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critics who wrote biography
Showing 81-88 out of 691 results
Machado de Assis
Machado de Assis (1839-1908)

linguist, poet, journalist, translator, playwright, literary critic, typographer

Memórias póstumas de Brás Cubas
Memórias póstumas de Machado de Assis
Memórias póstumas de Machado de Assis
Rua Cosme Velho, 18
O Pensamento vivo de Machado de Assis
Great Short Stories of the World
Prentice Hall Literature--Silver
O alienista
Quincas Borba
The psychiatrist, and other stories
The Devil's Church and other stories
Dom Casmurro
A chapter of hats
The hand & the glove
Philosopher or Dog?
Memorial de Aires (Classicos Da Literatura Brasileira)
Varias historias (Portuguese edition)
Cuentos brasileños
A semana
Esau e Jacó
Tu só, to, puro amor ..
Conheça o escritor brasileiro Machado de Assis
Hand and the Glove (Studies in Romance Languages)
Las academias de Siam y otros cuentos
The Devil's Church and Other Stories (Texas Pan American Series)
The Alienist
                Art of the Novella
Casa velha
Psychiatrist and Other Stories
You, love, and love alone
The collected stories of Machado de Assis
Bons dias!
Philosopher Or Dog
O que pensou e disse Machado de Assis
Epitaph of a Small Winner
Machado de Assis afro-descendente
Iaiá Garcia (Classicos Da Literatura Brasileira)
The Hand and the Glove (Studies In Romance Languages)
The wager
O máximo e as máximas de Machado de Assis
La montre en or et autres contes
Esaú e Jacó
8 Cuentos de
The Alienist
Epitaph of a Small Winner
Pensamentos e reflexões de Machado de Assis
The heritage of Quinca̧s Borba
Le philosophe ou le chien
Crônicas, crítica, poesia, teatro
Historias sem data
The Wager
O velho Senado
Epitaph of a small winner
La Cartomancienne
Ressurreição (Classicos Da Literatura Brasileira)
Critica litteraria
Poemas de amor de Machado de Assis
Teatro de Machado de Assis, Qorpo-Santo e Coelho Neto
Comentários da semana
A economia em Machado de Assis
Library of Latin America
Advogacia pitoresca
The Psychiatrist, and Other Stories
Balas de estalo de Machado de Assis
Missa do galo
Papéis avulsos
Critica theatral
O espelho
Linha reta e linha curva
Ce que les hommes appellent amour
Novas Relíquias (Ilustrado)
Caixa - Machado de Assis - 3 Vols.
Reliquias de Casa velha
Contos Fluminenses
PapéIs Avulsos (Ilustrado)
Novas Relíquias
Empréstimo de ouro
Mezarimdan Yaziyorum
Um Homem Célebre (Ilustrado)
Correspondência de Machado de Assis
Um Homem Célebre
Ao Acaso
Outras reliquias
Um homem célebre
Bons Dias (Ilustrado)
Mao e a Luva
Papeis Avulsos
Conto de Escola (Ilustrado)
Histórias Da Meia-Noite
A Mão E A Luva - Coleção L&PM Pocket
Crônicas e Contos de Machado de Assis
Páginas Recolhidas (Ilustrado)
PapéIs Avulsos
Polêmicas e Reflexões (Ilustrado)
Cinco Mulheres (Ilustrado)
Semana - Machado de Assis
Machado de Assis
Várias Histórias
Machado de Assis
Helena : (Com Notas)(Biografia)
Papéis avulsos
O Almada (Ilustrado)
Mariana (Ilustrado)
Trois contes
Uma Por Outra (Ilustrado)
Notas Semanais (Ilustrado)
Páginas Recolhidas
Filozof Kopek
Mão e a Luva
Contos Fluminenses
Quincas Borba
Machado de Assis
Diálogos e reflexões de um relogoeiro
Herança, Valério, Cinco Mulheres (Ilustrado)
Devil's Church
Crisálidas (Ilustrado)
Sonetos Machadianos : (dois Sonetos Literariamente Analisados)
Epitaph of a Small Winner
História de Quinze Dias (Ilustrado)
Cronicas Escolhidas
Box - Todos os Contos de Machado de Assis
Papeis Avulsos
Diálogos e reflexões de um relojoeíro
Alienist and Other Stories of Nineteenth-Century Brazil
Cartomante (Ilustrado)
7 Melhores Contos de Machado de Assis
Correspondência de Machado de Assis com Magalhães de Azeredo
Parasita Azul
Textos Críticos (Ilustrado)
The devil's church
The Bons Dias! Chronicles of Machado de Assis
Almas Agradecidas
Histórias Sem Data
Ressurreição : (Com Notas)(Biografia)
O ideal do crítico
Hombre Célebre y Otros Cuentos
Narraciones escogidas
A Mao e a Luva
Marcha Fúnebre (Ilustrado)
Poesias Cronicas E Contos Por Othon Bastos
"El alienista" y otros cuentos
Trio in A-Minor
A Mão e a Luva
Ideias Do Canário (Ilustrado)
50 Contos de Machado de Assis
Herança (Ilustrado)
Las academias de Siam
Contos Fluminenses (Ilustrado)
Mão e a Luva
Papeis Avulsos
A Cartomante (Col
Queda que as mulheres têm para os tolos
Papeis Avulsos (Em Portugues do Brasil)
PapéIs Avulsos
Histórias Sem Data (Ilustrado)
Contos Obra Completa
A mão e a luva
Hand and the Glove
A idéia do Ezequiel Maia
Ressurreição : (com Notas)(Biografia)
Quase ministro
O Diplomático, Relíquias Da Casa Velha (Ilustrado)
Igreja Do Diabo (Ilustrado)
Epitaph of a small winner
Poesia Obra Completa
Páginas Recolhidas : (Com Notas)(Biografia)
Confissões de Uma Viúva Moça
Dom Casmurro e Os Discos Voadores
Onze contos de Machado de Assis
Histórias da Meia-Noite
The alienist
Encher Tempo (Ilustrado)
Melhores Contos
Um Dia de Entrudo (Ilustrado)
Devil's Church and Other Stories
Páginas Recolhidas : (Com Notas)(Biografia)
Do teatro
Historias Sobre Ética
Americanas (Ilustrado)
Poesias completas
Ocidentais (Ilustrado)
Várias Histórias (Ilustrado)
Parasita Azul (Ilustrado)
Correspondência de Machado de Assis (Ilustrado)
Brazilian Tales
O Alienista (Ilustrado)
Epitaph of a small winner;
Almas Agradecidas (Ilustrado)
Balas de Estalo (Ilustrado)
The psychiatrist
Histórias de Meia-Noite
Esau e Jaco
Contos Fluminenses
O máximo e as máximas de Machado de Assis
Falenas (Ilustrado)
Carteira e Correspondência de Machado de Assis (Ilustrado)
Semana (Ilustrado)
Ressurreição (Ilustrado)
Frei Simão (Ilustrado)
Histoires Diverses
Mão e a Luva
Críticas Teatrais (Ilustrado)
Epitaph of a Small Winner
Mão e a Luva (Ilustrado)
Os Trabalhadores Do Mar
Páginas Recolhidas
Poesias Em Pergaminho
Helena (Ilustrado)
Machado de Assis & Joaquim Nabuco
Misa de Gallo y Otros Cuentos - Cyc -
Ao Acaso (Ilustrado)
Frei Simão
Historias Sem Data
Quase Ministro (Ilustrado)
Histórias Da Meia-Noite (Ilustrado)
Suje-Se, Gordo! (Ilustrado)
Crônicas de Lélio
Mão e a Luva
Miss Dollar
Contos Fluminenses
Contos fluminenses
Idéias e imagens de Machado de Assis
Tres Romances
História de Quinze Dias
Valério (Ilustrado)
Uma Por Outra
Histórias Sem Data
Papeis Avulsos
Felicidade Pelo Casamento (Ilustrado)
Contos - Coleção Bom Livro
Machado de Assis
Contos recolhidos
o anjo Rafael Contos fantásticos de Machado de Assis
Missa do galo
Os Romances de Machado de Assis
Trinta crônicas irreverentes
Reminiscências jurídicas na obra de Machado de Assis
Historias da meia noite
Machado para a juventude
Un hombre ce lebre y otros cuentos
Contos esparsos
O conto de Machado de Assis
A semana
Cartas de Machado de Assis e Euclydes da Cunha, coligidas por Renato Travassos
Papéis velhos e outras histórias
Memorial de aires ; O alienista
Seis contos escolhidos e comentados por José Mindlin
O alienista, e outras histórias
Critica litteraria
Poesias completas: Chrysalidas, Phalenas, Americanas, Occidentaes
Iaiá Garcia
Novas reliquias
Miss Dollar & another story
Obra completa em quatro volumes
Reliquias de casa velha
Obra completa
Conto de escola
Capitu mandou flores
Cuento de escuela (y 17 cuentos más)
Contos de Machado de Assis
Papeis avulsos
Histórias sem data
Dom Casmurro
Memorias póstumas de Blas Cubas
Aquarelas do Brasil
Posmrtné paměti Bráse Cubase
Poesia e prosa
Memórias póstumas de Brás Cubas
Crônicas selecionadas
Machado de Assis
Conceitos e pensamentos
O califa
La Alienisto
Obras ilustradas de Machado de Assis
Três contos fantásticos
Dispersos de Machado de Assis
Relatos de otro milenio
A cartomante
Teatro de Machado de Assis (Dramaturgos Do Brasil)
Dez paródias de Machado de Assis
Contos completos de Machado de Assis
Contos fluminenses
Uns brac̜os ; Conto de escola
Machado de Assis
Contos avulsos
A mão e a luva
Machado para jovens leitores
Paginas recolhidas
O alienista
Helena ; Iaiá Garcia
Esaú e Jacob
Várias histórias
A poesia completa
Histórias da meia noite
Teatro completo
Os melhores contos
Toda poesia de Machado de Assis
Yayá Garcia
Machado de Assis & confrades de versos
Obra completa
O máximo e as máximas de Machado de Assis
Contos sem data
O alienista e o espelho
História de quinze dias
Esaú e Jacó
Obras completas de Machado de Assis
A olhos vistos
A Mão e a Luva
Contos e crônicas
Páginas recolhidas
Machado de Assis et son oeuvre littéraire
História de quinze dias, História de trinta dias
Recontando Machado
Os melhores contos de Machado de Assis
O mínimo e o escondido
Paginas recolhidas
Contos fluminenses
Contos de Machado de Assis
Historias romanticas
Esaú e Jaco
Machado de Assis, ontem, hoje e sempre
Casa velha
Machado de Assis
A sereníssima república e outros contos
Machado de Assis, romancista
The psychiatrist, and other stories
O jornal e o livro
Brazilian Tales
Contos consagrados
A mão e a luva
Contos esquecidos
Memórias póstumas de Brás Cubas
Três romances
Poesias completas
Contos Escolhidos
Capitu e outras Evas
Iaiá Garcia
Obra completa
William Somerset Maugham
William Somerset Maugham (1874-1965)

playwright, literary critic, army scout, physician

  • King's College London, Heidelberg University
The Razor's Edge
A writer's notebook
The summing up
The gentleman in the parlour
A Writer's Notebook
The Magician
The skeptical romancer
On a Chinese screen
The letters of William Somerset Maugham to Lady Juliet Duff
On a Chinese Screen
A writer's notebook
Writer's Notebook
The summing up
Great Short Stories of the World
Murder Most Foul
Sixteen famous British plays
The Rinehart Book of Short Stories
Then and Now
Liza of Lambeth
Collected short stories
Cakes and Ale or The skeleton in the cupboard
The Painted Veil
Mrs Craddock
Great novelists and their novels
Happy Endings
Christmas holiday
Ah King
Of Human Bondage
Up at the Villa
Princess September and the nightingale
Great humorous stories
Tellers of tales
The vagrant mood
Creatures of circumstance
The making of a saint
Collected stories
Seventeen Lost Stories
Collected short stories [of] W. Somerset Maugham
Experiencing Reading
Complete short stories
The Narrow Corner
The great exotic novels and short stories of Somerset Maugham
The Trembling of a Leaf
W. Somerset Maugham's Introduction to modern English and American literature
Catalina, a romance
The merry-go-round
The Summing Up
Mr. Maugham himself
The Maugham reader
Edwardian plays
Cakes and ale, or, The skeleton in the cupboard
The casuarina tree
The hour before the dawn
The W. Somerset Maugham reader
Traveller's library
Sixty-five short stories
Great modern reading
The Favorite Short Stories of W. Somerset Maugham
Rain and other South Sea stories
The Land Of The Blessed Virgin
The Collected Short Stories of W. Somerset Maugham, Vol. 3
The explorer
Don Fernando
To catch a spy
Jack Straw
The circle
The hour before the dawn
Cakes and ale, and other favorites
The letter
Far Eastern Tales
Collected Short Stories, Vol. 4
The bread-winner
Points of view
Cakes and ale ; The painted veil ; Liza of Lambeth ; The razor's edge ; Theatre ; The moon and sixpence
Short Stories
Cakes and Ale
The sacred flame
Ten novels and their authors
30 Great Short Stories
The constant wife
A Maugham twelve
The Collected Short Stories of W. Somerset Maugham, Vol. 1
The mixture as before
Don Fernando : or, Variations on some Spanish themes
Three dramas of W. Somerset Maugham
Librivox Short Story Collection 037
Maugham Plays Two
On a Chinese Screen
Of Human Bondage
The making of a saint
El Caballero del Salon
The complete short stories of W. Somerset Maugham. Volume 1: East and West
The land of promise
Lady Frederick
Nouvelles anglaises et américaines d'aujourd'hui I
Of Human Bondage Volume 2
Maugham Plays One
Of Human Bondage Volume I
The moon and sixpence
The complete short stories of W. Somerset Maugham
Gigolo and gigolette
Gentleman in the Parlour
Gentleman in the Parlour
Best short stories
La femme dans la jungle
Collected short stories
Then and Now
The Hero
The Lotus Eater
The complete short stories of W. Somerest Maugham
La ronde de l'amour
The trembling of a leaf; little stories of the South Sea islands
Points of view ; five essays
Lord Mountdrago
Books and you
Short Stories (The Nonesuch Storytellers)
Our betters
W. Somerset Maugham
The moon and sixpence
Ah King
East of Suez
Mrs. Craddock
Sei duti chokh
Luna i grosh
Un extraño en París - 1. edición
El velo pintado
Three early novels
On a Chinese Screen - Sketches
Collected Short Stories
Liza of Lambeth
France at war
Kite and Other Stories
Ovid. Tristia. Ex Ponto (Loeb Classical Library)
Mademoiselle Ley
Six stories written in the first person singular
The Somerset Maugham pocket book
Romans. 3
Five novels
East of Suez
A traveller in romance
Les Nouvelles complètes
The selected novels
65 Short Stories
Tawny Spain, (The Park street library)
Mrs. Dot
The Painted Veil
Der Menschen Horigkeit
Renkli pece
Il suffit d'une nuit
Of Human Bondage, V2
More Far Eastern Tales
On a Chinese Screen
Selected plays
Of Human Bondage
Stories of love and intrigue from The mixture as before
Christmas Holiday
Selected prefaces and introductions of W. Somerset Maugham
Points of View
Great Novels and Short Stories of Somerset Maugham
The Gentleman in the Parlor
The world over
Vacances de Noël
The Hairless Mexican
Mrs Craddock
A Man from Glasgow and Mackintosh (Guided Reader)
La Imperfecta Casada
The tenth man
The Point of honour and the three fat women of Antibes
A second baker's dozen
Cosmopolitans; twenty-nine short stories
Moon and Sixpence
Three comedies
The noble Spaniard
Cakes and Ale;
Of human bondage, with a digression on the art of fiction
On a Chinese Screen
En un biombo chino
Liza of Lambeth
Selected prefaces and introductions
The Hairless Mexican and The Traitor
The kite, and other stories
The collected plays
The narrow corner
The world's ten greatest novels
Un gentleman en Asie
The science of mentalphysics 1930 [Hardcover]
The pupil's pharmacopoeia
Of Human Bondage
Four short stories
Liza de Lambeth
The Painted Veil
A baker's dozen
Oben in der Villa
The unknown
Mrs. Craddock
The Beachcomber
The W. Somerset Maugham sampler
Collected Short Stories of Maugham
Servidumbre Humana
Landed gentry
The Colonel's lady and Lord Mountdrago
Das glückliche Paar
Romans. 1
Liza of Lambeth
Et mon fantôme en rit encore
Short Stories
Mrs. Craddock
Circle : a Comedy in Three Acts
Painted Veil
ASHENDEN - or - The British Agent
Cakes and ale, and twelve short stories
Lo scandalo Mackenzie
Then and Now
Fifty modern English writers,
Purely for my pleasure.
Cakes and Ale
The Summing Up
Great Novels and Short Stories of Somerset Maugham
Making of a Saint a Romance of Medieval Italy
Of Human Bondage
Cakes and ale
The Moon and Sixpence (Modern Library Series; 27.2)
Somerset Maugham Selected Plays
Strictly personal
Up at the villa (Penguin books. no. 2670.)
The constant wife
Cakes and Ale, with a Special Introduction for This Edition By Mr. Maugham
Don Fernando
The Sinners
Trembling of a Leaf
Mrs. Dot
The Favorite Short Stories of W. Somerset Maugham
The Summing Up
Then and now, a novel
The Collected Plays of Somerset Maugham Vol 3
Insanin Esareti
Up at the Villa
A Writer's Notebook
The Moon and Sixpence
The Trembling of a Leaf Little Stories of the South Sea Islands
Moon and Sixpence (Illudtrated Edition)
The art of fiction;
Bishop's Apron
Trembling of a Leaf; Little Stories of the South Sea Islands
Of Human Bondage (Classic Reprint)
Andalusia, "the land of the Blessed Virgin"
Rajul Min Glasgow =
East of Suez A Play in Seven Scenes
The Gentlemen in the parlour
The Summing Up
La senyora Craddock
Julia : Serie
Complete Short Stories of W. Somerset Maugham, Vol. I
The Writer's Point of View
Seventeen lost stories
The Complete Short Stories
Selected plays
Entlegene Welten. Erzählungen
Le cyclone
Trembling of a Leaf : Little Stori
Acque morte
The Narrow Corner
Yonghon ui mannam
Then and Now
Painted Veil
The World Over
For Services Rendered
The Complete Short Stories of W. Somerset Maugham. Volume II
Una casa a Florència
The Trembling of a Leaf Including Rain and Other Stories
The Complete Short Stories of W. Somerset Maugham
Merry-Go-round . .
Summing Up
The selected novels of W. Somerset Maugham
The Explorer
Cakes And Ale/Up At The Villa
The Land of The Blessed Virgin
Liza of Lambeth
The Painted Veil
East of Suez
Christmas Holiday
Manushya Bandhanangal
the Round Dozen
Summing Up
Iskusstvo slova
The Land of Promise
Narrow Corner
The Narrow Corner
Bishops Apron
Moon and Sixpence
The Works
Mr. Know-All / il Signor So-Tutto-Io
The Complete Short Stories of W. Somerset Maugham (2 Volumes)
Tellers of Tales 100 Short Stories 1st Edition
Summing Up
The Magician
East of Suez
The Making of a Saint
A man of Honour; a Tragedy in Four Acts
The Maugham reader
The Trembling of a Leaf
Making of a Saint
Selected Prefaces and Introductions of W Somerset Maugham
Catalina / Then and Now (Complete Works)
The Moon and Sixpence.
Far and Wide Nine Novels Volume One
The travel books
Collected Short Stories Volume 1
Das glückliche Paar
Verger and Other Stories, the (Guided Reader)
Christmas Holiday
The Moon and Sixpence
More Far Eastern Tales
Liza of Lambeth
The escape
Malyĭ ugolok
Vagrant Mood
The Letter
Ashenden or the British Agent
Una casa a Florència
Collected Short Stories Volume 3
Lady Frederick
East Of Suez A Play In Seven Scenes
Making of a Saint
On a Chinese Screen
La comédienne
The Trembling of a Leaf. Heron Collected Works of Somerset Maugham
Cakes and Ale
Zehn Romane und ihre Autoren
Seytanin Kurbanlari
Honolulu. Erzählungen
Le cercle
Andalusia, sketches & impressions
The Trembling of a Leaf; Little Stories of the South Sea Islands
Liza of Lambeth
The Gentleman in the Parlour
Creatures of circumstance
Then and Now
The writer's point of view
Essays on literature
The Trembling of a Leaf
The Summing Up
Introduction to modern English and American literature
Narrow Corner
Rosie und der Künstler
Here and there
The Collected Plays of W. Somerset Maugham
The Painted Veil
The Moon and Sixpence
Home and beauty
Then and now
La lettre
De kolk en andere verhalen
Making Of A Saint - Romance Of Mediaeval Italy
Skeleton in the Cupboard
Bishops Apron
First Person Singular. Six Stories. Heron Collected Works of Somerset Maugham
The Trembling of a Leaf, 1921
The land of promise, a comedy in four acts
The World Over. The Collected Stories, Volume 2
La passe dangereuse
Cakes and Ale
Far and Wide
10 Novels and Their Authors
Points of view
Cakes and Ale
Una Inglese a Firenze
Land of the Blessed Virgin
Three comedies
The Moon and Sixpense
Points of View
Plays; Volume 1
3 Dramas of W Somerset Maugham
The Trembling Of A Leaf
Caesar's Wife, a Comedy in Three Acts
Don Fernando
Short Stories Collection
The breadwinner,
Don Fernando
The World Over; collected stories (Volume I)
The Flip of a Coin and other short stories
The Tenth man; a Tragic Comedy in Three Acts
De Amicitia and the Punctiliousness of Don Sebastian
Short Stories
Rain and Other South Sea Stories
Six stories written in the first person singular
East of Suez
The Narrow Corner
Les Empreintes dans la jungle et 25 autres nouvelles
Mrs Craddock
Les Empreintes dans la jungle et 25 autres nouvelles
East of Suez
The Magician and The Gentleman in the Parlour (Complete Works)
Zehn Romane und ihre Autoren
Six comedies
The Narrow Corner
The painted veil
CAKES And ALE. With a Special Introduction for this Edition by Mr. Maugham. Modern LIbrary #270.
Of Human Bondage - Classic Illustrated Edition
Man of Honour, a Play in Four Acts
The Land of the Blessed Virgin
Before the Party
El estrecho rincón
Points of View
Ten Novels and Their Aut
Then and now
THE Moon and Sixpence
Somerset Maugham 5 Volume Set (Christmas Holiday (1939) Of Human Bondage (1915) The Narrow Corner (1932) Cakes and Ale (1930) The Razor`s Edge e
Creatures of circumstance
Moon and Sixpence W. Illusrrated
The making of a saint
Merry Go Round
East and West;
The Complete Short Stories of W. Somerset Maugham (2 Volumes)
Of Human Bondage, Part II
Wit and wisdom of Somerset Maugham
Mrs Craddock
Cæesar's wife
The Canadian
On a Chinese Screen
Complete short stories
The Complete Short Stories of W. Somerset Maugham, Vol. 3
Dokusho annai
The Circle
Great Novelists & Their Novels 1ST Edition
Mr. Maugham himself
Trembling of a Leaf
Caesars Wife
More Far Eastern Tales
Lluvia y otros Cuentos
Three Early Novels
The Merry-Go-Round
Trembling of a Leaf
Liza of Lambeth
The Great Novels & Short Stories of Somerset Maugham
Summing Up
Painted Veil
COMPLETE SHORT STORIES Volume 2 the World Over
Caesar's wife, a comedy in three acts
The Painted Veil
Christmas Holiday
The Painted Veil
Mrs. Craddock
Caesar's Wife
FAR AND WIDE. Nine Novels by W. Somerset Maugham. Selected by the Author. Volume Two
The Short Stories of William Somerset Maugham, Vol. 2
The Mixture As Before
The Casuarina Tree
The Making of a Saint
Six stories written in the first person singular
Sekai no jūdai shōsetsu
W. Somerset Maugham selects the world's ten greatest novels = former title Great novelists and their novels
El impulso creativo y otros cuentos
Narrow Corner
Don Fernando or Variations on Some Spanish Themes
Mrs. Craddock
Jack Straw
The Narrow Corner
La carta
Writer's Notebook
On a Chinese Screen
Der bunte Schleier
First Person Singular.
Far and wide
Hour Before Dawn
OF HUMAN BONDAGE and Cliff's Notes on Book
Jack Straw; a Farce in Three Acts
First person singular
On A Chinese Screen
Then and now,
Of Human Bondage vol. 2
Ten Novels and Their Authors
Boyali Pece
Creatures of circumstance / by W. Somerset Maugham
Favorite Stories By Famous Writers by Louis Bromfield, Fannie Hurst, W. Somerset Maugham, Kathleen Norris, Peter B. Kyne, Elmer Ransom
Julia : Serie
The W. Somerset Maugham sampler,
The Constant Wife (A Comedy in Three Acts)
Stranger in Paris
Trembling of a Leaf; Little Stories of the South Sea Islands
A. H. King By W. Somerset Maugham
Christmas Holiday
Land of the Blessed Virgin
The World Over Stories of Manifold Places and People
The explorer
Liza of Lambeth Annotated
Best Short Stories of W. Somerset Maugham
Ashenden or The British Agent
Collected Short Stories
The Greatest Stories of all Time Tellers of Tales
Points of view
For services rendered
Caesars Wife
A writer's notebook.
On a Chinese Screen
Maquiavelo Y La Mandragora
Boyali Pece
Liza of Lambeth Annotated
Diez Grandes Novelas y Sus Autores
On A Chinese Screen
Christmas Holiday Illustrated Edition
The Summing Up by W. Somerset Maugham
Plays; Volume 1
The trembling of a leaf
The vagrant mood, six essays
Tenth Man; a Tragic Comedy in Three Acts
Summing Up
The Complete Short Stories of W. Somerset Maugham, Volume II
Die Macht der Umstände. Erzählungen
Moon and Sixpence
Die halbe Wahrheit. Keine Autobiographie
Ten Novels and Their Authors
Cakes and Ale or The Skeleton in the Cupboard Everyman's Library No. 932
Then and Now Kindle
The Selected Novels, Vol. III
Tenth Man
Les Trois Grosses dames d'Antibes
The Round Dozen
Introduction to Modern English and American Literature
The Summing Up
The Bishop's Apron
A Siamese Fairy Tale
Liza of Lambeth
Short stories
Complete Short Stories I
The Short Stories of William Somerset Maugham, Volume I (3 Audio Cassettes)
Three dramas of W. Somerset Maugham
Notizbuch eines Schriftstellers
Mr. Maugham himself
Mrs. Craddock
Renkli Pece
The Complete Short Stories of W. Somerset Maugham
Landed Gentry
Collected Short Stories Volume 2
Amours singulières
The Moon and Sixpence
Sadie Thompson
The World Over - Collected Stories Vol Two
Man of Honour
W. Somerset maugham erzählt
Of Human Bondage
Una vil·la a Florència
W. Somerset Maugham's Introduction to modern English and American literature (A New Home Library book)
Of Human Bondage (an Autobiographical Novel) - Complete Edition
Collected Short Stories
Painted Veil
Collected Plays of W. Somerset Maugham. Vol. 3
Art of fiction
The Summing Up
Ashenden or the British Agent
The Short Stories of William Somerset Maugham, Volume III
The Painted Veil
The Tremblling of a Leaf
Up at the Villa
The constant wife,
Gentleman in the Parlour
Ashenden or
Best Short Stories
Constant Wife, a Comedy in Three Acts
Plays Volume Two
Then and Now
Ah King
Circle, a Comedy in Three Acts
World Over, The
Tenth Man
Moon and Sixpence, The
Caesar's Wife, a Comedy in Three Acts
Liza of Lambeth (Annotated)
Painted Veil ( a Classics Illustrated Edition)
On a Chinese Screen
Mrs Craddock (a Dramatic Love Story)
Plays Volume One
Catalina/Then and Now
Soberbia El Velo Pintado
Of Human Bondage; Volume I
The Trembling of a Leaf; Little Stories of the South Sea Islands
Of Human Bondage, Vol. 1
Cakes and Ale
Liza of Lambeth
Footprints in the Jungle and Two Other Stories (Guided Reader)
Der Menschen Hörigkeit
Plays Volume IV
The Outstation
The round dozen
Up at the Villa
Christmas holiday
MAGO TC-32 **
La luna e sei soldi
The Magician
On a Chinese Screen : (Annotated)(Biography)
The Magician/The Gentleman in the Parlour
Liza of Lambeth
Points Of View.
East and west
Kryphes epithymies
Up At The Villa Don Fernando
The Collected Plays of W. Somerset Maugham, Vol. II
Theatre, a Novel
Maugham's Borneo Stories
The Selected Novels- Vol 1 - Liza Of Lambeth, Cakes And Ale, Theatre
Cakes and Ale
Liza of Lambeth
Liza of Lambeth / On a Chinese Screen
Trembling of a Leaf
Ashenden. Heron Collected Works of Somerset Maugham
Don Fernando, or, Variations on some Spanish themes
The unknown, a play in three acts
Lady Frederick
The best short stories of W. Somerset Maugham (Modern Library, 14.2)
Somerset Maugham Sho 2 Tap Hca 248
The Moon and Sixpence. Heron Collected Works of Somerset Maugham
Footprints in the Jungle
Rajul min Ghlasgo =
The three fat women of Antibes
Then and Now - 1949 First Edtiion
Les trois grosses dames d'Antibes
Here and There
Works of W. Somerset Maugham
Het donkere vuur
The Hero
Liza of Lambeth
The Bishop's Apron
Diez grandes novelas y sus autores
A man of honour
A choice of Kipling's prose
Insanin Esareti ;Modern Klasikler Dizisi 95
Far Eastern Tales
The kite
Loaves and fishes
On A Chinese Screen
Princess September
The Moon and Sixpence
La lune et soixante-quinze centimes
Don Fernando
The Painted Veil
Mrs. Craddock
Narrow Corner
On a Chinese Screen
Mrs. Craddock
Der Menschen Hörigkeit
The Painted Veil
Summing Up
The world over
The Narrow Corner + Casuarina Tree. Heron Collected Works of Somerset Maugham
DON FERNANDO OR VARIATIONS ON SOME SPANISH THEMES; A Reflective Picture of Spain in the Golden Age.
The Hero
The Collected Plays : Volume 1
Christmas Holiday
Strictly Personal.
Ah king
Plays; Volume 1
Traveller's library
The Trembling Of A Leaf  Short Stories
Then and Now
Mrs. Craddock
Mrs Craddock
Cuadernos de un escritor
The art of fiction
Moon and Sixpence
El Velo Pintado
The Complete Short Stories of W. Somerset Maugham
The Complete Short Stories of W. Somerset Maugham, Volume 2, The World Over
Caesar's wife
Up at the villa ([The Collected edition, 23])
Ay ve Alti Peni
Vagrant Mood
Cakes & Ale Or the Skeleton in the Cupbo
A Choice Of Kipling'S Prose Selected And With An Introductory Essay By W. Somerset Maugham
Land of the Blessed Virgin
Six comedies
Il suffit d'une nuit.
The Painted Veil
Traveller's library
The World over vol 1
Of Human Bondage, Twentieth Century Classics
The Explorer
Rain and Other South Sea Stories
Sayings of Somerset Maugham
The unattainable
Painted Veil
SEVENTEEN LOST STORIES. Compiled & with an introduction by Craig V. Showalter
Man of Honour, a Play in Four Acts
Collected Short Stories Volume 3
Racconti dei Mari del Sud
The travel books of W. Somerset Maugham
Far Eastern Tales
Collected Short Stories Volume 4
Painted Veil : (Annotated Edition)
Making of a Saint
Painted Veil by W. Somerset Maugham
Here and There Short Stories
The Narrow Corner. Collected edition
Cakes and Ale ; the Painted Veil ; Liza of Lambeth ; the Razor's Edge ; theatre ; the Moon and Sixpence
East of Suez
Plays in three volumes
Lady Frederick
Great novelists and their novels, essays on the ten greatest novels of the world and the men and women who wrote them;
Purely for my pleasure
Mrs. Craddock
Die Leidenschaft des Missionars. ( Regen)
Il suffit d'une nuit
The Complete Short Stories  of W Somerset Maugham  Volume 1
Liza of Lambeth
Ashenden or The British Agent
La esposa constante
Making of a Saint
Damals und heute. Ein Machiavelli- Roman
The Land of The Blessed Virgin; Sketches and Impressions in Andalusia
Point of View
The favorite short stories of W. Somerset Maugham.
Liza von Lambeth. Ein Liebesroman
Making of a Saint
Points of view; five essays
Man of Honour; a Tragedy in Four Acts
The Complete Short Stories
Trembling of a Leaf Little Stories of the South Sea Islands
Up at the Villa Film Tie-In
Liza din mahalaua Lambeth (Romanian Edition)
Ah King,
Moon and SixpenceIllustrated
Bishop's Apron
Vagrant Mood
Mrs. Craddock
Creatures of Circumstance
Princess September
Six Comedies of W. Somerset Maugham
Making of a Saint
Creatures of Circumstance
The Perfect Gentleman
Casuarina Tree
El velo pintado
The Collected Short Stories of W. Somerset Maugham, Vol. 2
Making of a Saint : A Romance of Mediaeval Italy
El velo pintado.
Caesar's Wife
The casurrina tree
The Explorer
The Painted Veil
Qing shu
Then and Now
Merry-Go-round . .
Complete Works
The Magician and Other Strange Stories
W. Somerset, Maugham's Introduction to Modern English & American Literature
For Services Rendered
Up at the Villa
Cakes and ale, or, Skeleton in the cupboard
Collected Short Stories Volume 1 Vol. 1
Best short stories (The Modern library of the world's best books, 14)
W. Somerset Maugham's Introduction to Modern English and American Literature.
Caesar's Wife
Up at the Villa
Cakes and Ale (Mandarin Edition)
More Far Eastern Tales
For services rendered & other plays
W Somerset Maugham Collected Stories Vol
Liza of Lambeth
Creatures of circumstance
Don Fernando
Land of the Blessed Virgin
The Constant Wife (A Comedy in Three Acts)
The Complete Short Stories of W. Somerset Maugham Vol. 1
Moon And Sixpence
Trembling of a Leaf; Little Stories of the South Sea Islands
Mrs Craddock
Making of a Saint
The Summing Up by W. Somerset Maugham 1938 Hardcover First Edition
Sheppey, A Play In 3 Acts.
Mrs Craddock (a Romantic Drama)
Land of the Blessed Virgin
The Complete Short Stories of W. Somerset Maugham, Volume I
The Merry-Go-Round
Landed Gentry
The Making of a Saint
A Man of Honour, a Play in Four Acts
Madame La Colonelle
Magicien Illustré
The Bishop's Apron
Merry Go Round Kindle
Silbermond und Kupfermünze. Roman
Short Stories
Mrs Craddock : (Annotated)(Biography)
East of Suez; A Play in Seven Scenes
Mrs. Craddock
Of Human Bondage, Part 2. Heron Collected Works of Somerset Maugham
The Moon and Sixpence (Ornate Binding)
Strictly personal
Travellers Library Compiled & With Notes
Cakes and Ale
Les Quatre Hollandais
Christmas Holiday
Strictly Personal
Wu ning si
Of Human Bondage; Volume I
The Complete Short Stories Volume III
The Circle
Narrow Corner
Servitude humaine
Far and Wide Vol Two
Cakes and Ale
The Complete Short Stories of W. Somerset Maugham IV. The Human Element and Other Stories
On a Chinese Screen W. Somerset Maugham
Land of the Blessed Virgin
Liza of Lambeth
Christmas Holiday
Rain and other Stories
Land of Promise
Essays on literature (NEL Signet modern classics, 5027)
Christmas Holiday
El velo pintado
The Complete Short Stories of W. Somerset Maugham
Fifty modern English writers
Then and now
My South sea island
Maomu xiao shuo ji
Rain, and other stories
Ah Ḳing
Archipel aux sirères
Le sortilège malais
My South sea island
The painted veil
The narrow corner
ha-Peruṭah ṿeha-yareaḥ
East and west
ha-Sokhen ha-Briṭi
Liza of Lambeth
The Maugham reader
Betorende Sudsee
The Land of Promise: A Novelization of W. Somerset Maugham's Play
The complete short stories of W. Somerset Maugham
The Hero (Collected Works of W. Somerset Maugham)
La tierra de promisión
Seine erste Frau
A writer's notebook
Laylat gharām
The Making of a Saint (Collected Works of W. Somerset Maugham)
Romans, tome 2
"Foreign devils"
E Kopse tou xugrafion
W. Somerset Maugham's Introduction to modern English and American literature
LA Luna Y Seis Peniques
ha-Lehavah ha-ḳedoshah
Maugham's Malaysian stories
Cosmopolitans:very short stories
The unattainable
Bortom all ara och redlighet
The sacred flame, a play in three acts
Velo Pintado, El
Archipel aux sirènes
El misterio de la villa
Far and wide
Ay ve alti Rara
The letter
The escape and other stories
The collected plays of W. Somerset Maugham
Selected plays [of] W. Somerset Maugham
Points of view
Cakes and ale, or, The skelton in the cupboard
The Three Fat Women of Antibes and Gigolo and Gigolette
The selected novels of W. Somerset Maugham, volume 1
Columbia literary series
Cakes and ale
The constant wife, a comedy in three acts
The merry-go-round
Plus ça change
Theatre (Maugham, W. Somerset, Works.)
A writer's notebook
Cakes and ale. --
Cakes and Ale and Twelve Short Stories
The Trembling of a Leaf (Tales of the Pacific)
Edward Hopper
The Great writers
Christmas holiday
The unconquered
Maomu xiao shuo ji
For services rendered, a play in three acts
Mrs. Craddock (Collected Works of W. Somerset Maugham)
The moon and sixpence
La passe dangereuse
The biship's Apron (Collected Works of W. Somerset Maugham)
The partial view
Three dramas: The letter; The sacred flame; For services rendered
The explorer
Tales from the East and the West
Great modern reading
Asheden, or the British Agent (Works of W. Somerset Maugham Series)
W niewoli uczuć
Tsuki to rokupensu
Christmas holiday
Sadie Thompson, and other stories of the South Sea islands
The painted veil
Traveller's Library Compiled with Notes
Vor der party
Liza of Lambeth
The Magician (Collected Works of W. Somerset Maugham)
W. Somerset Maugham's Introduction to modern English and American literature. --
South sea stories
Gesammelte Erzählungen
ha-Peruṭah ṿeha-yareaḥ
La leçon des choses
Madame la colonelle et vingt-trois autres nouvelles
ha-Nashim halalu
Ten novels and their authors
W. Somerset Maugham Gesammelte Erzaehlun
Liza of Lambeth (Collected Works of W. Somerset Maugham)
On a Chinese screen
Einzahl-erste Person
ʻAśarah romanim u-meḥabrehem
65 short stories
W. Somerset Maugham papers
Shina no byōbu
Manen och silverslanten
Christmast holiday
Three Early Novels Liza of Lambeth, Mrs. Graddock, The Magician
El temblar de una hoja
A Marriage of Convenience and Other Stories (Intermediate Level)
The greatest stories of all times
Seora Craddock, La
The perfect gentleman
Creatures of circumstance
First person singular - six stories
בכבלי אנוש
Ren xing jia suo
On a Chinese screen
Maomu xiao shuo xuan ji
Lisa von Lambeth
Il velo dipinto
Creatures of circumstance
East and west
Kuntu jāsūs
Cakes and Ale,the Painted Veil,Liza of Lambeth,Razor's Edge,Theatre,Moon and Sixpence
The point of honour
The Complete Short Stories Vol 3.
Don Fernando
Varajava lehti
Looking back
The land of promise
The selected novels of W.S. Maugham
Then and now
Estrictamente personal (strictly personal)
The colonel's lady
The Explorer (Collected Works of W. Somerset Maugham)
Ahtaat asuinsijat
The Best Short Stories of William Somerset Maugham
Uṣārat al-ayyām
El Traidor
The greatest stories of all times
Yue liang yu liu bian shi =
Cakes and ale
Up at the villa
Hong fa shao nian
Orientations (Collected Works of W. Somerset Maugham)
Liza of Lambeth (The Collected Edition of the Works of W. Somerset Maugham)
Histórias do Oriente
The unconquered
Amours singulieres
The facts of life
Points of view. --
Bie shu zhi ye
The letter ... six stories
Okashi to bīru
The creative impulse and other stories
Sor e s perec
Amours singulières
The magician: a novel together with a fragment of autobiography
Malaysian stories
The judgement seat
The world over
The Narrow Corner (The Collected Editionof the Works of W. Somerset Maugham)
The noble Spaniard
Favorite stories
A marriage of convenience and other stories
Virginia Woolf
Virginia Woolf (1882-1941)

essayist, autobiographer, diarist, literary critic, publisher, women's rights activist

  • King's College London
The letters of Virginia Woolf
Moments of being
A Writer's Diary
Roger Fry
The letters of Vita Sackville-West to Virginia Woolfe
Granite and Rainbow
Congenial spirits
Virginia Woolf and Vita Sackville-West
Books and portraits
Travels with Virginia Woolf
Women and writing
The platform of time
Diary of Virginia Woolf Vol. 3
Las mujeres y la literatura
Thoughts on Peace in an Air Raid
Beau Brummell
Granite and rainbow
Diario íntimo
Elettyjä hetkiä
Elettyjä hetkiä
Momentos de vida
Flush, historien om en cocker spaniel
Diario íntimo
Flush, historien om en cocker spaniel
Rishum shel he-ʻavar
Momenti di essere
Momenti di essere
Women and writing
A moment's liberty
Wezenlijke momenten
Momentos de vida
Wezenlijke momenten
A moment's liberty
To the Lighthouse
Mrs. Dalloway
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Platinum
Prentice Hall Literature - Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes - The British Tradition
Jacob's Room
The Waves
Prentice Hall Literature -- Platinum
The years
A Room of One's Own
Night and Day
Between the Acts
Prentice Hall Literature--The British Edition--Volume II
Three guineas
The Second Common Reader
Prentice Hall
The London scene
Nurse Lugton's golden thimble
Favourite sea stories from Seaside Al
The Situation of the Story
A haunted house, and other short stories
Monday or Tuesday
Room of Ones Own Three Guineas
Virginia Woolf & Lytton Strachey
Mrs. Dalloway / A Room of One's Own
The moment, and other essays
Contemporary writers
Mrs Dalloway's party
10 relatos de mujeres
Virginia Woolf
Great Classic Stories II
The definitive collected edition of the novels of Virginia Woolf
Librivox Short Story Collection 007
The widow and the parrot
Classic Women Short Stories
Voyage Out
The Mrs. Dalloway reader
La mosca de Virgilio
Short stories
On Reading, Writing and Living with Books
The Mark on the Wall
A passionate apprentice
Kew Gardens
Paper darts
The diary of Virginia Woolf
Si las mujeres mandasen
The common reader, first series
Selected Short Stories
The Virginia Woolf reader
Mr. Bennett and Mrs. Brown
The diary of Virginia Woolf, Vol 2
Mrs Dalloway
Diary of Virginia Woolf - V.4 1931-35
Letters, Virginia Woolf & Lytton Strachey
Leave the Letters Till We're Dead
Selected Works of Virginia Woolf
Horas en una biblioteca
The death of the moth
Language Arts Resources from Recycables
A haunted house
Math Learning Resources from Recyclables
Classic Women's Literature
The Death of the Moth, and Other Essays
The Charleston Bulletin Supplements
Jacob's Room & The Waves
Diary of Virginia Woolf, the - V.2 1920-24
Nurse Lugton's curtain
On being ill
Diary of Virginia Woolf - V.3 1925-30
Stavrogin's Confession
On Not Knowing Greek (On)
The Pargiters
Feminist Literary Classics - Volume I
Virginia's Sisters
The common reader
Mrs Dalloway's party
Librivox Short Story Collection 037
Carlyle's House
Del vicio de los libros
On being ill
Voyage Out
The Pargiters, the novel-essay portion of The years
Una habitación propia
The Roger Fry Memorial Exhibition
The question of things happening
Diary of Virginia Woolf, the - V.1 1915-19
Mrs. Dalloway (SparkNotes Literature Guide) (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
A change of perspective
Love of Spaniels
The London Scene (Signature)
The mark on the wall and other short fiction
Life As We Have Known It The Voices Of Workingclass Women
Street Haunting
Women and writing
The Selected Works of Virginia Woolf
Selected essays
Diary of Virginia Woolf, the - V.5 1936-41
Genius and Ink
How Should One Read a Book?
To the Lighthouse : (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition)
The captain's death bed
Selected Diaries
Collected Essays
Blau & Grün
A reflection of the other person
Walter Sickert
Talks with Tolstoi
The Awakening with Related Readings
Stavrogin's Confession and the Plan of the Life of a Great Sinner
Collected Essays of Virginia Woolf
The Essays of Virginia Woolf Volume 6
Anatomy of African Misery
Der gewöhnliche Leser I. Essays
Tagebücher 4. 1931 - 1935
Collected Short Stories
La Scène londonienne
Selected Letters
Essays Of Virginia Woolf Vol 1 1904-1912
Die Wellen. Roman. ( Gesammelte Werke, Prosa VIII)
Las olas - 1. edicion
Der gewöhnliche Leser II. Essays
Essays Of Virginia Woolf Vol 2 1912-1918
Selected Short Stories
Ein verwunschenes Haus. Erzählungen
Hyde Park Gate News
24 contes al dia
HabitaciÓn Propia
Short Stories of Virginia Woolf
Between The Acts The Years
Un cuarto propio
POWERPOINT 97. Eine kompakte Einführung.
Robinson Crusoe;with an Additional Essay by Virginia Woolf
Tagebücher, 5 Bde., Bd.3, 1925-1930
The crowded dance of modern life
Para o Farol
Monday or Tuesday
Stop What You're Doing and Read... of All Ordinary Human Life
On fiction
Al Faro
Frauen und Literatur. Essays
Tagebücher, 5 Bde., Bd.1, 1915-1919
Between the Acts
The love of reading
Tagebücher, 5 Bde., Bd.2, 1920-1924
Jacob's Room
Promenades européennes
Po mori Łu proch £
Augenblicke. Skizzierte Erinnerungen
Mini Modern Classics the Lady in the Looking Glass
Der gewöhnliche Leser, 5 Bde., Bd.2, Essays
The Essays Of Virginia Woolf
Passeio Ao Farol (Virginia Woolf)
Monday or Tuesday (Warbler Classics Annotated Edition)
The Essays of Virginia Woolf
Essays on the Self
Two Stories
Selected Essays
Congenial Spirits
Selected Essays
Estuche mujeres singulares. Autoras
Two Stories
Virginia Woolf Collection Includes Her Greatest Works
Al Faro
Night and Day  Jacobs Room
                Wordsworth Classics
A Room of Ones Own  The Voyage Out
                Wordsworth Classics
The sickle side of the moon
Pelican Books
Mrs. Dolloway
The Fight for Freedom for Women
24 contes al dia
Street Haunting - A London Adventure
Die Fahrt hinaus. Roman
Relatos completos
On Being Ill
Poesía y verdad
Las olas - 2. edición
La viuda y el loro
Essays Of Virginia Woolf Vol 3 1919-1924
Al Faro
Una habitación propia
Un cuarto propio
Four Literary Translators
Una habitación propia
La Vie de Roger Fry
Crowded Dance of Modern Life Uk
Read + Doodle Book 1 : Sherlock Holmes a Case of Identity, Lamb's Shakespeare a Midsummer Night's Dream, Dracula's Guest, the Mark on the Wall
To the Lighthouse
Clarissa Dalloway y su invitada
Kew Gardens
Briefe 2
Gela bat norberarena
Monday or Tuesday
Genio y tinta
The common reader, first series (Harvest books)
Mark on the Wall (Illustrated)
Mark on the Wall Illustrated
Una posada andaluza
To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf Illustrated Edition
Society Illustrated
Solid Objects (Illustrated)
Briefe 1
Monday or Tuesday : (Annotated)(Biography)
Las olas
Londres/ The London Scene
Mark on the Wall (Illustrated)
Diário - 1915-1926
New Dress
Vile Bodies
Um Quarto Só Seu
Together and Apart
¿Soy una snob?
Monday or Tuesday Illustrated
Haunted House and Other Stories : (Annotated)(Biography)
To the Lighthouse
Second Common Reader, The
Chambre à Soi
Carta a un poeta joven
The Common Reader (Second Series)
Promenade Au Phare
Common Reader, First Series : (Annotated)(Biography)
Entre Os Atos
The Common Reader
Wlasny pokój
Mrs. Dalloway in der Bond Street und andere Erzählungen / Mrs. Dalloway in Bond Street and other stories
Selected Works of Virginia Woolf
Room of One's Own
Top 4 Colección Virginia Woolf : Al Faro, Mrs Dalloway, una Habitación Propia y Las Olas
Duchess and the Jeweller
Night and Day
Beginning Bulletin Boards: Basic skills
Mark on the Wall
Mark on the Wall Illustrated
Society (Illustrated)
Cuarto Propio
Virginia Woolf
Common Reader, First Series
Stanza Tutta per Sé
Al Faro
Fin de Viaje
Room of One's Own
Street Haunting and Other Essays
Naar de Vuurtoren
Thoughts on Peace in an Air Raid
New Dress
Al faro
Kew Gardens
Kew Gardens Illustrated
Genius and Ink
Mrs. Dalloway
The Collected Short Stories of Virginia Woolf
Suis-je snob ? (French Edition)
Zum Leuchtturm. Roman
Les Fruits étranges et brillants de l'art
Woman's College from the Outside
Three guineas
A Haunted House
Olas Las Terramar
Clarissa Dalloway y su invitada
Le Livre sans nom
Haunted House
Common Reader
Monday or Tuesday
Memorias de una novelista
Una habitación propia
The Common Reader
The Lectures, Essays and Literary Criticism of Virginia Woolf
Mark on the Wall
Haunted House
Eigenes Zimmer
la fascination de l'etang
The Captain's Death Bed and Other Stories
Paper Darts (Illustrated Letters)
Mrs. Dalloway (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
Au Phare
Mark on the Wall (Illustrated)
The flight of the mind
Al Faro
Un viatge sentimental per França i Itàlia
Una habitación propia
Killing the angel in the house
Lady in the Looking-Glass (Illustrated)
Memorias de una novelista
Collected Essays of Virginia Woolf
Kew Gardens
Virginia Woolf - Monday or Tuesday
Shooting Party
The Diary of Virginia Woolf (Volumes 1 and 2)
HAUNTED HOUSE and Other Short Stories
The Moment
Moments Liberty the Shorter Diary of Vir
Solid Objects Illustrated
Horas en una biblioteca
In the Orchard Illustrated
Top 3 Colección Virginia Woolf : una Habitación Propia, Orlando y Al Faro
Bolsa Virginia Woolf
Les Ones
Virginia Woolf, best novels
London Scene
Kew Gardens Illustrated
Genio y tinta
Trois guinées, suivi de "L'Autre Corps"
Haunted House and Other Stories
Collected Essays and Letters of Virginia Woolf
La signora Dalloway in Bond Street
Mark on the Wall
La Traversée des apparences
Diary of Virginia Woolf Vol. 4
Together and Apart
Haunted House and Other Stories
Street Haunting : a London Adventure;including the Essay 'Evening over Sussex
Julia Margaret Cameron
Señora Dalloway
The Common Reader
Society Illustrated
Monday or Tuesday
Kew Gardens
Solid Objects Illustrated
Diary of Virginia Woolf Vol. 2
Zum Leuchtturm
Matar al ángel del hogar
Virginia Woolf
Mrs. Dalloway ; and, To the lighthouse
Collected Essays vol 1.
Shakespeare's Sister
Monday or Tuesday
Momenti di essere e altri racconti
Haunted House and Other Short Stories
The Platform of Time (Hesperus Non-fiction)
Kew Gardens Illustrated
A Haunted House and Other Short Stories
Collected Essays
Zum Leuchtturm
The voyage out,
Monday or Tuesday
Walter Sickert
Los años
Eseje wybrane
Um Teto Todo Seu
Mr Bennett and Mrs. Brown
Vtg Virginia Woolf / Roger Fry
Dos relats
Mr. Bennett and Mrs. Brown : (the Hogarth Essays No. 1)
Para o Farol
Monday or Tuesday
Eigenes Zimmer
Common Reader
Phyllis und Rosamond. Frühe Erzählungen
Collected Novels of Virginia Woolf - Volume II - Between the Acts, Mrs. Dalloway, & Orlando
Monday or Tuesday
Monday or Tuesday
CUARTO PROPIO Losada 70 Aniversario
Virginia Woolf & the Raverats
Selected Diaries (Vintage Classics Woolf Series)
The common reader
Un cuarto propio
Un viatge sentimental per França i Itàlia
Virginia Woolf & the Raverats
The second Common reader, (Harvest books)
Les Ones
ha- Masaʻ el ha-ḥuts
Al Faro : (2020) (2021)
Mark on the Wall Illustrated
Woolf V V. Woolf-Coll.essays Vol 2
Mark on the Wall Illustrated
Objets massifs
Between the Acts and A Room of One's Own
Mrs Dalloway in Bond Street
New Dress
Relatos Completos
Clarissa Dalloway y su invitada
Nurse Lugton's Curtain
Death of the Moth and Other Essays
Room of One's Own (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
Un viatge sentimental per França i Itàlia
Lady in the Looking Glass
Monday or Tuesday
Virginia Woolf "The Hours"
Diario di una scrittrice
Al Faro
The Captain's Death Bed and Other Essays
O Quarto de Jacob (Coleção Duetos)
Primeros diarios
A Reflection of the Other Person (Collected Letters)
Virginia Woolf Reader
Kew Gardens
Unwritten Novel
Bolsa Virginia Woolf
Great Writers Virginia Woolf (Great Writers)
Mr. Bennett and Mrs. Brown
La cortina de la niñera Lugton
Cartas a mujeres
Room of One's Own
Mrs. Dalloway (Heathen Edition)
Le Journal d'un écrivain
Monday or Tuesday
Woolf Short Stories
New Dress and Other Stories
Cartas a Mujeres
Shooting Party
Virginia Woolf - Monday or Tuesday
Society Illustrated
Las mujeres y la literatura
Mark on the Wall Illustrated
Mrs Dalloway in Bond Street
La inocentada del acorazado & La sociedad
Short Stories by Virginia Woolf
So haben wir gelebt
Kew Gardens
Diary of Virginia Woolf
A Change of Perspective (Collected Letters)
Second Common Reader
Diary Of Virginia Woolf, Vol. 3, 1925-1930
Common Reader, First Series
Habitación Propia
La traversée des apparences
London Scene
Virginia Woolf
Genio y tinta
Um Quarto Só Seu
Second Common Reader 1ST Edition
Bolsa Virginia Woolf
Street haunting
Chambre à Vous
To The Lighthouse, A Harvest Book
Monday or Tuesday
Horas en una biblioteca
Aforizmalar - Virginia Woolf
Chambre à Soi
Woolf omnibus
Roger Fry
New Dress
Eines jeden Glück
Solid Objects Illustrated
Writer's Diary
Augenblicke des Daseins
Diari d'una escriptora
Monday or Tuesday
The Essays
Horas en una biblioteca
The Collected Essays of Virginia Woolf
Unwritten Novel Illustrated
Unwritten Novel Illustrated
Bookclub-in-a-Box Discusses To The Lighthouse, the Novel by Virginia Woolf (Bookclub-In-A-Box)
El lector común
Las olas
Society Illustrated
Monday or Tuesday
Granite and Rainbow
Habitación Propia / a Room of One's Own
Mark on the Wall (Illustrated)
Escenas de una vida : matrimonio, amigos y escritura
Englische Kurzgesschichten
Au Phare
Monday or Tuesday
Moments Of Being
Diary of Virginia Woolf Vol. 5
De la Lecture et de la Critique
On Reading and Re-Reading
Between Acts
The Virginia Woolf manuscripts
The Art of Fiction A Collection of Essays
Um Teto Todo Seu
Dnevnik pisatelʹni︠t︡sy
Cuadros y retratos
Naar de Vuurtoren
Common Reader
La Mort de la Phalène
Sra. Dalloway
A viagem
Virginia Woolf Dumpbinx 28
Gita al faro
Common Reader
Mark on the Wall
The Captain's Death Bed and Other Essays
El Diario de Virginia Woolf Vol. V
Mrs. Dalloway
Translations from the Russian
Monday or Tuesday
Unwritten Novel
Society Illustrated
Kew Gardens (Illustrated)
New Dress
Un viatge sentimental per França i Itàlia
To the Lighthouse (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
Al Faro
Fin de Viaje
Au Phare
Una habitación propia
Der gewöhnliche Leser, 5 Bde., Bd.1, Essays
Learning Links for Language Arts
Society Illustrated
Un Cuarto y Otros Ensayo
Deniz Feneri
Una habitación propia
Matar l'àngel
Waves (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
Virginia Woolf, women and writing
Stanza Possedere
Das Totenbett des Kapitäns
Essays of Virginia Woolf, Vol. 5 1929-1932
Una cambra pròpia
Journal tome 8
Common Reader - First Series
Estuche Virginia Woolf
Die Fahrt hinaus
Two Stories
Mark on the Wall
Orlando (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
Jacob's Room
Common Reader, Second Series
The common reader
Collected Novels of Virginia Woolf - Volume I - the Years, the Waves
Travels with Virginia Woolf
The Captain's Death Bed and Other Essays (First Edition | Dust Jacket)
A cockney's farming experiences
The Captain's Death Bed and Other Essays
A Writer's Diary
Contemporary writers
Society (Illustrated)
Estar enfermo / Notas desde las habitaciones de los enfermos
Walter Sickert;
Street Haunting
Kendine Ait Bir Oda
Unwritten Novel Illustrated
Street Haunting
Jacob's Room
A letter to a young poet
Un esbós del passat
Haunted House and Other Stories
To the Lighthouse
Kew Gardens Illustrated
Mrs Dalloway's Party
Entre actos
Das Mal an der Wand. Gesammelte Kurzprosa
Cuentos de Virginia Woolf
Kew Gardens (Illustrated)
Mark on the Wall
Jacob's Room
Estuche Virginia Woolf
Signora Dalloway
Monday or Tuesday
Monday or Tuesday - Publishing People Series
Letter to a Young Poet
Common Reader
Al Faro
In the Orchard : And Evening over Sussex
L' art du roman
A letter to a young poet
Kew Gardens Illustrated
Monday or Tuesday Special Edition
Les Ones
Unwritten Novel Illustrated
Travels with Virginia Woolf
Una habitación propia
Kew Gardens Illustrated
Collected Essays Volume II
Unwritten Novel Illustrated
Virginia Woolf Megapack
Common Reader, Second Series
Au Phare
Collected Essays of Virginia Woolf
Cuentos escogidos
Society Illustrated
Virginia Woolf
A woman's essays
Cuentos de Virginia Woolf
Monday or Tuesday
Chambre à Soi
Las Olas
Lunedì o Martedì
Romans et nouvelles (coffret)
Mr. Bennett and Mrs. Brown
The years
Diary of Virginia Woolf, Volume 1 Vol. 1
Common Reader by Virginia Woolf
Ein eigenes Zimmer / Drei Guineen. Zwei Essays
Fin de Viaje
Cuentos de Virginia Woolf
The Short Stories of Virginia Woolf
A haunted house and other short stories
Entre els actes
Una sociedad
Zum Leuchtturm
Monday or Tuesday
To the Lighthouse
DEATH of the MOTH, and Other Essays
Hours in a library
Mark on the Wall Illustrated
Monday or Tuesday
Memoirs of a novelist
Memorias de una novelista
The common reader
The Years
Moments of Being. Slater's Pins Have No Points
Street Haunting : A London Adventure;Including the Essay 'Evening Over Sussex
Monday or Tuesday
Cuarto Propio
Os diarios de Virginia Woolf - Uma selecao -1897-1941
Learning Links for Math
Moment and Other Essays
Society Illustrated
Society Illustrated
El Diario de Virgina Woolf, Vol. III
Common Reader, Second Series : (Annotated)(Biography)
The Common Reader Second Series
Monday or Tuesday
Unwritten Novel Illustrated
Letter to a Young Poet
Die Fahrt Zum Leuchtturm
Memorias de una novelista
Liber amoris et autres textes
Promenade Au Phare
Monday or Tuesday by Virginia Woolf Annotated Classic Edition
Top 2 Colección Virginia Woolf : Orlando y Al Faro
"Monday Or Tuesday", "Kew Gardens" and More
Habitación Propia
Las Olas
Virginia Woolf Collection
Jacob's Room
Una societat
Clarissa Dalloway y su invitada
Monday or Tuesday
Al Faro (Traducido)
Cuentos escogidos
Room of One's Own - Unabridged
Woolf on Women - a Collection of Essays
Unwritten Novel
Feminist Literary Classics - Volume II
El Diario de Virginia Woolf, Vol. IV
Haunted House
Zum Leuchtturm
Monday or Tuesday
Haunted House
On Being Ill
Rupert Brooke
Congenial Spirits
3 Books by Virginia Woolf
Les Ones
Mme Dolloway
Para o Farol
The Common Reader.
Monday or Tuesday
Writer's Diary
The Common Reader
De la lecture & De la critique
London. Bilder einer großen Stadt
Collected Novels of Virginia Woolf
Monday or Tuesday
600 libros desde que te conocí
Dustash va javaker
The Hogarth essays
Common Reader
Para o Farol
Mark on the Wall Illustrated
Unwritten Novel Illustrated
Monday or Tuesday
El Diario de Virginia Woolf, Vol. II
Mrs Dalloway in Bond Street
Monday or Tuesday Short Stories
Street Haunting
Las Olas
To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf Illustrated Edition
Solid Objects (Illustrated)
Zum Leuchtturm
Virginia Woolf
Al Faro
Entre actos
Mrs Dalloway's Party
Kew Gardens Illustrated
Room of One's Own (Annotated)
Writer's Diary
Virginia Woolf's Jacob's Room
Moment and Other Essays : (annotated)(Biography)
Schreiben für die eigenen Augen
Monday or Tuesday
La fascination de l'étang
Orlando : (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition)
Quatre lettres cachées
The complete shorter fiction
Captains Death Bed & Other
Lectures, Essays and Literary Criticism of Virginia Woolf
Momentos de vida
Room of One's Own and Three Guineas
Art of Biography
Roger Fry
Orlando (SparkNotes Literature Guide)
Los Años
Common Reader
Stanza Tutta per Sé
Common Reader Second Series
ha- Masaʻ el ha-ḥuts
Monday or Tuesday
Mrs. Dolloway
Common Reader
String Quartet
Al Faro
Sra. Dolloway
Relatos Completos / The Complete Shorter Fiction (Biblioteca De Autor / Author Library)
Short Stories of Virginia Woolf
Aforizmalar - Virginia Woolf
Quatre lettres cachées (French Edition)
The Mark on the Wall
Monday or Tuesday
Genio y tinta
The Years
A Question of Things Happening (Collected Letters)
Unwritten Novel Illustrated
Second Common Reader
Stanza Tutta Tua
Die Erzählungen
A haunted house
La casa encantada y otros cuentos
Over Londen
El lector comun
Mrs Dalloway's party
A haunted house, and other short stories
L'habitació d'en Jacob
Entre os actos
Bir yazarin guncesi
Ḥerut shel regaʻ
גברת דאלוויי
[Vājinia Wurufu Saigetsu
Die Dame im Speigel
La vedova et il pappagallo
Virginia Woolf calendar-diary 1982
Shakespeare's sister
Lun zi wo yu xie zuo
Granite and rainbow
Mrs. Dalloway in Bond Street and other stories =
Objetos sólidos
Mrs. Dalloway in Bond Street and other stories =
Over Londen
Romans et nouvelles (1917-1941)
Peace pieces
Il lungo viaggio
Drei Guineen
Ett eget rum
Drei Guineen
The captain's death bed
Entre les livres
Libri e scrittori
La muerte de la polilla
The common reader : second series
Lettera a un giovane poeta
La crociera
A haunted house, and other short stories
Die Dame im Spiegel
De golven
La  sceǹe londonienne
À John Lehmann
Romankunstens faser
The captain's death bed, and other essays
Et London-eventyr
Scene di Londra
Der schiefe Turm
The Diary of Virginia Woolf, Vol.4, 1931-1935
[Vājinia Wurufu Saigetsu
Œuvres romanesques
A festa de Mrs Dalloway
Kew Gardens y otros cuentos
Real printing will devour one's entire life
Vers le phare
La crociera
Wakaki shijin e no tegami
Quattro lettere nascoste
Lettera a un giovane poeta
Mrs. Dalloway and to the Lighthouse (Swc 1105)
Leggere, recensire
A cortina da Tia Bá
De la maladie
Blau & Grün
The Sickle Side of the Moon (Collected Letters)
Entre les livres
Yi zhi jiao huo li de gou
Una casa encantada y otros relatos
Volare su Londra
Virginia Woolf & Lytton Strachey
A haunted house
Et London-eventyr
El viejo Bloomsbury y otros ensayos
La casa encantada y otros cuentos
The common reader
Mrs. Dalloway
Come si legge un libro?
Objetos sólidos
A haunted house, and other short stories
Aarene gaar
Noche y día
La viuda y el loro
Am Mittelmeer
Granit und Regenbogen
A haunted house
To the Lighthouse/ The London Scene
Dones i literatura
The common reader, first and second series
Entre els actes
Collected essays
I racconti
The Virginia Woolf daybook
Mr. Bennett and Mrs. Brown
Los Anos
Gli anni
Ett eget rum
Der Suchscheinwerfer
Il lungo viaggio
Volare su Londra
The Virginia Woolf manuscripts from the Monks House papers at the University of Sussex
Aarene gaar
A letter to a young poet
Recent paintings by Vanessa Bell
Ein Zimmer für sich allein
Kew Gardens and other short stories =
The moment, and other essays
No Royalty A/C V. Woolf-Coll.essays Vol 4
Fin de viaje
Roger Fry, a biography
À John Lehmann
Diarios 1925-1930
Bir yazarin guncesi
Le tre ghinee
Frauen und Literatur
Brev til en ung Digter
Uma casa assombrada
Une prose passionée et autres essais
Ein verwunschenes Haus
Urufu tanpenshū
Ḥadro shel Gʾeiḳob
Short stories
Lailah ṿa-yom
Selections from her essays
Mezi akty
Le opere di Virginia Woolf
Lailah ṿa-yom
Monday or Tuesday
Las Olas (Fabula)
Feste Gegenstände
La torre inclinada y otros ensayos
Urufu bungakuron
Virginia Woolf par elle-même
La viuda y el loro
Los años
[Vājinia Wurufu Wakaki shijin e no tegami
The letters of Virginia Woolf
The second Common reader
La vedova et il pappagallo
[Mikhlol sipurim k'tzarim]
The early novels of Virginia Woolf
Letters of Virginia Woolf and Lytton Strachey
Un habitación propia
Hogarth House diarios 1915-1921
Os três guinéus
Frauen und Literatur
A letter to a young poet
Smyčcový kvartet
The moment
La camera di Giacobbe
Viajes y viajeros
La Mujer y el feminismo en la Argentina
The second Common reader ...
A cortina da Tia Bá
Noite e dia
A viagem
To The Lighthouse/London Scene, The
Der Tod des Falters
Reisen mit Virginia Woolf
Virginia Woolf calendar-diary 1983
Virginia Woolf to the Lighthouse Mrs. Dalloway/Cassette/Cdl 51105
Apna kamra
No Royalty A/C V. Woolf-Coll.essays Vol 3
מות העש
Le dé en or
Noite e dia
Pu tong du zhe
De golven
Tŭngdae ro
Ein verwunschenes Haus
Lappin und Lapinova
La camera di Giacobbe
La maison hantée
Marat Daloṿei
Det lutande tornet
[Mikhlol sipurim k'tzarim]
Virginia Woolf Prepack
La  sceǹe londonienne
Scene di Londra
Between the acts
Das grosse Lesebuch
Phyllis und Rosamond
Lappin und Lapinova
Entre os atos
Stephen versus Gladstone
I racconti
Contemporary writers
Geheim Londen
The Complete Shorter Fiction of Victoria Woolf
The Listener
Entre os actos
The death of the moth, and other essays
Ellada Kai mais mazi
Virginia Woolf [by] Monique Nathan
Una casa encantada y otros relatos
Smyčcový kvartet
Pu tong du zhe
Shalosh giniʾot
Os três guinéus
Une prose passionée et autres essais
Faro, Al
Virginia Woolf & Lytton Strachey: letters
Kew Gardens and other short stories =
Libri e scrittori
El viejo Bloomsbury y otros ensayos
Virginia Woolf "The Hours"
Noche y dia
Kew Gardens (Collected Works of Virginia Woolf)
Die Erzählungen
Det lutande tornet
The mark on the Wall (Collected Works of Virginia Woolf)
Die Erzählungen und Flush
Widoki Londynu
Chun jing zhi quan
Der schiefe Turm
A festa de Mrs Dalloway
Virginia Woolf par elle-même
Contemporary writers
Lun hsiao shuo yü hsiao shuo chia
The Hogarth essays
Relatos Completos - Woolf -
Olas, Las
Mezi akty
Yi jian zi ji de wu zi
The Shakespeare Head Press edition of Virginia Woolf
A writer's diary being extracts from the diary of Virginia Woolf
Los años
Per le strade di Londra
The captain's death bed, and other essays
Saggi, prose, racconti
Phyllis und Rosamond
Missis Dėllouėĭ
Entre actos
Die Dame im Spiegel
Mrs. Dalloway
El ha-migdalor
Brev til en ung Digter
Der Tod des Falters
L' Oeuvre romanesque
Entre els actes
The Virginia Woolf manuscripts from the Monks House papers at the University of Sussex
The death of the moth, and other essays
Das Lesebuch
Lun hsiao shuo yü hsiao shuo chia
Dao deng ta qu
Die Dame im Speigel
Selections from her essays
Entre actos
Uma casa assombrada
Noche y día
Der Suchscheinwerfer
Yi zhi jiao huo li de gou
Comp Shorter Fic of
Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway and to the Lighthouse
Blau & Grün
Lettre à un jeune poète
The death of the moth
to the light house
The moment
The Complete Shorter Fiction of Virginia
Great Classic Library
Monday or Tuesday (Collected Works of Virginia Woolf)
Lettre à un jeune poète
Gli anni
La torre inclinada y otros ensayos
Two Stories Written and Printed by Virginia Woolf and L.S. woolf (Collected Works of Virginia Woolf)
[Vājinia Wurufu Wakaki shijin e no tegami
Contemporary writers
The sayings of Virginia Woolf
The moment
Essays and short stories of Virginia Woolf
Leggere, recensire
Granit und Regenbogen
A room of one's own, and other essays
Come si legge un libro?
Mot fyren
Woolf, Virginia Contemporary Writers
Dones i literatura
Entre os atos
Ben ha-maʻarakhot
La maison hantée
Le dé en or
Geheim Londen
Rêves de femmes
Klaus Mann
Klaus Mann (1906-1949)

translator, literary critic, journalist, poet, autobiographer

  • Wilhelmsgymnasium
Escape to life
Kind dieser Zeit
The turning point
André Gide and the crisis of modern thought
Der Wendepunkt
Andre Gide und die Krise des modernen Denkens
Briefe und Antworten
Briefe und Antworten, 1922-1949
Na povorote
Pathetic symphony
Fromme Tanz
Der fromme Tanz
The other Germany
Heart of Europe
Journal, t.2
Die zerbrochenen Spiegel
Auf der Suche nach einem Weg
Homosexualität und Faschismus
Der Vulkan
Siblings ; and, The children's story
Woher wir kommen und wohin wir müssen
Tagebücher 1931 bis 1933
Der siebente Engel
Der fromme Tanz
Mit dem Blick nach Deutschland
André Gide
Abenteuer des Brautpaars
Tagebücher, 1940 bis 1943
Symphonie pathétique
Treffpunkt im Unendlichen
Die neuen Eltern
Journal, t.1 : les annees brunes
Das innere Vaterland
Prüfungen; Schriften zur Literatur
Alexander (Modern Voices)
The best of modern European literature (Heart of Europe)
Jugend und Radikalismus
Das Buch von der Riviera
Fluch und Segen
Alejandro (Modernos Y Clasicos)
Vor dem leben
Le Tournant
In meinem Elternhaus
The best of modern European literature (Heart of Europe) an anthology of creative writing in Europe, 1920-1940
Symphonie Pathetique. Ein Tschaikowsky- Roman
La danse pieuse
Tagebücher, 1944 bis 1949
Tagebücher, 1936 bis 1937
Die Heimsuchung des europäischen Geistes =
Flucht in den Norden
Zahnärzte und Künstler. Aufsätze, Reden, Kritiken 1933 - 1936
Auf verlorenem Posten
De Wendepunkt
Jane Eyre. Eine Autobiographie. Roman
Tagebücher, 1934 bis 1935
Heute und morgen
Gedichte und Chansons
Anja und Esther
Letzes Gespra ch
Symphonie Pathe tique
Vergittertes Fenster
Die zerbrochenen Spiegel
Le volcan
Novela de Ninos
Siblings and the Children's Story/a Play and a Novella
Das Wunder von Madrid. Aufsätze, Reden, Kritiken 1936 - 1938
Lieber und verehrter Onkel Heinrich
Zweimal Deutschland. Aufsätze, Reden, Kritiken 1938 - 1942
Fuite au nord
Tagebücher 1931 - 1949
Tagebücher 1931-1949, 6 Bde. Ln, 1938-1939
Distinguished visitors
Alexander, roman der Utopie
Ventana Enrejada, La
Schlaf und Schlafstörungen
Andre  Gide and the crisis of modern thought
The 5th child
Journey into freedom
Der Vulkan. Roman unter Emigranten
Escape to Life. Deutsche Kultur im Exil
Der Bauchredner
Rundherum. Abenteuer einer Weltreise
André Gide, die Geschichte eines Europäers
André Gide und die Krise des modernen Denkens
El Volcan
Tagebücher, 1938 bis 1939
Tagebücher 1931-1949, 6 Bde. Ln, 1940-1943
Fuir pour vivre
Briefe und Antworten 1922 - 1949
Der fromme Tanz
The best of modern European literature (Heart of Europe) an anthology of creative writing in Europe, 1920-1940
Letztes Gespräch
Symphonie pathétique
Klaus Mann, Eduard Bargheer
Distinguished Visitors. Der amerikanische Traum
Rejse til nattens ende
Heart of Europe
Blagochestivyĭ tanet︠s︡
Symphonie pathétique
Desorden y Dolor Precoz - Novelas de Ninos
Abenteuer des Brautpaars
Symphonie pathétique
Ich glaube, wir verstehn uns
Klaus Mann zum Gedächtnis
Sebastiano Vassalli
Sebastiano Vassalli (1941-2015)

literary critic, professor, poet

  • University of Milan
Amore lontano
La notte della cometa
The Night of the Comet
Un nulla pieno di storie
The swan
Il neoitaliano
L' alcova elettrica
Tout l'or du monde
La notte del lupo
La chimera
The swan
Terra d'acque
Il cigno
Ombre e destini
Il robot di Natale e altri racconti
Cuore di pietra
Stella avvelenata
La chimera
La morte di Marx e altri racconti
Tempo di màssacro
Sangue e suolo
Il cigno
Gli italiani sono gli altri
Il mio Piemonte
Un infinito numero
Il Lago d'Orta
Le due chiese
Io, Partenope
Il millennio che muore
Marco e Mattio
Comprare il sole
Dio il diavolo e la mosca nel grande caldo dei prossimi mille anni
L' italiano
Tempo di mıassacro
Abitare il vento
Il confine
L' oro del mondo
L' arrivo della lozione
a a
Archeologia del presente
Robert Graves
Robert Graves (1895-1985)

poet, translator, playwright, military personnel, literary critic, mythographer, theatre critic

  • King's College School, University of Oxford
Robert Graves
Good-Bye to All That
Lawrence and the Arabs
Robert Graves and the white goddess, 1940-85
A. E. Housman, the scholar-poet
Robert Graves
Between moon and moon
Robert Graves the Assault Heroic 19
The Twelve Caesars
Robert Graves, the assault heroic, 1895-1926
Goodbye to All That and But It Still Goes On
Translating Rome
Lawrence and the Arabian adventure
George Sand in Majorca =
Good-bye to all that
I, Claudius
The Penguin Book of Horror Stories
Prentice Hall
The white goddess
The Greek myths
The long week-end
Pearson Literature - California - Reading and Language
Story of Marie Powell, wife to Mr. Milton
King Jesus
Hebrew myths
Claudius the god and his wife Messalina
The reader over your shoulder
Count Belisarius
Claudius the God
Hercules, My Shipmate
Greek gods and heroes
Heroic War Stories
A survey of modernist poetry
The big green book
Collected short stories
The light fantastic
Sergeant Lamb of the Ninth
I, Claudius & Claudius the God
Homer's daughter
Sergeant Lamb's America
Mammon and the black goddess
On English poetry
Complete poems
An ancient castle
The Greek Myths (Volume 1)
Poems about war
Poems 1965-1968
The siege and fall of Troy
They hanged my saintly Billy
Antigua, Penny, Puce
The use and abuse of the English language
Chamber of Horrors
New Larousse Encyclopedia Of Mythology
Poems about love
Proceed, Sergeant Lamb
<I>King Jesus</I> and <I>My Head! My Head!</I>
Fairies and fusiliers
New poems
Claudius, the god and his wife Messalina
Goodbye to All That
The Greek Myths, Volume 1
English and Scottish ballads
The golden fleece
Mrs. Fisher
The Real David Copperfield
The English ballad
Difficult questions, easy answers
Adam's rib
Short stories
The Golden Fleece and Seven Days in New Crete
Los Mitos Griegos
The Anger of Achilles
Collected poems, 1959
Claudio, El Dios
Oxford addresses on poetry
Two wise children
King Jesus
Claudius, the god and his wife Messalina
Claudius, the god and his wife Messalina
Wife to Mr. Milton and The Isles of Unwisdom (The Millennium Graves)
Robert Graves and the White Goddess
The Greek Myths (Lives & Letters: the Millennium Graves)
Count Belisarius and Lawrence of the Arabs
The crane bag
Poetic craft and principle
The Greek Myths, Volume 2
The Centenary Selected Poems (Robert Graves Programme: Poetry)
The pier-glass
Moi, Claude, empereur, tome 3
Ich, Claudius, Kaiser und Gott
On poetry
Conversations with Robert Graves
The Penny fiddle
The Greek Myths (Volume 2)
Love respelt
The Nazarene Gospel restored
My head! My head!
Ann at Highwood Hall
Good-bye to all that
Yo, Claudio / I, Claudius
Adam's rib
The penny fiddle
Poetic unreason and other studies
I, Claudius
Watch the Northwind rise
Complete Short Stories
Mitos Griegos 1, Los
In broken images
Poems selected by himself
The Greek Myths, Vol 1
Proceed, Sargeant Lamb
Das Zauberbuch
Poetic craft and principle: lectures and talks
The isles of unwisdom
Yo, Claudio
Los Mitos Griegos
A Year and a Day Engagement Calendar 1994
Claudio el dios y su esposa Mesalina
The whole art of tachygraphy: or, Short-hand writing made plain and easy
Dioses y Heroes de La Antigua Grecia
The white goddess
Yo, claudio
Long Weekend a Social History of Great B
Entre luna y luna
Collected writings on poetry
The crowning privilege
The poor boy who followed his star, and children's poems
Grand Livre Vert
The Greek myths
I, Claudius
Lars Porsena
King Jesus ; and, My head! My head!
El Conde Belisario
Rostbraun, gezähnt
New poems
El Sello de Antigua
Majorca observed
The common asphodel
La Hija de Homero
Poems about love
Le Cri
Robert Graves
The common asphodel ; collected essays on poetry, 1922-1949
Winter in Majorca
Claudio el dios y su esposa Mesalina
Los Mitos Griegos / Greek Myths
The Long Weekend and The Reader Over Your Shoulder
Poems, 1938-1945
New Larousse encyclopedia of mythology
Some speculations on literature, history, and religion
Les Mythes grecs
Robert Graves collected poems
Goodbye to All That (Csa Word Classic)
Robert Graves: Volume 2
Goodbye to All That
On English poetry
Claudius the God, Sequel to I, Claudius
Robert Graves Reads the White Goddess and Selected Poems
Homer's Daughter and the Anger of Achilles (The Millennium Graves)
Moi Claude
Adios a Todo Eso/Goodbye to All That
Dear Robert, Dear Spike
I, Claudius and Claudius the God (Graves, Robert, Selections.)
Griechische Mythologie. Quellen und Deutung
The Islands of Unwisdom
La Diosa blanca
The reader over your shoulder ; a handbook for writers of English prose
Los Mitos Griegos / The Greek Myths (Humanidades / Humanities)
The crowning privilege ; collected essays on poetry
The long week end
The Greek myths
Collected poems, 1955
El Gran Libro Verde/the Big Green Book
Antigua, Penny, Puce and They Hanged My Saintly Billy
La Historia de Mary Powell
Selected poems
Watch the north wind rise
Die Weiße Göttin. Sprache des Mythos
The poor boy who followed his star
Les mythes celtes
Letters to Ken
On English poetry, being an irregular approach to the psychology of this art, from evidence mainly subjective
Adios A Todo Eso
A Year and a Day Engagement Calendar 1995
The complete poems in one volume
Selected Letters
The Greek Myths      Vol. 2
Adieu à tout cela
Der Schrei
Ancient Castle
Beyond giving
The song of songs
Hija de Homero, La
Moi/ Claude (Moi/ Claude/ Empereur/ I)
Count Belisarius Part 2 of 2
The poems of Robert Graves
Lawrence and the Arabs
The Claudius novels
Count Belisarius Part 1 of 2
Claudius the God
Los Mitos Hebreos
The Seige and Fall of Troy/Greek Gods
Love respelt
Claudius the God-V02
Larousse Encyclopedia of Myth
Robert Graves Reads from His Poetry and the White Goddess (Swc 10661)
The meaning of dreams
King Jesus Part 2 of 2
Count Belisarius
Anger of Achilles Homers
Poetic unreason
The future of swearing and improper language
The long weekend
Poems, abridged for dolls and princes
King Jesus Part 1 of 2
The original Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
Hanged My Saintly Billy
The Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology
English and Scottish ballads
The more deserving cases
No more ghosts
Mitos Griegos 2, Los
The green-sailed vessel
La Isla de Las Imprudencias
They hanged my saintly Billy. --
La hija de Homero
The story of Marie Powell
Another future of poetry
La branca morta de l'arbre d'Israel
Contemporary techniques of poetry
The Long Week-End
Fairies and Fusiliers (Collected Works of Robert Graves)
Greek myths and legends
Advice to Colonel Valentine
The Long Week-End Part 1 of 2
The Greek myths
Lars Porsena
                Oneworld Classics
Seven days in New Crete
They Hanged My Saintly Bil
Country Sentiment (Collected Works of Robert Graves)
Claudius the God-V01
John Kemp's wager
Faber War Poets Collection - 6 Books
Comida de Los Centauros y Otros Ensayos
At the gate
THE LONG WEEKEND. A Social History of Great Britain 1918-1939
Nine hundred iron chariots
New collected poems
I︠A︡, Klavdiĭ
The long week-end; a social history of Great Britain, 1918-1939
The Pier-Glass (Collected Works of Robert Graves)
Yesterday Only and Other Poems
Yo, Claudio - Claudio El Dios - 2 Tomos -
Across the gulf
Ultimas Aventuras de Sargento Lamb Bol
I, Claudius
English and Scottish ballads
5 pens in hand
Long Week-Enda Social H-V1
The Long Weekend
Over the brazier
Lars Porsena, or, The future of swearing and improper language
Count Belisariu
King Jesu
More poems, 1961
Timeless meeting: poems
Robert Graves reads (selected poems)
The shout, and other stories
Yo Claudio
Country sentiment
Ahorcaron a Mi Pobre Billy
The Song of songs
Man does, woman is
A pocket conspectus of the London and Edinburgh pharmacopoeias
But it still goes on
(Twenty three poems)
John Skelton, Laureate
Treasure Box (Collected Works of Robert Graves)
Myths of ancient Greece
El Vellocino de Oro
UN Castillo Antiguo/an Ancient Castle
Los Mitos Griegos 2
Rey Jesus
Las Aventuras del Sargento Lamb
Yo claudio
Food for centaurs
The centenary selected poems
Claudius the God V537
The White Goddess
The Long Week-End
Jesus in Rome
The Long Week-End Part 2 of 2
The English ballad, a short critical survey
Over the brazier
Goliath and David (Collected Works of Robert Graves)
Long Week-Enda Social H-V2
The less familiar nursery rhymes
Siege And Fall Of Troy, The/ Greek Gods And Heroes
Over the Brazier (Collected Works of Robert Graves)
No Royalty A/C Reader Over Your Shoulder
Antigua, Penny, Puce
The owl
The reader over your shoulder
Poetic unreason
Sergeant Lamb's America
Robert Graves reading his own poetry
Myths of Ancient Greece
Love respelt again
Wife to Mr. Milton
Lawrence and the Arabs
Poems selected by Robert Graves and Anthony Thwaite
The Isles of Unwisdom
Collected short stories
Le Grand livre vert
Wife to Mr. Milton
But it still goes on
The English ballad, a short critical survey
Good-bye to all that
White Goddess
Greek myths
Another future of poetry
The bird of paradise
Collected poems, 1965
Poems, 1929
Selected poems
Man does, woman is
Collected short stories
Sergeant Lamb of the Ninth. --
The Nazarene gospel restored
Goliath and David
Food for centaurs
The Nazarene Gospel restored
Sergeant Lamb's America
Ḳlodiyos ha-el ṿe-ishto Misalinah
Wife to Mr. Milton
Hercules, my shipmate
The crowning privilege
Ten poems more
Klaudiusz i Messalina
Collected poems
New Poems
Life of the poet Gnaeus Robertulus Gravesa
Madame Milton
Seven Days in New Crete
Moi, Claude, empereur, tome 2
New poems, 1962
Watch the north wind rise
Mock Beggar Hall
Collected poems, 1966
Les Mythes hébreux
Siege and Fall of Troy and Greek Gods and Heroes
Poems, 1929
Collected poems (1914-1947)
No more ghosts
Robert Graves reads from his poetry & from The White Goddess
Elim ṿe-giborim ba-mitologyah ha-Yeṿanit
The reader over your shoulder
The shout
The White Goddess
Watch the north wind rise
The owl
The poor boy who followed his star, and [3] children's poems
Poems, 1970-1972
Collected poems, 1959
Lawrence and the Arabs
Gizat ha-zahav
Collected poems (1914-26)
The real David Cooperfield
La historia de Eliseo y la sunamita
Eleven songs
קלודיוס האל ואשתו מיסאלינה
Adam's rib
Mify drevneĭ Gre︠t︡sii
The Marmosite's miscellany
New poems, 1962
Klaudiusz i Messalina
The White Goddess
The golden fleece
I, Claudius
The feather bed
Collected poems, 1959
The siege and fall of Troy
Adam's rib
Poems, 1926-1930
Claudius the god and his wife Messalina
Ovid in defeat
The crane bag and other disputed subjects
Greek Myths, the
Proceed, Sergeant Lamb. --
The crowning privilege
Lawrence and the Arabian adventure
The marmosite's miscellany
New Larousse encyclopedia of mythology
Robert Graves
Poems, 1930-1933
Les Mythes grecs
The reader over your shoulder
I, Claudius
Lawrence et les arabes
Ani Ḳlaʼudyus
Mock Beggar Hall
Proceed, Sergeant Lamb. --
Lars Porsena, or, The future of swearing and improper language
Queen-Mother to the new Queen
The rock below
Contemporary techniques of poetry
Wife to Mr. Milton
Fairies and fusiliers
Sergeant Lamb of the Ninth. --
To whom else?
Nausikaa und ihre Freier
Loving Mad Tom
Claudius azisten
Adam's rib, and other anomalous elements in the Hebrew creation myth
Robert Graves reading selected poems
No more ghosts
Poems (1914-26)
Welchman's hose
Seventeen poems missing from Love respelt
David Copperfield
The Antigua stamp
Oxford poetry 1921
Ani Ḳlodiyus
Adam's rib, and other anomalous elements in the Hebrew myth
The white goddess
The common asphodel
The crowning privilege
Selected poetry and prose
Treasure box
Wife to Mr. Milton
Contemporary techniques of poetry
Oxford addresses on poetry
Lawrence et les Arabes
The green-sailed vessel: poems
Cynics and romantics
Essays from Epilogue 1935-1937 (Lives & Letters: the Millennium Graves)
Belisar der Ruhmreiche
Claudius the god and his wife Messalina
Collected poems 1966
Poems, 1953
Selected poetry and prose
Welchman's hose
Ich, Claudius, Kaiser und Gott
Love poems
DOS Ninos Sabios/Two Wise Children (La Nube En Pantalones)
Griekse mythen
No more ghosts
Mitosim ʻIvriyim
The white goddess
Poems and satires, 1951
Arabia no Rorensu
Poezje wybrane
The greek myths
Oxford addresses on poetry
Food for centaurs
To whom else?
Sergeant Lamb's America
The Isles of Unwisdom
Poems (1914-1927)
A Survey of Modernist Poetry and a Pamphlet Against Anthologies
The feather bed
The isles of unwisdom
Seven days in New Crete
The white goddess
They hanged my saintly Billy. --
Belai͡a bogini͡a
The White Goddess
Colophon to Love respelt
Hebrew myths
At the gate
Córka Homera
Ich, Claudius, Kaiser und Gott
At the gate
Over the brazier
King Jesus
The feather bed
Occasions of love
John Masefield, O.M., 1885-1967
Illustrated catalogue of the gallery of paintings, sculpture, bronzes, and other art objects belonging to the estate of the late Robert Graves
A ntigua,penny,puce
Selected poetry and prose of Robert Graves
Collected short stories
Selected poetry and prose
Wife to Mr. Milton
The Winter owl
John Green
John Green (born 1977)

businessperson, film producer, YouTuber, literary critic, podcaster, critic, journalist, editor, video blogger, television producer, history teacher

  • Kenyon College, Indian Springs School
Mental Floss
Anthropocene Reviewed
The Fault in Our Stars
Will Grayson, Will Grayson
Paper towns
Looking for Alaska
An Abundance of Katherines
The Anthropocene Reviewed
Let it snow
Turtles All the Way Down
21 Proms
John Green
Noches blancas
O Teorema Katherine
Penguin Minis
Looking for Alaska / An Abundance of Katherines / Paper Towns / The Fault in Our Stars
The anthropocene reviewed
Will et will
Let It Snow
Will et Will (French Edition)
Kar Taneleri
Looking For Alaska
John Green The Collection
Papierowe miasta
Ciutats de paper
El teorema Katherine
Will et Will - format nouveaute (French Edition)
No està escrit a les estrelles
Penguin Minis
Een weeffout in onze sterren
Fault in Our Stars
Een weeffout in onze sterren
Schildpadden tot in het oneindige
Noches blancas
Een weeffout in onze sterren
Buscando a Alaska
Tu mundo y el mío
Flocons d'amour
De 19 ori Katherine (Romanian Edition)
Buscando a Alaska
Buscant l'Alaska
El teorema Katherine
Will Grayson, Will Grayson
Paper Towns
Le théorème des Katherine
Noches blancas
Will Grayson, Will Grayson
Ashmat ha-kokhavim
Sayonara o matsu futari no tame ni
Aaron Badgley
Aaron Badgley (born 1964)

music journalist, disc jockey, music critic, researcher, biographer, radio personality, podcaster

  • Anderson Collegiate Vocational Institute, Centennial College