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actors who wrote biography
Showing 329-336 out of 419 results
Chico Buarque
Chico Buarque (born 1944)

singer, composer, poet, playwright, jazz musician, guitarist, actor, recording artist

  • Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo
Tantas palavras
Spilt milk
Chico Buarque de Hollanda
Leite derramado
A banda
Ópera do malandro
A imagem do som de Chico Buarque
Leche derramada
El hermano alemán
Chapeuzinho amarelo
O irmão alemão
Gota d'água
A bordo do Rui Barbosa
Quand je sortirai d'ici
Gota d'água de Chico Buarque, Paulo Pontes
Roda-viva (comédia musical em dois atos)
Fazenda Modelo
Veneno antimonotonia : os melhores poemas e canções contra o tédio
Veneno antimonotonia : os melhores poemas e canções contra o tédio
Essa história está diferente
Steve Martin
Steve Martin (born 1945)

television actor, film actor, comedian, street artist, film producer, musician, banjoist, playwright, voice actor, performing artist, art collector

  • University of California, Los Angeles, California State University, Long Beach
Born standing up
Born Standing Up
Born Standing Up
Born Standing Up
Pure drivel
The alphabet from A to Y with bonus letter, Z!
The pleasure of my company
The underpants
Pleasure of My Company, The
An object of beauty
Picasso at the Lapin Agile
Picasso at the Lapin Agile and Other Plays
Cruel shoes
L.A. story
The Idea of North: The Paintings of Lawren Harris
A Wealth of Pigeons
Fresh Air with Terry Gross
Late for School
Pure Drivel
The Pleasure of My Company Low Price
The ten, make that nine, habits of very organized people. Make that ten
An Object of Beauty
Untitled Celadon Nonfiction Fall 2022
El Placer De Mi Compania
Wasp and other plays
Meteor Shower
An Object of Beauty
Eric Fischl 1970-2000
Shopgirl (Narrativa Circe)
Kindly lent their owner
The Jerk
Blanker Unsinn
The Crow New Songs For The Fivestring Banjo
The Jerk
Lichtenstein Remembered
Bright Star Songbook
Annie Leibovitz SUMO
So Many Steves
Number One Is Walking
Pleasure of My Company
Pure Drivel
Pure Drivel
Shopgirl Proof
Ten, Make That Nine, Habits of Very Organized People. Make That Ten.
Su Annie Leibovitz - David Byrne
Pleasure of My Company
Born Standing Up
Picasso at the Lapin Agile and Other Plays
L.A. story
Wealth of Pigeons
Su Annie Leibovitz - Keith Haring
Su Annie Leibovitz - Patti Smith
Pure Drivel
The Spanish Prisoner [DVD]
Picasso at the Lapin Agile and Other Plays
Bringing Down The House
Wasp, A Play in One Act
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
Bright Star
Cruel Shoes
The pleasure of my company
The Underpants
Su Annie Leibovitz - W. Goldberg
Effets indésirables
The Alphabet from A to Y With Bonus Letter Z!
The long-awaited album
Quentin Tarantino
Quentin Tarantino (born 1963)

actor, film director, film producer, film actor, film editor, television actor, director

Tears of My Father
Pulp fiction
Quentin Tarantino
Reservoir dogs
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Jackie Brown
Inglourious Basterds
True Romance
Pulp Fiction (Faber Classic Screenplay)
From dusk till dawn
Natural born killers
Inglourious basterds
The hateful eight
Quentin Tarantino's Reservoir dogs
Reservoir Dogs and True Romance
Grind House
Tarantino Screenplays
Death proof
Four Rooms
Django desencadenado
Cinema Speculation
Uma Thurman is going to kill Bill
Quentin Tarantino's Death proof
Reservoir Dogs [Collector's Edition] [Import anglais]
Érase una Vez en Hollywood / Once upon a Time in Hollywood
Four Film Pack
I Lost It at the Video Store
Pulp Fiction
Cinema Speculation
Jackie Brown a Quentin Tarantino screenplay
Django Unchained
Once upon a Time in the West
Inglourious basterds
Kill Bill
Besslavnye ubli Łudki
Pulp Fiction :SPANISH
Pulp Fiction
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood : The Deluxe Hardcover
Reflexions sobre cinema
Meditaciones del cine / Cinema Speculation
Inglorious Basterds
Iinterv £i Łu
Reservoir Dogs
Hi havia una vegada a Hollywood
Malditos bastardos / Inglourious Bastards (Spanish Edition)
Inglourious basterds
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood CD
Arthur Machen
Arthur Machen (1863-1947)

translator, literary critic, journalist, stage actor, politician

  • Hereford Cathedral School
The autobiography of Arthur Machen
The grande trouvaille
Things near and far
Antología de la literatura fantástica
The Nightmare Reader
Cuentos de terror
Famous Modern Ghost Stories
The Terror
The Hill of Dreams
The three impostors or The transmutations
The angels of Mons
The house of souls
Tales Of The Occult
The great god Pan, and, The inmost light
The Great God Pan
Lovecrafts dunkle Idole 02. Das rote Zimmer
Selected Letters
Ghostly Clients and Demonic Culprits
Welsh Tales of Terror
Memoirs of Casanova
Five Gothic Masterpieces
The secret glory
Shadows of Carcosa
Dreads and drolls
Arthur Machen & Montgomery Evans
Best Short Stories of All Time
A Fragment of Life
The Great God Pan & Xelucha
Dr. Stiggins
A Collection of Fiction and Essays by Occult Writers on Supernatural, Metaphysical and Esoteric Subjects
The shining pyramid
Tales of horror and the supernatural
Far off things
The Great God Pan and The Hill of Dreams
The Heptameron
The chronicle of Clemendy
The white people and other weird stories
Dog and duck, a London calendar et caetera
The great return
The Great God Pan The Shining Pyramid The White People
The Terror & Other Tales
A few letters from Arthur Machen
Strange roads, sketches by Joseph Simpson
The Caerleon edition of the works of Arthur Machen
Great God Pan and Other Classic Horror Stories
The White People and Other Stories
The Inmost Light
The Novel Of The Black Seal
The Necronomicon
The collected Arthur Machen
Guinevere and Lancelot & others
The Canning wonder
Red Hand
Tales of Horror and the Supernatural
Ornaments in jade
The Novel of the White Powder
Eleusinia and Beneath the Barley
A Machen Omnibus
The Ghost Ship and Other Stories
Supernatural Short Stories
Out of the Earth
Holy terrors
The Memoires of Casanova, Volume IV, V and VI
The Caeleon Edition of the Works of ARTHUR MACHEN, the terror, the bowmen, the great return.
The Works of Arthur Machen
Black Seal and Other Stories
The Green Round
The children of the pool
'The Red Hand' and 'The White People'
The London adventure
The White People
Hieroglyphics and Other Essays
Gizli Ihtisam
The Islington Mystery
Short Fiction
La casa de las almas
The Secret Glory, Chapters Five and Six
Le Peuple blanc
The Shining Pyramid & The Three Impostors
A Venerable Assembly
The White People and Other Stories (The House of Souls)
Strange roads
Fantastic and Horrific Stories
Arthur Machen
Secret of the Sangraal
Things near and far
The great god Pan and other horror stories
The glorious mystery
Black Crusade
Great God Pan and Other Horror Stories
Düsler Tepesi. Translated by Büsra N. Erturan.
Rus in Urbe and Others
Dr. Stiggins: his views and principles
The Arthur Machen MEGAPACK ®: 25 Classic Works
Edgar Allan Poe and Arthur Machen
Thesaurus incantatus
A note on poetry
Spirits of battle
Spagyric Quest of Beroaldus Comopolita
The novel of the black seal, and other stories
Letters of Arthur Machen [esq
The Ritual and Other Stories
Tales of Horror and the Supernatural: v. 1
The White People and Other Weird Stories (Penguin Modern Classics)
Arthur Machen: Masters of the Weird Tale
Arthur Machen, best weird stories
Under the Leads
The book of the prophet Jeremiah and that of the Lamentations
The rose garden
War and the Christian faith
Precious balms
Bridles & spurs
Arthur Machen Megapack
The strange world of Arthur Machen
Tales of Horror and the Supernatural
Tales of Horror and the Supernatural: v. 2
The anatomy of tobacco
Ciemnosc w poludnie
Collected Fiction Volume 3
Tales of Horror and the Supernatural
The day's portion
Notes and queries
Dr. Stiggins
The chronicle of Clemendy
The cosy room and other stories
The three impostors
In the eighties
War and the Christian faith
The hill of dreams
Thesaurus incantatus
The collector's craft
The London adventure
The terror
The shining pyramid
Les Trois imposteurs
The green round
Strange roads
Far off things
Tom o'Bedlam and his song
Starrett vs. Machen
Parish of Amersham
Dreads and drolls
Beneath the barley
The autobiography of Arthur Machen
Precious balms
The grande trouvaille (A legend of Pentonville)
Tina Horn
Tina Horn

podcaster, editor, life coach, sex worker, creative consultant, lecturer, pornographic actor

How to Build a Hookers Army
Believe Me
Love Not Given Lightly
SFSX  Volume 1
Terms of Service
Spitball 8
We Too
Deprog #1
Deprog #4
Why Are People into That?
Köpek Egitiminde Günlük Yasami Kolaylastiran 11 Komut
Ferreira Gullar
Ferreira Gullar (1930-2016)

translator, playwright, art critic, journalist, poet, actor

Rabo de foguete
Nise da Silveira
Ferreira Gullar
Gonçalves Dias
Experiência neoconcreta
Por você, por mim
Indagações de hoje
Ferreira Gullar in Conversation with Ariel Jiménez
Dirty poem =
A luta corporal e novos poemas
Etapas da arte contemporânea
Toda poesia (1950-1999)
Cultura posta em questão [por] Ferreira Gullar
Arte brasileira hoje
Newton Rezende
Argumentação contra a morte da arte
Um gato chamado gatinho
Uma luz do chão
Vanguarda e subdesenvolvimento
La Vida Late
Sobre arte
Dirty poem
Muitas vozes
Cultura posta em questão
Poema sujo
Zoologia bizarra
Cidades inventadas
Poesia completa, teatro e prosa
Arte contemporânea brasileira
Sullied poem
Romances de cordel (1962-1967)
Em alguma parte alguma
Oswaldo Goeldi na Coleção Hermann Kümmerly
Visão da terra
A luta corporal
Um rubi no umbigo
A luta corporal
Poema sucio. En el vértigo del día
Faule Bananen und andere Gedichte
Dentro da noite veloz
Ferreira Gullar
Vozes e imagens do Brasil
Antologia crítica
Na Vertigem do Dia
Antologia poética
Toda poesia, 1950-1980
O Brasil passa pelo SESC
O homem como invenção de si mesmo
Rio de Janeiro
Crime na flora, ou, Ordem e progresso
Ferreira Gullar
Ossos e vozes
Antologia poética
A luta corporal e novos poemas
Toda poesia
O formigueiro
A estranha vida banal
Argumentação contra a morte da arte
Poema sujo
Bananas podres
Um rubi no umbigo
Lygia Clark
Sullied Poem (Modern and Contemporary Literature)
O menino e o arco-íris e outras crônicas
Poema sucio
Barulhos, 1980-1987
Hans Sachs
Hans Sachs (1494-1576)

poet, singer, playwright, actor, composer

  • Latin school
Hans Sachs und Nürnberg
Sämmtliche Fastnachtspiele
Hans Sachs
The early Meisterlieder of Hans Sachs
Elf Fastnachtspiele aus den Jahren 1552 und 1553
Das Gemerkbüchlein des Hans Sachs (1555-1561)
Der hürnen Seufrid
Eygentliche Beschreibung aller Stände
Das handschriftliche Generalregister des Hans Sachs
Tragedia mit 23 Personen von der strengen Lieb Herr Tristrant mit der schönen Königin Isalden
Nine Carnival Plays (Carleton Renaissance Plays in Translation)
Hans Sachs (German Texts)
Translations of the Carnival comedies of Hans Sachs (1494-1576)
A true description of all trades
Die Wittenbergisch Nachtigall
Ein wunderliche Weissagung von dem Bapstumb
Translations of the Carnival Comedies of Hans Sachs
Hans Sachs und die reformation
Eygentliche Beschreibung aller Stände auff Erden ..
Fastnachtspiele und Schwänke
Disputation zwischen einem Chorherren vnd Schuchmacher darin[n] das Wort Gottes vnnd ein recht Christlich Wesen verfochten würdt
Dichtungen von Hans Sachs ..
Sämtliche Fabeln und Schwänke
Das Ständebuch
Meistergesange Fastnachtsspiel
Das Walt got
Ausgewählte poetische Werke
Das gemerkbüchlein des Hans Sachs (1555-1561) nebst einem anhange
Hans Sachsens ausgewählte Werke
Von der Lieb
Ein Lopspreuch der Stat Franckfurt
A sixteenth-century book of trades
Das sta ndebuch
Von graphischer Kunst in America
Der teufel mit dem alten weib
Der fahrende Schüler bannt den Teufel
Sämtliche Fabeln und Schwänke
Sehr herrliche schöne und warhaffte Gedicht..
A goodly dysputacion betwene a christen shomaker, and a popysshe parson
Sämtliche Fastnachtspiele
Werke in zwei Bänden
Hans Sachs, selections
Sämtliche Fabeln und Schwänke
Die Welt des Hans Sachs
Hans Sachs' Werke in zwei banden
Hans Sachs' Werke
Hans Sachs in einer Auswahl seiner Gedichte, Schwänke und Dramen
Sämmtliche Fastnachtspiele von Hans Sachs
Elf Fastnachtspiele =
Hans Sachs' Ausgewählte poetische Werke
Vier Fasnachtsspiele
Das narrenschneiden
Dreizehn Fastnachtspiele aus den Jahren 1539-1550
Selections from Hans Sachs
Das Gemerbüchlein des Hans Sachs (1555-1561)
Hans Sachs ernstliche Trauerspiele
Gemerkbüchlein, 1555-1561, nebst einem Anhange
Meisterghesänge, Fastnachtsspiele, Schwänke
The farmer in purgatory
A sixteenth-century book of trades
Meistergesänge, Fastnachtsspiele, Schwänke
Ausgewählte Werke
Elf Fastnachtspiele aus den Jahren 1557 bis 1560
Sämmtliche Fabeln und Schwänke
Schwänke und Fastnachtsspiele
Der Rossdieb zu Fünsing, und vierzehn weitere Fastnachtspiele
Selections chosen by W. M. Calder
Hans Sachs' ausgewählte dramatische Werke
Původ České země a království
Zwölf Fastnachtspiele
Zwölf Fastnachspiele aus den Jahren 1554 bis 1556
Die Prosadialoge
Elf Fastnachtspiele aus den Jahren 1553 und 1554
Werke in der Reihenfolge ihrer Entstehung
Elf Fastnachtspiele aus den Jahren 1550 u. 1551
Lieder, Gedichte, Spiele
Sehr herrliche, schöne und wahrhafte Gedicht, Fabeln und gute Schwenck
Die vier wunderberlichen Eygenschafft vnd Würckung des Weins
Hans Sachs ernstliche Trauerspiele, liebliche Schauspiele, seltsame Fastnachtspiele, kurzweilige Gespräch', sehnliche Klagreden, wunderbarliche Fablen
Vier meister-stücke
Sein Leben und sein Dichtung von E.K.J. Lützelberger
Leben und ausgewählte Dichtungen
Hans Sachsens ausgewählte Werke
Hans Sachs
Hans Sachs' Ausgewählte poetische Werke
Ein klag Gottes vber seinen Weinberg, verwüstet durch menschen Lehr vnd Gepot
Hans Sachs ausgewählt und erläutert
Disputation zwischen einem Chorherren und Schuchmacher, darinn das Wort Gottes unnd [sic] ein recht christlich Wesen verfochten würt
Das Ständebuch
Jost Amman's Stände und Handwerker
Sämtliche fabeln und schwänke
The Wittenberg nightingale
Landsknechte bei Hans Sachs
Kinematik und Robotik
Die Wittenbergisch Nachtigall die man yetz höret überall
Sämtliche Fabeln und Schwänke
Das erste Buch sehr herliche schöne und warhaffte Gedicht
Die Aristoteles-komödie
Der hürnen Seufrid
Das Märchen vom Schlaraffenland
Der Rossdieb zu Fünsing
Gemerkbüchlein, 1555-1561, nebst einem Anhange
Die ungleichen kinder Evä wie sie Gott der Herr anredt
Hans Sachs im gewande seiner zeit; ...
Der hörnen Seyfried
Ein Dialogus des Inhalt
Ain lobspruech der stat Franckfurt
Dichtungen ...
Ein Klagredt Ozener, mayd uber ir harte dienst
Peter Ustinov
Peter Ustinov (1921-2004)

actor, film director, television presenter, playwright, film producer, autobiographer, comedian, television actor

  • Westminster School
Photo finish
The Loser
Great humorous stories
The Old Man and Mr. Smith
Romanoff and Juliet
The love of four colonels
Life is an operetta and other short stories
The unknown soldier and his wife
Ustinov in Russia
Monsieur René
Ustinov still at large
Halfway up the tree
The disinformer
Quotable Ustinov
Monsieur Rene
The frontiers of the sea
Five plays
Add a dash of pity and other short stories
My Russia
Beethoven's tenth
Add a Dash of Pity
Achtung! Vorurteile
We were only human
Die endlose Reise
Ustinov at Eighty
God & The State Railways
Die Reise geht weiter. Neue Geschichten von unterwegs
The Banbury nose
Monsieur Rene
Karneval der Tiere / Des Esels Schatten
Ustinov's diplomats
Der alte Mann und Mr. Smith
Achtung! Vorurteile
Halb auf dem Baum und andere Komödien
The Millennium Generation
Monsieur Rene
The frontiers of the sea: short stories
Ich und Ich. Jubiläumsausgabe
Dear Me CD
Rectorial address delivered at an academic ceremony in the Caird Hall, Dundee, on 17th October 1968
Rectorial address delivered in the University [of Dundee] 3rd November 1972
The moment of truth
The Comedy Collection
House of regrets
The wit of Peter Ustinov
A mitad de camino
Photo finish, an adventure in biography in three acts
Die Heirat und andere Komödien
Le vieil homme et M. Smith
Love of Four Colonels
Peter Ustinovs geflügelte Worte
Der Intrigant. Zwei Novellen
Gott und die Staatlichen Eisenbahnen
Ich und Ich
Das UNICEF- Weihnachtsgeschichtenbuch
Was ich von der Liebe weiß. Großdruck. Beflügelte Weisheiten
The Loser
Neues aus der alten Welt
Romanoff and Juliet
The frontiers of the sea
Romanof ṿe-Yulyah
Viejo y Mister Smith, El
Ustinovs kleines Welttheater. Staatsmänner, Stars und andere Kollegen
Die endlose Reise
The Love of Four Colonels. A Play in Two Acts.
Sof ha-meruts
Photo Finish
Le Viel homme et monsieur Smith
The many voices of Peter Ustinov. Conversation with Cliff Michelmore
The unknown soldier and his wife
How to be terribly, terribly funny
Romanoff and Juliet
Der Verlierer
Le désinformateur
Photo finish
Still at Large
Plays about people. [The tragedy of good intentions : Blow your own trumpet
Quotable Ustinov
Add a Dash of Pity
The love of four colonels, a play in two acts
The loser, a novel
Romanoff and Juliet..a Comedy in Three Acts
Über das Leben und andere Kleinigkeiten
THE BANBURY NOSE A Play in Four Acts.
We were only human
Frontiers of the Sea by Peter Ustinov (1966-11-06)
James Thurber
Der Mann, der es leicht nahm. Erzählungen
The Methuen Book of Theatre Verse
Plays about people
Dear Me
C. S. S. Dear Me
Ustinov at Large
The Laughter Omnibus
Five Plays
Dear Me
Beyond, a play in one act
Halfway up the tree
Old Man and Mr. Smith
Für jedes Kind