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academics who wrote biography
Showing 385-392 out of 1170 results
Fred Hoyle
Fred Hoyle (1915-2001)

astronomer, physicist, mathematician, astrophysicist, researcher

  • University of Cambridge, Bingley Grammar School
Home is where the wind blows
Nicolaus Copernicus: an essay on his life and work
The small world of Fred Hoyle
The quasar controversy resolved
The Black Cloud
Diseases from space
Laughing Space
Into deepest space
Great Science Fiction
Lifecloud, the origin of life in the universe
Fifth planet
The inferno
Comet Halley
Our place in the cosmos
A for Andromeda
Commonsense in nuclear energy
Seven Steps to the Sun
Ten faces of the universe
Ossian's ride
A for Andromeda
Element 79
On Stonehenge
The physics-astronomy frontier
The Expert Dreamers
The molecule men
Highlights in astronomy
Man and materialism
A different approach to cosmology
Commonsense in nuclear energy
The incandescent ones
Astronomy and cosmology
The nature of the universe
Energy or extinction?
Life on Mars?
Rockets in Ursa Major
Andromeda breakthrough
Fifth planet
Astronomical origins of life
Of Men And Galaxies (Great Minds)
Nicolaus Copernicus
The incandescent ones
Archaeopteryx, the primordial bird
The intelligent universe
The Frontiers of Knowledge
The Westminster disaster
Frontiers of astronomy
Man in the universe
Seven Steps to the Sun
Le nuage de la vie
Fifth Planet
Man in the universe. --
The Nature of the Universe
Space travellers
A for Andromeda
Into deepest space
Common sense in nuclear energy
The theory of cosmic grains
From Stonehenge to modern cosmology
Evolution from space
Man in the Universe (Bampton Lectures in America)
A for Andromeda
The new face of science
Evolution from Space
Political Shakespeare
The relation of biology to astronomy
Astronomy today
Evolution from space
The Westminster disaster
Diseases from Space
Frontiers of astronomy
Steady-State Cosmology Re-Visited
The cosmogony of the solar system
The origin of life
Andromeda Breakthrough
Comet Halley
October the First Is Too Late
Cosmic life-force
Lectures on cosmology and action at a distance electrodynamics
The cosmagony of the solar system
Andromeda breakthrough
Some recent researches in solar physics
Of men and galaxies
Living comets
Vindication of Cosmic Biology
Some recent researches in solar physics
The origin of the universe and the origin of religion
A contradiction in the argument of Malthus
Home is Where the Wind Blows
Origin of Life
Origen y Destino de Las Estrellas
Action at a distance in physics and cosmology
The origin of the universe and the origin of religion
October the first is too late
Evolution from space (the Omni lecture) and other papers on the origin of life
Ossian's Ride
Intelligent Universe
The physics-astronomy frontier
'Mathematics of Evolution'
Our Place in the Cosmos
Ice, the ultimate human catastrophe
Frontiers of astronomy
Three Classic Novels
Galaxies, nuclei, and quasars
Andromeda Breakthough
The Andromeda Anthology
October the first is too late
Man and Materialism
Encounter with the future
Frontiers Of Astronomy
From grains to bacteria
The Incandescent Ones
Lectures on cosmology and action at a distance electrodynamics
Viruses from space and related matters
Encounter with the future
A decade of decision
Andromeda breakthrough
Facts and dogmas in cosmology and elsewhere
A for Andromeda
Facts and Dogmas in Cosmology and Elsewhere
Man and materialism
October the First is Too Late
Evolucion de La Vida Desde El Espacio Exterior
Steady-state cosmology re-visited
Frozen Planet of Azuron
A contradiction in the argument of Malthus: The St. John's College Cambridge lecture 1962-63 delivered at the University of Hull 17 May 1963
The universe
Of Men and Galaxies
The Universe According to Hoyle
Nature of the Universe
Man and materialism
Rockets in Ursa Major
Man in the universe
Proofs that life is Cosmic
Astronomy Today
Les Incandescents
Energi eller undergang?
Living comets
October the First Is Too Late (Valancourt 20th Century Classics)
Some recent advances in solar physics
Galaxies, nuclei and quasars
Galaxies, nuclei and quasars
Home Is Where the Wind Blows
The Anglo-Austrian Telescope
The nature of the universe
Fifth Planet (Valancourt 20th Century Classics)
The nature of the universe
Living Comets
Frontiers of astronomy
Origin of the Universe and the Origin of Religion
Ossian's ride
Our Place In The Cosmos
Of men and galaxies
The new face of science
Rockets in Ursa Major
The nature of the universe
Some recent researches in solar physics
Galazies, nuclei and quasars
A contradiction in the argument of Malthus
A decade of decision
Andromeda Anthology
La nube negra
A for Andromeda
Viruses from space and related matters
La nube negra
The planet of death
The energy pirate
Man in the universe
Different Approach to Cosmology
A contradiction in the argument of Malthus
The giants of universal park
Ankoku seiun
Darrell Bock
Darrell Bock (born 1953)


  • University of Aberdeen, University of Texas at Austin
Jesus according to Scripture
Studying the Historical Jesus
Proclamation from Prophecy and Pattern
Key events in the life of the historical Jesus
Key events in the life of the historical Jesus
Jesus the God-man
Jesus according to Scripture
Key events in the life of the historical Jesus
Jesus According to Scripture
Yeshuʻa ṿeha-beśorot ha-ḥadashot
Jesus the God-Man
Proclamation from Prophecy and Pattern
A Biblical theology of the Old Testament
Breaking the Da Vinci Code
A Theology of Luke & Acts
The Missing Gospels
The Gospel According to Isaiah 53
Truth matters
Blasphemy and exaltation in Judaism and the final examination of Jesus
Dispensationalism, Israel and the church
The People, the Land, and the Future of Israel
Who is Jesus?
Descubra los misterios del Codigo Da Vinci
Best Bible Books
Purpose-Directed Theology
Blasphemy and exaltation in Judaism
The Bible Knowledge Word Study
Jesus, Skepticism, and the Problem of History
Interpreting the New Testament Text
Recovering the Real Lost Gospel: Reclaiming the Gospel as Good News
Three Views on the Millennium and Beyond
Jesus in context
The Gospel according to Isaiah 53
The Bible Knowledge Key Word Study
How Would Jesus Vote?
Acts (Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament)
Can I trust the Bible? / Darrell L. Bock; [introduction by Ravi Zacharias]
En Defensa de la Verdad
Luke 9:51-24:53 (Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament)
Luke (Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament)
Luke 1:1-9:50 (Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament)
Jesus according to Scripture
Messiah in the Passover
Perspectives on the ending of Mark
Israel, the Church, and the Middle East
The Bible knowledge word study
Can I trust the Bible?
Theology of Luke and Acts, a Video Study
Virtual Reality Church
Do Historical Matters Matter to Faith?
Breaking the Da Vinci Code
Descubra Los Misterios Del Código Da Vinci
NIVAC Bundle 6
Counterpoints Library 2. 0 : Complete 38-Volume Set
Understanding the Big Picture of the Bible
Missing Gospels
Quebrando o Código da Vinci
Luke Commentary Collection
Can I Trust the Bible?
Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament
Matthew, Mark
Truth Matters
To the Jew first
The Bible Knowledge Key Word Study (Bible Knowledge)
Purpose-Directed Theology
Comentario Bíblico con Aplicación NVI Lucas
Recovering the Real Lost Gospel
Who Is Jesus?
Cape Town Commitment : a Confession of Faith, a Call to Action
Studying the Historical Jesus
Gospels and Acts
NIV Application Commentary, New Testament Set
Counterpoints Theological Studies Collection One : 9-Volume Set
Parables of Enoch
Key Events in the Life of the Historical Jesus
Cultural Intelligence
Luke, a Video Study
Blasphemy and Exaltation in Judaism
Three central issues in contemporary dispensationalism
Blasphemy and Exaltation in Judaism : The Charge against Jesus in Mark 14
Theology of Luke and Acts
Acts (Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament)
Erhard Lucas
Erhard Lucas (1937-1993)

social historian

Die Ermordung Rosa Luxemburgs und Karl Liebknechts
Märzrevolution im Ruhrgebiet
Vom Scheitern der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung
Zwei Formen von Radikalismus in der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung
Märzrevolution im Ruhrgebiet
Frankfurt unter der Herrschaft des Arbeiter- und Soldatenrats 1918/19
So fielen Königsberg und Breslau
Die sozialdemokratie in Bremen während des Ersten Weltkrieges
Krieg und Revolution im rheinisch-westfalischen Industriegebiet 1914-19
Krieg und Revolution im rheinisch-westfälischen Industriegebiet 1914 - 19
Prys Morgan
Prys Morgan (born 1937)

historian, poet

  • University of Oxford
Iolo Morganwg
History of Wales
Gwent County History
The University of Wales, 1939-1993
I'r bur hoff bau
Gwenynen Gwent
The eighteenth century renaissance
Dyma'r Wyddfa A'i Chriw....Y Cymry A'u Mynyddoedd
Beibl i Gymru
Background to Wales
A Bible for Wales
The Tempus history of Wales, 25,000 B.C.--A.D. 2000
Brad Y Llyfrau Gleision
Wales and the Reformation
Norbert Elias
Norbert Elias (1897-1990)

sociologist, philosopher, musicologist, poet

  • Heidelberg University, University of Wrocław
Reflections on a life
Norbert Elias über sich selbst
Reflections on a life
Interviews and Autobiographical Reflections
The collected works of Norbert Elias
Quest for excitement
Höfische Gesellschaft
The established and the outsiders
The Germans
Humana conditio
Was ist Soziologie?
The Genesis of the Naval Profession
Über die Einsamkeit der Sterbenden
Über die Einsamkeit der Sterbenden in unseren Tagen
Powe r & civility
The court society
Norbert Elias on civilization, power, and knowledge
Über den Prozess der Zivilisation
Studien über die Deutschen
The Norbert Elias reader
Involvement and detachment
Gesellschaft der Individuen
Die Gesellschaft der Individuen
Quest for excitement
The loneliness of the dying ; and, Humana conditio
Engagement und Distanzierung
Norbert Elias
Studies on the Germans
An Essay on Time (The Collected Works of Norbert Elias)
Die höfische Gesellschaft
El proceso de la civilización
Wandlungen der Gesellschaft entwurf zu Einer Theorie der zivilisation
Mozart and other essays on courtly art
La Soledad De Los Moribundos
The Court Society (Collected Works of Norbert Elias 2)
The established and the outsiders
The Symbol Theory
La dynamique de l'Occident
Zwei Reden anlässlich der Verleihung des Theodor-W.-Adorno-Preises 1977
Established and the Outsiders
Uygarlik Sureci Cilt 1
Society of Individuals
Norbert Elias et l'anthropologie
Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation 1
Engagement et distanciation
�ber die Zeit (Arbeiten zur Wissenssoziologie / No
The history of manners
Watteaus Pilgerfahrt zur Insel der Liebe
Engagement et distanciation
Über die Einsamkeit der Sterbenden in unseren Tagen
La société des individus
La solitude des mourants
O Processo Civilizacional (Portuguese Edition)
Die höfische Gesellschaft
Sport im Zivilisationsprozess
Figuraciones en proceso
Gesammelte Schriften 13. Symboltheorie : Band 13
La Société De Cour
Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation, 2 Bde., Bd.2, Wandlungen der Gesellschaft, Entwurf zu einer Theorie der Zivilisation
Os alema es
Die ho fische Gesellschaft
Loneliness of the Dying
Supplements and index to the collected works
Gruppencharisma und Gruppenschande
Sobre el tiempo
Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation 2
Sociedad Cortesana, La
Sociología fundamental
El proceso de la civilización
African Processes of Civilisation - on the Formation of Survival Units in Ghana
La Solitude des mourants
State formation and civilization
Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation
The changing balance of power between the sexes
Involvement and detachment
Envolvimento e alienac ʹa o
Etabilierte und Aussenseiter
Deporte y ocio en el proceso de la civilización
Society of Individuals
Logiques de l'exclusion
Mozart - Bir Dahinin Sosyolojisi Uzerine
Mozart, sociologie d'un génie
Essays III - On Sociology and the Humanities
The established and the outsiders
Humana conditio
The history of manners
Seeleute und Gentlemen
Collected Works of Norbert Elias
Humana conditio / Über die Einsamkeit der Sterbenden in unseren Tagen
La civilisation des moeurs
Über der Prozess der Zivilisation
Flexibilidad y nuevos modelos productivos
The symbol theory
Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation I/ II. Soziogenetische und psychogenetische Untersuchungen
Über die Zeit
Engagement und Distanzierung
UygarlIk Süreci/cilt2
Los der Menschen
Essays II
Qu'est-ce que la sociologie?
El Proceso de la Civilizacion. Investigaciones sociogeneticas y psicogeneticas
La société de cour
Early Writings (Collected Works of Norbert Elias)
The established and the outsiders
On the process of civilisation
Du temps
Wandlungen des Verhaltens in den weltlichen Oberschichten des Abendlandes
La sociedad cortesana
What is sociology?
La civilisation des moeurs
Quest for excitement
La société des individus
La sociedad de los individuos
La Société de cour
L'illusione del quotidiano. Sociologia con le scarpe slacciate
Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation, 2 Bde., Bd.1, Wandlungen des Verhaltens in den weltlichen Oberschichten des Abendlandes
Sosyoloji Nedir?
Die höfische Gesellschaft
Sozialer Kanon, Soziale Existenz und das Problem der Sinngebung
Sobre el tiempo
The establishment and the outsiders
La soledad de los moribundos
Zaman Üzerine
De geschiedenis van Norbert Elias
Was ist Soziologie?
Etablierte und Aussenseiter
Compromiso y distanciamiento
The established and the outsiders
Die Gesellschaft der Individuen
La Civilizacion de Los Padres
Über die Einsamkeit der Sterbenden in unseren Tagen ; Humana conditio
Die höfische Gesellschaft
O processo civilizador
The civilizing process
Involvement and detachment
Aufsätze und andere Schriften
Gedichte und Sprüche
Über den Prozeß der Zivilisation 1/2. Soziogenetische und psychogenetische Untersuchungen
Courtly Society
Sport und Spannung im Prozess der Zivilisation
Proces cyvilizacii͏̈
Los der Menschen
Established and the Outsiders
A peregrinação de Watteau à Ilha do Amor
Teoria simbólica
Autobiographisches und Interviews
Studien über die Deutschen
La solitude des mourants ; suivi de Vieillir et mourir
A busca da excitaçao
Involvement and Detachment (Collected Works of Norbert Elias)
Engagement und Distanzierung
African art
La société de cour
Compromiso y Distanciamiento
Pius II
Pius II (1405-1464)

Catholic priest, diplomat, poet, historian, geographer

  • University of Siena
Commentarii rerum memorabilium
Reject Aeneas, accept Pius
De Europa
De viris illustribus
I commentarii
Æneas Sylvius Piccolomineus, qui postea Pius II. P. M., De viris illustribus
I commentari di Enea Silvio Piccolomini
Memoirs of a Renaissance Pope
I commentari
De viris illustribus
De duobus amantibus
Bausteine zur Slavischen Philologie und Kulturgeschichte. Reihe B: Editionen N.F., Bd. 20: Historia Bohemica, Band 2: Die fr uhneuhochdeutsche  Ubersetzung (1463) des Breslauer Stadtschreibers Peter Eschenloer
De gestis Concilii Basiliensis commentariorum libri II
Bausteine zur Slavischen Philologie und Kulturgeschichte. Reihe B: Editionen N.F., Bd. 20: Historia Bohemica, Band 3: Die erste alttschechische  Ubersetzung (1487) des katholischen Priesters Jan Huska
Fides Quarens Intellectum
Bausteine zur Slavischen Philologie und Kulturgeschichte. Reihe B: Editionen N.F., Bd. 20: Historia Bohemica, Band 1: Historisch-kritische Ausgabe des lateinischen Textes
Epistola ad Mahumetem
De gestis Concilii Basiliensis commentariorum
The goodli history of the Ladye Lucres of Scene and of her lover Eurialus
Epistolae familiares
The tale of the two lovers
Enee Silvii Piccolominei postea Pii PP. II De Europa
[Euryalus and Lucreatia.]
Lettere scritte durante il cardinalato
Oeuvres érotiques
The tale of two lovers, Eurialus and Lucretia
Aeneae Silvii De liberorum educatione
Descripcion de Asia (Biblioteca de Colon)
The two lovers
Enee Silvii Piccolominei, postea PII PP. II Carmina
Epistola ad Mahomatem II =
Deutschland, der Brieftraktat an Martin Mayer
Enee Silvii Piccolominei Epistolarium seculare
Cosmographia ... in Asiae et Europae ... descriptione
Historia rerum ubique gestarum del papa Pio II
Historia Bohemica =
Der briefwechsel des Eneas Silvius Piccolomini
Aeneae Sylvii Piccolominei Senensis
Commentariorum Aeneae Syluij Piccolominei Senensis de Concilio Basileae celebrato libri duo
Storia dei due amanti
Papa II. Pius'un Fatih Sultan Mehmet'e mektubu
Enea Silvio Piccolomini, Papst Pius II
Aeneae Sylvii Piccolominei Senensis, qui post adeptum pontificatum Pius eius nominis secundus appellatus est, opera quae extant omnia, nunc demum post corruptissimas editiones summa diligentia castigata & in unum corpus redacta, quorum elenchum versa pagella indicabit
Epístola al Gran Turco
La traduction en moyen français de la lettre anticuriale De curialium miseriis epistola d'Aenas Silvius Piccolomini
The Tale of The Two Lovers
Commentariorvm Aeneae Sylvii Piccolominei senensis
Secret memoirs of a Renaissance pope
Eurialus und Lukrezia
Æneas Sylvius Piccolomineus
Here begynneth the egloges of Alexa[n]der Barclay prest
Pii Pont. Max. Decadvm Blondi epitome
Germania [von] Aeneas Silvius und Responsa et replicae ad Eneam Silvium [von] Jakob Wimpfeling
Aeneae Sylvii, poste`a Pii II. Pontificis Romani Commentariorum, historicorum libri III De Concilio Basileensi
Here begynneth the egloges of Alexander Barclay, priest
Selected letters of Aeneas Silvius Piccolomini
Dialogo su un sogno =
La discrittione de l'Asia, et Europa
Hofkritik im Licht humanistischer Lebens- und Bildungsideale
Estoria muy verdadera de dos amantes
Aeneae Sylvii... De Bohemorum, et ex his imperatorum aliquot origine ac gestis... historia
Pii. II. Pon. M. Asiae, Evropae q[ue] elegantiss. descriptio
Memoirs of a Renaissance Pope
De duobus amantibus Eurialo et Lucretia
In Europam
Aeneae Sylvii Piccolominei ... Opera quae extant omnia
The history of the amours of Count Schlick
Oratio coram Calixto III de obedientia Friderici III
Memoirs of a Renaissance Pope
De remedio amoris
Epistola Enee̜ Siluii Picolominei iuueni non esse negandum amorem dicit
Pij p[a]pe secu[n]di Bulla retractationu[m] o[mn]i[u]m dudu[m] p[er] eum in minoribus adhuc age[n]tem pro. Concilio Basilien[si et] con[tra] Eugenium summu[m] po[n]tificem scriptorum
Enea Silvio Piccolomini-Pius II (1405-1464): een humanistisch paus op de bres voor Europa
Vienna nel'400
Aeneae Sylvii Senensis, S. Rom. Ecclesiae Cardinalis ... De Bohemorum et ex his imperatorum aliquot origine ac gestis ... historia
Historia Gothorum
Aeneae Silvii De curialium miseriis epistola
De curialium miseria
Epistole Enee Siluij
De duobus amantibus Eurialo et Lucretia
Enee Silvii Piisecu[n]dimarimi pontificis philosophi oratoris. poete Laurati. theologii accutissimi
Aeneae Sylvii Piccolominei Senensis
Lettere scritte durante il cardinalato
Storia di due amanti
Epistola Enee Siluii Picolominei iuueni non esse negandum amorem dicit
Pii secvndi pontificis max. Commentarii rerum memorabilium, quae temporibus suis contigerunt
Tractatus pulcherrimus Enee Siluij, siue Pij pape secundi, de Curialium miseria
Pii II Pontificis Maximi d[e] captione vrbis Co[n]stantinopolitane tractatul[us]
Enee Siluii Piccolominei qui et Pius secundus fuit, dialogus incipit foeliciter
Epistola ad Mahumetum
Aenee Siluii Picolominei qui & Pius secu[n]dus fuit Epistole in cardinalatu edite
Incipit sompnium Enee Siluii poete laureati de fortuna
Prohemio di ser Alexandro Braccio al praestantissimo & excelle[n]tissimo Giouene Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco de Medici sopra la traductione duna historia di due amanti co[m]posta dalla foelice memoria di Papa Pio Secondo
Commentariorum Aeneae Sylvii Piccolominei senensis
Travels in Italy
Criside [di] Enea Silvio Piccolomini
De remedio amoris
Proemio di ser Alexandro Braccio al prestantissimo & excellentissimo giouãe Lorẽzo di Pierfrancesco de medici sõp la traductõe duna historia di due amãti cõposta dalla felice memoria di papa pio 2o
Lettera a Maometto II (Epistola ad Mahumetem)
Aeneas Sylvius Eurialus und Lukrezia
Enee Siluii poete laureati duobus amantibus ...
Euriolus und Lucretia
The Commentaries of Pius II
Enee Siluij Senen[sis] cardinalis S[an]cte Sabine Historia Bohemica, notabilis [et] jocu[n]da
Aeneae silvii piccolomini senesis
Dialogus contra Bohemos atque Thaboritas de sacra com munione
The hystorie of the moste noble knight Plasidas, and other rare pieces
Chrysis, comédie latine inédite
Prohemio di ser Alexandro Braccio al prestantissimo & excelle[n]tissimo Giouane Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco de Medici sopra la traductione duna historia di due amanti
Epistola siue oratio Pii in conuentu Mantuano
Enee Siluij Picolominei Senens[isce] poete laureati ep[isto]la laudans poeticam eamq[ue] scie[n]cie iuris preferens
La discrittione de l'Asia, et Europa di papa Pio II e l'historia de le cose memorabili fatte in quelle, con l'aggionta de l'Africa, secondo diuersi scrittori ...
Aeneae Sylvii postea Pii II. Pontificis Romani commentariorum historicorum libri III
Pii II Pontificis Maximi Historia rerum ubique gestarum
Pii Pont. Max. Decadum Blondi epitome
Aeneae Silvii Piccolomini Senensis qui postea fuit Pius II, pont. max. opera inedita
Aeneae Sylvii Piccolominei Senensis
Commentariorum Aeneae Sylvii Piccolominei senensis
De duobus amantibus Euryalo et Lucretia. Add: De remedio amoris; Epistola retractatoria ad quendam Karolum
Item in der ersten translatze dises büches von Euriolo vnd Lucretia [...]
Descripción de Asia
Hie hebt sich an ein liepliche histori die bapst Pius der ander des namens gemacht hatt von zweÿen liebhabenden menschen [...]
In Europam
[Epistolae familiares]
Historia de dos amantes
Eneas Silvius Piccolomini, Pentalogus
Pii Secundi, Pont. Max. ... Epistola prima[-quinquagesimasecunda]
Hystoria muy verdadera de dos amantes Ervrials franco y Lucrecia sensa que acaescis en la cibdad de Sena enel año de Mil [et] .cccc. [et] .xxxiij. ...
Enee Siluii Piccolominei Senen[sis] cardinal[is] sancte Sabine ad Alfonsum Aragonum regem clarissimum in historiam Bohemicam ...
Historia de duobus amantibus
Aenee Silvii Piccolominei qui & Pius Secundus suit epistole in Cardinalatu edite lege foeliciter
Epístola a Mehmet II
Die Geschichte Kaiser Friedrichs III
Enea Silvio Piccolomini Briefe
De gestis Concilii Basiliensis commentariorum, libri 11
Tractatus pulcherrimus Enee Siluij, siue Pij pape ij de curialiu[m] miseria
Storia di due amanti e Rimedio d'amore
Aeneae Silvii episcopi Senensis, postea Pii Papae II Historia rerum Friderici Tertii imperatoris
The tale of two lovers
Tractatus ad regem Bohemiae Ladislaum de puerorum educatione
Euryalus und Lucretia (De duobus amantibus)(L - D), 1444
Memoirs of a Renaissance Pope
Libellus dialogorum
Pii. II. Pon. M. Asiae, Evropae q[ue] elegantiss. descriptio
Geschijcht Eurioli ind Lucrecie
Aeneae Sylvii ... De Bohemorum et es his imperatorum aliquot origine ac gestis
Historia rerum
In sacratiss. Passionem dominicam
Aeneas Siluius in Europam
Aenee siluij Pii secu[n]di maximi po[n]tificis
The tale of the two lovers
Enee Siluii Pii secu[n]di maximi pontificis, philosophi, oratoris poete Laureati [et theologi acutissimi
Aeneae Sylvii Piccolominei De duobus amantibus historia
De duobus amantibus Euryalo et Lucretia
Tractatul[us] p[er] Enea[m] Siluiu[m] editus ad Regem bohemie Ladislaum
Enea Silvio Piccolomini
Aeneas Silvius de Piccolomini: österreichische Geschichte
Enee Siluii Piccolominei qui et Pius Secu[n]dus fuit epistole in cardinalatu edite
Aeneae Syluij Piccolominei Sene[n]sis, olim Pij II, Pont. Max., De ortu & authoritate Sacri Romani Imperij lib. I ...
[Epistolae in pontificatu editae]
Epistola ad Mahumetum
Epistola de remedio amoris
Historia Austrialis
Lettera a Maometto II
Abbreuiatio Pii Pont. Max. supra Decades Blondi ab inclinatione Imperii usque ad tempora Iohannis Vicesimi Tercii Pont. Max
De educatione puerorum ad regem Bohemiae Ladislaum
Historia rerum ubique gestarum del Papa Pio II
Pii II, P.M. olim Aeneae Sylvii Piccolominei senensis Orationes politicae, et ecclesiasticae
Aeneae Silvii De cvrialivm miseriis epistola, edited, with introduction and notes
Aencae Sylvii Piccolominei Senensis
Pij ii Pontificis maximi de captione vrbis Constantinopolitane tractatulus
Commentariorum Aeneae Sylvii Piccolominei Senensis, de Concilio Basileae celebrato libri duo ...
De duobus amantibus Euryalo et Lucretia
Epistole & varii tractat[us] Pij secu[n]di po[n]tificis maximi
Der briefwechsel des Eneas Silvius Piccolomini
Aeneas Siluius in Europam
The historie of Eurialus and Lucretia
De situ, sita, moribus et conditione Teutoniae
Epistolae familiares
Dyalogus eloque[n]tissimi atq[ue] reuere[n]di patris D[omi]ni Enee Siluij poete laureati atq[ue] Ep[iscop]i Senensis postea Pij pape secu[n]di [con]tra Bohemos atq[ue] Thaboritas habitus de Sacra [Com]munione Corp[or]is [Christ]i
Sompniu[m] Enee Siluij poete laureati de fortuna
Deutschland, der Brieftraktat an Martin Mayer
[Epistolae in pontificatu editae]
Ahmet Ağaoğlu
Ahmet Ağaoğlu (1869-1939)

politician, journalist

  • Paris Law Faculty, University of Paris
Mütareke ve sürgün hatıraları
Iran inkilâbi
İran ve inkilâbıi
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1500 [i.e. Binbeşyüz] ile 1900 arasinda Iran
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Rafael Calvo Serer
Rafael Calvo Serer (1916-1988)

politician, philosopher

Mis enfrentamientos con el poder
Franco frente al rey
¿Hacia la tercera reṕública española?
Las nuevas democracias
La solución presidencialista
Eurocomunismo, presidencialismo y cristianismo
España, sin problema
La literatura universal sobre la guerra de España
La dictatura de los franquistas
Teoría de la restauración
La política mundial de los Estados Unidos
La configuración del futuro
La monarquía popular
El "affaire" del Madrid y el futuro político
La fuerza creadora de la libertad
España ante la libertad, la democracia, y el progreso
Nuevas formas de democracia y libertad