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critics who wrote biography
Showing 9-16 out of 691 results
Alain Vircondelet
Alain Vircondelet (born 1947)

biographer, literary critic

  • University of Paris, Lycée Bugeaud
Mortel amiante
Jean-Paul II
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Marguerite Duras
L'Enfance de Jean-Paul II
Mémoires de Balthus
Séraphine de Senlis
Alger, Alger
Charles de Foucauld
Pour Duras
Les couples mythiques de l'art
Antoine et Consuelo de Saint Exupéry, un amour de légende
La maison devant le monde
Joris-Karl Huysmans
La traversée
Albert Camus, fils d'Alger
La Princesse de Lamballe
Jean Paul II, la biographie
L'art jusqu'à la folie
Une passion à Venise
Le Paris de Sagan
Marguerite Duras, une autre enfance
Sur les pas de Marguerite Duras
C'étaient Antoine et Consuelo de Saint-Exupéry
Auprès de Balthus
Rencontrer Marguerite Duras
La véritable histoire du Petit prince
Saint Jean-Paul II
Antoine de Saint Exupéry
Les trésors du Petit Prince
Legendarnai︠a︡ li︠u︡bovʹ
Dans les pas de Saint-Exupéry
Albert Camus et la guerre d'Algérie
Saint Exupéry dans la guerre
Un été à Long Island
Le Paris de Picasso
Renaissance de Saint Exupéry
L'exil est vaste mais c'est l'été
Albert Camus, fils d'Alger
Les Chats de Balthus
Le roman de Jacqueline et Blaise Pascal
Journal de résistance d'un chrétien dans le monde
Les derniers jours de Casanova
Le monde merveilleux des images pieuses
Bernadette, celle qui a vu
Albert Camus
Nulle part qu'à Venise
La poésie fantastique française
Marguerite Duras
Maman la Blanche
Alger, l'amour
Le grand guide de Venise - Sur les pas de Canaletto et des maitres venitiens
Venise, ou, l'innocence retrouvée
Extase de Tolède
La terreur des chiens
John Paul II
La nuit de Mayerling
Juan Pablo II/ John Paul II
Guernica 1937
La vie la vie
Naissances d'un père
Tant que le jour te portera
Marie Noël
Le petit frère de la nuit
Balthus and Cats
La Cathédrale
Maman la Blanche
Balthus'un Anilari
Monde Merveilleux Des Images Pieuses
Éloge des herbes quotidiennes
Alger Alger
Alger, ombres et lumières
Amore veneziano
Duras, Dieu et l'écrit
Huysmans, entre grâce et péché
Cet été-là, de braise et de cendres
Dans les pas de Toulouse-Lautrec
Devenir Venise
Die Rose des kleinen Prinzen. Erinnerungen an eine unsterbliche Liebe.
Duras, la traversée d'un siècle
Die Rose des kleinen Prinzen. Erinnerungen an eine unsterbliche Liebe.
Les enclos bretons
De l'or dans la nuit de Vienne selon Klimt
Poéms pour détruire
La tisserande du Roi-Soleil
Kathleen Raine
Kathleen Raine (1908-2003)

poet, literary critic, translator, critic

  • University of Cambridge
William Blake
India seen afar
Farewell happy fields
The lion's mouth
The land unknown
Le royaume inconnu
Prentice Hall Literature -- Platinum
Blake and antiquity
Blake and tradition
Blake and the new age
From Blake to "A vision"
Yeats, the tarot, and the Golden Dawn
Death-in-life and life-in-death
The inner journey of the poet, and other papers
Yeats the initiate
Defending ancient springs
Golgonooza, city of imagination
W.B. Yeats and the learning of the imagination
Collected poems, 1935-1980
The English language and the Indian spirit
On a deserted shore
Hollow Hill
The human face of God
The oracle in the heart, and other poems, 1975-1978
Blake and Antiquity
The presence
Blake And The New Age
Golgonozza City of Imagination
Berkeley, Blake and the New Age
Blake and England
The Oval portrait and other poems
Collected poems
The Oracle in the Heart
Faces of day and night
The inner journey of the poet
The lost country
Defining the Times
Waste land, holy land
Stone and flower
Living with mystery
Hopkins: nature and human nature
Vertical Dimension
What is man?
The pythoness, and other poems
Faces of day and night [by] Kathleen Raine
Visiting Ezra Pound
Six dreams
Cecil Collins
The written word
Six dreams, and other poems
Philip Sherrard, 1922-1995
Aspects de la littérature anglaise, 1918-1945
David Jones, solitary perfectionist by Kathleen Raine
A question of poetry
A lecture on Yeats and the inner world
The pythoness
Isis errante
Sur un rivage désert
The year one
For David Gascoyne
Ninfa revisited
On the mythological
Living in time
David Jones
Poetry in relation to traditional wisdom
William Blake, by Kathleen Raine
David Jones and the actually loved and known
A l ecture on eastern mysticism in Blake and Yeats
Selected poems
Pergamon poets
The lost country
The year one
Defending ancient springs
In the beck
Poetry and prophecy
The underlying order and other essays
What is man?
The English language and the Indian spirit
Three poems written in Ireland, August 1972
The oval portrait
The human face of God
William Blake
Blake and tradition
George Woodcock
George Woodcock (1912-1995)

literary critic, poet, historian, biographer, anarchist, peace activist

  • Sir William Borlase's Grammar School
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
The anarchist prince
Mohandas Gandhi
William Godwin
Peter Kropotkin
Thomas Merton, monk and poet
Walking through the valley
Dawn and the darkest hour
The paradox of Oscar Wilde
Beyond the blue mountains
Gabriel Dumont
Aphra Behn
Dawn and the darkest hour
Letter to the past
Faces from history
Oscar Wilde
Herbert Read
The Canadians
Wyndham Lewis in Canada
Gabriel Dumont (The Canadians)
Amor De Cosmos
Ivan Eyre
Malcolm Lowry
100 great Canadians
Malcolm Lowry: the man and his work
The Canadians
Thomas Merton, monk and poet
The crystal spirit
The Doukhobors
A Social History of Canada
Colony and confederation
Introducing Margaret Atwood's Surfacing
Power to us all
The Marvellous Century
Traditionen der Freiheit
Who killed the British Empire?
The writer and politics
Peoples of the Coast
Two plays
Poets and critics
Introducing Sinclair Ross's As for me and my house
The monk and his message
The Egoist
The century thatmade us
Odysseus ever returning
Civil disobedience
Canada and the Canadians
Northern spring
The Anarchist Reader
The mountain road
Railways and society
Canadian poets, 1960-1973
Into Tibet
The walls of India
British Columbia
South Sea journey
Caves in the desert
The British in the Far East
Anarchism and Anarchists
British poetry today
Faces of India
George Woodcock's introduction to Canadian fiction
Mordecai Richler
Incas and other men
To the city of the dead
Notes on visitations
Letter from the Khyber Pass, and other travel writing
Patrick Lane and His Works
Matt Cohen
Anarchy or chaos
Henry Walter Bates
Confederation betrayed
Moral predicament
Peoples of the coast
The benefactor
A George Woodcock reader
Taking it to the letter
Imagine the South
George Woodcock's introduction to Canadian poetry
The world of Canadian writing
Picture History of British Columbia
Orwell's message
A hundred years of revolution, 1848 and after
20th-century Fiction (Great Writers Library)
Hugh MacLennan's Barometer rising
The spirit wrestlers
Henry Walter Bates, naturalist of the Amazons
The centre cannot hold
Selected poems
The rejection of politics
Gabriel Dumont and the northwest rebellion
Neo-anarchism in the 1970s
The incomparable Aphra
Strange bedfellows
The meeting of time and space
Ravens and prophets
The Dry wells of India
Variations on the human theme
The sixties; writers and writing of the decade
British Columbia
No nation is a good nation
Tolstoy at Yasnaya Polyana & other poems
The Great Canadian Anecdote Contest
Introducing Hugh MacLennan's Barometer rising
The kestrel, and other poems of past and present
A choice of critics
Introducing Margaret Laurence's The stone angel
Powers of observation
The Hudson's Bay Company
El príncipe anarquista
New life to the land
The Orwell Tapes
Matt Cohen and his works
Patrick Lane and his works
Faces Form History
Memoirs of a Revolutionist (Collected Works of Peter Kropotkin)
Introducing Mordecai Richler's
Hugh MacLennan
Charles Heavysege and His Works
Into Tibet: the early British explorers
Skinned Activists Condemn the Horrors of the Fur Trade
Six poems
The island of demons
Introducing Hugh Maclennan's Barometer Rising
Collected poems
Selected poems of George Woodcock
The basis of communal living
A letter from George Woodcock
The Greeks in India
Malcolm Lowry
Above and below the 49th parallel
New Life to the Land
Asia, gods and cities
Thomas Merton
Alain-Fournier and the lost land
The University of British Columbia
Homes or hovels
Introducing Mordecai Richler's The apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz
Introducing Margaret Laurence's the Stone Angel
20th Century Fiction (St.James Reference Guide to English Literature)
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, a Biography
The Cherry Tree on Cherry Street
The sometime sahibs
The incomparable Aphra
New life to the land
The Canadian novel in the twentieth century
Dry Wells of India
New life to the land
Anima: Or, Swann grown old
Railways and society
A choice of critics
The sixties ; writers and writing of the decade. A symposium to celebrate the tenth anniversary of Canadian literature
The Canadian Metis
Northern spring
The sixties
Selected poems of George Woodcock
Gabriel Dumont (Canadians)
Twentieth Century Fiction (Great Writers Library)
Northern spring
Introducing Hugh MacLennan's Barometer rising
Henry Walter Bates, naturalist of the Amazons
Incas and other men
Malcolm Lowry: the man and his work
A Place to stand on
British Columbia
20th century fiction
The Canadian novel in the twentieth century
The world of Canadian writing
Selected poems of George Woodcock
Is Big Brother Still Watching
The white island
Lytton Strachey
Lytton Strachey (1880-1932)

poet, painter, literary critic, biographer

  • University of Cambridge, University of Liverpool
Eminent Victorians
Elizabeth and Essex
Queen Victoria
Lytton Strachey by himself
The shorter Strachey
Eminent Victorians
Biographical essays
Books and Characters
Florence Nightingale
Portraits in miniature, and other essays
Portraits in miniature
Characters and commentaries
Queen Victoria
Portraits in miniature
Queen Victoria
The Poetry of Cats
The letters of Lytton Strachey
Landmarks in French literature
Spectatorial essays
Ermyntrude and Esmeralda
The really interesting question, and other papers
Reina Victoria
No Royalty A/C Biographical Essays
Französische Paradiese
The really interesting question
Five Victorians
Geist und Abenteuer
100 Best Nonfiction
A son of heaven
Literary essays
The end of General Gordon
La muerte del general Gordon
Florence Nightingale
Eminent Victorians/Cassettes
Store Viktorianere
Landmarks in French Literature
La reina Victoria
Vals con Bashir
Ermyntrude and Esmeralda: an entertainment
Queen Victoria
Strachey Queen Victoria
Das Leben, ein Irrtum. Acht Exzentriker
The Président de Brosses
Cinq excentriques anglais
No Royalty A/C Literary Essays (Strachey)
Eminent Victorians
Landmarks in French Literature
Elizabeth and Essex
landmarks in French literature
Landmarks in French Literature
Elisabeth und Essex
Elizabeth and Essex: A Tragic History
Landmarks in French literature
Landmarks in French Literature
Isabel y Essex
Eminent Victorians
Eminent Victorians Illustrated
Lytton Strachey by Himself
The Biography of Florence Nightingale
Elizabeth and Essex
Elizabeth and Essex, a tragic history
Landmarks in French literature
Lytton Strachey on Queen Victoria
Elizabeth and Essex
Literary Essays
QUEEN VICTORIA-Royalty Biographies (Annotated)
Guide to Hospitals and Nursing - a Collection of Writings and Excerpts
Florence Nightingale
Queen Victoria : (Annotated Edition)
Elizabeth and Essex, a tragic history
Landmarks in French literature
Hanuš Jelínek
Hanuš Jelínek (1878-1944)

translator, poet, editing staff, critic, theatre critic, civil servant

  • Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague
Zahučaly lesy
Podobizny básníků
La littérature tchèque contemporaine
Zpěvy sladké Francie
Květnové noci
Laryngiada aneb Žalostná píseň o ztraceném barytonu o nalezeném basu
Básnické překlady
Etudes tchécoslovaques
Historie de la littérature tchèque ..
La littérature tchèque contemporaine
Anthologie de la poésie tchèque
Elizabeth Robins Pennell
Elizabeth Robins Pennell (1855-1936)

sport cyclist, journalist, biographer, art critic

The life of James McNeill Whistler
Charles Godfrey Leland
Nights: Rome, Venice, in the aesthetic eighties
Lithography and lithographers
Life of Mary Wollstonecraft
Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin
Whistler the friend
The Whistler journal
Charles Godfrey Leland
Life of Mary Wollstonecraft
To gipsyland
French cathedrals, monasteries and abbeys, and sacred sites of France
Our journey to the Hebrides
Our house and London out of our windows
My cookery books
Our house and the people in it
Our Philadelphia
A Guide for the Greedy by a Greedy Woman (Kegan Paul Library of Culinary Arts)
A guide for the greedy by a greedy woman
The lovers
Over the Alps on a bicycle
The feasts of Autolycus
Charles Godfrey Leland a Biography
Tantallon Castle
Charles Godfrey Leland a Biography V1
The Feasts of Autolycus the Diary of a Greedy Woman
The Life And Letters Of Joseph Pennell V1
The life and letters of Joseph Pennell
French Cathedrals
Charles Godfrey Leland a Biography Part Two
Our house
Italy's garden of Eden
The art of Whistler
Charles Godfrey Leland
A guide for the greedy
Mary Wollstonecraft
The Life And Letters Of Joseph Pennell V2
Joseph Pennell
A guide for the greedy by a greedy woman
Lithography and litographers
London's underground railways
The life of James McNeill Whistler
Around London by bicycle
Quaint corners in Philadelphia
Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin
Quaint corners in Philadelphia
Cooking in Old Créole Days: La Cuisine Créole à L'usage Des Petits Ménages
Catalogue of Books Printed by William Bradford and Other Printers in the Middle Colonies ...
The life of James McNeill Whistler
My cookery books
The master of the lithograph. J. McNeill Whistler
Lithography and lithographers
French cathedrals
Joseph Pennell
Some memories of William Morris
Quaint corners in Philadelphia
Mary Wollstonecraft
Sven Stolpe
Sven Stolpe (1905-1996)

linguist, journalist, translator, literary critic

  • Södra Latin
The maid of Orleans
Jeanne d'Arc
Sven Stolpe berättar
Verner von Heidenstam
Mina mästare
Idyll och orosmoln
Den svenska romantiken
Selma Lagerlöf ur vår litteraturhistoria
Boken om Birgitta
Änglar och demoner
Christina of Sweden
Dag Hammarskjöld
Night music
Sound of a distant horn
Lätt, snabb och öm
Från runsten till ballad
Drottning Kristina
Stormens år
Profeter och diktare
Tål ni höra mer?
Tva generationer
Dikt och samhälle
Spel i kulisser
Flickan från Lothringen
40 svenska författare
Den kristna falangen
I dödens väntrum
Från stoicism till mystik
Myt och verklighet
Låt mig berätta mer
Harry Blomberg
François Mauriac
Själar i brand
Ande och dikt
Låt mig berätta
Dag Hammarskjöld, a spiritual portrait
Fru Birgitta ler
August Strindberg
Olof Lagercrantz
Mitt Värmland
I dödens skugga
Vasatid och stormaktstid
Christina of Sweden
"La tt, snabb och o m-"
Livets löjen
Nikolaj Berdjajev
Birgitta i Sverige och i Rom
Fem nordmaend
Eivind Berggrav
I dödens väntrum
Dag Hammarskjöld, a spiritual portrait
Tre franska författare
Drottning Kristina, den svenska tiden
Klippt och skuret
Sound of a distant horn
Dag Hammarskjölds andliga väg
Sigfrid Siwertz ...
Josep Yxart
Josep Yxart (1852-1895)

art critic, essayist, translator, literary critic

  • University of Barcelona
La Descoberta de la gran ciutat, París, 1878
Escrits autobiogràfics, 1872-1889
El arte escénico en España
Angel Guimerà
Crítica dispersa, 1883-1893
El año pasado[1885-1889]
Angel Guimerà
Entorn de la literatura catalana de la restauració
El arte escénico en España
Àngel Guimerà
Novel·listes i narradors
El arte escénico en España ..
El año pasado, 1886-1888
Obra completa de Josep Yxart
El arte escenico en España
El arte escenico en España