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academics who wrote biography
Showing 257-264 out of 1170 results
Jane Rule
Jane Rule (1931-2007)

  • Mills College at Northeastern
Lesbian images
Taking my life
Loving the difficult
The Other Persuasion
The desert of the heart
This is not for you
Contract with the world
Theme for diverse instruments
After the fire
The Harbrace Anthology of Short Fiction -- Second Edition
The young in one another's arms
Inland passage
A hot-eyed moderate
Memory board
Against the season
Detained at customs
Memory Board
Memory Board: A Novel
Deserts Du Ceur
Collected Novels Volume One
Media Hora Mas Contigo/ Half Hour More With You
Inland passage and other stories
Gert Mattenklott
Gert Mattenklott (1942-2009)

literary critic, literary scholar, literary historian, man of letters

Gustav Landauer im Gespräch
"O dürft ich Stimme sein, das Volk zu rütteln!"
Die Theorie des bürgerlichen Trauerspiels im 18. Jahrhundert
Melancholie in der Dramatik des Sturm und Drang
Positionen der literarischen Intelligenz
Demokratisch-revolutionäre Literatur in Deutschland
Der Pantheos auf magischen Gemmen
Melancholie in der Dramatik des Sturm und Drang
Der übersinnliche Leib
Positionen der literarischen Intelligenz zwischen bürgerlicher Reaktion und Imperialismus
Berlin Transit
Abf alle: Stoff- und Materialpr asentation in der deutschen Pop-Literatur der 60er Jahre
Demokratisch-revolutionäre Literatur in Deutschland
„Verkannte Brüder?“
Westberliner Projekt, Grundkurs 18. Jahrhundert
Ästhetische Erfahrung im Zeichen der Entgrenzung der Künste
Menora: Jahrbuch f ur deutsch-j udische Geschichte, Bd. 16 (2005/2006): Tradition, Emanzipation und Verantworung: Moses Mendelssohn, die Aufkl arung und die Anf ange ...
©sthetik des ©hnlichen
Reisen über die Kontinente der Kunstwissenschaften
Ästhetische Opposition
Literatur der siebziger Jahre
Ästhetische Erfahrung und Edition
Stopp - Die Regel gilt
Zeitschrift Fur asthetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft Sonderheft asthetische Erfahrung Im Zeichen Der Entgrenzung Der Kunste
Literatur der bürgerlichen Emanzipation im 18. [achtzehnten] Jahrhundert
Karl Blossfeldt
Vortr age aus dem Warburg-Haus, Bd. 5: Schlaflos in Rom: Versuch  uber den Satirendichter Juvenal u.a.
Geschichte und Subjektivität
Jüdisches Städtebild Berlin
Kabbala und die Literatur der Romantik
Nach links gewendet
Jüdische Intelligenz in Deutschland
Kabbala und Romantik
Demokratisch-revolutionäre Literatur in Deutschland
Menora: Jahrbuch f ur deutsch-j udische Geschichte, vol. 13 (2002): Deutsch-j udischer Parnass
Max Kommerell
Aharon Appelfeld
Aharon Appelfeld (1932-2018)

physical education teacher

  • Hebrew University of Jerusalem
The Story of a Life
A table for one
ʻOd ha-yom gadol
Historia De Una Vida
Sipur ḥayim
ʻAl kol ha-peshaʻim
Blooms of Darkness
Unto the Soul
The Conversion
To the land of the cattails
The immortal Bartfuss
Badenhaim, ʻir nofesh
The Iron Tracks
The age of wonders
Beyond Despair
The healer
Lengua de tierra
Until the dawn's light
The Retreat
All whom I have loved
Tzili, the story of a life
Kutonet ṿeha-pasim
Badenheim, ir nofesh
Badenheim, 1939
The Healer (Appelfeld, Aharon)
ha- Kutonet ṿeha-pasim
Ḥamishah sipurim
To the Edge of Sorrow
Masot be-guf rishon
Ke-meʼah ʻedim
Kol asher ahavti
Pitʾom ahavah
Adam and Thomas
Ba-gai ha-poreh
For every sin
Ṿeha-zaʻam ʻod lo nadam
What is Jewish in Jewish literature?
Tor ha-pelaʼot
In the wilderness
Be-ḳomat ha-ḳarḳaʻ
Ke-ishon ha-ʻayin
Via Ferrea (Narrativa Losada España)
Kefor ʻal ha-arets
Ad she-yaaleh amud ha-shahar
ʻAd ḥod ha-tsaʻar
Layish (Tsad ha-tefer)
Mikhreh ha-kerah
Be-ʻet uve-ʻonah aḥat
Für alle S unden
To the Land of the Reeds (Quartet Encounters)
Masa el ha-horef
Long Summer Nights
Mayim adirim
Mikhṿat ha-or
Lailah ṿe-ʻod lailah
Kefor 'al ha-arets
Meine Eltern
The Retreat (Quartet Encounters)
ha-Ish she-lo pasaḳ li-yeshon
Be-komat ha-karkaʻ
El erets ha-gome
Periḥah peraʾit
Ritspat esh
Shanim ṿe-shaʻot
The Age of Wonders (Quartet Encounters)
Mesilat barzel (Tsad ha-tefer)
Adne ha-nahar
Mikhreh ha-ḳeraḥ
Ha- 'Or veha-kutonet
Pirḥe ha-afelah
Tamiun (Tsad ha-tefer)
Baska Dünyadan Gelen Kiz
Die Eismine
Man Who Never Stopped Sleeping
Für alle Sünden
Horaʼat sifrut ha-Shoʼah
All Whom I Have Loved
Der eiserne Pfad
To the Land of Cattails (Appelfeld, Aharon)
De onsterfelijke Bartfuss
Zeit der Wunder. Roman
Alles, was ich liebte: Roman
Paesaggio con bambina
For Every Sin (Appelfeld, Aharon)
The Immortal Bartfuss (Appelfeld, Aharon)
Ruhun Kuytusunda
Alles, was ich liebte
To the land of the reeds
Zeit der Wunder
ha- ʻOr veha-kutonet
Bis Der Tag Anbricht
Blumen der Finsternis
Der Mann, der nicht aufhörte zu schlafen
Les eaux tumultueuses
Ein Mädchen nicht von dieser Welt
Auf der Lichtung
William Graham Sumner
William Graham Sumner (1840-1910)

anthropologist, political scientist, historian, sociologist, philosopher, political theorist, economist

  • Yale College
Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson as a public man
Alexander Hamilton And Robert Fulton
What social classes owe to each other
The financier and the finances of the American Revolution
A history of American currency
andrew jackson
Lectures on the history of protection in the United States
Andrew Jackson as a Public Man: What He Was, what Chances He Had, and what He Did with Them
A History of American Currency: With Chapters on the English Bank Restriction and Austrian Paper ..
Lectures on the History of Protection in the United States: Delivered Before ..
The Conquest of the United States by Spain: A Lecture Before the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Yale ..
The challenge of facts
Protectionism: The -ism which Teaches that Waste Makes Wealth
Earth-hunger and other essays
The conquest of the United States by Spain
Problems in political economy
Lectures on the History of Protection in the United States: Delivered Before the International ..
On liberty, society, and politics
The forgotten man
What Social Classes Owe to Each Other
Protection and revenue in 1877
War and other essays
Andrew Jackson as a Public Man: What He Was, what Chances He Had, and what ..
Folkways - A Study Of The Sociological Importance Of Usages, Manners, Customs, Mores And Morals
Forgotten Man and Other Essays
A History of American Currency (Business Classics)
The science of society
The Forgotten Man and Other Essays
The forgotten man's almanac
A History of American Currency
Social Darwinism
Address of William G. Sumner ... at dinner of the Committee on tariff reform of the Reform club in the city of New York. June 2nd, 1906
Sumner today
A history of American currency
Essays of William Graham Sumner
The Predominant Issue
Soziale Pflichten, oder was die Klassen der Gesellschaft einander schuldig sind
Essays and Lectures-The Forgotten Man
The Financier And The Finances Of The American Revolution V1
What social classes owe to each other
Andrew Hamilton
The challenge of facts, and other essays
Robert Morris
Andrew Jackson as a public man
A history of American currency
American Finance
What Social Classes Owe to Each Other
The Financier And The Finances Of The American Revolution V2
Robert Morris
The Forgotten Man and Other Essays
Alexander Hamilton
History of American Currency : With Chapters on the English Bank Restriction and Austrian Paper Money
Advancing social and political organization in the United States
Collected essays in political and social science
Specimans of investment securities
War and other essays. by William Graham Sumner. Edited with int
The science of society
Andrew Jackson as a Public Man, What He Was, What Chances He Had and What He Did with Them
War, and other essays ..
Lectures on the history of protection in the United States
Lectures on the History of Protection in the United States [microform]
The English bank restriction and The bullion report of June 8, 1810
A History of Banking in Germany & Austria-Hungary, in the Netherlands, in the Scandinavian Nations, in Japan & China
Folkways and mores
History of Banking in the Latin Nations
Folkways; a study of the sociological importance of usages. mann
Selected essays of William Graham Sumner
The challenge of facts and other essays
A history of American currency with chapters on the English bank restriction and Austrian paper money
On Plutocracy
Discipline and other essays from the collected works of William Graham Sumner
What social classes owe to each other
American finance
Andrew Jackson as a public man
The coin shilling of Massachusetts Bay
Andrew Jackson
The conquest of the United States by Spain
What social classes owe to each other
Problems in political economy
The first century of the Republic
The forgotten man, rediscovered after fifty years
Collected essays in political and social science
Political economy and political science
A History of banking in all the leading nations
Protection and revenue, in 1877
A history of American currency
Address of William G. Sumner ... at dinner of the Committee on Tariff Reform of the Reform Club in the City of New York, June 2nd, 1906
Social Darwinism
Michael Schmid-Ospach
Michael Schmid-Ospach (1945-2022)


Es gab nicht nur den 20. Juli…
Tatort Staatskanzlei
Mein Herz, niemandem
Raymond Federman
Raymond Federman (1928-2009)

poet, translator, literary critic

  • Columbia University, Columbia University School of General Studies
Samuel Beckett: his works and his critics
Mon corps en neuf parties
Journey to chaos
The voice in the closet
The twofold vibration
Return to Manure
Take It or Leave It
Take it or leave it
To whom it may concern
Smiles on Washington Square
Double or nothing
Aunt Rachel's fur
Amer Eldorado, 2/001
Here and Elsewhere
The precipice and other catastrophes =
Samuel Beckett, the critical heritage
La fourrure de ma tante Rachel
Der Pelz meiner Tante Rachel. Ein improvisierter Roman..
Samuel Beckett
À la queue leu leu
The rigmarole of contrariety
La Flèche du temps
Journey into chaos
Take it or leave it
Cinq nouvelles nouvelles
A qui de droit
More Loose Shoes and Smelly Socks
The Supreme Indecision of the Writer
Federman hors limites
Twofold Vibration
Eine Version meines Lebens
Double or Nothing
Le livre de Sam, ou, Des pierres à sucer plein les poches
Double or Nothing Novel
Journey to chaos
Les carcasses
Me too
La fourrure de ma tante Rachel
Mon corps en neuf parties
Twilight of the Bums
Surfiction,fiction now...and tomorrow
Coups de pompes
My Body in Nine Parts
Samuel Beckett, his works and his critics
The Sam book
Erich Dauzenroth
Erich Dauzenroth (1931-2004)


Wer war Janusz Korczak
Janusz Korczak in seiner und in unserer Zeit
De Magistro
Ein Leben für Kinder
Humoresken. Satiren. Albernes Zeug
Geschichten und Erzählungen. Belehrungen und Betrachtungen. Die Schweizreise
Frühling und das Kind. Allein Mit Gott. Unverschämt Kurz. Senat der Verrückten. Die Menschen Sind Gut. Drei Reisen Herscheks. Kinder der Bibel
Giessener Korczak-Bibliographie
Kleine Rundschau. Chanukka- und Purim-Szenen
Das Kind lieben
Kinder der StraßE. Kind des Salons
Sozialmedizinische Schriften
Kleine Geschichte der Mädchenbildung
Janusz Korczak
Adolfo Albertazzi
Adolfo Albertazzi (1865-1924)

literary critic

Il Carducci in professione d'uomo
Ugo Foscolo
Romanzieri e romanzi del cinquecento e del seicento
Parvenze e sembianze ..
Il romanzo
Vecchie storie d'amore
In faccia al destino
Il diavolo nell'ampolla
Lorenzo Stecchetti, Mercutio - Sbolenfi - Bepi
In faccia al destino
Novelle italiane di ogni secolo
Lorenzo Stecchetti, Mercutio - Sbolenfi - Bepi
Novelle umoristiche
Il diavolo nell'ampolla
Novelle italiane de ogni secolo
L' ave
Novelle umoristiche di Adolfo Albertazzi ...
Novelle umoristiche
Novelle umoristiche