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biographers who wrote biography
Showing 625-632 out of 804 results
Chelsea Handler
Chelsea Handler (born 1975)

actor, comedian, television actor, biographer, film actor, autobiographer, television producer

Are you there vodka? It's me, Chelsea
My horizontal life
Are You There, Vodka?  It's Me, Chelsea
Chelsea Chelsea bang bang
Uganda be kidding me
Man Up Tales Of My Delusional Selfconfidence
Chelsea Chelsea bang bang
Lies that Chelsea Handler told me
Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang
Uganda Be Kididng Me
Jan Guillou
Jan Guillou (born 1944)

journalist, autobiographer, businessperson

Ordets makt och vanmakt
Fiendens fiende
Vägen till Jerusalem
The Road To Jerusalem
Riket vid vägens slut
Den enda segern
Vägen till Jerusalem
Den hedervärde mördaren
The Knight Templar
The Templar Knight
Ingen mans land
HaĢˆxornas foĢˆrsvarare
Men inte om det gäller din dotter
En medborgare höjd över varje misstanke
I nationens intresse
Birth of the Kingdom
Den demokratiske terroristen
The Road To Jerusalem
The Road To Jerusalem
Coq Rouge
Birth of the kingdom
The Templar knight
I Hennes Majestäts tjänst
Tjuvarnas marknad
Arvet efter Arn
Trilogia De Las Cruzadas 1
El Espia Del Norte/the North Spy
El Caballero Templario
Die Krone von Götaland. Ein Roman aus der Zeit der Kreuzfahrer
Madame Terror
Feind des Feindes. Ein Coq- Rouge- Thriller
Ingen mans land
Irak--det nya Arabien
Fabrique de violence
Svenskarna, invandrarna och svartskallarna
Det stora avslöjandet
Trilogia De Las Cruzadas II
El Legado del Templario
Der demokratische Terrorist. Ein Coq- Rouge- Thriller
Men inte om det gäller din dotter
Madame Terror
Birth of the kingdom
Camino A Jerusalen Trilogia de las Cruzadas I (Novela Historica)
Im Interesse der Nation. Ein Coq- Rouge- Thriller
Die Frauen von Götaland. Ein Roman aus der Zeit der Kreuzfahrer
Regreso al Norte
Der ehrenwerte Mörder. Ein Coq- Rouge- Thriller
Die Büßerin von Gudhem. Ein Roman aus der Zeit der Kreuzfahrer
Het kwaad
Trilogia De Las Cruzadas
Mellan rött och svart
Evil - das Böse
Vägen till Jerusalem
Den demokratiske terroristen
Journalistik 1967-1976
Fienden inom oss
Ingen mans land
La badessa
Om kriget kommer
Att inte vilja se
Riket vid vägens slut
KrasnyÄ­ petukh
Trilogma de las Cruzadas II
Den enda segern
Den hedervärde mördaren
The Templar knight
Feind des Feindes
Arvet efter Arn
Unternehmen Vendetta
Les ingénieurs du bout du monde
Berättelser från det nya riket
Veien Til Jerusalem
Nya beraĢˆttelser
Im Namen ihrer Majestät
Trilogia de Las Cruzadas III. Regreso Al Norte
Der demokratische Terrorist
Fiendens fiende
En medborgare höjd över varje misstanke
De vijand van de vijand
Fienden inom oss
Entre rouge et noir
Trilogma de las Cruzadas I
Les dandys de Manningham
I nasjonens interesse
I Hennes Majestäts tjänst
I nationens intresse
Los puentes del mañana
Tyvenes Marked
Dominique Desanti
Dominique Desanti (1914-2011)

journalist, biographer

  • LycĆ©e MoliĆØre
Les cleĢs d'Elsa
Vladimir Nabokov
Drieu la Rochelle
Les Aragonautes
Robert Desnos, le roman d'une vie
Sonia Delaunay, magique magicienne
Ce que le sieĢ€cle m'a dit
Nous avons choisi la paix
A woman in revolt
La sainte et l'incroyante
Sacha Guitry
Les staliniens, 1944-1956
La banquière des années folles
Sacha Guitry
Les staliniens
Flora Tristan, la femme reĢvolteĢe
La banquière des années folles, Marthe Hanau
La femme au temps des anneĢes folles
La liberteĢ nous aime encore
L' anneĢe ouĢ€ le monde a trembleĢ, 1947
Personne ne se ressemble
L' Internationale communiste
Le roman de Marina
Les yeux d'Elsa au siècle d'Aragon
Les anneĢes passion
Elsa-Aragon, le couple ambigu
Flora Tristan
Les sorcières sont des miroirs
Petits jeux du grand hasard
Les grands sentiments, roman
Rue Campagne-PremieĢ€re
Visages de femmes
Rue Campagne-Premie  re
Un meĢtier de chien
Le chemin du peĢ€re
La banquie  re des anne es folles
Les socialistes de l'utopie
Questions féminines
Les Grands Sentiments
A Internacional Comunista
Henry Stephens Salt
Henry Stephens Salt (1851-1939)

essayist, literary critic, biographer, naturalist

  • Eton College, University of Cambridge
The life of James Thomson ("B.V.")
Life of Henry David Thoreau
Percy Bysshe Shelley, poet and pioneer
De Quincey
A Shelley primer
Richard Jefferies; his life and ideals
Company I have kept
Animals' rights
Memories of bygone Eton
De Quincey
Animals' rights
Animals' rights considered in relation to social progress
Tennyson as a thinker
Life of Henry David Thoreau
Homo rapiens and other verses
Animals' rights, considered in relation to social progress
Shelley's Principles
Percy Bysshe Shelley
The Eton hare-hunt
Animals rights
Richard Jefferies
Life and writings of Henry David Thoreau
Animals' Rights Considered in Relation to Social Progress. --
The life of James Thomson ('B.V.')
The humanities of diet
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Songs of freedom
Plea for Vegetarianism
The case against corporal punishment
A Vindication of Natural Diet
Shelley's principles; has time refuted or confirmed them?
A Vindication of Natural Diet
Animals' Rights Considered in Relation to Social Progress. --
Seventy years among savages
Richard Jefferies
Richard Jefferies
Story of Aeneas
Seventy Years among Savages
The logic of vegetarianism
The secret of the reptile house
The Nursery of Toryism
Animals' rights : considered in relation to social progress
The savour of Salt
Life of Henry David Thoreau
The call of the wildflower
Shelley Primer
The creed of kinship
Percy Bysshe Shelley, poet and pioneer
The Life Of James Thomson
The life of James Thomson ('B.V')
Life and writings of Henry David Thoreau
Killing for sport
Richard Jefferies
Killing for Sport
The life of James Thomson ("B.V.") with a selection from his letters and a study of his writings
Logic of Vegetarianism
Godwin's Political Justice
The creed of kinship
The logic of vegetarianism
Die Rechte der Tiere
Animals' rights considered in relation to social progress
Richard Jeffries
Animals' Rights
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Richard Jefferies: his life & his ideals
Killing for Sport
Seventy Years Among Savages
Percy Bysshe Shelley, poet and pioneer
Memories of bygone Eton,
Logic of Vegetarianism
Live and writings of Henry David Thoreau
Call of the Wildflower
The creed of kinship
Animals' Rights Considered in Relation to Social Progress
The heart of socialism
A study of Shelley's "Julian and Maddalo."
Company I have kept
Killing for sport
A voyage to Abyssinia, and travels into the interior of that country
Rhyme and reason
Animals' Rights Considered in Relation to Social Progress
Literary Sketches
Logique du V�g�tarisme
Morality in diet
Shelley's principles
Animals' Rights Considered in Relation to Social Progress
Percy Bysshe Shelley: a monograph
Seventy Years among Savages
Godwin's Political Justice.
Company I have kept
Literary sketches
Life of Henry David Thoreau
Tennyson as a thinker
On Cambrian and Cumbrian hills
Homo rapiens and other verses
Humanitarian Essays
Killing for sport
Life of Henry David Thoreau
An examination of Hogg's 'Life of Shelley'
Cvm grano
Percy Bysshe Shelley, poet and pioneer
The ethics of corporal punishment
A plea for vegetarianism
On Cambrian and Cumbrian hills
Literae humaniores
Mark Aldanov
Mark Aldanov (1886-1957)

essayist, biographer

  • Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Sochineniiļø aļø” v 6 knigakh
BolŹ¹shaiĶ”aļø” LubiĶ”aļø”nka
Kartiny OktiĶ”aļø”brŹ¹skoiĢ† revoliĶ”uļø”tĶ”sļø”ii
Istoricheskie portrety
Zarisovki oktiļø aļø”brŹ¹skoÄ­ revoliļø uļø”tļø sļø”ii
Nachalo kontĶ”sļø”a
For thee the best
Zagadka Tolstogo
Chertov most ; Zagovor
Lenin und der Bolschewismus
Kliļø uļø”ch
Povest' o smerti
Sviļø aļø”taiļø aļø” Elena
The ninth Thermidor
Nightmare and dawn
The tenth symphony
To live as we wish
Saint Helena, little island
Lenin und der Bolschewissmus (von) M.A. Landau-Aldanow
Before the deluge
Ul'mskaia noch'
IUnost Pavla Stroganova i drugiia kharakteristiki
PriĶ”aļø”moe deiĢ†stvie
Sviļø aļø”taiļø aļø” Elena, malenŹ¹kiÄ­ ostrov
Kliuch: Roman ; Astrolog
PavlinŹ¹e pero
Punshevaiļø aļø” vodka i Mogila voina
Ul'mskai Ła noch'; filosofii Ła sluchai Ła
Chortov most
El alma de España
Zemli, liļø uļø”di
Ogon' i dym
Der neunte Thermidor
The escape
C ertov most
The fifth seal. Translated by Nicholas Wreden
Deviļø aļø”toe termidora
A night at the airport, stories
Zhivi kak khocheshŹ¹
Sobranie sochineniiĢ† v shesti tomakh
BelŹ¹vederskiĢ„iĢ† tors
BelŹ¹vederskiÄ­ tors
DesiĶ”aļø”taiĶ”aļø” simfoniiĶ”aļø”
The devil's bridge
Zhivi kak khochesh
Zemli, liļø uļø”di
Desiļø aļø”taiļø aļø” simfoniiļø aļø”
Zhivi kak khocheshŹ¹
Deviļø aļø”toe termidora
Deux révolutions
De la possibilité de nouvelles conceptions en chimie
OgonŹ¹ i dym
UlŹ¹mskaiļø aļø” nochŹ¹
Iļø Uļø”nostŹ¹ Pavla Stroganova i drugÄ«e kharakteristiki
Kliļø uļø”ch
Before the deluge
Sobranie sochineniÄ­ v vosŹ¹mi tomakh
Sovremennyiļø aļø” problemy
La dernière symphonie
"Prava cheloveka i imperii"
Chortov most
Punshevaiļø aļø” vodka i Mogila voina
L'enjeu des neutres
Nachalo kontļø sļø”a
Clarence Day
Clarence Day (1874-1935)

poet, humorist, essayist, cartoonist, autobiographer

  • Yale University
Life with father
A Subtreasury of American Humor
This simian world
Life with father
The best of Clarence Day
The United States in Literature
The Britannica Library of Great American Writing - Volume II
The story of the Yale University Press told by a friend
In the Green mountain country
Life with Father (Comic Classics)
The crow's nest
Life With Father / Life With Mother
The story of the Yale University Press
Scenes from the Mesozoic and other drawings
Omnibus, including God and my father, Life with father [and] Life with mother
The best of Clarence Day, including God and my father, Life with father, Life with mother, This simian world, and selections from Thoughts without words
These were the days
After all
Life with father & mother
God and my father
Clarence Day omnibus ..
Thoughts without words
Yesterday is today
Vita con papaĢ€
Clarence Day's, Life With Father Made Into a Play.
Life with mother
Moeder en wij
God and my father
Life with father
This simian world
The Simian world
The Crow's nest
The best of Clarence Day
Life with Mother
Unser herr vater
Life with mother
This simian world
Unsere frau mama
Lydia Sigourney
Lydia Sigourney (1791-1865)

poet, essayist, autobiographer

Letters of life
The Token and Atlantic Souvenir
Letters to young ladies
The child's book
The Gift
Letters to Young Ladies
Letters of Life
Letters to mothers
Prescott's drawing-room recitations
The Boy's Book
Select Poems
Sketch of Connecticut
Poems for seamen
The daily counsellor
The Boy's Reading-book: In Prose and Poetry, for Schools
Examples of Life and Death
Illustrated poems
The Young Ladies' Offering, Or, Gems of Prose and Poetry: Or, Gems of Prose ..
Letters to my pupils
The Young Ladies' Offering: Or, Gems of Prose and Poetry
Olive buds
American Earth
Past meridian
Scenes in my native land
The Memento: A Gift of Friendship
Past meridian
Select poems
Pleasant memories of pleasant lands
Poems by the author of Moral pieces in prose and verse
Sketch of Connecticut, forty years since
Pocahontas, and other poems
The Ladies' Companion
The Girl's Reading-book: In Prose and Poetry, for Schools
Traits of the aborigines of America
The voice of flowers
Poems for the sea
The weeping willow
Myrtis: With Other Etchings and Sketchings
Past meridian
Traits of the Aborigines of America: A Poem
Illustrated Poems
Past meridian
The Western Home And Other Poems
Letters of life
Lucy Howard's journal
Past meridian
The farmer and soldier
How To Be Happy
Poems for children
The young ladies' offering
The girl's reading-book
Whisper to a bride
Selections from various sources
The Man of Uz, and Other Poems
Memoir of Margaret and Henrietta Flower...
Great and good women
London in May; or, Anthony Hoskins' account of some of the principal religious andbenevolent institutions of London
Pocahontas And Other Poems
Moral pieces
Myrtis, with other etchings and sketchings
Letters of Life (Signal Lives)
Zinzendorff and other poems
The western home
Tales and essays for children
Poems, religious, and elegiac
Memoir of Margaret and Henrietta Flower ..
Lays of the heart
History of Marcus Aurelius
Margaret and Henrietta
How to be happy
Letters to My Pupils
The faded hope
Letters to my Pupils
Past Meridian
History of Marcus Aurelius
Memoir of Mrs. Harriet Newell Cook
The Christian's Gift
Memoir of Charles Lathrop Winslow: Who was Born in Ceylon, January 12, 1821 ...
Letters of Life
Traits of the Aborigines of America
Select poems
Letters to Young Ladies
The transplanted daisy
Poems for the Sea
Poems for the Sea
The boy's book
The western home, and other poems
Pocahontas and other poems
The boy's reading-book
Christian's Gift
The boy's book
Young Lady's Offering; or, Gems of Prose and Poetry
Scenes in My Native Land
Savings of the Little Ones, and Poems of Their Mothers
The Faded Hope [a Memoir of A. M. Sigourney]
Letters to My Pupils
The boy's book
Letters of Life
The pictorial reader
Man of Uz, and Other Poems
Pleasant Memories of Pleasant Lands
Sayings of little ones
Poetry for seamen
A book for girls
Letters to Young Ladies
The man of Uz
Sayings of the little ones
Letters to Young Ladies
Poetical works
Poetry for children
The faded hope
Zinzendorff, and other poems
A book for boys
The book for girls
Examples of life and death
Poetical works of Lydia Howard Sigourney
Biographies of the great and good
Examples from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
The man of Uz
Voices of home, or, Poems for the sea
The Religious souvenir, for MDCCCXL
Poetical works of Mrs. L. H. Sigourney
The coronal
The intemperate
Poems, religious and elegiac ...
Lines on reading the life of Quincy
Stories for youth
Maurice Genevoix
Maurice Genevoix (1890-1980)

poet, biographer, reserve officer

  • Ɖcole Normale SupĆ©rieure, LycĆ©e Lakanal
Trente mille jours
La ferveur du souvenir
Débâcle, résistance, libération à Dijon
Sous Verdun, août-octobre, 1914
La dernière harde
Bestiaire enchanté
Ceux de 14
Au seuil des guitounes
La motte rouge =
Le roman de Renard
Je verrai, si tu veux, les pays de la neige
Tendre bestiaire
Fatou Cissé
La boîte à pêche
Rémi des Rauches
Solognots de Sologne
La Loire, Agnes et les garcons
L'e Ģcureuil du Bois-Bourru
Au cadran de mon clocher
Le jardin dans l'iĢ‚le
The last hunt
Bestiaire sans oubli
Les mains vides ..
Romans, reĢcits et contes
Derrière les collines
La joie, roman
ForeĢ‚t voisine
La motte rouge (Sanglar)
H. O. E
Un jour
Discours sur les prix litteĢraires
La GreĢ€ce de Caramanlis
The story of Reynard
Maurice Genevoix illustre ses bestiaires
La Maison du Mesnil (Cyrille)
Jeanne Robelin
Vie et mort des Française 1914-1918
La fore t perdue
Neath Verdun, August-October, 1914
Les E Ģparges
Vaincre à Olympie, roman
Laframboise et Bellehumeur
Vaincre aĢ€ Olympie
Défendre la vie
Routes de l'aventure
La mort de près
Terre natale
La derni'ere harde
Eva Charlebois
The Greece of Karamanlis
L' assassin
Afrique blanche, Afrique noire
La boue
Nuits de guerre (hauts de Meuse)
Maurice Genevoix
L' hirondelle qui fit le printemps
Jardins sans murs
La Loire, Agnés et les garçons
La dernière harde, roman
La Loire
L' aventure est en nous
La joie
La perpeĢtuiteĢ
Le bestiaire d'EĢdouard Marcel Sandoz
Les deux lutins
Christian Caillard
La forêt perdue, roman
Jeux de glaces
Mon ami l'eĢcureuil
La ForeĢ‚t perdue
Deux fauves
Contes et reĢcits
Jardins sans murs, roman
La dernière harde
La perpétuite / Maurice Genevoix
Remi des rauches
Un homme et sa vie
La boîtè a pêche
Les mains vides
Euthymos, vainqueur olympique ...
Laframboise et Bellehumeur
Les Éparges
Fatou Cissé
Sous Verdun, août-octobre 1914
Laframboise et Bellehumeur
Au cadran de mon clocher
Le Grand livre du chien