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critics who wrote biography
Showing 585-592 out of 691 results
Margaret Drabble
Margaret Drabble (born 1939)

literary critic, biographer, playwright, editor

  • University of Cambridge
Angus Wilson
The pattern in the carpet
Arnold Bennett
The Sea Lady
The Red Queen
Prentice Hall
The radiant way
The seven sisters
The ice age
The middle ground
The peppered moth
Jerusalem the golden
The waterfall
The concise Oxford companion to English literature
The pure gold baby
The Oxford Companion to English Literature
A Summer Bird-Cage
The Queen and country
A writer's Britain
The Witch of Exmoor
The Garrrick year
The War of the Worlds, Time Machine & The Invisible Man
A day in the life of a smiling woman
Wordsworth's butter knife
At the Pond
The Forward Book of Poetry (1994)
Gates of Ivory, the
London consequences
A Natural Curiosity
Safe as houses
Needle's Eye, the
Thank You All Very Much
The forces of nature
The Garrick year, a novel
Owls Do Cry
Virginia Woolf
The Genius of Thomas Hardy
The dark flood rises
Som Altın Bebek
Ann Veronica
Gold unterm Sand
Case for Equality (Fabian Pamphlets)
Sanditon and Other Stories
English Literature Set
The Vines of Yarrabee
Gifts of War
I Hear Voices
Genius of Thomas Hardy
La Mer toujours recommencée
Twilight of the Vilp
New stories
Diary of a Parish Clerk and Other Stories
Kamenʹ na shee
Margaret Drabble in Tokyo
The concise Oxford companion to English literature
Arnold Wesker
Tornado Pratt
Margaret Drabble : 3 Book Set. Softcover : A summer Bird Cage : The Garrick Year : The Waterfall
Wise Wound
Quand monte le flot sombre (LITTERATURE ETRANGERE)
Hassan's tower
Twentieth century classics
The Seven Sisters
ʻIr shel zahav
Tradition of Womens Fiction Lectures In
The Forward book of poetry 1995
Malcolm Bradbury
Malcolm Bradbury (1932-2000)

literary critic, satirist, teacher

  • Queen Mary University of London, University of Leicester
Unsent letters
The atlas of literature
To the Hermitage
Eating people is wrong
The history man
Rates of exchange
The modern American novel
Who do you think you are?
The modern British novel
Dangerous pilgrimages
Doctor Criminale
The modern world
Stepping westward
No, not Bloomsbury
My strange quest for Mensonge
Liar's Landscape
The Penguin companion to American literature.
Medieval Drama
Forster; a collection of critical essays
Possibilities: essays on the state of the novel
Inside Trading
E.M.Forster's "Passage to India"
Victorian poetry
After Dinner Game
All dressed up and nowhere to go
The Novel today
From Puritanism to Postmodernism
The Penguin book of modern British short stories
E. M. Forster A passage to India: a casebook
Saul Bellow
The Expatriate Tradition in American Literature (British Association for American Studies (BAAS) Pamphlets)
Shakespearian tragedy
The Novel Today
The American novel and the nineteen twenties
The social context of modern English literature
Cuts (Arena Novella S.)
Contemporary Criticism
Modernism : [a guide to European literature]
The outland dart
Why come to Slaka?
What is a novel?
The Novel today
Saul Bellow
                Routledge Revivals
Contemporary Theatre
New Writing
Evelyn Waugh
Introduction to American studies
The Contemporary English novel
Creative Writing
The Novel today
The Novel today
Angus Wilson
Metaphysical poetry
Present laughter
Victorian Poetry (Contemporary English Novel Vol 15)
Modernism, 1890-1930 (Pelican guides to European literature)
Evelyn Waugh (sound cassette)
Contemporary American fiction
E.M. Forster
The Penguin book of modern British short stories
Malcolm Bradbury talks on the creative process and his own work
New writing
New writing
Forster Tcv
New Writing 2
A survey of contemporary British fiction
The atlas of literature
Introduction to American studies
My strange quest for Mensonge, structuralism's hidden hero
Malcolm Bradbury in conversation with Anthony Thwaite
The Calendar of modern letters
The atlas of literature
Metaphysical poetry
The Penguin companion to literature; U.S.A.
The expatriate tradition in American literature
Introduction to American studies
Der Geschichtsmensch
'A  changing language'
Class work
Shakespearian comedy
Present laughter
Istoricheskai͡a lichnostʹ
Victorian poetry
The Penguin companion to American literature
Wen xue di tu =
The Penguin companion to literature; U.S.A.
The atlas of literature
Contemporary criticism
Evelyn Waugh
The atlas of literature
The social context of modern English literature
Stepping westward
Michael O. Tunnell
Michael O. Tunnell (born 1950)

educator, critic

  • Northern Illinois University, Brigham Young University
Candy Bomber
Candy bomber
The Prydain companion
The joke's on George
Halloween Pie
Mailing May
Wishing moon
Beauty and the beastly children
The children of Topaz
Moon without magic
Brothers in valor
Mailing May
Children's Literature
School Spirits
Teaching Nonfiction Writing A Practical Guide Strategies And Tips From Leading Authors Translated Into Classroomtested Lessons
Children's Literature, Briefly
The Story of Ourselves
Children's literature, briefly
Children's Literature, Briefly
Children's Literature Database and Booklet
Desert Diary
Wishes on the moon
The children of Topaz
If the Shoe Fits
Wishing Moon
Childr Lit and Chld Lft Behd
Children's Literature with Video Analysis Tool -- Access Card Package
Children's Literature, Briefly and Windows Data Disk Package
Childrens Literature Briefly and Norton/Land, Literacy Strategies Package
Slavoj Žižek
Slavoj Žižek (born 1949)

philosopher, psychologist, cultural studies scholar, sociologist, essayist, psychoanalyst, cultural critic, politician, theologian, opinion journalist, actor

  • Bežigrad Grammar School, University of Ljubljana
The fragile absolute or, Why is the Christian legacy worth fighting for?
Conversations with Žižek
Comradely Greetings
Conversations with Zizek
Pasuri e paluajtshme
The Žižek reader
The Abyss of Freedom
Defense, security of military information
Looking awry
Kodi detar dhe akte për detin
Theology and the Political
Kodi i punës i Republikës së Shqipërisë
Constitution of the Republic of Albania
Constitution of the People's Socialist Republic of Albania
La loi sur le plan biennal 1949-1950
The indivisible remainder
Kushtetuta e Republikës së Shqipërisë
On Belief
For They Know Not What They Do
Investment guaranties
Opera's second death
Defense, assistance
Absolute Recoil
Organs without Bodies
Kodi i familjes dhe legjislacioni për birësimet i Republikës së Shqipërisë
Agreement on Co-Operation in the Field of Tourism Between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government ... (Cm.: Treaty Series: 1994: 2652: No. 42)
Jacques Lacan
Lubitsch Can't Wait
Against the double blackmail
Interrogating the real
How to read Lacan
Less than nothing
The Universal Exception
Constitution of the Albanian Republic
The Ticklish Subject The Absent Centre Of Political Ontology
Contingency Hegemony Universality Contemporary Dialogues On The Left
In Defense of Lost Causes
Das fragile Absolute. Warum es sich lohnt, das christliche Erbe zu verteidigen
For they know not what they do
Fundamental statute of the Kingdom of Albania
The Indivisible Remainder
Lacanian Ink 26 - Anxiety
The Puppet and the Dwarf
Cogito and the unconscious
Lenin reloaded
What does Europe want?
Did somebody say totalitarianism?
The courage of hopelessness
Ieks Jokes Did You Hear The One About Hegel And Negation
The Most Sublime Hysteric Hegel With Lacan
Subject Lessons
The parallax view
The Art of the Ridiculous Sublime
Ils ne savent pas ce qu'ils font
El Sublime Objeto de La Ideologia
Druga smrt Josipa Broza-Tita
First as tragedy, then as farce
Living in the end times
For they know not what they do
What Does Europe Want The Union And Its Discontents
Mapping ideology
Trouble in paradise
Lacanian Ink 27 - The Names-of-the-Father
Enjoy your symptom!
Lacanian Ink 28 - Profane Illuminations
NATO kao lijeva ruka Boga? =
Lacan. Los interlocutores mudos
¿Quién dijo totalitarismo?
Jezik, ideologija, Slovenci
Kako biti nihče
Welcome to the desert of the real
The Monstrosity Of Christ Paradox Or Dialectic
The Idea of Communism
Subversions du sujet
Draft--Constitution of the People's Socialist Republic of Albania
Agreement Between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Albania on Co-Operation ... (Cm.: Treaty Series: 1994: 2669: No. 50)
Opera's Second Death
Pandemic! 2
Incontinence of the Void
Kodi rrugor i Republikës së Shqipërisë
El Espinoso Sujeto
The universal exception
Sex and the Failed Absolute
The year of dreaming dangerously
When humour becomes painful
The Essential Zizek The Complete Set
                Essential Zizek
God in pain
Left That Dares to Speak Its Name
Great Regression
Welcome to the desert of the real
Mirando Al Sesgo
Kodi penal i Republikës së Shqipërisë
Las Metastasis del Goce
Lacanian Ink 29 - Otherness
The metastases of enjoyment
Lacanian Ink 23
Suspect (Alphabet City)
Tarrying with the negative
The Ticklish Subject
Tarrying with the negative
Demanding the Impossible
Johan Grimonprez: It's a Poor Sort of Memory that Only Works Backwards
Perversion and the social relation
Did somebody say totalitarianism?
13 opytov o Lenine
Did Somebody Say Totalitarianism?
Enjoy Your Symptom!
Did Somebody Say Totalitarianism Five Interventions In The Misuse Of A Notion
Primero como tragedia, después como farsa
Everything you always wanted to know about Lacan
The neighbor
Bolečina razlike
The Plague of Fantasies
Lacanian Ink 10
Lacan in Hollywood
Privatization of Hope
The neighbor
Žižek's Jokes : (Did You Hear the One about Hegel and Negation?)
The Sublime Object of Ideology
La Suspension Politica de La Etica (Seccion de Obras de Filosofia)
La nueva lucha de clases
Plaidoyer en faveur de l'intolérance
La Revolucion Blanda
El Acoso de las Fantasias / The Plague of Fantasies
La parallaxe
El Titere y El Enano
Lenin Reloaded
Stop, Repair, Prepare
Hegel in a Wired Brain
Por Que No Saben Lo Que Hacen
Der erhabenste aller Hysteriker
Nato As The Left Hand Of God?
En defensa de la intolerancia
Demanding the Impossible
The ticklish subject
Die Furcht vor echten Tränen. Krysztof Kieslowski und die 'Nahtstelle'
Mis chistes, mi filosofía
Interrogating the Real
Virtue and Terror
Repetir Lenin (Cuestiones De Antagonismo)
Reading Marx
Lacanian Ink 2
Enjoy Your Symptom!
Problemas en el paraíso : del fin de la historia al fin del capitalismo - 1. edición
Liebe Dein Symptom wie Dich selbst!
Mapping Ideology
A travers le réel
The Spectre Is Still Roaming Around!
Lacanian Ink 22
Lacanian Ink 20 (Spring 2002, Voyeurism)
How to Read Lacan (How to Read)
Cogito and the Unconscious
Der Ärger mit dem Realen =
Arte, ideología y capitalismo
Tarrying with the Negative
Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Lacan
Visin De Paralaje
States of Crisis and Post-Capitalist Scenarios
Le spectre rode toujours
Lacrimae Rerum
American Utopia
The sleeping giant has awoken : the new politics of religion in the United States
Der nie aufgehende Rest
Like a Thief in Broad Daylight
The Idea of Communism
Der zweite Tod der Oper
Birokratija i uživanje
Cogito and the unconscious
Lacans Politische Klinik
Reading Hegel
Žižek's Jokes : (Did You Hear the One about Hegel and Negation?)
To, c to vy vsegda hoteli znat' o Lakane no boa lis' sprosit' u Hic koka
Das Kommunistische Manifest. Die verspätete Aktualität des Kommunistischen Manifests
Agitating the frame
Die Revolution steht bevor
Um mapa da ideologia
Arriesgar Lo Imposible - Conveersaciones Con Glyn Daly
Interrogating the real
Min gan de zhu ti
Repeating Lenin
Przeklen stwo fantazji
Amor Sin Piedad. Hacia una politica de la verdad.
Zizek's Jokes : (Did You Hear the One about Hegel and Negation?)
Enjoy Your Symptom!
Bog na mukama
O espectro segue a roldar
Lenin 2017
Die Tücke des Subjekts
Craigie Horsfield
Everything you always wanted to know about Lacan
Škakljivi subjekt
Weniger als nichts
Wie ein Dieb bei Tageslicht
Pervertitov vodic  kroz film
A Proposito de Lenin
신을 불쾌하게 만드는 생각들
For Badiou
Die drei Leben der Antigone
Throwing the Moral Dice
Goza Tu Sintoma - Lacan Dentro y Fuera de Hollywoo
#i#ek's Jokes : (Did You Hear the One about Hegel and Negation?)
Interrogating the real
How to read Lacan
Ärger im Paradies - Vom Ende der Geschichte zum Ende des Kapitalismus
Hegel and the Infinite
Monstrosity of Christ
Bienvenidos al desierto de lo real
Vivere alla fine dei tempi
Incontinencia del vacío
Què se n'ha fet de la veritat? Què se n'ha fet de la veritat?
Everything you always wanted to know about Lacan
Lenin reactivado
Ustrojstvo razryva
Žižkovi vici
Das Jahr der gefährlichen Träume
Gaze and voice as love objects
Der erhabenste aller Hysteriker
Žižek on Race
The Plague of Fantasies
Heaven in Disorder
Gaze and Voice As Love Objects
Poskusiti znova-spodleteti bolje
Idea of Communism 3
Ein Plädoyer für die Intoleranz
Porque no saben lo que hacen
Relevance of the Communist Manifesto
Construcción de una nueva normalidad
Was ist ein Ereignis?
Absoluter Gegenstoß
Lacrimae Rerum.Cinq essais sur kieslowski Hitchcock Tarkovski et
Sveiki atvykę i tikroves dykuma
Idea of Communism 2 Vol. 2
Heaven in Disorder
Die politische Suspension des Ethischen
Territorios inexplorados
El coraje de la desesperanza
Ein Triumph des Blicks über das Auge
Dunyadaki Isyanlarin Anlami
Welcome to the desert of the real
Is It Still Possible to Be a Hegelian Today?
Eppur si muove
¡Goza tu síntoma!
Bedensiz Organlar
Difesa dell'intolleranza
Como Ler Lacan
Ideolojinin Yuce Nesnesi
El sublime objeto de la ideología
Adini Söylemeye Cesaret Eden Bir Sol - 34 Zamansiz Müdahale
El acoso de las fantasías
Organs Without Bodies
Irak. La Tetera Prestada
Kaybedilmis Davalarin Savunusu Adina
Antroposen'e Hosgeldiniz
Zizek'ten Nukteler
Chocolate sin grasa
Sur pide la palabra
Hegel hoy
Robespierre. Virtud y terror
Time to Awaken
Le sujet qui fâche
Enjoy Your Symptom!
Hegel ve Freud
Antigone'nin Uc Yasami
La idea de comunismo
¿Qué pasa con Kansas?
Olumsuzla Oyalanma
Yamuk Bakmak
Idea of Communism
Enjoy Your Symptom!
Ahir Zamanlarda Yasarken
El dolor de Dios
El sexo y el fracaso del absoluto
Global Manifestos for the Twenty-First Century
Day after the Revolution
Inklusion, Exklusion
Hegel y el cerebro conectado
Ein Plädoyer für die Intoleranz
Il godimento come fattore politico
El año que soñamos peligrosamente
Umutsuz Olma Cesareti
Universal Exception
God in Pain
Gestalten der Autorität
Şiddet Altı Yan Düşünce
Polygraph 22
Hitchikokku ni yoru Rakan
What Does Europe Want?
Mad World
Too Late to Awaken
Hicten Az
Kadife Karanlik
Kirilgan Temas
Mesih Garabeti-Paradoks mu Diyalektik mi?
On Belief
Lacrimae rerum
On Belief
Utterly Dark Spot
Desire of Psychoanalysis
On Belief
Contragolpe absoluto
Imkansizi Istemek
Druga smrt neoliberalizma
Como un ladrón en pleno día
Cinsel Olan Politik midir ?
Kiyametin Versiyonlari
Komunist Ufuk
Mao. Sobre la práctica y la contradicción
Mythology, Madness, and Laughter
Sobre la violencia
Sanat - Konusan Kafalar
ברוכים הבאים למדבר של הממשי
Marx Okumak
Hegel Ve Bagli Beyin
Kendini Tutamayan Bosluk
Tarrying with the Negative
Umudun Mahremlestirilmesi - Ernst Bloch ve Ütopyanin Gelecegi
El frágil absoluto
Opera's Second Death
Gunumuz Ideolojisinden Kesitler
Porque no saben lo que hacen
The Wagnerian sublime
Önce Trajedi Sonra Komedi
Lacan Hakkinda Bilmeyi Hep Istediginiz Ama Hitchcock'a Sormaya Korktunuz Her Sey
Disparen contra Marx
Interrogating the Real
Mutlak Geritepme
Defence of History and Class Consciousness
Tout ce que vous avez toujours voulu savoir sur Lacan sans jamais oser le demander à Hitchcock
Was Sie immer schon über Lacan wissen wollten und Hitchcock nie zu fragen wagten.
Felix Salten
Felix Salten (1869-1945)

journalist, playwright, theatre critic, literary critic, film director, essayist

Bambi (First Colouring Tall)
Das Leben der Josefine Mutzenbacher
Bambi's Children
Fifteen rabbits
Where the Red Fern Grows with Connections
Das Österreichische Antlitz
Learn to Draw Bambi
Bambi's first day
Gute Gesellschaft
Los hijos de Bambi
Renni the rescuer
Freunde aus aller Welt
Schauen und Spielen
Bambi (for Trumpet)
Die Jugend des eichhörnchens Perri
Neue Menschen auf alter Erde
The city jungle
Kleine Brüder
Fairy tales from near and far
Kinder der Freude
Das Burgtheater
Prinz Eugen, der edle ritter
Kaiser Max
A forest world
Samson and Delilah
The hound of Florence
A forest world
Bambi's Story
Die Dame Im Spiegel
Die Geliebte des Kaisers - Novellen
Die Gedenktafel der Prinzessin Anna
Koiramme Firenzessa
Cuentos Clásicos Infantiles Volumen 3
Bambi- Vorzugsausgabe Mit 8 Farbigen Tafeln Nach Originalen von Walter Linsenmayer by Felix Salten
The adventures of Bambi
A Forest World
City Jungle
Martin Overbeck
Gestalten und Erscheinungen
Fünfzehn Hafen.
Wiener adel
Geister der Zeit
Fünf minuten Amerika
Florian the Lipizzaner
Bambi Walt Disney's Storybook Favorites Reader's Digest Young Families
Die Wege des Herrn
Amerikka Viidessa Minuutissa
Djibi, das Kätzchen
Die Geschichte einer wienerischen Dirne
Forest World
The hound of Florence
Hound of Florence
Das o ̈sterreichische antlitz
Martin Overbeck
Florian, the emperor's stallion
Bambin Lapset
Vom andern Ufer
A Forest World
Battles of Dune
Kissanpentu Djibi
The City Jungle
Samson and Delilah,
Little world apart
Kleine Welt für sich
Österreichische Antlitz
Die Dame im Spiegel
Die Geliebte des Kaisers
österreichische Antlitz
Bambi's First Day
Der schrei der liebe
Bambi / The Yearling - 2 in 1 Anniversary Edition
Djibi den lilla katten
Simson, Das Schickfal eines Erwahlten
Viisitoista J�n��
Uusia Uurtajia Vanhassa Maassa
Florian, das Pferd des Kaisers
Abschied im Sturm
Olga Frohgemuth
15 arnavot
Die klingende Schelle
Kinder der Freude
Bambis kinder; eine familie im walde
Herr Wenzel auf Rehberg und sein Knecht Kaspar Dinckel
Ban mi
Der Hund von Florenz
Herr Wenzel auf Rehberg und sein Knecht Kaspar Dinckel
Der Hund von Florenz
Bambi (First Colouring)
Freunde aus aller Welt
Felix Salten's favorite animal stories
Oh! Oh! Josephine
Belochka Perri
Fanciulle ricche
Neue Menschen auf alter Erde
Währinger Erinnerungen
In memoriam Max Reinhardt
Good comrades
Andrew Lang
Andrew Lang (1844-1912)

poet, historian, translator, journalist, anthropologist, literary critic, essayist, collector of fairy tales, folklorist, scholar

  • University of Oxford, University of St Andrews
The red book of animal stories
John Knox and the Reformation
Homer and His Age
The Maid of France (1913)
Walter Scott and the Border Minstrelsy (Large Print)
Pickle the spy, or
Sir Walter Scott
The life and letters of John Gibson Lockhart
The Mystery of Mary Stuart
The Book of Saints and Heroes
Alfred Tennyson / by Andrew Lang
Andrew Lang's Introduction to The Compleat Angler
The Red Fairy Book (Large Print)
The Pink Fairy Book
The Lilac Fairy Book (Large Print)
The Crimson Fairy Book
The Green Fairy Book (Large Print)
The Orange Fairy Book (Large Print)
The Brown Fairy Book (Large Print)
The Violet Fairy Book (Large Print)
The Grey Fairy Book (Large Print)
The Yellow Fairy Book (Large Print)
The Olive Fairy Book (Complete & Unabridged)
Custom and myth
The Book of Dreams and Ghosts (Large Print)
Essays in little
Parson Kelly
Books and bookmen
Angling Sketches (Large Print)
The Blue Fairy Book
The red romance book
Aladdin and the wonderful lamp
Magic and religion
The Arabian Nights
In the Wrong Paradise
A Collection of Ballads
A Short History of Scotland
Ballads & lyrics of old France
Lost leaders
The book of romance
The Valet's Tragedy and Other Studies (Large Print)
32 ballades in blue china
Sir George Mackenzie, king's advocate, of Rosehaugh
Life, letters, and diaries of Sir Stafford Northcote, first Earl of Iddesleigh
My own fairy book
St. Andrews
The rainbow fairy book ; a selection of outstanding fairy tales from the color fairy books
A batch of golfing papers
Letters on literature
Historical Mysteries
Social origins
James VI and the Gowrie mystery
The world of Homer
The Mark Of Cain
Tales of romance
The Blue Poetry Book
The Disentanglers
The puzzle of Dicken's last plot
The flying ship
The Tale of the Cid
The secret of the totem, by Andrew Lang
Adventures Among Books
The Arabian Nights Entertainments
King Arthur; tales of the Round Table
History of English literature
The nursery rhyme book
The Library
"Ballads and Lyrics of Old France, with Other Poems  [EasyRead Super Large 24pt Edition]"
Poets' country
Tales of Troy
The book of romance
Prince Ricardo of Pantouflia
Modern mythology
In fairyland
The chronicles of Pantouflia
Detective, Mystery, Crime, and Horror Books on CD
Pretty Goldilocks
A tale of Fairyland
How to Fail in Literature (Reprint)
The Miracles of Madame Saint Katherine of Fierbos
Prince Prigio
The Princess Nobody
A Monk of Fife, Large-Print Edition
Ballades and verses vain
The companions of Pickle
Myth, Ritual, and Religion, Vol. 1
The true story book
Arabian Nights [15 stories]
Fifty favorite fairy tales
The Clyde mystery
Theocritus, Bion and Moschus Rendered into English Prose
Aucassin And Nicolete
Tales from King Arthur (Wordsworth Collection) (Wordsworth Collection)
Much darker days
Prince Darling and other stories
The origins of religion, and other essays
History of Scotland
Homer and the epic
Novels (Mystery of Edwin Drood / Tale of Two Cities)
Helen of Troy: Her Life and Translation Done Into Rhyme from the Greek Books
The politics of Aristotle
The Andrew Lang fairy tale book
World's Desire
Cock Lane and Commonsense 1896
The Andrew Lang fairy tale treasury
Highways and byways in the Border
Life, Letters And Diaries Of Sir Stafford Northcote, First Earl Of Iddesleigh V2
The gold of Fairnilee
Los Cuentos De Las Mil Y Una Noches/ the Stories of Thousand and One Nights
Rhymes a la Mode
The International library of famous literature
Modern Fictionology
The  courting of Dinah Shadd and other stories
Dick Whittington, and other stories
Prince Charles Edward
The Iliad (Collector's Library)
12 Books in 1
Pretty Goldilocks, and other stories from the fairy books
Selected fairy tales
The Homeric Hymns A New Prose Translation; and Essays, Literary and Mythological
Old Friends, Epistolary Parody
Myth, Ritual and Religion, Part 1
Crystal Gazing
The adventure of Odysseus
Isaac Asimov's Magical Worlds of Fantasy, Volume 6
The Making of Religion 1898
Rose fairy book
Dog Stories by James Herriot, Rudyard Kipling, Gerald Durell and others
The Dead Leman And Other Tales From The French
The Red Fairy Book (Fairy Books Series , Vol 2)
Social England Illustrated: A Collection of XVIIth Century Tracts
New Collected Rhymes
A world of fairy tales
The Life and Letters of John Gibson Lockhart V1
R. F. Murray
Anthology of Best Loved Poems
Border ballads
Method in the study of totemism
Myth, Ritual and Religion, Part 2
Letters to dead authors, with an etched port. by S.J. Ferris and 4 additional letters
La mythologie
'That Very Mab'
The Strange Story Book
XXII and X
Cinderella, or, The little glass slipper
Tales from the red fairy book
El Libro Amarillo De Los Cuentos De Hadas/ Yellow Fairy Book (Cuentos De Hadas / Fairy Tales)
On Our Selection
Portraits and jewels of Mary Stuart
Poetical works
The adventures of Prince Prigio and of his son, Prince Ricardo
Tales of Troy and Greece (Fanfare)
Grass of Parnassus: First and Last Rhymes
The conquest of Montezuma's empire
Savage Divine Myths
Collected Works of Andrew Lang
Book of Princes and Princesses
Nature Myths
The origin of terms of human relationship
Dear Stevenson
The Odyssey of Homer, Done Into English Prose by S.H. Butcher and A. Lang
The Red Book Of Heroes
The comedies of Shakespeare
More Favourite Andrew Lang Fairy Tale Books
The Annesley Case (Notable British Trials)
Non-Aryan Myths Of The Origin Of The World And Of Man
The Andrew lang readers
Andrew Lang's angling tales
Animal Story Book (1914)
Ban and arrière ban
New and old letters to dead authors
Ben Jonson and Shakespeare
Friends over the ocean
The Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns and Fairies
Greek Divine Myths
Tales from the green fairy book
Cinderella and other stories from The blue fairy book
Favorite Andrew Lang Fairy Tale Books in Many Colors
Fairy Tales from Around the World
Life, Letters And Diaries Of Sir Stafford Northcote, First Earl Of Iddesleigh V1
Stories from 1001 Arabian nights
Read me another fairy tale
The Magic Ring and Other Stories
Book of Romance
Grass of Parnassus AND Rhymes A La Mode
Gods of the Lowest Races
The Life and Letters of John Gibson Lockhart V2
Heroic And Romantic Myths
The tercentenary of Izaak Walton
The great streets of the world
The Story of the Golden Fleece
Old French title pages
Favorite fairy tales
American Divine Myths
Selections from the Greek anthology
Shakespeare, Genius And Society
The Mythology Of Egypt
To your good health
The Man in the Iron Mask
Seven Voyages of Sinbad the Sailor
Une vie d'orages
Tales of Ancient Greece
The story of Robin Hood, and other tales of adventure and battle
Pictures at play
The twelve dancing princesses
Gods of the Aryans of India
The blue true story book
Indian Myths Of The Origin Of The World And Of Man
Sinbad the sailor
Notes and names in books
Greek Myths Of The Origin Of The World And Of Man
Story of Odysseus in the Land of the Phæacians
Mexican Divine Myths
The Schooling Of Shakespeare
Notes by Mr. A. Lang on a collection of pictures by Mr. J.E. Millais, R.A., exhibited at the Fine Art Society's rooms
Ballades & rhymes, from Ballades in blue china and Rhymes à la mode
The history of Jack the Giant-killer, and other stories, based on the tales in the 'Blue fairy book,'
The Works of Charles Dickens, With Introductions, General Essay, and Notes
Cat Megapack
Cinderella Tales
Marvellous musician and other stories
Greek Cosmogonic Myths
Tartan tales from Andrew Lang
The Golden mermaid, and other stories from the fairy books
The highlands of Scotland in 1750, from manuscript 104 in the King's Library, British Museum
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Poems and Ballads of Sir Walter Scott
Theophile Gautier
Animal Story Book
Anne of Geierstein; or, the Maiden of the Mist
Green Fairy Book
The World's Wit and Humor, An Encyclopedia of the Classic Wit and Humor of All Ages and Nations
Iliad of Homer
The Mystery of Edwin Drood and Master Humphrey's Clock
Bleak House Part One
Book ballades for Roxburghers
Czego nie czynia damy
Guy Mannering, or the Astrologer
Devil-dancers, witch-finders, rain-makers, and medicine-men
Works (36 volumes)
A History Of Scotland From The Roman Occupation, Volume 2
Works of Charles Dickens
Ballades in Blue China
Olive Fairy Book
Sydney Smith
Fairy Tales and Folk Tales, 72 books on CD
Red Romance Book
My Memoirs
Melisande / Goops and How to Be Them / Prince Prigio
About Edwin Drood
On the Sublime
Sir Walter Scott
The Book of Romance
Anne of Geierstein; or, the Maiden of the Mist
Princess Rosette and Other Fairy Tales
Grey Fairy Book
The Roman Poets of the Augustan Age
Beauty and the Beast. With an Introd. by Andrew Lang
Folk Stories from Southern  Nigeria, West Africa
Tales of a fairy court
Pmbm Jack & the Beanstalk Card
Quentin Durward
The Works of Charles Dickens Volume 18
Jack and the Beanstalk and Other Fairy Tales
The Novels of Charles Lever
Aladdin and Other Fairy Tales
Green Monkey and Other Fairy Tales
Bedtime Stories
Prince and Princess Story Book
The Novels of Charles Lever
Toads and Diamonds and Other Fairy Tales
The magic swan
Fairy Tales in Chinese and English 3
My Memoirs
Blue Mountains and Other Fairy Tales
Fairy Books of Andrew Lang
Water-Lily and Other Fairy Tales
Perrault's Popular Tales
Scottish Border country
Andrew Lang's Fairy Books in Two Volumes, Volume 2
Folk Stories from Southern Nigeria, West Africa
Andrew Lang on CD-ROM
New collected poems
The Works of Charles Dickens Volume 15
The Works of Charles Dickens
The Princess on the glass hill
Andrew Lang
Euahlayi Tribe a Study of Aboriginal Life in Australia
Essays of To-Day and Yesterday
Angling Sketches and Tales of Troy
Works. With Introd., General Essay and Notes by Andrew Lang Volume 1
The International Library of Famous Literature; Selections From the World's Greatest Writers ... With Biographical and Explanatory Notes, and With ... Comp. and Arranged by Nathan Haskell Dole,
Short Ballads of Scotland
King Frost and Other Fairy Tales
Tale of Two Cities : Mystery of Edwin Drood
A History of Scotland from the Roman Occupation. Second edition. (Volume III Only)
Wonderful Sheep and Other Fairy Tales
Poetical Works
Tales of Troy and Greece
The Works of Charles Dickens
Euahlayi Tribe
Folklore and Mythology
Works of Charles Dickens :
Strife of Love in a Dream, Being the Elizabethan Version of the First Book of the Hypnerotomachia;
Saint Germain the Deathless
William Shakespeare
Origins of Religion, and Other Essays
Complete Writings of Alfred de Musset; Volume 1
Early Sociology of Religion
Zmoliere's Lis Precieuses Ridicules
The paradise of poets
The Complete Works of Homer Modern Library Iliad and Odyssey
The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare...
Iliad and Odyssey. Done into English Prose by Andrew Lang, S. H. Butcher, Walter Leaf, and Ernest Myers
The snow man, and other stories, based on the tales in the fairy books
Works. With Introd., General Essay and Notes by Andrew Lang Volume 15
Redgauntlet, Volume 2 (Waverley Novels)
Snow-White and Rose-Red and other Andrew Lang fairy tales
The Bibliophile Library Of Literature Art and Rare Manuscripts Vol. 9
Ballades and Rhymes
White Duck and Other Fairy Tales
Third Idyll of Theocritus
Little Red Riding Hood
Little Wildrose and Other Andrew Lang Fairy Tales
Selection from Andrew Lang's Fairy Tales
A Short History of Scotland
Complete Coloured Fairy Books
Grimm's Household Tales
Works. With Introd., General Essay and Notes by Andrew Lang Volume 5
International Library of Famous Literature
Ballades and Rhymes
Johnny Nut and the golden goose
Graciosa and Percinet and Other Fairy Tales
Fables and Fairy Tales
Selected Classic Witch Stories for Kids
Tales from King Arthur; Treasure Island
Cinderella; three hundred and forty-five variants of Cinderella, Catskin, and Cap o'Rushes
Koschei the Deathless and Other Fairy Tales
The Works of Charles Dickens
Works of Charles Dickens; Volume 32
Panna Orleanská
Why the Sea Is Salt and Other Fairy Tales
Six Swans and Other Fairy Tales
Rituals, Myths and Religions
Cat Tales
History of Scotland from the Roman Occupation; Volume 4
Fairy Books of Andrew Lang
Norka and Other Fairy Tales
Soria Moria Castle and Other Fairy Tales
The Works of Charles Dickens, Volume 3
Rhymes à la mode
Castle Tales for Kids
The three dogs
Ballads of books
Edinburgh Critical Edition of the Selected Writings of Andrew Lang, Volume 2
My Memoirs, Volume 5
Aucassin & Nicolette
The history of Whittington
Golden Tales for Kids
Dark Days and Much Darker Days
The voices of Jeanne D'Arc
[Letters from Andrew Lang to John Lane
Prince Prigio
Edinburgh Critical Edition of the Selected Writings of Andrew Lang
The brown fairy book
Pictures at play, or, Dialogues of the galleries
Andrew Lang and St. Andrews
My Memoirs
Love lies bleeding
Strategy Six Pack 8
L'anneau de bronze
The Princess Nobody
Cock Lane and common-sense
Poison Apple : and Other Tales of Magic Mirrors and Wicked Queen
Lang Masallari 1. Cilt
The yellow fairy book
Mermaid Tales for Kids
Myth, ritual and religion
Myths of the Origin of Death
Frog Tales for Kids
A monk of Fife
A History of Scotland From the Roman Occupation, Volume 4
Pembe Masallar
Edinburgh Critical Edition of the Selected Writings of Andrew Lang, Volume 1
Helen of Troy
Aucassin and Nicolete
Lang Masallari 3. Cilt
Goblin Pony and Other Tales
The politics of Aristotle
Barnaby Rudge
Lang Masallari 2. Cilt
In the wrong paradise
Poets' country
The crimson fairy book
Fairy Books of Many Colors Volume One
Le Morte D'Arthur. The Original ed. of William Caxton now Reprinted and Edited With an Introd. and Glossary
Ban and arrière ban
Tales of Magical Cats
The snow queen and other stories from the pink and crimson fairy books
Japanese bogies
Alfred Tennyson
Selected Works of Andrew Lang
Books and bookmen
Fairy Books of Many Colors Volume Two
The Clyde mystery
A collection of ballads
Marcelino Menéndez y Pelayo
Marcelino Menéndez y Pelayo (1856-1912)

historian, librarian, politician, biographer, literary critic, literary historian

  • University of Valladolid, University of Barcelona
Biblioteca de traductores españoles
Al fulgor de la hoguera
Historia de los heterodoxos españoles
Estudios de critica literaria
Historia de las ideas estéticas en España
Antología de poetas líricos Castellanos desde la formación del idioma hasta nuestros días
Estudios de crítica literaria
Orígenes de la novela
Discurso leído en la Universidad central en la solemne inauguración del curso académico de 1889 á 1890
Historia de los heterodoxos españoles. Libro I (Extasis)
La ciencia española
Historia de la poesía hispano-americana
La filosofi a española
Horacio en España
Menéndez Pelayo digital
Historia De Los Heterodoxos Españoles Iii/history of the Spanish Heterodox
Bibliografía hispano-latina clásica
Horacio en España (Traductores y comentadores.--La poesia horaciana.)  Solaces bibliográficos de d. Marcelino Menéndez y Pelayo
La mistica española
Historia De Los Heterodoxos Españoles Vii/history of the Spanish Heterodox VII
Menéndez y Palayo, orientador de la cultura española
G. Nuñez de Arce
Antología de poetas liricos castellanos desde la formación del idioma hasta nuestros dias
Antología de poetas líricos castellanos
Historia De Los Heterodoxos Españoles Vii/history of the Spanish Heterodox VII (Extasis)
De los orígenes del criticismo y del excepticismo
Historia de la poesía chilena, 1569-1892
Discurio ..
Historia De Los Heterodoxos Españoles Ii/history of the Spanish Heterodox II
Historia de España
Menéndez Pelayo y Juan Valera en el Diccionario Enciclopédico Hispano-Americano
Historia de España
Historia de los heterodoxos españoles. Libro II (Extasis)
Historia De Los Heterodoxos Españoles Iii/history of the Spanish Heterodox III (Extasis)
Poetas de la corte de don Juan II
Procesos de protestantes españoles en el siglo XVI
Historia De Los Heterodoxos Españoles Vi/history of the Spanish Heterodox VI (Extasis)
Los grandes polígrafos españoles
Discursos leídos ante la Real Academia de la Historia en la recepción pública del Doctor D. Marcelino Menéndez y Pelayo
Historia De Los Heterodoxos Españoles V/history of the Spanish Heterodox V
Trueba y Cosio
El doctor D. Manuel Milá y Fontanals
[La  estética de la pintura y la critica pictórica
La filosofía española
La mística española
Estudios sobre el teatro de Lope de Vega
Historia de la ideas estéticas en España
Las cien mejores poesi as (li ricas) de la lengua castellana
Introducción y programa de litertura española
Textos sobre España
Estudios sobre la prosa del siglo XIX
Las cien mejores poesias liricas da la lengua castellana
Homenaje a Menéndez y Pelayo
Cartas a Farinelli
Estudios y discursos de crítica histórica y literaria
La novela entre los latinos
Bibliografía hispano-Latina clasica
Historia de la poesía argentina y uruguaya
Poetas de la corte de don Juan II
Menendez Pelayo y la educacion nacional
G. Núñez de Arce
Páginas cervantinas
Historia de La Poesia Argentina
Los cuatro primeros escritos de Marcelino Menéndez y Pelayo y su primer discurso
Epistolario de Menéndez y Pelayo en torno la publicación de las Obras completas de Milá
Estudios criticos sobre escritores montañeses
La conciencia española
Ensayos de crítica filosófica
Historia de la poesia hispano-Americana
La España de Menéndez Pelayo
Caldero n y su teatro
Discurso acerca de Cervantes y el "Quijote", leído en la Universidad Centralel 8 de mayo de 1905
Necrología de la Duquesa de Alba
La novela española vista por Menéndez Pelayo
Catalogue de la bibliothèque de Ricardo Heredia, comte de Benahavis
Las 100 Mejores Poesias
Historia De Los Heterodoxos Españoles Iii/history of the Spanish Heterodox III
Antologiá de poetas liricos castellanos
Antologiá de poetas liricos castellanos
Historia de los heterodoxos espan oles
Antología de los poetas liricos castellanos desde la formación del idioma hasta nuestros días ordenado por D. Marcelino Menèndez y Pelayo ..
Tratado de los romances viejos
Epistolario de Menéndez Pelayo y Rodríguez Marín, 1891-1912
Historia De Los Heterodoxos Españoles Viii/history of the Spanish Heterodox VII (Extasis)
Antologi a de poetas li ricos castellanos
Historia de la poesía castellana en la edad media
Estudios sobre el teatro de Lope de Vega
Las cien mejores poesías (líricas) de la lengua castellana
Calderón y su teatro
Origenes de la novela
Ramón Lull (Raimundo Lulio) discurso leído el día primero de mayo del año actual en el instituto de las Baleares
Menéndez Pelayo y la educación nacional
Estudios de crítica literaria
Introducción y programa de literatura española
Las cien mejores poesias (liricas) de la lengua castellana
Antología de poetas líricos castellanos
Epistolario a Clarín [pseud.]
Antología de poetas hispano-americanos publicada por la Real academia española
Facsimiles de trabajos escolares de Menendez Pelayo
Menéndez Pelayo y la hispanidad
Historia de las ideas esteticas en España
El libro de Job
Antologéia de poetas líricos castellanos
Historia de las ideas estéticas en España
La Celestina
San Isidoro, Cervantes, y otros estudios
Catálogos de la biblioteca de Menéndez Pelayo
San Isidro, Cervantes, y otros estudios
Odas, epístolas y tragedias
Polémicas, indicaciones y proyectos sobre la ciencia española
Menéndez Pelayo y el romanticismo
Menéndez y Pelayo y sus ideas
Ramón Lull (Raimundo Lulio) discurso leído el día primero de mayo del año actual en el instituto de las Baleares
Menéndez Pelayo y la hispanidad, epistolario
Literatura española
Discurso en la solemne Fiesta Literaria celebrada en el Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes el 5 de diciembre de 1904
Estudios y discursos de crítica histórica y literaria
[Obras completas]
Estudios de critica literaria por el doctor Don M. Menéndez y Pelayo
Antología de estudios y discursos literarios
La casa de muñecas
Estudios poéticos, con una carta-
Cartas a Garcia Peres
El abate Marchena
Historia de las ideas estéticas en España
[Poesia mistica en España]
Historia de la poesía argentina
Monumento á D. José María de Pereda
Antología comentada
Serie Española de Validacion Argentina - 7 Tomos
Orígenes de la novela
La c ien mejores poesías (líricas) de la lenua castellana, escogidas por el doctor don Marcelino Menédez y Pelayo
Martínez de la Rosa
Estudios de crítica literaria
Procesos de protestantes españoles en el siglo XV
Las cien mejores poesías de la lengua castellana
Las cien mejores poesias (liricas) de la lengua castellana
Antología de poetas hispano-americanos
Estudios en torno al siglo XIX
La filosofía española
Obras completas de Don Francisco de Quevedo Villegas: Edición crítica, ordenada é ilustrada
Las Cien Mejores Poesias (liricas) de la lengua castellana
Estudios poéticos
La Celestina: Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea
Ensayos de crítica filosófica
Cartas de Menendez y Pelayo a Farinelli
Discursos leídos ante la Real Academia española por los exemos. Señore Iguez Marín y D ..
Estudios de crítica histórica y literaria
Discursos leidos ante la Real academia española en la pública recepción del doctor Don Marcelino Menéndez Pelayo el dia 6 de marzo de 1881
Orígenes de la novela
Edición nacional de las obras completas de Menéndez Pelayo
El mundo clásico visto por Menéndez Pelayo
Antología general de Menéndez Pelayo, recopilación orgánica de su doctrina
Homenaje a Menéndez y Pelayo
Cartas de Menéndez y Pelayo a Garcia Peres
Número extraordinario dedicado a Menéndez Pelayo
Antología de poetas hispanoamericanos. I. México y América Central
Historia de los heterodoxos españoles
Antología de poetas hispano-americanos publicada por la Real academia española
Menéndez Pelayo y el romanticismo
Textos sobre España
Biblioteca de traductores españoles
Critica de ingenios
Menéndez y Palayo, orientador de la cultura
[La estética de la pintura y la critica pictórica
Historia de las ideas estéticas en España
Interpretaciones del Quijote: Discursos leídos
Las cien mejores poesías (líricas) de la lengua castellana
Obras completas
Epistolario de Menéndez Pelayo y Rodríguez Marín, 1891-1912
Historia de la poesía hispano-americana
Antologia general de Menendez Pelayo
Historia de los heterodoxos españoles
Origenes de la novela
Antología de poetas líricos castellanos
Antología general de Menéndez Pelayo, recopilación orgánica de su doctrina. Prólogo de Angel Herrera Oria
Las Cien mejores poesías líricas de la lengua castellana
La novela entre los latinos
Epístola á mis amigos de Santander
Edición nacional de las obras completas de Menéndez Pelayo
La ciencia española
Obras completas de Don Francisco de Quevedo Villegas
Historia de las ideas estéticas en España
La novela española vista por Menéndez Pelayo
Odas epistolas y tragedias
Las cien mejores poesias líricas de la lengua castellana
Sitakant Mahapatra
Sitakant Mahapatra (born 1937)

translator, literary critic, poet

  • University of Allahabad, Ravenshaw University
Aneka śarata
Kembrij smṛti
Hārbhāḍare seisabudina
Modernization and ritual
Discovering the inscape
Reaching the other shore
Beyond the word
The awakened wind
Forgive the words
Ethnicity and the state
Staying is nowhere
Tradition and the modern artist
The Realm of the Sacred
Sārahulra janha
The Lemon tree
Tribal wall paintings of Orissa
Men, patterns of dust
Śabdara ākāśa
Beyond narcissism and other essays
Bringing them to school, primary education for tribal children
Unending rhythms
The empty distance carries ..
Death of Krishna and other poems
The ruined temple and other poems
The curve of meaning
The Alphabet of Birds ; Hymns for the Lord of the Blue Mountain
Quiet violence [by] Sitakant Mahapatra
They Sing Life ; Anthology of Oral Poetry of the Primitive Tribes of India(UNESCO)
The tangled web
The Mahabharata and modern Indian literature
Primitive poetry as love and prayer
A child even in arms of stone
Kabitā samagra
The role of tradition in literature
Ciraī rī tū kyā jāne
Sāṇita tarabāri o sebatī phula
They sing life
An Anthology of Modern Oriya Poetry
Svara o svapnara simphonī
Patterns of tribal housing
Quiet violence
Pheri āsibāra beḷa
Samaya kā śesha nāma
Bhima Bhoi
The alphabet of birds
Landscape of Indian literature
Lauta āne kā samaya
The other silence
Andhārara jhoṭicitā
Longing for the south
Sambhoga, nirjanatā o anyānya prabandha
The jester and other poems
Tisa kavita varsha
Sārā jībana, lokaṭā--
Selected poems
The song of Kubja and other poems
Varshā kī subaha
The wooden sword
Śabda, svapna, o nirbhīkatā
Niḥsaṅga maṇisha
Old man in summer and other poems
Saṃskr̥ti, āma samaẏa
Kāhāku pucchibā kuha
Jagannatha Das
Caḍheire tu ki jāṇu
Dīpti o dyuti
Samaẏara śesha nāma
Barshā sakāḷa
Guestures [i.e. gestures] of intimacy
Barefoot into reality
Asaphala āropa
Chhau dance of Mayurbhanj
New horizons of human progress
The rainbow of rhythms
Zurni fi waqt akhar, ya mawt
Poetry of South Asia
The other silence
Asaranti pilādina
My days at Harvard
Sītākānta Mahāpātraṅka śreshṭha kabitā
Rotations of unending time
Ś́āḷagacha phulare naim̐chi
The Wooden sword
Asaphaḷa āropa
Nirbācita kabitā
Hathelī meṃ indradhanusha