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critics who wrote biography
Showing 345-352 out of 691 results
Randall Jarrell
Randall Jarrell (1914-1965)

poet, literary critic, journalist, translator

  • Kenyon College, Vanderbilt University
Randall Jarrell's letters
Kenneth S. Norris, naturalist, cetologist & conservationist, 1924-1998
Raymond F. Dasmann
The United States in Literature [with three long stories] -- Seventh Edition
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--The American Experience
Prentice Hall Literature--The American Experience
The United States in Literature -- The Glass Menagerie Edition
The United States in Literature
The United States in Literature -- All My Sons Edition
Prentice Hall Literature--The American Experience
The juniper tree, and other tales from Grimm
Poetry and the age
The animal family
Fly by Night
Pictures from an institution
Kipling, Auden & Co
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--The American Experience
No other book
The Gingerbread Rabbit
The Anchor book of stories
The complete poems
A bat is born, from The bat-poet
The bat-poet
Snow-White and the seven dwarfs
The third book of criticism
Randall Jarrell on W.H. Auden
The lost world
The animal family
A sad heart at the supermarket
Pictures from an Institution
Jerome: the biography of a poem
Raymond F. Dasmann
Six Russian short novels
Kipling, Auden and Company
Randall Jarrell, selected poems
Kipling, Auden and co
Letters of Randall Jarrell
The seven-league crutches
Goethe's Faust: Part One
The fisherman and his wife
The woman at the Washington Zoo
The achievement of Randall Jarrell
Poetry and the Age (Faber Library Ser.)
LA Familia Animal/the Animal Family
A Bat Is Born, from the Bat-poet
The Complete poems
Pictures from an Institution
Randall Jarrell's book of stories
The complete poems
Il coniglio di panpepato
Fly by night
Animaux pour toute famille
About popular culture
The Animal Family
Strawberry-growing in the Pajaro Valley
The gingerbread rabbit
Lost World
Blood for a stranger
Baixue gong zhu he qi ge xiao ai ren
El murciélago poeta
A sad heart at the supermarket
Randall Jarrell Reads and Discusses His Poems Against War (Swc 1363)
Little friend, little friend
The Fisherman and His Wife
Randall Jarrell on W. H. Auden
Pictures from an institution
Volar de noche
Five young American poets
Poets, critics, and readers
Selected poems
The third book of criticism
Poetry and the age
A sad heart at the supermarket
Le lapin de pain d'épice
Poetry and the age
Poetry and the age
Selected poems
About popular culture
The lost world
A sad heart at the supermarket
The animal family
The gingerbread rabbit
Thomas Steinaecker
Thomas Steinaecker (born 1977)

journalist, literary critic, director, film director, literary scholar

Acht Betrachtungen
Stockhausen – Der Mann, der vom Sirius kam
Ludwig van Beethoven
Wer kann für böse Träume
Literarische Foto-Texte
Die Verteidigung des Paradieses
Der Sommer ihres Lebens
Das Jahr, in dem ich aufhörte, mir Sorgen zu machen, und anfing zu träumen
Wallner beginnt zu fliegen
Klang. Welt.
Acht Visionen
Christoph Kolumbus
Ende offen
Gérard Macé
Gérard Macé (born 1946)

poet, photographer, literary critic

Le dernier des Egyptiens
Pensées simples
The last of the Egyptians
Wood asleep
Le manteau de Fortuny
Ex libris
Je suis l'autre
L' art sans paroles
Cinéma muet
L' autre hémisphère du temps
Vies antérieures
Sur le heurt à la porte dans "Macbeth"
Wood asleep =
Les trois coffrets
Bois dormant
Un monde qui ressemble au monde
Où grandissent les pierres
Discours sur la haine du pays natal
La mémoire aime chasser dans le noir
Colportage, numéro 3, Images
Les balcons de Babel
Ou grandissent les pierres
L'Imaginaire d'après nature
L'Enfer de Dante
Rome ou le firmament
Ecrivez, on vous répondra
Le jardin des langues
La photographie sans appareil
La carte de l'empire
Les petites coutumes
Filles de la mémoire
Rome ou le firmament
La couleur est un trompe l'oeil
Le Singe et le miroir
Illusions sur mesure
La pensée des poètes
Un détour par l'Orient
Mirages et solitudes
Leçons de choses
Promesse, tour et prestige
Et je vous offre le néant
Le goût de l'homme
Où grandissent les pierres
Emblèmes et enseignes
Abbas el-Akkad
Abbas el-Akkad (1889-1964)

historian, journalist, poet, literary critic, teacher, philosopher

al- Sīrah al-dhātīyah
ʻĀlam al-sudūd wa-al-quyūd
Tadhkār Jītī
Al- 'Abqariyat al-Islamiyah
Tarājim wa-siyar
Ḥayāt al-Masīḥ
Saʻd Zaghlūl
Saʻd Zaghlūl
Rijāl ʻaraftuhum
Turāth ʻAbbās Maḥmūd al-ʻAqqād
Islā mīyāt
ʻĀlam al-sudūd wa-al-quyūd
al-ʻAqqād yaḥkī asrār ḥayātih
Muʻāwiyah ibn Abī Sufyān fī al-mīzān
Min rasāʼil al-ʻAqqād
Muʻāwiyah ibn Abī Sufyān fī al-mīzān
ʻAbqarīyat al-Ṣiddīq
al-ʻAbqarīyat al-Islāmīyah
Dhū al-nūrayn
al- Insān fī al-Qurʼān al-karīm
al- Falsafah al-Qurʼānīyah
Al- taʻrīf bi-Shikisbīr
Dhikrayātī maʻa ʻāhil al-Jazīrah al-ʻArabīyah
ʻAbqarīyat ʻUmar
al- Islām wa-al-ḥaḍārah al-insānīyah, wa-maqālāt ukhrá
Mā yuqālu ʻan al-Islām
Al- Insan fi al-Qur'an al-karim
Athar al-'Arab fi al-hadarah al-Awrubbiyah
Nāzīyah wa-al-adyān al-samāwīyah
The Arab's impact on European civilisation
Jawāʼiz al-adab al-ʻālamīyah
Shāʻir Andalusī wa-jāʾizah ʻālamiīyah
The poetical language
al- Islām fī al-qarn al-ʻashrīn
Falsafat al-Ghazālī
ʻAbqarīyat al-Imām
Shuʻarāʾ Miṣr wa-bīʾātuhum fī al-jīl al-māḍī
Mawsūʻat ʻAbbās Maḥmūd al-ʻAqqād al-Islāmīyah
Al- Islām fī al-qarn al-'ishrīn
Ibn al-Rūmī, ḥayātuhu min shiʻrih
Al- Ṣiddīqah bint al-Ṣiddīq
ʻAbqarīyat Khālid
Dhu al-nurayn 'Uthman ibn 'Affan
Muṭāla'āt fī al-kutub wa-al-ḥayāh
Khulāṣat al-yawmīyah
ʻAbqarīyat Muḥammad
Al- Dimuqratiyah fi al-Islam
Al- Ḥarb al-'ālamīyah al-thānīyah
Aʻāṣīr maghrib
Sun Yātsin, Abū al-Ṣīn
Rajʻat Abī al-ʻAlāʾ
ʻAr⁻aʾis wa-shay⁻aṭ⁻in
Afyūn al-shuʻūb
Mu'awiyah ibn Abi Sufyan
Abū al-Shuhadā' al-Ḥusayn ibn 'Alī
ʻĀbir sabīl
Fransīs Bākūn
Majmū'at a'lām al-shi'r
al- Islām daʻwah ʻālamīyah
ʻ Alá al-athīr
Khawāṭir fī al-fann wa-al-qiṣṣah
al- Ṣihyūnīyah wa-qaḍīyat Filasṭīn
'Abqarīyat al-Imām 'Alī
'Aqā'id al-mufakkirīn fī al-qarn al-'ishrīn
Falsafah al-Islāmīyah
Ākhir kalimāt al-'Aqqād
ʻ Īd al-qalam wa-maqālāt ukhrá
Abū Nuwās al-Ḥasan ibn Hānī
Khālid aur un kī shakhsyat
al- Ṣihyūnȳah wa-qaḍīyat Filasṭīn
'Abqari al-'islah wa-al-ta'lim
Falāsifat al-ḥukm fī al-ʻaṣr al-ḥadīth
al- Shuyūʻīyah wa-al-insānīyah fī sharīʻat al-Islām
Ma'a ʻāhil al-Janirah al-ʻArabīyah
Al- Fuṣūl
al- Majmūʻah al-kāmilah li-muʾallafāt al-Ustādh ʻAbbās Maḥmūd al-ʻAqqād
Al- Mar'ah fī al-Qur'ān
Dīwān min dawāwīn
Bayna al-kutub wa-al-nās
Lā shuyūʻīyah wa-lā istiʻmār
Shu'ara' Misr wa-bi'atu hum fi al-jil al-madi
Buḥūth fī al-lughah wa-al-adab
Ibn al-Rumi
Ma ba'd al-ba'd
'Abir sabil
Dā'ī al-samā' Bilāl ibn Rabāḥ
Mā baʻda al-baʻd
'Abqariyat 'Umar
Sun Yatsin, Abū al-Ṣīn
Dīn wa-fann wa-falsafah
Qiyam wa-maʻāyīr
Sāʻāt bayna al-kutub
ʻAmr ibn al-ʻĀṣ
Al- Rahhalah Kaf
Murāja'āt fī al-ādāb wa-al-funūn
Hayat qalam
al- Adab wa-al-naqd
Hadīyat al-karawān
Hādhihi al-shajarah wa-al-insān al-thānī
Bayna al-kutub wal-al-nās
Fatimah al-Zahra'
al- Dīmuqrāṭīyah fī al-Islām
ʻAbd al-Raḥman al-Kawākibī
Fāṭimah al-Zahrāʼ wa-al-Fāṭimīyūn
'Abqariyat Muhammad
'Abqariyat al-Siddiq
Al- Tafkīr farīdah Islāmīyah
Mawāqif wa-qaḍāyā "fī al-adab wa-al-siyāsah"
Rudūd wa-ḥudūd
Ḥaḍārat al-Islām
Maṭla' al-nūr
al- Qarn al-ʻishrūn, mā kāna wa-mā sayakūn
Ma yuqalu 'an al-Islam
Ārāʾ fī al-ādāb wa-al-Funūn
al- Lughah al-shāʻirah
Al- Mar'ah fi al-Qur'an
al- Marʼah dhālika al-lughz
Ḍarb al-Iskandarīyah fī 11 Yūliyū
Muʻāwiyah ibn Abī Sufyān fī al-mīzān
Majmaʻ al-aḥyāʾ
al- Dimuqrāṫiyah fi al-Islām
Ma'a 'Āhil al-Jazīrah al-'Arabīyah
ʻAbd al-Raḥmān al-Kawākibī
al- Dīwān
ʻAbqarīyat al-Masīh
Ashtat mujtami'at
Fī baytī
Dirāsāt fī al-madhāhib al-adabīyah wa-al-ijtimāʻīyah
A'āṣīru maghrib
At my home and other selections from al-Akkad's works
Baʻda al-aʻāṣīr
Ibrāhīm, abū al-anbiyāʼ
Hādhihi al-shajarah
Haqa'rq al-Islam wa-abāṭīl khusumih
Funūn wa-shujūn
Ḥayāt qalam
Khamsat dawāwīn lil-ʻAqqād
ʻAbqarīyat al-Ṣiddīq
al- Thaqāfah al-ʻArabīyah
Jamīl Buthaynah
عبقرية عمر
Abū Nuwās al-Ḥasan ibn Hāniʼ
Ḥayāt Ibn al-Rūmī
ʻAbqarī al-iṣlāḥ wa-al-taʻlīm
Afyūn al-shuʻūb
Ibn al-Rūmī, ḥayātuh min shiʻrih
Ibn al-Rūmī, ḥayātuhu min shiʻrih
ʻAbqarīyat al-imām ʻAlī
Khulāṣat al-yawmīyah
Ashjān al-layl
Falāsifat al-ḥukm fī al-ʻaṣr al-ḥadīth
ʻAlá al-saffūd
Muṭālaʻāt fī al-Kutub wa-al-ḥayāh
al-Kalimāt al-akhīrah lil-ʻAqqād
أشتات مجتمعات فى اللغة والأدب
ʻAbqarīyat ʻUmar
Hadīyat al-karawān
Yaqẓat al-ṣabāḥ
Madhhab dhawī al-ʻāhāt
Hitlar fī al-mīzān
al-Falsafah al-Qurfānīyah
al-Shaykh al-Raʼīs Ibn Sīnā
Shāʻir al-ghazal
Alwan min al-qiṣṣah al-ṣaghīrah fī al-adāb al-Amirīkī
عبقرية خالد
Ḥaqā'iq al-Islām wa-abāṭīl khuṣūmih
Abū al-Shuhadāʼ al-Ḥusayn ibn ʻAlī
Dīn wa-fann wa-falsafah
ʻĀrāʼ fī al-ādāb wa-al-funūn
Ākhir kalimāt al-ʻAqqād
Wahaj al-ẓahīrah
Baʻda al-aʻāṣīr
Bayna al-kutub wal-al-nās
Qaṣāʼid wa-maqṭūʻat̄
Sāʻāt bayna al-kutub
At my home, and other selections from Akkad's works
مطلع النور، أو، طوالع البعثة المحمدية
Athar al-ʻArab fī al-ḥaḍārah al-Ūrubbīyah
Shuʻarāʼ Miṣr wa-bīʼātuhum fī al-jīl al-māḍī
Afyun al-shuʻub
Dīwān al-ʻAqqād
ʻAbqarīyat al-Ṣiddīq
Athar al-ʻArab fī al-ḥaḍārah al-Ūrubbīyah
الصديقة بنت الصديق
al-Kalimāt al-akhīrah lil-ʻAqqad
ʻAbqarīyat Muḥammad
Fī al-siyāsah wa-al-adab wa-al-fann
Dhū al-nūrayn, ʻUthmān ibn ʻAffān
ʻĀlam al-sudūd wa-al-quyūd
Ashbāḥ al-aṣīl
عبد الرحمن الكواكبي
في بيتي
ديوان العقاد
ʻĀbir sabīl
The Arab's impact on European civilisation
al-Ṣiddīqah bint al-Ṣiddīq
ʻAbqarīyat al-Imām
al-Aquādu wa-al-mudhahib
Shuʻarāʾ Miṣr wa-bīʾātuhum fī al-jīl al-māḍī
ʻAbbās Maḥmūd al-ʻAqqād
المرآة في القرآن،
ʻAbd al-Raḥmān al-Kawākibī al-Raḥḥālah "Kāf"
Dāʻi al-samāʼ Bilāl ibn Rabāh, muʼazzin al-Rasūl
al-Maqālāt al-majhūlah
al-Thaqāfah al-ʻArabīyah asbaq min thaqāfat al-Yūnān wa-al-ʻIbrīyīn
Mā yuqālu ʻan al-Islām
Muṭālaʻāt fī al-kutub wa-al-ḥayāh
Aʻāṣīr Maghrib
Ḥaqāyiq-i Islām va arājīf-i dushmanānash
Dīwān al-ʻaqqād
al-Qarn al-ʻishrūn
عبقرية محمد
al-Raḥḥālah "Kāf" ʻAbd al-Raḥmān al-Kawākibī
ʻAqāʼid al-mufakkirīn fī al-qarn al-ʻishrīn
al-Islām wa-al-ḥaḍārah al-insānīyah
al-Ṣadīqah bint al-ṣadīq
Mawsūʻat ʻAbbās Maḥmūd al-ʻAqqād al-Islāmīyah
ʻAbqarīyat al-Masīḥ
Abū al-Shuhadāʼ Ḥusayn ibn ʻAlī
ʻAbqarīyat al-Imām
Jens Kruuse
Jens Kruuse (1908-1978)

autobiographer, literary critic, literary historian, editor, philologist

  • Gammel Hellerup Gymnasium
-- Og han levede lykkeligt
Barndommens land
En poetisk kriger--Ludvig Holberg
Madness at Oradour, 10 June 1944- & after
Det følsomme drama ..
Danske streger
Det foelsomme drama
Holbergs maske
De uforberedte
Hvad der bor i dit hjerte
Min kone sidder på kassen
Min lykkelige barndom
Holbergs historier
Min hat sidder skævt; erindringsforskydninger
En rejse værd
Udflugter i den danske provins
De uforberedte
Lykkelig skoletid
Et kvarters tid
Festskrift til Jens Kruuse den 6. april 1968
Danmark i Digtning og Kunst
Poetiske forposter
Satyajit Ray
Satyajit Ray (1921-1992)

film director, composer, film producer, film editor, lyricist, journalist, painter, cinematographer, poet, film critic, director

  • University of Calcutta, Visva-Bharati University
Childhood days
Ent̲e bālyasmaraṇakaḷ
Yakhana choṭa chilāma
The Vintage Book of Indian Writing 1947-1997
Our films, their films
The best of Satyajit Ray
Khuddura yātrā
Feluda's last case
The unicorn expedition and other stories
The diary of a space traveller and other stories
The complete adventures of Feluda
My years with Apu
The adventures of Feluda
Kalakātāẏa Pheludā
Ray in the looking glass
The vision of Ray
Nijera āẏanāẏa Satyajit̲
Speaking of films
The mystery of the elephant god
Bishaẏa Rabīndrasaṃgīta
The house of death & other Feluda stories
The unicorn expedition, and other fantastic tales of India
The royal Bengal mystery and other Feluda stories
Twenty stories
Satyajit Ray
Phatik Chand
The Stranger
Satyajit Ray, a portrait in black & white
The incredible adventures of Professor Shonku
Khoon ranga ratri
Ray, a glimpse
Eka musāpira eka hasīnā
The mystery of the pink pearl
The emperor's ring
The bandits of Bombay
Bishaẏa calaccitra
Original English film scripts
Professor Shonkur Kandokarkhana
Pathera pān̐cālī
Gorasthāne sābadhāna!
Ekei bale śuṭiṃ
Chinnamastāra abhiśāpa
The Diary of a Space Traveller
Ebāro bāro
Speaking of films
Satyajit Rayni rahasya kathao =
Raẏela Beṅgala rahasya
Satyajit̲ Rāẏa smāraka grantha
Mahāsaṅkaṭe Śaṅku
Bādaśāhī āṃti
Tina rakama
Ṭinaṭoreṭora Yīśu
Bravo! Professor Shonku
Bombāiẏera bombeṭe
Mahāsaṅkate Śaṅku
Las monedas de oro de Yahangir
Kailāsera keleṅkāri
Gupī gāina, Bāghā bāina
The Apu trilogy
Serā Sandeśa, 1368-1387
Pheludā eṇḍa koṃ
Āro eka ḍajana
Eka ḍajana gappo
Bāḥ 12
Svaẏaṃ Prophesara Śaṅku
Jaẏa Bābā Phelunātha
Prophesara Śaṅkura kāṇḍakārakhānā
Feluda & co.
Chinnamastāra abhiśāpa : goẏendā Pheludāra rahasya ayāḍabheñcāra
Rabārṭasanera rubi
Āro bāro
Mohasangkate Shonku
Gorasthāne sābadhāna! : goẏendā Pheludāra rahasya ayāḍabheñcāra
Sonāra keliā
Sābāsa praphesara Śaṅku
The Royal Bengal mystery
Enzo Biagi
Enzo Biagi (1920-2007)

television presenter, partisan, film critic, film director, politician, journalist

La bella vita
Testimone del tempo
Mamma Svetlana
Il signor Fiat
Senza dire arrivederci
Un giorno ancora
Il buon paese
Scusate, dimenticavo
Quante donne
Dicono di Lei
Racconto di un secolo
L' albero dai fiori bianchi
Lettera d'amore a una ragazza di una volta
Dizionario del Novecento
Era ieri
Odore di cipria
Il Boss è solo
La mia America
Sogni perduti
E di scena Pietro Gubellini, tenore
"I" come Italiani
Lunga è la notte
Gente che va
Fatti personali
I quattordici mesi
I quattordici mesi
Crepuscolo degli dei
Krasivai︠a︡ zhiznʹ
Come andremo a incominciare?
Giro del mondo
Ma che tempi
Cose loro & fatti nostri
L' uomo non deve morire
Strettamente personale
Quante storie
Noi c'eravamo
Addio a questi mondi
Cara Italia
1935 e dintorni
Come si dice amore
1943 e dintorni
Laggiù gli uomini
Anni di guerra
Il sole malato
L' Italia domanda
Mille camere
Storia di Roma a fumetti
La seconda guerra mondiale
Mia bella signora
Storia d'Italia a fumetti
Io c'ero
Un anno, una vita
L' Italia dei peccatori
Quello che non si doveva dire
Diciamoci tutto
La disfatta
Buoni, cattivi
Il fatto
Lezioni di televisione
Le Rhin
Cara, vecchia Bologna
Disonora il padre
Consigli per un paese normale
Il Mississippi
Strettamente personale
America, America
Disonora il padre
Il boss è solo
Una signora così così
Una signora così così
Tesori di Bologna
Mille camere
'E di scena Pietro Gubellini
La Luna è nostra
Cardinali e comunisti
Yo, Tommasso Buscetta, Soy Un Mafioso..
I Kennedy
E tu lo sai?
Le Mississippi
Il Boss é solo
Quante donne
La storia d'Italia a fumetti
Friedrich August Wolf
Friedrich August Wolf (1759-1824)

linguist, classical philologist, literary critic, classical scholar

  • University of Göttingen
Friedrich August Wolf, ein Leben in Briefen
Scripta latina (Kleine Schriften in lateinischer und deutscher Sprache, I)
Litterarische Analekten
Darstellung der Altertumswissenschaft nach Begriff, Umfang, Zweck und Wert
Prolegomena to Homer 1795
Friedr. Aug. Wolf's... Vermischte Schriften und Aufsätze in lateinischer und deutscher Sprache
Goethes Briefe an Friedrich August Wolf
Prolegomena ad Homerum, sive, De operum Homericorum prisca et genuina forma variisque mutationibus et probabili ratione emendandi
Von einer milden Stiftung Trajan's, vorzüglich nach Inschriften
Erklärung zweier Oden des Horaz : (I, 4 ; I, 11)
Litterärische Analekten: Vorzüglich für alte Litteratur und Kunst, deren Geschichte und Methodik
Darstellung der Altertumswissenschaft nach Begriff, Umfang, Zweck und Wert
Deutsche Aufsätze (Kleine Schriften in lateinischer und deutscher Sprache, II)
Von einer milden Stiftung Trajan's, vorzüglich nach Inschriften
Litterarische Analekten, Vorzüglich für Alte Litteratur und Kunst, Deren Geschichte und Methodik, Vol. 4 (Classic Reprint) (German Edition)
Friedr. Aug. Wolf's ... vermischte schriften und aufsätz in lateinischer und deutscher sprache
Horatius' Erste Satire
Darstellung der Altertumswissenschaft nach Begriff, Umfang, Zweck und Werth
Von einer milden Stiftung Trajan's, vorzüglich nach Inschriften
Ein Leben in Briefen
Friedrich August Wolf ein Leben in Briefen