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biographers who wrote biography
Showing 513-520 out of 804 results
Tom Robbins
Tom Robbins (born 1932)

journalist, biographer, autobiographer

  • Virginia Commonwealth University, University of Washington
Tibetan Peach Pie A True Account Of An Imaginative Life
Conversations with Tom Robbins
Even Cowgirls Get the Blues
Still Life with Woodpecker
Another roadside attraction
Half asleep in frog pajamas
Skinny Legs and All
Fierce Invalids Home From Hot Climates
Villa Incognito
Jitterbug perfume
B is for beer
Paths less travelled
Wild ducks flying backward
Novels (Even Cowgirls Get the Blues / Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas / Jitterbug Perfume)
Comme la grenouille sur son nénuphar
Mickey le Rouge
Janet Trevelyan
Janet Trevelyan (1879-1956)


The life of Mrs. Humphry Ward
A short history of the Italian people
Evening play centres for children
A short history of the Italian people from the barbarian invasions to the present day
A Short History of the Italian People from the Barbarian Invasions to the Attainment of Unity
Two stories
Wandering Englishmen in Italy
Gwen Raverat
Gwen Raverat (1885-1957)

autobiographer, illustrator, printmaker, wood engraver

  • Slade School of Fine Art
Period piece
Period Piece
Gwen and Jacques Raverat
Period Piece Audio Book
Wood engravings of Gwen Raverat
Gwendolen Raverat
Gwen Raverat in France
Gwen Raverat
Gwendolen Mary Raverat R.E.
Julian May
Julian May (1931-2017)


Amelia Earhart: pioneer of aviation
Bobby Hull, hockey's golden jet
Jim Brown runs with the ball
Matthew Henson, co-discoverer of the North Pole
Willie Mays, most valuable player
Sojourner Truth: freedom-fighter
Quanah, leader of the Comanche
A. J. Foyt
Sitting Bull, chief of the Sioux
Gale Sayers, star running back
Forest Hills & The American tennis championship
Chris Evert
The PGA championship tournament
Vince Lombardi
O. J. Simpson
Hank Aaron clinches the pennant
Roberto Clemente and the world series upset
Billie Jean King, tennis champion
Joe Namath, high-flying quarterback
Lee Trevino, the golf explosion
Bobby Clarke
Arthur Ashe, dark star of tennis
Pelé, world soccer star
Janet Lynn, figure skating star
The golden torc
A Pliocene companion
Black Trillium
Jack the Bodiless
Show me the world of electronics
Why people are different colors
The Denver Broncos
The New York Jets
The Green Bay Packers
The masters tournament of golf
The nonborn king
Alligator hole
Frank Robinson
The Dallas Cowboys
The Minnesota Vikings
Conqueror's moon
Isaac Asimov Presents Great Science Fiction #13 (1951)
The Super Bowl
The Baltimore Colts
The San Diego Chargers
Perseus Spur
America's Cup yacht race
Sea Otter
The Miami Dolphins
Islands of the tiny deer
The U.S. Open golf championship
Blood trillium
Do you have your father's nose?
The World Series
The New York Giants
Die Zauberin von Ruwenda
The San Francisco 49ers
The cloud book
How the animals came to North America
Why plants are green instead of pink
Sagittarius whorl
The Arctic ... top of the world
The Oakland Raiders
The N.B.A. playoffs, baske[t]ball's classic
Los Angeles Rams
Conqueror's Moon (Boreal Moon)
Glacier Grizzly
The life cycle of a snapping turtle
Giant condor of California
Hillary and Tenzing
The Adversary
The Antarctic: bottom of the world
Eagles of the valley
Captain Cousteau, undersea explorer
The Pittsburgh Steelers
Cascade cougar
Deserts, hot and cold
Sky Trillium
The Indianapolis 500
The winter Olympics
The life cycle of a cottontail rabbit
Before the Indians
The life cycle of a raccoon
The life cycle of a monarch butterfly
Sea Lion Island
Boxing's heavyweight championship fight
The prairie has an endless sky
Mickey Mantle slugs it out
The Stanley Cup playoffs
A new baby comes
The Olympic games
The Surveillance
Muhammad Ali, boxing superstar
The Rose Bowl
Wild turkeys
The living blanket on the land
Bobby Orr, star on ice
Forests that change color
Thor Heyerdahl; modern Viking adventurer
The Kentucky Derby
Johnny Unitas and the long pass
Plankton; drifting life of the waters
Prairie pronghorn
Living things and their young
Diamond Mask
The Many-coloured Land
The Triple Crown
Millions of years of eggs
The Nonborn King
Orion Arm: The Rampart Worlds
The land is disappearing
Evel Knievel, daredevil stuntman
The life cycle of a Polyphemus moth
The metaconcert
The Washington Redskins
Horses; how they came to be
What will the weather be?
The Daytona 500
The life cycle of a red fox
Diamond Mask
Fran Tarkenton, scrambling quarterback
There's adventure in atomic energy
The Grand Prix
Ernie Banks, home run slugger
Ironcrown moon
Sagittarius Whorl
Cactus fox
Show me the world of modern airplanes
Phil Esposito, the big Bruin
How to build a body
There's adventure in rockets
The land beneath the sea
The mysterious evergreen forest
The Kansas City Chiefs
Kareem Abdul Jabbar, cage superstar
Blue River
The warm-blooded dinosaurs
Orion Arm (Rampart Worlds)
Sorcerer's Moon (Boreal Moon Tale Series)
Wildlife in the city
Orion Arm (The Rampart Worlds: Book 2)
The adversary
Sorcerer's moon
The Golden Torc
Man and woman
Nonborn King
Tiger stripes and zebra stripes
Rainbows, clouds, and foggy dew
Show me the world of astronomy
Show me the world of space travel
Conqueror's Moon (The Boreal Moon Tale)
The life cycle of an opossum
The life cycle of a bullfrog
Brede's tale
The big island
The Baltimore Colts (Superbowl Champions)
Saga of the Pliocene #03
Why birds migrate
There's adventure in jet aircraft
The Pittsburgh Steelers (NFL today)
The Pittsburgh Steelers, Super Bowl champions
Why the earth quakes
They turned to stone
L'éperon de Persée
Sorcerer's Moon (The Boreal Moon Tale)
Dodos and dinosaurs are extinct
The Manycoloured Land
The first men
Golden Torc Saga of the Exiles
The many coloured land
Roy Campanella, Brave Man of Baseball
Evonne Goolagong
Orion arm
The Earliest Memory
Der Sporn des Perseus
Die Nebel des Sagittarius
The Cincinnati Bengals
The first living things
Magnificat (Galactic Milieu Trilogy, No 3)
The first horses
Les trois amazones
Baltimore Colts (NFL Today)
The Adversary Saga of the Exiles
La saga des exilés. 2, Les conquérants du pliocène
The Dallas Cowboys
They lived in the ice age
Die Schulter des Orion
Saga of the Pliocene #02
Moving hills of sand
How we are born
Roy Campanella, brave man of baseball
These islands are alive
the first living things
La saga des exilés. 3, Le torque d'or
The Stanley Cup Play Offs (Sports Classic)
The Life Cycle of a Monarch / Book, Chart, & Cards (Creative Education Mini Book)
The nonborn king ; The adversary
Man and Woman
The Saga of Pliocene Exile
There's adventure in chemistry
Saga Pliocene #04 the Adversary
The non born King
the mysterious evergreen forest
You and the earth beneath us
There's adventure in geology
Het veelkleurig land 2: De gouden halsring
P G A Championship Tournament (Sports classic)
The differentiation of the urbanization process under apartheid
The many-colored land ; The golden torc
Forest Hills and the American Tennis Championship
The real book of robots and thinking machines
Robots and Thinking Machines
There's adventure in marine science
There's adventure in electronics
De gouden halsring
Het land der Zieners
The non born King
De tegenstrever
Henrik Pontoppidan
Henrik Pontoppidan (1857-1943)

autobiographer, poet

Ørneflugt og andre krøniker
Hans Kvast og Melusine
Le visiteur royal
A Fortunate Man
Aus jungen Tagen
Kirken og dens mænd
Arv og gœld
Noveller og skitser
Smaa Romaner 1885-1890
Henrik Pontoppidan
Magister Globs papirer
The promise land
Fra Hytterne
Dommens dag
Lucky Per
Sandinge menighed
De Dødes rige
Meninger & holdninger
Det forjættede land
Der Eisbär
Det forjaettede land
Deød des rige
Et kaerlighedseventyr
Det forjaettede land
Undervejs til mig selv
Det store spoegelse
Borgmester Hoeck og hustru, et dobbeltportraet
Dommens Dag
Emanuel, or Children of the Soil
Ung elskov
Hans Kvast og Melusine
Per Al Afortunado
L'ours polaire
Ung Elskov og andre Fortællinger
Sandinge menighed
Lucky Per
De vilde fugle
Staekkede Vinger
Şans Avcısı Per
Lille Roedhaette
Mands himmerig
Smaa romaner 1893-1890
Sans Avcisi Per
De Doedes Rige
Den gamle Adam
Sandinge Kasabasi
Arv og Gaeld
Mands himmerig
En vinterrejse, nogle dagbogsblade
Mands himmering
Det forjaettede land
Smaa Romaner 1885-1890
Der Teufel am Herd
Das gelobte Land
Ziemia obiecana
Mands himmerig
Ung Elskov og andre Fortællinger
Henrik Pontoppidans breve
De dødes rige
Le Visiteur royal et autres nouvelles
Hans im glück ...
Djabeł domowego ogniska
O urso polar e outras novelas
Der alte Adam
La tierra prometida
Noveller og skitser
Frans G. Bengtsson
Frans G. Bengtsson (1894-1954)

translator, poet, chess player, essayist, biographer

  • Lund University
Karl XIIs levnad
The sword does not jest
Frans G. Bengtsson
The long ships
Äreräddning för Campeadoren
Hemma och i österled
A walk to an ant hill and other essays
Sjöfarare i västerled
Epistlar till vänner
Den lustgård som jag minns
Lyrisk slutlikvid ; jämte, Breven till Göran
Litteratörer och militärer
Lycklig resa
Sällskap för en eremit
Breven till Tristan
Favourite of the Gods
Tankar i gröngräset
För nöjes skull, essayer
Selma Lagerlöf, ett minnesalbum
De la ngha riga merovingerna
Folk som sjöng och andra essayer
Orm punainen
Röde orm
Folk som sjöng
Karl XII
De långhåriga merovingerna
Anna Seward
Anna Seward (1747-1809)

poet, literary critic, biographer

Memoirs of the life of Dr. Darwin
Memoirs of the life of Dr. Darwin, chiefly during his residence at Lichfield, with anecodotes of his friends, and criticisms on his writings
Memoirs of the life of Dr. Darwin
Anna Seward's Life of Erasmus Darwin
The Poetry of Cats
Great Cat Tales
Monody on Major Andre
The poetical works of Anna Seward
Letters of Anna Seward written between the years 1784 and 1807
Poetical works, with extracts from her literary correspondence
Llangollen vale, with other poems
Llangollen Vale
The Swan of Litchfield
Monody on Major Andrè
Elegy on Captain Cook
Letters Of Anna Seward V1
Poem To The Memory Of Lady Miller
Llangollen vale, 1796
The Poetical Works Of Anna Seward V3
Memoirs of the life of Dr. Darwin, chiefly during his residence in Lichfield
Poem to the memory of Lady Miller. By Miss Seward, ..
Ode on General Eliott's return from Gibraltar
Miss Seward's enigma
Original Sonnets on Various Subjects: And, Odes Paraphrased from Horace
Original sonnets on various subjects
Letters written between the years 1784 and 1807
Monody on the unfortunate Major Andre
Letters of Anna Seward
Louisa, a poetical novel, in four epistles
The swan of Lichfield
Monody on Major André
Monody on Major Andre
Letters of Anna Seward written between the years 1784 and 1807
Memoirs of the life of Dr. Darwin, chiefly during his residence in Lichfield, with anecdotes of his friends, and criticisms on his writings
The Swan of Lichfield
Monody on Major Andrè
The poetical works of Anna Seward
Anna Seward's journal and sermons
Letters of Anna Seward
Poem to the memory of Lady Miller
Louisa, a poetical novel, in four epistles
Monody on the unfortunate Major André
Nancy Cato
Nancy Cato (1917-2000)

poet, biographer

Mister Maloga
The Heart of the Continent
A Distant Island
All the Rivers Run
The Noosa story
All the rivers run
The Heart of the Continent
All the rivers run
North West by South
Brown sugar
Lady Lost in Time
Queen Trucanini
Fourth Australian Contemporary Art Fair
All the Rivers Run (All the Rivers Run, Vol. 2)
North-West by south
All the Rivers Run
The Lady Lost in Time
All the Rivers Run, Vol. 2 (All the Rivers Run, Vol. 2)
Tous nos jours sont des adieux
Family Picnic
אהבה כנהר
Brown Sugar
Etoiles du pacifique
All the Rivers Run Bk 2
North West By South
Lady F.
Jamari's Journey
Tất cả các dòng sông đều chảy =
Etoiles du pacifique