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biographers who wrote biography
Showing 345-352 out of 804 results
Inge Jens
Inge Jens (1927-2021)

literary scholar, biographer, philologist, Germanist, opinion journalist, man of letters, social pedagogue, journalist

  • University of Hamburg, University of Tübingen
Frau Thomas Mann
Katias Mutter: das ausserordentliche Leben der Hedwig Pringsheim
Unvollständige Erinnerungen
Dichter zwischen rechts und links
Hans Scholl, Sophie Scholl, Briefe und Aufzeichnungen
Die expressionistische Novelle
Frau Thomas Mann
Am Schreibtisch
Katias Mutter
Frau Thomas Mann
"Es kenne mich die Welt, auf dass sie mir verziehe"
Zur Geschichte der Sektion für Dichtkunst an der Preussischen Akademie der Künste, 1926-1933
At the Heart of the White Rose
Über Hans Mayer
Auf der Suche nach dem verlorenen Sohn
Briefe und Aufzeichnungen
Frau Thomas Mann. Katias Mutter
Langsames Entschwinden
Dorothy Day
Dorothy Day (1897-1980)

journalist, social activist, editor, trade unionist, peace activist, autobiographer, suffragist

  • University of Illinois Urbana–Champaign
The Long Loneliness
Loaves and Fishes
From Union Square to Rome
The duty of delight
The duty of delight
Peter Maurin
Watch For The Light
By little and by little
On Pilgrimage
Dorothy Day
All the way to heaven
Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker
Plough Quarterly No. 12 - Courage
All the Way to Heaven
Praying in the presence of Our Lord with Dorothy Day
House of Hospitality
Hold nothing back
Plough Quarterly No. 5
The reckless way of love
From Union Square to Rome
On Pilgrimage
Reckless Way of Love
Eleventh Virgin
Called to Community
Wisdom from Dorothy Day
The Catholic worker
Michael J. Fox
Michael J. Fox (born 1961)

television actor, film actor, actor, voice actor, autobiographer, blogger, television producer

  • Burnaby Central Secondary School, Widdifield Secondary School
Lucky man
Always looking up
No Time Like the Future
A funny thing happened on the way to the future
No Time Like the Future
Rakkīman =
La chance de ma vie
Quelque chose d'étrange s'est produit en route vers le futur--
Comeback. Parkinson wird nicht siegen
Un Hombre Afortunado
Back to the Future Part III
En avant vers le futur
Iflah Olmaz Bir Iyimserin Maceralari
Şanslı adam
No hay mejor momento que el futuro
Bright Lights Big City
Karl Ove Knausgård
Karl Ove Knausgård (born 1968)


  • University of Bergen, Kristiansand Cathedral School
Home and away
My Struggle : Book 5
So Much Longing in So Little Space
Autumn : (Seasons Quartet 1)
Spring : (Seasons Quartet 3)
My Struggle : Book 5
My Struggle Book Six
My Struggle Book Three
Boyhood Island
My Struggle
My Struggle Book Four
My Struggle Book Five
So Much Longing in So Little Space
My Struggle Book One
Anselm Kiefer
In the Land of the Cyclops
Un hombre enamorado
My Struggle Book One
Scandinavian Christmas
Morning Star
A time to every purpose under heaven
Un hombre enamorado
A man in love
Edvard Munch
Moja walka Ksiega 2
A Time for Everything
Min kamp
Home and Away
La isla de la infancia
Das Amerika der Seele
Some Rain Must Fall
The end
Un  homme amoureux
In heaven on earth
Death in the Family
Evdeyken Deplasmanda
Time to Every Purpose under Heaven
Allt som är i himmelen
Så megen længsel på så lille en flade
En tid for alt
Tiene que llover
Så mye lengsel på så liten flate
A time for everything
Ute av verden
Death in the Family
Sjelens Amerika
Bailando en la oscuridad
La muerte del padre
Dancing in the Dark
Death in the Family
Gökteki Kuslar
Winter : (Seasons Quartet 2)
Dancing in the Dark
Asik Bir Adam
Summer : (Seasons Quartet 4)
Some Rain Must Fall
My Struggle : Book 2
La mort d'un père
Kavgam Cilt I
Essays 1996--2013
Karanlikta Dans
My Struggle
Out of the World
Cocukluk Adasi
Some Rain Must Fall
Istemsiz - Neden Yaziyorum?
Bahar Yagmurlari
Boyhood Island
Some Rain Must Fall Bk. 5
En automne
Out of the World
Mon combat, V
Boyhood Island - Free Digital Sampler
Joy Adamson
Joy Adamson (1910-1980)

naturalist, painter, environmentalist, botanical illustrator, ecologist, autobiographer, botanical collector, scientific illustrator, cartoonist, drawer

  • Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Living Free
Born Free
Born free
Joy Adamson's Africa
The story of Elsa
Pippa's challenge
Forever free
The searching spirit
Queen of Shaba
Born free, a lioness of two worlds
Forever free
The searching spirit
Shi zi yu wo =
La-ḥofesh yulad
La-ḥofesh yulad
Friends from the forest
Pippa, the cheetah, and her cubs
The spotted sphinx
Such agreeable friends
Living free
Pippa the cheetah and her cubs
The peoples of Kenya
Born Free
Living free
Born free
The Searching Spirit
Elsa and Her Cubs
Frei geboren. Die Geschichte der Löwin Elsa
The spotted sphinx
Forever free
Born Free
Born Free Trilogy
Born Free
Story of Elsa
Living free
Vanarājāñcyā bhāvakathā
Born free, a lioness of two worlds
Pippa's Challenge
Born Free the complete 3 part text
Forever Free
Forever Free - Elsa's Pride by JOY ADAMSON (1962-08-01)
The story of Elsa
Living free; the story of Elsa and her cubs
Living Free
Die gefleckte Sphinx
Living free
elsa and her cubs
Living Free
Nacida Libre
Elsa's Vrije Leven - De Leeuwin Die Het Mensenhart Vond
The Story of Elsa - Born Free
The peoples of Kenya
Born Free
Living Free; the Story of Elsa and Her Cubs
Friends from the Forest
BORN FREE - A Lioness of Two Worlds
Born Free, a Lioness of Two Worlds
Forever Free from Bantam
Elsan pennut = Forever free
Pippa's Challenge by Adamson Joy (1972-01-01) Hardcover
Living Free
Nacida Libre
Elsa and her cubs
Forever Free - The story of Elsa's cubs
Born Free a Lioness of Two Worlds 40th Anniversary Edition
The peoples of Kenya
Nacida Libre
Nacida Libre
The Spotted Sphinx The Story of Pippa the Cheetah
Born Free The Incredible Story Of Elsa The Lioness
Kirjad Kenyast Eestisse
The spotted sphynx
Sidney Poitier
Sidney Poitier (1927-2022)

film actor, film director, diplomat, autobiographer, film producer, television actor, stage actor, actor, theatrical director, television producer, director

The Measure of a Man
This life
Life beyond measure
The measure of a man
This Life
Montaro Caine
Life Beyond Measure
Life Beyond Measure CD
This Life
Montaro Caine
A raisin in the sun
Life Beyond Measure
Measure of a Man, The
Sidney Poitier
Tove Ditlevsen
Tove Ditlevsen (1917-1976)

poet, autobiographer

Childhood, Youth, Dependency
Det tidlige forår
Annelise tretten år
Den fulde frihed
Man gjorde et barn fortræd
Til en lille pige
Kære Victor
To som elsker hinanden
Den onde lykke
De voksne
Vilhelms værelse
Det runde vaerelse
Tove Ditlevsen om sig selv
En sibylles bekendelser
Hvad nu Annelise?
Blinkende lygter
Min nekrolog og andre skumle tanker
Lille verden
Vi har kun kinanden
Kender du Tove Ditlevsen
Vi har kun hinanden
Barnsdommens Gate
Barndommens gade
Jeg ville være enke, og jeg ville være digter
For barnets skyld
Samlede noveller
Om penge
Samlede digte
Vilhelms rum
Kærlig hilsen, Tove
En Sibyllas Bekännelser
William Allen
William Allen (1784-1868)

biographer, educator

  • Harvard University
An American biographical and historical dictionary
The American biographical dictionary: containing an account of the lives, characters, and writings of the most eminent persons deceased in North America from its first settlement
Memoir of John Codman, D. D
The American biographical dictionary
An American biographical and historical dictionary
The American biographical dictionary
An American biographical and historical dictionary
Psalms and hymns for public worship
An address, delivered at Northampton, Mass., on the evening of Oct. 29, 1854, in commemoration of the close of the second century since the settlement of the town
An address, delivered at Northampton, Mass
A book of Christian sonnets
An account of the separation in the church and town of Pittsfield
Ordination by elders vindicated
Report on popery
A sermon preached on Sunday, the third of April, at the funeral of Mrs. Fanny Lame Fleury, wife of Thomas Melvill, Jun., Esq
A farewell sermon, preached at Pittsfield, Feb. 23, 1817, being the last Sabbath of his ministry
Accounts of shipwreck and of other disasters at sea
Sacred songs
A sermon, preached at Concord before His Excellency William Plummer, governor, the honorable Council, and the two houses composing the legislature of the state of New Hampshire, June 4, 1818
A sermon, preached before His Excellency Caleb Strong, Esq., Governor
Poems of Nazareth and the cross
An historical discourse, delivered in Dorchester, January 2, 1848, on the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of the gathering of the Second Church under the pastoral care of the late Rev. John Codman
A decade of addresses, delivered, from 1820 to 1829, to the senior classes at Bowdoin College
Wunnisoo, or, The vale of Hoosatunnuk
An address, occasioned by the death of Nathan Smith, M.D.
An historical discourse in Dorchester, January 2, 1848
A sermon, preached before the Auxiliary Society for Promoting Good Morals, and the Female Charitable Society of Williamstown, June 7, 1815
Sermon, preached in New York
Sacred songs
Poems of Nazereth and the cross
Wunnissoo, or, The vale of Hoosatunnuk