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academics who wrote biography
Showing 297-304 out of 1170 results
Nathaniel Branden
Nathaniel Branden (1930-2014)

psychologist, psychotherapist, academic

  • New York University, University of California, Los Angeles
Judgment Day
My years with Ayn Rand
Honoring the self
The disowned self
The six pillars of self-esteem
The psychology of self-esteem
Breaking free
A woman's self-esteem
Self-esteem at work
The psychology of romantic love
Nathaniel Branden's self-esteem every day
How to raise your self-esteem
The art of living consciously
Basic Principles of Objectivism
Taking Responsibility
Reason and Emotion
Who is Ayn Rand?
El respeto hacia uno mismo
Nathaniel Branden's little blue book of self-esteem
Los Seis Pilares de La Autoestima
Romantic Love & Sexuality
La Psicologia de la autoestima / The Pyschology of Self-Esteem (Paidos Saberes Cotidianos)
Cómo mejorar su autoestima
The psychology of self-esteem
The art of self-discovery
Sleeping Easily, Creative Dreaming
Who is Ayn Rand?
El Arte De Vivir Conscientemente/ The Art of Living Consciously
Who is Ayn Rand?
To see what I see and know what I know
Como Mejorar Su Autoestima
Discussions with Men about Man-Woman Relationships
El Respeto Hacia Uno Mismo / Honoring the Self
New Dimensions/Psychology of Self Esteem
La autoestima dia a dia
What Love Asks of Us
La Autoestima de la Mujer
What Are Our Spiritual Needs?
Les six clés de la confiance en soi
The power of self-esteem
La Autoestima En El Trabajo
Discussion with Women of Man-Woman Relationships
The moral revolution in Atlas shrugged
Raise Your Self-Esteem
Honoring the Self
"If you could hear what I cannot say"
The psychology of romantic love
Cómo llegar a ser autorresponsable
In answer to Ayn Rand
A Nathaniel Branden anthology
Psychological Effects of Religion
The romantic love question & answer book
La psicología del amor romántico
How to Raise Your Self-Esteem
The psychology of self-esteem
Art and Aesthetics
To See What I See and to Know What I Know
Basic Relaxation and Ego-Strengthening (CD)
El Poder De La Autoestima
Romantiki agape
Poder de La Autoestima, El
Master True Self-Esteem
Building Self-Esteem
El poder de la autoestima. Como potenciar este importante recurso psicologico (Spanish Edition)
Romantic Love & Sexuality
קפיטליזם : האידאל
Ah, Romance
Maître de ses choix, maître de sa vie
Succeeding Through Inner Strength
The Thriving Self
Como Llegar a Ser Autorresponsable
Die sechs Säulen des Selbstwertgefühls. Erfolgreich und zufrieden durch ein starkes Selbst
Your Hidden Greatness
Exercise in Self-Discovery (CD)
Concept of God
Raising Your Self-Esteem (CD)
Psychology of Romantic Love, The
La autoestima en el trabajo
La autoestima de la mujer
The psychology of self-esteem
The Vision of Ayn Rand
6 filarow poczucia wlasnej wartosci
La autoestima día a día
Die 6 Säulen des Selbstwertgefühls
Breaking Free
Woman's Self-Esteem
La psicología del amor romántico
The Individual's Relation to Himself
The Problems of Marriage CD
Self-Esteem CD set
Cómo mejorar su autoestima
Como Mejorar Su Autoestima
La psicología de la autoestima
El arte de vivir conscientemente
ha-Yaḥid ṿeha-ḥofesh
Self-Esteem at Work
Werken met zelfrespect
The disowned self
L'estime de soi
My Years with Ayn Rand
If You Could Hear What I Cannot Say
Sức mạnh của lòng tự trọng
The power of self-esteem
The Psychology of Self-Esteem
Los seis pilares de la autoestima
Discussions of Man-Woman Relationships CD set
Kadinin Özgüveni
The power of self-esteem
La autoestima día a día
El respeto hacia uno mismo
The Nature of Friendship CD
El respeto hacia uno mismo
William Hand Browne
William Hand Browne (1828-1912)

librarian, historian

  • University of Maryland School of Medicine
George Calvert and Cecilius Calvert, Barons Baltimore of Baltimore
George Calvert and Cecilius Calvert, Barons Baltimore
George Calvert and Cecilius Calvert
Maryland, the history of a Palatinate
The Clarendon dictionary
Selections From The Early Scottish Poets
Selections from the early Scottish poets, with introd., notes and glossary
History of Maryland
The taill of Rauf Coilyear
Archives of Maryland
The Life Of Alexander H. Stephens
Maryland historical magazine
Archives of Maryland ...
Wheat, its worth and waste
Proceedings Of The Council Of Maryland, 1667-1687/8
Power factor indicators
Proceedings Of The Council Of Maryland, 1681-1685/6
Proceedings Of The Council Of Maryland, 1671-1681
Laura Mancinelli
Laura Mancinelli (1933-2016)

professor, translator, historian, Germanist, essayist

  • University of Turin
Andante Con Tenerezza
I dodici abati di Challant
Biglietto d'amore
Il principe scalzo
La sacra rappresentazione
I dodici abati di Challant e Il miracolo di Santa Odilia
I dodici abati di Challant
Biglietto d'amore
I tre cavalieri del Graal
La sacra rappresentazione, ovvero Come il forte di Exilles fu conquistato ai francesi
Da Carlomagno a Lutero
Un misurato esercizio della cattiveria
I fantasmi di Challant
La musica dell'isola
Il miracolo di Santa Odilia
Persecuzione infernale
Il fantasma di Mozart, e altri racconti
Killer presunto
I colori del cuore
Il signor Zero e il manoscritto medievale
Il fantasma di Mozart
Attentato alla Sindone
Il passato è presente
The Twelve Abbots of Challant and The Miracle of Saint Odilia
La canzone dei Nibelunghi
Notte con Mozart
Il messaggio razionale dell'avanguardia
Attentato alla Sindone
Gli occhi dell'imperatore
Il ragazzo dagli occhi neri
La casa del tempo
Il mistero della sedia a rotelle
Gli occhiali di Cavour
La musica dell'isola
I racconti della mano sinistra
Il miracolo di Santa Odilia
Un peccatore innocente
Ubaldo il galletto che amava la musica di Ravel. Vita e opinioni del polpo chiamato Arturo
Due storie d'amore
Il Codice d’Amore
Owen Morgan Edwards
Owen Morgan Edwards (1858-1920)

historian, politician, linguist

  • Welsh Presbyterian Theological College, Aberystwyth University
Cartrefi Cymru
Tro yn Llydaw
O. M. Edwards
Llyfr Del
Syr Owen M. Edwards
Tro yn yr Eidal
O'r Bala i Geneva
Llynnoedd llonydd
A short history of Wales
Er mwyn Iesu
Tro i'r de
Yn y wlad
Hanes Cymru
Er mwyn Cymru
Llyfr Owen (llyfr o straeon)
Yn y wlad ac ysgrifau eraill
Clych atgof
Tro trwy'r Gogledd.Tro i'r De
Clych atgof ac ysgrifau eraill
Cartrefi Cymru ac ysgrifau eraill
Yn y wlad ac ysgrrifau eraill
Clych adgof
Llyfrau ystraeon hanes
Ystraeon o hanes Cymru
Homes of Wales
Teithio'r Cyfandir
Tro trwy'r gogledd
Francis Gigot
Francis Gigot (1859-1920)

theologian, priest

Outlines of the life of Our Lord
The message of Moses and modern higher criticism
Christ's teaching concerning divorce in the New Testament
Special introduction to the study of the Old Testament
General introduction to the study of the Holy Scriptures
Outlines of Jewish history from Abraham to Our Lord
General introduction to the study fo the Holy Scriptures
Outlines Of New Testament History
A primer of Old Testament history
Outlines of New Testament history
Biblical lectures
Special introduction to the study of the Old Testament
An introduction to the study of the Holy Scriptures
The Historical Books
Didactic books and prophetical writings
Siddhartha Mukherjee
Siddhartha Mukherjee (born 1970)

essayist, oncologist, academic, scientist

  • Stanford University, University of Oxford
A cancer in the family
The Emperor of All Maladies
The Gene
The Best American Science Writing 2003
The Song of the Cell
The best American science and nature writing 2013
The laws of medicine
A Brief History of Everyone Who Ever Lived
Lisa Yuskavage
Process Engineering and Plant Design
In the Sum of the Parts
Science Mind Box Set
The Gene
Jodocus Temme
Jodocus Temme (1798-1881)

politician, assessor, poet lawyer

Augenzeugenberichte der deutschen Revolution, 1848/49
Die Volkssagen der Altmark: Mit einem Anhange von sagen aus den übrigen ..
Anna Hammer: Ein Roman der Gegenwart in drei Bänden
Die Volkssagen von Pommern und Rügen
Die Volkssagen der Altmark
Volkssagen aus der Mark Brandenburg
Die Volkssagen Ostpreussens, Litthauens und Westpreussens
Der Studentenmord in Zürich
Westphälische sagen und Geschichten
Rechtliches bedenken über die verlegung und vertagung der Preussischen national-versammlung
Ein tragisches Ende
Anna Hammer
Über die rechtmassigkeit der einberufung von stellvertretern nach Brandenburg
Die Volkssagen Ostpreussens, Litthauens und Westpreussens: gesammelt von W ..
Milán Füst
Milán Füst (1888-1967)

playwright, poet, poet lawyer, aesthetician

  • Eötvös Loránd University
Feleségem története
Változtatnod nem lehet
L'histoire de ma femme
Ez mind én voltam egykor
Story of My Wife
The Story of My Wife
Emlékezések és tanulmányok
Látomás és indulat a művészetben
Összes versei
Kis regények
La historia de mi mujer
Szívek a hínárban
Amine emlékezete
Válogatott művei
Összes versei
"Megtagadott" színművek és egyfelvonásosok
Negyedik Henrik király
La historia de mi mujer
L' histoire de ma femme
Kis regények
Füst Milán válogatott versei
Válogatott versei
רחוב רוחות־הרפאים
The Story of My Life
Szellemek utcája
Teljes napló
Füst Milán összes drámái
Füst Milán
Füst Milán összegyűjtött levelei
Ez mind én voltam egykor ; Hábi-Szádi küzdelmeinek könyve
A sanda bohóc, Goldnágel Efráim csodálatos kalandjai
25 poems