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biographers who wrote biography
Showing 793-800 out of 804 results
Ralph Ellison
Ralph Ellison (1914-1994)

essayist, autobiographer, literary critic, music critic, journalist, critic, literary scholar

  • Tuskegee University
The Selected Letters of Ralph Ellison
The United States in Literature [with three long stories] -- Seventh Edition
Prentice Hall Literature--The American Experience
Prentice Hall Literature--The American Experience
Words of Ages
Going to the territory
Invisible Man
Flying home and other stories
Shadow and act
Twice-Told Tales
Trading twelves
The collected essays of Ralph Ellison
Living with Music
Conversations with Ralph Ellison
Shadow and act
Three Days Before the Shooting ...
Homme invisible pour qui chantes-tu ?
Ralph Ellison papers
Ralph Ellison's Invisible man
Three Days Before the Shooting ...
The Black Ball
Three days before the shooting--
Flying Home and Other Stories
Gorulmeyen Adam
Flying Home and Other Stories
Juneteenth (Revised)
The Nation, Volume 7
Juneteenth Reading Group Guide
Black Ball
Juneteenth : a novel
Shadow and act
Petrarch (1304-1374)

philosopher, poet, translator, lyricist, mountaineer, autobiographer, philologist, humanist, Catholic cleric

  • University of Montpellier, University of Bologna
De viris illustribus
L' autobiografia, Il secreto, e Dell'ignoranza sua e d'altrui
De viris illustribus 4
Lettera ai posteri
Prentice Hall Literature - Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes - The British Tradition
De remediis utriusque fortunae
Anna Hume: Printed Writings 1641ÃÂ1700
The poetry of Petrarch
Prentice Hall Literature, The British Edition. Volume I
Le rime di messer Francesco Petrarca
Rime di Francesco Petrarca
Selections from the Canzoniere and other works
I sette salmi penitenziali di Dante Alighieri e
Selected sonnets, odes, and letters
Choix de sonnets
Petrarch's Secretum
Le rime di Francesco Petrarca di su gli originali
Petrarch and Petrarchism
Love rimes of Petrarch
Petrarch: a humanist among princes
Sonnets & songs
Petrarch's Canzoniere in the English Renaissance
de top van de ventoux, het geheim, godgewijde ledigheid
Petrarch's songbook =
The sonnets, triumphs, and other poems of Petrarch
Letters of old age =
De' rimedi dell'una e dill'altra fortuna
Scritti inediti
Lettere ... delle cose familiari libri ventiquattro, lettere varie libro unico, raccolte ..
Petrarch's letters to classical authors
La storia del Canzoniere di Francesco Petrarca
Poesie minori del Petrarca
Petrarch's lyric poems
I trionfi di messer Francesco Petrarca
La vita solitaria
Rerum familiarium libri
Franseren-hayeren dprotsʻakan baṛaran
Le rime del Petrarca
L' Africa
Lettere di Francesco Petrarca: delle cose familiari libri ventiquattro ..
Rime disperse
Petrarch's Africa
Le rime sparse
Petrarch's Book without a name
Petrarch's Guide to the Holy Land
The sonnets of Petrarch
The secret book
Opera Latina
De vita solitaria
Epistulae metricae = Briefe in Versen
My Secret Book
Lord Morley's "Tryumphes of Fraunces Petrarcke"
Rime de Francesco Petrarca
Il bucolicum carmen e i suoi commenti inediti
Petrarka v russkoĭ literature
Heilmittel gegen Glück und Unglück =
Il Codice degli abbozzi
Le vite degli uomini illustri di Francesco Petrarca
The Canzoniere, or, Rerum vulgarium fragmenta
Sonnets and shorter poems
Vita degli uomini illustri
Petrarch's ascent of Mount Ventoux
Intorno alla obbedienza ed alla Fedelta della moglie novella
Petrarch's Secret: Or, the Soul's Conflict With Passion
The revolution of Cola di Rienzo
Lettres familieres t.3 t.3
Aufrufe zur Errettung Italiens und des Erdkreises. Ausgewählte Briefe
Contre la bonne et la mauvaise fortune
The essential Petrarch
I trionfi
Petrarch's Bucolicum carmen
I codici petrarcheschi della Biblioteca vaticana: seguono cinque appendici con testi inediti ..
Liber sine nomine. Testo originale a fronte
The portable Petrarch
For love of Laura
Antologia Petrarchesca
Letters on Familiar Matters
Poesie (a Cura DI S Maffei)
Triunfos/ Triumphs
Poesie minori del Petrarca sul testo latino ora corretto volgarizzate da poeti viventi o da poco defunti
Lettres familières, tome 1
Francesco Petrarca
Longing for Laura
The Canzoniere (Troubador Italian Studies)
Los sonetos del cancionero
Mon secret
Rime e trionfi
Invective contra medicum ; Invectiva contra quendam magni status hominem sed nullius scientie aut virtutis
Early Black voices
Lettres de la vieillesse =
Le remede aux deux fortunes
Das lyrische Werk. Canzoniere - Triumphe - Verstreute Gedichte
Die schönsten Liebesgedichte. Vierzig Sonette und Canzonen. Italienisch und deutsch
Cancionero, I
Rime sparse
Il mio segreto
The Triumphs of Francesco Petrarch
Le postille del Virgilio Ambrosiano
Die Besteigung des Mont Ventoux
Il canzoniere e I trionfi
Petrarch at Vaucluse
Senile V 2
Lettera a Giovanni Anchiseo
Cancionero II / Collection of Poems
The secret
Sine nomine
A dialogue between reason and adversity
Canzoniere =
Ascension du mont ventoux
Le senili
On the death of Madonna Laura
La Vita di Romolo
Petrarch's Remedies for fortunefair and foul
Itinerarium breve de Ianua usque ad Ierusalem et Terram Sanctam
Lettres familières, tome 2
Canzoniere. Eine Auswahl
mga tulang pasalaysay
Invective contra medicum
A dialogue between reason and adversity
Petrarca a Milano
Il Codice vaticano lat. 3196
Il Petrarca con nuove, e brevi dichiarationi
L' autobiografia
On religious leisure
Select sonnets of Petrarch
Quattordici sonetti nelle letterature europee
Los sonetos y canciones
Hülff, Trost vnd Rath in allem Anligen der Menschen
Rime di Francesco Petrarca e d'altri del trecento
Opera ..
Song and sonnets from Laura's lifetime
Opera quae extant omnia
The Renaissance philosophy of man
In difesa dell'Italia
Petrarca il viaggiatore
Il bucolicum carmen e i suoi commenti inediti
Il Codice degli abbozz, (Vat. Lat. 3196) di Francesco Petrarca
Francisci Petrarchae ..
Rime de Francesco Petrarca
Francisci Petrarche ..
Le vite di Numa e T. Ostilio
I trionfi di Francesco Petrarca
Canzoniere, Trionfi, Rime varie, e una scelta di versi latini
Letters on Familiar Matters (Rerum Familiarium Libri)
Padova in onore di Francesco Petrarca, MCMIV
Letters from Petrarch
Selected poems [of] Petrarch
The ascent of Mount Ventoux
Canzionere - Triumphe - Verstreute Gedichte
Il Canzoniere di
Stikhotvorenii︠a︡, sonety, razmyshlenii︠a︡
Petrarch: four dialogues for scholars
Medida del Hombre, La Remedios Contra La Buena y
Rime disperse di Francesco Petrarca, o a lui attribuite
Ode to the people of France
Physicke against fortune
Julius Celsus de vita et rebus gestis C. Julii Cæsaris
[Francisci Petrarchae poetae oratorisque clarissimi De remediis vtriusque fortunae ad Azone[m] libri duo
The triumphs of Petrarch
Petrarcas 'Buch ohne Namen' und die päpstliche Kurie
Rime Di Petrarca
Trostspiegel in Glück end Unglück
Petrarchs seuen penitentiall psalmes
Essais sur les sonets du divin Petrarque
Librorum Francisci Petrarchae Basileae Impressorum Annotatio
Francisci Petrarchae ... Opera que extant omnia ..
Sonetti, canzoni, e triomphi
Some sonnets from "Laura in death" after the Italian of Francesco Petrarch
On Solitude (Dunquin Series , No 26)
Petrarca e il petrarchismo
Four dialogues for scholars
Historia Iulii Caesaris
Li sonetti, canzone e trivmphi del Petrarcha
Le vite degli uomini illustri di Francesco Petrarca
Epistolae de rebus familiaribus et variae, tum quae adhuc tum quae nondum editae
Petrarchas Griseldis
Rime, trionfi, e poesie latine
L' Afrique
Il "De otio religioso"
Lettera a Cola di Rienzo e al popolo romano
Opera quȩ extant omnia
Il Petrarca con nuove spositioni
Opera, con el cōmento de Bernardo Lycinio sopra li Triūphi, con Frācescho Philelpho, Antonio de Tempo, Hieronymo Alexādrino sopra li Soneti & Canzone
Francesco Petrarca
Il Petraraca [sic]
Les sonnets de Pétrarque
Vie de César
L'originale del Canzoniere di Francesco Petrarca, codice Vaticano latino 3195
Opere filosofiche
De sui ipsius et multorum ignorantia =
Petrarch's view of human life
Le rime di messer Francesco Petrarca
De los sonetos, canciones, mandriales y sextinas
Phisicke against fortune, as well prosperous as aduerse
Julius Celsus de vita et rebus gestis C. Julii Caesaris
Le rime di Francesco Petrarca di su gli originali
Epistolae de rebus familiaribus et variae, tum quae adhuc tum quae nondum editae v. 3, 1863 ..
Rime di Francesco Petrarca sopra argomenti storici morali e diversi
Res seniles
Francisci Petrarche laureati Rerum senilium liber XIIII
Los sonetos =
Opere italiane
Il canzoniere di Francesco Petrarca, riordinato da Luigi Domenico Spadi con le interpretazioni di Giacomo Leopardi
Il Petrarca nuovamente ridotto alla vera lettione
Rime scelte
Lettere dell'inquietudine
Trionfi, Rime estravaganti, Codice degli abbozzi
Les oeuvres amoureuses de Pétrarque
Il canzoniere di Francesco Petrarca riprodotto letteralmente dal cod. vat. lat. 3195
Petrarca - El Cancionero - 2 Tomos
Fioretti de' Rimedii contro fortuna
Il Bucolicum carmen di Francesco Petrarca
Cancionero . Triunfos
Itinerario al sepolcro del Signore nostro Gesù Cristo
The rhymes of Francesco Petrarca
Francisci Petrarchae poëtae oratorisque clarissimi De remediis utriusque fortunae libri duo
L' originale del Canzoniere
The Triumphes of Petrarch
Francisci Petrarcae Epistolæ de rebus familiaribus et variæ : tum quae adhuc tum quae nondumeditæ
Opere latine
Rerum memorandarum libri
Le vite degl'imperadori et pontefici romani
Rime e Trionfi di Francesco Petrarca
Bucolicum Carmen
De insigni obedientia et fide uxoria
Rime scelte dal canzoniere
Il codice Orsini-da Costa delle Rime e dei Trionfi di Francesco Petrarca
Francisci Petrarchae operum
Le rime di Franceso Petrarca
Rerum vulgarium fragmenta
Le rime di Francesco Petrarcha
Letters of Old Age (Rerum Senilium Libri)
Tovtes les evvres vulgaires de Francoys Petrarqve
Petrarch in English
Rime di Francesco Petrarca, con l'interpretazione di Giacomo Leopardi
Il Petrarcha con l'espositione di M. Giovanni Andrea Gesualdo
Il Petrarca essenziale
Phisicke against Fortune
Pétrarque et la pensée latine
Francisci Petrarchae Florentini, Philosophi, Oratoris, & Poëtae clarissimi, reflorescentis literaturae Latinaeq[ue] linguae, aliquot seculis horrenda barbarie inquinatae ac penc sepultae, assertoris & instauratoris, Opera que extant omnia
Il Petrarcha con l'espositione di M. Gio. Andrea Gesvaldo
Francisci Petrarchae Florentini, philosophi, oratoris, et poetae clarissimi, reflorescentis literaturae Latinaeq́ue linguae, aliquot seculis horrenda barbarie inquinatae, ac penè sepultae, assertoris & instauratoris, Opera quae extant omnia
Le "De viris illustribus" de Pétrarque
L' originale del Canzoniere di Francesco Petrarca
Canzoniere, Trionfi, opere latine
Le rime di Francesco Petrarca restituite nell' ordine e nella lezione del testo originario sugli autografi, col sussidio di altri codici e di stampe e corredate di varianti e note da Giovanni Mestica
Collatio inter Scipionem, Alexandrum, Annibalem et Pyrhum
Le rime de Francesco Petrarca
Die Triumphe
Edizione nazionale delle opere
Izbrannai︠a︡ lirika
Opere di Francesco Petrarca
Poesie minori
Sonnets for Laura
Itinerario in Terra Santa, 1358
Le rime di Francesco Petrarca
Le rime de Francesco Petrarca di su gli originali
Les psaumes pénitentiaux
Les psaumes pénitentiaux
Il mio segreto
Reisebuch zum Heiligen Grab
La Vita di Romolo
Il "De otio religioso" di Francesco Petrarca
Francisci Petrarchae Epistolae selectae
One hundred sonnets of Petrarch, together with his Hymn to the Virgin
Incipit epistola Francisci Petrarche de insigni obedientia et fide vxoria Griseldis in Waltherum
Les sonnets de Pétrarque
Twenty-six sonnets of the divine poet M. Francesco Petrarca made on Laura dead
Rerum memorandarum libri
Libro senza titolo =
Francisci Pertrarche Opera omnia Latina
Fioretti De' rimedii contro fortuna
Dal canzoniere
Rime Scelte di Francesco Petrarca
Rime di Messer Francesco Petrarca giusta l'edizione del Parnaso Italiano del ..
The triumphs of Petrarch
Il Petrarca corretto da Lodovico Dolce, et alla sva integrità ridotto
Historia Griseldis
Le rime di Francesco Petrarca
Viaggio in Terrasanta
Petrarch's view of human life
Francisci Petrarchae Florentini, Philosophi, Oratoris, & Poëtae clarissimi, reflorescentis literaturae Latinae[us] linguae, aliquot seculis horrenda barbarie inquinatae ac pene sepultae, assertoris & instauratoris, Opera que extant omnia
Poesie latine
Le rime
Canzoniere (Poesie/Gallimard) (French Edition)
[Trionfi e Canzoniere]
Diss is ain epistel francisci petrarche, vō grosser stätigkeit ainer frowen. Grisel gehaissen
Dichtung und Prosa
Il Petrarcha con l'espositione d'Alessandro Vellvtello di novo ristampato con le figvre a i triomphi, et con piv cose vtili in varii lvoghi aggivnte
Le senili
L'art de traduir Petrarca
De los sonetos, canciones, mandriales y sextinas del gran poeta y orador Francisco Petrarca
Le rime del Petrarca
Il Petrarcha Con L'Espositione D'Alessandro Vellvtello di
Petrarch's Testament
Lettera a Giovanni Anchiseo
Il canzoniere di Francesco Petrarca, secondo l'autografo
Canzoniere, Trionfi, rime varie
Le rime di Francesco Petrarca
Certain sonnets to Laura in life and death
Il "De otio religioso" di Francesco Petrarca
Rerum vulgarium fragmenta
Lettere senili di Francesco Petrarca
Le traité De sui ipsius et multorum ignorantia
Francesco Petrarca
Lettres de François Pétrarque à Jean Boccace
Francisci Petrarchae De remediis utriusque fortunae, libri duo
La vita di Scipione l'Africano
Il Petrarca corretto da M. Lodovico Dolce
Some love songs of Petrarch
De Historie vā der duldicheit der vruwen Griseldis
Le rime de Francesco Petrarca riscontrate co i testi a penna della libreria Estanse
Aus Franz Petrarkas Poetischen Briefen
Excelencia de la vida solitaria
Commento a Le volgari opere del Petrarcha
Opera di M. Francesco Petrarca
I Trionfi del Petrarcha
Selected Sonnets, Odes, and Letters of Petrarch
Lettere all'imperatore
Lettere di Francesco Petrarca
Lettre ... sur son ascension au Mont Ventoux
De remediis uttiusque [sic] fortunae
So ich aber von stätikait vnd getreuwer gemahelschafft so manger frauwen geschriben habe, vnd von keiner grössern ̈vber die grisel
Il Petrarca
Traduzioni dall'italiano
Volgarizzamento meridionale anonimo di Francesco Petrarca Itinerarium breve de Ianua usque ad Ierusalem et Terram Sanctam
Francisci Petrarchæ des vornemen Florentinischen Poeten, Sechs Triumphi
Le rime
Briefe des Francesco Petrarca
Sonnets de Pétrarque
"La lettera del Ventoso"
Poésies de Pétrarque
Raccolta di rime attribuite a Francesco Petrarca che non si leggono nel suo canzoniere
Tovtes les evvres vulgaires de Francoys Petrarque
Il codice Orsini-da Costa delle Rime e dei Trionfi
Le rime sparse
Translations from the Italian
Il Petrarca
Lettera a Giovanni Anchiseo, lo incarica di procurargli libri
So ich aber von stetikeit vnd getrüwer gemahelschafft, so manger frowen geschriben habe, vnd von keiner grössern über die Grisel
Il canzoniere di Francesco Petrarca, secondo l'autografo
Secreto de Francesco Petrarcha in dialogi di latino in vulgar & in lingua toscha tradocto nouamente cum exactissima diligentia stampato & correcto
[Trionfi e canzoniere]
Le rime di M. Francesco Petrarca
Francisci Petrarchae Poëmata minora quae exstant onmia nunc primo ad trvtinam revocata ac recensita
Brief an die Nachwelt
Je vois sans yeux et sans bouche je crie
Les sonnets de Pétrarque
Madrigals & odes from Petrarch
De ocio religiosorum
Chronica de le vite de pontefici et imperadori romani
Petrarch's letters to classical authors
Rime scelte e il Trionfo della morte
Translations chiefly from the Italian of Petrarch and Metastasio
Dalle rime e dai trionfi e dalle opere minori latine
Il Petrarcha
Opere di Francesco Petrarca
Francisci Petrarchae Florentini, philosophi, oratoris, & poëtæ clarissimi, reflorescentis literaturæ Latinæq[ue]; linguæ, aliquot seculis horrenda barbarie inquinatæ ac penè supultæ, assertoris & instauratoris, Opera que extant omnia. ..
Il Petrarca
Das is eyn epistel Francisci Petrarche, von grosser stätigkeit einer frowen. Grisel geheissen
Some love songs of Petrarch
De insigni obedientia et fide uxoria
Madrigals & odes from Petrarch
Les sonnets amoureux de Pétrarque
Salmi penitenziali
Briefwechsel mit deutschen Zeitgenossen
De viris illustribus
Epistole autografe
Francisci Petrarche laureati Rerum senilium liber XIIII
I trionfi
One hundred sonnets
Francisci Petrarchae florentini poetae et oratoris clarissimi poëmata omnia recens quam emedatissimè edita ..
Le rime di Francesco Petrarca di su gli originali
Nel tempo che rinoua ...
So ich aber von stätikeyt vnd getreüwer gemahelschafft so manger frauwen geschriben habe, v̄n von keyner grössern über die grisel
De otio religioso
Il Petrarca con dichiarationi non piv stampate
Lettera Giovanni Anchiseo, lo incarica di procurargli libri
The tryumphes of Fraunces Petrarcke, translated out of Italian into English by Henrye Parker knyght, Lorde Morley. The tryumphe of loue. Of chastitie. Of death. Of fame. Of tyme. Of diuinitie
Sonetti, canzoni, e triomphi di Messer Francesco Petrarcha
Ėsteticheskie fragmenty
Edizione nazionale delle opere di Francesco Petrarca
The ascent of Mount Ventoux
Les sonnets de Pétrarque
The triumphs of Francesco Petrarch, Florentine poet laureate
Il Petrarca con l'espositione di M. Alessandro Velutello. Di nuono ristampato con le Figure a i Trionfi con le apostille, e con piu cose utili aggiunte
Thoughts from the letters of Petrarch
Lettere senili ... volgarizzate e dichiarate con note da Giuseppe Fracassetti
Liborum Francisci Petrarche Impressorum Annotatio
Some sonnets & songs of the divine poet M. Francesco Petrarca, made in Laura's lifetime
Francisci Petrarchae Florentini, Philosophi, Oratoris, & Poëtae clarissimi ... opera que extant omnia ..
Le vite de gli huomini illustri
Viaggio in Terrasanta
Rimedi all'una e all'altra fortuna
Il Petrarcha
Francisci Petrarchae Florentini, Philosophi, Oratoris, et Poetae clarissimi ... Opera quae extant omnia ..
Les triomphes
Invettive contro un medico
Rimes de Pétrarque
Reisroute naar Jeruzalem
Il Petrarca
Pétrarque: Le traité De sui ipsius et multorum ignorantia
In Praise of the Blessed Virgin
[Selected volumes from the Petrarch collection at Cornell University]
Laurea occidens
Petrarch, the First Modern Scholar and Man of Letters: A Selection from His Correspondence with ..
Petrarch, the first modern scholar and man of letters
Invectiva contra quendam magni status hominem sed nullius scientie aut virtutis
Eighteen sonnets of Francis Petrarch
Zur entwickelung italienischer dichtungen Petrarcas
Le rime di Francesco Petrarca
So ich aber vō stätigkeyt v̄n getrëwer gemahelschafft so manger frawē geschribē hab, v̄n vō keiner grössern über die Grisel
Volgarizzamento meridionale anonimo
Frants'esḳo Peṭrarḳa
Mi secreto ; Epístolas (selección)
Obras de Luiz de Camões: precedidas de um ensaio biographico, no qual se ..
Le rime del Petrarca
Zur entwickelung italienischer dichtungen Petrarcas
Le rime di M. Francesco Petrarca
Incipit epistola Francisci Petrarche de insigni obedentia et fide vxoria Griseldis in Walthervm
Poetische Briefe
Le rime
Sonette des Petrarca
Le cose volgari di messer Francesco Petrarcha
Dalle Rime e dai Trionfi e dalle opere minori latine
De remediis uttiusque [sic] fortunae
Sonnets and odes
Le traité De sui ipsius et multorum ignorantia
Le traité De sui ipsius et multorum ignorantia
Le rime di Francesco Petrarca restituite nell'ordine e nella lezione del testo originario sugli autografi, col sussidio di altri codici e di stampe e corredate di varianti e note
Das lyrische Werk
Letters on Familiar Matters (Rerum Familiarium Libri): Vol. 3
Letters on Familiar Matters (Rerum Familiarium Libri): Vol. 2
Cum res fortunasq[ue] hominu[m] cogito incertos [et] subitos reru[m] mot[us] nichil fe[r]me fragili[us] mo[r]taliu[m] vita ...
Il meglio del Petrarca
La lira y el laurel
Sonety do Laury
Trionfi (comm: Bernardo Lapini da Siena) e Canzoniere (comm: Franciscus Philelphus and Hieronymus Squarzaficus)
Pisma podróżnicze
A few sonnets attempted from Petrarch in early life
Dialogue intérieur
Il codice vaticano lat. 3196. autografo del Petrarca
Rerum Familiarum
Le c hansonnier
Li sonetti, canzoni et triomphi
Le osservationi di M. Francesco Alvnno da Ferrara sopra il Petrarca
Intorno alla obbedienza ed alla Fedelta della moglie novella
Historia Griseldis
Rime di Francesco Petrarca
Letters from Petrarch
Res seniles
Francesco Petrarca
Los sonetos y canciones del poeta Francisco Petrarcha
Il canzoniere
Rime disperse di Francesco Petrarca o a lui attribuite
La vita religiosa
Francesco Petrarca's sämmtliche Canzonen, Sonnette, Ballaten, und Triumphe
Parma liberata dal giogo di Mastino della Scala addi 21 maggio 1341
Lettere di viaggio
The triumphs of Francesco Petrarch
So jch aber von stätigkeÿt vnd getreüwer gemahelschafft, so manger fraauwen geschriben habe, vnd vō keiner grössern über die Grisel
Francisci Petrarchae, De remediis vtriusque Fortunae
Le rime ...
Francesco Petrarca
Franc. Petrarchae philosophi, oratoris et poetae clarissimi Epistolarum familiarum libri XIV. variarum lib. I. sine titulo lib. I. ad quosdam ex veteribus illustriores li I.
Epistole familiares
Feliciano, Petrarca e gli altri
Scritti inediti
Lettres de Vaucluse
Le vite degl'imperadori et pontefici romani
Fioretti de rimedii contro fortuna
Dal canzonière dai Trionfi
Un inedito petrarchesco
Petrarch translated
Francois Petrarque
I rimedi per l'una e l'altra sorte
Letters on Familiar Matters (Rerum Familiarium Libri): Vol. 1
Viaggio in Terrasanta: volgarizzamento inedito del Quattrocento
Omaggio al Petrarca
Selected sonnets, odes, and letters
Francisci Petrarcae Epistolæ de rebus familiaribus et variæ : tum quae adhuc tum quae nondum editæ
Epistole di Francesco Petrarca
Rime di F. Petrarca
Il canzoniere
La vita solitaria
Il Petrarcha, colla spositione
Il bucolicum carmen e suoi commenti inediti
The 1501 Aldine edition of Le cose volgari
Epistole familiares
Le rime di Francesco Petrarca: restituite nell'ordine e nella lezione del testo originario sugli ..
Rerum vulgarium fragmenta
Historia Griseldis
Il Petrarca
Sonnets & songs
I sette salmi
Lettres de François Pétrarque a Jean Boccace
Francisci Petrarchae Ascensus Montis Ventosi
El secreto di messer Francesco Petrarca ĩ prosa uulgare
The life of solitude
Rime; canzoniere, trionfi, estravaganti
Il Canzoniere di Francesco Petrarca
Due canzoni
Bucolicum Carmen
Epistolae familiares
Trionfi, Rime estravaganti, Codice degli Abbozzi
Opera latina
Francisci Petrarchae poetae oratorisque clarissimi de remediis utriusque fortunae libri II
Les psaumes de la pénitence
Francisci Petrarchae De viris illvstribvs nondum editi pars secvnda [et qvarta] ...
Sur ma propre ignorance et celle de beaucoup d'autres
Rerum familiarum libri
Psalmi penitentiales
Dell'Africa di Francesco Petrarca libro primo
Los sonetos y canciones del poeta Francisco Petrarcha
Rime ; e, Trionfi
Le vite di Numa e T. Ostilio
Trionfi e Canzioniere
Lettere senili di Francesco Petrarca ..
Pétrarque vu par lui-même
Librorum Francisci Petrarche impressorum annotatio ..
Le rime ...
The sonnets and stanzas of Petrarch
Les sonnets de Pétrarque
Rime di Francesco Petrarca
Henry Parker, Lord Morely
L'Africa (Edizione Nazionale delle Opere di Francesco Petrarca)
De vita solitaria. Add : De dispositione vitae suae ad gubernatorem patriae. Ed
Sonetti, canzoni e triomphi
A few sonnets attempted from Petrarch in early life
So jch aber von stetikait vnd getreüwer gemahelschafft, so manger frauwen geschriben habe, vnnd von keiner grössern über die Grisel
The Life of Solitude (The Hyperion library of world literature)
Selected letters
Il Petrarca di nvovo ristampato, et di bellissime figvre intagliate in rame adornato e diligentemente corretto
Francisci Petrarchae florentini ... Opera quae extant omnia
Le vite de gli hvomini illvstri di messer Francesco Petrarcha
La lettera del Ventoso
Les sonnets de Pétrarque
Res seniles
Petrarca e la cultura del Trecento
Le rime di messer Francesco Petrarca
Sonetti, e conzoni, (e triomphi)
Choix de sonnets de divers auteurs
La collatio laureationis
I trionfi di Messer Francesco Petrarca riscontrati con alcuni codici e stampadel secola XV
Sonetti e canzoni
The essential Petrarch
Le rime di Francesco Petrarca
La vita di Romolo
Contra eum qui maledixit Italie
Sonnets from Petrarch
Lettere senili di Francesco Petrarca
Il Petrarca
Francesco Petrarch: Collatio inter Scipionem, Alexandrum, Annibalem et Pyrhum
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893)

composer, librettist, conductor, choreographer, music educator, pianist, autobiographer, music critic, diarist, translator

  • Saint Petersburg Conservatory, Imperial School of Jurisprudence
Literary works
Letters to his family
O muzyke, o zhizni, o sebe
Voyage à l'étranger
A Treasury of Christmas Classics
Letters to his family
The Sleeping beauty
Evgeniĭ Onegin
1812 Overture, Marche Slave and Francesca da Rimini in Full Score
The diaries of Tchaikovsky
Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Symphonies in Full Score
Tchaikovsky's complete songs
Symphony No. 6 in B Minor
Romeo and Juliet Overture and Capriccio Italien in Full Score
The Nutcracker Suite
The Nutcracker
Symphony No. 5
Nutcracker Suite in Full Score
To my best friend
Symphony No. 4
Tchaikovsky's The Nutcracker
Eugenio Oneghin
The seasons
Variations on a Rococo Theme
Album for the young
Tchaikovsky and More
Symphonies Nos. 1, 2 and 3 in Full Score
Violin Concerto
Francesca Da Rimini, Op. 32
The Maid of Orleans
Variations on a Rococo Theme
Tchaikovsky Gold
Nutcracker Suite in Full Score
Piano Trio in A Minor, Op. 50
The Seasons and Other Works for Solo Piano
None But the Lonely Heart and Other Songs
Symphony No. 2 in C Minor, Op. 17 "Little Russian"
Great Romantic Violin Concertos in Full Score
"Swan Lake" and "The Sleeping Beauty"
Selections from Album for the Young
Marche Slave
The seasons, for piano solo, op. 37a
Tchaikovsky - Simplified Piano Solos
In Classical Mood Reflections
Music Minus One Piano
Piano Concerto No. 1 in B-Flat Minor, Op. 23, in Full Score
Tschaikowsky Children's Album
1812 Overture, Op. 49
The Queen of Spades, Op. 68
Favorite Ballet Classics II: Tchaikovsky
Symphony no. 5 in E minor
Symphony No. 1 in G Minor, Op. 13 "Winter Reveries"
Favourite Ballet Classics I
The Nutcracker Suite Op 71a
Manfred Symphony, Opus 58, in Full Score
Serenade in C, Op. 48, & Suite No. 4, Op. 61
Variations on a Rococo Theme & Other Works for Cello and Orchestra in Full Score
Music Minus One Violin
The Concertmaster/Der Konzertmeister
Eugène Onéguine
Peter Ilyich Tschaikowsky, Fifty Russian Folk Songs
The queen of spades
P.I. Chaĭkovskiĭ ob opere i balete
Romeo and Juliet Fantasy
Symphony no. 4 in F minor
Festival Overture on the Danish National Hymn, Op. 15, and Capriccio Italien, Op. 45
Symphony no. 6 in B minor, op. 74 (ČW 27)
Eighteen Piano Pieces, Op. 72; Aveu Passionne; Valse, Op. 40, No. 9, 1st Version
Symphony No. 3 in D Major, Op. 29d "Polish"
The Nutcracker For Solo Fingerstyle Guitar
The Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66 (Complete)
Manfred Symphony, Op. 58
The Nutcracker, Six Selections from the Suite/Solo Piano
Polnoe sobranie sochineniĭ
Francesca da Rimini
The Ahrens & Flaherty Songbook
Complete Piano Concertos in Full Score
The Nutcracker, Op. 71 (Complete)
Peter Ilyich Tschaikowsky / Nutcracker Suite
Perepiska s N. F. fon-Mekk v 3 kn., Kn. 1: 1876-1878. Kn. 2: 1879-1881. Kn. 3: 1882-1890
Learn to Play the Classics Book 7
Tchaikovsky  Album for the Young Op 39
                Alfred Masterwork Edition
Tchaikowsky - Concert No. 1 B Minor
Symphony No. 6 in B Minor, Op. 74b "Pathetique"
The sleeping beauty ballet suite
Waltz-scherzo, op. 34
Capriccio Italien, Op. 45
Symphony No. 6 in B Minor, Op. 74
Concerto No. 1 in B-flat minor, Op. 23
Symphony No. 4 in F Minor, Op. 36
Tschaikowsky / The Seasons Op.37a
Piano concerto no. 1 in B flat minor
String Quartet in D Major, Op. 11
Serenade for String Orchestra in C Major, Op. 48 and Marche Slav, Op. 31
Tschaikowsky Piano Concert #1
Suite No. 2 in C Major, Op. 53
Guide to the Practical Study of Harmony
Symphonies Nos. 4-6 for Solo Piano
Suite No. 1 in D Major, Op. 43
Tschaikowsky, 6 Pieces
Piano Concerto No. 3, Op. 75
Barcarolle, nocturne and Russian dance
The Nutcracker for Easy Piano
Complete Works
Nutcracker Suite / Simplified Piano
Serenade in C Major, Op. 48
Violin Concerto in D major
Swan Lake Suite, Op. 20a - Study Score
Tchaikowsky - His Greatest Piano Solos
Quartet for strings No 1 in D
Swan Lake Suite, Op. 20
P.I. Chaĭkovskiĭ o kompozitorskom masterstve
Valse Scherzo, Op. 34 (Urtext) (String- Violin and Piano)
CD Sheet Music: Tchaikovsky
Learn to Play the Classics Book 4
String Quartet No. 1 in D Major, Op. 11, CW 90
Romeo and Juliet , TH 42
Tschaikowsky für Cello
P.I. Chaĭkovskiĭ--S.I. Taneev
The nutcracker ballet
Capriccio Italien, opus 49
Marche Slave, Op.31
Symphony no.2, op.17
Buy a Band
Serenade for strings ; opus 48
The Nutcracker and the Four Realms
Pezzo capriccioso
Teure Freundin
Symphonie pathétique
To my best friend
Muzykalʹno-kriticheskie statʹi
Symphony No. 6 in B Minor, Op. 74 (Pathetique)
Rococo Variations, Op. 33, Kalmus Edition
P.I. Chaĭkovskiĭ o kompozitorskom tvorchestve i masterstve
The Nutcracker (The Baryshnikov Collection) (DVD)
Eugene Onegin. English National Opera Guide 38
Romeo et Juliet
Symphonie VI (Pathétique)
Concerto No 1 In B Minor For The Piano Op 23
Concerto, D major, for violin and orchestra
Dnevniki P.I. Chaikovskogo
Andante and Finale, Op. 79 from Piano Concerto No. 3
Concerto For Violin And Orchestra In D Major Op 35 Ddur
Symphony no. 5 in e minor op.64
Pas-de-deux (L'oiseau bleu, Bluebird) from P. Tschaikowsky's ballet The sleeping beauty (La belle au bois dormant)
Quartet in E flat minor for 2 violins, viola & violoncello
Pikovai͡a︡ dama
Symphony No 5 In E Minor Op 64 Emoll
The Great Piano Works of Peter Ilyich Tschaikowsky
Eugene Onegin, Op. 24 & Iolanthe, Op. 69
P. I. Chaĭkovskiĭ ob opere
Story of Swan Lake
6th symphony (Pathétique)
Swan Lake, Op. 20 (Complete)
Symphony no.2, C minor, op.17
Arrangements from Dargomyzhsky, Von Weber, Rubinstein, Etc
Serenade for String Orchestra, Op. 48
Symphonie 5
Suite from the ballet The Nutcracker for full orchestra
Selected compositions for the piano
Nutcracker Highlights
At the piano with Tchaikovsky
Swan Lake, Waltz Sequence
Dance of the Sugar Plum
Concerto, op. 23
The Nutcracker Suite (Solo & Duet)
Song of Russia
Symphony No. 2 in C Minor, Op. 17
Barbie of Swan Lake
O simfonicheskoĭ muzyke
Quartet for two violins, viola & violoncello
Serenade for Strings, Op.48
Swan Lake, Op. 20, Complete Ballet
Romeo and Juliet
Francesca Da Rimini Symphonic Fantasia After Dante For Orchestra Op 32
Joan of Arc
Romeo and Juliet, overture-fantasy after Shakespeare
Tschaikowsky Works Volume 3
Tschaikowsky Valse Capture
Slavonic March, Op. 31, CW 42
Symphony No. 5 in E Minor, Op. 64
Rukovodstvo k prakticheskomu izucheniiu garmonii. English
Suite No 3 in G Major Op 55
1812 overture, opus 49
Suite No. 3 Opus 55 in G Major
Quartett no. 1
Symphony no. 6 in B minor (Pathetique)
The Seasons, Op. 37
Classic Bits & Pieces
Symphony no.1, G minor,op.13
Tchaikovsky; His Life and Works, with Extracts from His Writings, and the Diary of His Tour Abroad in 1888
Swan Lake suite = Le lac des cygnes suite
Variations on a Rococo Theme Op 33Variationen Uber Ein RokokoThema With CD Audio
                Eulenburg AudioScore
Complete String Quartets
Francesca da Rimini, Op.32
Violin Concerto, Op. 35
Tchaikovsky's complete song texts
P. I. Chaĭkovskiĭ o narodnom i nat︠s︡ionalʹnom ėlemente v muzyke
Concerto No 1 For Piano And Orchestra In Bb Minor Op 23
The Nutcracker Suite - Late Elementary/Early Intermediate
Symphonie no.3 in D-Dur, op.29 =
Overture 1812, Op.49
Symphony no. 2
The Nutcracker "Sweet" with Disk
Valse Sentimentale, Op. 51, No. 6
Spiashchaia krasavitsa
Symphony No 6 In B Minor Op 74 Pathtique
String Quartet in F Major, Op. 22
Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto No. 1 & Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto No. 2 (With Orchestral Reduction for Second Piano)
La pulzella d'Orleans =
Piano Concerto no. 1
Andante cantabile from quartet in D major, op. 11
Eugene Onegin
Russian Folksongs
Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky: Children's Album Twenty-Four Easy Pieces Opus 39, and Sonata in G Major Opus 37
Nutcracker for Classical Players
Serenade, Op. 48
Musikalische erinnerungen und feuilletons
"1812" Overture Solennelle, Op. 49
Marche Slave
Piano Concerto Number 1 Easy Elementary Piano Sheet Music
Serenade for strings
The Nutcracker Suite, Op. 71a
Semprini plays golden melodies of Tchaikovsky
Themes from March Slav
Violin Concerto in D,Op.35
Piano and Violin Concertos
Symphony No.6 in B minor Pathétique
My First Tchaikovsky
Album for the Young; Twenty-four Easy Piano Pieces, op. 39
The golden slippers
Swan Lake
Mad Russian's Christmas
Anthology of Russian songs
Violin Concerto
None but the Lonely Heart and Other Songs for High Voice
Waltz of the Flowers
Trio in a Minor, Op. 50
Nutcracker Ballet
Tchaikovsky Ballet Suite
Mendelssohn and Tchaikovsky
Sleeping Beauty Suite 2Pa/4Hd
Dytiachyǐ al'bom
Symphony no. 4 [in] F minor
Best of Tchaikowsky
Concerto No. 2 in G Major and Concerto No. 3 in e-Flat Major Arranged for Two Pianos
Tchaïkovski au miroir de ses écrits
Album for the Young - Twenty Four Easy Piano-Pieces
Tschaikowsky Selected Wks V.2 Ps
Musikalische Essays und Erinnerungen
Guide to the Practical Study of Harmony
Symphony No.2 'Little Russian' , Op.17
Marche Slav , Op. 31
Nutcracker Suite for Solo Classical Guitar
Nutcracker Suite
Manfred Symphony, Op. 58 (Piano)
Symphony No. 6
Three Solos for Violin and Piano from Swan Lake
Jorge Bolet Playsthe Tchaikovsky Pia
Great Symphonies for Piano Solo, Vol. 1
March from Symphony No. 6
Sleeping Beauty, Op. 66
Rococo Variations
Symphonies nos. 1, 2, and 3
Overture 1812 Op.49
Tret'ia simfoniia
Romeo and Juliet
Ode to Joy
Cajkovskij-Studien, vol. 6: Leitfaden zum praktischen Erlernen der Harmonie
Suite from The Nutcracker
Petr Chaykovskiy. Dnevniki
Seasons, Op. 37a
Album for the young, Op. 39, pianoforte
Tchaikovsky Classical Picture Disc
Symphonie no.5, E moll, Op.64
Nutcracker Suite Teacher's Handbook
Seasons and Other Works for Solo Piano
The Nutcracker
Nutcracker for Classical Players - Violin and Piano
Six symphonies
Eugene Onégin
Swan Lake Suite
The effect of pancreatectomy and partial pancreatectomy on forelimb regeneration in Notophthalmus viridescenes
Two Songs Without Words
Guide to Practical Study of Harmony
Nutcracker Suite for Solo Classical Guitar (Songbook)
Grandfather's Waltz the Nutcracker Suite Elementary Piano Sheet Music
Nutcracker for Classical Players - Cello and Piano
Swan Lake
Tchaikovsky Favorites for Easy Volume 1 B
1812 overture for orchestra Op.49
Concerto no. 2, G major, for pianoforte and orchestra.  Op. 44
Sleeping Beauty Suite, Op. 66a
Nutcracker Suite for Guitar
Tchaikovsky Favorites for Beginner Piano Volume 1 B
Two ariosos and Hermans aria from the opera "The Queen of Spades"
Tchaikovsky Ballet Music - A Naxos Musical Journey
Violin Concerto Op. 35
Symphony no. 5 in E minor op. 64
Trio [for] violin, violoncello & piano.  Op. 50
Andante Cantabile  for Cello Quartet
Andante Cantabile
Album for the Young
Nutcracker Favorites for Easy Piano Volume 1 C
Nutcracker Suite, Op. 71a
Tchaikovsky - the Nutcracker Suite, Op. 71a
Nutcracker for Classical Players - Flute and Piano
Sleeping Beauty Waltz
Nutcracker -- Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy
Nutcracker Miniatures
National Songs
The Queen of Spades
Sixth symphony (pathetique) op. 74
Nutcracker Activity Book, Bk 1
Christmas Collection
June from the Seasons for Piano
Twenty-four songs with pianoforte accompaniment
Classic Mallet Trios -- Tchaikovsky
Swan lake
Swan Lake - Ballet in Four Acts, Op. 20
Manfred Symphony, Op. 58
P. I. Chaikovskii S. I. Taneev pis'ma
Grandfather's Waltz the Nutcracker Suite Easy Piano Sheet Music PDF
Valse sentimentale
Serenade for Strings
The Tchaikovsky papers
Perepiska s N.F. fon-Mekk
Learn to Play the Classics Book 23
Swan Lake Ballet
Peter Tschaikowsky's Orchesterwerke
Concerto D major for violin and orchestra, op.35
Symphony no. 6 (Pathetique) in B minor op. 74
Nutcracker for Classical Players - Trumpet and Piano
Tchaikovsky Favorites for Easy Violin Volume 1 A
Tchaikovsky Complete Works for Violin and Piano
The Complete Sacred Choral Works (Publicaciones de la Asociacion de Licenciados y Doctores Esp)
Complete suites for orchestra
Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky:A Symphony O
III. Symphonie in D-dur, op. 29
Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto No. 1 and Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto No. 2
Nutcracker for Classical Players - Clarinet and Piano
Symphony no.5, E minor, op.64
1812 Overture
The Oprichnik
Nutcracker for Classical Cello Players : 10 Selections from the Ballet with Recorded Piano Accompaniments Online
Guide to the Practical Study of Harmony
The Seasons : Op. 37a
Rukovodstvo k prakticheskomu izuchenii︠u︡ garmonii
Nutcracker for Classical Clarinet Players : 10 Selections from the Ballet with Online Piano Accompaniments
Nutcracker Suite, Op. 71a
Melancholic serenade
Andante and finale, op. 79, for piano and orchestra
Symphony No. 2 in C Minor, Op. 17
Symphony No. 2 in C Minor, Op. 17 -- Little Russian
Nutcracker Suite No.2, Op71b
Seasons -- the Hunt
La came de pique**
Perepiska o P.I. I︠U︡rgensonom
Forty Songs (Musician's Library)
Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy
Nutcracker for Classical Trumpet Players : 10 Selections from the Ballet with Online Piano Accompaniments
Tchaikovsky Piano Collection
Nocturne, Op. 19/4
Tchaikovsky Favorites for Elementary Piano Volume 1 A
Dance of the Little Swans Swan Lake Elementary Piano Sheet Music
String quartets
Seasons, OP. 37bis
Witch Album for the Young Opus 39 Number 20 Easy Piano Sheet Music PDF
Nutcracker Suite (Solo)
Nutcracker Suite
Evgeniĭ Onegin
Enchanted Lake
Year 1812
Waltz of the Flowers
Nutcracker Suite for Two
Nutcracker for Classical Flute Players : 10 Selections from the Ballet with Online Piano Accompaniments
Nutcracker for Solo Guitar
Dnevniki P.I. Chaĭkovskogo
Libretto do opery Mazepa
Suite no. 3, for full symphony orchestra
Leitfaden zum praktischen Erlernen der Harmonie
The maid of Orleans
Romeo i Dzhul'etta
Suite no. 3 in G major, op. 55
Shestaia simfoniia
Muzykalʹno-kriticheskie statʹi
Evgeniĭ Onegin P.I. Chaikovskogo
Troisième symphonie à grand orchestre
Suite for full orchestra
Symphony no. 4
Concerto in D, op. 35
P. I. Chaikovskii S. I. Taneev pis'ma
Symphonie no. 6, opus 74
Evgeniĭ Onegin
Troisième symphonie à grand orchestre
Fragmenty iz baleta Lebedinoe ozero
Concerto no. 1 B-flat minor for piano and orchestra, op. 23
Pesnia Vakuly
"1812" Ouverture
The queen of spades
Lebedinoe ozero
Andante und Finale
Six pieces from 'Album for the young', opus 39 [arranged for guitar solo]
Konzert No. 1, B moll : für Pianoforte mit Orchester
Trio, A minor for piano, violin and cello, op. 50
Simfoniia nomer odin
Children's songs on Russian and Ukra[i]nian melodies
ha-Yefefiyah ha-namah
La pulzella d'Orléans =
Lebedinoe ozero
Die Tagebücher
Quartett, Es moll, für 2 Violinen, Viola und Violoncell
Detskiǐ al'bom dlia fortepiano
P.I. Chaĭkovskiĭ o simfonicheskoĭ muzyke
Yevgeni Onegin
Masters of classical music
Vremena goda
ha-Yefehfiyah ha-namah .
Muzykalʹnye felʹetony i zami︠e︡tki Petra Ilʹicha Chaĭkovskago, 1868-1876 g.
Izbrannye p'esy dlia skripki i fortepiano, starshie klassy DMSh
Eugenij Onĕgin
Vierte Symphonie (F moll) für grosses Orchester, op. 36
My sideli s toboǐ
P.I. Chaĭkovskiĭ o kompozitorskom tvorchestve i masterstve
Pory roku
Simfoniia nomer chetyre
Izbrannye khory iz oper
Melankholicheskaia serenada
Rokoko-Variationen für Violoncello und Klavier
Variatsii na temu rokoko
Izbrannye sochineni︠i︡a dl︠i︡a fortepiano
Concerto no. 1
Eugen Onegin
Tchaikovsky; His Life and Works: With Extracts from His Writings, and the ..
1er. quatuors pour des instruments àcordes, op. 11
Die Tagebücher
Tchaikovsky songs
Jolanthe, lyrische oper in einem aufzuge / Henrik Hertz, music by Tchaikovsky
Symphony no. 2 in C minor, op. 17 (Little Russian)
Quartett no.2, F-dur : für 2 Violinen,Viola und Violoncell
Tschaikowsky aus der Nähe
Swan lake
ha-Yefehfiyah ha-nirdemet
Tema s variatsiiami
Neizvestnyĭ Chaĭkovskiĭ
Capriccio italien, für grosses Orchester
Pis'ma P.I. Chaĭkovskago i S.I. Tani︠e︡eva
The Queen of spades
Capriccio italien
Kontsert nomer odin dlia fortepiano s orkestrom
Concerto number one in B flat minor op. 23
Arpeggios Made Easy
P. I. Chaĭkovskiĭ i narodnai︠a︡ pesni︠a︡
Serenade für Streichorchester, op.48
Concerto in D major, opus 35, for violin and piano
Orleanskai︠a︡ di︠e︡va
Neizvestnyĭ Chaĭkovskiĭ
Declaration of Love. Album of popular pieces arranged for viola and piano
Simfoniia nomer piat'
Casse Noisette
4 suites for orchestra
Symphony, no. 6 in B minor, Pathétique, op. 74
Net, tok'ko tot, kto znal
Quartet D major for 2 violins, viola and violoncello
Variations on a rococo theme, for violoncello and orchestra
Swan Lake
Symphony no. 1 in G minor, op. 13 (Winter reveries)
Sonata, do-diez minor, dli︠a︡ fortepiano
Sentymental'nyǐ val's
Symphony no. 6 in B minor, op. 74 "Pathetique" ; Marche slave, op. 31
Sochineniia dlia fortepiano
Schumann and Tchaikovsky
Sred' shumnogo bala
24 [i.e. Dvacet čtyři] pisní a romancí
Konzert für Violine und Orchester, opus 35
Leitfaden zum praktischen Erlernen der Harmonie
1812 overture
Priroda i liubov'
Andante und Finale opus 79 für Klavier und Orchester
Leitfaden zum praktischen erlernen der Harmonie
Der Woywode
Eugene Onegin
Opere scelte per pianoforte
Symphony number four (in f minor)
1812 overture
Evgenii Onegin P.I. Chaikovskogo
Valse sentimentale
Suite pour grand orchestre tirée de la partition du balletCasse-Noisette
Simfoniia, Es-dur
Trio in A minor, opus 50, for piano, violin, and cello
My first Tchaikovsky album
Symphony no. 5, Romeo & Juliet
Piat' de-siat russkikh narodnykh pesen
Symphonie 5, E moll
Konzert für Violine und Orchester, D-dur, op. 35
Violin-Konzert, D fur.  Op. 35
Izbrannye p'esy
Concerto no. 1 in B♭ minor for the piano, op. 23
Spi͡ashchai͡a krasavit͡sa
Kvartety dli︠a︡ dvukh skripok, alʹta i violoncheli
Slavonian march
The sleeping beauty
Koncert, violino e piano, op. 35
יבגני אונייגין
Souvenir de Florence
Eugenio Oneghin
Kontsert nomer dva
Symphony no. 6 "Pathetique"
The maid of Orleans
Symphony no. 5, E minor, op. 64
Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom
Violin concerto & Meditation
Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom
S|i|uita =
Eugen Onegin
Ni slova, o drug moǐ
Four arrangements for piano
Morceaux célèbres pour piano
Detskiĭ albom
Khotel by v edinoe slovo
Trio, op. 50
O Rossii i russkoĭ kulʹture
Symphonie No. 6, H moll (Pathétique)
Vtoraia simfoniia
Concerto, piano, no. 1.
Dva valʹsa
Vzpomínka na Hapsal, op. 2, č. 1-3
Quartett, F dur, für 2 Violinen, Viola und Violoncell
Klavier-Konzert Nr. 1, B moll.  Op. 23
Piano concerto no. 1 in B-flat minor, op. 23
The sleeping beauty
Symphonie pathétique, Nr. 6, H moll, für grosses Orchester
The sleeping beauty
Le voyvode
1812 (i.e. mil huit cent douze) ouverture solennelle
Quartet, E-flat minor, for 2 violins, viola and violoncello, Op. 30
Eugene Onegin/the Opera Journeys Mini Guide Series
The Queen of spades
Neizvestnyĭ Chaĭkovskiĭ
Symphony no. 3, D major, op. 29
Panna Orleanská
Sonata in G major, op. 37
P.I. Chaĭkovskiĭ--N.F. fon Mekk
Chants sans paroles =
Evgenīĭ Oni︠e︡gin
Kontsert dlia skripki s orkestrom
Pikovai︠a︡ dama P.I. Chaĭkovskogo
Ausgewählte Klavierwerke
Trio f℗♭¡Łr Klavier, Violine, Violoncello, Opus 50
Thème original et variations, op. 19, no. 6
Konzert für Violine mit Orchester
Song of the lark
Violin concerto
Michael Bond
Michael Bond (1926-2017)

autobiographer, camera operator, cinematographer

  • Elvian School
Bears and Forebears
The Tales of Olga da Polga
Paddington Here and Now
Olga Meets Her Match
Paddington at the circus
Paddington takes the air
Monsieur Pamplemousse Takes the Cure
Paddington goes to town
Monsieur Pamplemousse rests his case
Paddington at Large (Paddington Bear)
Paddington at work
Paddington on top
Paddington at the Palace (Paddington Library)
Paddington takes the test
Paddington Bear (Paddington)
Monsieur Pamplemousse and the secret mission
Paddington Bear all day
Paddington's garden
Paddington Goes to Hospital
Paddington at the seaside
Paddington's Magical Christmas
Olga carries on
Paddington Abroad (Paddington)
Love from Paddington
More About Paddington CD
Paddington's Blue Peter story book
Monsieur Pamplemousse on vacation
Paddington at the Tower
Paddington Helps Out (Paddington)
Paddington at the zoo
Paddington's Colours
Paddington on screen
Fun and games with Paddington
Paddington Goes for Gold
Paddington Bear and the Christmas surprise
Paddington and the Christmas surprise
Monsieur Pamplemousse
Paddington's ABC
Paddington Bear goes to market
Paddington Takes a Bath
The great big Paddington book
Paddington And The Disappearing Sandwich
Paddington's storybook
Paddington Treasury
Paddington at the Airport
Paddington Bear and the Busy Bee Carnival
Paddington Races Ahead
The Complete Adventures of Olga Da Polga
Paddington at the Fair (Paddington Library S.)
The Giant Paddington Story Book (Paddington's Birthday Party / Paddington Does it Himself / Paddington Hits Out / Paddington In the Kitchen / Paddington On the River)
Paddington and the knicker-bocker rainbow
Paddington's 123
Monsieur Pamplemousse and the Militant Midwives
Paddington at the Station
Paddington at the beach
Paddington in the Garden
A Bear Called Paddington
Paddington's new room
Paddington and the Grand Tour (Paddington)
Thursday rides again
Monsieur Pamplemousse And The Carbon Footprint
Paddington bear in the garden
M. Pamplemousse on the spot
The day the animals went on strike
The Pleasures of Paris
Paddington At The Rainbows End
Paddington on stage
A Bear Called Paddington
Paddington Has Fun
Michael Bond's book of bears
Paddington's opposites
Paddington's things I feel
Bear Called Paddington
Olga takes charge
Paddington Here and Now
Paddington at the Barber Shop
Paddington cleans up
A Bear Called Paddington
Paddington Marches on (Paddington)
Paddington's lucky day
Olga counts her blessings
Paddington's Birthday Party
Paddington At The Carnival
Medvezhonok po imeni Paddington
Paddington En Apuros
Paddington rides on!
The Paddington Treasury
The tale of the castle mice
Olga makes her mark
Paddington at the Beach
Olga Follows Her Nose
Funny Paddington Stories
Olga Moves House
Paddington Bear
Paddington's things I do
Monsieur Pamplemousse investigates
Paddington minds the house
Paddington Marches On
Paddingtons Cookery Book
Paddington and the Marmalade Maze (Paddington Library S.)
Paddington King of the Castle
Olga Follows Her Nose
Paddington Goes to the Sales
Please look after this bear
Olga Counts Her Blessings
Paddington's art exhibition
Olga da Polga
The caravan puppets
Paddington Posts a Letter (A Paddington Bear Slot Book)
Paddington's Busy Day
Monsieur Pamplemousse aloft
Olga Da Polga
Paddington's First Word Book
Olga takes a bite
Monsieur Pamplemousse and the Tangled Web
A Bear Called Paddington
Paddington and the Christmas Surprise
Paddington - King of the Castle
Paddington meets the Queen
Paddington at the Rainbow's End
Paddington Marches On
Paddington and the Grand Tour
Paddington's Finest Hour
More Funny Paddington Stories
Paddington Goes Out
Paddington at home
Paddington on Top
Olga's second house
Paddington Here and Now
Olga Takes Charge
Paddington's Birthday Treat
Paddingtons Guide To London
Paddington Bear goes to the hospital
Olga makes a wish
Paddington Bear Goes to Market
Paddington Takes the Air
Paddington and the Disappearing Trick
Olga's new home
Michael Bond's book of bears
The Paddington Treasury For The Very Young
Paddington and the tutti frutti rainbow
Paddington Races Ahead
Paddington in the kitchen
Paddington at Large
Olga's special day
Paddington, der kleine Bär hilft, wo er kann
J.D. Polson and the Liberty Head Dime
Michael Bond's Book of Bears
Paddington at Work
Michael Bond's book of bears
Paddington, neue Abenteuer des kleinen Bären
Monsieur Pamplemousse and the French Solution
Paddington Marches On
Monsieur Pamplemousse Hits the Headlines
Paddington plays on
Paddington and the Tutti Frutti Rainbow
Paddington's ABC
Paddington's Day Off
Thursday ahoy
A Bear Called Paddington - An Omnibus (Paddington Bear #1-3, 5-6)
Paddington's Prize Picture
Paddington Abroad
Monsieur Pamplemousse Afloat
The Classic Adventures of Paddington
Paddington My Book Of Marmalade
Paddington at the Fair
Paddington Takes the Test
Monsieur Pamplemousse and the French Solution
Paddington Sets Sail
The adventures of Paddington
Paddington Bear Up and About
Funny Paddington Stories
Medvezhonok Paddington i rozhdestvo
Paddington and the Magic Trick
Paddington at the Tower
Paddington's Finest Hour
Paddington goes to town
Ein Baer Mit Namen Paddington
Paddington Minds the House (Little Library)
Paddington Little Library
Paddington at St. Paul's
Oso Llamado Paddington
Paddingtons London Treasury Four Classic Stories Of The Bear From Peru
Paddington Takes the Test
Learn with Paddington
Paddington's Day Off
Here comes Thursday
Paddington's Post
Olga Moves House
The great big Paddington book
Paddington on the River
Paddington the Artist (Paddington)
Paddington rules the waves
Paddington at the Carnival (Read Aloud)
Paddington works hard
Paddington Storybook Collection
Favourite Paddington stories
Paddington's painting exhibition
Nuevas Aventuras de Paddington
Paddington goes shopping
Paddington Collector's Quintet
Paddington at Home
Paddington's Day Off
A Bear Called Paddington
Xiao shu Aoerjia =
Paddington and the Busy Day
Paddington and the Christmas shopping
Monsieur Pamplemousse and the French solution
Paddington Minds the House
Paddington's adventures
Paddington's Cookery Book
Paddington bear at the circus
Paddington at the Seashore
Paddington's Clock Book
Olga makes a friend
Paddington in Touch
Paddington's pop-up book
Monsieur Pamplemousse on Probation (A & B Crime
Paddington Goes to Market Gujarati and Engineering
Paddington on Top
Paddington's Busy Week - a Colouring Story Book
Thursday in Paris
Paddington's Prize Picture
A Mouse Called Thursday
Christian to Christian
J. D. Polson and the Dillogate Affair
Paddington Sets Sail
Paddington Breaks the Peace
Paddington in the Garden (Read Aloud)
Paddington's Picture Book
Paddington and the marmalade maze, Michael Bond
Paddington and the Grand Tour (Read Aloud)
Paddington's Party Tricks (Paddington Library)
Paddington Goes to Hospital (Read Aloud)
Best of Paddington
Paddington in Hot Water (Paddington's Little Library S.)
Paddington Classic Adventures Box Set
Paddington Pocket Library
Paddington's Suitcase
Paddington at the Circus
Libres Como El Viento
UN Oso Llamado Paddington (Mundo Magico)
Las vacaciones de Paddington
Paddington's Diary for Any Year
Geschichten von Paddington
Paddington Complete Novels
Paddington goes to school
Paddington's First Bath
Paddington Turns Detective and Other Funny Stories
It Wasn't Me!
Monsieur Pamplemousse afloat
The Great Big Paddington Bear Picture Book
The Classic Adventures Of Paddington Bear The Complete Collection
Paddington for Christmas
Paddington Goes on a Picnic
Paddington (Read Aloud)
Medvezhonok Paddington odin doma
The Adventures of Parsley the Lion
Michael Bond's bookof mice
Paddington Makes a Mess
Paddington and the Magic Trick
Paddington's Diary
Paddington's Address Book
Paddington's Party Tricks (Paddington's Little Library S.)
Monsieur Pamplemousse Omnibus Vol. 2
Paddington: The Original Story of the Bear from Peru
Paddington Does the Decorating (Beginner Readers)
How to make flying things
Medvezhonok Paddington vo dvor︠t︡se
Paddington en la estación
It Wasn't Me!
Bear Called Paddington
Paddington's Christmas Post
Paddington, Unser Kleine Bar
Paddington's picnic
Paddington Minds the House (Paddington Library)
Nuevas Aventuras De Paddington
Paddington and the Marmalade Maze
Paddington at the Tower
Friedbert fängt die Käsediebe. ( Ab 6 J.)
Paddington Goes to the Sales (Colour Cubs)
Olga Carries On
Ups and Downs of the Castle Mice
Paddington's Party Book
Paddington's Cartoon Book
Paddington Cook
Paddington Treasury for the Very Young
Tbp a Bear Called Paddington
Paddington's 2nd puzzlebook
Paddington Classic Collection
Picnic on the River
Monsieur Pamplemousse on location
Monsieur Pamplemousse Omnibus Vol. 3
Paddington's loose end book
Olga da Polga
Monsieur Pamplemousse Omnibus Vol. 1
Paddington Storybook Favorites
Les exploits de Paddington
Paddington Dressing Up
Paddington, trouble at the launderette
Book of mice
Complete Adventures of Paddington
Paddington's Shopping Adventure
Paddington Treasury With Cd
Paddington en ville
Paddington does it himself
Paddington Storybook Treasury (Colo
Paddington's Pop Up
Paddington's Post
Olga Meets Her Match
Paddington and the Marmalade Maze (Read Aloud)
Paddington Goes to Sales Bk & Tape
Les Vacances de Paddington
Paddington's 1st puzzlebook
Paddington at St Paul's
Paddington the Artist (Read Aloud)
Paddington at the Seaside
Olga Takes Charge
Paddington i wenecki karnawał
Paddington za granicą
Paddington przy pracy
Avon EBook Sundry ISBN
Picnic on the River (Colour Cubs)
The Caravan Puppets (Lions)
Paddington's numbers
Paddington's birthday book
Paddington Goes for Gold (Read Aloud by Stephen Fry)
A Day by the Sea
Paddington and the Tutti Frutti Rainbow (Paddington Library)
Paddington Goes to Town
Monsieur Pamplemousse stands firm
Mons Pamplemousse on Location Bond Michael
Paddington Bear Gift Set
Tales of Olga Da Polga
Paddington und der Buchstabenwettbewerb
Paddington at the Carnival
Paddington i Spacerek literek
Mr. Cram's Magic Bubbles
Paddington w opałach
Paddington Board Book Suitcase
Paddington and the Grand Tour
Paddington's Word Book
Paddington in Touch (Colour Cubs)
Paddington Learns a Lesson
Olga Moves House
Paddington Hits Out (Colour Cubs)
Paddington at the Zoo (Read Aloud)
Monsieur Pamplemousse and the Tangled Web
Paddington in Hot Water (Paddington Library)
Oso Llamado Padington
More About Paddington
Welcome to Tangier
Paddington at the Laundromat
Paddinton Buggy Book
Oliver the Greedy Elephant
Parsley the Lion
How to Be More Paddington
Paddington se déguise
Paddington and Aunt Lucy
The First Big Olga Da Polga Book
Paddington Weighs in
Paddington's jar of jokes
Paddington hits out
Paddington Takes the Test
Thursday ahoy!
Paddington cleans up
Monsieur Pamplemousse Rests His Case
Monsieur Pamplemousse Takes the Train
Paddington schafft das schon
Paddington Slipcase 1990
Miś zwany Paddington
Paddington wyrusza do miasta
Paddington at the Station
Paddington a des soucis
Le Premier Noël de Paddington
Escape 2 Africa
Olga Follows Her Nose
Paddington at Work
Paddington at the Fair
The Paddington Treasury For The Very Young Six Classic Bedtime Stories Of The Bear From Peru
Paddington, de kleine Bär in der Klemme
Paddington's Finest Hour
Something Nasty in the Kitchen
Paddington and Aunt Lucy (Colour Cubs)
Les nombres
Monsieur Pamplemousse Stands Firm (Monsieur Pamplemousse Mysteries
Monsieur Pamplemousse Investigates (Monsieur Pamplemousse Mysteries
Paddington's dressing up book
Parsley and the Herbs (Take Part)
Paddington au cirque
Nowe przygody Paddingtona
Paddington Classic Adventures Box Set
Paddington der kleine Bar macht Ferien
The Best of Olga Da Polga
Paddington and the Grand Tour (Read Aloud)
Paddington à Buckingham Palace
Oso Llamado Paddington/a Bear Named Paddington (Mundo Magico)
Parsley's good deed
Paddington and the Disappearing Trick and Other Stories
Monsieur Pamplemousse And the Militant Housewives
Paddington En Apuros/Paddington Marches on
Paddington aime les surprises
Hilarious Adventures of Paddington (Paddington at Large, Paddington at Work, Paddington Helps Out, More About Paddington, A Bear Called Paddington)
Paddington Carpenter
Olga da Polga, Streiche & Abenteuer
Paddington's Story Book Treasury
M. Pamplemousse Takes the Cure
Olga da Polga, Frech wie eh und je
Paddington Mails a Letter
Paddington's Big Suitcase
Paddington's Colors
Paddington's Guide to London
Paddington at the Seaside
Paddington - the Arrival
Paddington Goes Shopping
Paddington - Goes Shopping
Adventures of a Bear Called Paddington
Paddington in the Kitchen (Colour Cubs)
More about Paddington
Pas de repos pour Paddington
Paddington, unser kleiner Bär
Olga, das frechste Meerschweinchen der Welt. Frech wie eh und je. ( Ab 6 J.)
Travels with Paddington on a Plane
Paddington Turns Detective and Other Funny Stories
Paddington macht sich Freunde. ( Ab 8 J.)
A Bear Called Paddington
Paddington reste à la maison
Paddington Picture Books 1-10
Paddington Takes the Air
The Parsley annual
Paddington Goes Out
Paddington au zoo
Paddington goes to town
How to Be Loved Like Paddington
Paddington At The Carnival
Olga da Polga, Ihr bester Freund
Padd Goes to Town
Paddington and the Christmas Surprise
Paddington at the Palace (Read Aloud)
A home for Paddington
Paddington Bear Counter Cut-Out
Tales of Olga DA Pol
Los Cuentos De Olga Da Polga
Ayi Paddington
Paddington Goes to the Sales
Paddington Treasury
Paddington at St Paul's
Paddington Day At Seaside & Other Storie
It Wasn't Me!
Paddington's Magical Xmas
Olga da Polga. Das neue Zuhause. Das frechste Meerschweinchen der Welt
Paddington and the Christmas Surprise
Paddington Christmas Sur Hb
Paddington Bear Goes to Market
Best-Loved Paddington Stories
Paddington Bear and the Busy Bee Carnival
Paddington and the Christmas Surprise (Read Aloud)
Paddington's 123
A bear called Paddington (Puffin books)
Picnic on the River
Paddington on Holiday - a Colouring Story Book
Un ours nommé Paddington
Paddington Sirkusessa
Paddington at the Zoo
Paddington Takes the Test
Paddington Marches On
Olga, das frechste Meerschweinchen der Welt. Streiche und Abenteuer. Streiche und Abenteuer. ( Ab 6 J.)
Bear Called Paddington 3bk Sw Pk
Paddington at Large
Paddington's Guide to London
Paddington at the Circus
Paddington's Bus Ride (A Paddington Bear Activity Book)
Le pique-nique de Paddington
Olga. Ihr bester Freund. Das frechste Meerschweinchen der Welt. ( Ab 6. J.)
Paddington Sticker Activity Book
Mehr von Paddington. ( Ab 8 J.)
Medvezhonok Paddington i denʹ rozhdenii͡a
Paddington Marches On
Paddingtons's Book Collection
The Best of Paddington
Friedbert, die Findelmaus. (Ab 6 J.)
Olga da Polga, Das neue Zuhause
Paddington and the Grand Tour
Parsley's last stand
Parsley's problem present
Paddington at the Launderette
It Wasn't Me!
Paddington Activity Book
Paddington Treasury for the Very Young
Where's Paddington? Flap Book
Paddington Sticker Book
Paddington Bear
By Michael Bond Paddington Takes the Test (New Ed)
Paddington Book and Toy Gift Set
Paddington At Work
The adventures of Olga da Polga
Paisley the Lion
Taʻalumah be-Pariz
Transformers Animated Mini Sticker Book
Bear Called Paddington
Paddington's Favourite Stories
Un oso llamado Paddington
Xiao huang xiong Adun
Paddington Bear and the Christmas Surprise
Paddington by Michael Bond
paddington at the palace  [Hardcover] [Jan 01, 2010] Michael Bond
Paddington : Sticker Scene Book
Paddington in the Kitchen
Paddington's alphabet treasure hunt
Un ós anomenat Paddington
Paddington Funny Story Collection
Paddington Pb's 24bk Sw Pk
Paddington Bath Large Cub
Here comes Thursday:
The second big Olga da Polga book
Paddington at the Marmalade Maze
More About Paddington
Paddington se débrouille tout seul
Paddington Helps Out (Another Riotous Paddington Adventure)
Paddington at the Circus
Paddington's New Room
Paddington Please Look After This Bear & Other Stories
Paddington Here and Now
Paddington at the Circus
Paddington At The Palace
Mutlu Yillar Ayi Paddington
Adventures of Parsley the Lion
Paddington's Things I Feel
Paddington Helps Out
Paddington Turns Detective
Paddington Alphabet Sticker Book
Paddington the Artist
Love from Paddington
Paddington's story book treasury
Paddington Goes for Gold
Monsieur Pamplemousse Afloat (A&B Crime)
Transformers Animated Act Bk with Tattoo
More Hilarious Adventures of Paddington - 5 bk Boxed set (Paddington Takes to TV: Paddington Takes the Air: Paddington Goes to Town: Paddington Abroad: Paddington Marches On)
Monsieur Pamplemousse Hits the Headlines
Fun and Games with Paddington
Adventures of Paddington
Paddington at large
More about Paddington
Medvezhonok Paddington i ego druzya. Sbornik rasskazov
Paddington Goes to Town
Paddington in the Garden
Paddington Goes for Gold (Read Aloud)
Paddington Now and Then
Paddington Activity Book 2
Paddington l'artiste
Kuma no padinton
Paddington Turns Detective and Other Funny Stories
Paddington at the Zoo
Paddington's First Word Book
Paddington at the Station
Paddington's Play Book
Paddington Goes to Hospital (Read Aloud by Davina Mccall)
Bear Called Paddington
Paddington's Easter Egg Hunt
More about Paddington
Paddington's First Book
More About Paddington
Paddington's Guide to London
The Tales of Olga Da Polga
Ursus Nomine Paddington
Favourite Paddington Stories
Paddington's Counting Book
Paddington at the Palace
Paddington Has a Bath
Paddington's Wheel Book
Paddington at the Palace (Read Aloud)
Thursday rides again
Paddington at St Paul's
More about Paddington
Bear in Hot Water
Monsieur Pamplemousse Aloft
Paddington at Work
Placement at Thorn Security
Paddington Colouring Book
Halloween Performance
Paddington at the Tower
Thursday Rides Again
A Book of Bears
Spot of Decorating
Paddington Pop-Up London : Movie Tie-in
Paddington's Too Much off the Top
Day at the Seashore (Paddington's Paint With Water)
Paddington at the Station (Colour Cubs)
The Tales of Olga Da Polga
Londyn z Paddingtonem
Paddington at the Carnival
Paddington Goes to the Market Chinese &E
Ningyō no ie ni sunde ita nezumi ikka no ohanashi
Paddington's Things I Do
Paddington and the Marmalade Maze
Adventures of Parsley
Love from Paddington
Paddington Abroad
Where's Paddington Castle Flap?
A Jar of Jokes (Paddington)
Paddington et la ruse gourmande
Paddington fait des trouvailles
Something Nasty in the Kitchen
Paddington at the Tower
Parsley's Tail
Paddington at Large
Paddington Puzzle and Play Book
Paddington - My Secret Suitcase
The Naming of Olga Da Polga and Other Stories
Paddington à la fête
Paddington Bear 6bk Sw Pk
Paddington Gift Slipcase
Paddington and the Grand Tour
A Bear Called Paddington
Paddington at the Tower
Paddington Golfer
Paddington at the Zoo
El Regreso Del Olga De Polga
Paddington Bear 40th Anniversary Kit
Paddington abroad
Cadeau mortel pour Noël
Paddington Storybook Collection
Paddington abroad (Young Puffin)
Paddington Abroad
Best of Paddington Bear
Paddington Helps Out
Paddington and the stately home
Paddington Goes to Town by Michael Bond
Paddington at the Palace
Paddington Goes for Gold
Paddington at the Rainbow's End and Other Stories
Paddington Takes to TV
Adventures of Parsley the Lion
Paddington Novels 1-3
Paddington Audio Collection
Paddington Races Ahead
Paddington takes the air;
Paddington Conjurer
Les bêtises de Paddington
Jeszcze o Paddingtonie
Paddington artiste
Paddington daje sobie radę
Carl Sandburg
Carl Sandburg (1878-1967)

poet, musicologist, historian, journalist, biographer, trade unionist

  • Lombard College
Abraham Lincoln
Ever the winds of chance
Always the young strangers
Abe Lincoln grows up
Prairie-town boy
Abraham Lincoln, The Illustrated Edition
Mary Lincoln, wife and widow
Abraham Lincoln, the prairie years and the war years
Abraham Lincoln; the prairie years
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln; the prairie years
Abraham Lincoln; the prairie years
The United States in Literature [with three long stories] -- Seventh Edition
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--The American Experience
Prentice Hall Literature -- Platinum
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Platinum
Prentice Hall Literature -- Gold
Prentice Hall Literature--The American Experience
Prentice Hall Literature--Florida--Language and Literacy
Prentice Hall Literature -- Platinum
The United States in Literature -- The Glass Menagerie Edition
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Silver Level
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Gold
Prentice Hall Literature--Silver
The United States in Literature
Prentice Hall Literature -- Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes -- Bronze Level
Rootabaga stories
The United States in Literature -- All My Sons Edition
Prentice Hall Literature--The American Experience
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Bronze
Prentice Hall Literature--Copper
Words of Ages
Prentice Hall Literature -- Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes -- Reader's Companion -- Bronze Level
Prentice Hall Literature--Copper
Prentice Hall Literature--Bronze
Pearson Literature - California - Reading and Language
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Reader's Companion--Silver
Prentice Hall Literature -- Grade Ten
Prentice Hall Literature--Bronze
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Readers Companion--Silver Level
Chicago poems
Prentice Hall Literature
Not everyday an aurora borealis for your birthday
The American Songbag
Rootabaga pigeons
The people, yes
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--The American Experience
The wedding procession of the rag doll and the broom handle and who was in it
The United States in Literature
From Daybreak to Good Night
Smoke and steel
Poems for children
Harvest poems, 1910-1960
The Sandburg range
Carl Sandburg
The Sandburg Treasury
Rainbows are made
Selected poems of Carl Sandburg
Wind song
Early moon
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--Gold Level
Reader's digest best loved books for young readers--Volume Four
Breathing tokens
More Rootabaga stories
Wind Song (Voyager Book)
The complete poems of Carl Sandburg
Wind song
The Chicago race riots
Remembrance Rock
Rootabaga Stories (A Voyager Book, Avb 85, Avb 90)
Honey and salt
Poems for the people
The Chicago Race Riots
The Huckabuck family and how they raised popcorn in Nebraska and quit and came back
Carl Sandburg Collection Of Works
Slabs of the sunburnt West
Storm over the Land (Konecky & Konecky Civil War library)
Huckabuck Family
More rootabagas
Abraham Lincoln
Lincoln's Devotional
The letters of Carl Sandburg
Always the younger strangers.
Honey and salt
Selected poems
Billy Sunday and other poems
Early moon
Abraham Lincoln.
Carl Sandburg (Poetry for Young People)
Tormenta sobre la tierra
Carl Sandburg at the movies
Fables, foibles, and foobles
The movies are
Abraham Lincoln.
Lincoln collector
Rootabaga country
Never kick a slipper at the moon
Rootabaga Stories
The Chicago race riots, July, 1919
Rootabaga Stories, Part Two
Poet and the Dream Girl
Indians of the Southwest a Century of De
Henry Horner, Governor Of Illinois 1878-1940
Cat Lovers
The American songbag
Breathing tokens
Poetry for Kids
Smoke and steel : and Slabs of the sunburnt West
An address at the ceremony opening the centennial exhibition "The American Civil War" in the Coolidge Auditorium of the Library of Congress, October twenty-five, 1961
Abraham Lincoln ; the prairies years and the war years in three volumes
Rootabaga Stories
New American song bag
Abraham Lincoln
Abe Lincoln Grows Up (Voyager Book, Avb 92)
Carl Sandburg, the people's pugilist
Harvest Poems, 1910-60
Carl Sandburg Reads
Address of Carl Sandburg
Good morning, America
Abraham Lincoln the Prairie Years, Part 1
The family of man
Abraham Lincoln; the prairie years. --
Complete poems
Abraham Lincoln the Prairie Years, Part 2
Rootabaga stories and Rootabaga pigeons
Abraham Lincoln
Rainbows are made : poems
George Meredith THE EGOIST Modern Library c 1951
Breathing tokens
Remembrance Rock
Lincoln's Daily Devotional
Abraham Lincoln, Volume 1
Always the young strangers
Le peuple, oui
The Chicago race riots, July, 1919
Slabs of the Sunburnt West
Abraham Lincoln
Rootabaga Stories
Slabs of the Sunburnt West
Abraham Lincoln, The Prairie Years, Volumes I and II; The War Years, Volumes I through IV
Abraham Lincoln The War Years - IV, The Sangamon Edition
Selected Poems of Carl Sandburg
Abraham Lincoln, the Prairie Years and the War Years
Poems of the Midwest
Harvest Poems
An address by Carl Sandburg
Rootabaga Stories [ Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc. ]
Early moon,
Abraham Lincoln Vol. 4
Abraham Lincoln : The Prairie Years and the War Years
Home front memo
The Prairie Years, 1809-1861 (Carl Sandburg's Abraham Lincoln Vol. 1)
Abraham Lincoln;
Rootabaga stories
The American songbag
Rootabaga Oykuleri
Abraham Lincoln the Prairie Years (Abraham Lincoln the Prairie Years)
Rootabaga country,
Smoke and Steel
Rootabaga Pigeons
In Reckless Ecstasy
Smoke and Steel. Slabs of the Sunburnt West. Good Morning America
Smoke and steel,
Storm Over the Land
Abraham Lincoln, the War Years 4 Vol Set. Volume I II III IV One Two Three Four Comlete Set..
Carl Sandburg
Early Moon
Smoke and Steel
Good Morning America
The people, yes
Harvest Poems
Abraham Lincoln The War Years; Volume Two
Abraham Lincoln; demokrat, människovän
Abraham Lincoln The Prairie Years and the War Years Volume 3
Carl Sandburg's Abraham Lincoln the Prarie Years, 1809-1861
Wind Song
The American Songbag
Chicago Poems
Storm over the land : From Abraham Lincoln
Abe Lincoln Grows Up by Carl Sandburg (1975-04-09)
Sandburg Treasury
Remembrance Rock
Selected Poems of Carl Sandburg
Honey and Salt
A Carl Sandburg miscellany
In reckless ecstasy
Abraham Lincoln (the prarie years)
Smoke and Steel
Chicago Race Riots and Chicago Commission Report
Chicago Race Riots
Always the young strangers
A Lincoln preface
Abe Lincoln grows up
Abraham Lincoln Vol 2 The War Years 1861-1864 A Laurel Edition
You and your job
STORM OVER THE LAND A Profile of the Civil War
Address of Carl Sandburg before a Joint Session of Congress, February 12, 1959
Chicago Race Riots
Abraham Lincoln The Prairie Years - Vol II
The Fiery Trial
Abraham Lincoln - The War Years - Volume One
Harvest poems
A Lincoln and Whitman miscellany
Abraham Lincoln; the War Years; In 4 Vols
Abraham Lincoln the Prairie Years and the War Years in Three Volumes
Abraham Lincoln, The War Years Vol. II (The War Years, Vol. II)
Abraham Lincoln, the War Years Volume 1 Only (of 4 Vol Set) One I
Prairie-town boy
Rootabaga stories
Sandburg Range
Abraham Lincoln, the Prairie Years
Abraham Lincoln, the War Years Volume 2 Only (of 4 Vol Set) Two II
Carl Sandburg's new American songbag
Slabs of the Sunburnt West
Abraham Lincoln
Chicago Poems
Complete Poems
Lincoln Collector the Story of the Oliver R. Barrett Lincoln Collection
Abraham Lincoln - The Prarie Years - I - The Sangamon Edition Volume One
Abe Lincoln grows up
Home Front Memo
Carl Sandburg's Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln : The Three War Years
Rootabaga Pigeons
Carl Sandburg on Abraham Lincoln
People, Yes
Theme in Yellow
Smoke and Steel and Slabs of the Sunburnt West
Chicago Poems
Abraham Lincoln Vol. 1
Rootabaga Stories
Lincoln Collector, the Story of Oliver R. Barrett's Great Private Collection
ABRAHAM LINCOLN the War Years Vol. Three
Abraham Lincoln, the War Years, Volume Four
María Lincoln, esposa y viuda
Abraham Lincoln, the Prairie Years, Volume 1
Abraham Lincoln, the War Years, Volume Two
Abraham Lincoln Vol. 3
Mary Lincoln - Wife and Widow
Abraham Lincoln the War Years -1-volume 3 (The Sangamon Edition, Volume 3)
Always the Young Strangers
Carl Sandburg's Abraham Lincoln Vol 3 of 3 The War Years 1864-1865 Laurel Edition
Chicago poems
Storm over the land : a profile of the Civil War taken mainly from Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln The War Years (1861-1864) (The Prairie Years and the War Years,
Complete poems
Always the young strangers
Poems of the Midwest, containing two complete volumes, Chicago poems and Cornhuskers
The Wedding Procession of the Rag Doll
Mary Lincoln, wife and widow;
The American Songbag. [Compiled by] C. Sandburg
Carl Sandburg, chantre de l'Amérique ..
Storm over the Land
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln The Sangamon Edition Volume Six 6 The War Years - IV
Early Moon 1ST Edition
Petite Poems Theme in Yellow
Harvest Poems
Carl Sandburg Soundbook for Children
Remembrance Rock
A Lincoln preface
Wedding Procession of the Rag Doll and the Broom Handle and Who Was in It
The People, Yes
Rootabaga Stories by Carl Sandburg, Fiction, Action & Adventure, Fairy Tales & Folklore
Potato face
Addresses at the Dedication of the Henry Horner Memorial Monument
Abraham Lincoln: The Prairie Years and Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln
Selected Poems
Early Moon
Abraham Lincoln the War Years Volume 3
Carl Sandburg's Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln : The War Years
The Complete Poems of Carl Sandburg By Carl Sandberg
American Songbag
ABRAHAM LINCOLN, The Prairie Years, Volume Two (2)
STORM OVER THE LAND A Profile of the Civil War
Storm Over the Land : from `Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln the War Years Volume 4
Die Hochzeit von Lumpenpüppchen und Besenstiel und wer alles dabei war
Rembrance Rock
Abraham Lincoln the Prairie Years -Ii (The Sangamon Edition, Volume 2)
The American Songbag
The Great Carl Sandburg
Dikter i urval
Rootabaga stories, and Rootabaga pigeons
Soo Line sonata
New American songbag
[Carl Sandburg ephemera]
Carl Sandburg's Rootabaga Stories (Cdl 51089)
Rootabaga stories
Carl Sandburg reading his Rootabaga stories, v. 3.
Smoke and steel.  Slabs of the sunburnt West.  Good morning, America
How to tell corn fairies
The plaint of a rose
Storm over the land
Slabs of the sunburnt West
Abraham Lincoln, 1809-1859
Carl Sandburg Reads from His Autobiography Always the Young Strangers (Swc 1209)
Chicago poems
Lincoln collector
Carl Sandburg reading his poetry
Carl Sandburg papers
Selected poems
Mary Lincoln, wife and widow
אדמומית של סתיו
Abraham Lincoln
Lincoln collector
Rootabaga Stories, Part Two (Rootabaga Stories)
Early Moon (Voyager/HBJ Book)
The people, yes
Carl Sandburg Reading How to Tell Corn Fairies When You See'Em and Others of His Rootabaga Stories
A Small Friend- Carl Sandburg's Guitar
There is only one man in the world and his name is all men ..
You and your job
Carl Sandburg reads from A Lincoln Album (Swc 2015)
Remembrance Rock
Remembrance rock. --
Bronze wood
The Sandburg range
Selected poems of Carl Sandburg
Always the young strangers
Potato face
Seven poems
A Lincoln album
Rootabaga pigeons
Six new poems and a parable
The people, yes
The people, yes
The people, yes!
Carl Sandburg Reading His Rootabaga Stories (Cdl 51306)
Carl Sandburg Reading Cool Tombs and Other Poems (Swc 1150)
Mary Lincoln, wife and widow
Sandburg reads Sandburg
Mary Lincoln, wife and widow
Storm over the land
Addresses at the dedication of the Henry Horner Memorial Monument, October 27, 1948
Steichen the photographer
Honey and salt
People Yes (Swc 2023)
Rootabaga Stories, Part 2 (Rootabaga Stories)
Complete poems
Fog and Other Poems
The plaint of a rose
Selected poems
Abe Lincoln grows up
Complete poems
The poems
Lincoln Album
The people, yes
Abraham Lincoln
Smoke and steel
Remembrance Rock. A sampler from the forthcoming novel
M'Liss and Louie
Lincoln Album/Cassette #52015
The complete poems of Carl Sandburg
Smoke and steel
Selected poems
Address of Carl Sandburg before a Joint Session of Congress, February 12, 1959
Smoke and steel; Slabs of the sunburnt West (and) Good morning, America. --
Remembrance Rock. A sampler from the forthcoming novel
Tefilot shel peladah
Storm over the land
What do you think?
The people, yes
Remembrance rock. --
Complete poems
Early moon
Mary Lincoln, wife and widow
Smoke and steel; Slabs of the sunburnt West (and) Good morning, America. --
Carl Sandburg the Poet Reads Windy City, Wilderness and Wind Song/ Pm 44 Cx Cassette
Home front memo
Edgar Lee Masters
Edgar Lee Masters (1868-1950)

poet, playwright, lawyer, biographer

  • Knox College
Across Spoon River
Mark Twain; a portrait
Levy Mayer and the new industrial era
The United States in Literature [with three long stories] -- Seventh Edition
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--The American Experience
Prentice Hall Literature -- Gold
Prentice Hall Literature--The American Experience
The United States in Literature -- The Glass Menagerie Edition
The United States in Literature
The United States in Literature -- All My Sons Edition
Prentice Hall Literature--The American Experience
The new Spoon River
Children of the Market Place
The golden fleece of California
Prentice Hall Literature--Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes--The American Experience
Spoon River Anthology
Familiar poems, annotated
The new star chamber
The Sangamon
The open sea
Mitch Miller
Invisible landscapes
The blood of the prophets
Starved Rock
Toward the Gulf
The great valley
Domesday book
Songs and satires
Edgar Lee Masters
The fate of the jury
Edgar Lee Masters' Spoon River anthology
Skeeters Kirby
The enduring river
Dramatic duologues
Jack Kelso
The harmony of deeper music
Illinois poems
The trifler
The Constitution and our insular possessions
Along the Illinois
More people
Gettysburg, Manila, Acoma
Selected poems
The nuptial flight
A book of verses
The tide of time
Theodore Dreiser
The locket
Vachel Lindsay; a poet in America
Songs & Sonnets
The new world
Poems of people
Kit O'Brien
Lichee nuts
The tale of Chicago
The serpent in the wilderness
The bread of idleness
Down into This Land
Spoon River (one-Act Version)
Edgar Lee Masters Presents the Living Thoughts of Ralph Waldo Emerson by Edgar Lee Masters
Spoon river
Spoon River
Spoken Arts treasury of 100 modern American poets reading their poems
Givʻat Spun River
Days in the Lincoln country
Edgar Lee Masters papers
Abraham Lincoln's home town
Spoon river
Stuart M. Kaminsky
Stuart M. Kaminsky (1934-2009)

journalist, biographer, film scholar

  • University of Illinois Urbana–Champaign, Northwestern University
John Huston, maker of magic
The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes [18 stories]
Dark Love
Murder in Baker Street
A few minutes past midnight
The devil met a lady
American film genres
The Dead Don't Lie
To Catch a Spy
The Melting Clock
A fatal glass of beer
The big silence
Guilty As Charged
Fall of a cosmonaut
Rostnikov's Vacation
Lieberman's Law
A cold red sunrise
Hard currency
Blood and rubles
Not quite kosher
Dancing in the Dark
Lieberman's day
Master's Choice - Volume II
Always Say Goodbye
People who walk in darkness
Mildred pierced
Lieberman's folly
Poor butterfly
Red Chameleon
You Bet Your Life
High midnight
Blood on the Sun (CSI: New York)
The dog who bit a policeman
Catch a Falling Clown
Black Knight in Red Square
Now you see it
Lieberman's thief
Murder on the Trans-Siberian Express
Midnight pass
The last dark place
American television genres
Never Cross a Vampire
A Fine Red Rain
The Man Who Walked Like a Bear
Think fast, Mr. Peters
Death of a Dissident
Bullet for a star
The last dark place
Lieberman's choice
Hidden and other stories
Down for the Count
Terror town
Exercise in Terror
The green bottle
Smart Moves
The Man Who Shot Lewis Vance
Devil on my doorstep
Murder on the yellow brick road
When the Dark Man Calls
He Done Her Wrong
Dancing in the Dark (Toby Peters Mysteries
Black knight in red square
Bullet for a Star (Toby Peters Mysteries
Tomorrow is another day
Death of a Russian priest
Show Business Is Murder
Murder On The Yellow Brick Road (Toby Peters Mysteries
Lieberman's Law (Abe Lieberman)
Ingmar Bergman
Midnight pass
Vengeance (Lew Fonesca)
Buried caesars
Bright futures
Kolchak the night stalker
A Fine Red Rain (Inspector Porfiry Rostnikov Mystery)
Always say goodbye
The Howard Hughes Affair
Bright Futures
The Rockford files
A whisper to the living
Never Cross a Vampire (A Toby Peters Mystery)
Tarnished Icons (Inspector Porfiry Rostnikov Novel)
Poor butterfly
Behind the mystery
Hollywood and Crime
The final toast
Mystery in the sunshine state
A Cold Red Sunrise
Dead of winter
Deluge: CSI
Mystery in the Sunshine State
The Fala Factor
The Devil Met a Lady (Toby Peters Mysteries
Tomorrow is another day
On a Raven's Wing
The Last Dark Place An Abe Lieberman Mystery
Not Quite Kosher An Abe Lieberman Mystery
The Rockford Files
A whisper to the living
He Done Her Wrong (Toby Peters Mysteries
The Howard Hughes affair
The Rockford Files: The Green Bottle
The Man Who Beat the System
Black knight in Red Square
High Midnight (Toby Peters Mysteries
Rätselhafte Waagen. Astrokrimi
Fall of a Cosmonaut (Oeb)
Midnight Pass (Lew Fonesca)
The green bottle
People Who Walk In Darkness (Inspector Rostnikov)
Dead of winter
Liebermann et le chien enragé
Murder on the Yellow Brick Road
When the Dark Man Calls
The Big Silence An Abe Lieberman Mystery
Melody and Murder
Buried caesars
A cold red sunrise
Bullet for a star
Spur nach Süden
Black knight in Red Square
Tomorrow Is Another Day (A Toby Peters Mystery)
Think Fast, Mr. Peters (A Toby Peters Mystery)
High midnight
Blood and Rubles (Inspector Porfiry Rostnikov Mystery)
Fall of a Cosmonaut (Gemstar)
American film genres
Le Poids des morts
Writing for television
Poor Butterfly (A Toby Peters Mystery)
Mystery Writers of America presents show business is murder
Erben oder sterben. Cassette. Ideen, Techniken, Beispiele
24 heures dans la vie de Lieberman
Le caméléon rouge
Buried Caesars (Toby Peters Mystery)
The Dead Dont Lie
                Abe Lieberman Mysteries Paperback
Rätselhafte Waagen
Blood on the Sun
Double Shot (Lew Fonesca)
He Done Her Wrong (A Toby Peters Mystery)
Whisper To The Living
Bullet for a Star (A Toby Peters Mystery)
Terror town
The devil met a lady
You bet your life
When the dark man calls
Der Tod des kubanischen Kochs
Never Cross a Vampire Lib/E
Howard Hughes Affair
Bullet for a Star
Bullet for a Star
Lieberman's Thief (Cassettes)
Bullet for a Star
Cold Red Sunrise
You Bet Your Life
Man Who Walked Like a Bear
Lieberman's Folly
Dog Who Bit a Policeman
Fall of a Cosmonaut
Last Dark Place
Fala Factor
Smart Moves
Dancing in the dark
Rostnikov's Vacation
Poor Butterfly
Poor Butterfly
Lieberman's Law
High Midnight
Whisper to the Living
Lieberman's Choice
Fine Red Rain
Think Fast, Mr. Peters Lib/E
Now You See It
Hard Currency
Melting Clock
Double Shot : Two Full Novels
Lieberman's Folly
Demain est un autre jour
Death of a Russian Priest
He Done Her Wrong
Down for the Count
Tarnished Icons
Poor Butterfly
Mildred Pierced
A Whisper to the Living Lib/E
Death of a Dissident
Murder on the Trans-Siberian Express
Few Minutes Past Midnight
Few Minutes Past Midnight
Blood and Rubles
Rostnikov's Vacation
Tomorrow Is Another Day
Think Fast, Mr. Peters
Buried Caesars
High Midnight
Man Who Walked Like a Bear
Never Cross a Vampire
Opening Shots
Now You See It
Deluge : CSI
Cold Red Sunrise
Hard Currency
Lieberman's Folly
Cold Red Sunrise
The Melting Clock Lib/E
Exercise in Terror
Smart Moves
Melting Clock
Fine Red Rain
He Done Her Wrong
Always Say Goodbye
Lieberman's Thief
Never Cross a Vampire
Lieberman's Thief
Death of a Russian Priest
Clint Eastwood
Always Say Goodbye Lib/E
Murder on the Trans-Siberian Express
Dead of Winter
A Cold Red Sunrise
Catch a Falling Clown
You Bet Your Life
Lieberman's Law
Terror Town
Fine Red Rain
Tarnished Icons
Last Dark Place
Devil Met a Lady
High Midnight
To Catch a Spy
Fatal Glass of Beer
Black Knight in Red Square
The man who walked like a bear
Blood and Rubles
To catch a spy
Never Cross a Vampire
Devil Met a Lady
Red Chameleon
Lieberman's Day/Cassettes
Melting Clock
Blood and Rubles
Murder on the Yellow Brick Road
Buried Caesars
Not Quite Kosher
Vengeance (Lew Fonseca Ser)
Lieberman's Day
A Whisper to the Living
Dog Who Bit a Policeman, The
Midnight Pass
Man Who Walked Like a Bear
High Midnight
When the Dark Man Calls
Blood and Rubles
Lieberman's Law
People Who Walk in Darkness
Down for the Count
Red Chameleon
Lieberman's Folly
Death of a Russian Priest
On a Raven's Wing
Hinter Hollywoods Kulissen
Big Silence
Big Silence
Fatal Glass of Beer
Tarnished Icons
Few Minutes Past Midnight
Judy et ses nains
You Bet Your Life
Fall of a Cosmonaut
Fatal Glass of Beer
Smart Moves Lib/E
Don Siegel, director
Hard Currency
Blood on the Sun
Blood and Rubles
Black Knight in Red Square
Rostnikov's Vacation
Death of a Dissident
Dancing in the Dark
Murder on the Yellow Brick Road
Fala Factor
Black Knight in Red Square
To Catch a Spy
He Done Her Wrong Lib/E
Fine Red Rain
Dog Who Bit a Policeman
Melting Clock
Tarnished Icons
When the Dark Man Calls
Dancing in the Dark
Last Dark Place
Howard Hughes Affair
Mildred Pierced
Moi, j'aime le cinéma
Howard Hughes Affair
Exercise in Terror
Catch a Falling Clown
Dog Who Bit a Policeman
Exercise in Terror
Lieberman's Day
Rostnikov's Vacation
Lieberman's Choice
Blood and Rubles (Inspector Porfiry Rostnikov Novel)
Murder on the Trans-Siberian Express
Lieberman's Thief
Red Chameleon
Dead Don't Lie
Think Fast, Mr. Peters
Red Chameleon
He Done Her Wrong
The Dog Who Bit a Policeman
Death of a Russian Priest
Black Knight in Red Square
Rostnikovs corpse
Down for the count
The Melting Clock
Ingmar Bergman
Bright Futures
Rostinikov's corpse
Soleil post mortem
Red Chameleon
Mystery for Short
Double shot
Hard Boiled
Le pope est mort
Coups de feu dans les étoiles
Now you see it
William Cobbett
William Cobbett (1763-1835)

journalist, farmer, politician, biographer, historian

Peter Porcupine in America
The life and adventures of Peter Porcupine, with a full and fair account of all his authoring transactions
The life and adventures of Peter Porcupine
The autobiography of William Cobbett
Life of Andrew Jackson
Cobbett's America
Observations on the emigration of Dr. Joseph Priestley, and on the several addresses delivered to him, on his arrival at New-York
The life of William Cobbett
The opinions of William Cobbett
The life of William Cobbett, author of the Political register
Rural rides
Cottage economy
The American gardener
Advice to young men
A grammar of the English language
The English gardener
A history of the Protestant Reformation in England and Ireland
Letters on the late war between the United States and Great Britain
A year's residence in the United States of America
Cobbett's legacy to parsons
The political censor, or Monthly review of the most interesting political occurrences, relative to the United States of America
Legacy to parsons
Porcupine's works
Porcupine revived, or, An old thing made new ..
The pride of Britannia humbled
The democratic judge
Twelve sermons
The emigrant's guide
Advice to young men, and (incidentally) to young women, in the middle and higher ranks of life
Part II. A bone to gnaw, for the Democrats
Cobbett's paper against gold
Selections from Cobbett's political works
A little plain English
Thirteen sermons
Paper against gold and glory against prosperity
A French grammar
Cobbett's Tour in Scotland
The scare-crow
Paper against gold
Cobbett in Ireland
Paper against gold, or, the mystery of the Bank of England
The English grammar of William Cobbett
The Republican rush-light
A history of the last hundred days of English freedom
Elements of reform
Rural rides in the counties of Surrey, Kent, Sussex, Hants, Berks, Oxford, Bucks, Wilts, Somerset
A French grammar; or, plain instructions for the learning of French
A history of the reformation in England and Ireland, in a series of letters
Mr. Cobbett's remarks on our Indian empire and company of trading soverigns
Rural rides during the years 1821 to 1832
Porcupine's works; containing various writings and selections, exhibiting a faithful picture of the United States of America
The republican judge, or, The American liberty of the press
Rural rides in the counties of Surrey, Kent, Sussex, Hants, Berks, Oxford, Bucks, Wilts, Somerset, Gloucester, Hereford, Salop, Worcester, Stafford, Leicester, Hertford, Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk, Cambridge, Huntingdon, Nottingham, Lincoln, York, Lancaster, Durham, and Northumberland, in the years 1821, 1822, 1823, 1825, 1826, 1829, 1830, and 1832
William Cobbert
Observations on the emigration of Dr. Joseph Priestley
The detection of Bache; or French diplomatic skill developed
The pride of Britannia humbled, or, The queen of the ocean unqueen'd, by the American cock boats ..
Democratic principles illustrated by example
A little plain English, addressed to the people of the United States
The poor man's friend
The pride of Britannia humbled, or, The queen of the ocean unqueen'd
Journal of a year's residence in the United States of America
The collected social and political writings of William Cobbett
A bone to gnaw for the democrats
History of the regency and reign of King George the Fourth
Letters to the Right Honourable Lord Hawkesbury, and to the Right Honourable Henry Addington
Cobbett's poor man's friend; or, A defence of the rights of those who do the work and fight the battles
The pride of Britannia humbled; or, The queen of the ocean unqueened, by "the American cock boats," and "the fir built things, with bits of striped bunting at thier [sic] mast heads." (as the Rt. Hon. Mr. Canning, in the British Parliament, called our frigates.)
Advice to a lover
Cobbett's country book
The life of William Cobbett
A kick for a bite; or, Review upon review
Life of Andrew Jackson, president of the United States of America
A year's residence in America
Observations on the debates of the American Congress, on the addresses presented to General Washington, on his resignation
Democratic principles illustrated. Part the second
An address to the clergy of Massachusetts
A brief history of the remains of the late Thomas Paine, from the time of their disinterment in 1819 ... down to the year 1846
The political Proteus
The autobiography
Porcupine's political censor, for December. 1796
Cobbett's Gridiron: Written to Warn Farmers of Their Danger, and to Put ...
The emigrant's guide
The life of Thomas Paine
Good Friday
A History of the last hundred days of English freedom. --
Cobbett's Political Register
A full and accurate report of the trial of William Cobbett, Esq
Observations on Paine's "Age of Reason"
Letters to the Right Honourable Lord Hawkesbury, and to the Right Honourable Henry Addington, on the peace with Buonaparte
Cobbett's England
Popular politics and power, 1817-1822
Observations on the emigration of Dr. Joseph Priestly [sic]
Rural rides in the southern, western and eastern counties of England
Democratic principles illustrated
Annals of blood
Cobbett's tour in Scotland; and in the four northern counties of England: in the autumn of the year 1832
Observations on the character and motives of Paine in the publication of his "Age of Reason"
Porcupine's political censor, for November 1796
The American Rush-light
Mr. Cobbett's taking leave of his countrymen
An address, to the people of England
The farmer's wife's friend; or, The way for the farmer's wife to assist in saving her family from ruin
A history of the Protestant reformation in England and Ireland
The life and letters of William Cobbett in England and America
A treatise on Cobbett's corn
Letters to the Right Honourable Lord Hawkesbury, and to the Right Honourable Henry Addington, on the peace with Buonaparté
Le tuteur anglais, ou Grammaire reguliére de la langue anglaise en deux parties
Important considerations for the people of this kingdom
Tit for tat, or, A purge for a pill
Observations on the emigration of Dr. Joseph Priestley, and on several addresses delivered to him on his arrival atNew York
Rural rides in the southern, western and eastern counties of England, together with tours in Scotland and in the northern and midland counties of England and letters from Ireland
Surplus population: and Poor-law bill
Renewal of Cobbett's Register
Rural rides in the counties of Surrey, Kent, Sussex, Hampshire, Wiltshire, Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, Worcestershire, Somersetshire, Oxfordshire, Berkshire, Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk, and Hertfordshire
An answer to the speech of the Attorney-General, against Her Majesty the Queen
A grammar of the English language (1832)
A collection of facts and observations
Le tuteur anglais, ou Grammaire regulie re de la langue anglaise en deux parties
A full and accurate report of the trial of William Cobbett, Esq. (before Lord Tenterden and a special jury) on Thursday, July 7, 1831, in the Court of King's Bench, Guildhall
Cottage economy : containing information relative to the brewing of beer
Cobbett's legacy to labourers
A history of the Protestant Reformation in England and Ireland, 1829
Reform, 1810-1817
The carriers of Porcupine's gazette, to it's [sic] friends; on the commencement of the year 1798
Advice to young men, and (incidentally) to young women, in the middle and higher ranks of life
Remarks on the explanation, lately published by Dr. Priestley, respecting the intercepted letters of his friend and disciple John H. Stone
A letter from London
The trial of republicanism, or, A series of polical papers proving the injurious and debasing consequences of republican government and written constitutions
A lyrical letter, from William Cobbett, Esq
The opinions of William Cobbett
Detection of a conspiracy formed by the United Irishmen
Le tuteur anglais, ou, Grammaire regulière de la langue française
Prospectus of a daily paper, called The Porcupine
The progress of a plough-boy to a seat in Parliament
From Dover To The Wen
History of the American Jacobins, commonly denominated Democrats
The bloody buoy, thrown out as a warning to the political pilots of America; or, A faithful relation of amultitude of acts of horrid barbarity, such as the eye never witnessed, the tongue never expressed, or the imagination conceived, until the Commencement of the French Revolution ..
Advice to young men & (incidentally) to young women ...
William Cobbett's illustrated Rural rides 1821-1832
The Protestant reformation
From reaction to rebellion, 1802-1810
Links of the Lower House, or, An alphabetical list of the members of the House of Commons, showing the counties, cities or boroughs for which they sit
The beauties of Cobbett
Cobbett's sermons on hypocrisy and cruelty, drunkeness, bribery, oppression, unjust judges, the sluggard, murder, gaming, public robbery, the unnatural mother, forbidding marriage, parsons and tithes
Surplus population and the Poor Law bill
Cobbett's easy grammar
A legacy to labourers..
A letter addressed to Mr. Jabet of Birmingham
Paper against gold, or, the history and mystery of the Bank of England
Remarks on the explanation lately published by Dr. Priestley, respecting the intercepted letters of his friend and disciple J.H. Stone. To which is added, a certificate of civism for J. Priestley, jun
The farmer's friend
Porcupine's political censor, for Jan. 1797. ..
A grammar of the English language, in a series of letters
The last of the Saxons
Cobbett selections
Tour in Scotland, and in the four northern counties of England
Cobbett's legacy to parsons or, Have the clergy of the Established Church an equitable right to the tithes, or to any other thing called Church property, greater than the Dissenters have to the same? nd ought there, or ought there not, to be a separationof the Church from the State?
Cobbett's Parliamentary history of England
Cobbett's poor man's friend
Cobbett's Manchester lectures, in support of his fourteen reform propositions
Cobbett's Manchester lectures in support of his fourteen reform propositions ... delivered ... on the last six days of the year 1831 ; to which is subjoined a letter to Mr. O'Connell on his speech ... against the proposition for establishing of Poor-Laws in Ireland
Advice to young men and (incidentally) to young women
Le maître d'anglais
The life of William Cobbett
A letter to the infamous Tom Paine
The life of W. Cobbett, Esq., M.P. for Oldham
Big O and Sir Glory, or, Leisure to laugh
A year's residence in the U.S. ..
The life of William Cobbett, author of the political register
Observations on the emigration of Dr. Joseph Priestley, and on the several addresses delivered to him, on his arrival at New-York... together with a comprehensive story of a farmer's bull
A new French and English dictionary in two parts
Cobbett's book of the Roman-Catholic church in four parts
Three lectures on the political state of Ireland
Cobbett's sermons
Mr. Cobbett's taking leave of his countrymen
The American gardener, or, A treatise
A pill for Porcupine
A history of the Protestant Reformation
Advice to young men, with an introd. by Henry Morley
Eleven lectures on the French and Belgian revolutions, and English boroughmangering
Cobbett's legacy to parsons, or, Have the clergy of the established church an equitable right to tithes
The soldier's friend
An antidote for Tom Paine's theological and political poison
The bloody buoy
French arrogance; or, "The cat let out of the bag"
A prospect from the Congress-gallery, during the session begun December 7, 1795
Letters from William Cobbett to Edward Thornton
The democratic judge: or, The equal liberty of the press
Porcupine's works
Peasant politics, 1830-1835
Preliminary part of Paper against gold
The woodlands
Memoirs of the late William Cobbett..
Proposals for publishing a news-paper, to be entitled, Porcupine's gazette and daily advertiser
Cobbett's Political Register of June 13, 1835; being the last production of Mr. Cobbett's pen
The American gardener, or, A treatise on the situation soil, fencing and laying-out of gardens; on the making and managing of hot-beds and green-houses; and on the propagation and cultivation of the several sorts of vegetables, herbs, fruits and flowers
Cobbett's warning to Norfolk farmers
The Republican judge: or the American liberty of the press, as exhibited, explained, and exposed, in the base and partial prosecution of William Cobbett, for a pretended libel against the King of Spain and his embassador, before the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. With an address to the people of England. By Peter Porcupine
Remarks on the insidious letter of the Gallic despots
Cobbett's monthly religious tracts
Cobbett's parliamentary history of England from the Norman conquest, in 1066 to the year 1803...
A year's residence in America
Rural rides in the counties of Surrey, Kent, Sussex, Hants, Berks, Oxford, Bucks, Wilts, Somerset, Gloucester, Hereford, Salop, Worcester, Stafford, Leicester, Hertford, Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk, Cambridge, Huntingdon, Nottingham, Lincoln, York, Lancaster, Durham, and Northumberland, during the years 1821-1832
To the Earl of Radnor, on his reported speech, in the House of Lords, on the 21 July, on the poor-law scheme
Rural rides
The works of Peter Porcupine, D.D
A bone to gnaw for the Democrats, or, Observations on a pamphlet entitled The political progress of Britain
History of the regency andreign of King George the Fourth
Letters of William Cobbett
The queen's answer to the letter from the king to his people
Porcupine's gazette
The works of Peter Porcupine
The American gardener
Rural rides in Surrey, Kent, and other counties
Cobbett's too long petition, Nov. 1817. - letter to Tierney, July 1818. Letter to the Regent on that wildand visionary project, Peel's bill, Sept. 1819
Cobbett's two-penny trash, or, Politics for the poor ...
A history of the protestant reformation in England and Ireland ...
Advice to young men, and (incidentally) to young women, in the middle and higher ranks of life
The English gardener ... with a kalendar, (etc.)
Advice to young  men, and (incidentally) to young women, in the middle and higher ranks of life
Letters to the Right Honourable Henry Addington, Chancellor of His Majesty's Exchequer, on the fatal effects of the peace with Bonaparte, particularly with respect to the colonies, the commerce, the manufactures, and the constitution, of the United Kingdom
A geographical dictionary of England and Wales..
Paper against gold, or, The history and mystery of the Bank of England, of the Debt, of the Stocks, of the Sinking Fund, and of the paper money
Cobbett's plan of parliamentary reform addressed to the young men of England
A full and accurate report of the trial of William Cobbett, Esq. (before Lord Tenterden anda special jury,) on Thursday, July 7, 1831, in the Court of King's Bench, Guildhall
List of abbeys, priories, nunneries, hospitals and other religious foundations in England and Wales and in Ireland,confiscated, seized on, or alienated by the Protestant Reformation sovereigns and parliaments
A French grammar, or, plain instructions for the learning of French, in a series of letters
Proceedings of a General Court Martial held at the Horse-Guards, on the 24th and 27th of March, 1792, forthe trial of Capt. Richard Powell, Lieut. Christopher Seton, and Lieut. John Hall, ofthe 54th Regiment of Foot; on several charges preferred against them respectively by William Cobbett, late Serjeant-Major of the said Regiment; together with several curious letters which passed between the said William Cobbett and Sir Charles Gould, Judge-Advocate General; and various other documents connected therewith in the order of their dates
By William Cobbett. Prospectus of a new daily paper, to be entitled The Porcupine
The emigrant's guide
A little plain English, addressed to the people of the United States, on the Treaty, negotiated with HisBritannic Majesty, and on the conduct of the President relative thereto, in answer to "The letters of Franklin"..
Poor man's friend; or, a defence of the rights of those who do the work and fight the battles
Democratic principles illustrated by example : part the first[-the second]
Selections from Cobbett's political works, being a complete abridgement of... Porcupine and the Weekly Political Register
Selections from William Cobbett's illustrated Rural Rides 1821-1832
Selections, with Hazlitt's essays and other critical estimates
A letter to His Holiness, the Pope, on the character, the conduct and the views, of the Catholic aristocracy and lawyers of England and Ireland
A grammar of the English language in a series of letter..
Advice to young men, with an introd. by Henry Morley
Cobbett's Penny Trash
Mr. Cobbett's speech, and the other speeches on his motion for an abolition of the malt-tax
The bloody buoy, thrown out as a warning to the political pilots of America, or, A faithful relation of a multitude of acts of horrid barbarity, such as the eye never witnessed ... until the French Revolution, illustrated with four striking copper-plates
The life and adventure of Peter Porcupine, with a full and fair account of all his authoring transactions; being a sure and infallible guide for all enterprising young men who wish to make a fortune by writing pamphlets
Mr. Cobbett's answer to Mr. Stanley's manifesto
Paper against gold and glory against prosperity, or, An Account of the rise, progress, extent and presentstate of the funds and of the paper-money of Great Britain
The progress of a plough-boy to a seat in Parliament, as exemplified in the history of the life of William Cobbett, member for Oldham
The bloody buoy, thrown out as a warning to the political pilots of America, or, A faithful relation of a multitude of acts of horrid barbarity, such as the eye never witnessed ... until the French Revolution
Good Friday; or, the murder of Jesus Christ by the Jews
No Title Exists
A little plain English, addressed to the people of the United States, on the Treaty negociated with His Britannic Majesty, and on the conduct of the President relative thereto; in answer to "The letters of Franklin"..
Cobbett's two-penny trash, or, Politics for the poor ...
Read and reflect! One pennyworth of useful wisdom... a faint picture of the horrors and calamities, which have proceeded from the French Revolution..
Cobbett's English grammar
Cobbett's political register
Cobbett against himself
Cobbett selections, with Hazlitt's Essay, and other critical estimations
Histoire de la réforme protestante en Angleterre et en Irlande
The suppression of the English monasteries
The emigrant's guide, in ten letters, addressed to the taxpayers of England
By William Cobbett, of the city of Philadelphia. Proposals for publishing by subscription, a new, entire, and neat edition of Porcupine's works
The bloody buoy
Doom of the tithes
The ninth letter to Lord Hawkesbury, relative to the peace with Bonaparte
Mr. Cobbett's remarks on our Indian Empire and company of trading sovereigns [and] Mr. John Fielden on "Cotton Supply" (quotations from his pamphlet of 1836)
Our anti-neutral conduct reviewed
A New-Year's gift to the Democrats; or Observations on a pamphlet, entitled, "A vindication of Mr. Randolph's resignation."
A geographical dictionary of England and Wales
Politics for the people
Advice to young men, and (incidentally) to young women, in the middle and higher ranks of life
The English gardener; or, A treatise on the situation, soil, enclosing and laying-out of kitchen gardens... concluding with a kalendar giving instructions relative to the sowings, plantings, prunings and other labours to be performed in the gardens in each month of the year
Important considerations for the people of Great Britain
Cobbett's complete collection of state trials and proceedings for high treason and other crimes and misdemeanors from the earliest period to the present time
William Cobbett..
To the Earl of Radnor, on his reported speech, in the House of Lords, on the 21 July, 1834, on the poor-law scheme
A bone to gnaw for the Democrats, or, Observations on a pamphlet entitled "The political progress of Britain"
Advice to young men (and incidentally) to young women ,in the middle and higher ranks of life in a series of letters addressed to a youth, a bachelor, a lover, a husband, a father, a citizen, or a subject
Selections from Cobbett's rural rides
Four letters to the Hon. John Stuart Wortley; in answer to his "Brief inquiry into the true award of an equitable adjustment between the nation and its creditors"
Rural rides
Cobbett's legacy to parsons.  In six letters addressed to the church parsons in general, including the cathedral and college clergy and the bishops
Advice to young men, and (incidentally) to young women, in the middle and higher ranks of life
Cobbet's advice to young men
Porcupine's political censor, for Sept. 1796. ..
A new French and English dictionary
Life of Andrew Jackson, president of the United States of America
An antidote for Tom Paine's theological and political poison
Proposals for publishing by subscription, a new, entire, and neat edition of Porcupine's Works
The English gardener, or, A treatise on the situation, soil, enclosing and laying-out of kitchen gardens, on the making and managing of hot-beds and green-houses, and on the propagation and cultivation of all sorts of kitchen-garden plants, and of fruit-trees whether of the garden or the orchard : and also on the formation of shrubberies and flower-gardens, and on the propagation and cultivation of the several sorts of shrubs and flowers
Cobbett's collective commentaries, or, Remarks on the proceedings in the collective wisdom of the nation
Cottage economy
The bloody buoy thrown out as a warning to the political pilots of America, or, A faithful relation of a multitude of acts of horrid barbarity, such as the eye never witnessed, the tongue never expressed, or the imagination conceived, until the commencement of the French Revolution
A history of the Protestant reformation in England and Ireland, written in 1824-1827
The malt-tax kept upon the backs of the people by the Whigs
The woodlands, or, A treatise on the preparing of ground for planting, on the planting, on the cultivating, on the pruning, and on the cutting down of forest trees and underwoods
Rural rides in the southern, western and eastern counties of England
French arrogance; or, "The cat let out of the bag"
Selections from Cobbett's Rural Rides
Le tuteur anglais
Remarks on the explanation, by Dr. Priestley, respecting the intercepted letters of his friend and disciple, John H. Stone. To which is added a certificate of civism for Joseph Priestley Jun
Popay the police spy, or, A report on the evidence laid before the House of Commons by the select Committee appointed to inquire into the truth of the allegations of a petition, presented by Mr. Cobbett, from members of the National Union of the Working Classes (resident in Camberwell and Walworth), in which they complained that policemen were employed as government spies
Cottage economy containing information ...
Memories of John Duke Marlborough
The Parliamentary history of England from the earliest period to the year 1803
Cobbett's exposure of the practices of the pretended friends of the blacks
Cobbett's legacy to parsons ...
A bone to gnaw for the democrats
The soldier's friend
Cottage economy
Cottage economy containing information relative to the brewing of beer, making of bread, keeping of cows, pigs, bees, ewes, goats, poultry and rabbits, and relative to other matters deemed useful in the conducting of the affairs of a labourer's family; to which are added, instructions relative to the selecting, the cutting and the bleaching of the plants of English grass and grain, for the purpose of making hats and bonnets
A collection of facts and observations, relative to the peace with Bonaparte
Selections, with Hazlitt's essay and other critical estimates
Elements of reform, or, An account of the motives and intentions of the advocates for parliamentary reformation
Observations on the emigration of Dr. Joseph Priestley
Porcupine's political censor, for December, 1796
History of the American Jacobins, commonly denominated Democrats
Porcupine's works ...
A grammar of the English language, in a series of letters...
William Cobbett's Englische sprachlehre
Thirteen sermons on crimes of an enormous nature and crimes of public men...
The life and adventures of Peter Porcupine
A year's residence in the United States of America
The American gardener. Or, A treatise on the situation, soil, fencing and laying-out of gardens; on the making and managing of hot-beds and green-houses; and on the propagation and cultivation of the several sorts of vegetables, herbs, fruits and flowers
Die Blut-Fahne ausgestecket zur Warnung politischer Wegweiser in America, oder Eine getreue Erzählung einer grossen Anzahl Handlungen der abscheulichsten Grausamkeiten, solche als nie ein Auge gesehen, nie eine Zunge ausgesprochen, oder die Einbildungskraft gedacht, ehe die fransösische Revolution ihren Anfang genommen hat
Histoire de la réforme protestante en Angleterre et en Irlande
Advice to young men and (incidentally) to young women in the middle and higher ranks of life in a series of letters addressed to a youth, a bachelor, a lover, a husband, a father, a citizen or a subject
The bloody buoy, abridged
Advice to young men, and (incidentally) to young women
Cobbett's easy grammar in a series of letters
A year's residence in the United States of America
Advice to young men
The American gardener, or, A treatise on the situation, soil, fencing and laying-out of gardens, on the making and managing of hot-beds and green-houses, and on the propagation and cultivation of the several sorts of vegetables, herbs, fruits and flowers
Twelve sermons on hypocrisy and cruelty
Rural rides in the counties of Surrey, Kent, Sussex, Hants, Berks, Oxford, Bucks, Wilts, Somerset, Gloucester, Hereford, Salop, Worcester, Stafford, Leicester, Hertford, Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk, Cambridge, Huntingdon, Nottingham, Lincoln, York, Lancaster, Durham, and Northumberland, during the years 1821 to 1832
Cottage economy
A year's residence in America
The life of William Cobbett
The Rush-Light
The rush-light
Selections, with Hazlitt's essays and other critical estimates
A history of the reformation in England and Ireland
The republican judge
An address to the clergy of Massachusetts
Rural rides in the counties of Surrey, Kent, Sussex, Hampshire, Wiltshire, Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, Worcestershire, Somersetshire, Oxfordshire, Berkshire, Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk, and Hertfordshire
Die Blut-Fahne ausgestecket zur Warnung politischer Wegweiser in America, oder, Eine getreue Erzählung einer grossen Anzahl Handlungen der abscheulichsten Grausamkeiten, solche als nie ein Auge gesehen, nie eine Zunge ausgesprochen, oder die Einbildungskraft gedacht, ehe die französische Revolution ihren Anfang genommen hat
Noble nonsense! or, Cobbett's exhibition of the stupid and insolent pamphlet of Lord Grenville
Advice to young men, and (incidentally) to young women
The American gardener. Or, A treatise on the situation, soil, fencing and laying-out of gardens; on the making and managing of hot-beds and green-houses; and on the propagation and cultivation of the several sorts of vegetables, herbs, fruits and flowers
Preliminary part of Paper against gold
Cobbett's Weekly register. Vol. 52, no. 13
A history of the Protestant Reformation in England and Ireland
Mr. Cobbett's remarks on our Indian Empire and company of trading sovereigns
Cobbett's political register
Advice to young men, and (incidentally) to young women, in the middle and higher ranks of life
A grammar of the English language in a series of letters to his son
A letter humbly addressed to the most rev. and right rev., the archbishops and bishops of the Church of England
The English gardener. Or, A treatise on the situation, soil, enclosing and laying-out of kitchen gardens ... concluding with a kalendar, giving instructions relative to the sowings, plantings, prunings ... in each month of the year
Cobbett's poor man's friend; or, A defence of the rights of those who do the work and fight the battles
Life of Andrew Jackson
Observations on the emigration of Dr. Joseph Priestley, and on the several addresses delivered to him on his arrival at New-York ... Philadelphia, printed
The bloody buoy thrown out as a warning to the political pilots of America
A history of the Protestant reformation in England and Ireland
The flash in the pan, or, Peel in a passion
Paper against gold
Cobbett's English grammar
Cobbett's reasons for war against Russia in defence of Turkey
Paper against gold
Cobbett's legacy to parsons; or, Have the clergy of the established church an equitable right to the tithes, or to any other thing called church property, greater than the dissenters have to the same?
A French grammar, or, Plain instructions for the learning of French
A treatise on Cobbett's corn, containing instructions for propagating and cultivating the plant, and for harvesting and preserving the crop
The demonology of trade
A history of the protestant "reformation" in England an Ireland...
Advice to young men
Mr. Cobbett's taking leave of his countrymen
A year's residence in the United States of America: treating of the face of the country, the climate, the soil, the products, the mode of cultivating the land, the prices of land, of labour, of food, of raiment
Advice to young men and (incidentally) to young women
The beauties of Cobbett
A grammar of the English language
The American gardener
Elements of reform, or, An account of the motives and intentions of the advocates for parliamentary reformation
The democratic judge
Le mâitre d'anglais ...
A bone to gnaw, for the Democrats
Cottage economy
[Clippings related to William Cobbett's case]
An antidote to Tom Paine's poison
Addresses to Dr. Priestley ...
Cobbett's Legacy to Lords
Englishmen read!!!
Links of the lower House, or, An alphabetical list of the members of the House of Commons
Letters on the late war between the United States and Great Britain
The book of wonders
A critical examination of Cobbett's English grammar
A history of the Protestant reformation in England and Ireland :  written in 1824- 1827
The woodlands ...
A history of the Protestant reformation in England and Ireland
The woodlands
The bloody buoy, thrown out as a warning to the political pilots of all nations
Cobbett's complete collection of state trials and proceedings for high treason and other crimes and misdemeanors from the earliest period to the present time
Cottage economy containing information relative to the brewing of beer, making of bread, keeping of cows, pigs, bees, ewes, goats, poultry and rabbits, and relative to other matters deemed useful in the affairs of a labourers' family
Advice to young men and (incidentally) to young women in the middle and higher ranks of life in a series of letters addressed to a youth, a bachelor, a lover, a husband, a father, a citizen or a subject
Democratic principles illustrated
A full and accurate report of the trial of William Cobbett, Esq., before Lord Tenterden and a special jury, on Thursday, July 7, 1831, in the Court of King's Bench, Guildhall
Mansell and Co.'s report of the important discussion held in Birmingham, August the 28th and 29th, 1832
Cobbett's annual register
Thirteen sermons on crimes of an enormous nature
A full and accurate report of the trial of William Cobbett, esq
Mr. Cobbett. Court of the King's Bench, June 15. Before Lord Ellenborough and a special jury
To the journeymen and labourers of England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, on the cause of their present miseries
A history of the Protestant "Reformation" in England and Ireland
The Republican rush-light
Four letters to the Hon. John Stuart Wortley in answer to his "Brief inquiry into the true award of an equitable adjustment between the nation and its creditors" ...
Speech of Mr. Cobbett
Advice to young men
A grammar of the English language, in a series of letters
Cobbett's legacy to labourers, or, What is the right which the lords, baronets and squires have to the lands of England?
A collection of facts and obsrvations
The political Proteus
History of the regency and reign of King George the Fourth