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biographers who wrote biography
Showing 169-176 out of 804 results
Kai Bird
Kai Bird (born 1951)

historian, biographer, journalist, documentary participant

  • Northwestern University, Carleton College
Bob Spitz
Bob Spitz (born 1999)

journalist, biographer

  • Albright College
John Lewis Gaddis
John Lewis Gaddis (born 1941)

historian, biographer

  • University of Texas at Austin
George F. Kennan
The Cold War
Strategies of containment
The United States and the origins of the Cold War, 1941-1947
The United States and the end of the cold war
Surprise, security, and the American experience
The Landscape of History
We Now Know
On grand strategy
The long peace
Russia, the Soviet Union, and the United States
The age of terror
On contemporary history
Order and justice in international relations
Cold War statesmen confront the bomb
Nuclear weapons and international systemic stability
History, Big History, & Metahistory
Tectonics, history, and the end of the cold war
The Cold War : A New History
David Brewster
David Brewster (1781-1868)

botanist, civil engineer, physicist, mathematician, astronomer, philosopher, inventor, biographer

  • University of Edinburgh
The martyrs of science
Memoirs of the life, writings, and discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton
Letters on Natural Magic
The life of Sir Isaac Newton
Brewster and Wheatstone on vision
More Worlds Than One: The Creed of the Philosopher and the Hope of the Christian
The stereoscope; its history, theory, and construction
More worlds than one
The stereoscope
The kaleidoscope, its history, theory and construction with its application to the fine and useful arts
The history of free masonry
More Worlds Than One
A treatise on optics
More worlds than one
A treatise on magnetism
Letters on natural magic addressed to Sir Walter Scott, bart
More Worlds Than One
Letters on Natural Magic Addressed to Sir Walter Scott 1832
Nouveau manuel de magie naturelle et amusante
The martyrs of science
Observations on the mean temperature of the globe
Letters on natural magic, addressed to Sir Walter Scott
On the existence of two new fluids in the cavities of minerals, which are immiscible, and possess remarkable physical properties
Account of two remarkable rainbows
On a new analysis of solar light
On the refractive power of the two new fluids in minerals
The life of Sir Isaac Newton, the great philosopher, rev. and edited by W.T. Lynn
Observations on the relation between the optical structure and the chemical composition of the apophyllite and other minerals of the zeolite family
Description of a monochromatic lamp for microscopical and other purposes, &c
On the absorption of polarized light by doubly refracting crystals
Description of a new reflecting telescope
Notice respecting the existence of the new fluid in a large cavity in a specimen of sapphire
Observations on the optical structure of lithion-mica
A treatise on new philosophical instruments, for various purposes in the arts and sciences. With experiments on light and colours
On the connexion between the optical structure and chemical composition of minerals
On some remarkable affections of the retina
Description of a copper battle-axe found in Ratho Bog
On the optical properties and mechanical condition of amber
On the phenomena and laws of elliptic polarization
Memoirs of the life, writings and discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton
On a singular development of crystalline structure by phosphorescence
Letters on natural magic, addressed to Sir Walter Scott, Bart
On the formation of single microscopes from the lenses of fishes, etc
Account of the native hydrate of magnesia, discovered by Dr. Hibbert in Shetland
On the separation of epistilibite from heulandite, as demonstrated by optical characters
Notice respecting Professor Hansteen's chart of the variation and dip of the needle
More worlds than one
On a new series of periodical colours produced by the grooved surfaces of metallic and transparent bodies
A treatise on new philosophical instruments, for various purposes in the arts and sciences
Observations on the pyro-electricity of minerals
Observations on the structure and crystalline forms of haytorite
On the action of the second surfaces of transparent plates upon light
On the optical and general properties of tabasheer
A treatise on magnetism
On a new cleavage in calcareous spar
On some properties of light
On the phenomena of dichroism, or the absorption of common light by crystallised bodies
Description of gmelimite, a new mineral speries
On the mean temperature of the equator
Observations on the diurnal variation of the needle from 1775-1780, at Zwanenburg in Holland
Results of the thermometrical observations made at Leith Fort every hour of the day and night during the whole of the years 1824 and 1825
Account of comptonite, a new mineral from Vesuvius
Notice respecting a method of producing an intense heat from gas for various purposes in the arts
On the existence of a group of moveable crystals of carbonate of lime in a fluid cavity of quartz
On the phosphorescence of minerals
The life of Sir Isaac Newton, the great philosopher
Treatise on the kaleidoscope
Account of some single microscopes upon a new construction
More worlds than one
Account of a remarkable peculiarity in the structure of glaberite
Letters on natural magic
Description of withamite, a new mineral species found in Glenco
On a singular luminous property of wood &c. steeped in solutions of lime and magnesia
Reply to a note in the Annales de chimie by M. Arago, on the phosphorescence of fluor-spar
Description of two surfaces composed of siliceous filaments incapable of reflecting light
On the natural history and properties of tabasheer, the siliceous concretion in the bamboo
Account of the establishment of a scientific prize by the late Alexander Keith
Observations relative to the motions of the molecules of bodies
On the law of partial polarization of light by reflection
On the accomodation [sic] of the eye to different distances
On the principle of illumination for microscopic objects
Farther observations on levyne, a new mineral species
Notice respecting some new species of lead-ore from Wanlockhead and Lead Hills
Description of levyne, a new mineral species
Experiments on the structure and refractive power of the coats and humours of the human eye
Observations on vision through coloured glasses
On the reflection and decomposition of light at the separating surfaces of media of the same and of different refractive powers
On a new species of double refraction, accompanying a remarkable structure in analcime
On the construction of polyzonal lenses and mirrors of great magnitude
Account of an improvement on the nautical eye-tube
Description of a teinoscope for altering the lineal proportions of objects
Account of the new galvano-magnetic condenser invented by M. Poggendorff
On the laws of the polarization of light by refraction
Notice respecting a singular optical property of tabasheer
The Edinburgh encyclopædia
Account of meteorological observations made in North America by Dr. Holyoke and Prof. Dewey
Notice respecting the mean temperature of the equator
A treatise on new philosophical instruments for various purposes in the arts and sciences. With experiments on light and colours. By David Brewster
Description of a new double image micrometer for measuring the diameter of minute celestial objects
The kalaeidoscope
On a new optical and mineralogical structure, exhibited in certain specimens of apophyllite and other minerals
Description of a new reflecting microscope
Account of a new monochromatic lamp depending on the combustion of compressed gas
On the production of regular double refraction in the molecules of bodies by simple pressure
Reply to Mr. Brooke's observations on the connexion between the optical structure of minerals and their primitive forms
Observations on the visions of impressions on the retina
Account of a singular experiment depending on the polarization of light by reflexion
Description of oxahverite, a new mineral from oxahver, in Iceland
Notice respecting a singular structure in the diamond
Elements of Geometry and Trigonometry
The martyrs of science, or the lives of Galileo, Tycho Brahe, and Kepler
A treatise on optics
On the life-boat, the lightning conductor, and the lighthouse
Charles Chesnutt
Charles Chesnutt (1858-1932)

lawyer, biographer

Frederick Douglass 1899
Frederick Douglass
Great American Short Stories
The house behind the cedars
The marrow of tradition
Paul Marchand, F.M.C
Great American Short Stories
The colonel's dream
The House Behind the Cedars
The quarry
The Conjure Woman
The marrow of tradition
The African-American Novel in the Age of Reaction
The house behind the cedars
The Conjure Woman
The Wife of His Youth and Other Stories
The short fiction of Charles W. Chesnutt
The short fiction of Charles W. Chesnutt
The Wife Of His Youth And Other Stories Of The Color Line And Selected Essays
"To be an author"
The Collected Stories of Charles W. Chesnutt
The wife of his youth, and other stories of the color line
The portable Charles W. Chesnutt
The Marrow of Tradition
The Wife of his Youth and Other Stories of the Color Line, and Selected Essays
Charles W. Chesnutt
The Marrow of Tradition
Paul Marchand, F.M.C
The conjure woman
The journals of Charles W. Chesnutt
The Colonel's Dream
The Sheriff's Children
The conjure woman, and other conjure tales
Evelyn's Husband
The House Behind the Cedars
The wife of his youth, and other stories of the color line
Mandy Oxendine
The conjure woman
The wife of his youth, and other stories of the color line
The Negro Problem
The conjure stories
The Conjure Woman
The Conjure Woman
The house behind the cedars
The northern stories of Charles W. Chesnutt
The Marrow of Tradition
An exemplary citizen
The Colonel's Dream (A Novel)
Frederick Douglass
The Colonel's Dream
Frederick Douglass A Biography
The colonel's dream
Stories of the Color Line
Frederick Douglass
Stories, novels & essays
Tales of conjure and the color line
The northern stories of Charles W. Chesnutt
The marrow of tradition
The Ways of Making Literature Matter and Marrow of Tradition
The Old South, book collection on CD
A business career
The Wife of his Youth and Other Stories of the Color Line and Selected Essays
The conjure woman
Die Zauberfrau
Ruy Castro
Ruy Castro (born 1948)

journalist, biographer, translator

Irene Lozano
Irene Lozano (born 1971)

journalist, politician, biographer

  • Complutense University of Madrid, Birkbeck, University of London
Paulette Frankl
Paulette Frankl (born 1937)

painter, photographer, biographer, magician

  • Stanford University