Africa
Forced labour
The Psychology of Jingoism
The crisis of liberalism: new issues of democracy
Evolution of Modern Capitalism
God and Mammon
Problems of Poverty
The case for arbitration
Rationalisation and Unemployment
Problems of Poverty
Traffic in treason
Richard Cobden
The war in South Africa: its causes and effects
Notes on law and order
God and Mammon (Routledge Revivals)
The Problem of the Unemployed
John Ruskin
The social problem
Science of Wealth
Democracy after the War (Routledge Revivals)
Rationalisation and unemployment
Imperialism: a study
Free-thought in the social sciences
Free-thought in the social sciences
Wealth and Life
Imperialism: A Study
Sovereign People
Rationalisation and Unemployment
The Psychology of Jingoism
A league of nations
International Trade, an Application of Economic Theory
Social Problem; Life and Work
Work and wealth
The science of wealth
Rationalisation and unemployment
Problems of Poverty
Rationalisation and Unemployment (Routledge Revivals)
Democracy and a changing civilisation
Problem of the Unemployed
Capitalism and Imperialism in South Africa
Work and Wealth - A Human Valuation
Writings on Distribution and Welfare (Routledge Revivals)
Problems of poverty
Selected writing of John A. Hobson, 1932-1938
Industrial System
Problems of a New World
Richard Cobden, the International Man
L. T. Hobhouse, his life and work
Work and Wealth
Poverty in plenty
The evolution of modern captitalism
The recording angel
Die Furcht Vor Deutschland
Some aspects of recent British economics
Notes on law and order
God and mammon
The Social Problem (Key Texts)
What are we fighting for?
Evolution of Modern Capitalism a Study of Machine Production
Imperialism, a Study
War in South Afric
Problems of Poverty
Problems of Poverty
International trade
Free-Thought in the Social Sciences
Richard Cobden, the International Man
Evolution of Modern Capitalism
Work and wealth
Industrial System
Morals of Economic Internationalism
A Sovereign People; a Study of Swiss Democracy
Fen pei jing ji xue
Evolution of modern capitalism
Imperialism, a study
The subjective and the objective view of distribution
The science of wealth
The science of wealth
The physiology of industry
God and Mammon
The Social Problem - Life and Work
The Social Problem
Conditions of Industrial Peace (Routledge Revivals)
Gold Prices and Wages (Routledge Revivals)
Imperialism: A Study
Rationalisation and unemployment : an economic dilemma
Work and wealth
Democracy after the War (Routledge Revivals)
John Ruskin, social reformer
John Ruskin
Free-Thought in the Social Sciences (Routledge Revivals)
Work and Wealth a Human Evaluation
Problems of a New World (Routledge Revivals)
International Trade
Incentives in the new industrial order (classic reprint)
From capitalism to socialism
Rationalism and humanism ...
The problem of the unemployed
Problems of Poverty
Richard Cobden
Richard Cobden
Economics of Unemployment (Routledge Revivals)
Towards International Government (Routledge Revivals)
The fight for democracy
Imperialism, a study
Confessions of an economic heretic
Work and wealth
The evolution of modern capitalism
Richard Cobden
The fruits of American protection
Problems of a new world
Taxation in the new state
Towards social equality
The evolution of modern capitalism
The economics of unemployment
John Ruskin, social reformer
The taxation of unearned income
Richard Cobden, the international man
International trade
Incentives in the new industrial order
Science and wealth
The modern state. --
The conditions of industrial peace
Jin dai zi ben zhu yi jin hua lun
Problems of poverty
Veblen. --
Rationalisation and unemployment
Subjective and objective view of distribution ...
A modern outlook
Incentives in the new industrial order
The new protectionism
The new holy alliance
The industrial system
The science of wealth
The industrial system
An economic interpretation of investment
Rationalization and unemployment
Walter Block
Walter Block (born 1941)

economist, businessperson, philosopher

  • Columbia University, Brooklyn College
I chose liberty
The U.S. bishops and their critics
Lexicon of economic thought
On economics and the Canadian bishops
Man, economy, and liberty
Discrimination, affirmative action, and equal opportunity
Defending the undefendable
Theology, Third World development, and economic justice
Morality of the market
The Loeb collection of Arretine pottery
On employment equity
A response to the framework document for amending the Combines Investigation Act
Economics and the environment
Defending the undefendable
Rent control, myths & realities
The privatization of roads and highways
Discrimination, affirmative action, and equal opportunity
Labor economics from a free market perspective
Rent control, myths & realities
Discrimination, affirmative action, and equal opportunity
Albert O. Hirschman
Albert O. Hirschman (1915-2012)


  • London School of Economics and Political Science, HEC Paris
La Morale secrète de l'économiste. Entretiens avec Carmine Donzelli, Marta Petrusewicz et Claudia Rusconi
Shifting involvements
A propensity to self-subversion
The passions and the interests
Crossing Boundaries
The strategy of economic development
Exit, voice, and loyalty
National power and the structure of foreign trade
Getting ahead collectively
Shifting involvements : private interest and public action
A bias for hope
National power and the structure of foreign trade
Essays in trespassing
Latin American issues
Journeys toward progress
How to divest in Latin America, and why
Rival views of market society and other recent essays
Development projects observed
Journeys toward progress
The rhetoric of reaction
Shifting involvements
Foreign aid--a critique and a proposal
Retoricas de La Intransigencia (Seccion de Obras de Economia Contemporanea)
El Avance En Colectividad
National power and the structure of foreign trade
Défection et prise de parole
Selbstbefragung und Erkenntnis
Deux siècles de rhétorique réactionnaire
Bonheur privé, action publique
Entwicklung, Markt und Moral
The rhetoric of reaction
Development projects observed
L'économie comme science morale et politique
Denken gegen die Zukunft
Vers une économie politique élargie
Abwanderung und Widerspruch
Morality and the social sciences: a durable tension
Foreign aid
Passions and Interests
Foreign aid, a critique and a proposal
Morality and the social sciences
Las Pasiones y Los Intereses
Les passions et les intérêts
Desenvolvimento industrial no Nordeste brasileiro e o mecanismo de crédito fiscal do artigo, 34/18
Stratégie du développement économique
Un certain penchant à l'autosubversion
Journeys toward progress
The strategy of economic development
Monetarismo vs. estruturalismo
The political economy of Latin American development
How to divest in Latin America and why
Través de Las Fronteras
Journeys toward progress
L'economia politica come scienza morale e sociale
Georgi Plekhanov
Georgi Plekhanov (1856-1918)

philosopher, politician, journalist, historian, sociologist, economist, art historian, revolutionary

Ot pervogo lit︠s︡a
My i oni
Fundamental problems of Marxism
Osnovnye voprosy marksizma
Анархизм и социализм
Beiträge zur Geschichte des Materialismus
The role of the individual in history
Essays in the history of materialism
History of Russian social thought
The role of the individual in history
N. G. Tschernischewsky: Eine Literar-historische Studie
The materialist conception of history
Literaturnoe nasledie G.V. Plekhanova
Selected philosophical works
Nuzhna li voĭna?
N.G. Tschernischewsky, eine literar-historische Studie
The Development of the monist view of history
G.V. Plekhanov
Art and society
Istori i Ła russkoi  obshchestvennoi  mysli
Obosnovanie narodnichestva v trudakh g-na Vorontsova, V. V.: kriticheskii ėti︠u︡d
Literatura i estetika
Art and society
God na rodine
Stranit͡s︡y bylogo
The developmentof the monist view of history
V.G. Belinskiĭ
Le matérialisme militant. (Materialismus militans)
Art and social life
Istorii︠a︡ russkoĭ obshchestvennoĭ mysli
Izbrannye filosofskie proizvedenii︠a︡
Fundamental problems of Marxism
Statʹi o L. Tolstom
Filosofsko-literaturnoe nasledie G.V. Plekhanova
K voprosu o razvitīi monisticheskago vzgli︠a︡da na istorīi︠u︡
The materialist conception of history
The bourgeois revolution
The Role of the Individual in History
Beiträge zur Geschichte des Materialismus
The development of the monist view of history, audiatur et altera pars
La conception moniste de l'histoire
Istoriya o slove
Selected Philosophical Works, Vol. 4
Ocherki po istorii materializma
A.I. Gertsen
Iz arkhiva gruppy "Osvobozhdenie truda"
Selected Philosophical Works Volume I
History of Russian social thought ; translated from the Russian by Boris M. Bekkar ... [et al.]. --
Histoire de la pensée sociale russe
O zadachakh sot͡sīalistov v borʹbi͡e s golodom v Rossīi
Selected philosophical works
Henrik Ibsen
Essays in historical materialism
L' art et la vie sociale
Fundamental problems of Marxism
The Development of the Monist View of History
Ot oborony k napadenii͡u︡
Art and social life
God na rodin
Unaddressed Letters & Art and Social Life
The role of the individual in history
Russki i  rabochi i  v revoli͡u͡t͡s͡i onnom dvizheni i
Osnovnye voprosy marksizma
Art and society & other papers in historical materialism
Utopian socialism of the nineteenth century
Selected Philosophical Works, Vol. 5
Marxister om Ibsen
Unaddressed letters.  Art and social life
Selected philosophical works
काल्पनिक समाजवाद की धाराएं / Utopian Socialism of 19th Century (Hindi)
The materialist conception of history
K voprosu o razvitii monisticheskogo vzgli︠a︡da na istorii︠u︡
Die Grundprobleme des Marxismus
N. A. Nekrasov..
Utopian Socialism of the Nineteenth Century
Osnovnye voprosy marksizma
Essais sur l'histoire du matérialisme
The materialist conception of history
Sochinenii︠a︡ ..
Introduction à l'histoire sociale de la Russie
God na rodin
V zashchitu revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ionnogo marksizma
Nashi raznoglasiya
N. G. Chernyshevskiĭ
Der hisṭorisher maṭerializm un zeine ḳegner
Beiträge zur Geschichte des Materialismus
K voprosu o razvitii monisticheskogo vzgli︠a︡da na istorii︠u︡
Selected philosophical works
Estetika i sots͡i︡ologii͡a︡ iskusstva / [Bystup. stat'i͡a︡ M. A. Lifshitsa, c. 7-102 ; Primech. I. L. Galinskoĭ]
Essays in the history of materialism
Rech na Moskovskom gosudarstvennom soveshchanii. Istoricheskaya spravka
History of Russian social thought
Pisʹma o taktiki︠e︡ i o beztaktnosti
Ezhegodnyĭ vsemīrnyĭ prazdnik rabochikh. (Le premier mai)
Estetika i sotsiologiıa izkusstva
Sot͡s︡īalizm i politicheskai͡a︡ borʹba
14-e [i.e. chetyrnadtsatoe] dekabri︠a︡ 1825 goda
Literatura i estetika
Istorii︠a︡ russkoĭ obshchestvennoĭ mysli
Yuibutsuron to benshōhō no konpon gainen
The bourgeois revolution
Anarchism and Socialism
O zadachakh sotsialistov v borʹbie s golodom v Rossii
K voprosu o roli lichnosti v istorii
Buliehannuofu zhe xue zhu zuo xuan ji
O zadachakh sotsialistov v bor'be s golodom v Rossii
Istorii︠a︡ sozdanii︠a︡ knigi G.V. Plekhanova "Istorii︠a︡ russkoĭ obshchestvennoĭ mysli"
Kʺ voprosu o razvitīi monisticheskago vzgli︠a︡da na istorīi︠u︡
Novyĭ zashchitnik samoderzhavii︠a︡
Materialismus Militans
Novyĭ pokhod protiv russkoĭ sotsialʹ-demokratii .
Perepiska G. V. Plekhanova i P. B. Aksel'roda
Anarkhizm i sot︠s︡īalizm
V zashchitu revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ionnogo marksizma
O voĭni͡e︡
V zashchitu revoli͡u︡t͡s︡ionnogo marksizma
Izbrannye trudy
Über Kunst und Literatur
Unaddressed letters
Russkiĭ rabochiĭ v revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ionnom dvizhenii
Russkiĭ rabochiĭ v revoli͡u︡t͡s︡ionnom dvizhenii
Critica del sindicalismo
Ot idealizma k materializmu
Lun ge ren zai li shi shang di zuo yong
Proletarat i krestianstvo
Shiteki ichigenron
Za dvadt︠s︡atʹ let
Anarchism and Socialism
Proletarskoe dvizhenie i burzhuaznoe iskusstvo
Kindai yuibutsuronshi
Makesi zhu yi gen ben wen ti
Anarchism and Socialism (1908)
Novyĭ zashchitnik samoderzhavīi︠a︡ ili gore g. Tikhomirova
Wei wu shi guan de gen ben wen ti
Art and society & other papers in historical materialism
Selected philosophical works in five voluwes [sic]
Dvi︠e︡ linīi Revoli︠u︡t︠s︡īi
Sot︠s︡ializm i politicheskai︠a︡ borʹba
Materialismus militans
Unaddressed letters
Beiträge zur Geschichte des Materialismus
In defence of materialism
Istori i Ła russkoi  obshchestvennoi  mysli
Über materialistische Geschichtsauffassung
Mu-seifu shugi to shakai shugi
Materialismus militans
Nashi raznoglasīi︠a︡
Plekhanov i Tolstoĭ
Za dvadt︠s︡atʹ li︠e︡t
O voĭnie
The materialist conception of history
Essays in the history of materialism
Nashi raznoglasīi︠a︡
Purehānofu shiteki ichigenron
Cong wei xin lun dao wei wu lun
Shiteki ichigenron
Pervoe mai︠a︡ 1891 goda
Osnovnye voprosy marksizma
Kaikyū shakai no geijutsu
Sot͡s︡ializm i politicheskai͡a︡ borʹba
Sot͡s︡ializm i politicheskai͡a︡ borʹba.  Nashi raznoglasii͡a︡
Ob ateizme i religii v istorii obshchestva i kul'tury
Ocherki po istorii materializma
Selected Philosophical Works
Godʹʹ na rodinē
Anarchism and socialism
Ferdinand Lassalʹ
In defence of materialism
Selected philosophical works
Essays in the history of materialism
Der Rusisher arbeṭer in der Reṿolutsyonerer baṿegung
Russkīĭ rabochīĭ v revolyutsīonnom dvizhenīi (po lichnȳm vospominanīyam) G. Plekhanova
O materialisticheskom ponimanii istorii
La famine en Russie
V.G. Bi︠e︡linskīĭ
Perepiska G.V. Plekhanova i P.B. Aksel'roda
14-e dekabri︠a︡ 1825 goda
Grundprobleme des Marxismus
K voprosu o razvitii monisticheskogo vzgli︠a︡da na istorii︠u︡
Izbrannye filosofskie proizvedeniya v pyati tomakh
Introduction à l'histoire sociale de la Russie
Naqsh-i shakhṣīyat dar tārīkh
Kaikyū shakai no geijutsu
Filosofsko-literaturnoe nasledie G.V. Plekhanova
Izbrannye filosofskie proizvedenii͡a︡
Ri͡echʹ na Moskovskom gosudarstvennom sovi͡eshchanīi
Fundamental problems of Marxism
Dnevnik sot︠s︡ial-demokrata
Selected philosophical works
Sot︠s︡ializm i politicheskai︠a︡ borʹba ; Eshche raz sot︠s︡ializm i politicheskai︠a︡ borʹba
Art and social life.
Art and social life
Art and social life
God na rodini︠e︡
Puliehannuofu mei xue lun wen xuan
Istorii︠a︡ russkoĭ obshchestvennoĭ mysli
O religii i t͡s︡erkvi
Anarchism and Socialism
Ob ateizme i religii v istorii obshchestva i kulʹtury
God na rodini͡e︡
Yi shu yu she hui sheng huo
Osnovnye voprosy marksizma
The materialist conception of history
Ocherki po istorii russkoi  obshchestvennoi  mysli XIX veka
Essays in historical materialism
Geijutsu to shakai seikatsu
Art and society
Beiträge zur Geschichte des Materialismus: Holbach, Helvetius, Marx
Zhan dou de wei wu lun
Les questions fondamentales du marxisme
Kunst und gesellschaftliches Leben
Marukusu shugi no konpon mondai
Za dvadt͡s︡atʹ li͡e︡t
Stoli︠e︡tīe velikoĭ revoli︠u︡t︠s︡īi
Jin dai wei wu lun shi
Der hisṭorisher maṭeryalizm un zayne ḳegner
Warera no tairitsu
K voprosu o roli lichnosti v istorii / G.V. Plekhanov
Fun uṭopye tsu ṿisnshafṭ
Iskusstvo i literatura
Pisʹma bez adresa
Na dva fronta
Zu hegels sechzigstem Todestag
Anarchism and Socialism
The Materialist Conception of History
Literatura i ėstetika
Makesi zhu yi gen ben wen ti
Vserossīĭskoe razzorenīe
O materialisticheskom ponimanii istorii
Introduction à l'histoire sociale de la Russie
Estetika i sotsiologiya iskusstva v dvukh tomakh
Art and society
Art and social life
Statʹi o L. Tolstom
The Materialist Conception of History
Zami︠e︡tki publit︠s︡ista
Utopicheskiĭ sot︠s︡ializm XIX [i.e. devi︠a︡tnadt︠s︡atogo] veka
Kritika nashikh kritikov
Fundamental problems of Marxism
Perepiska G. V. Plekhanova i P. B. Aksel'roda
Zami︠e︡tki publit︠s︡ista
Istorīi︠a︡ russkoĭ obshchestvennoĭ mysli
Sot︠s︡īalizm i politicheskai︠a︡ borʹba
The materialist conception of history
Literatura i kritika
Genrikh Ibsen
Na dva fronta
Essais sur l'histoire du matérialisme
Ezhegodnyĭ vsemīrnyĭ prazdnik rabochikh
[Ocherki po istorii materializma. (romanized form)]
Fundamental problems of marxism
History of Russian social thought
Essays in historical materialism
ha-Omanut ṿe-ḥaye ha-ḥevrah
Russkīĭ rabochīĭ v revoli︠u︡t︠s︡īonnom dvizhenīi
Fundamental problems of Marxism
אמנות וספרות
काल्पनिक समाजवाद की धाराएं/ Utopian Socialism of 19th Century
Pervoe Mai︠a︡ 1892 goda
Statʹi o L. Tolstom
A.I. Gert͡s︡en
O moem "sekreti︠e︡"
Anarquismo y socialismo
Ri︠e︡chʹ na Moskovskom gosudarstvennom sovi︠e︡shchanīi
Stoli︠e︡tīe velikoĭ revoli︠u︡t︠s︡īi
Novyĭ pokhod protiv russkoĭ sotsialʹ-demokratii ...
The development of the monist view of history
Selected philosophical works
Za dvadtsatʹ li︠e︡t
על האישיות בהיסטוריה
Literaturnoe nasledie G.V. Plekhanova
Our Differences
Genrikh Ibsen
Essays in the history of materialism
The role of the individual in history
Proletarīat i krestʹi︠a︡nstvo
Anarchism and socialism
Essays in historical materialism
Art and social life
Sot︠s︡ializm i politicheskai︠a︡ borʹba
Na dva fronta
Utopian socialism of the nineteenth century
Marukusu shugi shūkyōron
The materialist conception of history
Obosnovanie narodnichestva v trudakh g-na Voront︠s︡ova (V.V.)
Za dvadt︠s︡atʹ li︠e︡t
Der historisher materializm un zeine kegner
Bertrand de Jouvenel
Bertrand de Jouvenel (1903-1987)

journalist, economist, philosopher, political scientist, jurist

Revoir Hélène
Marx et Engels la longue marche
Du pouvoir
Rent Control – a Popular Paradox
The ethics of redistribution
Economics and the good life
The Nature of politics
On power, its nature and the history of its growth
Un voyageur dans le siècle
Napoléon et l'économie dirigée
The pure theory of politics
The art of conjecture
Vers les états-unis d'Europe
Vie de Zola
Les débuts de l'état moderne
Cours d'histoire des idées politiques à partir du XIXe siècle ..
L'e ́conomie mondiale au XXe siècle
Du pouvoir, historie naturelle de sa croissance
Le réveil de l'Europe
Itinéraire, 1928-1976
De la politique pure
De la souveraineté ; à la recherche du bien politique
Efficiency and amenity
La dernière année
L' Amérique en Europe
Jenseits der Leistungsgesellschaft
Napoleon et l'economie dirigee
De la Souverainté, à la recherche du bien politique
Du pouvoir ; histoire naturelle de sa croissance
De la souveraineté
Quelle Europe?
L' art de la conjecture
Nach der Niederlage
La crise du capitalisme américain
Les Francais
Du principat et autres réflexions politiques
D'une guerre à l'autre
El principado
Framtidsstudier och strategisk planering
The art of conjecture
Le re veil de l'Europe
Napoléon et l'économie dirigée, le blocus continental
Après la défaite
Arcadie, essais sur le mieux-vivre
Fī al-sulṭah
Sobre el poder
Les Français
Problems of socialist England
La civilisation de puissance
Über die Staatsgewalt
L'economie dirigée
Problèmes de l'Angleterre socialiste
Sovereignty; an inquiry into the political good
Problèmes économiques de notre temps
No vacancies
Du pouvoir
Henry Charles Carey
Henry Charles Carey (1793-1879)

economist, sociologist

A memoir of Stephen Colwell
The slave trade, domestic and foreign
Essay on the rate of wages
Letters to the President
The past, the present, and the future
The North and the South
The Past, the Present, and the Future
The prospect: agricultural, manufacturing, commercial and financial
The British treaties of 1871 & 1874
Letters to the president on the foreign and domestic policy of the Union
Financial Crises: Their Causes and Effects
Principles of Social Science
The paper question
The harmony of interests
Review of the report of the late commissioners for investigating the affairs of the joint companies: and of the operations of the managers of those companies
The French and American tariffs compared
The unity of law
Principles of political economy
Letters on International Copyright: 2d Ed
The finance minister, the currency, and the public debt
The unity of law as exhibited in the relations of physical, social, mental & moral science
Review of the decade 1857-67
Essay on the Rate of Wages: With an Examination of the Causes of the ..
Miscellaneous works
The Slave Trade
Manual of social science
Commerce, Christianity, and civilization, versus British free trade
Miscellaneous works of Henry C. Carey
Manual of Social Science: Being a Condensation of the "Principles of Social Science" of H.C ..
Reconstruction: Industrial, Financial, and Political: Industrial, Financial, and Political ..
The Way to Outdo England Without Fighting Her
Shall we have peace?
The harmony of interests, agricultural, manufacturing and commercial
Principles of social science
Letters to the President, on the Foreign and Domestic Policy of the Union ..
A letter to James S. Hulme, Esq., late Commmissioner for Investigating the Affairs of the Joint Companies
How protection, increase of public and private revenues, and national independence march hand in hand together
Les Principes de la Science Sociale - Tome 1
To the Senate and House of Assembly of the State of New Jersey
The working of British free trade ..
Proceedings of the late Rail-road Commission
Beauties of the monopoly system of New Jersey
Principles of social science (1858-1859)
To the people of New Jersey
Of the rate of interest
Les Principes de la Science Sociale - Tome 2
Letter to Aaron Robertson, Esq., late chairman of the Commission for Investigating the Affairs of the Joint Companies
Financial crises
The past, the present, & the future
Public debt, local and national: how to provide for its discharge while lessening the burthen of taxation
The paper question
Letters on international copyright
The credit system in France, Great Britain, and the United States
The resources of the Union
The public debt, local and national
Prospects of the farmer under the tariff of 1846
A review of an Address of the Joint Board of Directors of the Delaware and Raritan Canal and Camden and Amboy Railroad Companies to the people of New Jersey
Briefe über schriftestellerisches eigenthum
Monetary independence
The slave trade, domestic and foreign
Essay on the rate of wages
Two letters to a cotton planter of Tennessee ..
The geography, history, and statistics, of America, and the West Indies
Letters to the people of New Jersey
The currency question
Review of the farmer's question, as exhibited in the recent report of the Hon. D.A. Wells, special commissioner of the revenue
How to increase competition for the purchase of labour, and how to raise the wages of the labourer
Les Principes de la Science Sociale - Tome 3
The iron question
Miscellaneous papers on the national finances, the currency, and other economic subjects
Resumption: when, and how, will it end?
The Past, the Present, and the Future
The Senate finance bill
Den nordamerikanska politiken i sina verkningar på folkft och statsskicket
Currency inflation
The farmer's question
Manual of social science ; being a condensation of the "Principles of social science" of H.C. Carey, LL.D
Principles of political economy
To the Hon. R.M.T. Hunter, Chairman of the Committee on Finance of the Senate
The railroad question
Answers to the questions
Our future
Letters on international copyright
Letters to the people of New Jersey, on the frauds, extortions, and oppressions of the railroad monopoly
A complete historical, chronological, and geographical American atlas
Les Principes de la Science Sociale - Tome 3
Miscellaneous works of Henry C. Carey
The past, the present, and the future
Principles of social science
Essay on the rate of wages (1835)
Monetary independence
Contraction or expansion? Repudiation or resumption?
The National Bank Amendment Bill
Review of the farmer's question
Appreciation in the price of gold
Principles of social science
The currency question
Lettres critiques adressées à M. Michel Chevalier
The slave question
American labor versus British free trade
Currency inflation
The British treaties of 1871 & 1874
The railroad monopoly
To the friends of the Union throughout the Union
Manufactures, at once an evidence and a measure of civilization
Testimonials to Henry C. Carey, Esq
The harmony of interests
The present situation and future prospects of American railroads
H.C. Carey's Socialökonomie
Reconstruction: industrial, financial, and political
Principes de la science sociale
Monetary independence
The true policy of the South
The geography, history, and statistics, of America, and the West Indies
Letters to the President
American Civil War
The way to outdo England without fighting her
The unity of law, as exhibited in the relations of physical, social, mental, and moral science
Principles of social science
Manual of social science; being a condensation of the "Principles of social science" of H. C. Carey, LL.D., by Kate McKean
Wirtschaftspolitische rückblicke auf die letzten zehn jahre
Of the rate of interest, and of its influence on the relations of capital and labor
Principles of political economy
Commerce, Christianity, and civilization, versus British free trade
The Senate finance bill
Resumption: when, and how, will it end
Manual of social science